
Anna Katarina Movies, TV Shows, and online popularity.

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Memory Alpha

Haven (episode)

  • View history
  • 1.2 Act One
  • 1.3 Act Two
  • 1.4 Act Three
  • 1.5 Act Four
  • 1.6 Act Five
  • 1.7 Log entries
  • 2 Memorable quotes
  • 3.1 Production history
  • 3.2 Story and script
  • 3.3 Cast and characters
  • 3.4 Props and sets
  • 3.5 Production and effects
  • 3.6 Continuity
  • 3.8 Reception and aftermath
  • 3.9 Video and DVD releases
  • 4.1 Starring
  • 4.2 Also starring
  • 4.3 Guest stars
  • 4.4 Co-starring
  • 4.5 Uncredited co-stars
  • 4.6 Stand-ins
  • 4.7.1 Deleted references
  • 4.8 External links

Summary [ ]

The USS Enterprise -D arrives at the planet Haven. Captain Picard notes that the planet has been said to mend souls and heal broken hearts. Lieutenant Commander Data tells the captain that those legends are completely unsupported by fact; but Picard believes that such legends are the spice of the universe , as they sometimes can become true. Meanwhile, Commander Riker sits in his quarters , relaxing to miniature holograms of attractive women playing harps . Just then, security chief Lieutenant Yar informs the commander that his presence is requested in Transporter room 1. " Sorry, ladies. Duty calls ", he says before deactivating the holographic interface. Arriving at the transporter , Riker asks what he is needed for. She answers that an object is being beamed up to the Enterprise but does not know what it is. The transporter chief informs them that Haven has approved the beam up and the object materializes on the transporter pad . Riker finds it odd looking. Counselor Troi then enters, asking what is going on. The box 's "face" opens its eyes and states " I hold a message for Deanna Troi. Lwaxana Troi and the honorable Miller family will soon arrive. The momentous day is close at hand. Rejoice! Ha, ha, ha! " After frightening Yar, a compartment underneath the "face" opens, spilling jewels onto the transporter pad. Troi tells Lieutenant Yar that the jewels are " bonding gifts ", or what Humans would call wedding presents. When asked by Commander Riker who is getting married , Troi says " I am. "

Act One [ ]

In Picard's ready room , Troi tells the Enterprise 's captain that she thought the arranged marriage would never happen, as the years she assumed she would be on the Enterprise 's mission of exploration for, as well as the distance it would take her from her homeworld of Betazed . She tells him that a man named Steven Miller was her father 's closest friend. When asked by Picard if she will be staying on the ship along with her soon to be husband, she says she will not. Picard nevertheless congratulates her and excuses himself, leaving Riker and Troi alone together. Addressing the Enterprise 's first officer as "Bill", she tells her former imzadi that more than anything else, he wants to be commanding officer of a starship . He tells her that is not all he wants in his life. Troi can feel that, and she invites Riker to come dance at her wedding. Riker promises he will try and leaves. Troi is told by Data that she has a message from Haven. They wish to beam the Miller family aboard the Enterprise .

Troi meets Miller family

Meet the parents

The Miller family arrives on the Enterprise to make the necessary arrangements for the wedding. Greeting them in the transporter room is Captain Picard and Troi. Steven Miller tells Picard that he has quite the starship and looks forward to his visit. His wife, Victoria Miller warmly greets Troi. Their son, Wyatt , appearing to be shy, comes up to Troi to introduce himself. He gives her the gift of a chameleon rose , a flower that changes color according to the mood of the individual holding it. Troi thanks the young man for his gift and asks where her mother is. Wyatt tells her that she is still on Haven. Victoria Miller seems to be disdainful of Troi's mother and asks to be taken to their quarters. Picard agrees and has the Miller family escorted out of the transporter room. Picard remarks that Wyatt seems like a fine young man. Troi agrees but notes that she is not what he had expected. Picard does not understand and nor does Troi, but she senses that she is definitely something of a surprise to him. Before Troi's mother is beamed aboard, Troi warns the captain that her mother is " a little… eccentric. " With that, Lwaxana Troi and another very tall individual are beamed aboard. Lwaxana materializes facing the back wall of the chamber and wonders where everyone is. She turns around and remarks on how much she hates beaming. Troi verbally greets her mother. Lwaxana however, insists that she think it, not say it. In defiance, Troi again says " Hello, Mother ".

Lwaxana appears dismayed that her daughter has chosen to speak verbally, wondering telepathically what her current life has done to her. " Don't tell me, you're the captain. " Picard tells her he is aware of her telepathic ability, but Lwaxana tells the captain that it was merely common sense and asks Picard to carry her luggage. Troi is aghast that her mother is demanding the captain do this menial task, but Picard insists it is all right. However, Picard finds the luggage case almost unbearably heavy.

Act Two [ ]

Picard leads the way to Lwaxana's quarters, straining to keep ahold of the luggage case down a corridor , past Data and La Forge . Lwaxana exhibits what most Humans would consider to be rude behavior during the entire trip from the transporter room to the guest quarters. So much so that in the middle of the trip, Deanna Troi insists that her mother's valet , the tall Mr. Homn , carry the heavy case himself. Picard gratefully allows it and Homn lifts the case up with ease. During this luggage transfer from Picard to Homn, Lwaxana tries to fill the silence with small talk and says " It's amazing how that accent of yours reminds me of your father " and Deanna replies with " Your last valet tried so hard to rid me of it. " While in a turbolift , Lwaxana continues talking and talking, and at one point, tells of how Betazoids are much more advanced than plodding Humans, before her daughter telepathically tells her " that's enough! " Lwaxana finally ceases talking.

Lwaxana finds her quarters "adequate". She tells Picard that he may go, and the captain sarcastically bows and leaves the room. Lwaxana apologizes to her daughter for the sudden marriage. She tells her daughter that Steven Miller had tracked her down and reminded her of the vows they had made many years before. Troi tells her mother she is having trouble believing in those vows as she did in the past, but she will honor them as she is a Betazoid. Lwaxana tells her daughter that she may find Wyatt Miller to be an unusual person, as she has sensed remarkable depths in him.

On the bridge of the Enterprise , helmsman La Forge reports that a message is coming in from Haven. Appearing on the Enterprise 's viewscreen is Valeda Innis , the First Electorine of Haven. She tells Picard that their timing is fortuitous. Picard is puzzled but Innis tells him that an incoming vessel has bypassed their stargate and violated their law. Picard asks if she believes the vessel is hostile and she replies " failure to communicate is inherently hostile. " She notes that Haven possesses no defensive capabilities and the Federation specifies the Enterprise 's obligations in this matter. Innis again expresses to Picard her gratitude at the Enterprise 's presence.

Meanwhile, Troi visits Wyatt in his quarters. She wanted to apologize for her mother's behavior, but Wyatt finds her honesty refreshing and ultimately respects it. Wyatt begins to tell her about himself, including that he is a medical doctor . When he asks her about her mind reading ability, she tells him that someday, they could be able to read each other. She tells him that there is someone aboard the Enterprise with whom she once felt that. When Wyatt asks if this means that he has competition, she says no, because that man's greatest desire is to captain a starship. Wyatt says that what he really wants to do is cure people; Troi notes that, as a psychologist, she could lend her skills to that goal. Troi tells Wyatt she thought he was an artist, because he has created many drawings of a woman. She realizes that he thought Troi would be that woman; Wyatt explains that he has seen this face ever since he was a boy and when he closed his eyes, he heard her voice whispering his name. Aware that Betazoids are empaths, Wyatt believed Troi had been sending him images of herself. Troi tells him she's sorry she is not what he expected but Wyatt reassures her that he is not disappointed in the loss of his "childish fantasy." He finds Troi beatiful and feels honored to be with her.

Back on the bridge, Data has obtained an image of the rogue vessel approaching Haven. It is traveling at sub- warp , several hours away from reaching the planet. When La Forge increases magnification, Picard asks his android operations officer " is that the trouble I believe it is? " Data replies that it is, indeed, a Tarellian starship . Picard signals for Dr. Crusher to report to the bridge at once. He says that ship must not be permitted to destroy the crew of the Enterprise … or Haven.

Act Three [ ]

In the observation lounge , the crew discuss the current problem. Riker and La Forge suggest the ship has been damaged, explaining its slow speed and why it would have taken all these years to reach Haven from their world. Data explains that Tarella , their homeworld , was once much like Earth but " hatred outpowering intelligence " occurred, as Data puts it. During the hostilities, one group of inhabitants unleashed a biological weapon on the other group. As the Tarellians were at a 20th century level of technology, the virus became deadly and infectious. As all Tarellians were infected with the plague , they were hunted down and destroyed since they could take their sickness and spread it to other worlds. The last Tarellians were believed to have been wiped out by the Alcyones eight years prior . The Tarellians will reach Haven in just over thirteen hours. Picard reminds the crew that they will protect Haven from the Tarellians and asks the senior staff to help him find answers. He also tells the crew that their voluntary second assignment will be the pre-joining announcement of Deanna Troi and Wyatt Miller. Riker sadly leaves the lounge.

In a lounge on the Enterprise , Victoria Miller asks Picard if he will perform the marriage ceremony. Picard agrees, so long as both parties request him. However, Lwaxana's eccentric behavior causes friction as she demands the traditional Betazoid marriage ceremony , during which all participants are expected to be nude, be respected. Lwaxana refuses Victoria's request, stating that the captain is not experienced in Betazoid tradition, so Mr. Homn will conduct it. The Millers and Lwaxana continue to argue over this but Captain Picard states that it is a Starfleet tradition that disputes at social gatherings are not permitted. He declares " all disagreements resolved. "

Petty bickering

"Could you please continue the petty bickering?"

Later, Picard raises his glass in a toast to Deanna and Wyatt, as well as their families. Homn bangs the Betazoid chime at a regular interval during the meal, generally annoying everyone in the room as they drink and eat. Riker excuses himself, claiming to Picard that he would like to consider the Tarellian situation further and he leaves the celebration, while looking at Troi. Data, fascinated by the social activity in the room, asks Homn, who is drinking beverages profusely, if his lineage is mixed at all with Human. Homn takes it as an insult and turns his back on the android . The dinner, however, continues to go badly, as Victoria and Lwaxana bicker over differences between Humans and Betazoids. As this continues to go on, Troi explodes at her wedding party, especially at her mother to stop their petty bickering. She storms out, knocking over Homn's chime as she leaves. Data then asks everyone to please continue their petty bickering as he finds it most intriguing.

Act Four [ ]

Sullen Riker in the holodeck

" May I join you? "

In a holodeck , Riker is sitting on a rock while in a simulation of a desert on an alien world, brooding. Troi enters and asks if she can join him. Riker admits that he will miss her and calls her by her first name. Troi is taken aback and says "I am no longer Imzadi to you?" and Riker replies with "You taught me that the word means 'my beloved,'" implying that the word would no longer be appropriate to use. They discuss the difficulty involved in their parting and Troi remarks that Humans, particularly those who are young, often have difficulty separating platonic and physical love. Riker admits that he cannot, not now. Suddenly, Wyatt Miller walks in marveling at the realism of the holodeck.

Riker excuses himself again and leaves the holodeck. Wyatt tells Troi that their parents have come to an agreement, some wedding guests will go naked, and some will not. Wyatt asks Troi if she really wants to go through with their wedding and Troi says she really wants to. They kiss .

Picard is faced with a difficult decision. The Tarellian ship still refuses to answer their hails . Valeda Innis contacts the Enterprise and fearfully notes that the plague ship will soon be approaching transporter range. " You do realize that they can turn this wonderful world of ours into a graveyard ? Please, please take action now before it's too late! " she pleads. Then, Picard comes up with a solution. He orders that the Enterprise hold the Tarellian vessel with a tractor beam . Finally, the ship sends communication, showing their bridge crew. Troi recognizes the woman in front as the woman in Wyatt's drawings.

Act Five [ ]

The leader of the Tarellian group introduces himself as Wrenn and explains that the eight people remaining on his ship wish to live their last days on an isolated beach on Haven. Wyatt arrives on the bridge and, seeing the woman from his dreams through the viewscreen, is amazed to have accurately depicted her without ever having seen her in reality. Wrenn is likewise surprised to discover that Wyatt is real, his daughter Ariana having spoken of him; indeed, Ariana expected to find Wyatt there.

Wyatt asks Lwaxana how he and Ariana could feel that they know each other. Lwaxana notes that Wyatt's thoughts come through very easily. She tells him that all consciousness is fundamentally connected, an idea that most Humans reject. But Wyatt, Lwaxana knows, had always thought such a thing might be true. She suspects Ariana has similar beliefs, making it possible for them to connect. Later, in sickbay , Wyatt helps Dr. Crusher prepare medical supplies for the Tarellians. Before he leaves sickbay, Wyatt fills a hypospray with a vial and puts it in his pocket. He visits his parents, telling them to take care of each other, and he gently kisses Troi. Entering the transporter room, Wyatt incapacitates the transporter chief with the hypospray and he beams aboard the Tarellian vessel without authorization. On the ship, he sees drawings of himself, obviously by Ariana. His arrival was expected; ever since discovering that Wyatt is real, Ariana anticipated this act of bravery.

Wyatt Miller on Tarellian ship

Wyatt embraces his destiny

Wyatt communicates with the Enterprise and explains he's decided to remain there, to try to cure the Tarellians and to be with Ariana. Troi is happy for the new couple, and Lwaxana praises Wyatt for doing "very well for a Human." The Tarellians agree to move on, removing the threat to Haven, and are released to return to space. The Millers beam back to Haven; Steven leaves the chest with Troi, in hopes that she will have use of it in the future. Lwaxana, hoping to salvage the wedding preparations, suggests that she might marry Picard or Riker before deciding against it. The moment before dematerializing, She insinuates that Picard is having graphic sexual thoughts about her; Troi insists the comment was a joke, but Picard is unamused. The Enterprise warps away from Haven, Picard expressing to Troi his happiness that she will remain aboard.

Log entries [ ]

  • Captain's log, USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D), 2364
  • Captain's personal log, USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D)

Memorable quotes [ ]

" Look at your father, Wyatt. He just can't wait to strip off his clothes for that barbaric ceremony! "

" Your mother relented. And I just caught my father practicing naked in front of his mirror. "

" They must not be permitted to destroy us. Or the planet. "

" Actually, Bill was concerned that you might be upset that I care deeply for him, too. "

" Hello, Wyatt. We always thought you were a dream. "

" How could you let this happen? My son surrounded by those horrible lepers! "

" Thank you for the drinks. "

" Stop this petty bickering, all of you! Especially you, Mother! " (Storms out of the dining room and knocks over the Betazoid chime) " Could you please continue the petty bickering? I find it most intriguing. "

" That was meant as a joke, Captain. " " I was not amused. "

" Considering the rate at which you imbibe, sir, is your lineage at all mixed with Human? "

Background information [ ]

Production history [ ].

  • First draft story outline ( titled "Love Beyond Time And Space"): 11 February 1987 ( Creating the Next Generation [ page number? • edit ] )
  • Second draft story outline (titled "Love Beyond Time And Space"): 30 March 1987 ( Creating the Next Generation [ page number? • edit ] )
  • Revised final draft script: 13 July 1987 [1]
  • Second revised final draft script: 15 July 1987
  • Filmed: 27 July 1987 – 4 August 1987
  • Score recorded at Paramount Stage M : 1 October 1987 [2]
  • Premiere airdate: 30 November 1987
  • UK premiere ( BBC2 ): 14 November 1990

Story and script [ ]

  • A working title of this episode was "Eye of the Beholder". The name had previously been used for Star Trek: The Animated Series episode " The Eye of the Beholder ". This name was also later reused for an episode [!] of Star Trek: The Next Generation 's seventh season .
  • The original story for this episode, by Lan O'Kun , was titled "Love Beyond Time And Space". ( Creating the Next Generation , p. 49)
  • The final draft script contained several lines for Worf and Wesley Crusher that were either cut or reassigned to other characters.

Cast and characters [ ]

  • Michael Dorn (Worf) and Wil Wheaton (Wesley Crusher) do not appear in this episode.
  • This marks the first appearance of Majel Barrett as Lwaxana Troi and of Carel Struycken as Homn .
  • Armin Shimerman 's appearance as the Betazoid gift box marks his only non- Ferengi role on Star Trek (other than Herbert Rossoff in DS9 : " Far Beyond the Stars ") and his first role in the show, because "Haven" was filmed before " The Last Outpost ".
  • Robert Ellenstein previously played the Federation President in Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home , Anna Katarina played a Vulcan Science Council member in 2009 's Star Trek , and Raye Birk played a Son'a doctor in Star Trek: Insurrection .

Props and sets [ ]

  • The exterior of the Tarellian ship was designed by Andrew Probert . ( Star Trek: The Magazine  Volume 2, Issue 12 , p. 43) The set of the vessel's bridge was designed by Production Designer Herman Zimmerman . ( Star Trek: The Magazine  Volume 2, Issue 12 , p. 45) The command chair on that bridge was created by Peter Opsvik . [3]
  • The MSD in engineering was evidently replaced with a wall and a fake cargo bay -type door in this episode, to give the illusion of a corridor lounge.
  • Curtains made of pearl strings, as seen in Lwaxana Troi's quarters, appear only in this episode.

Production and effects [ ]

  • Despite being aired later in the season, this episode was produced as the third episode after the pilot.
  • This is the only Star Trek episode that was directed by Richard Compton . He had earlier appeared twice in Star Trek: The Original Series .
  • According to Robert Legato , 110 visual effects shots were used in this episode. ("Departmental Briefing Year Five – Visual Effects"), TNG Season 5 DVD special feature)

Continuity [ ]

  • This is the second and last episode in which Commander Riker is referred to as "Bill". He was previously called "Bill" in " The Naked Now ".
  • This episode features the only significant usage of the Enterprise -D's dining room. In future seasons, formal events were almost always held in Ten Forward . The dining room does however make a brief appearance in the following episode to be produced, " Where No One Has Gone Before ", when a crewman is hallucinating playing with a string quartet .
  • This is the one and only time that Homn speaks.
  • The fact that this episode was produced earlier in the first season than it aired creates a small error in continuity. This is because, in "Haven", Deanna Troi hasn't seen her mother for some time. However, in the previous episode to air, " Hide And Q ", Deanna is away visiting her home on Betazed .
  • It is possible he entered from "further away" in the simulation, and simply walked up to where the two had stopped.
  • In this episode Lwaxana states "It's amazing how that accent of yours reminds me of your father" and Deanna replies with "Your last valet tried so hard to rid me of it." This implies that Deanna Troi got her unique accent from her Human father. However, when she conversed with her father in the Season 7 episode " Dark Page ", he is depicted as having a North American accent.
  • In this episode an exchange between Counselor Troi and Commander Riker take place that defines a word used previously. Counselor Troi asks " I am no longer Imzadi to you? " and Riker replies with " You taught me that the word means 'my beloved', " This word is first used in the pilot, " Encounter at Farpoint " but it is not defined until this episode.
  • Dennis McCarthy , who composed the score for this episode, noted that Rick Berman strongly disliked his approach to the episode – so much so that McCarthy was certain he would be fired. [4] The score was recorded on 1 October 1987 at Paramount Stage M . [5] The complete episode score appears on Disc One of the Star Trek: The Next Generation Collection, Volume One .

Reception and aftermath [ ]

  • For this episode, Richard Sabre was nominated for an Emmy Award in the category Outstanding Achievement in Hairstyling for a Series in 1988 .
  • A mission report for this episode, by Will Murray, was published in The Official Star Trek: The Next Generation Magazine  issue 3 , p. 59–63.
  • Richard Compton later went on to produce and direct Sliders , which was co-created by the writer of this story, Tracy Tormé .
  • The Tarellian command chair from this episode was later re-used as a chair in Worf's quarters in the episodes " Peak Performance ", " Family ", " Reunion ", " Redemption ", " New Ground ", " Cost Of Living ", " A Fistful of Datas ", " Birthright, Part I ", " Parallels ", " Genesis ", and " Firstborn ". [6]

Video and DVD releases [ ]

  • Original UK VHS release (two-episode tapes, CIC Video ): Volume 6 , catalog number VHR 2397, 1 October 1990
  • UK re-release (three-episode tapes, Paramount Home Entertainment ): Volume 1.4, catalog number VHR 4645, 15 June 1998
  • As part of the TNG Season 1 DVD collection
  • As part of the TNG Season 1 Blu-ray collection

Links and references [ ]

Starring [ ].

  • Patrick Stewart as Captain Jean-Luc Picard
  • Jonathan Frakes as Commander William T. Riker

Also starring [ ]

  • LeVar Burton as Lt. Geordi La Forge
  • Denise Crosby as Lt. Tasha Yar
  • Gates McFadden as Doctor Beverly Crusher
  • Marina Sirtis as Counselor Deanna Troi
  • Brent Spiner as Lt. Commander Data

Guest stars [ ]

  • Majel Barrett as Lwaxana Troi
  • Rob Knepper as Wyatt Miller
  • Nan Martin as Victoria Miller
  • Robert Ellenstein as Steven Miller
  • Carel Struycken as Mr. Homn

Co-starring [ ]

  • Anna Katarina as Valeda
  • Raye Birk as Wrenn
  • Danitza Kingsley as Ariana
  • Michael Rider as Transporter Chief

Uncredited co-stars [ ]

  • James G. Becker as Youngblood
  • Jeffrey Deacon as command division officer
  • Nora Leonhardt as science division ensign
  • Tim McCormack as Bennett
  • Lorine Mendell as Diana Giddings
  • Rebecca Rose as holographic harp
  • Armin Shimerman as Betazoid gift box
  • Richard Walker as Tarellian survivor
  • Female operations division officer
  • Female science division officer
  • Holographic harp
  • Operations division officer
  • Science division officer
  • Five Tarellian survivors
  • Two operations division crewmembers

Stand-ins [ ]

  • James G. Becker – stand-in for Jonathan Frakes
  • Darrell Burris – stand-in for LeVar Burton
  • Jeffrey Deacon – stand-in for Patrick Stewart
  • Susan Duchow – stand-in for Denise Crosby
  • Nora Leonhardt – stand-in for Marina Sirtis
  • Tim McCormack – stand-in for Brent Spiner
  • Lorine Mendell – stand-in for Gates McFadden

References [ ]

20th century ; 24th century ; 2356 ; accent ; age ; Alcyone ; ambition ; amusement ; announcement ; answer ; arch ; artist ; attraction ; assignment ; assumption ; automation ; bearing ; beast ; beauty ; behavior ; best man ; Beta Cassius ; Betazed ; Betazoid ; Betazoid chime ; Betazoid wedding ; biological virus analysis ; biological weapon ; body ; bonding gift ( wedding present ); bridge ; briefing ; broken heart ; buzzard ; ceremony ; chair ; chameleon rose ; class M ; clothes ; clothing ; colleague ; color ; common sense ; competition ; compliment ; compromise ; confusion ; consciousness ; Constellation -class ; Constitution II -class ; contact ; coordinates ; couple ; custom ; daughter ; day ; desert ; desktop monitor ; destination ; destiny ; disappointment ; discussion ; distance ; drawing ; dream ; dream image ; " duty calls ": earring ; Earth ; Earth wedding ; employment ; extinction ; eye ; face ; fact ; family ; fantasy ; fear ; Federation policy ; feeling ; Fifth House of Betazed ; First Electorine ; food ; fool ; fork ; frequency ; friend ; genetic bonding ; graveyard ; guest ; habit ; hairstyle ; harp ; hatred ; Haven ; Haven's moon ; healing power ; hello ; heritage ; holodeck ; hologram ; Holy Rings of Betazed ; home ; honesty ; hour ; Human ; humanoid ; humor ; hypospray ; idea ; ignorance ; imagination ; imzadi ; infection ; inhabitant ; intelligence ; island ; jewelry ; job ; joining ; joke ; kiss ; knife ; knowledge ; land mass ; law ; legend ; leper ; lifeform ( life ); lineage ; love ; luggage ; magnification ; marriage ; mate ; medical doctor ; medical school ; medical supply ; medicine ; mental power ; message ; Miller family ; mind ; minute ; mirror ; mission ; model ; mood ; mother ; mouth ; name ; nature ; necklace ; need ; night ; nudity ; object ; obligation ; observation lounge ; order ; override ; owner ; painting ; passenger accommodation ; peninsula ; person ; pet ; phaser burst ; physical love ; place ; plague ; plague ship ; planet ( world ); platonic love ; population ; pornography ; problem ; psychologist ; puzzle ; quarrel ; quarters ; question ; ready room ; responder echo ; rest and relax ; Richard III ; ring ; ritual ; romance ; room ; rose ; running light ; Sacred Chalice of Rixx ; sanity ; screen ; sea ; second ; secret ; security training ; sense of humor ; sensor ; sign language ; social gathering ; son ; soul ; spoon ; Starfleet Academy ; stargate ; starship captain ; statue ; story ; subject ; sub-warp speed ; sun ; superstition ; Surface Station ; surprise ; Tarella ; Tarellian ; Tarellian Civil War ; Tarellian starship (aka Tarellian vessel ); telepathy ; telepathic ability ; temper ; temperature ; termination ; thing ; thought ; threat ; toast ; tomorrow ; tractor beam ; tradition ; training ; transporter pad ; transporter range ; Transporter Room 1 ; treaty ; trip ; Troi, Ian Andrew ; turbolift ; United Federation of Planets ; universe ; unnamed plants ; valet ; velocity ; viewer ; virus ; visit ; VISOR ; vow ; warp speed ; wedding ; wedding party ; whispering ; window ; word ; Xelo ; year

Deleted references [ ]

lie ; mile ; ruby ; standard orbit ; wedding dress ; viral immunology

External links [ ]

  • " Haven " at Memory Beta , the wiki for licensed Star Trek works
  • " Haven " at Wikipedia
  • " Haven " at the Internet Movie Database
  • " Haven " at , a Roddenberry Star Trek podcast
  • "Haven" script  at Star Trek Minutiae
  • 1 Daniels (Crewman)
  • 2 Jamaharon


Born and raised in Switzerland, Anna Katarina is an internationally acclaimed actress with a career that includes turns in popular films, television series, award-winning theatre and even the circus.

During the last 25 years she has worked with directors such as David Fincher, Tim Burton, James Ivory, Ron Howard, J.J. Abrams, Brad Anderson and Tim Van Patten.  She has played opposite leading actors Michael Douglas, Tom Hanks, Kevin Kline, Danny de Vito, Christopher Walken, Rutger Hauer, Delroy Lindo, Bernadette Peters, Kelly MacDonald and Sharon Stone. Based on her remarkable screen test, Anna was the runner-up for the lead role in "Bridges of Madison County."

She has performed on many well-respected stages in Europe and the United States and received a Dramalogue award for her leading role in "Days and Nights Within." Anna's success as an actor comes from her keen ability to play a wide range of characters and her appetite for profoundly challenging roles.

An important phase of her first years in the United States was her work/ training with Gregory Fedin, co-creator of the Big Apple Circus and star of the Moscow State Circus. He created two original balancing acts for her that showcased her physical dexterity and mental acumen as a performer. 

Anna replaced Angelica Huston in the lead role of "Tamara" , the highly acclaimed award winning show written by John Krizanc, which ran for 9 years in Los Angeles and 3 years in New York City.

Anna speaks five languages and remains connected to her European roots by cultivating her skills as a classical pianist. She performs one of her original compositions in the short film "Untitled Symphony" which she co-wrote, co-produced, starred in and  recently won the Best Actress Award for at the Chain Film Fest in NYC. One of her favorite tasks of late was portraying the multifaceted role of "Madame Juenet" in HBO'S award winning "Boardwalk Empire" and German Chancellor "Heidi Brauer" opposite Sharon Stone in TNT'S brand new series "Agent X".

A couple of years ago Anna volunteered at a nursing home for the elderly, who suffer from Dementia and Alzheimer’s which sparked a whole new path and passion for Anna. She quickly discovered that the creative and emotional part of the brain is not affected by this heartbreaking disease.  Anna is very engaged in gently guiding her clients back to that abundantly rich, intact and creative part within themselves (regardless of their diagnosis) through Acting, Music, Writing or any Arts and Crafts project the client connects with and feels passionate about.

Last year Anna was certified in Art Therapy by Creative Arts Therapist extraordinaire, Dr. Lucy Barbera.

Copyright © 2019 Anna Katarina - All Rights Reserved.

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Anna Katarina

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anna katarina star trek

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Anna Katarina

Anna Katarina

Highest Rated: 77% The Game (1997)

Lowest Rated: 22% The Blood of Heroes (1989)

Birthday: Not Available

Birthplace: Switzerland

Anna Katarina was an actress who graced the silver screen many times throughout her Hollywood career. At the beginning of her acting career, Katarina landed roles in action flicks like "The Blood of Heroes" (1990) with Rutger Hauer and Joan Chen and the Michael Keaton blockbuster "Batman Returns" (1992). She also appeared in the TV movie "The Death of the Incredible Hulk" (NBC, 1989-1990). She worked in television in her early acting career as well, including a part on "Law & Order" (NBC, 1990-2010). Her passion for acting continued to her roles in projects like "A Weekend With Barbara und Ingrid" (1994), "The Game" (1997) and the comedy sequel "The Pink Panther" (2006) with Steve Martin. She also played parts in television during these years, including roles in "Law & Order: Criminal Intent" (2001-2011) and "Desperate Housewives" (ABC, 2004-2012). Film continued to be her passion as she played roles in the crime thriller "Zodiac" (2007) with Jake Gyllenhaal, the Tom Hanks box office smash thrilling adaptation "Angels & Demons" (2009) and the Chris Pine box office smash sci-fi sequel "Star Trek" (2009). She also appeared in the comedy "The Dictator" (2012) with Sacha Baron Cohen. She also worked in television during these years, including a part on "Boardwalk Empire" (HBO, 2010). Katarina most recently acted on "Agent X" (TNT, 2015-).

Highest rated movies


  • BIRTH 14/03/1960
  • Country Switzerland

Anna Katarina

Anna Katarina is a 64 years old actress (14 March 1960). Anna Katarina has appeared in 4 shows and 7 movies. A performance to be found in the role of Valeda in the series Star Trek: The Next Generation. In the cinema, in the role of Elizabeth in the feature film The Game.

Anna Katarina

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anna katarina star trek

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Anna Katarina

  • Edit source

Filmography [ ]

  • Star Trek: The Next Generation
  • The Blood of Heroes (1989) ... as Big Cimber
  • Slaves of New York (1989) ... as Mooshka
  • The Death of the Incredible Hulk (1990) ... as Bella/Voshenko
  • A Weekend with Barbara und Ingrid (1992) ... as Barbara
  • Batman Returns (1992) ... as Poodle Lady
  • The Game (1997) ... as Elizabeth
  • Omega Doom (1997) ... as Bartender
  • Law & Order: Criminal Intent
  • The Pink Panther (2006) ... as Agent Corbeille
  • Star Trek (2009)

Credits [ ]

Co-star [ ].

Law and Order

Anna Katarina

Anna Sterling Katarina (born March 14, 1960 in Bern, Switzerland) is an actress who guest-starred on Law & Order and Law & Order: Criminal Intent .

She is also known for her roles on The Game , Star Trek , The Dictator , and Batman Returns .

Appearances [ ]

Law & Order as Elena Skolnick

  • The Torrents of Greed (Part I) (1991)
  • The Torrents of Greed (Part II) (1991)

Law & Order: CI

  • Happy Family (2003) as Helen Reynolds

Anna Katarina

Anna Katarina

Anna Katarina portrayed The Poodle Lady in Batman Returns .

Significant roles [ ]

  • Valeda in Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987)
  • Bella/Voshenko in The Death of the Incredible Hulk (1990)
  • The Poodle Lady in Batman Returns (1992)
  • Elizabeth in The Game (1997)
  • Madame Jeunet in Boardwalk Empire (2010)

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Trekking Across Genres

Search this blog, anna katarina (star trek, dc, marvel),  anna katarina (sometimes credited as anna katerina).

anna katarina star trek

Star Trek, DC, Marvel

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Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987–1994)

Anna katarina: valeda, photos .

Anna Katarina in Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987)

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  3. Anna Katarina

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  4. Anna Katarina

    anna katarina star trek

  5. Anna Katarina

    anna katarina star trek

  6. Anna Katarina

    anna katarina star trek


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  2. Relatos sobrenaturais EPISÓDIO 3# Canal Anna Katarina

  3. Star Guardian Katarina ASU 2023 by LordksOP

  4. Relatos sobrenaturais EPISÓDIO 12# Canal Anna Katarina

  5. Relatos sobrenaturais EPISÓDIO 9# Canal Anna Katarina

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  1. Anna Katarina

    Anna Katarina (born 14 March 1960; age 64) is the Swiss actress who played the role of Valeda Innis in the Star Trek: The Next Generation first season episode "Haven". This was her first television appearance. She later played a Vulcan science council member in Star Trek. A behind the scenes shot of her Vulcan character was later used for the 2013 virtual collectible card battle game Star Trek ...

  2. Anna Katarina

    Series: TNG. Movie: Star Trek (2009) Characters: Valeda Innis, Vulcan science council member. Anna Katarina is the Swiss actress who played the role of Valeda Innis in the Star Trek: The Next Generation first season episode "Haven". This was her first television appearance. She later played a Vulcan science council member in 2009's Star Trek.

  3. Anna Katarina

    Anna Katarina is a Swiss actress. Career. She came to the US in her twenties whereupon she joined a circus and acting school. ... Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987, TV series) - Valeda Innis; Slaves of New York (1989) - Mooshka; The Blood of Heroes (1989) - Big Cimber;

  4. Resume

    MIAMI VICE (Last Episode) | Guest Star | NBC, Dir. Russ Mayberry STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION | Guest Star | Syndication, Dir. Richard Compton TATORT (German/Swiss/Austrian Series) | Guest Lead | Dir. Bruno Kaspar

  5. "Star Trek: The Next Generation" Haven (TV Episode 1987)

    Haven: Directed by Richard Compton. With Patrick Stewart, Jonathan Frakes, LeVar Burton, Denise Crosby. While on a mission to a planet called Haven, Counselor Troi meets her husband to be, a marriage arranged by her father years before, as the Enterprise encounters a ship far deadlier than any combat could provide.

  6. Anna Katarina

    Discover the best movies and TV shows from Anna Katarina's filmography, sorted by online popularity. Anna Katarina is a Swiss actress known for her versatile roles in movies and TV shows. ... Star Trek is a 2009 American science fiction action film directed by J. J. Abrams. It is the 11th film in the Star Trek franchise and serves as a reboot ...

  7. Haven (episode)

    Robert Ellenstein previously played the Federation President in Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home, Anna Katarina played a Vulcan Science Council member in 2009's Star Trek, and Raye Birk played a Son'a doctor in Star Trek: Insurrection. Props and sets [] The exterior of the Tarellian ship was designed by Andrew Probert.

  8. Anna Katarina

    Anna Katarina. Actress: The Game. Anna Katarina was born on 14 March 1960 in Bern, Switzerland. She is an actress and producer, known for The Game (1997), Batman Returns (1992) and The Dictator (2012). ... Star Trek. 7.9. Vulcan Council Member; 2009; Credits. Edit. Actress 26 Producer 1 Writer 1 Composer 1 IMDbPro. Expand below. Actress ...

  9. Anna Katarina

    Anna Katarina in Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987) Close. 1 of 5. Anna Katarina 1 of 5. Anna Katarina in Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987) People Anna Katarina. Titles Star Trek: The Next Generation, Haven.

  10. Bio

    BIO. Born and raised in Switzerland, Anna Katarina is an internationally acclaimed actress with a career that includes turns in popular films, television series, award-winning theatre and even the circus. During the last 25 years she has worked with directors such as David Fincher, Tim Burton, James Ivory, Ron Howard, J.J. Abrams, Brad Anderson ...

  11. Anna Katarina List of Movies and TV Shows

    See Anna Katarina full list of movies and tv shows from their career. Find where to watch Anna Katarina's latest movies and tv shows

  12. Haven (Star Trek: The Next Generation)

    Star Trek: The Next Generation. ) " Haven " is the eleventh episode of the first season of the American science fiction television series Star Trek: The Next Generation, originally aired on November 30, 1987, in broadcast syndication in the United States. Directed by Richard Compton, the story was originally created by Lan O'Kun, and developed ...

  13. Anna Katarina

    Anna Katarina was an actress who graced the silver screen many times throughout her Hollywood career. ... and the Chris Pine box office smash sci-fi sequel "Star Trek" (2009). She also appeared in ...

  14. All Anna Katarina series and films

    Anna Katarina is a 64 years old actress (14 mars 1960). Anna Katarina has appeared in 4 shows and 6 movies. ... Star Trek: The Next Generation. Star Trek: The Next Generation Valeda Law & Order: Criminal Intent. Law & Order: Criminal Intent Helen Reynolds The Wild Thornberrys. The Wild Thornberrys Leopard Mom / Radio Voice (voice)

  15. Actresses

    Anna Katarina. Anna Katarina. Anne Elizabeth Ramsay. Anne Elizabeth Ramsay. Anne Haney. Anne Haney. Annie Wersching. Annie Wersching. ... Women of Trek is not affiliated With Star Trek, Paramount or CBS in any way and is also not affiliated with any of the actresses that are represented here. Navigation. Homepage;

  16. Anna Katarina

    IMDb profile Anna Katarina is an American actress. She plays Madame Jeunet in Boardwalk Empire.She co-stars in the first and third seasons.. Filmography []. Star Trek: The Next Generation; The Blood of Heroes (1989) ... as Big Cimber

  17. "Star Trek: The Next Generation" Haven (TV Episode 1987)

    "Star Trek: The Next Generation" Haven (TV Episode 1987) Anna Katarina as Valeda. Menu. Movies. Release Calendar Top 250 Movies Most Popular Movies Browse Movies by Genre Top Box Office Showtimes & Tickets Movie News India Movie Spotlight. TV Shows. ... STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION SEASON 1 RATINGS a list of 25 titles created 27 Oct 2019 Star ...

  18. Anna Katarina

    Anna Sterling Katarina (born March 14, 1960 in Bern, Switzerland) is an actress who guest-starred on Law & Order and Law & Order: Criminal Intent. She is also known for her roles on The Game, Star Trek, The Dictator, and Batman Returns. Law & Order as Elena Skolnick The Torrents of Greed (Part I) (1991) The Torrents of Greed (Part II) (1991) Law & Order: CI Happy Family (2003) as Helen Reynolds

  19. Anna Katarina

    Anna Katarina portrayed The Poodle Lady in Batman Returns. Valeda in Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987) Bella/Voshenko in The Death of the Incredible Hulk (1990) The Poodle Lady in Batman Returns (1992) Elizabeth in The Game (1997) Madame Jeunet in Boardwalk Empire (2010) Please add some...

  20. Star Trek (2009)

    Star Trek (2009) Anna Katarina as Vulcan Council Member. Menu. Movies. Release Calendar Top 250 Movies Most Popular Movies Browse Movies by Genre Top Box Office Showtimes & Tickets Movie News India Movie Spotlight. TV Shows.

  21. Anna Katarina (Star Trek, DC, Marvel)

    Anna Katarina (Star Trek, DC, Marvel) on August 14, 2023 Get link; Facebook; Twitter; Pinterest; Email; Other Apps; ANNA KATARINA ... so with that in mind, here is the list of Honorable Mentions: Abbas Wahab Star Trek Ror'Queg (The Broken Circle Star Trek: Strange New Worlds S2) WildStorm (DC Comics) Alastair Adana's Assistant (What I Know The ...

  22. Star Trek: The Next Generation (TV Series 1987-1994)

    Star Trek: The Next Generation (TV Series 1987-1994) Anna Katarina as Valeda. Menu. Movies. Release Calendar Top 250 Movies Most Popular Movies Browse Movies by Genre Top Box Office Showtimes & Tickets Movie News India Movie Spotlight. TV Shows. ... Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987-1994) Anna Katarina: Valeda. Showing all 1 items Jump ...