Kako suzbiti kalifornijski cvetni i duvanov trips

Larva i imaga kalifornijskog cvetnog i duvanovog tripsa nanose štetu biljnim kulturama ali pored toga prenosilac su veoma velikog broja biljnih bolesti.

kalifornijski cvetni trips

Kalifornijski cvetni trips

Ovo je introdukovana biljna vrsta poreklom iz Amerike prisutna u našoj zemlji više od dve decenije. Najveće štete nanosi na plodovima paprike i krastavca. To je insekt dužine 1,5 mm sa krilima na kojima su rese. Boja odraslih varira od žute do tamno mrke boje. Larve su još sitnije i svetlije boje. Tokom godine može razviti 15 generacija. U staklenicima napad tripsa počinje već u februaru, a na otvorenom tokom leta. Larve i imaga sisaju sokove sa naličja lista. Usled ove ishrane javljaju se beličaste pege koje se spajaju pa se ceo list može osušiti. Trips prenosi mnoge viruse od kojih je najpoznatiji virus tačkaste bronzavosti paradajza. Takođe pravi direktne štete hraneći se polenom i cvetom, pupoljcima što dovodi do smanjenja prinosa i deformiteta plodova.

Možda vas zanima

kalifornijski cvetni trips

Kako se rešiti smrdibuba bez pesticida

kalifornijski cvetni trips

Komorač, mak ili tanka žica – Evo kako da oterate PUŽEVE GOLAĆE

kalifornijski cvetni trips

Lisne vaši uništavaju gotovo sve biljke: Rešite ih se na prirodan i efikasan način

Duvanov trips.

Insekt prezimljava kao odrastao insekt u zemljištu. U proleće se seli prvo na korove, a potom na gajene biljke. Ženke polažu do 80 jaja delimično u tkivo biljaka čak i bez oplodnje (partenogeneza). Kada su visoke temperature ceo razvoj može da se završi za 10 dana. Kod nas se u zatvorenom prostoru javlja najčešće na paprici, a na otvorenom na luku i duvanu. Larve i odrasli na licu lista sišu sokove pa povećavaju potrebe biljaka za vodom , takođe su i prenosioci virusa od kojih je najpozvnatiji virus tačkaste bronzavosti paradajza .

Mere zaštite

Zatvorene objekte treba očistiti od biljnih ostataka i postaviti mreže na ulazu. Potrebno je koristiti rasad bez prisustva tripsa. Ženka tripsa polaže jaja tako što legalicom zaseče cvetnu ložu pa joj jaja budu skrivena od uticaja spoljne sredine. Zato treba prilikom primene insekticida dodati i okvašivač. Što se hemijskog tretmana tiče najbolje je suzbijati ovu štetočinu kad brojnost dostigne prag štetnosti 1-2 jedinke po listu. Tripsi imaju dosta prirodnih neprijatelja pa prilikom zaštite treba birati selektivne regulatore rasta insekata ili bioinsekticide na bazi entomopatogene gljive B.basiana i azadirahtina , koji imaju minimalni uticaj na predatore. Za suzbijanje tripsa koriste se sredstva na bazi a.m. spinosad i a.m. abamektin .

Izvor:  Poljoprivredne stručne i savetodavne službe

Autor: Dipl. inž. Đukić Ružica

Podelite vest

kalifornijski cvetni trips

Vodič za uspešno gajenje borovnica

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Bašta i vrt

kalifornijski cvetni trips

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Crni luk © Pixabay

Vađenje crnog luka – ove greške trebate izbegavati

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kalifornijski cvetni trips

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Pčela na uljanoj repici © Pixabay

Upotreba uljane repice kao pčelinje paše i stočne hrane

Povezane vesti.


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kalifornijski cvetni trips

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kalifornijski cvetni trips

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Claas Arion 650 – traktor za sve pare! Dobar za oranje, setvu, vučenje, RADI 1.200 h/godišnje!

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Cena prasadi u Čačku

Cena prasadi u Čačku PALA, jagnjad poskupela!

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kalifornijski cvetni trips

  • Poljoprivreda

REČ STRUKE: Kako na luku suzbiti napast zvanu trips?

Jedna od najvećih i redovnih štetočina luka su duvanov i kalifornijski cvetni trips. Način na koji se javlja i mesto na luku koje napada, otežava pristup i suzbijanje.

kalifornijski cvetni trips

Piše: Milana Janićijević, dipl.inž, kompanija Chemical Agrosava

T rips na luku zavlači se između pazuha liski. Štetu prave larve i odrasli koji prosecaju kutikulu radi sisanja sokova. Zabadanjem jaja u tkivo lista, stvaraju povoljne uslove za razvoj saprofita. Zato moramo obratiti posebnu pažnju na njihovo suzbijanje.

Tripsi su sitni insekti, veličine svega od 1 do 2 mm. Zbog toga ih nazivaju „iglice“. Imago je smeđe do crne boje, a larve su žute. Mogu se uočiti i golim okom. Nazivaju ih i “ olujnim letačima ” jer doleću u jatima sa okolnih kultura. Inače, tripsi u našim uslovima imaju 5 – 8 generacija godišnje.

Efikasni tretmani protiv olujnih letača

Vađenje crnog luka

Tripsi doleću na luk već početkom vegetacije i ostaju da se hrane na njemu sve do vađenja luka. Suzbijanje tripsa otpočinje odmah po doletanju, čim se na jednoj biljci nađu od 2 do 3 jedinke. S obzirom da tripsi lete, poželjno je da se kontrola parcele izvrši sa svih strana.

Postoje tri izuzetno efikasna preparat za njihovo suzbijanje: Dicarzol 50 SP , Amon 020 EW i Fastac 10 EC . Ova tri preparata imaju različit mehanizam dejstva i preporuka je da se tretmani rade vezano na 5 do 7 dana, praveći izmene u izboru preparata.

Dicarzol 50 SP je insekto-akaricid sa kontaktnim i digestivnim delovanjem na bazi aktivne materije formetanat-hidrohlorid.

Drugim rečima, ovaj preparat je izuzetno efikasan u suzbijanju kalifornijskog cvetnog tripsa. Odlično suzbija sve pokretne forme, larve i odrasle.  U luku se koristi u količini 1 kg/ha, odmah po doletanju tripsa, dva puta u toku godine, i to na početku vegetacije.

Količina vode koja je potrebna za primenu ovog preparata je 400 l/ha.

Dicarzol 50 SP ispoljava brz “knock-down” efekat za nekoliko minuta do maksimalno 24 h, čak i na temperaturi 35 0 C.

Brzina delovanja zavisi od dužine izlaganja, veličine tripsa, debljine kutikule i temperature.

Dicarzol 50 SP ne treba primenjivati u crnom luku koji će se koristiti kao mladi luk zbog karence od 28 dana.

Amon 020 EW je folijarni insekticid i akaricid čija je aktivna materija abamektin. Njegova prednost je što se nalazi u formulaciji ulje u vodi. Optimalno vreme primene je u toku proleća, kada je veća vlažnost i kada su temperature nešto niže. Aktivna materija abamektin brzo se razlaže na svetlosti i pri temperaturama iznad 25 0 C.

Proizvodnja crnog luka u Srbji

U toku leta najbolja efikasnost se postiže ako se Amon 020 EW koristi predveče ili noću, kada su temperature ispod 28 0 C. Količina u kojoj se koristi je 1,5 l/ha uz dodatak okvašivača ES PLUS.

Fastac 10 EC je insekticid sa kontaktnim i digestivnim delovanjem.

Fastac 10 EC ima izraženo dejstvo na odrasle insekte i larve, ali poseduje i značajno delovanje na jaja sa tankom opnom.

Na bazi je aktivne materije alfa-cipermetrin koja je lipofilna, što znači da ostvaruje neposredni kontakt za voštanim materijama kutikule biljaka, što Fastac® 10 EC čini i regulatorom rasta biljaka. Fastac 10 EC koristi se za suzbijanje duvanovog tripsa u luku i to u koncentraciji od 0,02%.



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Drosophila suzukii, pošast svih poljoprivrednika


Suzbijanje mrke pegavosti lista crnog luka

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Malinari, krompiri, SPIT: vesti za ponedeljak

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Kalifornijski trips maleni je kukac, izdužena tijela, s dva para resastih krila. Danas gotovo nema staklenika u Hrvatskoj gdje taj štetnik nije prisutan. Napada jako veliki broj kulturnih biljaka. Najveće štete izaziva na paprici. Na paprici simptome zaraze nalazimo uvijek na plodovima, koji ostaju sitni i deformirani. Na paprici mu još odgovara tek zametnuti plod, koji se formira na dnu cvjetnog vjenčića. U jako zaraženoj paprici gotovo nema normalno razvijenih, nedeformiranih plodova.


kalifornijski cvetni trips

Zaštita paprike od vaši i tripsa koji su prenosioci virusa

Paprike iz semena na otvorenom polju su u fazi nicanja i razvoja prvih listova, a započelo je i rasađivanje. na biljkama je uočeno prisustvo lisnih vaši (aphididae)..

kalifornijski cvetni trips

ČITAJTE I: Stenice napadaju useve – Kako ih suzbiti?

Vaši su prenosioci biljnih virusa ( Virusa mozaika krastavca, Virusa crtičastog mozaika krompira, Virusa mozaika lucerke i dr. ) koji u našoj proizvodnji izazivaju velike ekonomske štete. Sada je važno da se spreče zaraze jer ukoliko se biljke inficiraju u početnim fazama razvoja, posledice mogu biti izuzetno velike.

Ukoliko se pregledom naličja listova uoče vaši, preporuka je primena nekog od registrovanih insekticida: Mavrik (tau-fluvalinat) 0,03%, Tonus (acetamiprid) 0,25-0,4 kg/ha, Teppeki/Afinto (flonikamid) 0,12-0,14 kg/ha.

Paprike u zatvorenom prostoru su u fazi od razvoja listova do razvoja plodova. Na biljkama, pogotovo onima na kojima ima cveta, uočeno je prisustvo tripsa ( Tysanoptera ). Kalifornijski cvetni trips je vektor Virusa bronzavosti paradajza koji je vrlo destruktivan biljni virus u proizvodnji paradajza i paprike.

Predlaže se pregled biljaka paprike metodom otresanja na belu podlogu i po potvrdi prisustva primena nekog od insekticida: Laser 240 SC (spinosad) 0,04%, Dicarzol 50 SP (formetanat-hidrohlorid) 1 kg/ha.

Pored suzbijanja vaši i tripsa kao prenosioca virusa, značajna mera u kontroli viroznih oboljenja je i suzbijanje korova koji su rezervoari virusa.

Izvor: PIS Srbije

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kalifornijski cvetni trips

Kalifornijski cvetni trips na povrću – štetnost i suzbijanje (5)

kalifornijski cvetni trips

Žilogriz (Capnodis tenebrionis) i šiljokrilac (Perotis lugubris)

Žilogriz je poznata štetočina ...

Moljac paradajza (Tuta absoluta)

Mediteranskom regionu privlači nova i veoma opasna štetočina paradajza, čiji je latinski naziv Tuta absoluta...

Moljac krompira (Phthorimaea operculella)

Moljac krompira je štetočina toplih i sušnih predela ...

Erwinia amylovora

E. amylovora je izraziti polifag, pripada multivorama Spektar domaćina bakterije, do sada, obuhvata 193 vrste iz 39 rodova i 4 familije

Osnovi meni

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  • Orah, lešnik
  • Vinogradarstvo
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  • Lekovito bilje

Vremenska prognoza ...

Kursna lista, vaša pitanja..., suzbijanje tripsa u cveću.

Tripsi su sitni insekti dužine 1-1,5 mm sa tankim krilima i dugim resama na njima. Povrtari ih često zovu "iglice". Lako se skrivaju medju lišćem ili laticama cvetova. Dobro lete ali vetar ih lako prenosi na veće daljine. Kao i kod većine sitnih insekata, imaju veći broj generacija godišnje . Zavisno od biljaka kojima se hrane ima više vrsta tripsa. Najpoznatiji je T rips tabaci koji se hrani na duvanu,luku, pasulju, boraniji, paprici ,cveću itd, Frankliniela intonsa na lucerki i povrću , T rips gladioli , hrani se cvećem, a posebno na gladiolama, Francinela fusca, Frankliniella occidentalis itd.

Na cveću nesme biti oštećenja, a tripsi se uglavnom hrani cvetovima i   listovima   ruža, gerbera, gladiola itd. Većina se hrani polenom ili koji je najkvalitetniji i energetski najbogati deo biljaka. Tripsi imaju usni aparat sa testericom kojom probijaju kutikulu na listovima ili laticama cvetova i sišu sokove iz ćelije. Posle sisanja u ispražnjeni deo ćelije udje vazduh i dolazi do obezbojavanja cvetova. N ajmanji ubod znači da se cvetovi ne mogu prodati.

Odrasli tripsi lete .U većini slučajeva radi se uglavnom o ženkama koje polažu jaja i bez mužjaka. Mužjaci su retki. Ženke imaju testericu na legalici, raseca   i polaže jaja u tkivo. Kada se u listu razvije larva, izlazi iz lista ili latice cveta i počinje ishranu sa polenom ili sokovima cvetova i listova. Ima L1 i L2 ( dva stupnja) i kada se razvije larva L2 , pada na zemlju formira lutku odnosno predlutku .Ona je je slična larvama ali ima manja krila penje se na list odnosno cvet ali se ne hrani. Posle nekoliko dana  izlaze prava imaga koja lete. Kalifornijski trips se razvija za oko 3 nedelje.

Poznavanje biologije je bitan faktor za suzbijanje. Insekticidi koji se koriste mogu delovati na imaga odrasle forme i larve L1 i L2, a na jaja ne mogu, niti na predlutku u plitkom delu zemlje.

Suzbijanje tripsa

Biologija pretpostavlja dva odvojena ali i istovremena prskanja. Preko lista ili cvetova za suzbijanje odraslih i larava i drugi tretman preko zemljišta zalivanjem za sprečavanje izletanja i obnavljanja populacije. Samo prskanjem se ne može suzbiti.

Najštetniji trips je zapadni ili Kalifornijski cvetni trips   koji se do pre izvesnog vremena razvijao samo u zatvorenom prostoru ili plastenicima. Medjutim, ima mogućnost adaptacije, zbog čega može da prezimi i hrani na nektarinama i breskvama. U Kaliforniji najčešće se pištoljima sa većom količinom vode spira sa voćaka dok kod cveća ovo je kasno jer najmanja ishrana čini da cveće nije za upotrebu.  Prateći štetne organizme u plasteničkoj proizvodnji povrća i cveća na jugu Srbije nije registrovano prisustvog  kaliformijskog tripsa.

Cveće se nesme gajiti u istom prostoru sa povrćem. Ako nadjete oštećenje u vidu obezbojavanja i tripse treba koristiti insekticide na bazi abamektina kao što je Amon 020 EW u količini 10 -15 ml/10 l vode ili Gestical 24 SC u količini 8-10 ml/10 l vode . Ovi preparati brzo deluju i već posle dan-dva teško je naći tripse na cvetovima ili listovima.Medjutim, tripsi lete pa se mora stalno kontrolisati njihovo prisustvo i češće prskati jer nesme biti šteta. Prskanje izvesti češće ili svaki 5-7 dana. Da bi se sprečilo formiranje predlutki i obnovila populacija odnosno ponovni dolazak na list predlutki, zemljište ispod cveća se prska preparatom Bifenicus EC u količini 2 l/ha sa 400 l vode odnosno 50 ml/10 l vode.

Ako se posle prskanja brojnost tripsa ne smanji, to znači da imate Kalifornijskog tripsa veoma otpornog na većinu insekticida. Za njegovo suzbijanje se koristi preparat Dicarzol SP u količini 10 ml/10 l vode .Ne koristiti veće količine od 15 ml/10 l vode. Istovremeno, treba koristiti Dicarzol za prskanje zemlje da se spreči čaurenje i izletanje imaga .Ako je u pitanju proizvodnja ruža, gerbera ili drugog cveća Dicarzol se dodaje zalivanjem. Kod cveća se ne odredjuju ostaci insekticida pa nema ni karence i Dicarzol se može koristiti više puta pre seče cveća. Drugi preparat koji se može koristiti je Lasser ali u registrovanim količinama u EU 8-10 ml /10 l vode.

Za proizvodnju cveća , za razliku od nekih drugih poljoprivrednih useva, koriste se piretroidi kao regulatori rasta, a posebno strobilurini zbog zelenog efekta. Smatra se da Zato WG u količini   0.5 kg/ha (5 g/10 l vode) obezbedjuje zeleni efekat na ružama, odnosno dužinu stabla, broj latica ili obezbedjuje standarde gajenja ruža.Slično je kod proizvodnje gerbera i slično.  

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Zahodni cvetni hrošč, kalifornijski trips

Zahodni cvetni hrošč, kalifornijski trips

Zahodni ali kalifornijski cvetni resar je zelo nevaren škodljivec, ki je razširjen na velikem ozemlju Rusije, od zahodne meje do sibirske in kavkaške regije.

Nevaren je ne le zato, ker je skoraj vsejeden in uničuje cvetne in okrasne rastline, sadna drevesa, zelenjavne nasade, temveč je lahko tudi nosilec številnih nevarnih bolezni.

V tej fazi so kalifornijski trips opazili na več kot 250 rastlinah.

Opis škodljivega organizma

Kalifornijski trips je na seznamu škodljivcev, s katerimi se najpogosteje ukvarjajo zaposleni v oddelku za rastlinsko karanteno in fitosanitarni nadzor. Njene ličinke pogosto najdemo v pošiljkah hrane in cvetju za prodajo.

Šteje se, da je rojstni kraj zahodnega cvetnega tripsa Severna in Srednja Amerika kjer je razširjena po celini iz Mehike in na Aljasko ... Prvič so ga identificirali v Kaliforniji, zaradi česar je dobil svoje ime. Domnevajo pa, da so ga prvotno prinesli s cvetnimi izdelki iz ene od držav Južne Amerike.

V evropskih državah ta škodljivec je bil prvič posnet leta 1983 , in se je od takrat razširila po evropskem delu. V Rusiji je bil viden v zgodnjih 90. letih 20. stoletja ko so ga prinesli skupaj s cvetjem.

Odrasla oseba ima dolžino 1,4-2,0 mm ... Telo je ozko, barva se lahko razlikuje iz svetlo rumene , do temno rjave barve ... Glava je rumena. Krila so obrobljena, rahlo zatemnjena. Ličinke so po videzu podobne odraslim, vendar so veliko manjše in svetlejše barve.

REFERENCA! Glavne razlike med kalifornijskim tripsom in drugimi vrstami tripsa so različna barva nekaterih delov telesa in drugačna struktura (različna struktura anten in ščetin, različne dolžine). Zaradi majhnosti je mogoče identifikacijo vrst izvajati v laboratorijskih pogojih pod mikroskopom.

Kalifornijski trips zimo preživijo toplo v rastlinjaku - odrasli se pokrijejo z rastlinskimi ostanki, ličinke - v tleh. V toplih predelih lahko prezimovanje poteka na odprtih tleh. Spomladi, potem ko so sadike posajene, jih žuželke napadajo.

Samice jajca položijo na vrh stebla in na listih ustvarijo luknje. Mesec dni, ko jedo rastlino, lahko trips odloži do 300 jajc ... To količino lahko povečamo, če se žuželka hrani s cvetnim prahom.

Izležene ličinke na rastlini prenesejo dve stopnji razvoja, jo pojedo in nato preidejo v tla. Skupaj traja 15-21 dni, da se v celoti razvije ena kolonija kalifornijskega tripsa. V idealnih razmerah v enem letu 12 do 15 generacij .

Fotografija cvetov iz zahodne Kalifornije:

kalifornijski cvetni trips

Katere rastline jedo?

Zahodni cvetni trips je zelo razširjen škodljivec. Preseneča bombaž , lok , kumare , poper , paradižnik , jagode , breskev , grozdje in druge vrste sadnih in zelenjavnih rastlin ... Poleg tega so napadene tudi rože: vrtnice , ciklame , krizanteme , gerbere itd.

REFERENCA! Žuželke v primarni in odrasli obliki pridobivajo sok iz rastlinskih posevkov.

Kakšna nevarnost je škodljivca za rastline

kalifornijski cvetni trips

Med množično okužbo s kalifornijskim tripsom so uničena območja jasno vidna, obstaja ukrivljenost stebel okuženih rastlin, zamuda in deformacija rasti mladih poganjkov .

Prehrana cvetnih brstov vodi do motenj in zvijanja cvetov ... Popki, ki jih poškoduje kalifornijski resar, se ne odprejo in ne izsušijo. Uživanje cvetnega prahu preprečuje, da bi rastlina oblikovala polne cvetove.

POMEMBNO! Okužba s škodljivcem povzroči znatno zmanjšanje pridelka, padec tržne vrednosti rastlin, gojenih z namenom prodaje (na primer okrasno cvetje), velika kolonija žuželk pa lahko povzroči smrt celotne rastline.

Pri sadnih pridelkih opazimo tudi značilno škodo. Torej, na sladki papriki se pojavijo srebrne črte , jagode spremenijo barvo , spremeni se oblika kumar in zelenjava se deformira , na površini paradižnika se pojavijo luknje .

Poleg uničevanja poganjkov škodljivec je nosilec virusnih bolezni ki so jim izpostavljene številne rastlinske vrste. Najpogostejši je lisasta venenje paradižnika .

Glavni simptomi okužbe so - pojav svetlo rumenih lis na listju , odlomki stebla postanejo temnejši. Da bi okužbo prenesli, se morajo rastline 30 minut hraniti na rastlini.

Značilnosti zatiranja škodljivcev

kalifornijski cvetni trips

Drugič V Ameriki, od koder prihaja, so kalifornijski tripsi postali imuni na veliko število insekticidov. V rastlinjakih, kjer je ta žuželka najbolj aktivna, kemikalije proti njej niso združljive z drugimi sredstvi za odganjanje žuželk.

Trenutno lahko uničenje cvetnih resov izvedemo na različne načine:

  • Mehanski - Rastline, pri katerih lahko pride do invazije škodljivcev, morajo biti prekrite z drobno mrežo z majhnimi celicami. Blokirajo jo okna in vrata;
  • Agrotehnična - vizualni nadzor in hitro odstranjevanje okuženih poganjkov, skrbno odstranjevanje plevela in rastlinskih ostankov. V rastlinjakih so obešene posebne pasti za žuželke, ki lahko preprečijo kolonizacijo z resicami ali z analizo zbranih žuželk določijo stopnjo okuženosti;
  • Biološki - boj proti kalifornijskim tripsom poteka z izpuščanjem posebnih vrst klopov in stenic v okuženem rastlinjaku. Velikost kolonije lahko močno zmanjšajo, vendar je škodljivca na ta način nemogoče popolnoma uničiti. Poleg tega je treba upoštevati, da plenilske žuželke napadajo samo ličinke in se ne hranijo z odraslimi;
  • Kemična - razvitih je bilo več insekticidov, ki se lahko učinkovito borijo proti škodljivcem. V bistvu gre za zelo strupena sredstva, ki jih je treba nanašati v 3-5 dnevnih intervalih, 2-3 krat.

Kalifornijski trips (zahodni cvetni) - zelo majhen škodljivec, ki prizadene širok nabor zelenjave in sadnega drevja, okrasnega cvetja. Poleg uničevanja same rastline lahko ta žuželka prenaša številne nevarne virusne okužbe. Boj proti njemu je zapleten zaradi dejstva, da se trips pogosto skrije v popkih, rožah, pod luskami.

Za zaključek vam predstavljamo video o invaziji na kalifornijski cvetni resar:

Poglej si posnetek: Calling All Cars: The 25th Stamp. The Incorrigible Youth. The Big Shot (Julij 2024).

Zanimivi Članki

kalifornijski cvetni trips

Zasnova zelene površine

kalifornijski cvetni trips

Kdo so leteče krilate mravlje?

kalifornijski cvetni trips

Vrtno pohištvo


Poljoprivredna apoteka.



kalifornijski cvetni trips

Dicarzol 50 SP

AKTIVNA MATERIJA:  Formetanat-hidrohlorid 582 g/kg (500 g/kg čistog formetanata)

GRUPA:  Karbamati

FORMULACIJA:  Vodorastvorljivo prašivo (SP)

KARENCA: Paprika – 35 dana Crni luk – 28 dana



Usevi:  paprika i crni luk.

Paprika:  za suzbijanje kalifornijskog cvetnog tripsa  (Frankliniella occidentalis)  odmah u početku pojave tripsa, u količini od 1 kg/ha, uz utrošak vode od 400 l/ha (4 l/100 m²). Vreme primene:  koristi se u proizvodnji rasada, do formiranja plodova.

Crni luk:  za suzbijanje duvanovog tripsa  (Thrips tabaci)  u količini od 1 kg/ha, uz utrošak vode od 400 l/ha (4 l/100 m²). Vreme primene:  odmah po doletanju tripsa.

Maksimalan broj tretiranja u toku godine na istoj površini je 2 puta.

Dicarzol 50 SP  može se primeniti u proizvodnji cveća, za suzbijanje kalifornijskog cvetnog tripsa i to: prvi tretman obaviti sa 1,5 kg/ha radi smanjenja brojnosti populacije, a ostale tretmane raditi sa 1 kg/ha.  Dicarzol 50 SP  poželjno je koristiti u alternaciji sa preparatima drugih mehanizama delovanja. Najbolji rezultati suzbijanja tripsa dobijaju se kada se  Dicarzol 50 SP  koristi folijarno radi smanjenja populacije tripsa, a da se zemljište ili prostor oko biljaka tretiraju insekticidima iz grupe piretroida. Na taj način se sprečava izletanje imaga tripsa iz zemljišta nakon hrizalidacije. U zaštiti breskve i nektarina od cvetnog tripsa  Dicarzol 50 SP  koristi se neposredno posle cvetanja u količini 1–1,5 kg/ha. Za suzbijanje crvenog i baštenskog pauka na voću  Dicarzol 50 SP  koristi se u količini od 1 kg/ha.


Dicarzol 50 SP  se može mešati sa većinom insekticida i fungicida. Ne mešati sa sumpornim i alkalnim preparatima.

Dicarzol 50 SP  deluje na: kalifornijski cvetni trips  (Frankliniella occidentalis)  i duvanov trips  (Thrips tabaci) .

Dicarzol 50 SP  je insekticid i akaricid na bazi aktivne materije formetanat, koji pripada grupi karbamata. Mehanizam delovanja formetanata je inhibicija acetilholin esteraze nakon jednokratne ili višestruke izloženosti. Rezultat inhibicije acetilholin esteraze je da se acetilholin nakuplja i nastavlja da deluje tako da se nervni impulsi neprekidno prenose i kontrakcije mišića ne prestaju. Ovakav način delovanja omogućava brzo i efikasno suzbijanje štetnih insekata posle samo par sati od primene.  Dicarzol 50 SP  kao insekticid iz grupe karbamata ispoljava širok spektar primene na fitofagne grinje i insekte koji sisaju sokove iz biljaka (tripsi, cikade, lisni mineri).  Dicarzol 50 SP  smatra se jednim od najefikasnijih insekticida za suzbijanje kalifornijskog cvetnog tripsa u zaštićenom prostoru i otvorenom polju.

Preparat ne primenjivati u crnom luku koji će se koristiti kao mladi luk.


Proizvođač:  Gowan   Zastupnik: Agrosava Beograd

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Zaštita paprike od vaši i tripsa koji su prenosioci virusa

  • 13.05.2022.

zastita mlade paprike

Sada je važno zaštititi mlade biljke paprike kako bi se sprečile zaraze i izbegle negativne posledice. Predlozi za zaštitu 

Paprike iz semena na otvorenom polju su u fazi nicanja i razvoja prvih listova, a započelo je i rasađivanje. Na biljkama je uočeno prisustvo  lisnih vaši (Aphididae).

Vaši su prenosioci biljnih virusa ( Virusa mozaika krastavca, Virusa crtičastog mozaika krompira, Virusa mozaika lucerke  i dr.) koji u našoj proizvodnji izazivaju velike ekonomske štete. Sada je važno da se spreče zaraze jer ukoliko se biljke inficiraju u početnim fazama razvoja, posledice mogu biti izuzetno velike.

Ukoliko se pregledom naličja listova uoče vaši, preporuka je primena nekog od registrovanih insekticida: Mavrik (tau-fluvalinat) 0,03%, Tonus (acetamiprid) 0,25-0,4 kg/ha, Teppeki/Afinto (flonikamid) 0,12-0,14 kg/ha.

zastita paprike

Zaštita paprike od tripsa

Paprike u zatvorenom prostoru su u fazi od razvoja listova do razvoja plodova. Na biljkama, pogotovo onima na kojima ima cveta, uočeno je prisustvo  tripsa (Tysanoptera) . Kalifornijski cvetni trips je vektor  Virusa bronzavosti paradajza  koji je vrlo destruktivan biljni virus u proizvodnji paradajza i paprike.

Predlaže se pregled biljaka paprike metodom otresanja na belu podlogu i po potvrdi prisustva primena nekog od insekticida: Laser 240 SC (spinosad) 0,04%, Dicarzol 50 SP (formetanat-hidrohlorid) 1 kg/ha.

Pored suzbijanja vaši i tripsa kao prenosioca virusa, značajna mera u kontroli viroznih oboljenja je i suzbijanje korova koji su rezervoari virusa.

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Poljoprivredne vesti

Internet portal www.poljosfera.rs je portal o poljoprivredi . Naša ciljna grupa su poljoprivrednici, ali i svi korisnici interneta koji su zainteresovani za ovu značajnu granu privređivanja.

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15 Fantastic and Easy Day Trips From Moscow

Is the hustle and bustle of Moscow starting to wear you down? No worries. There are multiple great day trips from Moscow that will let you see a different side of Russia that you won’t find in the metropolitan area. Each day trip I’ve listed below can easily be done by train from Moscow, and there are trains every day of the week.

The area surrounding Moscow is rich in cultural attractions and natural beauty. By traveling only a short distance, one feels far away from the crowds, and lines of the sprawling Russian capital. Since Russia is undoubtedly an expansive country it may take from half an hour to two hours to reach some of the landmarks on this list (by train or car) from the Moscow city center.

You can escape to the picturesque Russian countryside, visit war memorials, battlefields, admire onion-domed churches, and get insight into the local way of life. Easy day trips from Moscow include the incomparable white-stone Trinity Cathedral in Sergiyev Posad, the spectacular Cathedral of the Assumption in Dmitrov, and the Russian military aircraft in Monino. For those who love rural tranquility, Suzdal and Vladimir are a must-see. History buffs will appreciate the Patriotic War of 1812 reenactment that took place in Borodino on the first weekend of September.

Without further ado, here are 15 best day trips from Moscow that are well worth your attention.

easy day trips from Moscow

The Best Day Trips from Moscow

There’s a reason Moscow is one of Europe’s most enigmatic destinations. It’s got culture, class, food, history, and more, but even better, is that it is the country’s main transport hub with so many attractions within a day trip from Moscow. While you can definitely spend days or even weeks in Moscow, it can, of course, be done in just one week. What can you do in Moscow in seven days ? Well, you can do a lot if you know how to plan a trip to a place you know so little about.

If you’re ready to get out of the city a bit and soak up the culture, fresh air, and enchanting architecture, I’ve rounded up my favorite day trips outside of Moscow. I often get asked: What are the best cities to visit in Russia? And these are places that I’ve been and loved.

My Favorite Easy Day Trips from Moscow:

Dmitrov Kolomna Zvenigorod Sergiyev Posad Yaroslavl Arkhangelskoye Estate Vladimir Suzdal Korolev Borodino Patriot Park in Kubinka Melikhovo Gorki Leninskie Kaluga Monino

1. Day Trip to Dmitrov from Moscow

Dmitrov may not be as popular as other cities in Russia, but the fact that the city was founded only 7 years earlier than Moscow makes for a great day trip. This small city some 90 kilometers from Moscow is particularly beautiful in the summer. As you walk the streets you can see sparkling fountains, charming centuries-old buildings, yachts and boats transiting through the canal and, of course, the Museum-Reserve Dmitrov Kremlin.

The Kremlin (castle) is the city’s main draw. The 10m high and about 1km long earthen rampart remained behind the wooden wall and gives an idea of how the castle looked like 400 years ago. The oldest surviving building on the Kremlin grounds is the 16th-century Assumption Cathedral with a unique five-tier iconostasis.

places to visit near moscow by train

Not far from the Kremlin there is a compact 15th-century Borisoglebsky convent. Its main building – the 16th-century Cathedral of Sts. Boris and Gleb is open to the visitors only for services of worship. In the 1930s in the convent housed a labor camp, which contained the builders of the Canal named after Moscow.

Getting There: Dmitrov sits an easy hour and sixteen minutes by train from Savyelovskiy Rail Terminal. This cheap day trip from Moscow is a great chance to soak up the historic charm to be found in Moscow Oblast.

2. Day Trip to Kolomna from Moscow

Situated to the south-east of Moscow, Kolomna is a beautiful port city on the Oka River. This is one of the oldest Russian cities in the region. So you can discover the old history in museums and monasteries. Interestingly, the city was a site for important weapon factories under the Soviet Union. Although it was opened up in 1994 Kolomna is not as popular as other day-trip destinations in the region.

Nevertheless, it is a great place to visit with friends and family where you can explore the 15th-century Kremlin made of red brick, try incredibly sweet traditional pastila (marshmallow), and visit some of the cute little churches and 19th-century mansions.

Getting There: Take the express train (commuter line train) from the Kazansky rail terminal to Golutvin station. The trip lasts one hour and forty minutes.

3. Day Trip to Zvenigorod from Moscow

This one is usually a given due to its proximity to and ease of transport from Moscow. It’s one of the easiest day trips from Moscow by train. You can easily hop on the train from the city and land right in the town of Zvenigorod where you can visit the 14th-century Savvino-Storozhevsky Monastery and sample the sparkly and refreshing kvass, a Russian specialty beverage that’s enjoyed in the summer months.

Zvenigorod is an adorable little town just under an hour away from the Moscow city and is an amazing place to visit as it will give a relaxing break from the hectic life of Moscow. Check this day trip if you don’t feel like planning.

If you have a sweet tooth, spend some time in the quirky Museum of Russian Desserts, where you can indulge in uniquely delicious treats and explore the intersection of food and culture.

Then you may want to pay the Zvenigorod Museum of History, Architecture, and Art a visit. The museum’s exposition is located on the territory of the Savvino-Storozhevsky monastery, or rather, in the 17th-century Tsaritsyny chambers, built for the wife of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich. Stroll through the museum halls to view the permanent exhibitions, which offer insights into various aspects of Russian history. The intricate museum’s building is adorned with a decorative porch, complex patterned elements, and looks very impressive in general.

4. Day Trip to Sergiyev Posad from Moscow

If you’re looking for cheap day trips from Moscow, Sergiyev Posad is a good choice at just a few dollar train ride away. Known as a major center of pilgrimage and home to one of the largest Russian Orthodox Monastery which has been here for hundreds of years, Sergiyev Posad is a fun day trip from Moscow and can be combined with Abramtsevo Museum Estate. As the only town in Moscow Region which is included in the Golden Ring of Russian cities, Sergiyev Posad is an incredible destination for a day trip from Moscow that packs UNESCO-protected Trinity Sergius Lavra, great museums, and gorgeous architecture into one day.

Make sure you see the six-pillared Assumption Cathedral that was commissioned by Ivan the Terrible in mid-16th-century and go inside to marvel at the impressive iconostasis that features Simon Ushakov’s masterpiece, the icon of Last Supper. Enjoy a delicious lamb steak with wheat kasha, Ukha fish soup, or hand-made dumplings as you learn a lot about religious and cultural history.

Getting There: Known for its small-town charm and welcoming feel, you can get to Sergiyev Posad by train, by bus, or by car. Trains depart from Yaroslavsky Rail Terminal every thirty minutes, and the trip lasts about an hour and a half. Alternatively, you can hop on a bus at the ‘VDNKh’ metro station. A bus trip to Sergiyev Posad takes two hours on average but can be reached in 90 minutes depending on traffic. If you go by car expect to spend about an hour and a half attempting to traverse the congested Yaroslavskoye highway.

5. Day Trip to Yaroslavl from Moscow

Going from Moscow to Yaroslavl may seem like a really long day trip, but honestly, if you take the comfortable train, it only takes about four hours to reach the city, so making a Yaroslavl day trip is totally doable. Although I do recommend much more than one day in Yaroslavl, especially if it’s your first time.

Cultural tourists visiting Yaroslavl should start their exploration by strolling the historic city center, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. A spacious 100-hectare area enclosed by Sobinova and Republican streets is home to most popular attractions – the 17th-century Church of Elijah the Prophet that survived almost exactly in its original form, and in contrast to it, the white stone Assumption Cathedral, restored in the 2000s.

golden ring russia

If you walk a bit further passing the Holy Trinity sculpture and city’s foundation stone, you will find yourself at Strelka, a park on the cape, which offers panoramic views of the spot at the confluence of Volga and Kotorosl rivers. On the way back, there is a pleasant walk along the picturesque Volga embankment to the Governor’s Garden with shadowy alleys and an open-air Sculpture museum.

Getting There: Yaroslavl is about 280 km (173 miles) northeast of Moscow, so the best way to get there is to take a morning train from Yaroslavskiy Rail Terminal. A tour is also a great way to see the Yaroslavl without having to worry about driving or searching for trains. You can book a tour here.

6. Day Trip to Arkhangelskoye Estate from Moscow

Situated on the outskirts of Moscow and dates back to the late 18th-century, Arkhangelskoye Estate was the domain of the nobility for over a century until the Russian Revolution swept people who owned the estate out of the country. The estate was turned into a museum, which it remains today.

cities close to moscow worth visiting

The Arkhangelskoye Estate Museum holds the largest rare-book collection. The exhibition also includes old manuscripts, historical documents, photos from the past, a vast collection of sculpture, paintings, engravings, and exceptional examples of decorative art. These art objects once belonged to Prince Nikolai Yusupov, the former owner of the estate.

train trips from moscow

Arkhangelskoye Estate is often referred to as the Russian version of Versailles because of the intricately manicured garden and beautiful 18th-century park. Famous Russian writers and poets such as Pushkin, Herzen, Mayakovsky loved to spend their free time here making long excursions in the surrounding area. Arkhangelskoye is a perfect place to appreciate the terraces decorated by delightful statues, exquisite vases, and busts.

Visitors can take tours, which introduce them to vibrant examples of Russian art and culture.

Getting There: To reach the estate it’s best to take a bus or a privately-owned minibus that departs from Tushinskaya metro station.

7. Day Trip to Vladimir from Moscow

Situated only two hours east of Moscow, Vladimir is absolutely one of the best places to visit near Moscow for a day trip. This splendid city dates back to the 12th century and has a very rich history. If magnificent Orthodox cathedrals and traditional white-stone architecture entice you, then this place is perfect for a day trip with your significant other.

First things first, you need to see the Golden Gate, which indicates the entrance into the old town. This 12th-century medieval masterpiece of military architecture is associated not only with Vladimir but with the Golden Ring tourist route itself. At the top of the gate, where once was the Church of the Deposition of the Robe, there is the Museum of Weapons. Great looking arrowheads and spear points date back to the Grand Principality of Vladimir, while the exhibition in an impressively majestic setting features a number of Batu-Khan related artifacts.

There’s a variety of attractions to put on your must-see list: the Old Believers Trinity Church right behind it, the Cathedral of St Demetrius, and Dormition (Uspensky) Cathedral. If you plan on shopping for souvenirs like birch-bark masterpieces of Kunov’s masters, drawings, carving, embossing, figures of people and animals, stop by the Lacquer Miniature, the Museum of Crystal, and the Gingerbread Museum. Many of the local attractions were added to UNESCO’s list of World Heritage sites.

Getting There: The best way to visit this area is to catch an early train from Moscow and book a full-day tour of Vladimir in advance. This one includes the town of Suzdal as well.

8. Day Trip to Suzdal from Moscow

This gem of a little medieval town perched on a hill just a 30-minute ride from Vladimir is one of those places I’ve visited and could move there permanently and be happy! It’s a charming little piece of history that also has a Kremlin and visiting it feels like stepping back in time. if you’re a culture enthusiast you’ll be glad to know there are numerous churches, five monasteries, including Spaso-Yevfimiev Monastery in Suzdal. Check them out if you want to get a real taste of the country!

cheap day trips from moscow

pend some time shopping at the Torgovaya ploshchad (Market Square), where you can buy baskets made of birch bark, ceramic handmade plates, honey or souvenirs and, of course, grab some afternoon tea!

Getting There: Trains leave regularly from Moscow’s Kurskiy Rail Terminal to Vladimir where you can hop on a bus to Suzdal. You can also take a bus from Moscow. In this case, it might take longer and you’ll probably encounter infamous traffic jams. If you go by express train the trip takes about 1 hour and 40 minutes. There are slower trains of course, but I’d recommend going with the fast one and save a lot of time!

9. Day Trip to Korolev from Moscow

Located some 30 kilometers northeast of Moscow, Korolev has become arguably the most important space research center with skilled workers from across the Soviet Union who came here to expand the space program.

It became a leading institute dedicated to aerospace research in the country. Today, that tendency can still be clearly seen on the streets and in the buildings. When the Soviet Union collapsed, the city retained its status as the headquarters of Russia’s space surveillance network and now it hosts the Russian Mission Control Center, an analogue of the American Mission Control Center at NASA’s Space Center in Houston.

If you want to learn more about Mission Control Center and the former Russian Mir space station, book a tour with a knowledgeable guide who can clearly tell the history of this place.

If you’re not into space exploration there is also a Memorial Apartment Museum of Marina Tsvetaeva in Bolshevo. With a picturesque park next to the museum, it’s a great place for walking in the fresh air. The highlight of the park is memorial stones with quotes from Tsvetaeva’s poems.

Getting There: I’d recommend going by train. Catch one at Yaroslavskiy Rail Terminal that departs every 30 minutes to reach Bolshevo station.

10. Day Trip to Borodino from Moscow

The historic Battle of Borodino on September 7, 1812, took place just outside the small village of Borodino, about 140 km west of Moscow, and about 15 km from the nearest town of Mozhaysk. Although the French won the Battle of Borodino and went to capture Moscow, it was one of the bloodiest battles of the pre-twentieth-century that is also predetermined Napoleon’s defeat.

While it was a battlefield back then, not much remains today. It’s mostly a green and grassy field now with a few monuments of military honor, architectural objects dated back to 19th and 20th century, and fortification facilities scattered throughout the area. The largest of these is the 27-meter high obelisk located right at the heart of the former battlefield.

Every year the military and patriotic festival and theatrical performance take place in Borodino. Early September is considered to be the best for visiting. But if you just want to feel the spirit of the battle, it’s better to go at any other time of the year.

Getting there: Hop on a train from the Belorussky rail terminal, disembark in Mozhaysk, and then take a bus to the museum. The whole travel time is about 2 hours.

11. Day Trip to Patriot Park in Kubinka from Moscow

Once a Red Army tank training ground, now it’s a military Disneyland with history, structure, guns, and armored vehicles! The tank museum originally housed one of the world’s largest and rarest collections of tanks. In 2016 they combined the training grounds with the newly-created Patriot Park. Since then, some of the notable and rare items have been moved to the Patriot Park site, so you may want to combine both sites into one tour (only about 20 minutes apart).

best places to travel from moscow

The exhibition grounds include some very rare specimens that are must-see for any military enthusiasts out there. The staff is friendly, helpful and kind, while the museum has a small shop. As this site is part of an operating military base, they may ask you to show your passport, or provide them with a photocopy of the front pages. There are vending machines for snacks and drinks, and there are bathroom facilities. There’s plenty to see, so I recommend setting aside an entire day!

Getting there: Situated halfway between Borodino and Moscow, the best way to reach Patriot Park in Kubinka is by car. Alternatively, if you don’t want to rent one, consider car-sharing apps like Gett or UBER. The price of ride-sharing services is cheap enough to make them a viable proposition for choosing them.

12. Day Trip to Melikhovo from Moscow

Located some 80 km from Moscow, Melikhovo is one of the most important museums dedicated to Anton Pavlovich Chekhov. This renowned Russian writer and playwright acquired Melikhovo in 1892. He lived there with his parents and close relatives for 7 years before moving to the Crimea in 1899. Melikhovo is where he wrote his plays “The Man in the Case” and “The Seagull”.

The estate faded into oblivion right after the Revolution but in 1939 Anton Chekhov’s sister Maria and his nephew established a museum based on Chekhov’s place of living. The museum opened its doors to the public in 1941.

Today museum’s exhibition reveals the legacy of a celebrated writer and shows his path not only as a writer but as a doctor and public figure as well. The collection also features some of the best-known paintings by famous artists like Isaac Levitan and Vasily Polenov, who were Chekhov’s friends. When it comes to fun and educational day trips from Moscow, Melikhovo is a nice place for learning more about Chekov’s life and work.

Getting There: You can reach Melikhovo by train from Kurskiy rail Terminal. Disembark in the town of Chekhov and hop on a minibus that will get to the estate. Alternatively, hop on a bus that departs from the Yuzhnaya metro station.

13. Day Trip to Gorki Leninskie from Moscow

Once the realm of Russian nobles, Gorki Leninskie was turned into Lenin’s museum some 25 years after his death. The estate sits some 30-minute bus ride from the Domodedovskaya metro station and houses Soviet-era memorabilia and Lenin’s memorial flat recently transferred from the Kremlin, as well as his vintage Rolls-Royce.

Most people only associate this place with the name of the first communist leader. In fact, the name of the estate was first mentioned in documents dating back to the 16th-century. Throughout its history, the estate was owned by a number of prominent figures. It’s in fact one of the best museums that holds the country’s finest collection 19th-century furnishings and a unique collection of domestic items owned by nobles. Plus, ancient Vyatichi native tribe or East Slavs who inhabited a part of the Oka basin’s burial mounds and a few notable sculptures are hidden behind the avenues of lime trees in the park.

Getting There: You could, of course, hop on a bus from Domodedovskaya metro station. But it would be much easier just to use UBER or Gett. The estate isn’t that far from the Moscow Circle Road but going there by bus may involve some navigating.

14. Day Trip to Kaluga from Moscow

If you’re looking for an educational day trip from Moscow, look no farther than Kaluga! This beautiful city could really entertain you for more than just a day, but to get a taste of science, be sure to visit the Tsiolkovsky State Museum of the History of Cosmonautics. Or in other words, the Space Museum.

Visitors to the museum will learn more about the history of space exploration. In fact, this is one of the largest Space Museums in Russia, which opened its doors in Kaluga in 1967. Here you can see a prototype of the iconic MIR space station and a duplicate of the Voskhod rocket. The very same rocket that took the first man to space. There’s also a planetarium, which from the outside resembles a spaceship.

Kaluga is a totally walkable city. Make sure to spend some time strolling Teatralnaya street with the authentic 19th-century pavement that now marks the Kilometer Zero. Then walk across the 18th-century Kamenniy Most (the Stone Bridge) that somewhat resembles a Roman aqueduct. If you’re an architecture buff marvel at the Church of St. Cosmas and Damian.

It is assumed that the church was erected by one of the followers of Francesco Bartolomeo Rastrelli in 1794. The church resembles the Smolny Convent in St. Petersburg. With five church towers directed upward and six tiers of oblong windows give the exterior a sense of lightness and airiness.

Getting There: Trains from Kiyevsky Rail Terminal to Kaluga leave every 90 minutes. The trip takes about 2 hours and 35 minutes.

15. Day Trip to Monino from Moscow

Are you looking for great family & kid-friendly day trips from Moscow? If so, consider visiting the Central Museum of the Air Forces at Monino. This unique military open-air museum is home to over 180 Russian aircraft and 100 aircraft engines and the perfect place to go when your crowd is looking for a break from hectic city life. Check this tour if you don’t feel like planning.

things to do outside of moscow

This site was formerly an operational airbase from 1932 till 1956 and many of the Russian aviation Design bureaus have made a contribution to the operation and maintenance of the museum. Along with aircraft from the Second World War, there are the TU-95 Bear four-engine turboprop-powered strategic bomber and the TU-144 Charger a Soviet supersonic passenger airliner (which resembled the Concorde). The museum also has exhibits related to military aviation history such as the uniform of captured U2 pilot Gary Powers.

Getting There: This museum is located at Monino Town, about 30 km from Moscow. It is open on all days from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM, except Mondays and Tuesdays. To get there take a train departing from Yaroslavskiy Rail Terminal and disembark at Monino station. Alternatively, hop on a bus from Schelkovskaya or Partizanskaya metro station.

Final Thoughts on the Best Day Trips from Moscow

I hope this post has helped you discover some amazing day trips from Moscow. From imposing cathedrals, mighty fortresses and monasteries, there are a lot of incredible places to visit the Russian capital, and the best part is that getting there is always ways to get around on the cheap.

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Great article for visitors in Moscow , thanks for sharing

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Marie Hernandez

I hadn’t considered traveling to Moscow until NOW! Fantastic post and ideas for visitors! Thanks!

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Graham Marsden

Nice to see so many options outside of Moscow, but I have to say I wish this list had a recommendation for a hike or a beautiful natural areas or national parks. Maybe the next list!

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I have to admit that I knew nothing about the area surrounding Moscow. This is definitely an inspiring list of places to go.

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When I read this article about Moscow. I wanted to pack my bags and get there sooner. thank you for the great write up.

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Moscow vacations are always a great idea when it comes to traveling in Russia. Plan your trip to Moscow with a leading tour operator for Russia and enjoy the ease and pleasure that comes from it. You will stay at the centrally-located hotels, enjoy guided tours to Moscow's best sights with charming local guides, and, most importantly, feel relaxed and immersed in the Russian culture at all times. Wondering what the ideal way to see the best of Moscow is? Well, with a private tour to Moscow, of course! We will listen to your travel preferences and prepare a custom Moscow itinerary just for you. Let's start talking about your upcoming vacation to the gorgeous capital city of Russia.

Moscow Tour Highlights

Explore the capital of the largest country in the world, Russia.

Learn about the most visited sights in Moscow that are worth adding to your Russian itinerary. Create a fantastic tour to Moscow with a destination, choosing your wished activities.

Moscow Tour Highlights

  • Moscow walking tour
  • The Red Square
  • St Basil's Cathedral
  • Moscow Subway ride
  • Tretyakov Gallery
  • The Red Square in Moscow
  • The Bolshoi Theater
  • Cathedral of Christ the Savior
  • Moscow's Kremlin exploration
  • 'Seven Sisters' Skyscrapers

Tips for Moscow Travel

Take a look at the good-to-know tips before visiting Moscow and have a fantastic time in the capital.


What to pack

Make sure to check the weather prognosis before your trip and pack accordingly.

When to travel

Moscow is beautiful all around the year. Choose traveling time according to preferred activities.

We suggest to always have some cash with you. You will need Rubles (RUB) for Russia.

How much to tip

Tipping is not required in Russia, but it's considered good etiquette, tip 10%-15% of your bill.

The average summer temperature is approx 18°C (64°F), and winter is around -6°C (22°F).

Some of the most popular souvenirs from Moscow are caviar, Krasnaya Moska perfume.

Best Moscow Sights

One of the highest points in Moscow and one of its most breathtaking places - the Sparrow Hills.

See the 344-feet Cathedral of Christ the Savior - the tallest Orthodox church in the world.

Enjoy masterpieces of Russian opera and ballet in Moscow's legendary Bolshoi Theater.

Being the most recognizable symbol of Russia in the world, Red Square is an absolute must see when in Moscow. 

The famous GUM is a large department store in the Kitai-gorod part of Moscow facing Red Square.

St. Basil’s Cathedral is Moscow’s most famous artistic work of architecture set in the romantic Red Square.

History and luxury is revealed inside the Kremlin as the Armoury Chamber displays treasures like Faberge Eggs.

The symbol of Moscow and entire Russia, the Kremlin is often described as the 8th Wonder of the World.

Moscow Metro is like a whole underground city that holds the world's largest collection of Stalinist Art.

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Overall we enjoyed the whole trip a lot. Moscow is beautiful and clean. Thank you very much for your patience and excellent organization of this tour. Everything ran very smoothly and according to schedule. The guides met us on time at hotels or at our train carriage on arrival. They all spoke good English, had a good local knowledge and were very kind and helpful.

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Exploring Vibrant Moscow, June 2017

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Thank you for your help !!! was an unforgettable trip.

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Home » Travel Guides » Russia » 15 Best Day Trips from Moscow

15 Best Day Trips from Moscow

Moscow, the sprawling Russian capital, is a city that’s both full of history and contemporary culture.

This is the centre of the Russian world, a city that armies have invaded, where nations have clashed and where revolutions have played out through the centuries.

It’s a city on the fringe of Europe, but a place that is very much at the heart of European history and politics, and for visitors, it can be a complex and enthralling destination to visit.

As much as there is to see and to do in the city itself, there is just as much to experience on day trips from Moscow too.

While Russia is undoubtedly an expansive country, and many of the better-known cities such as St Petersburg or Volgograd are hundreds and hundreds of miles away, there are many more unknown and unusual destinations to visit within a few hours’ drive of the capital.

Immerse yourself in the Russian countryside, visit war memorials, battlefields and the lavish estates of the former Russian nobility. There are rural villages, grand Orthodox Monasteries and the chance to see Russian life outside of the city first-hand.

Here are the best day trips from Moscow.

Korolev, Russia

Located just an hour north of the Moscow city centre, Korolev is an area that is almost a suburb of the expansive capital, but has retained its own unique identity. During the Soviet era, this was one of the most important industrial areas in the country, because this was the base for Soviet Space Exploration.

During World War II, the factories here produced anti-tank guns that helped keep the Soviet Union in the fight. After Germany was defeated, the factories and research centres began to focus on space.

The city became a ‘Science City’ as skilled workers from across the Union came here to settle and to launch the space programme. It became one of the more affluent areas in the country, and today, that distinction can still be seen on the streets and in the buildings.

When the Soviet Union collapsed, Korolev remained the headquarters of Russian space travel and still hosts Russian Mission Control.

2. Borodino

Borodino, Russia

A two-hour drive to the west of Moscow is the battlefield of Borodino. This is a place that is revered in Russian history, and which perhaps should be much more well-known in wider European history too, because this is where the infamous French General Napolean Bonaparte fought the Russians during his invasion in 1812.

Although the French won the Battle of Borodino and went on to capture Moscow, this was the beginning of the end for Napolean, as he went on to be ravaged by the Russian Winter and was forced to retreat soon after.

Just outside the small village of Borodino is the green and grassy field where the battle was fought. On top of a substantial hill is a lasting monument to the important event.

Kolomna, Russia

Located to the south-east of Moscow is the city of Kolomna, which in comparison to the Russian capital is very much a small-town escape.

This is one of the oldest Russian cities in the region and there is a long and intriguing history to be discovered in the museums and monasteries.

Interestingly, the city was off-limits for much its tenure under the Soviet Union, because it was the site of important weapons factories. It was only in 1994 that the city was opened up and even now it is still very much unknown to tourists.

Kolomna makes for a great day trip, and you can explore the restored medieval walls, and the city’s very own Kremlin, a huge fortress which dates back to the 16th century.

4. Zvenigorod

Savvino-Storozhevsky Monastery, Zvenigorod

Zvenigorod is as little as an hour’s drive away from Moscow city centre, and the small town makes for a pleasant break from the capital.

Zvenigorod is an old and historic place, with a history dating back almost a thousand years.

There are some beautiful monasteries to visit as well as the unusual Museum of Russian Desserts, where you can sample and explore this aspect of the local culinary culture.

Zvenigorod was also a town where the world-renowned Anton Checkov once lived, and you can visit a museum here that’s dedicated to his life.

5. Sergiyev Posad

Sergiyev Posad

North of the capital is the city of Sergiyev Posad, which is one of the few well-known tourist destinations in the surrounding region.

You will find this as a suggested stop on most travel itineraries to Moscow, and many tour companies include this as part of their excursions around the city because this city is home to the famous Trinity Lavra of St Sergius.

This is a huge Russian Orthodox Monastery which has been here for hundreds of years, and continues to be run by monks who look after the revered tomb of St Sergius, who was laid to rest here.

It’s an important pilgrimage place for Orthodox Christians and an important stop for tourists.

6. Kubinka Tank Museum

Kubinka Tank Museum

Outside Moscow, you can find an unusual museum which will give you a truly ‘Russian’ experience.

The Kubinka Tank Museum was once the location of a Red Army tank testing ground. Now, it’s been turned into a huge museum that showcases every conceivable type of armoured vehicle.

7. Arkhangelskoye Estate

Arkhangelskoye Estate

The Arkhangelskoye Estate was built on the outskirts of Moscow and dates back to the late 18th century when it was constructed by a Rusian aristocratic family.

For over a century, it was the domain of the nobility, until of course, the Russian Revolution and the advent of Communism swept the family that owned the estate out of the country.

The estate was opened to the public by the Communists and turned into a museum, which it remains today.

Restoration work after the fall of the Soviet Union saved the Arkhangelskoye Estate from falling into disrepair and kept the grounds and the grand palace as a lavish example of pre-Revolution Russia.

8. Yaroslavl

Yaroslavl, Russia

Yaroslavl is found a few hours to the north of Moscow and makes for a long day trip from the city. It’s worth the journey to experience one of the region’s most popular tourist destinations.

Yaroslavl is found on the banks of the River Volga and has been a historically important city throughout Russian history. The city has even been the capital of the country at various points.

You can explore the many museums and monasteries to learn more about this intriguing destination.

9. Rostov Veliky

Rostov Veliky

Just south of Yaroslavl is the small but culturally rich town of Rostov Veliky.

This is another important site in Russian history, as the town can date its origins back to early Slavic settlement around Moscow.

Lake Nero is a beautiful and expansive lake near the town, fringed on one side by an ancient fortress, giving Rostov Veliky a wonderful atmosphere to experience.

10. Vladimir

Vladimir, Russia

Two hours east of Moscow is another historic Russian city that is very much on the regional tourist trail.

It makes for a great day trip from the capital because Vladimir dates back to the 12th century and is full of Russian history and culture.

This was one of the first Russian capitals and it still contains many beautiful medieval buildings that are hundreds of years old.

Suzdal, Russia

The small town of Suzdal is just a few kilometres north of the city of Vladimir.

The town is part of a fantastic UNESCO World Heritage Site that encompasses the historic sites from both Suzdal and Vladimir.

The town was founded in medieval times and also acted for a time as an early capital for Russian kingdoms in the region.

Klin, Russia

Klin is a fairly unassuming town to the north-west of Moscow, but it’s worth visiting to see one particular sight, the house of Tchaikovsky.

The famous 19th-century composer spent his final days here and wrote his very last piece of work in the house in Klin. It is now a museum dedicated to his life and work.

It’s a grand estate and an interesting insight into pre-Soviet, Russian culture.

13. Melikova


A short trip past the Moscow suburbs will bring you to another famous estate, the house of renowned Russian writer and playwright Anton Checkov.

By the town of Checkov, which was renamed in his honour, the museum of Melikova will take you on a journey through his life and indeed, what the lives of many of his contemporary fellow Russians would have been like too.

14. Gorki Leninskie

Gorki Leninskie

On the southern edge of Moscow is Gorki Leniniskie.

This grand estate was once the realm of Russian nobles, but after the Russian Revolution it was personally taken over by Vladimir Lenin who turned it into his own home.

He spent much of his last years here, and after his death, the estate became a shrine to his life and legacy.

Today it still remains an interesting museum, and is still in many ways a shrine to communism.

15. Losiny Ostrov National Park

Losiny Ostrov National Park

Losiny Ostrov National Park is a huge area of protected land that is found right on the edge of Moscow and is even surrounded on several sides by suburbs of the city.

It’s unusual to find such a large national park so close to a capital and it’s easy to spend the day exploring this veritable wilderness of beautiful scenery and plentiful wildlife.

15 Best Day Trips from Moscow:

  • Sergiyev Posad
  • Kubinka Tank Museum
  • Arkhangelskoye Estate
  • Rostov Veliky
  • Gorki Leninskie
  • Losiny Ostrov National Park


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  7. Kalifornijski trips

    Kalifornijski trips. Frankliniella occidentalis. Kalifornijski trips je opasna štetočina u zaštićenom prostoru. Napada papriku, patlidžane, paradajz i krastavce i mnoge druge vrste povrća. Naseljava najmlađe i najsočnije delove biljke (listove, cvetove i plodiće) Na plodovima paprike i paradajza vide se oštećenja u obliku nekroza i ...

  8. REČ STRUKE: Kako na luku suzbiti napast zvanu trips?

    REČ STRUKE: Kako na luku suzbiti napast zvanu trips? Jedna od najvećih i redovnih štetočina luka su duvanov i kalifornijski cvetni trips. Način na koji se javlja i mesto na luku koje napada, otežava pristup i suzbijanje. Piše: Milana Janićijević, dipl.inž, kompanija Chemical Agrosava. Trips na luku zavlači se između pazuha liski.

  9. KALIFORNIJSKI TRIPS (Frankliniella occidentalis)

    KALIFORNIJSKI TRIPS (Frankliniella occidentalis) Kalifornijski trips maleni je kukac, izdužena tijela, s dva para resastih krila. Danas gotovo nema staklenika u Hrvatskoj gdje taj štetnik nije prisutan. Napada jako veliki broj kulturnih biljaka. Najveće štete izaziva na paprici.

  10. Kalifornijski cvetni trips na povrću

    Početna Kalifornijski cvetni trips na povrću - štetnost i suzbijanje Kalifornijski cvetni trips na povrću - štetnost i suzbijanje (4) Kalifornijski cvetni ...

  11. Zaštita paprike od vaši i tripsa koji su prenosioci virusa

    Kalifornijski cvetni trips je vektor Virusa bronzavosti paradajza koji je vrlo destruktivan biljni virus u proizvodnji paradajza i paprike. Predlaže se pregled biljaka paprike metodom otresanja na belu podlogu i po potvrdi prisustva primena nekog od insekticida: Laser 240 SC (spinosad) 0,04%, Dicarzol 50 SP (formetanat-hidrohlorid) 1 kg/ha. ...

  12. Kalifornijski cvetni trips na povrću

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  13. Suzbijanje tripsa u cveću

    Najštetniji trips je zapadni ili Kalifornijski cvetni trips koji se do pre izvesnog vremena razvijao samo u zatvorenom prostoru ili plastenicima. Medjutim, ima mogućnost adaptacije, zbog čega može da prezimi i hrani na nektarinama i breskvama. U Kaliforniji najčešće se pištoljima sa većom količinom vode spira sa voćaka dok kod cveća ...

  14. Kalifornijski trips: zahodni cvetni škodljivec, opis s fotografijo

    Zahodni cvetni hrošč, kalifornijski trips. Zahodni ali kalifornijski cvetni resar je zelo nevaren škodljivec, ki je razširjen na velikem ozemlju Rusije, od zahodne meje do sibirske in kavkaške regije. Nevaren je ne le zato, ker je skoraj vsejeden in uničuje cvetne in okrasne rastline, sadna drevesa, zelenjavne nasade, temveč je lahko ...

  15. Tripsi u povrtarskoj proizvodnji

    Posebnu pažnju treba obratiti na prisustvo tripsa u cvetu jer je najštetnija vrsta tripsa u ovim proizvodnjama kalifornijski cvetni trips (Frankliniella occidentalis) koja je i vektor virusa bronzavosti paradajza. Larva tripsa. Hemijske mere se za sada ne preporučuju , a RC Zrenjanin nastavlja dalje da prati stanje na svom terenu. ...

  16. Kalifornijski cvetni trips u zasadima bresaka i nektarina

    Poljoprivrednim proizvođačima se preporučuje poseban oprez, i to naročito onima koji svoju robu planiraju za izvoz na rusko tržište budući da je u Ruskoj Federaciji kalifornijski cvetni trips (Frankliniella occidentalis) karantinska štetočina pa pošiljka u kojoj bi bile pronađene jedinke ove insekatske vrste ne bi mogla da bude uvezena.

  17. Dicarzol 50 SP

    Dicarzol 50 SP se može mešati sa većinom insekticida i fungicida. Ne mešati sa sumpornim i alkalnim preparatima. Dicarzol 50 SP deluje na: kalifornijski cvetni trips (Frankliniella occidentalis) i duvanov trips (Thrips tabaci). Dicarzol 50 SP je insekticid i akaricid na bazi aktivne materije formetanat, koji pripada grupi karbamata.

  18. Lista_priloga

    Kalifornijski cvetni trips u zasadima bresaka i nektarina Objavljeno: 16.4.2021 Region: Kragujevac Naslov priloga (link) Kalifornijski cvetni trips u zasadima bresaka i nektarina Attachments Created at 16.4.2021 10:53 by System Account : Last modified at 16.4.2021 10:53 by System Account ...

  19. Zaštita paprike od vaši i tripsa koji su prenosioci virusa

    Kalifornijski cvetni trips je vektor Virusa bronzavosti paradajza koji je vrlo destruktivan biljni virus u proizvodnji paradajza i paprike. Predlaže se pregled biljaka paprike metodom otresanja na belu podlogu i po potvrdi prisustva primena nekog od insekticida: Laser 240 SC (spinosad) 0,04%, Dicarzol 50 SP (formetanat-hidrohlorid) 1 kg/ha.

  20. 15 Fantastic and Easy Day Trips Close to Moscow

    A bus trip to Sergiyev Posad takes two hours on average but can be reached in 90 minutes depending on traffic. If you go by car expect to spend about an hour and a half attempting to traverse the congested Yaroslavskoye highway. 5. Day Trip to Yaroslavl from Moscow.

  21. Moscow Tours

    Moscow Vacation Packages. Moscow vacations are always a great idea when it comes to traveling in Russia. Plan your trip to Moscow with a leading tour operator for Russia and enjoy the ease and pleasure that comes from it. You will stay at the centrally-located hotels, enjoy guided tours to Moscow's best sights with charming local guides, and ...

  22. THE 10 BEST Moscow Tours & Excursions for 2024 (with Prices)

    City Tours • Cultural Tours. Basmanny. By Charito1967. Our tour guide was the best, very knowledgeable and lots of patience and caring to explain and to help us in all we r... 7. Spanish Guide Moscow - Day Tours. 332. City Tours • Multi-day Tours. District South-Western (YuZAO)

  23. 15 Best Day Trips from Moscow

    4. Zvenigorod. Source: MakDill / shutterstock. Savvino-Storozhevsky Monastery, Zvenigorod. Zvenigorod is as little as an hour's drive away from Moscow city centre, and the small town makes for a pleasant break from the capital. Zvenigorod is an old and historic place, with a history dating back almost a thousand years.