Meaning of Time Traveller lyrics by M.I.A.

"Time Traveller" by M.I.A. seems to explore themes of escapism, self-discovery, and freedom through the concept of time travel. The song suggests that the narrator wants to break away from the constraints of reality and transcend into a different state of being.

In the verses, M.I.A. encourages listeners to avoid negative influences and distractions that can hinder personal growth. The line "No matter what you hit on, make sure you don't slip on anything that made you get a bad trip on" implies the importance of staying focused and not getting caught up in detrimental experiences. The use of "a Mac" may be a metaphor for keeping a guard against these distractions.

The chorus and post-chorus evoke a sense of liberation and adventure. "Gonna go nirvana, driving in my vimaana" suggests a desire for spiritual enlightenment and the willingness to step outside of conventional boundaries. The word "vimaana" likely refers to the mythical flying machines described in Indian ancient texts, symbolizing the journey to higher realms of existence.

Throughout the song, M.I.A. references various cultures and historical figures to reinforce the theme of exploration and diverse experiences. The mention of Ali Baba, Sita, Rama, Shiva, and the queen of Sheba showcases a fascination with different stories, places, and traditions. This could further emphasize the idea of transcending time and space to explore different cultures and periods.

Overall, "Time Traveller" embodies a sense of rebellion against societal norms and a desire to break free from limitations. It encourages listeners to embrace their curiosity, expand their horizons, and seek enlightenment through exploration, whether that be literal or metaphorical.

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20 Most Popular Songs About Time Travel, Ranked, Youtube Lyrics

Most Popular Songs About Time Travel

If youā€™re a fan of time travel or just curious about the concept, you might be looking for some great songs that touch upon this theme.

Weā€™ve got you covered with a comprehensive list of amazing songs about time travel. These Most Popular Songs About Time Travel will take you on an exciting journey through time.

1. ā€œTime Travelā€ by Daley

ā€œTime Travelā€ by Daley is a thought-provoking and mesmerizing song that takes you on a journey through the concept of time travel.

With its dreamy melodies and haunting vocals, it captures the imagination and invites you to contemplate the possibilities of altering the past or visiting the future .

The lyrics paint a vivid picture of being able to go back in time to relive cherished moments or make different choices and explore a distant future where anything is possible.

Itā€™s a reminder to savor each moment and appreciate the present while igniting our desire for adventure and discovery.

2. ā€œSilver Machineā€ by Hawkwind

ā€œSilver Machineā€ by Hawkwind is a classic rock anthem that takes us on a journey through time and space.

The song, released in 1972, tells the story of a man who travels through different dimensions and eras with his ā€œsilver machine,ā€ a metaphor for a time-traveling device.

The upbeat and energetic tune, combined with psychedelic lyrics, creates an otherworldly experience for the listener.

3. ā€œBack To The Futureā€ by International Superheroes of Hardcore

Back To The Future, a popular song by the punk rock band International Superheroes of Hardcore is fun and energetic.

The song encapsulates the excitement and thrill of traveling through time and witnessing different eras through clever wordplay and catchy melodies.

4. ā€œTime Machineā€ by Kevin Hearn and Thin Buckle

ā€œTime Machineā€ by Kevin Hearn and Thin Buckle is a captivating song that delves into the concept of time travel.

The lyrics take us on a journey through different eras, touching upon the desire to travel back in time and change certain events.

The song beautifully captures the fascination and wonder surrounding time travel while hinting at the dangers and consequences of altering the past.

5. ā€œYear 3000ā€ by Busted

ā€œTime Machineā€ is an enchanting song written by Kevin Hearn and performed by Thin Buckle that takes the listener on a journey through the possibilities of time travel.

The lyrics explore the idea of being able to go back in time to relive cherished moments or change past mistakes.

With its dreamy melody and ethereal vocals, the song captures the imagination and transports you into a world where anything is possible.

6. ā€œIron Manā€ by Black Sabbath

The iconic song ā€œIron Manā€ by Black Sabbath is a classic piece of music that has stood the test of time, taking listeners on a journey through the concept of time travel.

With its heavy guitar riffs and powerful vocals, the song tells the story of a man who travels to the future and witnesses the end of the world.

7. ā€œ39ā€ by Queen

ā€œ39ā€ by Queen is a thoughtful and poignant song that takes the listener on a journey through time.

The lyrics tell the story of a group of astronauts who embark on a mission to colonize a new planet but, upon their return, find that 100 years have passed on Earth.

The songā€™s title, ā€œ39,ā€ references the theory of relativity and how time slows down for those traveling at high speeds.

8. ā€œTraveler in Timeā€ by Blind Guardian

ā€œTraveler in Timeā€ by Blind Guardian is a powerful and epic song that tells the story of a traveler who can travel through time.

The song speaks of the challenges and dangers that come with this gift and the incredible adventures and experiences it brings.

The lyrics are filled with vivid imagery and descriptive storytelling, taking listeners through different eras and worlds. It also explores the concept of destiny and how our actions in the past can shape our future.

9. ā€œSilver Time Machineā€ by Death In Vegas

ā€œSilver Time Machineā€ is a captivating and nostalgic track from the English electronic music group Death In Vegas.

The song takes us on a journey through time, invoking a longing and wonder for what once was and what could have been.

Its dreamy melodies and ethereal vocals create an otherworldly atmosphere that transports listeners to another dimension.

The lyrics express a desire to escape reality and travel back to relive memories or explore new eras.

10. ā€œIf I had a Time Machine, That Would Be Freshā€ by MC Lars

ā€œIf I had a Time Machine, That Would Be Freshā€ is an upbeat and catchy song by MC Lars exploring time travel.

With clever lyrics and a fun beat, the song takes us through different eras and historical events.

He also touches on more personal desires, such as going back to relive cherished memories or fixing past mistakes.

11. ā€œIf I Could Turn Back Timeā€ by Cher

ā€œIf I Could Turn Back Timeā€ is a timeless classic by Cher. The song explores the concept of time travel and longing to change the past.

Its powerful lyrics and emotional vocals take us on a journey of regret as we wish for a chance to undo our mistakes and go back in time.

12. ā€œTime Travel Undoneā€ by SZA

ā€œTime Travel Undoneā€ by SZA is a thought-provoking and reflective song that delves into the concept of time travel.

The lyrics explore wanting to go back in time to change past mistakes or decisions but ultimately accepting that going back is impossible and instead focusing on living in the present moment.

13. ā€œTime Machineā€ by Beggars Opera

ā€œTime Machineā€ by Beggars Opera is a captivating song that takes us on a journey through time.

The lyrics speak of wanting to escape the present and travel back in time, possibly to relive happier moments or correct past mistakes.

It also highlights the regret and yearning for lost opportunities as time progresses.

14. ā€œTime Travel?? Yes!!ā€ by The Flaming Lips

ā€œTime Travel?? Yes!!ā€ by The Flaming Lips is an uplifting and imaginative song that explores the concept of time travel.

The lyrics paint a picture of a person who wants to escape reality and return to relive happy memories or fast forward to a better future.

15. ā€œTime Travelingā€ by Anthony Lazaro and Sarah Kang

ā€œTime Travelingā€ by Anthony Lazaro and Sarah Kang is a soulful and nostalgic song that takes listeners on a journey through time.

The songā€™s lyrics vividly depict yearning for the past while recognizing the present momentā€™s beauty.

Through their hauntingly beautiful vocals, Lazaro and Kang convey the bittersweet feeling of looking back on cherished memories and wishing to relive them.

16. ā€œTime Machineā€ by Frank Turner

ā€œTime Machineā€ by Frank Turner is a heartfelt and nostalgic song that reflects on the passage of time and the desire to return to relive cherished memories.

With his signature folk-punk sound, Turner sings about the bittersweet feeling of looking back on our lives and realizing that certain moments can never be replicated.

He encourages listeners to step back from their busy lives and appreciate the present moment while acknowledging the importance of reminiscing on happy times.

17. ā€œOne Man Wrecking Machineā€ by Guster

ā€œOne Man Wrecking Machineā€ by Guster is an upbeat and catchy song that takes listeners through time and space.

The lyrics speak of someone who feels like a destructive force, causing chaos and destruction wherever they go.

The song brings to light the idea that our actions have consequences, not just in the present but also in the future.

It also reflects on how we can all be our worst enemies sometimes, with our impulsive decisions and reckless behavior.

18. ā€œTime Machineā€ by Robyn

ā€œTime Machineā€ by Robyn is a catchy pop song that takes listeners on a journey through the past and present.

Through her lyrics, Robyn reminds us of the importance of living in the moment and not dwelling on the past.

She encourages us to let go of our regrets and mistakes, acknowledging that itā€™s natural to sometimes wish we could turn back time.

19. ā€œStrange Machinesā€ by The Gathering

ā€œStrange Machinesā€ is a hauntingly beautiful song performed by the Dutch band The Gathering.

Released in 1995 as part of their album ā€œMandylion,ā€ the song perfectly blends ethereal vocals and melodic guitar riffs that create an otherworldly sound.

The lyrics, written by frontwoman Anneke van Giersbergen, speak of a surreal world filled with strange machines, conveying a sense of wonder and mystery.

20. ā€œTime Travelling Bluesā€ by Orange Goblin

ā€œTime Travelling Bluesā€ by Orange Goblin is a unique and captivating song that takes listeners on a journey through time.

The lyrics tell the story of someone who has been transported to a different era and longs to return to their own time.

The song captures the blues one would feel when lost in time and without control over where one endsĀ up.

Is time travel possible facts?

Time travel has long been a topic of fascination and wonder, often explored in works of fiction. But is it truly possible? While there is no concrete evidence or scientific theory that confirms time travel, there are several interesting facts that suggest the possibility.

For instance, according to Einsteinā€™s theory of relativity, time slows down as an object approaches the speed of light. This means that if we could travel at a high enough speed, we could move forward in time compared to those who are not moving as fast.

Another intriguing concept is gravitational time dilation, which states that time moves slower in areas with stronger gravity. This has been proven by atomic clocks placed on airplanes and satellites showing slightly different times when compared to those on Earth.

Scientists have also explored the idea of wormholes ā€“ tunnels through space-time that could allow for faster-than-light travel and, thus, potential time travel.

While these are all fascinating ideas, itā€™s essential to remember that they are still just theories and have not been proven or applied practically yet.

However, they open the door for further exploration and research into the possibility of one day traveling through time.

What are 5 facts about time?

Time has fascinated humans since the beginning of civilization. Although it is an abstract idea that governs our daily lives, most people are unaware of many fascinating things about time.

Here are 5 interesting facts about time that will leave you amazed.

1. Did you know that time moves faster in higher altitudes than sea level? This is due to the Earthā€™s gravitational pull, which affects the passing of time.

2. The average person is believed to spend 6 months waiting on red lights, which is significant time spent waiting for traffic signals to turn green.

3. A day on Venus lasts longer than a year on Venus itself due to its slow rotation around its axis and fast revolution around the sun.

4. Although clocks were invented in 1656, standard time zones were established globally only in 1884 after a conference held in Washington, D.C.

5. According to Einsteinā€™s theory of relativity, gravity can distort space-time, causing time dilation, and clocks appear to run slower near heavy objects like black holes.

What happens if we time travel?

Have you ever wondered what would happen if we could travel in time?

Time travel is a thrilling concept that has captured humansā€™ imaginations for centuries. But as exciting as it may seem, it comes with its consequences.

First and foremost, traveling back in time could alter the course of history and lead to significant changes in our present and future.

It could also create a paradox, in which actions taken during time travel contradict events that have already happened.

Additionally, there is the potential for psychological impacts on individuals who experience time travel, such as confusion and disorientation due to exposure to different eras and cultures.

Time travel also raises ethical concerns surrounding interference with past events and the possibility of changing oneā€™s fate or that of others.

Overall, while the idea of time travel is fascinating, it raises many questions and potential ramifications that must be carefully considered before we attempt to make it a reality.

Could time travel ever exist?

Traveling through time and witnessing events from the past or future is exciting and mind-boggling.

With advancements in science and technology, it seems like anything is possible now. However, could time travel ever become a reality?

Many scientists believe it may be theoretically possible, but our current understanding of space-time physics limits us.

The idea of bending space and time to allow for backward or forward movement through different eras is still yet to be fully explored.

Additionally, ethical concerns surround the consequences of altering past events or predicting future outcomes .

While we may never know if time travel will one day exist, we can continue to ponder and imagine the possibilities of this fascinating concept.

How fast time travels?

Time is a concept that has perplexed humanity for centuries. It seems to pass quickly when weā€™re having fun and drag on when weā€™re waiting for something.

But have you ever wondered how fast time travels? The answer is not as straightforward as one might think.

Time is a relative concept, and its speed depends on various factors, such as the observerā€™s perception, the speed at which an object is moving, and the presence of gravity.

According to Einsteinā€™s theory of relativity, time slows down as an object approaches the speed of light. This means that while time may seem to pass quickly for us on Earth, it may be moving much slower for astronauts in space traveling at high velocities.

Similarly, time also moves faster on objects with weaker gravitational fields than those with stronger ones.

So next time you feel like time is flying by or dragging on, remember that itā€™s all relative and influenced by various factors around us.

we hope this list of songs about time travel has taken you on a journey through different eras and ignited your imagination.

Music can transport us to different dimensions and periods, allowing us to explore the endless possibilities of time travel.

These songs remind us that although we may be confined by the limitations of time in our daily lives, music allows us to break free from those constraints and travel through time with our minds.

So next time youā€™re feeling nostalgic or curious about the concept of time travel, simply press play on one of these songs and let your mind wander.

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The 10 best songs about time travel

They built The Best Of Everything... out of a Delorean?

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Today has been named Back to the Future Day, as nerds celebrate the date Marty McFly and Doc Brown visit in the 1989 sequel.

While Back To The Future Part II suggested we’d all be traveling around in flying cars, cooking tiny pizzas and wearing self-lacing Nike boots, it all turned out to be the stuff of fevered Hollywood dreams. They haven’t even made Jaws 18 yet, so who looks foolish now?

But it got us thinking – what are the best songs about time travel? And yes, we’ve included Huey Lewis’s Back In Time , because it’d be foolish not to, today of all days.

BLACK SABBATH – Iron Man (Paranoid 1970) The song featuring one of metal’s most satisfyingly basic riffs also boasts some of Geezer Butler’s most sensitive and imaginative lyrics. The titular man has travelled to the future and witnessed the apocalypse; on his return he was turned to steel, and cannot communicate his warning. However, when mankind is hostile towards him, his vengeance becomes the destructive force that causes armageddon. Our lesson, people: never laugh at an iron man.

QUEEN – ‘39 (A Night At The Opera 1975) A dreamlike acoustic stomp with opaque, otherworldly lyrics and a hauntingly melancholic conclusion, ‘39 is arguably Queen’s finest Brian May-fronted song. It concerns an astronaut who travels the Milky Way throughout the year of ‘39, but on return finds “The earth is old and grey” and “So many years have gone though I’m older but a year.” Primarily concerning Einstein’s theory of special relativity, Brian later admitted there was an allegory for life on the road.

IRON MAIDEN – Caught Somewhere In Time (Somewhere In Time 1986) Launching with the quintessentially 1986 sound of a guitar synth – a controversial experiment at the time for the no-frills British metallers – this crypto-title track is an under-appreciated gem from the band’s bulging ‘80s catalogue. With the transition from bouncy tempo to resolute gallop, and the epic, mystical terrace-chant chorus, this is a classic Maiden opener, and the time travel theme is subtle, tempting the listener into the experience of a lifetime.

LED ZEPPELIN – Kashmir (Physical Graffiti, 1975) “I am a traveller of both time and space,” sings Robert Plant in this iconic orchestral epic, although that may just be a reflection of the allegorical spiritual enormity radiating from this mesmerising song. However, there’s an online lyrical analysis from a Doctor Who fan suggesting that “Talk and song from tongues of lilting grace whose sounds caress my ear” might have something to do with the Ood, a species that didn’t appear in the show until 40 years later, making Robert Plant a literal time traveller, albeit one with nothing better to do than watch telly.

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INTERNATIONAL SUPERHEROES OF HARDCORE – Back To The Future (Tip Of The Iceberg, 2008) New Found Glory’s tongue-in-cheek side-project, knocked out in their pants for a laugh with a focus on silly pop-cultural themes, got round to their unambiguous homage to the classic movie on this 2008 EP, alongside songs like Screamo Gotta Go and Hardcore Hokey Pokey . However, in these lyrics the band yearn for Doc Brown to take them back to the early days of the hardcore scene, to see “Youth Of Today at the Anthrax” and “Cro-Mags at the Ritz”.

ORANGE GOBLIN – Time Travelling Blues (Time Travelling Blues, 1998) Although primarily a positive song, with ten separate uses of the word ‘baby’ and promises of seeing the sunshine (baby), the ‘blues’ of the title derives from the line: “Time travel, it’s been getting me down, been gone so long I don’t think I’m ever coming down.” It’s hard not to imagine this is another metaphor for life on the road, where Orange Goblin largely remain, 18 years later…

HUEY LEWIS AND THE NEWS – Back In Time (Back To The Future: Music From The Motion Picture Soundtrack, 1985) “I didn’t fancy writing a song called Back To The Future ,” says Huey Lewis in USA Today this week, coolly explaining his initial instinct to turn down the chance to write a song for the movie. However, after penning the smash hit theme song The Power Of Love , Huey made Back In Time refer more specifically to the content of the film: “Tell me Doctor, where are we going this time? Is this the 50s? Or 1999?“

URIAH HEEP – Traveller In Time (Demons And Wizards, 1972) Bursting open with a massive swaggering riff, the Heep’s 1972 ditty reads like it’s written from the perspective of the then-incumbent Doctor Who, Jon Pertwee’s third incarnation, who had been put on trial by the Time Lords for meddling and exiled to 1970s England (result!). Who else could have inspired lines like “I have a feeling that there must be a time when I’ll get a chance to go home, ‘cause I’m just a traveller in time, trying so hard to pay for my crime.”

HAWKWIND – Silver Machine (In Search Of Space, 1972) After the song’s original vocalist, Bob Calvert, was sectioned under the Mental Health Act, Lemmy took the Hawkwind mic for the first time and secured the acid-fried space rockers their first and only major hit single, an iconic and parodic love letter to the titular sci-fi device. “It flies sideways through time,” explains Mr Kilmister, adding “It’s an electric line to your Zodiac sign,” which is a neat trick.

THE GATHERING – Strange Machines (Mandylion, 1995) The curtain-raiser on the most pivotal, game-changing album from this dreamy Dutch sextet, *Strange Machines *was our first glimpse of new frontwoman Anneke van Giersbergen, whose ethereal, impassioned ululations enlivened this song of yearning for the gift of time travel, even in lines like “Russian Revolution, let’s do it in one day, Beethoven and Gershwin, I think that would be OK.”

Back To The Future gets the metal treatment

Chris has been writing about heavy metal since 2000, specialising in true/cult/epic/power/trad/NWOBHM and doom metal at now-defunct extreme music magazine Terrorizer. Since joining the Metal Hammer famileh in 2010 he developed a parallel career in kids' TV, winning a Writer's Guild of Great Britain Award for BBC1 series Little Howard's Big Question as well as writing episodes of Danger Mouse, Horrible Histories, Dennis & Gnasher Unleashed and The Furchester Hotel. His hobbies include drumming (slowly), exploring ancient woodland and watching ancient sitcoms.

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Anthony Lazaro feat. Sarah Kang Lyrics "Time Traveling"

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> Peter Bellamy > Songs > Long Time Travelling (White) > The Watersons > Songs > Long Time Travelling (White)

Long Time Travelling (White)

[ Roud 5732 ; Sacred Harp 288 ; Ballad Index DTlongti ; Mudcat 21315 , 33922 ; Elder Edmund Dumas, 1856]

This hymn is normally called White in tribute to Benjamin Franklin White, compiler of The Sacred Harp (1844). Frank Proffitt sang it with the title Iā€™m a Long Time Travelling Here Below in 1961 to Sandy Paton. This recording was included in 1968 on his posthumous Folk-Legacy record, Memorial Album .

Peter Bellamy sang Long Time Travelling on his 1979 Topic album Both Sides Then with the Watersons and Ante Bellamy singing vocal harmonies. It was also included in 1999 on Free Reedā€™s 3 CD Peter Bellamy anthology, Wake the Vaulted Echoes . The original recordā€™s sleeve notes commented:

Entitled White in the Alabama hymnal Original Sacred Harp (1911), this was learned from the 1927 recording of J.T. Allisonā€™s Sacred Harp Singers.

Jolly Jack sang White in 1988 on their Fellside album named after this song, A Long Time Travelling . This recording was also included in 1994 on the Fellside anthology Banklands . Jolly Jack commented in their albumā€™s liner notes:

This song appeared in the Original Sacred Harp as revised in 1859 in which we learn that it was composed by Elder Edmund Dumas in honour of B.F. White of whom unfortunately we are told nothing. Convention Singing developed in the Appalachians as a form of worship practised by huge choirs and peculiar in that they used a system of music reading known as Shape Notes. In this system all the notes are identified by a different shape, and although they are usually shown on a staff they relate only to what is known as a ‘movable doh’. Thus by using a giving starting note quite complicated music could be read. The Sacred Harp shows the songs in Shape Notes, also in four parts, and whilst we donā€™t follow the harmonies precisely we try to create as much as possible the atmosphere of this stirring form of Gospel singing.

Cath & Phil Tyler sang Long Time Travelling in 2009 on their CD The Hind Wheels of Bad Luck .

Jeff Warner sang Long Time Travelling in 2011 as the title track of his WildGoose CD Long Time Travelling . He commented:

Molly Tenenbaum, Seattle, Washington old-time banjo player, matched this banjo tuning (fDGCD, tuned down to F ♯ ) to Frank Proffittā€™s song. Itā€™s on her album Instead of a Pony . Frank said his father Wiley may have learned it from singers at a black church near where he lived in northwestern North Carolina. “He used to go there occasionally and listen on the outside as he was fascinated by their singing.” The hymn is well known in both black and white churches.

Anna Roberts-Gevalt and Elizabeth LaPrelle sang Long Time Travelinā€™ in 2015 on their eponymous CD Anna & Elizabeth . This video shows them at The Waiting Room, Stockton-on-Tees, on 17 May 2015:

Peter Bellamy sings Long Time Travelling

Chorus (repeated after each verse): Iā€™m a long time travelling here below, Iā€™m a long time a-travelling away from home. Iā€™m a long time travelling here below To lay this body down.

Ye fleeting charms of earth farewell, Your springs of joy are dry. My soul now seeks a better home, A brighter world on high.

Farewell my friends whose tender cares Has long engaged my love. Your fond embrace I now exchange For better friends above.

i am time travelling song

Tunes For Your Trip: Our Favorite Songs About Traveling

Do you have a playlist for that next trip? We have curated timeless songs about travelling to keep your mind going on that journey.

Emmanuel Desouza ā€¢ May 31, 2024

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As you’re sightseeing through the woods on that road trip, or gazing out the window seat, head in the clouds, or just dreaming of your next adventure, music can elevate a travel experience into a whole new vibe entirely. If you’re ready for some added bliss for your next travel adventure, we’ve curated timeless songs to indulge your moods as you journey. Whether they speak of traveling or are the perfect soundtrack to a new adventure, these songs make up the ultimate travel playlist.

“Africa” by Toto

Totoā€™s “Africa” is a timeless classic that transports you to the heart of the continent with its evocative lyrics and catchy melody. The song’s themes of adventure and discovery make it an ideal companion for any journey, whether youā€™re exploring a new city or driving through scenic landscapes.

“Havana” by Camila Cabello

Camila Cabelloā€™s “Havana” is a vibrant and infectious song that brings the lively atmosphere of Cuba right to your speakers. Its Latin beats and catchy chorus make it perfect for a road trip or vacation, setting a fun and festive mood as you explore new destinations.

“Route 66” by Nat King Cole

Nat King Cole’s “Route 66” is an ode to the famous American highway that has become synonymous with road trips and travel adventures. This classic tune celebrates the joy of the open road and the unique charm of the towns and cities along the way. It’s a must-have for any road trip playlist.

“Montego Bay” by Amazulu

“Montego Bay” by Amazulu captures the laid-back, tropical vibes of a Caribbean getaway. The upbeat tempo and joyful lyrics make it perfect for those moments when youā€™re lounging by the beach or cruising through sunny coastal areas. This song will instantly transport you to a paradise state of mind.

“Midnight Train to Georgia” by Gladys Knight and the Pips

“Midnight Train to Georgia” by Gladys Knight and the Pips is a soulful ballad about returning home. Its heartfelt lyrics and smooth melody make it perfect for those reflective moments on your journey when youā€™re thinking about where youā€™ve been and where youā€™re going.

“Drive” by Black Coffee & David Guetta

“Drive” by Black Coffee & David Guetta is a smooth and captivating song thatā€™s perfect for nighttime drives or when youā€™re cruising down the highway. Its relaxing beat and soothing vocals make it ideal for those moments when you just want to enjoy the ride and take in the scenery.

“Feeling Good” by Nina Simone

Nina Simoneā€™s “Feeling Good” is a timeless anthem of renewal and freedom. Its powerful vocals and triumphant melody make it perfect for the start of a new adventure or when you need a boost of positivity. This song will make you feel like anything is possible.

Whether in your headphones or on the speakers, enjoy the musical soundtrack to your safe travels!

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  4. M.I.A.

    [Verse 1] No matter what you hit on Make sure you don't slip on Anything that made you get a bad trip on Open up, lock on, don't be stuck on The road is always popping When I walk on with a Mac on ...

  5. Meaning of Time Traveller lyrics by M.I.A

    lyrics by. M.I.A. "Time Traveller" by M.I.A. seems to explore themes of escapism, self-discovery, and freedom through the concept of time travel. The song suggests that the narrator wants to break away from the constraints of reality and transcend into a different state of being. In the verses, M.I.A. encourages listeners to avoid negative ...

  6. Sarah Kang

    I long to be with you. In all the places you have been. So today, I am time traveling. Oh today, I am time traveling. Every time that you are closing your eyes. I will be beside you. And my heart will glide across the miles. To fly right to you. 'Cause when I dive into the traffic.

  7. Sarah Kang

    [Chorus: Anthony Lazaro] So I'll lay my head to rest When the sun is rising And I'll start a brand new day When the moon is shining I long to be with you In all the places you have been So today ...

  8. Time Traveling

    Wondering if thousands of miles away The sky's just as blue It's as if I'm stuck in yesterday When I'm thinking of you 'Cause when you have your morning coffee I'm turning out the lights so I could dream And when you smile through the screen I wish you could be with me So I lay my head to rest When the sun is rising I'll start a brand-new day When the moon is shining I long to be with you In ...

  9. 20 Most Popular Songs About Time Travel, Ranked, Youtube Lyrics

    5. "Year 3000" by Busted. "Time Machine" is an enchanting song written by Kevin Hearn and performed by Thin Buckle that takes the listener on a journey through the possibilities of time travel. The lyrics explore the idea of being able to go back in time to relive cherished moments or change past mistakes.

  10. Time Traveling

    Wondering if thousands of miles away The sky's just as blue It's as if I'm stuck in yesterday When I'm thinking of you 'Cause when you have your morning coffee I'm turning out the lights so I could dream And when you smile through the screen I wish you could be with me So I lay my head to rest When the sun is rising I'll start a brand-new day When the moon is shining I long to be with you In ...

  11. The 10 best songs about time travel

    ORANGE GOBLIN - Time Travelling Blues (Time Travelling Blues, 1998) Although primarily a positive song, with ten separate uses of the word 'baby' and promises of seeing the sunshine (baby), the 'blues' of the title derives from the line: "Time travel, it's been getting me down, been gone so long I don't think I'm ever coming ...

  12. Time Traveling

    Listen to Time Traveling on Spotify. Anthony Lazaro, Sarah Kang Ā· Song Ā· 2021.

  13. [Lyrics] I long to be with you in all the places you have been / Time

    šŸ§”subscribe :šŸŽ LyricsTime Traveling / Sarah KangWondering if thousands of miles awayThe sky's just as blueIt's as if I'm stuck in ...

  14. Anthony Lazaro feat. Sarah Kang

    Oh today, I am time traveling. Every time that you are closing your eyes. I will be beside you. And my heart will glide across the miles. To fly right to you. 'Cause when I dive into the traffic. The echo of your voice is all I hear. I'm never tired of your laughing. So far, but never so near.

  15. Time Traveling Lyrics

    So today, I am time traveling. So today, I am time traveling. So I lay my head to rest. When the sun is rising. I'll start a brand new day. When the moon is shining. I long to be with you. in all the places you have been. So today, I am time traveling.

  16. Anthony Lazaro, Sarah Kang

    So I lay my head to rest. When the sun is rising. I'll start a brand-new day. When the moon is shining. I long to be with you. In all the places you have been. So today I'm time travelling. Oh, today I'm time travelling. Writer (s): Patrick Daez Hizon, Eun Song Kang, Antonio De Giovanni.

  17. Sarah Kang

    Create and get +5 IQ. [Verse 1] Sarah Kang Amaj7 Bm7 C#m7 Wondering if thousands of miles away Bm7 E7 The sky's just as blue Amaj7 Bm7 C#m7 It's as if I'm stuck in yesterday Bm7 E7 When I'm thinking of you [Pre-Chorus] Sarah Kang Bm7 Cause when you have your morning coffee E7 I'm turning out the lights so I could dream Amaj7 And when you smile ...

  18. The Ultimate Travel Playlist: 100 Best Travel Songs (with ...

    Bonus: Check out the 2018 cover by Weezer and this awesome 2016 video from Kristen Bell and Dax Shepard. 5. Marrakech Express - Crosby, Stills & Nash. Take the train from Casablanca going south. Blowing smoke rings from the corners of my my, my, my, my mouth. Colored cottons hang in air. Charming cobras in the square.

  19. M.I.A

    Subscribe and press (šŸ””) to join the Notification Squad and stay updated with new uploadsšŸ‘š™‡š™žš™ š™š this videoā†Ŗļøš™Žš™š™–š™§š™š this video ...

  20. Long Time Travelling (White)

    I'm a long time a-travelling away from home. I'm a long time travelling here below. To lay this body down. Ye fleeting charms of earth farewell, Your springs of joy are dry. My soul now seeks a better home, A brighter world on high. Farewell my friends whose tender cares. Has long engaged my love.

  21. Tunes For Your Trip: Our Favorite Songs About Traveling

    Nina Simone's "Feeling Good" is a timeless anthem of renewal and freedom. Its powerful vocals and triumphant melody make it perfect for the start of a new adventure or when you need a boost of positivity. This song will make you feel like anything is possible. Whether in your headphones or on the speakers, enjoy the musical soundtrack to ...

  22. THE TRAVELING SONG CHORDS by @ Ultimate-Guitar.Com

    Create and get +5 IQ. Am C I've been around the world, in the pouring rain G D Feeling out of place, really feeling strange Am C Take me to a place, where they know my name G D Cause I ain't met nobody that looks the same Am C I'm a fish out of water, lion out of the jungle G D [He a fish out of water, lion out of the jungle] Am C I need my ...

  23. Time Travellers

    When NYC meets Mumbai, they travel time.Concept & Direction: Ishita Mili @ishitamiliChoreography & Performance: Swetha Warrier @shweta_warrierIshita Mili @is...

  24. I'm a Long Time Travelling Here Below

    Provided to YouTube by The Orchard EnterprisesI'm a Long Time Travelling Here Below Ā· Frank Proffitt Ā· UnknownMemorial Albumā„— 1968 Smithsonian Folkways Recor...