Freizeitpark Gutscheine, Rabatte, Angebote.

🦒safaripark beekse bergen rabatt-ticket für 19,50€ statt 29,50€, zum angebot ➡.

Nicht nur die „Big 5“ sondern viele Tiere in einem wirklich schönen Ambiente könnt ihr im Safaripark Beekse Bergen sehen und wir haben Tickets mit  Rabatt . Quasi ein Stück Afrika direkt vor der Türe.

  • Beekse Bergen Light Safari ab 19,50€ statt 29,50€ bei Socialdeal (34% Rabatt) – optional mit Heißgetränk für 21,50€ – 💳 Kreditkarte, ApplePay, GooglePay -⚠ 🇳🇱 Bestellanleitung hier klicken , als Gast bestellen ist ganz einfach! :   – Vornaam = deinen Vornamen  – Achternaam = deinen Nachnamen  – Land = Nederland  – Postcode = 1077 BG  – Huisnummer = 138  – Straatnam = Apollolaan  – Stad = Amsterdam  – Provincie = Noord-Holland --> – 📅 einlösbar bis 30. Juni 2024 – ℹ️ Sonderveranstaltungen wie die Light Safari und Brew at the Zoo sind ausgeschlossen
  • zzgl. Ausfahrtsmünze (9,50€ pro Auto)
  • Kinder unter 3 Jahre frei
  • oder  Beekse Bergen Kurzurlaub Angebot nutzen

beekse bergen safari park gutschein

Beachtet, dass die Ausfahrtmünze mit 9,50€ pro Auto noch obendrauf kommt, falls ihr mit dem Auto auf Safari gehen möchtet.

  • Safaripark Beekse Bergen Tageskarten dirkt beim Park mit Online-Rabatt kaufen


Beekse Bergen Light Safari Event im Winter

Im Winter findet in Beekse Bergen die „Light Safari“ statt: Entdeckt  die Magie des Lichts bei der Lichtsafari in den Beekse Bergen. Entlang der Wege des Wanderwegs seht ihr große Lichtobjekte in Form von Tieren, Blumen und Pflanzen. Ein atemberaubender, farbenfroher Spaziergang, bei dem ihr auch alles über die Bedeutung der Farben in der Natur erfahrt. 

beekse bergen safari park gutschein

Light Safari Öffnungszeiten

Die Licht Safari in Beekse Bergen findet im Zeitraum von 07. Dezember 2023 bis 25. Februar 2024 immer von 17 Uhr bis 21:30 Uhr statt. Es handelt sich nicht um einen normalen Zoobesuch! 

Wie funktionieren die Beekse Bergen Tickets mit dem Bongo-Universalgutschein?

Das Familien-Angebot von Bongo umfasst den Eintritt für bis zu 3 Personen in diverse Freizeit-Aktivitäten. Es handelt sich im Grunde um einen (Geschenk)Gutscheinanbieter, sodass die Box zum verschenken gedacht ist. Aber natürlich könnt ihr die Tickets auch selber nutzen. Es gibt etliche Aktivitäten, aber in dem Fall nutzt ihr den Code dann für den Safaripark Beekse Bergen !

Update 2023: Bei Bongo ist Safaripark Beekse Bergen leider nicht mehr dabei. 

Reservierung beim Safaripark

Anschließend müsst ihr wg. Corona ein Zeitticket buchen. Das könnt ihr über diesen Link auf der Website vom Safaripark Beekse Bergen erledigen . 

Safaripark Beekse Bergen – Preise 2023

Eintrittspreise 2023

  • Tageskarte Kinder bis 3 Jahre: Gratis
  • Tageskarte Kinder von 3 bis 9 Jahren: Kasse: 24,50€ / Online: 22€
  • Tageskarte ab 10 Jahre: Kasse: 28€ / Online: 26€

Weitere Preise findet ihr hier .

Häufige Fragen zum Safaripark Beekse Bergen

Hier finden sich ein paar häufige Fragen (FAQ) zu Beekse Bergen:

Aktuelle Rabatt-Aktionen von SocialDeal, Groupon & Co finden sich bei FreizeitparkDeals .

Kinder bis 3 Jahre kommen kostenlos in den Park. Daneben gibt es gestaffelte Preise: Erwachsene, Senioren (65+) und Kinder (3 bis 9 Jahre). Beekse Bergen Deals finden sich bei FreizeitparkDeals .

Was erwartet euch im Safaripark Beekse Bergen?

Vor Ort sind zum Beispiel Leoparden, Löwen, Nilpferde, Meerkatzen, Giraffen, Büffel, Elefanten,  Zebras, Antilopen und viele weitere exotische Tierarten zu sehen.

Über den Safaripark Beekse Bergen

Der Park bekommt bei Google 4,4/5 Sterne in 23.755 Bewertungen.

Bei Facebook sind 4,4/5 Sterne bei 4.990 Bewertungen drin.

Im Schnitt sind das 4,4 Sterne.

Vom Niederrhein (Nettetal, ..) braucht ihr knapp über eine Stunde mit dem Auto dorthin, ist also durchaus vertretbar. Der Park liegt bei Tilburg, von Deutschland gesehen hinter Eindhoven.

Viel Spaß im  Safaripark Beekse Bergen mit diesem Rabatt !

11 Kommentare

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Die 18,95 gelten für 3 Personen zusammen Oder muss jeder einzeln 18,95 bezahlen?

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Hallo, Dürfen kleine Hunde mit in den Park? Viele Grüße Evelyn

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Im Ferienpark sind Hunde gegen Aufpreis erlaubt, im Safaripark leider nicht.

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Hallo Meine Frage.. Ist dieser Gutschein für den ganzen Park oder nur für die Safari ? Lg

Das waren normale Tagestickets, sind aber derzeit leider ausverkauft.

@Janine: leider wissen wir das bei dem Deal nicht. Wir haben mal nachgefragt 🙂

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Hallo, weiß jemand ob es ohne ausdrucken geklappt hat? Lg

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Muss man die Tickets ausdrucken?

@Sascha: Socialdeal bietet auch eine mobile Variante der Gutscheine an. Ich gehe mal davon aus, dass das ausreichend sein sollte. Leider schreibt Socialdeal nichts weiter dazu..

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hallo muss man für unter 3 jährige einen altersnachweis mitnehmen? lg sandra

Hallo Sandra, da sind wir leider überfragt, da das jeder Park anders handhabt. Um auf Nummer sicher zu gehen, ist es auf jeden Fall sinnvoll, etwas dabeizuhaben, um sich nicht auf Diskussionen einzulassen. Meistens reicht eine Kopie der Geburtsurkunde oder (falls vorhanden) ein Kinderpass.

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Einlösbar bis 30.06.24

Safaripark beekse bergen.

beekse bergen safari park gutschein

FreizeitparkDeals » Tickets » 🦒Safaripark Beekse Bergen Rabatt-Ticket für 19,50€ statt 29,50€ Logo

Safaripark Beekse Bergen günstiger besuchen: Mit Ticket-Gutschein 35% sparen!

Beekse Bergen

Große Abenteuer zum kleinen Preis: Ein aktuelles Ticket-Angebot ermöglicht den Eintritt in den Safaripark Beekse Bergen zum Schnäppchenpreis. Eine Tageskarte kostet damit lediglich 19,50 Euro.

Echte Abenteuer in freier Natur können Besucher des niederländischen Safaripark Beekse Bergen erleben. Bei einer Entdeckungstour per Bus, Boot, Auto oder zu Fuß bekommen kleine und große Gäste majestätische Raubvögel, afrikanische Wildtiere sowie clevere Affen zu Gesicht. Im Gegensatz zu einer echten Safari ist der Besuch von Beekse Bergen mit dem aktuellen Ticket-Angebot beim zuverlässigen Anbieter SocialDeal ein echtes Schnäppchen.

Wer das Ticket-Angebot mit Rabatt nutzt, erhält ein Tagesticket für einen Erwachsenen zum kleinen Preis von lediglich 19,50 Euro . Somit reduziert sich der reguläre Ticketpreis an der Tageskasse vor Ort um rund 35 Prozent – zu diesem Schnäppchenpreis macht die Safari noch mehr Spaß!

Schwierigkeiten bei der Bestellung? Nutze unsere Anleitung! --->

Hier gleich günstige Tickets sichern!

Alternativ: Tickets direkt bei Safari Park Beekse Berge im Online-Shop kaufen

Inmitten der mehr als 1.400 wilden Tiere wird es in Beekse Bergen nicht langweilig werden: Aus nächster Nähe das eindrucksvolle Muster der Giraffen begutachten oder dem Löwengebrüll aus sicherer Entfernung lauschen – diese und noch mehr abenteuerliche Möglichkeiten ergeben sich bei einer Safari durch das niederländische Stück Afrika nahe Tilburg.

Um vom günstigen Eintrittspreis in Höhe von 19,50 Euro profitieren zu können, muss vor dem Besuch die gewünschte Anzahl an Tagestickets bei dem Anbieter erworben werden. Im Anschluss wird dem Käufer das E-Ticket per E-Mail zugesendet. Dieses muss anschließend nur noch ausgedruckt und an der Kasse von Beekse Bergen vorgezeigt werden – dann kann das Abenteuer zum Sparpreis beginnen. Alternativ ist natürlich auch das Vorzeigen auf dem Smartphone möglich.

Bitte beachtet, dass die Tickets bis zum 31. Januar 2024 an einem beliebigen Öffnungstag eingelöst werden können. Kinder unter drei Jahren erhalten freien Eintritt. Pro Buchung können maximal acht vergünstigte Eintrittskarten gekauft werden. Bei Anreise mit dem Auto ist die Parkgebühr in Höhe von 9,50 Euro gesondert vor Ort zu entrichten.

Angebot ansehen und Eintrittskarten bestellen

Wir wünschen euch viel Vergnügen beim günstigen Besuch im Safaripark Beekse Bergen mit diesem Ticket-Angebot!

Wichtige Information zu Schnäppchen-Tipps: ist nicht selbst Anbieter der günstigen Tickets . Wir durchstöbern das Internet nach günstigen Angeboten und stellen diese hier vor. Die Buchung erfolgt direkt über die jeweiligen Anbieter.


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Safaripark Beekse Bergen

beekse bergen safari park gutschein

Top ways to experience nearby attractions

beekse bergen safari park gutschein

Most Recent: Reviews ordered by most recent publish date in descending order.

Detailed Reviews: Reviews ordered by recency and descriptiveness of user-identified themes such as waiting time, length of visit, general tips, and location information.

beekse bergen safari park gutschein

SAFARIPARK BEEKSE BERGEN: All You Need to Know BEFORE You Go (with Photos)

  • Sun - Sat 10:00 - 16:30
  • (0.77 km) Safari Resort Beekse Bergen
  • (0.82 km) Lake Resort Beekse Bergen
  • (0.78 km) Safari Hotel Beekse Bergen
  • (8.80 km) Hotel de Leijhof Oisterwijk
  • (3.16 km) Bastion Hotel Tilburg
  • (5.23 km) Sarban
  • (4.82 km) Restaurant Monarh
  • (0.83 km) SPAR enjoy Beekse Bergen
  • (0.90 km) Moto Safariresort Safaripark Beekse Bergen
  • (4.38 km) Intermezzo
  • (0.82 km) Beekse Bergen Safari Park
  • (2.35 km) Beer Brewery de Koningshoeven
  • (3.52 km) Stadsbrouwerij 013
  • (0.82 km) Speelland Beekse Bergen
  • (2.37 km) La Trappe Brouwerij, Proeflokaal en Kloosterwinkel

Beekse Bergen Safari Park

beekse bergen safari park gutschein

Top ways to experience nearby attractions

beekse bergen safari park gutschein

Most Recent: Reviews ordered by most recent publish date in descending order.

Detailed Reviews: Reviews ordered by recency and descriptiveness of user-identified themes such as waiting time, length of visit, general tips, and location information.


Beekse Bergen Safari Park - All You Need to Know BEFORE You Go (2024)

  • (0.00 km) Lake Resort Beekse Bergen
  • (1.32 km) Safari Resort Beekse Bergen
  • (2.74 km) Bastion Hotel Tilburg
  • (7.98 km) Hotel de Leijhof Oisterwijk
  • (1.27 km) Safari Hotel Beekse Bergen
  • (0.00 km) Swirl's Ice Cream
  • (0.00 km) SPAR enjoy Beekse Bergen
  • (0.00 km) Restaurant Kaapstad
  • (4.97 km) Sarban
  • (4.85 km) Restaurant Monarh
  • (0.00 km) Speelland Beekse Bergen
  • (0.82 km) Safaripark Beekse Bergen
  • (1.63 km) Beer Brewery de Koningshoeven
  • (1.65 km) La Trappe Brouwerij, Proeflokaal en Kloosterwinkel
  • (3.28 km) Stadsbrouwerij 013

The Next Crossing

Safaripark Beekse Bergen – Little Piece of Africa

Spend a night under the stars by a campfire and explore the large animals that live on the plains of Africa and jungles of Asia, all in the Netherlands…

It was with some reluctance that I agreed to spend a weekend camping at the Beekse Bergen Safari Park , a nature reserve situated on a stretch of the provincial road between Hilvarenbeek and Tilburg, in the south of the Netherlands. While I only have positive experiences of camping during my school days, I always found it to be hard work, with the discomfort of not having a proper bed the key reason I never plan camping trips of my own volition.

lemur lovers, best friends forever, Beekse Bergen Safari Park Review

Camping at Beekse Bergen, however, proved to be quite a different experience. I would wholeheartedly recommend it to anyone that enjoys being out in nature and observing animals up close.

Beekse Bergen Safari Park Review, yellow plane, cheetahs

The one night Ranger Camp experience consists of a bus tour around the park on the first day, dinner around the campfire followed by an evening walk and a night of marshmallow roasting before bedding down in your tent. The next day starts with a morning walk, followed by breakfast. After checking out, you’re left to explore the Safari Park on your own, a good hour before day tourists start to show up.

Portrait of a Rhino, Beekse Bergen Safari Park Review

Beekse Bergen has a lot to recommend it. It’s a great deal bigger than most zoos; its total land area is larger than the top five zoos in the Netherlands combined, and its selection of animals is focused on African species, with some Asian ones in the mix, to keep the park open during the winter months. I greatly enjoy visiting zoos, but the space available to the animals often makes me feel rather bad. Here though, I had the feeling that the animals were given more than adequate space and were behaving in a way that is more natural than you’d see in your typical zoo.

Beekse Bergen Safari Park Review

The park has over 50 medium to large size mammals and many, many more birds. There are a few amphibians thrown into the mix (to be honest, I only saw the crocodile), but its focus is on the star mammals that live on the African plains. Among some of the most memorable are the elephants, the giraffes, several of the great apes (gorillas, chimps, gibbons, baboons), lions, tigers, two species of hyena, cheetahs and rhinos. On top of these stars, there were many species of deer, the elusive and beautifully bizarre okapi, and stoic bactrian camels. Our favourite animals were also there – two demure and rather shy red pandas and a family of otters.

Asian small clawed otter washing food, Beekse Bergen Safari Park Review

The two days was great, and each venture out into the park (the bus drive through the park, the evening walk, the morning walk) was rewarding in its own way. However, the most memorable time was the morning walk. Just after the day breaks, before the crowds throng in, the animals are at their most lively and playful. We visited the elephant stable before they were let out into the open, where an 18 day old calf (who was still learning to use her trunk) and her sisters were yearning to be let outside.

baby elephant calf, Beekse Bergen Safari Park Review

Most of the animals were beginning to tuck into their first meal of the day, and this is often the best time to observe and make photographs of them. Luckily for us, we had reached the red panda enclosure just at this moment. The sound of food hitting the bucket drew the couple from their resting place in the tree tops, and we had the chance to see them eating and then grooming themselves. The morning walk was definitely my favourite part of the experience.

Beekse Bergen Safari Park Review, red panda feeding time,

I also greatly enjoyed the experience of staying in the Ranger Camp. The beds are very comfortable, and the feeling of being safe and warm inside the tent, when it rained the night we were there, was truly memorable. The barbecue dinner was also super tasty and added greatly to the entire experience.

Beekse Bergen Safari Park Review, Giraffe Traffic Jam

Our rangers, Jasper and Vincent, are highly knowledgeable and constantly gave us a slew of fun and interesting facts about the animals we observed during our tours. There was also a box on the bus with the horns, furs and skulls of animals that had either shed them, or died from natural causes, from which we could learn more about the creatures that surrounded us.

Beekse Bergen Safari Park Review

If you’re in the Netherlands and yearning for a bit of nature, we would highly recommend spending the night at the Beekse Bergen Safari Park . The activities are great for both adults and children, and your money will go to a good cause as the park participates in many breeding and restoration programmes with other parks and zoos around the world.

Beekse Bergen Safari Park Review

Here are all the photographs from the Safaripark:

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The largest wildlife park in Europe: Beekse Bergen

Safaripark Beekse Bergen

On safari in a Safari Park

Discover the beauty of the nature in Beekse Bergen Safari Park . A real break from your daily routine. Go on safari through the great outdoors and meet wild animals eye to eye. Make an informative and unique journey through the world of Beekse Bergen. At Beekse Bergen you can enjoy yourself 365 days a year. It is possible to go on safari any day of the year, including the holidays! You will never be bored while visiting Beekse Bergen Safari Park. The Safari Park is a perfect combination of adventure and relaxation for young and old. Check out the possibile options and plan your day! All four types of safari are included in the admission price!

Hours of pleasure and water fun in the kids’ adventure park Speelland Beekse Bergen  offers children all they could desire for a wonderful day of water fun and playing. This adventure park has so many attractions that it’s hard to decide where to begin. Discover what kind of driver you are in Traffic Country or skip across the water after being launched from the Aquashuttle. While the children are having fun, their parents can relax on the sandy beach. Fun for the entire family!

Sleep among the wild animals in the Safari Resort or in the green surroundings of the Holiday Park One day at Beekse Bergen is not enough! A good reason to stay the night: book a night in the verdant Lake Resort  or sleep among the wild animals in the Safari Resort  or Safari Hotel . That way you won’t miss a thing that happens in nature and among the wild animals. If you want to sleep among the wild animals, sleep at the Safari Resort or Safari Hotel. if you want to enjoy beautiful woody surroundings, stay in the Holiday Park. During your stay, the Attraction Pass will allow you free access to the Safari Park, the kids’ adventure park Speelland and other Libéma attraction parks. There are plenty of things to do in the surrounding area as well, from the Loon and Drunen Dunes to bustling Tilburg.

Spend the night!

Lake resort beekse bergen.

Enjoy the beautiful woodlands surrounding the Holiday Park.

Vakantiepark Beekse Bergen

Beekse Bergen Safari Resort

Breakfast together with the giraffes at the Safari Resort.

Safari Resort Beekse Bergen

Safari Hotel Beekse Bergen

See the sun rise over the savannah, while the animals wander past your balcony.

Uitzicht vanuit hotelkamer Safari Hotel Beekse Bergen

Even more inspiration

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A great day in beekse bergen safari park.

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I used to visit the Beekse Bergen Safari Park in Hilvarenbeek as a kid. It's (it...

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Beekse Bergen Safari Park is located in Hilvarenbeek, near Tilburg. It's a large,...

A weekend at Safari Resort Beekse Bergen

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I have always dreamed of a safari in South Africa, but that costs a fortune. Thankfully...

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Safariresort Beekse Bergen

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Safari Park Beekse Bergen

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Have an adventurous safari experience on foot, by bus, boat or drive your own car. Spot cheetahs, tigers, elephants, rhinos and many more. Sleep in the luxury Safari Resort and wake up the next day with the sound of a roaring lion…

Discover the world of Beekse Bergen in your own car! Come face-to-face with lions, giraffes, sable antelopes and many more wild animals. Set your own pace and admire the expansive savannas and beautiful forested areas. 

beekse bergen safari park gutschein

Boat safari

Let yourself be amazed on the boat safari! Do not miss a thing at Safaripark Beekse Bergen and discover the park from the water. Step aboard either the Livingstone or the Stanley safari boat and admire the beauty of nature. Enjoy an unforgettable trip together!

beekse bergen safari park gutschein

Walking safari

A walking safari surrounded by wild animals! Put on your hiking boots, explore the vast plains and meet the wild animals in their natural habitats. Discover the beauty of nature together and come face-to-face with lions, hyenas, elephants, penguins and many more species!

6 kinderen staan te kijken naar een kudde olifanten

A ranger will take you on a bus safari. During the bus safari, you will discover all sorts of fun and exciting facts about the wild animals in the Safaripark. You will even be allowed to touch and smell things, such as an animal’s hide or... poo! It’s the perfect all-in-one adventurous and educational safari!

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Extraordinary accommodations

Safari Hotel Beekse Bergen - savana

Please contact us for the complete list of excursions and contact details.

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Overnight stays - Please contact us for more addresses of overnight accommodation in Beekse Bergen or its surroundings

Beekse bergen safari resort.

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Beekse Bergen Safari Resort offers a unique experience in Brabant: sleep in luxurious...

In Hilvarenbeek

Safari Hotel Beekse Bergen

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At the Safari Hotel, you see the sun rise over the savannah, while the animals wander...

Lake Resort Beekse Bergen

beekse bergen safari park gutschein

Combine your day out with staying overnight at Lake Resort Beekse Bergen so you don’t...

GuestHouse Hotel Kaatsheuvel

beekse bergen safari park gutschein

Situated within walking distance of theme park Efteling, the Netherlands’ most popular...

In Kaatsheuvel

Moti Restaurant in Safari Resort

After a day of activities and adventure, enjoy delicious dishes at Restaurant Moto. 'Moto' means 'fire' in Swahili. Experience the sizzling sound of meat on the grill and get to know different types of dishes. We’ve got enjoyment for the whole family!

beekse bergen safari park gutschein

Beekse Bergen Meetings & Events

At Beekse Bergen every event is unique and possibilities are endless. Big or small, indoor or outdoor; we make sure your business gathering, event of meeting will not be forgotten any time soon.

beekse bergen safari park gutschein

Restaurants & Take aways

Wether you're staying at the Holidaypark, Safari Resort or just visiting the Safari Park or Speelland, Beekse Bergen offers Food and Beverages for all different tastebuds. 

Beekse Bergen Safari Hotel restaurant

More about Safari Park Beekse Bergen at

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Etten-Leur. Wand met grote afbeelding van Van Gogh. Zonnebloemen onder de wand op de foto

Discover Theme Park Efteling

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Beekse Bergen | Safari in the Netherlands

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Safari in the Netherlands, is that even possible? Well, the answer is yes! In the South of the Netherlands, in Tilburg, Safari Park Beekse Bergen opened its doors back in 1968 and for over 50 years it attracts visitors who are after a safari experience close to home.

In 2018 it opened the Safari Resort, adding a new and unique dimension to the Safari Park. It makes it possible to stay overnight, right in the heart of the savannah. You are surrounded by wild animals and amazing nature.

Beekse Bergen Safari resort 8

Traveltomtom was invited to experience this Safari Resort and experience these safari vibes in the Netherlands. Traveltomtom team member and travel writer Ashley traveled to Tilburg with four nieces and nephews to fully experience the Beekse Bergen.

About Safari Resort Beekse Bergen

Beekse Bergen Safari resort 5

Looking for a unique safari experience, but Africa is still a step too far? Safari Resort Beekse Bergen in the Netherlands got you covered. You will spend the night in the heart of the savannah, literally surrounded by wild animals. You fall asleep and wake up among the animals and with the most beautiful views over the savannah.

Beekse Bergen Safari resort 6

The resort is very easily accessible as it is located close to the A58 highway and right next to the N269 provincial road. The resort is signposted very well as soon as you get off the highway, so you can’t miss it!

Beekse Bergen Safari resort lodge 410 1

Checking in was really easy as all lodges have a combination lock at the front door. You get the code to this lock one day before your arrival, so you can go straight to your lodge without having to stop at the guest service. No keys or cards to open your lodge, so no keys or cards can be lost! Really clever.

On arrival the gates to the park open automatically based on license plate. However, Beekse Bergen is a car-free park, which means you can park your car near your lodge for loading and unloading, but you’re asked to park your car at one of the bigger car parks located throughout the park.

Beekse Bergen Safari Resort Bahari Beach seals 1

Beekse Bergen is a large resort with 239 lodges that differ in type, size, facilities and theme. The lodges are located around the Masai Mara and Serengeti savannahs, Simbara West and Simbara East, where the lions can be found and Bahari Beach, home of the seals.

Safari in netherlands

No matter which lodge or accommodation you have, you are always surrounded by wildlife with loads of animals on your doorstep.

Visiting Safari Park Beekse Bergen definitely is among the best things to do in The Netherlands. Check out Traveltomtom's hand-picked list of the best places to visit in The Netherlands with some unique travel experiences.

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Savannah Lodge 410

Beekse Bergen Safari resort lodge 410

We were given Savannah Lodge 410, located at the Masai Mara Savannah. We arrived quite late at night, so we had to wait to the next morning to see what our views would be like and what animals we would see.

Beekse Bergen Safari Resort Savanne Lodge living room 1

Checking in to our lodge was like checking in to a five star hotel room, but then lodge style. We had a huge lodge with absolutely everything we needed. It has three bedrooms for a total of 6 people. One of the bedrooms has an ensuite bathroom with (rain) shower and sink.

Beekse Bergen Safari resort Savanne lodge bedroom

Then there’s also a large bathroom with double sink, toilet, bathtub, (rain) shower and sauna. Yes, the lodge just has a sauna, how cool is that!

Beekse Bergen Safari Resort Savanne lodge bathroom and sauna

There is also a separate second toilet. Then there is the living room and kitchen area, with a television and large and comfy sofa and chairs and a large dining table with 6 chairs.

Beekse Bergen Safari resort Savanne Lodge Kitchen

The kitchen has all equipment needed, fridge, oven, microwave and dishwasher.

Beekse Bergen Safari Resort lodge views

And by far the best thing, windows over the full width of the living room and kitchen, with savannah views!

Beekse Bergen Safari resort breakfast with a view

Nothing can beat a breakfast with your family overlooking the savannah and seeing zebras, giraffes and rhinos walking around.

Karibu Town

Beekse Bergen Safari resort Karibu Town

Karibu Town is the lively and vibrant heart of the Safari Resort. Here you will find here everything you need for a perfect stay. It’s never boring in Karibu Town! Let me list all the available facilities.

Ranger Basecamp

Ranger Basecamp is located within Karibu Town. Throughout the day they offer a range of activities and entertainment. Our niece really enjoyed the mini disco and puppet theatre. They will keep the kids busy all day! The kids can even earn a real Ranger Badge at the end of their stay. You can find the full entertainment program on the Beekse Bergen App.

Restaurant Moto

Beekse Bergen Safari resort restaurant Moto 1

An open kitchen and a fire place in the middle of the restaurant, no surprise because Moto means ‘fire’ in Swahili. Restaurant Moto is a very atmospheric restaurant with a large terrace also overlooking the Serengeti Savannah. It’s the perfect place for a nice and delicious dinner after a day full of activities and adventures. They’re open from 12.00 – 8.00 pm for lunch and dinner.

Beekse Bergen Safari resort Restaurant Moto 2

On Friday, Saturday and Sunday they also do pizza delivery to your lodge. You can just give them a ring, place your order and request your delivery time. Your pizza’s will be delivered right to your doorstep, hot and ready to eat! You can also order pizza or make a reservation for Restaurant Moto through the Beekse Bergen App.

Maji Springs

Kids and adults, everyone will have a great time at Maji Springs. A heated indoor swimming pool, an adventurous water playground with various play elements, fun for the whole family.

Unfortunately Maji Springs was closed during our stay at the Safari Resort, so we haven’t been able to experience this pool. The pool was closed because they are constructing a new toddler pool and family slide. During the renovation you can use the Etsi Pool swimming pool located at the Lake Resort.

Guest Service & Market

Beekse Bergen Safari Resort Guest Service and Market

Just in case you have any questions or have forgotten something, feel free to make a stop at the Guest Service & Market, also located in Karibu Town. The Guest Service Centre is open all day to answer all of your questions. The market is your place for souvenirs, groceries and fresh sandwiches.

Pamoja Lounge & Bowling

Beekse Bergen Safari Resort Bowling 1

Pamoja Lounge and the bowling alley are located between Restaurant Moto and the Guest Service & Market. Be sure to make a reservation if you want to have some bowling fun. Without a reservation you risk missing out on all the fun.

Breakfast Delivery

Beekse Bergen Safari resort breakfast delivery service

The lodges at the resort all have a fully equipped kitchen, so you can take everything for dinner and breakfast with you and cook it there. But, if you want you can go all luxury with the breakfast delivery service. Before you even wake up, your breakfast has been delivered to your lodge, just take it inside from your terrace.

Just take it in, put it on the table and enjoy your breakfast, pure luxury for sure. We used the breakfast service and it was simply outstanding! We had the breakfast family box and it came with so much! Croissants, currant buns, oven baked white and brown buns, butter, fresh fruits, jam, chocolate paste, cheese, 3 different cold cuts, gingerbread, apple juice, fresh orange juice, so much and so delicious!

You can order this breakfast service through the Guest Service & Market or through the Beekse Bergen App.

Outdoor Terrace

Beekse Bergen Safari resort Ice Skating

Just outside of Karibu Town there is a lovely outdoor terrace with Serengeti views. I can imagine this is the place to be in Summer, with a cold drink and views for hours. There is a fireplace and swing benches, where they roast marshmallows in the winter. In winter you can also find a skating rink there where you can ice skate for free. Just request your size skates and have a good time on the ice, while enjoying the views of giraffes and rhinos.

Add-on packages

The breakfast delivery is one of the many add on packages you can order and use while staying at the Safari Resort, but there is more. What about a bicycle package, a cart package, or maybe you have something to celebrate and want a safari cake or sparkling wine to be delivered. It’s all possible, just check the website or the app.

Beekse Bergen App

Beekse Bergen Safari resort Bahari Beach Seals

I have already mentioned it before in this blog a few times, but the Beekse Bergen has their own app and it is very useful! I mainly used it for entertainment times, to see when the mini disco was about to start. But also to check the lion’s feeding times to make sure we wouldn’t miss out as you can see this only 3 times per week.

The app has all maps of the Safari Park, Safari Resort and also the Lake Resort and Speelland, so there is really no reason to get lost. It has all timings listed per park, feeding times, entertainment times but opening times of pools and restaurants as well. It offers important and helpful information for you throughout your stay, manuals for equipment in your lodge, information on the resort and accommodation and where to go for medical help.

Attractions Pass

When you stay in a lodge or safari tent at the Safari Resort or the Lake Resort you receive a complimentary Attractions Pass. The Attractions Pass gives you plenty of benefits during your stay.

What about 25% discount at Safari Park Beekse Bergen, Speelland, Dierenrijk, Zooparc Overloon, Aviodrome Aviation Theme Park, AquaZoo Leeuwarden and Klimrijk Brabant for a whole year after your stay!?

With the attractions pass you get free and unlimited access to the Safari Park and all the parks mentioned above during your entire stay. We could have visited the park if we wanted to, but there was so much to do in the resort that we didn’t visit the park. We will definitely use the attractions pass on some of the other parks this year!

Beekse Bergen Safari Park Game Drive experience

We also visited the park back in 2020 and had equally amazing experiences at the Beekse Bergen.

This time it was just magical to experience the wildlife from our doorstep. When you can see the wild animals from your living room, it’s the best thing there is!

Lake Resort

Next to the Safari Resort there is also the Lake Resort where you can enjoy the ultimate outdoor life, literally located next to Lake Victoria.

New Safari Hotel at Beekse Bergen

They are actually currently building the Safari Hotel at the Beekse Bergen, we could see a glimpse of what is coming and that looked very promising! The hotel will open its doors in March 2023.

Safari Park Beekse Bergen review

Beekse Bergen Safari resort cottages

It all started with Safari Park Beekse Bergen where you can take a safari through nature and come face-to-face with wild animals on an educational and unique trip through the world of Beekse Bergen. They are open all year round, including public holidays. What makes the Beekse Bergen different from other zoo’s in the Netherlands? Well, it isn’t the standard zoo, it’s all about safari experiences here.

Beekse Bergen Safari Park Game Drive

You can go on a boat safari, car safari, bus safari and a walking safari. You can also do game drives here. The experience with the animals on the car safari or game drive is really next level.

Beekse Bergen Safari with kids

We did the car safari and the game drive with the kids back in 2020 and were both times surrounded by giraffes, when that happened, the kids were screaming of enthusiasm and had the time of their life.

Beekse Bergen Safari resort Lions 1

We had visited the Safari Park before in 2020 and noticed those amazing lodges when we did the car safari. Little did we know that there was such a cool and amazing park there. Three years later we got an invite to come and experience it on behalf of Traveltomtom.

The resort really offers something special. Visiting the Beekse Bergen is cool, but once the park closes you have to leave and go home. If you are staying at the resort you are surrounded by wild animals all day. No matter where you walk at the resort, you always see the animals.

Beekse Bergen Safari resort Masai Mara savanah

The lodges are large and equipped with all comforts and luxury. Spoil yourself with a week or weekend among the wild animals at the Safari Resort. If it were up to us and our nephews and nieces we would have never checked out from the Safari Resort!

Beekse Bergen Safari resort Seal

A massive thank you is in order here for Safari Resort Beekse Bergen for inviting us to and organizing our visit down to the last detail.

Beekse Bergen Safari resort 1

This blog was written by travel writer and Traveltomtom team member Ashley . She was invited to visit and explore Safari Resort Beekse Bergen on behalf of Traveltomtom, and wrote this blog about her experiences. This is her Instagram Page .

Enjoy your trip to the Beekse Bergen!

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Safaripark Beekse Bergen

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Safaripark Beekse Bergen - All You Need to Know BEFORE You Go (2024)

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Frequently asked questions Beekse Bergen

Safaripark   Speelland   Lake Resort   Safari resort   Safari Hotel

The bus safari consists of two entirely different routes, both taking around 45 minutes.

Over around 30 minutes, the skipper or ranger will point out all kinds of animals that can be seen from the boat. The safari boat sails back and forth between the Safari Restaurant at the entrance and the Kongo Restaurant on the other side of the park. Upon arrival at one of these points, you can then choose from one of the other safari options. The 'Stanley' and 'Livingstone' safari boats do not operate during the winter period. A trip on one of the boats is included in the price of your ticket.

The walking route is about 3.5 km long. A stroll along the walking route is included in the price of your ticket.

Although the car ride of course depends on how busy the route is, it takes around one hour on avaerage. Entry is possible up to half an hour before the park closes. Parking your car halfway through the car safari is possible. Even if you’re only doing the car safari,you’ll still need a parking token. Order one  here .

Unfortunately, tickets cannot be rescheduled. However, if there are exceptional circumstances, please contact us at ( [email protected] ). These might include illness or someone passing away.

A children's bicycle/scooter is not allowed on the hiking trail. in order to ensure the safety of other visitors.

As of 01/01/2021, learner bikes are allowed in the Safaripark. 

The minimum age is three years, and up to ten people can come along on the Game drive. Children must, however, be able to sit independently with a seatbelt on with a parent beside them. Booster seats are available, although there are no high chairs.

No, there is an unguarded bicycle shed at Safari Park Beekse Bergen. You can park your bike here at your own risk.

Safaripark Beekse Bergen offers the unique opportunity to adopt one of the many hundreds of animals living in the park. The proceeds of these adoptions allow various Wildlife Foundation projects to continue to be supported. Please visit the  website  for more information or request an application form at [email protected]

Folded prams can be taken on the safari bus/safari boat.

During the period from April 1 to September 30, safari buses do not operate, only by reservation at an additional cost. It is not necessary to make a reservation for the safari bus. You can find all departure times in the Beekse Bergen App. Are you with more than 20 people and do you want a bus or boat for yourself? Then book an exclusive boat safari or an exclusive bus safari.

Yes, that's possible! You can rent a cart at the Guest Service. Renting a cart costs €10. You cannot reserve the cart in advance. The deposit for the handcart is €50.

The cart must be returned to Guest Service after your day of adventure in the Safari Park. You will then receive the deposit back.

Feeding the animals is not permitted. You are only allowed to feed the animals in the designated areas with feed from the on-site feed vending machines.

Picnicking is only permitted at designated picnic areas in the park. If you don't feel like taking everything with you,Safaripark Beekse Bergen has two restaurants and several kiosks, where you can grab a snack and a drink.

For the safety of our animals, no pets are allowed. However, assistance dogs are allowed in the park provided the owner can present proof of identification and a vaccination booklet for the assistance dog at Guest Services. Visitors with assistance dogs do not have access at 'The Edge of Africa' and the birds-of-prey safari.

The car safari will take you in among the animals,which might behave unpredictably and cause damage to your car. A visit to Safaripark Beekse Bergen takes place entirely at your own risk.

A trailer, bicycle rack or ladder are not allowed on the car safari due to the safety of our animals. A roof rack is allowed as long as the items are securely fastened.

In the winter season, which animals are and aren’t outside very much depends on the weather. You’ll be able to observe a number of animals in their indoor enclosures on the hiking trail.

This dream can come true for one or two days at Safaripark Beekse Bergen, with it now possible to book a unique package giving you a 'backstage' look at the park and, under supervision, learn what it’s like to be an animal keeper. There is a package for children, adults, and the whole family. If you’re looking for a genuine job as an animal keeper, please check out our vacancies .

Admission/online tickets

No, if you have a subscription to Safari Park Beekse Bergen or a discount voucher for our park, you do not need to make a reservation. Show your subscription or discount voucher at the cash register and then your visit with us can begin!

By presenting your season ticket from another NVD zoo, you’ll receive a discount on your admission ticket at the safari park ticket desk. This discount is not valid in combination with other discounts and/or promotions.

Admission tickets to the Safaripark are  valid at all times for all our safari options , because the animals are scattered across the various safaris. That means you can't just buy an admission ticket for the car safari.

You can pay with VVV gift vouchers at the entrance to the safari park. VVV gift vouchers are not redeemable for cash. VVV Gift vouchers are not accepted in the restaurants and shops.

Yes, the barcode on your ticket can also be scanned from your smartphone or tablet.

You should send an e-mail to  [email protected] . Please state the name under which the tickets were ordered, and the date when they were ordered. We will then contact you as soon as possible.

There are 2 charging points available at the entrance of the Safari Park.

Yes, you need a parking token even if you’re not going on safari by car. You need to use this parking token at the park exit.

Yes, even if you go on safari by car, you need a parking token. You need to use this parking token at the park exit.

When you visit both parks by car, you also need to buy an exit ticket for both parks.

Disabled visitors

You can borrow a wheelchair from Guest Services based on availability.

The park is accessible to wheelchair users. You can, of course, use your own car on a car safari. Large sections of the hiking safari are also accessible to wheelchair users. However, access is restricted on the safari boat and in the safari bus.

Disabled toilets are available in the Wanyama Restaurant (near the park entrance) and the Kongo Restaurant (at the back of the park). A Changing Places Toilet is available at the entrance. This is a special reclined toilet facility that includes a lift and an adult stretcher.

Guide or assistance dogs are allowed, provided that the owner can present proof of identification and a vaccination booklet for the dog at Guest Service. Visitors with assistance dogs do not have access to the walk-through aviaries and the birds-of-prey safari on the walking trail.

A special rate applies for health care institutions and homes. There is no special rate for individual visits. See the rates here.

You can pay by card at Guest service, in both restaurants and in the souvenir shop at the Kongo Restaurant. If required, you can withdraw extra money at the Guest service.

You can change children in the Wanyama Restaurant. In addition, both restaurants have high chairs and microwaves for heating milk.

There are no baggage lockers at Beekse Bergen Safaripark.


A subscription is valid from the purchase date until the end of the same month the following year.

A Beekse Bergen Pass is non-transferable and must be provided by a recent passport photograph.

You only have to pay for parking once a day. If you visit both parks on the same day, you only have to pay for the parking token for the first park you visit. Save your receipt from purchasing your parking token, and on entering the other park, you’ll receive another parking token.

You can cancel your subscription by writing to Guest Service Safaripark Beekse Bergen, attn. Subscriptions, Beekse Bergen 31, 5081 NJ, Hilvarenbeek. Or by sending an e-mail to  [email protected]

Six weeks before your subscription expires, we’ll notify you that your subscription is about to expire/be renewed.

If you’ve opted for authorisation when purchasing your subscription, your subscription will be renewed automatically. Subscriptions with an authorisation have to be cancelled in writing one month before the end of the subscription.

You can get a duplicate by showing valid ID. €5 will be charged for a duplicate.

On presenting valid ID and the official police report stating that Beekse Bergen Passes have been stolen, you can obtain a duplicate free of charge. Otherwise, €5 will be charged for a duplicate.

You should send change of address details to  [email protected] .

You can buy an exit ticket at the ticket machines at the park or have an exit credit added to your subscription pass at the cash register.

Is your question not listed?

If so, please contact Safaripark Beekse Bergen.

The distance is about 900 metres, which is a 10-minute walk.

Dogs are not allowed in the park. However, guide or assistance dogs are allowed in the park, provided the owner can present proof of identification and a vaccination record for the dog at the Guest Service.

No, bicycles are not allowed in the park. Balance bikes and (non-motorized) children's steps are allowed in Speelland from 13-04-2022.

Although fishing is not allowed in the park, there are indeed opportunities for fishing at the Lake Resort.

Picnicking is allowed in the park, except in the restaurant and on the restaurant terrace.

No, bicycle storage at Speelland Beekse Bergen is unguarded. You can park your bicycle there at your own risk.

Yes, using a locker at the park costs €1. These are located near the entrance to the park.

No, we do not have any wheelchairs for loan or hire.

Yes, you can pay by PIN at the ticket desk, shop and restaurants. At the Guest Service it is also possible to withdraw extra money.

Yes, you can find this in the restaurant 'Tito's Totem'.

Yes, this is located next to the restaurant.


No, there is one attraction for which an additional payment is required. To use the Minicars, you have to pay €1.50. Payments can only be made on the Minicars themselves.

An attraction might be temporarily out of service due to repairs or maintenance. Attractions might also be closed, temporarily or otherwise, due to weather conditions. On quiet days, not all attractions are open/staffed, but a member of staff will be happy to inform you during your visit what time the attraction will be opening. This does not entitle you to a refund of the price of the admission ticket, refund or any other compensation.

No, there are attractions with special conditions, such as an age limit or a height requirement. In addition, a swimming diploma is required for the water attractions.


A subscription is valid from the date of purchase until the end of the same month the following year.

A Beekse Bergen Pass is non-transferable, and must therefore be provided with a recent passport photograph.

You only have to pay for parking once a day. If you visit both parks on the same day, you only have to pay for a parking token for the first park you visit. Save your receipt from the purchase of your parking token and, on entering the other park, you’ll receive another parking token.

You can cancel your subscription by writing to Guest Service Safaripark Beekse Bergen, attn. Subscription, Beekse Bergen 31, 5081 NJ, Hilvarenbeek. Or by sending an e-mail to  [email protected]

Six weeks before your subscription expires, we will notify you that your subscription is about to expire/be renewed.

If you opted to authorise this when purchasing your subscription, your subscription will be renewed automatically. Subscriptions with an authorisation have to be cancelled in writing one month before the end of the subscription.

On presenting valid ID and the official police report stating that Beekse Bergen Passes have been stolen, you can obtain a duplicate free of charge. Otherwise, €5 will be charged by a duplicate

Is your question not featured?

Please contact Speelland Beekse Bergen.

Lake Resort

Unfortunately, and despite our best efforts, processionary caterpillars are active in our park. We ask you to be alert to this. We’re working hard to further control processionary caterpillars, to minimise the inconvenience to everyone. Any reports of nests should be made at the reception. We are not liable for damage and/or inconvenience caused by the oak processionary caterpillar.

Click  here  for more information.

Subject to availability, there are a number of accommodations and certain campsites where one pet is allowed.

Unfortunately, fireworks are not permitted at Lake Resort Beekse Bergen.

Gourmet, fondue and barbecue is not allowed in connection with fire safety. The safety of people and animals is our top priority. Costs for the emergency services being called out unnecessarily –⁠ such as the fire brigade –⁠ will be charged to you directly. 

Open fire is prohibited at all times. Barbecuing on the camping pitches and at the rental accommodations is only allowed in accordance with the instructions of the park management. This should be done with a bucket of water within reach. If the temperatures rise and there is a lot of drought, barbecuing is not allowed at all.

Free Wi-Fi is available in the park and does not require a code. Please note that there is no Wi-Fi at the fishing spots.

If you book a stay in a Lake Resort Beekse Bergen holiday home or holiday tent, you’ll have access to both the Safaripark and Speelland with the free Attractions Pass. This Attractions Pass is valid from the day of arrival up until the day of departure, during the park's opening hours. 

During your camping stay at Lake Resort Beekse Bergen, you have unlimited access to Speelland Beekse Bergen and swimmingpool Etsi Pool. Do you also want to enjoy Safaripark Beekse Bergen for several days? Consider adding the  Attractions Pass  at a reduced price. This card provides you with unlimited access to the various day attractions, including the adjoining Safaripark Beekse Bergen but also Dierenrijk and Zooparc Overloon.

If you book a stay in a holiday home or holiday tent at Lake Resort Beekse Bergen, the Attractions Pass is included. If you’re camping with us, you can add the Attractions Pass to your booking. 

A roof rack, trailer, bicycle carrier and roof carrier are not allowed on the car safari due to the safety of our animals.

With the Ostrich Express (train) you can visit Speelland Beekse Bergen from the Lake Resort. The Ostrich Express runs back and forth between the Lake Resort and Speelland. You can use this service for free during your stay.

Board the Ostrich Express to visit Speelland and/or the Safaripark Beekse Bergen. The Ostrich Express connects the Lake Resort, Speelland and the Safaripark. The train service is free throughout your stay.

You can also visit the Safaripark or Speelland by car. You should follow the signs to Safaripark or Speelland. If your number plate is registered with us, the barriers will open automatically. You don't need an exit ticket.

Lake Resort guests are allowed to use the bowling alley, the catering facilities and the swimming pool at Safari Resort.

Reservation and payment

You can choose to pay immediately through iDEAL or with a credit card. You can also opt to receive confirmation by e-mail, and pay afterwards.

Yes, payment by credit card is possible. You can pay with Mastercard and VISA. The transaction amount will be charged directly to your credit card.

Yes, accommodations with special features can be booked by filtering various preferences in Search and book. If you have a preference, for example, for the location of your accommodation –⁠ such as at the waterfront/close to the central building –⁠ or would you like to choose a specific accommodation through a number on the map, you can indicate this during the booking process. Starting from €25, we can set your preference for you (the final price depends on your date of stay and preference). If you’re camping with us,you can indicate your preference for a particular pitch, starting from €9.95.

All prices on the website are all-inclusive, so you won't be in for any nasty surprises. However, you will be charged €20 for any amendment costs. If you have a preference for a certain location for your accommodation, or a specific accommodation number, you can pay preferential costs starting from €25.  If you have a preference for a specific pitch,you can indicate your preference for a particular pitch, starting from €9.95. In addition, you can book additional products for a fee when making your reservation.

Arrival information, including the Attractions Passes, if applicable, will be sent to you by e-mail a few days before arrival if you have completed all guest details and payment has been made. If you’d like more information about the travel documents, check them out  here . Are you coming camping Back2Basic? Click here for the Back2Basic travel documents.

If your booking includes Attractions Pass, these will be sent by e-mail a few days before your arrival. 

You can book numerous add-ons at Beekse Bergen! These can be reserved when making or after you have made your booking at .

Arrival and stay

On your days of arrival and departure, you’ll be able to park your car in Lake Resort Beekse Bergen's central car park. All park facilities and the Attractions Pass can be used on both the day of arrival and the day of departure. 

You can enter the Lake Resort using licence plate recognition. Once you’ve entered your licence plate number in 'My Beekse Bergen', the barrier will open automatically. One car is allowed per accommodation/pitch. If you’re travelling with a second car, please park it in the car park next to the barrier, with the exception of the group jungalows where four cars are permitted.

No, you do not need an exit ticket if you are staying at the Lake Resort. At Speelland and Safaripark, the barrier opens based on license plate recognition. 

You can check in at 3 pm on your arrival day. Before your arrival you will receive a unique code that gives you access to the park and your accommodation. You no longer have to go to the Guest Service to check in. On your day of departure, we ask you to vacate your accommodation before 10:00 am. On the day of departure you can use all the facilities of the Lake Resort and the Attractions Pass all day long.

The check-in time for the campsite (including Back2Basic) is 1:00 PM and the check-out time is 11:00 AM. On the day of departure you can still use all the facilities of the Lake Resort and the Attractions Pass all day if you have booked it.

You will receive a pin code 3 days before arrival, which you can use to enter. This only happens if you have completed all guest details and made the payment. If this is not the case, you can request your access code (together with the welcome pack) from the Guest Service. View the current opening hours of the Guest Service in the Beekse Bergen app.

You are permitted to receive day visitors during your stay. Day visitors pay no admission charge to the Lake Resort. If they want to visit Safari Park Beekse Bergen, they must be in possession of a valid entrance ticket.

Guests staying overnight must be registered at reception, provided that this does not exceed the maximum number of people allowed in your accommodation.

Lake Resort home guests: - tourist tax: €2,65 p.p.p.n. - extra person fee (calculated at reception)

Camping guests: - tourist tax: €2,50 p.p.p.n. - extra person surcharge: €8,- p.p.p.n.

In the case of holiday homes and holiday tents: while this is usually not possible, it is around public holidays such as Easter, Ascension Day or Pentecost. For the Safari Resort, you also have the option of arriving or departing on Wednesday. Campers can also arrive and depart daily.

Of course we hope you enjoy a wonderful holiday at Beekse Bergen. If you unexpectedly run into something, you can report this directly to the reception. We do our utmost to find a solution on the spot. In case of missing inventory or complaints about cleaning, please contact the Guest Service/reception immediately after check-in. This can be done via the following telephone number 088-9000323. This way we can optimize your stay and you can enjoy carefree at Beekse Bergen.

In Ganvie Village, the bustling center of the Lake Resort, you will find restaurant Labadi. Here you can enjoy the tastiest dishes. You can also go to Jaaba Counter for the tastiest fries and snacks. Next to Ganvie Village you will find our SPAR supermarket. Here you can go for all your shopping.

No, there is only a microwave without an oven function in the accommodations (except for the tents and log cabins).

The Jungalows, Safari Tents and Villa Maji have a filter coffee machine. The Cabins have a Nespresso coffee maker for which you can use regular cups. There is no coffee machine in the Bungalow tents

Yes, you can! You can use the Attractions Pass for throughout the days you arrive and depart. This will be sent electronically, once payment has been made in full and your entire group has been entered. The digital Attractions Pass can be used all day so, for why not visit the Safaripark before entering the accommodation, for instance?Accommodations are available from 15:00.

Your stay at Lake Resort Beekse Bergen includes bed linen, except if you’re coming camping with us or stay in a bungalow tent. Our guests also receive a welcome pack including washing-up liquid or dishwasher tablets. Hand towels are not included, nor is bed linen for any cots.

Would you like the beds to be made and hand towels to be ready for you? That's no problem! You should additionally book the service package if you require this:

The Safari tents have a heater. You’ll find this in the living area of the tent. There is no heating in the bedrooms. So if it gets colder at night, it’s up to you decide whether or not to bring extra blankets.

The entertainment programme varies according to the season. The specific animation program is usually known a week in advance and can be viewed in our app. Here you can also immediately save your favorite activities in your schedule!

Yes, there is a TV and various channels (such as NPO, RTL, SBS6, etc.) can be found on it. However, the TVs are not connected to the internet and it is not possible to connect your own devices. Unfortunately, this means that you cannot watch Videoland, Netflix, Ziggosport, etc. from the TV.

Yes there is a launderette. You will find the launderette in the same building as the Spar. When you are in front of the entrance to the Spar, the launderette is on the right corner of the building.

To use the launderette you need €1 coins and you have to make sure you bring your own detergent.  

View more information and the current opening hours in the Beekse Bergen app.

Please contact Lake Resort Beekse Bergen.

Safari Resort

Unfortunately, and despite our best efforts, processionary caterpillars are active in our park. We ask you to be alert to this. We’re working hard to further control processionary caterpillars, to minimise the inconvenience to everyone. Any reports of nests should be made at the reception. We are not liable for damage and/or inconvenience caused by the oak processionary caterpillar.

Unfortunately, fireworks are not permitted at Safari Resort Beekse Bergen.

Animal welfare comes first. Beekse Bergen will of course do everything in its power to ensure you as a guest can enjoy the view of the animals from your accommodation as much as possible. However, the Dutch climate is sometimes a little too cold or too stormy for the animals, and they cannot stay outside for long. The animals retreat to their heated enclosures at night, and sometimes during the day. The feeding times for the animals are spread out as much as possible throughout the day. 

When it snows or freezes, it can be dangerous for the animals on the savannah: they might slip, for example. If this is the case, there will be limited animal visibility. The rangers will then work hard to keep the water features free of ice, so that the animals can walk around safely outside. 

Even in (extremely) warm weather, animals may not want to go outside and/or are only in shaded areas.

Unfortunately, pets are not allowed at the Safari Resort because there are so many animals in close proximity to the accommodations. However, pets are indeed allowed at Lake Resort Beekse Bergen.

The Safari Resort has an extensive fibre optic network. All accommodations have their own Wi-Fi point, which guarantees fast and hassle-free Internet use.

Certainly. During your stay at the Safari Resort, you have access to both the Safaripark and Speelland with the free Attractions Pass. This Attractions Pass is valid from the day of arrival up until the day of departure, during the park's opening hours.

Yes, when staying at the Safari Resort, you receive a free  Attractions Pass .

Yes, you can see the animals from almost all accommodations. Make sure you have a fantastic view by booking a  Savannah Lodge  or  Savannah Lodge Plus These are located right on the savannah. The other lodges are not located right on the savannah.

The animals will stay at least 15 metres away from the lodges. So you can observe them up close, but because of the canals and other features we create they won't come that close. It's entirely safe.

Guests at the Safari Resort may use the Lake Resort restaurant and swimming pool.

With the Ostrich Express (train) you can visit Speelland Beekse Bergen from Karibu Town in the Safari Resort. The Ostrich Express runs back and forth between the Safari Resort and Speelland. You can use this service for free during your stay.

It is also possible to reach the Safari Park by car. You can use the special car route for this. If your number plate is registered with us, the barriers of the Safari Resort to the Safari Park will open automatically. It is also possible to reach the Safari Park on foot. There are two different routes: 1. Via the main entrance of the Safari Park 2. Via a special route from the Safari Resort, which ends near the lions in the Safari Park. These routes can be found on the map .

The Attractions Passes and the unique pin code for entering the accommodations will be sent by e-mail a few days before arrival.

All prices on the website are all-inclusive, so you won't be in for any nasty surprises. However, you will be charged €20 for any amendment costs. If you have a preference for a certain location for your accommodation, or a specific accommodation number, you can pay preferential costs starting from €25.  If you have a preference for a specific pitch,you can indicate your preference for a particular pitch, starting from €9.95.In addition, you can book additional products for a fee when making your reservation.

In the Safari Resort, as well as Mondays and Fridays, it’s also possible to arrive or depart on Wednesdays. Unfortunately, exceptions cannot be made. However, arrival and departure days may be changed on certain public holidays such as Pentecost, Easter and Christmas. Information about this can be found in ' Search & book '. 

The access code for your accommodation will be sent to you by SMS on the day of arrival. This will only take place once you have completed all guest details and made the payment. If you haven’t received your access code, you can request this (together with the welcome pack) from Guest Service in Karibu Town.

Arrival information, including the Attractions Passes, will be sent to you by e-mail a few days before arrival provided you’ve entered all guest details and payment has been made. If you’d like more information about the travel documents, check them out  here . 

You are permitted to receive day visitors during your stay. Day guests do not have to pay an admission charge to the Safari Resort. If they want to visit Safari Park Beekse Bergen, they must be in possession of a valid entrance ticket.

Guests staying overnight should report to Guest Service. This option is only available if the maximum number of people permitted to stay in the accommodation is not exceeded.

Safari Resort accommodations' visitors - extra person fee (calculated at Guest Service) - tourist tax: €2.65 p.p.p.n.

You can enter the Safari Resort by means of licence plate recognition. Once you’ve entered your licence plate number in 'My Beekse Bergen', the barrier will open automatically.

You’re only allowed to drive your car to your accommodation on arrival and departure days for the purposes of loading and unloading; at all other times the park is to be car-free. Parking is permitted in the central car park.

However, wheelchair-friendly lodges do have a parking area where you can park one car at the lodge.

You can check in at 4 pm on your arrival day. Before your arrival you will receive a unique code that gives you access to the park and your accommodation. You no longer have to go to the Guest Service to check in. On your day of departure, we ask you to vacate your accommodation before 10:00 am. On the day of departure you can use all the facilities of the Safari Resort and the Attractions Pass all day long.

No, you do not need an exit ticket if you are staying at the Safari Resort. At Speelland, the barrier opens based on license plate recognition. The barrier between the Safari Resort and the Safari Park also opens automatically based on license plate recognition.

Of course we hope you enjoy a wonderful holiday at Beekse Bergen. If you unexpectedly run into something, you can report this directly to the reception. We do our utmost to find a solution on the spot. In case of missing inventory or complaints about cleaning, please contact the Guest Service/reception immediately after check-in. This can be done via the following telephone number 088-900323. This way we can optimize your stay and you can enjoy carefree at Beekse Bergen.

You can buy fresh rolls and other small groceries in the Guest Service & Market of Safari Resort Beekse Bergen. For lunch or dinner, you will receive a warm welcome in Restaurant Moto. It is also possible to have pizza delivered to your accommodation. It is not possible to charge orders for groceries, lunch and/or dinner to your account, so you will have to pay there and then. 

Yes, you can! You can use the Attractions Pass for throughout the days you arrive and depart. This will be sent electronically, once payment has been made in full and your entire group has been entered. The digital Attractions Pass can be used all day so, for why not visit the Safaripark before entering the accommodation, for instance? The accommodation is available from 16:00.

You’re only allowed to drive your car to your accommodation on arrival and departure days for the purposes of loading and unloading; at all other times the park is to be car-free. Parking is permitted in the central car park. However, wheelchair-friendly lodgesdo in fact have a parking area where you can park one car at the lodge.

A professional Nespresso coffee maker (type Zenius) is present in the accommodation. Only the professional capsules from Nespresso are suitable for this machine. And so, you can enjoy a delicious cup of coffee of the highest quality. The welcome pack will include a number of Nespresso capsules for the first day. If you desire any complements to this, you can purchase these capsules in the Market in the central building Karibu Town.

The accommodation has a microwave with an oven function.

Bed linen and towels are provided at the Safari Resort accommodations. Towel packages include one bath towel and one hand towel per person as well as kitchen cloths. If you’ve reserved a cot, bed linen for this will also be provided. This means you won't need to bring anything, unless you want extra blankets.

Unfortunately, there is no laundry facility at the Safari Resort.

The Savannah Lodge Plus includes a number of wheelchair-friendly versions. Check out the possibilities  here .

If so, please contact Safari Resort Beekse Bergen.

Safari Hotel

Animal welfare comes first. Beekse Bergen will, of course, do everything in its power to ensure that you can enjoy the view of the animals from your accommodation as much as possible. However, the Dutch climate is sometimes a little too cold or stormy for the animals, and they cannot stay outside for long. The animals, therefore, retreat to their heated enclosures at night and sometimes during the day. Animal feeding times are spread out as much as possible throughout the day.

When it snows or freezes, it can be dangerous for the animals on the savannah. They might slip, for example. In this case, there is limited animal visibility. The Rangers will then work hard to keep the water features free of ice, so that the animals can walk around safely outside.

Even in (extremely) hot weather, animals may not want to go outside and/or may only venture into shaded areas.

There are direct views of the animals from all hotel rooms and from your terrace or balcony.

The animals are at least 10 metres away from the hotel rooms. So you can observe them up close, but, because of the canals and other features we create, they won't come that close. So it's entirely safe!

Unfortunately, pets are not allowed at the Safari Hotel and Safari Resort, given the proximity of many animals to the accommodations. Pets are, however, allowed at Lake Resort Beekse Bergen.

The Safari Hotel at the Safari Resort has an extensive fibre optic network. All accommodations have their own Wi-Fi point, which guarantees fast and hassle-free Internet use.

Certainly. During your stay at the Safari Hotel or the Safari Resort, you have access to both the Safaripark and Speelland with the free Attractions Pass. This Attractions Pass is valid from the day of arrival up until the day of departure, during the park's opening hours.

Yes, when staying at the Safari Hotel, you receive a free Attractions Pass. This gives you free and unlimited access to 6 parks, including Safaripark and Speelland Beekse Bergen, from the day of arrival to the day of departure.

Guests of the Safari Hotel may use all facilities at Beekse Bergen. You can, for example, use the swimming pools at the Safari Resort and the Lake Resort. For lunch or dinner, you can choose from any restaurant at Beekse Bergen. Or spend a day at the Lake Victoria beach at the Lake Resort. Entertainment for children can be found at Ranger Basecamp at the Safari Resort or at Kodidi Ground at the Lake Resort.

With the Ostrich Express (train) you can visit Speelland Beekse Bergen from Karibu Town in the Safari Resort. Karibu Town is a 5-minute walk from the Safari Hotel. The Ostrich Express travels back and forth between the Safari Resort and Speelland. You can use this service for free during your stay.

You can also visit the Safaripark by car. You can follow the dedicated car route for this. If your number plate is registered with us, the barriers between the Safari Hotel and the Safaripark will open automatically. You can also visit the Safaripark on foot. There are two different routes: 1. Via the main entrance of the Safaripark. 2. Via a special route from the Safari Resort, nearby the Safari Hotel, which ends near the lions in the Safaripark. These routes can be found on the map.

A roof rack, trailer, bicycle rack and cargo carrier are not allowed on the car safari due to safety concerns for our animals.

We are sorry to hear you have forgotten, or lost, something during your stay. To find the item as soon as possible, please  contact  us by e-mail or phone. 

Unfortunately, and despite our best efforts, processionary caterpillars are active in our park. We ask you to be alert to this. We’re working hard to further control processionary caterpillars, to minimise the inconvenience to everyone. Any reports of nests should be made at the Guest Service. We are not liable for damage and/or inconvenience caused by the oak processionary caterpillar.

No fireworks may be set off at the Safari Hotel or Safari Resort Beekse Bergen for animal welfare reasons.

Gourmets, fondues and barbecues are not allowed due to fire safety concerns. The safety of people and animals is our top priority. Costs for the emergency services being called out unnecessarily –⁠ such as the fire brigade –⁠ will be charged to you directly.

Regardless of the type of hotel room you book, you can add one baby cot. It is not possible to place multiple baby cots in the hotel rooms. This cot is a folding camping bed and includes bed linen.

The Attractions Passes and the unique PIN code to enter the hotel room will be sent by e-mail no later than one day before arrival.

You can choose to pay immediately through iDEAL or with a credit card. You can also choose to wait for the e-mail confirmation before paying. Booking within 6 weeks of arrival? Then you will need to pay the full amount immediately when making the reservation.

Yes, you can pay by credit card. You can pay with Mastercard and VISA. The transaction amount will be charged directly to your credit card.

Yes, you can book a hotel room with special features. Do you have a preference for the location of your hotel room:

  • Ground floor or upper floor?
  • On a corner or in the middle?
  • Close to the main building or close to the animal enclosures?

You can indicate this during the booking process. The fee for booking with a preference is € 25.

All prices on the website are all-inclusive, so you won't be in for any nasty surprises. You will be charged €20 for any amendment costs. If you have a preference for a particular location of your accommodation, you will be charged a preference cost of € 25.

The access code for your hotel room will be sent to you by SMS on the day of arrival. You will receive it only once you have completed all guest details and made the payment. If you haven’t received your access code, you can request your access code from Guest Service at Hogon House.

The arrival information, including the Attractions Passes and unique pin code for entering the hotel room, will be sent by e-mail no later than one day before arrival. You will only receive it once you have completed all guest details and payment has been made. Check the travel documents with practical information here in advance.

You are permitted to receive day visitors during your stay. Day guests pay no admission charge to the Safari Hotel. If they want to visit Safari Park Beekse Bergen, they must be in possession of a valid entrance ticket.

Guests staying overnight should report to Guest Service. This option is only available if the maximum number of people permitted to stay in the hotel room is not exceeded.

Costs of Safari Hotel rooms

- extra person fee (calculated at Guest Service)

- tourist tax: €2.65 p.p.p.n.

You can enter the Safari Resort and the Safari Hotel by means of licence plate recognition. Once you’ve entered your licence plate number in 'My Beekse Bergen', the barrier will open automatically.

You are only allowed to drive your car to your hotel room on arrival and departure days for the purpose of unloading and loading luggage; at other times the park is car-free. Parking is permitted in the central car park.

However, wheelchair-friendly rooms do have a parking area where you can park one car.

Yes, there are a total of 16 charging stations for Safari Hotel and Safari Resort guests.

You can check in from 15:00 on your arrival day. Before you arrive, you will receive a unique code that gives you access to the park and your hotel room. This means you won’t have to pass by the Guest Service to check in upon arrival. On the day of departure, you must leave your hotel room before 11:00 am. On the day of departure, you can still use all Beekse Bergen facilities and the Attractions Pass all day.

You can store your luggage at the Guest Service of Hogon House in the Safari Hotel.

The Attractions Pass gives you unlimited free access to the Safaripark and Speelland. Between the Safari Resort/Safari Hotel and the Safaripark, there is a barrier that opens using licence plate recognition. The exits of the Safaripark and Speelland also feature barriers with license plate recognition. You therefore do not need parking tokens or coins if you are a guest at the Safari Hotel.

Needless to say, we hope you enjoy a wonderful holiday at Beekse Bergen. However, in the unlikely event you do encounter any issues, you should report them directly to Guest Service. We will make every effort to find a solution then and there. In case of missing inventory or cleaning complaints, please contact Guest Service immediately after check-in. You can do this via the screen on the wall in the hotel room. This will give you direct contact with Guest Service. This way, we can optimise your stay, and you will be able to enjoy a carefree stay at Beekse Bergen.

You can visit the Market of Karibu Town - the main building of Safari Resort Beekse Bergen - for basic groceries. At the Lake Resort, you will find a more extensive supermarket next to Ganvie Village. Keep in mind that there are no plates or cutlery in the hotel room. For lunch or dinner, you are welcome at the Safari Hotel's restaurants Nommos, Amma and Hogon Bar & Lounge. Of course, you can also visit Restaurant Moto at the Safari Resort or Restaurant Labadi and snack bar Jaaba at the Lake Resort. With your Attractions Pass, you can visit the Safaripark to go to one of its restaurants. Or have a pizza delivered to your hotel room. It is not possible to charge lunch and/or dinner to your account. So you will always have to pay there and then.

Yes, you can! You may use the Attractions Pass throughout the arrival and departure day. This will be sent electronically, once payment has been made in full and your entire group has been entered. The digital Attractions Pass can be used all day, so why not visit the Safaripark before entering your hotel room , for instance? The room is available from 15:00.

A professional Nespresso coffee maker (Zenius) is present in the hotel room. Only the professional capsules from Nespresso are suitable for this machine. And so, you can enjoy a delicious cup of coffee of the highest quality. You'll find some Nespresso coffee capsules in the hotel room.

No, there are no cooking facilities in the rooms and suites. However, there is an electric kettle and Nespresso coffee machine, plus some glasses, cups and saucers. The extensive breakfast buffet is included with your stay. For lunch, drinks and dinner, you can choose from several restaurants in the main Hogon House building. You can also choose from the catering facilities at Safari Resort, Lake Resort and Safaripark Beekse Bergen.

Made beds and towels are provided in the hotel rooms at the Safari Hotel. If you’ve reserved a cot, this includes bed linen. Therefore, you don't need to bring anything with you.

Unfortunately, there is no launderette at the Safari Hotel or Safari Resort. Want to wash something anyway? You can do so at the Lake Resort. Next to the supermarket is a laundry room with washing machines and dryers.

Want to know in advance what you can do and/or book at Beekse Bergen? Check out the activity programme. Wondering about the entertainment programme for children? This varies from season to season. The specific entertainment programme is usually announced a week in advance. As guests of the Safari Hotel, children can partake in the entertainment programme at Ranger Basecamp at the Safari Resort.

The Safari Hotel has a number of wheelchair-friendly rooms on the ground floor. These are hotel rooms with a spacious shower with seat and handrails. And a toilet with handrails and an adapted sink. There is also a car park near the hotel room.

Yes, there is a TV with several channels (such as NPO, RTL, SBS6 etc.). However, the TVs are not connected to the internet, and it is not possible to connect your own devices to it. Unfortunately, this means you cannot watch Videoland, Netflix, Ziggosport etc. on the TV.

Yes, all overnight stays at the Safari Hotel include a full breakfast buffet. Breakfast is served at Amma Restaurant in Hogon House. You don't need a reservation.

No, it is not possible to have breakfast in your hotel room.

No, the breakfast buffet is included in the price.

The Safari Hotel's main building, Hogon House, houses the following restaurants:

  • Dinner: Restaurant Nommos for fine dining à la carte dishes
  • Breakfast, lunch and dinner: Restaurant Amma for live cooking and a buffet
  • Beverages, lunch and refreshments: Hogon Bar & Lounge and its large terrace

All restaurants overlook the savannah and have a terrace directly on the savannah.

Besides the restaurants at Hogon House, Safari Hotel guests can also visit all other Beekse Bergen restaurants: Restaurant Moto at the Safari Resort, Restaurant Labadi with beach bar and snack bar Jaaba Counter at the Lake Resort. As well as all catering outlets in the Safaripark (access with the Attractions Pass).


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  1. Tickets

    Come face to face with wild animals in the Safari Park, go wild in Speelland, or do it all! Quickly discover our wide range of packages and prices. Tip? Do you want to park your car at Beekse Bergen? Then order your parking ticket along with your regular ticket. Discover over 1400 animals. Safari Park tickets. Endless amounts of water and play fun.

  2. Safaripark Beekse Bergen Rabatt-Ticket für 19,50€ statt 29,50€

    Beekse Bergen Light Safari ab 19,50€ statt 29,50€ bei Socialdeal (34% Rabatt) - optional mit Heißgetränk für 21,50€. - 💳 Kreditkarte, ApplePay, GooglePay. -⚠ 🇳🇱 Bestellanleitung hier klicken, als Gast bestellen ist ganz einfach! - 📅 einlösbar bis 30. Juni 2024.

  3. Safaripark Beekse bergen günstiger: Ticket-Gutschein sichern!

    Safaripark Beekse Bergen günstiger besuchen: Mit Ticket-Gutschein 35% sparen! Große Abenteuer zum kleinen Preis: Ein aktuelles Ticket-Angebot ermöglicht den Eintritt in den Safaripark Beekse ...

  4. Get Tickets to Safaripark Beekse Bergen

    Set out on foot, hop in a car or a boat and explore Safaripark Beekse Bergen Go on safari and come face to face with more than 100 special animal species in Safari Park Beekse Bergen. Admire the vast plains on foot, drive around with your car, board the safari bus for an educational trip, or relax during a beautiful boat trip.

  5. Beekse Bergen Safari Park

    Attractions near Beekse Bergen Safari Park: (0.00 mi) Speelland Beekse Bergen (0.49 mi) Safaripark Beekse Bergen (1.02 mi) Beer Brewery de Koningshoeven (1.03 mi) La Trappe Brouwerij, Proeflokaal en Kloosterwinkel (2.05 mi) Stadsbrouwerij 013; View all attractions near Beekse Bergen Safari Park on Tripadvisor

  6. Safaripark Beekse Bergen

    Safaripark Beekse Bergen. 1,605 reviews. #1 of 12 things to do in Hilvarenbeek. Amusement & Theme ParksZoos. Closed now. 10:00 AM - 4:30 PM. Write a review. About. Meets animal welfare guidelines.

  7. SAFARIPARK BEEKSE BERGEN: All You Need to Know BEFORE You ...

    Beekse Bergen offers an unforgettable safari experience that is sure to impress even the most seasoned travelers. The vast plains and rolling hills of the park provide an ideal backdrop for a thrilling adventure that is both educational and entertaining. One of the best ways to experience Beekse Bergen is on foot or car.

  8. Beekse Bergen Safari Park

    Attractions near Beekse Bergen Safari Park: (0.00 km) Speelland Beekse Bergen (0.82 km) Safaripark Beekse Bergen (1.63 km) Beer Brewery de Koningshoeven (1.65 km) La Trappe Brouwerij, Proeflokaal en Kloosterwinkel (3.28 km) Stadsbrouwerij 013; View all attractions near Beekse Bergen Safari Park on Tripadvisor

  9. Walking safari

    Focus your senses. During the walking safari, which is many kilometres in length, you will cut your own path through an impressive natural environment. The route is suitable for young and old alike and offers lots to enjoy. Children can climb and clamber over the playsets alongside the trail and they can even engage in exciting adventures off ...

  10. Safaripark Beekse Bergen

    Safaripark Beekse Bergen - Little Piece of Africa. Spend a night under the stars by a campfire and explore the large animals that live on the plains of Africa and jungles of Asia, all in the Netherlands…. It was with some reluctance that I agreed to spend a weekend camping at the Beekse Bergen Safari Park , a nature reserve situated on a ...

  11. Safari Park Beekse Bergen

    Go on safari through the great outdoors and meet wild animals eye to eye. Make an informative and unique journey through the world of Beekse Bergen. At Beekse Bergen you can enjoy yourself 365 days a year. It is possible to go on safari any day of the year, including the holidays! You will never be bored while visiting Beekse Bergen Safari Park.

  12. Safari Park Beekse Bergen

    A walking safari surrounded by wild animals! Put on your hiking boots, explore the vast plains and meet the wild animals in their natural habitats. Discover the beauty of nature together and come face-to-face with lions, hyenas, elephants, penguins and many more species!

  13. Safaripark Beekse Bergen

    Safaripark Beekse Bergen. 1,605 reviews. #1 of 12 things to do in Hilvarenbeek. Amusement & Theme ParksZoos. Closed now. 10:00 AM - 4:30 PM. Write a review. About. Meets animal welfare guidelines.

  14. On safari

    On safari in Beekse Bergen. Discover the beautiful natural environs of Safaripark Beekse Bergen in the Province of Brabant. Enjoy a delightful break together. Take a safari through nature and come face-to-face with wild animals on an educational and unique trip through the world of Beekse Bergen. Are you coming to visit the three young elephants?

  15. Beekse Bergen

    Well, the answer is yes! In the South of the Netherlands, in Tilburg, Safari Park Beekse Bergen opened its doors back in 1968 and for over 50 years it attracts visitors who are after a safari experience close to home. In 2018 it opened the Safari Resort, adding a new and unique dimension to the Safari Park.

  16. Safaripark Beekse Bergen

    Beekse Bergen Safari park - you can see the animals by car, foot, boat or bus. The driving tour takes around 45 minutes and is really good. However, you don't see all the animals, so it's worth parking up and going in on foot to see the rest. As it's a reasonable size, there are small playgrounds for the kids every 5 minutes along the paths, as ...

  17. 628DirtRooster

    Welcome to the 628DirtRooster website where you can find video links to Randy McCaffrey's (AKA DirtRooster) YouTube videos, community support and other resources for the Hobby Beekeepers and the official 628DirtRooster online store where you can find 628DirtRooster hats and shirts, local Mississippi honey and whole lot more!

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  20. Frequently asked questions

    On your days of arrival and departure, you'll be able to park your car in Lake Resort Beekse Bergen's central car park. All park facilities and the Attractions Pass can be used on both the day of arrival and the day of departure. You can enter the Lake Resort using licence plate recognition. Once you've entered your licence plate number in ...

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    Find company research, competitor information, contact details & financial data for BETA GIDA, OOO of Elektrostal, Moscow region. Get the latest business insights from Dun & Bradstreet.