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  • Perubahan Jadwal Tiket
  • Tunjukkan Tiket Saya
  • Rp. Indonesia Rupiah
  • Bahasa Indonesia
  • Tiket Bus Online
  • Yogyakarta (jogja) ke Denpasar (bali)

Bus Yogyakarta (jogja) ke Denpasar (bali)

Layanan bus yogyakarta (jogja) ke denpasar (bali), jarak dengan bus yogyakarta (jogja) ke denpasar (bali), bus dari yogyakarta (jogja) ke denpasar (bali).

Travel Jogja Bali menjadi ide perjalanan terbaik dan semakin digemari di kalangan wisatawan yang ingin menikmati banyaknya atraksi hiburan maupun untuk kunjungan kerja. Popularitas dua kota wisata ini menjadikan tingginya kebutuhan akan akses transportasi umum antar kedua tempat tersebut. Dengan adanya pilihan bus Jogja Bali, perjalanan dari Jogja ke Bali akan terasa lebih menyenangkan karena dapat menikmati berbagai panorama indah di kanan dan kiri hanya dari bangku kursi penumpang. Oleh sebab itulah, tak mengherankan jika Bali selalu diramaikan dengan kedatangan pengunjung dari berbagai wilayah!

Tentang Jogja

Kota Yogyakarta (atau lebih dikenal dengan Jogja) adalah ibukota dari Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Terletak di jantung pulau Jawa, Yogyakarta adalah satu-satunya provinsi di Indonesia yang diperintah oleh seorang raja (sultan). Tidak hanya menarik wisatawan untuk datang, tetapi juga para pelajar dari seluruh penjuru Indonesia untuk menimba ilmu lebih banyak di beberapa top universitas tersebar di Yogyakarta sehingga mendapat julukan Kota Pelajar.

Yogyakarta memiliki lokasi yang sangat strategis. Kota ini memiliki jalan yang langsung menghubungkannya dengan kota-kota besar lainnya, seperti Surabaya, Bandung, Semarang, dan tentu saja Bali. Rute yang mudah juga memudahkan orang lain untuk datang dan menjadi salah satu daya tarik yang dimiliki travel Jogja Bali.

Tentang Bali

Dengan sebutannya sebagai Pulau Dewata atau The Island of God, Bali menjadi destinasi favorit wisatawan lokal dan mancanegara karena memiliki daya tarik tersendiri baik karena geografis wilayahnya, keindahan alamnya juga kultur budayanya. Rasanya tak cukup waktu untuk mengeksplor semua kekayaan alam dan budaya yang dimiliki Bali.

Layanan Bus antara Jogja dan Bali

Jadwal bus Jogja Bali akan menghabiskan waktu tempuh sekitar 17–19 jam perjalanan darat. Untuk harga tiket bus Jogja Bali berkisar dari Rp335.000–Rp500.000. Pesan tiket bus tersebut pun bisa dilakukan secara online .

Titik Keberangkatan dan Penurunan

Titik keberangkatan di Jogja tersedia di beberapa titik berikut:

  • Jalan Janti
  • Terminal Giwangan
  • Terminal Jombor

Titik penurunan yang tersedia di Bali adalah:

  • Terminal Mengwi

PO Populer dari Jogja ke Bali

  • Safari Dharma Raya
  • Gunung Harta
  • Pahala Kencana
  • Wisata Komodo
  • Restu Mulya

Kuliner, Destinasi, dan Penginapan Terbaik di Bali

Travel Jogja Bali kamu rasanya akan tak lengkap bila melewatkan wisata kuliner khas Bali yang lezat dan istimewa. Selepas perjalanan dengan bus Jogja Bali, nikmati daftar rekomendasi tempat kuliner yang bisa kamu kunjungi:

  • Nasi Ayam Kedewatan Ibu Mangku
  • Warung Nasi Bebek Ibu Rima
  • Mannaka Coffee
  • Warung Babi Genyol Arta Nadi Umalas
  • Revolver Coffee
  • Warung Mek Juwel Ubud
  • Seniman Coffee Ubud

Untuk menghemat bujet harga tiket bus Jogja Bali, kamu bisa bermalam di tempat penginapan Jogja ke Bali yang terjangkau seperti berikut ini:

  • Umala at Bisma
  • Jembrana Bali Homestay
  • Serenity Eco Guesthouse
  • Kubu Sental Cottage
  • Sagitarius Inn

Selain mempersiapkan tiket Yogyakarta ke Bali atau tiket bus online , pastikan juga jalan-jalan dengan bus dari Jogja ke Bali sudah tersusun daftar destinasi wisata seru agar liburan kamu semakin mengesankan. Berikut ini daftar tempat yang bisa kamu kunjungi di travel Jogja Bali:

  • Pantai Kelingking
  • Pura Luhur Uluwatu
  • Bali Bird Park
  • Suaka Alam Monyet Sakral Bali
  • Gunung dan Danau Batur Kintamani
  • Tirta Empul
  • Pantai Jimbaran
  • Persawahan Tagalalang
  • Garuda Wisnu Kencana
  • Nusa Penida
  • Air Terjun Tegenungan
  • Ubud Art Market

Kapan pun waktunya, Jogja ke Bali akan selalu ramai. Jumlah pengunjung travel Jogja Bali meningkat seiring dengan bertambahnya hari yang cerah, terutama musim puncaknya pada bulan Juli dan Agustus. Aktivitas outdoor favorit semua orang, terutama untuk berjemur, trekking, dan bersepeda motor, jauh lebih menyenangkan tanpa turunnya hujan monsun.

Meskipun hujan tidak akan membuat hari menjadi menyenangkan untuk aktivitas outdoor , tapi ada beberapa keuntungan untuk mengunjungi Bali selama musim hujan. Selain berkurangnya kepadatan oleh turis, kamu dapat menikmati udara Bali yang lebih bersih tanpa polusi serta banyaknya penawaran harga akomodasi penginapan yang lebih terjangkau daripada biasanya. Tak perlu khawatir melewatkan event atau festival lokal karena Bali selalu mengadakan berbagai macam event menarik sepanjang tahunnya.

Batalkan Tiket Bus Yogyakarta (jogja) ke Denpasar (bali) Anda dan Dapatkan Uang Kembali dengan Garansi Uang Kembali

redBus menawarkan satu lagi cara yang fleksibel dalam hal memesan tiket bus dari Yogyakarta (jogja) ke Denpasar (bali) di Indonesia. Dengan Garansi Uang Kembali, sekarang penumpang dapat membatalkan tiket bus dari Yogyakarta (jogja) ke Denpasar (bali) dan mendapatkan uang kembali. Pelanggan hanya harus memastikan bahwa add-on Garansi Uang Kembali telah dipilih saat mereka memesan tiket bus dari Yogyakarta (jogja) ke Denpasar (bali) melalui platform redBus. Penumpang akan harus membayar biaya layanan saat mereka memilih add-on Garansi Uang Kembali. Dengan ini, pelanggan dapat menerima uang kembali dalam jumlah wajar sampai 75% dari harga tiket bus mereka jika mereka membatalkan tiket sebelum perjalanan bus dimulai. Garansi Uang Kembali menawarkan fleksibilitas dan menghilangkan ketidaknyamanan yang timbul jika pelanggan harus membatalkan tiket dari Yogyakarta (jogja) ke Denpasar (bali) akibat keadaan yang tidak terduga.

Pemesanan Tiket Bus Online dari Yogyakarta (jogja) ke Denpasar (bali)

Berpergian dengan lancar di jalan dari Yogyakarta (jogja) ke Denpasar (bali) dengan layanan bus yang andal. Jadwal bus mungkin berbeda antar operator, tetapi setiap perjalanan ditujukan untuk memberikan pengalaman perjalanan yang nyaman meskipun ada variasi dalam kondisi lalu lintas dan cuaca. Rute bus dari Yogyakarta (jogja) ke Denpasar (bali) sangat populer. Anda dapat memilih bus yang terawat baik, yang dioperasikan oleh pengemudi terampil, memastikan perjalanan yang aman dan nyaman ke Denpasar (bali). Bus ke Denpasar (bali) menawarkan ruang kaki yang luas, kursi yang dapat direbahkan, dan pendingin udara, membuat perjalanan Anda dari Yogyakarta (jogja) ke Denpasar (bali) menjadi pengalaman yang menyenangkan. Selain nyaman, perjalanan dengan bus juga terjangkau. Pesan tiket bis online Anda dengan mudah dan dengan harga lebih murah dari harga di loket dari Yogyakarta (jogja) ke Denpasar (bali) melalui redBus.

Gambar Teratas


Tempah Tiket Bas Yogyakarta (jogja) ke Denpasar (bali) Online - Buka Jimatan Tambahan dengan redDeals di redBus

Memesan bus dari Yogyakarta (jogja) ke Denpasar (bali) dengan redBus, Indonesia kini dilengkapi dengan redDeals menakjubkan di rute ini. Hemat hingga 25% pada perjalanan bus Anda dengan 167 tawaran dari 58 operator!

Jadwal & Harga Tiket Bus Yogyakarta (jogja) ke Denpasar (bali)

Diskon hingga 25% untuk pemesanan tiket bus.

Pemesanan tiket bus menjadi mudah dan nyaman berkat berbagai kemajuan teknologi. Anda sekarang dapat memeriksa jadwal bus, daftar operator, penawaran terbaru, fasilitas, ketersediaan kursi, dan lainnya di platform redBus Untuk memudahkan kantong Anda, redBus Indonesia menawarkan diskon hingga 25% dan cashback Rp20.000 dengan kode NEW*. Gunakan promo redBus saat memesan tiket bus online dan lebih hemat! Untuk penawaran menarik seperti itu - periksa halaman redBus Promos Syarat dan ketentuan berlaku*

Anda dapat memesan bus pilihan Anda ke tujuan mana pun di Indonesia dengan masuk ke situs web redBus di redbus.id . Situs ini mudah digunakan, dan Anda hanya butuh beberapa menit untuk dapat memesan tiket bus.

Anda dapat pergi ke terminal bus, lalu mengunjungi konter operator bus pilihan Anda, antre menunggu giliran, memilih tempat duduk, dan memesan tiket. Atau, Anda dapat mengunjungi redbus.id dan memesan tempat duduk dalam 5 menit.

Ada dua kemungkinan. Pertama, jika titik keberangkatan ada di terminal mana pun di Indonesia, Anda harus mencetak dan menunjukkan tiket bus yang telah dikirim ke email dalam format PDF. Kedua, jika titik keberangkatan ada di halte bus, bukan terminal, maka Anda akan menerima M-ticket yang harus ditunjukkan sebelum naik ke bus. Jika operator tidak mengirimkan M-ticket, Anda harus mencetak dan menunjukkan tiket PDF yang telah dikirim ke email ID terdaftar yang Anda gunakan untuk memesan tiket bus di situs web redBus. Beberapa operator mungkin mengenakan biaya tambahan bila Anda tidak melakukan hal tersebut.

Bisa. Tetapi, fitur ini terbatas hanya untuk beberapa operator bus di Indonesia. Sebelum memesan tiket, cek apakah ada simbol ubah jadwal.

Ada berbagai metode pembayaran yang ditawarkan. Pelanggan dapat membayar dengan kartu kredit, kartu debit, atau dapat memilih salah satu bank yang ada di daftar ketika Anda mengklik FPX (Transfer Bank Online Indonesia).

Rute Favorit dari Yogyakarta (jogja)

  • Bis Yogyakarta (jogja) ke Jakarta
  • Bis Yogyakarta (jogja) ke Bekasi
  • Bis Yogyakarta (jogja) ke Semarang
  • Bis Yogyakarta (jogja) ke Tangerang
  • Bis Yogyakarta (jogja) ke Bogor
  • Bis Yogyakarta (jogja) ke Depok
  • Bis Yogyakarta (jogja) ke Karawang
  • Bis Yogyakarta (jogja) ke Surabaya
  • Bis Yogyakarta (jogja) ke Serang
  • Bis Yogyakarta (jogja) ke Cikarang
  • lebih >>

Rute Favorit ke Denpasar (bali)

  • Bis Surabaya ke Denpasar (bali)
  • Bis Malang ke Denpasar (bali)
  • Bis Jakarta ke Denpasar (bali)
  • Bis Yogyakarta (jogja) ke Denpasar (bali)
  • Bis Bandung ke Denpasar (bali)
  • Bis Solo ke Denpasar (bali)
  • Bis Kediri ke Denpasar (bali)
  • Bis Bekasi ke Denpasar (bali)
  • Bis Bogor ke Denpasar (bali)
  • Bis Tulungagung ke Denpasar (bali)

Operator Bus Terbaik di Yogyakarta (jogja)

  • Sumber Alam
  • Semeru Trans
  • Unicorn Indorent

Operator Bus Terbaik di Denpasar (bali)

  • Angkasa Trans Jaya
  • Sarwonadhi Trans
  • Kramat Djati

Rute Lainnya dari Yogyakarta (jogja)

  • Bis Yogyakarta (jogja) ke Pekalongan
  • Bis Yogyakarta (jogja) ke Mataram
  • Bis Yogyakarta (jogja) ke Kutoarjo
  • Bis Yogyakarta (jogja) ke Pati
  • Bis Yogyakarta (jogja) ke Cikopo
  • Bis Yogyakarta (jogja) ke Kebumen
  • Bis Yogyakarta (jogja) ke Salatiga
  • Bis Yogyakarta (jogja) ke Ciamis
  • Bis Yogyakarta (jogja) ke Pekanbaru

Rute Lain ke Denpasar (bali)

  • Bis Ponorogo ke Denpasar (bali)
  • Bis Nganjuk ke Denpasar (bali)
  • Bis Pasuruan ke Denpasar (bali)
  • Bis Cilacap ke Denpasar (bali)
  • Bis Lamongan ke Denpasar (bali)
  • Bis Sumbawa ke Denpasar (bali)
  • Bis Depok ke Denpasar (bali)
  • Bis Purwodadi ke Denpasar (bali)

Rute Pendek Populer

  • Travel Jakarta Bandung
  • Travel Bandung Jakarta
  • Travel Jogja Semarang
  • Travel Surabaya Bali
  • Travel Bekasi Bandung
  • Travel Jogja Jakarta
  • Travel Jakarta Jogja
  • Travel Bali Surabaya
  • Travel Semarang Jakarta

Operator Bus Populer

Kota-kota populer.

  • Tiket Bus Ke Jakarta
  • Tiket Bus Ke Bandung
  • Tiket Bus Ke Surabaya
  • Tiket Bus Ke Solo
  • Tiket Bus Ke Jepara
  • Tiket Bus Ke Jogja
  • Tiket Bus Ke Semarang
  • Tiket Bus Ke Bali
  • Tiket Bus Ke Medan

Apakah Anda ingin keluar dari Alur perubahan jadwal?

  • Sign In/Sign Up
  • Bus Tickets
  • Show My Ticket
  • SGD Singapore Dollar
  • MYR Malaysian Ringgit
  • Yogyakarta (jogja) to Denpasar (bali) Bus Tickets

Bus From Yogyakarta (jogja) to Denpasar (bali)

Yogyakarta (jogja) to denpasar (bali) bus service, yogyakarta (jogja) to denpasar (bali) bus distance, yogyakarta (jogja) to denpasar (bali) bus.

Embark on a comfortable journey with buses that cater to your specific needs, whether it's luxury travel, express services, or budget-friendly options. Experience the convenience of booking your bus from Yogyakarta (jogja) to Denpasar (bali) online on redBus, saving you time and effort. Discover the ease of bus ticket online booking, check Yogyakarta (jogja) to Denpasar (bali) bus ticket prices, bus schedules and plan your travels accordingly all in one place.Buses provide a convenient mode of transport, offering flexibility and accessibility. Travel comfortably with ample legroom, reclining seats, and air-conditioned coaches, ensuring a relaxing journey from Yogyakarta (jogja) to Denpasar (bali). You can always check for the amenities when you book your bus ticket on the redBus platform. Besides, use multiple filters and choose from a wide selection of bus operators. Rest assured, our partner bus operators prioritize safety and adhere to all necessary protocols, ensuring you travel with peace of mind.

Up to 50% off on Bus Tickets Online

Avoid the long queues at the bus terminal and book bus tickets online from Yogyakarta (jogja) to Denpasar (bali). Enjoy up to 50% savings for online bus ticket booking in Malaysia by using the promo code MYNEW*. Learn more about such exciting - redBus Promos *T&C apply!

Book Yogyakarta (jogja) to Denpasar (bali) Bus Tickets Online - Unlock Extra Savings with redDeals on redBus

Enjoy convenient bus booking from yogyakarta (jogja) to denpasar (bali).

Experience the convenience of booking your bus online when you choose redBus for your journey from Yogyakarta (jogja) to Denpasar (bali). Buses to Denpasar (bali) are designed with your comfort in mind. Enjoy ample legroom, reclining seats, and air-conditioned coaches, making your journey a relaxing one.

You can book a bus of your choice to any destination in Malaysia by logging on to the official website of redBus which is www.redbus.my . The site is user-friendly and you can book your bus ticket in a matter of minutes.

You can either visit the terminal and go the booth belonging to the bus operator of your choice, wait in line, select a seat, and book your ticket. If you’d rather not do that, you can visit www.redbus.my and book your seat within 5 minutes.

There are two main scenarios that you might fall into when you have to board a bus. Now, if your boarding point is at any terminal in Malaysia, passengers will have to take a print out of the bus ticket that has been sent to the email in a PDF format. The second scenario is when your boarding point is a bus stop and not a terminal. In this case, you will receive an M-ticket that you will have to produce before boarding your bus. If the operator does not provide an M-Ticket, you will have to take a printout of the ticket (PDF) that has been sent to the registered email ID that you have used to book the bus ticket on the redBus website. Some operators might levy a charge if these conditions are not followed.

Yes, you can. But this feature is limited to only a few bus operators in Malaysia. Look for the reschedule icon before booking your ticket.

There are a number of different modes of payment offered to customers. Customers can either pay by credit card, debit card, or they can select any of the banks listed when you click the “FPX (Malaysia Online Bank Transfer).

Yes. Passengers can avail upto 20% discount on Yogyakarta (jogja) to Denpasar (bali) bus tickets while booking bus tickets on redBus, Malaysia.

The offer of upto 20% off on Yogyakarta (jogja) to Denpasar (bali) bus tickets is, indeed, the best offer on the redBus platform as customers can save a lot on their totale bus ticket price.


  • Yogyakarta (jogja) to Bogor Bus
  • Yogyakarta (jogja) to Banyuwangi Bus
  • Yogyakarta (jogja) to Tabanan Bus
  • Yogyakarta (jogja) to Jakarta Bus
  • Yogyakarta (jogja) to Cikarang Bus
  • Yogyakarta (jogja) to Bekasi Bus
  • Yogyakarta (jogja) to Mataram Bus
  • Yogyakarta (jogja) to Karawang Bus
  • Yogyakarta (jogja) to Jembrana Bus
  • Yogyakarta (jogja) to Tangerang Bus
  • more >>


  • Magelang to Denpasar (bali) Bus
  • Semarang to Denpasar (bali) Bus
  • Solo to Denpasar (bali) Bus
  • Banyuwangi to Denpasar (bali) Bus
  • Kartasura to Denpasar (bali) Bus
  • Pasuruan to Denpasar (bali) Bus
  • Surabaya to Denpasar (bali) Bus
  • Ngawi to Denpasar (bali) Bus
  • Temanggung to Denpasar (bali) Bus
  • Klaten to Denpasar (bali) Bus

Popular Routes from Yogyakarta (jogja)

  • Yogyakarta (jogja) to Semarang Bus

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Tiket bus & travel denpasar - jogja.

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Pulang pergi, jumlah kursi, jaminan tiket resmi traveloka tiket traveloka dijamin resmi, pastikan anda bisa pergi, bus & travel denpasar - yogyakarta.

travel bus jogja bali

Lebih sering disebut dengan “Jogja”, kota istimewa ini merupakan salah satu pusat kegiatan spiritual di Pulau Jawa. Sejak dahulu kala, Yogyakarta dikenal sebagai kota yang masih memegang teguh tradisi nenek moyangnya.

Namun kedewasaan spiritual justru menjadikan Yogyakarta semakin istimewa. Sementara itu, budaya dan seni menjadi nafas yang menghidupkan kota ini. Siapa pun yang datang ke sana, biasanya kembali dengan jiwa yang lebih kaya dan berbudaya.

Sebagai salah satu destinasi unggulan di Indonesia, tak heran jika Yogyakarta menjadi tujuan liburan banyak orang dari berbagai daerah. Denpasar merupakan salah satu kota yang banyak dikunjungi wisatawan Yogyakarta. Beberapa operator yang bekerja sama dengan Traveloka untuk melayani rute ini merupakan nama-nama yang sudah populer di masyarakat.

Bus & Travel Populer Rute Denpasar - Yogyakarta

travel bus jogja bali

Jadwal dan Harga Tiket Bus & Travel Denpasar - Yogyakarta

Titik berangkat di denpasar, titik tiba di yogyakarta, fasilitas bus & travel denpasar - yogyakarta, aktivitas menarik di yogyakarta.

Aktivitas menarik yang dapat dilakukan di Yogyakarta tentu tak jauh dari budaya dan seni. Kota ini menawarkan berbagai tempat wisata seni, budaya, dan sejarah yang dapat ditemukan di seluruh pelosok kota. Desa wisata turut menjadi destinasi yang menarik, di mana wisatawan dapat mengenal kebudayaan Yogyakarta secara dekat dan langsung dari penduduk lokalnya. Lengkapilah perjalanan Anda di Yogyakarta dengan rekomendasi spesial berikut ini.

travel bus jogja bali

Rute Bus & Travel Lainnya dari Denpasar

Rute bus & travel lainnya ke yogyakarta.

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travel bus jogja bali

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Buses from Bali to Yogyakarta

Buses from Bali to Yogyakarta

Best options, other options, bali to yogyakarta bus schedule, transportation from bali to yogyakarta.

  • Trains RUB 571
  • Buses RUB 182
  • Flights RUB 7,862
  • Ferries are not available
  • Taxis are not available
  • Vans are not available

Facts about the bus from Bali to Yogyakarta

Popular routes.

  • Bali → Lombok
  • Bali → Gili Islands
  • Bali → Nusa Penida
  • Bali → Jakarta
  • Bali → Nusa Lembongan
  • Lombok → Bali
  • Jakarta → Bali
  • Surabaya → Bali
  • Yogyakarta → Bali
  • Gili Islands → Bali

From Yogyakarta

  • Yogyakarta → Jakarta
  • Yogyakarta → Malang
  • Yogyakarta → Surabaya
  • Yogyakarta → Bandung

To Yogyakarta

  • Jakarta → Yogyakarta
  • Surabaya → Yogyakarta
  • Bandung → Yogyakarta
  • Kudus → Yogyakarta
  • Malang → Yogyakarta

Popular Routes in Indonesia

  • Jakarta → Bandung

How to get from Bali to Yogyakarta by Bus

Taking a bus to get from Bali to Yogyakarta is a safe, comfortable and less expensive alternative for traveling this route. To popular destinations, bus companies operate multiple trips per day, often round the clock at 30-60 minute intervals. To less traveled destinations, there may be only 1 scheduled trip a day. The most common bus types are non-air-conditioned, air-conditioned, and premium buses.

It is best to reserve your tickets at least a few days ahead of your travel date. Check our list of bus companies available for online booking offering Bali to Yogyakarta tickets. When traveling on weekends and holidays it is recommended to reserve tickets much earlier due to higher numbers of travelers, both vacation-makers and urban workers returning home to their provincial home.

How far is it from Bali to Yogyakarta?

Traveling by bus, the distance from Bali to Yogyakarta depends on the route taken. Most bus companies travel via expressways or tollways. This may not necessarily be the shortest route but it is the fastest one as normally there is less traffic and no traffic lights.

To get to certain island destinations which are not connected to the mainland by a bridge, buses board large car ferries. Passengers are usually asked to get off the bus, but there is no need to take your luggage from the bus. The travel distance from port to port is added to the total distance.

How long does it take to get from Bali to Yogyakarta by Bus?

The estimate travel time from Bali to Yogyakarta is about 50m. Note that traveling by bus is slower compared to driving your own car or getting a taxi. Depending on the departure time congestion between Bali and Yogyakarta may differ greatly There is usually more traffic between morning until afternoon during weekdays than during weekends.

Another important factor that may affect travel time is the type of bus. Premium or VIP buses are usually faster as they use motorways and call to fewer bus stations (if any) en route. Buses normally make short 10-30-minute breaks after a few hours of continuous travel to allow passengers use bathrooms, stock up on munchies and let bus attendants and the driver have rest.

Some premium buses have onboard toilets and the second driver. Nevertheless, usually they still make en route stops for a quick lunch or fuel refill.

How much does it cost to get from Bali to Yogyakarta by Bus?

The ticket price from Bali to Yogyakarta can vary depending on the type of buses you choose. For a less expensive ticket consider non-air-conditioned or ordinary buses. Premium or luxury buses are more expensive but you can expect more comfort and some additional services like phone charging ports, personal entertainment system screens and toilets.

Bali to Yogyakarta timetable

To help you plan your trip, here is the Bali to Yogyakarta timetable of bus departure and arrival times.

Best Rated Companies for this Route

Bus companies differ a lot in quality and service they provide. When choosing a bus company for you travels, do some basic research before you buy your tickets.

Safety is one of the most important aspects to consider. We also recommend you checking reviews on overall service quality of the bus companies serving this route.

Our service only partners with reliable and trustworthy bus companies. We do our best to provide your a choice of the best operators available on each route.

  • Indonesia 🚌
  • Transport Options

7 Bus dan Travel Jogja Bali Beserta Jadwal dan Harga Tiket

Memilih bus dan travel jogja bali adalah langkah yang tepat, mengingat jarak jogja ke bali yang jauh, dan berbeda pulau. Berbeda ketika naik kereta menggunakan kereta api, kita harus turun dulu kemudian menyeberang dengan kapal feri melewati pelabuhan ketapang, banyuwangi menuju pelabuhan gilimanuk, Bali. Dari gilimanuk bisa naik bus mikro untuk sampai ke tujuan di bali. Ribet ya? Untuk itu lebih baik memilih bus yang langsung lewat berhenti distasiun atau travel yang bisa langsung mengantarkan kalian sampai tujuan.

Transportasi apapun itu baik bus, travel atau jenis lainnya itu tergantung keputusan atau kebutuhan kalian. Namun kalau baru pertama kali jadi backpakeran lebih baik naik bus atau travel yang langsung ke tujuan tanpa transit maupun berhenti sehingga tidak ganti transportasi lain. Pas sudah ditengah kota, itu sudah enak, karena sudah ada Gojek . Mau kemanapun tujuan berwisata pasti enak. ga nawar nawar, bisa non tunai dll.

Rekomendasi Bus dan travel Jogja Bali

Tidak banyak bus dan travel jogja bali, jadwalnya pun terbatas hanya 1 hari sekali. Apabila kehabisa tiket bisa menunggu hari berikutnya. Jadi sarankan untuk memberli tiket bus atau travel jauh jauh hari agar tidak kehabis. Kalian bisa beli di agen PO bus atau travel berikut ini, bisa online maupun datang ke loket.

Syakira travel

Syakira adalah salah satu agen travel yang telah lama beroperasi melayani rute rute jogja bali dan surabaya. Travel melayani travel reguler, charteran, paket tour wisata serta penjualan tiket kapal dan pesawat. Armada syarkira adalah Isuzu Elf dengan kapasitas 10, 11 dan 14 penumpang, selain itu ada armada lain seperti tavello Pregio ,daihatsu Luxio dan Apv kapasitas 6-7 penumpang yang dilengkapi AC Central Individual, Recliner seat dan musik.

Jadwal keberangkatan syakira travel setiap hari pada jam 08.00 dari jogja. Rutenya melewati surabaya terlebih dulu kemudian melanjutkan ke banyuwangi dan kemudian denpasar bali. Estimasi tiba adalah 05.00-06.00 WIB (tergantung arus lalu lintas). Tarif penumpang sebesar :Rp.420.000,- / Orang / Seat sudah gratis penyebrangan dan voucher makan 1 kali.

Alamat: Jl. Perumnas No.110 Ngropoh Catur Tunggal Depok Sleman Yogyakarta (Selatan Kampus UPN Seturan) No telp : 0819 0401 1984 | 0857 2915 3888 | WhatsApp: 0821 3891 1983

Galih Putra travel

Pilihan travel jogja berikutnya adalah Galih Putra travel. GP travel merupakan agen travel yang melayani travel baik secara reguler maupun cartera, dan pengiriman paket kilat. Travel ini melayani rute surbaya, gresik, banyuwangi dan denpasar Bali. Kendaraan andalan GP travel ada Luxio, Travello, dan Elf yang siap mengantarkan penumpang dilengkapi AC dan recliner seat. Jadwal keberangkatan dari jogja sekitar 19.00 WIB dengan rute jogja, klatem,solo, ngawi, jimbang, surabya, jember banyuwangi dan bali. Penumpang cukup bayar 400 ribu per orang.

Alamat: Jl. Rogoyudan 1 No.17, Rogoyudan, Sinduadi, Kec. Mlati, Kabupaten Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55231 Telepon: 0812-3911-1126 | WA: 087838997021 | 081215212008

Baca juga : Hotel transit jogja bisa short time dekat stasiun tugu

Bagi yang kurang suka naik armada travel jogja bali yang umumnya mini bus atau unit pribadi, kalian bisa memilih PO BUS jurusan bali. Bus memiliki kabin yang lebih luas dan tidak membuat mual kalau perjalanan jauh. Berikut PO BUS jurusan beserta harga tiket dan jadwal keberangkatan.

bus travel jogja bali

PO Gunung Harta

Bus gunung harga memang sudah menjadi andalan kalau ke arah jawa timur dan bali. Gunung harga menyedia jenis bus kelas Executive untuk rute Jogja Bali. Berikut tarif dan jadwal gunung harga :

Alamat : Jl. Imogiri Tim., Giwangan, Kec. Umbulharjo, Kota Yogyakarta 55163 No Telepon : 0895329802700

Safari Dharma Raya

Bus berikutnya yang memiliki rute jogja bali adalah safara dharma raya. Bus ini melayani berbagai kota besar di pulau jawa seperti jakarta, surabaya, malang, jogja dan bali. Jadwal keberangkatan setiap hari pada jam 13.00 WIB dengan titik keberangkatan jombor, kemudian berhenti di dendpasar. Harga kelas ekonomi Rp. 290.000 dan Executive  Rp. 580.000 per orang.

Alamat : Jl. Raya Janti, Kec. Banguntapan, Kab. Bantul, DIY 55198 No Telepon : (0274) 486429

PO Wisata Komodo

Namanya Wisata Komodo bukan berarti jurusan ke pulau komodo saja. Perusahaan otobus ini menyediakan rute bus jogja bali. Perusahaan ini bermarkasi di denpasar, Bali dan sudah beroperasi sejak tahun 1986. Jadwal keberangkatan 13.30 WIB dengan tarif Rp. 300.000 menggunakan armada bus executive kapasitas 30 seat formasi 2-2. Penumpang bisa naik di termina giwangan dan janti joga. Sementara di bali bisa turun di mengwi dan denpasar.

Alamat : Jl. Raya Janti 88B, Bantul, Jogjakarta No Telepon : (0274) 6990021 | 087738075498

Itulah beberapa rekomendasi bus dan travel jogja bali yang bisa kalian naiki dari beberapa titik di jogjakarata. Setiap keberangkatan rata rata sehari sekali, jadi jangan sampai ketinggalan. Pesan pesan jauh jauh hari untuk mendapatkannya. Sekian semoga bermanfaat.

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Backpack Moments

3 ways to get from Yogyakarta to Bali: Cheapest, Fastest, Best

Yogyakarta is the most popular city for backpackers on Java and do I even have to describe Bali? No wonder traveling between Yogyakarta and Bali is very popular.

Here I compare the direct bus from Yogyakarta to Bali, the train, ferry, plus minibus option, and the direct flight and straight-up answer which is best ( to me at least – the sleeper bus ).

If you’re looking for a slower way to travel in Central and East Java, you should look at my 2-week Java Backpacking Itinerary which will take you through places like Mount Bromo , Madakaripura , and Kawah Ijen on your way to Bali.

Also, check out this comparison of Java and Bali .

The Ultimate Comparison

You’ve come to find out which method is cheapest, which is fastest, and which is best. And I deliver. Here’s the comparison:

Let’s give the awards:

  • Cheapest: train, then ferry, then a minibus;
  • Fastest: Plane;
  • Most convenient : Plane;
  • Best value : Sleeper bus;

How to travel from Yogyakarta to Bali

Here I’ll focus on the main three ways to do the journey – a direct bus, a train from Yogyakarta to Ketapang Harbour, a ferry to Gilimanuk, and then a minibus to wherever you want on Bali, for example, Denpasar.

A few companies run direct buses between Yogyakarta and Bali. There is both a very economical seated bus and a sleeper bus that costs a bit more.

The direct bus from Yogyakarta to Denpasar takes around 16 hours for the 725 km.

Difference between Seater and Sleeper buses

  • Seater Bus : 30-50 seats, 300.000 IDR (20$), can’t lie down;
  • Sleeper Bus : 21 seats (bunk beds), 550.000 IDR (36$), fully reclinable.

If you’ve ever traveled on the legendary Vietnam sleeper buses, this sleeper bus is more or less the same quality.

Inside the sleeper bus between Yogyakarta and Bali

The luxury sleeper buses come equipped with AC, a toilet, a small snack ( usually pot noodles that you can prepare with hot water from the dispenser ), a bottle of water, 2 USB charger ports, and a basic entertainment system similar to the ones in airplanes.

The executive seated buses also come equipped with AC, a toilet, and USB ports, but there are no freebies and no entertainment.

How to book the direct bus between Jogja and Denpasar?

You will find many tour operators and agents selling these tickets in both Denpasar and Yogyakarta ( especially in the backpackers’ area around Prawirotaman). These are reliable and convenient but charge extra for them.

travel bus jogja bali

Instead, check out Tamijaya online for more information. You can’t book online, but they have their WhatsApp listed and you can easily book after a quick chat.

  • Use this WA number if boarding in Yogyakarta: +62 811-250-147
  • Use this WA number if boarding in Denpasar, Bali: +62 822-2688-0162

What to expect on the sleeper bus

There’s at least one stop when traveling by the direct bus between Yogyakarta and Bali to buy snacks, go to a proper toilet, or just stretch your legs.

Prepare some food for the bus as it’s a long drive and the bus will sure as hell not stop because you’re too hungry. The pot noodles on the luxury bus only go so far.

Going to the toilet inside the bus is a hit or miss. Literally. I mean, you never know when Indonesian drivers decide that Luc Besson is casting them for a new Taxi movie. Do with this information what you may.

The seats inside the bus from Yogyakarta to Bali

From Yogyakarta to Probolinggo the road is pretty good and it’s easy to fall asleep. The bus uses the toll roads which are pretty much highway quality. After that the roads get progressively narrower and more dizziness-inducing.

Nevertheless, sleeping on the luxury bus is easy and comfortable.

Train, ferry, and bus combo

Java and Bali are NOT connected by a bridge, so there’s no direct train between the two.

What you want to do is take a train from Yogyakarta to Ketapang Harbour, then board the ferry over to Gilimanuk and voila you’re in Bali. From Gilimanuk there are minibuses to Lovina and Denpasar.

Let’s look at the details.

Train from Yogyakarta to Ketapang

There is one direct train daily leaving Lempuyangan Station in Yogyakarta at 07:20 AM and arriving in Ketapang after 12 hours 50 minutes at 20:10.

It is economy class and the ticket costs 94.000 IDR (6.2$).

Seats inside the economy trains - benches for 3 people

Other combinations of trains can also get you there, but they involve changing trains in Surabaya or Probolinggo and are more expensive.

You can book train tickets on the official website ( including an option to pay in cash at Indomaret or Alfamart ) or through Traveloka or Tiket.com .

Check out this detailed guide for what magnificent places to explore in East Java if you want to break up the journey.

Ferry across the Bali Strait

Ferry from Java to Bali at port.

The ferry terminal is literally in front of the train station at Ketapang. You won’t need to walk more than 200 meters.

The ferry runs every 20-25 mins, 24/7, and costs 6500 IDR / 0.45$ .

Bus from Gilimanuk to Denpasar or Lovina

There are relatively frequent minibuses towards Lovina (1 hour, 20.000 IDR / 1.3$) or Denpasar (4 hours, 50.000 IDR / 3.3$).

You can catch them from the Bus Terminal in Gilimanuk , opposite the harbor, you can’t miss it.

The total cost to travel overland from Yogyakarta to Denpasar by train is 94000+6500+50000 = 150.500 IDR (10$) .

There are many direct flights daily between Bali and Yogyakarta both ways. The airlines that offer this route are Indonesia Air Asia , Lion Air , and Garuda Indonesia to name a few.

The price fluctuates between 40$ and 55$ on the low-cost carriers and 75 to 120$ on Garuda. Checked luggage is included on all domestic flights in Indonesia even with low-cost carriers.

You can check tickets at Skyscanner .

Lion Air plane in standby

The flights depart from Yogyakarta International (YIA), not from Adisutjiptu Airport, the one closer to the city.

The cheapest and most convenient way to reach YIA is with the Bandara train that leaves Yogyakarta Tugu train station every hour on average and costs 20.000 IDR (1.3$) or 50.000 IDR (3.3$) if it’s one of the few express trains.

Check the times and book online at the KAI Bandara website.

Other ways to travel between Bali and Yogyakarta

Are you a little more adventurous? Then these three are for you.


Indonesia is easy to hitchhike in. Get a bit outside of the city before you try because trying to hitch a ride in the center of Denpasar would be close to impossible.

Read more useful tips about hitchhiking in Indonesia on the Hitchwiki page for Bali .

It is possible to rent a motorcycle for a longer period in both Yogyakarta and Bali. They usually don’t ask for an international driver’s license, although you may run into trouble with the police (mostly in Bali). That’s rare though.

Message (+62 823 3022 8307) on WhatsApp for the best motorcycle rental that I always use in Yogyakarta. Say you found the number from Simon to get a special offer.

There’s absolutely no problem taking a rented motorcycle across the Bali Strait on the ferry.

Simon on a motorcycle

As for renting a motorcycle on one end of the journey and returning it on the other, that may be more complicated and my advice is to enquire in person at the motorcycle rental place of your choice.

The 725 km will require around 18-20 liters of fuel. At 10.000 per liter, this makes the total fuel cost around 200.000 IDR (13$).

The price for motorcycle rental depends but is usually between 70.000 and 150.000 (4.6 to 9.8$) per day.

Much the same as the motorcycle. However, the car will be significantly more expensive both fuel-wise and rental-wise. The ferry fee is higher too.

Awesome Tours From Yogyakarta to Bali

If all of that isn’t really for you, or your budget allows you, there are some incredible tours you can take that will take you from Yogyakarta to Bali with various stops on the way.

This tour will take you on a 5D/4N adventure to all the must-visit places, including Borobudur, Yogyakarta, Ijen Crater, and Mt. Bromo. You will stay in hotels, will have private transfers, and it requires 0 planning on your side – just remember to take pictures.

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  • How to visit Borobudur and Prambanan in 1 day by public transport
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  • 20 Mystical Temples in Yogyakarta and Useful Info!
  • 10 Awesome Places to Eat in Yogyakarta Like a Local
  • 3 Days in Yogyakarta – Itinerary Tailored by a Local (2024)

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travel bus jogja bali

Bus Jogja Bali 2023: Agen, Jadwal + Harga Tiket Terbaru Lengkap

GOBUS.ID – Bus Jogja Bali kini bisa menjadi alternatif untuk kamu yang hendak melakukan perjalanan ke Pulau Dewata untuk liburan atau keperluan yang lain.

Perjalanan darat menggunakan bus biasanya memakan waktu sekitar 14-15 jam tergantung kondisi penyeberangan Ketapang – Gilimanuk.

Buat kamu yang ingin liburan dengan budget, bus rute Jogja – Bali ini bisa jadi pilihan transportasi yang lebih hemat dibanding pesawat atau transportasi lain.

Bus Jogja Bali

Fasilitas bus yang melayani salah satu rute panjang ini juga sudah modern dan lengkap sehingga perjalanan lebih menyenangkan.

Jika kamu memilih menggunakan bus, simak dulu daftar harga tiket Jogja-Bali terbaru dari sejumlah operator bus berikut.

Harga Tiket Bus Jogja Bali 2023 Terbaru

Daftar harga tiket terbaru untuk rute Jogja – Denpasar ini bisa kamu gunakan sebagai tambahan referensi untuk menghitung biaya yang kamu perlukan agar sampai ke Pulau Dewata.

1. Gunung Harta

Pertama ada PO Gunung Harta yang membuka rute Jogja – Bali setiap hari dengan keberangkatan pagi hingga sore.

Harga tiket bus executive Gunung Harta berkisar Rp 370.000 per penumpang.

Sedangkan untuk bus sleeper atau green luxury dibanderol sebesar Rp 550.000 per orang.

Kamu akan mendapatkan sejumlah fasilitas seperti full AC, reclining seat, hiburan musik, dan USB port.

Kamu bisa mendapatkan tiketnya melalui agen yang ada di terminal keberangkatan.

Tiket bus ini juga tersedia di aplikasi pemesanan tiket online seperti Traveloka dan Redbus.

2. Tami Jaya

Jika kamu menginginkan perjalanan yang lebih nyaman, PO Tami Jaya menyediakan armada executive dan suites class untuk rute Jogja – Bali.

Harga tiket bus untuk executive class dibanderol sebesar Rp 380.000 per orang sekali jalan.

Sedangkan untuk suites class atau sleeper dibanderol sebesar Rp 600.000 per penumpang.

Tiket bus dapat kamu pesan online via Traveloka. Namun, pemesanan sebaiknya jauh-jauh hari agar kamu tidak kehabisan tiket.

3. Wisata Komodo

Rekomendasi bus untuk kamu yang akan pergi ke Bali adalah Bus Wisata Komodo .

Operator bus ini berangkat ke Bali melalui Terminal Giwangan, Yogyakarta pada pukul 1 siang.

Biasanya untuk jadwal keberangkatan dari Jogja tersedia pada siang hari.

Harga tiket untuk bus ini berkisar Rp 350.000 yang bisa dibeli di agen atau via online.

4. Kramat Djati

PO Kramat Djati termasuk salah satu operator yang memberangkatkan bus Jogja Bali setiap hari dari Terminal Jombor.

Bus ini bisa jadi alternatif perjalanan ke Bali dengan harga tiket yang lebih terjangkau. Kamu perlu menyiapkan Rp 290.000 untuk mendapatkan kursi di bus ini.

Silakan pesan tiket melalui aplikasi seperti Redbus atau bisa juga langsung di kantor agen yang ada di Jogja.

5. Restu Mulya

Berikutnya ada PO Restu Mulya yang bisa jadi rekomendasi bus nyaman dan aman untuk kamu berangkat ke Bali dari Terminal Giwangan, Yogyakarta.

Perjalanan kurang lebih 14-15 jam hingga sampai ke Tabanan, Bali. Tarif bus untuk perjalanan tersebut sekitar Rp 390.000 per penumpang.

Tiket bus sudah tersedia di aplikasi Traveloka. Kamu juga bisa menggunakan agen terdekat untuk pesan tiket bus ini.

6. Safari Dharma Raya

PO Safari Dharma Raya menjadi salah satu operator bus yang melayani rute Jogja – Bali dengan titik keberangkatan dari Terminal Giwangan dan turun di Denpasar.

Tiket bus untuk setiap penumpang yaitu Rp 340.000 dengan fasilitas bus executive dan reclining seat 2-2.

Jika kamu ingin menggunakan bus ini, silakan datang langsung ke agen Safari Dharma Raya terdekat yang ada di Jogja.

Mansion juga melayani penumpang tujuan Jogja-Bali dengan titik keberangkatan di Terminal Giwangan dan akan turun di Kota Denpasar.

Harga tiket bus berkisar Rp 330.000 untuk satu kali perjalanan. Kamu bisa pesan tiket bus ini melalui petugas di loket atau agen resmi Mansion.

Rangkuman Daftar Tarif Bus Jogja Bali 2023 Terbaru

Untuk mempermudah kamu menemukan bus pilihan yang tepat, berikut ini sudah dirangkum tarif terbaru untuk bus rute Jogja – Bali.

Catatan: harga tiket bus Jogja Bali ini bisa berubah sewaktu-waktu tergantung kebijakan perusahaan. Tarif di atas merupakan tarif normal. untuk peak season seperti Tahun Baru dan Lebaran, harga tiket bisa naik hingga 100%

Bila ada dana lebih pilihlah armada bus sleeper agar perjalanan kamu nyaman dan menyenangkan tentunya.

Demikian informasi bus Jogja Bali lengkap dengan harga tiket terbaru dari setiap PO bus, semoga bermanfaat.

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TicBus – Tiket Bus, Agen Travel, Rental Mobil dan Motor

Sleeper Bus Jogja Bali: Jadwal + Harga Tiket Agustus 2023 Lengkap

Sleeper Bus Jogja Bali – Meskipun ada pesawat terbang yang melayani rute Jogja – Denpasar, namun tidak sedikit orang yang memilih menggunakan bus untuk menuju Pulau Bali.

Namun kali ini kita akan membahas sebuah bus mewah nan mahal yang membuat para penumpangnya begitu menikmati perjalanan, yakni sleeper bus Jogja Bali.

Sayangnya, sampai saat ini hanya ada 2 operator bus yang menyediakan armada bus mewah dengan rute ini yakni PO. Tami Jaya dan Gunung Harta.

Sleeper Bus Jogja Bali

Tami Jaya sebagai salah satu spesialis operator bus tujuan Denpasar, Bali menyiapkan 2 kelas bus berbeda yaitu executive dan suite class.

Nah, suite class inilah yang merupakan sleeper bus Jogja Bali satu-satunya yang bersaing dengan armada sleeper milik Gunung Harta,

Semoga ke depannya banyak perusahaan otobus yang melayani bus sleeper dengan rute Jogja – Denpasar, Bali ini.

Harga tiket sleeper bus Jogja Bali milik Tami Jaya ini dibanderol sebesar Rp 600.000 per orang sekali jalan, cukup menguras kantong bagi mereka yang dananya pas-pasan.

Namun tentunya harga yang dikeluarkan sebanding dengan fasilitas dan pelayanan yang akan diterima oleh para penumpang.

Jadwal + Harga Sleeper Bus Jogja Bali Terbaru

Berikut ini admin telah merangkum jadwal keberangkatan dan harga tiket sleeper bus Jogja Bali dari PO Tami Jaya.

1. PO. Tami Jaya

sleeper bus jogja bali

PO Tami Jaya merupakan sebuah perusahaan otobus yang berasal dari Kotea Yogyakarta yang melayani rute Jogja – Denpasar PP.

Ada 2 kelas bus yang disediakan oleh operator ini yaitu kelas executive dan suite class atau yang biasa disebut dengan sleeper bus.

Karena jarak tempuhnya yang lama (sekitar 13-15 jam perjalanan), jadwal keberangkatan sleeper bus Jogja Bali ini hanya dilakukan sekali dalam sehari.

Harga tiket sleeper bus Jogja Bali ini dibanderol sebesar Rp 600.000 sekali jalan, tentunya dengan segala fasilitas dan kemewahan di dalamnya.

Beberapa fasilitas yang sudah termasuk dalam tarif tersebut antara lain :

  • Makan 2 kali
  • Tiket kapal penyeberangan
  • Sleeper seat
  • dan lain-lain.

Rute Sleeper Bus Jogja Bali Tami Jaya

Sleeper bus Tami Jaya ini berangkat pada pukul 10.45 dengan titik keberangkatan di Garasi Tami Jaya, Tino Sidin Jogja.

Rute sleeper bus Jogja Bali milik Tami Jaya kemudian melewati Kota Solo sebelum akhirnya masuk ke jalan tol Solo – Kertosono.

Setelah kurang lebih 1,5 jam berada di jalan tol, sleeper bus Tami Jaya ini keluar menuju RM Duta Ngawi untuk memberikan layanan makan gratis kepada para penumpang.

Selanjutnya bus akan masuk ke jalan tol lagi dan keluar menuju RM. Balidua, Situbondo dengan perkiraan waktu sampai pukul 21.00 WIB.

Perjalanan dilanjutkan lagi menuju Pelabuhan Ketapang dengan perkiraan waktu sampai pada jam 23.00 WIB.

Setelah sampai di Pelabuhan Gilimanuk, sleeper bus Jogja Bali ini langsung melanjutkan perjalanan menuju Denpasar dengan perkiraan waktu sampai pukul 05.00 WITA.

Berikut tabel rute perjalanan sleeper bus Jogja Bali milik Tami Jaya lengkap dengan perkiraan waktu sampainya :

2. Gunung Harta

sleeper bus jogja bali

Bagi anda yang ingin menikmati kenyamanan sleeper bus Jogja Bali berdua dengan pasangan, wajib memilih armada dari Gunung Harta ini.

Karena baru-baru ini Gunung Harta meluncurkan armada suite combi dimana sleeper seatnya berkonfigurasi 2-1.

Jadi anda tetap bisa berdekatan dengan pasangan sambil rebahan tanpa dipisah oleh jarak dan waktu, ceile.

Harga tiket sleeper bus Jogja Bali milik Gunung Harta ini dibanderol sebesar Rp 550.000 sekali jalan.

Tiket bisa anda pesan melalui situs resmi Gunung Harta maupun melalui agen resminya.

Alamat Agen Sleeper Bus Jogja Bali Lengkap

Anda bisa memesan tiket sleeper bus Jogja – Bali ini secara online di situs resminya atau melalui aplikasi Traveloka .

Selain itu anda juga bisa membelinya langsung pada salah satu agen bus yang tertera di bawah ini atau membayarnya langsung saat naik bus.

Pastikan anda menghubungi agen bus di titik keberangkatan untuk konfirmasi setelah memesan tiket.

1. Kantor Pusat Bus Tami Jaya

  • Alamat : Jl. R. E. Martadinata No.84, Pakuncen, Wirobrajan, Kota Yogyakarta
  • Telepon : (0274) 618922
  • Website : tamijaya-utama.com
  • Akun IG : tamijaya_transport

2. Agen Bus Tami Jaya Giwangan Jogja

  • Alamat : Terminal Giwangan Blok E1 Lantai 2 Blok E No. 1, Kec. Umbulharjo, Kota Yogyakarta
  • Telepon : 0813-2838-4899

3. Agen Bus Gunung Harta

  • Alamat : Terminal Giwangan Yogyakarta
  • Telepon : 0822-8454-5774
  • Website : gunungharta.com
  • Akun IG : @gunungharta.solutions

Demikian informasi seputar harga tiket sleeper bus Jogja Bali terbaru lengkap dengan jadwal keberangkatan dan operator bus yang tersedia, semoga bermanfaat.

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Sleeper bus from Bali

Sleeper bus Bali to Yogyakarta (updated 2023)

Going around through Indonesia over long distances can be done in several ways. You can take the plane, train, drive yourself with the car or bike or you can take a sleeper bus (very luxurious). This one will be about the latter, the bus. Indonesia is as wide as Europe. We took a trip as a family to visit Yogyakarta. So get ready for another Yogyakarta food trip .

Take a look at the map below, a route plotted from Denpasar to Yogyakarta, which is about 730km. Some parts are on toll roads, these go pretty fast. Even though it estimates 13 hours 42 minutes, we took about 16 hours to arrive at our destination. We left around 11AM and arrived around 3-4am the next day.

From Denpasar to Bali

Tip: check out what to do in Yogyakarta

How does the sleeper bus look like inside?

suite bus seat

As you can see from the pictures, you get a bottle of water (600ml), some instant noodles which you can fill with hot water at the dispenser a toilet and at the window is a USB charger (2.1A)

The sleeper bus, also known as a suite class bus, have seats for 24 people. The seats have a comfortable shape, which allows you to lay long and keep your legs stretched. There us an air-conditioning set at one temperature, reading light and 2 USB charging ports. There is no power socket for your laptop, but being able to charge your phone should be enough to keep yourself entertained.

It does come with an entertainment system, which you can attach a USB flash drive and attach your own headset through the 3.5mm. It also is equipped with Bluetooth, but since my USB flash drive wasn’t able to be read, I didn’t use their entertainment system.

On their window sill you can put your small bags and stuff to keep as much as seating space for yourself.

How much does it cost to travel by sleeper bus?

Since the fuel prices increased by 20% and more in September 2022, the price of the ticket increased from 500k IDR to 600k IDR. At the time of writing this is about 40 USD. If you are travelling with small children under 4, they can sit with you under the same ticket. The seating is big enough for that, although sharing space will make you feel a bit more cramped.

How much would it cost if you go by car

The total for toll will be around 600k IDR, and the petrol depends on driving style and the amount the engine consumes. Assume for 1:12 about 60 liters and what petrol you use it is between 600k and 1M. Don’t forget the food and drinks you will need during the trip, and if you take a rest somewhere that these are also costs involved. The ferry also costs money so we are looking already more than 1.2M if you drive a very economical car with a conservative driving style.

The advantage of going with your own car instead of the bus, you would have control in visiting places and stopping wherever you want. If you travel with companions, you can split the cost and this would potentially make it cheaper than traveling by bus.

What is the difference between the executive bus and the sleeper bus

The luxury bus comes with wide chairs a goodie bag to keep with small snacks. These chairs have limited inclination, but are still comfortable. This allows the bus to transport more people. There is no entertainment unit available and it could be you are not able to charge your phones, bring a power bank. Another major difference is the price, with the executive bus, you will save about 40-50% on the ticket.

How to book a ticket with the sleeper bus from Bali

For booking a ticket you could contact their office through WhatsApp or Instagram. If the language barrier seems to be daunting, you could ask help from someone that understand Bahasa. Google translate is also a viable option for booking your ticket. Their website and contact can be found at Tamijaya travel

Our experience the sleeper bus

The suites you get are all amazingly comfortable. The space is simply the wow factor. You can lay and sleep from time to time. During the ferry, and the stop for food you would need to get out of the bus.

A large part that differs every time is the driving style of the driver. Some tend to break a bit harder than others or take more speed in the curve. It’s a factor that changes every time you take the bus.

Taking the seat up, above someone else, does require you the ability to make a small climb. This makes it not very suitable for people with a challenge. So when booking make sure you either book it down or up.

The use of toilet or even the water dispenser is very challenging. If the drive is straight for a while, this could be a moment to use it, otherwise you will sway from left to right and back to front. This is not pleasant at all!

The first stop at Mengwi bus station (Bali)

I got out of the bus without my camera. This place was to pick up some passengers and an opportunity to buy oleh-oleh (some souvenirs).

suite class food

Besides the food, this was the last opportunity to buy some oleh-oleh. The food wasn’t anything super special but it was fine to eat. It was eat and go back on the bus, because of reaching the destination as soon as possible. This is the only food stop you’ll get, so if you already know in 16 hours you need more than 1 meal, prepare with something aboard.

Since multiple busses stop here to let their passengers eat, stretch and whatever they need. The food tables are separated. Tami Jaya was for us. So look where your table island is to grab your food and eat.

on the ferry from Gilimanuk

On the ferry you will be asked to go out. Take your valuables with you at all times. You can go up on the deck while you wait for the crossing. Some fresh air and enjoy the sights. There is a kind of a bar (non alcoholic) that serves some snacks, instant noodles and coffee/tea.

Head up to the VIP room, which is airconditioned and has the life jackets in the cupboards in front.

Tips for traveling with the bus

multiple busses Indonesia

Be on time for the bus, don’t show up late. Just be there before the scheduled departure to be sure you are on it. You don’t want to miss it otherwise you might need to rebuy a new ticket. Take some food with you!

Enjoy the sights that you will see throughout Indonesia. Unfortunately, you won’t stop for any of them but just soak in the experience. During a stop, for whatever reason, make sure to remember what bus you were on. Remember the color, license plate, and driver, any of these will do.

Sleep when you can, a bus drive throughout Indonesia can be very exhausting. You don’t want to be exhausted upon arrival. At arrival be sure you can be picked up. We arrived at 3 in the morning and our family was waiting for us. Make sure somebody will pick you up.

Keep yourself entertained for the bus drive with something to read or a game to play. Traveling with young children can be a bit of a challenge make sure they are entertained throughout the trip, and sleep when they sleep.

Comparative Table: Modes of Transportation :

Pros and Cons of Sleeper Bus Travel :

  • Cost-Effective : Especially for families, as children below 4 years can share a seat without additional cost.
  • Scenic Views : Traveling by road offers unparalleled scenic beauty which you miss when flying.
  • Comfort : Reclining seats, entertainment systems, and other amenities make the journey pleasant.
  • Duration : It’s one of the longest ways to get from one point to another.
  • Limited Stops : Not many chances to explore en route attractions.
  • Variable Experience : Depending on the driver, each journey can feel different.

Top 5 Items to Pack for a Sleeper Bus Journey :

  • Earplugs & Eye Mask : Essential for a peaceful sleep amidst potential noise and lights.
  • Snacks : Though there’s a food stop, having your favorite snacks can be comforting.
  • Travel Pillow : Enhance your comfort by bringing a neck pillow.
  • Entertainment : Be it a book, downloaded movies, or music, they’re lifesavers during long journeys.
  • Hygiene Kit : Wet wipes, hand sanitizer, and a toothbrush can keep you fresh during the journey.

Night views from the Sleeper Bus windows

While the daytime brings breathtaking landscapes, the nighttime offers a different kind of magic. As you recline in your sleeper seat, take a moment to gaze out of the window. The play of lights from small townships, the silhouette of mountains against the moonlit sky, and the occasional festivities you might pass by – it’s a visual treat that can be both soothing and mesmerizing. Grab a blanket, put on some soft tunes, and let the night lull you into dreams.

Sustainable Travel: Making the Eco-friendly Choice:

Choosing the sleeper bus isn’t just cheaper. It’s also a more environmental friendlier way to travel. Buses, especially when fully occupied, leave a smaller carbon footprint per passenger compared to cars or planes. So, while you save some money and enjoy the landscape, give yourself a pat on the back for opting for a greener mode of transportation. It’s a small step, but every effort counts towards preserving the stunning beauty of Indonesia for future generations.

For who is a bus trip throughout Indonesia

You got to love travel and be patient. Our 16 hours bus trip could have been a 1-hour plane ride. We choose the bus because it’s also cheaper. In our case, we saved 4 Million IDR for a return trip as our daughter would need a separate ticket which is nearly the same price for adults. Also, enjoy the views you drive by, you can get things done like reading a book. If you have motion sickness, some pharmacies would have something against this. If you are in it for the views and you are still in Bali, do check out the Mount Batur hike

If you made it this far, thank you for reading! do also checkout flying with Air Asia with a baby , this is another way to go to Yogyakarta from Bali.


Hi I am Dwi. I am a blogger, travel agent and a mom of a lovely daughter and wife to a supportive husband. I customize and plan tours in Bali and islands nearby for a living and have been doing this for more than 14 years. Get in touch via contact [at] taletravels.com

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From Bali to Yogyakarta | Complete Guide to Visit Central Java

  • Travel Guide

From bali to yogyakarta

From Bali to Yogyakarta

Yogyakarta (or Jogja) is a must visit destination for travelers to Java Island. Renowned for being the cultural center of Java, this student city attracts many artists and intellectuals from all the provinces of the Indonesian archipelago. Direct flight from Bali to Yogyakarta it takes 1 hour and 30 minutes.

Yogyakarta is also a city apart in Indonesia, because it is still under the governance of a sultan and has inherited a cultural richness that is now visible through the many palaces, museums, temples and historic buildings. In this article I share with you all the information to visit the city of Yogyakarta!

The famous temples of Borobudur and Prambanan, both listed as World Heritage by Unesco, are located near Yogyakarta.

3 Ways to get from Bali to Yogyakarta

Flying is by far the fastest and easiest way to reach Bali from Yogyakarta to Bali. The flight takes less than 2 hours with tickets starting at IDR 650,000 (US$ 40). Note that this includes short taxi transfers to and from the airports.

What airline companies run direct flight services from Bali and Yogyakarta?

Train and ferry.

If you feel like an adventure and have time for it, you can also take a combined train and ferry trip from Bali to Yogyakarta. The trip takes at least 19 hours, through East Java and along the west coast of Bali, including an additional bus ride from the port to central or south Bali. The total cost is approximately IDR 500,000 (US$ 32). If you decide to go overland, we highly recommend visiting the Bromo and Ijen volcanoes as well as the Sewu waterfalls.

It’s also possible to take the bus from Bali to Yogyakarta, but it’s an uncomfortable 20-hour trip that involves several transfers and is often affected by delays. Long-distance buses can be very tiring and are not the safest way to travel, especially at night.

Experience and visit the constant hustle and bustle of Yogyakarta city and visit the Sultan’s Palace, Water Palace and UNESCO sites such as the ancient Borobudur Temple or Prambanan during your visit to Yogyakarta.

Borobudur (Central Java, Indonesia) (51112270656)

Visit Yogyakarta (the City)

1. sultan’s palace (kraton).

The sultan still resides in Yogyakarta. He is the governor of Central Java and has a large palace in the city center, which is open for visits every morning. The Sultan’s Palace is a beautiful place, but don’t expect anything lavish, the whole thing remains rather simple. Inside, objects and photos on display, generally without much explanation. It’s worth going there but we don’t come out impressed either.

Every day a different show is held at the Sultan’s Palace depending on the day of the week. We were there on a Saturday, the day of the wayang kulit, the puppets, which are an integral part of the traditional culture. A bit boring when you don’t understand Indonesian but the backstage area, with the orchestra dressed in traditional attire, is worth seeing.

The Sultan’s Palace and the surrounding streets form an entire district called Kraton. Far from the hustle and bustle of the rest of the city of Yogya, the streets of Kraton are very quiet and green. There are merchants and craftsmen there, it’s pleasant.

The spiritual and royal center of Yogyakarta, the Kraton is the sultan’s palace, where the royal family resided for centuries

It is rather large, it takes a good hour to go around. It is like a mini-city, there are courtyards with elegant pavilions. I advise you to take a guide who can explain the interior of the Kraton and contextualize the history of the sultanate because a visit alone is not really of interest except to admire the architecture. You can also see dance, music and puppet shows there, there are several throughout the day.

Yogyakarta Indonesia Kraton-the-Sultans-Palace-02

Address: Jalan Rotowijayan Blok No. 1, Panembahan, Kraton, Kota Yogyakarta Opening hours: every day from 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m., Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Admission: 20,000 IDR/person (IDR +1,000 for the right to take photos)

Kraton of Yogyakarta 13

2. Visit the Taman Sari (Water Castle) and its underground mosque

Formerly, the Water castle of Yogyakarta was the place where the Sultan and his Court came to bathe. The place could be superb but lacks maintenance. There was almost no water, too bad for a water castle. So it’s a bit sad.

There are a few shops within the grounds. We took the opportunity to watch the work of making traditional wayang kulit puppets, in chiseled leather, as well as batik. Patience work!

Taman Sari Water Castle, Yogyakarta, 20220818 1043 8976

Location  of Taman Sari (Water Castle)

Located south-west of Kraton, the Taman Sari – literally the “garden of perfumes” – is a palace on the water which once served as a place of relaxation and meditation built at the request of the sultan in the 18th century. At the time, this large royal park housed luxurious pools, water games, pavilions and several small lakes as well as rooms to accommodate the sultan’s wives. Today only the baths and bedrooms have been preserved, but the architecture of the castle is no less impressive. There are also many underground tunnels and an underground mosque. The place is a real labyrinth when you do not know the places. I advise you to take a guide who can explain the places to you and immerse you in the history of this magnificent aquatic palace.

Taman Sari Water Castle, Yogyakarta

Address: Wisata Taman Sari, Taman, Patehan, Kraton, Kota Yogyakarta Hours: daily from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Admission: IDR 15,000/person

3. Stroll through the Prawirotaman district and admire the street-art

The Prawirotaman district is one of the most frequented districts in Yogyakarta by tourists. Indeed, this district brings together all the hotels, restaurants, bars and travel agencies of the city. It is particularly in this district that we recognize that Yogyakarta is a city populated by artists, because the walls of this district have been magnificently decorated by young local artists, lovers of street-art!

4. Visit a batik workshop

Batik is a fabric dyeing technique widely used in Indonesia. This traditional technique comes from Yogyakarta and was exported throughout the Indonesian archipelago, then to Africa. In Yogyakarta, you can therefore visit one of the many batik workshops, meet local artists and admire them handling the technique meticulously, or even try it yourself.

Batik Weaver, Yogyakarta 0944

5. Walk down Malioboro Street and City Centre

Malioboro Street will immerse you directly in local life. It is an essential walk to do if you come to Yogyakarta: many shops, small restaurants and food stalls, shops and local market… Ideally to be done in the evening to enjoy the local atmosphere, see people chatting on the benches , enjoy small street concerts. Agoraphobes refrain because it is a really crowded and very lively avenue.

Malioboro Street, Yogyakarta

6. Fort Vredeburg Museum

The museum is very strategically located from the city center and has a fairly high value. Maybe for some people who hear the word “museum” or “fort” will think that it is very old-fashioned and boring. However, the Fort Vredeburg Museum is different.

Fort Vredeburg, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

The place is quite spacious and there are many spots to take pictures. In a number of buildings within the fort there are dioramas (miniature three-dimensional objects / theater decorations) about Indonesian history. The Vredeburg Fort Museum is one of the tourist attractions in Yogyakarta that must be visited.

7. Visit the Affandi Museum

Afandi is one of the most famous artists in Indonesia. Located by a river, the museum was once its own home. He himself designed and drew the plans for his house as well as the showrooms for his works of art. All his paintings were painted by hand or directly with his paint tubes.

Inspired and influenced by great European artists like Van Gogh, his works are no less original and impressionist in style. This museum is undoubtedly one of the most interesting to visit in Yogyakarta. Not to be missed for art lovers or budding painters!

Address: Jl. Laksda Adisucipto No.167, Papringan, Caturtunggal, Kec. Depok, Kabupaten Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta Hours: daily from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Admission: IDR 50,000/person

8. Museum of Dewantara Kirti Griya

This museum is  is a memorial museum that presents an overview of the life and history of Ki Hadjar Dewantara’s struggles. Ki Hadjar Dewantara was a pioneer in the fight for education for Indonesians.

TDKGM 02.176 Lukisan Affandi 1

8. Bird market

Imagine a huge outdoor pet store. There you are, you are at the Yogyakarta bird market (where not only birds are actually sold, but rabbits, cats, dogs, mice, reptiles, fish…).

9. Beringharjo Market

Beringharjo market is a huge covered market in Yogyakarta where you can find everything: a huge choice of batik (printed clothes and fabrics), spices, fruits and vegetables, wicker baskets, trinkets…It’s open in the morning only (from 8 a.m.), and you meet many locals who come to shop there (from the purchase of peppers to the wedding dress).

The atmosphere is really nice, we walk with pleasure in the aisles. No attempt to sell us anything but just smiles. We even got a little lesson on the different spices at a stand!

Pasar Bringharjo

10. Eat a gudeg : the culinary specialty of Yogyakarta

Gudeg is one of the culinary specialties of Yogyakarta. This dish is made from young jackfruit boiled in traditional herbs and coconut milk, and served with rice, egg and chicken. It is the flagship dish of the region, so you can easily find it in small shops or stands in the street.

Gudeg Jogja

Otherwise, we can recommend this address, it is a small restaurant with a terrace serving a very good gudeg at an affordable price. Many locals go there and some tourists:

Gudeg Sagan

Address: Jl. Prof Dr. Herman Yohanes No. 53, Caturtunggal, Depok, Samirono, Kabupaten Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55223 Hours: daily from 9 a.m. to 12 a.m.

Activities and places not to miss around Yogyakarta

1. visit borobudur temple.

Located 40km from the city center, the Borobudur temple is a must visit place for tourists who come to visit Java. The largest Buddhist temple in the world, Borobudur is also the most visited tourist site in Indonesia. If you want to admire the sunrise at the top of the temple, you will have to put your hands in your pocket, but it is worth it because the view from the top is incredible, and there will be fewer tourists than during the day.

Borobudur Northwest View

The Manohara hotel (2-star hotel) located inside the park is the only one that offers a special “sunrise tour” ticket to watch the sunrise. For the simple visit of the temple at conventional times, you can benefit from a student rate if you have your student card (to have in hand, or photocopied), i.e. 50% reduction.

Short history:

The main stupa enthroned at Borobudur Temple in Central Java, Indonesia. The world’s largest Buddhist monument was built in the 8th century by the Syailendra dynasty. The upper terrace is round in shape with a row of bell-shaped stupas containing a Buddha figure which symbolizes Arupadhatu, the realm of the formless. The main stupa itself is empty, symbolizing complete perfection of enlightenment.

Stupa Borobudur

Address: Jl. Badrawati, Kw. Candi Borobudur, Borobudur, Magelang, Jawa Tengah Hours: daily from 6 a.m. to 5 p.m., but possible to buy a more expensive ticket to see the sunrise at 5 a.m. Admission: 325,000 IDR/person (450,000 IDR for the sunrise tour via the Manohara hotel) and 162,500 IDR for students with their student card.

Borobudur-Temple-Park Indonesia Stupas-of-Borobudur-01

2. Climb the Merapi Volcano

Culminating at a height of 2934 meters, the Merapi volcano dominates the city of Yogyakarta. It is the most active volcano in Indonesia, its last eruption dates from May 2018. Before climbing the volcano, check with the agency organizing your trek to find out about the activity of the volcano and to know if the roads are in good condition.

Inside an active volcano - Merapi (7756647556)

You can also do the Merapi Lava Tour: for 2 hours, you can rent a jeep with driver for 350,000 rupees and visit the Merapi volcano and its surroundings. The jeep can carry 3 to 5 people, and the tour includes a visit to Museum Sisa Hartaku, a small museum showing the damage caused by previous eruptions of the Merapi volcano: old motorcycles, clothes, objects and furniture that have more or less resisted the eruption…

Merapi Volcano during sunrise 2019

To be able to admire the sunrise, you have to get up and leave very early from Yogyakarta. Count about 1h30 for the car trip to the bottom of the volcano, and about 4h for the hike. Once at the top, the sunrise offers a magnificent and unforgettable spectacle. After so much effort for the ascent, the reward is all the more beautiful!

To book, you can go directly through a local agency on site at the entrance to Mount Merapi.

3. Watch the sunset at Prambanan Temple

Classified as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO, the Prambanan Temple is a set of 240 temples that were built in the 9th century. This site includes 4 main temples and several small ruined temples. It is a large site that requires at least 2 good hours of visit if you are on foot (you can also visit the site by bike).

Candi Prambanan sebagai Peninggalan Agama Hindu

You can spend hours admiring the carved bas-reliefs that tell of the lives of Hindu gods. The temple is all the more magnificent to visit at sunset and at the end of the day there are fewer people. As for the Borobudur temple, don’t forget your student card to benefit from a 50% discount!

Prambanan Complex 1

Address: Kranggan, Bokoharjo, Prambanan, Sleman Regency Hours: daily from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Admission: IDR 325,0000 /person (IDR 162,500 if you have your student card)

4. Ullen Sentalu Museum

The private museum, founded in 1994, displays relics and objects of royal houses and kratons of Java, such as Yogyakarta, Pakualam, Surakarta and Mangkunegara.

It takes 1 hour drive from Yogyakarta city. This museum is well maintained and very clean, the guide was welcoming, knowledgeable and fun, their art collection was wonderful. I really liked the paintings. Entrance ticket was not expensive even for foreign tourists. And yes, it’s forbidden to take pictures inside but hey, that’s fine. It was a pleasant day.

The museum, founded in 1994, displays relics and objects§ of royal houses and kratons of Java, such as Yogyakarta, Pakualam, Surakarta and Mangkoenegara.

Admission: IDR 100,000 (International visitor) IDR 40,000 (Domestic/regular visitor/kitas).

Museum Ullen Sentalu Halaman

Ullen Sentalu Museum Featured Collection

In 2014 the Department of Culture for the Special Region of Yogyakarta published a book containing the superior collections of museums in the Special Region of Yogyakarta, including the superior collection owned by the Ullen Sentalu Museum. The featured collections of the Ullen Sentalu Museum are as follows:

  • Jumenengan’s painting, this painting depicts the sacred dance procession of the Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat Palace, namely the Bedhaya dance which is performed once a year in commemoration of the sultan’s coronation.
  • Paes Ageng Clothing Painting, this painting shows the details of a woman’s wedding dress complete with Paes Ageng make-up.
  • Batik with the Urang Wetan motif, this cloth was once worn by the empress of KGPAA Paku Alam X named GBRAAy Retno Puwasa.

Sources: PinterPandai , Red Fedora Diary , The Travel Author

Photo credit (main picture): Gunawan Kartapranata ( CC BY-SA 3.0 ) via Wikimedia Commons

Have you booked your villa in Seminyak center?

I need more information

Located in Seminyak Center – Bali, Villa Carissa offers a private swimming pool and enclosed garden to guarantee your privacy. You can book your private pool villa here with us.

Whether you’re traveling with family, friends, or on a romantic getaway, villa Carissa in Seminyak center offers the perfect base for exploring Bali’s many attractions and enjoying a relaxing vacation.

  • Posted by : Villa Carissa
  • Aug 27, 2022

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Berita Bantul Hari Ini

Dishub bantul belum bisa nambah armada bus sekolah karena anggaran terbatas, dishub bantul mengaku memiliki keterbatasan anggaran untuk menambah armada bus sekolah, utamanya di wilayah kawasan timur dan daerah pegunungan. , penulis: neti istimewa rukmana | editor: gaya lufityanti.

Dishub Bantul Belum Bisa Nambah Armada Bus Sekolah Karena Anggaran Terbatas

TRIBUNJOGJA.COM, BANTUL - Dinas Perhubungan (Dishub) Kabupaten Bantul mengaku memiliki keterbatasan anggaran untuk menambah armada bus sekolah, utamanya di wilayah kawasan timur dan daerah pegunungan. 

Padahal, pihaknya berharap bisa melakukan penambahan armada bus tersebut untuk memberikan fasilitas kepada para siswa di Kabupaten Bantul .

Tujuannya tak lain agar para siswa semakin semangat dalam mengenyam pendidikan.

"Kami ingin menambah armada bus sekolah. Namun, karena ada keterbatasan jumlah armada dan anggaran operasional, jadi untuk sementara belum dapat direalisasikan," kata Kepala Dishub Kabupaten Bantul , Singgih Riyadi, Kamis (6/5/2024).

Sejauh ini, Kabupaten Bantul sendiri baru memiliki dua armada bus sekolah.

Kata Singgih, dua armada itu tersebar untuk jalur Bantul barat yakni Kapanewon Sedayu, Pajangan, Pandak dan Bantul . 

Disampaikannya, dua armada itu baru akan dilakukan uji coba pada Agustus 2024.

Bahkan, sebelum uji coba itu dilakukan, pihaknya juga telah melakukan koordinasi dengan sejumlah pihak sekolah di tingkat sekolah dasar dan sekolah menegah pertama untuk merealisasikan program tersebut. 

Baca juga: Jelang Iduladha 2024, DKPP Bantul Gelar Bimtek Pemotongan Hewan Kurban

"Jadi, pada saat ini dan 2025, kami masih meneruskan program bus sekolah yang ada," ucap dia.

Sementara itu, Ketua Komisi D DPRD Bantul , Suratman, berharap, armada untuk fasilitas siswa di Kabupaten Bantul bisa terus diperbanyak.

Pasalnya, saat ini masih ada siswa yang harus menempuh jarak jauh saat mengenyam pendidikan.

"Ada beberapa anak yang putus sekolah karena bermacam-macam faktor. Salah satunya karena akomodasi terutama pada anak SMP," katanya.

Disampaikannya, untuk anak yang duduk dibangku SD biasanya jarak sekolah mereka masih dekat dengan kediaman.

Sebab, rata-rata di setiap kalurahan di Kabupaten Bantul terdapat fasilitas SD.


55 Daftar Produk Pro Israel di Indonesia yang Wajib Dihindari Menurut Fatwa MUI


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  • Bali to Yogyakarta (jogja)

Bali to Yogyakarta (jogja) Bus

Affordable tickets with world's best travel companies

Choose from the variety of travel options available to travel on the route from Bali to Yogyakarta (jogja). Book cheap tickets on redBus and travel the world without hassle


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Looking for a bus ticket on a luxury bus while paying a low rate can be a daunting task. People have to scramble between agents, kiosks, or booking portals that are available online. Thankfully, there is a one-stop remedy to every traveler’s predicament when it comes to booking a bus ticket online. redBus offers tickets at low rates on buses run by some of the top operators. If a person plans on booking a seat on a bus from Bali to Yogyakarta (jogja), visit the redBus platform and reserve a seat with a few simple steps. Passengers can sort out their search results by using a number of available filters such as departure or arrival timings, bus fare, duration, and much more. Passengers can select their boarding and dropping points from a plethora of options that are available on the route between Bali and Yogyakarta (jogja).

  • SUPERIOR CUSTOMER SUPPORT Our customer support will ensure to service all your queries
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  • Jakarta to Yogyakarta (jogja) Bus
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  • Bogor to Yogyakarta (jogja) Bus
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  • Depok to Yogyakarta (jogja) Bus
  • Karawang to Yogyakarta (jogja) Bus
  • Palembang to Yogyakarta (jogja) Bus
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  • Kamis, 6 Juni 2024
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Jadwal Bus Jambi - Bogor Jumat, 7 Juni 2024: Bus NPM Turun di Terminal Baranang Siang

Bagi anda warga jambi yang ingin melakukan perjalanan ke bogor, berikut jadwal bus jambi - bogor untuk keberangkatan jumat, 7 juni 2024, penulis: fitriana andriyani | editor: fitriana andriyani.

Jadwal Bus Jambi - Bogor Jumat, 7 Juni 2024: Bus NPM Turun di Terminal Baranang Siang

TRIBUNJAMBI.COM - Bagi Anda warga Jambi yang ingin melakukan perjalanan ke Bogor, berikut jadwal Bus Jambi - Bogor untuk keberangkatan Jumat, 7 Juni 2024!

Mengutip laman Redbus.id, ada 14 keberangkatan bus Jambi - Bogor untuk besok.

Anda bisa memilih bus Lorena, Bus EPA Star, bus Transport Express Jaya, bus Gumarang Jaya atau bus NPM menyesuaikan harga tiket dan jadwal keberangkatannya.

Pemesanan tiket dapat dilakukan secara online melalui laman Redbus.id.

Simak jadwal bus Jambi - Bogor selengkapnya yang dikutip TribunJambi.com dari Redbus.com!

1. Bus Lorena berangkat pukul 03.15

- Naik dari Loket Jambi

- Turun di Tajur

- Harga tiket Rp 625.000 (executive)

2. Bus Epa Star berangkat pukul 10.50

- Naik dari Tempino pukul 10.50

- Turun di Ciawi, Citeureup, Parung, Cibinong

- Harga tiket Rp 542.500 (executive)

3. Bus NPM berangkat pukul 15.00

Jadwal Bus Jambi

Jadwal bus jambi - bogor.

55 Daftar Produk Pro Israel di Indonesia yang Wajib Dihindari Menurut Fatwa MUI


Berita populer.


Jadwal Bus Jambi - Bogor Rabu, 5 Juni 2024: Bus Sembodo Turun di Terminal Baranang Siang


Jadwal Bus Jambi - Lampung Rabu, 5 Juni 2024: Tiket Bus Gumarang Jaya Mulai Rp 475.000


Jadwal Bus Jambi - Bogor Selasa, 4 Juni 2024: Lorena Berangkat dari Loket Jambi Pukul 03.15

Jadwal bus jambi - lampung selasa, 4 juni 2024: ada bus gumarang jaya dan bus lorena.


Jadwal Bus Jambi - Jakarta Selasa, 4 Juni 2024: Bus Lorena, Epa Star, Qitarabu

Jual Rumah Mewah 2 Lantai Full Furnished Baru Tipe 125 dekat Maguwoharjo - Sleman Jogja

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  1. Tiket Bus Jogja Bali : Jadwal & Harga Agustus 2023 Semua PO

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  2. PUAS BANGET Naik Bus Gunung Harta Terbaru Volvo Jetbus 5

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  1. Bus Yogyakarta (jogja) ke Denpasar (bali)

    Travel Jogja Bali menjadi ide perjalanan terbaik dan semakin digemari di kalangan wisatawan yang ingin menikmati banyaknya atraksi hiburan maupun untuk kunjungan kerja. Popularitas dua kota wisata ini menjadikan tingginya kebutuhan akan akses transportasi umum antar kedua tempat tersebut. ... Jadwal bus Jogja Bali akan menghabiskan waktu tempuh ...

  2. Yogyakarta (jogja) to Denpasar (bali) Bus

    Affordable tickets with world's best travel companies. It will take 17 hours 30 mins to reach from Yogyakarta (jogja) to Denpasar (bali). The earliest departure from Yogyakarta (jogja) is at 11:00 AM. And the last bus is at 12:00 PM. The price for one bus ticket starts from IDR 295000. Find affordable travel tickets across the world, all at one ...

  3. Book Yogyakarta

    The most popular Bus & Travel tickets are available Yogyakarta - Denpasar from various reputable Bus & Travel operators in Indonesia. Book your bus & travel Yogyakarta - Denpasar right now at Traveloka. Traveloka helps you find cheapest Bus & Travel tickets from Yogyakarta - Denpasar. Get best promo deals of Bus & Travel tickets only via Traveloka.

  4. Yogyakarta (jogja) to Bali Bus Ticket Online

    Affordable tickets with world's best travel companies. It will take 17 hrs 30 mins to reach from Yogyakarta (jogja) to Bali. The earliest departure from Yogyakarta (jogja) is at 6:41 PM. And the last bus is at 6:41 PM. The price for one bus ticket starts from Rp 270.

  5. Bus From Yogyakarta (jogja) to Denpasar (bali)

    Choose from 110 deals on 51 bus operators and avail yourself of discounts up to 25% on your bus travel! Enjoy Convenient Bus Booking from Yogyakarta (jogja) to Denpasar (bali)! ... The offer of upto 20% off on Yogyakarta (jogja) to Denpasar (bali) bus tickets is, indeed, the best offer on the redBus platform as customers can save a lot on their ...

  6. Pesan Tiket Bus dan Travel Online Denpasar

    Bus & Travel Denpasar - Yogyakarta Lebih sering disebut dengan "Jogja", kota istimewa ini merupakan salah satu pusat kegiatan spiritual di Pulau Jawa. Sejak dahulu kala, Yogyakarta dikenal sebagai kota yang masih memegang teguh tradisi nenek moyangnya.

  7. Jogja to Bali by bus from IDR 367,500

    The travel time from Jogja to Bali takes approximately 21 hours. How much does it cost to get from Jogja to Bali? To get from Jogja to Bali prepare to shell out about USD 23.02 for your ticket. ... Up to now, 600 booked bus tickets from Jogja to Bali through our service. You can check reviews above.

  8. Buses from Bali to Yogyakarta from IDR 381,584 Jun 2024

    The estimate travel time from Bali to Yogyakarta is about 16h 10m. Note that traveling by bus is slower compared to driving your own car or getting a taxi. Depending on the departure time congestion between Bali and Yogyakarta may differ greatly There is usually more traffic between morning until afternoon during weekdays than during weekends.

  9. 7 Bus dan Travel Jogja Bali Beserta Jadwal dan Harga Tiket

    Bus ini melayani berbagai kota besar di pulau jawa seperti jakarta, surabaya, malang, jogja dan bali. Jadwal keberangkatan setiap hari pada jam 13.00 WIB dengan titik keberangkatan jombor, kemudian berhenti di dendpasar. Harga kelas ekonomi Rp. 290.000 dan Executive Rp. 580.000 per orang. Alamat : Jl. Raya Janti, Kec.

  10. 3 ways to get from Yogyakarta to Bali: Cheapest, Fastest, Best

    The total cost to travel overland from Yogyakarta to Denpasar by train is 94000+6500+50000 = 150.500 IDR (10$). Flights. There are many direct flights daily between Bali and Yogyakarta both ways. The airlines that offer this route are Indonesia Air Asia, Lion Air, and Garuda Indonesia to name a few.

  11. Bus Jogja Bali 2023: Agen, Jadwal + Harga Tiket Terbaru Lengkap

    Jl. Ringroad Timur No. 9 Pelem Mulong, Banguntapan, Bantul - Yogyakarta. Kontak. 0274-7115959. Traveloka. Tersedia. Redbus. Tersedia. Pertama ada PO Gunung Harta yang membuka rute Jogja - Bali setiap hari dengan keberangkatan pagi hingga sore. Harga tiket bus executive Gunung Harta berkisar Rp 370.000 per penumpang.

  12. Yogyakarta to Bali

    Alternatively, you can take a bus from Yogyakarta Terminal Giwangan to Denpasar via Malang Terminal Arjosari and Denpasar in around 19h 9m. Airlines. Lion Mentari Airlines. Citilink Indonesia. Indonesia AirAsia. Garuda Indonesia. Super Air Jet. Show more. Train operators.

  13. Diskon 52% Bus Yogyakarta ke Bali-Denpasar, harga mulai dari ...

    Segera pesan tiket travel atau bus rute Yogyakarta-Denpasar melalui Easybook Indonesia. Easybook juga melayani pemesanan tiket travel, shuttle dan bus untuk berbagai rute di Indonesia. Dengan harga tiket ke Denpasar dari Jogja mulai dari Rp.270.000 , Anda sudah bisa melakukan perjalanan menggunakan bus dari Jogja ke Denpasar.

  14. Bus Jogja Bali: Agen, Jadwal + Harga Tiket Agustus 2023 Semua PO

    TICBUS.COM - Harga tiket bus Jogja Bali saat ini mengalami kenaikan seiring dengan adanya pandemi seperti sekarang ini.. Meskipun begitu, nilainya masih lebih murah bila dibandingkan dengan naik pesawat atau pun jasa travel perjalanan. Ada beberapa operator bus yang melayani rute Jogja Denpasar, Bali ini seperti Gunung Harta, Safari Dharma Raya, Wisata Komodo, dan lain-lain.

  15. Denpasar (bali) to Yogyakarta (jogja) Bus

    Affordable tickets with world's best travel companies. It will take 17 hours 17 mins to reach from Denpasar (bali) to Yogyakarta (jogja). The earliest departure from Denpasar (bali) is at 10:00 AM. And the last bus is at 1:00 PM. The price for one bus ticket starts from IDR 345000. Find affordable travel tickets across the world, all at one place.

  16. Bali to Yogyakarta

    Take the train from Solo Balapan to Yogyakarta. train. $42-194. Fly to Adisutjipto • 9h 36m. Fly from Ngurah Rai (DPS) to Adisutjipto (JOG) plane. DPS - JOG. $116-277. Bus, train via Banyuwangi • 16h 39m.

  17. Sleeper Bus Jogja Bali: Jadwal + Harga Tiket Agustus 2023 Lengkap

    Agen Bus Gunung Harta. Alamat : Terminal Giwangan Yogyakarta. Telepon : 0822-8454-5774. Website : gunungharta.com. Akun IG : @gunungharta.solutions. Demikian informasi seputar harga tiket sleeper bus Jogja Bali terbaru lengkap dengan jadwal keberangkatan dan operator bus yang tersedia, semoga bermanfaat. Tiket Bus.

  18. Diskon 52% Bus Bali-Denpasar ke Yogyakarta, harga mulai dari ...

    Tiket Bus. Bus Bali-Denpasar Ke Yogyakarta. PENTING: Untuk detil informasi, silahkan mengacu pada kebijakan pemerintah Indonesia yang berlaku (klik di sini). Berangkat. Bali-Denpasar, Indonesia Yogyakarta, Indonesia 05 Juni 2024, Rab. Pulang. Yogyakarta, Indonesia Bali-Denpasar, Indonesia 06 Juni 2024, Kam.

  19. Sleeper bus Bali to Yogyakarta (updated 2023)

    How much does it cost to travel by sleeper bus? Since the fuel prices increased by 20% and more in September 2022, the price of the ticket increased from 500k IDR to 600k IDR. At the time of writing this is about 40 USD. If you are travelling with small children under 4, they can sit with you under the same ticket.

  20. From Bali to Yogyakarta

    From Bali to Yogyakarta. Yogyakarta (or Jogja) is a must visit destination for travelers to Java Island. Renowned for being the cultural center of Java, this student city attracts many artists and intellectuals from all the provinces of the Indonesian archipelago. Direct flight from Bali to Yogyakarta it takes 1 hour and 30 minutes.

  21. Dishub Bantul Belum Bisa Nambah Armada Bus Sekolah Karena Anggaran

    "Kami ingin menambah armada bus sekolah. Namun, karena ada keterbatasan jumlah armada dan anggaran operasional, jadi untuk sementara belum dapat direalisasikan," kata Kepala Dishub Kabupaten Bantul, Singgih Riyadi, Kamis (6/5/2024).. Sejauh ini, Kabupaten Bantul sendiri baru memiliki dua armada bus sekolah.. Kata Singgih, dua armada itu tersebar untuk jalur Bantul barat yakni Kapanewon Sedayu ...

  22. Bali to Yogyakarta (jogja) Bus

    Thankfully, there is a one-stop remedy to every traveler's predicament when it comes to booking a bus ticket online. redBus offers tickets at low rates on buses run by some of the top operators. If a person plans on booking a seat on a bus from Bali to Yogyakarta (jogja), visit the redBus platform and reserve a seat with a few simple steps.

  23. Jadwal Bus Jambi

    TRIBUNJAMBI.COM - Bagi Anda warga Jambi yang ingin melakukan perjalanan ke Bogor, berikut jadwal Bus Jambi - Bogor untuk keberangkatan Jumat, 7 Juni 2024!. Mengutip laman Redbus.id, ada 14 keberangkatan bus Jambi - Bogor untuk besok. Anda bisa memilih bus Lorena, Bus EPA Star, bus Transport Express Jaya, bus Gumarang Jaya atau bus NPM menyesuaikan harga tiket dan jadwal keberangkatannya.

  24. Site officiel du tourisme Indonésien

    This picture taken by @furstset shows the 47-meter-tall majestic Prambanan Temple in Yogyakarta. This temple is easy to get to; simply take a bus from Tugu Train Station or Halte Malioboro 1. Dream big. Never stop believing. The Earth is gradually healing. We are waiting for the best time for you to come and visit us.

  25. Penerbangan Langsung Busan-Bali Diharapkan Bisa Gaet Turis Korea

    Menparekraf Sandiaga Uno menanggapi rencana pembukaan rute penerbangan langsung Busan-Bali dan Busan-Jakarta.