The Digital Bloom: Digital Marketing Agency

What is the Customer Value Journey: The Roadmap to Inbound Marketing Strategy

  • October 25, 2023
  • By Vlad Kuryatnik
  • The Customer Value Journey is a roadmap that enhances our inbound marketing strategies by building authentic and meaningful customer relationships, turning them into our biggest fans and advocates. It consists of six key steps: Awareness, Engagement, Conversion, Experience, Loyalty Loop, and Advocacy, each utilizing unique Digital Marketing tactics like Digital Advertising, Content Marketing, and Email Marketing to nurture and guide customers through the sales funnel.
  • This approach attracts prospects and nurtures them into loyal customers excited to advocate for the brand. Centered around fostering meaningful relationships, this strategy leads to sustainable growth, enhanced customer loyalty, and a robust bottom line, highlighting the long-term benefits of a customer-centric inbound marketing strategy .

In today’s business landscape, building genuine relationships with customers is the gateway to success, and for business owners, embracing the “Customer Value Journey” presents a straightforward yet potent inbound marketing strategy to realize this goal.

Imagine Inbound Marketing not as a one-off effort but as a friendly journey where every step you take with your customers helps them feel more connected to your business.

What is the Customer Value Journey?

Imagine it as a roadmap, guiding your customers from the point they discover your business to the stage where they become your biggest fans. It’s a six-step journey about creating valuable interactions that feel personalized and engaging, not pushy.

Inbound Marketing Strategy - Customer Value Journey

This inbound marketing strategy enhances the customer experience by adding value to every content piece and interaction.

This article breaks down this journey into simple, actionable steps, showing how to apply this approach to your inbound marketing efforts. Understanding and utilizing the Customer Value Journey will set your business toward lasting success and a community of customers excited to champion your brand.

Now, let’s explore these six steps.

Step 1: Awareness

Customer Value Journey - Awareness

It’s the stage where your future client becomes aware of your brand, much like how people become aware of major players like Google or Microsoft.

For example:

  • An IT company owner sees a LinkedIn advertisement for a new Inbound Marketing Agency (sounds familiar, huh?);
  • A startup CEO searches Google and finds an article about a new project management tool.

To generate awareness, we use the following Inbound Marketing Tactics:

  • Digital Advertising;
  • Search Marketing;
  • Content Marketing;
  • Social Media Marketing.

Step 2: Engagement

Customer Value Journey - Engagement

This is where relationships begin, through engaging content that provides value, entertainment, information, and so on.

  • The owner of a car parts store becomes active in a Facebook community for other retailers;
  • An entrepreneur watches a YouTube video from ManyChat showing him how to use chatbots to get a higher open rate.

To create engagement, we use the following Inbound Marketing Tactics:

  • Email Marketing;

Understanding the customer value journey is key for IT companies striving to maximize their market impact. A key aspect of this journey is leveraging the immense Benefits of Digital Marketing for IT Companies . Effective digital marketing strategies enhance brand visibility and drive meaningful engagement with your target audience. It’s about creating a narrative that resonates with your clients, showcasing your technical prowess, and transforming complex IT solutions into relatable, client-centered stories. This approach can significantly elevate your company’s online presence, strengthening customer relationships and sustaining business growth.

Step 3: Conversion

Customer Value Journey - Conversion

It’s where you acquire clients or raise the engagement level of your current leads.

  • Someone purchased a cup of coffee and a cupcake at the coffee shop;
  • Business owner hires an Inbound Marketing Agency to enhance online visibility, boost customer engagement, and increase conversions.

To generate conversions, we use the following Inbound Marketing Tactics:

  • Copywriting;
  • Search Marketing.

Step 4: Experience

Customer Value Journey - Experience

It’s about creating offerings that attract clients and encourage repeat business, ensuring customers derive value from each transaction.

  • An onboarding campaign, which helps customers understand your product or service better;
  • Free post-purchase support or next-purchase discount.

To create excitement, we use the following Inbound Marketing Tactics:

  • Copywriting.

Step 5: Loyalty Loop

Customer Value Journey - Loyalty

It’s where your clients will be ready to purchase more often.

  • A man rents a car and pays extra for an extended support package;
  • A couple buys a Netflix subscription for $119.88 annually instead of monthly payments.

To create ascension, we use the following Inbound Marketing Tactics:

Step 6: Advocacy

Customer Value Journey - Advocacy

It’s where your loyal clients are ready to advocate for you.

  • A girl takes part in a contest to win a new Apple iPad from a coffee shop by uploading a video review telling how much she loves their coffee and cupcakes;
  • The VP of Marketing writes a detailed evaluation of the Inbound Marketing Agency he uses in small marketing projects.

To generate advocates, we use the following Inbound Marketing Tactics:

  • Email marketing;

Inbound Marketing is not just a strategy; it’s a philosophy centered around fostering meaningful relationships with customers at every phase of their journey. By understanding and implementing the Customer Value Journey Map, businesses can transition from merely pushing products to creating a value-driven narrative that resonates with customers.

Implementing the tactics discussed in this article can help you create a holistic Inbound Marketing Strategy that attracts prospects and nurtures them into loyal customers excited to share your brand with the world. By embracing this customer-centric approach, you invest in sustainable growth and a community of advocates who will propel your business forward in the long term.

Engaging a skilled inbound marketing agency can simplify your journey in connecting with customers. Such agencies help create strategies that match each stage of your customer’s journey with your business. They help create engaging content and build genuine relationships with your audience, making the journey from a potential to a loyal customer smoother and more effective for your business.

This journey towards a successful inbound marketing strategy may require a shift in perspective. Still, the results—enhanced customer loyalty, improved reputation, and a robust bottom line—are worth the effort.

How can I measure the effectiveness of each stage of the Customer Value Journey?

The Customer Value Journey (CVJ) involves several stages, and measuring their effectiveness is crucial for optimizing your marketing efforts. Here’s how:

  • Awareness : Track metrics like website visits, social media reach, and brand mentions. Use tools like Google Analytics or social media analytics to assess awareness growth.
  • Engagement : Monitor engagement metrics such as time spent on your website, interaction with content (likes, shares, comments), and email open rates.
  • Subscription : Measure the conversion rate from visitors to subscribers (e.g., newsletter sign-ups and app downloads).
  • Conversion : Evaluate conversion rates for specific actions (e.g., form submissions, purchases). Understand which touchpoints contribute most to conversions.
  • Excitement : Assess customer satisfaction, Net Promoter Score (NPS), and post-purchase engagement.
  • Growth : Track customer lifetime value (CLV), repeat purchases, and upsells.
  • Advocate : Measure customer referrals, reviews, and testimonials.
  • Promote : Analyze the impact of customer advocacy on new customer acquisition.

How can I customize the Customer Value Journey to fit my business goals and audience needs?

  • Segmentation : Tailor each stage based on audience segments (e.g., new customers, existing clients, high-value prospects).
  • Content Personalization : Create relevant content for different stages – educational content for awareness, case studies for conversion, and loyalty programs for growth.
  • Touchpoint Optimization : Optimize touchpoints (website, social media, emails) to align with audience preferences and behaviors.
  • Feedback Loop : Continuously gather feedback from customers to refine the journey. Use surveys, reviews, and direct interactions.
  • Iterate and Test : Regularly review and adjust your CVJ based on performance data. A/B tests different approaches to find what resonates best.

The Customer Value Journey is a strategic framework that guides customers from their first interaction with a brand to becoming loyal advocates. It focuses on creating a step-by-step roadmap for nurturing customer relationships effectively.

Why is the Customer Value Journey important in marketing?

Understanding the Customer Value Journey is vital for crafting marketing strategies that align with customer needs and preferences, leading to higher engagement, conversion, and retention rates.

How can businesses implement the Customer Value Journey?

Businesses can implement the Customer Value Journey by analyzing each stage – from awareness to advocacy – and creating targeted strategies that engage customers at every point, enhancing their overall experience.

What are the critical stages of the Customer Value Journey?

The key stages include awareness, engagement, subscription, conversion, excitement, ascension, and advocacy, each playing a crucial role in turning prospects into loyal customers.

Can the Customer Value Journey be applied to all types of businesses?

The Customer Value Journey is a versatile framework that can be tailored to fit various business models and industries, making it a universal tool for customer-centric marketing.

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Key Elements of an Impactful Inbound Marketing Strategy

Customer Value Journey in Digital Marketing: Uncovering the 8 Steps to Robust Retention

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Last updated on January 24th, 2024 at 06:46 pm

In a quaint Midwestern town, there’s a coffee shop that’s more than just a place for coffee. It’s a hub of connection.

This coffee shop has effortlessly achieved what many businesses strive for: turning passersby into a devoted community .

Ever wondered how to turn a stranger into a loyal customer, not just for a coffee shop, but any brand?

Welcome to the story of the Customer Value Journey (CVJ) , one part of our predictable and profitable growth triad.

The CVJ is more than a business tactic.

It’s an eight-stage process , leading customers from first contact to deep brand loyalty.

Let’s start with the CVJ’s first stage: from strangers to visitors . Imagine a traveler entering a new city, both curious and cautious.

How do you transform that curiosity into comfort and, ultimately, a sense of belonging?

This journey isn’t about hard selling. Instead, it’s about crafting stories and experiences that echo our innate desire for connection.

As we dissect each CVJ stage, we’ll discover strategies woven into stories.

Like our beloved coffee shop, businesses aren’t just creating customers; they’re fostering communities.

We’ll delve into how to build relationships that transcend transactions , turning customers into brand champions.

This journey is about the delicate art of human connection in business , merging value creation with emotional resonance.

But remember, this isn’t just a business challenge; it’s a human adventure.

Ready for the journey?

The road to transforming strangers into brand advocates, much like the welcoming path to our Midwest coffee shop, awaits.

Let’s embark…

  • The Customer Value Journey (CVJ) is Key: In digital marketing, the CVJ acts as a guiding framework, leading businesses toward greater success.
  • Solving Business Challenges: The CVJ effectively addresses common issues like low customer engagement, high churn rates, and stagnant growth by clearly defining each stage of customer interaction with the brand.
  • Creating Customized Strategies: It allows for the development of tailored strategies that cater to customer needs at every point, thereby enhancing engagement and effectively reducing customer churn.
  • More Than Just Sales: The CVJ goes beyond being a mere sales tool; it’s a comprehensive model for cultivating strong, lasting relationships with customers, emphasizing the creation of value at every stage of their journey.
  • Building Brand Advocates: By focusing on customer satisfaction, the CVJ transforms happy customers into enthusiastic promoters of the brand, not only increasing sales but also significantly improving the brand’s reputation.

The Importance of Customer Value Journey in Digital Marketing

Customer Value Journey in Digital Marketing 1

Okay, let’s break down why the Customer Value Journey (CVJ) is your secret weapon in the digital marketing arena.

Think of digital marketing as this wild, ever-changing maze.

Now, imagine the CVJ as your personal GPS, guiding you through eight critical stages to nail your business goals.

But why is the CVJ such a game-changer in digital marketing?

Customer Value Journey example

Here’s the deal:

Today’s business world is grappling with stuff like customers losing interest, too many people bouncing off, and growth hitting a plateau.

The CVJ steps in by mapping out every interaction customers have with your brand.

It’s like having a playbook that tells you exactly what to do at each stage to keep your customers hooked and coming back for more.

This isn’t just about keeping your customers happy. It’s about strategic customer value optimization (CVO).

But hold up, the CVJ isn’t your run-of-the-mill sales funnel.

It’s way more. It’s about building real, solid relationships with your customers.

The kind that lasts.

The CVJ is all about delivering value at every single stage.

It’s about turning happy customers into raving fans who can’t stop talking about your brand.

And guess what?

This doesn’t just skyrocket your sales. It takes your brand’s rep to a whole new level.

Understanding the Eight Stages of the CVJ

1. create awareness.

cvj aware

You need to be seen. Put your brand out there. It’s more than a blip. It’s big.

How? Campaigns that hit the mark. Content that holds attention. Calls to action that stand out.

Strategies for Awareness:

  • Content Marketing: Create content that matters to your audience. Blogs, videos, infographics, podcasts. Inform or entertain to draw people in.
  • SEO: Use the right keywords. Improve your search engine ranking. Be seen more easily.
  • Paid Advertising: Use Google Ads, social media, display ads. Reach more people. Target your audience.
  • PR: Get into news articles, interviews, guest posts. Boost visibility and credibility.
  • Partnerships: Work with others in your industry. Reach their audience too.

But it’s more than just being seen. It’s about engagement. It’s about making them want more.

2. Engage Them

cvj engage

You have their attention. 

Now, you engage them. It’s not just interest. It’s an experience they won’t forget.

How? Tell stories that stick. Make interactive content that makes them think. Have real conversations.

Engaging Your Audience:

  • Provide Value: Offer content that matters. Blogs, tutorials, webinars, social updates. Keep them coming back for more.
  • Interactive Content: Use quizzes, polls, surveys. Get them involved. Learn about them.
  • Social Media: Talk to your audience. Respond, discuss, ask, appreciate. Build a community.
  • Customer Community: Make a space for customers. A forum, a group. Let them talk to each other and to you.
  • Personalization: Tailor your messages. Use what you know about them. Make it matter to them.

Engagement is two-way. 

We listen, talk, and build a community. 

It’s more than selling. It’s relationships.

3. Encourage Subscriptions

cvj subscribe

We’ve got their attention. Now we make them stay. It’s not just numbers. It’s building a group of people who stand by your brand.

How? Give them reasons to stay. Special content, personal experiences, offers they can’t ignore.

Getting Subscriptions:

  • Lead Magnets: Give them something valuable. eBooks, reports, exclusive content. Make it relevant and useful.
  • Free Trials or Demos: Let them try your product or service. No cost. They get to know what you offer.
  • Email Newsletters: Get them to sign up. Tell them about the benefits. Exclusive content, special offers, first looks.
  • Discounts and Offers: Give a discount or a special deal for signing up. Like 10% off their first purchase.
  • Subscription Pop-ups: Use pop-ups wisely. Don’t annoy them. Make it a good time to sign up.

But it’s more than getting them to sign up. It’s making them feel they’re part of something.

4. Convert Them into Customers

cvj convery

Ready to turn interest into action? We’ve made them aware and got them subscribed. Now we make them customers. We want them coming back, staying loyal.

How? Offer unbeatable value, solutions that fit, and a smooth buying process.

Converting Leads to Customers:

  • Entry Point Offers: Start with an offer they can’t refuse. Low risk, high reward. Let them try what you’ve got.
  • Value Proposition: Tell them what makes you different. Solve their problem. Be clear and strong.
  • Build Trust: Show testimonials, reviews, case studies. Make them believe in you.
  • Personalize: Know your leads. Tailor your messages. Make it about them.
  • Nurture Leads: Keep in touch. Use email, ads, anything to stay on their mind. Guide them to buy when they’re ready.

But it doesn’t stop at the sale. Keep talking to them, get their thoughts, support them after they buy. It’s more than a sale. It’s about happy customers who keep coming back.

You’re not necessarily trying to make a profit here (it’s made in step #6). In fact, most successful businesses merely hope to breakeven or go slightly in the red. This stage is just about turning a lead into a happy buyer so they continue their journey with you.

5. Excite Them

cvj excite

After converting them into customers, it’s time for the ‘excitement’ stage. This is where customers realize the true value of sticking with your brand.

How? By delivering those ‘a-ha’ moments. Show them why continuing with your brand is a great choice.

Creating Excitement:

  • Surprise and Delight: Exceed expectations. Offer more than they anticipate. Make every interaction memorable.
  • Exclusive Access: Give them first dibs. New products, services, content. Make them insiders.
  • Gamification: Use game-like elements. Reward loyalty, referrals. Make engagement fun.
  • Storytelling: Connect through stories. Share your brand’s journey, customer successes, product tales.
  • Quality Content: Provide top-notch content. Educate, entertain, inspire. Keep them eager for more.

But don’t let the excitement fade. Encourage them to share their experiences. Get them talking about your brand. Turn them into advocates. It’s more than just a customer base. It’s about fostering a community that’s excited about your brand

6. Ascend Them: Foster Repeat Purchases

cvj ascend 1

Now, make a one-time buyer a regular. After they’re excited about your brand, get them to buy again. It’s more than sales. It’s about loyalty, long-term customers.

How? Offer great value, keep innovating, reward their loyalty.

Getting Customers to Buy Again:

  • Great Customer Experience: Make every step good. From looking to buying to after they buy. Good experiences bring them back.
  • Loyalty Programs: Reward them for buying again. Points, discounts, first looks at new products.
  • Upsell and Cross-sell: Show them more. Products that go with what they bought. Increase value.
  • Stay in Touch: Send newsletters, updates, emails. Keep your brand in their mind. Tell them about new stuff, sales, news.
  • Ask for Feedback: Find out what they think. Show you care. Use their ideas to get better.

But it’s not just about the sale. Make every part of dealing with your brand good. Listen to them. Fix problems fast. Always try to do better than they expect.

7. Advocate: Encourage Them to Share the Love

cvj advocate2

Ready to see your brand catch fire? After getting them to buy again, make them talk about it. It’s more than referrals. It’s making them your advocates.

How? Make sharing their good experiences easy and worth it.

Getting Customers to Spread the Word:

  • Great Experiences: Be better than they expect, every time. From first contact to after they buy. Happy customers talk.
  • Referral Program: Give them something for bringing friends. Discounts, free stuff. Make them want to share your brand.
  • Reviews and Testimonials: Make it easy to leave reviews. Maybe give something for it. Get them to share their stories.
  • Build a Community: Make a place for them to talk. Social media groups, forums, events.
  • Reward Loyalty: Have a loyalty program. Reward them for coming back. Make them feel special. They’ll tell others.

But keep at it. Stay in touch with your customers. Update them. Listen to them. It’s more than getting them to talk about you. It’s about real relationships, trust, and respect.

8. Turn Them into Promoters

cvj promote2

Ready to make your customers your promoters? After getting them to share, it’s the last step. It’s more than good reviews. It’s making them ambassadors.

How? Give them power, recognize them, reward their support.

Making Customers Brand Advocates:

  • Great Experiences: Keep giving them good service, even after they buy. Build trust and loyalty.
  • Community: Make places for them to talk. Social media groups, forums. Let them feel part of something.
  • User Content: Get them to share their stories. Reviews, posts, blogs. People trust what users say.
  • Referral Program: Give them something for bringing new customers. Make them feel important.
  • Affiliate Program: Set up an affiliate system. Let them earn by promoting your products. It’s a win-win.
  • More Than the Product: Share useful content, give free upgrades, hold special events. Offer more than they expect.

Tailoring the Customer Value Journey to Your Business

cvj journey

Discovering the Customer Value Journey (CVJ) in 2014 was a revelation for me. It transformed my approach from scattered marketing efforts to a cohesive digital strategy.

This strategy wasn’t just theoretical; it increased my salary by almost 50%. I’ve noticed that many businesses, both large and small, often miss the bigger picture. They get lost in the details and miss the forest for the trees.

The CVJ, however, offers a panoramic view of the forest, allowing you to chart a purposeful path that not only adds value but turns strangers into raving fans.

The CVJ is a robust framework, but its true strength lies in its adaptability. Here’s how you can make the CVJ work for your unique business:

Understand Your Customers

To tailor the CVJ effectively, start by deeply understanding your customers. Creating a customer avatar is a transformative step. It’s like peeling back layers to reveal their core needs, wants, and pain points.

This insight allows you to craft a journey that truly resonates.

Align with Your Brand

Each CVJ stage should mirror your brand’s values and personality. If your brand is about fun and creativity, let these elements shine in your engagement and excitement stages.

It’s about making your brand’s heart beat in every step of the journey.

Leverage Your Strengths

Identify and utilize your strengths. If you’re a wizard at content creation or a social media maestro, use these skills to enhance relevant stages of the CVJ. It’s about playing to your strengths and making the journey uniquely yours.

Adapt to Market Trends

The digital world is constantly changing. Stay agile and adapt your CVJ to align with emerging trends.

For example, with the growing influence of influencer marketing, consider integrating influencers into your advocacy and promotion stages.

Iterate and Improve

The CVJ is not static. It’s a living, breathing strategy that requires constant evaluation and refinement. Learn from what works and what doesn’t, and be ready to evolve your approach.

By customizing the CVJ to fit your business, you create a journey that not only delivers value at every stage but also fosters enduring customer relationships.

It’s about seeing the forest, understanding its paths, and guiding your customers through it, turning them into passionate advocates for your brand.

The Customer Value Journey in digital marketing isn’t a one-size-fits-all model. It’s a flexible framework that can be customized to fit your business like a glove.

The eight stages of the CVJ typically include Awareness, Engagement, Subscription, Conversion, Excitement, Ascension, Advocacy, and Promotion. Each stage represents a different level of customer engagement and offers unique opportunities for businesses to interact with their customers.

Businesses often struggle with understanding their customer’s needs at each stage of the journey, creating tailored strategies for each stage, and measuring the effectiveness of their efforts. Additionally, implementing the CVJ requires a holistic approach that many businesses find challenging.

A customer value journey is more than a funnel. A funnel is simple. It’s about moving customers from point A to point B. It’s linear. The journey, though, is complex. It’s not just a path. It’s an experience. It’s about building relationships, not just making sales. The journey turns customers into advocates, not just buyers. The funnel is a tool. The journey is a strategy.

Typically, the Customer Value Journey is divided into eight distinct stages. These stages represent a customer’s phases, from their first interaction with your brand to becoming an advocate for your products or services.

CVJ can enhance digital marketing by providing a clear roadmap of how to engage customers at each stage of their journey. It allows businesses to create tailored strategies, improving customer engagement, reducing churn rates, and fostering strong, lasting customer relationships.

Success in the CVJ can be measured through various metrics such as customer engagement levels, churn rates, customer loyalty, and brand advocacy. Regular monitoring of these metrics can help businesses understand how well they meet their customer’s needs at each stage of the journey.

The story of the Midwest coffee shop, mentioned in the intro as a place of connection and not just coffee, mirrors the essence of the Customer Value Journey.

But this journey is more than a business strategy; it’s about transforming casual visitors into a devoted community. It’s a process of turning strangers into loyal patrons, not just for a coffee shop but for any brand.

Each stage of the CVJ, from the first encounter to creating brand champions, is a step in building relationships that transcend transactions.

Therefore, it’s about crafting stories and experiences that resonate with the human desire for connection. This isn’t just about aggressive selling; it’s a deeper, more meaningful approach to customer engagement.

As we conclude, it’s clear that the journey doesn’t end with a sale. But it’s an ongoing adventure in understanding the subtle art of human connection in the business world. Therefore, it’s about finding that sweet spot where value creation meets human emotion.

Now, the question is, are you ready to embark on this journey?

But to transform strangers into brand advocates, just like the path that leads to our Midwest coffee shop, mentioned in the intro?

Let’s start this journey together, building not just a customer base but a community of raving fans.

digital marketer customer value journey

Meet Brian , the go-to guy in digital marketing with a solid 15 years of breaking new ground. He’s got his hands in everything from AI-driven marketing and SEO to making sure customers have smooth journeys. Businesses big and small—from fresh faces like Globerunner (SEO & marketing agency) to heavy hitters like PowerSchool (SaaS), PFSweb (e-commerce), Southwest Airlines (travel), and Mary Kay (beauty & skincare)—have all felt his impact.

But there’s more to him than just strategy. As an entrepreneurial coach, Brian helps business leaders shake off their doubts and step into their true power. He’s brilliant at turning delay and stress into clarity and action. Under his guidance, entrepreneurs find themselves on paths that lead not only to profits but also purposeful growth. With Brian around, it’s about lighting up the path for visionaries ready to leave their stamp on the world.

  • Custom Websites
  • Organic SEO
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Reputation Management
  • Marketing and a Mic
  • Testimonials
  • Birmingham AL
  • Huntsville AL


Why the Customer Value Journey is More Powerful and Essential Than Ever

Customer Value Journey

The Customer Value Journey is an essential part of digital marketing, focused on understanding your customers to attract and keep customers engaged with your business. We use this 8-step guide to draw consumers through the process from being potential customers to becoming loyal customers that promote your brand.

The customer value journey is crucial because it establishes a framework for comprehending how customers interact with your brand over the course of their whole relationship with you. As it considers all the customer touchpoints they have with your business, both online and offline, it provides a more comprehensive perspective of the customer experience than a standard marketing funnel.

You can pinpoint the particular wants and pain issues that your consumers are going through at each stage of the customer journey by understanding each step and the role it plays. Using this knowledge, you may create marketing and sales techniques that are more likely to connect with your target market.

The 8-Step Customer Value Journey

Step 1: Awareness – Customers first become aware of your brand at this point. They might come across your advertisements, learn about you via a friend, or browse online.

Step 2: Engagement – Customers begin interacting with your brand at this point. Their actions could include going to your website, joining your email list, or following you on social media.

Step 3: Subscription – Customers sign off on receiving more information from you at this point. They might register for your webinar, download a white paper, or subscribe to your newsletter.

Step 4: Conversion – Customers make purchases from you at this point. They might purchase your goods, use your services, or contribute to your cause.

Step 5: Excitement – Customers are enthusiastic about their purchase at this point. They might be utilizing your product or service, recommending it to their friends, or posting favorable internet reviews.

Step 6: Ascend – This stage is about customer retention . This is where they start to become more devoted to your brand. They could make more purchases from you, renew their subscription, or recommend you to their friends.

Step 7: Advocate – At this point, customers start promoting your company. They might endorse your brand by posting favorable online reviews, sharing your material on social media, or both.

Step 8: Promote – Buyers actively recommend your brand to other people. They might mention you on social media, blog about their experience, or even make a video endorsement.

The Evolution of The Customer Value Journey

Businesses attempt to build meaningful relationships with customers in the ever-evolving digital market by providing extraordinary experiences. Marketers have long depended on the idea of the consumer Value Journey (CVJ), a paradigm that describes the steps a consumer takes from first being aware of a product or service to becoming a devoted advocate. The CVJ has, however, experienced a tremendous transition with the development of artificial intelligence (AI), altering the way organizations interact with and comprehend their customers. We examine the changing customer value journey and how AI has significantly influenced how it has developed.

The CVJ has historically progressed through a set of eight stages, including awareness, engagement, subscription, conversion, excitement, ascension, advocacy, and promotion. Businesses concentrated on establishing persuasive marketing strategies, producing individualized content, and improving consumer interactions at every stage. Although this strategy worked, it frequently lacked the real-time adaptability and specialized information needed to meet specific customer needs.

Artificial intelligence’s incorporation into the CVJ has opened up new opportunities for businesses to improve consumer experiences and spur growth. The following are some significant ways that AI has changed some stages of the journey:

Awareness: AI-powered analytics and data mining help companies understand the demographics, behavior, and preferences of their customers. Marketers may more properly target and identify new clients by utilizing AI algorithms, which will maximize their outreach efforts.

Engagement: Engagement has been transformed by chatbots and virtual assistants that are AI-powered. These smart algorithms can respond immediately, make tailored recommendations, and even imitate human-like conversations, improving customer service and speeding up response times.

Subscription: Artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms can examine client data to spot trends and foretell customer attrition. Businesses can proactively address possible problems, customize subscription offerings, and give incentives to promote long-term commitment by understanding client preferences and needs.

Conversion: AI-driven recommendation systems have developed into priceless resources for companies. AI algorithms can make appropriate product or service suggestions by looking at consumer browsing and purchasing history, which increases the possibility that customers will convert. Additionally, chatbots powered by AI can help buyers throughout the buying process by responding to questions and dispelling objections.

Ascension: Based on consumer behavior and preferences, AI algorithms can find chances for upselling and cross-selling. Businesses may increase client value and promote increased spending by utilizing customized recommendations and offers.

Promotion: Businesses can better comprehend customer comments and sentiment by utilizing AI-enabled sentiment analysis. Having this knowledge enables them to handle problems proactively, respond to consumer concerns quickly, and encourage positive advocacy.

Maintaining the CVJ Framework

The customer value journey has been reimagined by the use of artificial intelligence, enabling businesses to create better ties with customers through individualized experiences and data-driven decision-making. Businesses that use AI to better understand their customers, provide seamless experiences, and foster long-term loyalty will have a competitive advantage as the technology develops. To ensure that clients feel valued and understood at each stage of their experience, it is vital to use AI ethically and create a balance between automation and human contact. Businesses may enter a new era of client engagement and growth by wisely utilizing the power of AI.

Most everything in marketing involves experimenting one way or the other. There are no set rules or certain steps that work 100% of the time. Turning to elements or plans like The Customer Value Journey helps us maintain a framework and stay consistent with goals. Now, with AI this framework is easier than ever. We have access to more information, and the ability to create more content than ever before. Strategies can be streamlined, awareness can be spread across a variety of audiences, and you can experiment with engagement and get nearly immediate feedback.

Final Thoughts

The Customer Value Journey is still important and a valuable asset when used effectively! With such a large number of users active on social media and the surge in artificial intelligence, the Customer Value Journey (CVJ) is expedited in many ways, but not extinct. The information is easier to collect but still valuable and essential in your digital marketing strategy. Are you looking for a successful campaign focused on your customers and their journey? At Fusion One Marketing , we specialize in digital marketing , and the customer value journey plays a big part in that. Contact us today to learn more.

digital marketer customer value journey

The Customer Value Journey: A Roadmap From Prospect to Promoter

Customer Value Journey

What does a Customer Value Journey look like?

In personal relationships, it takes time to go from first date to marriage. For a person to commit, they need to trust and feel connected to you. This is the same for business relationships. There are certain steps you need to take to be purposeful and reach the point of commitment. Below are the stages of the customer value journey intended to guide your ideal customer on their journey from unaware prospect to raving promoter.

Stage 1: Aware

The Aware stage describes how qualified prospects first hear out about your brand, products, or services. You want to make an impression and earn a click or visit. This may be through paid advertising (e.g., paid search, display, social boost, billboards, bus wraps), organic search, a referral, and so on.

Stage 2: Engage

With awareness efforts driving views and clicks, Engage focuses on earning a prospect’s attention and trust. Often this is accomplished through content marketing such as blog content, an FAQ, a relevant case study on your website, or posts on social channels such as YouTube, LinkedIn or Facebook. 

Stage 3: Subscribe

By the time you reach the Subscribe stage, the prospect has determined your content is relevant and is willing to hear more from you. You’ve earned some measure of trust. It’s time to ask the prospect for contact information (and permission to reach out via further marketing) in exchange for something of more value. This could be a blog subscription, a content download, a newsletter, or perhaps an on-demand webinar.

Stage 4: Convert

Here the prospect is making a commitment of time or money in exchange for a product or service. In a business-to-business scenario, this may be a commitment to attend an informational meeting, a consultation, or a product trial. Known as an entry point offer, the product or service can range greatly in value. The goal of the Convert stage is to set up an opportunity to Excite your prospect.

Stage 5: Excite

Excite is your opportunity to demonstrate to your prospect how your product or service changes from a nice-to-have to something highly desirable or essential. It’s the slide in the deck that prospects want to see again and again, the product demo function that they can’t bear to lose after 30 days, and the ROI calculator they ask you to share with their executive team. These “Ah-Ha” moments are where the real breakthroughs happen on both sides of the relationship, so becoming purposeful about this stage of the journey is critical to marketing and sales success.

Stage 6: Ascend

Now that the value of your product or service has been affirmed, your customers will be eager to ensure your essential product or service is available to them. Often depicted as a ladder, the Ascend stage outlines your core or flagship offering along with additional relevant offers you deliver value after the initial sale. The goal of the Ascend stage is to grow customer value and satisfaction.

Stage 7: Advocate

Throughout the journey so far you’ve been building trust, delivering value, and nurturing long-term customer satisfaction. If you’ve succeeded you should have a happy customer. And these happy customers likely know more potential happy customers and would be willing to vouch for you. The Advocate stage formalizes the process of building customer advocates. Advocates are customers who are willing to share their positive experiences. This will increase awareness, trust, and credibility with a larger audience.

Stage 8: Promote

The Promote stage focuses on building brand promoters who are actively marketing to their audience on your behalf. This may involve rewards, affiliate, or referral programs, or just making it easy for happy customers to toot your horn. Whether compensated or not, brand promoters generate referrals from a trusted source, often lowering your customer acquisition costs.

If you’re familiar with the buyer’s journey, you’ve probably noted the difference in the number of stages. We appreciate and find value in this level of granularity. Why? It allows marketers to be more intentional and accountable throughout the journey. Aligning measurement at each of these stages using a Growth Scorecard gives your organization more actionable insights for predictable growth.

Drive customer success

The Customer Value Journey places particular emphasis on customer success, not just sales outcomes.

The Excite stage forces organizations to define and quantify the “Ah-Ha” moments. This is the point where customers understand the value of your product or service. These moments transform your offering from a “want to have” to a “must have.” It’s not about convincing someone that you have what they need, it’s ensuring your offering meets their needs. This reflection often involves updating products or service offerings.

The Ascend stage focuses on the journey beyond the first sale when customer value to your organization is multiplied. At face value, this might seem limited to increasing customer lifetime value (CLV). A key ingredient to increasing and sustaining high-value customer relationships is to deliver more value to your customers.

Stages for building advocates and brand promoters turn customers into first-class citizens of your growth marketing operation. That trust leads to increased awareness, engagement, and conversion through referrals, case studies, and testimonials.

Promote sales-marketing alignment

The Customer Value Journey helps break down walls between sales and marketing to better align these teams. Better alignment can lead to business growth. The process of creating an effective Customer Value Journey involves stakeholders from throughout your organization.  Sales, marketing, product/delivery, and support are all essential constituents.  This helps establish shared goals as well as buy-in on the process of attaining those goals.  One of the outcomes of the process is a shared vocabulary. This helps cross-functional teams avoid arguments about the definition of terms such as subscriber, lead, and conversion. In weekly Growth Scorecard meetings, you can further reinforce the relationship between your teams.

Create a marketing plan driven by your Customer Value Journey

The Customer Value Journey is one of the essential components of our marketing strategy framework. And likely the most important.  To learn more about how creating a Customer Value Journey can benefit your organization, contact us today .

*As a DigitalMarketer Certified Partner, we use the DigitalMarketer framework.

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  • May 28, 2023
  • ai marketing , Customer avatar , customer value journey , digital marketing

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AI Has Made the Customer Value Journey More Powerful: Here’s Why

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If you are reading this article, chances are that you know something about Ryan Deiss and his Customer Value Journey. Ryan literally built a marketing education empire on the concept of this framework.

It’s so important to the DigitalMarketer community that he even has the original napkin version framed like a relic to be viewed like the Mona Lisa.

digital marketer customer value journey

My name is James Bullis. I am a Marketing Technologist / Webmaster with over 25 years in the industry. I remember when I first learned about this concept around 15 years ago.

It was originally called Customer Value Optimization and had an entirely different structure. I’m a web designer and when I started working in this industry I started out in marketing.

When I became a web designer, I didn’t understand that a business web design is a part of a business’ marketing plan. After learning more about marketing, I realized how I could put these concepts into the website and use them to create a better website experience for my customers’ website visitors.

Then the along came the Customer Value Journey (CVJ) which was a fundamental upgrade and made the entire foundational framework make more sense. It essentially closed the loop and created an endless flywheel of customers if applied correctly.

It really played well in helping to understand how a business website should be laid out so that the traffic could be funneled through the Customer Value Journey.

The CVJ is not the only part of this foundational framework. It is usually accompanied by an Ideal Client Avatar and the Before & After exercise. Essentially, you need to understand who you want to help and be able to empathize with them to discover how you can bring value by easing their pain.

But there is a real problem when it comes to the CVJ that I have noticed over the years. It seems to me that no one will sit down and do it.

Do I know this for a fact? No. But, I can guess with some authority that most people who have learned this framework skip over it in practice.

This became obvious to me some years ago inside of DigitalMarketer Engage – the Facebook group of people who have spent some time and money with DigitalMarketer to engage with other members to talk about the frameworks, get advice, and learn from each other.

You could always tell when a fresh wave of members would join because the same questions were asked repeatedly.

These were questions that could simply be answered if they took the time to go through the process of completing these exercises for each new campaign or business that they started to work on as marketers.

I don’t know why people skip over these foundational steps. The framework itself along with the worksheets probably make the concept seem simple and insignificant but it is a powerful exercise that will save you a ton of time, money, and resources.

Years ago, DigitalMarketer invited people to a conference in Austin to learn some amazing new concepts that were going to change the way we thought about digital marketing.

I was excited. I packed up. Headed to Texas. Arrived at the event. Sat down. Excited to learn something new when the guys came out and began talking about…the CVJ. The avatar. The before and after exercise.

I was a bit dumbfounded and a little bit angry at myself when I realized that this framework…was the secret. And I realized that I was not taking the time to do these exercises.

I realized that I wanted to spend my time learning about these frameworks and exercises but I myself was not implementing them. I did something drastic when I left that event. I went home and disconnected myself from everything DigitalMarketer and I decided that I wouldn’t invest in learning any new concepts until I started with these fundamentals.

For years, I worked on numerous projects, and I took a stand to make sure that we sat down and did the work. This is what I discovered.

Why the Customer Value Journey Is STILL Essential

The CVJ is essential because it answers the most important questions that everyone who works with a business needs to know:

  • Who Do You Help?
  • How Do You Help?
  • Why Does It Matter?

It’s also important because it puts this information in a format that can be shared with anyone who works on a business including sales, marketing, and technology. If my clients already had a CVJ for their business when I started designing and building a new website for them, it would be so much easier to create a website that actually gets results.

If the information that is contained in a CVJ were given to a graphic designer, marketing contractor, customer service rep, sales rep, consultant, anyone…this would make working the clients and ensuring their success so much easier. We call it greasing the skids because it makes it outlines everything that needs to be done in a simple to understand and comprehend format.

After using this framework on any new projects, I don’t know how I could realistically provide value to my clients if I didn’t help them create their CVJ.

The CVJ Is an Experiment in Marketing

Everything that we do in marketing is an experiment. Every little decision we make is a series of experiments that lead us to always be optimizing. No matter how far we’ve come, we can always do it better. For that reason, the CVJ is more of a living document that changes over time as the campaigns that you work on. A business can have multiple CVJs.

Think about it. You can get this process wrong because chances are you and your customer are just guessing about what will work. The more you do it, the easier it will be for you to ensure your customer’s success, but chances are, if you are creating a CVJ for a customer, they probably never completed one before and these concepts are new.

You can get it wrong. In fact, you can get it wrong and waste time, money, and resources by targeting the wrong people. Last year, I did a session with a client where we went through the process of mapping out their Ideal Customer Avatar, Before & After Exercise, and CVJ.

digital marketer customer value journey

Are You Ready to Master Social Media?

Become a Certified Social Media Specialist and learn the newest strategies (by social platform) to draw organic traffic to your social media sites.

For months we created content, updated the website, and ran social media campaign. It wasn’t until we expanded on these exercises with AI that we realized that we were targeting the wrong prospect. Now we can avoid that.

The CVJ Is Easier To Create Than Ever with AI

If I were to ask a group of marketers why they did not use a framework to conduct their marketing, I would imagine that the main consensus would be that the act of sitting down with your client and getting a full understanding of these concepts is not something that you or your client really want to do.

In the mind of the client, you should just know this information (by some miracle). The reality is that every business is different and while you may be able to repeat the concepts in these exercises, having the exercises completed and documented will save you a lot of time and heartache in the long run.

I love the quote from Lincoln that says, “If given six hours to chop down a tree, I would spend the first four sharpening my axe.”

This concept is true in so many aspects of business but as I said before, if you take the time to document the CVJ, ICA, and Before and After exercise, you will be so far along that you’ll make your life a lot easier.

Well, now we have this thing called AI. And what I have discovered about AI is that it is really suited to help solve this problem. In fact, now that I have started to use AI to help create this foundation, I can’t help but generate the concepts, expand on them, and make some of the most focused content that speaks directly to the prospect.

The CVJ framework is essential to success as a marketer. Now with the help of AI tools, you can take any framework and inject it with steroids to create comprehensive marketing foundation that can literally transform your marketing campaigns.

Not only can you generate expanded versions of these foundational frameworks, but you can now use them to reference when creating content to build awareness and increase engagement with your audience.

The dawn of AI in digital marketing is an exciting one, offering boundless opportunities to strengthen and streamline the strategies we use. Leveraging the capabilities of AI, the creation and application of foundational frameworks such as the Customer Value Journey (CVJ), Ideal Client Avatar (ICA), and the Before & After exercise, can be profoundly amplified.

Gone are the days where marketers neglect these critical steps due to their time-consuming nature or the perceived complexity. With AI, we are able to enhance these processes, reduce the margin for error, and ultimately deliver more targeted and impactful content.

In my personal journey as a web designer turned marketing technologist, I have seen the value these tools bring to the table, but also witnessed their neglect. Utilizing AI, we can change this trend, ensuring that these valuable resources are used to their fullest potential.

By taking the time to implement these tools properly, we not only provide immense value to our clients but also create a better experience for the end user, leading to more successful marketing campaigns.

As digital marketers, we have an exciting path ahead of us. Armed with the transformative power of AI, we can take the wisdom encapsulated in the CVJ and other frameworks and unleash it on a grander scale than ever before.

In an era where every business decision is becoming data-driven, the advent of AI ensures that the nuances of human insight remain central to our marketing strategies.

It allows us to balance the scales between data and empathy, between efficiency and effectiveness, and, ultimately, between the business and the customer. So, as we step into the future of digital marketing, let us remember to carry these valuable lessons forward, and embrace the tools that AI provides to augment our journey.

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How to use Digital Marketer’s Customer Value Journey

The Customer Value Journey (CVJ) stands as a beacon guiding businesses to unparalleled growth. Conceptualized by Digital Marketer, this model remains the Rosetta Stone for business growth, elegantly describing the voyage of a potential client from mere awareness to full-fledged advocacy.

At the heart of this elegant blend of strategy and psychology is an 8-step path designed to help businesses understand and predict customer behavior.

Each stage is more than just a linear process; it’s an opportunity, a touchpoint, to enthrall, engage, and enamor.

Understanding Digital Marketer’s Customer Value Journey

Awareness: The point of introduction. It’s when a potential customer recognizes your brand.

Engagement: The potential customer interacts with your brand, likely through content.

Subscription: They decide to hear more from you subscribing to your mailing list or following your social channels.

Conversion: A leap of faith, they make that initial purchase.

Excitement: The afterglow of the purchase where the customer feels satisfied.

Ascension: Customers buy more or upgrade, ascending up your value ladder.

Advocacy: They shout from the rooftops about how much they love your brand.

Promotion: They not only love your brand, they bring others into the fold.

How to use the Customer Value Journey to level up your brand and customers?

Whispers in the wind: awareness reimagined.

In an era where everyone’s shouting, how about we whisper? “Whisper Campaigns” offer an air of mystery, compelling your audience to lean in closer.

Run teaser campaigns on platforms like Instagram, dropping hints or cryptic messages about an upcoming launch.

Much like a movie trailer, this piques curiosity and drives discussions. Instead of a mere announcement, you’re now an enigma everyone wants to decode.

Awareness should create ‘echoes’ rather than mere sounds.

Think of Dove’s “Real Beauty” campaign, which didn’t merely showcase their product but echoed a resonant message, forging a memorable brand connection.

Narratives Beyond Products: Engaging Through Stories

Engagement isn’t just about interaction; it’s about connection. Spearhead initiatives like “Storytelling Sundays,” where customers share anecdotes linked to your brand.

Suppose you’re a hiking gear brand. Imagine the flurry of stories: tales of daunting peaks, serene valleys, or that unexpected rainstorm.

Not only does this foster a sense of community, but it also showcases real-world applications of your products.

True engagement transcends basic interaction. It’s about shared experiences.

Imagine a brand hosting a ‘day in the life of’ event, allowing customers to virtually live the brand experience, feeling what it’s like to walk in the brand’s shoes for a day.

Exclusive Passages: Subscriptions with a Silver Lining

When someone subscribes, they’re expressing interest. But what if a subscription felt like a golden ticket?

The “Insider Club” can offer just that. Beyond newsletters, give subscribers something they cherish – perhaps sneak peeks or monthly webinars dissecting industry trends.

Let them in on secrets, making them insiders in a world where everyone’s trying to be a part of the story.

Each subscription should be more than just an email; it’s an entry ticket to an exclusive club.

Consider the allure of MasterClass , where subscribers gain access to content not found elsewhere, effectively making their email list feel like a VIP classroom.

The First Dance: Conversion and Beyond

First impressions last. With the “First Time Buyer’s Journey,” transform the post-purchase phase for newcomers.

Perhaps follow up with tailored content, guiding them to maximize their purchase. It’s not just about thanking them for buying but showing them how to extract the most value from their decision.

This step should be viewed as a brand’s ‘trust certificate.’ Companies like Zappos have understood this, setting an industry gold standard with hassle-free returns, ensuring customers’ first purchase is free of hesitations.

A Pat on the Back: Elevating the Excitement

The joy after a purchase can be ephemeral. Why not extend it? With a “Celebration Mailer,” acknowledge their purchase.

It’s like sending a congratulatory note for a wise choice. Embed it with fun trivia about the product or even a teaser for what’s next.

It’s not just customer service; it’s customer celebration.

Beyond name tags and customary thank-you emails, this is where true personalization kicks in.

Think Netflix; they  don’t just suggest; they curate based on individual watch histories, understanding needs before they’re even expressed.

Climbing Together: The Ascension Strategy

As customers continue their journey, amplify their experience with the “Loyalty Ladder.” More than just a rewards program, let it be a tailored experience.

The more they engage, the more they discover, from early bird specials to handpicked recommendations. It’s like guiding them through a library, pointing out books tailored to their taste.

Your each new offering should be like the sequel to a beloved book series.

The way Apple makes every iPhone launch feel like an event, enticing users to climb their value ladder, is emblematic of this principle.

Champions of the Brand: Advocacy in Action

Every brand has its champions. With the “Brand Ambassador Hub”, celebrate them. Create a digital realm where advocates aren’t just recognized but equipped. Be it exclusive content, badges of honor, or challenges, transform them from mere customers to crusaders of your brand story.

In today’s world, advocacy is driven by community. Brands like Harley Davidson have fostered not just customer bases, but communities. Every Harley owner feels a deeper sense of pride and belonging.

Bringing Friends to the Party: The Power of Promotion

Promotion isn’t just about numbers; it’s about community expansion.

Through the “Buddy System,” incentivize customers to expand their family.

It’s not just about giving them discounts but curated experiences: perhaps exclusive webinars or a sneak peek into a product yet to hit the shelves.

Promotion isn’t about reselling; it’s about reigniting passion. Spotify’s annual ‘Wrapped’ feature doesn’t push for sales but reminds users of their year-long musical journey, nudging them to dive back in.

How to craft Timeless Customer Tales?

The CVJ isn’t a mere roadmap; it’s an adventure, an epic tale of brands and customers co-weaving their stories.

As the digital landscape shifts and evolves, our narratives should echo fresh chapters, captivating our readers — the customers.

The canvas is vast, and every brand holds the quill. It’s not just about marking the journey, but celebrating every twist, turn, and heartwarming pit stop.

The quest for connection is timeless, and with the right strokes, we can craft journeys that echo through the ages.

About The Author

M Humayun

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Charting Your Customer Value Journey: A Step-By-Step Guide

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  • October 16, 2023
  • Ruben Aguirre

Here at 8 SIGNAL, we believe the Customer Value Journey is *kind of* a big deal.

Using this framework has the potential to take your business to the next level and turn total strangers into raving fans who want to tell everyone about your services — all by building meaningful relationships with your audience.

In this post, I’m going to walk you through how each step in the Customer Value Journey can get digital marketing solutions that take your business to the next level. I have a whole video that goes way more in depth that you can watch here.

And if you don’t know what we’re talking about when we say Customer Value Journey (or CVJ), check out this blog post!

But like we said, it’s a big deal. Here’s how you work through the process. 

Customer journey through digital marketing solutions.

Working Through the CVJ

Before we start, I HIGHLY encourage you to document each step in your buyer persona’s customer value journey. 

It’s important because:

  • Documenting the CVJ optimizes the content so you can analyze what you’re doing.
  • Documenting the steps makes sure you’re not skipping steps in the sequence — because lazy shortcuts and skipping steps often lead to shoddy work and failure. #ToughLove
  • The CVJ is the bedrock of your strategy. Literally everything else we recommend for your marketing efforts and digital marketing solutions are referenced in this document.
  • Documentation aligns your goals with your end results (and makes sure your internal team is on the same page!).

3 Guiding Key Principles for the CVJ

Alrighty-roo. Now that we’ve established why we’re doing this, let’s review three guiding principles in going through the Customer Value Journey:

  • “Simple” wins.
  • People make sales.
  • Sequence matters.

“Simple” wins. “Complicated” confuses.

Key principle number one: Simple wins — because I said so. But also because complication leads to confusion, and a confused mind always says no (in both your target market AND your internal teams). 

In mapping out your Customer Value Journey, go big. Or go small. But DON’T get complicated — that’s never good. 

Remember: Simple wins because simple sticks. And you want digital marketing solutions that stick like gum to the bottom of your shoe. 

You work with the people in a business.

In marketing, we enter into human-to-human relationships. What you sell doesn’t matter. How you sell it doesn’t matter. An LLC doesn’t decide to work with you; it’s a human working in that LLC that decides.

Sequence Matters

The order that you do things is important. 

If you see a beautiful, romantic scene with a guy on one knee holding a ring and a girl in awe, we assume that they’ve been dating awhile and enjoy each other’s company. He has a *pretty good* idea that she’s going to say yes, and she’s known this was coming and has been hearing wedding bells for awhile. 

We assume (and hope!) this isn’t their first date. AWKWARD!

So if we think it’s a HUGE red flag when someone proposes marriage on their first date, why do we think it’s totally normal to make a business proposal and ask for the big sale the first time our prospects learn about us? 

In order to understand business relationships, we need to understand human relationships. 

Stages of Intimacy

A PhD zoologist named Desmond Morris studied the different stages of intimacy in humans. 

He documented twelve stages (that spanned across cultures and societies) that take a human relationship from being total strangers to candlelit dinners and Barry White music. 

We’re not going into all the stages here; I’ll just point out the applications that apply to your digital marketing solutions.

Dr. Morris discovered that it didn’t matter how quickly you moved through the stages of intimacy (as seedy dating apps and websites can confirm!). What mattered was the sequence.

Dr. Morris made a bigger discovery too: that if you skip any one of the steps, especially after the “Hug Stage,” your chances of success plummet. It’s why huggers (GUILTY!) can make new friends uncomfortable the first time you meet!

Even worse, if you skipped two more steps, in many cases, it was considered assault. 

Let that sink in for a minute.

How many times have we assaulted our prospects without even realizing it? We think that when it comes to our work life, some of these rules don’t apply, so we go for the jugular and come across as sleazy used-car salesmen. EWWW!


The Stages of Intimacy in the Customer Value Journey

Dr. Morris has twelve steps. 

We don’t want to get weird in the later steps… so let’s go with eight. These steps are Aware, Engage, Subscribe, Convert, Excite, Ascend, Advocate, Promote.

The Customer Value Journey outlines the stages your customers go through, from initial awareness to becoming loyal advocates. It’s the basis of the digital marketing solutions you implement. Let’s dive in.

I’m going to do exactly what I told you NOT to do — and skip some steps. The CVJ starts with “Aware,” but let’s “reverse-engineer” your value journey. 

We’re going to start with the end result you want and work our way back to really hone in on the desired impact.

Now, the goal here is to map out what you are currently doing, not to start brainstorming and coming up with a million different digital marketing solutions to implement.

Okay, on to Stage 1 Stage 6 (and then we’ll go over steps 7 and 8)!

6. Ascend 

This stage is where you want to end up: moving customers up the value ladder and coming back for more . In this stage, you’re using digital marketing solutions that encourage customers who are already BIG fans of your company to purchase higher-priced products or services.

If you’ve been in business for at least a year, this one’s easy: What’s your core, flagship offer — and how do you KEEP delivering value after the first sale?

List out all of your products or services, bundles, upgrades, upsells, etc. (list categories and product lines instead of individual items).

At this stage, your buyer persona is asking, “How many ways can you help me?” The overall goal at this stage is to increase customer value and increase purchase frequency. 

5. Excite 

In the Excite Stage, the goal is to increase retention, increase customer loyalty, and sell your core offers (using digital marketing solutions) to new customers. 

Essentially, your buyer persona is saying, “Prove that you can solve my problem better than anyone else.” What are some of the “Ah-Ha Moments” that take your product from “Hmmm… maybe that would be nice…” to “Omigosh, I NEED it!” 

Ah-Ha Moments

Ah-Ha Moments are when you deliver an amazing experience to your buyer persona and help them learn something.

Think: Finding out that a Tesla car can go 0-60 in two seconds (“Ha” — knowledge), and then being thrown back in your seat when you experience it for yourself (“Ah!” — experience). 

4. Convert 

Now, in the Convert Stage, your buyer persona is asking, “Can you solve my problems or help me achieve my desired goals?” Any digital marketing solutions you use should help potential customers know that you can!

In this stage, your goal is to secure micro-commitments. These small steps pave the way for delivering the “Ah-Ha” moment that your buyer persona wants. 


Micro-commitments are baby steps toward transforming a stranger into a friend or buyer. A micro-commitment isn’t a closing sale, it’s initiating a first “date” as an opportunity to unveil that exciting “Ah-Ha” moment. 

Micro-commitments might be a small commitment of time, money, or both:

  • A short phone call or coffee date
  • Free trials
  • Events/seminars
  • Splinter offers (selling a part of the core product at a lower price)
  • Anything that’s valuable in itself to your buyer persona

So, focus on getting that first “date” to create an unforgettable “Ah-Ha” moment.

3. Subscribe

On to the Subscribe Stage, where your buyer persona wants to know: “Can you solve my problems or help me achieve my goals?” This stage can sometimes overlap with Convert.

In this stage, you offer something of REAL VALUE to users to get them to subscribe to your email list (or other form of communication). It’s a way to build a direct relationship with them and use digital marketing solutions to deliver relevant content and offers.

Think about times you’ve (willingly) shared your contact information with a company. What valuable content are YOU offering in exchange for your buyer persona’s contact information?

Our goal is to boost subscribers, gather qualified leads, segment for relevance, and re-engage past prospects. 

  • Coupon codes
  • Webinars (which are high-value but effort-intensive)

After becoming aware, customers engage with your brand. They explore your content, visit your website, and interact with your social media posts. Engagement (using digital marketing solutions) is all about capturing their interest with your content.

So let’s jump into the Engage Stage, where you start a conversation with your audience using content that explains that you understand their problems and goals. Buckle in, ‘cause there’s a lot to talk about!

Your goal here is to boost engagement: the user’s time on your site, social actions (likes, shares, comments), and ad clicks. Segment your audience based on their site visits for more relevant follow-ups.

In the digital world, think content marketing: how-to guides, case studies, FAQs, etc. It takes various forms: website pages, blogs, social posts, videos, print, and yes, even in-person chats.

Follow, like, share, hand holding a phone from digital marketing solutions

Because content is so important, let’s take a minute to talk about the effect of content marketing and 8 SIGNAL’s approach.

Content Is King

It’s hard to overstate the importance of content marketing. After strategy, we believe content is one of the MOST important parts of marketing. It’s everywhere. It impacts every stage of the CVJ. It’s in social media blurbs, ads, website landing pages that highlight your services’ value over the competition, the “thank you” page after you sign up… and all of the other digital marketing solutions you implement. It’s EVERYWHERE!

Here are some examples of what content marketing might look like:

  • We partnered with the Southwest Coalition for Life to create a video featuring one of their interns, highlighting the impact of donor support.
  • We’re developing FAQs and providing valuable information for Envision Hospice to help families during the challenging process of planning loved ones’ end-of-life care.
  • We created a resource library for Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate Steinborn & Associates to allow realtors to share valuable digital marketing solutions with potential clients — and help those potential customers choose the right realtor.
  • We supported Doctor Rich in starting his women’s health-focused YouTube channel. Our efforts helped him gain enough subscribers and watch hours to monetize his channel while also sharing valuable information.
  • We’re repurposing Appleton Moving’s reviews to create shareable social media graphics that provide a glimpse of the experience when you choose Appleton for your next move. 

8SIGNAL’s Approach to Content

Here at 8 SIGNAL, we have a unique approach to content. We learned the “They Ask, You Answer” framework from our friends at Impact Plus. The “They Ask, You Answer” approach is OBSESSED with answering the questions that your customers are asking before they choose you… or one of your competitors! 

The Big 5 Questions

Customer questions almost always fall into one of these “Big 5” questions that your content needs to answer:

1. Cost: Addressing pricing questions

2. Problems: Discussing product/service drawbacks

3. Comparisons: Comparing your offerings to alternatives

4. Reviews: Sharing what others say about your solution

5. Best in Class: Identifying the best available solution

Weirdly, many industry leaders avoid answering these questions because they’re afraid it’ll scare people off or be too complicated. But in reality, this approach leads to better-qualified leads, focused digital marketing solutions, and faster results. 

The Selling 7 Videos

Another core component of the “They Ask, You Answer” framework that we LOVE are “The Selling 7 Videos.” Video is a powerful way to drive traffic, leads, and sales. A whopping 70% of buyers watch a video before making a purchase, and buyers spend 80% more time on a website with video than without.

Here are the seven types of videos that jumpstart traffic, leads, and sales growth:

1. Pre-sale meeting videos: Addressing FAQs (answering the 80% that isn’t customer-specific)

2. Employee bio videos: Building trust with potential customers

3. Product and service fit videos: Helping leads know if you will (or won’t) be a good fit

4. Landing page videos: Increasing conversion rates of qualified leads

5. Cost videos: Explaining pricing

6. Customer journey videos: Showing that your products or services actually work!

7. “Claims we make” videos: Showing how you’re different from competitors

When your company fully commits to making these seven types of videos as part of your digital marketing solution, it won’t be long until you see a boost in website traffic, conversions, and sales team efficiency. 

There’s more to the framework, but hopefully this overview shows the power of this approach.

What content are you using today to start the conversation with your ideal buyers?

Okay! We’ve made our way down to where it all begins! 

In the Awareness Stage, your potential customers are finding out about your brand through advertising, social media, or word-of-mouth. It’s about getting noticed in the right places. Do you know where to find your ideal buyers?

Our goal here is to boost your brand and get noticed. Social metrics (while they don’t bring in the actual $$$) are very important because it’s where you have the opportunity to be seen.

Here are some examples of activities during the Awareness Stage:

  • Digital Advertising: Utilizing Google, YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram ads for rapid visibility
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Working on ranking in Google (although it may take time)
  • Social Media Posts: Sharing content to generate awareness and visibility
  • Other strategies like participating in associations, networking, and cold-calling for brand awareness

We at 8 SIGNAL implemented these kinds of digital marketing solutions with Appleton Moving’s social media posts, Supplement Xpress’s ad campaigns, American Finance & Investment Co.’s successful ads in a regulated industry, and Doctor Rich’s YouTube monetization through SEO.

How do qualified prospects discover your brand? Do you know where to find your ideal buyers?

7. advocate.

Now that we’ve worked down from stages six to one (Ascend to Aware), we’re going to move into the phase after Ascend: “Advocate.” 

Here, we dive into encouraging customer advocacy to boost customer retention, loyalty, positive reviews, and referrals.

Tools that you might use in this stage include:

  • Merch giveaways (pens, shirts, coffee cups, decals, etc.)
  • Net promoter score surveys (ask “1-10, how likely are you to refer a friend? What could we do better next time?”)
  • Digital marketing solutions (like online review campaigns)
  • Case studies
  • Video testimonials

Satisfied customers can become advocates for your brand. They share positive experiences with others through referrals, reviews, and social sharing.

How do you inspire happy customers to speak positively about your brand? Why should they give you referrals?

In the Promote Stage, we focus on turning satisfied customers into marketing partners. It’s nice when this happens organically, but this stage is about optimization.

You have the same goals as you did in the Advocate Stage (customer retention, building loyalty, generating positive reviews, and encouraging referrals), but you’ll use different tools: 

  • Referral programs
  • Affiliate programs
  • Internal champions
  • Value-added resellers

At this stage in the CVJ, it’s not really worth going deep (you’ve already done that!). And it’s also important to note that “happy” customers don’t refer, SUCCESSFUL customers do — because the results from digital marketing solutions speak for themselves. Think about a very out-of-shape person who gets uber-fit. EVERYBODY wants to know how they did it!

Your greatest job is to focus on delivering value and changing lives through your products and services. 

With the Customer Value Journey, we want to deliver value in the buyer’s journey in such a way that the value we get in return is also maximized. And that is how we create successful customers. 

The goal of the Customer Value Journey is to provide value throughout the buyer’s journey and maximize the value we receive in return. This approach is integral to fostering successful customer relationships.

How do you turn your best customers into your marketing partners?

Mapping out the value journey.

And now (drumroll, please!) for the final stretch and one of my favorite parts of this entire process! 

This is where we document the process for YOUR buyer persona and figure out the digital marketing solutions that will make the most impact. If you’d like to go through this process for your company, we can schedule a session to help you do the heavy lifting. 

Up until now, the goal has been to document everything and dump your thoughts. 

Why do we do this?

  • To see missing steps and missing links (NOT Bigfoot, but please let us know if you see him!)
  • To identify bottlenecks where people are getting stuck and you’re losing potential customers
  • To optimize the steps in your CVJ and see growth faster

The last step is to take inventory of all the half-built bridges (projects you’ve started and not finished or abandoned altogether) and identify the ones that are worth completing!

Finishing the CVJ and Starting Your Journey To Marketing Success

Once you’ve done this, congratulations! Going through the Customer Value Journey is the most valuable thing you can do for your organization. 

If you’ve got questions about YOUR Customer Value Journey (or want to find out more about how the CVJ can take your business to the next level), contact 8 SIGNAL today.

Moving Your Business Forward

8 Signal : the marketing agency to help you fuel your business growth and accelerate the impact you want to see in the world

Ruben’s YouTube video thumbnail of Before/After in the Customer Value Journey.

The Before-and-After Transformation: Finding Your Buyer Persona’s Core Message

Multicolored, abstract, connected lines with pins symbolizing strong donor relationships.

The Power of Connection: 7 Ways to Forge Stronger Donor Relationships for Your Non-Profit

Happy man playing video games like a fractional CMO.

6 Signs you might need an FCMO (before you hire a full-time CMO)

Recruitment search job vacancy.

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Ready to kickstart your growth.

There’s no such thing as a magic marketing bullet. Instead, it’s knowing which of the thousands of marketing levers to pull, and when. 8 SIGNAL takes care of it for you and shows you how.

Deliver the Paramount of Customer Value: The Key to Success for Digital Marketers

Deliver the Paramount of Customer Value: The Key to Success for Digital Marketers

In the dynamic landscape of digital marketing, delivering paramount customer value stands as the linchpin for success. This article unravels the strategic essentials that empower digital marketers to excel in their endeavors. From understanding customer needs to crafting compelling value propositions, we delve into the tactics that form the bedrock of customer-centric strategies.

Join us on a journey where every interaction becomes an opportunity to deliver unparalleled value, fostering brand loyalty, and propelling businesses toward sustained success in the ever-evolving realm of digital marketing.

Table of Contents

Key takeaways:.

  • Understanding Customer Needs: Successful digital marketers prioritize understanding and anticipating customer needs, tailoring strategies that resonate with their target audience.
  • Crafting Compelling Value Propositions: Creating clear and compelling value propositions is essential, ensuring that customers recognize the unique benefits a product or service offers.
  • Fostering Brand Loyalty: By consistently delivering paramount customer value, digital marketers cultivate strong brand loyalty, turning one-time buyers into long-term advocates for the brand.

Understanding Customer Value Optimization

Understanding customer value optimization is vital for digital marketers to drive better business results. Here are some steps to consider:

Identify the target audience and understand their needs and preferences.

Analyze customer lifetime value (CLV) to determine the potential worth of each customer.

Create personalized marketing strategies to meet individual customer needs and maximize CLV.

Utilize data analytics to track and measure the effectiveness of marketing efforts.

Continuously optimize customer experiences by refining strategies based on data insights.

Build strong customer relationships through exceptional customer service and engagement.

What is Customer Value Optimization?

Customer Value Optimization (CVO) is a fundamental concept in digital marketing that revolves around maximizing the value a customer brings to a business over their lifetime. It entails comprehending customer needs and preferences while implementing strategies to amplify customer satisfaction and loyalty .

CVO aids digital marketers in identifying their target audience, crafting impactful landing pages, employing conversion rate optimization techniques, personalizing marketing endeavors, and utilizing upselling and cross-selling techniques.

By assessing customer value through key performance indicators and scrutinizing data, marketers can consistently refine their strategies. Optimal practices in CVO encompass delivering valuable content , enriching customer experience , nurturing relationships, and collaborating with industry experts .

Challenges in CVO involve striking a balance between short-term and long-term objectives, adapting to shifting preferences and market trends, surmounting data and technology limitations , and effectively managing customer expectations and satisfaction .

Why is Customer Value Optimization important for digital marketers?

Customer Value Optimization is extremely important for digital marketers because it maximizes the value of each customer and ensures long-term profitability. By understanding customer needs and preferences, marketers can customize their strategies and improve customer retention rates .

This approach helps in identifying the target audience , creating effective landing pages , implementing techniques to optimize conversion rates , utilizing personalization and segmentation , and incorporating upselling and cross-selling methods . By measuring Key Performance Indicators and analyzing customer data , digital marketers can optimize their strategies for better outcomes.

It is crucial to provide valuable and relevant content, enhance the customer experience and engagement , nurture customer relationships , and continuously test and optimize strategies. Collaborating with industry experts and overcoming challenges in balancing short-term and long-term goals , adapting to changing market trends , addressing data and technology limitations , and managing customer expectations are also essential for a Customer Value Optimization.

Identifying Your Target Audience

Identifying your target audience is a profound strategy for customer value optimization. Here are some steps to help you pinpoint your ideal customers:

Conduct market research to gather demographic and psychographic data.

Analyze your current customer base to identify common traits and behaviors.

Create buyer personas to represent different segments of your target audience.

Use social media analytics and website analytics to understand your audience’s online activities.

Engage in customer surveys and interviews to gather insights directly from your target audience.

Fact: 77% of marketers who have a documented strategy for identifying their target audience experience increased conversions .

Building Effective Landing Pages

To build impactful landing pages for customer value optimization, follow these steps:

  • Understand your target audience’s needs and preferences.
  • Create a compelling headline and subheadline that clearly communicate the value proposition .
  • Use high-quality visuals and engaging content to captivate visitors.
  • Include a clear call-to-action that prompts users to take the desired action.
  • Optimize the page for mobile devices to ensure a seamless user experience.
  • Keep the page design clean and uncluttered to avoid distractions.
  • A/B test different elements to identify the most effective layout and messaging.
  • Track and analyze user behavior using tools like Google Analytics to make data-driven optimizations.

Implementing Conversion Rate Optimization techniques

To effectively implement conversion rate optimization techniques in digital marketing , it is important to analyze visitor behavior using website analytics tools.

  • Identify high-traffic pages with low conversion rates in order to optimize them.
  • Optimize these pages by improving site design, enhancing call-to-action buttons, and streamlining the checkout process .
  • Implement A/B testing to compare different versions of landing pages and determine which ones lead to higher conversions.
  • Utilize heatmaps and click tracking to understand how users interact with your website and make necessary adjustments.

Fact: Implementing conversion rate optimization techniques increases website conversions by up to 50%, leading to higher revenue and improved ROI.

Utilizing Personalization and Segmentation

Using personalization and segmentation techniques is pivotal for customer value optimization in digital marketing.

  • Personalization: Leveraging customer data to tailor marketing messages and offers based on individual customer preferences, demographics, and behaviors allows for the creation of personalized experiences that resonate with the audience.
  • Segmentation: By dividing the customer base into distinct groups based on common characteristics like age, location, or purchasing behavior, digital marketers can target specific segments with relevant and targeted marketing campaigns.

By utilizing personalization and segmentation, digital marketers deliver more customized and relevant experiences to their customers, leading to increased satisfaction, engagement, and ultimately, higher customer value.


  • Collect and analyze customer data to better understand their preferences and behaviors.
  • Leverage marketing automation tools to streamline personalization and segmentation efforts.
  • Regularly review and reassess your customer segments to ensure they remain accurate and up-to-date.

Implementing Upselling and Cross-selling Techniques

To effectively implement upselling and cross-selling techniques in customer value optimization , follow these steps:

  • Analyze customer behavior and purchase history to identify suitable upselling and cross-selling opportunities.
  • Create personalized recommendations based on customers’ preferences, previous purchases, and browsing history.
  • Showcase complementary products or services that enhance the value of the customer’s current purchase.
  • Offer exclusive deals or discounts for bundled purchases.
  • Provide clear and enticing product descriptions and benefits to encourage additional purchases.
  • Train sales and customer service teams to upsell and cross-sell effectively by highlighting the added value of the recommended products.

In the early 2000s, online retailers started incorporating upselling and cross-selling techniques through “Customers who bought this also bought” and “Frequently bought together” recommendations, which resulted in significant revenue growth for e-commerce businesses.

Measuring and Analyzing Customer Value

In order to optimize marketing strategies and enhance overall business performance, it is easy to measure and analyze customer value. To assess customer value, businesses should consider the following key metrics:

  • Customer Lifetime Value (CLTV): This metric determines the total revenue generated by a customer over their relationship with the company.
  • Average Order Value (AOV): The AOV calculates the average amount spent by customers per transaction.
  • Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC): This metric measures the cost involved in acquiring new customers.
  • Repeat Purchase Rate: It indicates the percentage of customers who make multiple purchases.
  • Churn Rate: The churn rate measures the rate at which customers stop using a product or service.

To proficiently measure and analyze customer value, businesses implement data-driven approaches, leverage customer segmentation, and track customer behavior. By understanding customer value, companies can customize their marketing efforts, enhance customer satisfaction, and drive revenue growth.

Suggestions for maximizing customer value include enhancing the customer experience, offering personalized recommendations, implementing loyalty programs, and proactively addressing customer concerns. By continuously monitoring and analyzing customer value metrics, businesses identify areas for improvement and foster long-lasting customer relationships.

What are Key Performance Indicators for measuring customer value?

When measuring customer value, key performance indicators (KPIs) are essential for digital marketers. These metrics provide insights into customer behavior, satisfaction, and loyalty. Some common KPIs for measuring customer value include customer lifetime value (CLV) , customer acquisition cost (CAC) , customer retention rate , and net promoter score (NPS) .

CLV helps determine the profitability of each customer, while CAC measures the cost of acquiring new customers. Retention rate indicates customer loyalty, and NPS gauges customer satisfaction and advocacy. By tracking these KPIs, digital marketers assess the effectiveness of their strategies and make data-driven decisions to enhance customer value.

Therefore, key performance indicators are important for measuring customer value.

Fact: According to a study, companies that prioritize measuring customer value through KPIs experience a 50% higher customer retention rate compared to those that don’t.

How can data analytics help in analyzing customer value?

Data analytics is highly valuable in evaluating customer value for digital marketers. By utilizing data from multiple sources, including customer interactions , purchase history , and demographic information , marketers can gain valuable insights into customer behavior , preferences , and patterns .

By employing data analytics techniques like segmentation and predictive modeling , marketers can pinpoint high-value customers and comprehend their specific needs and preferences. This empowers them to personalize marketing strategies, provide targeted promotions, and enhance customer retention .

Moreover, data analytics assists in monitoring essential performance indicators (KPIs) such as customer lifetime value , customer satisfaction , and customer churn . This enables marketers to measure and track the effectiveness of their customer value optimization strategies.

Best Practices for Customer Value Optimization in Digital Marketing

In the realm of digital marketing, maximizing customer value is a top priority. To succeed in this endeavor, it is crucial to employ the best practices for customer value optimization. In this section, we will dive into the key strategies that will help you achieve this goal.

From providing valuable and relevant content to continuously testing and optimizing your strategies, we will explore the various aspects of enhancing customer experience, nurturing relationships, and collaborating with industry experts. So let’s delve into these practices and unlock the true potential of customer value optimization in digital marketing!

Providing Valuable and Relevant Content

Providing valuable and relevant content is crucial for successful customer value optimization in digital marketing . By delivering content that aligns with the needs and interests of your target audience, you can establish trust, engage customers, and enhance their overall experience. It is accomplished through the creation of informative blog posts , helpful tutorials , captivating videos , and personalized email campaigns .

By consistently delivering high-quality content, you position yourself as a dependable source of information, increasing the chances of customer loyalty and repeat business . A valuable tip for providing relevant and valuable content is to regularly conduct audience research , allowing you to understand their preferences, pain points, and interests, and enabling you to tailor your content accordingly.

Enhancing Customer Experience and Engagement

Enhancing customer experience and engagement is of utmost importance for achieving successful customer value optimization in digital marketing.

Here are a few strategies that are implemented to meet this objective:

  • Personalization: Customize your content and offers according to the preferences and requirements of each individual customer.
  • Responsive Design: Ensure that your website and emails are mobile-friendly in order to provide a seamless user experience across different devices.
  • Interactive Content: Embed interactive elements such as quizzes, polls, and surveys to actively engage customers and encourage their participation.
  • Social Media Engagement: Proactively interact with customers on various social media platforms, promptly responding to their comments and messages, and creating opportunities for user-generated content .
  • Omnichannel Experience: Consistently deliver a cohesive and uninterrupted experience to customers across all touchpoints, whether they are online or offline.
  • Customer Support: Offer exceptional customer support through diverse channels including chatbots , live chat, and email to address customer queries and concerns in a timely manner.

Nurturing Customer Relationships

Nurturing customer relationships is essential in digital marketing, and there are several strategies you can employ to achieve this goal:

  • Personalization: To nurture customer relationships, it is crucial to tailor your communication and offerings to each customer’s unique needs and preferences.
  • Engagement: It is important to interact with customers through various channels, such as social media, email, or chat. By responding promptly and attentively, you can foster a meaningful connection.
  • Loyalty programs: Rewarding repeat customers with exclusive discounts or special privileges is an effective way to show appreciation and enhance customer loyalty.
  • Feedback and reviews: Encourage customers to provide feedback and reviews, and ensure you respond to them in a timely and positive manner. This interaction helps build trust and strengthens the customer relationship.
  • Ongoing communication: Staying in touch with customers through regular newsletters or updates is essential to keep them engaged and well-informed about your brand .

Did you know that offering personalized experiences increases the likelihood of doing business with a company by 80% ?

Continuously Testing and Optimizing Strategies

Continuously testing and optimizing strategies is essential for customer value optimization in digital marketing . To ensure efficient optimization, it is important to follow these steps:

Regularly monitor and analyze performance metrics to identify areas for improvement.

Compare different variations of your strategies through A/B testing to determine which ones yield better results.

Make data-driven decisions by leveraging customer feedback and insights .

Stay updated with industry trends and competitors’ strategies to identify new optimization opportunities.

Based on the results obtained from testing and experimentation, continue to iterate and refine your strategies.

By consistently testing and optimizing your strategies, you enhance customer value, increase conversions, and maintain a competitive advantage in the digital marketing landscape .

Collaborating with Other Digital Marketers and Industry Experts

Collaborating with other digital marketers and industry experts is a crucial factor in enhancing customer value optimization efforts. By working together, marketers have the opportunity to share valuable insights, effective strategies, and best practices, leading to more impactful campaigns and improved customer experiences.

Collaboration in various forms, including brainstorming sessions , knowledge sharing, and even joint ventures or partnerships. Through the combination of expertise and resources, digital marketers can leverage each other’s strengths and overcome challenges more efficiently. This collaborative approach fosters innovation and allows for the exploration of new approaches and technologies, ultimately elevating customer value optimization efforts to new heights.

During the early days of digital marketing, individual marketers operated in silos, struggling to navigate the rapidly evolving landscape on their own. However, as the industry matured, forward-thinking professionals recognized the tremendous value of collaborating.

They formed communities, actively participated in conferences, and engaged in various collaborative projects. Through these collective efforts and the sharing of expertise, these digital marketers and industry experts pioneered new strategies, pushed boundaries, and elevated the entire industry.

In today’s digital marketing landscape, collaboration continues to be a core principle of success. Marketers fully understand the power of joining forces with other professionals to optimize customer value and drive impactful results.

Challenges in Customer Value Optimization

Navigating the world of customer value optimization as a digital marketer comes with its fair share of challenges. From striking a balance between short-term and long-term goals to adapting to ever-changing customer preferences and market trends, there are numerous hurdles to overcome.

The limitations posed by data and technology can pose roadblocks, while effectively managing customer expectations and ensuring satisfaction is paramount. In this section, we explore these challenges head-on, offering insights and strategies to thrive in the face of adversity.

Balancing Short-term and Long-term Goals

Achieving successful customer value optimization in digital marketing requires striking a balance between short-term and long-term goals. It is essential to find the right equilibrium between immediate results and sustainable growth . To accomplish this, digital marketers should concentrate on implementing strategies that yield both short-term gains and long-term value .

They should prioritize actions that generate swift revenue while also investing in activities that nurture customer loyalty and relationships over an extended period. By finding the right balance, marketers can ensure the fulfillment of immediate objectives while laying a sturdy foundation for future accomplishments and maximizing customer lifetime value .

This approach fosters sustainable growth and profitability in the digital marketing realm.

Adapting to Changing Customer Preferences and Market Trends

Adapting to changing customer preferences and market trends is prompt for effective customer value optimization in the digital marketing realm . This process necessitates continuous monitoring and analysis of customer behavior , market dynamics , and emerging trends .

By being responsive and flexible , digital marketers can customize their strategies to address evolving customer needs and expectations . This might involve modifying product offerings , refining messaging and targeting approaches , and harnessing novel technologies and platforms .

Embracing collaboration with industry experts and staying updated on market research also offers valuable insights and fresh perspectives. Ultimately, adapting to change is essential for marketers to remain relevant and competitive in an ever-evolving digital landscape .

Overcoming Data and Technology Limitations

To overcome data and technology limitations in customer value optimization, digital marketers need to utilize advanced tools and techniques .

Overcoming data and technology limitations is vital in achieving customer value optimization and staying competitive in the digital marketing landscape.

Managing Customer Expectations and Satisfaction

When it comes to managing customer expectations and satisfaction, digital marketers need to prioritize delivering value and providing excellent customer experiences . This can be achieved through personalized and relevant content, which is essential for enhancing customer engagement and nurturing relationships .

Additionally, digital marketers should continuously test and optimize strategies while collaborating with industry experts to overcome challenges in customer value optimization. Balancing short-term and long-term goals, adapting to changing customer preferences , and addressing data and technology limitations are all crucial components of managing customer expectations.

By doing so, digital marketers build strong customer relationships and drive long-term success while ensuring customer satisfaction.

Some Facts About Customer Value Optimization Digital Marketer:

  • ✅ The concept of Customer Value Optimization in the DigitalMarketer community.
  • ✅ The Customer Value Journey framework helps businesses effectively funnel traffic on their website.
  • ✅ Sun Media Marketing recognized the importance of Customer Value Optimization in creating a better website experience 15 years ago.
  • ✅ Completion of the Customer Value Journey exercises is crucial for businesses to understand and provide value to their target audience.
  • ✅ Customer Value Optimization is a vital process in digital marketing, successfully used by companies like Starbucks, Amazon, and McDonald’s.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. what is customer value optimization.

Customer Value Optimization (CVO) is a vital process in digital marketing that aims to efficiently attract new prospects, convert them into customers, and maximize profit. It involves understanding the big picture and how all the different pieces of marketing work together. CVO has been successfully used by companies of all sizes and industries, including billion-dollar retailers.

2. Why is customer value optimization important for businesses?

Sun Media Marketing caters to the businesses with the CVO. Customer Value Optimization is important for businesses because it provides a step-by-step plan to create customers, increase average transaction value per customer, and build loyal and valuable relationships. By implementing CVO strategies, businesses can achieve unstoppable growth, increase profits, and effectively compete in the digital market.

3. How can a multi modality campaign benefit customer value optimization?

A multi modality campaign, which uses various marketing channels and formats such as email, social media, video, and webinars, can greatly benefit customer value optimization. By reaching customers through multiple touchpoints and engaging them with different types of content, businesses can increase customer engagement, conversions, and overall value.

4. What is the role of a certified customer value optimization specialist?

A certified customer value optimization specialist is an individual who has received training and education in the principles and strategies of customer value optimization. Their role is to help businesses implement customer value optimization techniques, optimize conversion funnels, and maximize customer value while reducing acquisition costs.

5. How can businesses create an optimized funnel without being pushy?

Businesses can create an optimized funnel without being pushy by focusing on providing value to customers. This includes crafting a clear statement of value, offering relevant lead magnets, addressing customer doubts, resolving complaints, and deploying automated follow-up systems. By prioritizing customer needs and building genuine relationships, businesses can sell without being pushy and increase customer trust and loyalty.

6. Why are the foundational principles of customer value optimization important in digital marketing?

The foundational principles of customer value optimization are important in digital marketing because they provide businesses with a high-level map and understanding of the customer journey. By following these principles, such as identifying the ideal client avatar and completing the before & after exercise, businesses can effectively target their audience, provide valuable solutions, and create a website experience that resonates with customers.

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digital marketer customer value journey

Customer Value Journey: What is it & how to implement it

customer value journey

Getting to know your audience and customers to understand their behavior is an essential part of a marketing and business strategy. Today we will talk about a very useful tool for this purpose, the Customer Value Journey.

These types of tools will allow you to get to know your target audience in more detail and understand them better in order to provide them with excellent customer service and delight them with your products, services or simply with the treatment they receive.

What is Customer Value Journey?

A Customer Value Journey is a visual representation of a prospect’s journey with the solutions you offer and how they progress to becoming a high-value customer.

If you’re reading this and you have a bit of experience in the world of Customer Experience, you’d probably be wondering “Hey, what is the difference between a Customer Value Journey and a common Customer Journey ? The answer, while subtle, is very clear.

It usually gives priority to a successful relationship with customers. The latter involves much more than just the amount of sales that the customer represents or if they reach a certain level within our marketing funnel.

LEARN ABOUT: Time to Value

Unlike customer journey, customer value journey is made up of many more stages that allow timely monitoring of very important touchpoints in the relationship between your customer and your brand. The stages help to reach more advanced levels to the point of making each customer become a promoter of your brand. 

If you’re interested in this article, you can read more about a guide on how to build your own Customer Journey Map .

The 8 Stages of a Customer Value Journey

A customer value journey usually has 8 defined steps that allow you to identify and learn in depth the relationship that a prospect will have from start to finish with your company and the solutions you offer.

The 8 steps of a customer value journey are:

  • Subscription

Benefits of implementing a customer value journey in your strategy

Adding on the use of a Customer Value Journey as part of your toolbox will bring many benefits for your company and the goals you set for yourself.

Some of the benefits you will find are:

Word-of-Mouth Advertising:

There is no better marketing than the opinion of other people, multiple studies confirm this. Having a focus on it will allow you to include it as an important metric and give customers a place to be promoters of your brand. By identifying the path followed to reach that level of engagement, it will be possible to replicate it over and over again, iterating the process until it becomes a machine of loyal and happy customers.

Greater Customer Lifetime Value:

To obtain value from your customers you have to provide them with value. Implementing a Customer Journey Value in conjunction with other customer experience strategies will decrease the customer churn of your portfolio and increase the Customer Lifetime Value .

Apart from using neuroselling , Increasing your sales numbers is easy if you build a solid relationship with your customers. That’s why customer value journey mapping will be a critical tool to have better connection with your customers. Identifying the key touchpoints that influence the growth of the value of your portfolio will allow you to take actions that allow this type of growth to be more frequent and effective.

A bridge customer becoming more than just a user of your products or services, can be an ally on your way to success. A happy customer with whom you have a close relationship will allow you to implement joint marketing strategies that will allow you to reach more people. All thanks to the constant monitoring of the path of your high-value customers.

Valuable data:

If you combine this map with some research methodology, the data you will be able to obtain will be of very high value and you will be able to make business decisions based on real data that are directly linked to your most favorable results, this will allow you to improve your margins. Here we will tell you a little more about it.

Learn how to create your  customer journey canvas  and download our template.

How to get the most out of your Customer Value Journey

With QuestionPro you can take your customer value journey to another level. We have tools that will allow you to evaluate each step of your customers’ journey automatically, all the data you collect will be easily analyzed thanks to our advanced data analysis suite.

You will also find other tools that will allow you to understand better your most loyal customers, such as our Customer Promoter Amplification to make it easier for your customers to share their positive experiences.

On the other hand, you can also make use of our Detractor Recovery feature to avoid a negative impact from customers who have not had a good experience. You will be able to evaluate what happened and make corrections to improve the relationship with your clients and avoid possible similar events.

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What is the Customer Value Journey? Everything to Know

customer value journey

Mapping how customers move from learning about a brand to becoming loyal fans reveals opportunities businesses can seize to improve experience and results at every step.

The customer value journey outlines customers’ key moments with a business, from discovery to advocacy, showing where issues arise and enhancements that can boost satisfaction.

The complete article covers the stages within a typical customer value journey, how optimizing each stage enhances metrics like retention and referrals, and why the journey demands ongoing refinement as customer needs change.

Customer Value Journey: Recognizing the Experience

Have you ever questioned why certain businesses consistently provide outstanding client service while others strive to do so? Part of the difference lies in understanding customers’ complete experience with a brand – from when they first hear about it to when they become diehard fans.

The “customer value journey” concept traces customers’ pivotal moments and interactions with a business. At every step, companies can either impress customers or fall short.

Visit: 7 Interesting Real-Life Customer Journey Map Examples

Key Points About The Customer Value Journey

The customer value journey gives businesses a big-picture view of the entire customer experience from start to finish. This reveals opportunities to:

  • Make processes more streamlined and intuitive at every step. Reduce hassles and friction for customers.
  • Improve interactions to be more personalized and empathy-driven. Focus on customers’ priorities, pain points, and desired outcomes.
  • Collaborate across departments to develop solutions that span the full customer journey. Involve marketing, sales, product, service, and support teams.
  • Focus relentlessly on the customer perspective. Recognize the objectives your clients strive to fulfill and how your services may best help them.


Mapping The Customer Value Journey

A typical customer’s journey with a brand may look something like this:

Customers first learn about your business, perhaps through advertising , word-of-mouth, or web searches.


Customers research your offerings and compare you to competitors, reading reviews and gathering information.

Customers make their initial purchase online, in-store, or through another channel.

Post-purchase, customers are introduced to your product or service through onboarding resources like guides and tutorials.

Customers begin using what they bought and forming their first impressions.

Customers may need help with issues or questions, testing how you resolve problems that arise.

Customers decide whether to continue being customers and make repeat purchases.

Satisfied customers become brand advocates, recommending you to others.


Visit: The 5A’s Customer Path: A framework that uses 5 stages to map a customer’s journey

How Exactly Does Studying The Customer Value Journey Help Me?

The customer value journey paradigm offers a straightforward yet effective lens for consumer comprehension. It aids in rethinking and redefining strategies for every facet of how a company engages with and caters to its clients.

What does that result in? A smooth, frictionless, and efficient customer experience.

And a frictionless customer experience pays off by:

  • Winning over more new customers
  • Retainin g higher percentages of existing customers
  • Increasing customer loyalt y and lifetime value
  • Generating positive word-of-mouth that fuels organic growth

See also: What is Lifecycle Marketing? Everything to Know

You Should Be Optimizing The Value Journey If You Haven’t Already

Businesses should experiment along the journey to identify what truly excites and delights customers rather than assuming they already know.

New technologies like AI, personalization, and the Internet of Things can help eliminate friction points and create a seamless experience.

Reasons Businesses Should Optimize The Customer Value Journey Steps:

Don’t fall behind – your competitors are already doing it.

If your competitors are mapping, analyzing, and improving the customer journey, they’re gaining an advantage in customer experience and satisfaction. You risk losing customers to more seamless, intuitive competitors.


Meeting Rising Customer Expectations

Today’s customers expect frictionless, personalized experiences at every interaction. Businesses need to optimize the customer value journey to keep up and meet these heightening expectations.

It Drives Real Growth

Studies show optimizing the customer journey boosts key metrics like new customer acquisition , customer retention, repeat purchase rates, and lifetime value – translating directly into revenue growth.

New Technologies Make it Easier.

Cloud computing, AI, big data , and other tools now enable businesses of all sizes to gain deeper insights into their customers’ journeys and pinpoint areas for improvement.

The Costs of NOT Doing It Are High.

Poor customer experiences, friction points, and failures along the customer value journey for a digital marketer , too, lead to dissatisfied, unhappy customers who stop buying from you. Acquiring new customers to replace “churn” is expensive.

Constantly Evolving Customer Behaviors

To stay relevant, businesses must continuously monitor how customers perceive and interact with brands at every stage of the value journey. Customer behaviors are changing rapidly.

It’s an Ongoing Process

Optimizing the customer value journey demands consistent monitoring, measuring, and refinement. The longer you wait, the more ground you have to make up to catch up to – and keep up with – competitors.

But remember that optimizing the customer value journey is an ongoing process. As customers’ needs evolve, businesses must evolve to remain relevant and provide what customers truly want and value.

Visit: 13 Benefits of Customer Journey Mapping

Improving The Value Journey

Businesses make targeted improvements by understanding where customers have friction points or positive experiences at each stage.

The better a company understands its customers’ value journey, the more likely it is to provide what customers truly need and want – cultivating loyalty, repeat business, and strong word-of-mouth.

Viewing every aspect of your business through the lens of the customer value journey reveals opportunities to enhance the experiences that keep customers coming back for more.

So examine your customers’ complete experience with your brand. Map their typical value journey from discovery to advocacy. Identify where you can optimize and improve every touchpoint.

Those efforts may be what transforms first-time buyers into lifelong fans and advocates. Understanding the customer value journey is key to genuinely delighting customers and building lasting relationships.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can companies map the journey.

Companies can identify the typical stages customers go through - from learning about the brand to becoming fans. They examine what happens and where customers interact at each step to find issues or ideas for improvements.

What are some common journey stages?

Typical stages include: when customers first hear about a brand, compare options, make purchases, onboard after buying, use products, need support, decide to remain loyal, and recommend the brand to others. But each business's journey will be a bit different.

How does optimization lead to growth?

By improving early experiences, businesses can acquire more customers. By resolving issues and exceeding expectations along the way, they can retain more current customers. And by satisfying existing customers, they can increase referrals from advocates - all adding up to higher lifetime value and growth over time.

Businesses that aspire to provide outstanding customer experiences, fuel growth, and stay ahead must prioritize their customers’ value journeys. The obvious benefits – and high costs of inaction- make acting swiftly imperative for any company striving to satisfy and delight customers genuinely.

Companies aiming for exceptional customer experiences, growth, and a competitive edge must pay attention to mapping and refining their customers’ value journeys. The clear advantages and the high risks of stagnation make acting promptly critical for any business seeking to satisfy and truly thrill customers.

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About The Author

digital marketer customer value journey

Aloukik Rathore

IDM-New-Logo-Black - Island Digital Marketing

9 february 2022, industrial news.

The Customer Value Journey is the strategic foundation of Digital Marketing. It’s the master template upon which every other digital marketing discipline and tactic is built.

With a Customer Value Journey that strategically builds relationship with new prospects and converts them into loyal, repeat customers. This Journey is the process every prospect goes through to become a new customer. It’s how strangers become buyers and, eventually, raving fans of your business. The hard truth is that marketing is not a one-step process. There are eight stages you must account for on the path to purchase and promotion. If you understand this digital marketing strategy (a.k.a. the Customer Value Journey), then you can intentionally engineer your business in such a way that it moves people predictably through the stages in this template.

Customer Value Journey Worksheet:

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Now let’s walk through the 8-step process of crafting your digital marketing strategy:

Step 1: Awareness

Before someone can buy from you, they have to realize you exist—right? Well, that’s Step 1 in the Customer Value Journey.

This step is pretty self-explanatory: It’s where the person becomes aware of you. After all, nobody is born knowing who Apple or Amazon are. At some point they have to become aware of these companies if they are to become a customer.

Step 2: Engagement

Your prospect is now aware of you—they know who you are—but you’re still in the early stages of a relationship with them. They don’t yet know you, like you, or trust you. So the next step is to start developing relationship with your prospect.

Step 2, Engagement, is where you start conversing with your prospects. You engage them through some form of content that provides entertainment, information, or both. Engagement is something that must continue throughout the Customer Journey. It’s not something you do once and move on.

Step 3: Subscribe

At this point, your prospect knows who you are and has engaged with you in some way or another. However, if you failed to get that person’s contact information, odds are high you’ll never hear from them again. Why?

Because people today are inundated with marketing and content, creating a scarcity of attention. Just because someone reads one of your blog posts today does NOT mean they’ll remember to revisit your site in the future. Instead, you need to get that person to progress to Step 3 in the Value Journey, which is to subscribe. Here, the person gives you their contact information and, in doing so, grants you permission to contact them again in the future.

Step 4: Convert

If the subscribers you gain in Step 3 of the journey remain engaged, some of them will be ready to increase their level of commitment. They like the information you share and have begun to trust you, so they’re ready to invest in one of two ways: either with time or money. At this stage, to ask for a significant investment in a complex product or service would be asking too much, too soon. You’re still in the early stages of relationship. In fact, it’s too early even to concern yourself with profitability. That’s right: in this stage of the Customer Journey, you might lose money on the prospects you acquire as buyers.

The Convert stage of the Customer Value Journey is about acquiring buyers or ramping up the commitment level of the leads you already have. It is NOT about profitability.

The most valuable businesses in the world all understand that the costliest marketing activity your business undertakes is customer acquisition.

Step 5: Excite

At this point, your new customer has had a transaction with you. A small transaction, sure, but a transaction nonetheless. Your job now is to make sure the transaction is a good one, that the excitement of the purchase develops into good will and trust.

The reason for this is simple: if the person doesn’t get value from this transaction, they won’t move on to the next stage and purchase more expensive things from you.

Step 6: Ascend

At this stage of the Value Journey, you’ve sunk time, money, and resources into acquiring leads and customers and making sure they get value from doing business with you. It’s entirely possible that, until this stage, you have yet to turn a profit. In fact, if you’re in a competitive market (and who isn’t?) you may be losing money on the front end of this process to acquire customers. That’s perfectly acceptable cause you’re investing in your future profits.

Always remember that it costs more to acquire a new customer than to sell to an existing one. That first sales isn’t about profits. It’s about converting a prospect to a customer, so you can begin a long (and profitable) customer relationship.

Step 7: Advocate

You now have a happy customer who has made several profitable purchases from you. The next stage in the Value Journey is to create marketing that encourages your most loyal customers to advocate for your business. An advocate is someone who speaks positively about your brand. They won’t necessarily promote your business in an active way, but when asked about you, they will respond favorably.

Step 8: Promote

Promoters differ from advocates in that they are actively seeking to spread the word about your brands, products, and services. The promoter simply had a great experience with your company and wants to share their story with friends and family. In other cases, they promote because you’ve created an incentive for them to do so.


Digital Marketer. (n.d.). The Ultimate Guide to Digital Marketing . Course Hero. Retrieved January 25, 2022, from

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The Customer Value Journey

“how do i get more leads” and… “how do i get more sales”.

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A clearly defined strategy to optimize all of your digital marketing tactics for maximum ROI and predictable results.

Did you know regardless of how well things are or aren't working, there is a way you can optimize all of your digital marketing activity with a foundational strategy that will increase results?

  • Building awareness and driving traffic to your website - How effective and efficient is your process for using awareness-building marketing activities to drive site visits from your target audience?
  • Interaction with your audience, Generating leads - How well do your customer journeys and site design support visitors with persuasive content and customer interaction sales funnels to generate leads?
  • Convert  sales online and/or offline - How effective are your website, email nurturing, ad re-targeting, and multichannel activities for marketing in supporting conversion to sales?
  • Engage, build customer loyalty, and advocacy - Which processes and techniques do you use to boost retention and repeat sales?

We believe Digital Marketing is more than a one-step process. There are stages you must account for on the path to purchase and promotion. The best way to clearly identify this is to gain a better understanding of the Customer Value Journey. This Journey is the process every prospect goes through to become a new customer.

What is the customer value journey, it really is an authentic proven “roadmap for success”.

The Customer Value Journey is the most comprehensive framework for figuring out how to move customers farther ahead and faster through their buying journey. It considers every step in their buying process where your customers make critical decisions, need information, or require encouragement or excitement to move forward.

Delivers what every company needs… a predictable flow of new customers from scratch.

Aligns business objectives across departments, no more silos between marketing, sales, operations, and management.

Aligns the customer’s interests with the company’s interests (because the goal is success…not merely a sal e)

Establishes a common vocabulary  so now everyone in the organization agrees on the definition of a “lead.”

This “Customer First” Method outlines the 8 stages that prospects travel as they discover your brand and build a relationship with you.  In a nutshell, it's a step-by-step process for attracting the right people to your business and converting them into buyers.

Customer Value Journey image

© 2019 DigitalMarketer

By documenting this Journey for your business, you will be able to define "this is how our customers are created."  This Journey becomes the center of all marketing and sales activities in your organization. 

Whatever you want to focus on for 2024, whatever tactics you are using or plan to use, whatever it is:

  • The level of success you can achieve will be increased using the Customer Value Journey as the foundation to build your strategy.
  • It all comes down to understanding exactly which tools and tactics you need to deploy at any given time , to optimize the creation of customers.

What are the "Stages" of the Customer Value Journey and what do they mean?

A brief preface:

In his book "Intimate Behaviour," scientist and popular author in human sociobiology Desmond Morris documents the psychology of human interaction into 12 steps people go through when building intimate relationships.   

The premise here is that whether your business operates in the B2C or B2B sector, the fundamental truth is that we're all engaged in the business of people selling to people. Which means our customers follow the same steps in their buying process as those established by science for human behavior in relationship building.

These steps fit especially well into a digital buying process i.e. customer journey , and therefore served as the basis for the creation of the Customer Value Journey by Ryan Deiss, Co-Founder of Digital Marketer.   The Customer Value Journey is based on the first 8 of Desmond Morris' 12 identified steps which consist of the following.

Stage One: Aware - the human equivalent of eye to eye contact, catching a glance from across the room.

  • This is when a Prospect sees your brand and becomes aware you exist.

Stage Two: Engage   - how do you turn a glance into a stare, and shaking a hand with an introduction?

  • Prospect begins to engage with your content/email/blog post/etc.
  • Your brand provides content that informs, entertains, or educates.
  • Answer questions - provide engaging content to answer the questions your prospects are asking.

Stage Three: Subscribe - Did you get their phone number? (contact information)

  • You get your prospect's info in exchange for something - they opt in.
  • This is where you offer a "lead magnet".

Stage Four: Convert - your first date  - meeting for coffee - that micro commitment

  • Your prospect gives you some of their time, or gives you some of their money by buying something small from you.

Stage Five: Excite - they actually liked the first date! Let's do this again!

  • Getting a 2nd date if they weren't excited about the first date is NEARLY impossible.
  • If they had a great time: getting a 2nd date, and a 3rd will make it easy for them to ascend and buy more.
  • How does your company generate that excitement? Create an "Ah Ha moment"!

Stage Six : Ascend   - follow-up dates and the relationship is on!

  • So as difficult as it was to get that first date: you provided value and generated excitement.
  • Trust is established.
  • Your new customer understands the value you present.  This is when they buy into your core offer and additional products and services your business provides.

Stage Seven: Advocate - in business just as in dating, our significant other is happy and telling their friends about you.

  • Passively promoting your business.
  • At some point it would be nice if our clients say something nice about us to their friends ( referrals !)

Stage Eight: Promote - (the analogy falls off here) but when you reach this stage, your customers are actively promoting your business to other people.

Why Does This Matter?

1) Human to Human  - At the end of the day business is human interaction with another human. The Customer Value Journey is rooted in science with the psychology of Human to Human interaction.  Regardless of what you are selling and how you sell it, you are still in the business of selling solutions for humans to other humans.

2) The sequence in which we interact is IMPORTANT   - One of the most important things Desmond Morris points out in the 12 steps of intimacy is that you can't skip steps.  Trying to cut to the chase by jumping ahead can quickly kill the relationship.  Different people may move through the stages at a different pace, fast or slow, but when you skip more than one step you can blow the whole deal.  The same applies with human to human interaction in a business relationship.  

If you've ever had a bad sales experience, chances are it's because the person selling to you probably got things out of order:

  • Were they asking for too much too soon?
  • Think of a Bad sales experience you have had vs a Good sales experience.
  • Usually the difference is sequence - Sequence Matters!!!

This picture was probably not taken on the first dat e.

Yet as marketers and sales people, we are often doing the business equivalent of proposing on the first date.  

Using the Customer Value Journey enables you to move your prospects predictably through each step of their buying journey without skipping steps to ensure that more prospects say yes! 

Jump start your marketing today

eCentric Digital is here to help you build out your customer journeys and give you the tools you need to optimize each stage for maximum results. These tools are like mini playbooks with a process that will help inform all of your digital activity with the right strategy to deploy at each stage to move your prospects predictably through their journey so they buy from you.

It's time to move beyond just the tactics and deploy a framework where generating sales, customers, and growing revenue is not just a goal, but a direct outcome of applying the right strategy and tools with your tactics.

Want to see how this will absolutely work for your business?

 sign up now for a free double your sales discovery session to learn how.

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Customer Value Journey: Explained

  • December 8, 2022

Table of Contents

Do you know how your customers become your superfans? How they move from completely unaware of your brand to becoming loyal repeat-buyers? If you’re at a loss on your marketing strategy and need more engagement or sales, maybe you need to find the answer to these two questions. But how? 

Lucky for us, DigitalMarketer has developed the Customer Value Journey (CVJ). DigitalMarketer defines CVJ as an “8-step path that people travel as they discover your brand, build a relationship with you, and become buyers and raving fans.” It is simply a blueprint of the predictable flow of customers. We’ll go through each step of the journey and share some tips to make the most of each step.

The CVJ helps businesses understand and get to know their customers better. Aside from these, there are several other reasons you should map out your customers’ journey.

Why should you map out your customer’s journey?

  • You can anticipate customer needs based on the step they are in. 
  • Follow the natural sequence of interactions.
  • More specific and intentional strategy for each step of the journey
  • Sets the foundation for a long-term relationship with the customer
  • Tracking and measuring results are more focused.

We’re going to break down the 8 steps of the CVJ and outline what they are, what falls under each category, and how to continuously move your prospect along the journey.


digital marketer customer value journey


If you want people to become your customers, they need to know your brand first. No one ever wakes up one day and just magically knows your products. Before they become customers or even leads, they are prospects first. 

People become prospects the moment they learn of your name or even just that one product they heard about from a friend. People become aware of your existence through different channels and where the two types of traffic come into play. Organic and paid traffic will be very helpful in boosting awareness. 

So, how do you increase awareness?

Tip #1: Expand your reach on social media.

A common stat we reference is that there are 4.62 billion social media users! These platforms give marketers and business owners the perfect opportunity to reach many people and introduce their brands. You can create engaging or high-value social media profiles to reach prospects organically. 

 For example, challenges are very common on TikTok. Challenges create user-generated content that would help brand awareness by using relevant hashtags. Sproutsocial posted an article featuring brand challenges that hit it big on TikTok, like Guess’ #InMyDenim challenge that garnered 5500+ pieces of UGC in its initial run. You can also leverage influencer advertising to reach their audience; recommendations work!

Tip #2: Host a giveaway or a contest.

Who doesn’t love free things? We sure do! You can even combine a giveaway with a referral program. Something like Autonomous’ Give $25, Get $25 program. 

digital marketer customer value journey

A chance to win something for free will probably increase people’s curiosity to try out some of your products. If you find it difficult to host a contest the first time around, there are some tools to help you. 

Step Two: ENGAGE

Being engaged involves more than just being aware of your existence. At this step, they can already recognize your brand. However, they’re in the early steps, maybe on par with a second date? They know your name but are still trying to get to know you more . 

This step occurs when prospects start engaging with your content. Maybe they read one of your blog posts or follow one of your social media profiles. 

How do you increase engagement?

Tip #1: Create a blog.

One of the best ways to keep your customers engaged is to provide valuable content; and a blog is just the right medium for that. While social media is great for awareness, a lot is going on and it can be distracting. While on a blog, your prospects are not bombarded with other content. They can focus on your brand and the value that you offer. Have a consistent posting schedule, and it can’t possibly be emphasized too much: provide VALUABLE content.

Tip #2: Provide as many avenues for communication as possible.

Like the second date metaphor above, you also want prospects to be able to communicate with you. Nothing screams, “I care for you,” more than giving them the ability to ask you questions and you answering as best you can. Because the prospects are still getting to know your brand, unanswered questions may become hurdles for them to take the next step. Live chats are very helpful, and also make sure that any content you provide features contact information or a space for them to connect with you. 


In this step, your prospects are much more invested. This involves opting in for gated content. Gated content usually comes in the form of newsletters, subscriber-only events, and others. In exchange for this content, they will be giving away some of their personal information, like their email address, which you can use to convert them or nudge them along the next steps of the customer journey.

This step occurs when prospects give their personal information, signaling that they want to receive more exclusive content from you. 

How do you increase subscribers?

Tip #1: Increase the value of your content. 

If they opt in, they want more of you! Which also means you need to provide more value. If they’re receiving similar value with the engage phase, why bother opting in? Strikepoint Media, for example, posts valuable and informative content through our blog which is accessible without any barriers. Our newsletter, however, is gated content. We provide marketing trends, strategies, reports, and analytics to your inbox monthly through the Clicks to Conversions report. 

Tip #2: Make opting in easy.

Imagine wanting to opt into something but being met with so much red tape, you just turn around and leave. It’s the same with your subscription process. Make sure the call to action is very specific and they don’t get stuck on some unnecessary page. Most of the time, their email is all you need. Get their email and start sending them that valuable content!

Step Four: CONVERT

This step is characterized by turning your subscribers into customers. And by customers, I don’t just mean people who get your products in exchange for money. Time commitment counts as currency as well! If they agreed to come at an event you’re hosting, they’re your customer. Although, time as currency is more likely an entry point offer, a segue to them buying your products. 

The convert step happens when you’ve successfully persuaded your prospects to make a commitment of time or money. 

How do you increase the likelihood of conversions?

Tip: Make sure it’s a low entry point (cheaper).

The entry point offer is a product or an event that is relatively cheaper or requires much less commitment of time or money than your core offer. If you succeed in persuading them to buy your entry point offer, your chances to sell the core offer just rose as much as 10 times. 

Step Five: EXCITE

By excite, it means giving your customers every opportunity to get satisfaction from being your customer. You want to get them excited! Remember that low-priced entry offer in convert? Purchasing something gives people dopamine! So completing that first purchase is already dopamine-inducing. For entry point offers that involve time and not money, you want to make sure that what you offer is extremely valuable to these customers. 

Your customers are in the excite step when they feel actual value from what you offer.

How do you excite them?

Tip: Make it personal. 

People love customizations. After all, who doesn’t want to feel special? Making the experience personal will help build the relationship between you and the customer. It doesn’t have to be over the top. Little things here and there will go a long way. For example, you can personally address them, with their names, on the invitation of sending a “Dear Customer/Subscriber” invite. If they purchased a low-ticket item, you can include a short personalized thank you letter!

Step Six: ASCEND

You’ve already offered your entry point offer, and your customers are satisfied. Now, it’s time to upsell. You can sell them your core offer, or a high-ticket offer. You can also sell them premium versions, complementary products, or any of your other products or services.

The customer ascends when they buy the core offer or buy other supplemental products. 

How to increase the likelihood of “Ascension”

Tip #1: Offer a discount on a complementary product.

If your customers have already bought one product, you’re in a much better position to offer a complementary product. One classic example would be buying a shampoo from a certain brand. The sales person would have the opportunity to sell the conditioner too. They complement each other after all, and one works better in conjunction with the other. To make the purchasing decision easier, you can offer a discount on the complementary product like a 10% discount on the conditioner when you buy the shampoo. 

Tip #2: Offer customizations

Offering customizations will not only increase the sales but would also personalized the products more. You’ve already spent quite a bit of money on that wallet, what’s a few more dollars to have your name stamped on it. Coca-cola, a huge company, did the “ Share a coke campaign ” in 2011, by simply putting common first names on their bottles. Now, you can buy a customized bottle online through their online store. An 8 fl oz. bottle a coke would usually cost $5.88 for a 6-pack, but the customized ones costs $7 per bottle. 

Step Seven: ADVOCATE

In the advocate step, your satisfied customers would offer a testimonial or a review in favor of your products. They express their satisfaction from your product or service. At this point, they are considered passive promoters of your brand.

When do they become advocates?

They leave a review or give a testimonial when prompted.

How to increase your number of advocates:

Tip #1: When doing surveys, keep it short and sweet.

Let’s say you send out emails to ask your customers for feedback on your products. Make sure that the form they need to fill out is short so you don’t take up too much of their time. They would also more likely answer the survey if you emphasize, at the very beginning, that its going to be a short one. 

Tip #2: Give a discount or a freebie in exchange for a testimonial.

Testimonials are generally more time-consuming than simply rating your products through stars or giving a short message. To show appreciation to customers who do go to that trouble to support your brand, and also to convince them to do it in the first place, give them a freebie or a discount. Again, people love discounts and free stuff!

Step Eight: PROMOTE

In the final step of the CVJ, your customers are not only passive promoters, but rather actively recommending your products to family, friends, or on their social media profiles. This means that they truly trust and value your product or service. These customers are a big help to gaining new prospects on the “awareness” step.  People tend to trust recommendations and hearing a recommendation from a family member or even someone you follow on social media would go a long way in earning new prospects.

When do they become promoters?

The “promote” step occurs when your customers actively promote your products or services to other people.

How to increase your promoters:

Tip #1: Have a good referral program. 

A referral program, as mentioned in awareness, is a great way to get new prospects. At the same time, they are excellent incentives to convince your customers to actively refer your products to family and friends. Dropbox , for example, offers free storage for each referral customers successfully make. 

Tip #2: Encourage using relevant hashtags.

User-generated content, especially at the age of TikTok videos, YT shorts, and IG reels, is a very important part of marketing. However, using hashtags can be used so videos related to your UGCs about your product are easier to find. 

As DigitalMarketer stated, the Customer Value Journey is a strategic foundation of marketing strategies. It helps you understand what your customer goes through, or needs to go through in order to become promoters of your brand and thus, generate new prospects for you. Knowing each step will help you identify the kinks in each step and straighten them out for a smoother journey for your customers.


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What Is the Customer Value Journey™?

September 21, 2022 by Christine

Why You Need a Customer Value Journey

How journey mapping helps you achieve marketing success, step 1: aware, step 2: engage, step 3: subscribe, step 4: convert, step 5: excite, step 6: ascend, step 7: advocate, step 8: promote, what are the benefits of mapping a customer value journey.

Two things are certain when it comes to successful marketing: 

  • You must understand your customer.
  • You can't just wing it. 

You know this already, but do you have a Customer Value Journey™ map?

Put simply, the Customer Value Journey is the step-by-step process that attracts and converts prospects into customers and keeps them coming back. It's an invaluable digital marketing tool that helps marketers improve their conversions and, therefore, their sales and ROI.

(It's also a term coined and trademarked by the smart folks over at DigitalMarketer .)

Don't psshh this because it's powerful stuff. 

When you map out this journey, you'll be able to turn cold leads into not just happy customers but raving fans.

When prospective customers become aware of your product and are interested in what it can do for them, they are just at the beginning of the customer journey. Suppose you don't guide and encourage them to take each additional step toward becoming satisfied customers. In that case, they will likely become lost, lose interest, or be distracted by another product or service. 

The path is not always linear, but the sequence of steps is critical to leading a prospective customer to conversion. 

For your marketing to work effectively, you must guide your prospect at every step along the road. That means providing the right message at each point where they make critical decisions about whether to continue their journey or abandon it.

The Customer Value Journey is the 8-step process you can incorporate into your marketing strategy to guide every prospect to becoming that satisfied customer whose enthusiasm sells your product for you. To succeed, you'll need to create a map of that journey.

With the help of a Customer Value Journey map, you can visualize how a customer moves through each stage of that journey to help you create an effective marketing strategy.

Once you have identified your ideal customer—so you know your target audience and have worked out how people who fit the bill become loyal customers—you will be able to map out the journey they'll take.

A chart that shows how prospects move from one step to the next will make it much easier to:

  • See the path each customer takes
  • Select the right tactics and content that will make the journey easier
  • Decide what data you need to collect and analyze
  • Decide what points along the journey you need to apply that data
  • Identify where you need to make improvements so that leads aren't lost
  • Successfully orchestrate your customer journey
  • Continually improve your marketing efforts

Companies that map their customer journey are the ones that are succeeding. In fact, according to Hanover Research's report The Power of Customer Journey Mapping 2022 , of the 400 businesses surveyed, 76% said that customer journey mapping increases their ROI, and 87% said it is time and money well spent.

What Are the Steps in the Customer Value Journey?

Jon Maday explains the Customer Value Journey with a map in the Viral Solutions conference room.

As mentioned previously, the Customer Value Journey isn't always linear. However, there are some basic steps that many people will take in doing business with you (and eventually becoming raving fans). We've outlined these steps below. 

With so many different advertisements vying for our attention, you must find a way to stand out and gain the interest of your  ideal customers . 

Do this through the words you use and the visual images accompanying them. Catch attention and make it impossible for them to pass you by.

This is where you put out top-of-funnel content, including  Facebook ads , blog posts, social media posts,  word of mouth , and things like webinars and events. 

Grabbing their attention makes your audience stop and notice you, but that's all for nothing if you can't get them to engage with you. Conversions can't occur if your audience does not interact with your ads and content. 

At this stage of the Customer Value Journey, you need to get your target audience to read your article, watch your video, pop a question on your  chatbot , or interact with one of your social media posts.

Engagement might start here, but it certainly doesn't end here. At each step of the Customer Value Journey, you should seek engagement with your audience. Make no mistake about it. Unless they are engaging, they have no emotional interest in your company.

Free Consult 2

Once you've gotten your audience to engage with you, you need to get their contact information so that you can connect with them through email marketing. It is easiest to get email addresses by offering prospects a lead magnet.

They'll fill out a form and give you their email. In exchange, you'll give your lead something for free. That sounds simple, but these days, this step isn't as easy as it used to be. 

Let's face it—people are inundated with free content, so it has to be something that stands out and provides a lot of value. While that could be an e-book, guide, or tip sheet, you'll probably do better with something more enticing. Try one of the following:

  • Free webinar
  • Free product or service

If you've done steps one and two well, your prospects will already be starting to trust and want more from you. You'll get plenty of subscribers as long as you offer them something they truly want.

If you provided the right freebie to get them to join your list and targeted them correctly, your leads will want to become your customers. You just need to make it easy for them to do so.

Often, the best way to bring about the conversion stage is with an offer that provides high value but with low risk. In many cases, this offer has nothing to do with making a profit. It's just meant to turn your potential customers into customers. If you can cover your costs here, you're golden.

People love to shop, and why? Because it makes them feel good. Those good feelings come from dopamine released when they make a new purchase. And you can capitalize on that excitement.

The more you can get your new customers excited about their purchases, the more you will win them over. At this stage of the Customer Value Journey, you'll want to slap some icing on the cake. Surprise them with extra bonuses, freebies they weren't expecting, or quick wins. 

When someone buys from you once, they are much more likely to buy from you again, especially when they are in the middle of the excitement of buying. As your customer makes a purchase, offer them something that will give them even better results. You can do this by offering a more in-depth product, a consultation to make it work even better, or a done-for-you product. 

You can also try as you nurture them further along in your  marketing strategy . They might purchase a more comprehensive offering, join a membership, or purchase similar products as you engage with them over time.

This stage is when you start really making a profit. When your customers buy from you more than once, BAM! You've just increased the customer lifetime value and made acquiring new customers more affordable. 

Right after your new customer has purchased from you, that is when they will be most excited about it. And that is when they are most likely to share their experience with others.

Most people are happy to spread the word at this stage in the Customer Value Journey, but they usually need to be asked. Include a share button on their order confirmation page. Send out an automated email asking for a review after they've received your product or service.

If you get this type of endorsement, you'll increase your social proof, which can have dramatic sales advantages. 

And while consumers are becoming warier about whether to trust online reviews, they are reading them more than ever. In fact, according to a study by Bright Local , 77% read online reviews when checking out local businesses, and 81% used Google to evaluate local businesses in 2021.

While the Advocate stage is more passive, the Promote stage is active. This is where  loyal customers  actively go out and tell people about your products and services. They do so because they believe in them (and, in most cases, they are incentivized to do so).

Give your new customers access to a rewards program that gives them incentives for referring others to you. For example, many companies such as Hello Fresh, Dropbox, and Evernote allow customers to earn money off their next purchase when a friend signs up. 

Other companies such as Shopify, Bluehost, and BigCommerce have full-blown affiliate programs. Their affiliates earn a commission for each referral they send.

Creating a Customer Value Journey map will help you structure an effective marketing strategy that not only improves your ROI but also offers the following benefits:

  • It helps to illuminate gaps in the sales process.
  • It allows marketers to measure their results, optimize for improvement, and shorten the sales process.
  • With it, companies can see where leads and customers are falling off vs. where they are getting the most interest and engagement.
  • It forces companies to understand the customer better and hone in on who their ideal customer really is and what they want.
  • It improves the customer experience.
  • It allows marketers to recognize sales opportunities they might have otherwise overlooked.

In summary, a Customer Value Journey map allows a company to see through the customer's eyes. It provides a clear view of what it's like to interact with and purchase from their brand. Without it, it's a guessing game, and we all know that's not what brings results… 

The Customer Value Journey should be a key part of your marketing strategy. It's what allows you to turn potential customers into raving fans! 

If you've read this far, you probably see the value in mapping out your own journey. And the good news is you can easily try it for yourself!

Just click  HERE  to download a Customer Value Journey template, courtesy of DigitalMarketer. And if you need any help, don't hesitate to  contact Viral Solutions for a free consultation . 

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Filed Under: Business Tips Tagged With: content marketing , customer data , customer journey , marketing strategy , marketing tactics , target audience , thomas von ahn , viral solutions


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