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Holiday planner.

  • Things to do

I only need accommodation for part of my trip

You can save up to 10% when you bundle your flight + hotel, flight + car or hotel + car together

ATOL protection & fully refundable rates on most hotels. Because flexibility matters

Customize your holiday with ease all in one place

Holiday planner: plan your holiday with Expedia

The anticipation of holiday planning in 2024 and researching is almost as good as actually being there. Start dreaming today and craft your perfect itinerary. When you book with Expedia, you can plan a holiday with access to the latest deals for thrilling destinations around the world. Choose from solo adventures, romantic couples escapes, family-friendly holidays or city breaks for the ultimate weekend trip with friends.

Whether you crave tropical beaches, winter adventures, active trips through the wilderness, or simply want to relax in luxury, select your stay and flight options and create a holiday to remember.

You can also add on optional extras to make your trip truly memorable. Why not choose a classic car to cruise around, make special requests to help celebrate birthdays, or book excursions to get your adrenaline flowing?

Expedia brings you our latest holiday planner guide, an all-in-one travel companion that makes your trip easy to research, organise, and share. Track flight prices to make sure you get some of the best deals and keep all your reservations and bookings in one place. You’ll also have access to our personal travel advisor powered by ChatGPT technology to answer any travel-related or destination-specific enquiries. Once your booking is complete, the app serves as a real-time record of your trip including up-to-date notifications on any changes to your reservations.

You're the architect of this holiday and with Expedia, you’ll get to plan it exactly how you want. Let's begin.

How to plan a holiday with Expedia?

Holiday planning with Expedia is simple and fun. Just follow these steps and get closer to your departure:

  • Decide where to go
  • Decide when to go
  • Research on the Expedia app
  • Share your travel plans with your group
  • Book your flights and accommodation
  • Book excursions or activities
  • Enjoy your holiday!

1. Decide where to go on holiday

When you think "I need to plan my holiday", the first choice you need to make is where to go. Find a holiday destination in 2024 that matches the type of holiday you want to have and who will be joining you. For inspiration, check out Expedia's travel guides and choose somewhere new to explore or a favourite spot you've been waiting to revisit.

2. Explore trip ideas with ChatGPT on the Expedia app

Expedia's holiday planner app is powered with ChatGPT, offering you all the services of a mobile travel planner in your pocket. Not only can this technology suggest places to stay and visit, and how to navigate a new destination, but it also saves hotel recommendations and itinerary points of interest, helping you stay organised.

3. Save your trip ideas and invite people to your trip

Save all details of your holiday, including reservations and itineraries, and then invite others to the app to share your trip details. If you are the holiday planner in your family or friendship circle, your life is about to get much easier. Imagine quickly sharing all the details of a large family holiday or group trip with every person attending. You’ll never have to chase people up to remind them of flight times and hotel details again.

4. Decide when to go

Deciding when to go on holiday in 2024 will depend on the type of holiday you want to experience, where you're going, and practical considerations like the weather conditions at particular times of the year. Sometimes your travel dates will be set due to your holiday dates from work, or when your children are off school, but being flexible with your travel dates if possible is one of the best ways to save money on your holiday. Travelling off-season, for example, can save you hundreds of pounds.

5. Book flights, hotels, and car hire bundling your trip, for even more savings

Enjoy even more holiday savings when you book your flights and hotels together in a holiday package . Bundling your travel bookings including car hire is convenient and can help you save money.

6. When to book your holiday

According to Expedia's latest research and insight into air travel hacks , the cheapest day to travel is, generally speaking, on Fridays for international trips and Saturdays for travel within the UK. Booking your trip on a Sunday can save up to 20% off the cost of your next holiday. Booking in advance, up to 4 months before international travel, results in cheaper flights. It's also best to travel in the morning to avoid cancellations or delays which can snowball, affecting more flights later in the day.

7. Choose your way to pay

Book your next holiday and pay for it your way with choices to spread the cost in easy-to-manage monthly instalments with 0% interest with our deposit and payment plans or buy now and pay the balance in 30 days' time with 0 deposit holiday booking options.

8. Book activities and things to do

Pre-booking your activities and excursions helps you plan your holiday budget and gets you excited about your trip before you even leave. Choose from a huge range of things to do at your destination including tours, special events, theme parks, museums, and more.

See some of our best holiday deals

Explore some of the best deals right now.

Frequently asked questions about holiday planning on Expedia:

How to organise a holiday.

Organising your next trip away doesn’t have to be overwhelming. Just follow these holiday planning steps:

  • Pick a destination
  • Choose your dates
  • Set a budget
  • Book flights and hotels
  • Book activities and excursions
  • Gather your travel documents and insurance
  • Pack and enjoy your holiday!

How can I plan my holiday with Expedia?

Planning a holiday with Expedia is a straightforward process. Using the website or app you can search by destination, holiday type, and travel dates, among other search filters. Once you’ve chosen your flights and hotels, you can add on further travel services like car rentals or activities. You’ll have a chance to review and finalise all details before making your booking. Expedia provides a wealth of holiday planning resources from travel guides to search filters to help you find a great deal on your next trip. Download the Expedia app to use the ChatGPT function and benefit from travel advice at your fingertips.

Can I create my own holiday package?

Yes, you can create your own holiday package on Expedia by combining different travel components such as flights, accommodation, car rentals, and activities. Expedia offers a feature called 'Bundle and Save' that allows you to customise and create your own package holiday according to your preferences, making holiday planning a breeze.

How do I plan a family holiday?

When planning a family holiday , consider the unique needs and preferences of your family. For adventure-loving kids, book activities and excursions to keep them busy, for teens make sure your resort has facilities they’ll enjoy, and for multi-generational travel, you'll also want to include amenities the adults will appreciate like golf courses or spas. Whether your family prefers thrilling adventures gliding down ski slopes, exploring a city by bike, or simply relaxing on pristine beaches, Expedia offers a comprehensive selection of holidays for every family. Use our family-friendly filter to discover resorts and hotels that provide endless entertainment and enjoyment for everyone involved.

How do I plan a holiday on a budget?

Planning a holiday on a budget with Expedia is very convenient: you have the convenience of comparing destinations, selecting accommodation types, and sorting results by price, making it easier to find deals. Opt for budget-friendly United Kingdom family holidays or, for an affordable and enjoyable beach holiday with the kids, consider catching a flight to a sunny Portugal family holiday .

What factors should I consider when choosing a holiday destination?

Before choosing a holiday destination, do a little research on local weather and events to make sure it’s a good time to visit. For example, some places experience monsoons or poor weather during the summer, so your holiday dates may dictate some of the best places to travel. You’ll also want to check if there are special events or festivals going on that you may wish to avoid or attend. Expedia destination guides give you important information on a variety of places, so you know before you go.

How far in advance should I start planning my holiday?

The ideal timeframe to plan a holiday varies depending on several factors, including the destination, the type of trip, and personal preferences. However, as a general guideline, it's recommended to start planning your holiday at least a few months in advance, especially for international or peak-season travel, or if you are travelling to a popular destination.

How can I find some of the best deals for my holiday?

When planning a holiday, you can find some of the best deals for your holiday on Expedia by setting fare alerts for specific travel dates, so you’ll be notified when prices drop, allowing you to snag the best deals when they become available.

Being flexible with your travel dates and bundling hotels, flights and car hire is another way to save money and get some of the best holiday deals.

Is it better to book a holiday package or plan everything individually?

It depends on your travel plans and preferences but booking a holiday package is usually cheaper and more convenient. Planning your trip out with individual bookings for flights, hotels, and attractions gives you more flexibility to plan your holiday your way.

How do I budget for my holiday?

Budget for the total cost of your holiday by determining the total amount you are willing to spend on the trip and then breaking it down into categories for accommodation, flights, spending money, and other expenses. You’ll also want to leave some wiggle room for unexpected costs. Expedia’s payment plans with Klarna allow you to select different ways to pay; pay in full, pay in 30 days , or divide the cost of the holiday to pay in 3 instalments .

Does Expedia have a flexible cancellation policy?

Yes, Expedia search filters allow you to choose holidays with free cancellation and pay later options, so you can book with confidence. Customise your search results by payment type to ensure your holiday aligns with your needs. Keep in mind that cancellation policies can vary for different holiday packages, so it’s advisable to review and understand them before finalising your booking.

Why should I plan my next holiday with Expedia?

Expedia delivers incredible travel deals to help you plan and book one of your best holidays yet. Take advantage of our wide range of services and book your car hire, flights and stay all in one place. Prepare for endless fun and lasting memories with just a click on Expedia.

invite to your trip expedia

Save with our bundle deals!

Car, Stay, Flight... book everything you need for your perfect weekend getaway with Expedia and save!

invite to your trip expedia

Holiday rental

Apartments, Villas, Cabins... we have everything you need!

invite to your trip expedia

Car Rentals

Hit the road with one of our car rental deals

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5 Easy Ways to Share Your Travel Plans with TripIt

April 29, 2020

News & Culture

Share Travel Plans

The TripIt team is always looking for ways to make travel less stressful. We know the importance of staying connected to friends, family, and colleagues while you’re traveling, so we’ve created several ways to help you share travel plans using TripIt.

Sharing your TripIt itinerary via iOS is just one of five ways to let your friends, family, or colleagues know your travel plans.

Share travel plans from the TripIt app

Just click the share icon on your itinerary to share your travel plans via text or email . No more copying and pasting the details about when you’re arriving or where you’re staying.

You can also select individual (or multiple) trip plans within a TripIt itinerary and send them via text, Slack, WhatsApp, or your favorite messaging app, as shown above. 

When you share, you can choose from three different levels of access:

  • Traveler: Someone who is going on the trip and can collaborate on the trip details.
  • Planner: Someone who is not going on the trip but can help to organize the trip details.
  • Viewer: Someone who can see the details of your trip but can’t change or add to them.

Share your travel plans from

You can share your trip from the TripIt website in two ways:

  • Private invitation: On the itinerary page of your trip, click “add” and enter the email addresses of the people you’d like to share your trip with. Next, choose if you’d like them to be a traveler, viewer, or planner of the trip.
  • Public link: You can generate a unique link/URL that will let anyone with access to the link view your trip. This method is helpful if you want to post your trip on your blog or in some other forum, where any member of the public could view your itinerary. Because trips contain travel dates and flight numbers, use public URL sharing cautiously.  

Share itineraries with your Inner Circle

As a TripIt Pro member, you can select the people in your Inner Circle , and we’ll do the sharing for you. No more forwarding, texting, or calling required. 

  • You can add and remove contacts, as well as edit permissions, all from the TripIt app.
  • New trips are shared to your Inner Circle as soon as they’re posted in your account.
  • When you’d prefer not to share travel plans, simply select “Do not share with Inner Circle” when creating the trip.  

Share travel plans directly from Messages in iOS 

TripIt for iMessage makes sharing travel plans as easy as sending a text. You can send all or part of your travel plans through iMessage to other users.

  • If plans change or if an element is added, TripIt refreshes those plans—ensuring everyone in the conversation has the latest information.
  • When TripIt Pro users share flight information, anyone receiving that information will be able to check the status of the flight without leaving Messages.

Share your travel plans on social media

Sharing trips to your social network is the easiest way to get travel advice, like where to eat, what to see, and what to do. And sharing can help you coordinate with friends in the same city as you.

Create a shareable link for social media by simply clicking the Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn icon on the itinerary page of your trip.

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About the Author

invite to your trip expedia

Stay one step ahead from planning to landing with the world's highest rated travel organizing app. Unlike other travel apps, TripIt can organize your travel plans no matter where you book. Simply forward your confirmation emails to [email protected] and in a matter of seconds, TripIt will create a master itinerary for every trip.

Planning a group trip can be a headache: How this new Expedia tool makes it easier

invite to your trip expedia

From girls' trips to family getaways, traveling with others can strengthen your bond. Unfortunately, planning a group trip can often be a headache – and includes a messy text thread or Google Doc. 

Travel company Expedia Group launched a new feature on Thursday aimed at taking “friction out of every step” of group travel, Vice Chairman and CEO of Expedia Group Peter Kern told USA TODAY. 

Meet the Trip Planner.

In the new tool, up to eight travelers can collaborate and engage with each other to finalize trip details in one easy place on Expedia , Vrbo or (app, website and mobile site.) 

Unfortunately, cross-platform trip planning is unavailable, so your entire trip must be booked through Expedia or Vrbo, for example. 

Learn more: Best travel insurance

When you’re ready to plan a trip, you can start saving potential options for accommodations, flights and car rentals. Then, invite your fellow travelers to vote and comment on what they like best. They can add different options if they see something they like better. Everyone can also see an itinerary of what’s been booked. 

More: The easiest reward program? What to know about Expedia Group's new One Key loyalty program

To use the Trip Planner, you need to have an account, which is always free. 

“(It’s) an easy way to connect people traveling together with all the information they need within the conversation,” Kern said.

He added that planning a trip with multiple travelers has been “a big pain point for travelers” since people are “sharing 27 websites with each other.” 

The travel company said the new product is the first of its kind in the industry and is part of the company’s current commitment to new “technology to really drive consumer innovation much faster.”

The first iteration of trip-saving came from the vacation rental platform Vrbo, where travelers could see their itinerary for upcoming and old stays.

Kathleen Wong is a travel reporter for USA TODAY based in Hawaii. You can reach her at [email protected]

Members save 10% or more on over 100,000 hotels worldwide when you’re signed in

Plan a vacation: step by step guide.

  • Things to do

I only need accommodations for part of my trip

Vacation planner: plan your winter escape with Expedia

The anticipation of planning your vacation in 2024 and researching is almost as good as actually being there. Start dreaming today and craft your perfect itinerary. When you book with Expedia, you can plan a vacation with access to the latest deals for thrilling destinations around the world. Choose from solo adventures, romantic couples retreats, family-friendly vacations or city breaks for the ultimate weekend away with friends.

Whether you crave tropical beaches, winter activities, thrilling trips through the wilderness or simply want to relax in luxury, select your stay and flight options and plan a getaway to remember.

You can also add optional extras to make your escape truly memorable. Why not book a classic car to cruise around, make special requests to help celebrate birthdays, or book excursions to get your adrenaline flowing?

Expedia brings you our latest vacation planner guide, an all-in-one travel companion that makes your vacation easy to research, organize, and share. Track flight prices to make sure you get some of the best deals and keep all your reservations and bookings in one place. You’ll also have access to our personal travel advisor powered by ChatGPT technology to answer any travel-related or destination-specific inquiries. Once your booking is complete, the app serves as a real-time record of your vacation, including up-to-date notifications on any changes to your reservations.

You’re the architect of this vacation season, and with Expedia, you’ll get to plan it exactly how you want. Let’s begin.

How to plan a vacation with Expedia?

Vacation planning with Expedia is simple and fun. Just follow these steps and get closer to your departure:

  • Decide where to go
  • Decide when to go
  • Research on the Expedia app
  • Share your travel plans with your group
  • Book your flights and accommodation
  • Book excursions or activities
  • Enjoy your vacation!

1. Decide where to go on your vacation

When you think, "I need to plan my vacation," the first choice you need to make is where to go. Find a vacation destination in 2024 that matches the type of vacation, you’re looking to have and who will be joining you. For inspiration, start planning your 2025 Hawaiian or European vacation, check out Expedia’s travel guides and choose somewhere new to explore or a favorite spot you’ve been waiting to revisit.

2. Decide when to go

Deciding when to go on a vacation in 2024 will depend on the type of trip you want to experience, where you’re going, and practical considerations like the weather conditions at particular times of the year. Sometimes, travel dates will be determined by your vacation days from work or when your children are off school, but being flexible with your travel dates, if possible, is one of the best ways to save money on your vacation. Travelling offseason, for example, can save you hundreds of dollars.

3. Explore trip ideas with ChatGPT on the Expedia app

Expedia’s app for vacation planning is powered by ChatGPT, offering you all the services of a mobile travel planner in your pocket. Not only can this technology suggest places to stay and visit and how to navigate a new destination, but it also saves hotel recommendations and itinerary points of interest, helping you stay organized.

4. Save your trip ideas and invite people to your trip

Save all details of your vacation, including reservations and itineraries, and then invite others to the app to share your trip details. If you’re the vacation planner in your family or friendship circle, your life is about to get much easier. Imagine quickly sharing all the details of a large family or group trip with every person attending. You’ll never have to chase people down to remind them of flight times and hotel details again.

5. Book flights, hotels and rental cars by bundling your trip for even more savings

Enjoy even more vacation savings when you book your flights and hotels together in a vacation package . Bundling your travel bookings, including rental cars , is convenient and can help you save money.

6. Book activities and things to do

Pre-booking your activities and excursions helps you plan your vacation budget and gets you excited about your vacation before you even leave. Choose from a huge range of things to do at your destination, including tours, special events, theme parks, museums, and more.

7. When to book your vacation

According to Expedia’s latest research and insight into air travel hacks , the cheapest day to book flights is, generally speaking, Sundays, while Fridays are the most expensive. Booking your vacation on a Sunday can save up to 13% off the cost of your next vacation. Booking in advance, about 60 days before international travel, results in cheaper flights. It’s also best to travel in the morning to avoid cancellations or delays, which can snowball, affecting more flights later in the day.

Top tips on how to plan a vacation

How to plan a vacation.

Start to plan a vacation in 2024 by picking your desired destination and travel dates. If you need ideas, explore our latest deals or available options in a specific location during your planned vacation period. Browse flights and activities to enhance your travel itinerary, and remember that Expedia can help you stick to your budget with manageable monthly payments.

How can I plan my vacation with Expedia?

Planning your vacation with Expedia is easy. Enter your dream destination or travel dates into our site or app, browse the available flight options, hotels and activities, and book your desired choices. By using the Expedia app for vacation planning, you could find great deals and embark on a 2025 memorable vacation escape.

Can I create my own vacation package?

Expedia makes it easy to customize your vacation package by combining flights, hotels and activities that suit your travel plans. Explore deals and offers that align with your dream adventure and personalize a package that gets you in the vacation spirit.

How to plan an all-inclusive vacation?

Easily plan an all-inclusive vacation escape with flights by clicking the “packages" button on Expedia. You can also explore all-inclusive hotels without airfare by clicking the “stays" button. Bundling flights with your all-inclusive hotel can help you save, so take a look as you plan your itinerary.

How to plan a cheap vacation?

You could discover significant savings by exploring the latest flight deals on Expedia. If you have a specific destination for your journey, enter it along with your travel dates. Then, sort results by price or apply a budget filter to uncover the most enticing deals for your chosen vacation travel period.

How do I plan a family vacation?

Want to plan a memorable family getaway but don’t know where to start? Begin by using our filters to explore family-friendly hotels in top destinations like Disney resorts , Hawaii , and Costa Rica . Enhance your search by filtering for accommodations that offer kid-friendly amenities, such as game rooms, pools, and waterparks.

How do I plan a vacation on a budget?

The key to planning a vacation on a budget is having realistic expectations. Fill out your travel planner with your budget in mind, setting reasonable daily amounts for food, accommodations and activities. Whether you’re European vacation planning or staying closer to home, Expedia can help you find deals and offers that suit your vacation budget.

What factors should I consider when choosing a vacation destination?

Consider factors like desired destination, budget, travel dates, weather and preferred activities. Whether you’re looking for a warm winter escape or interested in immersing yourself in one of Europe’s charming vacation markets, Expedia’s filters can help you tailor your search based on the proper criteria.

How far in advance should I start planning my vacation?

Start planning your vacation at least a month in advance for domestic travel and 60 days in advance for international travel. According to Expedia’s air travel hacks , travellers who booked their flights 28 days before departing on a domestic trip saved 24% on average, while travellers who booked international flights 60 days out saved around 10%.

How can I find some of the best deals for my vacation?

If you’re tour planning on a budget, explore Expedia’s flight deals and consider bundling flights and accommodation for extra savings. Look out for promotions and deals to snag some of the best offers for your vacation.

Is it better to book a vacation package or plan everything individually?

It depends on your preferences. If you’re Hawaii vacation planning, booking a vacation package can be convenient and offer significant cost savings. However, some vacation planners prefer to reserve everything individually as it allows for more customization. Consider factors like time, budget and practicality when deciding which approach works for you.

How do I budget for my vacation?

Determine a realistic budget by considering expenses like flights, accommodation, food and activities as you fill out your vacation planner. With Expedia, you can compare prices and secure your vacation with a modest deposit and convenient monthly payments that match your financial plans.

Does Expedia have a flexible cancellation policy?

Yes. Experience the joy of flexible planning with Expedia’s free cancellation and pay-later options. Simply filter your search by payment type, and remember that cancellation policies can vary depending on your vacation package. Always check cancellation policies when tour planning and booking your getaway.

Why should I plan my next vacation with Expedia?

Expedia makes it easy to plan a dream vacation getaway that suits your budget. Whether you’re looking to spend time with family, unwind on a weekend escape, or embark on a thrilling winter adventure, Expedia has great deals on vacation packages to help you design an unforgettable trip.

invite to your trip expedia

Save with our bundle deals!

Car, Stay, Flight... book everything you need for your perfect weekend getaway with Expedia and save!

invite to your trip expedia

Vacation rental

Apartments, Villas, Cabins... we have everything you need!

invite to your trip expedia

Car Rentals

Hit the road with one of our car rental deals

Explore other types of vacation packages

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Winter is here! Check out the winter wonderlands at these 5 amazing winter destinations in Montana

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How To Add An Expedia Trip To Google Calendar

Published: December 1, 2023

Modified: December 28, 2023

by Trudi Six

  • Hotel Reviews
  • Plan Your Trip



Welcome to the world of travel planning! If you’re an avid traveler, you know that organizing your trips can be quite a task. From booking flights and hotels to planning activities and creating itineraries, there’s a lot to keep track of. Fortunately, technology comes to the rescue with tools that make our lives easier, like Google Calendar and Expedia.

In this article, we’ll walk you through the process of adding your Expedia trip to your Google Calendar. By doing so, you’ll have all your travel details conveniently stored in one place, accessible from any device with just a few clicks. Whether you’re planning a weekend getaway or a month-long adventure, having your trip information easily accessible will help you stay organized and ensure a smooth travel experience.

Adding your Expedia trip to Google Calendar not only provides you with a centralized location for all your travel plans but also allows you to set reminders and receive notifications for upcoming events, such as flight departures, hotel check-ins, and activity reservations. This way, you can stay on top of your travel itinerary and avoid any last-minute surprises.

So, if you’re ready to streamline your travel planning process and add that extra layer of convenience, let’s dive into the step-by-step guide on how to add an Expedia trip to your Google Calendar.

Step 1: Sign in to your Expedia Account

To get started, the first thing you need to do is sign in to your Expedia account. If you don’t have an account yet, you can easily create one by visiting the Expedia website and clicking on the “Sign in” or “Create an account” option.

Once you’re signed in, you’ll have access to all your past and upcoming bookings, itinerary details, and other travel-related information.

If you’ve previously booked a trip on Expedia and want to add it to your Google Calendar, make sure you’re signed in to the same account that you used to make the reservation. This will ensure that you have access to all the necessary details to add the trip to your calendar.

Signing in to your Expedia account not only allows you to manage your bookings but also gives you the benefit of accessing exclusive member deals and rewards. It’s a quick and simple step that opens up a world of possibilities for your travel planning.

So, take a moment to sign in to your Expedia account or create a new account if you haven’t already. Once you’re logged in, you’re ready to move on to the next step and add your Expedia trip to Google Calendar.

Step 2: Find your Trip Confirmation Email

Once you’re signed in to your Expedia account, it’s time to locate the trip confirmation email for the booking you want to add to your Google Calendar. Expedia sends a confirmation email for each reservation you make, containing all the essential details of your trip.

Open your email inbox and search for the email with the subject line that includes your trip’s confirmation number or the name of the hotel or airline. If you can’t find the email, check your spam or junk folder, as it may have been filtered into a different folder.

Once you’ve located the trip confirmation email, open it and take note of the important details, such as your flight information, hotel reservation, and any activities or car rentals you’ve booked. These details will be needed to add the trip to your Google Calendar and ensure that all the relevant information is included in the event.

If you accidentally deleted the confirmation email or can’t find it, don’t worry! You can still retrieve the necessary information from your Expedia account. Simply log in to your Expedia account and navigate to the “My Trips” section. Here, you’ll find a list of all your bookings, including the one you want to add to Google Calendar. Click on the booking to view the details and gather the required information.

Having the trip confirmation email or the details from your Expedia account at hand will make the next steps easier and ensure that you have all the necessary information to create the event on Google Calendar accurately.

Once you have the trip details ready, it’s time to move on to Step 3 and open Google Calendar.

Step 3: Open Google Calendar

To add your Expedia trip to Google Calendar, you’ll need to have a Google account and access to Google Calendar. If you don’t have a Google account, you can easily create one for free by visiting the Google account creation page and following the prompts.

Once you’re logged in to your Google account, you can access Google Calendar in a few different ways. You can open Google Calendar directly by searching for “Google Calendar” in your preferred search engine and clicking on the first result. Alternatively, you can access it via the Google Apps launcher, which can usually be found in the top-right corner of your browser window or on your device’s home screen.

Once you’ve opened Google Calendar, you’ll be presented with a clean and user-friendly interface. Here, you have a clear view of your calendar, upcoming events, and options to create and manage events.

Google Calendar also offers the convenience of accessing your calendar across multiple devices, including your smartphone, tablet, and computer. This means that no matter where you are, you can easily access and manage your calendar on the go.

Now that you have Google Calendar open and ready, it’s time to move on to the next step and create a new event for your Expedia trip.

Step 4: Create a New Event

With Google Calendar open, it’s time to create a new event for your Expedia trip. Creating a new event in Google Calendar allows you to set the date, time, and other details related to your trip.

Start by selecting the date on which your trip begins. Click on the desired date in the calendar view, and a pop-up box will appear, prompting you to add event details.

In the event creation box, you’ll find fields to input the event title, start date, and start time. Enter a descriptive title for your trip, such as “Europe Vacation” or “Business Trip to New York.” Select the start date and time based on the details of your trip from the Expedia confirmation email or your account.

If your trip spans multiple days, click on the “All-day” checkbox to indicate that the event will last the entire day. Alternatively, if your trip has specific start and end times, leave the “All-day” checkbox empty and specify the start and end times accordingly.

Next, you have the option to add the location of your trip. Enter the name of the hotel, airport, or any other relevant location related to your trip. This can help you quickly access the location details from the event on your calendar.

Below the location field, there’s a larger box where you can add additional notes or details about your trip. You can use this space to include any important information you want to remember or share regarding your travel plans.

Once you have filled in the event details, click on the “Save” button to create the event. The new event will now appear in your Google Calendar, marked with the title, date, and time you specified.

Congratulations! You’ve successfully created a new event for your Expedia trip on Google Calendar. But we’re not done just yet. In the next step, we’ll customize the event reminder to ensure that you stay on top of your travel plans.

Step 5: Add Trip Details

Now that you have created a new event for your Expedia trip on Google Calendar, it’s time to add the specific trip details. This includes information such as your flight details, hotel reservation, activities, and any other relevant information that you want to include in the event.

Start by editing the event that you just created. You can do this by clicking on the event in your Google Calendar and selecting the “Edit” option. This will allow you to modify the event details and add additional information.

In the event editing window, you’ll see various fields that you can update. Begin by adding your flight details, including the airline, flight number, departure and arrival times, and any layovers or connecting flights. You can either add this information directly in the event title or include it in the event description for better organization.

Next, include your hotel reservation details. This can include the name of the hotel, confirmation number, check-in and check-out dates, and any other relevant information. Again, you can add this information either in the event title or in the event description.

If you have booked any activities or have important reminders related to your trip, you can add them as well. This can include things like sightseeing tours, restaurant reservations, or important deadlines you need to keep in mind. Include these details in the event description, making sure to provide all the necessary information for a smooth and well-planned trip.

Take this opportunity to also add any important contact information, such as the contact details for your hotel, airline, and any other service providers you may need to reach during your trip. Including this information in the event will ensure that it’s easily accessible when you need it.

Once you have added all the necessary trip details, click on the “Save” button to update the event. Your Expedia trip event will now contain all the specific details you added, making it easier for you to reference and stay organized throughout your trip.

Now that the trip details are included, it’s time to customize the event reminder in the next step to ensure you don’t miss any important milestones of your trip.

Step 6: Customize Event Reminder

Adding a customized event reminder to your Expedia trip event in Google Calendar is an excellent way to ensure that you stay on top of your travel plans and don’t miss any important deadlines. By setting up reminders, you’ll receive notifications that will help you remember crucial steps, such as flight check-ins, hotel check-ins, and activity reservations.

To customize the event reminder, start by opening the event you created for your Expedia trip on Google Calendar. You can do this by clicking on the event and selecting the “Edit” option.

In the event editing window, you’ll find a section labeled “Notifications” or “Reminders”. Click on this section to expand it and view the options available.

Google Calendar provides different reminder options, including “Email”, “Pop-up”, and “Notification”. Choose the reminder method that works best for you. For example, if you prefer to receive email reminders, select the “Email” option and set the timing for when you want to receive the reminder.

Consider setting up multiple reminders for different stages of your trip. For example, you can set a reminder a day before your flight departure, reminding you to complete your online check-in or pack your bags. Another reminder could be set a few hours before your hotel check-in, allowing you to plan your arrival and ensure a smooth check-in process.

If you prefer to receive notifications on your mobile device, make sure you have the Google Calendar app installed and notifications enabled. This way, you’ll receive alerts directly on your phone or tablet, ensuring you never miss an important travel-related task.

Once you have customized your event reminder settings, click on the “Save” button to update the event. You’ve successfully personalized the event reminder for your Expedia trip, guaranteeing that you have the necessary information and timely notifications at your fingertips.

Now that your event reminder is set up, it’s time to save the event and proceed to the next step to add any additional Expedia trips you have.

Step 7: Save Event

After customizing the event details and setting up the reminder for your Expedia trip on Google Calendar, it’s time to save the event. Saving the event ensures that all the changes and information you have added are recorded and ready for you to access whenever you need them.

To save the event, simply click on the “Save” button located in the event editing window. This will update the event with all the modifications you made, including the trip details, reminders, and any other customizations.

Once the event is saved, it will be visible in your Google Calendar, marked with the specified date, time, title, and additional details. You can easily view the event by navigating to the date of your trip or searching for the event title in the calendar view.

By saving the event, you ensure that all the important information related to your Expedia trip is organized and accessible whenever you need it. Whether you want to review your flight details, check the hotel reservation dates, or remind yourself of any activities you booked, everything is conveniently stored in one place.

Additionally, the event reminder you set up will help you stay on track and not overlook any significant aspects of your trip. You’ll receive notifications or email reminders at the designated times, ensuring that you’re prepared for each step of your travel journey.

Congratulations! You have successfully saved your Expedia trip event in Google Calendar. However, if you have multiple Expedia trips to add, continue reading the next step to learn how to repeat the process for each trip.

Step 8: Repeat for Additional Expedia Trips

If you have additional Expedia trips that you want to add to your Google Calendar, you can easily repeat the process outlined in the previous steps. This allows you to keep all your travel plans organized in one place and ensures that you stay on top of each trip’s details and reminders.

To add another Expedia trip, start by signing in to your Expedia account and locating the trip confirmation email for the booking you want to add. Open the email and gather the necessary trip details, such as flight information, hotel reservation, and activities.

Next, open Google Calendar and create a new event following the steps outlined in Step 4. Enter the trip details, including the date, time, location, and any important notes or reminders. Customize the event reminder in Step 6 to ensure you receive timely notifications for this specific trip as well.

After adding the trip details and setting up the event reminder, save the event by clicking on the “Save” button. The new event will now be visible in your Google Calendar, alongside your previous Expedia trip event.

Repeat this process for each additional Expedia trip you want to add. By doing so, you’ll have a comprehensive overview of all your travel plans, making it easier to manage and navigate through different trips and their respective details.

Remember, adding multiple Expedia trips to your Google Calendar allows you to stay organized and ensure that no important travel information gets overlooked. Whether you’re planning a series of business trips or multiple vacations, having all the details conveniently stored in Google Calendar makes it easy to access and reference them whenever needed.

After completing this step for each additional Expedia trip, you can rest assured that your travel plans are fully documented and accessible in one centralized location. Enjoy the peace of mind that comes with having all your trips organized and ready to go!

Now that you have successfully added all your Expedia trips to Google Calendar, you’re ready to embark on your travel adventures feeling well-prepared and organized. Bon voyage!

Congratulations, you’ve successfully learned how to add your Expedia trips to Google Calendar! By following the step-by-step guide outlined in this article, you can now keep all your travel plans organized and easily accessible from any device.

Adding your Expedia trips to Google Calendar offers numerous benefits. It allows you to centralize all your travel information in one place, ensuring you have quick and convenient access to your flight details, hotel reservations, and activity bookings. In addition, the customizable event reminders help you stay on top of your travel plans, avoiding any last-minute surprises and ensuring a smooth and stress-free trip.

Remember to sign in to your Expedia account to access your past and upcoming bookings, and locate the trip confirmation emails to gather all the necessary details. Open Google Calendar and create new events for each trip, adding specific information such as flight and hotel details, activities, and additional notes.

Customize the event reminder settings to receive timely notifications and alerts for important milestones of your trip, and don’t forget to save each event once you’ve added all the relevant information.

If you have multiple Expedia trips, repeat the process for each one to maintain a comprehensive overview of all your travel plans. Google Calendar’s convenience and cross-device accessibility ensure that your travel information is always at your fingertips, keeping you organized and prepared for your adventures.

Now that you have the tools and knowledge to add your Expedia trips to Google Calendar, you can confidently plan your travels with ease and efficiency. So go ahead, book your next trip, and rest assured that you’ll have all the information you need conveniently stored in Google Calendar!


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Trip Boards: Add family and friends

  • Add properties to the Trip Board 
  • Vote on their favorite properties 
  • Chat as a group 
  • Comment and share their thoughts 

Adding family and friends to your Trip Board 

  • Select Traveler Login from the Log in drop-down menu. 
  • Select  Trip Boards . 
  • Find the Trip Board you want to share. 
  • Select  Invite . 
  • You can email invites directly or copy and send the shareable link. 
  • Open the Vrbo app. If you’re on an Android device, tap the navigation menu.  
  • Tap  Boards . 
  • Tap Invite. 
  • Choose which app to use when sharing your invite. 

Start the conversation 

  • Open the Vrbo app. If you’re on an Android device, tap the navigation menu. 
  • Tap  Boards .
  • Find the Trip Board you want to chat about. 
  • Tap the chat bubble and invite your group. 

Remove someone from your Trip Board 

  • Select  Trip Boards.  
  • Find the Trip Board you want to edit. 
  • Select the circles with your family and friends’ pictures or initials. 
  • On the pop-up screen, select  Remove  next to the person you’re removing. 
  • Tap  Boards . 
  • Tap the circles with your family and friends’ pictures or initials. 
  • On the pop-up screen, tap the ‘ X ’ next to the person you’re removing. 
  • Create a Trip Board Help Article
  • Add or remove properties from a Trip Board Help Article

Share trip details with other guests

You’re all booked! Before you get packing, it’d be a good idea to share your trip details with the people traveling with you. If they have their own Airbnb account, you can invite them to be co-travelers so they have the trip itinerary, including the Host’s contact info and address.

To add a co-traveler:

  • Click Trips and select the reservation you want to share
  • Click Send to guests
  • Click Send trip details
  • Select sharing option and send to your co-travelers
  • Tap Send to guests
  • Tap Send trip details
  • Tap Trips and select the reservation you want to share

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invite to your trip expedia

Expedia announces new programs to benefit tourists and local communities: 'A travel industry that prioritizes both people and the planet'

Expedia is launching two new sustainable travel initiatives to help tourists be more eco-conscious and support local communities. 

According to a report on Edie , Expedia and the Travel Foundation have partnered to create the Destination Climate Champions program. 

This groundbreaking initiative will instill in the staff of companies that promote destinations — also known as destination management organizations (DMOs) — the knowledge and skills to develop climate action plans for specific destinations.

It's in the pilot phase in 30 destinations in the northwest U.S., Europe, and New Zealand. There are plans to expand it globally later this year.

Vice President of Expedia Group Media Solutions Rob Torres said, "Our partnership with Travel Foundation reflects our shared vision of a travel industry that prioritizes both people and the planet."

The second program, called Destination Giveback, supports local communities. Expedia and DMO partners donate to local causes to aid marketing and boost tourism. For example, Expedia Group donated $100,000 to Destination Canada and the Indigenous Tourism Association of Canada to increase Indigenous tourism.

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Expedia is launching the initiatives because of research from its Expedia Group Media Solutions. The company found that 90% of travelers seek sustainable travel options, and half are willing to pay more for those.

Tourism's impact on the plant is not insignificant. It accounts for 8% of polluting gases globally, but it is expected to increase to 6.5 billion metric tons by 2025, a 44% increase from 2013. These programs will help tackle the growing effect on the climate. 

The Destination Giveback program can help bring in more tourism money for local communities, which will benefit the residents of the cities by boosting the economy. Also, creating sustainable practices will create a healthier community for all tourist destinations by cutting back on polluting gases. It's a win-win for travelers and local residents. 

These programs are not standalone initiatives. They have grown out of Expedia Group's larger climate goals, which the company revealed in its Climate Action Plan last year. The plan underscores the company's commitment to reaching net-zero emissions by 2040. 

More brands are creating sustainable initiatives. Take Alaska Airlines , for instance, which offers its customers an option to buy sustainable aviation fuel credits while earning mileage points. 

For related progress, check out the TCD Guide for supporting eco-friendly initiatives by your favorite brands.  

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Expedia announces new programs to benefit tourists and local communities: 'A travel industry that prioritizes both people and the planet' first appeared on The Cool Down .

Expedia found that 90% of travelers seek sustainable travel options, and half are willing to pay more for those.


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  13. Trip Boards: Add family and friends

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    Group Chat Trip Planning: Invite Romie to join your SMS group chat and listen to your vacation plans. If you want some advice, just @Romie to get suggestions on where to go or what to do, like you ...

  15. Share trip details with other guests

    Select sharing option and send to your co-travelers. Tap Trips and select the reservation you want to share. Tap Send to guests. Tap Send trip details. Select sharing option and send to your co-travelers. Invite your guests to be co-travelers, and then they'll have access to the itinerary from their Airbnb account, or forward your itinerary ...

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    Expedia is launching the initiatives because of research from its Expedia Group Media Solutions. The company found that 90% of travelers seek sustainable travel options, and half are willing to ...

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