A Broken Backpack

Best Crystals For Safe Travel And Protection

by Melissa Giroux | Last updated Aug 1, 2024 | Travel Tips

Most of us have experienced travel nerves at one time or another.

Fortunately, there are crystals for safe travel and protection, and in this post, we’ll introduce the best crystals for traveling.

For travelers, it’s common to get the jitters before embarking on a big backpacking trip, no matter how experienced you are.

For digital nomads, you may feel slightly nervous each time you move to a new place.

Many things can help calm our nerves before jetting off on our next adventure.

It could be herbal supplements, breathwork, positive affirmations, or even chamomile tea.

However, did you know that many stones and crystals have calming and protective qualities that help keep us calm and safe while traveling?

In this guide, we’ll explore the best crystals for travel, take a look at their benefits, and more. Keep reading to find protection crystals for travel.

Psst. Want to order one of the best crystals for travel? Order your Malachite now . This stone will protect you from danger and accidents.

woman traveling safely

💎 Malachite

  Malachite is one of the best crystals for safe travel, as it holds the energy to protect you from danger and accidents.

It absorbs negative energies and pollutants from your aura and the surrounding environment, acting as a guardian to keep you safe. 

The beautiful green stone also assists with change. It will help you remain calm and centered when you’re moving states or countries or embarking on an adventure.

As well as supporting change, malachite enhances your immune system. Therefore, it can help your body adjust to a new time zone and alleviate jet lag.

Malachite is also one of the more affordable options out there for these benefits.

You will find several options on our list here that are more expensive than Malachite without providing substantially different benefits. If you’re budget is a little tight this can be a great place to start.

Being able to bring less expensive crystals on a trip, where they might get lost, is always a good idea.

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Wondering Where To Buy Your Crystals For Traveling?

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💎 Moonstone

Moonstone is the stone of “new beginnings” and one of the best stones for travel protection and new adventures.

This gemstone can enhance your inner strength, balance your emotions, and soothe stress and anxiety.

These properties help you to feel calm and confident about your upcoming trip or move.

This pearly cream-colored crystal has a feminine energy that contains the whole spectrum of light to lighten your path ahead.

It gives extra protection when traveling at night or across waters. 


💎 Yellow Jasper  

Yellow Jasper is another incredible crystal that is particularly useful for traveling alone.

It carries the sun’s energy, giving you a boost of positive energy.

It can also help reduce anxiety around traveling by grounding and supporting you when you are out of your comfort zone. 

Yellow Jasper stimulates and balances the solar plexus chakra, which is all about confidence.

This yellow-colored stone increases your confidence in handling social situations and protects you from negative experiences.

Therefore, if you’re traveling solo and are worried about making friends, this stone will guide you to the right people.

Yellow Jasper

💎 Amethyst  

This calming purple stone repels and protects you from any negative energy.

It dispels anger and rage, so it is one of the best crystals for car .

That said, if you’re going on a road trip, the Amethyst could be a great choice of crystal for traveling.

It will keep irritable and dangerous drivers away from you. However, the properties of this potent crystal don’t stop there.

Amethyst can transmute negative energy into love and positivity to create a tranquil travel environment. 

Amethyst is a calming and cleansing stone that relieves stress, balances your emotions, and clears your mind for better decision-making.

It also promotes deeper sleep and protects you from nightmares, insomnia, and jet lag.


💎 Aquamarine  

Aquamarine is a pale turquoise crystal that’s known as the stone of courage and protection.

It has a soothing, cleansing energy that promotes serenity and relaxation for your travels and reduces fear and anxiety. 

Legend has it that aquamarine is the sea treasure of mermaids.

Because of this, it has become a good luck charm for sailors and anyone traveling over water.

Therefore, if you’re anxious about an upcoming cruise or boat trip, take an aquamarine stone with you.

This travel stone will transmute your fear into bravery and shower you with peacefulness.


💎 Smoky Quartz  

Smoky quartz is another excellent crystal for absorbing negative energy and keeping you safe while you travel.

Many people use this smokey grey-brown stone as a peace token.

It is a brilliant crystal to take with you if you travel to a potentially unsafe location.

Holding smoky quartz close to you will also protect you from exposure to any radiation that could threaten you.

Smoky quartz is a grounding stone that can bring you a calming and centered sense of awareness when you are in new surroundings.

Its ability to increase awareness also helps you feel more present and notice the world around you.

Smoky quartz

💎 Shungite  

Shungite is an ancient stone and one of the best crystals for safe travel.

It shields you from negative energy by absorbing and neutralizing it, including the electromagnetic energy from the airport’s security scanner.

Therefore, it’s a great stone to travel with to protect from threats or attacks.

The carbon-filled black stone energizes your body, mind, and soul.

It’s also a grounding stone that will help you stay centered in times of stress and dissolve anxiety.


💎 Labradorite  

Labradorite is one of the best gemstones for safe travel and times of change.

This unique-looking crystal dazzles an array of colors from blue to green to grey.

It has the power to heal from within and protect against negativity and evil presence. 

Labradorite is known as the “stone of transformation” as it gives you a boost of strength and courage during times of change and transition, such as moving to a new place.

It energizes you, stimulates your confidence, and transmutes your anxiety into positivity and excitement.


💎 Black Tourmaline  

Black Tourmaline is an excellent all-rounder protection crystal that will stop you from absorbing other people’s negative energy.

Therefore, it’s a brilliant travel crystal to have in your pocket or around your neck when you are in a crowded environment like the airport. 

This shiny black stone not only protects against harmful energy.

It also steers you away from any hostile intentions people may have, keeping you free from harm and attack.

It will clear and purify your aura, keep you grounded, and stabilize your emotions.

That said, black tourmaline is also one of the best crystals for motorcycle .

Black tourmaline

💎 Hematite  

Hematite is an underrated stone that is hugely beneficial to carry while traveling.

It boasts many remarkable qualities, such as protection, stabilization, and clarity.

This travel crystal will help you think clearer, dissolve brain fog, and enhance concentration and problem-solving.

All these benefits make it an ideal stone when you are driving or navigating a new city or a new country.

Hematite also has many calming effects and can relieve jet lag, stress, and tiredness.

Moreover, this powerful crystal will shift negative energy out of your aura.


❔ Why You Should Use Crystals When You Travel

While using crystals for traveling is not as mainstream as taking a pill, purchasing some stones for travel is undoubtedly a more holistic approach to dealing with travel anxiety.

Taking one or several crystals for travel with you during a trip has various benefits.

They energetically charge you with a positive aura and create an energetic protection field around you.

Below, you’ll find more benefits of using crystals for travel.

They Help You Feel More Connected To The Earth

Stones are naturally connected to the earth. When you use crystals for travel , you are bringing a piece of the earth with you on your journey.

This can help you feel more grounded and connected even when you’re far from home.

They Bring A calming Energy

Stones also carry very calming and soothing energy with them.

If you’re anxious about an upcoming trip, holding or wearing a crystal can help you feel more at ease.

Woman traveling with the best crystals for travel

They Help Keep Your Energy Levels Up

When we travel, our energy levels can sometimes dip. This is especially true if we’re flying.

Crystals can help keep our energy levels up and prevent us from feeling sluggish or drained.

They Help You Connect With Your Intuition

Stones and crystals can also help you connect with your intuition.

When we’re traveling, it’s important to be able to listen to our gut instinct. Carrying a crystal for travel can help us do that.

So, if you’re looking for a more holistic way to deal with travel anxiety, consider using crystals.

They can help you feel more connected to the earth, calmer, and more intuitive.

The best crystals for travel can also help you relax, adjust to your new surroundings, and sleep well. 

Let’s learn more about these spiritual stones and why they deserve a space in your carry-on luggage.

woman with amethyst jewel

👛 How To Use And Store Crystals For Travel

If you’re new to using crystals, you should take some time first to understand how they work.

Crystals need to be used and stored in a particular way to receive their benefits and protection. 

Although carrying crystals around in your bag can have some effect, you should keep the crystal as close to you as possible and focus on what you want it to do for you.

Here are some ways to use your protection crystals for travel:

  • You can hold the crystal in your hand and set your intention for a safe journey or successful trip. 
  • Many people also like to wear their crystal around their neck or wrist, incorporating it into their jewelry. 
  • Alternatively, keep it in your pocket where it’s in constant contact with you.
  • To further enhance the crystal’s power, you can hold it while meditating, visualizing, or breathing deeply. 

When you acquire a new crystal, cleaning it before use is crucial. That said, you should do this before your travels.

By cleansing crystals, you wash away any negative energy they may harbor.

To do this, soak the crystal in a bowl of sea salt and water for a minimum of a few hours, preferably overnight.

Alternatively, you can purify your crystal by burning some sage and distributing the smoke around it while stating your intention (in your head or aloud).

When you’re not using your crystal, store it in a soft pouch or wrap it in a silk scarf to prevent negative energy from tainting it.

crystals and sage ritual

❔ What To Do If You Lose A Crystal While Traveling

If you happen to lose a crystal while traveling, don’t worry. It’s not the end of the world. There are a few things you can do to find it.

First, try retracing your steps. If you’re unsure where you lost it, think about the last place you remember having it. Then, start from there and work your way back.

If that doesn’t work, you can always purchase a new one.

It’s not necessary to have the exact same crystal, but it might make you feel better.

You can also try meditating and asking for guidance from your spirit guides. They might be able to help you find it.

Finally, don’t forget that crystals are replaceable. If you can’t find the one you lost, don’t sweat it. Just get a new one and move on.

crystals for travel

❔ How To Choose The Best Travel Crystal

With so many different types of crystals available, it can be challenging to choose the best one for traveling.

Here are a few things to consider when making your selection.

The Purpose Of The Crystal

First, think about the purpose of the crystal. Are you looking for something to help you relax?

Or are you looking for something to help keep your energy levels up?

Choosing a crystal that aligns with your intention will help it be more effective.

The Type Of Trip You’re Taking

The type of trip you’re taking is also necessary to consider.

For example, if you’re going on a long flight, you might want to choose a crystal that helps with jet lag.

If you’re traveling to a new country, you might want to choose a crystal that helps with culture shock.

There are many different types of crystals that can be helpful in different situations.

Woman traveling with a travel crystal

The Energy Of The Crystal

It’s also important to consider the energy of the crystal. Some crystals have a very high vibration, while others have a lower vibration.

You’ll want to choose a crystal with the right energy for you and your trip.

For example, if you’re going somewhere very chaotic, you might want to choose a crystal with calming energy.

On the other hand, if you’re going somewhere that is very low-key, you might want to choose a crystal with more energizing energy.

The Size Of The Crystal

The size of the crystal is also essential to consider. You’ll want to choose a size that is comfortable for you to carry.

If you’re going on a long trip, you might want to choose a larger crystal.

If you’re only going on a short trip, however, you might want to choose a smaller crystal. It’s all about what is most comfortable for you.

Woman traveling with a stones for travel

💡 Final Thoughts On The Best Crystals For Travel

With so many gemstones and crystals for adventure available, choosing the best gems for your travels can initially feel overwhelming.

We hope this guide has helped you understand which are the best crystals for safe travel , and you now feel better equipped to choose a stone that will protect you and keep you safe wherever you go.

If you wish to bring crystals for protection along with you, make sure to learn more about crystals for protection first.

Read our guide to learn how to travel with crystals .

crystal for travel anxiety







crystal for travel anxiety


Feeling anxious or stressed these are the 19 best crystals to reach for.

Sarah Regan

Certain crystals are best suited for different things, and the key to working with them is understanding which ones to go for, and further, how to work with them on your spiritual journey. When it comes to feeling stressed or anxious, you'll want to go for stones that are grounding and protective—so we rounded up the best.

Here are the 19 best  crystals  for anxiety, plus how to use them, according to spirituality experts:

  • Helps with peace of mind
  • Offers protection from negative thought patterns
  • Boosts intuition

Amethyst  is a variety of the mineral quartz, characterized by its signature purple hue. According to crystal expert and co-founder of Energy Muse  Heather Askinosie , amethyst's  high-vibrational purple color  guides you to turn inward so you can get back to a state of equilibrium.

"On a deep soul level, your spirit knows that you have everything you need to find inner peace," she previously told mindbodygreen, adding that it helps "ease away any disturbances, distractions, or anything else taking up space in your mind."

Clear quartz

  • Amplifies intentions
  • Attracts positivity
  • Repels negativity

It wouldn't be a crystal roundup without mention of  clear quartz , which is revered for all its properties and benefits. Indeed, many of those properties are great for relieving anxiety, with Ashley Leavy , founder and educational director of the  Love and Light School of Crystal Therapy , previously telling mindbodygreen that one of clear quartz's primary benefits is helping promote a clear, calm mind.

"We can see how that's kind of mimicked in the appearance of the stone," Leavy explains, with Askinosie adding that clear quartz has "long been revered for helping to balance the body and clear the mind."

  • Helps to stop worry
  • Brings serenity
  • Opens you to higher truth & consciousness

Next up, we have celestite (derived from the Latin word  caelestis,  meaning "celestial"), which is a mineral made of strontium sulfate. As Askinosie previously wrote for mindbodygreen, "This stone's heavenly blue color can help drum up the kind of peace and happiness we get when looking up at the sky on a clear day. It's an ideal crystal to place in your bedroom to bring tranquillity and a harmonious energy field and encourage restful sleep."

  • Energy clearing in the body
  • Energy clearing in a space
  • Enhances spirituality

Selenite  is a translucent white color and energetically  cleanses the aura  and provides clarity. It also can be used to bring awareness to the higher self, including past and future lives.

As Leavy notes, selenite is mainly used for energetic cleansing, including cleansing feelings of anxiousness. "I'd say that's the primary go-to meaning or purpose for working with selenite," she adds.

  • Inspires clarity and focus
  • Boosts confidence
  • Promotes a positive mood

Citrine  is a crystal of light, happiness, and presence, according to Askinosie. This sunny crystal "encourages us to dream big, maintain a positive state of mind, and walk through life with gratitude," Askinosie explains, adding, "Holding one serves as a friendly reminder to be really mindful and appreciate the world as it is right now."

Black tourmaline

  • Offers protection from negativity
  • Clears negative energy

Leavy tells mindbodygreen that if you need grounding fast, go for  black tourmaline . This stone can help "keep you grounded and rooted in reality and also rooted in our vision and what it is that we're trying to work toward," she explains.

And as Askinosie notes, "Black tourmaline acts like an energy bodyguard, and its deep black color can help repel any negative energy before it has a chance to enter your life."

Smoky quartz

  • Reignites passion

Smoky quartz is a quartz variety that can offer protection and grounding, much like petrified wood and black tourmaline, Leavy tells mindbodygreen. Plus, it can help you ward off negative energy that's holding you and your manifestations back, according to Askinosie.

"Meditating while holding this crystal in your hand can help you identify and let go of stale, sticky patterns and beliefs that are holding you back," Askinosie says, adding, "Energetically speaking, removing this old energy can help clear space for new and more positive energy to flutter in."

  • Encourages mindfulness

Along with supporting feelings of grounding, hematite also encourages mindfulness. It's actually often magnetic, which Askinosie says further boosts its connection to the Earth.

"For those times when you feel like you just can't find your foundation, hematite will be there to support you," Askinosie says, adding, "Its grounding energy is there to help you feel safe, centered, and secure no matter where you are or what you are confronting."

Rose quartz

  • Encourages self-compassion
  • Releases emotional baggage
  • Opens the heart chakra

Sometimes when we're feeling anxious, what we really need is self-compassion and an open heart, which is where rose quartz comes in. As Askinosie explains, "Use this chakra stone with the intention to nurture and support you on your journey to find self-love, and see what happens."

And according to spiritual author  Emma Mildon , rose quartz is like "a Band-Aid for your heart—one that can help heal old love wounds, forgive lovers, and release any lingering emotional baggage."

  • Brings mental clarity
  • Connects you to divine feminine

Up next we have  moonstone , which is known for its connection to the heart chakra, as well as intuition and good luck—all things to connect with when you're feeling stressed.

As crystal expert Karen Frazier  previously told mindbodygreen, "Moonstone is a great calming stone, perfect for facilitating better sleep, promoting calmness, and for helping you to have meaningful dreams and supporting psychic vision and intuition."

  • Supports productivity
  • Supports inner harmony

Fluorite is thought to be a particularly good crystal for assisting with focus, clear thinking, and creative inspiration. "[ Rainbow fluorite's ] swirling bands of greens, purples, and blues have a calming effect on both mind and body," Yulia Van Doren, crystal expert and founder of  Goldirocks , previously told mindbodygreen.

She considers it a great earth ally to keep on hand when you're working, studying, or just hoping to have a chill but productive day.

  • Amplifies hope
  • Connects you to your heart
  • Encourages empowerment

First and foremost, this is a stone all about helping you find hope (which, of course, translates into less stress as well). " Amazonite inspires a hopeful, empowering mindset so you can move forward with optimism.

Working with this crystal will train your mind to expect positive outcomes," Askinosie tells mindbodygreen, adding, "With this heightened sense of optimism, amazonite pulls you out of the darkness so you can stand in the light."

  • Offers hope in dark times
  • Connects you to higher wisdom

Shungite  is the ultimate grounding stone, and according to Askinosie, it can help quiet your mind and bring you back down to Earth as you work toward your goals.

And as Leavy previously told mindbodygreen, "Shungite encourages you to learn more, to do more, and to push onward toward the next spiritual breakthrough," adding, "It's also associated with great cosmic mysteries and is said to bring light during  times of darkness  or uncertainty."

  • Boosts self-esteem
  • Helps to release negative thought patterns

According to Leavy, rhodonite is an excellent crystal to work with if you're facing a big change, decision, or lesson. It helps us to honor our boundaries and make healthy decisions for ourselves, she explains, adding that it can also help you release the past.

"It helps you get rid of some of that baggage from the past, when you need to release fear or shame or resentment or regret," she says.

Tiger's eye

  • Brings courage

Feeling like you're losing clarity on your path? Leavy recommends golden and/or blue tiger's-eye to help you stay clear on your vision. And according to energy artist  Kalisa Augustine , tiger's-eye also brings a protective field to you and your energy and aids the law of attraction.

She  previously recommended  using it as a grounding tool, adding that it's an allover good-luck stone that has traditionally been associated with money—which is good news if you're facing financial stress.

  • Connects to the crown chakra

If you're having a hard time unwinding before bed, you might want to reach for some  howlite . This borate mineral of calcium borosilicate hydroxide is not only thought to help facilitate peace of mind and a sense of calm but also offers protection and strengthens your connection to your crown chakra.

P.S. This is one crystal Askinosie likes to keep in her kids' rooms to help them settle in for the night.

  • Promotes peace
  • Connects to the third-eye and crown chakras

Being a soothing stone, lepidolite helps you come back to the present, according to Askinosie. "It helps you come into a very now moment, it calms you down, and it takes you out of worry and future tripping," she says, adding that it can help promote the inner calm necessary to move forward.

And according to Askinosie, lepidolite also promotes feelings of peace by helping you get out of your head. "It's the ultimate chill crystal," she says, noting that lepidolite takes you out of your head and drops you into your heart.

  • Helps you release negative thought patterns

This precious light-blue-green stone, also the birthstone of March , is known metaphysically as the "stone of courage." It has a gentle, soothing energy that clears confusion and judgment—especially helpful for highly sensitive people who want to  trust their intuition  more.

In both Buddhism and Christianity, aquamarine is believed to promote a happy marriage, so if you're anxious about a relationship, this may be the stone to soothe your spirit.

Petrified wood

  • Encourages strength

Last but not least, we have petrified wood—which may be a lesser-known stone but, according to Leavy, works similarly to black tourmaline in that it's protective and grounding.

If you're running up against roadblocks in your manifestations because you're struggling to say rooted and grounded, consider adding some petrified wood to your collection.

How to use crystals for anxiety:

Meditate with them..

For one of the simplest ways to work with any crystal, consider meditating with any of the aforementioned crystals that are grounding and calming, like howlite, black tourmaline, or amethyst. And you don't have to overthink it either—simply hold the crystal in your nondominant hand as you meditate, and consider working with an affirmation such as "I am calm," or "I am peaceful."

Place them under your pillow or near your bed.

If anxiousness has been keeping you up at night, the good news is, keeping a calming crystal under your pillow, mattress, or on your nightstand is a great way for its energy to stay with you all night. If this is what you're looking for, opt for stones like celestite, agate, or smoky quartz.

Keep them on your person or placed nearby.

And of course, having a crystal in your pocket, purse, or wearing it as jewelry is one of the easiest ways to keep a crystal's positive energy nearby. You can also keep crystals on your desk, in your car, or anywhere you find yourself feeling anxious.

Anytime you're doing something to de-stress—whether it be hiking, taking a bath, or doing yoga—having a stress-busting crystal with you can amplify that intention.

Which crystal is good for anxiety?

Amethyst is easily the most common crystal for anxiety, as it promotes inner peace, a clear head, and stronger intuition.

Which crystals are best for anxiety and sleep?

The best crystals for sleep include amethyst, moonstone, smoky quartz, shungite, and celestite.

Which chakra is blocked by anxiety?

Anxiety is related to the root chakra, which deals with fear, stability, and survival. When we feel anxious, the root chakra is blocked.

The takeaway

If you want to incorporate more  crystals into your de-stressing routine , you've got plenty of options to start with. From calming you down before bed to helping you feel grounded during the day, there's a crystal for anything you need.

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6 Carry-On Crystals To Pack For Those With Travel Nerves

colorful bag with 11 different crystals and stones for travel

Most of us have our quick-fixes for calming travel nerves, but chill pills and airport cocktails often leave us feeling worse when the effects wear off.

A carry-on full of crystals , however, can only bring feel good vibes. Right?

This surprising tip comes from crystal healer and regular contributor, Heather Askinosie of Energy Muse . As silly as it sounds to travel with a bag full of rocks, we have full faith in the mentality-shifting power of mindfulness practices — and Heather’s crystal healing prowess.

We’re learning which crystals are best for soothing travel stress and boosting feel-good vacay vibes. Pack your bags for a better state of mind…

6 Supportive Crystals For Those With Travel Nerves

One of the best ways you can invest in your self is through travel. It gives you the opportunity to experience different cultures, opening you up to new experiences to expand your horizons. Travel nurtures your mind and spirit, giving you the opportunity to see life through a new set of eyes.

As I packed for my upcoming trip to Hawaii, one question ran through my mind: What crystals am I going to bring with me? Traveling with crystals ensures that your trip will be energetically charged with good vibes. Having crystals with you keeps you grounded and connected to the earth, encouraging you to live life to the fullest on your journey. They can also be a touchstone to help you stay relaxed while expanding your awareness beyond your daily comfort zone – it’s like taking a little piece of home with you on your adventure.

Although traveling is ultimately wonderful and exciting, many people experience fear of flying and traveling over water, or anxiety from being in unfamiliar surroundings. Your crystal allies will calm your travel nerves, acting as a gentle reminder that you have a trusted friend in Mother Earth. With your crystals in hand, you are in for a safe, fun-filled adventure full of refreshing and revitalizing self-discovery.

The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only one page. – Saint Augustine

Before your trip, make sure you clear your crystals! Burn a little sage, palo santo or frankincense and immerse your crystals in the smoke to purify any unwanted energy and restore their vibrancy. Once your crystals have been cleansed, hold them in your hands to program them with your intention for your trip. Say out loud, “I program these crystals for protection and may the road ahead be filled with grace, fun and blessings.” Feel free to add anything else to manifest the ultimate energy for your journey.

The next time you’re getting ready for your trip, add a few crystals to your packing list! Instead of saying, “I wish I had,” you will say,“ I am glad I did!”

6 Crystals to Cure Travel Nerves

Malachite is believed to be the guardian stone for travelers. Ancient lore states that if danger is looming, it will warn you by shattering into pieces. If you need to overcome the fear of flying or are suffering from jet lag, malachite will prove to be your ally. Its eye-like pattern holds the energy of protection from accidents and physical danger. Hold a malachite stone in each hand while flying or keep one in your pocket to soothe your nerves. It’s a stone of change and transformation, which makes it helpful for jet lag, allowing you to energetically shift from one state to another. Malachite is a stone you will want to clear often as it absorbs a lot of energy.


Labradorite is the stone of destiny. This crystal is all about aligning you with synchronistic events that line up in your favor. You will find that suddenly “coincidences” begin to happen, and the universe opens up to you, as if a magical energy surrounds your trip. Labradorite’s rainbow hues awaken the intuitive inside you, helping you meet helpful people along your journey and build harmonious relationships with them. Carry a labradorite stone in your pocket or purse on your travel adventure.

Shungite is my go-to mineral to neutralize electromagnetic energy from the airport’s x-ray machine or security scanner. This black, carbon-filled stone absorbs and neutralizes the energy so that it doesn’t attach to your aura and energy field. It’s one of the strongest crystals for keeping your root chakra balanced while dashing through the airport and exploring a new environment. Wear a piece of shungite, or keep a few in your pocket, to create an extra shield of protection around you.

Rhodonite is the emotional balancer. It’s believed to nurture love for yourself and your partner when you’re on a romantic getaway. It holds a healing energy allowing you to see both sides of a situation, which can be very helpful to prevent arguing and bickering while traveling. Place a piece of rhodonite on your bedside table or on the dresser in the room you are staying in.

Moonstone is the traveler’s stone. It has a reputation for being protective while traveling, especially to people traveling over water. It holds the spectrum of light within it, so it’s very uplifting, similar to the feeling you get when you see a rainbow. Moonstone is believed to bring good fortune and grant wishes to those who wear it or carry a piece on their body. I always add a small moonstone to my luggage to ensure that it does not get lost.

Amethyst repels negative energy and connects you with your spiritual practice. It’s a powerful stone to carry in your pocket to protect you from the evil eye, which can affect your luck while traveling. It transmutes any unwanted energy into love, emitting positivity. Amethyst is also a natural stress reliever to calm your fears, uplift your mood and inspire joy. Each morning while you’re traveling, meditate with a piece of amethyst in each hand to start your day rejuvenated and relaxed.

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10 Best Crystals for Safe Travel and Protection

Who doesn’t seek safety and protection while traveling. These 10 crystals for safe travel have certain properties that promote safe travel by car, air or sea.

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Travel is fun and can be full of adventures, but staying safe is also important. Having a positive mindset is a great factor if you are to enjoy your travels and feel safe. Crystals can help in this regard by helping you raise your vibrations and have that positive mental attitude.

Best Crystals for Safe Travel and Protection

You can place a Black Tourmaline in your handbag for protection. ( Available on Amazon )

Which Crystals are Good for Safe Travel

1. amethyst, stone of spirituality, contentment & meditation.

Amethyst - Crystals for beginners

Amethyst Properties

Amethyst is a powerful and protective stone. It is a stone for travelers to protect the wearer from all types of harm, including geopathic or electromagnetic stress and ill wishes from others.

Amethyst has the power to dispel anger and rage. Amethyst can even transmute negative energies of others, such as road rage, into love and harmony.

Amethyst is a natural tranquilizer, it relieves stress and strain, and soothes irritability. It can dispel the feelings of fear and anxiety during travel. See the article about crystals for anxiety .

Amethyst calms and stimulates the mind, helping you become more focused on the moment, so you can enjoy your trip.

Shop Amethyst

Natural raw amethyst pendant chain...

Amethyst Associations

Chakras : Third Eye Chakra, Crown Chakra Zodiac : Virgo, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces Planet : Jupiter Element : Air, Water Vibration : Number 3 Colors : light slightly-pinkish violet to a deep grape purple

2. Black Tourmaline

A stone for protection.

Black Tourmaline Crystal

Black Tourmaline properties

Black Tourmaline is another powerful grounding stone . It is one of the most powerful crystals for travelers. It can protect your from the negative energies of others. This is particularly useful if you happen to be at a crowded place such as an airport or public transportation. Black Tourmaline is also excellent for deflecting radiation energy.

Black Tourmaline promotes self-confidence and diminishes fear.

Shop Black Tourmaline

Natural Black Tourmaline 925 Solid...

Black Tourmaline Associations

Chakras : Root Chakra Zodiac : Capricorn Planet : Earth Element : Earth Vibration : Numbers 3 and 4 Color : Black

3. Labradorite

Stone of serendipity.

Labradorite crystal

Labradorite Properties

Foe those who have fear and anxiety when traveling, Labradorite is well known for banishing fears, anxieties and insecurities, and strengthening faith in the self and trust in the universe. It stimulates the imagination and calms an overactive mind, developing enthusiasm and new ideas.

A stone of transformation, Labradorite is a useful companion through change and travel, imparting strength and perseverance.  It balances and protects the aura, raises consciousness and grounds spiritual energies. Labradorite is one of the best crystals for anxiety and stress relief .

Shop Natural Labradorite

Rocks2Rings Genuine Moldavite...

Labradorite Associations

Chakras : Throat Chakra, Third Eye Chakra, Crown Chakra Zodiac : Leo, Scorpio, Sagittarius Planet : Uranus Element : Water Vibration : Numbers 6 and 7 Colors : Pale green, blue, grey-white – with iridescent blue or gold flashes

4. Malachite

Stone of transformation.


Malachite Properties

Malachite is a great travel and adventures stone as it encourages risk-taking and change, breaking unwanted ties and outworn patterns.

Malachite also protects you by absorbing negative energies and pollutants, picking them up from the atmosphere. Malachite is an important protection stone . It guards against radiation and clears electromagnetic pollution, very useful at airports.

Shop Natural Malachite

Ross-Simons Malachite Bracelet in 18kt...

Malachite Associations

Chakras : Heart Chakra, Throat Chakra Zodiac : Libra, Scorpio, Capricorn Planet – Venus Element – Earth Vibration : Number 9 Colors : Light to dark green – banded

5. Smoky Quartz

Stone of cooperation.

Smokey Quartz Crystal

Smoky Quartz properties

Smoky Quartz is one of the grounding Root Chakra stones .  It disperses fear, and lifts depression and negativity. 

If you feel stressed during travel, Smoky Quartz brings emotional calmness, relieving stress and anxiety . Mentally, Smoky Quartz aids in concentration and assists in communication difficulties, this can be helpful if you are traveling to a foreign country and have difficulty communicating with the natives.

Shop Natural Smoky Quartz

Ross-Simons 3.50 ct. t.w. Citrine and...

Smoky Quartz Associations

Chakras : Root Chakra, Solar Plexus Chakra Zodiac : Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn Element : Earth/Air Vibration : Numbers 2 & 8 Colors : Brown to gray

6. Moonstone

A stone of new beginnings.


Moonstone Properties

A stone for “new beginnings”, Moonstone is a great stone for embarking on a new journey or traveling to a different country. It is a stone of inner growth and strength.  It soothes emotional instability and stress, and stabilizes the emotions, providing calmness. 

Moonstone enhances intuition and promotes inspiration. Moonstone brings luck, success and good fortune during your travels.

Shop Natural Moonstone

Gempires Natural Raw Rainbow Moonstone...

Moonstone Associations

Chakras : Third Eye Chakra, Solar Plexus Chakra Zodiac : Cancer, Libra, Scorpio Planet : Moon Element : Water Vibration : Number 4 Colors : Cream, yellow, blue, grey, peach, pink

7. Aquamarine

Stone of courage.


Aquamarine Properties

Aquamarine is a protector of travelers, especially if they are traveling on water. Aquamarine shields the aura and aligns the chakras. Aquamarine clarifies perception and clears anxiety and confusion.   

Aquamarine is a stone of courage. It is also a calming stone and one of the effective crystals for anxiety . Aquamarine helps in reducing anxiety, stress and in quieting the mind.  Many people have fear of flying or traveling on a boat, in which case Aquamarine may help soothe their fears and increase sensitivity.

Shop Natural Aquamarine

Ross-Simons 12-13mm Cultured Baroque...

Aquamarine Associations

Chakras : Throat Chakra Planet : Moon, Neptune Zodiac : Aries, Gemini, Scorpio, Aquarius, Pisces Element : Water Vibration : Number 1 Color s: Green-blue

8. Turquoise

Stone of spiritual attunement.

Turquoise stone

Turquoise Properties

Turquoise has traditionaly been used as an amulet for protecting travelers. It dispels negative energy and can be worn to protect against outside influences or pollutants in the atmosphere.  Turquoise balances and aligns all the chakras, stabilizing mood swings and instilling inner calm. 

Turquoise is an excellent stone for depression and exhaustion, especially on long flights. It also has the power to prevent panic attacks. Turquoise has been used in jewelry by the Ancient Egyptians , for protection and other religious purposes.

Shop Natural Turquoise

Ross-Simons Turquoise Bracelet in...

Turquoise Associations

Chakras : Heart Chakra, Throat Chakra, Third Eye Chakra Zodiac : Scorpio, Sagittarius, Aquarius, Pisces Planet : Venus & Neptune Element : Earth/Air/Fire Vibration : Number 1 Colors : Turquoise, blue, green, yellow-green

9. Yellow Jasper

Supreme nurturer.

Yellow Jasper Crytsal Stone

Yellow Jasper Properties

For travelers, Yellow Jasper is an extremely protective stone. Yellow Jasper also has the ability to neutralize radiation and other forms of environmental and electromagnetic pollution. It is a nurturing stone, helping to calm the nerves and emotions.

Shop Natural Yellow Jasper

Yellow Jasper Crystal Jewelry for Men :...

Yellow Jasper Associations

Chakras : Solar Plexus Chakra Planet : Mars Element : Air Vibration : Number 6 Color : Yellow

10. Rhodonite

Stone of self love and unconditional love.


Rhodonite Properties

Rhodonite is a stone that integrates physical and spiritual energies, stimulating love and passion while energizing the soul.  Rhodonite opens the heart , lifting depression and encouraging a positive and cheerful outlook. It improves self worth and soothes emotional stress. 

Rhodonite encourages a positive attitude, creativity and innovation.

Shop Natural Rhodonite

Bivei Natural Gemstone Semi Precious...

How to Use Crystals for Safe Travel

  • The best way to use crystals for travel is in the form of jewelry . Wearing your favorite crystal as a pendant, bracelet or ring will ensure that its vibrations will stay with you always.
  • You can also place your crystals in your pocket or handbag.
  • You can place them on your night stand, especially if your staying at a hotel, to neutralize negative vibrations in the room.
  • You can place protection crystals in your home to protect it while you’re away!

Explore how the best crystals for yoga can provide protection and guidance during your travels, allowing you to carry the energy of your practice with you wherever you go.

Best Crystals for Safe Travel and Protection

You can wear Amethyst in the form of a necklace, available on Amazon .

What crystal is good for travel

Amethyst is the best all around crystal for protection when traveling. It is my favorite as it is also a highly spiritual stone for shielding and purification.

Amethyst is my favorite stone, but any of the crystals mentioned above are also great.

Best Crystals for Safe Travel and Protection

I like this crystal kit from Amazon which contains several different crystals that you can easily take with you on your trip.

Should you travel with your crystals

Travel Chakra Crystals and Healing Stones Collection

Travel Chakra Healing Crystals Collection Kit

It is perfectly fine to travel with your crystals, to add an extra layer of energetic protection. Take the ones you feel more comfortable with. Take the smaller crystals as they are easier to carry around.

To balance your chakras on the road, you can get a special travel healing crystals kit to take with you. This has the advantage of being portable and versatile. You can have an interchangeable necklace where you can wear any stone you want that day.

What crystals are good for car travel

Some people like to keep crystals in their car to create a positive environment and to help keep them safe while driving. Here are some of the most popular crystals for car protection and safety.

Crystals for the Car

  • Clear Quartz – for protection against negative energy and to promote clarity and positive thinking while driving.
  • Rose Quartz – for self-love, compassion, and stress relief while on the road. This crystal emits a soft, calming energy that can help to reduce stress and promote relaxation. It’s perfect for keeping in your car to help you stay calm while driving in heavy traffic or during other stressful situations.
  • Amethyst – for sobriety, spiritual guidance, and protection against accidents. This violet-hued crystal is associated with peace, serenity, and spiritual protection. It can be helpful in warding off negative influences and promoting positive energy flow.
  • Tigers Eye – for focus, courage, and vitality while driving.
  • Pyrite – for manifestation of wealth and abundance on your journey.
  • Lapis Lazuli – for wisdom, truthfulness, and serenity while traveling. This deep blue stone is known for its abilities to stimulate wisdom and intuition.
  • Turquoise – for good fortune, luck, and safe passage during your travels.
  • Blue Lace Agate – for communication, peace of mind, and calmness while driving.
  • Black Tourmaline is a strong protector and shielding stone. This crystal is known for its ability to protect against negative energy and absorb electromagnetic radiation. It’s a great choice for placing in your car to create a protective shield against outside negativity. You can place a Black Tourmaline in the glove compartment, or secure it under your seat.
  • Clear Quartz: Clear quartz is said to amplify the energies of other crystals, making it a good choice for all types of crystal healing.

I hope you enjoyed this list of the best crystals for safe travel. Choose one or more crystals that you are drawn to. You can also complement the use of crystals with other techniques such as counseling, positive affirmations, and a positive mental attitude. Crystals for safe travel can give you the peace of mind and the support you need in boosting your energy, so you can focus on your trip and have fun.

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Last Updated on January 23, 2024

Amber, a certified crystal healer and spiritual teacher, shares her decade-long expertise on CrystalsAlchemy.com. Passionate about the transformative power of crystals, she helps others lead balanced lives through personal growth, spiritual development, and holistic well-being.

Last update on 2024-08-14 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

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This article was originally published on CrystalsAlchemy.com . If this content appers on any other site, then it has been copied without permission from the copyright owner CrystalsAlchemy.com .

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12 Best Crystals for Travel - Create Elevated & Calm Energy

August 17, 2023

crystal for travel anxiety

Whatever style of sojourn you are stepping out on - it's always an adventure. Travel can be so rewarding - it can be a time of change, challenges, facing ourselves and our relationship with the world, and also a time of huge spiritual growth. It doesn't even have to be big far-flung travel to evoke big far-flung feelings - even just leaving behind our comfort zone for a few days can have a profound effect. While travel can be exciting, it can also have moments of overwhelm. You may find yourself surrounded by different energies and vibrations, and this can have an impact on our own energy fields. Carrying crystals that can help protect, shield, and nurture our nervous system can help to curate a calm and elevated energy so that we can facilitate safe travel from the moment we step out the door. We take a look at some of the very best stones for travel you may want to pack for your next adventure. 

Benefits of carrying crystals for travel and adventure

Crystals come with their own unique healing vibrations and their own energy stores. When we use them in our everyday rituals, we can tap into that power and benefit from it across our body, mind, and soul. Different crystals come with different powers - some are known for protecting against negative vibrations, others keep us calm and balanced, and then there are those that feed us energy and activate our chi when we need it the most. Travel can call for certain types of crystals to act as our guardian stones as we move through the world. Here are some benefits of bringing crystals along for the ride...

  • They can provide a sense of grounding when we are feeling adrift in a new place.
  • They can ease travel anxieties and feelings of overwhelm.
  • They can instill confidence and bring positive energies throughout your travel.
  • They can act as a shield against unfamiliar and negative energies that may arise from different environments. 
  • They can help manifest smooth situations and facilitate a safe journey.

The Best Crystals for Travel

Finding the right crystals for travel safety and boosting your travel moods is essential when it comes to finding the best stones for your journey ahead. There are many different powerful stones out there, but it's also important to know which will bring the properties you need to assist you on the journey. It's good to look for crystals for protection, stones that can keep your energy level high, gems that are known for keeping you calm and balanced, and those that activate your lower chakras so that you can stay grounded, solid, and steeped in confidence throughout your trip. We've rounded up some of the best healing crystals that can help carry you no matter what. 

crystal for travel anxiety

Amethyst is one of the best all-around crystals for traveling. If you are looking for an excellent crystal with huge healing vibes and plenty of chill, this is the stone for you. Amethyst comes in vibrant colors of purple and can help assure you of a peaceful journey ahead. The meaning of Amethyst is linked to spiritual journeys and finding your sense of calm. Not only will this stone work on a protective level by transmuting negative energies, but it will also purify your thoughts and keep you connected to your sense of peace. Wearing an Amethyst bracelet can also assist in opening your crown chakra and keeping you spiritual even on the road - which can help you to get the most out of your experience. Amethyst can be a great stone for when traveling as it eases travel anxieties - if you are a nervous flyer or dislike long road journeys, this gentle gem will keep you calm. 

  • Rose Quartz

crystal for travel anxiety

Rose Quartz is a heart chakra stone. Pale pink, full of love, and ever ready to turn up the dial on your levels of compassion, this gem is a dreamy sidekick for safe travel. The meaning of Rose Quartz is surrounding yourself with positive energy and always making space for empathy, self-compassion, and patience. This is an ideal stone to pack for those trips when you know you will need to make time for self-care. Self-care during travel can help prevent burnout and keeps you open to connections with others. Wearing a Rose Quartz bracelet can also make you a magnet for love - whether it's striking new friendships, forging bonds with communities, or even attracting romance. 

  • Black Tourmaline

crystal for travel anxiety

A powerful crystal that knows how to serve and protect in all the right ways - Black Tourmaline is here to keep you safe and steady. This dark and delirious stone works by being a pro at energetic shielding. It will surround you with a psychic shield so that no negative energy can break through. This keeps you fully connected to your own energy and prevents unwanted energies from throwing you off track. In ancient lore, Black Tourmaline was also carried as a protective talisman for travelers and used to ward off evil and psychic attacks. While protection is its number one job, it also works as a stone of purification - meaning that it can purify your emotional body and wash out toxic thoughts. The meaning of Black Tourmaline also strengthens the root chakra, which keeps you grounded with both feet on the floor. Wearing a Black Tourmaline bracelet  can be especially useful in times of change, in crowded environments, or when feeling overwhelmed at any point.

Blue Lace Agate

crystal for travel anxiety

Soothing and stacked with serene shades of the sky meets the sea, Blue Lace Agate is the perfect companion for all your adventures. The meaning of Blue Lace Agate is all about keeping a cool head, and this can be invaluable when dealing with travel and all the potential stress factors that come with it. Not only will Blue Lace Agate keep you serene even in uncertain times, but it also lends a mental clarity that can chase out brain fog and overwhelm and keep you tuned in and turned on to your surroundings. Wearing a Blue Lace Agate bracelet can also unblock your throat chakra, which boosts your communication skills and helps you to advocate for yourself. This is important when on the road, as you may need to express your needs and desires along the way.

crystal for travel anxiety

Lepidolite is known as a stone of transition, which means it can accompany you anywhere and always lend love and comforting support. The meaning of Lepidolite is all about inner peace and harmony. If you can carry this sense of peace in your heart, then you can stay calm and balanced even in unfamiliar environments. Lepidolite is also known as nature's lithium which makes it pure medicine moods for when you need to take a chill pill and simmer down any strong emotions of fear and anxiety. Wearing a Lepidolite bracelet will work wonders for nervous travelers as this stone serves up a hug of reassurance simply by being in its presence. 

crystal for travel anxiety

Sodalite is a great crystal for travelers as it triggers your survival instinct. That's not to say that this gem puts you in constant flight or fight mode, but rather that it takes a methodical approach and encourages common-sense style thinking, intuition, clear expression, and leaning into your intuition which helps you trust yourself intrinsically. The meaning of Sodalite is to strike a balance between head and heart - one of the best skills you can have in modern times. It helps you to find the beauty in life but not to get swept along with stories that don't have space for truth or personal power. Wearing a Sodalite bracelet can serve as a stone of protection against poor decision-making and also acts as an encouragement to take deep breaths and to keep cool when out in the world. 

  • Smoky Quartz

crystal for travel anxiety

Smoky Quartz is always an anchor, which is exactly what you need when moving through the world.  A stone of deep healing, this precious gem is gloriously grounding and has an energetic field that can dissolve bad vibes in their tracks. The meaning of Smoky Quartz is all about energy, knowledge, cleansing thoughts, and reconnection to both spiritual and physical places. Wearing a Smoky Quartz bracelet can help keep you tethered when you feel adrift. It also serves up higher communication skills and protective power and works as an emotional balancer too.

crystal for travel anxiety

Citrine is one of the best choices of crystals during travel. This bright, energetic stone has so many good vibes surrounding it; it's impossible to feel low with it stashed in your pocket or when wearing a Citrine bracelet . The meaning of Citrine is also connected to it being a stone of luck and abundance. It was always known as the merchant's stone in ancient times because it triggered good luck and wealth for all those who wore it. Abundance comes in many ways when traveling - from an easy path to a fateful connection, great synchronistic events, and more. Keeping Citrine close can make you a magnet for this type of good luck. Not only will this beautiful crystal call in luck, but it also has huge joy attached to it. Ever ready to disperse bad energies and keep you feeling drenched in optimism - it's an excellent companion no matter where you go. 

crystal for travel anxiety

Rosy Rhodonite is a healing stone for the heart, but it also brings a range of travel-ready properties along with it too. This beautiful stone is stacked with feminine energy and helps you to build back up your reserves after burnout and to find pleasure and joy in the world once more. When traveling, it's easy to let fear take hold or to become jaded, but this gem flushes you with fine feelings, keeps you open and excited, and also makes sure you have clear space in your heart for new people and places. The meaning of Rhodonite is to clear out blockages that are limiting yourself and your pleasure in the world. By wearing a Rhodonite bracelet , you can carry light, love, and lush energy everywhere you go. 

Green Aventurine

crystal for travel anxiety

Green Aventurine is a soul soother. Green crystals make for great travel companions as they put a spring in your step but also work as a heart chakra opener too. If you need your energy uplifted, you can bet that this is one of the most beneficial stones to do just that. The meaning of Green Aventurine also works around confidence and prosperity - which is exactly the type of energy you want to be sending out and attracting when on your adventures. Wearing a Green aventurine bracelet can act like a talisman of good fortune and also encourages decisive action, which makes choosing a path a little easier.  

  • Labradorite

crystal for travel anxiety

Glimmering in all the colors, Labradorite has a certain sense of mystery, but that only adds to its ability to assist in spiritual travel. The meaning of Labradorite is as a stone of transformation. It is known to heighten consciousness, clear anxiety, stabilize moods, and connects you to your own innate wisdom. As a third eye chakra opener, you can trust that Labradorite will help you to trust your gut and go with your intuition. This is perhaps one of the most vital skills when traveling and enables safe passage to whatever your latest destination is. Wearing a Labradorite bracelet can help you stay level in your mind even when thinking on a higher consciousness. 

crystal for travel anxiety

Heavenly Howlite is the most calming stone for travelers you can choose. The meaning of Howlite is patience and perspective - both of which are excellent skills to nurture while out in the world. If you are someone who tends to get frustrated when out of your comfort zone, this stone can bring you back to a place of calm and ensures that you let things roll off you with positive energy and ease. Wearing a Howlite bracelet also helps those higher chakras strengthen and helps you to call in your intuition. 

When the world is calling, it's always good to answer, and having an array of carefully curated travel crystals on hand can help you to step out onto your path with perfect ease. Whether you want protection, comfort, and reassurance or need your energy levels picked up, crystal power can carry you wherever you need to go. 

Which crystal is best for traveling?

Amethyst is one of the best crystals for traveling as it can soothe, calm, and keep you connected to your higher purpose. It also works physically and mentally to keep you chill and ensures peace follows you wherever you go.

What crystals are good for travel and anxiety?

Amethyst can help soothe anxiety when traveling, as it's one of the best stones for calming the nervous system. Other good stones for travel anxiety include grounding protective gems like Black Tourmaline and gentle gems like Blue Lace Agate.

What crystal has the most luck?

Citrine is considered to be one of the luckiest crystals, which is why it's such a good choice of stone to carry when traveling. It can also raise energy and bring joy.

What crystals bring adventure?

Labradorite can be considered a crystal that brings adventure as it has an artistic and spiritual element that helps you to find your higher path. It is also connected to empowerment which can make you bolder when on the road. 


crystal for travel anxiety

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  • Alexandrite
  • Apophyllite
  • Blue Obsidian
  • Blue Tiger’s Eye
  • Chrysocolla
  • Clear Quartz
  • Dragon’s Blood Incense
  • Gold Crystals
  • Herkimer Diamond
  • Lapis Lazuli
  • Rainbow Hematite
  • Red Tiger’s Eye
  • Ruby Crystal
  • Spirit Quartz
  • Tiger's Eye


  • Manifestation
  • Weight Loss
  • Good Health
  • Peace of Mind
  • Pain Relief
  • Communication
  • Emotional Healing
  • Astral Projection

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  • Crown Chakra Stones: 13 Essential Crystals For The Sahasrara
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  • Throat Chakra Stones: 14 Essential Crystals To Clear Blockages
  • Heart Chakra Stones: 16 Essential Crystals To Expand Love

Zodiac & Crystals

  • Zodiac Birthstones: Discover The Right Gemstone For Your Astrological Sign
  • Vedic Astrology vs Western Astrology: All You Need to Know
  • Aries Birthstones
  • Aquarius Birthstones
  • Libra Birthstones
  • Gemini Birthstones
  • Scorpio Birthstones
  • Pisces Birthstones
  • Taurus Birthstones
  • Sagittarius Birthstones
  • Leo Birthstones
  • Cancer Birthstone
  • Virgo Birthstones
  • Capricorn Birthstones

Color & Crystals

  • Green Crystals
  • Pink Crystals
  • Purple Crystals
  • White Crystals
  • Orange Crystals
  • Blue Crystals
  • Yellow Crystals
  • Teal Crystals
  • Grey Crystals
  • Violet Crystals
  • Black Crystals
  • Indigo Crystals
  • Red Crystals

Angel Numbers

  • Angel Number 000
  • Angel Number 1
  • Angel Number 2
  • Angel Number 3
  • Angel Number 4
  • Angel Number 5
  • Angel Number 6
  • Angel Number 7
  • Angel Number 8
  • Angel Number 9
  • Angel Number 10
  • Angel Number 11
  • Angel Number 12
  • Angel Number 13
  • Angel Number 14
  • Angel Number 15
  • Angel Number 16
  • Angel Number 17
  • Angel Number 18
  • Angel Number 19
  • Angel Number 20
  • Angel Number 21
  • Angel Number 22
  • Angel Number 23
  • Angel Number 24
  • Angel Number 25
  • Angel Number 33
  • Angel Number 55
  • Angel Number 69
  • Angel Number 101
  • Angel Number 111
  • Angel Number 123
  • Angel Number 211
  • Angel Number 222
  • Angel Number 234
  • Angel Number 303
  • Angel Number 310
  • Angel Number 311
  • Angel Number 313
  • Angel Number 327
  • Angel Number 333
  • Angel Number 404
  • Angel Number 411
  • Angel Number 414
  • Angel Number 444
  • Angel Number 515
  • Angel Number 525
  • Angel Number 555
  • Angel Number 606
  • Angel Number 616
  • Angel Number 666
  • Angel Number 707
  • Angel Number 711
  • Angel Number 717
  • Angel Number 777
  • Angel Number 808
  • Angel Number 811
  • Angel Number 818
  • Angel Number 888
  • Angel Number 909
  • Angel Number 911
  • Angel Number 919
  • Angel Number 999
  • Angel Number 1001
  • Angel Number 1111
  • Angel Number 1122
  • Angel Number 1133
  • Angel Number 1144
  • Angel Number 1155
  • Angel Number 1212
  • Angel Number 1221
  • Angel Number 1222
  • Angel Number 1234
  • Angel Number 1313
  • Angel Number 1414
  • Angel Number 1515
  • Angel Number 1616
  • Angel Number 1717
  • Angel Number 1818
  • Angel Number 1919
  • Angel Number 2112
  • Angel Number 2121
  • Angel Number 2222
  • Angel Number 3333
  • Angel Number 4444
  • Angel Number 5555
  • Angel Number 6666
  • Angel Number 7777
  • Angel Number 8888
  • Angel Number 9999
  • Angel Number 22222
  • Angel Numbers 1-9

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crystal for travel anxiety

The 10 Top Crystals For Travel & Secured Safety

Traveling is my favorite route to self-discovery, as there are a lot of adventures and exciting concepts waiting for you that could help you unlock parts of yourself you never knew existed. But let’s be honest—not all trips are sunshine and rainbows. It can get intimidating when facing delays, canceled flights, traffic, change of plans, or -even worse- unsafe scenarios (wait until you deal with a pocket thief on a solo trip to Barcelona.) In these cases, crystals for travel can help.

personalized action plan

These powerful stones will protect you from any negative influences or lousy energy. So before you conclude that your suitcase is too full to carry that sparkle, you should look at my favorite top crystals for travel below.

Below is my list of the best crystals for safe travel so that you do not pitfall on those lows during a trip. If you are already interested in this idea, you’ll love my ten picks for this article.

Table of Contents

Why Use Crystals for Travel Protection?

crystal grid is a great stone and healing stone for travel protection

Crystals have been used for centuries to protect against negative energies and ward off bad vibes. They are potent tools of power that can be used in various ways, such as for healing and meditation or carrying them with you on your travels.

Different crystals have specific qualities and characteristics to help you in a particular activity. For example, I have previously mentioned healing crystals or crystals for self-love for people trying to get over the trauma. I have also suggested a few crystals with soothing energy to help you focus on particular tasks.

Similarly, I am writing this piece to suggest the best crystals for travel so that you can fill your journey with positive energy.  As you embark on your journey, whether it’s exploring the vibrant streets of Dubai or venturing into the serene desert landscapes, these top 10 crystals will serve as your trusted companions. From amplifying your intentions to protecting negative energies, these gems are essential for ensuring a harmonious and secure trip.

By the way, if you’re traveling to UAE, what better way to complement your adventure than to rent a Bentley in Dubai ? With a luxury car at your disposal, you’ll not only travel in style but also enjoy the convenience and comfort of exploring the city and beyond at your own pace. So, before you set off on your next excursion, don’t forget to pack your favorite crystals and consider indulging in the experience of renting a Bentley for an unforgettable journey filled with elegance and peace of mind.

I assure you that such crystals help create a peaceful journey while expanding your comfort zone, making you more patient and accepting of new people, situations, and surroundings.

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How to Use Crystals For Travel

how to wear crystals for maximum healing energy to exit your comfort zone

One way to carry them is by wearing crystal jewelry. It adds a stylish touch to your outfit while they rest on your skin, allowing you to make the most of their healing properties. Alternatively, you can carry them in a small pouch or pocket.

When you arrive at your destination, take a moment to set your intention for the trip and hold the crystal in your hands. Visualize positive energy flowing into the crystal and surrounding you with its powerful protective and healing power.

This technique can promote a relaxed state of mind and allow you to enjoy your surroundings without feeling overwhelmed.

Another way to use these crystals is by placing them around your hotel room or house rental. This can help clear any negative emotions that may have accumulated from previous guests and create a peaceful environment for your stay.

Apart from these common suggestions, you can use these crystals in everyday rituals such as prayer and meditation. Combining these rituals with crystals can be a great way to achieve mental clarity.

As you explore a new place, hold the crystal in your hand and take a few deep breaths to center yourself. This can help you stay alert and focused as you navigate unfamiliar surroundings.

Related:  The 5 Top Crystals For New Beginnings to Start a Chapter Greatly

What Are The Best Crystals For Travel Anxiety?

crystal for travel anxiety

I have divided up these ten best crystals for travel into two lists. One is focused on providing information on the best crystals to help ease the anxiety of being in a foreign land.

Spiritual stones like yellow jasper, moonstone, smokey quartz, and other crystals are great for reducing harmful energy around you.

Yellow Jasper

Yellow jasper is a beautiful crystal to add to your collection and has fantastic properties, making it one of the best crystals for travel anxiety. This crystal has a gentle nurturing energy that can help you feel grounded and safe in new surroundings.

In addition to promoting a sense of calm and relaxation, yellow jasper is known for encouraging patience and resilience.

These qualities are essential for any traveler, as unexpected delays or bumps in the road can quickly ruin a trip. But with yellow jasper by your side, you can endure challenges gracefully and effortlessly.

Crystal properties:

This incredible crystal is a form of chalcedony and is admired for its unique mustard-yellow color, which comes from its iron content.

The metaphysical properties of Yellow Jasper are known to resonate with the Solar Plexus Chakra, which is associated with personal power, self-worth, and self-confidence.

When this Chakra is balanced and aligned, it can help calm the mind and promote a sense of inner peace.

Why prefer it?

I prefer this great stone for its unique grounding properties that aid in calming the mind and promoting resilience. It is visually stunning with its mustard-yellow color and beautiful outer hue.

Moonstone is a light-reflecting stone that symbolizes new beginnings. This crystal helps relieve stress and anxiety, which can occur in the aftermath of jet lag. Moonstone can also enable more restful sleep, helping you wake up refreshed and energized.

Moonstone is a type of feldspar with a unique shimmering sheen and is typically found in white, grey, and pastel colors.

The critical properties of moonstones are linked to their association with new beginnings and the moon.

This stone enhances intuition and emotional balance, allowing for a deeper connection to one’s feelings and inner self. It has been used for centuries by travelers to help alleviate anxiety and promote peace of mind.

Moonstone is also known for its association with feminine energy and has been used in balancing hormones and menstrual cycles. This makes it an excellent choice for women who experience stress and anxiety while traveling.

As a traveler, I love Moonstone for its ability to alleviate stress and anxiety. With jet lag and unfamiliar surroundings, it’s easy to fall into a state of distress, and for such moments, I think this is an ideal stone.

I had multiple breakdowns while far from home, and Moonstone helped me stay grounded and calm.

Malachite is a powerful protector against negative energy and psychic attacks. It’s also known for its ability to protect your immune system and can help ease feelings of overwhelm and exhaustion from travel.

Malachite is an opaque stone with beautiful green striations, often resembling a peacock’s tail. This crystal is composed of two different minerals: copper carbonate and water.

Malachite has strong metaphysical properties and is believed to protect against negative energy, emotions, and people effectively.

It’s also associated with balance and transformation, aiding in the ability to make thoughtful decisions without being influenced by fear or other external forces.

Because it aids in making thoughtful decisions and external forces can’t influence those decisions, it automatically becomes my preferred stone.

Its protective qualities can help complete a safe journey for anyone.

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Smoky Quartz 

Smoky Quartz is a great stone to reduce anxiety. Its energy is also known for its grounding properties, which can aid in calming the mind and restoring balance after a long trip.

Smoky Quartz has a unique color that ranges from light grey to dark brownish-black. This crystal is composed of silicon dioxide and quartz, and it has been used for centuries to promote balance, clarity, and focus.

The metaphysical properties of Smoky Quartz are linked to its ability to absorb negative energy from unsafe scenarios or bad karma.

Several crystals can become a part of the traveler’s stone collection, but this one is preferred because it promotes grounding and calming energies.

Shungite can also help you see the real you during your spiritual travel, as it’s mostly known to absorb electromagnetic energy from cell phones, computers, and other electronics.

Shungite is a unique rock composed of carbon and other minerals, such as fullerenes, which contain 60 carbon atoms in a cage-like structure. This stone has been used for centuries to cleanse and purify water and protect against negative energies.

Metaphysically, Shungite is known for its ability to balance the physical body’s energy field by absorbing electromagnetic radiation emitted from electronic devices.

Shungite is also my preferred stone when I want to take a break from electronics and clear my brain fog. It is effective in helping me feel calm while I face the anxieties of a digital break.

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What Are The Best Crystals For Travel Safety?

crystal for travel anxiety

Amethyst helps to promote peaceful sleep and relaxation, which can help regulate your sleep cycle after a long flight. Place it under your pillow, and you’ll soon get a deep and restful sleep.

Amethyst is a purple variety of quartz and belongs to the macrocrystalline quartz family. It has an unmistakable deep violet hue and striations varying from light to dark.

Metaphysically, Amethyst is associated with inner peace, spiritual protection, prosperity, and intuition. Its protective energies help ward off negative energies and encourage clarity and focus.

This crystal helps promote relaxation, peace, and inner calm. It resembles lavender and restores my energy levels with a good night’s sleep to beat jet lag so I can make the most of my trip.

Aventurine is perhaps the most beautiful of the green crystals on the earth. For travelers, it often attracts good luck, wealth, and abundance. This crystal has protective solid energies, which can help keep you safe while on the go.

Aventurine is composed of quartz and mica, giving it a lovely green color with flecks of gold throughout. Metaphysically, it is associated with prosperity, success, and protection.

Aventurine is a guardian stone for travelers because of its protective energies, but I also like its deep green color – a reminder of nature’s beauty. It keeps me rooted in nature amongst the hustle and bustle of train stations and airports.

Rose Quartz

Rose Quartz is a crystal that radiates calming and loving energy, perfect for easing stress and anxiety while on the road. It helps to fill your travel bag with powerful vibrations of protection and love.

Rose Quartz is composed of silicon dioxide and quartz, giving it its signature pink hue. It can transmute negative energy into self-acceptance, which can be fruitful while on the road.

I especially love Rose Quartz because of its calming and loving energies. Whenever I feel overwhelmed or anxious while traveling, I keep a piece of this crystal in my pocket to bring some inner peace and comfort.

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best crystals for travel safety

Black Tourmaline

In addition, Black Tourmaline is a powerful grounding crystal that can help balance and stabilize your energy.

Black tourmaline is especially useful in calming anxiety and nervous tension that could lead to insomnia or restlessness. Place it on your bedside table, and it will help you sleep soundly – it is sometimes known to help with motion sickness as well.

Black Tourmaline is a semiprecious gemstone composed of aluminum borosilicate, which gives it its signature black color.

I like Black Tourmaline because it helps to ground me while I’m traveling, making me feel secure. I always have a piece of it to stay focused and balanced even in the most stressful situations, especially when traveling for business, whether speaking at a conference or meeting with a high-profile client.

Tiger’s Eye

Tiger’s Eye is a powerful crystal that helps to protect travelers from physical danger while giving them courage and strength in difficult situations. It promotes insight, intuition, and focus, which can be invaluable when navigating your upcoming trip.

Tiger’s Eye is composed of quartz, hematite, and crocidolite. It has a beautiful iridescent golden-brown color with an occasional fleck of blue or green. It is also associated with personal power, mental clarity, and protection and does often help with brain fog.

Whether in the middle of a bustling city or out in nature, tiger eye’s unique colors remind me of my goals and help me clear up my mind to focus on the things I want the most.

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Bottom Line

best crystals for safe travel to protect your physical body

Finding suitable crystals for travel can be challenging, but it is well worth the effort when you crave security and safety. Each of these best crystals helps protect travelers and promote spiritual growth while traveling.

Carrying one or more of these top crystals for travel with you can significantly impact your journey. Any traveler’s stone is a must-have for any trip, from reducing stress and increasing patience to keeping you safe from negative energy.

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crystal for travel anxiety


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Tiny Radiance Logo in Black - Your Guide to Crystal Healing and Benefits

15 Best Crystals for Travel: Stones For Safe Traveling

Navigating through crowded airports and unfamiliar streets, the best crystals for travel might just be the safety tool and secret sidekicks you didn’t know you needed.

These travel crystals are believed to offer protection and promote relaxation if you feel overwhelmed, turning travel turmoil into a tranquil journey even when modern times throw us a curveball.

Think of them as your personal entourage of helpful companions, always ready to deal with the chaos of overbooked flights and the ever-present feeling of being overwhelmed.

Short Summary

Ting the suitcase of knowledge, this article will crystallize your understanding of travel-friendly gems, detailing the top crystals to pocket for safe travels. You’ll learn not just which rocks rock for your journeys but also the why behind it — from the defensive properties of Black Tourmaline to the anxiety-dissolving vibes of Amethyst. It’s not all about just wearing crystals here; it’s also about keeping them charged and ready to roll. So, you’ll get the scoop on common ways of cleansing and maintaining your crystalline companions; whether you’re going to meditate with a Moonstone or setting up a crystal grid in your luggage for an extra layer of travel Zen, these crystals for safe travel are here to help.

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What are Safe Traveling Crystals? Do they Help with Physical Travel?

Crystals for Travel: Looking outside a plane window, showcasing a gorgeous view.

Imagine you’re about to embark on a long-anticipated hiking trip, but the thought of jet lag looms over you like a dark cloud. Crystals for safe travel, often touted as earth’s natural healers, come into play here with their unique properties that some say can ward off the grogginess and synchronize your body to new time zones.

Now, picture tucking a small, smooth healing stone into your pocket, a perfect companion for your journey. These crystals are believed by many to guard you against the noise of unwanted energy that crowded airports and planes tend to amplify.

Wearing a piece of crystal jewelry embedded with these calming minerals might just be the traveling hack you didn’t know you needed, turning a potentially difficult voyage into a more serene experience.

You’ve probably heard tales of healing crystals like these used as a tool for travel safety, with claims of their ability to promote relaxation and keep the negative vibrations of traveling stress at bay.

While science might raise an eyebrow, crystal enthusiasts will tell you that whether you’re on a business trip or exploring the great outdoors, these shimmering crystals might just add an extra layer of peace to your life on the move. And trust me, you don’t want your journey to be difficult.

7 Benefits of Crystals for Travel Safety

  • Protection from Negative Energies : Black Tourmaline, a powerful stone, acts as a psychic shield, absorbing negative energies and providing a protective shield against unwanted energy. This stone is one of the best crystals for travelling, ensuring your energy field remains clear of negative vibrations, which is crucial for any journeyer stepping out of their comfort zone.
  • Promotion of Physical and Emotional Well-being : Healing stones like Rose Quartz and Blue Lace Agate work as emotional balancers, bringing positive energy and promoting relaxation for a more peaceful physical journey. Rose Quartz, with its gentle and soothing energy, is a great stone for fostering inner peace and self-love , crucial for enjoying travel’s transformative experiences.
  • Enhancement of Mental Clarity and Focus : Tiger’s Eye and Turquoise are excellent crystals that serve to enhance mental clarity, which is essential for staying focused and connected to your surroundings during traveling. As stones of light, they are believed to carry the power to lift the fog of negative thoughts and bring clarity to the mind, helping travelers remain present in the moment.
  • Energetic Support for Personal Power and Confidence : Yellow Jasper, connected to the solar plexus chakra , is an excellent stone for boosting self-confidence and personal power. Its grounding energies helps in dealing with travel nerves, while Citrine’s joyful vibration can help maintain a sunny disposition, ensuring that travel stresses do not overshadow the excitement of new adventures.
  • Spiritual Growth and Connection : Crystals such as Amethyst and Aquamarine, packed with calming energies, support spiritual travel by promoting deep healing and self-discovery. Amethyst, known for its ability to enhance intuition and ancient wisdom , is perfect for those seeking spiritual growth on their journeys. Aquamarine, revered since ancient times, helps the person to stay connected to their journey.
  • Promotion of Cautious Traveling : Aquamarine and Malachite are powerful crystals historically used as protective talismans for travelers. These stones for travel are believed to offer travel protection by lending their strength and stability, ensuring a safe journey, and protecting against the perils of travel, from the evil eye to the dangers of road rage.
  • Support for Physical Vitality and Reduction of Travel Fatigue : Hematite and Red Jasper are beneficial stones that aid in maintaining vitality and reducing stress, making them ideal for a seasoned traveler. As they are connected to the root chakra , they are believed to help with anchoring and stabilizing the physical body, promoting endurance and resilience in the face of long-distance travel.

Quick Overview of Travelling Crystals

  • Amethyst : A stone of spiritual protection and purification, Amethyst can create a bubble of spiritual light around the body, safeguarding travelers from negative energies and ensuring a peaceful journey.
  • Black Tourmaline : Known as a premier protective stone, Black Tourmaline repels and shields against harmful energy and reduces travel anxieties, especially in unfamiliar environments.
  • Malachite : Malachite is a traveler’s stone, offering powerful protection in flying and driving, helps absorb negative energy, and emanates a shielding force over the wearer on their journey.
  • Moonstone : Celebrated as a talisman for travelers, Moonstone promotes intuition and brings luck, ensuring a safe passage and a harmonious balance between body and spirit.
  • Turquoise : Revered since ancient times, Turquoise serves as a defensive guard and a source of strength, beneficial for air travel and known for its stress-relieving healing properties.
  • Tiger’s Eye : As a stone of courage and protection, Tiger’s Eye enhances focus and resilience , grounding the traveler and providing a boost of confidence on their adventures.
  • Aquamarine : A soothing stone for travelers over sea or land, Aquamarine clarifies perception, sharpens the intellect, and clears confusion, ensuring a calm and centered energy while in transit.
  • Citrine : A bright, beautiful travel crystal known to carry the power of the sun, Citrine energizes, inspires, and stimulates positive energies, helping to maintain your uplifted travel spirit.
  • Clear Quartz : As a master healer, this crystal amplifies positive intentions and energies, ensuring clarity and protection in new surroundings, a key ally for any kind of travel.
  • Jade : A stone of serenity and purity protects against misfortune, encourages journey, and can help make a business trip as fruitful and prosperous as possible.
  • Smoky Quartz : A protection stone with a strong link to the earth, this crystal is a natural stress reliever, providing resilience and removing negative energy during traveling.
  • Hematite : Known for grounding and protecting, Hematite helps to dissolve negativity and prevents travelers from absorbing the negativity of others; it is perfect for those traveling in crowded spaces.
  • Rose Quartz : The stone of unconditional love and infinite peace, Rose Quartz is an essential companion for traveling, providing loving energies that soothe heartache and loneliness on long journeys.
  • Shungite : Offering protection from electromagnetic fields (EMFs) of airport scanners and in-flight Wi-Fi, Shungite is a must-have for the modern traveler.
  • Yellow Jasper : A strong protection stone for travel, Yellow Jasper safeguards travelers and offers a guard against physical dangers and ailments on the road.

15 Best Crystals for Your Trip

Embarking on a journey can transform life in ways that range from the subtle to the seismic, and that’s where the best crystals for safe travel come into play, acting as miniature compasses of energies that create a protective bubble in unfamiliar cultures.

Each of these different crystals carries a suitcase of benefits, from protecting your spirits to amplifying your traveling wonders, ensuring that every aspect of your trip is imbued with a sense of knowledge and adventure.

1: Amethyst: Third Eye Chakra – Fosters Spiritual Growth and Calmness, Aids in Overcoming Jet Lag

Amethyst Crystals

Nestled in your pocket, Amethyst , the loyal crystal of the Earth, takes on the shape of a silent guardian, promising to infuse your excursions with the tranquility of restful sleep and the warmth of helpful people whom you met along the way.

It’s not just any crystal; it’s a geometric marvel, crafted over eons, that forms a natural barrier, turning turbulent travels into a soothing quest for safe passage.

2: Black Tourmaline: Root Chakra – Absorbs Negative Energy, Acts as a Protective Shield during Journeys

Crystals for Safe Travel: Black Tourmaline Crystals

With Black Tourmaline in your travel bag, you’re not just carrying a stone; you’re packing a personal bodyguard that specializes in benefits like travel protection and keeping you grounded and your spirits high as you navigate new terrains.

This healing crystal acts like a transformation wizard, turning feelings of travel fear into an amazing journey, ensuring that the only thing you’re not protected against is an unstoppable urge to roam. Who knew a crystal could make you feel like this?

3: Malachite: Heart Chakra – Known as the Traveler’s Stone for Safe Travel, Balances Emotional Body

Malachite Crystals

In the tapestry of travel tales, Malachite is the stone that not only adds a splash of color but also weaves in layers of protection, with properties said to break the grip of negative travel vibes and ensure your adventures stay on the sunny side.

When you put this gem in your pocket during expeditions, you might find its cleansing energy acts as a rock-solid companion, keeping the journey’s unpredictable twists in check and your spirits in the right shape.

4: Moonstone: Crown Chakra – Promotes New Beginnings, Soothes Stress in Unfamiliar Environments

Moonstone Crystals

Moonstone , that glimmering piece of the moon you can hold in your hand, isn’t just for show; it’s a seasoned traveler’s talisman, believed to offer guidance and unearth the truth of what lies around the next bend.

As you meditate on your journey’s intentions with this milky mineral, its ability to align with your inner compass can turn the most directionally challenged into a master of maps.

5: Turquoise: Throat Chakra – Offers Protective Amulets from Ancient Lore, Encourages Communication Clarity

Turquoise Crystals

Turquoise , with its sky-blue hues and earthy veins, acts like a talisman against travel anxiety, its rich patterns whispering ancient travel tips for courage and tranquility to any soul about to traverse the wide, unpredictable world.

Hold this stone tightly in hand, and let its storied powers infuse your life’s journey with a sense of calm as if nature itself plots the course of your adventures with a wink and a knowing smile.

6: Tiger’s Eye: Solar Plexus Chakra – Enhances Personal Power, Provides Mental Clarity for Decision-Making

Crystals for Safe Travels: Tiger's Eye Crystals

A Tiger’s Eye crystal, with its bands of golden shimmer, is like a Swiss Army knife for the soul, offering a range of emotional tools in life; it’s believed to bolster self-esteem and sprinkle a dash of happiness into your traveling mix , making it a go-to mineral for life’s unpredictable itinerary.

Whether worn as jewelry or simply stashed in your bag, this stone is said to tap into a traveler’s inner strength, steadying emotions when the journey’s path zigzags.

7: Aquamarine: Throat Chakra – Calms Travel Nerves, Said to Purify Water for Safe Passage

Aquamarine Gems

Aquamarine , the serene blue stone that sailors once believed calmed waves, can be your secret to mastering travel’s unpredictable nature, offering a sense of control and the truth of a clear mind amidst the chaos of missed connections and language barriers.

These crystals, a piece of nature’s own art, have a fun way of creating a soothing atmosphere, putting you at ease as they whisper, “Don’t worry, I’ve got your back,” making it an invaluable addition to your traveling checklist.

8: Citrine: Solar Plexus Chakra – Bring Positive Energy to Promote Abundance, Aids in Reducing Travel Anxiety

Citrine Crystals

A Citrine crystal, the sunny rock star of crystals for safe travel, winks at the idea of luck, promising to keep your pockets full of exciting positivity and your experiences rich with the cultures of the world.

As you weave through the tapestry of bustling airports and serpentine queues, this cheerful mineral is busy creating safety, ensuring you’re as secure and protected as a bug in a rug, no matter the form your journey takes.

9: Clear Quartz: Crown Chakra – Amplifies Energies of Other Crystals, Enhances Protection in Crowded Environments

Clear Crystal Quartz

Clear Quartz crystals, the all-star of all the crystals on Earth, is like nature’s own disco ball, polished to perfection, that reflects the rich tapestry of your travels right back at you.

Tucked snugly in your pocket, this versatile mineral works tirelessly to ensure that the only thing that gets lost on your journey is a bad mood, not your luggage.

10: Jade: Heart Chakra – Attracts Good Fortune, Offers Emotional Balance and Protection

Crystals for Safe Travel: Jade Crystals

Jade , revered for centuries as a stone of protection, promises a quiet sense of security and a soft blanket of compassion to travelers seeking solace from the breakneck pace of journeying.

These ancient rocks whisper tales of common sense and serenity, ensuring that those who hold it are wrapped in a bubble of tranquility as if the world’s hustle fades into a hushed background hum.

11: Smoky Quartz: Root Chakra – Grounding Energy for Physical Protection, Alleviates Fear of Flying

Smokey Quartz Crystals

Smokey Quartz is the trusty co-pilot of chakra stones , known for keeping travelers grounded as they soar through the skies, ensuring that their attachment to the earth remains unshaken by turbulence or fear.

These crystals have a reputation bigger than their carbon footprint in the universe of travel hacks, offering a steadfast presence that reminds you no matter where the journey takes you in life, your spirit has its own seatbelt.

12: Hematite: Root Chakra – Grounding and Protective Properties, Boosts Self-Confidence

Hematite Crystals

Hematite , with its silvery sheen, this crystal serves as an ironclad travel protector, offering a grounded force that helps keep your intention clear and your footing sure in the most chaotic of airports.

It’s like having a personal force field against negative energy; it will promote relaxation so effectively that even the most dreaded red-eye flights feel like a night in a cozy, dark cocoon.

13: Rose Quartz: Heart Chakra – Encourages Unconditional Love, Offers Comfort and Harmony

Rose Quartz Crystals

Toting a Rose Quartz crystal along for the ride infuses your travel protection with a dash of compassion, ensuring your energy levels and emotions are as harmonized as a well-sung choir, even when faced with the chaos of bustling terminals.

Whether nestled in your luggage or wearing it, this crystals history of soothing the weary traveler makes it as crucial as a good pair of walking shoes, promising to make room for excitement and joy in every corner of your life journey . You’ll feel the love with these crystals.

14: Shungite: Root – Shields from Electromagnetic Energy, Grounds Energy during Travel

Shungite Crystals

Shungite , a stone as ancient as the mystery it’s said to protect against, is your carbon-based comrade for safe travel, believed to powerfully soothe away the worry of transit and the buzz of electromagnetic energy you encounter.

With a presence that may as well have a diploma in EMF defense, this deep, dark mineral is nature’s own armor, keeping your journey grounded amidst the invisible sea of modern life’s waves.

15: Yellow Jasper: Solar Plexus Chakra – Protective Talisman, Energizes for Long Trips

Yellow Jasper Crystals

Yellow Jasper , often hailed as the ultimate travel protection crystal, is like your personal road trip superhero, endowed with powers to increase awareness and guard you against the heat of danger or cultural misunderstandings.

This sunny stone, steeped in the power of nature, serves as a trusty companion, ensuring that each aspect of your journey is infused with a sense of safety and a splash of adventure.

Travel Tips: How to Incorporate and Maintain Travel Crystals to Remove Negative Energies

  • Selecting the Ideal Crystals for Travelling : Before embarking on your journey, whether a business trip or soul searching, choose crystals for traveling that resonate with the protective different energies you seek, such as the sturdy Black Tourmaline, revered by the ancient Egyptians for its safeguarding powers, or carry Aquamarine, a precious gem that serves as an emotional balancer and is considered by many as the best crystal for safe travels. Consider assembling a crystal grid at home that includes powerful stones like Smokey Quartz and Moonstone, each bringing positive vibes and fostering a connection with the protective energy of the earth, which in turn can mirror the security you wish to manifest throughout your travels.
  • Preparing Your Crystals for the Journey Ahead: Cleanse your chosen crystals, such as the gentle Amethyst or the great stone Labradorite, using natural elements like sea salt or moonlight, allowing them to shed negative emotions and store energy that will promote relaxation and bring clarity during your travels. Charge your crystals by setting an intention specific to your upcoming trip; this could be a request for stability and protection from a piece of Hematite or a wish for inner peace and prosperity, which a Green Aventurine might lend to your travels, ensuring you embark with the most potent and positive energy.
  • How to Carry and Keep Your Crystals During Traveling: Keep your healing crystals close to your body in pockets, a purse, or as jewelry—such as Amethyst necklaces or Moonstone rings—to ensure their energetic properties serve as a constant source of comfort and to protect against the unwanted energies often encountered in new places. When packing for safety and travel protection, select a protective stone like the robust Shungite, thought to absorb negative energies and even protect from the chaotic frequencies emitted by technology like cell phones, ensuring your energetic field stays clear and your mind remains present at the moment.
  • Daily Rituals with Crystals to Improve Travel Experience: Incorporate stones for travel into your daily self-care routine by meditating with certain crystals that resonate with your intention, like a protecting Smokey Quartz, to help reduce anxiety and road trip fears or carrying a piece of Rose Quartz to maintain self-worth and promote healing energy in any environment. Place your crystals strategically around your hotel room or lodging to create a sacred space that offers protection and embodies your home’s energetic patterns, which can be especially helpful for those travelers seeking extra protection and a sense of familiarity during uncertain times.
  • Maintaining Your Crystals’ Energy While on the Move: As you explore new cultures, their history, and environments, routinely cleanse your crystals with direct sunlight, smoke, or in the natural waters you encounter to rid them of any harmful energy they may have absorbed and to rejuvenate their magical energy for continuous support. Use a soft cloth to polish your crystals, maintaining their shine and ensuring these powerful gemstones for travel like the miracle stone, Larimar, or the excellent crystal, Tiger’s Eye, keeping their vibration high, serving as tools for anchoring and offering a feeling of security throughout your journey.
  • Reflecting and Recharging Post-Travel: Upon returning home, engage in a quiet reflection of the roles your crystals played in providing travel protection and the lessons they mirrored back to you, celebrating the success of your trip and the deep connection you’ve cultivated with your energetic guardians. Finally, lay your crystals on a selenite slab or place them under the full moon to cleanse and recharge their energy, acknowledging the movement and growth they facilitated and preparing them for future adventures, ensuring that their vibrations remain aligned with your continuous path toward balance, wisdom, and courage.

Close up photo of a person wearing a black tourmaline necklace

Embarking on a journey can often tug at the strings of uncertainty, but tucking a few select crystals into your luggage can be a game-changer.

These sparkling companions are more than just glittering trinkets; they’re believed to protect and boost your energy, ensuring your voyage is not just safe but infused with positivity.

It’s clear that whether you’re stepping out of your comfort zone or just need to leave home and go on a trip, incorporating different crystals into your travel kit and life can be a small yet powerful gesture towards a peaceful journey, transforming each trip into a chapter of life’s grand journey, with these crystals as your steadfast co-navigators.

Frequently Asked Questions

What crystal is good for traveling.

Amethyst is a powerful crystal that is good for traveling, providing a sense of calm and protection from negative energies, making it a great stone for those who are about to step out of their comfort zone into the unknown. Black Tourmaline, known for its strong energy, is also one of the best crystals for travel as it helps to absorb negative emotions and offers protection, ensuring travel safety and a balanced journey.

What crystal do I need to carry?

Carry Aquamarine to harness its soothing energy that promotes relaxation and helps reduce stress; it is especially useful for overcoming travel anxiety and protecting against fears associated with sea travel. Additionally, Moonstone is a perfect companion for travelers as it is believed to bring luck, offer guidance, and serve as a talisman for journeying, helping you to maintain a connection to your intended path and destination.

Can I travel with my crystals?

Absolutely, traveling with crystals is an easy way to secure their beneficial energy during your journey; pack them in your luggage or wear them as jewelry to keep their vibrations close and purify your travel environment. Just ensure that they are stored safely in a bag or pouch to protect them from the rigors of travel and the potential negative energies found in bustling transit areas.

What crystals are good for safe travel bracelets?

Turquoise and Hematite make for great crystals in safe travel bracelets, with Turquoise offering protection and being historically worn by travelers as a symbol of success, and Hematite is known to ground and stabilize energy levels. These crystals, when combined in a bracelet, can act as a protective charm to ward off negative thoughts and ensure a calm, positive journey, keeping the bearer focused on the present moment and their next adventure.

Is clear quartz good for traveling?

Clear Quartz, often hailed as one of the best crystals for travel, embodies the purity of crystal grids and is believed to amplify energy and thought, promoting clearness of the mind — essential for the modern traveler navigating new environments. As a stone that can cleanse negative energy and elevate positive energy, This crystal is an excellent companion, ensuring that both the spirit and space around you remain clear and balanced during your journeys.

What is the guardian stone for travelers?

Black Tourmaline is widely recognized as a guardian stone for travelers due to its strong protective properties, acting as a guard against negative energies and offering a sense of security in uncertain times. Renowned for its grounding capabilities, this powerful crystal is a staple for travel safety, ensuring that travelers are kept from harm’s way and their emotional balance is maintained, making it a great choice to carry or wear while exploring new destinations.

What crystal represents adventure?

Turquoise has been synonymous with adventure and success, prized since ancient times; it’s believed to protect travelers on road trips and promote an adventurous spirit, especially when carried or worn. This vibrant stone, often associated with joy and the courage to explore unknown paths, lends its wearer a sense of boldness and readiness to embrace the mysteries that await in the world.

Is Moonstone the Traveler’s Stone?

Moonstone is indeed known as the “Traveler’s Stone,” offering its bearer not only protection on their travels but also guiding them through spiritual journeys and emotional transitions. Its attachment to the intuitive aspect of one’s nature and the calming energy it provides makes it an essential talisman for navigating new paths and promoting a restful state, ensuring tranquility and stability in motion.

Why should you carry crystals with you?

Carrying crystals, such as Amethyst for calm and Black Tourmaline for protection, can significantly improve your travel experience by promoting relaxation and safeguarding your energy field. These stones are not only a part of everyday rituals for many but also serve as a form of energetic insurance, ensuring that your journey is infused with positive vibrations and a sense of peace , no matter the destination or potential stresses encountered.

Turquoise has long been considered a crystal that represents adventure, embodying the essence of the sky and the sea, often carried by those seeking protection and good fortune on their travels. It’s not just its vibrant color that makes it a great crystal for adventurers but also its history as a talisman for protection and a symbol of courage and wisdom, accompanying many on their journeys across the world for centuries.

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9 Healing Crystals for Anxiety: Feel Calm and Less Stressed

By Mary Ancillette | February 20, 2023

Crystals for Anxiety

Do you wake up feeling panicky, get ‘jelly legs’ or often avoid anxiety-inducing activities? These crystals can soothe feelings of worry and provide relief from stress.

When humans were evolving, our ‘fight or flight’ response protected us from danger. Tigers, snakes and other humans were just a few hazards that needed an immediate response.

There are far fewer dangers in the modern world, but our brain’s alarm system still identifies “threats” – even in seemingly mundane situations. These feelings of anxiety and stress can strike at any time, but are common in social situations, large crowds, when travelling, or any time we might “fail.” Sometimes they may even lead to panic attacks.

Using crystals can be a gentle and holistic way to overcome these feelings of anxiety and relieve stress. Crystal healing can ease symptoms such as stomach churning, tense muscles and loss of self-confidence, allowing you to enjoy life more. Here are nine of the best crystals for anxiety.

Please note: You should always seek medical advice if you suffer from anxiety. While healing stones may help relieve symptoms and boost happiness, they are never a substitute for medical or psychological care.


Which are the Best Stones and Healing Crystals for Anxiety?

Citrine jewel

1. Citrine (The Lucky Merchants Stone)

Colour : Yellow, ranging from pale to honey or even brown Chakra : Solar Plexus but also activates the Crown Chakra Origin : Brazil, Russia, France, Madagascar, UK, USA

This warm and sunny crystal has metaphysical powers that can soothe anxiety.

Citrine doesn’t hold or accumulate negative energy, so it’s a wonderful stone for when you’re feeling fearful or need assistance with a problem.

If you’re taking control of your life and could use more optimism, cheerfulness and self-esteem, citrine is a powerful crystal. It can help ease your anxiety symptoms and bring greater life satisfaction.

Note: Natural citrine is rare, so heat-treated amethyst is often used instead.

Tip for Using Citrine : Wear citrine in pieces of jewellery, especially bracelets and necklaces, to keep it close to your body.

Blue Lace Agate

2. Blue Lace Agate (Stone of Articulation)

Colour : Pale Blue Chakra : Throat Origin : Morocco, Brazil, India, Czech Republic, USA

Blue lace agate is a light blue stone that calms your mind when it’s full of ‘what may happen.’ Due to its affinity with articulation, this stone helps you speak honestly when feeling anxious in social situations. It also allows you to speak your highest spiritual truths.

If your head is full of worries, or the opinions of others are causing you to feel anxious, blue agate’s positive vibrations can bring relief.

Tip for Using Blue Lace Agate : Meditating with blue lace agate can calm your mind and reduce anxiety.


3. Lepidolite (Stone of Transition, Stone of Peace)

Colour : Purple, Pink Chakra : Third Eye, Throat, Crown, Heart Origin : Czech Republic, Brazil, USA, Dominican Republic, Madagascar

Named after the Greek for “scales,” lepidolite’s balancing nature makes it one of the best crystals for anxiety. It contains lithium, which is used for depression and mood swings, and hence has a calming influence.

Additionally, if your anxieties often stem from change, lepidolite (The Stone of Transition) can ease you through the process. It can also allow you to recognise unhelpful behavioural patterns.

Tip for Using Lepidolite : Hold lepidolite in your palms to see a situation from a higher perspective.

Rose Quartz

4. Rose Quartz (Stone of Unconditional Love, Stone of Gentle Love)

Colour : Pink Chakra : Heart Origin : USA, Japan, India, Brazil, Madagascar, South Africa, Argentina, Mexico

Fear can make it impossible to feel compassion for yourself and others. Rose quartz, with its tender essence and gentle energy, can nurture self-acceptance and self-love by installing a sense of calmness and serenity.

Additionally, rose quartz’ healing powers can ease feelings of anger or resentment that develop when you constantly feel stressed. It reminds us to remain heart-centred when faced with difficult situations and negative emotions.

Tip for Using Rose Quartz :  Sleep  with rose quartz crystals under your pillow to ease anxiety-related insomnia. You may also want to try blue quartz for anxiety and fear.

Black Tourmaline

5. Black Tourmaline

Colour : Black Chakra : Root Origin : Brazil, Zimbabwe, Australia, USA, Africa, Pakistan, Sri Lanka

Black tourmaline is a powerful stone that’s a master at keeping your spirits high during a worrying period.

It’s also known for enhancing well-being and absorbing negative energy. These are all useful properties when you’re under pressure, causing you to feel worried or anxious.

The best way to alleviate worries is to get out of your head for a bit. You can do this by reconnecting to the Root Chakra energy and allowing the negative ions of black tourmaline to work its protective magic.

Tip for Using Black Tourmaline : Wear a black tourmaline bracelet on the left-hand side of your body to benefit from its grounding and protective vibes throughout the day.


6. Danburite

Colour : Pink, Yellow, White or Colourless Chakra : Heart Origin : Czech Republic, USA, Russia, Myanmar, Japan, Switzerland, Mexico, Madagascar

Danburite was first found in Danbury, Connecticut. It emits the purest vibration and links to the angelic realms, making it a wonderful stone for releasing the fears associated with change.

As it resonates with the heart chakra ,dDanburite also opens the heart and encourages self-love. This is vital when healing anxiety, as these feelings are often caused by a lack of self-care.

Tip for Using Danburite : Wear danburite (or other crystals for anxiety) in jewellery to ensure its positive energy remains close to you.


7. Amethyst (Stone of Spirituality and Contentment)

Colour : Purple to Lavender Chakra : Crown and Third Eye Origin : USA, Mexico, Canada, Russia, India, Sri Lanka, Britain, Brazil, Uruguay, Siberia, Africa

Amethyst is a natural de-stressor and one of the most popular healing crystals for anxiety. If you’re feeling over-anxious about an event or situation, it’s a great crystal for bringing a sense of security and safety.

Known for its calming essence and healing properties, amethyst (the all-healing crystal) can bring emotional balance and calm any nerves. It’s also a wonderful stone for gaining clarity when you have a problem and regulating mood swings.

Tip for Using Amethyst : Wear an amethyst necklace to promote relaxation and calmness.


8. Kunzite (Stone of Emotion)

Colour : Pink, Lilac, Clear Chakra : Heart Chakra Origin : Madagascar, Brazil, USA, Afghanistan, Myanmar

As Kunzite is the Stone of Emotion , it encourages self-expression and eases anxieties around social situations. It can also release limiting fears, encourage inner peace, and give you the confidence to grasp new opportunities.

Additionally, the natural lithium content in kunzite may help you address the emotional and mental sources of anxiety.

Tip for Using Kunzite : Wear kunzite jewellery for protection if you’re feeling uncertain or vulnerable.

Blue Kyanite

Colour : Blue/White Chakra : All, but especially Throat and Third Eye Origin : Brazil, USA

Kyanite, with its affiliation to the throat chakra , cuts through fears and blockages by encouraging you to speak honestly. It aids with linear reasoning and brings clarity when making a difficult decision.

Unlike many stones, kyanite doesn’t hold negative energy and never needs to be cleaned. This makes it a brilliant stone for consistently reducing unpleasant feelings, such as anger, stress and frustration.

If you’re stuck in negative thought patterns, or often feel anxious, kyanite has a calming energy that will soothe your symptoms and encourage self-confidence. It can also bring hope when times are hard.

Tip for Using Kyanite : Carry a stick of kyanite in your pocket to boost self-confidence. You may also want to read my guide to the best crystals for confidence  here .

Boat on Lake

How to Use Crystal Healing for Relief From Stress and Anxiety

Crystals can be useful as a natural treatment for anxiety, as they don’t cause any side effects. They can also provide comfort and support in a stressful environment.

Here are a few ways to use crystals for anxiety and stress relief:

  • Meditating with calming crystals, either by placing them on your body or holding them in the palms of your hands, can ease mental clutter and promote relaxation. Healing crystal grids can enhance this effect.
  • Placing anti-anxiety crystals in the home or workplace can transform negative energy into positive for everyone in the room.
  • Worry beads and stones are a useful way to ease symptoms of anxiety. Gently rubbing them can relieve tension and release negative thought patterns.
  • Lay a collection of different crystals around your home to maximise their soothing effect.
  • If you struggle with travel anxiety, bring a few small crystals in your luggage. This allows you to benefit from their anxiety-reducing energy field during your journey. You may also want to read my article about the best crystals for safe travel .

Besides using crystals, you may find talking to loved ones about your problems reduces anxiety. It’s said that sharing a problem reduces its intensity – although writing it down can have a similar effect.

Angel Grotto Angel Icon

Which Angels are Associated With Anxiety?

The angels I most associate with anxiety are:

  • Archangel Michael  – to break the worry cycle.
  • Archangel Chamuel  – for when you’re feeling unsettled and needing personal peace.
  • Archangel Raguel  – for all problems related to stress and stress management.

Frequently Asked Questions

Which are the best crystals for social anxiety.

All of the crystals above can help with social anxiety, but there are two that stand out.

Blue lace agate, in particular, is one of the best gemstones for social phobia and anxiety. If you’re feeling anxious about an upcoming social occasion, try meditating with blue lace agate to calm your mind. It’s also great to wear as jewellery whenever you go to a party or other social event.

You may also want to try kunzite. This crystal healing stone is brilliant for releasing fears and anxieties that hold us back, including those related to social situations.

Which Calming Stones Relieve Anxiety When Trying to Sleep?

Anxious thoughts are a common cause of sleep problems. The later it gets, the more anxious we get about not sleeping, and the harder sleep becomes – it’s a vicious cycle!

Of course, you should always seek medical help if you have issues with sleep, as it’s essential for your body, mind, and general wellness. But there are certain crystals and stones I’ve found to help with sleep anxiety, such as lepidolite and amethyst. Rose quartz can also have a calming effect on anxiety related to insomnia.

You can read more about crystals for sleep here .

Which Crystals Are Best for Travel Anxiety?

There are many travel crystals that can help with anxiety, but amethyst and yellow jasper are two of my favourites. They both reduce the anxiety associated with new locations and unfamiliar experiences.

Summary and My Favourite Crystals for Anxiety

Anxiety can be a curse to our enjoyment of life. It may strike at any time, and transforms positive experiences into ones filled with stress and negativity. In extreme cases, it can even cause panic attacks.

While severe or prolonged anxiety should be addressed by a medical professional, the power of crystals may help to ease tension, reduce stress and allow you to breathe more deeply.

My favourite crystal for anxiety is blue lace agate. Its natural ability to calm my head from running ‘disaster movies’ is really helpful.

Mary Ancillette

About the Author: Mary Ancillette

Mary is a spiritual teacher, published author and crystal healing expert from the UK. With over 15 years of crystal healing experience, she’s passionate about helping others improve their lives by harnessing the power of crystals and spirituality.

2 thoughts on “9 Healing Crystals for Anxiety: Feel Calm and Less Stressed”

Thank you for this, Mary!

You’re welcome Chawa, I’m glad to help!

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27 Best Stones & Crystals For Anxiety Or Stress

Looking for the best crystals for anxiety can be a little challenging at first. On some level, many stones are able to help you with stress due to their strong emotional and spiritual properties .

But if dealing with anxiety is your primary focus, it can be hard to find out which crystals you should try first. While you might be trying to deal with anxious thoughts, there are other properties and benefits that should be considered as well.

This guide makes your job easy by providing a detailed list of the best crystals and stones for anxiety . We went the extra mile to give you plenty of options , so you can choose your favorites based on intention and your current healing practices .

crystal for travel anxiety

1. Sapphire

Sapphire is a semi-precious stone steeped in history and lore. Since the dawn of man, it’s been revered for its beauty and Divine favor! A symbol of power and strength, the gemstone was often worn for protection, spiritual insight, and good health.

One Sapphire anxiety stone

The rich indigo hues of Sapphire are said to lend a healing hand that calms the mind, body, and soul. Many healers utilize it to ease tension and erase unwanted thoughts.

Sapphire is a stone for anxiety that’s thought to have a strong connection to the universe and spirit worlds. According to some, it provides unwavering guidance in the face of adversity, illuminating your path to emotional bliss and restoring balance in your heart.

2. Amazonite

A form of potassium feldspar, Amazonite is a beautiful mineral with a gorgeous vitreous luster. It’s most commonly found on riverbanks throughout South America. However, it’s also in the far reaches of Russian Tundras and the beaches of Madagascar.

One raw piece of Amazonite

Also known as the Hope Stone, Amazonite is a fantastic tool for weaving fragmented thoughts. It does away with self-destructive thinking, allowing you to obtain a sense of calm.

Amazonite stone

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The stone is a favorite for those who suffer from stress and anxiety. It filters out the dark energy, leaving behind the light that can help you patch up old wounds and move forward in life.

3. Amethyst

Amethyst has an intense vibrational energy that you can feel the moment it comes into your presence. Like other crystals for anxiety, Amethyst creates a sense of calm and tranquility.

Three large Amethyst crystals

The purple crystal is tuned into the third eye chakra and infuses your mind with peaceful thought. It cleanses the mind of worry, addressing anxiety at its source.

A piece of Amethyst

The crystal has a knack for bringing darkness to light. You can face your troubles head-on and learn from past traumas to become a healthier and more well-rounded person. It doesn’t just wipe the slate clean, but it also gives you the tools to face new challenges with voracity and clarity.

4. Rhodonite

Made of manganese silicate, Rhodonite is an eye-catching stone with pink and deep red.

A polished Rhodonite stress stone

This stone has a unique approach to easing the mind. Not only does it clear away self-destructive thinking, but it also teaches you to love inwardly and outwardly .

Happy couple with crystals for love, attraction, romance and partnership

It’s said to help stress-ridden people find peace by breaking down barriers that cause it (many turn to it for help with panic attacks as well). The stone focuses on pain in the heart, encouraging you to dismantle the long-held chains that negatively impact your self-worth.

A pink piece of Rhodonite

By learning to love yourself, you can find the power and focus to confront anything. It eases the mind and puts you on the path to conditional love in many forms.

5. Hematite

Don’t let the dark and reflective nature of Hematite fool you. It’s just as capable of clearing stress as other well-known crystals for anxiety.

A shiny Hematite specimen

A form of iron ore, Hematite is a bringer of strength. Sometimes called the Stone of the Mind, it has the innate power to reflect bad energy away from your aura. It’s an excellent crystal to have on you at all times.

A piece of Hematite

Whether the darkness comes from other people or challenging life situations, Hematite prevents you from absorbing it. As a result, it can keep your mind clear of stress while retaining focus and emotional strength.

With swathes of ocean blue and sun-kissed orange, Kyanite has naturally calming properties. It reminds you of the beauty of the world and helps you manage emotions more efficiently.

Kyanite being used for anxiety

Many believe that Kyanite is one of the most soothing stones for anxiety in existence. It’s perfect for those who struggle with frayed thoughts and emotional outbursts regularly.

A partially rounded piece of Kyanite

Kyanite teaches you to take a step back and appreciate the little things. It soothes hot tempers and prevents the mind from racing a mile a minute. Rather than jumping to conclusions or acting on pure emotions, it shows you a more docile and tranquil path.

7. Lava Stone

Here’s a unique stone that challenges the perception of healing crystals for anxiety. Formed from cooled magma, Lava Stones have a rough texture filled with pits and craters.

One Lava Stone on a white background

Despite its rocky appearance, Lava Stone is a master grounder. This makes it a great root chakra stone to create a feeling of stability and calm in your life.

Meditating woman with base/rook chakra symbol and crystals for base chakra helping with for stability

Many say that Lava Stone is also a powerful emotional stabilizer. Great for everyday use, the mineral works to combat fears and stresses that arise from day to day. It provides a strong sense of inner peace.

Crystal practitioners also use it to encourage restful sleep and vibrant energy.

8. Shungite

Shungite is another dark stone that most wouldn’t associate with emotional healing. The dark gray coloration might not look transcendent, but this stone is said to be a powerful detoxifier.

A big piece of Shungite

It’s thought to rid the body of dangerous toxins that can cloud the mind and sway your physical health. On the emotional front, Shungite purifies your thinking and gets rid of continual bouts of anxiety.

Millions of years old, Shungite is said to harness Mother Earth’s power to relieve the throws of emotional trauma. It grounds you and prevents unhealthy thoughts from negatively impacting your everyday life.

9. Rose Quartz

An ever-popular healing crystal, Rose Quartz is one that always seems to pull at the heartstrings. Known for its delicate and feminine beauty, Rose Quartz has a long history of healing pains of the heart.

Three Rose Quartz anxiety crystals

It activates and improves energy flow through the heart chakra . As a result, it paves the way to help you give and receive love in all its forms.

A single piece of Rose Quartz

This crystal for anxiety has energy frequencies that are delicate and gentle. But, they are powerful enough to shift your way of thinking. Instead of focusing on anxiety, it transmutes those thoughts into love and light.

Rose Quartz after being given affirmations

10. Smoky Quartz

Smoky Quartz is a mysterious crystal that can absorb negativity from your aura. It clears your being from excess energy, allowing you to focus on the things that matter.

One long Smoky Quartz crystal

Many crystal practitioners recommend Smoky Quartz to those who are harboring unwanted baggage. Whether it’s from past mistakes, old traumas, or negative energy you took from someone else, the crystal absorbs it all.

It takes away the bad energy to “lighten your load.” Smoky Quartz helps you let go of the things that weigh you down and leave you feeling anxious. As a result, you’re free to experience the world and all its beauty!

11. Fluorite

Fluorite is a colorful crystal for anxiety that shines differently based on the lighting and viewing angle. It displays a spectrum of colors, leading to its nickname of the Rainbow Keeper.

A Fluorite crystal for anxiety

The stone is said to imbue your energy field with a powerful light that washes away dark energy. It’s the ultimate bringer of bliss! Perfect for worrying minds, the crystal can help with anxiety and encourage relaxation by preventing the mind from turning to self-destructive thoughts.

Fluorite comes in many forms. However, it’s comprised of common minerals like Quartz and calcium. The crystal’s simplicity is said to be its most vital asset. It’s naturally rejuvenating, allowing you to approach every day with a clear mind.

12. Lapis Lazuli

With its deep shades of purple and blue, Lapis Lazuli is a favorite among artisans. It appeared in many cultures as jewelry and even adorned the skin of royalty as makeup!

A colorful piece of Lapis Lazuli

Today, Lapis Lazuli is the stone of self-awareness and inner strength. It stops negative thoughts from stunting your emotional development. Instead of letting anxiety prevent you from living your truth and purpose, it imbues you with the strength to say, “Yes!” 

It’s a fantastic tool for reaching your true potential. Emotionally, it cuts through the self-doubt and silences your inner saboteur once and for all.

13. Clear Quartz 

Clear Quartz is a common crystal that’s easy to find. But even with its commonality, its icy appearance sends a shot of healing energy where you need it most.

Clear Quartz on a white background

If you’re suffering from emotional lethargy, Clear Quartz can provide a boost of energy that kicks your mind into gear! It offers a light at the end of the tunnel and infuses you with the power of manifestation .

Crystals for manifesting supporting young couple in getting their dream house. The happy couple is holding the mason folding ruler in the shape of the house in front of them looking through.

Clear Quartz acts as a guiding light in a foggy mind. No matter what kinds of traumas and pains are causing stress, this crystal can help with anxiety and teach you to break through. It can end the cycle of pain and lousy decision-making to help you think clearly and with purpose.

A piece of Clear Quartz on a table

14. Ocean Jasper

Ocean Jasper is said to combine energy from water and volcanic rock. This dichotomy of two radiant energies creates a healing power like no other.

A polished Ocean Jasper stone for stress

When you’re feeling low and anxiety-ridden, Ocean Jasper awakens the soul and brings you back from the darkness of your mind. It’s a supportive stone that can help you claw your way out of the ruins and push you into new experiences.

A small piece of Ocean Jasper

Of course, the stone doesn’t just whisk away bad energy. Instead, it teaches you to take a look in the mirror and appreciate the reflection you see. The stone builds inner peace by encouraging you to find love within yourself.

15. Lepidolite

Lepidolite is an interesting stone for anxiety that can bring balance and harmony in times of stress. Some believe that its mighty powers are due to its chemical composition. Lepidolite contains lithium, which is often used in anti-anxiety medications.

Anxiety crystal called Lepidolite

But you don’t have to rely on lithium alone. Just holding the crystal during meditation is said to transfer the powers of healing into your body and spirit.

A shiny polished piece of Lepidolite

A strong supporter of the third eye chakra , it’s an ethereal stone that goes beyond your physical being. It connects to other realms and restores harmony in your energy field, creating a sense of emotional balance that continually fights self-destructive thoughts.

16. Citrine

This sun-kissed stone is all about tapping into the healing light of the sun. In many cultures, Citrine was the embodiment of the sun itself. Many believe that it holds onto healing light that you can take advantage of.

A Citrine anxiety crystal

Citrine fends off darkness by blasting your energy field with positivity and light, which makes it one of the best crystals for empaths . It transmutes long-forgotten pains that hold you down, encouraging you to let go of the past and move forward.

Young lady patiently listening protects her energy with crystals for empaths selection.

It’s an energetic crystal for anxiety that can have far-reaching effects on your life. Not only does it address stress, but it’s said to boost your self-confidence, provide energy, and remove fear.

A slightly dark Citrine cluster

17. Celestite

Take one look at Celestite, and its heavenly properties are apparent. The sky-blue crystal is said to hum with the choirs of protective angels.

One Celestite crystal that has been split in half

Celestite works in-tandem with the crown and third eye chakras. Many believe that it provides wisdom from the cosmos while granting protection from other realms!

Here, healers seek the crystal for anxiety relief and emotional cleansing. The stone is thought to free the mind of stress-inducing emotions, such as resentment, anger, and pain. In their place, it imbues you with tranquility and calm.

A polished and shiny Celestite stone

The crystal teaches you to approach all of life’s challenges with positivity. It pushes you out of your comfort zone, prevents you from harboring ill-will, and releases you from the emotional chains that bind you. 

18. Turquoise Howlite

Turquoise Howlite is a hopeful stone that pushes you to grow.

One well-polished piece of Turquoise Howlite

Many people hold onto past experiences. But it’s how you treat those experiences that matter. You can choose to linger on them, or you can choose to use them as lessons.

With Turquoise Howlite by your side, you can let those dark memories empower you! The stone shines a light on those past indiscretions, helping you take what you need from them and let go.

It’s a powerful thought organizer, too. In the heat of the moment, Turquoise Howlite gently restores calm. It prevents stress and anxiety from building, pushing you to live in the moment rather than dwell on those instances that can ruin your day.

19. Black Tourmaline

This potent stone for anxiety can consume the darkness that you hold onto! Despite the dark connotations, this act of absorption frees you from long-held anxieties.

A Black Tourmaline column

Black Tourmaline absolves dark energy and spins into something that will bring you light and love. It has a knack for finding deeply rooted pains that weigh you down. By releasing that energy, the stone can swap out detrimental behaviors with positive ones.

A young girl looking for best crystals for protection to help to uplift and guard against negativity.

It can turn those unwanted emotions into something truly spectacular. You can bask in newfound purpose and manifest the pain into self-confidence, luck, and drive. The stone also provides ongoing protection , ensuring that those feelings of stress can create a chink in your emotional armor.

One piece of Black Tourmaline

20. Angelite

Angelite is another stone that’s thought to connect you with the guardian angels above. The soft blue hues are said to harken back to the ethereal energy of realms beyond our own.

A small Angelite stress stone

Crystal healers believe that it bridges the gap between realms, allowing you to face the world in the company of your guardians. Of course, your protectors don’t just prevent you from experiencing worldly damage. They also create a shield against negative energy that could latch onto your mind and cause anxiety.

A light blue piece of Angelite

The stone is welcoming, casting a wave of tranquility over your mind, body, and soul. It’s a natural stress reliever that whisks away evil thoughts with the flap of an angel wing.

21. Selenite

Selenite is a crystal for anxiety with unbridled light and positive energy. The translucent crystal features striations like the feathers of your guardian angel. Peaceful and freeing, Selenite breaks the chains of negative thinking to grant clarity like never before.

Clean piece of Selenite

The unique thing about Selenite is that it’s said to wash away emotional impurities. Like a wand of healing, many believe that you can cleanse your auric field to feel more liberated and peaceful.

It rids the body of energy that no longer serves you. Whether you’re holding onto pain, regret, or loss, it encourages you to let go so that you can feel at peace once again.

22. Moonstone

A form of feldspar, Moonstone has a gorgeous pearl-like luster. It shines a rainbow of soft color while it enchants you with healing lunar energy.

One tumbled piece of Moonstone

Moonstone is all about cyclical change. Like the ebb and flow of the tides, it provides balance to your ever-changing emotional stage. The stone doesn’t let you dwell on feelings of stress or uneasiness for too long. Before you know it, it washes away the waves of pain to restore your mind anew.

The beauty of Moonstone acts as a talisman of change. It reminds you that “This too shall pass.” Having it in your life helps you move on to the next chapter of life, ensuring that you don’t harp on the bad for any longer than necessary.

23. Blue Lace Agate

Many seek out Blue Lace Agate for stress relief and positive vibes. Like the endless expanse of soft blue on the horizon of a new dawn, this stone calms the nerves, can potentially reduce panic attacks, and welcomes healing change.

Blue Lace Agate for relaxing

It naturally soothes the soul and helps you achieve a greater state of bliss. Whether it’s during meditation or in the face of challenging adversities, the stone brings insightful wisdom that you can use to conquer the day.

A polished piece of Blue Lace Agate

Blue Lace Agate stimulates many chakras, but it’s most effective on the throat chakra. It removes blockages, allowing you to speak your truth and address tensions that cause you stress.

24. Tiger’s Eye

Tiger’s Eye is a powerful grounding stone that can increase your self-awareness in the moment. There are many forms of Tiger’s Eye out there. No matter the color, most samples feature visible bands and an eye-popping luster. Some say that these bands signify the powerful healing energy that flows through the stone.

One polished piece of Tiger's Eye

This stone for anxiety is all about inner-strength and willpower. Its healing energy imbues you with a greater sense of self, allowing you to stay grounded amidst the chaos of life.

A shiny Tiger's Eye stone

When faced with a stress-inducing situation, the stone reminds you to stay strong. It can wash away the darkness, revealing the light you need to remain present and positive.

25. Aquamarine

This hugely popular gemstone is a favorite for keeping your mental well-being afloat. Like the song of a mermaid, Aquamarine creates a sense of calm and tranquility in the face of great stress.

A very small Aquamarine crystal

It washes away stress and tension, leaving behind better insight into your own thinking. It’s a profoundly meditative crystal for anxiety that’s said to help you get better acquainted with yourself.

Those who are plagued by hot tempers may learn to keep their emotions in check. Aquamarine helps to let go of past biases and pain that drive your reactions. As a result, you can approach every situation with more rationale and calm.

26. Morganite

Morganite is a romantic stone that’s capable of instilling love and acceptance into your heart. 

Pink Morganite crystal for anxiety

Like other stones, Morganite has the power to heal. But, its approach to healing is a bit different. It sheds light on your emotions, allowing you to learn from them.

The crystal encourages you to look inward into why you let stress and anxiety take hold in the first place! By taking a peek at the darkness inside you, you can learn and let go.

A piece of Morganite

This newfound healing may change how you approach hardships in the future, preventing your mind from taking you places you don’t ever want to go.

27. Sodalite

Sodalite is a crystal for positive thinking. A tectosilicate mineral, Sodalite is a rock-forming crystal with a distinct appearance and finish.

Sodalite stone after being polished

Many compare it to the frothy foam of the ocean. Like those foam-filled waves, Sodalite can wash away negative emotions to reveal a connected heart and clear mind.

It’s perfect for temperamental souls guided by the intense emotions of sudden stress. The stone anchors you down, paving the way for logical thinking. Sodalite has a calming touch that can transform the way you approach all of life’s challenges.

One polished piece of Sodalite

It reminds you that the glass is always refillable. No matter the anxiety life throws your way, it clears the way for you to rebuild and find peace.

Different Ways To Use Crystals For Anxiety

Crystals and stones are versatile tools for addressing anxiety and stress. They have a long history of ritualistic healing, but you don’t need to possess the knowledge of mysticism to take advantage of them.

Here are some ways to introduce these stones into your life.

These days, the most popular way to absorb healing energy is through jewelry. For thousands of years, humans have been fabricating jewelry pieces out of these powerful crystals for anxiety. Be it pendants, beaded bracelets, or totem rings, having crystals on your body can make all the difference!

In jewelry, stones are said to hold just as much power as raw form. The difference, however, is that the vibrational energy is always capable of reaching your body!

Guided Meditation

These crystals are a common sight in spas and meditation rooms. During guided meditation, you can absorb the healing energy and focus on the direct benefits the stones offer.

Hold a crystal in your hand as you clear the mind of rambling thoughts. Doing so is said to help you tune into the healing frequencies.

You can also create a healing grid using multiple healing crystals for anxiety. Seasoned healers may also combine stones to maximize the potential benefits.

Chakra Healing

Most stones have a connection with one of the seven major chakras. These energy points govern several aspects of your metaphysical self. Applying the crystal to specific chakras may help to activate them and clear blockages.

The art of divination involves using the healing powers of the crystal and receiving guidance from the universe. Many of the stones we discussed are thought to tap into other realms, providing a higher state of consciousness and welcome protection.

Attach the crystal to a chain or thread and use it as a weighted pendulum. As you watch the stone move back and forth, identify the stresses that ail you and allow the healing energy to imbue your body.

Water Infusion

Some stones for anxiety can permeate water. Believers say that water is a natural vessel that can carry the energy and purge the body of negative energy.

Soak the crystals in a bath before hopping in. Or, allow the energy to infuse drinking water.

Radiant Energy Hotspots

Another way to live a stress-free life is to place healing stones throughout your home and workplace! This technique is said to flush the spaces you occupy with positivity!

Use large rocks, points, and slabs to fill your home with healing decor!

Worry Stones

When you need a boost of positivity, worry stones are a great choice. Small polished crystals and rocks are fantastic totems for healing.

Keep them in your bag or pocket. To absorb some of the healing energy, simply hold the crystal in your hand whenever a challenge arises. This can help you maintain a better emotional baseline, and even lower the chance of experiencing a panic attack.

Time To Pick!

We hope you enjoyed this list of the best crystals for anxiety and stress. We really enjoyed putting it together, and have enjoyed the calming experience of many of these stones ourselves.

If anxiety is your only concern and you’re not sure which to pick, don’t overthink it. All of these can help calm a worried mind, so simply pick one (or two) and incorporate it into your life.

You won’t be disappointed.

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All the Crystals

The Best Crystals for Safe Travel and New Experiences

Travel can be stressful: new places, delays, and lots of interactions. If you're traveling soon, here's what you need to know about crystals for safe travel.

crystals for safe travel

Crystals for Safe Travel: Protection and Peace of Mind

Are you planning to travel soon? Whether you're going on a road trip, flying across the country, or embarking on a new adventure, traveling can be a stressful experience: there may be difficult situations that arise, lots of people in close proximity, long flights, or simply unwanted energy in your space. If you have an upcoming trip, crystals can be a great companion for your travels – whether it's a short trip or a longer venture. 

Crystals have been used for centuries for their healing properties, and they can be especially useful when it comes to travel. From protecting you against negative energy to easing travel sickness, to helping you you feel more grounded and relaxed during your travels, crystals are a great support – and they're easy to take with you, even if you are flying . In this article, we'll explore some of the best crystals for safe travel and how to use them effectively.

Crystals can be a powerful tool for anyone who wants to stay safe and protected while traveling. They are easy to use and can offer a sense of calm and security while on the road. Whether you're traveling by car, plane, or boat, consider using crystals for safe travel to help keep you energetically protected and ready to enjoy some new experiences.

crystals for safe travel

Why Crystals for Safe Travel

When it comes to traveling, safety is always a top priority. However, the stress and anxiety that come with traveling can often make it difficult to stay calm and focused. This is where crystals can play an important role in promoting safe and stress-free travel.

They can help calm your nerves and promote a sense of peace and relaxation, making it easier to handle any unexpected situations that may arise.

In addition to their protective and calming properties, crystals can also bring good luck and positive energy. This can be especially helpful when traveling to new places or embarking on new adventures.

Some of the best crystals for safe travel include amethyst, malachite, black tourmaline, and smoky quartz. These crystals are known for their protective properties and can help keep you safe from harm while traveling.

Overall, incorporating crystals into your travel routine can be a simple yet effective way to promote safe and stress-free travel. By carrying or wearing certain crystals, you can create a protective shield around yourself and promote positive energy, helping you to stay calm and focused no matter where your travels take you.

**Remember that crystals should always be used in addition to – not instead of – common-sense safety practices, accountability, and awareness of your surroundings. Crystals enhance and balance energy, help you ground and center, and foster positive emotions. Always travel with discretion and exercise caution.

crystals for safe travel

Top Crystals for Safe Travel

When it comes to safe travel, crystals can be a powerful tool to help boost your energy levels, bring good fortune, and support travel safety. These crystals are said to have energy that can help you diffuse stressful situations, ease travel-related worries, deflect bad energy, create your own comfort zone on the go, and provide support for other issues or inconveniences while you're away from home. 

Here are some of the top crystals for safe travel that you can carry with you on your next adventure:

  • Black Tourmaline : This powerful grounding stone can help protect you from negative energies and electromagnetic radiation. It's also a great crystal to help reduce anxiety and stress during travel.
  • Selenite : Selenite is a crystal that's often associated with spiritual connection, clarity of mind, and peace in various holistic practices. It can provide protection and positivity during journeys, as well as help maintain a serene and balanced state of mind. It's also a great crystal to keep in your hotel room, to help you cleanse and clear that space from other guests' energies – and to clear your own, each night when you get back from the day's activities. It can also help you to keep your crystals cleansed , while you're on the go.
  • Amethyst : Known as the stone of spirituality, amethyst can help calm your mind and promote relaxation during travel. It can also help protect against physical harm and negative energies.
  • Malachite : This transformative stone can help alleviate travel sickness, jet lag , and physical ailments. It can also guard against accidents and calm travel fears.
  • Aquamarine : This stone of courage and protection can help protect you during travel, especially when it comes to water-related activities. It can also promote a sense of calm and relaxation.
  • Yellow Jasper : Known as the supreme nurturer, yellow jasper can help provide a sense of comfort and security during travel. It can also help alleviate stress and anxiety.
  • Moonstone : Known as the “traveler's stone,” moonstone is an excellent choice for travel. This stone of new beginnings can help promote a sense of calm and balance during travel. It can also help protect against negative energies and promote intuition. It's great for long trips to help you stay balanced and feel emotionally secure while you're away from home.
  • Smoky Quartz : This stone of cooperation can help ground and protect you during travel. It can also help alleviate stress and promote a sense of calm.
  • Clear Quartz : Known as the master healer, clear quartz can help amplify the energy of other stones and promote clarity and focus during travel.
  • Rose Quartz : This stone of love and compassion can help promote a sense of calm and relaxation during travel. It can also help protect against negative energies and promote self-love.
  • Turquoise : This stone of protection can help protect against physical harm during travel. It can also promote a sense of calm and balance.
  • Sapphire : Sapphire is a gemstone often associated with serenity and wisdom in various holistic practices. While there is no scientific evidence to support its effectiveness, some individuals believe that carrying or wearing sapphire can help alleviate the symptoms of motion sickness by providing a calming influence and balancing the body's energies.
  • Obsidian : Obsidian is a volcanic glass that is often used in crystal healing practices for its reputed grounding and protective properties. It is said that carrying or wearing obsidian can help diffuse feelings of anger and frustration, such as road rage, by promoting calmness and emotional balance.
  • Carnelian : Carnelian is a great stone if you are looking to embrace change and try new things. It is said to boost courage, confidence, and creativity, potentially making it easier to step outside of your comfort zone. 

Carrying one or more of these crystals with you during travel can help provide a sense of protection, grounding, and relaxation. Remember to cleanse and charge your crystals regularly to keep them working at their best.

crystals for safe travel

Crystals for Specific Travel Concerns

Crystals can have a powerful influence on your travel experience. If you are looking for a crystal for a specific issue, here are a few common situations you may be looking for crystal healing support with. Here are some specific recommendations:  Whether you're traveling by plane, jet, or water, these powerful stones can have a positive impact on your journey.

  • One of the most common issues travelers face is jet lag. This is where your body's internal clock gets thrown off by traveling across time zones. Crystals like Amethyst and Moonstone can help soothe your nerves and promote relaxation, making it easier to adjust to a new time zone.
  • Another way crystals can influence travel is by helping you feel more grounded . This is especially important when you're flying at high altitudes. Stones like Black Tourmaline and Hematite can help you feel more connected to the earth, making it easier to stay calm and centered during your flight.
  • If you're prone to accidents or just feeling nervous while traveling, crystals like Aquamarine and Smoky Quartz can help. These stones are known for their calming and protective properties, which can help ease your mind and keep you safe on your journey.
  • Finally, crystals can also help balance your chakras , which can have a positive impact on your overall well-being.

Whether you're looking to soothe your nerves, stay grounded, or just feel more relaxed, there's a crystal out there that can help. 

Crystals for Jet Lag

Jet lag can be a real problem when traveling across time zones. It can cause fatigue, irritability, and general discomfort. While crystals aren't a substitute for medication, there are many people that find crystals supportive for jet lag. Here are some you may want to try: 

  • Amethyst can help you sleep better by calming your mind and promoting relaxation.
  • Moonstone can help regulate your body's natural rhythms and ease the transition to a new time zone.
  • Hematite can help ground you and balance your energy, reducing feelings of disorientation and confusion.

Crystals for Travel Anxiety

Travel anxiety can be caused by a variety of factors, including fear of flying, fear of the unknown, and fear of being away from home. Here are some crystals that can help you stay calm and centered during your travels:

  • Lepidolite can help reduce anxiety and promote feelings of calm and tranquility.
  • Rose Quartz can help you stay centered and connected to your emotions, reducing feelings of panic and fear.
  • Black Tourmaline can help protect you from negative energy and promote a sense of safety and security.

Crystals for Protection During Travel

When traveling, it's important to protect yourself from negative energy and unwanted influences. Here are some crystals that can help:

  • Smoky Quartz can help protect you from electromagnetic fields and other environmental stressors.
  • Black Obsidian can help protect you from negative energy and psychic attacks.
  • Shungite can help neutralize harmful energy and promote a sense of calm and well-being.

Crystals and Electromagnetic Fields

When traveling, you may be exposed to high levels of electromagnetic radiation from electronic devices, such as cell phones, laptops, and airplanes. This can cause fatigue, headaches, and other symptoms. Here are some crystals that can help protect you from electromagnetic energy :

  • Black Tourmaline can help protect you from electromagnetic radiation and other environmental stressors.
  • Hematite can help deflect electromagnetic radiation and promote a sense of balance and groundedness.

crystals for safe travel

Using Crystals for Travel

There are many ways to use crystals for safe travel, to promote positive energy and experiences. You can carry them with you in your pocket or purse, wear them as jewelry, or place them in your luggage. Some people even place crystals in their car or on their dashboard to help protect them while driving. Here are some ways to use crystals for travel:

Set an Intention

Before you embark on your journey, set an intention for your trip. This can be as simple as saying a positive affirmation or visualizing a successful and enjoyable trip. You can use crystals to help amplify this intention. Hold your chosen crystal in your hand and focus on your intention.

Create an Energetic Shield

Crystals can also be used to create an energetic shield around you. This shield can help to protect you from negative energies, psychic attacks, and other unwanted energies that you may encounter while traveling. Some good crystals for this purpose include black tourmaline, amethyst, and hematite.

Transmute Fears

If you tend to feel anxious or fearful while traveling, certain crystals can help transmute these negative emotions into positive ones. Citrine and rose quartz are great for promoting feelings of joy and positivity, while blue lace agate can help calm nerves and promote relaxation.

Bring Positive Vibes

Crystals can also help bring positive vibes to your trip. Clear quartz is a versatile crystal that can be programmed with any intention, while aventurine can promote feelings of abundance and prosperity. It can also be really helpful to be able to engage in your everyday rituals, even while traveling. Bringing crystals with you can help remind you of or support you during your daily meditation, grounding, breathwork, or other practices.

Purify Your Space

Crystals like selenite and black tourmaline can help you keep your space clean and purified while traveling and neutralize any stagnant energy. 

Promote Spiritual Growth

Traveling can be a great opportunity for spiritual growth and self-discovery. Crystals like labradorite and moldavite can help enhance your intuition and connect you with your higher self.

Remember to always use your intuition when choosing which crystals to bring with you on your travels. Trust that the right crystals will come to you and guide you on your journey.

crystals for safe travel

Crystals for Safe Travel

Traveling is an adventure, but like all adventures, it can also bring a fair share of stress and uncertainty. With their centuries-long history in holistic practices, crystals can provide a comforting presence during your journey. They can create a sense of peace, calm, and balance, providing an additional layer of serenity to your travels. From protective stones like Black Tourmaline and Smoky Quartz to calming gems such as Amethyst and Selenite, there is a wide array of crystals to accompany you on your voyage.

Crystals are easy to carry and have various perceived benefits, like promoting safety, easing travel-related anxieties, diffusing negative energy, or aiding with travel-specific issues like jet lag. But remember, while they may serve as supportive companions, they are not substitutes for essential safety measures or medical treatments. Always prioritize common-sense safety practices and medical advice while exploring the world.

So, next time you embark on an adventure, consider inviting these crystalline companions along. Whether you're venturing to an unfamiliar city, setting off on a cross-country road trip, or flying to a different continent, these portable powerhouses can contribute to making your journey more harmonious and stress-free. After all, a journey is about more than reaching a destination; it's about the experiences, discoveries, and peace of mind along the way.

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crystal for travel anxiety

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The Top 10 Best Crystals For Travel And Protection

Author Tom Smith

Posted on Last updated: December 21, 2022

What are the best crystals for travel? Crystals have been used to soothe our worries for a long time.

They can be useful for traveling in all sorts of ways.

Whether you need comfort for safe travels in a car, flying, or even going on a boat, there are many crystals for safe travel that you can bring with you on your next trip.

Best Crystals for Travel: Various crystals thumb stones

Get ready for your next trip by using these amazing crystals to give you the protection and happiness you need.

Learn how to make sure that the crystals you have are authentic and how to use them by reading on.

Our Top 10 Crystals for Travel

Don’t feel like you need to stick to one crystal for your travel safety. There are many kinds of crystals that are great for travel, no matter what kind.

Let’s take a look at all of your options.

Woman holding amethyst crystal in her 2 hands

1. Amethyst, the “Traveler’s stone”, Best Crystal For Travel #1

Amethyst is the healing stone of healing stones. It is at the top of our list of crystals for travel with good reason.

With this purple crystal, you know that you will be protected. Amethyst is known for being great for keeping you safe and protected.

It will transmute and absorb negative energies, turning them into feelings of peace.

Purple is a powerful color, which also makes amethyst one of the best crystals for both daily uses and one of the best crystals for traveling.

Amethyst crystal

This color is highly calming and great for keeping both the mind and body calm while in a car or on a plane.

It can also be uplifting, giving you the energy that you need once you get to your destination.

If you have anxiety about traveling, whether it’s about being in a car for many hours or flying in a plane, amethyst will relieve those anxieties and make you feel much better.

Best crystals for travel: Amethyst crystal pear shape

Not only will it get rid of anxiety, but it also helps with sleep ! This is great if you experience jet lag when you go on vacation.

Another great quality of amethyst is that it is a great crystal for memory .

Don’t forget anything on your to-do list when you have amethyst on your side

Best Crystals for Travel: Tiger eye crystal

2. Tiger Eye

Tiger eye is another one of the main crystals for traveling. This crystal is great for relieving anxiety and stress, especially when it comes to traveling.

When you go on your next journey, keep some tiger eye in your pocket to promote strength, courage, and protect yourself from evils and dangers.

If you ever need a crystal that will push you forward in your journey while also keeping you safe, tiger eye is the right crystal for you.

Malachite tumbled stones

3. Malachite

These green crystals are amazing for taking with you on your next journey.

Malachite is named the “ guardian stone ” for travelers as it is known for keeping people safe no matter if they are traveling by car or plane.

This crystal is prided for its transformational qualities. It will take your worries and anxieties and transform them into feelings of calm and peace.

Keep away the negative energies by bringing some malachite with you on your vacation or trip.

When traveling, taking a green crystal is great as the color green is associated with health and wellness.

The color green is known for making people feel rested and secure so if you need a crystal to make you feel calm on your trip, consider taking a green crystal with you.

Best Crystals for Travel: Tumbled moonstones

4. Moonstone

Moonstones are great crystals for travel when you need something that will give you a “new beginning.”

Moonstone is known for being able to balance emotions, give you extra strength, and soothe nerves and anxiety.

Moonstone is known for being the traveler’s stone, making it perfect for taking with you on your journey. Moostone’s crystals also provide high healing energy.

This crystal helps with jet lag just like amethyst. If you are the type of person who frequently feels unwell when or after traveling, moonstone dispels illness and can make you feel a lot better.

Yellow Jasper crystal

5. Best Crystals for Travel: Yellow Jasper

Just like the color green is associated with feeling calm and rested, the color yellow is associated with fun and happiness .

Maybe you want to feel happy and energetic on your travels. If that is the case, you will want to take yellow jasper with you.

This crystal is known for reducing anxiety and stress, instead replacing those feelings with happiness and joy.

Yellow jasper will ground you while also giving you a confidence boost. If you are heading out on a trip alone, yellow jasper will help you make new friends along the way.

Yellow jaspers are great crystals for travel when you need an extra push to get out there.

Smokey quartz crystal

6. Best Crystals for Travel: Smokey Quartz

This simple crystal is not simple in its power. Smokey quartz is one of the best crystals when it comes to absorbing negative energy and making your feel good.

Traveling comes with a lot of negative energy from your anxiety about traveling to the possibility of people giving you a hard time when you are on the trip.

With smokey quartz, it will absorb those feelings so you don’t get as affected by them.

Since smokey quartz absorbs negative energy, it can also absorb pain! Sitting for hours on end can leave you feeling sore and achy.

Smokey quartz is a great crystal for back pain .

Black tourmaline

7. Best Crystals for Travel: Black Tourmaline

Black tourmaline is known for its protective qualities. With crystals for safe travels, you will want a crystal that has strong protective qualities.

Black tourmaline can do just that.

Black tourmaline

This crystal helps with protecting you against the negative energy from the people around you when traveling like annoying people on the plane or bad drivers. Black tourmaline is recognized to transmute all negative energy in a new positive energy field.

It also works to stabilize your emotions so you don’t get as worked up as the people around you.

Best Crystals for Travel: Polished hematite stone

8. Hematite

Hematite has many similar qualities to black tourmaline. Both are great for absorbing the negative emotions of those around you and keeping you grounded at the same time.

It’s also another crystal that is great for the mind, aiding with memory, clearing brain fog, and enhancing concentration.

The properties of hematite have become so popular that hematite jewelry is well known.

The most common piece of jewelry made with hematite is the hematite ring , making it easy to carry around the crystal’s properties without fear of losing it.

Best crystal for traveling: Citrine crystals

Citrine is another yellow stone that gives you both happy and safe travels.

This crystal does a great job of turning negative energy into positive energy that can make you happy and feel good while traveling.

It promotes mental focus so you can make sure that your brain is always clear and won’t have problems with getting lost on the road. Citrines also strengthen your immune system

Citrines are amazing crystals for travel because, with them, your experience will always be a pleasant one.

Carnelian tumbled stones

10. Best Crystals for Travel: Carnelian

Finally, we have carnelian as our last great crystal for travel. Carnelian is known for courage, strength, positivity, memory, and socialization.

If you have carnelian with you on your travels, you are sure to have a fun time talking to new people and getting out of your comfort zone while staying safe.

This crystal also helps against pain, especially pain in the bones. This is great after sitting in a car or plane for several hours.

Best Crystals for travel: Purse with tumbled crystal stones

How to Use Crystals For Travel

Using crystals for travel can sometimes just be throwing a few crystals into your pocket and calling it a good day.

However, if you want to get as many properties from the crystals as possible, there should be a few things that you do to ensure the best experience.

Make Sure Your Crystals are Authentic

With crystals becoming more and more popular with the general population, there are also more and more people trying to pull scams.

Many fakes of crystals are on the market, and if people aren’t aware of how to look for fakes, they could end up wasting their money on something that won’t help.

Learn how to tell if your crystal is real by keeping in mind some key differences in descriptions or in person that are dead giveaways.

These tricks are for chunks of polished crystals, not jewelry which can require the guidance of a specialist.

A crystal can be fake when it looks too good to be true. Be wary of extremely vibrant colors of crystals or crystals that have symmetrical patterns.

Those can be signs that they are just colored glass or colored clear quartz. Fake crystals made of glass will be suspiciously light and can have bubbles inside.

Crystals may have cracks and imperfections, yes, but they won’t have air bubbles. Finally, know who you are buying the crystals from. Ask the retailer where they source their crystals.

When dealing with fake crystals, you might be told outright that the crystals are fake.

Best Crystals for travel: Cleansing crystals

Cleanse Your Crystal

Crystals are sponges of energy. Many of the crystals listed above are known for absorbing negative energy from both you and other people.

However, as crystals absorb more energy, they eventually will get clogged with the energy and won’t be able to give you the properties you need from them.

The way to solve this problem is by cleansing them. Now, this doesn’t mean washing your crystals with soap and water, especially since that can damage many crystals.

Instead, you are cleansing the energy of the crystal with different energy.

One great way to cleanse your crystals is by using the moonlight. Set your crystals on a windowsill at night and let the moon clean the negative energy away.

Cleansing crystals

Just make sure to remove them by the morning as sunlight can cause crystals to fade and crack over time.

Another way to cleanse your crystals is by playing calming music. Musical cleansing has been used throughout history from singing in churches to Tibetan bowls.

Play music that makes you feel calm and place your crystals nearby. After a bit of time, your crystals should be cleansed.

Other ways to cleanse your crystals include smoke cleansing, placing them with selenite, and placing them by (not in) bodies of water.

Wear Crystals as Jewelry or Keep Them in a Pocket

Now that you know that you have a real crystal and have cleansed its energy, using the crystal is super easy.

The best way to get the properties of a crystal is to keep it close to your body. The closer to your skin, the better.

Many people will choose to wear their crystals as jewelry which keeps the crystals constantly touching the skin.

This is a great method as it also prevents you from losing any crystals. However, crystal jewelry can be expensive. When you want the properties of crystals, keeping them in your pocket works just as well.

Some people will keep crystals in their bra to make sure the crystal stays close to their skin at all times.

We don’t recommend putting crystals in your socks. That would hurt.

Best Crystals for Travel: Know Your Intentions

While crystals will benefit you no matter what, as long as you have them close, you can add more power to your crystals.

Knowing your intentions gives your crystals extra power to make sure that you get the properties that you want.

When putting on your crystals in your desired manner, state your intentions either out loud or in your head.

For crystals for travel, stating “these crystals will make sure that I have safe travels” is a good way to state your intentions before you get going.

Best Crystals for Travel: Frequently Asked Questions

What gemstone represents travel.

Moonstone represents travel as it is known as the “traveler’s stone.” It’s perfect for keeping you safe while traveling as it has intense protective qualities.

What Crystals Should I Carry Around Daily?

The crystals that you should carry around depending on what your specific needs are.

However, the top three crystals you should always carry include amethyst, hematite, and clear quartz.

Q. Is Clear Quartz Good For Traveling?

While we didn’t put clear quartz on the list, clear quartz is known as being the “master healer.”

It will work great for traveling as it will protect you and keep you feeling calm.

Is Carnelian Good for Traveling?

Carnelian is great for traveling! It will keep you happy, protected, and will make sure that your travels are ones to remember.

Final Thoughts

Even if you don’t fully believe in the power of crystals, it never hurts to carry one with you.

Crystals are beautiful, no matter what kind they are. Each crystal has its special properties, and many will be helpful for traveling.

For many people, having crystals with them while traveling can ease their minds.

They even make worry stones made out of some of the crystals that are listed above.

Those who are feeling anxious can fidget using a worry stone. That way both anxiety can be relieved and the properties of the crystal can be obtained.

Use these crystals to have a great traveling experience whenever you want to experience something new.

Don’t be afraid to bring along several crystals if that is what will give you the best experience possible.

crystal for travel anxiety

Best Crystals For Anxiety

Best Crystals For Anxiety

Despite awareness campaigns for anxiety and its root causes, many people are still struggling to overcome it. Over the years, our society is still plagued by anxiety disorder especially that people these days could remain entertained by technology despite being disconnected from others. Anxiety could be caused by poor health conditions, stress, the people around you, and the environment. With the many possible root causes of anxiety, it may even become an epidemic.

Doctors and medications are available to help people depending on their condition’s root causes. However, others prefer to get healed through natural processes like herbal medicines, self-medication techniques and even crystals for anxiety. Not everyone knows that crystals can actually help in alleviating this condition. But it is important that you are aware which type of crystal to use depending on the form of anxiety you have.

crystal for travel anxiety


People who feel overwhelmed by different life challenges and those who find it hard to deal with daily stresses, often suffer from anxiety and depression. Alternative medicines like crystals for anxiety are a good way to address this condition.

While others consider crystals as mere adornment found in jewelries and home decors, there are people who have experienced the healing power of crystals. Known as natural rock formations, crystals are believed to have mystical healing powers based on Einstein's theory of energy. The vibration and frequency of these stones connect to the human body which results into healing physical, emotional, and spiritual conditions.

Stones help humans to realign the body's frequency. When the frequency is low, crystals help to rebuild one's wellness so it will have a higher frequency. Once an individual has a higher frequency, it manifest better health resulting into more energy and better flow.

However, you can't just pick up any stone and use it for healing. There's a stone for every condition like healing crystals for anxiety. It is important that you know to make sure that this will address your condition. Another reason why you should pick the right crystals is the negative side-effect once it is not a perfect match.

Crystals and stones for anxiety are effective only when the root cause is determined. The first thing to do is to come back into one's self to regain the balance between stress, anxiety and the person dealing with it. This way, a sense of calmness of the mind can be achieved. Below is a list of best crystals for anxiety that you can use.

crystal for travel anxiety


Known as the "Stone of Peace," this dark blue stone is perfect for calming the mind. Soladite good for people who experience panic attacks and anxiety. It can revive one's emotional balance with its comforting energy. This crystal can release one's guilt and fears, thus making the person feel relaxed and calm. Another thing that sodalite can do is to help you restore trust in yourself. It can also create balance in your body's metabolism which may cause anxiety and panic attacks.

Carrying this stone in your wallet, pocket, or purse can give you a reassuring energy. You can also avoid being overly emotional with the help of this crystal. If you are having trouble in expressing yourself, sodalite can boost your confidence and may help in self-expression so that you will not feel nervous while sharing your ideas with other people.

crystal for travel anxiety


This power blue gem is one of the best calming crystals for anxiety which is often found in wands, points, or blades. It is considered as a tranquilizing stone blocking away negativities including anger, frustration, and stress.

This crystal can balance the body's energy which makes it a good stone to align the body's chakra. Commonly used for meditation, its grounding spiritual vibrations can help you acquire higher wisdom. Since kyanite does not cling to negative energy, it doesn't need to washed or cleansed. 

crystal for travel anxiety


If you are occupied by violent emotions and negative reactions to certain situations, the moonstone can help you soothe stress and overcome emotional instability. This creamy stone, which is dubbed the "Stone of Motherhood," is said to help balance the female hormones. Considered as one of the good crystals for anxiety, it can relieve stress, stabilize emotions, and increase one's intuition.

This is also perfect for those who want to develop their psychic abilities. Bring this stone with you so you can stimulate your psychic powers. Meditating with this crystal can also help you deal with your feelings when it's a little out of harmony.

Rose Quartz

crystal for travel anxiety


This stone of unconditional love can attract love in all forms, which includes self-love. Loving one's self is an important factor to stimulate emotional harmony. When you are feeling down or stressed, take care of yourself by getting a nice warm bath, taking a rest, or doing things that you love. Using this stone or merely placing it next to your bed will remind you of self-care.

Since this pink crystal brings love and peace, it is purifying and reassuring while reducing crisis, anxiety, and trauma. It also prevents negativity from taking over your emotion and replace it with loving vibrations and self-esteem. As an emotional healer, rose quartz is a precious gem for the heart chakra.

crystal for travel anxiety


Shungite is one of the best crystals for anxiety that is perfect for stressful environments. It has purifying properties that clear the environment of anything that may harm you. This is a good stone, especially if you use the computer and other electronic devices since it acts as a shield from the electrical magnetic fields. It attracts positive energy and repels negativity, thus bringing calmness into one's mind.

It is recommended to place shungite in your car, bad, desk, or pouch to guard you against harm. Apart from that, this stone can also clear your surroundings from smog, which are contributing factors to your anxiety and stress.

crystal for travel anxiety


Aside from helping with panic attacks, this crystal can also help pacify emotions brought by traumas from your past. It can also resolve anger and other turbulent emotions. Howlite shields the user from negativity while teaching patience and wisdom.

Are you having trouble getting good sleep? Howlite can help you have a better sleep at night by merely tucking this crystal under your pillow. You can also try drinking a howlite elixir an hour before going to bed. To make an elixir, simply soak the stone in a bowl of spring water under the sunlight for 12 hours. Store in a tight bottle and drink every night. But if you want to keep it for a week or two, add 50% of brandy or vodka then store in a cool, dark area.

crystal for travel anxiety


As a stone of joy, abundance, and prosperity, this can help uplift energy levels and solve any financial problems which may cause anxiety. Citrine can attract abundance,especially when it is worn daily. The good thing about this crystal is that is serves as a warning device when you are vulnerable. It also cleanses and activates your chakras so you can achieve balance and be more confident.

During stressful times, this stone helps you calm down and move forward instead of getting stuck in a negative situation. There's no need to clean this crystal, which also conveys sun power. Since it has a gentle energy, it is okay to wear it all the time. This way, you can restore your inner calmness.

crystal for travel anxiety


This does not only help you ease mental disorders and psychological pressure, but it can also protect you from electromagnetic stress from deep in the earth, including energies of underground pipes and power lines. 

Flourite helps achieve emotional balance and stabilize emotions so you can think clearly and make better decisions. This multi-colored stone is also known as the "Rainbow Keeper" evoking harmony and balance.

crystal for travel anxiety


When you feel that your negative thoughts are depressing you, the carnelian stone can help. This red-orange stone helps to overcome fear and decrease feelings of depression. So when you feel anxious, or you feel low, simply hold this stone to get a boost of energy. 

This crystal will keep you going and will help you to have a positive mindset despite the tough things you experience in life. This can also build one's confidence and prevent you from getting overwhelmed, which may cause anxiety.

Black Tourmaline

crystal for travel anxiety


There are times when you feel heavy emotions, which makes you feel anxious and affects your daily activities. Using black tourmaline can help you stop being overwhelmed and to block worrisome thoughts. It repels negative energy and transforms it into a light vibration so you will feel better.

Bring with you this stone or simply hold a piece when you are anxious. This will help you resolve uncertainties and shield you from negative electromagnetic frequencies. Using this stone seemingly helps you to lift up heavy energy and replace it with light, positive ones.

So these are the best crystals for anxiety that can help you ease your burdens whatever that is. Now you already know which one to bring with you once you are feeling down.

How to Use Crystals For Anxiety

There are more than one ways of using crystals for anxiety. Merely holding it while meditating can help you overcome negative thoughts and fill your mind with joy. Using crystals as a grounding session can help you keep your mind from wandering. Simply place the crystals on your hands to give you a wave of calmness and relaxation. You will also feel anchored and grounded while meditating with crystals for anxiety relief.

You can also create your own anti-anxiety elixir by soaking the crystal in water. Mix this with organic raw honey, and lemon, ground ginger. It is also recommended that you pick crystals for anxiety to place by the bed. Doing this will give you peace of mind while asleep.

crystal for travel anxiety


If you like to carry a bag whenever you are out, bring with you a small pouch where you can keep the crystal. It's nice if you can add relaxing scents in your pouch like lavender, either in herb or essential oil form. This will amplify the energies of the crystal while adding relaxing scents into your bag.

And of course, wearing your crystals is the most common way to use it in the form of jewelry, clothing, beauty products, and others. Wearing these precious stones will give you more vibrational energy, especially if you use the right crystals to wear for anxiety. You can also tuck one in your bra, too!

Combinations of Crystals for Anxiety

Since there are different options for using crystals for anxiety, why not combine them? One of the best combinations of crystals for anxiety is shungite and jet stones with blue lace agate. These stones have soothing energies to those who suffer anxiety. You will also calm your mind, allowing you to think clearly and come up with good decisions.

It is also good to combine together amethyst, peridot, and smoky quartz. Amethyst works with intuition to help you overcome sadness. Smoky quartz is for grounding which helps you open your mind. Meanwhile, peridot is for revitalizing to help your sentimental wounds and avoid tension. When used together, these can be perfect for people who are stressed and anxious.

Crystals for Travel Anxiety

Although travelling can be fun, we cannot do away with stress while travelling. To keep yourself calm and relaxed, bring some crystals for travel anxiety such as amethyst. This stone can assure you that you will have peace of mind during your trip. Of course, you want to have fun and enjoy the moment. Feeling stressed and anxious will just take away all the fun.

Hence, if you are on travel, carry an amethyst with you. Place it in your purse or pocket to reduce anxiety. This way, you can go places without worrying about anything, and you will make the most of your trip.

Crystals for Child Anxiety

When a child is anxious or has trouble dealing with anger and other negativities, there are crystals for child anxiety that are recommended to use. This includes the golden tiger eye, which can boost one's emotion and the red tiger eye for emotional control. Carnelian can also help for emotional balance while amethyst and red calcite are good to calm children with OCD and anxiety.

crystal for travel anxiety


Crystals for Social Anxiety

If you are having trouble interacting and socializing with other people, bring some crystals for social anxiety whenever you go to work, school, shopping, and others. The rose quartz is self-empowering, allowing you to value yourself, which will help you to avoid worrying about what others think. Smoky quartz can replace negative emotions with positive ones while red and yellow jasper is a stone for communication and unity. 

Crystals for Dogs with Anxiety

Even dogs may suffer from anxiety, especially those who are always with people. That is why pet owners should know the best crystals for dogs with anxiety. Amber has calming and energizing effects while amethyst reduces stress. You can also try to use black tourmaline to protect dogs from the negative emotions and physical energies from people.

Selenite can clear up negative energies and may also help both dogs and humans with seizures. On the other hand, clear quartz can lessen emotional distress, and it has amplification benefits to the dogs. Of all the crystals, this one is the must-have for your pet.

Where to Buy Crystals for Anxiety

There are different places where you can buy crystals for anxiety. You can buy them from physical stores but you can also get them online. Aside from Amazon, eBay and Etsy, you can also check other online shops that sell crystals like Crystal Age, Natures for You, Crystal Guidance, Earth Muse, Healing Crystals, and many others.

The fast-paced way of living these days may lead to anxiety and stress. That is why, many people are anxious due to different reasons like their jobs, families, and other issues. Although medicines and other drugs can help, there are people who prefer alternative healing like herbs and crystals.

Using the best crystals for anxiety can no doubt help alleviate this condition. But you should always bear in mind that picking the right crystal is important so your needs will be addressed. Choose the best crystals for you to help you lessen stress, anxiety, and depression. This way, you'll live a happier life with nothing but positivity around you!

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crystal for travel anxiety

7 Best Crystals For Travel And A Brief Guide To Astral Travel

  • Smriti Prakash
  • November 23, 2022

The Best Crystals For Travel

The majority of us have occasionally felt anxious when traveling. In this post, we’ll introduce you to the top crystals for travel.  These crystals for travel help to overcome your travel anxiety and also has a protective purpose. No matter how experienced you are, it’s normal for travelers to have anxiety before leaving on a lengthy backpacking journey. Buying some crystals for travel is undoubtedly a more all-natural way to deal with travel anxiety, even though it is less common than taking a prescription.

Table of Contents

Best Healing Crystals For Travel

1. malachite.

Malachite crystals for travel

One of the best crystals for travel is malachite since it has the power to shield you from hazards and mishaps. It serves as a guardian to keep you safe by absorbing harmful energy and contaminants from your aura and the environment. The lovely green stone aids with adjustment as well. When you move states or nations or start a journey, it will help you stay composed and grounded.

Malachite has several outstanding benefits and helps you change and strengthens your immune system. As a result, it can reduce jet lag and assist your body in adjusting to a new time zone.

2. Moonstone

Moonstone Crystals for Travelling

One of the best stones for risk-free travel and exciting new experiences is the Moonstone, known as the stone of “new beginnings.” This crystal may strengthen your inner fortitude, harmonize your emotions, and relieve stress and worry.

You can feel assured and at ease about your forthcoming move or travel thanks to these assets. The feminine spirit of this pearly cream-colored crystal contains the full spectrum of light to illuminate your future path. When crossing water or at night, it provides a higher level of protection. To know other astonishing benefits of Moonstone, read here. 

3. Yellow Jasper

Yellow Jasper crystals

Another magnificent crystal in the best crystals for travel list is the beautiful Yellow Jasper. Yellow Jasper is said to be very beneficial for solo travelers. You get an energy boost from it since it carries the sun’s energy. By bringing you back to your feet and supporting you when you are uncomfortable, it can also help you feel less anxious while you travel. It is one of the best crystals for travel sickness.

The solar plexus chakra , which deals with confidence, is stimulated and balanced by yellow jasper. This yellow stone shields you from unpleasant experiences and boosts your self-assurance in handling social situations. Therefore, this stone will point you in the proper direction if you’re traveling alone and concerned about making acquaintances.

4. Amethyst

Amethyst crystals benefit travel

This protective purple stone keeps any negative energy away from you and is very beneficial when it comes to healing . It is one of the best crystals for protection while driving because it dispels fury and anger. In light of this, the amethyst crystal might be a wise pick if you’re planning a road trip.

Angry and dangerous drivers will stay away from you. But this strong crystal’s abilities don’t end there. Amethyst may transform unfavorable energy into love and positivity to foster a calm traveling atmosphere. Amethyst is a relaxing and purifying stone that reduces stress, harmonizes emotions, and clears the mind to facilitate better judgment. Additionally, it encourages deeper slumber and guards against jet lag, insomnia, and nightmares.

5. Aquamarine

Aquamarine Crystals for travel

The stone represents courage and protection, aquamarine is a translucent turquoise crystal that has incredible properties . Its calming, purifying effect encourages peace and relaxation when traveling and lessens fear and tension. According to legend, mermaids’ sea treasure is aquamarine. As a result, it has earned a reputation as a lucky charm for sailors and others who travel by water.

Take an aquamarine stone with you if you’re worried about an upcoming cruise or boat vacation. This traveling stone will make you bold and make you feel serene by transforming your fear.

6. Smoky Quartz

Smokey quartz Crystals

Another great gem for absorbing bad energy and keeping you safe while traveling is smoky quartz. This smoky grey-brown stone is frequently used as a symbol of peace. It is fantastic as a protection crystal for travel to bring with you if you go somewhere that might be dangerous.

You can avoid being exposed to radiation that might endanger you by keeping smokey quartz close by. When you are in unfamiliar settings, smokey quartz, a grounding stone, can help you feel calm and in control of your awareness. Its capacity to heighten consciousness also encourages you to feel more at the moment and take in your surroundings.

7. Shungite

Shugnite Crystals for Travel

One of the best crystals for travel safety is the ancient stone known as Shungite. By absorbing and neutralizing negative energy, including the electromagnetic radiation from the airport security scanner, it protects you from it.

As a result, it’s a fantastic stone to carry while traveling to ward off danger or assault. Your body, mind, and spirit are all energized by the black stone packed with carbon. It is a crystal for travel and motion sickness. Additionally, it is a stabilizing stone that will help you reduce anxiety and maintain your composure under pressure.

Suggested Reading: Shungite Crystal Meaning: Healing Properties, Benefits and Uses

Advantages of Bringing Crystals for Travel  

There are several advantages to bringing crystals to travel with you on a trip, as they tend to form a protection circle around you and make you feel energetic and positive.

  • Additionally, stones emit very peaceful and calming energy. Holding or carrying a crystal can put your mind at ease if you’re feeling concerned about an approaching trip.
  • Our energy levels can sometimes drop while we’re traveling. If we are flying, this is especially true. Crystals can assist in maintaining our energy levels and prevent us from feeling lethargic or exhausted.
  • You can connect with your intuition by using stones. It’s crucial to have the ability to trust our gut when we travel. We could accomplish it by carrying a crystal.

How To Use Crystals While Traveling? 

How to use the crystals for travel correctly

If you’ve never used crystals before, you should first spend some time learning how they operate. To get the benefits and protection that crystals offer, specific handling and storage practices must be followed.

However, you should keep the crystal as close to you as you can and concentrate on what you want it to do for you. Carrying crystals around in your bag can have some influence.

  • You can establish your intention for a successful or safe trip while holding the crystal in your palm.
  • Many people also enjoy wearing crystal as jewelry by wrapping it around their wrists or neck.
  • Alternately, keep it close to you by keeping it in your pocket.
  • You can hold the crystal while meditating, visualizing, or taking deep breaths to increase its potency even further.
  • It is essential to clean a fresh crystal before using it. Having said that, you ought to complete this before traveling.

You may remove any potentially bad energy from crystals by purifying them. To accomplish this, leave the crystal in a bowl of water and sea salt for at least a few hours, preferably overnight. As an alternative, you might burn some sage and spread the smoke all around the crystal while declaring your goal (in your head or aloud).

To keep bad energy from contaminating your crystal when you’re not using it, keep it inside in a soft pouch or wrap it in a silk scarf.

Crystals for Astral Travel 

Best Crystals for Astral Travel

Astral travel is an out-of-body experience that you intentionally induce. One of the most common techniques for astral travel is training your brain to stay awake as your body drifts away, intense spiritual experiences, breathwork sessions, and, of course, lucid dreaming .

Here is a list of crystals for astral travel:

  • Agate to induce a soothing state in your body
  • Using C lear Quartz to unlock the holy doors
  • for choosing love above fear, R ose Quartz
  • Citrine for blocking away negativity and embarking on joyful journeys
  • Amethyst for lucid dreaming and crown chakra energy
  • For a white light that keeps the darkness at bay, use selenite .
  • Carnelian for carrying with you the spirit of the warrior
  • Aventurine for promoting emotional balance
  • Lapis Lazuli for endless wisdom and prophetic magic
  • Hematite for grounding and bolstering the link between the soul and the physical body
  • Smoky quartz for illuminating shadowy areas
  • For smooth trips into the unknown, use L abradorite
  • Angelite for attracting good vibes and establishing contact with your protectors
  • For use as a compass in the dream realm, B lack Obsidian
  • Ametrine for spiritual sunlight that removes obstructions

Choosing the ideal jewels for your trip can at first seem difficult because there are so many crystals and gemstones to choose from. We hope that this guide has made it clear which crystals are the finest for safe travel, and that you are now better prepared to select a stone that will safeguard you and keep you safe no matter where you go. Make careful to first educate yourself about crystals for protection if you intend to bring them with you.

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10 Best Crystals for Adventure (Travel, Excitement and Protection)

Are you seeking an adventurous journey filled with mystery and wonder? Look no further, as we explore the fascinating world of crystals for adventure. These magical gems not only captivate your imagination but also hold unique properties that can enhance your experiences, making them the perfect companions for your escapades.

In this journey, you’ll discover why crystals are an essential companion for any adventure enthusiast. From their significance to ancient civilizations to the healing powers they possess, you’ll be amazed at the hidden secrets they hold. So, pack your bags, because we’re about to dive into the enchanting world of crystals!

Remember, the world of crystals is vast and filled with rich history, metaphysical properties, and mystical allure. Engage with this knowledge and embrace the power of crystals, as they guide you on your path to unparalleled adventure. Let’s embark on this journey together and uncover the magic these incredible gems can bring to your life.

Table of Contents

Best Crystals for Adventure

Exploring the unknown and setting off on new journeys can be enhanced by incorporating crystals into your adventures. In this section, we delve into the best crystals to accompany you on your exciting escapades.

Read Next: Best Crystals for Travel

Embrace the transformational energy of Malachite. Acting as a protective stone, it shields you from negative energies and helps you stay focused on your path. It’s perfect for:

  • Enhancing intuition
  • Encouraging growth and transformation
  • Providing protection during travel

Take Amethyst with you as it offers calming and soothing energies to ease your mind in unfamiliar situations. Known as a traveler’s stone, it offers:

  • Stress relief
  • Better sleep quality
  • Enhanced spiritual connection

Aura Quartz

Harness the unique energy of Aura Quartz to elevate your adventure experience. It attracts positive energies and aids in:

  • Clearing emotional blocks
  • Amplifying intuition
  • Promoting harmony

Keep Garnet close on your adventures for its grounding and empowering properties; it offers:

  • Emotional strength
  • Enhanced determination
  • Revitalization and energy boost

Rhodonite is a comforting and nurturing stone. Bring it along for:

  • Emotional healing
  • Fostering forgiveness and compassion
  • Greater self-love

Crazy Lace Agate

The intriguing patterns of Crazy Lace Agate represent the winding journey ahead. This stone brings:

  • Joy and happiness
  • Enhanced emotional balance
  • Protection during travel

Known for its connection to the moon, Moonstone can guide you on your adventures with its gentle and mystical energy. It is ideal for:

  • Developing intuition
  • Enhancing emotional balance
  • Attracting luck and abundance

Blue Aventurine

Choose Blue Aventurine to help you maintain composure and make wise decisions during your travels. Expect:

  • Calm and soothing energy
  • Enhanced decision-making skills
  • Protection from negativity

Citrine’s sunny energy radiates happiness and success. Benefit from its properties such as:

  • Boosting manifestation
  • Attracting abundance
  • Enhancing self-confidence

Finally, carry Sunstone with you to embrace its warm and empowering energy. Sunstone offers:

  • Motivation and inspiration
  • Self-confidence and courage
  • Overall positive vibes

Now that you’re equipped with the knowledge of these powerful adventure crystals, take them along and create unforgettable memories on your upcoming journeys!

Which Crystal is for Travel and Luck?

When embarking on an adventure or seeking luck, you might wonder which crystals can enhance your experience. Here are a few options that may resonate with you, offering protection, good fortune, and positive energy on your journey.

  • Moonstone : This stone is known for its connection to the moon and can promote emotional balance, harmony, and intuition. It’s believed to protect travelers, particularly during night and over water.
  • Malachite : Use this green stone as a powerful protection talisman. It’s said to ward off negative energies and accidents, as well as encourage positive transformations in your life.
  • Citrine : Attract abundance, success, and financial gains with this sunny crystal. It’s thought to bring about good fortune and uplift your mood.

To choose the crystal that best supports your intentions, you can consider the following factors:

What Crystals Are Good for Travel Anxiety?

Travel can be an exciting and fulfilling experience, but it can also cause anxiety for some people. Fortunately, there are several crystals that can help alleviate travel anxiety and make your journey more enjoyable.

What Crystals Should I Take on a Hike?

When preparing for a hike, you may wonder which crystals to bring along to enhance your experience. Choosing the right ones will depend on your goals and the energy you want to cultivate. Here are some recommendations for crystals to take on your adventure:

  • Amethyst : This crystal is perfect for stress relief and promoting calmness.
  • Black Tourmaline : Carry this crystal for protection and grounding throughout your hike.
  • Citrine : If you want to boost your energy and motivation, Citrine is the way to go.
  • Clear Quartz : Bring this powerful all-purpose crystal for its amplifying properties.

To make the most out of your crystals, here are some handy tips:

  • Cleanse your crystals beforehand . Ensure they are free from any negative energy by cleansing them with methods like smudging or moonlight.
  • Intention setting . Hold your crystals and set your intentions for your hike, such as protection or clarity.
  • Carry them in a safe pouch . Keep your crystals safe by storing them in a small pouch or bag and attaching it to your backpack.

Remember, the most important aspect of using crystals on your hike is to trust your intuition and personal connection with them. Choose the ones that resonate with you and enhance your experience, and most importantly, enjoy your adventure.

Before You Go on an Adventure…

It’s essential to cleanse and program your chosen crystal before embarking on any trip. To do this, place it under moonlight or sunlight for a few hours, allowing it to recharge. Afterward, set your intention by holding the crystal in your hand, visualizing your desired outcome, and stating your intention out loud.

Remember that trusting your intuition and feeling drawn to a particular crystal can be an essential part of choosing the right one for your journey. May these beautiful stones bring you luck, protection, and positive energy on your adventures.

Crystals for Safe Travel by Plane

Traveling by plane can be exciting but also unnerving for some. Incorporating crystals into your journey can be one way to alleviate stress and promote positive energy. Here are a few recommended crystals for air travel:

  • Black Tourmaline: Known to aid in grounding and protection, it can help release anxiety while traveling.
  • Amethyst: A calming stone that helps balance emotions and dispel negativity.
  • Malachite: Believed to promote safe travel and protect against accidents.

Crystals for Protection

Personal protection is important, especially when embarking on adventures. Consider incorporating these crystals into your daily or travel routine:

  • Black Tourmaline: Offers a potent energy shield and dispels negative vibes.
  • Smoky Quartz: Helps ground you and neutralize unwanted energy.
  • Black Obsidian: A powerful protector against psychic attacks and misfortune.

Is Moonstone Good for Travel?

Moonstone is indeed believed to be a beneficial stone for travel. It is thought to protect travelers and promote emotional balance. Additionally, it’s said to encourage safe passage, particularly after dark or during nighttime travels. Moonstone might be a useful addition to your crystal collection when embarking on new adventures.

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Crystals for Travel Anxiety: Calm Your Mind and Enjoy Your Journey

Crystals for Travel

Table of Contents

Discover how Crystals for Travel can help you overcome travel anxiety and make your journey enjoyable. Explore the soothing power of crystals to ease your mind.

Are you one of those individuals who experience travel anxiety? The thought of packing your bags and heading to a new destination fills you with dread. Well, worry not! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore how crystals can be your perfect travel companions. These natural wonders have the power to calm your mind and make your journey a delightful experience.

The Magic of Crystals for Travel

Crystals are not just pretty gemstones; they carry unique vibrations and energies that can positively impact your mental state. They can help in reducing stress, promoting relaxation, and enhancing your overall well-being. Let’s explore how these gems can work wonders for travel anxiety.

Crystals for Travel

Amethyst – Your Stress Buster

Amethyst is often referred to as the “all-healer” crystal. Its calming energy can soothe your mind and help you relax during your travels. Carrying an amethyst crystal with you can alleviate stress and anxiety, making your journey a peaceful one.

Lapis Lazuli – Enhancing Communication

Lapis Lazuli is known for its ability to improve communication, a key element in reducing travel anxiety. It can help you express your thoughts and concerns more effectively, ensuring that your travel experience is smooth and enjoyable.

Rose Quartz – Embracing Self-Love

Travel anxiety can often stem from self-doubt and insecurity. Rose Quartz , the crystal of love, can help you build self-confidence and self-love, making you more comfortable in your own skin during your journey.

Black Tourmaline – Warding Off Negativity

Traveling can expose you to negative energies. Black Tourmaline acts as a protective shield, guarding you against negative influences and ensuring that you remain positive and anxiety-free throughout your trip.

Crystals for Travel

How to Use Crystals for Travel Anxiety

Now that we’ve explored some of the crystals that can help calm your mind and enjoy your journey, let’s discuss how to use them effectively.

Carrying Your Crystals

One of the easiest ways to benefit from these crystals is to carry them with you during your travels. You can keep them in your pocket, or purse, or wear them as jewelry.

Meditation and Visualization

Before your journey, take some time to meditate with your crystals. Visualize a stress-free and enjoyable trip. This can set a positive intention for your travel experience.

Crystal Elixirs

You can infuse your drinking water with the energies of your crystals by making crystal elixirs. This can help keep your mind calm and anxiety at bay.

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Q : How do I choose the right crystal for my travel anxiety?

A : The choice of crystal depends on your personal preferences and energies that resonate with you. Trust your intuition when selecting a crystal.e

Q : Can I carry multiple crystals together?

A : Yes, you can create a crystal combination that suits your needs. Just be sure the energies of the crystals are harmonious.

Q : Do I need to cleanse my crystals before using them for travel anxiety?

A : It’s a good practice to cleanse your crystals before your journey to remove any negative energies they may have absorbed.

Q : Can I use crystals if I’m flying?

A : Crystals are safe to carry during flights. However, always check the airline’s regulations regarding carrying stones.

Incorporating Crystals into a Travel routine can be a game-changer for those dealing with travel anxiety. The calming and soothing energies of crystals like Amethyst, Lapis Lazuli, Rose Quartz, and Black Tourmaline can help you embark on your journeys with confidence and serenity. So, the next time you plan a trip, don’t forget to bring your trusty travel companions – crystals. Calm your mind, and enjoy your journey to the fullest.


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Crystals for Safe Travel: Keep Calm and Travel On with these Crystals

Planes, trains and automobiles! The holidays can be a crazy time for travel. Whether for business or pleasure, by air, land or sea, travel can put us at a heightened state of excitement and, yes, stress.  Safety is always the primary concern, but it’s important to keep our energy field protected as well as our physical self so when we reach our destination, we arrive in a calm and healthy state of mind, ready to make the most of our experience. During travel, we are bombarded with increased and varying types of energy. We could all use a little extra protection to avoid any undue turbulence. Delays, crowds, security, traffic, anxiety – these are all par for the course in this day and age of travel. Sometimes we just need to release ourselves from all the external forces that are beyond our control and do what we can to manage our inner state of mind. Certain  tumbled stones  can offer protection while traveling. Some can be worn on our bodies or carried with us as a much-needed travel companion. Others can be packed in with our luggage to safeguard our belongings. These crystals for travel safety will help calm, detoxify and shield us, paving the way for smoother sailing. Here are some tips for how we can go with the flow during our travels this holiday season.

Don’t Leave Home without these Crystals for Safe Travel:

Crystals to carry with you or pack in your luggage for safe travel:.

  • Black Tourmaline - Like your own personal bodyguard, this crystal serves as a protective shield.  Particularly as you navigate through crowds and congested areas, carry it with you to add a protective boundary between you and any unwanted energy that might surround you.
  • Moonstone - has long held the reputation as a traveler’s stone because it brightens your spirit and encourages good luck. Moonstone can help to lift your mood whenever you are feeling homesick or fatigued from travel. Keep this crystal packed with your luggage to avoid loss or misplacement.
  • Angelite – This crystal is used to comfort, support and reassure.  It will keep you calm and protected during periods of panic, stress, turbulence or fear of flying.  It will also help provide patience with delays. Hold this in your hand as a calming stone and take comfort in this portable guardian angel.

Unakite  - This stone reminds you to stay present throughout your travels. Instead of letting the past or the future distract you, this crystal helps you live in the now. This stone also helps us let go of negative energy and evens us out during delays or unforeseen obstacles. Carry it to stay grounded, present and released from things that are out of our control.

Amethyst - Let’s face it – travel can be stressful! Amethyst has a peaceful and relaxing energy that helps you unwind and find your calm no matter where you or what is going on around you. is one of the best crystals for travel. Known for soothing anxieties and encouraging relaxation, Amethyst urges you to enjoy your adventure. By shielding your spirit from negative energy, Amethyst helps to secure a safe and peaceful journey.  

Aquamarine  - Helps with fear of flying or traveling over water. This stone has a uniquely powerful effect with paired with water. If you are wanting to attract more travel into your life, especially overseas, wear Aquamarine.

Rhodonite  - is the ideal stone for those entering foreign surroundings because it helps to shift your perspective. This way, you can see how your actions are perceived by locals. Make deeper connections with people as you travel and keep yourself energetically protected with the energy of Rhodonite. 

Malachite -  known as a guardian stone for travelers, works to emphasize the wisdom you need to keep yourself out of danger. If you’re in a negative thought cycle about travel, get a fresh perspective about your trip with Malachite.

Crystals to wear on your body for travel protection:

Shungite Necklace - Known as the miracle stone for a technology-driven era, this stone helps purify and detoxify our environment. Wear it as you’re passing through security and navigating crowds of people who, undoubtedly are all on their cell phones, to combat and neutralize elevated levels of EMFs throughout the airport.  

Selenite Necklace   – As a powerful source of light, wear this crystal to keep yourself positive and uplifted. It will also help keep your personal energy cleansed and clear from any other unwanted or negative energy that may be picked up during your travels.

Wellness Travel Tips

While some airports are further advanced in the shift toward wellness-inspired travel, most airports are equipped with lounges or quiet business areas. A couple of airports, like Chicago’s O’Hare International and San Francisco International, even provide quiet rooms for yoga and meditation. Getting to the airport early can relieve the anxiety of rushing to make your flight, and with amenities like quiet rooms for yoga, you can remove the sense that you are waiting by amplifying your experience with exercise. In addition to a yoga space, Burlington International in Vermont features a picnic area on its manicured roof where you can soak in some sun while you snack pre-flight. Phoenix Sky Harbor International in Arizona has expanded on the fitness room idea by combining it with an essential Arizona activity—hiking. Their nearly mile long indoor fitness trail exhibits the beautiful Arizona skyline with views of their mountains, parks and preserves. If you’re flying out of an airport without these conveniences, set up a space in a quiet, lesser used gate.

Set Up a Modified “Sacred Space”  

It can be overwhelming to have to share a space with so many other travelers, especially when all of the seats at your gate are spoken for and you have to stand until your flight. Instead of feeling herded into a progressively cranky crowd, create a   sacred space   of your own. Lay down a blanket in a less populated area without a lot of foot traffic. Define this area by setting down things you have brought that represent home to you. A coloring book can be a fun, meditative activity to help you pass the time. Popping off your shoes, and burying your nose in your favorite book is another way to get comfy in an otherwise uncomfortable situation. You can also try placing a few healing crystals in the corner of the blanket to bring you an energy of renewal and ease. Once set up with snacks, items from home, and a couple of activities, this space will be ideal for shutting your eyes in silent meditation, simple yoga, snacking and relaxing before your flight.

Empty heading

Travel comfortable.

You don’t have to wear sweatpants, but you do have to make sure that what you are wearing is comfortable. Wear shoes you can walk around in and non-wrinkling clothes that you can stretch out and convert easily if you get hot or cold. Bring a blanket that you can sit on if all the seats are taken, or snuggle up in if the airport gets a little chilly.

Bring Essential Oils

Our essential oil rollers pass the airport regulation of no liquids over 3 oz. and will be a life saver in overcrowded gates. Anywhere that has a lot of people in a limited space is going to get a little musky, especially if those people and air around them are staying stagnant. Combat the stagnant air with essential oil. Take a whiff of your citrus oil when you have your spot among the crowd. This will rejuvenate your energy and release a wave joy. Ask for cup of hot water from a coffee and tea vendor in the airport, and pour ten drops of eucalyptus oil in it. Bring the steam up to your face to bask in the revitalizing vapors of eucalyptus. This scent is particularly helpful as a stress reliever, in clearing nasal passages, for cleansing the air, and in combating sinus allergies and colds. Peppermint essential oil is also great for traveling because it can help with beginning headaches. Apply a touch of peppermint oil to the neck or the wrist to re-energize yourself and unclog the sinuses. 

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Crystal Properties

30 powerful crystals for travel – the “how to” guide.

30 Most Useful Crystals For Travel – The “How To” Guide

Not familiar with the different crystals for travel? If yes, and you are interested to know more, then keep on reading.

People are traveling for many different reasons. Before, traveling may have been crucial for survival, for instance, in the case of looking for a place to live or food. Traveling, on the other hand, also helped a lot of people sell and at the same time find necessary items. Additionally, nomadic groups extensively traveled from one place to another to trade opportunities, pasture the cattle and hunt for food.

But these days, people are no longer traveling to look for a safe and secure place to live in. Some of them are traveling to schools, places of work, or schools, while others choose to travel to unwind or for pleasure. These kinds of trips can be made in many different ways like using public transportation, on foot or bike depending on the purpose or distance of the trip, or using airplanes.

30 Most Useful Crystals For Travel – The “How To” Guide

Without a doubt, traveling is one of the mind-expanding experiences that every person may experience. But keep in mind that it is problem- and stress-free. Sometimes, there are instances where you will need to deal with a certain no matter how small or big it is during your travel.

Road congestion, delayed flights, no transportation, and busy airports are some of the things that make journeys difficult. What’s more, many are anxious when it comes to their safety, especially when visiting a foreign country.

crystal for travel anxiety

So, if you want to make your trip as safe and fun as possible, you may want to consider using the best and most useful crystals for travel. Aside from treating emotional and physical illnesses, crystals can also promote safe travel. One more thing, they can be used as protective talismans as you travel.

They can be utilized to prevent and facilitate some of the problems people are experiencing associated with travel like jet lag, homesickness, and travel sickness. Nevertheless, whether you are making trips all over the world or having a journey across your work or other places, having a crystal for travel can greatly support you along the way.

A Complete List of Crystals for Travel

Each crystal has unique benefits and properties. As a matter of fact, there’s a crystal for almost everything.

Here is a list of the different crystals you can use, some of them can get rid of all the negative energies and vibrations from your path, while others will boost your confidence for the upcoming adventure. Whatever your reason for using a crystal for travel, we can assure you that there is at least one that will suit your needs.


First on the list is amethyst . It is a purple variety of quartz. Amethyst gets its color from many different impurities like iron and irradiation, within its lattice structure. Often, purple has been a color associated with vitality, wisdom, wealth, and spirituality. Amethyst also has strong energies.

This crystal, on the other hand, is known for its capability to eliminate impurities from one’s body and prevent intoxication. It will even offer a number of healing benefits for the spirit, mind, and body. The crystal is also perfect to use when meditating since it helps you focus and relax easily, allowing you to reach the spiritual world and meditative state with ease.

But aside from that, amethyst is also considered one of the best crystals for travel. In fact, it can offer shields of light for personal protection from toxins, negative energies, and even diseases that you may experience while you’re traveling.

When you are drinking and/or eating abroad, there is a tendency that your body can’t handle the differences in your local cuisine. Fortunately, amethyst helps by providing protection and keeping such toxins from the body.

This stone also helps in minimizing intoxication so that you will remain aware of the surrounding. It will even protect you against the ill intentions of strangers especially when you’re away from your home. Even though it is not highly advisable to carry amethyst on the body for protection, when you place a piece of it in your baggage or luggage, you will be able to protect your belongings from theft especially when it is traveling to different airports.

One more thing, this beautiful purple crystal will ease the mind, while relieving the fear of the unknown to make sure a fun, pleasant and unforgettable holiday.

Black Tourmaline

Black Tourmaline

Aside from its pitch- and deep black color, black tourmaline is known for its strong energy as well. Because of its strength, the crystal is known for its capability to absorb negativity without bargaining its own. Meaning to say, black tourmaline can purify, protect and cleanse people and the environment.

Black tourmaline was previously used as a protection against danger by Native Americans, Africans, and Aboriginals. This crystal strongly resonates with the root chakra also known as the base chakra. This chakra can be found at the base of the spine and is responsible for controlling energy associated with kinesthetic movement and feeling which is ideal for people who travel around.

Black tourmaline is indeed an excellent crystal for travel because it helps in keeping away the negative intentions, vibrations, and energies of other people, especially strangers. As a matter of fact, this black crystal will make people wanting to do you harm think of their actions again. Black tourmaline is also capable of pulling in positive people and energies. It will make sure that your holiday or trip is filled with excitement, and fun as well as meeting a lot of interesting individuals.

The stress and anxiety that usually come when traveling can be easily erased with the presence of black tourmaline. It will balance your feelings or emotions while easing the fear of the unknown causing anxiety.

Additionally, it can get rid of the different toxins that your body accumulated because of stress. Black tourmaline will eliminate negative thoughts, causing you anxiety. Most importantly, it will make you feel more energetic and healthier as you travel.

Rose Quartz

Rose Quartz

Rose quartz is a quartz variety possessing a pink- to rose-colored shade. It is because of the impurities of manganese, titanium or iron deep in the crystal structure. Rose quartz can also be found in transparent and translucent varieties. And in fact, this makes rose quartz one of the ideal crystals for making different pieces of jewelry.

Most of the time rose quartz is linked to the heart. It offers powers that heal the emotional and physical facets of the heart. Rose quartz was first utilized as a representation of love in ancient Rome and Greece. What’s more, it is ideal for those who want to release their past traumas and learn to connect with others without letting past experiences hinder them.

Rose quartz, on the other hand, is also a great crystal for travel. This crystal will protect you while you are traveling. It will infuse you with its loving energies so that you will not need to deal with homesickness. It will even ease the fear of the unknown.

Rose quartz will also help you trust the people you’re with and let you make a bond of friendship with the ones you meet while traveling. It even offers you the capability to see an individual and know when to trust the correct people.

When you’re traveling, you might need to trust others to offer you transportation. Airplanes, trains, buses as well as other means of travel may bring anxiety and stress. But with rose quartz, you will enjoy great protection in such instances by averting carelessness in the people you trust when it comes to your transportation.

This beautiful pink crystal will also protect you from various difficulties and accidents as you travel. It possesses the needed power to help you achieve enjoyable and safe travel. Both the guidance and love that rose quartz give off can offer you protection to keep you healthy, happy, safe as well as full of energy throughout your journey.


Moonstone is a powerful and mystical crystal that belongs to the feldspar group. The crystal can offer amazing visual effects that help in giving this crystal its name. In fact, when light hits the crystal, the light is often reflected in the crystal and this makes it appear to glow from underneath the surface. Often, moonstone looks as however, it possesses an otherworldly glow deep in it.

Moonstone, on the other hand, has been considered associated with the moon’s power. It gives the tides and rhythms that help in keeping your spiritual and physical bodies in the right working order. It will even provide you with the path to wisdom while helping you calm the chaos of life and maintain the natural rhythms.

Another great thing about the moonstone is that it can offer great personal protection for a traveler. When you get on a new journey, even for holidays, you’re actually at a new start in your life. The crystals help by providing inner strength and growth so that you will become successful in your journey.

Moonstone will also help in easing the emotional instability that usually comes when you travel to a new place. It eases stress and provides calmness so that your trip will become more enjoyable.


Malachite is an eye-catching green-branded crystal that has a high copper content. Actually, it was one of the primary minerals utilized in producing copper more than 4000 years ago in Israel, Egypt, and other areas. But malachite is no longer utilized as ores since the crystal is only available in small quantities.

This crystal is also an excellent symbol of nature’s healing powers. Often, it has been known as the stone of spiritual development and transformation. It will even help in promoting clear thoughts and a better understanding of the world.

Travelers can also take advantage of malachite as it offers protection. It will lessen the anxiety that is typically related to being in large crowds. What’s more, it will ease the fears of flying. Malachite can calm the fear of being in strange places away from family and friends. By getting rid of anxiety and stress, you will surely enjoy your entire trip while getting the needed relaxation.

Malachite, on the other hand, believed an airplane accidents and other dangers related to travel. It also offers protection from negative energies as well as the negative actions of other people. When you have a malachite with you, the people wanting to harm you will be ousted. It helps you remain protected from the common criminal activity that travelers usually face in an unfamiliar location. Remember, when you avoid such problems, you will be able to enjoy a more enjoyable holiday or trip.


While it is not as popular as other crystals, shungite is one the best crystals for travel as it comes with a lot of remarkable protective capabilities. If you are aware of the unclear, general “funk” you may feel on your flight or after a couple of hours spent in the airport, it is more likely because of the electromagnetic energy your base chakra and body accumulated from the security scanners and x-ray machines.

If you don’t want to deal with this kind of problem, consider carrying a piece of shungite with you all the time, especially when you’re traveling by air. When you have this crystal, you will surely notice that you feel more aligned and energized.

This carbon-filled crystal is believed to neutralize the rays and at the same time protect the natural energy field of your body. This, in turn, prevents you from being thrown off. Shungite will even serve as a shield around the chakras of the body.


Rhodonite is considered a wonderful emotional balancer. It can also nurture not only love for yourself but also for your significant other, especially when going on a romantic trip. T

his eye-catching crystal for travel possesses a lot of healing energies. And take note of such energies will allow you to perceive the two sides of a certain situation or problem which can be extremely beneficial to avoid bickering and arguing while traveling.

To get the most out of your rhodonite, consider placing it on the dresser or bedside table in the room you’re staying in.



Known as the stone of destiny, this beautiful crystal is about positioning you to a synchronistic event that lines up in your favor. When you have this crystal with you, you’ll definitely notice that coincidences start to take all of a sudden. What’s more, the universe will open up to you, in such a way that magical energies are surrounding your trip.

The rainbow hues of Labradorite will awaken the intuition within you. As a matter of fact, this will help you meet and find helpful individuals as you travel and build a harmonious relationship with them. So, when you’re traveling, make sure to keep a piece of labradorite in your purse or pocket. 


Are you looking for something that you can use to clear unwanted energies? If so, using selenite is a good idea. Selenite is an iridescent white crystal for protection that is typically found in a long wand shape.

When traveling, the last thing you want to encounter is the negative energies of other people around you. Fortunately, selenite will always make sure that your energy remains untainted and pure. When you bring a wand-shaped selenite with you on your travel, you will be able to perform a day-to-day ritual of clearing energy. All you need to do is simply comb the crystal up and down your body in order to restore and recharge your energies while getting rid of negative blockages.

Actually, you can visualize this as one of the best crystals for travel as a portable, handy, and smokeless substitute for sage. It is a potent energy cleanser that you can use in the room where you will stay. Aside from restoring and cleansing the surroundings and your body, selenite can also be used to charge other crystals .

So, make sure to bring selenite with you and then lay it close to other crystals for travel every so often to cleanse them of funkiness that might have accumulated.

Yellow Jasper

Yellow Jasper

An amalgamation of chalcedony and quartz, yellow jasper is a stunning crystal that usually features a smooth surface. It is also opaque and comes in different shades of yellow depending on the iron content. Yellow jasper derives its name from “jaspre” an old French word that means spotted crystal. This is because the crystal usually has some patterns that seem to be striped or spotted.

Yellow jasper offers personal protection in the spiritual and physical worlds. It is also a nurturing crystal offering mental clarity and healing. In fact, when you use this yellow crystal for an extended period, you will be able to build your enthusiasm and self-confidence. It is also perfect to use especially if you want to build a stronger friendships with other people.

On the other hand, yellow jasper is a wonderful crystal to carry with you when you’re traveling. In fact, this crystal can offer protection from many different threats you may encounter in your travels. Yellow jasper can provide you will direction to help ensure you’re following the right route in your life as you travel.

The crystal can help you navigate unfamiliar places and busy airports easily and safely. It will even keep your mind clear and most importantly, focused so that you can identify any dangers and avoid them as early as possible.

Yellow jasper also eases the anxiety and stress you may feel during your travels. It will attract positive energies to you and infuse you with the needed confidence to enjoy your trip by breaking out of your comfort zone. Yellow jasper also has the capacity to get rid of the jealous feeling of other people. This feeling is usually the cause of criminal activities like theft. One more thing, yellow jasper helps in revealing the real intents of strangers you meet to ensure a safe trip.

Tiger’s Eye

Tiger’s Eye

A tiger’s eye is an easily identifiable crystal. It’s an eye-catching crystal possessing a golden to red-brown hue that has a silky sheen. It also consists of a corresponding intergrowth of limonite and quartz that offer the crystal its distinct look. The layered appearance significantly resembles the tiger’s eye or cat’s eye, giving the crystal its name.

Often, this crystal is associated with confidence as well as bravery, which are often linked to tigers. The tiger’s eye obtains its healing properties from an amalgamation of the earth and sun energies. It will offer motivating vibrations and at the same time keep you grounded. When you notice that a certain aspect of your life is out of control, using the tiger’s eye can offer you great benefits.

The tiger’s eye is also a great crystal for travel. As a matter of fact, it can infuse you with the needed courage to pursue your goal for a fun and enjoyable trip. It will also offer the strength of mind you may possibly need to stay safe in the airport and new places as well as stay aware of the surrounding.

The tiger’s eye will offer you the confidence to discover and explore new areas even when you are surrounded by unfamiliar people. Another great thing about this crystal is that you can use it to ease your anxiety and fears of the unknown. It also helps you comprehend the world around you.

The tiger’s eye will get rid of all your negative thoughts that may result in more anxiety while improving your optimism. It will protect you against negative energy and of course, the ill intents of other people.


Aquamarine is known as the stone of good luck and tolerance. Travel is fun and can be so stressful as well. Usually, most of it is because of a lack of patience. In general, tolerance of a situation, lineups, speaking, and inept services are crucial when you travel.

From time to time, you just need to go with the flow, hope luck is on your side, and takes deep breaths. Luckily, aquamarine will keep you calm by reducing your stress and lessening your tension.

This crystal is believed to offer protection especially when you’re close to water. In fact, ancient lore considered aquamarine as the treasure of the mermaid. Seamen, on the other hand, also used aquamarine as an amulet against seasickness and drowning. If you’re planning to travel over water or by boat, carrying this crystal with you is highly recommended. This crystal will even protect your aura from any negative energy.


Turquoise is one of the healing crystals that have been utilized for thousands of years. This crystal can protect its wearers while promoting clarity and happiness in their day-to-day lives. It is also a notable crystal for protecting the spirit, mind, and body from environmental pollution.

But aside from that, turquoise is also one of the beneficial crystals for travel. In fact, it has long been utilized in a protection amulet.

Turquoise will get rid of all negative energies. It is also a balancing and empathetic crystal that can help you in solving your problems. It will even promote an active and calm state of mind. Last but not least, turquoise will guard a traveler against falls, loss, and thefts and bring fortune to people who carry it.


Cerussite is a lead carbonate mineral that has creamy white color. When it comes to the crystal system, it is orthorhombic that has colors of green, transparent, blue, white, and gray. This crystal is extremely grounding. It will even make you feel comfortable in any place you find yourself making it one of the best allies when traveling. What’s more, this property of cerussite helps in reducing homesickness by helping the soul feel at home.

Cerussite, on the other hand, can be used to reduce your jet lag. It also comes in handy in making a short-term compromise that might be necessary. The crystal will also aid in decision-making as well as personal development for yourself. Lastly, cerussite has the capacity to improve communication and will help you adjust to various cultural norms.

Smoky Quartz

Smoky Quartz

Smoky quartz is a remarkable crystal that does a great job in terms of absorbing negative energies. This crystal also helps in relieving tension while protecting an uptight traveler or erratic driver. It is even considered the peace of token.

Having that said, if you are not sure of your surrounding or want more clarity, holding a piece of smoky quartz can bring a calming sense of consciousness. The same with physical travel, this crystal also helps in boosting intuition in spiritual travel.

Nevertheless, if you want to have a potent tool to ensure safe travel, consider combining your smoky quartz with amethyst which is also a crystal for travel.


Hematite is one of the underrated crystals that can greatly benefit you during your travels. This crystal possesses a lot of amazing qualities like clarity, stabilization, and protection.

With hematite, you will be able to think more clearly and improve your problem-solving and concentration. The crystal is also capable of dissolving brain fog. Keep in mind that these advantages make hematite one of the most ideal crystals to possess when you’re driving and navigating around new cities.

Hematite also has calming effects that can relieve tiredness, jet lag, and stress. One more thing, it is perfect to use if you want to get rid of negative energies from your aura.

Lapis Lazuli

Lapis Lazuli

Lapis lazuli is a vivid blue crystal that has streaks of gold. This crystal comes with many health benefits. It is believed that this crystal can improve the immune system. What’s more, it helps fight against insomnia as well as headaches. Many people especially those who are traveling by plane tend to deal with these two problems, headaches, and the incapacity to sleep even for just a couple of minutes. With that in mind, carrying a piece of lapis lazuli with you can be extremely beneficial.

Lapis lazuli will allow you to control your emotions. It won’t make you feel frustrated or overwhelmed by passengers near you.


Citrine belongs in the mineral category of quartz. It obtains its color from the touches of iron in the quartz. It can also be anything from pale yellow to amber’s bright shades.

Aside from having a beautiful and bright appearance, citrine has a lot more to offer. This crystal helps in fighting chronic fatigue which is beneficial when you’re traveling a long distance using a car. Citrine also helps in emotional well-being as well as in straightening out issues related to the digestive system.

Dubbed the stone of success, citrine will help in manifesting your positive intentions. With that in mind, whether you’re traveling to work or trying to drive long-distance across the country, citrine will surely bring you to positive destinations.


Bloodstone is actually named for its red color. This crystal helps in improving the immune system that that’s never a bad thing when you’re traveling by air.

Unavoidably while traveling by airplane, you’ll come into close contact with other people and who knows what disorders they could be dealing with?

Similar to drinking orange juice every day to enhance your vitamin C, bloodstone will protect you so that you will not accumulate anything from other passengers on the airplane.

Blue Chalcedony

Blue Chalcedony

Blue chalcedony as the name implies is a type of chalcedony, but it is quite rare. Usually, this mesmerizing crystal occurs in huge masses as well as a crystalline formation like massive boulders, rounded pebbles, and nodules.

One of the best things about blue chalcedony that is hard to ignore is that it will keep you safe in your travel. It is also believed to keep you energized and healthy while you are traveling all over the world.

Blue chalcedony comes in handy if you are planning to visit places in which the available menu items are questionable. Additionally, when you combine blue chalcedony with moonstone , you will remain worry-free especially when you are on the road.


Howlite is a striking white crystal representing the spiritual; qualities of open-mindedness, stillness, and tenderness. Additionally, it is a fantastic crystal that prevents nausea and reduces the effect of motion sickness.

If you love to travel but your stomach does not agree with you, whether it be by sea, air, or land, howlite may help in settling your nerves. The crystal will stabilize your vision while soothing discomfort. This makes sure that you will only look on the brighter side and stay positive about your journey. The calming influences of howlite will also avert road rage.

To get rid of doubts and worries related to travel, simply hold a piece of howlite. Since it is associated with the crown chakra , howlite will help you stay focused and alert especially if you are driving. Howlite will make any travel as smooth as possible.

Clear Quartz

Clear Quartz

Often, clear quartz is known as the greatest of all stones. As a matter of fact, its healing capabilities are unrivaled. It even offers wonderful clarity. Clear quartz, on the other hand, is also believed to purify one’s aura. It will keep out negative energies so that you will be able to drive without distractions, stress, or fatigue.

Another great thing about this crystal is that it can promote focus so that you will remain alert. It will even clear the haze of confusion at a busy intersection. By keeping the mind from wandering too far, you will be able to avoid any danger while you are driving.

When charged, this crystal also helps in activating the crown chakra which helps in deterring accidents. You can actually imagine clear quartz as a spiritual Sat Nav that is made to keep you safe while traveling.

Aqua Aura

Sporting a beautiful blue color, the aqua aura looks like the ocean.

As the name suggests, aqua aura deeply connects with water. This crystal will boost your energy frequencies while giving you general well-being. A lot of travelers are experiencing motion sickness or seasickness while in a boat. Please note that this can cause fears and anxieties to take place.

Luckily, the aqua aura will help you remove such feelings of uneasiness, allowing you to have a great and relaxed on the river or ocean.

Indigo Gabbro

Indigo Gabbro

Indigo gabbro is usually mined in various places in Alaska as well as in Madagascar. This amazing crystal comes in a variety of colors ranging from pale indigo to black. Further, gabbro denotes a massive group of dark igneous rock that is made of silicate with high magnesium and iron content. Typically, indigo gabbro is a black crystal that has grey-colored dappling that can is possible to polish to make it shinier.

Indigo gabbro, is one of the best crystal. It is because this crystal is very protective against detrimental energies of any kind. Indigo gabbro is also grounding and centering. It will even uplift you on a spiritual level.

This crystal is also considered apoptogenic. It means, indigo gabbro can provide you with the needed energy at the moment. So, if you are in need of comforting and uplifting energy that is what the indigo gabbro can give you. In fact, it is also capable of infusing relaxing and soothing energies.

Another great thing about this crystal is that it is highly programmable. Meaning, you are allowed to adjust its protective energies that are best suited for your needs while you are traveling.


Moldavite is a beautiful crystal that occurs in the shade of green. In general, it is accepted as the stone for the new period, it’s because it possesses the energy of the extraterrestrial world. It is also valued for its metaphysical and spiritual properties.

Moldavite is also known as one of the most useful crystals since it is a high-energy one. Every time you need a boost of energy, simply pull a piece of moldavite, hold it in your hand, and then feel the rush of energy the crystal can bring.

Moldavite is associated with the awakened heart, with the higher extensive worlds, and supports fast spiritual ascension and evolution.


Garnet is known as the stone of a traveler. As a matter of fact, this amazing crystal is believed to offer protection from accidents particularly when you are away on travel. What’s more, it is usually given as a present to make the safety of someone in traveling as well as returning home.

Garnet is one of the most ideal crystals to keep on you all the time while on a trip particularly when you are traveling alone. The crystal becomes even more helpful when you wear it in the form of jewelry. When you do it, you don’t need to worry about moving it from one purse or pocket to another.

Blue Calcite

Blue Calcite

Blue calcite comes with a lot of powerful properties. For one, you can use it especially if you tend to deal with anxiety and nervousness while on the road. This beautiful blue crystal is also believed to have soothing effects. But the major benefit of blue calcite is its support of relaxation, rest, and recuperation.

The majority of travelers can serve a wonderful restorative function. Keep in mind that coming home from travel is to feel like a completely new individual. You will feel relaxed, rested, and more importantly, prepared for what life has to give to you.


Sodalite typically possesses an eye-catching royal blue color. It also has white veins and white specks that run through it and on it. It is an opaque color that comes in various shades of blue, but more often, it is blue-grey marked with white calcite.

Sodalite is considered a crystal for travel that can protect you against negative energies while encouraging positivity actively. With this crystal, phobias and guilt are believed to fade away which is crucial for good travel. It will even boost your feeling of self-worth and self-esteem. One more thing, your relationship will also enjoy an increase of positivity that is good for travel and life in general.

Remember that you are destined to start having faith in your judgment and that would be the main benefit of having it on the roads. If you prefer traveling alone you need to depend on your own judgment calls since there is no one who will hold your hands. It is only you, so following and listening to your gut is the key to becoming successful. No worries because sodalite can help with that wherever you are.

Tourmalated Quartz

Tourmalated Quartz

Also known as rutilated quartz , tourmaline quartz is a common clear quartz variety containing inclusions of tourmaline. The inclusions that resemble needles are either dark green or black.

Nevertheless. this crystal is considered the master of protection especially when traveling. The grounding properties of the tourmaline quartz can protect you from the negative energies and vibrations of frustrated fellow travelers and drivers. As a matter of fact, this quartz variety is one of the best versatile stones for protection. In addition to that, you may find this crystal beneficial in crowded environments like train stations and tourist spots.

Besides energetic shielding, tourmaline quartz also helps in promoting a laidback and more positive approach when you’re traveling. So, if you want reassurance, it is one of the crystals you can choose.

Black Obsidian

Black Obsidian

Black obsidian is a highly protective crystal. It will promote positive thinking while disintegrating negativity. This crystal will boost your intuition, helping you spot dangers before they affect you. In fact, this type of foresight usually takes place far more than you currently realize, but this one of the most beneficial crystals for travel will help you in honing it as a skill. It will even protect you throughout the process.

Black obsidian is ideal for a passenger in someone else’s vehicle or people riding in public transportation. Feeling grounded, safe, and secure in foreign environments is of the things that black obsidian does.

This crystal, on the other hand, will also amplify the energies for traveling. When you are driving, black obsidian will lessen the uncertainty on unusual and new roads. It will infuse you with the needed confidence to safely drive anywhere. That will also include when you are abroad and you are driving on the other sideway of the road or the steering wheel is on the opposite side.

It is also worth mentioning that this crystal is capable of protecting your aura from danger while saving your energies from desolation on long trips. So be sure to pack black obsidian before traveling.

How to Use Crystals for Travel

Now that you have an idea about the different crystals for travel, it’s time to find out how you can use these crystals correctly. There are many different ways to use crystal travel that are very simple to follow. Here are some of the options you can try.

Wear As Jewelry

Wear As Jewelry

One way to take advantage of the powers of the above-mentioned crystals for travel is to wear them as a piece of jewelry. But this does not necessarily mean that you need to wear a huge crystal hanging from the neck. As a matter of fact, there are many beautiful pieces that you can choose from. So, pick the right that is comfortable for you.

Tuck Crystals For Travel Into Your Bag

Tuck Crystals For Travel Into Your Bag

Before traveling, don’t forget to tuck some crystals for travel in your bag or purse. By doing this, you can always make sure that the crystals’ energies are close to you as you travel.


Traveling does not mean you need to give up your routine. One of the simplest and best ways to connect with your crystals for travel is through meditation. To start meditating, hold your chosen crystal for travel in your hand, close your eyes, and then focus on your breath. But if you’re not comfortable holding the crystal while meditating, consider placing it near you.

Place Them On Your Pocket

Place Them On Your Pocket

Aside from keeping crystals for travel in your bag, placing them in your pocket is another way to get the most out of them. This method is perfect for you especially if you want to keep them close to you.

However, make sure to get a small piece that will fit into your pocket comfortably. If the crystal is in your pocket, you will be able to reach for it easily as a reminder throughout the day especially when worry, stress, or anxiety take place during your travels.  

Sleep With Your Crystals

Place Them On Your Pocket

This method is ideal for those who are dealing with jet lag. All you need to do is place the crystals under your pillow. By doing this, you will have a relaxed mind allowing you to doze off easily even though you are not using your own bed. And when you get enough sleep, you will surely have full energy the next day allowing you to enjoy your holiday.

How to Cleanse Crystals for Travel?

Cleansing your crystals for travel is very important as they accumulated unwanted energies and vibrations while using them. There are many ways to try when it comes to cleansing your crystals to ensure that you will regain their original state and thus, they can offer you the same benefits.

Smudge Crystals With Incense Or Sage

How to Cleanse Crystals for Travel

One method is to smudge them with incense or sage. As a matter of fact, it is very simple and one of the best methods you can try. All you need to do is run your crystals to travel over the smoke of the incense or sage. But make sure to do this outside or in a well-ventilated area. Nevertheless, with smudging, you can be certain that your crystals are properly purified.

Rinse With Water

Another method is to place crystals in water. Rinsing your crystals using water will make a clear picture in the mind of the negative energies and vibrations being flushed away. When you opt for this method, it is important that you imagine the negative energies running your crystals down the drain. But keep in mind that not all crystals for travel can’t be cleansed with water. So, make sure to check if the crystals you are using are safe in the water. If not, consider trying another cleansing method.

Cleanse With The Moon Or Sun Energy

Cleaning your crystals in the moon or sun energy before traveling is also possible. Both the moonlight and sun come with healing and powerful benefits that help in infusing crystals with positive energies. For this method, you can place the crystals in the sun and allow them to absorb the rays for a couple of hours. On the other hand, you can also put them in the direction of moonlight and let them submerge the vibrant energies overnight.

Final Thoughts

Keep in mind that at the end of the day, there is never one fast solution to make sure all your travels go as planned. As a matter of fact, some people even argue that the bumps as well as minor problems along the way are usually what make the best memories and stories after.

Surely, it is all part of the trip, so buckle up and most importantly, make the most out of it. While there is no magic to make sure that all your travels are as smooth as possible, if you are able to provide yourself with a boost and an additional dosage of protection as you travel, why not?

With various crystals for travel in your bags, pockets, or on your body, you can rest easy knowing that you have additional travel insurance. So before leaving your house, make sure to grab as many crystals for travel as you can to make your travel an exciting, safe, smooth, and enjoyable one.

When choosing crystals make sure to opt for ones that will resonate with you the most or fit your needs.

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Rock steady: 3 crystals to help you survive & thrive during mercury retrograde.

The witch is holding amethyst stone surrounded magic things. View from above.

Looking for calm and clarity amidst the maddening energy of Mercury retrograde? Crystals might hold the key.

Mercury, our planet of the mind and the mouth is once again slowing down and acting up.

Mercury’s retrograde is confusing in both name and application. Planets never actually move backward in space; they only appear to reverse from our vantage point here on Earth.

Mercury is the planet of connection, expression, media, technology, travel, and commerce. Known as a personal planet, its tricks and transits affect us more intimately. Because the realms that Mercury rules are so integral to our daily routines, we feel the effects of these retrogrades most acutely

Red-haired woman in a dark atmosphere meditating while holding a pink quartz crystal

How can we move with peace and purpose through Mercury’s melee?

Crystal healers  Lauren Lauterbach and Courtney Cunningham , co-founders of  Moon & Stone , are on hand, with amethyst in tit pockets to guide the crystal curious.

Lauterback and Cunningham tell The Post, “Mercury is officially in retrograde until August 27 which means conversations might start to take a bad turn at work or home, technology goes wonky, household items break, basically things overall… just don’t WORK! Or they don’t work out the way we want or expect them to.”

Young beautiful woman meditating with a crystal quartz in her hand, sitting on the floor at home

Lauterback and Cunningham explain that the body’s energy is ever-shifting based on our moods while the vibration of a crystal remains steady—rock steady, if you will. When we incorporate these materials into our lives, our vibration raises or lowers to match that of the crystals we work with.

To stabilize and energize during these trying times, Lauterback and Cunningham recommend the following power stones.

Smoky quartz

Top view of three smoky natural quartz crystals on a wooden background

Lauterback and Cunningham recommend keeping a piece of smoky quartz in your pocket, purse, bra or underwear to keep chaos at bay. “Allow this crystal to connect you to Source, to ease your anxiety, and to bring you back to the present moment.” 

They explain that smoky quartz is among the most powerful and grounding of all crystals, supporting a deep connection to the earth while dispelling negative thoughts and limiting self-beliefs.


Group of four Labradorite gemstones in a row polished and isolated on white background

Lauterback and Cunningham ask, “Is the Universe serving you up a s–storm during this Mercury Moonwalk?”

If the answer is a resounding yes, get right with a piece of Labradorite, a magnetic crystal that’s a real boon when change is afoot.

Lauterback and Cunningham maintain, “Labradorite is exactly what you need to create a barrier from the energies of these few weeks. You can use it daily to set an intention or a wish that keeps your energy from being brought down.”

In addition, retrograde cycles encourage reflection and revision, and Labradorite aids and abets introspection.

Close-up of an Amethyst Crystal Druse macro mineral on a white background

Purple can see you through the haze, folks.

Amethyst functions as a sort of tranquilizer, blocking negative energy, purifying the atmosphere around the wearer and supporting restorative sleep cycles.

Lauterback and Cunningham say, “Amethyst is the perfect crystal to help calm your nerves and bring tranquility to your night’s rest. Place it at your bedside to soothe and nurture your energy while you sleep. Wake up refreshed and positive. You’ve got this!”

Astrology 101: Your guide to the star

  • The 12 zodiac signs
  • What are the astrology houses
  • Here’s what each planet represents
  • Sun, moon, and rising signs: Get to know your Big 3

Astrologer  Reda Wigle  researches and irreverently reports back on planetary configurations and their effect on each zodiac sign. Her horoscopes integrate history, poetry, pop culture, and personal experience.

Red-haired woman in a dark atmosphere meditating while holding a pink quartz crystal


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Rock steady: 3 crystals to help you survive & thrive during Mercury retrograde

Looking for calm and clarity amidst the maddening energy of Mercury retrograde? Crystals might hold the key.

Mercury, our planet of the mind and the mouth is once again slowing down and acting up.

Mercury’s retrograde is confusing in both name and application. Planets never actually move backward in space; they only appear to reverse from our vantage point here on Earth.

Mercury is the planet of connection, expression, media, technology, travel, and commerce. Known as a personal planet, its tricks and transits affect us more intimately. Because the realms that Mercury rules are so integral to our daily routines, we feel the effects of these retrogrades most acutely

How can we move with peace and purpose through Mercury’s melee?

Crystal healers  Lauren Lauterbach and Courtney Cunningham , co-founders of  Moon & Stone , are on hand, with amethyst in tit pockets to guide the crystal curious.

Lauterback and Cunningham tell The Post, “Mercury is officially in retrograde until August 27 which means conversations might start to take a bad turn at work or home, technology goes wonky, household items break, basically things overall… just don’t WORK! Or they don’t work out the way we want or expect them to.”

Lauterback and Cunningham explain that the body’s energy is ever-shifting based on our moods while the vibration of a crystal remains steady—rock steady, if you will. When we incorporate these materials into our lives, our vibration raises or lowers to match that of the crystals we work with.

To stabilize and energize during these trying times, Lauterback and Cunningham recommend the following power stones.

Smoky quartz

Lauterback and Cunningham recommend keeping a piece of smoky quartz in your pocket, purse, bra or underwear to keep chaos at bay. “Allow this crystal to connect you to Source, to ease your anxiety, and to bring you back to the present moment.”

They explain that smoky quartz is among the most powerful and grounding of all crystals, supporting a deep connection to the earth while dispelling negative thoughts and limiting self-beliefs.


Lauterback and Cunningham ask, “Is the Universe serving you up a s–storm during this Mercury Moonwalk?”

If the answer is a resounding yes, get right with a piece of Labradorite, a magnetic crystal that’s a real boon when change is afoot.

Lauterback and Cunningham maintain, “Labradoriteis exactly what you need to create a barrier from the energies of these few weeks. You can use it daily to set an intention or a wish that keeps your energy from being brought down.”

In addition, retrograde cycles encourage reflection and revision, and Labradorite aids and abets introspection.

Purple can see you through the haze, folks.

Amethyst functions as a sort of tranquilizer, blocking negative energy, purifying the atmosphere around the wearer and supporting restorative sleep cycles.

Lauterback and Cunningham say, “Amethyst is the perfect crystal to help calm your nerves and bring tranquility to your night’s rest. Place it at your bedside to soothe and nurture your energy while you sleep. Wake up refreshed and positive. You’ve got this!”

Astrology 101: Your guide to the star

The 12 zodiac signs

What are the astrology houses

Here’s what each planet represents

Sun, moon, and rising signs: Get to know your Big 3

Astrologer  Reda Wigle  researches and irreverently reports back on planetary configurations and their effect on each zodiac sign. Her horoscopes integrate history, poetry, pop culture, and personal experience.

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Orlando Sentinel

Travel | Florida scalloping is an underwater scavenger…

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Travel | florida scalloping is an underwater scavenger hunt with a delicious payoff.

Central Florida Explorer Patrick Connolly goes scalloping with Waterfront Adventures in the Gulf of Mexico near Florida's Crystal River. (Patrick Connolly/Orlando Sentinel)

Charters are ready to ferry seafaring gatherers to hotspots in the Gulf of Mexico, where bay scallops are plentiful — if one knows how to spot them properly. With a dark shell on top and a lighter side on the bottom, the mollusks blend in with the seagrass and make for a challenging treasure hunt for those who seek them out.

I joined Capt. Paul Cross and Lucas Ebert of Waterfront Adventures for a chartered trip out into the Gulf, where we stopped at a prime spot for collecting scallops.

Lucas Ebert of Waterfront Adventures puts on his fins to search for scallops in the Gulf of Mexico near Crystal River on July 30, 2024. (Patrick Connolly/Orlando Sentinel)

“We call it an underwater Easter egg hunt. Any day on the boat is a great day. It’s fun, but it helps to have an activity to do. It just makes it that much better,” said Cross, who grew up in Crystal River. “Kids can do this. People of all ages can do it. There’s crystal-clear water and you get beautiful days on the Gulf.”

Though the experience proved more tedious than anticipated, we ultimately headed back to shore with plenty to eat.

Venturing out

Just after 10 a.m., our small group climbed aboard Cross’s boat powered by a zippy 175-horsepower Yamaha motor, allowing us to breeze through mangrove tunnels with ease while classic rock blasted on the stereo.

As we left the town behind and ventured into the Gulf, dozens of boats dotted the horizon with other families in search of those meaty morsels under the water. The bay scallop season is nearing its peak as harvesting is open through Sept. 24 in Levy, Citrus and Hernando counties with a daily limit of 2 gallons per person or 10 gallons per vessel.

Boats dot the horizon as people search for scallops in the Gulf of Mexico near Crystal River on July 30, 2024. (Patrick Connolly/Orlando Sentinel)

We got a little briefing from Ebert, who explained “the art of scalloping” — and perhaps tempered our expectations.

“People find around 8-10 scallops, maybe 20 if they’re really good. It’s a hunt. You have to keep swimming,” he explained. “Maybe every 30-40 yards, you find one, dive down and put it in your bag. When you find one, you can’t look away because when you look back down, you won’t see them.”

Capt. Paul Cross of Waterfront Adventures holds a bay scallop in the Gulf of Mexico near Crystal River on July 30, 2024. (Patrick Connolly/Orlando Sentinel)

He also detailed the dozens of blue eyes that adorn the edge of their shells and let us know that though scallops have the capacity to pinch fingers slightly, they will not hurt you.

Before we got started on our own hunt, Ebert dove down and immediately popped up with a pufferfish in hand, much to our delight. After a quick round of show and tell, the fish swam away from the boat to carry on with its day.

Central Florida Explorer Patrick Connolly goes scalloping with Waterfront Adventures in the Gulf of Mexico near Crystal River on July 30, 2024. (Patrick Connolly/Orlando Sentinel)

Searching for Easter eggs

Outfitted with masks, snorkels, fins and mesh bags to collect our catch, we jumped in the water while Ebert snorkeled off on his own to ensure we had enough to enjoy a full dinner rather than a light snack. Cross swam with our group closer to the boat, pointing out scallops as we went.

The first three in my bag were caught with an assist from our captain, which almost felt like cheating — but the exercise did help in knowing what to look for. I ventured off on my own for what could have been half an hour or more, not having any luck despite my best efforts to look. Some aquatic plants bear the same shape as a scallop’s shell, playing tricks on my eyes.

The frustration was elevating as I began to question my hunter-gatherer instincts. If I was depending on this exercise as a matter of survival, I would have needed to catch many more scallops than the measly three in my bag.

Central Florida Explorer Patrick Connolly goes scalloping with Waterfront Adventures in the Gulf of Mexico near Crystal River on July 30, 2024. (Patrick Connolly/Orlando Sentinel)

Even though I felt like throwing in the towel, I found a sandy spot where these underwater Easter eggs had less cover to hide. I spotted one, grabbed it and popped up with glee.

“Looks like we will be eating dinner after all!” exclaimed Cross from the boat with a hint of sarcasm. However, the comment did remind me of what was at stake: a nice, freshly caught meal straight from the sea.

While we were getting our feet wet with our beginners’ scalloping course, Ebert was doing the real work of foraging our aquatic meal. Ultimately, he managed to bag 96 in the same amount of time that I caught seven.

Lucas Ebert holds up his catch of nearly 100 scallops during a charter with Waterfront Adventures in the Gulf of Mexico near Crystal River on July 30, 2024. (Patrick Connolly/Orlando Sentinel)

After a few hours in the sun, we gathered back on the boat with slices of watermelon to help rehydrate us after the long immersion in saltwater.

“Good job, team,” Cross remarked before gunning it back toward shore, black storm clouds gathering around us. It was an exhilarating ride back and we all got to relish the day’s accomplishment — more than 100 freshly caught scallops.

Lucas Ebert works on preparing freshly-caught scallops on a charter with Waterfront Adventures in the Gulf of Mexico near Crystal River on July 30, 2024. (Patrick Connolly/Orlando Sentinel)

Catch of the day

Our catch of the day was quickly put to use as Ebert got to work, shucking more than a dozen scallops right on the boat. Freeing the white meat from the shells, he adorned them with lime juice, cilantro and his special seasoning.

We took turns trying scallops on the half-shell, like miniature oysters. The garnishes helped bring out their delicate, slightly sweet and smooth taste, while the dash of lime provided a needed zest. After swimming for hours, it felt like our hard work had paid off. Fortunately, this was just the beginning of our group’s culinary experience.

Fresh scallops are prepared three ways: blackened, fried and on the half shell at the Waterfront Social in Crystal River on July 30, 2024. (Patrick Connolly/Orlando Sentinel)

After cleaning up back on shore, we met at Waterfront Social , a dining destination on the shores of Kings Bay. Chef Olivia Plockelman took our pile of shucked scallops and made some magic happen with them in the kitchen, preparing them three ways.

The blackened scallops gave the morsels some zing, packing them with a mild spice and plenty of flavor. The fried scallops were perfect for dipping in tartar sauce or melted butter. In an exquisite and visually appealing preparation, the rest of the scallops were presented on the half shell, topped with marinated tomatoes, lemon garlic butter and bread crumbs.

Hungry after diving down to catch the very sustenance we were about to enjoy, we eagerly devoured the scallops, making quick work of the full plates. It was the perfect reward for the most delicious scavenger hunt I have ever had the pleasure of participating in.

Find me  @PConnPie on Instagram  or send me an email:  [email protected] .

Capt. Paul Cross of Waterfront Adventures sits at the helm of his fishing boat in the Gulf of Mexico near Crystal River on July 30, 2024. (Patrick Connolly/Orlando Sentinel)

Waterfront Adventures has scalloping charters daily starting at $375 for a five-hour excursion with three people. The office is located at 525 NW 7th Ave. in Crystal River. For more information, call 352-651-5004 or visit swimmingwiththemanatees.com .

Restaurants that offer “catch and cook” specials include Plantation West 82, Peck’s Old Port Cove, Backwater Fins, Seafood Seller, Bayside Kraft Kitchen, Cracker’s Bar & Grill, The Boil Yard, Crab Plant, Shrimp Landing, Dan’s Clam Stand, Oysters of Crystal River, Wallace’s at the Greenhouse, Marguerita Grill, The Shed, Fish Tales and Nauti Time Seafood.

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Fact-Checking Claims About Tim Walz’s Record

Republicans have leveled inaccurate or misleading attacks on Mr. Walz’s response to protests in the summer of 2020, his positions on immigration and his role in the redesign of Minnesota’s flag.

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Flowers, candles, and various items placed on the street. A big black and white mural of George Floyd is seen in the background.

By Linda Qiu

Since Gov. Tim Walz of Minnesota was announced as the Democratic nominee for vice president, the Trump campaign and its allies have gone on the attack.

Mr. Walz, a former teacher and football coach from Nebraska who served in the National Guard, was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives in 2006 and then as Minnesota’s governor in 2018. His branding of former President Donald J. Trump as “weird” this year caught on among Democrats and helped catapult him into the national spotlight and to the top of Vice President Kamala Harris’s list of potential running mates.

The Republican accusations, which include questions over his military service , seem intended at undercutting a re-energized campaign after President Biden stepped aside and Ms. Harris emerged as his replacement at the top of the ticket. Mr. Trump and his allies have criticized, sometimes inaccurately, Mr. Walz’s handling of protests in his state, his immigration policies, his comments about a ladder factory and the redesign of his state’s flag.

Here’s a fact check of some claims.

What Was Said

“Because if we remember the rioting in the summer of 2020, Tim Walz was the guy who let rioters burn down Minneapolis.” — Senator JD Vance of Ohio, the Republican nominee for vice president, during a rally on Wednesday in Philadelphia

This is exaggerated. Mr. Walz has faced criticism for not quickly activating the National Guard to quell civil unrest in Minneapolis in the summer of 2020 after the murder of George Floyd by a police officer. But claims that he did not respond at all, or that the city burned down, are hyperbolic.

Mr. Floyd was murdered on May 25, 2020, and demonstrators took to the streets the next day . The protests intensified, with some vandalizing vehicles and setting fires. More than 700 state troopers and officers with the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources’ mobile response team were deployed on May 26 to help the city’s police officers, according to a 2022 independent assessment by the state’s Department of Public Safety of the response to the unrest.

But the report noted that issues with communication delayed the deployment of the state National Guard.

The mayor, Jacob Frey, asked Mr. Walz to activate the National Guard the night of May 27. An aide to Mr. Frey texted a colleague around 8 p.m. that Mr. Walz was “hesitating,” documents obtained by the local news media show . The Trump campaign cited these records as evidence of Mr. Walz’s refusal to act.

Mr. Walz has argued that he did not believe Mr. Frey “knew what he was asking for,” and that the mayor did not specify the number of troops, their mission or their abilities.

The city’s police department submitted a written request the night of May 27 for 600 guardsmen. State officials said that the request was not specific enough and that they were waiting for more detail before approving the request, but that city officials were not aware that more detail was needed, according to the 2022 report.

Mr. Frey sent a formal request for troops the morning of May 28, and Mr. Walz activated the National Guard shortly afterward — two days after protests had begun. The Guard tweeted at about 4 p.m. local time that it was ready to respond to the governor’s request.

By that time, one of the city’s police precincts had already been damaged by fire. The Trump campaign also noted that a police officer testified in 2020 that she had heard “thirdhand” that Mr. Walz had said to “give up the precinct”; at the time, a spokesman for Mr. Walz disputed that characterization.

It is also worth noting that Mr. Trump, in a June 2020 phone call with governors, praised Mr. Walz’s response: “Tim Walz. Again, I was very happy with the last couple of days, Tim. You called up big numbers and the big numbers knocked them out so fast.”

“I know him a little bit. I helped him during the riots because his house was surrounded by people that were waving an American flag — doesn’t sound like very bad people. He called me and he was very concerned, very, very concerned that it was going to get out of control. They only had one guard, I guess, it was at the mansion or his house in some form. And he called me. And I said what do you want me to do about it? I was in the White House. He said if you would put out the word that I’m a good person. And I did. I put out the word.” — Mr. Trump in an interview on Fox News on Wednesday

This is misleading. Mr. Trump’s version of events is wrong on several details, and Mr. Walz’s own account noticeably differs.

On April 17, 2020 — more than a month before George Floyd’s murder — hundreds of demonstrators gathered in front of Mr. Walz’s residence to protest a stay-at-home order the governor had imposed because of the coronavirus pandemic.

That morning, Mr. Trump had written on social media, “LIBERATE MINNESOTA!,” along with calls to “liberate” other states under lockdown orders.

That day, Mr. Walz said he had tried unsuccessfully to call Mr. Trump and Vice President Mike Pence to ask “what they think we could have done differently” to respond to the spread of the virus.

Three days later, on April 20, Mr. Trump wrote that he had received a “very nice call” from Mr. Walz and that “good things are happening.”

In a news conference that day, Mr. Walz said that he had a “very good and long conversation” with Mr. Trump on April 18 — after the protesters had left — about the need for more personal protective equipment and testing abilities.

In an interview with Politico in September 2021 published this week, Mr. Walz said that Mr. Trump’s tweet had “brought armed people to my house” and that Mr. Trump had never responded when he asked what “liberate Minnesota” meant.

“Tim Walz went on TV to talk about trying to help illegal aliens climb over the border wall. Tim Walz championed government-issued IDs, driver’s licenses for illegal aliens, which results in countless motorists being killed each and every year. Tim Walz championed free health care for illegal aliens, which will bankrupt America.” — Stephen Miller, a former Trump administration official, in an interview on Fox News on Tuesday

This is exaggerated. Mr. Miller distorted comments Mr. Walz made regarding a border wall. He is correct that Mr. Walz signed legislation allowing unauthorized immigrants to obtain driver’s licenses and giving them publicly subsidized health care coverage through a state program for low-income individuals. But while Mr. Walz championed eligibility expansion, it is unclear whether he supported the health care expansion.

In 2023, Mr. Walz signed legislation expanding driver’s license eligibility to all residents of the state, regardless of immigration status. In a news release , he said he was a “longtime supporter of the bill” and expressed pride at the measure, saying it would make roads safer.

That May, Mr. Walz also signed a budget deal into law that, among other provisions, allowed unauthorized immigrants to enroll in MinnesotaCare , the state’s program for low-income residents. Mr. Walz’s budget had proposed expanding eligibility only to undocumented immigrants under 19, and a local publication reported that he opposed allowing undocumented adults to also have access to the program. His news release at the time did not mention the expansion. Additionally, MinnesotaCare provides subsidized, but not always free insurance. The health care program is funded in part by the state, and the expansion, backed by state money , would not dip into federal coffers and “bankrupt” the country.

Mr. Miller’s comment about Mr. Walz helping immigrants “climb over the border wall” distorts Mr. Walz’s remarks. In an interview last week on CNN , Mr. Walz said that the “United States needs to control its border” but argued that Mr. Trump was “not interested in solving the problem.”

“I always say, let me know how high it is,” he said, wryly expressing the ineffectiveness of a border wall. “If it’s 25 feet, then I’ll invest in the 30-foot ladder factory. That’s not how you stop this.”

He continued, “You stop this using electronics, you stop it using more border control agents, and you stop it by having a legal system that allows for that tradition of allowing folks to come here, just like my relatives did to come here, be able to work and establish the American dream. He’s not interested in that. He wants to demonize.”

“Don’t forget he tried to redesign the Minnesota state flag to look like the Somali national flag. You just can’t get further out there in America.” — Representative Andy Biggs, Republican of Arizona, in an interview on a right-wing streaming platform on Wednesday

False. Minnesota adopted a new flag on May 11, after a monthslong redesign effort and thousands of public submissions. Mr. Walz had little to do with the design, which pays tribute to various facets of the state — not Somalia.

Prompted by criticism that the state’s old flag was offensive to Native Americans and bore too many similarities to other state flags, Minnesota legislators passed a measure in 2023 establishing a commission to redesign the state’s emblems. Mr. Walz signed that legislation into law. The commission received more than 2,000 submissions from the public through October 2023 and decided on a design in December.

The commission — not Mr. Walz — chose and modified a design by Andrew Prekker of Luverne, Minn. Mr. Prekker, who does part-time work in graphic design, said in an interview on local news that he had researched his concept and tried to create imagery that “represented everyone” in the state. Mr. Prekker told PolitiFact that his flag had nothing to do with Somalia.

The new flag has a white eight-point star (representing the North Star, which is the state’s motto, and the many cultures of the state) splashed on a dark blue background (representing the night sky and the shape of the state) on the left and a bright blue field on the right (representing the state’s 11,000 lakes and 6,000 rivers and streams), according to the commission’s final report.

The flag of Somalia features a white five-pointed star on a blue field.

An earlier version of this article misidentified a Minnesota agency that deployed a mobile response team to help quell unrest in Minneapolis after the murder of George Floyd by a police officer. It was the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, not the Department of National Resources.

An earlier version of this article misstated the damage to one of Minneapolis’s police precincts. It was damaged by fire but not burned to the ground.

How we handle corrections

Linda Qiu is a reporter who specializes in fact-checking statements made by politicians and public figures. She has been reporting and fact-checking public figures for nearly a decade. More about Linda Qiu

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