
It is now possible for scientists and tourists to travel to remote natural environment – IELTS Writing Task 2


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It is now possible for scientists and tourists to travel to remote natural environment – IELTS Writing Task 2

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Given below is a real IELTS Writing Part 2 Essay question, It is now possible for scientists and tourists to travel to remote natural environment. We have provided sample essays as well as an essay outline so that you can practice writing your own!

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Read the sample essay for It is now possible for scientists and tourists to travel to remote natural environment, such as the South Pole. Do the advantages of this development outweigh the disadvantages?

Sample Essay 1 for ‘It is now possible for scientists and tourists to travel to remote natural environment’

As technology has developed, people can now travel to remote natural areas. While this trend is beneficial to some extent, I would argue that its disadvantages are more significant.

On the one hand, visiting isolated natural places has some benefits. Firstly, this is a newer and more interesting type of travelling. Since going to other cities or countries has been too common for most people, it might be more exciting for them to explore new places such as the South Pole or the Amazon rainforest. This gives them valuable experiences and unforgettable memories. Secondly, when visiting remote areas, people, especially scientists, might acquire more knowledge about the natural habitat. For example, when coming to the North Pole, scientists can learn about the life of polar bears which live far away from humans.

On the other hand, I believe this development has far more drawbacks. The first one is that travelling to remote natural areas can be risky if the travellers are not sufficiently prepared. For instance, the temperature at the South Pole is usually very low, which adversely affects people’s health. Travelling to forests can also be dangerous as people have to face the risk of being attacked by animals. Also, since visiting isolated places often requires a large amount of investment in researching and ensuring the safety of travellers, the costs of travelling tend to be high. Therefore, it seems like only scientists and rich people can afford this activity, so this development is likely to benefit only a small group of individuals.

In conclusion, I believe the disadvantages of people being able to travel to remote areas outweigh its advantages.

Useful Vocabulary & Expressions:

  • isolated: far away from any others ==>isolated rural areas
  • common: happening often, existing in large numbers or in many places ==>Jackson is a common English name.
  • adverse: negative and unpleasant==> Lack of money will have an adverse effect on our research program.
  • ensure: to make sure that something happens or is definite ==>The book ensured his success.

Sample Essay 2 for ‘It is now possible for scientists and tourists to travel to remote natural environment’

It is true that humans can now set foot in wild regions far away from civilisation. While I accept that this development can have certain benefits for the human race, I believe that it is likely to have a harmful impact on nature.

On the one hand, undertaking expeditions to the wilderness can be valuable in terms of both science and recreation. There are a considerable number of undiscovered secrets that can be tremendously useful for researchers to conduct their studies. For instance, environmental scientists can analyse the data about the thickness of ice layers over millions of years in both hemispheres to predict the possible changes in global temperatures. Such findings are crucial for the governments to develop appropriate plans to alleviate global warming. Furthermore, the untouched beauty of these areas is usually appealing to travellers, providing people with an attractive option of holiday destination or excursion.

However, I would argue that these positive aspects are outweighed by the drawbacks. When people are given full and easy access to the distant and unpopulated areas, there are likely to be more moving there to reside or start their business. It has been shown that substantial damage has been done to nature such as massive deforestation or water contamination due to humans’ lack of environmental awareness. If there is inadequate protection of the environment from this type of action, wild regions in the world will no longer exist, unspeakably affecting not only the overall ecology but also the lives of other people.

In conclusion, it seems to me that the potential dangers of travelling to wild environments are more significant than the possible benefits for the mentioned reasons.

Useful Expressions:

  • Appealing (adj): attractive or interesting  ==>Overseas students who are offered an appealing salary and position in a foreign company are usually unable to resist the offer and choose to remain in the country instead of returning to their native land.
  • Distant (adj): far away ==>The application of technology in the form of electric household appliances has facilitate the enjoyment of people’s life to a great extent..
  • Unpopulated (adj): having no inhabitants
  • Reside (v): to live, have your home, or stay in a place ==>The huge waves of immigrants from poorer countries flocking to wealthier nations can threaten to take the jobs of those who have resided in their countries for a long time by accepting to work for a much lower pay.
  • Substantial (adj): large in size, value or importance ==>By respecting the substantial differences between the older and the younger generations, the mutual understanding between them can be greatly enhanced.
  • Massive deforestation (noun phrase): the destruction of forests by people on a large scale ==>Massive deforestation is largely attributable to massive deforestation because there are not enough trees to help to hold the flood water.
  • Contamination (n): the action of making something less pure or poisonous. ==>In many rural villages in China and Vietnam, the supply of underground water which has been in use for hundreds of years is now incapable of meeting the growing demand of the expanding population, threatening the health of the people with using water which has not been tested for contamination.
  • Environmental awareness (noun phrase): the understanding that the environment needs to be protected (ý thức bảo vệ môi trường). Ví dụ: The first step to environmental protection is concerned with raising the environmental awareness of individuals.
  • Ecology (n): the relationships between the air, land, water, animals, etc ==>Oil spills cause terrible damage to the fragile ecology of the sea.

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travel to remote natural environment

Ogungbangbe Gbonjubola

Posted on Jun 3, 2022

Exploration to normally remote areas, such as the south pole, is now seen as a plausible reality for both scientists and tourists. However, there are pros and cons to these kinds of activities. I believe, however, that the disadvantages are greater than the advantages.

Being able to travel and explore a new environment definitely has it’s benefits. One of these involves the chance of a new scientific discovery. Places like these can be seen as beehive of new information learned from plants and animals unknown to mankind and can open up doors of knowledge about new drugs and cures for diseases. It could be a breakthrough in the world of research. Another reason is the chance for the common folks to learn new things about the world. It gives opportunities for the expansion of knowledge into nature and can even be seen as a form of excursion for kids. For example, I still remember how fun it was to visit an old landmark in my country when I was a child and that memory is still stuck with me

That being said, these advantages do not negate the fact that opening up isolated areas could lead to destruction of exotic species only known to that area. The “invasion” of some of these places could lead to the extinction of plants and even animals due to exposure to diseases we carry. Speaking of animals, there could be wildlife that are more dangerous than we can handle (mammals that are unknown and reptiles that could be poisonous). In this case, we may not have cures suitable enough to help the injured.

To sum up, while the possibility of learning about another part of out earth might seem fascinating, the dangers it poses may be above the benefits gained,

Posted on Jun 4, 2022

Band Score – 6

Concentrate on the correct usage of articles, prepositions, verb form and punctuation.

Use C2 level of words and appropriate linkers.

Posted on Feb 25, 2022

owing to the advancements in technology ,vacations and research trips to the rural enviroments ,escpecially those located in the south pole have become common.evidently ,this phenomenon has more demerits than merits,and thus ,this essay will elaborate on the topic and justify these views.

on one hand,hinterlands are rich in cultures,traditions and even languages .this makes them the perfect grounds for research work.moreover,they offer a varriety of undiscovered enviroments,ecosystems and animal species.this gives researchers more content to exploit .in addition,these enviroments have not yet been affected by excessive human behaviors that lead to enviromental degradation,therefore they are very authentic.this inturn means that,scientist can get first hand information that is unbiased.

on the other hand,this circumstance puts these formerly inaccessible areas at risk,especially those that are human the past ,the natives of these regions could preserve their natural habitats without any foreign intrusion.nonetheless ,with the ease of movement nowadays,there is a possible threat of invasion of their privacy.the value of their cultures will soon diminish ,and they can even lose their native languages in the long run,as they will be trying to adapt to the international ways of communication.additionally,there will be substantial degradation of the enviroment and pollution of all forms,due to the increased inflow of outsiders.poaching of the rare,endangered species will also become inevitable as more people with hidden agendas will be able to access these areas.

in conclusion,there is no doubt that the effects brought up by this phenomenon are not entirely positive or negative .nonetheless,the drawbacks outweigh the benefits.

Zahid Iqbal

Posted on Oct 25, 2021

Transit to distant natural habitat is achievable by researchers and travelers at the moment, for instance, the South Pole. While there are considerable merits to this advancement, I believe the drawbacks are ubiquitous.

To begin with, there are endless possibilities of exploration of the uncharted. With the help of 21st century technological advancements, the scientists and explorers can uncover the hidden mysteries which will help them iron out the complexities of modern era. For instance, what if they find a bacteria or virus which can be modified to invent a cure for HIV or Cancer?. Besides, deep exploration can lead to not only a cure but it can help reveal a plethora of undiscovered species. Moreover, natural minerals and materials can be discovered by delving deep into the earth.

Secondly, such whimsical environment can contain some major demerits. Safety is the biggest concern for the scientists and travelers. If the surroundings are toxic and hazardous, it can put them in harm’s way. For instance, volcanic eruptions, emission of methane gas, acid rain and so on. Apart from that, even if they managed to reach the forbidden door, there is no guarantee they will not unintentionally harm the nature. Because of the voracious nature of human, It is evident that substantial damage has been done to nature, such as massive deforestation or water contamination due to mankind’s lack of environmental awareness.

To summarize, due to the obscure involvement of risks are far greater than the safety, I believe the hindrance are more significant than the possible benefits for the mentioned reasons.

Janice Thompson

Overall band: 5.0

Cohesion: Learn the use of cohesive devices. Concentrate on the linkers of contrast. Collocations: Learn when to use “human” and “man” Learn contextual vocabulary: The word “Hindrance” used in the conclusion is not the right word there

Azmira Zaman

Posted on Sep 11, 2021

Advances in transportation technology have resulted in easier access to isolated places like the South Pole, but this has a knock-on effect on the environment with many environmentalists struggling to cope with the problem. Despite the drawbacks of this development, there are some advantages as well. This essay outlines the perceived drawbacks and benefits of increased travel to remote places and explains why there are far more significant disadvantages.

The biggest advantage of this problem is that scientists can make new discoveries about microbes and other species of animals and plants. The lack of proper transportation deters researchers from examining the various forms of life available in those countries. For instance, in recent times a variety of new microorganisms and their characteristics have been discovered as opposed to the past. Such findings are crucial for the development of science. Thus the more accessibility to these places, the more growth in the different fields of biology.

Despite this, however, the disadvantage of loss of biodiversity can not be overlooked. Whenever more and more people visit these locations, some areas have to be developed to provide accommodations for them. Any development requires some interference with nature which comes at the cost of it. For example, there may be damage to the natural flora and fauna. Moreover, with more humans in an area, more resources would be required, resulting in the depletion of natural resources. The more popular these regions become, the more adverse effects it has on the environment.

To conclude, the increase in travel to remote areas leads to advancements in science. Nevertheless, the fact that it can be detrimental to the environment can not be ignored. Therefore, the disadvantages outweigh the advantages.

Posted on Aug 29, 2021

With advancements in technology, researchers and explorers can now travel to remote natural environment like the South Pole. I feel exploring the South Pole has more benefits than drawbacks.

For one, scientists will get a chance to conduct research on this untouched land. For instance, they can conduct research on penguins, polar bears, walruses and whales. Moreover, they can do experiments to reverse the rise in global temperature which will be a plus point for mankind. Additionally, visitors can experience extreme adventures that the South Pole has to offer. Hence, there are a lot of advantages in visiting the South Pole.

However, along with numerous advantages there are some disadvantages as well. Firstly, presence of humans will degrade the natural environment of the South Pole. People change their surrounding to their own convenience which adversely affects the environment. For example, when visitors were first allowed in the Amazon Forest for jungle safari, they left plastic bags and bottles there. Secondly, in the South Pole basic amenities are not available. People will have to be prepared for all the mishappenings that nature will throw at them. Finally, as temperature there is well below 0 degrees, travelers can face serious health problems even if they take extreme precautions.

The above look illustrates that though there are a few demerits in exploring the South Pole, the merits outweigh them. The research potential and the experience that South pole provides to scientist and tourists shadows the drawbacks that comes with it. Hence, it is worth exploring the south pole.

Posted on Sep 1, 2021

Overall band: 5.5

Grammatical Range: Work on grammatical numbers and prepositions

Lexical resource: Try to use complex vocabulary

Irfan Noor K

Posted on Aug 26, 2021

People always wanted to explore the untouched and uncharted territories of the South pole, but it was not possible until now. The remote natural environment of the region can possibly be visited by the researcher and general public alike. This essay will argue that despite, the vital information which would be provided by the scientists for the world by studying the south pole, there is a great chance that the continent would suffer due to tourist activities.

If scientists could study the glaciers in the South pole then they would be able to understand the effect of global warming on the rest of the world and would prevent the damage. Although it is hard to contemplate whether human activities have any effect on unexplored regions of the globe or not, nobody would know that unless the researches are conducted on those areas. For instance, if the glaciers are melting significantly then there is a high chance that the world is beyond saving and we are too late to right our wrongdoings, but if they haven’t been affected yet then the scientist could come up with a solution just in time.

On the other hand, tourists had done more harm to any tourists attractions than good; therefore, it is reasonable to state that their activities in the south pole would only harm its natural environment rather than preserve it. Tourists mostly visit places in their leisure while carrying many products for their pleasure, such as plastic bottles which are one of the biggest reasons for pollutions and could create greenhouse gasses after being burnt. Hence, human interactions with nature could cause damage to the environment which would be problematic for every living thing in this world.

People are naturally attracted to places they have never been to and the south pole is no exception in that regard; Although, scientists could provide life-saving information to the world but, the process could open the door for everyone and people can spoil nature for their pleasure rather than knowledge. in my opinion, the advantages can help humanity whereas the price to achieve that is much higher; hence, it is much efficient that the south pole should only be traveled by the scientists.

Overall band: 6.5

Work on improving your vocabulary.

Reza Eslami

Posted on Aug 16, 2021

Due to technology development, people are able to travel to remote destinations such as the arctic. While this trend is beneficial to some extent, in this essay, I would argue that its drawbacks outweigh the advantages. This essay will first demonstrate that touching such isolated places with tourist may change their ecosystems very quickly, followed by a discussion of how entering the scientist would lead to increasing the knowledge of environmental researchers. On the one hand, visiting remote natural places has some benefits. Firstly, when scientists visit such intact places, they can acquire more knowledge about the natural habitat . For example, researchers are able to learn more about polar bears by going to the North Pole. Scientists can also search about the plants growing in very cold weather and improve their information in this regard. Secondly, visiting the new isolated places such as the Arctic and Antarctic is very attractive for tourists. This gives them valuable experience and unforgettable memories. On the other hand, I believe that this possibility has far more drawbacks. The main one is that traveling to unexplored regions is considered as a danger to such places, for they need accommodation, food and transportation which result in soil and air pollution. Unfortunately, bulk of studies have showed human change surrounding ecosystem in favour of their benefits, in other words they are not kind to their natural environment. In conclusion, traveling to remote destinations can be advantageous for scientists, however, disadvantages regarding environmental preservation outweigh and are more important.

Posted on Aug 17, 2021

Overall band : 6.0

Concentrate on Grammatical Range and Accuracy, especially tenses, grammatical numbers and the use of articles.

Rashad Gayibkhanov

Posted on Mar 20, 2017

Nowadays, the opportunity has become available for tourists and scientists to travel to distant natural areas. In my opinion, I tend to believe that travelling these areas can bring about more problems compared to advantages it might bring. One the one hand, travelling to remote natural areas has some benefits. Firstly, scientists and tourists can discover new things about nature. Since the South Pole has not been completely discovered due to its climate, it provides an opportunity for scientists to learn interesting things about its environment. For example, a different sky vision can be seen only in south pole which many tourists and scientists are willing to see. Availability of such opportunity for tourists and scientists is a good experience. Secondly, being able to travel to remote areas tourists can experience life in different conditions. In other words, the temperature in the south pole is usually cold and having an adventure under extreme conditions is a great experience for some people. On the other hand, despite the advantages above, I believe people could face serious drawbacks from travelling those areas. One potentially dangerous problem is that the temperature of the south pole is usually below -10 degrees, and that would probably create some possible serious health risks for scientists and tourists. Making a decision to travel isolated areas with low temperature will probably put tourists and scientists into a big trouble. Another evident issue is that, many vehicles such as helicopters and their communications systems have failed to work in such areas. This would probably bring about life-threatening situations if not prepared beforehand. In conclusion, despite some benefits of travelling to isolated natural areas, I tend to believe that the disadvantages of travelling isolated areas far outweigh the advantages.

The words scientists and tourists are repeated many times in the essay. Try using different words. Work on Grammatical Range and accuracy – especially prepositions

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It Is Now Possible for Scientists and Tourists to Travel to Remote Natural Environments

It is now possible for scientists and tourists to travel to remote natural environments, such as the South Pole. Do the advantages of this development outweigh the disadvantages?

Sample 1 It Is Now Possible for Scientists and Tourists to Travel to Remote Natural Environments

Nowadays, owing to the development of technology, a number of humans are reaching remote places, including the South pole, which our ancestors had yearned to reach. Although some people believe this brings disadvantages, I believe this development entails more merits than drawbacks.

On the one hand, the first drawback is that travelling to distant natural environments destroys the previous biodiversity. With the advance in tourism, incoming visitors can alter the existing nature of animals and plants. Furthermore, travel plans always have a considerable possibility of encountering disasters. Destinations are the places that have not been investigated enough due to severe natural conditions, which may result in large-scale incidents. For example, at the South pole, a great number of explorers disappeared because of unexpected weather or terrain.

On the other hand, I argue that there are more advantages than drawbacks. First of all, expeditions can broaden the potential for future research since there is no data on such places for the investigations of new findings on biodiversity and historical routes. For instance, the investigations on the volume of ice at the South Pole revealed that the pace of ice decline was a serious issue. The research result became a wake-up call to the international community. In addition, commercialising travel increases business opportunities. This inspires the local economy and gives financial security for preservation.


In conclusion, in my opinion, though travels to unreclaimed lands have hazardous effects on the environment and safety, this situation gives positive consequences through the progress in research and enlarging business opportunities.

Sample 2 It Is Now Possible for Scientists and Tourists to Travel to Remote Natural Environments

The ability to travel to remote natural environments, such as the South Pole, presents both advantages and disadvantages. On the one hand, it allows scientists and tourists to gain first-hand experience of some of the most fascinating and untouched natural landscapes on the planet. On the other hand, such travel can have negative impacts on the environment and the delicate ecosystems that exist in these areas.

One advantage of travelling to remote natural environments is the opportunity it provides for scientific research. Scientists can study flora and fauna of these regions, conduct experiments, and make observations that would not be possible in other settings. This can lead to important discoveries and a better understanding of the natural world. Furthermore, tourism can generate revenue for the local communities and promote conservation efforts in these regions.

However, there are also several disadvantages to this development. One of the biggest concerns is the potential damage to the environment caused by increased human activity. Human waste, pollution, and disturbances can all have negative impacts on the delicate ecosystems that exist in these areas. Additionally, the travel itself can contribute to climate change through the release of carbon emissions, further exacerbating the negative effects on the environment.

Moreover, tourism can also disrupt the lives of the indigenous people who live in these regions. Tourists may unwittingly disrespect the cultural traditions of these communities or bring new diseases that could be harmful to the local population. This can lead to social and cultural conflicts that may have long-lasting effects on the local communities.

In conclusion, while the ability to travel to remote natural environments can provide benefits in terms of scientific research and tourism revenue, it also has negative impacts on the environment and the local communities. The advantages and disadvantages of this development should be carefully weighed, and measures should be taken to mitigate the negative effects of increased human activity in these areas.

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It Is Now Possible For Scientists And Tourists To Travel To Remote Natural Environments

  • IELTS Writing Task 2

IELTS Writing Task 2 with sample answer.

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Write at least 250 words.

It is now possible for scientists and tourists to travel to remote natural environments, such as the South Pole

Do the advantages of this development outweigh the disadvantages?

Sample Answer:

Nowadays, due to the advancements in technology, it is possible for scientists and tourists to travel to remote natural environments, such as the South Pole. This essay will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of such a development before making a conclusion on whether its advantages outweigh its disadvantages.

One of the main benefits of allowing scientists to access such remote locations is the discoveries that can be made. For example, a study that was conducted in Antarctica revealed the discovery of new species of bacteria, which could have implications for medical research. In addition to this, scientists are able to collect data and carry out experiments in such remote environments, which would otherwise be impossible. This can be used to monitor the health of the environment, as well as provide insight into climate change.

On the other hand, allowing tourists to visit such remote locations can have both positive and negative impacts. On the one hand, it can help to promote environmental awareness and appreciation, as well as providing income for local communities. However, there are also the risks of increased pollution and damage to the environment. For example, tourists may not be aware of the fragility of the environment, and can cause damage to the local ecosystem. In addition, the influx of tourists could also lead to an increase in prices for goods and services, as well as an increase in litter and waste.

In conclusion, it seems that the advantages of allowing scientists and tourists to access remote locations, such as the South Pole, outweigh the disadvantages. Scientists can make new discoveries, as well as monitor the health of the environment, while tourists can help to promote environmental awareness. However, it is important that measures are taken to protect the environment, such as educating tourists on the fragility of the environment, and enforcing strict regulations on the amount of pollution and waste that can be produced.

IELTS writing task 2: Advantage/Disadvantage Essay – Topic: Travel

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It is now possible for scientists and tourists to travel to remote natural environments


You should spend about 40 minutes on  IELTS writing task 2 .

It is now possible for scientists and tourists to travel to remote natural environments, such as the South Pole. Do the advantages of this development outweigh the disadvantages?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience. You should write at least 250 words.

Sample Answer

People can now go to isolated natural regions because of advancements in technology. However, in my perspective, it has more drawbacks because it may be harmful and costly for the majority of the population. In the forthcoming sentences, I will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the issue and explain why I believe in the latter.

There are certain benefits to exploring remote natural areas. To begin with, this is a newer and more fascinating kind of transportation. For people who are bored of visiting other cities or nations, the South Pole could be a thrilling alternative. This provides them with priceless experiences and lasting memories. Secondly, when individuals, particularly scientists, travel to isolated regions, they may better understand the natural environment.

However, I believe the most significant downside is that traveling to isolated nature regions might be dangerous if travelers are not adequately equipped. The other danger of going to an isolated natural environment is encountering wild animals. The temperature in the South Pole, for example, is often relatively low, which has a negative impact on people’s health. Travel expenditures are also costly since accessing remote locations necessitates a significant investment in research. Additionally, the safety of visitors is a bigger concern since there is a lack of environmental awareness amongst people. As a result, it appears that only scientists and the wealthy can finance this activity.

To summarise, while seeing fascinating new places may entice some people, I feel the drawbacks of people being able to go to remote areas outweigh the benefits since it is not only costly, but it also puts people’s lives in jeopardy.

Structure of the essay

You are asked to write an advantages/disadvantages essay. This precisely means that you have to explain the advantages and disadvantages.

Remember to jot down all the points (advantages & disadvantages) before you begin the essay.

Introduction: People can now go to isolated natural regions because of advancements in technology. However, in my perspective, it has more drawbacks because it may be harmful and costly for the majority of the population.

Body Paragraph 1:


  • New technology and transportation system
  • A priceless experience and lasting memories
  • Improves understanding of natural environment Body Paragraph 2:


  • Needs well-developed equipment
  • Possibility of encountering wild animals
  • Extreme weather conditions
  • Travel expenditures are also costly
  • Lack of environmental awareness amongst people


Summarised the advantages and disadvantages.

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Ielts writing task 2 sample 534 - many scientists and tourists would like to travel to remote natural environments, ielts writing task 2/ ielts essay:, nowadays many scientists and tourists would like to travel to remote natural environments, such as the south pole..

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It is now possible for scientists and tourists to travel to remote natural environments

minhphamqb 1 / 1   Oct 26, 2016   #1 The isolated natural places are attracted scientists and travelers currently. While I accept that there are some advantages of this trend, I believe that its disadvantages are more significant. On the one hand, traveling in the remote natural environments is beneficial in some ways. These places have a great value of source information about natural resources. It is undeniable that a variety of animals and plants that are latent extinction risk, have discovered by scientists in these areas. As a resulted, scientists and authorities will have measures and projects together in order to protect these such as set up protected areas. Additionally, the isolated places are often attracted visitors who want to experience challenges. An example of this idea is a popular destination namely Son Dong cave in Vietnam, where any travelers try to register successfully as a member in this tour. On the other hand, I would argue that these drawbacks are outweighed by the benefits. Firstly, visiting to remote natural environments can bring much of high risks. There are several hazards can be threatened these individuals. For instance, it is obviously dangerous for people if they can be attackable by several poisoning animals such as snakes, spiders in these places. Secondly, the accessing of these people have increasingly damaged in the ecology-environment system. Much of individuals try to exploit natural resource by logging timber, collecting wild animals, non-timber product forest in these areas. Therefore, the natural resources will be dwindling shortly in near future. In conclusion, it seems to me that the drawbacks of visiting in isolated natural areas are more significant the possible benefits. (268 words)

travel to remote natural environment

OP minhphamqb 1 / 1   Oct 26, 2016   #3 Could you please predict my band with this essay :)

travel to remote natural environment

Passing Thru Travel

The 15 Best Places to Live and Work Remotely in 2024 – Digital Nomad’s Guide to the Globe

Posted: February 15, 2024 | Last updated: February 15, 2024

<p><strong>In the age of remote work, digital nomads have the unique opportunity to blend their professional lives with their love for travel. But with the whole world to choose from, deciding where to set up your laptop can be daunting. This guide highlights 15 international destinations that stand out for digital nomads, offering a mix of reliable internet, welcoming communities, and lifestyles conducive to productivity and exploration.</strong></p>

In the age of remote work, digital nomads have the unique opportunity to blend their professional lives with their love for travel. But with the whole world to choose from, deciding where to set up your laptop can be daunting. This guide highlights 15 international destinations that stand out for digital nomads, offering a mix of reliable internet, welcoming communities, and lifestyles conducive to productivity and exploration.

<p><span>As a digital nomad in Bali, you’ll find yourself in an idyllic setting that balances work and leisure perfectly. The island is a hub for remote workers, thanks to its serene environment, affordable cost of living, and vibrant community of expatriates and fellow nomads. You can set up your workspace in one of the many co-working spaces or cafes, where high-speed internet and a supportive community are the norms.</span></p> <p><span>Bali’s lifestyle is conducive to productivity, with its tranquil beaches, lush landscapes, and rich cultural experiences providing a perfect backdrop for creativity and inspiration. The island also offers a range of accommodation options, from budget-friendly guesthouses to luxury villas, all catering to the needs of a digital nomad. This blend of work-friendly infrastructure and an enriching living experience makes Bali an ideal destination for those looking to combine their professional aspirations with a love for travel and exploration.</span></p> <p><b>Visa Requirements: </b><span>Indonesia offers a tourist visa for short stays and a social visa for longer stays, which can be extended.</span></p> <p><b>Insider’s Tip: </b><span>Ubud and Canggu are popular among nomads for their co-working spaces.</span></p> <p><b>Getting There: </b><span>Fly into Ngurah Rai International Airport in Denpasar.</span></p>

Bali, Indonesia

As a digital nomad in Bali, you’ll find yourself in an idyllic setting that balances work and leisure perfectly. The island is a hub for remote workers, thanks to its serene environment, affordable cost of living, and vibrant community of expatriates and fellow nomads. You can set up your workspace in one of the many co-working spaces or cafes, where high-speed internet and a supportive community are the norms.

Bali’s lifestyle is conducive to productivity, with its tranquil beaches, lush landscapes, and rich cultural experiences providing a perfect backdrop for creativity and inspiration. The island also offers a range of accommodation options, from budget-friendly guesthouses to luxury villas, all catering to the needs of a digital nomad. This blend of work-friendly infrastructure and an enriching living experience makes Bali an ideal destination for those looking to combine their professional aspirations with a love for travel and exploration.

Visa Requirements: Indonesia offers a tourist visa for short stays and a social visa for longer stays, which can be extended.

Insider’s Tip: Ubud and Canggu are popular among nomads for their co-working spaces.

Getting There: Fly into Ngurah Rai International Airport in Denpasar.

<p><span>In Chiang Mai, you’ll find an ideal haven for digital nomads, characterized by its low cost of living, fast internet, and a robust community of like-minded individuals. This city has become a preferred destination for remote workers, offering affordable housing options and numerous co-working spaces equipped with high-speed internet. Chiang Mai’s digital nomad community is welcoming and diverse, providing ample opportunities for networking and socializing.</span></p> <p><span>The city combines modern amenities with rich cultural heritage, allowing you to work efficiently while experiencing the unique Thai culture, from bustling markets to serene temples. The affordability of living in Chiang Mai means you can enjoy a high quality of life without stretching your budget, whether you’re savoring local Thai cuisine, exploring the surrounding landscapes, or simply enjoying the city’s laid-back atmosphere.</span></p> <p><b>Visa Requirements: </b><span>Thailand offers a tourist visa and a special long-term visa for digital nomads.</span></p> <p><b>Insider’s Tip: </b><span>Check out the many cafes with excellent Wi-Fi and coffee.</span></p> <p><b>Getting There: </b><span>Chiang Mai International Airport has flights from major Asian cities.</span></p>

Chiang Mai, Thailand

In Chiang Mai, you’ll find an ideal haven for digital nomads, characterized by its low cost of living, fast internet, and a robust community of like-minded individuals. This city has become a preferred destination for remote workers, offering affordable housing options and numerous co-working spaces equipped with high-speed internet. Chiang Mai’s digital nomad community is welcoming and diverse, providing ample opportunities for networking and socializing.

The city combines modern amenities with rich cultural heritage, allowing you to work efficiently while experiencing the unique Thai culture, from bustling markets to serene temples. The affordability of living in Chiang Mai means you can enjoy a high quality of life without stretching your budget, whether you’re savoring local Thai cuisine, exploring the surrounding landscapes, or simply enjoying the city’s laid-back atmosphere.

Visa Requirements: Thailand offers a tourist visa and a special long-term visa for digital nomads.

Insider’s Tip: Check out the many cafes with excellent Wi-Fi and coffee.

Getting There: Chiang Mai International Airport has flights from major Asian cities.

<p><span>Thanks to its vibrant startup scene, cultural diversity, and excellent infrastructure, Berlin is a magnet for digital nomads. As a hub of innovation and entrepreneurship, Berlin offers an inspiring environment for creative minds and tech enthusiasts. The city’s cultural diversity enriches your experience, providing a broad spectrum of perspectives and ideas. Its infrastructure is well-suited for remote work, with reliable public transportation and a plethora of co-working spaces.</span></p> <p><span>Berlin’s rich history and dynamic arts scene adds another layer of appeal, allowing you to immerse yourself in a city that seamlessly blends its past with a forward-thinking ethos. Whether you’re networking in trendy cafés, collaborating in modern workspaces, or exploring the city’s many historical and cultural attractions, Berlin provides a stimulating backdrop for your professional and personal growth.</span></p> <p><b>Visa Requirements: </b><span>Germany offers a range of visas, including the freelancer visa for non-EU citizens.</span></p> <p><b>Insider’s Tip: </b><span>Explore co-working spaces in Kreuzberg and Neukölln.</span></p> <p><b>Getting There: </b><span>Berlin Brandenburg Airport is the main international gateway.</span></p>

Berlin, Germany

Thanks to its vibrant startup scene, cultural diversity, and excellent infrastructure, Berlin is a magnet for digital nomads. As a hub of innovation and entrepreneurship, Berlin offers an inspiring environment for creative minds and tech enthusiasts. The city’s cultural diversity enriches your experience, providing a broad spectrum of perspectives and ideas. Its infrastructure is well-suited for remote work, with reliable public transportation and a plethora of co-working spaces.

Berlin’s rich history and dynamic arts scene adds another layer of appeal, allowing you to immerse yourself in a city that seamlessly blends its past with a forward-thinking ethos. Whether you’re networking in trendy cafés, collaborating in modern workspaces, or exploring the city’s many historical and cultural attractions, Berlin provides a stimulating backdrop for your professional and personal growth.

Visa Requirements: Germany offers a range of visas, including the freelancer visa for non-EU citizens.

Insider’s Tip: Explore co-working spaces in Kreuzberg and Neukölln.

Getting There: Berlin Brandenburg Airport is the main international gateway.

<p><span>In Lisbon, you’ll find yourself in a city becoming increasingly popular among digital nomads, thanks to its great weather, affordable cost of living, and burgeoning tech scene. The city’s mild climate allows for an enjoyable outdoor lifestyle year-round, perfect for work and leisure. Lisbon offers a cost-effective living environment, especially compared to other major European cities, allowing your budget to stretch further.</span></p> <p><span>The growing tech scene in Lisbon is also a significant draw, with an increasing number of startups and tech events fostering a dynamic and innovative atmosphere. The city’s blend of traditional charm and modern amenities makes it an attractive location for remote work. From its historic neighborhoods and vibrant cultural life to its beautiful beaches and welcoming community, Lisbon provides a balanced environment catering to your professional needs and personal interests.</span></p> <p><b>Visa Requirements: </b><span>Portugal has a digital nomad visa as part of its temporary stay visa.</span></p> <p><b>Insider’s Tip: </b><span>Enjoy the numerous outdoor cafes and rooftop terraces.</span></p> <p><b>Getting There: </b><span>Fly into Lisbon Portela Airport.</span></p>

Lisbon, Portugal

In Lisbon, you’ll find yourself in a city becoming increasingly popular among digital nomads, thanks to its great weather, affordable cost of living, and burgeoning tech scene. The city’s mild climate allows for an enjoyable outdoor lifestyle year-round, perfect for work and leisure. Lisbon offers a cost-effective living environment, especially compared to other major European cities, allowing your budget to stretch further.

The growing tech scene in Lisbon is also a significant draw, with an increasing number of startups and tech events fostering a dynamic and innovative atmosphere. The city’s blend of traditional charm and modern amenities makes it an attractive location for remote work. From its historic neighborhoods and vibrant cultural life to its beautiful beaches and welcoming community, Lisbon provides a balanced environment catering to your professional needs and personal interests.

Visa Requirements: Portugal has a digital nomad visa as part of its temporary stay visa.

Insider’s Tip: Enjoy the numerous outdoor cafes and rooftop terraces.

Getting There: Fly into Lisbon Portela Airport.

<p><span>As a digital nomad in Buenos Aires, Argentina, you’ll be immersed in a city renowned for its vibrant culture, bustling nightlife, and surprisingly affordable lifestyle. This lively metropolis offers a rich tapestry of experiences, from tango music echoing in the streets to the colorful murals that adorn the city walls. The cost of living here is lower than in many other major cities, making it an attractive destination for those seeking a high-quality yet economical lifestyle.</span></p> <p><span>Buenos Aires is also a cultural hub, with various cafes, theaters, and bookstores catering to diverse tastes and interests. The city’s vibrant and diverse nightlife offers everything from traditional milongas to contemporary clubs and bars. As a digital nomad, you’ll find that Buenos Aires combines the excitement of a large city with the warmth of Argentine hospitality, making it a stimulating and enjoyable place to live and work.</span></p> <p><b>Visa Requirements: </b><span>Argentina offers a tourist visa, extendable for up to 90 days.</span></p> <p><b>Insider’s Tip: </b><span>Palermo is a trendy neighborhood popular with expats.</span></p> <p><b>Getting There: </b><span>Ministro Pistarini International Airport is the main entry point.</span></p>

Buenos Aires, Argentina

As a digital nomad in Buenos Aires, Argentina, you’ll be immersed in a city renowned for its vibrant culture, bustling nightlife, and surprisingly affordable lifestyle. This lively metropolis offers a rich tapestry of experiences, from tango music echoing in the streets to the colorful murals that adorn the city walls. The cost of living here is lower than in many other major cities, making it an attractive destination for those seeking a high-quality yet economical lifestyle.

Buenos Aires is also a cultural hub, with various cafes, theaters, and bookstores catering to diverse tastes and interests. The city’s vibrant and diverse nightlife offers everything from traditional milongas to contemporary clubs and bars. As a digital nomad, you’ll find that Buenos Aires combines the excitement of a large city with the warmth of Argentine hospitality, making it a stimulating and enjoyable place to live and work.

Visa Requirements: Argentina offers a tourist visa, extendable for up to 90 days.

Insider’s Tip: Palermo is a trendy neighborhood popular with expats.

Getting There: Ministro Pistarini International Airport is the main entry point.

<p><span>Connected to Letná Park by a modern footbridge, you will head to the Chotek Gardens, a beautiful park beside the next big stop on your walk, Prague Castle. Seat to the kings of Bohemia and currently the official residence of the president of the Czech Republic, Prague Castle awaits after a short walk through its exterior gardens.</span></p> <p><span>Originating in the late 9th century, this castle houses St. George’s Basilica and St. Vitus Cathedral, two of the most beautiful religious sites the world’s most atheist country has to offer. You can take several historical tours around the castle or simply walk around and appreciate the interior on your own, but don’t miss the gardens on the southern wall that offer another great view of the city.</span></p> <p><b>Insider’s Tip: </b><span>Buy a combined ticket with entry to multiple parts of the castle to save money and explore more.</span></p>

Prague, Czech Republic

You’ll be surrounded by a city steeped in rich history, evident in its stunning architecture and centuries-old streets. As a digital nomad, you’ll appreciate Prague’s robust infrastructure, including reliable public transport and high-speed internet, facilitating work and exploration. The city’s central location in Europe makes it a strategic base for traveling to other European destinations, offering convenience and adventure.

Prague’s historical ambiance and modern amenities provide a unique work environment. You can spend your days working in cozy cafés or modern co-working spaces and your evenings exploring the city’s vibrant cultural scene, from its famed Charles Bridge to the numerous museums and galleries. Prague offers a perfect balance of work and leisure, allowing you to immerse yourself in its rich cultural heritage while staying connected and productive.

Visa Requirements: Czech Republic offers a long-term business visa for digital nomads.

Insider’s Tip: Take advantage of the city’s excellent public transportation.

Getting There: Václav Havel Airport Prague offers numerous international connections.

<p><span>Barcelona is a city celebrated for its stunning architecture, from the whimsical works of Gaudí to the Gothic Quarter’s medieval charm. As a digital nomad, the city’s pleasant Mediterranean climate provides an ideal backdrop for work and leisure, allowing for an enjoyable outdoor lifestyle throughout the year. </span><span>Barcelona also has dynamic co-working spaces, fostering a creative and collaborative environment for professionals from various sectors. </span><span>These spaces often host community events and workshops, providing opportunities for networking and skill development.</span></p> <p><span>Additionally, the city’s blend of cultural richness, from its world-class museums to vibrant street life, ensures there’s always something new to explore and draw inspiration from. </span><span>In Barcelona, a favorable climate, innovative workspaces, and a deep cultural heritage create an enriching and balanced experience for remote work and living.</span></p> <p><b>Visa Requirements: </b><span>Spain has a non-lucrative visa suitable for digital nomads.</span></p> <p><b>Insider’s Tip: </b><span>Explore the city’s diverse neighborhoods, each with its unique vibe.</span></p> <p><b>Getting There: </b><span>Barcelona-El Prat Airport serves many international flights.</span></p>

Barcelona, Spain

Barcelona is a city celebrated for its stunning architecture, from the whimsical works of Gaudí to the Gothic Quarter’s medieval charm. As a digital nomad, the city’s pleasant Mediterranean climate provides an ideal backdrop for work and leisure, allowing for an enjoyable outdoor lifestyle throughout the year. Barcelona also has dynamic co-working spaces, fostering a creative and collaborative environment for professionals from various sectors. These spaces often host community events and workshops, providing opportunities for networking and skill development.

Additionally, the city’s blend of cultural richness, from its world-class museums to vibrant street life, ensures there’s always something new to explore and draw inspiration from. In Barcelona, a favorable climate, innovative workspaces, and a deep cultural heritage create an enriching and balanced experience for remote work and living.

Visa Requirements: Spain has a non-lucrative visa suitable for digital nomads.

Insider’s Tip: Explore the city’s diverse neighborhoods, each with its unique vibe.

Getting There: Barcelona-El Prat Airport serves many international flights.

<p><span>Discover a vibrant metropolis teeming with rich culture and an exceptional culinary scene, making it a favored destination for expats and digital nomads. The city’s vast cultural landscape is dotted with historical landmarks, museums, and art galleries, providing a deep dive into Mexico’s heritage. The cuisine, ranging from street food to high-end restaurants, offers a gastronomic adventure with diverse and delectable flavors.</span></p> <p><span>As an expat, you’ll find Mexico City’s atmosphere remarkably welcoming, with locals known for their warmth and hospitality. This sense of inclusivity extends into the thriving community of digital nomads and expats, where you can easily find networks and social groups. Whether working from a bustling café, exploring the colorful markets, or enjoying the lively nightlife, Mexico City offers a dynamic and enriching environment for personal and professional growth.</span></p> <p><b>Visa Requirements: </b><span>Mexico offers a six-month tourist visa upon arrival for many nationalities.</span></p> <p><b>Insider’s Tip: </b><span>Condesa and Roma neighborhoods are trendy among nomads.</span></p> <p><b>Getting There: </b><span>Mexico City International Airport is well-connected globally.</span></p>

Mexico City, Mexico

Discover a vibrant metropolis teeming with rich culture and an exceptional culinary scene, making it a favored destination for expats and digital nomads. The city’s vast cultural landscape is dotted with historical landmarks, museums, and art galleries, providing a deep dive into Mexico’s heritage. The cuisine, ranging from street food to high-end restaurants, offers a gastronomic adventure with diverse and delectable flavors.

As an expat, you’ll find Mexico City’s atmosphere remarkably welcoming, with locals known for their warmth and hospitality. This sense of inclusivity extends into the thriving community of digital nomads and expats, where you can easily find networks and social groups. Whether working from a bustling café, exploring the colorful markets, or enjoying the lively nightlife, Mexico City offers a dynamic and enriching environment for personal and professional growth.

Visa Requirements: Mexico offers a six-month tourist visa upon arrival for many nationalities.

Insider’s Tip: Condesa and Roma neighborhoods are trendy among nomads.

Getting There: Mexico City International Airport is well-connected globally.

<p><span>Tallinn is at the forefront of digital innovation, recognized for its pioneering e-residency programs and vibrant tech community. As a digital nomad, this environment is ideal, offering advanced digital infrastructure and a supportive network for tech professionals. The e-residency program provides a unique opportunity for remote workers to establish and run a business virtually within the EU.</span></p> <p><span>Tallinn’s tech community is not just about business; it’s also about collaboration and creativity, with numerous tech events, meetups, and co-working spaces fostering a sense of community and innovation. The city’s blend of medieval charm and modern amenities provides an inspiring backdrop for your work. Living in Tallinn means being part of a progressive, digitally advanced society where technology is seamlessly integrated into everyday life, making it a perfect match for those who thrive in a forward-thinking and dynamic environment.</span></p> <p><b>Visa Requirements: </b><span>Estonia offers a digital nomad visa for remote workers.</span></p> <p><b>Insider’s Tip: </b><span>Check out the Telliskivi Creative City for co-working spaces.</span></p> <p><b>Getting There: </b><span>Lennart Meri Tallinn Airport is the main international airport.</span></p>

Tallinn, Estonia

Tallinn is at the forefront of digital innovation, recognized for its pioneering e-residency programs and vibrant tech community. As a digital nomad, this environment is ideal, offering advanced digital infrastructure and a supportive network for tech professionals. The e-residency program provides a unique opportunity for remote workers to establish and run a business virtually within the EU.

Tallinn’s tech community is not just about business; it’s also about collaboration and creativity, with numerous tech events, meetups, and co-working spaces fostering a sense of community and innovation. The city’s blend of medieval charm and modern amenities provides an inspiring backdrop for your work. Living in Tallinn means being part of a progressive, digitally advanced society where technology is seamlessly integrated into everyday life, making it a perfect match for those who thrive in a forward-thinking and dynamic environment.

Visa Requirements: Estonia offers a digital nomad visa for remote workers.

Insider’s Tip: Check out the Telliskivi Creative City for co-working spaces.

Getting There: Lennart Meri Tallinn Airport is the main international airport.

<p><span>Immerse yourself in the energy of Bangkok that buzzes with vibrant street life, bustling markets, and a skyline that blends traditional temples with modern high-rises. As a digital nomad, you’ll appreciate Bangkok’s affordable cost of living, which makes it possible to enjoy a high standard of living without breaking the bank. The city is also emerging as a hub for entrepreneurs and startups, offering networking opportunities and resources for those looking to grow their businesses or start new ventures.</span></p> <p><span>The local community welcomes expats and fellow nomads, making fitting in and finding your niche easy. Whether working from a trendy café in Sukhumvit, exploring the rich cultural heritage in the old town, or enjoying the city’s renowned street food, Bangkok offers a dynamic and stimulating environment that is both inspiring and conducive to productivity.</span></p> <p><b>Visa Requirements: </b><span>Thailand’s special long-term visa accommodates digital nomads.</span></p> <p><b>Insider’s Tip: </b><span>Explore the city’s diverse food markets for a taste of local cuisine.</span></p> <p><b>Getting There: </b><span>Suvarnabhumi Airport and Don Mueang International Airport serve Bangkok.</span></p>

Bangkok, Thailand

Immerse yourself in the energy of Bangkok that buzzes with vibrant street life, bustling markets, and a skyline that blends traditional temples with modern high-rises. As a digital nomad, you’ll appreciate Bangkok’s affordable cost of living, which makes it possible to enjoy a high standard of living without breaking the bank. The city is also emerging as a hub for entrepreneurs and startups, offering networking opportunities and resources for those looking to grow their businesses or start new ventures.

The local community welcomes expats and fellow nomads, making fitting in and finding your niche easy. Whether working from a trendy café in Sukhumvit, exploring the rich cultural heritage in the old town, or enjoying the city’s renowned street food, Bangkok offers a dynamic and stimulating environment that is both inspiring and conducive to productivity.

Visa Requirements: Thailand’s special long-term visa accommodates digital nomads.

Insider’s Tip: Explore the city’s diverse food markets for a taste of local cuisine.

Getting There: Suvarnabhumi Airport and Don Mueang International Airport serve Bangkok.

<p><span>Tbilisi is a city where affordability meets a rich tapestry of culture and history, making it an increasingly popular choice for digital nomads. The cost of living here is remarkably low compared to many European cities, allowing you to enjoy a comfortable lifestyle without stretching your budget. Tbilisi’s charm lies in its friendly locals, who are known for their hospitality, making it easy for you to feel at home and integrate into the community.</span></p> <p><span>The city offers a unique cultural experience, blending its historic past with a growing contemporary arts scene. Stroll through the old town’s cobbled streets, visit the diverse array of cafes and eateries, and immerse yourself in the vibrant mix of Eastern and Western influences that define Tbilisi’s identity. This balance of affordability, welcoming atmosphere, and cultural richness makes Tbilisi an attractive destination for those seeking a unique, off-the-beaten-path experience while working remotely.</span></p> <p><b>Visa Requirements: </b><span>Georgia’s Remotely from Georgia program welcomes digital nomads.</span></p> <p><b>Insider’s Tip: </b><span>Enjoy the city’s blend of modern and historic architecture.</span></p> <p><b>Getting There: </b><span>Tbilisi International Airport has regular flights from Europe and Asia.</span></p>

Tbilisi, Georgia

Tbilisi is a city where affordability meets a rich tapestry of culture and history, making it an increasingly popular choice for digital nomads. The cost of living here is remarkably low compared to many European cities, allowing you to enjoy a comfortable lifestyle without stretching your budget. Tbilisi’s charm lies in its friendly locals, who are known for their hospitality, making it easy for you to feel at home and integrate into the community.

The city offers a unique cultural experience, blending its historic past with a growing contemporary arts scene. Stroll through the old town’s cobbled streets, visit the diverse array of cafes and eateries, and immerse yourself in the vibrant mix of Eastern and Western influences that define Tbilisi’s identity. This balance of affordability, welcoming atmosphere, and cultural richness makes Tbilisi an attractive destination for those seeking a unique, off-the-beaten-path experience while working remotely.

Visa Requirements: Georgia’s Remotely from Georgia program welcomes digital nomads.

Insider’s Tip: Enjoy the city’s blend of modern and historic architecture.

Getting There: Tbilisi International Airport has regular flights from Europe and Asia.

<p><span>In Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, you’ll find yourself in a dynamic urban environment with an appealing mix of affordability and a lively international community. The city, known for its energy and bustling streets, presents a low cost of living, allowing you to enjoy a variety of experiences without a hefty price tag. Ho Chi Minh City is a magnet for expatriates and digital nomads, creating a vibrant and diverse community where you can easily connect with others from around the world.</span></p> <p><span>The city’s landscape blends modern skyscrapers, French colonial architecture, and traditional Vietnamese elements, providing a stimulating backdrop for daily life. Whether working in a trendy café in District 1, exploring the rich history and culture, or sampling the renowned Vietnamese cuisine, Ho Chi Minh City offers a dynamic setting that caters to both your professional needs and your adventurous spirit.</span></p> <p><b>Visa Requirements: </b><span>Vietnam offers a business visa that can be suitable for digital nomads.</span></p> <p><b>Insider’s Tip: </b><span>District 1 is popular for its cafes and co-working spaces.</span></p> <p><b>Getting There: </b><span>Tan Son Nhat International Airport is the main gateway.</span></p>

Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

In Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, you’ll find yourself in a dynamic urban environment with an appealing mix of affordability and a lively international community. The city, known for its energy and bustling streets, presents a low cost of living, allowing you to enjoy a variety of experiences without a hefty price tag. Ho Chi Minh City is a magnet for expatriates and digital nomads, creating a vibrant and diverse community where you can easily connect with others from around the world.

The city’s landscape blends modern skyscrapers, French colonial architecture, and traditional Vietnamese elements, providing a stimulating backdrop for daily life. Whether working in a trendy café in District 1, exploring the rich history and culture, or sampling the renowned Vietnamese cuisine, Ho Chi Minh City offers a dynamic setting that caters to both your professional needs and your adventurous spirit.

Visa Requirements: Vietnam offers a business visa that can be suitable for digital nomads.

Insider’s Tip: District 1 is popular for its cafes and co-working spaces.

Getting There: Tan Son Nhat International Airport is the main gateway.

<p><span>Often called the ‘City of Eternal Spring,’ Medellín has a pleasant climate year-round, making it an ideal destination for digital nomads seeking a comfortable environment to work and live. The city has undergone a remarkable transformation and now boasts a vibrant digital nomad community supported by numerous co-working spaces and a growing tech scene. Medellín’s welcoming atmosphere is complemented by its lush greenery and beautiful landscapes, which perfectly balance urban living and natural beauty.</span></p> <p><span>The city’s cultural richness, colorful neighborhoods, lively music scene, and friendly locals add to its appeal. Networking opportunities abound, whether in professional settings or casual meetups, allowing you to connect with like-minded individuals and immerse yourself in the local and expat communities. Medellín’s combination of pleasant weather, affordable living, and dynamic community creates an attractive and stimulating environment for remote workers.</span></p> <p><b>Visa Requirements: </b><span>Colombia offers a tourist visa and has proposed a digital nomad visa.</span></p> <p><b>Insider’s Tip: </b><span>Poblado and Laureles are neighborhoods popular with digital nomads.</span></p> <p><b>Getting There: </b><span>José María Córdova International Airport serves Medellín.</span></p>

Medellín, Colombia

Often called the ‘City of Eternal Spring,’ Medellín has a pleasant climate year-round, making it an ideal destination for digital nomads seeking a comfortable environment to work and live. The city has undergone a remarkable transformation and now boasts a vibrant digital nomad community supported by numerous co-working spaces and a growing tech scene. Medellín’s welcoming atmosphere is complemented by its lush greenery and beautiful landscapes, which perfectly balance urban living and natural beauty.

The city’s cultural richness, colorful neighborhoods, lively music scene, and friendly locals add to its appeal. Networking opportunities abound, whether in professional settings or casual meetups, allowing you to connect with like-minded individuals and immerse yourself in the local and expat communities. Medellín’s combination of pleasant weather, affordable living, and dynamic community creates an attractive and stimulating environment for remote workers.

Visa Requirements: Colombia offers a tourist visa and has proposed a digital nomad visa.

Insider’s Tip: Poblado and Laureles are neighborhoods popular with digital nomads.

Getting There: José María Córdova International Airport serves Medellín.

<p><span>The interplay between natural beauty and cultural diversity creates an extraordinary experience in Cape Town. The city is dramatically set against the backdrop of Table Mountain, with stunning beaches and the expansive Atlantic Ocean framing its borders. This unique geography offers a plethora of outdoor activities, from hiking up Lion’s Head for panoramic views to exploring the biodiversity of the Cape Floral Kingdom. The natural wonders of Cape Town are not just a backdrop but an integral part of the city’s identity, deeply influencing the lifestyle and leisure activities of its residents.</span></p> <p><span>Cape Town’s cultural landscape is just as diverse as its natural one. The city boasts a rich history that reflects a blend of Indigenous, Dutch, British, and Malay influences, visible in its architecture, cuisine, and traditions. District Six Museum and Robben Island, where Nelson Mandela was imprisoned, provide poignant insights into South Africa’s apartheid past. Meanwhile, the vibrant neighborhoods of Bo-Kaap and Woodstock showcase the city’s artistic and creative side, with colorful buildings, street art, and trendy cafes. In Cape Town, the beauty of its environment and the depth of its cultural heritage coalesce, offering a multifaceted experience to visitors.</span></p> <p><b>Insider Tip:</b><span> Take the cable car to Table Mountain for panoramic views.</span></p> <p><b>Best Time to Travel:</b><span> September to April.</span></p> <p><b>Getting There:</b><span> Cape Town International Airport.</span></p>

Cape Town, South Africa

Cape Town marries stunning natural landscapes with a rich tapestry of diverse cultures and a burgeoning tech scene. As a digital nomad, Cape Town offers you the unique opportunity to work in the backdrop of breathtaking scenery, from the iconic Table Mountain to the picturesque beaches along the coastline. The city’s diversity is reflected in its neighborhoods, each offering a different cultural experience, from the historic streets of Bo-Kaap to the bustling waterfront.

Cape Town is also emerging as a tech hub, with a growing number of startups and co-working spaces fostering a dynamic atmosphere for innovation and collaboration. This combination of natural beauty, cultural richness, and tech-forward environment makes Cape Town an inspiring and productive location for digital nomads seeking a blend of work and exploration.

Visa Requirements: South Africa offers various visas, including a business visa for remote workers.

Insider’s Tip: The city has numerous beaches perfect for wind-down after work.

Getting There: Cape Town International Airport offers flights to major global cities.

<p><span>Ubud is a serene oasis that’s become a haven for digital nomads worldwide. Known for its lush landscapes and rich cultural heritage, Ubud offers a tranquil environment where you can focus on your work amidst the inspiring beauty of nature. The town is celebrated for its artistic community, traditional crafts, and vibrant cultural events, providing a deeply immersive experience of Balinese culture.</span></p> <p><span>Ubud’s well-established community of digital nomads means you’ll have access to a network of like-minded individuals, co-working spaces, and cafes that cater to a productive lifestyle. Whether working from a quiet café surrounded by rice fields or attending a local cultural workshop, Ubud offers a balanced lifestyle combining work, wellness, and cultural enrichment.</span></p> <p><b>Visa Requirements: </b><span>Indonesia’s social visa is a popular option for longer stays.</span></p> <p><b>Insider’s Tip: </b><span>Don’t miss the local art markets for unique crafts.</span></p> <p><b>Getting There: </b><span>Fly into Ngurah Rai International Airport and then travel to Ubud.</span></p>

Ubud, Bali, Indonesia

Ubud is a serene oasis that’s become a haven for digital nomads worldwide. Known for its lush landscapes and rich cultural heritage, Ubud offers a tranquil environment where you can focus on your work amidst the inspiring beauty of nature. The town is celebrated for its artistic community, traditional crafts, and vibrant cultural events, providing a deeply immersive experience of Balinese culture.

Ubud’s well-established community of digital nomads means you’ll have access to a network of like-minded individuals, co-working spaces, and cafes that cater to a productive lifestyle. Whether working from a quiet café surrounded by rice fields or attending a local cultural workshop, Ubud offers a balanced lifestyle combining work, wellness, and cultural enrichment.

Visa Requirements: Indonesia’s social visa is a popular option for longer stays.

Insider’s Tip: Don’t miss the local art markets for unique crafts.

Getting There: Fly into Ngurah Rai International Airport and then travel to Ubud.

<p><span>For digital nomads, the world is their office. These 15 destinations offer the essentials like strong internet and co-working spaces and enrich the remote working experience with their unique cultures, vibrant communities, and scenic beauty. Each place provides a different backdrop to a digital nomad’s lifestyle, whether a bustling city life or tranquil beachside living. With the world slowly adapting to the needs of remote workers, the possibilities are endless for those seeking to balance work and wanderlust.</span></p> <p><span>More Articles Like This…</span></p> <p><span>Barcelona: Discover the Top 10 Beach Clubs</span></p> <p><span>2024 Global City Travel Guide – Your Passport to the World’s Top Destination Cities</span></p> <p><span>Exploring Khao Yai 2024 – A Hidden Gem of Thailand</span></p> <p><span>The post The 15 Best Places to Live and Work Remotely in 2024 – Digital Nomad’s Guide to the Globe republished on</span> <span>Passing Thru</span><span> with permission from</span> <span>The Green Voyage</span><span>.</span></p> <p>Featured Image Credit: Shutterstock / DavideAngelini.</p> <p><span>For transparency, this content was partly developed with AI assistance and carefully curated by an experienced editor to be informative and ensure accuracy.</span></p>

The Bottom Line

For digital nomads, the world is their office. These 15 destinations offer the essentials like strong internet and co-working spaces and enrich the remote working experience with their unique cultures, vibrant communities, and scenic beauty. Each place provides a different backdrop to a digital nomad’s lifestyle, whether a bustling city life or tranquil beachside living. With the world slowly adapting to the needs of remote workers, the possibilities are endless for those seeking to balance work and wanderlust.

More Articles Like This…

Barcelona: Discover the Top 10 Beach Clubs

2024 Global City Travel Guide – Your Passport to the World’s Top Destination Cities

Exploring Khao Yai 2024 – A Hidden Gem of Thailand

The post The 15 Best Places to Live and Work Remotely in 2024 – Digital Nomad’s Guide to the Globe republished on Passing Thru with permission from The Green Voyage .

Featured Image Credit: Shutterstock / DavideAngelini.

For transparency, this content was partly developed with AI assistance and carefully curated by an experienced editor to be informative and ensure accuracy.

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It is now possible for scientists and tourists to travel to remote natural environments such as the South Pole. Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?

Remote tourism, or the name given to visiting undiscovered habitats, is becoming very Remote tourism, or the name given to visiting undiscovered habitats, is becoming very fascinating for both scientists and tourists. While the exploration of such areas has its positives, I believe the associated drawbacks are far more severe. One the one hand, the idea of more people travelling to remote locations is perceived favorably for a number of reasons. First, some people regard such remote voyages to pristine areas as exquisite adventures. On top of that, new jobs can be created and economic benefits can be derived. Furthermore, geologists may now tap these previously inaccessible sites as resources of fossil fuels. For example, in Pennsylvania’s Endless Mountains, oil has been found and is now being drilled out. This is increasingly significant to human kind, as the majority of the current fossil fuel sources have been overexploited and there can be a global energy scarcity in the near future. On the other hand, substantial disadvantages can be there because the burgeoning of tourism and geological research may heavily disturb the flora and fauna of the remotely located places. This is due to the callous attitude of the tourists and the authorities both. It is highly unlikely that tourists bring waste back to the departure point. Secondly, the journey to these inaccessible places is also perilous and tourists may suffer from any medical emergencies.

Furthermore, the work of geologists involves the analysis of ice-shelves hundreds of meters thick, and the drilling for and the hauling of oil and gas afterwards. These activities may also consequently have a disastrous effect on the natural habitats. As a result, what used to be a pristine land can eventually be polluted. In conclusion, travelling to secluded places can definitely be advantageous for not only researchers but also normal travellers. Nevertheless, in my opinion, the drawbacks to the ecosystem are of greater concern.

It is now possible for scientists and tourists to travel to remote natural environments such as the South Pole. Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?

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  24. It is now possible for scientists and tourists to travel to remote

    It is now possible for scientists and tourists to travel to remote natural environments such as the South Pole. Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages? Remote tourism, or the name given to visiting undiscovered habitats, is becoming very Remote tourism, or the name given to visiting undiscovered habitats, is becoming very ...