Meet tourist !

Algorithm finalist.

Gennady Korotkevich's profile

What’s your favorite thing about competitive programming? Everything!

How did you start out in competitive programming? I learned the program for adding 10 integers by heart.

What is your most memorable SRM and why? Wow, that’s hard, I’ve had quite a number of them! Let’s say it’s SRM 444: I finished 3rd after ACRush and Petr, and my rating became just one point shy of 3000. :)

What’s your favorite Topcoder SRM problem and why? This is even harder – three times more options to choose from! I don’t have any specific problem in mind, but in the recent SRMs I enjoyed EllysTournament and DistancePermutation. (I’m probably biased towards DP problems).

Who do you think is the most fierce or talented coder at Topcoder and why? Scott Wu is very talented – good at both problem solving and live commentary!

What do you do when not working? Play tennis, walk outside, do some contests.

Where do you work? Tell us about your space(s). ITMO University.

What kind of music do you listen to while working on your solutions? The sound of silence.

What’s the best tip or piece of advice you can share with other members at Topcoder? Do what you feel is right.

What does Topcoder mean to you? The oldest prestigious programming competition that really helped the community to be born and alive now.

What are you most excited about for this year’s TCO Finals? Defending my Marathon title – it’s going to be tough! :)

Do you strive to be at TCO every year and if so, why does it matter to you? At TCO I’m competing with and meeting the best of the best in the field!

What was your secret to getting a ticket for the TCO finals more than once? Just luck, I guess?

View All TCO19 Finalists Interviews


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Codeforces Round #850 Editorial

1786A2 - Alternating Deck (hard version)

Problem author: K AN

1786B - Cake Assembly Line

1785A - Monsters (easy version)

Problem author: t ourist

1785B - Letter Exchange

1785C - Monsters (hard version)

1785D - Wooden Spoon

1785E - Infinite Game

1785F - Minimums or Medians

Full text and comments »

tourist codeforces job

Codeforces Round #850

Welcome to Codeforces Round 850 (Div. 1, based on VK Cup 2022 - Final Round) and Codeforces Round 850 (Div. 2, based on VK Cup 2022 - Final Round) that will start on Feb/05/2023 15:05 (Moscow time) . Both rounds will be rated.

This round is a mirror of VK Cup 2022 Final — annual programming championship for Russian-speaking competitors organized by VK. VK Cup started in 2012 and has grown to be a five-track competition in competitive programming, Mobile, ML, Go, and JavaScript.

All the problems of Div. 1 round are authored and prepared by me, while K AN authored and prepared two problems for Div. 2. Thanks to errorgorn , irkstepanov , qwerty787788 , M erkurev , IgorI , PavelKunyavskiy , izban , Alexdat2000 , ashmelev , Akulyat , mike_live , Ekler , Kalashnikov for making this round better.

You will be given 6 problems and 3 hours to solve them.

UPD: Editorial

Congratulations to the winners:

  • Q uietBeautifulThoughts

Codeforces Round #844 Editorial

1782A - Parallel Projection

1782B - Going to the Cinema

1782C - Equal Frequencies

1782D - Many Perfect Squares

1782E - Rectangle Shrinking

1782F - Bracket Insertion

1782G - Diverse Coloring

1782H1 - Window Signals (easy version)

Codeforces Round #844 (Div. 1 + Div. 2)

Welcome to the Codeforces Round 844 (Div. 1 + Div. 2, based on VK Cup 2022 - Elimination Round) that will start on Jan/15/2023 15:05 (Moscow time) . It will be a combined rated round for both divisions and open to everyone.

This round is a mirror of VK Cup 2022 Elimination — annual programming championship for Russian-speaking competitors organized by VK. VK Cup started in 2012 and has grown to be a five-track competition in competitive programming, Mobile, ML, Go, and JavaScript.

All the problems are authored and prepared by me. Thanks to K AN , errorgorn , lperovskaya , dario2994 , Monogon , Arpa for making this round better.

You will be given 8 problems and 3 hours to solve them.

UPD : Editorial

  • o rzdevinwang
  • Q AQAutoMaton

and to m aroonrk for getting the only accepted solution to problem H2.

SNWS 2022 streams

Tune in at at around 22:30 MSK, 11 Jan 2022 to watch me solving SnarkNews Winter Series 2022 Round 1 live! First I will do the round competitively without much interaction, and I'll be up for discussing the problems on stream afterwards.

SnarkNews Winter/Summer Series (SNWS/SNSS) is organized by snarknews and consists of 5 rounds. Each round is a virtual 6-problem 80-minute contest open for 10 days. The series is open to all, but problem statements are in Russian only. On stream, I'll read the problem statements automatically translated to English.

To make the stream more fun and for easier understanding of what will be going on, you're welcome to do the round yourself beforehand! If you don't understand Russian, you can also compete using automatic translators. Alternatively, you may just read the problems without solving them. In any case, don't discuss the problems in Codeforces comments before the round window ends.

Tentative schedule of future streams:

  • Round 2 ( contest link ): 22:30 MSK, 16 Jan 2022
  • Round 3 ( contest link ): 22:30 MSK, 21 Jan 2022
  • Round 4 ( contest link ): 22:30 MSK, 26 Jan 2022
  • Round 5 ( contest link ): 22:30 MSK, 31 Jan 2022

I might be streaming at other times too, so be sure to follow me on Twitch to get instant notifications.

See you on stream!

TCO 2021 Algo Semi 2

Topcoder Open 2021 Algorithm Semifinal 2 is right around the corner, starting in less than 5 minutes!

The competitors are B enq aka bqi343, P etr , s cott_wu , n eal aka neal_wu, SpyCheese , m aroonrk aka maroon_kuri, krijgertje , and S ugar_fan .

The top 4 advance to the Finals. The advancers from Semi 1 are e cnerwala , t ourist , U m_nik , and A CRush .

Watch the live broadcast on YouTube and Twitch , featuring Pena , E gor , t ourist , and k sun48 !

TCO 2021 Algo Semi 1

Topcoder Open 2021 Algorithm Semifinal 1 is right around the corner, starting in less than 5 minutes!

The competitors are t ourist , e cnerwala aka ecnerwal, A CRush , h os.lyric aka lyrically, U m_nik , k o_osaga aka gs14004, PavelKunyavskiy aka kuniavski, and never_giveup aka grumpy_gordon.

Watch the live broadcast on YouTube and Twitch , featuring s cott_wu , P etr , and krijgertje !

Codeforces Round #740 Editorial

Hope you enjoyed the round!

VK Cup 2021 — Final (Engine) and Codeforces Round #740

Hello again!

VK Cup 2021 - Final (Engine) starts very soon: on Aug/22/2021 15:05 (Moscow time) . Today, 32 best contestants of the elimination round will be fighting for cash prizes and eternal glory.

You can follow the course of the contest and root for your favorite contestants via this link .

Everyone except for VK Cup 2021 finalists is invited to Codeforces Round 740 (Div. 1, based on VK Cup 2021 - Final (Engine)) and Codeforces Round 740 (Div. 2, based on VK Cup 2021 - Final (Engine)) that start a couple of days later: on Aug/24/2021 17:35 (Moscow time) . The rounds will be rated for everyone.

All the problems were authored and prepared by me. Big thanks to everyone without whom this round would not be possible: K AN , PavelKunyavskiy , s cott_wu , xiaowuc1 , Monogon , Aleks5d , lperovskaya , MikeMirzayanov . Special thanks to s-quark ( 2nd place of the first ever VK Cup 2012! ) for inspiring problem titles.

You will be given 6 problems and 2 hours 30 minutes to solve them in both divisions. It is recommended to read all the problems. Good luck!

UPD : Scoring distribution in the VK Cup finals: 500 — 1250 — 1500 — 2000 — 3000 — 3500

UPD2 : Congratulations to the winners of the VK Cup 2021 Final Round!

  • never_giveup
  • M aksim1744
  • Golovanov399

UPD3 : Division 1 round will be held on the VK Cup 2021 Finals problem set without any changes.

Scoring distribution for Div. 1: 500 — 1250 — 1500 — 2000 — 3000 — 3500

In Division 2 problems BDEF will match problems ABCD of Div. 1. Problems A and C of Div. 2 will be similar to problems F and E of Div. 1 (albeit being much easier). Besides that, problem D of Div. 2 will have a subtask with lower constraints than the original problem.

Scoring distribution for Div. 2: 500 — 1250 — 1250 — (1500 + 1000) — 2500 — 3500

As a reminder, the standings of the VK Cup Finals are available via this link — feel free to try gaining an advantage using all the information available before the round :)

UPD4 : Editorial is available.

Codeforces Round #733 Editorial (all problems)

Hope you enjoyed the round! Editorials for all problems are out now. Also check out e cnerwala 's stream where we went through individual problems and discussed the contest as a whole: .

Codeforces Round #733 (Div. 1 + Div. 2)

Hello, Codeforces!

Welcome to the Codeforces Round 733 (Div. 1 + Div. 2, based on VK Cup 2021 - Elimination (Engine)) that will start on Jul/17/2021 17:35 (Moscow time) . It will be a combined rated round for both divisions.

This round is a mirror of VK Cup 2021 Elimination. VK Cup is an annual championship for Russian-speaking competitors organized by VK — a social networking service based in Saint Petersburg and the most popular website in Russia. VK Cup started in 2012 and has grown to be a four-track competition in competitive programming, ML, design, and mobile development.

All the problems were authored and prepared by me. Big thanks to everyone without whom this round would not be possible: PavelKunyavskiy , K AN , lperovskaya , k sun48 , Sert , Aleks5d , MikeMirzayanov .

You will be given 8 problems and 3 hours to solve them. It is recommended to read all the problems. Good luck!

UPD : Scoring distribution: 500 — 750 — 1000 — 1500 — 2000 — 2750 — 3750 — 4750

UPD2 : Congratulations to the winners!

VK Cup 2021 — Elimination (Engine):

  • E ndagorion

Codeforces Round #733:

Editorial of problems A-E is out, problems F-H will appear later.

UPD3 : Editorial now contains problems F-H as well.

touristream 012: Codeforces Round 672 (Div. 2)

Tune in to my Twitch to watch me solve today's Codeforces Round 672 (Div. 2) virtually.

UPD: Video on YouTube .

touristream 011: Codeforces Round 670 (Div. 2) + Educational 95

During my last stream ( link to YouTube ), besides the expected SNSS Round 5, I did Codeforces Round 669 (Div. 2) virtually trying to explain most of my thoughts in the process. I'd say it went pretty well!

Tomorrow I'll hold another stream solving the most recent Codeforces Div. 2 rounds: Round 670 and Educational 95 . I might also do today's AtCoder Beginner Contest 178 .

I'm planning to go live right after Educational 95 finishes — that is, around 19:45 MSK .

A question is, given that I will do both Round 670 and Educational 95, which one should I do first? Vote here :)

As usual, the stream will be live on my Twitch , make sure to follow and get instant notifications. Stream recording will be posted to my YouTube afterwards.

touristreams are back! 006: SNSS 2020 R1, and more

It's this time of the year again!

Tune in at at around 21:45 MSK, 21 Aug 2020 to watch me solving SnarkNews Summer Series 2020 Round 1 live! First I will do the round competitively without much interaction, and I'll be up for discussing the problems on stream afterwards.

SnarkNews Winter/Summer Series (SNWS/SNSS) is organized by snarknews yearly and consists of 5 rounds. Each round is a virtual 6-problem 80-minute contest open for 10 days. The series is open to all, but problem statements are in Russian only. Unlike last series, I'll be reading problem statements automatically translated to English on stream.

  • Round 2 ( contest link ): 21:45 MSK, 25 Aug 2020
  • Round 3 ( contest link ): 21:45 MSK, 5 Sep 2020
  • Round 4 ( contest link ): 21:45 MSK, 7 Sep 2020
  • Round 5 ( contest link ): 21:45 MSK, 9 Sep 2020

I might be streaming at other times too, so be sure to follow me on Twitch and get instant notifications.

UPD: Round 1 stream is available on my channel: link . Round 2 stream is starting as planned, in 8 hours — be sure to join! Here is the contest link if you'd like to do the contest or read the problems beforehand.

UPD2: Round 2 stream: link . Unfortunately, Round 3 has not started yet — therefore, the next streams have to be postponed. Follow this blog and my Twitch for updates.

UPD3: New dates of Rounds 3-5 (and hence my streams) have been announced!

UPD4: Just a friendly reminder: Round 3 ends in less than 24 hours, and thus my next stream is coming tomorrow! Also note that Rounds 4 and 5 are about to end as well, there are just two days between consecutive rounds.

UPD5: Round 3 stream: link . Round 4 stream is coming in less than 4 hours from now!

UPD6: Round 4 stream: link . The last stream of the series, Round 5, is coming today in less than 3 hours!

UPD7: Round 5 stream: link (with virtual Codeforces Round 669 (Div. 2) as a practice before SNSS). This was the last stream of the series, thank you for tuning in! However, this was not the last stream of the season — check this blog post for more.

XX Open Cup: GP of Gomel

XX Open Cup Grand Prix of Gomel takes place on Sunday, February 16, 2020, at 11:00 AM Petrozavodsk time .

The links to the contest:

You need an Open Cup login to participate.

I'm the writer of all the problems. Let's discuss them here after the contest!

UPD: Thanks for your participation! Editorial is available.

touristream 005: SNWS 2020 R5

(Previous episodes: Episode 001 , Episode 002 , Episode 003 , Episode 004 )

Hey there, it's time for the final stream of the series!

Tune in at at around 22:45 MSK, 06 Feb 2020 to watch me solving SnarkNews Winter Series 2020 Round 5 live! I'm going to do the round competitively without any interaction, and I'll try to explain the problems in English on stream afterwards.

As usual, I invite you to do the round yourself before I do! If you don't understand Russian, you may compete using automatic translators, or you may just read the problems beforehand without solving them. In any case, don't discuss the problems in Codeforces comments before the stream ends.

UPD: Video at YouTube. This series is over now! Thanks for watching, and I hope you enjoyed the streams.

touristream 004: SNWS 2020 R4

(Previous episodes: Episode 001 , Episode 002 , Episode 003 )

Tune in at at around 21:45 MSK, 28 Jan 2020 to watch me solving SnarkNews Winter Series 2020 Round 4 live! I'm going to do the round competitively without any interaction, and I'll try to explain the problems in English on stream afterwards.

UPD: Video is available at YouTube.

touristream 003: SNWS 2020 R3

(Previous episodes: Episode 001 , Episode 002 )

Tune in at at around 21:45 MSK, 22 Jan 2020 to watch me solving SnarkNews Winter Series 2020 Round 3 live! I'm going to do the round competitively without any interaction, and I'll try to explain the problems in English on stream afterwards.

UPD: Thanks for watching! Video is available at YouTube. My performance was remarkably bad, but hopefully that didn't make the stream less fun :)

touristream 002: SNWS 2020 R2

Episode 001

Tune in at at around 21:45 MSK, 17 Jan 2020 to watch me solving SnarkNews Winter Series 2020 Round 2 live! I'm going to do the round competitively without any interaction, and I'll try to explain the problems in English on stream afterwards.

Just like the last time, I invite you to do the round yourself before I do! If you don't understand Russian, you may compete using automatic translators, or you may just read the problems beforehand without solving them. In any case, don't discuss the problems in Codeforces comments before the stream ends.

UPD: Video at YouTube. This time with more implementation-oriented problems and worse performance of mine, but clearer sound and more thorough explanations :) Do let me know what you think.

The next stream is planned at the end of SNWS 2020 Round 3: 21:45 MSK, 22 Jan 2020 .

touristream 001: SNWS 2020 R1

Tune in at at around 21:45 MSK, 12 Jan 2020 to watch me solving SnarkNews Winter Series 2020 Round 1 live! First I will do the round competitively without any interaction, and I'll be up for discussing the problems on stream afterwards.

SnarkNews Winter/Summer Series (SNWS/SNSS) is organized by snarknews yearly and consists of 5 rounds. Each round is a virtual 6-problem 80-minute contest open for 10 days. The series is open to all, but problem statements are in Russian only. Nevertheless, I'm going to discuss the problems in English.

To make the stream more fun and for easier understanding of what will be going on, you're welcome to do the round yourself before I do! If you don't understand Russian, you may compete using automatic translators. Alternatively, you may just read the problems beforehand without solving them. In any case, don't discuss the problems in Codeforces comments before the stream ends.

UPD: The stream is over. If everything goes well, the next stream will happen at the end of SNWS 2020 R2: 21:45 MSK, 17 Jan 2020 . Do let me know whether you liked it and any other thoughts/suggestions in comments!

UPD2: The video of the stream is now available at YouTube.

AtCoder Grand Contest 041

We will hold AtCoder Grand Contest 041. This is the last contest of 2019 that counts for AtCoder Race Ranking.

  • Contest URL:
  • Start Time:
  • Duration: 150 minutes
  • Number of Tasks: 6
  • Writer: t ourist
  • Rated range: All

The point values will be 300 — 700 — 900 — 1200 — 1600 (800 + 800) — 2000.

We are looking forward to your participation!

Codeforces Global Round 5 Editorial

Codeforces Global Round 5

tourist codeforces job

On Oct/16/2019 17:35 (Moscow time) we will host Codeforces Global Round 5 .

It is the fifth round of a new series of Codeforces Global Rounds supported by XTX Markets. The rounds are open for everybody, the rating will be updated for everybody.

The round will last for 2 hours 30 minutes, 8 problems are waiting for you, and one of them will be proposed in two versions.

Scoring distribution: 500 — 750 — (750 + 750) — 2000 — 2500 — 3000 — 3750 — 4000

The prizes for this round:

  • 30 best participants get a t-shirt.
  • 20 t-shirts are randomly distributed among those with ranks between 31 and 500, inclusive.

The prizes for the 6-round series in 2019:

  • In each round top-100 participants get points according to the table .
  • The final result for each participant is equal to the sum of points he gets in the four rounds he placed the highest.
  • The best 20 participants over the whole series get sweatshirts and place certificates.

The problems of this round were developed by me, and here is the list of people who can't take part in the round as they know the problems beforehand:

KAN , E ndagorion , arsijo , Rox , lperovskaya , Aleks5d , Learner99 , MikeMirzayanov .

Coincidentally, this is also the list of people I'm thankful to for making this round what it is.

The round will be perfectly balanced. As all things should be.

tourist codeforces job

UPD: The round is over! Editorial is here. Congratulations to the winners:


More From Forbes

20 flexible companies hiring for fully remote jobs in 2024.

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Some employers will pay for you to have vacation—so look out for these in your job search this ... [+] summer

Vacation season is swinging around the corner.

But unfortunately, not everyone has the luxury of taking advantage of their PTO. Many workers simply cannot afford a summer vacation, or are unable to take the time out that they need to relax, even during their work days, due to rigid company policies imposing in-office attendance and restricting work/life balance.

However, all is not doom and gloom.

There are still some employers that exist who are hiring (or have hired recently) for fully remote jobs, which in itself, is a rare find during a time when many executive teams are opting for RTO and hybrid mandates for their workplaces.

Additionally, these companies have policies and provisions that, at the time of writing, encourage their employees to maximize their PTO. Employers are starting to recognize the positive impact that vacation time and having flexible working policies can have on employee wellness and boosting productivity.

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Anya taylor joy messi and more grace the cannes film festival 2024 red carpet, televisaunivision 2024-25 slate touts latino culture, vix growth, juanpa zurita, william levy deals, 20 companies hiring fully remote jobs in 2024.

In light of the findings of a recent Zety survey , which showed that 68% of professionals are cutting back on their vacation spending this year due to finances, these "summer-friendly" employers are even providing financial incentives to step away from the desk.

The remote work job board, FlexJobs, recently listed 20 remote-friendly employers that also provide extra pay, reimbursement, stipend, or some other tangible benefit in exchange for taking time off.

For example, some employers such as Expedia provide wellness and travel reimbursement to employees, while others such as Olark reward employees with a $1,000 vacation bonus, upon the condition of taking five consecutive days off work.

Here is the full list of 20 companies that are hiring now—with some role categories being fully remote:

  • Chime Financial
  • Disruptive Advertising
  • Evolve Security
  • FullContact
  • Kasa Living
  • Kindred Concepts
  • Philo, Inc.
  • Thirty Madison
  • TripAdvisor
  • United Airlines
  • Verb Interactive

How To Find A Fully Remote, Flexible Job In 2024

One interesting observation that can be made from the list above is that a large percentage of flexible companies—at least those derived from FlexJobs' list, operate within the travel, leisure, and hospitality industry.

These offer company-specific perks such as discounts off their own resorts and hotels, and stipends towards related travel and stays, which you can take advantage of this year.

Therefore it might be a smart career move to consider working at an employer within the travel or hospitality industry, as this might be more beneficial to your wellbeing (from a PTO and travel perspective).

Another way to find a fully remote job that also offers flexible perks such as unlimited PTO, is to look at Glassdoor reviews and feedback, and talk to current employees on LinkedIn. Ask them what they enjoy about their role, and what they like/don't like about working for their company. Even a simple coffee chat over LinkedIn can shed significant light on what to expect should you apply for a role with one of these employers.

One of the easiest places to see what is available to you as an employee is the company's career page section of their website. They will usually use this page to shout about their achievements as an employer, and showcase the perks they provide, in a bid to entice quality talent such as yourself.

But perhaps most essentially, let's not forget how essential it is is to set expectations early on to avoid confusion later. Create clarity and avoid ambiguity by discussing your flexibility requirements, such as vacation plans, health and personal needs, right from the beginning. Of course, timing is everything, so ensure that you only mention this towards the negotiation stage of your job application process.

For example, if you have three rounds of interviews, it might be best to not rock the boat and mention anything to do with personal benefits until the very final stage interview, once you feel satisfied that you have checked all their boxes (and vice versa).

Don't be afraid to negotiate flexible benefits including your PTO towards the end of your job ... [+] interviews

This year, prioritize your wellbeing in your work, and not the other way around. When selecting your next employer, look out for positive signs that they value you as a person, not just as another number on a spreadsheet.

Rachel Wells

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12 Countries Where It's Easy to Get a Job as an American

Posted: May 14, 2024 | Last updated: May 14, 2024

<p>Do you have the travel itch but feel you’re bound to work in the U.S.? </p> <p> Remote work has become more popular and you can do it from anywhere. Many countries make it easy for you to work abroad and this may offer you <a href="">ways to travel more</a>. </p> <p> Check out these countries to see if you can relocate and still earn money and travel. You may be surprised at how easy it can be to get a work visa. </p> <p>  <a href=""><b>Make Money:</b> 8 things to do if you're barely scraping by financially</a>  </p>

Do you have the travel itch but feel you’re bound to work in the U.S.?

Remote work has become more popular and you can do it from anywhere. Many countries make it easy for you to work abroad and this may offer you ways to travel more .

Check out these countries to see if you can relocate and still earn money and travel. You may be surprised at how easy it can be to get a work visa.

Make Money: 8 things to do if you're barely scraping by financially

<p> Portugal has seen an increase in Americans moving there and for good reason. The country has traditional charms along with a modern lifestyle that make it appealing to many expatriates. </p> <p> It also has a good visa policy for workers. This allows you to stay in the country for up to nine months while working. You can also work for more than one employer as long as it’s seasonal work. </p> <p> It may be an interesting change, especially if you plan to work in hospitality as there are plenty of seasonal jobs for you to choose from.</p><p>    <p>Each year, the IRS forgives millions in unpaid taxes. If you have more than $10,000 in tax debt, or have 3+ years of unfiled taxes, you could get forgiveness too. You might be eligible to lower the amount you owe, or eliminate your tax debt completely.</p> <p>While most tax companies just put you on a payment plan and file your taxes for you, <a href="">this company talks to the IRS directly</a>. They can help you pay off your tax debt faster while potentially reducing what you owe.</p>   </p>

Portugal has seen an increase in Americans moving there and for good reason. The country has traditional charms along with a modern lifestyle that make it appealing to many expatriates.

It also has a good visa policy for workers. This allows you to stay in the country for up to nine months while working. You can also work for more than one employer as long as it’s seasonal work.

It may be an interesting change, especially if you plan to work in hospitality as there are plenty of seasonal jobs for you to choose from.

Each year, the IRS forgives millions in unpaid taxes. If you have more than $10,000 in tax debt, or have 3+ years of unfiled taxes, you could get forgiveness too. You might be eligible to lower the amount you owe, or eliminate your tax debt completely.

While most tax companies just put you on a payment plan and file your taxes for you, this company talks to the IRS directly . They can help you pay off your tax debt faster while potentially reducing what you owe.

<p> Go down under and get a work visa while you live in Australia. </p> <p> A working holiday visa for Australia allows someone between 18 and 30 years old to stay for up to 12 months. To qualify, you will need a ticket to go back home or proof that within the 12 months you can afford to buy a ticket to leave. </p> <p> Like other countries on this list, jobs in the hospitality or tourism industries may be good options if you want to work abroad for a specific time. </p>

Go down under and get a work visa while you live in Australia.

A working holiday visa for Australia allows someone between 18 and 30 years old to stay for up to 12 months. To qualify, you will need a ticket to go back home or proof that within the 12 months you can afford to buy a ticket to leave.

Like other countries on this list, jobs in the hospitality or tourism industries may be good options if you want to work abroad for a specific time.

<p> The eastern European country of Estonia may not be as well known as other countries, but this could work to your advantage as there will be less competition for work visas. </p> <p> The country will approve you for a year-long work visa as long as you have a valid work contract, proof of accommodation, and several other documents. You can stay past the 12 months if you wish, but you’ll have to apply for a temporary resident permit if you want to stay longer. </p> <p>  <a href=""><b>Make Money:</b> Discover 17 legit ways to make extra cash</a>  </p>

The eastern European country of Estonia may not be as well known as other countries, but this could work to your advantage as there will be less competition for work visas.

The country will approve you for a year-long work visa as long as you have a valid work contract, proof of accommodation, and several other documents. You can stay past the 12 months if you wish, but you’ll have to apply for a temporary resident permit if you want to stay longer.

Make Money: Discover 17 legit ways to make extra cash

<p> It can be easy to get a visa to work in Ireland, but there is one caveat: You’ll need to have a job already lined up in the country before you can get your visa. </p> <p> You can get a visa for a skilled position if you have a specific skill that is considered critical to growing Ireland’s economy. You can also apply for a general employment visa that covers positions in hospitality, education, and the service industry. </p> <p> With a work visa, you may be able to apply for permanent residency in Ireland if you’ve decided to live there for a longer amount of time. </p>

It can be easy to get a visa to work in Ireland, but there is one caveat: You’ll need to have a job already lined up in the country before you can get your visa.

You can get a visa for a skilled position if you have a specific skill that is considered critical to growing Ireland’s economy. You can also apply for a general employment visa that covers positions in hospitality, education, and the service industry.

With a work visa, you may be able to apply for permanent residency in Ireland if you’ve decided to live there for a longer amount of time.

<p> The island nation of Iceland has several different types of work visas for which you may be eligible. </p> <p> You can get a visa based on whether your work requires expert knowledge or there’s a shortage of workers in your field. There is also a work visa specifically for au pairs. </p> <p> Iceland introduced a Digital Nomad visa in 2020 specifically for remote workers. This could be a good option if you work for a U.S. company that allows remote workers to work from another country. </p>

The island nation of Iceland has several different types of work visas for which you may be eligible.

You can get a visa based on whether your work requires expert knowledge or there’s a shortage of workers in your field. There is also a work visa specifically for au pairs.

Iceland introduced a Digital Nomad visa in 2020 specifically for remote workers. This could be a good option if you work for a U.S. company that allows remote workers to work from another country.

<p> Another country that could be a good option for remote workers is Cambodia. </p> <p> The country has become more popular with nomad workers who want a business visa that’s easy to renew, although you do have to apply for a work permit if you plan to work in the country. </p> <p> Cambodia’s visa laws have made it a haven for freelancers or nomad workers who enjoy the country’s culture and food while working abroad. </p> <p>  <a href=""><b>Get Out of Debt for Good:</b> Try these 6 clever ways to crush your debt</a>  </p>

Another country that could be a good option for remote workers is Cambodia.

The country has become more popular with nomad workers who want a business visa that’s easy to renew, although you do have to apply for a work permit if you plan to work in the country.

Cambodia’s visa laws have made it a haven for freelancers or nomad workers who enjoy the country’s culture and food while working abroad.

Get Out of Debt for Good: Try these 6 clever ways to crush your debt

<p> Germany has specific criteria that you need to meet to get an employment visa, but it is possible. </p> <p> First off, citizens of the U.S. do not need a visa to enter Germany. But you will need to apply for the residence permit if you are planning to work for 90 days or longer. If you already have a job lined up, you will need to have a visa which includes the work permit.  </p> <p> Check with the German Missions in the United States to see what can qualify you for a work visa such as your age or education level. </p>

Germany has specific criteria that you need to meet to get an employment visa, but it is possible.

First off, citizens of the U.S. do not need a visa to enter Germany. But you will need to apply for the residence permit if you are planning to work for 90 days or longer. If you already have a job lined up, you will need to have a visa which includes the work permit.

Check with the German Missions in the United States to see what can qualify you for a work visa such as your age or education level.

<p> Singapore’s work visas can last up to six months and are easier to obtain if you’re a recent graduate or a student. You can get a visa that will allow you to be sponsored by a company so you can stay longer. </p> <p> The country is used to workers applying for visas. Nearly a third of Singapore residents are expats, and English is spoken throughout the country. Jobs in information technology, education, and hospitality are in demand here.  </p>

Singapore’s work visas can last up to six months and are easier to obtain if you’re a recent graduate or a student. You can get a visa that will allow you to be sponsored by a company so you can stay longer.

The country is used to workers applying for visas. Nearly a third of Singapore residents are expats, and English is spoken throughout the country. Jobs in information technology, education, and hospitality are in demand here.

<p> Remote workers may want to check out Italy’s digital nomad visa, which specifically caters to workers with skill sets that allow them to work remotely. </p> <p> There are some specific requirements, such as being a highly skilled worker and your employer being registered outside of Italy.  </p> <p> Besides the digital nomad visa, Italy offers work visas for people who are self-employed, want to start a business in Italy, or want to start an investment company. </p> <p>  <a href=""><b>Break the Cycle:</b> 8 moves to escape the paycheck to paycheck grind</a><br>  </p>

Remote workers may want to check out Italy’s digital nomad visa, which specifically caters to workers with skill sets that allow them to work remotely.

There are some specific requirements, such as being a highly skilled worker and your employer being registered outside of Italy.

Besides the digital nomad visa, Italy offers work visas for people who are self-employed, want to start a business in Italy, or want to start an investment company.

Break the Cycle: 8 moves to escape the paycheck to paycheck grind

<p> The Czech Republic has long been a hot spot for expat workers. Americans will need a work visa, called the Employee Card, in order to work for any length of time up to two years. </p> <p> You may be able to enter the country on a travel visa and then apply for a work visa after you get a job there, but your easiest option is to have a position lined up already when you apply for a work-related visa. </p> <p> The Czech Republic also offers a digital nomad visa for freelancers, called the Czech Republic Zivno Visa. </p>

Czech Republic

The Czech Republic has long been a hot spot for expat workers. Americans will need a work visa, called the Employee Card, in order to work for any length of time up to two years.

You may be able to enter the country on a travel visa and then apply for a work visa after you get a job there, but your easiest option is to have a position lined up already when you apply for a work-related visa.

The Czech Republic also offers a digital nomad visa for freelancers, called the Czech Republic Zivno Visa.

<p> Slovakia may be a good place to get a work visa if you don’t want to work for an extended period of time and want to do seasonal work. </p> <p> The country issues visas for 180 days at a time for seasonal work, which can be an easy option. You can also get a single permit for temporary residence and won’t need to put in a separate application for a work permit. </p>

Slovakia may be a good place to get a work visa if you don’t want to work for an extended period of time and want to do seasonal work.

The country issues visas for 180 days at a time for seasonal work, which can be an easy option. You can also get a single permit for temporary residence and won’t need to put in a separate application for a work permit.

<p> Denmark is looking for skilled workers so you may need more than basic job skills to get a working visa in the country. </p> <p> But the country will give you a work permit for up to four years if your job falls within the country’s list of wanted professionals. </p><p>This list includes health professionals, IT and communication technicians, scientists and engineers, and other professionals. </p><p class="">  <a href=""><b>Money Goals:</b> Make these 7 savvy moves when you have $1,000 in the bank</a>  </p>

Denmark is looking for skilled workers so you may need more than basic job skills to get a working visa in the country.

But the country will give you a work permit for up to four years if your job falls within the country’s list of wanted professionals. 

This list includes health professionals, IT and communication technicians, scientists and engineers, and other professionals.

Money Goals: Make these 7 savvy moves when you have $1,000 in the bank

<p> Working abroad can be an exciting opportunity, but there are steps you must take before you leave to ensure you are allowed to work in another country. You’ll also want to know how long your visa lasts and what steps you may need to take to extend it. </p> <p> Before you pick up and move, you should also get a good idea of the cost of living there. You’ll need to know how much money you need to earn to afford an apartment, food, and travel.  </p> <p> And since travel may be a top priority, you want to be sure you have the <a href="">best travel credit cards</a> to earn extra points and perks as you work and travel abroad. </p> <p> And if you fall in love with the country where you’re working, you may find you need to research the opportunity to become a permanent resident and even retire there. </p> <p>  <p><b>More from FinanceBuzz:</b></p> <ul> <li><a href="">7 things to do if you’re barely scraping by financially.</a></li> <li><a href="">Can you retire early? Take this quiz and find out.</a></li> <li><a href="">Are you a homeowner? Get a protection plan on all your appliances.</a></li> <li><a href="">11 brilliant ways to build wealth after 40.</a></li> </ul>  </p>

Bottom line

Working abroad can be an exciting opportunity, but there are steps you must take before you leave to ensure you are allowed to work in another country. You’ll also want to know how long your visa lasts and what steps you may need to take to extend it.

Before you pick up and move, you should also get a good idea of the cost of living there. You’ll need to know how much money you need to earn to afford an apartment, food, and travel.

And since travel may be a top priority, you want to be sure you have the best travel credit cards to earn extra points and perks as you work and travel abroad.

And if you fall in love with the country where you’re working, you may find you need to research the opportunity to become a permanent resident and even retire there.

More from FinanceBuzz:

  • 7 things to do if you’re barely scraping by financially.
  • Can you retire early? Take this quiz and find out.
  • Are you a homeowner? Get a protection plan on all your appliances.
  • 11 brilliant ways to build wealth after 40.

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Man loses nearly RM80,000 life savings to job scam

Wednesday, 15 May 2024

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ISKANDAR PUTERI: A 46-year-old unemployed man has lost nearly RM80,000 of his life savings to a fake job scam here.

Iskandar Puteri OCPD Asst Comm M. Kumarasan said the police received a complaint about the scam on May 14, after the victim realised he had been duped.

"On May 5, the victim came across an advertisement on Facebook offering a part-time job with a high commission," ACP Kumarasan added.

"After making contact via WhatsApp, the victim carried out 15 transactions totalling RM78,285. He was then asked to make an additional payment of RM13,000 on May 13, which is when he finally realised that it was a scam," he said in a statement on Wednesday (May 15).

The case is being investigated under Section 420 of the Penal Code for cheating.

Tags / Keywords: Johor , Iskandar Puteri , Fake Job Scam , Life Savings , Facebook Advertisement , WhatsApp , Transactions , Cheating

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Costa Rica Revisits Controversial Diquis Hydroelectric Project

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Tico Times

A few months ago, President Rodrigo Chaves announced a plan to build a new marina and cruise dock in the province of Limon.  The $854 million project would feature a building to serve cruise passengers, local businesses, restaurants, a handicrafts market, hotels, parking lots, and urban integration zones.

At least eleven international companies would be interested in developing this marina megaproject. Interested companies include infrastructure giants such as China Harbour Engineering Company Limited (CHEC), in charge of the Route 32 extension; also interested are Global Ports Holding Plc, one of the world’s largest cruise port operators, with an established presence in the Caribbean, the Mediterranean, and the Asia-Pacific; and Dredging, Environmental and Marine Engineering (DEME), an international group of companies specializing in the field of capital dredging and maintenance, as well as land reclamation and port infrastructure development.

In addition to these large corporations, there are other companies and consortiums, some with Costa Rican shareholding, such as Platinum World CR Sociedad Anónima, Consorcio Maritime Policy Bureau Corp, and Constructora Meco S.A.

“We are talking about a major project that would involve an investment of millions of dollars and in which Costa Rica would provide the land through Japdeva, and the investment would be private. All this investment translates into jobs and productive linkages,” said Susy Wing Ching, executive president of JAPDEVA.

The megaproject is considered strategic by the Rodrigo Chaves government to bring economic development and job opportunities to the Caribbean population. It would also boost tourism and help the recovery of Limon.

Business owners in the province, government authorities, and other experts stress the importance of generating jobs in the area to prevent people from falling into the clutches of the illicit businesses that abound in the area.

“The thousands of jobs that would be generated will solve a pressing need in a region full of a lack of opportunities and whose expectations of peace and healthy coexistence are diminishing every day. This is one of the projects with the greatest impact for Limón in the last 10 years. We ask the deputies to support the initiative and go for a public-private alliance,” mentioned Ana Matarrita, Mayor of Limon.

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Transport in Zvenigorod

Zvenigorod is located in 50km from Moscow and has very good transport connection with Moscow. 

   Zvenigorod Railway Station

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Zvenigorod Railway Station is located far from the city centre. To get to the centre from the railway station, take bus No. 23 or No. 51. Or take a taxi - it cannot cost more that RUB250. 

  Zvenigorod Bus Station

There is no bus station in Zvenigorod and buses from Moscow terminate in the city centre at what is known as the Mayakovsky Quarter bus stop, stopping at Ulitsa Proletarskaya on the way there.

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FIFA World Cup 2026

FIFA World Cup 2026

Manager, travel, fifa world cup 2026.

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  • Coordinate and manage travel logistics for teams, officials, guests, and stakeholders attending the FIFA World Cup 2026.
  • Organize visa and immigration processes to ensure smooth entry and compliance with host country regulations.
  • Arrange transportation, including flights, ground transportation, and transfers, for all participants.
  • Coordinate accommodation arrangements, ensuring comfortable and convenient lodging for teams and guests.
  • Develop and implement travel itineraries, schedules, and contingency plans to optimize travel efficiency.
  • Provide support for travel-related inquiries, issues, and emergencies throughout the tournament.
  • Collaborate with airlines, hotels, and transportation providers to negotiate contracts and secure favorable rates.
  • Implement travel safety measures, including health and security protocols, for all participants.
  • Manage communication with teams and guests regarding travel arrangements, changes, and updates.
  • Prepare and distribute travel guides and information packets to facilitate participants' smooth arrival and stay.
  • Monitor and manage travel budgets, expenses, and financial records to ensure cost-effective travel operations.
  • Evaluate and optimize travel processes post-event, identifying areas for improvement and implementing lessons learned for future tournaments.
  • Bachelor’s degree or similar level of higher education 
  • Minimum 5 years of experience in a travel management role
  • Good communication skills, both oral and written
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  • Team player, willing to pitch in where needed
  • Positive attitude, patience, and persistence
  • Fluent in English. Spanish and/or French proficiency is a plus 
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Gagarin Cup Preview: Atlant vs. Salavat Yulaev

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Gagarin cup (khl) finals:  atlant moscow oblast vs. salavat yulaev ufa.

Much like the Elitserien Finals, we have a bit of an offense vs. defense match-up in this league Final.  While Ufa let their star top line of Alexander Radulov, Patrick Thoresen and Igor Grigorenko loose on the KHL's Western Conference, Mytischi played a more conservative style, relying on veterans such as former NHLers Jan Bulis, Oleg Petrov, and Jaroslav Obsut.  Just reaching the Finals is a testament to Atlant's disciplined style of play, as they had to knock off much more high profile teams from Yaroslavl and St. Petersburg to do so.  But while they did finish 8th in the league in points, they haven't seen the likes of Ufa, who finished 2nd. 

This series will be a challenge for the underdog, because unlike some of the other KHL teams, Ufa's top players are generally younger and in their prime.  Only Proshkin amongst regular blueliners is over 30, with the work being shared by Kirill Koltsov (28), Andrei Kuteikin (26), Miroslav Blatak (28), Maxim Kondratiev (28) and Dmitri Kalinin (30).  Oleg Tverdovsky hasn't played a lot in the playoffs to date.  Up front, while led by a fairly young top line (24-27), Ufa does have a lot of veterans in support roles:  Vyacheslav Kozlov , Viktor Kozlov , Vladimir Antipov, Sergei Zinovyev and Petr Schastlivy are all over 30.  In fact, the names of all their forwards are familiar to international and NHL fans:  Robert Nilsson , Alexander Svitov, Oleg Saprykin and Jakub Klepis round out the group, all former NHL players.

For Atlant, their veteran roster, with only one of their top six D under the age of 30 (and no top forwards under 30, either), this might be their one shot at a championship.  The team has never won either a Russian Superleague title or the Gagarin Cup, and for players like former NHLer Oleg Petrov, this is probably the last shot at the KHL's top prize.  The team got three extra days rest by winning their Conference Final in six games, and they probably needed to use it.  Atlant does have younger regulars on their roster, but they generally only play a few shifts per game, if that. 

The low event style of game for Atlant probably suits them well, but I don't know how they can manage to keep up against Ufa's speed, skill, and depth.  There is no advantage to be seen in goal, with Erik Ersberg and Konstantin Barulin posting almost identical numbers, and even in terms of recent playoff experience Ufa has them beat.  Luckily for Atlant, Ufa isn't that far away from the Moscow region, so travel shouldn't play a major role. 

I'm predicting that Ufa, winners of the last Superleague title back in 2008, will become the second team to win the Gagarin Cup, and will prevail in five games.  They have a seriously well built team that would honestly compete in the NHL.  They represent the potential of the league, while Atlant represents closer to the reality, as a team full of players who played themselves out of the NHL. 

  • Atlant @ Ufa, Friday Apr 8 (3:00 PM CET/10:00 PM EST)
  • Atlant @ Ufa, Sunday Apr 10 (1:00 PM CET/8:00 AM EST)
  • Ufa @ Atlant, Tuesday Apr 12 (5:30 PM CET/12:30 PM EST)
  • Ufa @ Atlant, Thursday Apr 14 (5:30 PM CET/12:30 PM EST)

Games 5-7 are as yet unscheduled, but every second day is the KHL standard, so expect Game 5 to be on Saturday, like an early start. 

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Disruptions Loom as 17 Air Traffic Controllers Balk at Job Relocation

The F.A.A. is clashing with workers over efforts to relocate them from New York to Philadelphia. Senator Chuck Schumer has denounced the plan.

White and blue jet planes parked at airport gates, with another jet taking off in the background.

By Kate Kelly

Reporting from Washington and Westbury, N.Y.

By late July, 17 air traffic controllers will be expected to trade in their headsets, walk out of their aging workplace on Long Island and report to a new office in Philadelphia, part of a plan to address a long-running problem with recruiting enough controllers to manage the skies around New York.

Despite the hefty incentives they have been offered to go along, the workers — unwilling to uproot themselves and their families — are balking at the move, and some powerful members of Congress are helping them fight back.

In a blistering letter sent to the Federal Aviation Administration last week, a group of New York lawmakers, including Senator Chuck Schumer, a Democrat and the majority leader, demanded that the agency abandon plans to force the employees’ relocation this summer.

The move places undue hardship on those workers, legislators argued. The “forced reassignments” by the F.A.A., Mr. Schumer and his colleagues wrote, are “both confusing and outrageous.” The controllers say their family lives would be disrupted, citing new marriages, disabled children and elderly parents they care for.

The fact that the Senate’s most powerful legislator would complain so loudly about a tiny group of workers underscores the power of the controllers’ nerve center in Westbury, N.Y. — an intense workplace whose formidable responsibilities, high-stress environment and strong personalities inspired a magazine story and the 1999 movie “Pushing Tin.”

The anger of the controllers and their supporters is clashing with the desperate effort by the F.A.A. to find and train enough employees willing to tackle the demands of ensuring the smooth and safe flow of aircraft in and out of the New York airspace — its most complex, by all accounts.

The New York hub has for years struggled with chronic vacancies, placing its recent staffing levels at some of the lowest levels in the nation. The F.A.A. hopes that shifting some of the responsibility for the work out of New York to a more affordable place to live will make it easier over time to recruit more controllers, leading to higher levels of staffing and, with that, increased air safety and efficiency.

But the agency’s plan also risks losing some of its more experienced controllers who are resistant to moving, which, perversely, could add to the staffing problems.

The relocations, which are scheduled for July 28, are necessary “to improve efficiency and ensure safety in this region,” Bridgett Frey, an F.A.A. spokeswoman, said in a statement.

The group targeted for the move handles the airspace around Newark Liberty International Airport, which in the view of the F.A.A. can be done just as well from Philadelphia as from Long Island. That is because this group of controllers uses radar scopes, instead of guiding planes from a runway tower overlooking takeoffs and landings.

F.A.A. figures show that staffing gaps last year at the Long Island building affected 4 percent of the 541,136 takeoffs and landings that occurred at New York’s major airports last summer. The agency expects the summer flying season, which begins later this month, to be its busiest since 2010.

The air traffic controllers say they, too, are fighting with safety in mind. They say they need to be in the same room with their New York colleagues, as they are now, to communicate quickly with them in a crisis.

“This is an extremely stressful job,” said Joe Segretto, the controller who is president of the local chapter of the National Air Traffic Controllers Association representing the New York airspace hub. For controllers, he added, being forced by the F.A.A. to relocate away from spouses and children “is going to add a tremendous amount of pressure.”

As moving day draws closer, the fight looms larger. The F.A.A. already put in place a 10 percent reduction in flight volume in the New York area to cope with lower staffing levels at its New York Terminal Radar Approach Control building in Westbury, known internally as N90. But any further staffing issues could mean there simply are not enough controllers to manage the increased volume planned for summer, forcing delays.

The fate of this handful of employees in a work force of more than 14,000 has gotten the attention of Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, even as his workload strains under the demands of tackling jetliner assembly problems at Boeing, investigating the cause of recent train derailments and leading the battle against what the Biden Administration says are “junk fees” charged by airlines.

“The complexity of N90 is more complex than many countries’ entire airspaces,” Mr. Buttigieg said in an interview with The New York Times in December.

Given the low staffing levels at N90, he added, “we know there needs to be more attention there.” Just 59 percent of available controller roles in the building are filled, according to March figures from the F.A.A.

Last June, the F.A.A. was chastised by the inspector general’s office at the Transportation Department, its parent agency, for doing too little to address yearslong shortfalls in controller staffing. Days after those findings were published, United Airlines delayed and canceled flights that affected 150,000 passengers. Scott Kirby, United’s chief executive, blamed the F.A.A. for controller shortages that he said exacerbated a situation in which his pilots were already contending with bad weather in the New York area.

Controllers working at N90, which is housed in a squat, windowless building in suburban Long Island, are responsible for overseeing the early ascent and descent of hundreds of thousands of flights at John F. Kennedy, LaGuardia and Newark airports each year — equating to at least 60 per hour in and out of Newark alone on a typical day or evening shift, according to F.A.A. data. N90 is second to Southern California’s airspace in size but is arguably a more critical cog in the overall system, affecting the punctuality and well-being of hundreds of thousands of passengers each day.

The F.A.A. has battled controller shortages nationwide since the pandemic, which forced pauses in training at both its Oklahoma City academy and on-site at air traffic control hubs around the United States. But N90’s low staffing has been particularly urgent.

The controllers’ jobs are so demanding and specialized that years of experience are customarily required to do them, including 18 to 24 months of hands-on training at N90 after working assignments at less-busy locations. Westbury’s short staffing in recent years has meant that some controllers have earned close to $400,000 a year because of extra pay, according to F.A.A. documents reviewed by The New York Times. At $183,000, the head of the F.A.A., Michael Whitaker, makes much less.

The agency over the years has tried a variety of strategies for filling the vacant jobs at N90, including offering raises and bonuses and using new recruitment tactics. (One hiring effort that targeted candidates with no relevant experience — referred to by some N90 controllers as “off-the-street” hires — was tried, controllers say, without much success.)

The washout rate has remained stubbornly high. Just 32 percent of N90 trainees achieved certification as fully qualified, according to F.A.A. statistics from March, a far lower rate than at comparable facilities. The Transportation Department’s report last year showed that N90 had the fewest supervisors of any Terminal Radar Approach Control, or Tracon, building in the nation, with only eight in place out of 30 authorized slots.

The F.A.A. has been working to relocate some of N90’s controllers to Philadelphia since at least 2020, only to be stymied by both the controllers’ union and New York legislators.

Its most recent effort to negotiate a move with the National Air Traffic Controllers Association began late last year. The two sides came to terms in March, according to documents reviewed by The Times, with a package that included an initial 15 percent incentive bonus and a $75,000 payout for those who moved to Philadelphia permanently. But, lacking an adequate number of volunteers to make the Philadelphia transfer work, the F.A.A. took a tougher stance about six weeks later, according to an April 29 memorandum that was reviewed by The Times: It notified more than a dozen N90 controllers that they would be involuntarily reassigned.

Under urging from the union, Representative Anthony D’Esposito, whose district includes N90, put together the May 7 letter demanding that the F.A.A. rescind its reassignments. In addition to Mr. Schumer, it was signed by Senator Kirsten Gillibrand and four other members of Congress from the region in and around Long Island. Three of them were Republicans, including Mr. D’Esposito.

“You have people who actually have strong, solid jobs, and they’re not moving because they want to — they’re moving because we’re telling them to,” Mr. D’Esposito said in an interview. “It’s not a good situation.”

Some controllers who do not move may be reassigned to new roles at N90. But getting a new role is dependent upon proving to the F.A.A. that a move would create undue hardship and would require training for a new post for a year or more.

The F.A.A., which spent $36 million to renovate and upgrade the Philadelphia Tracon building, has recently tried again to make the relocation attractive. In the April 29 memo in which it mandated the 17 staff moves, the agency raised to $100,000 its incentive bonuses for controllers who relocated to Philadelphia, either temporarily or permanently.

Yet Mr. Segretto, the union chapter president, and many of his members are unwavering.

“We are completely against it,” he said. “It’s forcing air traffic controllers to choose between their career and leave their families, or to resign from their job.”

Mark Walker contributed reporting from Washington.

Kate Kelly covers money, policy and influence for The Times. More about Kate Kelly

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Presenting Tourist Facts

Hello everyone!

I am excited to show a project I've been working on these days — It's called " Tourist Facts ".

You can access the website at .

This is a compilation of facts (some haters would call them "absurd hyperbolic claims") about t ourist , inspired in things like Chuck Norris facts .

Suggesting new facts is really simple! — just login to your GitHub account, submit an issue (by clicking here) , type the facts you want to add (one per line) and hit "submit new issue". — I'll review the facts, and if they are funny, original and respectful, I'll tag the issue with a "accepted" label, all lines will be automatically added to the database and each fact will have a link to your GitHub profile as credit.

This project is open source <3 — For more info, check it's GitHub repository !



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  30. Presenting Tourist Facts

    Presenting Tourist Facts. Hello everyone! I am excited to show a project I've been working on these days — It's called " Tourist Facts ". You can access the website at This is a compilation of facts (some haters would call them "absurd hyperbolic claims") about t ourist, inspired in things like Chuck Norris facts.