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zucchero tour 2024 italia

Zucchero - Overdose D'Amore World Tour

Annunciato il tour negli stadi. Acquista il tuo biglietto!

zucchero tour 2024 italia

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  • Bologna (2) verificato
  • Messina (1) verificato
  • Milano (2) verificato
  • Pescara (1) verificato
  • Udine (1) verificato
  • Bluenergy Stadium - Stadio Friuli
  • Stadio Dall'Ara
  • Zucchero - Package
  • Pacchetto: 1 Evento, 1 Città
  • da € 319,00
  • Stadio Franco Scoglio
  • Stadio Adriatico G. Cornacchia
  • Stadio San Siro

Info evento

Biografia - zucchero, zucchero fan-report: valutazioni e recensioni, 50 recensioni (ø 4,9), evento indimenticabile.

Che dire… assistere alla data zero del tour e in primissima fila è stato STRAORDINARIO! Un’esperienza unica, qualità del suono ineccepibile e giochi di luci bellissimi. Zucchero sempre top, grande coinvolgimento!!!

Evento spettacolare

Unico e indimenticabile.. !! Zero pause, solo tantissima musica, emozionante..!

evento grandioso

in una cornice stupenda un concerto meraviglioso .. come sempre Zucchero è un grande artista

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zucchero tour 2024 italia

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zucchero tour 2024 italia

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Zucchero in concerto a Milano: date 2024 e biglietti

Zucchero in concerto a milano: date 2024 e biglietti - altre info.

Zucchero Fornaciari Overdose D'Amore World Tour 2024: una data a Milano

Zucchero in concerto a Milano San Siro: date Overdose D’Amore World Tour e come acquistare i biglietti

Zucchero annuncia le nuove date del “Overdose D’Amore World Tour” 2024: sono tre le tappe in Italia, la prossima estate, per il cantautore di “Senza una donna”. Data unica al Meazza di Milano : il 4 luglio 2024. Quanto costano i biglietti del concerto di Zucchero allo Stadio San Siro? I prezzi vanno da 39€ a 120€ (settore Platea Cat 1) con vendita aperta su Ticketone , da mercoledì 18 ottobre, anche per i pacchetti VIP.

Quando aprono le vendite per i concerti di Zucchero? Prevendite biglietti attive su Ticketone, per la data milanese, dal 18 ottobre 2023 alle ore 16.00 ( come acquistare il tuo biglietto ).

Queste le date confermate finora: 27 giugno allo Stadio Dall’Ara di Bologna, 30 giugno allo Stadio Franco Scoglio di Messina e 4 luglio allo Stadio San Siro di Milano.

Tre imperdibili concerti – solo qualche settimana dopo i live di Vasco Rossi – in cui Zucchero regalerà al pubblico grande musica e forti emozioni, ripercorrendo la sua incredibile carriera ed esibendosi con i suoi più grandi successi.

Chi aprirà le date nel capoluogo lombardo? Stay tuned per aggiornamenti! Scopri l’elenco aggiornato dei concerti del 2024, mese per mese .

Zucchero Fornaciari Overdose D'Amore World Tour 2024: una data a Milano

Sommario di questo articolo: tutto su Zucchero a San Siro per il Tour 2024

  • Zucchero Tour negli stadi: date 2024 in Italia

Come acquistare i biglietti per Zucchero a Milano nel 2024

  • Indirizzo Stadio San Siro, date e orari concerti
  • Settori San Siro Stadium e costi biglietti su Ticketone

Cosa includono i pacchetti VIP di Zucchero e quanto costano

  • Scaletta concerto Zucchero a San Siro e durata dello show

Come arrivare allo stadio Meazza con il bus-navetta dall’Aeroporto di Orio al Serio

  • Mappa dello stadio San Siro: settori concerto Zucchero nel 2024
  • Contatti e pagina Facebook per altre informazioni

Zucchero Sugar Fornaciari Tour negli stadi: date 2024 in Italia

Il cantautore – che nell’ultimo anno e mezzo ha portato il suo World Wild Tour in giro per il mondo con oltre cento spettacoli e tantissime nazioni visitate – annuncia le nuove date programmate per il 2024 negli stadi italiani.

Ecco le date confermate della tournèe:

  • 27 giugno, stadio Dall’Ara di Bologna
  • 30 giugno, stadio Franco Scoglio di Messina
  • 4 luglio, stadio San Siro di Milano

Nota bene: i biglietti di ciascun concerto sono nominativi. Per maggiori informazioni, consulta le FAQ sui ticket nominativi al link

Ascolta gli album con i brani più popolari di Zucchero su Spotify .

Zucchero Fornaciari in concerto a Milano San Siro con Overdose D'Amore World Tour 2024

I biglietti dei concerti già confermati, prodotti da Friends & Partners, saranno disponibili in prevendita da oggi pomeriggio, mercoledì 18 ottobre, alle ore 16.00.

I biglietti per le date di Milano e Bologna saranno venduti su e nei punti di vendita abituali, mentre quelli per la data di Messina su, Ciaotickets e Box Office Sicilia e nei punti di vendita abituali. non è l’organizzatore dell’evento e non è responsabile di eventuali cambiamenti di programma. Verifica sempre il sito web di riferimento per informazioni aggiornate sull’evento.

Indirizzo Stadio San Siro, date e orari apertura concerti

Stadio San Siro (Giuseppe Meazza), Piazzale Angelo Moratti, Milano – Giovedì 4 luglio 2024 dalle ore 20.30

Costi dei biglietti in prevendita su Ticketone, per ogni settore

Quanto costano i biglietti dei concerti? I prezzi sono stati annunciati con l’avvio della prevendita su Ticketone: si parte da 39€ per un posto nel Terzo Anello Blu e Verde NON NUMERATO.

Sono stati resi noti anche i prezzi biglietti per i diversi settori. Elenchiamo di seguito, per ogni posto, il costo del ticket: vedi mappa dello stadio Meazza di Milano):

  • Settore Platea Cat 1: 120€
  • Settore Platea Cat 2: 110€
  • Platea Cat 3 (Intero): 99€
  • Platea Cat 4 (Intero): 89€
  • Platea Cat 5 (Intero): 79€
  • I Anello Rosso Cat 1: 95€
  • I Anello Rosso Cat 2: 85€
  • II Anello Rosso Cat 1: 75€
  • II Anello Rosso Cat 2: 65€
  • I Anello Blu e Verde: 75€
  • II Anello Blu e Verde Cat 1: 65€
  • II Anello Blu e Verde Cat 2: 59€
  • III Anello Rosso: 49€
  • III Anello Blu e Verde NON NUMERATO: 39€

Prima di procedere all’acquisto su Ticketone , verifica termini e condizioni d’acquisto accessibili dal sito

Il costo dei pacchetti VIP arriva fino ai 349€ della postazione SKY BOX PACKAGE .

Cosa include il pacchetto più costoso? SKY BOX PACKAGE prevede un ambiente riservato per te. Una vera suite per coloro che vogliono vivere lo show con il massimo della comodità e riservatezza, con accesso a una tribuna riservata nello spazio sottostante, dotata di comode poltroncine imbottite.

Il pacchetto SKY BOX PACKAGE include:

  • Un biglietto nella poltroncina in pelle con poggiatesta.
  • Accesso preferenziale tramite ingresso dedicato e welcome desk riservato
  • Un Pass laminato e cordino da collezione
  • Un gadget esclusivo
  • Servizio di catering pre-show all’interno dello Skybox dalle ore 19:30 alle 20:30. Il servizio catering (standing buffet) include: aperitivi, piatti caldi e freddi, dessert, bevande e vino. Food and beverage saranno serviti esclusivamente nell’orario sopra indicato
  • Bagno e guardaroba privato
  • Hostess e cameriere a disposizione
  • Un posto auto per ciascun ordine effettuato nel parcheggio di superficie o sotterraneo
  • Servizio account per soddisfare al meglio ogni richiesta prima dello show: [email protected]

Il pacchetto Gold Package , dedicato a chi vuole vivere lo show da protagonista, costa 319€ e comprende:

  • Un biglietto numerato nei migliori posti in Platea
  • Un pass laminato e cordino da collezione
  • Un invito per accedere all’hospitality dedicata pre-show (dalle 19:30 alle 20:30). Il servizio catering (standing buffet) include: aperitivi, piatti caldi e freddi, dessert, bevande e vino. Food and beverage saranno serviti esclusivamente nell’orario sopra indicato

Nota bene: L’Artista non partecipa ad alcuna attività legata al pacchetto.

Scaletta Concerto Zucchero a San Siro (ipotesi)

Dall’annuncio del ritorno live di Zucchero è tanta l’attenzione sulla scaletta del tour portata nei precedenti spettacoli in Italia e non solo.

Per ora non è affatto semplice dire con certezza se verrà eseguita la stessa scaletta vista in occasione del World Wild Tour 2023 : gran parte delle canzoni dovrebbero tuttavia essere confermate.

Ricchissima la setlist, con 29 canzoni che vedono in scaletta – oltre al brano Iruben Me , anche brani evergreen del passato, come Dune mosse e Miserere con un appassionato ricordo di Luciano Pavarotti.

Di seguito la possibile scaletta dei concerti di Zucchero allo Stadio San Siro di Milano nel 2024:

  • Spirito nel buio
  • Sarebbe questo il mondo
  • La canzone che se ne va
  • Quale senso abbiamo noi
  • Partigiano reggiano
  • 13 buone ragioni
  • Ci si arrende
  • Baila (Sexy Thing)
  • Un soffio caldo
  • Stayin’ Alive
  • Nutbush City Limits
  • Honky Tonk Train Blues
  • Overdose (d’amore)
  • Let It Shine
  • Così celeste
  • X colpa di chi?
  • Diavolo in me
  • Con le mani
  • Solo una sana e consapevole libidine salva il giovane dallo stress e dall’Azione Cattolica

Quanto dura il concerto di Zucchero a Milano? Nei recenti show in Italia, Adelmo da Roncocesi ha calcato il palco per quasi tre ore e mezza. La durata può variare anche a causa della presenza di guest star, o di bis aggiuntivi.

Sei diretto allo stadio Meazza per assistere al concerto? Su Tiqets puoi prenotare il bus-navetta che partendo dall’aeroporto di Orio al Serio ti porterà in città, in meno di un’ora.

Acquista online e fai convalidare il codice QR dal personale che ti aspetta fuori dall’autobus. Prenota il transfer in anticipo e goditi il resto del viaggio.

Fermate dell’autobus, con partenza ogni ora: Aeroporto di Orio al Serio, Stazione di Milano Centrale, Milano Lambrate e Milano Cascina Gobba.

Indicazioni su come arrivare allo stadio da Orio al Serio : prenota il bus navetta, scendi alla prima fermata (Stazione Milano Centrale), prendi la linea verde della metro fino a MM2 Garibaldi; cambia linea prendendo la linea lilla e scendi alla fermata MM5 San Siro.

Mappa San Siro per Zucchero Overdose D’Amore World Tour 2024 : i settori da preferire

Di seguito è mostrata la mappa dei settori dello stadio Meazza , in modo da poter valutare il miglior posto per assistere al concerto.

Mappa settori stadio San Siro Milano e posti migliori concerto Zucchero 2024

Contatti organizzatore, pagina Instagram e Youtube per altre informazioni

Sito web di Friends & Partners:

Per qualsiasi ulteriore informazione, o per prenotazione posti disabili, contatta il team Assistenza Clienti dell’Organizzatore: e-mail [email protected].

E-mail organizzatore: [email protected]

Pagina Instagram Zucchero:

Canale Youtube Zucchero:

Valuta cosa fare oggi a Milano , sfogliando la nostra agenda eventi. Hai programmi per il fine settimana? Scopri gli eventi del weekend in città e dintorni.

Luogo dell'evento

Stadio San Siro (Meazza) di Milano

+39 02 48798201


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Zucchero, annunciato il tour negli stadi: le date del 2024

Matteo Rossini

Il cantautore ha comunicato i tre concerti per l'Overdose D'Amore World Tour. I biglietti saranno disponibili in prevendita a partire dalle ore 16.00 di mercoledì 18 ottobre

Bologna , Messina e Milano , ecco le tre città scelte da Zucchero per la leg italiana del nuovo tour. Il cantautore ha annunciato anche la data dell’apertura delle prevendite dei biglietti. 

zucchero, le date negli stadi italiani nel 2024

Nell’ultimo anno e mezzo Zucchero ha portato il suo World Wild Tour in giro per il mondo con oltre cento spettacoli e tantissime nazioni visitate: dalla Germania alla Nuova Zelanda passando per la Spagna, il Canada, l’Australia e gli Stati Uniti d’America. A pochi mesi dalla conclusione della tournée, l’artista ha annunciato il nuovo tour che prenderà avvio a breve.

L’ Overdose D'Amore World Tour farà tappa in Italia il 27 giugno a Bologna, il 30 a Messina e il 4 luglio a Milano. Gli show vedranno l’artista ripercorrere la sua carriera fatta di grandi successi e hit internazionali. Il cantautore ha annunciato che la prevendita dei biglietti partirà alle ore 16.00 di mercoledì 18 ottobre.

Ecco le date della tournèe:

  • 27 giugno, stadio Dall'Ara di Bologna
  • 30 giugno, stadio Franco Scoglio di Messina
  • 4 luglio, stadio San Siro di Milano



Zucchero, il racconto di una vita sul palco nel docu sugar fornaciari.

Visualizza questo post su Instagram Un post condiviso da Zucchero Sugar Fornaciari (@zuccherosugar)

Non visualizzi questo contenuto?

L’Overdose D'Amore World Tour prenderà avvio il 29 novembre a San Antonio, America, con un concerto insieme ad Andrea Bocelli che lo affiancherà per tutte le date statunitensi prima dell’arrivo in varie città europee, tra le quali Stoccolma, Oslo, Riga e Sofia.

Musica e concerti, tutti i video

Nei prossimi giorni l’artista sbarcherà anche al cinema con Zucchero - Sugar Fornaciari , l’evento speciale che racconterà più approfonditamente uno dei più grandi cantautori italiani. La pellicola sarà presentata in anteprima alla 18ª edizione della Festa Del Cinema Di Roma ( FOTO ) per poi arrivare sul grande schermo il 23, 24 e 25 ottobre.


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Zucchero, il tour mondiale parte dal Royal Albert Hall di Londra

Zucchero_ph Daniele Barraco

Al via dalla Royal Albert Hall di Londra l’ Overdose d’amore World Wild Tour di Zucchero Fornaciari che toccherà l’Italia con cinque date negli stadi

Sabato 30 marzo, domenica 31 marzo e lunedì 1 aprile al via dalla Royal Albert Hall di Londra il tour internazionale Overdose d’amore World Wild Tour di Zucchero Fornaciari . Ad accompagnarlo sul palco la sua fedele super band internazionale composta da Polo Jones (Musical director, bass), Kat Dyson (guitars, bvs), Peter Vettese (hammond, piano and synth), Mario Schilirò (guitars), Adriano Molinari (drums), Nicola Peruch  (keyboards), Monica Mz Carter (drums, percussions), James Thompson (horns, bvs), Lazaro Amauri Oviedo Dilout (horns), Carlos Minoso (horns) e Oma Jali (backing vocals).

Dopo i 3 concerti alla Royal Albert Hall, l’ Overdose D’amore World Wild Tour  proseguirà in Danimarca, Svezia, Norvegia, Finlandia, Estonia, Lettonia, Lituania, Bulgaria, Stati Uniti, Canada, Francia, Monaco, Germania, Paesi Bassi, Austria, Slovacchia e altri paesi in via di definizione… passando per l’Italia con 5 imperdibili eventi negli stadi italiani  (prodotti da Friends & Partners) : 

23 giugno al Bluenergy Stadium – Stadio Friuli di Udine; 27 giugno allo Stadio Dall’Ara di Bologna; 30 giugno allo Stadio Franco Scoglio di Messina; 2 luglio allo Stadio Adriatico Giovanni Cornacchia di Pescara; 4 luglio allo Stadio San Siro di Milano

I biglietti per le date di Udine, Bologna e Milano sono disponibili su e nei punti di vendita abituali, quelli per la data di Pescara su, Ciaotickets e nei punti di vendita abituali, quelli per la data di Messina su, Ciaotickets e Box Office Sicilia e nei punti di vendita abituali. Per ulteriori informazioni consultare il sito .

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zucchero tour 2024 italia

Zucchero: Overdose D’Amore World Tour 2024

zucchero tour 2024 italia

Latest Setlist

Zucchero on may 16, 2024.

Overdose D’Amore World Wild Tour 2024

Copernicus Center, Chicago, Illinois

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Zucchero "Overdose d'Amore" - World Tour 2024

  • Zucchero "Overdose d'Amore" - World Tour 2024

zucchero tour 2024 italia

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À propos - zucchero.

Zucchero ("sucre") est né en Italie en 1955, de son patronyme véritable Adelmo Fornaciari, et commence sa carrière en jouant du blues dans les années 70 avec Le Nuovo Luci et Sugar and Candies. Il devient artiste reconnu de la variété internationale avec un premier tube, "Donne".

En 1987 sort "Blues", un des albums de variété les plus vendus en Italie. Aussi inspiré par le boogie que les airs d'opéra, Zucchero participe au "Pavarotti International" en 1995. Zucchero obtient ensuite sur ses albums les collaborations de Miles Davis, Sheryl Crow, B.B. King, John Lee Hooker… Zucchero remet un peu de sucre dans la variété internationale en sortant les albums "Fly" et "All the Best" en 2007.

Zucchero a conquis la planète variété grâce à sa voix unique et ses facultés d'adaptation à tous les genres de musique.

Tous les avis sur Zucchero :

1 commentaires (ø 1,0), mauvaise organisation.

Le concert de Zucchero était super, mais par contre toute l'organisation autour de ce concert (en incluant la file d'attente au campo santo, l'entracte et sa buvette hors du campo santo dans un minuscule endroit avec un public monstre laissait vraiment à désirer, en plus le personnel de la buvette était très désagréable !!!!

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Zucchero is a singer and songwriter hailing from Reggio Emilia, Italy, who was born on September 25th, 1955. Since debuting in 1970, he has released eleven studio albums and worked with everyone from Miles Davis to Bono, becoming one of the most beloved Italian musicians of his generation.

Acclaimed by Ray Charles himself as one of the greatest blues musicians he ever worked with, the man born Adelmo Fornaciari began playing in a long succession of different bands at the age of 15. However, this is no Lorde-style early success story, as it took him eleven years before one of those bands saw a hint of success. In 1981, his group Taxi won the Castrocara music festival, but after the band showed signs of slipping back under the radar in 82 and 83, Zucccerro decided to take a chance and release his debut solo album “Un Po' Di Zuccchero” in the latter year. It was the move that saved his career, as in 1985, he finally scored a hit with the song “Danne”, and he spent the rest of the 80's becoming one of the biggest solo artists in Italy. In 1988, he solidified that reputation with the album “Blue's”, which became the biggest selling album by an Italian artist of all time, and made Zucchero a household name in Italy and most of Europe.

By the 1990s, Zucchero's success had made him a name all the world, and to capitalise on that he released an album consisting of a number of his hits sung in English. The album, that also saw the singer work with artists like Paul Young and Eric Clapton, was yet another hit and secured Zucchero's position as the collaborator of choice for many a rock and roll legend. Over the next decade the list of his collaborator's would prove to be astonishing, with names like Brian May, Sting, Luciano Pavarotti and Elton John popping up to name but a few. Ever since then, Zucchero has remained a genuine superstar, a once in a generation, stadium-slaying sensation who's only getting better four decades after his debut. For that, he comes highly recommended.


There is always something very intriguing about hearing music that you’re very used to hearing such a pop rock, which dominates a lot of the airwaves or pop, with an ‘edge’ kind of thing. Now imagine hearing it in Italian. Enter Adelmo Fornaciari, better known as his stage name Zucchero (Yep. That’s the Italian word for suagar). His sound is an original sort of concoction between gospel, soul and rock music. His career spans over four decades, and get this! This guy’s backing band was none other than The Randy Jackson Band back in the 80s. Pretty good going hey?! So what’s he like live I wondered? Does he still have it all these years on? There is no doubt that this Italian singer songwriter oozes confidence but he is of course ever so talented. “Senza una donna” kicks off this evening. The crowd is buzzing, drinking and ready for dancing. As soon as everything kicks in with this song the lights are flashing the audience is jumping and Zucchero is absolutely owning it.

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Lannistaar’s profile image

Zucchero’s career spans an incredible five decades, as he has continued to be one of the biggest names in Italian music since he started out in the 70s. Now, Zucchero is nothing short of an Italian legend. The man has been quoted as one of the greatest ever blues musicians of all time. From such great tracks such as ‘Baila’ to ‘Diamante’, Zucchero keeps on top by blending a mix of genres, from smooth blues to pop to an almost gospel like sound. All of his songs have one thing in common, however: his smooth, sultry and beautiful vocals. Zucchero can hold a whole range of tones, from low notes to those powerful all belters, and he is incredibly easy to listen to. His backing band were just as brilliant, accompanying his never faltering vocals with perfect ease. He lulled the audience into a brilliant sense of serenity with his ballads but also managed to get us excited and energised with his more up beat classics. His range was fantastic and his concert was a must see.

sabraziz’s profile image

Intim club-show in Malmö. Mostly songs from new album plus some older hits. A little bit mechanical performance, which is understandable after over a year on the road and such a small audience.

Never the less, we enjoyed it very much together with the rest of the supporting audience.

It became very hot in the club after a while since the airconditioning was off.

Lassepl’s profile image

I had an awesome time....Zuccero was great....better than I remember from the last time I saw him in San Francisco....Thank you for keeping me informed about the artists I am interested in...GREAT service

annemarie-kilimann’s profile image

Excellent show, full of energy and rythm! We've truly enjoyed the great classics as well as the new songs!

The staff at the RAH was very friendly and helpful, and we loved our seats in the small box!

beatrice-giglio’s profile image

Fantastic concert in an amazing venue, Zucchero has so much energy and gets the crowd up and dancing from the first song, nearly 3 hours on stage!!

When is he coming to New Zealand??

dondebstantiall’s profile image

Poster (22)

Zucchero live.

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Copernicus Center

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Zucchero wird derzeit nicht in der Nähe deines Standorts auftreten – hat aber vor, 21 Konzerte in 8 Länder in 2024-2025 zu geben. Alle Konzerte anzeigen.

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Overdose D’Amore World Tour 2024

SATURDAY, MAY 11, 2024

One of the finest exponents of rock blues in Italy,  Zucchero brings his Greatest Hits World Tour, Overdose D’Amore to Boston. Performing for the first time at the Emerson Colonial Theatre, he invites you to join him in celebrating 40 years of his most memorable and loved hits.

Zucchero’s 40-year career has seen more than 60 million records sold, including 8 million copies of the album Oro, incenso & birra  alone. His collaborations are legendary from  Eric Clapton ’s unmistakable guitar on  Wonderful World  to the international hit  Senza Una Donna  (Without a Woman) with  Paul Young . From the Italian version of Mad about You , (Muoio per te) on  Sting’s   The Soul Cages  album to  Miserere  with the Maestro,  Luciano Pavarotti . His appeal is global. Having played in five continents, 69 states, and 650 cities including such unique destinations as Oman, Mauritius, Thaiti, New Caledonia, Armenia, and New Zealand to name but a few.

zucchero tour 2024 italia

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  • March 31, 2024 Setlist

Zucchero Setlist at Royal Albert Hall, London, England

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  • Oh, Doctor Jesus ( Ella Fitzgerald & Louis Armstrong  cover) ( Oma Jali vocals ) Play Video
  • Spirito nel buio Play Video
  • Soul Mama Play Video
  • La canzone che se ne va Play Video
  • Quale senso abbiamo noi Play Video
  • Partigiano reggiano Play Video
  • Vedo nero Play Video
  • Ci si arrende Play Video
  • Pene Play Video
  • Facile Play Video
  • L'urlo Play Video
  • Baila (Sexy Thing) Play Video
  • Iruben Me Play Video
  • Everybody's Got to Learn Sometime ( The Korgis  cover) Play Video
  • Dune mosse Play Video
  • Un soffio caldo Play Video
  • Senza una donna (Without a Woman) (with Jack Savoretti ) Play Video
  • Miserere Play Video
  • Nutbush City Limits ( Ike & Tina Turner  cover) ( Band only ) Play Video
  • Honky Tonk Train Blues ( Meade Lux Lewis  cover) ( Band only ) Play Video
  • Overdose (d'amore) Play Video
  • Let It Shine Play Video
  • Diamante Play Video
  • Così celeste Play Video
  • Il volo Play Video
  • X colpa di chi? Play Video
  • Diavolo in me Play Video
  • Hey Man Play Video

Edits and Comments

7 activities (last edit by blukaos , 2 Apr 2024, 07:09 Etc/UTC )

Songs on Albums

  • La canzone che se ne va
  • Spirito nel buio
  • Diavolo in me
  • Overdose (d'amore)
  • Everybody's Got to Learn Sometime by The Korgis
  • Honky Tonk Train Blues by Meade Lux Lewis
  • Nutbush City Limits by Ike & Tina Turner
  • Oh, Doctor Jesus by Ella Fitzgerald & Louis Armstrong
  • L'urlo
  • Così celeste
  • X colpa di chi?
  • Ci si arrende
  • Partigiano reggiano
  • Un soffio caldo
  • Let It Shine
  • Baila (Sexy Thing)
  • Quale senso abbiamo noi
  • Senza una donna (Without a Woman)

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Royal Albert Hall

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  • Zucchero This Setlist Start time: 8:30 PM 8:30 PM

Zucchero Gig Timeline

  • Dec 31 2023 Molo Brin Olbia, Italy Start time: 10:20 PM 10:20 PM
  • Mar 30 2024 Royal Albert Hall London, England Start time: 8:30 PM 8:30 PM
  • Mar 31 2024 Royal Albert Hall This Setlist London, England Start time: 8:30 PM 8:30 PM
  • Apr 01 2024 Royal Albert Hall London, England Start time: 8:30 PM 8:30 PM
  • Apr 03 2024 Amager Bio Copenhagen, Denmark Start time: 8:00 PM 8:00 PM

3 people were there

  • SomersetSam

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zucchero tour 2024 italia

Results and Highlights from the 2024 Giro d’Italia

Check out stage-by-stage recaps and overall standings of the Italian Grand Tour.

cycling ita giro

Check out stage-by-stage recaps of the action below.

Stage 19: Mortegliano to Sappada, 157 km

Vendrame soars to victory in mountainous stage; breakaway dominates as thomas survives late crash.

Stage Winner: Andrea Vendrame (Decathlon AG2R La Mondiale) Race Leader: Tadej Pogačar (UAE Team Emirates)

May 24, 2024—The first part of the Giro d’Italia’s nineteenth stage offered some early fireworks, as a ten-strong breakaway put half a minute into the peloton almost immediately after the flag dropped. And no sooner was that group caught and absorbed into the peloton some twenty kilometers later did another attack launch, this time featuring perhaps this Giro’s hungriest breakaway artist, Soudal Quick-Step’s Julian Alaphillipe.

A group of nine chasers led by Alessandro De Marchi of Jayco-AlUla (who grew up in San Daniele del Friuli, which the peloton tore through at kilometer thirty-two) crossed and eventually caught Alaphillipe’s ten-man breakaway, creating a group of nineteen riders. Behind, the peloton sat up, allowing what was predicted to be the last chance for the breakaway in this year’s Giro to take shape.

However, the one-hundred-and-fifty-seven-kilometer stage from Mortegliano to Sappada was a day-long creep upwards that featured three climbs—a pair of category twos and a category three—in its final fifty-seven kilometers, which left the window ever-so-slightly open for the peloton.

But soon, the gap between the break and the peloton stretched to over nine minutes, eventually growing to sixteen minutes.

107th giro d'italia 2024 stage 19

Alaphillipe exhibited some more of the aggression he’s displayed over the last two-and-a-half weeks, attacking and winning the final intermediate sprint of the day. He attacked immediately after, at the foot of the category three Sella Valcalda, with Stage 17 winner Georg Steinhauser of EF Education-EasyPost and Stage 1 winner Jhonatan Narváez of INEOS Grenadiers sticking to his wheel. Those three quickly became seven, however, with Steinhauser taking the KOM points over the Valcalda.

No sooner did the group begin to splinter did Decathlon AG2R La Mondiale’s Andrea Vendrame attack on the descent, quickly putting a minute of his own into the breakaway. Steinhauser and Movistar’s Pelayo Sánchez fought mightily to bring Vendrame back on the day’s final climb, the Cima Sappada. However, the gap only came down a bit, and Vendrame beat Sánchez by fifty-four seconds and Steinhauser by one minute and six seconds, winning the second Giro stage of his career.

107th giro d'italia 2024 stage 19

The drama was hardly over, however, as current third-place rider Geraint Thomas of INEOS Grenadiers accidentally crossed wheels with Antonio Tiberi of Bahrain Victorious and crashed suddenly with just under six kilometers to go. He quickly hopped on a backup bike and got back with the dozen-strong group that included the rest of the race’s current podium of Tadej Pogačar of UAE Team Emirates and Dani Martínez of BORA-hansgrohe. In a display of sportsmanship, the group sat up, allowing Thomas to get back on easily.

Sixteen minutes after Vendrame crossed the line, the maglia rosa group finished the stage. “In the beginning, I felt so bad,” said third-place finisher Georg Steinhauser. “I didn’t even plan to end up in the breakaway. Just planned to pull for Mikkel Honoré. On the steep climb, I followed Alaphillipe and my legs just opened up. I’ve had three really good performances. It’s just crazy.”

  • Stage 18: Fiera di Primiero to Padova, 178 km

Merlier Narrowly Beats Milan in Sprint Finish

Stage Winner : Tim Merlier (Soudal-Quick Step) Race Leader: Tadej Pogačar (UAE Team Emirates)

A long, flat stage meant a blisteringly fast sprint finish in Fiera di Primiero, with Tim Merlier (Soudal-Quick Step) narrowly beating Jonathan Milan (Trek-Lidl) by half a wheel length in the photo finish. And while Tadej Pogačar wasn’t lighting up the race today, he was sitting comfortably in the peloton, maintaining his massive GC lead.

107th giro d'italia 2024 stage 18

The 178-kilometer flat stage meant plenty of early attacks, and with a wet start to the race, riders had a lot of incentive to stay safe but keep the speed high to avoid the predicted afternoon thunderstorms. For Stage 18, the race whittled down even further, with 144 riders starting the stage. Christian Scaroni of Astana Qazaqstan pulled out due to illness.

The early breakaway that did stick included Mikkel Honore (EF Education First-Cannondale), Andrea, Filippo Fiorelli (VF Group Bardiani-CSF Faizanè), and unsurprisingly, Andrea Pietrobon and Mirco Maestri (Team Polti Kometa), who’ve been lighting up breakaways the entire Giro. The group maintained a gap that ranged from 40 seconds to nearly two minutes.

Visma-Lease a Bike’s Edoardo Affini bridged the gap to the lead group with 50 kilometers to go, joining the four race leaders with the peloton only 30 seconds behind. 25 kilometers later, the group of five still had a small gap of just 10 seconds, but the peloton seemed unable or unwilling to close the gap.

In the final 10 km, it was clear that the breakaway would come back—it was just a matter of time. The group of five shattered as leadout trains upped the pace of the peloton and swallowed the leaders. Thyme Arensman, the INEOS-Grenadiers rider sitting in sixth in the GC, was forced to pull to the side with a minor mechanical, but his teammate Jhonatan Narváez was able to help him reconnect with the peloton.

107th giro d'italia 2024 stage 18

Coming into the finish in Fiera di Primiero, the sprint seemed like it was beginning with 5 km to go as the top teams swarmed the front. The peloton charged towards the finish in a massive swarm, with Lidl-Trek starting the sprint without their team leader (and sprint point race leader), Johnathan Milan, on the front. Confusion slowed the group momentarily, but Milan was able to find some space to move close to the front. Tim Merlier (Soudal-Quick Step) took advantage of the confusion and narrowly took the sprint over Milan, with Kaden Groves (Alpecin - Deceuninck) in third.

“It was important today to be in good position,” said Merlier. “I was a bit surprised. The last kilometer was really fast, with two corners… In the final moment, I started my sprint and had to go a bit around, but I made it.”

When asked if this late-stage win is a step up in Merlier’s career, he enigmatically said: “The haters will be disappointed.”

Of course, no one in the GC was coming close to race leader Tadej Pogačar, whose lead still sits at nearly eight minutes ahead of second place. Behind him, there were no shakeups in the top 10, with Daniel Felipe Martinez and Geraint Thomas sitting second and third, respectively. In the race for the overall points jersey, Milan seems to have cemented his overall lead even if he didn’t take the win.

As always, hat tip to the Giro social crew for gems like this:

  • Stage 17: Selva di Val Gardena/Wolkenstein in Gröden to Passo del Brocon, 159 km

Steinhauser Nabs First Professional Victory

Stage Winner : Georg Steinhauser (EF Education-EasyPost) Race Leader: Tadej Pogačar (UAE Team Emirates)

After the confusion and cold, driving rain of Tuesday’s 16th stage, today’s stage 17 offered a bit of normalcy. Still, as today’s stage coursed through the grand Dolomites, riders were wrapped in jackets, knee warmers, and full-finger gloves.

The 159-kilometer stage stretched from Selva di Val Gardena to Passo del Brocon, offering up the Giro’s final summit finish.

107th giro d'italia 2024 stage 17

Once again, Julian Alaphillipe attacked early, eventually finding himself as part of an eight-man break that included Nairo Quintana of Movistar, Damiano Caruso of Bahrain Victorious, Marco Frigo of Israel-Premier Tech, Amanuel Ghebreigzabhier of Lidl-Trek, Davide Ballerini of Astana Qazaqstan, Georg Steinhauser of EF Education-EasyPost, and yesterday’s near-winner, Giulio Pellizzari of VF Group-Bardiani CSF-Faizane. However, the break was caught with sixty-one kilometers to go, a bit less than halfway up the category 3 Passo Gobbera, one of the day’s five categorized climbs.

Ghebreigzabhier attacked again over the top of the climb. EF Education-EasyPost’s Georg Steinhauser caught him soon after, and himself went clear a dozen kilometers later.

It was an attack that proved to be the winning move, as Steinhauser soloed to victory over the race’s final thirty-four kilometers.

Of course, not before Tadej Pogačar launched an attack of his own in the final two kilometers, eating nearly forty seconds out of Steinhauser’s lead, which was at two-minutes when Pogi went clear of Geraint Thomas and Dani Martinez. Had Pogačar attacked one kilometer earlier, he very likely might be celebrating his sixth stage win today.

It was the 22-year-old Steinhauser’s first professional victory.

“I could already be happy with just with the Queen stage of the Giro,” said Steinhauser, who finished third on Sunday’s stage 15. “Today, when I rode to the sign-on, I thought to myself, ‘Fuck, I have good legs. Maybe I will win today.’ I went from the beginning of the break. It was a little bit strange because we got caught by the peloton. But I thought I had to try again and I did and it worked out.”

  • Stage 16: Livigno to Santa Cristina Valgardena/St. Christina in Gröden, 202 km

Pogačar Makes It Five

Stage Winner : Tadej Pogačar (UAE Team Emirates) Race Leader: Tadej Pogačar (UAE Team Emirates)

May 21, 2024—For the first time in this year’s Giro d’Italia, the weather played a factor. And it did so in more ways than one.

Last week, it was announced that the Passo dello Stelvio , originally slated for today’s sixteenth stage, was removed from the stage for fear of avalanche. That left the still-might Umbrailpass, a 16.7-kilometer climb that averages 7.2 percent and tops out at two thousand five hundred meters.

However, as bitter rain fell, the stage was again shortened, removing the Umbrail Pass, after the riders unanimously agreed not to race the stage unless the summit was removed from the parcours. Thus, the UCI’s Extreme Weather Protocol was invoked, and the stage was shortened to one hundred and twenty-one kilometers with just a pair of summits on the day.

Riders and team managers grumbled amid the confusion of the early morning, but AG2R Decathlon La Mondiale’s GC guy Ben O’Connor didn’t mince words.

“It’s probably one of the worst organized races. I’m just being honest. This would never happen in 99 percent of other situations,” O’Connor told Eurosport. “It’s just a shame that it is 2024, and you have dinosaurs who really don’t see the human side of things. I would still like to ride the stage, but I don’t want to ride over 2,500 meters. It is already five degrees (Celsius) and pouring rain, and at 2,500 meters, it is already snowing. I’d like to see (race director Mauro Vegni) in our position, go outside on the bike and do the start of the stage, and see what his answer is after those couple of hours.”

107th giro d'italia 2024 stage 16

The stage did start, albeit a few hours late, and saw an immediate attempt at a breakaway. After a few futile efforts, a small, four-man break of Soudal Quick-Step’s Julian Alaphillipe, Polti Komete’s Mirco Maestri, Astana Qazaqstan’s Davide Ballerini, and EF Education-EasyPost’s Andrea Piccolo stuck, eventually putting up to a two-minute lead into the group.

The day’s two climbs came in quick succession, with the summit of the first—the category 1 Passo Pinei—coming just twelve kilometers before the second: the day’s category 2 summit finish atop the Monte Pana. The two nearly combined climbs made for a final thirty-six kilometers that were ostensibly uphill.

Shortly after the start of the first climb, Julian Alaphillipe launched a solo attack, quickly gapping his three breakmates by a minute. That lead was whittled down to just twenty seconds at the top of the Pinei, and Alaphillipe was swallowed up by a three-man chasing group of Ewen Costiou of Arkéa B&B Hotels, Giulio Pellizzari of VF Group-Bardiani CSF-Faizanè, and Christian Scaroni of Astana Qazaqstan after the start of the final climb.

Those four became three when Alaphillipe fell off the back at the 3-kilometer mark. Pellizzari and Costiou traded punches at the front before the twenty-year-old Italian made a final and seemingly decisive move with a kilometer-and-a-half to go.

But Tadej Pogačar (UAE Team Emirates) once again proved that he might not be of this world, launching a move that quickly caught and dropped Costiou and Scaroni before catching Pellizzari and winning his fifth stage of this year’s Giro.

107th giro d'italia 2024 stage 16

Behind the man in pink, BORA-hansgrohe’s Dani Martínez snatched second back from Ineos Grenadiers’ Geraint Thomas in this Grand Tour’s most (and possibly only) compelling competition.

“(Movistar) went really fast on the final climb,” Pogačar said. “The final two kilometers, we tried to control. Then Rafa (Majka) had enough, and he said, ‘Yeah, we push on.’ I was thinking that Pellizzari would win today’s stage. I’m super happy that he got second.”

“Actually, today we didn’t want to go for the stage,” said Rafaeł Majka, Pogačar’s UAE teammate. “On the last climb, I said (to Pogačar), ‘Go on, man.’”

  • Stage 15: Manerba del Garda to Livigno, 222 km

It’s All Pogačar Once Again

Tadej Pogačar did it again on Sunday’s Queen Stage at the Giro d’Italia. Pogačar claimed his fourth stage win of the Giro and extended his own lead in the general classification in another brilliant show of strength.

A big breakaway was able to stay away for much of the day, and the veteran Nairo Quintana (Movistar) was the last remaining rider. The 34-year-old Quintana was all alone with under 20km in the stage.

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But Pogačar, of course, was on the hunt. With 1 km to go, Pogačar set off on his solo mission to catch Quintana and win the stage. He timed in well, making the pass with 2km to go and quickly gapping Quintana. It was yet another incredible performance from Pogačar, who has continued to dazzle through the first 15 stages of the Tour of Italy.

All told, Pogačar won the stage by 29 seconds over Quintana, who settled for second after a long day out front. Pogačar added almost another three minute buffer between him and his closest GC rivals. Daniel Martinez (BORA-hansgrohe) and Geraint Thomas (INEOS Grenadiers) finished 2:50 back on Pogačar on the day. Ben O’Connor (Decathlon AG2R La Mondiale) was 2:58 back.

Pogačar lead in the GC has swelled to an almost unbelievable 6:41 over second place Thomas, and 6:56 over third place Martinez. It seems that Pogačar just needs to remain upright during the last week of the Giro and he will claim another grand tour victory.

Pogačar was his usual self after the stage, celebrating the fact that the second rest day of the Giro comes tomorrow. “Drink to that!” he said before taking a swig of hot tea.

  • Stage 12: Martinsicuro to Fano, 193 km

Julian Alaphilippe Takes Stunning Victory in Signature Style

Stage Winner : Julian Alaphillippe (Soudal-Quickstep) Race Leader: Tadej Pogačar (UAE Team Emirates)

May 16, 2024— Stage 12 turned out to be a lightning-fast stage over a hilly course with 2,200 meters of elevation, leading to some animated racing from the breakaway, chase groups, and even the peloton, where GC riders sat hoping for the race to calm down. But for 193 km, it never really did.

The victory was taken with aggression and style by two-time World Champion Julian Alaphillippe (Soudal-Quickstep). Alaphilippe was part of a huge breakaway battle that started in the Marche region, and at an average of 47 kilometers per hour, it turned out to be one of the top ten fastest stages in Giro history. Jhonatan Narváez (INEOS Grenadiers) finished in second, and Quinten Hermans (Alpecin-Deceuninck) was third after the chase-group sprint in Fano.

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This is the Soudal-Quickstep rider’s first win since last year’s Critérium du Dauphiné and his first at a Grand Tour since 2021. The win also completes his Grand Tour stage-win set and adds to his six Tour de France stage victories and one La Vuelta a España win.

Alaphilippe launched the first of many attacks about 138 km from the finish before meeting his breakaway companion Mirco Maestri (Polti-Kometa). Their effort would hold off the chasers until Alaphilippe attacked the last ascent 11.5 km from the finish.

“I didn’t plan it. I was expecting a big group to be in the breakaway. First, I have to thank my teammates who perfectly controlled the first 60 km. I was focused on being on the front,” said the Frenchman in the post-race interview.

Alaphilippe believed he could win the stage, but made sure to continue working and hold off the chasers. “Until the last kilometer, I had to keep pushing full gas because I hear Narvaez was close behind me,” he said. “It was my dream to win a stage of the Giro.”

While Maestri would have certainly liked to finish behind a champ like Alaphilippe, the chase caught up to him on the last climb, and he went on to finish in 9th place. “He also deserved to win today. He was amazing. We collaborated super well,” said Alaphilippe.

This is how the stage went down. At 140 km to go, Alaphilippe, along with Andrea Piccolo, sparked a decisive move on an uncategorized climb, prompting a group of former stage winners to join in the action. As the breakaway materialized, Alaphilippe initiated another acceleration, reducing the group’s size to just him and Maestri, leaving the peloton behind.

Although the breakaway initially held a substantial advantage, cooperation within the group was scarce, allowing the chasing peloton to gain ground. As the race approached the final climb, Alaphilippe made his move, leaving Maestri behind in pursuit of the stage win.

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Jan Hirt (Soudal-QuickStep), who sits in 11th place in the GC, tried to get in the early break, but team Bahrain Victorious, who has rider Antonio Tiberi sitting in 5th in the GC, made sure Hirt wouldn’t get very far.

While Alaphilippe dominated the finale, Narváez showcased his strength by securing second place. Behind them, the GC contenders remained cautious; race leader Tadej Pogačar (UAE Team Emirates) stayed safe in the peloton alongside Dani Martínez (Bora-hansgrohe), and Geraint Thomas (Ineos Grenadiers). Bora-hansgrohe did attempt to position Martínez for a potential attack, but it never materialized. With the flat stages ahead and a crucial time trial looming, the focus has shifted to preserving energy and maintaining position in the overall standings.

  • Stage 11: Foiano di Val Fortore to Francavilla al Mare, 207 km

Jonathan Milan Beats Tim Merlier and Kaden Groves in Messy Sprint Finish

Stage Winner : Jonathan Milan (Lidl-Trek) Race Leader: Tadej Pogačar (UAE Team Emirates)

May 15, 2024—After a bit of whistle-wetting with Stage 10’s summit finish, the sprinters again took the spotlight for Wednesday’s Stage 11.

The 207-kilometer stage that started in Foiano di Valfortore kicked off with a few bumps in the road before the parcours sloped gently downward toward the sea, with the day’s final hundred kilometers offering more or less a flat run into Francavilla al Mare.

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A small breakaway built a two-minute-and-forty-second lead heading into the day’s only classified climb, the category three Pietracatella, which pitched up at the stage’s fortieth kilometer. But they were slowly reeled in along the flat Adriatic coastline and fully caught one-hundred-and-thirty kilometers late, with just over thirty-five kilometers to go.

Despite a fruitless late attack from EF Education-EasyPost’s Andrea Piccolo, the peloton stayed together at a blistering pace of well over sixty kilometers per hour (occasionally over seventy).

With 4 kilometers to go to the finish, the course bent a hard ninety degrees, a brief wrench thrown into an otherwise straightforward day. And other than a bit of slowing, the peloton came through the turn unscathed.

Movistar’s Fernando Gaviria launched first with just a few hundred meters to go, but by the time the final meters ticked down, the race came down to Soudal Quick-Step’s Tim Merlier and current and reigning maglia ciclamino Jonathan Milan of Lidl-Trek. It marks Milan’s second win in this year’s Giro.

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“Our team put me in a really good position,” Merlier said immediately following the stage.“Perfect job from the guys. It’s just a shame that I couldn’t win for them.”

One developing non-racing story to keep an eye on is just how many riders have abandoned due to an illness that is spreading through the peloton. Twenty-one riders have thus far dropped out of the Giro d’Italia, several due to crash-related injuries. However, an inordinate amount of riders have packed it in, citing fevers and viral symptoms.

Just one day after winning Stage 9, Visma-Lease a Bike’s Olav Kooij abandoned with illness during Monday’s rest day. The following day, his team leader, Cian Uijtdebroeks, suffered the same fate. Visma’s main leadout man, Christophe Laporte, crashed out on Stage 4, leaving last year’s world beaters with just four riders left and two weeks still to race.

Stage 10: Pompei to Cusano Mutri, 142 km

Stage 9: avezzano to naples, 214 km, stage 8: spoleto to prati de tivo, 152 km, stage 7: foligno - perugia (individual time trial), 40.6 km, stage 6: torre del lago puccini - rapolano terme, 180 km, stage 5: genova - lucca, 178 km, stage 4: acqui terme - andora, 190 km, stage 3: novara - fossano, 166 km, stage 2: san francesco al campo - santuario di oropa, 161 km, stage 1: venaria reale - torino, 140 km, paret-peintre claims his first professional win.

Stage Winner : Valentin Paret-Peintre (Decathlon-AG2R La Mondiale) Race Leader: Tadej Pogačar (UAE Team Emirates)

Fresh off a rest day, it was all out from the flag drop on today’s stage. With 142 km to cover, it was a relatively short stage. Riders had a long warmup before the climbing started. This stage featured a summit finish on a new climb, the Category 1 Bocca della Selva, with a deceiving 4.6-percent average gradient. Jan Tratnik (Visma-Lease a Bike) led for more than 25 km, but it was Valentin Paret-Peintre (Decathlon-AG2R La Mondiale) who finally caught him and took his first professional win.

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Despite pleasant temperatures, riders had to contend with wet roads and rain. Staying upright required all the bike handling skills and smart choices on turns and descents. Riders also had to maneuver around a dog on the course—likely a stray.

The first sprint came at 52 km in Arpaia. Alessandro De Marchi (Jayco-AlUla) took first, Simon Clarke (Israel-Premier Tech) took second, and Kaden Groves (Alpecin Deceuninck) crossed the line in third.

At 73 km, the lead group and the chase group were still fairly chaotic. Alessandro De Marchi and Simon Clarke remained the lead duo, followed by many attacks. Eventually, we saw a breakaway group of 27 riders.

The 6.1 km category 2 climb at Camposauro saw Simon Geschke (Cofidis) take first, Filippo Fiorelli (VF Group–Bardiani–CSF–Faizanè) second, and Enzo Paleni (Groupama-FDJ) third.

Eventually, Simon Clarke was dropped by the breakaway and caught by the peloton. With 28 km to go, Tratnik took a solo lead. Tratnik took the bonus sprint points at Cusano Mutri with 20 km to go. He remained out front into the final climb of the stage.

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The Bocca della Selva climb started with just under 18 km to go. Riders climbed 976 meters (3,202 feet) with a maximum gradient of 10 percent. A plateau broke up the climb a little over halfway through.

With less than 3 km to go, Tratnik was finally caught by Paret-Peintre, followed by Romain Bardet (dsm-firmenich PostNL).

Following in his brother (and teammate) Aurélien’s footsteps, and just ahead of his idol, Bardet, Paret-Peintre took his first professional win. Previously, his best Giro stage result was 31st place. This was the 15th win for Decathlon-AG2R La Mondiale. It’s like they gained superpowers by abandoning the brown bibs.

In his post-race interview, Paret-Peintre said that he decided to go for it in the final kilometers because it was the toughest section, and he felt like he had it in his legs. “I can’t describe what I feel now. It’s just amazing,” said Paret-Peintre. “I was there to go for a good result and why not win? Now, I have a Giro stage win for my first pro win. It’s amazing.

“I saw that the last 4 km was the hardest, so I said, ‘ok, if I want to attack, it’s in the last 4km, so I was waiting waiting waiting for all the last climb, then when I see the last 3 km, I attacked.”

Tratnik took third at the summit, after a strong and successful ride. There were lots of changes in the top ten, with a huge scramble for seconds with the chase group. But no change in the pink jersey going into Stage 11. Is it possible that Tadej Pogačar is finally riding a bit conservatively?

Olav Kooij Takes First-Ever Grand Tour Stage Win

Stage Winner: Olav Kooij (Visma-Lease a Bike) Race Leader: Tadej Pogačar (UAE Team Emirates)

The longest stage so far is arguably one of the easier stages despite covering 214 km. Compared to the gravel stage, a short, hard time trial, and the brutal summit finish in yesterday’s stage, Avezzano to Naples may have a lot of distance, but it was relatively flat and fast. While a valiant effort from Polti Kometa’s Andrea Pietrobon and Mirco Maestri kept the two riders away for most of the race, Julian Alaphilippe and Jhonathan Narváez both made impressive attacks in the final kilometers. But it came down to a sprint finish that was played perfectly by Visma-Lease a Bike’s Olav Kooij.

The long, flat start meant plenty of attacks from early on, with Soudal-QuickStep, EF Pro Cycling and Bahrain Victorious as some of the early teams to head to the front. But the first early attack that stuck came from Polti Kometa’s Andrea Pietrobon and Mirco Maestri—they grew a gap of over two minutes, but the peloton behind seemed unbothered. As always, kudos to the Giro Twitter feed for gems like this:

The two led for much of the race, maintaining a nearly two-minute gap at 65 km to go—a no man’s land with the intact peloton behind and charging hard. The Alpecin-Deceuninck team led the peloton behind Pietrobon and Maestri as the two teammates continued to sweep up sprint points.

A crash at 57 km to go saw three Ineos Grenadiers, including Geraint Thomas—currently third in the general classification—go down. But with his teammates, Thomas was unconcerned and was back on and riding back to the peloton quickly.

Meanwhile, the peloton began to pull the Polti Kometa riders back, dropping the gap to 1:20 with 53 km to go. UAE Team Emirates and EF Education-EasyPost took control of the front of the peloton as the three Ineos Grenadiers, including Thomas, made their way back into it.

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At 27 km to go, Julian Alaphillipe launched an attack with the two leaders just 10 seconds ahead. He swiftly chased them down with teammate Nicola Conci as they closed on the top of the punchy climb. Alaphilippe raced past the Polti Kometa riders, continuing his attack up the road. Kevin Vermaerke (dsm-firmenich PostNL) and Lewis Askey (Groupma FDJ) were able to launch themselves from the peloton and attach themselves to the now-six-man strong lead group.

Behind them, attacks came fast and furious from the peloton as the clock ticked down on Stage 9, and riders tried to bridge up to the lead group. Arkea-B&B Hotels’ Ewen Costiou made his way across the now-lowered gap, and the peloton struggled to get organized to chase with Lidl-Trek on the front.

Costiou and Alaphillipe attacked, spearing themselves from the lead group, opening a 15-second gap to the five riders behind them. The peloton continued to reel in the leaders, tightening the gap between them and the now-chase group to only four to 10 seconds.

While Costiou and Alaphillipe made a valiant effort, on the final climb with 10 km to go, Costiou couldn't hold the pace, and Alaphillipe was forced to continue his attack solo, reestablishing a 10-second lead on the peloton as he raced out of the saddle and towards the finish.

But he couldn't quite make it. He was absorbed by the peloton at just over 7 kilometers to go, as Ineos Grenadiers’ Jhonatan Narváez made an attack, opening a five-second gap as the peloton splintered on the climb.

107th giro d'italia 2024 stage 9

Stage 1 winner Narváez hit the final descent at 3 km to go, enjoying the use of the entire road on the downhill. He held an 8-second gap as the peloton started to organize for the final sprint.

With 1400 meters to go, Narváez had a 12-second gap as the small peloton, including Pogačar, tried to prepare for the sprint. But Narváez was unable to hold on to his gap as the teams massed behind him, swallowing him up with under a hundred meters to go.

Visma-Lease a Bike’s Olav Kooij ultimately took the sprint win ahead of Lidl-Trek's Jonathan Milan and Juan Sebastián Molano (UAE Team Emirates), who was led out by race leader Pogačar. (“If I can help… it’s better for me to be in front and help my friend,” he said in the post-race interview, adding, “I’m really looking forward to the rest day tomorrow.”)

Pogačar Sprints to Victory and Maintains Overall Lead

Stage Winner: Tadej Pogačar (UAE Team Emirates) Race Leader: Tadej Pogačar (UAE Team Emirates)

We know he can win races with dramatic breakaways, but it turns out Tadej Pogačar (UAE Team Emirates) also can perfectly play out a sprint. In today’s race, he just narrowly outsprinted Daniel Martínez (Bora-hansgrohe) and Ben O’Connor (Decathlon AG2R La Mondiale) for the win at the top of the steep final ascent to the finish.

107th giro d'italia 2024 stage 8

In case you were wondering, Pogačar has continued to opt for the full pink kit after the sartorial debacle earlier this week .

Today marked the first major mountain stage of the Giro, with some of the classic climbs we love to see. Right from the start, it was clear that riders were going to be attempting breakaways before, during, and after every climb. Mountain stages at the Giro are often where we see unlikely stage winners thanks to a breakaway that comes as a surprise and actually sticks.

By 20 km into the race, a large group had formed at the front, but only 20 seconds separated them from the full might of the peloton. The group ebbed and flowed, and was cut down to 14 riders by just under 100 km to go. Nairo Quintana (Movistar), Romain Bardet (dsm–firmenich PostNL) and Magnus Sheffield (INEOS Grenadiers) were a few of the riders making moves in the lead group, and their lead stretched to over 2 minutes ahead of the peloton at 61 km to go.

But when a team like UAE Team Emirates is chasing the breakaway to preserve Pogačar’s overall lead, does it stand much of a chance?

“We thought the breakaway had a good chance, to be honest,” said Thomas in a post-race interview . “Obviously, UAE set a good tempo on the climb, and I guess because it was still quite close, I don’t know if they decided to go for the stage in the beginning, but they certainly decided to go for it in the end.”

As the group hit 15 km to go, heading towards the final climb into Prati di Tivo, the gap had dropped to just over 30 seconds. While several riders made valiant efforts to hold off the peloton, Pogačar sped into the finish with a group of seven riders and ultimately took the sprint.

However, the GC remained relatively unchanged, since seven of the top finishers on the stage were in the top eight in the GC, which is now led by Pogačar by 2:40 over Martinez and Geraint Thomas (INEOS Grenadiers).

“I wasn’t expecting this today,” Pogačar said in the post-race press conference, making him pretty much the only person in the world who wasn’t expecting it.

Pogačar Strengthens Grip on Pink Jersey

165 riders rolled down the little pink ramp this morning, each one minute apart, for the first time trial of this year’s Giro.

Vicious crosswinds pushed riders across the road at points, their giant disc wheels acting as windsails, slowing down even some of the most skilled time triallists around.

And there is arguably no rider more skilled on a TT bike than INEOS Grenadiers’ Filippo Ganna, one of the world’s fastest men in the race against the clock.

“Top Ganna” is what the commentators called him, saying that everyone else looked like a passenger plane next to the fighter jet that is Ganna.

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However, the 40.6-kilometer stage included a mighty pitch in the final stretch, gaining over two hundred meters over the last four kilometers, whose multi-digit grades benefitted some of the punchier riders in the bunch. After all, today’s time trail ran from Foligno to Perugia, across the undulating hills of Umbria.

By the time Geraint Thomas—who started the day in second place in the GC standings—rolled down the ramp, his INEOS Grenadiers teammates held all three positions on the podium (Ganna, Thymen Arensmen, Magnus Sheffield). By the time he crossed the line, those results held.

But there was only one rider left in the starting tent behind Thomas: current pink jersey, race favorite, and generational talent across a variety of disciplines, Tadej Pogačar.

Going back to his stunning time trial on the penultimate stage of the 2020 Tour de France, where he snatched the yellow jersey from Primož Roglič, Pogačar has displayed that he, too, is one of the world’s great time triallists.

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And today, that skill on a TT bike threw a wrench directly into the works of INEOS’s 1-2-3 day, as Pogačar made up over a minute on the stage’s final six kilometers. Pogačar finished seventeen seconds ahead of Ganna, giving the UAE Team Emirates superstar the stage win.

A bunch of INEOS riders who couldn’t quite nip Pogačar. Seems to be one of the themes emerging from this year’s Giro.

Pogačar’s ride put nearly two additional minutes into his nearest rivals in the GC standings, increasing his overall lead from 46 seconds to 2:36.

Meanwhile, BORA-hansgrohe’s Dani Martinez, who entered the day in third place overall, bested Geraint Thomas by thirteen seconds on the stage, putting him ten seconds ahead of Thomas in the GC standings.

“There was a lot of preparations for this, a lot of ups and downs,” Pogačar said. “I’m super happy that today I felt good. I paced myself until the climb and then the climb, full gas.”

Geraint Thomas, meanwhile, wore a subtle look of disappointment after the race.

“I tried to ride within myself, and when it was time to go, I just lacked it a little bit. It is what it is. It’s just one of those days.”

Thomas ended his post-race interview abruptly when the interview reminded him that his teammates did an excellent job on the day, without actually asking a question

“Thanks,” he said sternly, taking a sip of his drink.

Underdog Victory: Pelayo Sánchez Triumphs in Giro’s Gravel Stage

Stage Winner: Pelayo Sánchez (Movistar) Race Leader: Tadej Pogačar (UAE Team Emirates)

May 9, 2024—Looking at the profile of Stage 6, you might think that the day would have been relatively mellow. One-hundred-eighty kilometers, minimal elevation, a pair of category-four climbs. However, thanks to a trio of gravel sectors—the strade bianche of Tuscany—today’s stage was anything but.

What many thought might be a launching pad for Tadej Pogačar (UAE Team Emirates), who won March’s Strade Bianche with a stunning eighty-kilometer solo break, ended up seeing a series of breakaways, none of which stuck.

Until one did. And, for the second day in a row, the break stayed away.

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The trio of Movistar’s Pelayo Sánchez , Soudal Quick-Step’s Julian Alaphilippe, and Jayco AlUla’s Luke Plapp had a lead that stretched out to as much as two and a half minutes as the race entered its third and final gravel sector. But INEOS Grenadiers set a blistering pace behind, quickly whittling the three-man breakaway’s lead to less than thirty seconds with just a few kilometers to go.

But the gap stayed at around twenty seconds as the Plapp, Alaphilippe, and Sánchez passed under the 1 km to go banner. Alaphilippe launched early, and Sanchez responded. Though Plapp was hanging on their wheels, it was clear that this was a two-man race to the finish.

In his post-race interview, Sánchez was asked if he knew what he had just accomplished. “No,” Sánchez replied. “This is amazing. I don’t have words. Crazy, crazy day for me. I thought today that I could be in the breakaway, but I could never imagine winning here.”

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Sánchez also admitted that, even though he spent the last several dozen kilometers working with Plapp and Alaphilippe, he tried several times to put time into his mates in the breakaway. “I tried to drop [Plapp and Alaphilippe], but it was impossible for me,” he said. “So, I tried at the end with the sprint. Luckily, I was the fastest.”

Plapp, who spent much of the day in the virtual pink jersey, said after the race, “That was an insane day. The race was out of control, the whole race. It was ridiculous for the first eighty kilometers.”

“The three of us worked reasonably well to the finish,” Plapp added. “We played games a bit. I was half-eyes looking for time and half-eyes looking for the stage, so I ended up riding a bit harder.”

Asked if he was thinking about the pink jersey during his breakaway, Plapp said, “No, no, no. I know (UAE Team Emirates) were never going to let it go. You could see from the gaps they were keeping, they weren’t willing to let the jersey go.”

A Win for the Breakaway as the Peloton Couldn’t Get It Together

Stage Winner: Benjamin Thomas (Cofidis) Race Leader: Tadej Pogačar (UAE Team Emirates)

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May 8, 2024—Another flat-ish day, another sprint finish. That was supposed to be the script for Wednesday’s fifth stage of the Giro d’Italia. But if there’s a theme emerging from the early stages of this year’s Giro, it’s to expect the unexpected.

Because in a move that seems ever more rare, the day’s breakaway stuck, the charging group of sprinters behind unable to catch up.

At the end of the 178-kilometer stage, Benjamin Thomas captured Cofidis’s first win this season. Behind him were EF Education-EasyPost’s Michael Valgren, Andrea Pietrobon of Polti Kometa, and Groupama-FDJ’s Enzo Paleni. The group spent about half of the day with a lead of around one minute over the peloton.

Eight seconds behind Paleni, Lidl-Trek’s Jonathan Milan—the current maglia ciclamino— led the rest of the peloton across the line.

With 5 kilometers to the finish, the four-man breakaway had a solid forty-second lead, and it seemed as though the peloton couldn’t organize themselves enough to reel them back in. Ineos Grenadiers had the most notable attack, but pulled off after the 3-kilometer mark, ostensibly working to protect their lead man Geraint Thomas’s time.

From there, nothing much materialized, and the breakaway was allowed to duke it out themselves for the win.

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“I said maybe today’s my day,” said the French Thomas, who captured both his first WorldTour and Grand Tour victories with the win. “Everything is perfect today. I knew the final because I trained there sometimes. I knew the Montemagno in the final, and it helped me, knowing the cobbles and the corners. It's a nice thing to win in Italy. It means a lot to me.”

Thomas, who is a seasoned track racer, likened the four-man break to a “long, long team pursuit.”

Valgren added that the topography of the parcours aided the breakaway’s chances.

“It was actually only with three or four ks to go (that we thought we could win) because you always think the peloton will take 10-seconds-per-kilometer more or less,” Valgren said after the race. “We kept working well together and there was in our favor kind of downhill. Chapeau to the other guys for working well together. We didn't start to play the games, so it was nice.”

The one thing that was expected was that nothing much changed in the GC battle. UAE Team Emirates’ Tadej Pogačar remains forty-six seconds clear of Geraint Thomas and forty-seven seconds ahead of BORA-hansgrohe’s lead man, Dani Martinez.

Jonathan Milan Wins Sprint Finish

Stage Winner: Jonathan Milan (Lidl-Trek) Race Leader: Tadej Pogačar (UAE Team Emirates)

May 7, 2024—For the second straight day, the Giro d’Italia ended with a flat sprint that was almost nabbed with a daring and unexpected last-minute attack.

The 190-kilometer route from Acqui Terme to Andora started with a gradual ride into the day’s only categorized climb, the category 3 Colle del Melogno, where the KOM points were taken by Intermarché-Wanty’s Lilian Calmejane. After that, it was an almost wholly downsloping back half of the stage, ending with a straight, flat shot into the seaside town of Andora.

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If the peloton felt a bit jumpy heading into Andora, it no doubt had to do with Tadej Pogačar (UAE Team Emirates) and Geraint Thomas’s (INEOS Grenadiers) almost successful late break in yesterday’s sprint stage.

And then, just like yesterday, a solo attack was launched with plenty of racing left. Today, it was Ineos-Grenadiers’ Filippo Ganna, one of the fastest solo bike racers that’s ever lived, who attacked at the foot of the day’s final pitch, the Capo Mele, with 4 km to go. However, the long-distance attack was once again in vain, as he was caught and swallowed up with just a few hundred meters to go.

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Moments later, another Italian, Lidl-Trek’s Jonathan Milan, launched a furious and commanding 300-meter sprint that would net him his second Giro stage win, exactly one year to the day from his first.

Meanwhile, Dani Martínez, who entered the day in third place in the GC standings, suffered a late-stage mechanical. Lucky for the BORA-hansgrohe racer, it was within the final 3 kilometers, meaning he was awarded the same time as the bunch ahead and lost no extra time to Pogačar and Thomas.

In sad news, Biniam Girmay (Intermarché-Wanty) slid out on a slick descent with about 62 kilometers left, crashing out of the race with an injury. It was a brutal reminder of the Eritrean’s luck, who, moments after becoming the first Black African rider to win a Grand Tour stage in 2022’s Giro, suffered a freak injury when the cork from his celebratory champagne bottle shot him in the eye, causing him to abandon the race with a hemorrhage in his eye.

“We saw Ganna going full gas in the last climb, and we just had to catch him,” said Milan of his Italian track teammate. “Today, the guys did such an amazing job. This experience was special because my parents were here today. I’m really happy about it,” Milan, who won last year’s maglia ciclamino, added.

After the race, second-place finisher Kaden Groves said the day’s blisteringly high speeds made the stage “quite scary at times.” And when asked about how his Alpecin-Deceuninck team was shaping up over the Giro’s first week, Groves said, “We’re getting there.”

Soudal Quick-Step’s Tim Merlier Takes Sprint Victory Amidst GC Favorites’ Late Attack

Stage Winner: Tim Merlier (Soudal Quick-Step) Race Leader: Tadej Pogačar (UAE Team Emirates)

May 6, 2024 – The sprinters had their first chance to shine, as the race’s third stage from Novara to Fassano featured just 750 meters of elevation over 166 kilometers.

cycling ita giro podium

However, it wasn’t without a bit of drama, as the race’s biggest GC favorites launched a thrilling attack over the last four kilometers, throwing a wrench into what was expected to be a straightforward day. After an early move from EF-Education EasyPost’s Mikkel Honore, Tadej Pogačar (UAE Team Emirates) and Geraint Thomas (INEOS Grenadiers) followed, forming a small, three-man breakaway that, for a moment, looked as though it might stay away from the group.

107th giro d'italia 2024 stage 3

Honoré was swallowed up by the group with about 1 kilometer to go, and given the day’s high pace and series of breakaways, there was some thought that Pogačar and Thomas’s attack might just stick. However, the two GC men were caught with about 400 meters to go, setting up the bunch sprint everyone expected the day to end with.

Soudal Quick-Step’s Tim Merlier nipped a group at the line that included Lidl-Trek’s Jonathan Milan and Intermarche Wanty’s Biniam Girmay, who rounded out the day’s podium, along with Arkea’s Jenthe Biermans and dsm-Firmeninch PostNL’s Tobias Lund Andersen.

After a masterful recovery from a late crash to win Sunday’s second stage, Pogačar started the day in the maglia rosa , forty-five seconds clear of Dani Martínez of BORA-hansgrohe and Geraint Thomas of Ineos Grenadiers. By the time stage 3 was over, those standings remained exactly the same.

“It wasn’t the plan,” Thomas said of the two-man attack over the closing kilometers. “We just wanted to stay out of trouble.”

He added that, over the final few hundred meters, it took everything he had to keep contact with Pogačar. “I was just trying to hold his wheel,” Thomas said, admitting that the attack was never part of the day’s plan.

“It was the hardest victory so far,” stage winner Merlier said of the unexpected chase he and his group of sprinters found themselves in as Thomas and Pogačar rode away. Merlier said he hesitated, causing him to miss out on his leadout man, and eventually forcing him to attack directly into the wind without any support.

Tadej Pogačar Wins Stage 2 and Takes the Maglia Rosa

May 5, 2024 - Tadej Pogačar of UAE Team Emirates wins Stage 2 of the Giro d’Italia 2024 and takes the Maglia Rosa. Twenty-seven seconds behind, Dani Martínez (Bora-hansgrohe) takes second, and Geraint Thomas (INEOS Grenadiers) is third.

It was a masterful performance by UAE Team Emirates once Pogačar made it back to the front of the peloton after a small crash due to a front flat tire. The Slovenian leads Thomas and Martinez by 45" in the General Classification.

107th giro d'italia 2024 stage 2

In the post-race interview, Pogačar was asked if he panicked after crashing in the lead-up to the last climb. “Not really. I was quite calm. I hit a hole in the city and had a super fast flat tire. There was a bit of confusion. I wanted to stop before the corner, but the DS said, ‘No, no, after the corner.’ I was feeling good. The team was super good today. And then we set the pace that we like and it was perfect,” said the race leader.

“I didn’t know the climb well. Everybody was maybe doing this climb for the first time, and it was hard to guess where to do the [hard] pacing, but I think we did a really good job today. And it was super good the last pull of Rafał Majka in the hard part so that I could attack,” Pogačar added.

“I just wanted a stage win today and some gap. Test the legs a little bit. And the [goal] was to take the pink jersey. Now I can relax a little bit in the next few days with the team and we stay safe in the sprints.”

Watch the final kilometer of Stage 2 on the Giro d’Italia’s YouTube Channel

Geraint Thomas of INEOS Grenadiers found himself meeting his limit in today’s stage. “It was so hard to follow, but I knew if I tried to keep going I would completely blow up. I felt bad for sitting on Ben [O’Connor], but I was on the limit for a while there,” said Thomas in the post-race interview.

Regarding Pogačar’s crash, Thomas said, “Honestly, I didn’t know until I was on the climb, and someone said Tadej was back. The plan was to go to the front, not to attack, but to stay safe on the front.”

Narváez Upstages Pogačar to Secure Stage 1 Victory and Maglia Rosa

Stage Winner: Jhonatan Narváez (INEOS Grenadiers) Race Leader: Jhonatan Narváez (INEOS Grenadiers)

107th giro d'italia 2024 stage 1

May 4, 2024 - The opening stage of the Giro d’Italia produced plenty of fireworks and a surprise winner on the line. Team UAE Emirates set it up perfectly for Tadej Pogačar on the opening stage. After some long-lasting breakaways were caught, Pogačar broke free in the last four kilometers with Jhonatan Narváez (INEOS Grenadiers) and Max Schachmann (Bora-Hansgrohe). The Slovenian just couldn’t gap those two rivals, and it set it up for a sprint finish. In a bit of a surprise, it was Narváez, the 27-year-old Ecuadorian national champion, outsprinting Schachmann (second on the stage) and Pogačar (third). Narváez earns the first Maglia Rosa of the 2024 Tour of Italy.

Though he didn’t win the stage, Pogačar will head into Stage 2 with an advantage over many of his top GC rivals. Geraint Thomas (INEOS Grenadiers) was 10 seconds behind Pogačar on the stage and, after factoring in time bonuses, 14 seconds behind Pogačar in the GC standings.

Watch Stage 1 Highlights on the Giro d’Italia’s YouTube Channel

“It was a great feeling. We knew it was going to be a stage for me, and I worked a lot on it,” Narváez said in the post-race interview. “Following the best guy in the world on the climb was really hard, so it’s a special victory today. It’s still hurting me now. It was really hard—really, really hard. But in the end, I made it.”

“I think [Pogačar] went too long in the sprint, 200 meters after a really hard stage, and I did a short sprint, and in the end, I took the victory. For me, it’s amazing. There aren’t many opportunities in a Grand Tour to get the maglia rosa on the first day because you have a bunch sprint, a TT, or a different stage. Today was a good opportunity. I worked really, really hard for it,” added Narváez.

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107th giro d'italia 2024 stage 16

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107th giro d'italia 2024 stage 2

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a group of people wearing helmets and riding bikes

Tadej Pogačar’s Wardrobe Faux Pas at the Giro

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Al via Monopolele, il festival di ukulele più grande d’Italia: ecco il programma e gli artisti attesi

Quattro giorni di performance live, concerti, jam session, workshop e street parade, tutti gratuiti, con artisti internazionali.

Dov’è il mio ukulele? Non ci sarà Marilyn “Zucchero” Monroe a strimpellare l’iconico cordofono di A qualcuno piace caldo , ma per gli amanti del genere, dell’ukulele intendiamo, a Monopolele – Ukulele Mediterranean Fest ci sarà di che saziarsi. Dal 30 maggio 2024 al 2 giugno a Monopoli, città pugliese affacciata sull’Adriatico, andranno in scena quaranta artisti internazionali chiamati per una quattro giorni di “uke” rigorosamente gratuita con performance live e jam session.

Si inizia con il concerto di Cathy Fink e Marcy Marxer, duo storico al femminile del miglior folk americano ( un Grammy Award per loro ), poi a seguire le tre ragazze georgiane del Trio Mandili fresche dell’exploit di un video caricato online con sette milioni di visualizzazioni e custodi della variante panduri. E ancora: il giovane taiwanese Feng E, spesso ospite da Ellen DeGeneres e i britannici Peter Moss e l’eclettico George Elmes.

Infine la contaminazione dell’uke toccherà tutti i continenti sposandosi con il guembri africano e l’ukulele tahitiano. “Saranno presenti musicisti di caratura internazionale, di straordinaria bravura tecnica, espressione di almeno dieci culture musicali diverse”, ha commentato Salvo McGraffio, che insieme a Mauro Minenna organizza il festival. Ogni dettaglio sul sito

Al via Monopolele, il festival di ukulele più grande d’Italia: ecco il programma e gli artisti attesi

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Domenica In, il ricordo di Mike Bongiorno: ospiti Mara Venier 26 maggio

Oltre a Daniela Bongiorno, i Ricchi e Poveri, Zucchero e Orietta Berti

Mara Venier - (Fotogramma)

È affidato a Daniela Bongiorno il ricordo del grande Mike, a 100 anni dalla nascita, nella nuova puntata di 'Domenica In', condotta da Mara Venier e in onda domenica 26 maggio alle 14 su Rai 1 e Rai Italia. A seguire, i Ricchi e Poveri saranno protagonisti di uno spazio nel quale ripercorreranno i loro successi tra cui il brano presentato a Sanremo “Ma non tutta la vita”, oltre a esibirsi con il nuovo singolo “Aria”. Zucchero, in collegamento da Pontremoli, proporrà alcuni suoi successi come “Diamante”, “Baila”, “Diavolo in me” oltre ad annunciare le nuove date del suo ultimo tour “Overdose d’Amore - World Tour”. Ancora musica con Orietta Berti che presenterà il nuovo singolo “Una vespa in 2”, che già si annuncia come il tormentone dell’estate. L’attore Vinicio Marchioni, protagonista di tanti film e serie tv di successo, interverrà per presentare il suo romanzo “Tre Notti”. Pierluigi Diaco, che ha da poco concluso il suo programma “Bella Mà”, sarà in studio per presentare la serata “Bella Rai 2”, in onda giovedì 30 maggio in prima serata su Rai 2 per celebrare i 70 anni della Rai. La puntata si concluderà con l’attore Ronn Moss che si esibirà in una originale interpretazione del brano “Io che amo solo te” di Sergio Endrigo.

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  1. Zucchero Concerti

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  2. Zucchero Concerti 2024

    zucchero tour 2024 italia

  3. Zucchero Tour 2024 Italia

    zucchero tour 2024 italia

  4. Zucchero concerto a Milano: date tour 2024, scaletta e mappa

    zucchero tour 2024 italia

  5. Concerto Zucchero 2024

    zucchero tour 2024 italia

  6. Zucchero

    zucchero tour 2024 italia


  1. Zucchero

  2. »Diamante« Zucchero live at the Royal Albert Hall London … March 30, 2024

  3. Zucchero dà l'appuntamento per l'estate 2024 in cinque stadi italiani (videointervista)

  4. Zucchero

  5. Zucchero

  6. Zucchero : Overdose D'Amore World Tour 2024


  1. Zucchero Tickets

    Zucchero biglietti 2024 - Acquista i biglietti ufficiali ed originali per Zucchero. Tutte le date, informazioni e Fan report ... Nel 2022 e nel 2023 Zucchero torna live in giro per il mondo con il suo "World Wild Tour", con cui fa tappa in Italia - all'Arena di Verona - con ben 14 concerti. Lo scorso giugno è tornato nella sua Reggio ...

  2. Zucchero: Biglietti Ufficiali Concerti 2024-25

    Non perdere l'occasione di assistere allo show di Zucchero, acquista subito i biglietti ufficiali! Seguiteci. Scopri Tutte le Informazioni su tour e concerti 2024-25 di Zucchero. Acquista online in modo semplice e sicuro i Biglietti Ufficiali per Zucchero su

  3. Zucchero Sugar Fornaciari

    16 Gennaio 2024 16 Gennaio 2024, News Zucchero is delighted to announce additional concerts to his 2024 North American Tour. Anticipating his upcoming US tour alongside...

  4. Zucchero Tickets, 2024 Concert Tour Dates

    by ZK on 5/13/24The Theater at MSG - New York. Zucchero concert was absolutely amazing! Great crowd, amazing artist and wonderful time... Loaded 10 out of 335 reviews. Buy Zucchero tickets from the official site. Find Zucchero tour schedule, concert details, reviews and photos.

  5. Zucchero concerto a Milano: date tour 2024, scaletta e mappa

    Zucchero Tour negli stadi: date 2024 in Italia. Come acquistare i biglietti per Zucchero a Milano nel 2024. Indirizzo Stadio San Siro, date e orari concerti. Settori San Siro Stadium e costi biglietti su Ticketone. Cosa includono i pacchetti VIP di Zucchero e quanto costano. Scaletta concerto Zucchero a San Siro e durata dello show.

  6. Zucchero Tickets 2024-25

    Find ticketsUdine Bluenergy Stadium - Stadio Friuli Zucchero - Overdose D'Amore World Tour6/23/24, 9:30 PM. Venue. Bluenergy Stadium - Stadio Friuli. 6/27/24. Jun. 27. Thursday 09:00 PMThu 9:00 PM. Open additional information for Bologna Stadio Dall'Ara Zucchero - Overdose D'Amore World Tour. 6/27/24, 9:00 PM.

  7. Overdose D'Amore World Tour 2024

    Saturday March 30th 2024. Sunday March 31st 2024. Monday April 1st 2024. Tickets will be available from 10 am on Friday March 31st 2023. Condividi. 10 likes. WORLD WILD TOUR 2023, by popular demand, new dates in Italy Last night Zucchero was a surprise guest on stage with Coldplay at Milan's San Siro Stadium.

  8. Zucchero Tickets, 2024 Concert Tour Dates

    Find Zucchero tour schedule, concert details, reviews and photos. Buy Zucchero tickets from the official site. Find Zucchero tour schedule, concert details, reviews and photos. ... DE Freilichtbühne Peißnitz Zucchero - Overdose D'Amore World Tour 2024 2024-07-20, 8:00 p.m. Venue. Freilichtbühne Peißnitz. Advertisement ...

  9. Zucchero Fornaciari annuncia i concerti 2024 in Italia: le date

    Zucchero, annunciato il tour negli stadi: le date del 2024. Il video non è momentaneamente disponibile. Per favore riprova più tardi. Il cantautore ha comunicato i tre concerti per l'Overdose D ...

  10. Zucchero is delighted to announce additional concerts to his 2024 North

    Zucchero is delighted to announce additional concerts to his 2024 North American Tour. Anticipating his upcoming US tour alongside acclaimed tenor @Andrea Bocelli in February, Zucchero will return to North America in May 2024, adding Fort Lauderdale, Toronto, and Chicago to the list of performances.

  11. Zucchero Full Tour Schedule 2024 & 2025, Tour Dates & Concerts

    Zucchero tour dates 2024. Zucchero is currently touring across 10 countries and has 27 upcoming concerts. Their next tour date is at Au-Rene Theater, Broward Center in Fort Lauderdale, after that they'll be at The Theater at MSG in New York (NYC). See all your opportunities to see them live below!

  12. Zucchero, il tour mondiale parte dal Royal Albert Hall di Londra

    Al via dalla Royal Albert Hall di Londra l'Overdose d'amore World Wild Tour di Zucchero Fornaciari che toccherà l'Italia con cinque date negli stadi. Sabato 30 marzo, domenica 31 marzo e lunedì 1 aprile al via dalla Royal Albert Hall di Londra il tour internazionale Overdose d'amore World Wild Tour di Zucchero Fornaciari.

  13. Zucchero Tickets, Tour Dates & Concerts 2024 & 2023

    Zucchero tour dates and tickets 2023-2024 near you. Want to see Zucchero in concert? Find information on all of Zucchero's upcoming concerts, tour dates and ticket information for 2023-2024. Zucchero is not due to play near your location currently - but they are scheduled to play 8 concerts across 4 countries in 2023-2024. ...

  14. Zucchero: Overdose D'Amore World Tour 2024

    Zucchero: Overdose D'Amore World Tour 2024. Thu Apr 11, 2024. Event Info. Artist Info.

  15. Zucchero "Overdose d'Amore"

    Accueil. Artistes. Zucchero. Zucchero "Overdose d'Amore" - World Tour 2024. Achetez vos billets pour Zucchero "Overdose d'Amore" - World Tour 2024 au meilleur prix sur Fnac Spectacles ! Consultez les dates, avis et achetez vos billets en toute sécurité !

  16. Zucchero

    Zucchero returns to the Hall in 2024 for three nights in celebration of 40 years of hits.. One of the finest exponents of rock blues in Italy, Zucchero returns to the stage to launch his Greatest Hits World Tour, Overdose D'Amore.Performing three nights at the Hall, he invites you all to join him in celebrating 40 years of his most memorable and loved hits.

  17. Zucchero is thrilled to announce the initial dates for the North

    Zucchero is thrilled to announce the initial dates for the North American leg of his Overdose D'Amore World Tour. Zucchero, who is currently on tour across the USA with renowned tenor Andrea Bocelli, is excited to return to North America in May 2024 to greet fans with his famous repertoire. See below for initial dates, and ticket info.

  18. Zucchero Tickets, Tourtermine und Konzerte 2025 und 2024

    Zucchero wird derzeit nicht in der Nähe deines Standorts auftreten - hat aber vor, 32 Konzerte in 17 Länder in 2024-2025 zu geben. Alle Konzerte anzeigen. Kaufe Tickets für Konzerte mit Zucchero in deiner Nähe. Infos zu allen 2024-25 kommenden Tourterminen, Vorgruppen, Kritiken und Veranstaltungsorten anzeigen.

  19. Zucchero

    SATURDAY, MAY 11, 2024. One of the finest exponents of rock blues in Italy, Zucchero brings his Greatest Hits World Tour, Overdose D'Amore to Boston. Performing for the first time at the Emerson Colonial Theatre, he invites you to join him in celebrating 40 years of his most memorable and loved hits. Zucchero's 40-year career has seen more ...

  20. Zucchero Setlist at Royal Albert Hall, London

    Get the Zucchero Setlist of the concert at Royal Albert Hall, London, England on March 31, ... Tour: Overdose D'Amore World Wild Tour 2024 Tour statistics Add setlist. Set Times. Start time: 8:30 PM. Tour average: 1h 23m. after doors. Average show length: 2h 6m. Doors: 6:45 PM. Scheduled: 8:30 PM.

  21. Giro d'Italia 2024

    The 2024 Giro d'Italia runs from May 4 to May 26 through the mountains of Italy. The first of three men's grand tours, the Giro is arguably the most difficult. Two-time Tour de France champion ...

  22. Tour

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  23. Al via Monopolele, il festival di ukulele più grande d'Italia: ecco il

    Musica Al via Monopolele, il festival di ukulele più grande d'Italia: ecco il programma e gli artisti attesi Quattro giorni di performance live, concerti, jam session, workshop e street parade ...

  24. Domenica In, ospiti Mara Venier puntata del 26 maggio

    Oltre a Daniela Bongiorno, i Ricchi e Poveri, Zucchero e Orietta Berti. È affidato a Daniela Bongiorno il ricordo del grande Mike, a 100 anni dalla nascita, nella nuova puntata di 'Domenica In ...

  25. 2024 Giro d'Italia

    3,317.5 km (2,061 mi) ← 2023. 2025 →. The 2024 Giro d'Italia is the 107th edition of the Giro d'Italia, a three-week Grand Tour cycling stage race. The race started on 4 May in Venaria Reale and will finish on 26 May in Rome. There are two individual time trial stages and 4 stages longer than 200 km. [1]

  26. ITALIA

    ITALIA - Zucchero Sugar Fornaciari ... ITALIA