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Star Trek: Picard » Trivia

  • Six for Santiago Cabrera , who plays Captain Cristóbal Rios and (as of "Broken Pieces") five holograms based on him.
  • Five for Isa Briones , who portrays Soji, Dahj and Sutra, is used as the image of Jana, Sutra's twin, and in Season 2 she plays another character, Kore, this time the human daughter of the progenitor Dr. Adam Soong .
  • Brent Spiner does quadruple duty as Data, Altan Soong, in Season 2 as yet another Dr. Soong, "Adam" , and a Golem android with the personalities of Data, Lore, B-4, Lal and Altan in Season 3.
  • Orla Brady plays Laris, the Romulan bodyguard/caretaker and in Season 2 as "The Supervisor", who was speculated to be a time-shifted Laris but appears to be a simple Romulan who just happens to look exactly like her.
  • Brent Spiner suggested that Altan Soong's full name be Altan Inigo Soong so his initials could be A.I. as a reference to artificial intelligence.
  • Worf's Character Development was the suggestion of Michael Dorn , who had originally written a spinoff for the Klingon as his personal hopes for where Worf would go after Nemesis .
  • Geordi having a family was done at the initiative of Levar Burton , who wanted to move the character past the idea of him being in love with the Enterprise itself to the detriment of his social life.
  • Picard admits, just as Patrick Stewart has, that he isn't a fan of science fiction. He also has a pet pit bull, a breed Stewart has spent much of his later years rescuing and rehabilitating. Season 2 also implies that Picard's father Maurice was very abusive towards his family, with Stewart having similar experiences with his own father as a result of PTSD stemming from WWII to the point that he's a well known advocate for treating veterans afflicted with it.
  • The article also mentions that "Evagora says the mentor relationship Elnor has with Picard on the series mirrors his own interactions with Patrick Stewart on set."
  • Captain Shaw is from Chicago, just like his actor Todd Stashwick .
  • Approval of God : Doug Drexler, who had designed numerous ships for the Trek franchise, was quite pleased when he saw that his design for the refit NX-01 from Star Trek: Enterprise had made it on screen.
  • Prior to Star Trek: Enterprise providing a canon explanation for why Klingons in TOS looked different from those in the movies and TNG -era, one of the popular fan theories was that there were two different types of Klingon. This was picked up by some Expanded Universe literature, although ultimately refuted in Enterprise . However, Picard revisits this very same theory... with the Romulans . Episode 3 canonically establishes that Romulans with heavier brow ridges — as appeared most frequently in the 24th century series and films — were from the northern part of Romulus, as opposed to ones without ridges that appeared in TOS and the Kelvin Timeline films.
  • My Enemy, My Ally took the secrecy of the name of the Romulan Commander in " The Enterprise Incident " and made it a cultural quirk, where they have a private name for themselves that they only reveal to people they deeply trust. " The Impossible Box " establishes this practice as canonically part of Romulan culture.
  • The importance of swords has roots in Duane's "honor blade" concept, with the Vulcan swordsmith S'harien, a convert to the intended-to-be pacifist ways of Surak, having given his last three swords to the Romulans before they left.
  • The Rihan author Lai i-Ramnau tr'Ehhelih is said to have practiced Brutal Honesty to a fault: he offended the wrong people and was killed and his books banned on Romulus and Remus. This is similar to the "Way of Absolute Candor" practiced by the Qowat Milat.
  • " Broken Pieces " brings mention of Deep Space 12, which was the setting for most of Star Trek: Hidden Frontier and its spin-offs.
  • The observation lounge for the Titan -A features bronze displays of previous ships named Titan , one of them being the Shangri-La class vessel of the same name. The Shangri-La was a fan-designed modernization of the Constitution class by Trek fan and designer Bill Krause, which had won the honor of being featured in the Ships of the Line calendar, and it was that very ship that led to Krause being asked to use that design to create the new Titan in the first place.
  • Patrick Stewart admitted that he had a particular idea of how the show needed to be , specifically he didn't want to be captain of the Enterprise, be in a Starfleet uniform or make it a TNG Sequel Series / Reunion Show . He even had a dinner with his former castmates to let them know there was no intention to bring them aboard at that time. The writers had to convince him to allow some cameos and lean more into the Star Trek iconography, and by the third season he deferred to the showrunner to allow it to be a Fully Absorbed Finale to TNG.
  • One aspect that Levar Burton didn't like about TNG was that Geordi's love life on the ship was horribly unlucky. When discussing his return to the character on The View with former castmate Whoopi Goldberg , he mentions that the first thing he discussed with the show runners was giving Geordi a family, leading to the character having two daughters (one of whom is played by Burton's real daughter) and an as-yet unseen wife.
  • Jonathan Frakes discussed that one grip he had with TNG was Gene Roddenberry's infamous "No Conflict" rule, which he felt was depriving the show of a lot of drama. He was particularly grateful for Season 3 giving Riker and Picard an opportunity for conflict in "Seventeen Seconds", adding in an aspect to the characters he was very eager to play with.
  • Awesome, Dear Boy : Patrick Stewart initially declined the opportunity to reprise the role of Picard, but when he went to meet the team developing the show in person, he was intrigued by the idea of exploring the character's traumatic past, and changed his mind.
  • Billing Displacement : Evan Evagora has by far the least amount of screen time among the main cast, yet his name is listed before Michelle Hurd 's in the opening credits.
  • An actual subversion of this trope happens in the second episode, in an affectionate Mythology Gag . Star Trek has frequently used the Vasquez Rocks as a filming location to stand in for countless alien worlds throughout the decades, but in this series its one usage is a scene where Picard flies out to the in-universe Vasquez Rocks (i.e. in California, on Earth, complete with caption identifying them) to meet with Raffi.
  • Channel Hop : Outside the US and Canada, Picard streams on Prime Video as an original, in contrast to Discovery , which streams as a Netflix original.
  • Character Outlives Actor : René Auberjonois, who had played Odo on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine , died from lung cancer on December 8, 2019. Odo though apparently is still alive in 2401.
  • Creator Breakdown : Jonathan Frakes admitted that he had an anxiety attack returning to his role as Riker because, unlike the rest of the returning TNG alumni, he hadn't acted in over a decade, having spent the intervening years as one of the most respected TV directors in the industry. (His concerns were ill-founded: his performance was lauded by critics and audiences alike.)
  • Creator's Favorite : Todd Stashwick sites "No Win Scenario" as his favorite episode, mainly for the emotional speech revealing Captain Shaw was a Wolf 359 survivor.
  • Dawson Casting : 34-year-old Ed Speelers plays a character who is at max about 21 and could even be a teenager. ( Jack Crusher was supposedly born to Jean-Luc Picard and Beverly Crusher shortly after the events of Star Trek: Nemesis , which took place 22 years prior to the season in which Jack is introduced. To illustrate the point, Ed Speelers is two years younger than Allison Pill, who on this very series plays a woman old enough to have earned a doctorate. )
  • Another scene was cut from "Bounty" where Worf discusses with Riker how his experiences during the Dominion War played a role in his more zen-like persona seen in this series. This scene was included in the Season 3 home video release.
  • Diegetic Soundtrack Usage : Inverted; the title theme quotes a passage of diegetic music (the song Kamin's son plays on the flute) from TNG's " The Inner Light ," a major Picard episode.
  • Unsurprisingly Jonathan Frakes directed a number of episodes. "Absolute Candor", "Stardust City Rag", "Fly Me to the Moon", "Two of One" and "Seventeen Seconds."
  • Lea Thompson has a brief cameo as Dr. Diane Werner in 2.5 "Fly Me To The Moon". She also directed 2.3 "Assimilation" and 2.4 "Watcher".
  • Doing It for the Art : Although the initial budget didn't allow for it, Terry Matalas wanted to include the Enterprise -D in the finale to ensure the entire TNG cast was back. Thus, the crew went the extra mile to perfectly recreate the bridge set of the Enterprise -D for the final two episodes, going so far as to recruit the surviving design staff to make sure they got everything as accurate as possible.
  • Writer Michael Chabon mentioned that he wanted to include explicit references and Continuity Nods to the Dominion War and explore the damage it did to Starfleet and the Federation, and how it played a large part in shaping their more isolationist and markedly less idealistic attitude as seen in the show. However, he was asked to tone these references down to more implicit ones by the higher-ups, who believed that his plans would risk causing Continuity Lock-Out for new viewers. That said, he was able to eventually included those references in Season 3 upon the revelation that a splinter faction of the Dominion were the Big Bad for the show.
  • Terry Matalas's original plan for Season 2 was to have a time travel story involving the Romulans, with a heavy focus on Guinan's bar as a hidden refuge for aliens, but the studio intervened and said it was "too Star Trek ", resulting a complete rewrite. The high cost of making of Season 1 didn't help matters.
  • Terry Matalas wanted to feature Admiral Janeway , but the higher-ups wouldn't allow it, having reserved the Voyager 's old Captain for Star Trek: Prodigy exclusively, though the show wound up being cancelled just a few months later. Matalas ultimately felt it was for the best, since he thought Janeway's appearance would take away from the emotional impact of Seven's promotion to Captain .
  • Similarly, a visual effects artist attempted to include a few California-class and Parliament-class starships from Star Trek: Lower Decks in certain fleet shots as a nod to that series, but was ordered to remove them by "a certain eagle-eyed executive producer" for unknown reasons.
  • Just like in his previous appearances as Picard, Englishman Patrick Stewart plays the French Captain (now retired Admiral) with a distinct British accent.
  • Like in her previous appearances, the British Born Marina Sirtis inflicts an Eastern European accent for Deanna Troi.
  • Not a "fake nationality" in the exact sense, but the American Peyton List plays Romulan baddie "Narissa Rizzo" with a British accent.
  • An example of Lying by omission took place in Season 2. There was a lot of discussion regarding Wil Wheaton "not being in Season 3" . Since this was long since casting news had come out around Season 2, everyone assumed that it obviously included Season 2 since no-one was talking about him showing up there. He does show up in the finale as one of the Travellers who use the Supervisors to protect the timeline.
  • Never Trust a Trailer : The trailers and public interviews released before the show's premiere make it seem that Dahj is one of the main protagonists of the show next to Picard. She was offed in the first episode, and then revealed to have a twin sister.
  • Orphaned Reference : Season 3 features a brief appearance of a Pathfinder class Voyager -B, and the show makes several references to Admiral Janeway. Originally, both had a larger role in the series, with the Voyager -B planned to make an appearance at the Frontier Day festivities (under the command of Captain Harry Kim), and Janeway was going to appear to promote Seven to Captain . However, Terry Matalas wound up dropping both plot points (Harry because he was concerned Star Trek: Prodigy might bring the character back first, and Janeway due to executive demands), making them mere Easter Eggs for the audience.
  • With the sole exception of Picard, the Latin American Spanish dub replaced all the returning cast from both TNG and Voyager .
  • John Ales replaces Brian Brophy as Bruce Maddox, as Brophy had retired from acting.
  • Annie Wersching replaces both Alice Krige and Susanna Thompson as the Borg Queen in Season 2, in spite of Krige only reprising her role just recently on Star Trek: Lower Decks . Alice Krige ends up reprising her role as the main timeline Borg Queen for the final two episodes of Season 3.
  • Playing Their Own Twin : Isa Briones plays twin sisters Dahj and Soji Asha.
  • Ashlei Sharpe Chestnut noted that she had a Geordi La Forge avatar on her social media for years before being cast and joked that this “manifested” the role for her.
  • The first episode's references to the Dunkirk evacuation during World War II , and Picard's impassioned speech ending on the note that "it's not so easy for those who died, and it's not so easy for those who were left behind" directly nod at the fact that Patrick Stewart 's father was one of the British soldiers rescued from Dunkirk. The second season shows Picard dealing with his perception of his father as an abusive man while idolizing his mother, with him reconciling the truth that his mother had mental illness problems and took her own life and his father's apparent abuse behavior was not as it seemed. Stewart had similarly struggled with his father's rage and violence against his family, and it was 60 years later he learned his father likely had PTSD from the war, a condition that was not as well understood at the time.
  • When Zhaban suggests Picard get his old crewmates back to help him, Picard shoots down the idea, not unlike how Patrick Stewart was against having the show be a TNG reunion to start with.
  • The bridge set for the USS Zheng He is a redress of the USS Discovery bridge.
  • The bridge for the Titan -A and Enterprise -F is a redress of the Sagan class Stargazer set.
  • The Confederation Magistrate in Season 2 is played by Jon Jon Briones , Isa Briones's father.
  • Vadic is played by Amanda Plummer , whose father Christopher Plummer played Chang in Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country .
  • LeVar Burton 's daughter Mica Burton plays Geordi's daughter Alandra.
  • In on such case, literally . The Enterprise NX-01 was supposed to get a refit that made her look closer to her Constitution class successor, including the addition of a secondary hull, before Enterprise was cancelled after four seasons. "The Bounty" formally shows the refit was applied to her before she was retired to the Fleet Museum.
  • When Star Trek III: The Search for Spock was being made, Gene Roddenberry suggested that, instead of destroying the Enterprise , her saucer gets destroyed and the secondary hull adds on a new saucer, but they sadly destroyed the old gal whole-hog. The Enterprise -D does a similar, but opposite concept; attaching her old, refurbished saucer onto a new secondary hull.
  • One of the original plans for "All Good Things" was for Picard, Riker, and Geordi to steal the Enterprise -D from the Fleet Museum in the future timeline. "Vox" sees the whole crew take the resurrected Galaxy class ship from the Museum, albeit thanks to Geordi being the curator of said museum and having access to take her.
  • In addition to Stewart, Jonathan Frakes , Marina Sirtis , Brent Spiner , Jeri Ryan and Jonathan Del Arco all reprise their roles from TNG and Voyager .
  • Whoopi Goldberg (Guinan) reprises her role as the mysterious bartender in Season 2.
  • John de Lancie reprises his role as Q for season 2. And again for The Stinger in the series finale.
  • Season 2 saw Kirk Thatcher reprise his role as the Bus Punk from Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home .
  • Will Wheaton returns as Wesley Crusher in the Season 2 finale.
  • Season 3 brings back Michael Dorn as Worf, Levar Burton as Geordi LaForge , and Gates McFadden as Dr. Crusher. Spiner also returns, playing a new Soong type android that has the mixed personalities of Data, B-4, Altan Soong, and even Lore , while Daniel Davis returns as the holographic version of Professor Moriarty. Michelle Forbes is back as Ro Laren for the first ( and last ) time in the twenty-nine years since "Preemptive Strike" . Elizabeth Dennehy returns as Shelby for the first time since "The Best of Both Worlds" .
  • Tim Russ reprises his role as Tuvok from Star Trek: Voyager in "Dominion" (though it turns out it's really a Changeling impersonator ).
  • Majel Barret Roddenberry reprises her role as the Enterprise -D's computer systems via archived audio.
  • In the Japanese dub, Mugihito , Akio Ōtsuka , Hōchū Ōtsuka , Gara Takashima , Yoko Soumi and Miyuki Ichijou also reprise their roles as Picard, Riker, Data, Deanna Troi, Seven of Nine and Dr. Beverly Crusher respectively from the dubs of TNG and VOY .
  • The Latin American Spanish dub also brings back Blas García , who already voiced Picard in the last seasons of TNG and also from the dubs of First Contact and Generations , being the only voice actor from the TV series who returns here.
  • Serendipity Writes the Plot : By bringing back the Enterprise -D , Terry Matalas realized that he couldn't do so without mentioning the Enterprise -E, so he wrote in a line implying that the Sovereign class was somehow unusable when the TNG crew are reunited with the Galaxy class D .
  • Sequel Gap : Picard debuted in 2020, nearly 26 years note  May 1994 — Jan. 2020 after Star Trek: The Next Generation ended and just over 17 years note  Dec. 2002 — Jan. 2020 after the eponymous character was last seen in Star Trek: Nemesis .
  • Teasing Creator : Prior to the trailer revealing that the Enterprise -F was going to be making her canon debut in Season 3, showrunner Terry Matalas coyly tweeted out that the F was going to be the show's new Enterprise , and that the E wouldn't be involved. The latter ship got an off-hand mention as being unusable because of something Worf did, though Matalas left that plot threat open ended.
  • Wag the Director : Patrick Stewart revealed in interviews that he was given quite a bit of final say over parts of the writing process, especially in how Picard should be portrayed as a character. Among his initial demands for returning, he explicitly stated he didn't want to wear a uniform, be in command of the Enterprise , or have his TNG costars brought back until later.
  • What Could Have Been : Enough for its own page.
  • Writing by the Seat of Your Pants : Bits of interviews with the writers and actors seems to indicate that they lacked a firm plan for the story's arc at the time filming began. The biggest example is Patrick Stewart first discovering some ways into the production that Picard would die and get resurrected , because "that final episode wasn't written yet, and I didn't know it was part of the storyline." He also added that "I remember the writers worked on that up to the evening before we shot it."
  • Writer Michael Chabon has confirmed that much of the Federation's isolationist streak is a lingering effect of the damage the still fairly recent Dominion War did. However, Executive Meddling has so far prevented the show from exploring this in any greater detail due to fears of Continuity Lock-Out .
  • According to show runner Terry Matalas, the third season of the series also took place in 2401.
  • Word of Saint Paul : Jonathan Del Arco stated in a since-deleted tweet that that Hugh is in love with Elnor despite Word of God refuting that Hugh is gay.
  • Annie Wersching , who played the Borg Queen in season 2, previously played Liana in the Star Trek: Enterprise episode "Oasis".
  • Todd Stashwick , who played Shaw in season 3, played Talok in the Enterprise episode "Kir'Shara".

Assorted Trivia

  • Picard currently holds the record for having the most starships named Enterprise featured in one episode, with the presence of the NX-01 and A at the Fleet Museum, the F as Starfleet's primary flagship, the D being unexpectedly restored to active service and the G assuming the F 's place as the bearer to the name.
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tvtropes star trek picard

Memory Alpha

Star Trek: Picard

Star Trek: Picard is the eighth main series set in the Star Trek universe, the ninth including the companion series Star Trek: Short Treks , and the eleventh Star Trek series overall. Picard is produced by CBS Studios and stars Patrick Stewart , reprising the role of Jean-Luc Picard from Star Trek: The Next Generation . [1] The new series is set twenty years after the events of Star Trek Nemesis , [2] dealing with "the new chapter in Picard's life."

The series forms part of Alex Kurtzman 's five-year deal with CBS to expand the Star Trek franchise . The first season debuted on CBS All Access , which subsequently became Paramount+ . [3] Kurtzman serves as executive producer on the series along with Stewart, as well as James Duff , Akiva Goldsman , Michael Chabon , Trevor Roth , Heather Kadin , and Rod Roddenberry . In addition, Aaron Baiers serves as co-executive producer. [4] Writer Kirsten Beyer devised the concept for the series, [5] and she features as part of the writing staff alongside Kurtzman, Duff, Goldsman, and Chabon. Chabon served as the first season's showrunner. [6]

  • 1 Production history
  • 2 Opening credits
  • 3.1 Special guest stars
  • 3.2 Recurring guest stars
  • 4.1 Season 1
  • 4.2 Season 2
  • 4.3 Season 3
  • 5.1 Production
  • 5.2.1 Reception
  • 5.2.2 Products
  • 6 Related topics
  • 8 External links

Production history

The series was announced at the Star Trek Las Vegas convention on 4 August 2018 , where Stewart appeared alongside Kurtzman to reveal his involvement. At the time of the announcement, the series was still early in pre-production, with no scripts written yet. [7] According to the actor, the possibility of Picard's return had been suggested to him about a year before, but he originally planned to reject the idea. However, upon revisiting episodes of Star Trek: The Next Generation and realizing the power and influence of the series, he changed his mind. [8] On making the announcement, Stewart referred to the news as "unexpected, but delightful". [9]

It was reported that, on the day before the announcement, CBS applied for a number of trademarks in classes relating to entertainment, which could be connected with the new series. Marks applied for included " Star Trek: Reliant ", and " Star Trek: Destiny ", a title that shares its name with a post-TNG Star Trek novel trilogy . [10]

Work in the writers' room began in September 2018 , and an image of the staff with Stewart was shared by the actor at the end of that month. [11] This image featured Stewart, Duff, Goldsman, Beyer, Chabon and also Diandra Pendleton-Thompson , who had not been previously announced as one of the series' writers. Production was expected to begin in April 2019 , according to Kurtzman, [12] and the series is filmed in California. [13] In December 2018, CBS Corporation Chief Creative Officer David Nevins stated that CBS expected the series to launch late in 2019. [14]

In January 2019 , Kurtzman announced that the series would acknowledge the prime universe elements of Star Trek , stating that " Picard's life was radically altered by the dissolution of the Romulan Empire . " [15]

On 1 March 2019 , it was announced that Hanelle M. Culpepper would be directing the first two episodes of the series. [16] This marks the first time that a black woman was directing the series premiere of a Star Trek series.

On 4 March 2019 , the first two series regulars besides Stewart were announced, Santiago Cabrera and Michelle Hurd . [17] Later in March, Evan Evagora was added to the cast as a series regular. [18]

On 17 April 2019 , it was announced that Alison Pill , Harry Treadaway , and Isa Briones were joining the cast. [19]

On 22 April 2019 , production on the show began. [20] The Star Trek: Picard production is based out of Santa Clarita Studios (SCS). SCS is an independent studio production facility based in Santa Clarita, California, 35 miles north of Hollywood. Although Star Trek was returning to Hollywood, like all of the previous series save Star Trek: Discovery , it is not being shot at Star Trek 's previous home of Paramount Studios. [21] Paramount lost not only its television division, but the entire franchise as well, when the former Viacom was split in late 2005 into the new Viacom (Paramount's holding company at the time Picard began filming) and the CBS Corporation , with Star Trek ownership passing over to the latter. (The two corporations re-merged to form ViacomCBS in December 2019; ViacomCBS was rebranded as Paramount Global in February 2022.)

Shortly before filming began, Michael Chabon was appointed as showrunner. [22] However, CBS did not announce Chabon's position until 27 June 2019 . [23]

On 13 May 2019 , the announcement was made that Amazon Prime had acquired the international streaming rights for the new series, each episode to be aired 24 hours after its American premiere on CBS All Access . [24] [25] Stewart confirmed the news the same day on his Twitter account. [26]

On 15 May 2019 , the first seven-second teaser, revealing the new show's title and logo, was released. [27] This was followed on 23 May by the first live-action teaser trailer in both the CBS All Access and Amazon Prime Video variants. [28] [29] The voice of the teaser trailer's female narrator was not from any of the then-known contracted actresses, but rather from voice actress Merrin Dungey . [30] It was after the series had premiered, that it became apparent that Dungey was also given the guest-starring part of Richter .

On 20 July 2019 the first official Season 1 trailer , coming in at 130 seconds, was unveiled at the 2019 San Diego Comic Con. The trailer featured footage of former Next Generation co-star Brent Spiner , and Star Trek: Voyager star Jeri Ryan reprising her role as Seven of Nine . It was also announced that Jonathan Frakes and Marina Sirtis would each be reprising their roles as William T. Riker and Deanna Troi , respectively.

Robert Picardo revealed on 29 July 2019 that he has been approached about a possible appearance in a second season of the show. [31]

On 31 August 2019 , Michael Chabon posted on Instagram that filming for the first season had been completed. [32]

On 17 September 2019 , Patrick Stewart told The Huddersfield Daily Examiner in his native Yorkshire that " there is ... the possibility of a second Picard series filming in March next year. " [33]

On 5 October 2019 , a second trailer debuted at New York Comic-Con, and it was announced that the first season would air on CBS All Access beginning on 23 January 2020 .

On 7 October 2019 , Kurtzman confirmed that a second season of Picard was "already in the works". [34]

An interview released on 29 November 2019 mentioned Ayelet Waldman as a member of the writing staff for Picard . [35]

On 10 December 2019 , it was announced that Michael Chabon would step down from his role as showrunner, but would remain involved in the show. [36]

On 20 December 2019 , a third teaser trailer debuted almost exactly one month ahead of the CBS All Access series premier online. The teaser revealed new pieces of footage with Jean-Luc Picard in what appears to be Ten Forward , the bar on the USS Enterprise -D , among other quick new moments with William T. Riker , Dr. Agnes Jurati, and what appears to be a Borg flashback. [37]

The renewal of Star Trek: Picard for a second season was informally revealed on 16 December 2019 , and formally announced on 12 January 2020 . [38] [39] The same day, it was announced that Terry Matalas had joined the staff of Picard , and was likely to take over as showrunner from Chabon. [40] Also joining the writing team was Marc Bernardin .

The series premiered in North America on 23 January 2020 on CBS All Access with its first episode " Remembrance ", with the rest of the world following suit the next day through Amazon Prime Video.

In August 2020 , Alex Kurtzman said that the Picard writers' room had continued to meet via Zoom during the COVID-19 pandemic. [41]

Opening credits

The opening title sequence for Star Trek: Picard was meant to connect viewers to Picard's journey in a way that was "more intimate" and "more emotional", containing imagery of Château Picard , a Borg cube , chips and pieces that would culminate into Picard himself. [42]

Picard in PIC

Teaser image of Picard in Picard

  • Patrick Stewart as Jean-Luc Picard
  • Alison Pill as Dr. Agnes Jurati (Seasons 1-2)
  • Jeri Ryan as Seven of Nine (Seasons 2-3)
  • Isa Briones as Soji Asha , Dahj Asha , Sutra (Season 1), and Kore Soong (Season 2)
  • Evan Evagora as Elnor (Seasons 1-2)
  • Michelle Hurd as Raffaela Musiker
  • Orla Brady as Laris and Tallinn (Season 2)
  • Ed Speleers as Jack Crusher (Season 3)
  • Santiago Cabrera as Cristóbal "Chris" Rios , Emil , Emmet , Enoch , Ian , and Mister Hospitality (Seasons 1-2)
  • Harry Treadaway as Narek (Season 1)
  • Brent Spiner as Adam Soong (Season 2)

Special guest stars

  • LeVar Burton as Geordi La Forge (Season 3)
  • Daniel Davis as James Moriarty (Season 3)
  • John de Lancie as Q (Season 2)
  • Michael Dorn as Worf (Season 3)
  • Michelle Forbes as Ro Laren (Season 3)
  • Jonathan Frakes as William T. Riker (Seasons 1 & 3)
  • Whoopi Goldberg as Guinan (Season 2)
  • Walter Koenig as Anton Chekov (voice) (Season 3)
  • Alice Krige as the Borg Queen (voice) (Season 3)
  • Gates McFadden as Beverly Crusher (Season 3)
  • Tim Russ as Tuvok , Tuvok (Season 3)
  • Jeri Ryan as Seven of Nine (Season 1)
  • Marina Sirtis as Deanna Troi (Seasons 1 & 3)
  • Brent Spiner as Data and Altan Soong (Season 1); Daystrom Android M-5-10 (Season 3)

Recurring guest stars

  • Ito Aghayere as Guinan (Season 2)
  • Orla Brady as Laris (Seasons 1 & 3)
  • James Callis as Maurice Picard (Season 2)
  • Ashlei Sharpe Chestnut as Sidney La Forge (Season 3)
  • Stephanie Czajkowski as Lt. T'Veen (Season 3)
  • Jonathan Del Arco as Hugh (Season 1)
  • Steve Gutierrez as Ricardo (Season 2)
  • Joseph Lee as Lt. Matthew Mura (Season 3)
  • Chad Lindberg as Ensign Eli Foster (Season 3)
  • Peyton List as Narissa (Season 1)
  • Ann Magnuson as Admiral Kirsten Clancy (Season 1)
  • Jin Maley as Ensign Kova Esmar (Season 3)
  • Jamie McShane as Zhaban (Season 1)
  • Penelope Mitchell as Renée Picard (Season 2)
  • Amanda Plummer as Vadic (Season 3)
  • Tiffany Shepis as Dr. Ohk (Season 3)
  • Sol Rodriguez as Teresa Ramirez (Season 2)
  • Todd Stashwick as Captain Liam Shaw (Season 3)
  • Tamlyn Tomita as Commodore Oh (Season 1)
  • Dylan Von Halle as Young Jean-Luc Picard (Season 2)
  • Annie Wersching as The Borg Queen (Season 2)
  • Madeline Wise as Yvette Picard (Season 2)
  • Rebecca Wisocky as Ramdha (Season 1)

Episode list

PIC Season 1 , 10 episodes:

PIC Season 2 , 10 episodes: [43] [44] [45]

PIC Season 3 , 10 episodes: [46]


Picard lead Patrick Stewart initially had no intention whatsoever to reprise his role, feeling that the role had run its course, but decided to accept the invitation for a talk with the producers, as he felt it was only courteous to explain his reasons for declining the part in person. However, during the meeting and its follow-ups, Producer Michael Chabon was able to change Stewart's mind as he was fully willing to take Stewart's vision of an older Picard into account. In the process, Chabon entirely discarded the original story treatment he had written for the opening episode, and started a new, heeding Stewart's concerns. ( TRR : " Remembrance ") Stewart himself has confirmed this (including his initial disinclination to take on the role again) during his appearance on the British talk show The Graham Norton Show (Season 26, Episode 16, 17 January 2020), shortly before the series premiered. [47]

Marina Sirtis appeared with the same wig and contact lenses that she wore in Star Trek Nemesis . She held on to them after that production finished, and informed Picard producers of this, likely saving them time and the US$10,000 it would have cost to make a new wig. [48]

In the months leading up to the premiere of the new series, a monthly prequel three-volume comic book mini-series, Star Trek: Picard - Countdown , was released by IDW Publishing , starting in November 2019. The comic book series introduced several characters, later featured in the live-action production, as well as dealing with events that led up to the ones featured on the show.

Additionally, the Star Trek: Picard Movie & TV Collection Blu-ray Disc set (which incidentally, included the exclusive sixteen-page Star Trek: Sky's the Limit comic book, likewise from IDW [49] ) saw an October/November release as an appetizer. [50] The majority of the titles included in the collection contained events referenced to in the series, which held especially true for TNG : " The Best of Both Worlds ", Star Trek: First Contact , and Star Trek Nemesis .

Picardilly Circus

The London, UK, "Picardilly Circus" subway station

Aside for Patrick Stewart's own remarks on the new show, it was also revealed in the above-mentioned The Graham Norton Show episode, that the London Underground station Piccadilly Circus was temporarily dubbed "Pica r dilly Circus" in anticipation of the new series, whereas Stewart himself had related how he came across a New York City subway line map into which an imaginary subway line was incorporated, outlining the Starfleet arrowhead logo. [51] Both of these occasions had been part of the official franchise overall marketing strategy. London public transportation Head of Customer Information, Design and Partnerships at Transport for London, Julie Dixon, clarified, " We're thrilled to partner with Amazon Prime Video to create this exciting takeover of one of London's most well-known Underground stations to celebrate the launch of Star Trek: Picard . The Star Trek franchise is a global sensation and we're excited to mark this next chapter in a creative and engaging way that connects with tens of thousands of people. We hope that the out of this world activity has brought a bit of unexpected fun to our customers and that they boldly go on their commute, young or old. " [52] The New York City MTA metro company Stewart had come across, additionally dispensed Star Trek: Picard -themed cards/tickets at six pre-selected metro stations, aside from displaying the series billboards and having adjusted its subway line map where the six stations were linked to form the Starfleet arrowhead. [53] [54]

Season 1 first poster

In its first season, Star Trek: Picard was nominated for five Emmy Awards , all in "technical" categories such as makeup and sound editing. It won one, "Outstanding Prosthetic Makeup for a Series, Limited Series, Movie or Special".

FanSets debuted its first Star Trek: Picard pins in 2019.

CherryTree previewed a prototype of its Borg Cube ATX Limited Collector's Edition computer in July 2019 , [55] and the final version reached retail in January 2020 . [56] Smaller ITX builds of this cube debuted in June 2020 . In 2021, the company displayed a prototype for its forthcoming computerized Star Trek: Picard Borg Cube Record Player . [57]

In June 2019 , Eaglemoss/Hero Collector 's project manager Ben Robinson reconfirmed that the company would manufacture starship miniatures from the series, and later indicated that they would be about 150 to 250 mm in length, similar to ships from its DIS starships partwork . The first four sets of CG starship assets were received from the production in March 2020 , and the first products, models of La Sirena , the USS Zheng He , Fenris Ranger vessel , and the Romulan Bird-of-Prey were scheduled. [58] In October 2020 , the company announced that its forthcoming PIC starship line would be combined with ships from Star Trek: Discovery (after the release of issue 33 of the DIS collection) and Star Trek: Strange New Worlds into a new partwork , which was subsequently named the Star Trek Universe: The Official Starships Collection and debuted in March 2021 . [59] Robinson added, " We've got 9 or 10 Picard ships followed by the Disco season 3 fleet. " [60]

In June 2021, Eaglemoss released its first, larger XL Edition model of a "hero ship" from PIC within its Star Trek: The Official Starships Collection . Three starship classes from the series are also covered in the second edition of the company's Star Trek: Shipyards - Starfleet Ships 2294 to the Future reference book . [61]

Hallmark has scheduled the release of its La Sirena Christmas ornament for October 2021 . [62]

On 13 July 2021 , ViacomCBS Consumer Products and Playmates Toys jointly announced that the latter had acquired new licensing for " action figures, vehicles and ships, role play and other toy categories ", and slated the first of these products for retail release in 2022. Among other Star Trek series and films, this licensing encompasses Star Trek: Picard , Star Trek: Discovery , Star Trek: Lower Decks , and Star Trek: Prodigy . [63]

CherryTree Borg Cube ATX Limited Collector's Edition prototype

Related topics

  • PIC directors
  • PIC performers
  • PIC recurring characters
  • PIC studio models
  • PIC writers
  • Star Trek: Picard novels
  • Star Trek: Picard comics
  • Star Trek: Picard soundtracks
  • Star Trek: Picard on DVD
  • Star Trek: Picard on Blu-ray
  • Star Trek: Picard - No Man's Land (audio drama)

External links

  • Star Trek: Picard at Wikipedia
  • Star Trek: Picard at the Internet Movie Database
  • Star Trek: Picard at Memory Beta , the wiki for licensed Star Trek works
  • 1 USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-G)
  • 3 Daniels (Crewman)
  • Cast & crew
  • User reviews

Star Trek: Picard

Michael Dorn, Jonathan Frakes, Gates McFadden, Marina Sirtis, Brent Spiner, LeVar Burton, Patrick Stewart, Jeri Ryan, Michelle Hurd, Todd Stashwick, and Ed Speleers in Star Trek: Picard (2020)

Follow-up series to Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987) and Star Trek: Nemesis (2002) that centers on Jean-Luc Picard in the next chapter of his life. Follow-up series to Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987) and Star Trek: Nemesis (2002) that centers on Jean-Luc Picard in the next chapter of his life. Follow-up series to Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987) and Star Trek: Nemesis (2002) that centers on Jean-Luc Picard in the next chapter of his life.

  • Kirsten Beyer
  • Michael Chabon
  • Akiva Goldsman
  • Patrick Stewart
  • Michelle Hurd
  • 2.8K User reviews
  • 80 Critic reviews
  • 14 wins & 54 nominations total

Episodes 30

Burning Questions With the Cast of "Star Trek: Picard"

Top cast 99+

Patrick Stewart

  • Jean-Luc Picard

Michelle Hurd

  • Raffi Musiker

Jeri Ryan

  • Seven of Nine

Alison Pill

  • Dr. Agnes Jurati

Santiago Cabrera

  • Cristóbal Rios …

Evan Evagora

  • Adam Soong …

Jonathan Frakes

  • La Sirena Computer

Orla Brady

  • Jack Crusher

Gates McFadden

  • Doctor Beverly Crusher

Todd Stashwick

  • Captain Liam Shaw

Ashlei Sharpe Chestnut

  • Ensign Sidney La Forge

Joseph Lee

  • Ensign Esmar

Amy Earhart

  • Titan Computer …
  • All cast & crew
  • Production, box office & more at IMDbPro

Stellar Photos From the "Star Trek" TV Universe

Nichelle Nichols and Sonequa Martin-Green at an event for Star Trek: Discovery (2017)

More like this

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds

Did you know

  • Trivia The first season is set in 2399, 20 years after the events of Star Trek: Nemesis (2002) (which was set in the year 2379). Using the Stardate format established in Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987) , this would place the start of the series just after Stardate 76000.
  • Goofs Commodore Oh often wears sunglasses. Star Trek lore establishes that Vulcans have an inner eyelid to protect against harsh sunlight on their desert planet. Oh's shades are a fashion statement, not a protective measure.
  • The first season features a Borg cube and the planet Romulus.
  • The second season features a Borg ship, a wormhole and hourglass, and the Borg Queen's silhouette.
  • The third season does not have an opening titles sequence.
  • Connections Featured in Half in the Bag: Comic Con 2019, The Picard Trailer, Streaming Services, and Midsommar (2019)

User reviews 2.8K

  • Apr 12, 2023
  • How many seasons does Star Trek: Picard have? Powered by Alexa
  • Are they going to have any other characters from previous Star Trek shows in this new show?
  • Is there an air date?
  • Why make a TV series about Picard rather than a movie?
  • January 23, 2020 (United States)
  • United States
  • Official site
  • Star Trek: Captain Picard
  • The Sunstone Villa and Vineyard, Santa Ynes, California, USA (Château Picard)
  • CBS Television Studios
  • Roddenberry Entertainment
  • Secret Hideout
  • See more company credits at IMDbPro

Technical specs

  • Runtime 46 minutes
  • Dolby Digital

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