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Volunteers, attached to their neighborhood, their city, the Greeters of Poitiers and its surroundings offer to welcome you there. They suggest original walks, in the city, in the neighborhoods, over the water, in the gardens, to discover another Poitevine life. These locals will be happy to share with you their city and its surroundings:

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February 2019 Bonjour Merci à Françoise pour cette agréable ballade découvert de Poitiers que nous avons beaucoup appréciée. Pouvoir échanger avec une habitante de la ville, était ce que nous recherchions et nous avons pu lui poser toutes nos questions. Le lendemain nous avons visité quelques unes des boutiques et lieux recommandés. Poitiers est une très belle ville, nous reviendrons. Merci Françoise et au plaisir de vous faire visiter quelques une de mes adresses lyonnaises à l’occasion. Emmanuelle and Philippe

Mai 2018 Belle découverte de la ville de Poitiers en compagnie de Patrick, très sympathique, qui s’est rendu disponible plus tôt que prévu compte-tenu de notre heure d’arrivée avancée. Nous avons déambulé et flâné au gré des édifices repérés des hauteurs de la ville et terminé la balade par le Jardin des Plantes et en longeant le Clain. C’était très agréable.

September 2017 IDEAL !!! le meilleur moyen de découvrir la ville avant de partir seul à “l’aventure” Patrick m’a fait faire un grand tour (presque 3h!!) des petites rues et des grands monuments, partout il m’a montré l’original, l’insolite, l’historique … Toujours il à répondu à ma curiosité et l’a provoquée Merci, très sincèrement Merci

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Home » Travel Guides » France » 15 Best Things to Do in Poitiers (France)

15 Best Things to Do in Poitiers (France)

Capital of Poitour-Charentes towards the west of France, Poitiers is a university city with layer upon layer of medieval history to delve into. All you need is a bit of background and the many churches take on deep meaning as the queens, dukes and counts who ruled from this city come alive.

There are loads of endearing half-timbered houses on squares like Place Charles de Gaulle, and you can have fun hunting down the gothic and renaissance palace’s where the city’s gentry used to live. And then you can leave the past behind, at least for a few hours, at the ultramodern Futuroscope theme park.

Lets explore the best things to do in Poitiers :

1. Musée Sainte-Croix

Musée Sainte-Croix

The biggest museum in the city is in a labyrinthine brutalist building from the 1970s.

After an intensive trawl through these galleries, broken down into prehistory, ancient archaeology, medieval history, fine arts ethnography and regional, you’ll be feeling pretty clued-up about Poitiers and the region.

You’ll be riveted by the archaeology department because the museum is built over the 7th-century Abbey of Sainte-Croix.

Don’t leave without seeing the Roman sculpture of Minerva, the hoard of Gallo-Romain coins from Chevonceaux,6th-century stucco from the Priory of Saint-Pierre and outstanding artworks by Rodin, Camille Claudel and Eugène Boudin.

2. Futuroscope


Since the Lumière brothers in the 19th-century France has always been at the forefront of the cinematic arts, and the Futuroscope theme park springs from that legacy.

It is France’s third most popular theme park and has been dazzling visitors for more than 30 years with simulators, rides and breathtaking presentations in IMAX 3D and 4D theatres.

The venues for these rides and shows are phenomenal metal and glass structures, some angular and others rounded, but all with vast dimensions.

Most of the shows have set starting times, so as opposed to most theme parks you can plan ahead and not waste your day in queues.

3. Baptistère Saint-Jean

Baptistère Saint-Jean

In Poitiers you can step in to the oldest Christian church in France, built in the 4th century and then altered in the 7th century to its present form.

In the Merovingian times they didn’t mess around when it came to baptism, and instead of a small font, the church contains a large octagonal pool in which people needed to be totally immersed to complete the ritual of admission.

There are Merovingian sarcophagus covers on displayed at the small archaeological museum  inside, and incredible murals from the 12th and 13th centuries decorate the walls.

4. Église Saint-Hilaire Le Grand

Église Saint-Hilaire Le Grand

Because of its location on the Way of St. James pilgrimage route, this hushed romanesque church is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

The Revolution wasn’t kind to the building, and the nave was torn down and had to be rebuilt.

But in the choir and ambulatory there’s lots of glorious medieval art.

The four chapels have frescos from the 1000s, among them one of the earliest medieval representations of the apocalypse.

Down in the crypt a 17th-century chest holds the relics of St.

Hilary, Bishop of Poitiers in the 4th century and the foremost writer and theologian of the time.

5. Parc de Blossac

Parc de Blossac

In the mid 18th-century the Count of Blossac had big plans for Poitiers to shed its medieval image with wide boulevards and open spaces like this sumptuous park.

The park is actually skirted by some of the old city walls, as you can see on the southern corner.

From  there you can also follow the Chemin de la Cagouillere footpath down to the right bank of the Clain River.

Most of the park is French-style parterres, with arrow-straight avenues beside topiaries.

There’s also a romantic English garden with flowerbeds, an ornamental river, statues, grotto and a little menagerie with guinea pigs, parakeets and rabbits.

  • 6.  Église Notre-Dame la Grande

Église Notre-Dame la Grande

This 11th-century church is an incredible piece of poitevin romanesque architecture.

Inside are medieval paintings above the choir, showing Christ in majesty and the Virgin and Child surrounded by a mandorla.

But it’s the church’s portal that wins most acclaim, with sophisticated 12th century friezes showing images from passages in the old and new testaments.

In the middle ages the sculptures on the church’s facade would have been painted, and on summer evenings since 1995 the light artist Skertzo has staged the Polychromies de Notre-Dame, restoring the vibrant colours to these walls with breathtaking projections.

7. Grande Salle – Palais de Poitiers

Palais de Poitiers

There’s only one room to be seen at Poitiers law courts, formerly the seat of the Dukes of Aquitaine and Counts of Poitou, and you have to brave airlines tyle bag-checkers to get in.

But if you’re curious about English and French history this is small price to pay.

Because the Grand Salle was a dining hall ordered in the 1190s by Eleanor of Aquitaine, one of the most powerful  women in medieval Europe.

At 50 metres by 17 it may well have been the largest in Europe at the time.

There are three gigantic fireplaces, wondrous traceries on the windows and sculptures of figures in the court of Poitiers, like John of Berry and Isabeau of Bavaria.

8. Poitiers Cathedral

Poitiers Cathedral

Eleanor also commissioned the city’s imposing cathedral in 1162, and it was completed around a century later, which was quite swift for a building of this size in medieval times.

If you’re fascinated by medieval history you could have a field day in here.

First, nearly all the stained glass windows in the choir and transept are original, and if you’re eagle-eyed you’ll identify Eleanor and Henry II in one.

The wooden choir stalls are some of the oldest in France, carved in the Parisian gothic style in the mid-13th century.

Originally there would have been 100, but even with the  74 remaining you’re left in no doubt about the high status of the cathedral chapter in these times.

9. Hôtel Fumé

Hôtel Fumé

Rue de la Chaîne is one of the most delightful streets in the city, crowded with medieval houses with criss-cross patterns on their timber frames and iron gaslights suspended over the middle of the street.

Follow it up the hill and it turns into Rue René Descartes , on which you’ll be taken aback by the majestic, curving facade of Hôtel Fumé.

This is a flamboyant gothic mansion built in the 15th and 16th centuries by the city’s mayor, and now housing the university’s humanities department.

Go through the passageway into the courtyard, where sculpted, twisting columns support a half-timbered gallery with mullioned windows.

10. Place du Maréchal-Leclerc

Place du Maréchal-Leclerc

The principal square in Poitier’s Cente-Ville has a totally different feel to the city’s narrow medieval streets, but is just as easy to love for its sense of space and airiness.

Place du Maréchal-Leclerc is enclosed by Belle Époque and art deco buildings.

Note the facade of the Société Générale, dating to 1928 and the former municipal theatre built in 1954 in an art deco revival style.

The City Hall is a bit older, dating to the mid-1800s during the Second Empire, and it hosts occasional open weekends when you can go in to poke around the salons and grand staircase.

In the last couple of years stylish modern benches have been added to the square, and there are cafes all around if you need a break from sightseeing.

11. Hôtel Jean Beaucé

Hôtel Jean Beaucé

If you continue past the City Hall on Rue Le-Bascle the street ends at a remarkable renaissance mansion built by the banker of the same name in 1554. Unfortunately you can’t go inside as it’s a private residence, but you can console yourself with a photo of the unusual facade.

In the middle is a staircase tower, with windows spiralling up to a conical roof.

To the right there’s another, this one topped with a cupola.

The mansion has a bit of everything, with gabled dormer windows,  busts of Roman emperors, pilasters, scrolls and medallions.

12. Église Sainte-Radegonde

Église Sainte-Radegonde

This romanesque and gothic church has enough to keep you occupied for at least a few minutes.

The bell-tower and apse are the oldest portions, dating to the 11th and 12th centuries, while the nave in the middle is gothic, from the 13th century with vaults added 100 years or so later than that.

In the crypt below the chancel is the 10th-century sarcophagus for Radegund, a Frankish queen who died in Poitiers in 587. Next to this is a statue representing the saint donated by Anne of Austria (the Queen of France) in the mid-1600s after she had come to pray at the tomb.

13. Jardin des Plantes

Jardin des Plantes

If your head is spinning from all those dates and historical personalities you can go for a meditative walk in the Jardin des Plantes, Poiters’ soothing botanical garden.

The park has 150 species of exotic plants in its greenhouse, most with medicinal properties.

That might be because the park was established by the university’s faculty of medicine, all the way back in 1621. The rest of the garden is a freewheeling English park: There’s a pond, waterfall and winding paths in woodland scattered with unusual trees like an Atlas cedar and an American bald cypress.

14. Local Walks

local walk

There are 400 kilometres of marked trails accessible from Poitiers, and the countryside that  borders the city is all woodland, meadows and farms, littered with medieval remains like chapels and old stone bridges.

There’s some pretty dramatic scenery too thanks to the Clain river, which formed the rocky outcrop on which Poitiers was built.

The Clain Valley has steep, rugged  walls that will grant the more energetic walkers exhilarating views, and the same can be said for the Auxance tributary, which joins the Clain just north of Poitiers.

If you go east along the Boivre river things get gentler as you enter the Bocage Bérugeois, a very bucolic area of hedges, meadows and orchards around the tiny village of Béruges.

15. Food and Drink

Farci Poitevin

Farci Poitevin is a distinctive local delicacy; a kind of vegetable hash made with chard, spinach, sorrel, cabbage leek and bacon wrapped in a net and cooked for hours until it sets into a pâté.

It is eaten cold and you’ll normally see it served as a starter in restaurants.

Also served as an appetiser, but occasionally eaten after a meal, is Chabichou de Poitou goats’ cheese, which you can easily spot at market stalls because it has an uncommon cylindrical shape.

The local lamb, butter and melons are all protected, and in the windows of patisseries you may be enticed by Montmorillon macarons.

Unlike Parisian-style meringues, these are denser almond biscuits with a soft centre, baked to a 17th-century recipe.

15 Best Things to Do in Poitiers (France):

  • Musée Sainte-Croix
  • Futuroscope
  • Baptistère Saint-Jean
  • Église Saint-Hilaire Le Grand
  • Parc de Blossac
  • Grande Salle - Palais de Poitiers
  • Poitiers Cathedral
  • Place du Maréchal-Leclerc
  • Hôtel Jean Beaucé
  • Église Sainte-Radegonde
  • Jardin des Plantes
  • Local Walks
  • Food and Drink


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Baptistry Poitiers

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Frescoes at Saint Savin

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Journey To France

10 Best Things To Do In Poitiers

By: Author Christine Rogador

Posted on August 31, 2023

Are you looking for the best things to do in Poitiers?

Poitiers, in western France, is the regional capital of Poitou-Charentes. It’s a city that’s been around for more than two millennia, and it has a ton of cool historical sites and cultural landmarks to see. Poitiers joined the ranks of the World Heritage Sites in 2001.

The city is nestled between the Boivre and the Clain rivers and is surrounded by hiking and biking paths. These paths connect sightseers to lively plazas, tranquil parks, and small shopping districts.

Here’s our pick of the best things to do in Poitiers that should be on the itinerary of anyone planning to visit.

Things you'll find in this article

1. Visit Grande Salle-Palais de Poitiers

2. see the beautiful and historic churches of poitiers, 3. take a tour of palais de justice, 4. visit musee sainte-croix, 5. take in some of the finest french culture and education at espace mendes france, 6. learn about hôtel fumé, 7. go for a stroll in parc de blossac., 8. relax in the poitiers botanical garden., 9. spend a day in futuroscope, 10. participate in wine tastings held in taverns and wineries, travel tips and resources.

10 Best Things To Do in Poitiers France

Originally built as the residence of the Dukes of Aquitaine and the Count of Poitiers between the 10th and 12th centuries, the Grande Salle-Palais de Poitiers is a superb example of medieval architecture. After a fire in the 14th century, the palace was converted into a courthouse.

The palace is a remarkable example of Gothic Angevin architecture. The official palace auditorium was formerly the assembly hall and the huge Gothic hall. The palace is especially known for its impressive Maubeigeon hall and tower.

The Grande Salle-Palais de Poitiers is still a stunning and endearing landmark today. An authentic piece of Anglo-French history, this is one of the highlights of a visit to Poitiers.

Notre Dame la Grande in Poitiers

  • Eglise Sainte Radegonde

The medieval Roman Catholic Church of Sainte-Radegonde was built in Poitiers, France, in the sixth century. Radegund, a Frankish queen and nun, was buried there, hence the name. Since she was canonized, believers in her divine intervention began flocking to the church.

The present church was erected between the 11th and 12th centuries in a style that combines Romanesque and Angevin Gothic.

  • Church of Notre Dame la Grande

Beautiful Romanesque Byzantine architecture from the 11th and 12th centuries characterizes Notre Dame la Grande. Pinecone-shaped towers stand at either side of the narrow church, which is decorated with carvings of biblical scenes and saints.

The church has several distinct areas. Along its western facade, you’ll find turrets with pointed towers. The outside of this Notre Dame Church is among the best Romanesque architecture in all of France, and the inside, which is mural-lined and vaulted and dark, is just as impressive.

  • Église Saint-Hilaire

Built in the 11th century on what is believed to be the tomb of Saint Hilaire, the first known Bishop of Poitiers, the church has been on the route to Santiago de Compostela and a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1998.

The church was seriously damaged during the Wars of Religion and subsequently left in ruins after the French Revolution.

Extensive reconstruction began in 1875. The sight of all those columns and the overall majesty of the building is enough to make anyone pause and make sure they’re captured in photos.

Palais de Justice Poitiers

The Poitiers courts are currently located in the Palace of Justice and are among the most beautiful structures in the city. The Counts of Poitou and the Dukes of Aquitaine once used this building as their headquarters hundreds of years ago.

The building’s dining hall is its crowning feature. It was built in the 12th century by Eleanor of Aquitaine. This dining area here is among the largest in all of Europe. 

The exterior, meanwhile,  features a lovely little garden and a plaque detailing its history. Joan of Arc may have been questioned here before being permitted to lead the army of King Charles VII.

Musee Sainte-Croix

The Musee Sainte-Croix is a modest museum with some noteworthy exhibits, such as sculptures by Rodin and artifacts from the region’s prehistoric past. This glass and concrete structure stands on the site of the former Abbaye Sainte-Croix.

The museum has permanent displays of art from ancient times to the Middle Ages and even to the present day.

Visit the archaeological department while you’re here to see some fascinating Roman artifacts and evidence of recent excavations. You can explore the various displays spread out over three stories.

 Espace Mendes showcases innovative enterprise, research, outcomes, and processes.

The city’s concentration of educational institutions and research institutions inspired the establishment of this hub. It’s located near the cathedral and first opened in 1989. The building now serves as a science museum and cultural hub for the technical arts.

The Festival de France is one of many annual film festivals held in this space. Come here to observe a wide variety of displays, shows, and exhibitions. Educational topics are best presented through the arts here at this one-of-a-kind center.  

Hôtel Fumé Poitiers

The rue de la Chaîne is widely considered to be among Poitiers’ finest streets. Walking among the medieval half-timbered buildings, cobblestone streets, and wrought iron gas lamps is like entering a different time and place entirely.

The majestic Hôtel Fumé may be seen as you ascend the hill near the street René Descartes. It was constructed around 1480, making it a great specimen of Gothic architecture.

The initial structure was then enlarged by the architect’s son, François Fumée, in the 16th century. Up until the 18th century, when it was sold, the family lived there continuously.

After changing hands a few times, in 1919 it was purchased by the University of Poitiers.

The Parc de Blossac is one of the most stunning parks in all of France. This area of broad boulevards and open spaces was initiated by the Count of Blossac in the middle of the 18th century.

There is a walkway that leads down to the right bank of the Clain River from the park, which is bordered by remnants of the old city walls. French-style parterres dominate the park, with straight roads flanked by topiaries.

Explore the park and see the flower beds, manmade river, statues, grotto, and small menagerie housing guinea pigs, parakeets, and rabbits. If you want to rest a bit from walking, stop by the lovely English garden.

Poitiers is home to the municipal park and botanical garden known as the Jardin des Plantes de Poitiers, located at 1 rue du Jardin des Plantes.

Le Coq Paschal, dean of the School of Medicine at Poitiers, founded the original Jardin des Plantes in 1621. It was moved eight times before finally settling in its current location on the historic grounds of the Hôtel Dieu. 

The current garden design takes inspiration from formal English parks and features winding paths, a pond, a waterfall, and a grotto.

The garden is home to a wide variety of trees and shrubs, including but not limited to the following: Cedrus atlantica, Cedrus deodara, Diospyros kaki, Ginkgo biloba, Quercus ilex, Quercus robur pyramidalis, Sequoiadendron, Taxodium distichum, and Taxus baccata.

Futuroscope Poitiers

The French amusement park Parc du Futuroscope is centered on audio-visual, multimedia, Futuroscope, and cinematic approaches.

This is not your typical amusement park, yet it will nonetheless be enjoyable for all visitors, whether they are seasoned tourists, first-time tourists, or families.

Bring your children with you because this place offers a wide variety of interactive activities that are designed specifically for children.

Since 1987, it has been synonymous with moving picture technology, and all of its various attractions are centered on one’s ability to see. In addition to that, it offers visitors of every age both educational and recreational opportunities.

A shuttle bus service is available for those who wish to arrive here. In addition to that, Futuroscope is very simple to go to from the airport in Poitiers.

The French are well-known for their deep affection for cheese, haute cuisine, and excellent wine. Poitiers’ reputation as a center for wine and tapas culture shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone.

This city is home to several wine bars and cellars that provide patrons with one-of-a-kind experiences and assemblages. Try some of the best wines that France has to offer l, along with imported varieties from Spain to South America while in Poitiers.

Some of the delicious specialties that can be sampled along with wine include the Spanish tortilla, empanadas, handmade paté, cheeses, and charcuterie.

Where to stay in Poitiers

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What To Wear: If you want some ideas on what to pack for France, check out this packing list guide for France .

Where To Stay: I personally use for all my accommodations. Check out for their latest deals here .

Reading Resources: Check out our best reading resources here .

Christine Rogador in the Louvre

Hi, I’m Christine – a full-time traveler and career woman. Although I’m from the Philippines, my location independent career took me to over 40 countries and lived in 4 continents in the last 10 years, including France. A self-proclaimed Francophile, I love everything France.

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10 Reasons to Visit Grand Poitiers

10 Reasons to Visit Grand Poitiers

Grand Poitiers is home to centuries of medieval history, wild forests and outstanding gastronomy. In this article, we explore the top ten reasons to visit Grand Poitiers from beautiful golf courses to tasty cheesecake.

1. Eleanor of Aquitaine (and Richard the Lionheart)

This year, we celebrate 900 years since Eleanor of Aquitaine, Queen of France and then of England, was born. Events have been organised all summer around this anniversary but the imprint of their royal passage in Poitiers is visible all year round – notably at the Palais des Comtes de Poitou where the Dukes of Aquitaine resided and the Saint-Pierre Cathedral.

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Enjoy a boat ride on the Clain © Benoît Gautreau/VisitPoitiers

2. Activities for the whole family

Vélorail in Chauvigny, boat rides on the Clain, a falconry show in the ruins of the Château des Evêques in Chauvigny, escape games in Poitiers, there’s plenty for the whole family to enjoy whether you’re looking for a slow start to the day or a more energetic excursion. 

Terra Aventura is a free app, available in English, that offers visitors treasure hunts based on local specificities so you can explore the area while having fun, whether you are with family, friends, or alone.

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Visit Chauvigny, a one-of-a-kind medieval city © Margot Rousselle/VisitPoitiers

3. A very present medieval past

In Poitiers, you’ll find half-timbered houses, remarkable monuments, paved pedestrian streets, and more.

The nearby town of Chauvigny also holds many historical treasures. Its five castles are all grouped on the same rocky outcrop, making it a unique visit. Each year, it holds a medieval fair at the end of August with events all weekend – watch a medieval ball or get hands-on by learning one of the many medieval games on offer. 

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Chauvigny is a unique city, home to five castles. © Margot Rousselle/VisitPoitiers

4. Local gastronomic specialities

The goat’s cheese is famous, especially Chabichou. Visit the Maras Farm in Chauvigny (local producer) or the famous Chosson fromagerie in Poitiers to discover more.

You may not have heard of Grand Poitiers’ cheesecake but it’s delicious. Known as Tourteau Fromagé, it’s a sweet cake made from fresh cheese (often goat’s cheese). It’s very airy and melts in the mouth with a burnt crust on top. It’s simply u nique.

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Marché des Couronneries © Benoît Gautreau/VisitPoitiers

There are plenty of other local specialities to taste. Broyé du Poitou is a cross between shortbread and cake that uses the rich butter from the area to create its crumbly texture. What makes it different is that it is usually cut with a fist! Montmorillon macarons are another sweet speciality to enjoy. They are completely different from “Parisian” macarons with a high almond content.

If you’re looking for something savoury, try the Poitevin stuffing: vegetable-based terrines (including chard, spinach, cabbage and sorrel).

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Inside the Palace of Poitiers © Coraline Prono/VisitPoitiers

5. Land of legends

Many legends remain in all Great Poitiers. The most famous of them? The fairy Mélusine in Lusignan. There is also the Grand Goule, a creature resembling a dragon that devoured the nuns of the City until Sainte-Radegonde made it disappear.

You can discover many other legends thanks to Visit Poitiers, the free guided tours app available in English.

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Notre-Dame la Grande dates all the way back to the 12th century and features beautiful examples of polychromy both on its façade and inside. © Coraline Prono/VisitPoitiers

6. Exceptional religious heritage

Poitiers is known as the “City of 100 Bell Towers” for good reason. Some of the must-see bell towers include:

  • Saint Peter’s Cathedral where Aliénor (Eleanor) and Henri (Henry) were married.
  • The Romanesque Notre-Dame-la-Grande Church with its world-renowned sculpted façade.
  • Sainte-Radegonde Church, built on top of a Merovingian queen’s grave.
  • Saint-Hilaire Church, a UNESCO World Heritage Site on the Santiago de Compostela .
  • Baptistère Saint-Jean, built in the 5th century, is one of the oldest Christian monuments in the West.

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Blossac Park is a stunning place for a stroll © Benoît Gautreau/VisitPoitiers

7. Nature in all its forms

Nature is everywhere in Grand Poitiers. In the heart of Poitiers, a 9-hectare park offers a great breath of fresh air with both English and French-style gardens, a café-restaurant to sit and rest your legs, bicycle rental, and more.

At the edge of the Clain, at the Guinguette Pictave (Tison island), you will find a unique atmosphere, typical of the French tradition of guinguettes (open-air cafés) on the water’s edge. Play some o ld games, eat some ice cream or get some snacks from the food trucks and a drink from one of the bars before sitting down to relax at one of the large picnic tables where everyone comes together to share a moment of relaxation.

You have plenty of woods and forests all around Poitiers to choose from to recharge your batteries but if you want a calmer setting, head to Saint-Benoît: the garden city at the gates of Poitiers. 

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The former Abbey of Saint-Benoît was founded in the 7th century by Saint Achard © Lucile Granseigne/VisitPoitiers

The Golf du Haut-Poitou, a technical and hilly course, overlooks Saint-Cyr Lake. For  13 years, it was home to an International Professional Golf Open on the Alps Tour circuit and it now hosts a Pro-Am every year. Once you’ve finished a few rounds (or skip the golf, if you prefer to watch rather than participate), you can rest in its restaurant and take in the breathtaking panoramic view!

Alternatively, south-east of Poitiers, the Golf de Mignaloux offers a bucolic and wooded setting for you to play. 

free tours poitiers

Marche Notre Dame © Benoît Gautreau/VisitPoitiers

9. French Art de Vivre

Grand Poitiers has many restaurants, bars and terraces welcoming you all year round! Whatever you fancy, you will inevitably find your definition of happiness: traditional French cuisine, local products, regional cuisine (Breton, Corsican, etc.), world cuisine, crustaceans, bistronomics, etc.

In Poitiers, life is organised around two main squares (Place Charles de Gaulle with the church of Notre-Dame-la-Grande and Place Leclerc with the town hall). Connected by a set of pedestrian streets, take the time to wander and let yourself be seduced by the French Art de Vivre!

free tours poitiers

Panoroma des Dunes © Coraline Prono/VisitPoitiers

10. A city on a human scale

The heart of Poitiers is located at the top of a hill called the “Plateau”. The streets are mostly pedestrian so the city is very walkable, perfect for strolling around.

If you want to be your own guide on your visit, we recommend downloading the guided tours app “Visit Poitiers”, which is entirely free and in English. The app allows you to choose a route according to your interests (legends, heritage, unusual, etc.) and the difficulty of the route (duration and altitude difference).

Find out more:

Lead photo credit : Panorama des Dunes © Coraline Prono/VisitPoitiers

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An Insider’s Guide to the Best Things to do in Poitiers

Last Updated on 6th June 2023 by Sophie Nadeau

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Poitiers is a sleepy city in western France with a rich Merovingian heritage and a mesmerising tapestry of medieval churches scattered across its historic city centre. Indeed, Poitiers is home to so many church towers that it has been nicknamed “la ville aux cent clochers” (the town of a hundred steeples) . Here’s your guide to the best things to do in Poitiers , as well as what to know before you go.

An Insider's Guide to the Best Things to do in Poitiers

I didn’t do much research about what to do in Poitiers prior to my visit. I had passed through once before on a bus journey back from Biarritz to Paris and had seen nothing of the French city save for a single crumbling ruin and a few classic French houses- and to be honest, it didn’t leave much of an impression.

However, the city is pretty well connected to the rest of western France thanks to its international airport and so it made sense to visit as something of a gateway into the wider Nouvelle-Aquitaine region.

poitiers coffee view

According to my dad, some of our ancestors come from Poitiers (I have no idea if this is true or not!) , and so I set out to discover the best of the city and see where some of my roots *may* have originated from.

And what I found truly astounded me. Despite being a lesser-visited city, Poitiers amazed and thrilled me in equal measure with its cobbled lanes, rich architectural offerings, and sheer beauty of the churches- I have never seen so many well-preserved frescoes in French churches before!

street in central poitiers

What is Poitiers known for?

A brief history of poitiers, eglise notre-dame, cathédrale saint-pierre de poitiers (poitiers cathedral), baptistère saint-jean (baptistery of saint john), musée sainte-croix (museum), hôtel de ville (town hall), palais des comtes de poitou-ducs d’aquitaine (palace of the aquitaine dukes), eglise saint-hilaire, statue of liberty, how long do you need in poitiers, getting to poitiers, getting around poitiers, where to stay in poitiers, watch the poitiers video.

If I’m honest, Poitiers lies a little off the beaten path (unless you’re following the Way of Saint James) and isn’t really famous for as many things as other cities in the region; Anglouême (famed for its comics) , Limoges (world-renowned for its pottery) , or La Rochelle (known for its pastel hued port) .

With this being said, the quiet town is pretty attractive and is famed for its Romanesque architecture, boasting one of the greatest collections of Romanesque architecture in France.

If you look hard enough, you can also find neat examples of Gothic architecture too. There’s ecclesiastical history to be found around almost every turn and so this is definitely the city for history buffs.

church in poitiers

The leading industries are electronics manufacturing, food processing, and printing, though tourism is also common enough thanks to the fact that the Church of Saint-Hilaire the Great Poitiers is a fine example of Romanesque architecture and is on the Routes of Santiago de Compostela in France.

It’s also worth noting that most people (especially French tourists) venture into the area surrounding Poitiers to visit Futuroscope, which is an amusement park, which boasts attractions such as 4D cinemas and spectacles. Poitiers also enjoys its own microclimate, meaning that temperatures throughout the year rarely go below 15 degrees.

poitiers busy town square

Just an hour and a half’s drive inland from the Atlantic coastline, Poitiers has seen plenty of inhabitants over the Millennia, and today remnants of the past can be found all over the city..

Poitiers was originally inhabited by the Celtic tribe the Pictones and was known as   Lemonum (after the elm tree). After the Romans took over, the town became known as Pictavium , for the Celtic tribe.

In the Middle Ages, there were a staggering 27 parishes within the city and each of these churches had their very own steeple.

In the 15th-century (in 1431 to be precise), Poitiers university was established. Founded by Pope Eugene IV and chartered by King Charles VII, the University was once one of the most prestigious in France, second only to Paris.

Though the university was briefly closed down during the French Revolution, today Poitiers enjoys a status as a university city, with the highest student/inhabitant ratio in France!

Poitiers was once the capital of Poitou-Charentes, a now-defunct region of France that was absorbed into the fabric of the larger Nouvelle-Aquitaine region following an administrative shakeup in 2016. The city remains part of the Vienne department.

architecture in centre of poitiers

Best things to do in Poitiers

The church of Notre Dame is undoubtedly the star of the show when it comes to attractions in Poitiers. Conveniently located just a stone’s throw away from the tourist office, the first thing to greet you when it comes to Notre Dame is its impressive façade, which features 12th-century carvings recounting scenes from the bible.

Inside, even greater treasures await the curious travellers. The interior of the church is free to visit and is honestly a must. As well as painted columns, there are various chapels which were paid for by wealthy merchant families in the 15th and 16th-centuries.

Eglise Notre-Dame

Bells have been ringing out in Poitiers since the 11th-century. One of the grandest churches in town is the impressive Saint Pierre (Saint Peter Cathedral), which was constructed in 1162 on the ruins of a former Roman basilica. The cathedral is free to visit.

Cathédrale Saint-Pierre de Poitiers (Poitiers Cathedral)

The Baptistery of Saint John is alleged to be the oldest surviving Christian building in the west and probably dates back to between 630-700.

The building is not only a rare surviving example of a baptistery (octagonal baptismal pool which was used up until the 8th-century still intact) but is also pretty unique in that it’s a fine example of Merovingian architecture.

You have to pay a small fee to enter the hexagonal building today, and be aware that the entrance is cash only, but there are plenty of amazing things to see once inside. This includes murals from the Middle Ages and Merovingian sarcophagi.

Baptistère Saint-Jean (Baptistery of Saint John)

The largest museum in Poitiers was built in the 1970s, is situated close to the baptistery and cathedral, and features exhibitions showcasing the history of Poitiers and its surroundings. The true star of the show is all of the Roman artefacts and ruins, though there are plenty more modern exhibitions too.

Musée Sainte-Croix (Museum)

Like many important towns and cities in France, the town hall of Poitiers is a well appointed building standing firmly in pride of place in a central square. The edifice itself was constructed in the latter half of the 19th-century and is still used for many important functions today, including weddings.

Directly outside the front façade of the town hall, the Place du Maréchal-Leclerc is one of the more happening places in town, particularly on Friday and Saturday evenings. Here, bars spill out onto the streets and it’s a pleasant spot to sit and people watch.

Hôtel de Ville (town hall)

The fortified and splendid grandeur of the Palace Of The Aquitaine Dukes has not been diminished by time and still today the Palace stands in pride of place in the very heart of old Poitiers.

The entire complex is surrounded by ditches and was once one of the principal residences of the Dukes of Aquitaine. Several parts of the buildings are free to visit (including the Salle des Perdus), and there are daily tours of The Maubergeon Tower.

The jewel in the crown of this Gothic masterpiece is the Salle des Pas Perdus, which was rebuilt by the Plantagenêt family just before the 13th-century and remains one of the best examples of non-church Gothic architecture in France.

Palais des comtes de Poitou-Ducs d'Aquitaine (Palace Of The Aquitaine Dukes)

One of the most important churches in town is to be found in the form of Saint-Hilaire, which is named for Hilary of Poitiers. The original church was built in the 12th-century, though it was heavily modelled in the 15th and 16th.

The church is free to visit and is of the utmost importance thanks to the fact that it is one of the churches on the Way of St James on the pilgrimage route from France to Santiago de Compostela in Spain. Step inside during opening hours and you can find painted frescoes, sacristy-museum, and the tomb of Saint-Hilaire.

Eglise Saint-Hilaire

The Statue of Liberty in Upper New York Bay was a gift from France to the US, and so it’s perhaps not surprising that there are countless Statue of Liberty replicas in France today. One such replica is in Poitiers in Place de la Liberté.

Since Poitiers is a fairly small city with just a handful of attractions, the attractive old town and its accompanying highlights can easily be seen over the course of a day.

If you’re particularly interested in church history, then set aside two full days as the frescoes within the churches and their accompanying museums are truly breathtaking. If you’re looking to take further day trips into the surrounding area, then you’ll want to set aside two or three days to explore.

poitiers in spring

Poitiers is served by its very own international airport (Poitiers-Biard), which connects to destinations such as London. The actual flight time between London and Poitiers is just over an hour (actually in the air), meaning that it’s the perfect destination for a weekend getaway.

You should note that there is no airport bus to get to the city centre and so you can take a taxi or walk (like I did- though I don’t recommend this as the first part is along a busy road).

Alternatively, Poitiers has its own train station which is served by the TGV (high speed train). Within an hour and a half of the city, you can be by the seaside at La Rochelle. There’s also a direct high speed train from Poitiers to Paris Montparnasse and the journey takes just 1.5 hours.

There are regular bus routes which pass through Poitiers as well (buses can often be a more affordable, albeit more time consuming, way of travelling through France)

poitiers-biard airport

As with many historic towns in France, the best way to get around the city is on your own two feet. Be sure to wear comfortable shoes (trainers are fine- especially if they’re in a neutral colour) and avoid heels as cobbled streets are pretty abundant!

Your first port of call when arriving in the town should be the tourist information office, which is right outside one of the greatest attractions Poitiers has to offer: the Romanesque church of Notre Dame.

You can pick up a free tourist map, and if you speak French, there are other detailed brochures about the history of the town and further attractions to look out for when wandering around Poitiers.

As a medium sized city, there are a few options when it comes to staying in Poitiers. Since the real draw of the town is its historic city centre, I personally recommend to opt staying right in the heart of all the action. Plus, it won’t be too long to walk back to your accommodation after you’ve been out for your evening meal!

ibis Styles Poitiers Centre: I personally stayed in the Ibis Styles Poitiers Centre and personally found the rooms to be clean, comfortable, and enjoyed the complimentary breakfast the next day. The best thing about the hotel is that it is very conveniently located just a short walk away from many important monuments in town. Check prices and availability here.

Enjoyed reading about the best things to do in Poitiers? Pin this article now, read it again later:

poitiers france europe/ Guide to the Best Things to do in Poitiers

Sophie Nadeau loves dogs, books, Paris, pizza, and history, though not necessarily in that order. A fan of all things France related, she runs when she's not chasing after the next sunset shot or consuming her weight in sweet food. Currently based in Paris after studies in London, she's spent most of her life living in the beautiful Devonian countryside in South West England!

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Free Walking Sightseeing Tour #2 in Poitiers, France

Guided sightseeing tours.

Book guided sightseeing tours and activities in Poitiers.

Explore Poitiers in France with this free self-guided walking tour . The map shows the route of the tour. Below is a list of attractions, including their details.

Sight 1: Église Saint-Hilaire le Grand

Église Saint-Hilaire le Grand

The church of Saint-Hilaire-le-Grand is a former basilica and collegiate church that has become a parish church in Poitiers.

Wikipedia: Église Saint-Hilaire le Grand (FR)

Sight 2: Église Notre-Dame la Grande

Église Notre-Dame la Grande

Notre-Dame-la-Grande is a Romanesque collegiate church located in Poitiers. Characteristic of the Poitevin Romanesque style, its sculpted façade is a masterpiece of religious art of this period. The walls of the interior are painted.

Wikipedia: Église Notre-Dame la Grande de Poitiers (FR)

Sight 3: Statue de la Liberté

Hundreds of replicas of the Statue of Liberty have been created worldwide. The original Statue of Liberty, designed by sculptor Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi, is 151 feet tall and stands on a pedestal that is 154 feet tall, making the height of the entire sculpture 305 feet.

Wikipedia: Replicas of the Statue of Liberty (EN)

Sight 4: Hôtel Fumé

Hôtel Fumé

The Hôtel Fumé, sometimes written Smoke or Fumey, is a flamboyant Gothic style building built in Poitiers between the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. A building sitting at the top of the slope on which the Rue de la Chaîne rushes rudely, the Hôtel Fumé now houses the administration and a few rooms of the Faculty of Human Sciences of the University of Poitiers.

Wikipedia: Hôtel Fumé (FR)

Sight 5: Église Saint-Jean-l'Évangéliste

Église Saint-Jean-l'Évangéliste

Montieranine Abbey is an ancient Benedictine abbey located in Poitiers in the department of Vienna.

Wikipedia: Église Saint-Jean de Montierneuf (FR)

Sight 6: Hôtel Couturer

Hôtel Couturer

The Hôtel Couturer is a private mansion located in Poitiers, in the French department of Vienne.

Wikipedia: Hôtel Couturer (FR)

Sight 7: Jardin des Plantes

Jardin des Plantes

The Jardin des Plantes de Poitiers is a municipal park and botanical garden located at 1 rue du Jardin des Plantes, Poitiers, Vienne, Nouvelle-Aquitaine, France. It is open daily without charge.

Wikipedia: Jardin des Plantes de Poitiers (EN)

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from 01/06/2024 to 08/31/2024

Guided tours grand poitiers.

Home _ Events _ Guided tours Grand Poitiers

Prices from 4€ / Free under conditions

Saturday, June 1 at 3 p.m.

Sensory stroll: The Roseraie floral park

Awaken your senses to (re)discover the Roseraie floral park. Breathe deeply to appreciate the fragrance of the roses, then sharpen your taste buds to sample some of the products. Witness to the 70s when floral parks were in vogue, this rose garden is a showcase for the city's horticultural expertise and a source of floral and landscape inspiration for visitors. Refurbished in 2017, it is home to almost 6,000 species. Free visit as part of Rendez-vous aux Jardins // Duration: 01h

Sunday, June 2 at 11 a.m.

The plant garden

Awaken your senses to (re)discover the Jardin des Plantes. Use your fingertips to touch the remarkable trees and discover their diversity. Created in 1621 by a dean of the Faculty of Medicine to teach botany to students, this garden was threatened with extinction and moved several times, before being integrated into a landscaped garden near the river Clain in 1870. Free visit as part of Rendez-vous aux Jardins // Duration: 01h

Sunday, June 2 at 3 p.m.

Blossac Park

Awaken your senses to (re) discover the Parc de Blossac. Open your ears and listen to all the sounds that emanate from this garden to see it better! Part of the major urban planning and embellishment work carried out in Poitiers from 1750 onwards, this French-style park was created on the initiative of the Comte de Blossac, Intendant of Poitou. A pleasure garden, a meeting place for walkers and a venue for festivities, it has been enhanced by an English garden (1905) and contemporary gardens (2003). Free visit as part of Rendez-vous aux Jardins // Duration: 01h

Parc de Blossac garden Poitiers Tourist Office Grand Poitiers VisitPoitiers

Wednesdays June 5, 12, 19, 26 at 3pm Sundays, June 2, 9, 23, 30 at 3 p.m.

1h / 1 monument : The Palace

Former residence of the Counts of Poitou - Dukes of Aquitaine, and then a courthouse, it is one of the most remarkable examples of medieval civil architecture in France. Its imposing tower and its great hall, at the same time place of life, festivals and justice, saw passing some of the illustrious characters of the History of France of which it still carries the print: William the Great, Eleanor of Aquitaine, Alphonse of Poitiers, Pope Clement V, King Philip IV the Fair, Jean de Berry.... Access to the Maubergeon Tower subject to availability // Price: €4 - free under certain conditions // Duration: 1 hour // Groups limited, registration required at the Palais des ducs d'Aquitaine: on site at the Palais des ducs d'Aquitaine, Place Alphonse-Lepetit, Poitiers or call 06 75 32 16 64 daily from 11am to 1pm and 2pm to 6pm.

Fridays June 7, 14, 21, 28 at 12:30 p.m.

Sandwich visit: Under construction: a rampart under the Palais

At the end of Antiquity, Poitiers built a monumental city wall, redefining the contours of the Roman city and reaffirming its urban status well into the Middle Ages. An archaeological study of the remains preserved in Jeanne d'Arc Square is currently underway, enabling us to rediscover this monument. Free visit // Duration: 30mn

Palace of the Dukes of Aquitaine Counts of Poitou in Poitiers Tourist Office of Grand Poitiers VisitPoitiers

Saturday, June 8 at 3 p.m.

Poitiers in the footsteps of Eleanor of Aquitaine

Granddaughter of a great troubadour, duchess, queen of France and then of England, and mother of two kings, Eleanor of Aquitaine is the emblematic figure of Poitiers. The extraordinary life of this woman has from the palace of the Counts of Poitou-Dukes of Aquitaine to Saint-Pierre Cathedral. Price: €5.5 - free under certain conditions // Duration: 1h30 to 2h // Appointment communicated upon reservation // Group size limited, registration required at the Palais: on site at the Palais des ducs d'Aquitaine, Place Alphonse-Lepetit, Poitiers or call 06 75 32 16 64 daily from 11am to 1pm and from 2pm to 6pm.

Tuesday, June 11 at 12:30 p.m.

Sandwich visit: Landscape reading, Poitiers seen from the Dunes

An emblematic viewpoint of the city, the Dunes panorama allows you to observe the city's topography, understand its urban organization and identify its major buildings and monuments. Free visit // Duration: 30mn


Saturday June 15 and Sunday June 16 at 10 a.m, 11h, 12h, 14h, 15h, 16h, 17h

Site visits: A rampart under the Palais

At the end of Antiquity, Poitiers built a monumental city wall that redefined the contours of the Roman city and reaffirmed its urban status well into the Middle Ages. How was it built? What became of this prestigious monument over time? Archaeologists are working on the archaeological study of the remains preserved in Jeanne d'Arc Square to try and answer these questions. They will share with you the initial results of their research. As part of the European Archaeology Days // Free visit // Duration: 45 minutes

Saturday 15th at 10:30am, 11:30am, 2pm, 3pm, 16h, 17h

Workshop: Discovering stone

Try your hand at stonemasonry with friends or family. As part of the European Archaeology Days // By Thierry Grégor, archaeology trainer masonry/stone-cutting, PhD in History and Archaeology // Duration: 2h // Children aged 7 and over accompanied by a parent // Bring suitable clothing // Appointment communicated when booking // Group limited, registration required at the Palais: on site at the Palais des ducs d'Aquitaine, Place Alphonse-Lepetit, Poitiers or on 06 75 32 16 64 every day from 11am to 1pm and from 2pm to 6pm.

View of Poitiers Tourist Office Grand Poitiers VisitPoitiers

Saturday, June 22 at 3 p.m.

Poitiers, 2000 years of history

Poitiers' historic center reveals over 2,000 years of history. Architectural gems from medieval times stand side by side with remarkable contemporary buildings. Ideal for getting to know the city! Price: €5.5 - free under certain conditions // Duration: 1h30 to 2h // Appointment communicated upon reservation // Group size limited, registration required at the Palais: on site at the Palais des ducs d'Aquitaine, Place Alphonse-Lepetit, Poitiers or call 06 75 32 16 64 daily from 11am to 1pm and from 2pm to 6pm.

Saturday, June 29 at 3 p.m.

Secret Boxes

Discover Poitiers behind the scenes by following secret passageways and byways. You'll find gardens, courtyards and beautiful hidden buildings. Price: €5.5 - free under certain conditions // Duration: 1h30 to 2h // Appointment communicated upon reservation // Group size limited, registration required at the Palais: on site at the Palais des ducs d'Aquitaine, Place Alphonse-Lepetit, Poitiers or call 06 75 32 16 64 daily from 11am to 1pm and from 2pm to 6pm.

free tours poitiers

Saturday, July 06 at 4:30 p.m. Saturday, August 17 at 4:30 p.m.

Visit in the company of Eleanor of Aquitaine

Eleanor of Aquitaine left her mark on Poitiers, the place where she was crowned King of England and where she held court. From the Palais des Comtes de Poitou-ducs d'Aquitaine to the cathedral, follow in her footsteps in her presence. She's dressed in her finest and will accompany you to hear her story told in today's city. Duration: 01h30 // Meet at Grand Poitiers Tourist Office, 45 place Charles de Gaulle // Registration required on site, Monday to Saturday, 9.30am to 6pm // Places limited (25 people) // Price: €5.5 - free for children under 12

Saturday, July 20 at 4:30 p.m. Saturday, August 10 at 4:30 p.m.


Three slammers take you on a poetic stroll to discover or rediscover Poitiers' historic sites, whether emblematic or little-known. Performing texts they have written themselves, the three poets offer an artistic take on a visit to a district or part of the city. They will evoke the history of Poitiers, always in poetry, whether personal texts about famous people who have walked the streets of the city, evocations of the local urban atmosphere, or selected pieces from the works of the troubadours of the court of Eleanor of Aquitaine. Duration: 01h30 // Meet at Grand Poitiers Tourist Office, 45 place Charles de Gaulle // Registration required on site, Monday to Saturday, 9.30am to 6pm // Places limited (25 people) // Prices: €5 for children aged 6 to 14, €10 for adults aged 15 and over.

free tours poitiers

Sundays, July 07 and August 04, 10 a.m. Fridays, July 12 and August 16, 6:30 p.m.

Mélusine and Lusignan

(Re)discover Lusignan in a different way thanks to playful theatrical performances in costume, around the fairy Mélusine, in the company of Professor Ray Mondin, the enchantress and the gossips. Duration: 01h30 // With the Compagnie de la Fée Mélusine // Meet at the Tourist Information Office in Lusignan, Place du Bail // Registration required on site, at the Office de Tourisme de Grand Poitiers 45 place Charles de Gaulle in Poitiers Monday to Saturday, 9:30am to 6pm or at the BIT in Lusignan Place du Bail Tuesday to Saturday, 10am to 12pm and 2pm to 6pm // Limited places (25 people) // Price: €5 - free up to 15 years old

Jeudi 29 août à 21h30

Balade sensorielle nocturne à Migné-Auxances

Venez découvrir ce lieu en éveillant vos sens. Ouvrez les oreilles pour écouter les bruits de la nature. Touchez avec les mains et les pieds pour découvrir différentes sensations. Sentez les narines ouvertes pour deviner l’environnement. Rendez-vous au Pré Armé // En partenariat avec l’association Armmelhisca // Durée : environ 01h30 // Distance d’environ 800m // Nombre de places limité : renseignements et réservation obligatoire auprès de Nacer Sider au 0685240792 ou [email protected]

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45, place Charles de Gaulle 86000 Poitiers

+33 (0)5 49 41 21 24

Opening Hours Monday to Saturday from 9:30am to 6pm

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free tours poitiers

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The Essentials: The Best Free Highlight Tour and More of Historic Philadelphia

The Essentials: The Best Free Highlight Tour and More of Historic Philadelphia

Your magical tour: from Nice to Villefranche✨ (the jewel of the French Riviera).

Your magical tour: from Nice to Villefranche✨ (the jewel of the French Riviera).

The Paris of South America! Icons, history and myths of Buenos Aires. Free Tour.

The Paris of South America! Icons, history and myths of Buenos Aires. Free Tour.

Experience Casablanca ⭐ Old Medina

Experience Casablanca ⭐ Old Medina

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London at War tour by Walkative!

London at War tour by Walkative!

Free Tour of Telde (Gran Canaria) with official guide 🏛️

Free Tour of Telde (Gran Canaria) with official guide 🏛️

Traditional Lunch Tour with a Local

Traditional Lunch Tour with a Local

🏙️ Discover the Heart of Medellín: A Journey through Architectural Heritage

🏙️ Discover the Heart of Medellín: A Journey through Architectural Heritage

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GuruWalk is an international community for pay-what-you-please walking tours that connects tourists with tour guides all around the world. Our mission is for you to be able to enjoy this type of tour in any place you can imagine.

The GuruWalk community is formed by "gurus" (local guides) who are open, attentive, fun people with great knowledge of the city and who will be your friends wherever you travel.

The other part of the community are the "walkers," or tourist who opt for this type of tour over the more traditional tours, who enjoy unforgettable experiences and most importantly, love to travel around the world doing guruwalks.

A "free walking tour" is a guided tour at a travel destination, where a local guide explains history, culture, and lifestyle. Currently, it is the first option that tourists choose when they visit a new city.

The concept can be a little confusing since "free" in English is a word that immediately makes you think free of cost. While becoming a part of the community, making a booking, or setting up a tour on the platform is 100% free, the traveler has to pay the guide at the end of the tour based on his experience. This concept is commonly referred to as a pay-what-you-please walking tour, because it empowers the client to pay based on their satisfaction with the tour and encourages the guide to always do their best.

At GuruWalk, we call them "guruwalks" so our walkers don’t get confused with the concept. Our intention is for them to understand the concept better and then give a fair remuneration to their Guru, so that we can all keep enjoying this type of tour all across the world.

Look for the city that you want to visit and then choose from all the guruwalks that are available, the different themed experiences, the different neighborhood and the various types of activities to find the best option for you. Book the tour for free through the online platform, receive the email confirmation with all the info and you’re ready to go!

All that’s left to do is show up to the guruwalk to enjoy and learn about other cultures in a fun and entertaining way. Don’t forget to tip your guru’s good work and have a great time.

The star question that the walkers always ask! You choose how much to give, you can take into consideration how satisfied you were with the tour and how much you can afford.

Our gurus are the best tour guides who are at it day after day, who are creating fun and entertaining tours so you can get to know the most important aspects of a city, they know a lot about the city you’re visiting and they’ll help you to have the trip of a lifetime.

This is why most walkers on GuruWalk generally give between 10 o 20€ per person, but as we said, you can choose to give more or less depending on your experience.

If you’d like to join our community of international gurus, all you have to do is click the link here. We’re waiting to get to know you!

Work as a free tour guide in GuruWalk .

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  1. Que Faire pendant un Week-end à Poitiers ? • On my tree

    free tours poitiers

  2. Free photo: Poitiers Centre, Medieval Buildings

    free tours poitiers

  3. Visit Poitiers

    free tours poitiers

  4. A Photo Walking Tour of Poitiers, France

    free tours poitiers

  5. The BEST Poitiers Sightseeing walking tours 2024

    free tours poitiers

  6. 10 Reasons to Visit Grand Poitiers

    free tours poitiers



  2. Depardieu 🐷

  3. La Natalité en Baisse 👶🏻

  4. Résumé : Poitiers VS Tours

  5. Gabriel Attal 🏳️‍🌈

  6. Alterna SPVB- Poitiers


  1. Visit Poitiers

    Guided tours Grand Poitiers - Poitiers. Discover Grand Poitiers through a variety of themes, accompanied by a certified guide! See the sheet. 21/06/2024 - ... Free. A must-see spot in Poitiers: on the water's edge, surrounded by greenery, you're bound to find what you're looking for! See the sheet.

  2. GREETERS POITIERS %• Free walk with a local

    Poitiers can claim 2000 years of history inscribed and woven into its current landscape. Come and discover it with a passionate local. ... ! le meilleur moyen de découvrir la ville avant de partir seul à "l'aventure" Patrick m'a fait faire un grand tour (presque 3h!!) des petites rues et des grands monuments, partout il m'a montré ...

  3. Free Walking Sightseeing Tour #1 in Poitiers, France

    The Jardin des Plantes de Poitiers is a municipal park and botanical garden located at 1 rue du Jardin des Plantes, Poitiers, Vienne, Nouvelle-Aquitaine, France. It is open daily without charge. Wikipedia: Jardin des Plantes de Poitiers (EN) 1116 meters / 13 minutes.

  4. THE 10 BEST Free Things to Do in Poitiers

    Highly rated activities with free entry in Poitiers: The top things to do for free. See Tripadvisor's 45,619 traveler reviews and photos of Poitiers free attractions. Skip to main content. Discover. ... Worth visiting on your walking tour of Poitiers. On the way to Hotel Fume you pass this funny little replica Statue of Liberty in a tree-lined ...

  5. Free Walking Sightseeing Tours in Poitiers, France

    Explore Poitiers in France with our free walking tours. Discover this city at your own pace and anytime. Search. Menu. City. Please enter a city. Search ... Below is an overview of the sightseeing tours. A total of 2 tours are available in Poitiers, France. Individual Sights in Poitiers. Self-guided Tour #1. 12 sights 4.5 km. 95 m. 128 m ...

  6. Poitiers Greeters: Free walking tour

    Free Private Walking Tour with a local. As a roman Capital, Poitiers can claim for 2000 years of histoiry written ‎and woven in its current landscape. Bathed with two rivers, "le Clain" ‎and "la Boivre", the Poitiers headland welcome its visitors in an historical ‎center full of character. The green of its valeys, parks and ...

  7. THE 5 BEST Poitiers Tours & Excursions for 2024 (with Prices)

    These places are best for tours in Poitiers: Agence 1122 - by Premium Cultural Experiences; VTC Poitiers Futuroscope; Parc de Saint Cyr; Mobilboard by Segway Poitiers; Drive Session Racing; See more tours in Poitiers on Tripadvisor

  8. 15 Best Things to Do in Poitiers (France)

    And then you can leave the past behind, at least for a few hours, at the ultramodern Futuroscope theme park. Lets explore the best things to do in Poitiers: 1. Musée Sainte-Croix. Source: wikipedia. Musée Sainte-Croix. The biggest museum in the city is in a labyrinthine brutalist building from the 1970s.

  9. Poitiers city guide

    By plane - Nearest airports: Poitiers, Limoges, Tours By road : Poitiers is 6 - 7 hours drive from Calais, 4 hours from Paris, and 2½ h from Bordeaux. By train: Train station Poitiers Centre. Direct TGV services from Paris Gare Montparnasse (1h 40 to 2h), Lille (3h 20) Bordeaux (1h 50) For timetables and online tickets, see .

  10. Battle of Tours

    The Battle of Tours, also called the Battle of Poitiers and the Battle of the Highway of the Martyrs (Arabic: معركة بلاط الشهداء, romanized: Maʿrakat Balāṭ ash-Shuhadā'), was fought on 10 October 732, and was an important battle during the Umayyad invasion of Gaul.It resulted in victory for the Frankish and Aquitanian forces, led by Charles Martel, over the invading ...

  11. 10 Best Things To Do In Poitiers

    2. See the beautiful and historic churches of Poitiers. Notre-Dame la Grande in Poitiers. Eglise Sainte Radegonde. The medieval Roman Catholic Church of Sainte-Radegonde was built in Poitiers, France, in the sixth century. Radegund, a Frankish queen and nun, was buried there, hence the name.

  12. 10 Reasons to Visit Grand Poitiers

    The heart of Poitiers is located at the top of a hill called the "Plateau". The streets are mostly pedestrian so the city is very walkable, perfect for strolling around. If you want to be your own guide on your visit, we recommend downloading the guided tours app "Visit Poitiers", which is entirely free and in English.

  13. THE 5 BEST Poitiers Tours & Excursions for 2024 (with Prices)

    Jun 24, 2024 - Find & Book the top-rated and best-reviewed tours in Poitiers for 2024. From prices and availability to reviews and photos, Tripadvisor has everything you need to create that perfect itinerary for your trip to Poitiers. ... Good for a Rainy Day Budget-friendly Good for Children Free Entry Good for Big Groups Good for Couples ...

  14. Poitiers Greeters: Free walking tour

    Tour gratuit et individuel avec un habitant. As a roman Capital, Poitiers can claim for 2000 years of histoiry written ‎and woven in its current landscape. Bathed with two rivers, "le Clain" ‎and "la Boivre", the Poitiers headland welcome its visitors in an historical ‎center full of character. The green of its valeys, parks and ...

  15. An Insider's Guide to the Best Things to do in Poitiers

    Cathédrale Saint-Pierre de Poitiers (Poitiers Cathedral) Bells have been ringing out in Poitiers since the 11th-century. One of the grandest churches in town is the impressive Saint Pierre (Saint Peter Cathedral), which was constructed in 1162 on the ruins of a former Roman basilica. The cathedral is free to visit.

  16. Free Walking Sightseeing Tour #2 in Poitiers, France

    Explore Poitiers in France with this free walking tour. Discover this place at your own pace. The tour includes 7 sights on 3404 meters. Search. Menu. City. Please enter a city. Search. Sightseeing Tours ... Explore Poitiers in France with this free self-guided walking tour. The map shows the route of the tour. Below is a list of attractions ...

  17. The BEST Poitiers Tours and Things to Do in 2023

    Find the top-rated and best-reviewed tours and activities in Poitiers for 2023. From prices and availability to skip-the-line options and mobile tickets, get all the information you need to make the most of your trip to France.

  18. The BEST Poitiers Guided tours 2024

    1. Poitiers: Guided City Walking Tour. Explore Poitiers with a local guide. See the beautiful Saint-Pierre Cathedral, learn about the city's fascinating history, and stop in the splendid Place Leclerc. Listen as your guide regales you with stories about the city, the church, famous kings and queens in the nearby Place Leclerc.

  19. Guided tours Grand Poitiers and Grand Poitiers

    Poitiers, 2000 years of history. Poitiers' historic center reveals over 2,000 years of history. Architectural gems from medieval times stand side by side with remarkable contemporary buildings. Ideal for getting to know the city! Price: €5.5 - free under certain conditions // Duration: 1h30 to 2h. Saturday, June 29 at 3 p.m.

  20. Poitiers

    Poitiers (/ ˈ p w ɑː t i eɪ /, UK also / ˈ p w ʌ t i eɪ /, US also / ˌ p w ɑː t i ˈ eɪ,-ˈ t j eɪ /, French: ⓘ; Poitevin: Poetàe) is a city on the River Clain in west-central France.It is a commune and the capital of the Vienne department and the historical centre of Poitou.In 2017 it had a population of 88,291. Its conurbation had 130,853 inhabitants in 2016 and is the center ...

  21. THE 10 BEST Free Things to Do in Poitiers

    Beautiful inside and outside, with the added bonus of its impressive crypt with lead lined tomb of a saint. At the bottom of the hill it is a little further to get to than most of the other churches in Poitiers but it is still worth the effort. Read more. Review of: Église Sainte-Radegonde.

  22. Cheap train Poitiers

    Take advantage of free Wi-Fi from Poitiers to Tours: you can access content and services via the TGV INOUI portal. Each carriage has plenty of luggage space, so you can quickly and easily settle down in your seat. Enjoy the buffet car which serves a range of food and drinks. Your tickets can be exchanged or refunded, depending on the conditions ...

  23. GuruWalk

    A "free walking tour" is a guided tour at a travel destination, where a local guide explains history, culture, and lifestyle. Currently, it is the first option that tourists choose when they visit a new city. The concept can be a little confusing since "free" in English is a word that immediately makes you think free of cost. While becoming a ...

  24. Germany eyeing first stop win at FIBA 3x3 Women's Series Poitiers Stop 2024

    Poitiers (FRANCE) - Top-seeded Germany will be out to pick up their first stop win of the season at the FIBA 3x3 Women's Series Poitiers Stop 2024 on June 25 - 26. THE FAVORITES. With the Paris Olympics just around the corner, Germany will be looking to build momentum in Poitiers.