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14 Best Road Trip Snacks for Adults [Ranked]

Varun Kwatra

  • February 13, 2024
  • Sustenance / Snack

Best Road Trip Snacks for Adults - Colorful, healthy road trip snacks spread out on a picnic table overlooking a scenic mountain road.

Road trips hold a special place in American culture. The open road, wind in your hair, sunglasses on, carefree vibes…what’s not to love?

But let’s be real – those nostalgic memories of family road trips often gloss over the not-so-fun parts, like headaches from screaming kids, frequent bathroom breaks, and crawling in traffic for hours.

As an adult, you can reinvent what road trips mean for you. Skip the headaches and harness the freedom of the open road! However, fueling your adult adventure takes more planning.

According to a survey by SnackSafely.com , 45% of adults experience energy slumps, headaches, and hangovers from unhealthy snacks and poor nutrition on road trips. No one wants their epic journey derailed by rollercoaster blood sugar and mood crashes.

That’s why I’ve created the ultimate guide to fueling YOUR adventure with the 14 best road trip snacks for adults! These hand-picked options check all the boxes:

  • Adult-friendly nutrition to power you through the miles
  • Portable and mess-free for easy snacking en route
  • Long shelf life with no refrigeration required
  • Delicious flavors to combat road trip boredom
  • Accommodate special diets like vegan and gluten-free
  • Fun twists on snacks to make them your own

Follow my snack roadmap and say goodbye to post-junk food regrets and road trip fatigue. Adventure awaits – let’s fuel it right!

Choosing the Right Snacks for Adult Road Trips

Unlike when you were a kid, your snacks can’t just be sugary treats and junk food. Think nutrition first when stocking up! Here are the key factors for choosing adult road trip snacks:

A.) Adult-Friendly Power

Opt for snacks with a balance of protein, healthy fats, and complex carbs. These nutrients provide sustained energy release to power you through driving, prevent blood sugar crashes, and keep your brain sharp. Nuts, whole grains, and high-protein snacks are your friends!

Research by the University of California, Berkeley, found that eating protein-rich snacks led to 50% less feeling stressed  while driving compared to those who consumed sugary snacks.

B.) Portable & Shelf-Stable

Road trip munching happens on the go, so you need snacks that are easy to eat with one hand and won’t leave a mess all over the car. Bonus points if they can sit unrefrigerated for hours without spoiling.

C.) Dietary Diversity

Why should dietary restrictions limit your snacking fun? Bring options that work for vegan, gluten-free, paleo, nut-free, and other diets so no one feels left out of the snack party.

D.) Travel Stages

Pack quick bites for on-the-go munching between stops, filling balanced snacks for meal replacement if you can’t sit down, and refreshing lighter items to beat boredom. You need snacks for every leg of the journey!

14 Best Road Trip Snacks for Adults

Having the right snacks on hand is crucial for staying energized, satisfied, and focused on any road trip adventure. After careful consideration, I’ve compiled my definitive ranking of the 14 best snacks for adults to power their drives and fuel their bodies.

Ranking Criteria

To determine the snacks that made the cut, I used the following tiered ranking criteria:

Top Tier (Essentials):

  • Nutritional Value:  Options that provide lasting energy through protein, healthy fats, fiber, and complex carbs. This helps prevent fatigue and blood sugar crashes.
  • Portability and Mess-Free:  Snacks need to be easily eaten on the go without making a mess in the car. Resealable bags and containers are ideal.
  • Shelf Life and Convenience:  Seek shelf-stable snacks that hold up without refrigeration. Minimal prep while traveling is essential.
  • Sustaining:  Snacks should contain enough calories, protein, and fiber to tide you over between stops. Avoid over-snacking.
  • Affordability:  Finding budget-friendly snacks allows you to buy in quantity without overspending.

Middle Tier (Desirable but Flexible):

  • Taste and Variety:  A mix of flavors and textures keeps taste buds excited and prevents snack boredom. But don’t sacrifice nutrition.
  • Dietary Friendliness:  Having options for different diets is great, but top-tier criteria still take priority.

Bonus Tier (Enhancers):

  • Uniqueness and Creativity:  Fun, DIY snacks add personalization and excitement to the journey.
  • Refreshment and Mood Boost:  Hydrating, cooling snacks provide revitalization and mental clarity.
  • Adventure Vibes:  Nostalgic or exotic snacks enhance the road trip theme.

Studies show snack variety boosts mood and prevents boredom.

Based on a careful evaluation using these metrics, here is my personal ranking from the #1 best road trip snack for adults. All of these are delicious, travel-friendly, and body-nourishing snacks to fuel your next road adventure! Let’s begin!

1. Greek Yogurt and Fruit Cups

Layered Greek yogurt parfait with berries, granola, and honey - a customizable, protein-packed road trip snack.

Layer creamy, protein-packed Greek yogurt together with fiber-filled granola, fresh mixed berries, and a drizzle of honey in portable cups for the perfect grab-and-go snack providing a balance of nutrition.

Ingredients: Nonfat Greek yogurt provides a high protein base. Toppings like granola, mixed berries, banana slices, chia seeds, honey, etc. allow for customization.

Benefits: Greek yogurt supplies ample protein and gut-healthy probiotics. The fruits add vitamins and natural sweetness. Granola provides fiber. Well-balanced nutrition.

Preparation Tips: Construct the yogurt cups ahead of time in disposable cups or portable jars. Keep refrigerated until ready to grab and eat.

Nutrition Per Serving: Varies based on ingredients. Greek yogurt has around 100 calories and 17 grams of protein per 6-ounce serving.

USP: Make-ahead convenience. Layers create fun flavors and textures. Protein and probiotics aid digestion – helpful for road trip eating. Easily customizable.

2. Spicy Roasted Chickpeas

Crunchy, spicy roasted chickpeas - a protein-rich, easy road trip snack

Transform chickpeas into a crunchy and spicy snack by roasting with olive oil and savory spices like cumin, paprika, garlic powder, cayenne, etc.

Ingredients: Canned chickpeas, olive oil, and spice blends of your choosing.

Benefits: Chickpeas provide vegan protein, fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Roasting makes them satisfyingly crunchy. Spices add robust, customizable flavors.

Preparation Tips: Drain, rinse, and roast canned chickpeas at high heat with spices until browned and crispy. Store in airtight containers once cooled.

Nutrition Per Serving: About 160 calories, 7g protein, 6g fiber per 1/2 cup serving. Swap olive oil to remove fat grams.

USP: Vegan/vegetarian snack. Crunchy and portable. Robust spice flavor options. Shelf-stable convenience.

3. Trail Mix Bar Bites

Bite-sized trail mix bars - customizable, energy-packed road trip snacks

Convert your regular trail mix into no-bake, bite-sized protein bars by binding the ingredients together with honey, nut butter, or other sticky ingredients. The options are endless!

Ingredients: Rolled oats, chopped nuts, sunflower or pumpkin seeds, dried fruit, nut butter, honey or maple syrup, and any other desired crunchy ingredients, spices, or mix-ins.

Benefits: Provides lasting energy from complex carbs, fiber, protein, and healthy fats derived from whole food ingredients like oats, nuts, seeds, and dried fruit. The bars are neatly portion-controlled for convenience.

Preparation Tips: Simply mix all ingredients together until a sticky dough forms, shape it into bars or balls, and then wrap it individually. Refrigerate or freeze to prolong freshness during your trip.

Nutrition Per Serving: Depends on the specific ingredients used in each bar, but averages around 150 calories, 5 grams protein, 7 grams fat, and 13 grams carbs.

USP: Make-ahead convenience. Portable energy. Creative twist on standard trail mix. Customizable for dietary preferences. Provides lasting fuel between meals.

4. DIY Jerky

 DIY beef jerky - handcrafted protein packs for adventurous road trips

Make your own jerky from lean meat for a protein-packed snack you control the flavors of. Slice beef, turkey, salmon, or other meats marinate and dehydrate into chewy jerky goodness.

Ingredients: Start with lean cuts of meat like flank steak, sirloin, or turkey breast. Marinate strips in Worcestershire, soy sauce, spices, brown sugar, etc. before dehydrating.

Benefits: 10-15 grams of protein per ounce supplies steady energy for the road. The savory, smokey flavor satisfies snack cravings. Essential amino acids help repair muscles.

Preparation Tips: Seek out quality meat and experiment with marinades. Dehydrate meat into chewy jerky strips. Portion into individual bags or reusable containers.

Nutrition Per Serving: An average of 120 calories, 15 grams of protein, and 5 grams of fat per ounce. Sodium varies significantly based on preparation.

USP: Making it yourself allows full control over ingredients for a preservative-free snack. Shelf-stable and non-perishable. Protein punch in a compact form.

5. Spiced Chickpea Snack Packs

Spiced chickpea snack packs - flavorful, protein-packed road trip fuel

Protein-packed roasted chickpeas become even more flavorful and fun when seasoned with spices like chili powder, curry powder, garlic powder, or cumin. Seek out single-serve bags or make your own spiced batches.

Ingredients: Chickpeas as the base, along with olive oil for roasting and assorted spices like chili powder, paprika, curry powder, garlic powder, cumin, etc.

Benefits: Chickpeas offer a substantial amount of plant-based protein, fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Different spice blends allow flavor customization. Roasting makes them satisfyingly crunchy.

Preparation Tips: Drain and rinse canned chickpeas, then toss with olive oil and desired spices. Roast at 400°F, stirring occasionally, until browned and crispy.

Nutrition Per Serving: About 160 calories, 7 grams protein, and 6 grams fiber per 1/2 cup serving.

USP: A vegan and vegetarian-friendly snack that is shelf-stable for road trips. The savory, crunchy texture and customizable flavors make roasted chickpeas intrinsically crave-worthy.

6. Apple Slices with Nut Butter

Apple slices & nut butter - simple, healthy road trip duo

Pair sliced apple, pear, or banana pieces with nut butter for a snack combo that provides a winning balance of sweet fruit, creamy nut butter, protein, fiber, and essential nutrients.

Ingredients: Freshly sliced apples, pears, bananas, or other fruits are ideal bases, while almond butter, peanut butter, sunflower seed butter, or any other nut or seed butter make great dips.

Benefits: The fruit supplies natural sugars and vitamins like potassium and vitamin C, while the nut or seed butter provides filling protein, fiber, healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals, balancing out the carbohydrates.

Preparation Tips: Simply wash and slice your preferred fruits before traveling. Pair them with single-serve pouches or packets of your chosen nut or seed butter for assembly on the go.

Nutrition Per Serving: One apple with 2 tablespoons of peanut butter contains approximately 270 calories, 5 grams of protein, 16 grams of fat, and 29 grams of carbs. Details vary by fruit and nut butter selections.

USP: Both kids and adults love this sweet yet satisfying snack combo. The hydrating fruit paired with creamy nut butter makes it simple to assemble yet still nourishing.

7. Homemade Guacamole and Crackers

Fresh guacamole & crackers - zesty, veggie-packed road trip dip

Whip up a batch of freshly made guacamole by mashing avocados, tomatoes, onions, garlic, lime juice, cilantro, and any other desired ingredients. Pair it with whole-grain crackers or vegetable dippers.

Ingredients: Guacamole’s base comes from ripe avocados, paired with possible mix-ins like tomatoes, onion, garlic, lime juice, cilantro, hot sauce, etc. This can be served alongside whole grain crackers or fresh veggies like carrots and celery sticks.

Benefits: Guacamole provides healthy fats and fiber from the avocados, while the vegetables offer added vitamins and minerals. The crackers or fresh veggies give it a crunchy textural balance.

Preparation Tips: Make the guacamole ahead of time and store it in an airtight container to prevent browning. Pack any accompaniments like crackers or sliced vegetables separately.

Nutrition Per Serving: A 2-tablespoon serving of guacamole has approximately 50 calories and 2 grams of fiber. Crackers range from 70-120 calories depending on type and quantity.

USP: The fresh, nutrient-dense ingredients make homemade guacamole shine. Pairing it with vegetable dippers adds a hydrating crunch. The make-ahead convenience also helps.

8. Dark Chocolate and Almonds

Dark chocolate & almonds - sophisticated, antioxidant road trip treats

Bitter dark chocolate and salty almonds make for a dynamic flavor and texture combo that also provides antioxidants and protein. Just be sure to keep portions in check.

Ingredients: Opt for at least 70% cacao dark chocolate paired with unsalted almonds.

Benefits: Dark chocolate delivers antioxidants, while almonds provide protein, healthy fats, vitamin E, and magnesium. Together they offer a dual sweet-salty taste and crunchy-smooth mouthfeel.

Preparation Tips: Seek out individually wrapped dark chocolate-almond packs for portion control or make your own homemade trail mix combination.

Nutrition Per Serving: When keeping servings small, around 150 calories, 3 grams protein, 9 grams fat, and 12 grams carbs per serving. Larger portions drastically increase calories.

USP: The antioxidant benefits of dark chocolate coupled with the sweet-salty duo make this a unique-tasting snack. Individually wrapped portions also provide easy portable snacking.

9. Baked Kale Chips

Crispy baked kale chips - healthy, crave-worthy road trip crunch

For a crispy, crunchy snack with more nutrition than greasy potato chips, bake your own kale chips! Simply toss torn kale pieces with olive oil and preferred seasonings, then bake at low heat until perfectly crisp.

Ingredients: Kale, olive oil just to lightly coat, and desired seasonings like sea salt, garlic powder, nutritional yeast, onion powder, chili powder, etc.

Benefits: Kale chips contain far more vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants than traditional potato chips after baking. The touch of oil helps them get super crispy in the oven. Seasonings also allow flavor customization.

Preparation Tips: Wash kale thoroughly, tear it into chip-sized pieces, toss lightly with oil and seasonings, and bake at 275°F until crisp ~ about 30 minutes. Let cool before storing in airtight containers.

Nutrition Per Serving: Baked kale chips provide about 60 calories per 1 ounce (about 1 cup) serving. The majority come from healthy fats, with an excellent source of vitamins A, C, and K.

USP: Kale chips make for a much healthier swap compared to greasy, fried potato chips. Their crunchy, crispy texture and salty, savory taste satisfy snack cravings. Seasoning allows flavor customization too.

10. Turkey Roll-Ups

Veggie-stuffed turkey roll-ups - flavorful, protein-packed road trip bites

Roll up convenient slices of lean turkey breast around cheeses, shredded vegetables like carrots or spinach, hummus, pesto, or any other desired fillings for a customizable snack bursting with protein.

Ingredients: Thinly sliced turkey breast, cheese slices, shredded raw vegetables, hummus, pesto, mustard, or any other spreads or fillings that work nicely rolled up inside.

Benefits: The turkey provides lean protein while the fillings incorporate more flavor and nutrients. Their hand-held, roll-up format makes this an easy snack to eat on the go while driving.

Preparation Tips: Look for pre-made roll-ups at your grocer’s deli counter for maximum convenience, or assemble your own ahead of time and individually wrap each for grab-and-go ease.

Nutrition Per Serving: This depends on fillings, but turkey breast has around 35 calories and 7 grams of protein per slice. Filling options impact carbohydrates, fats, and fiber.

USP: The turkey roll-up combination provides a customizable protein and vegetable snack in a tidy, portable format that is often readily available.

11. Yogurt Parfaits

Layered yogurt parfaits - customizable, protein-packed road trip treats

Transform yogurt into a perfectly portable snack by layering it with crunchy granola, fresh mixed fruit, chia seeds, coconut, chocolate chips, or any other desired toppings to create a customizable parfait.

Ingredients: The base consists of yogurt, particularly high-protein Greek yogurt. This can be layered with any combination of granola, fresh fruits like berries, bananas, or melon, chia seeds, shredded coconut, chocolate chips, etc.

Benefits: Yogurt provides protein, calcium, and probiotics. The assorted fruits and vegetables add vitamins and antioxidants. Granola contributes fiber. And customized add-ins allow you to tailor nutritional profiles and flavors.

Preparation Tips: Construct the parfaits ahead of time in either disposable cups or wide-mouth jars for easy on-the-go snacking, keeping ingredients separate until ready to eat if necessary.

Nutrition Per Serving: Because combinations vary, nutrition details differ, but Greek yogurt contains more protein than regular. Add-ins impact carbohydrates, fats, and calories.

USP: The make-ahead, grab-and-go convenience makes this a handy snack for road trips. The diverse layers and flavors keep it interesting. Customizations work for many dietary needs too.

12. Hard-Boiled Eggs and Edamame

Hard-boiled eggs & edamame - easy, on-the-go road trip bites

Hard boil the eggs and pair with roasted edamame pods for the perfect high-protein, plant- and animal-based snacking duo. Both are totally portable.

Ingredients: Eggs and pre-packaged dry roasted edamame pods.

Benefits: Eggs provide 6g protein and 5g fat for sustained energy. Edamame adds 8g plant-based protein and 5g fiber per serving. Powerful protein punch.

Preparation Tips: Boil eggs up to 1 week before and store in the fridge. Toss in your cooler while traveling. Edamame just needs to be portioned out.

Nutrition Per Serving: 1 egg has about 80 calories, 6g protein, and 5g fat. 1 edamame pod serving averages 130 calories, 8g protein, and 5g fiber.

USP: No refrigeration needed. Grab-and-go, mess-free plant- and animal-based proteins. Affordable and easily accessible.

13. Veggie Hummus Dippers

Veggie & hummus dippers - colorful, healthy road trip snacking

For a snack pairing that combines protein and a refreshing crunch factor, hummus spread alongside fresh vegetable dippers creates the perfect balance. The smooth, creamy hummus perfectly complements the crispy fresh vegetables.

Ingredients: Hummus made from chickpeas, olive oil, and seasonings can be paired with an array of fresh vegetables like carrots, celery, bell peppers, cucumbers, and broccoli for dipping.

Benefits: Hummus provides plant-based protein, healthy fats, and fiber. The fresh vegetables selected deliver extra vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Together they create a filling, nutrient-dense snack.

Preparation Tips: Purchase single-serve hummus containers for dipping convenience on the go. Prepare the fresh vegetables by washing and slicing them in advance of your trip.

Nutrition Per Serving: A typical 2-3 tablespoon serving of hummus contains around 70 calories and 4 grams each of plant-based protein and fiber. One cup of fresh vegetables averages about 30 calories.

USP: This snack combination is vegetarian and vegan-friendly. The vegetables provide a hydrating crunch factor. Hummus comes in diverse flavors to keep things interesting. And it makes for mess-free dipping while in transit.

14. Trail Mix Turbo

Customizable trail mix explosion - fuel your adult road trip adventures

Trail mix allows complete customization to create a protein- and fiber-packed snack suited to your personal tastes and preferences by mixing and matching your favorite nuts, seeds, dried fruits, and whole-grain ingredients like oats or cereal.

Ingredients: Assorted nuts like almonds, cashews, and walnuts can be combined with seeds such as pepitas and sunflower seeds, then blended with dried fruits like cranberries, raisins, or apricots and wholesome whole grains like raw oats or shredded coconut to achieve your perfect flavor and texture medley.

Benefits: Trail mix provides lasting energy throughout road trip travels thanks to its nutritional profile rich in protein, healthy fats, complex carbohydrates, and fiber derived from nuts, seeds, fruits, and whole grains. It also offers both sweet and salty flavors in one hand-held snack.

Preparation Tips: You can purchase pre-made trail mix blends for convenience or create your own signature combinations by mixing ingredients from bulk bins at your local grocer. Portioning the mixes into single-serve bags or reusable containers makes for easy, grab-and-go snacking on the open road.

Nutrition Per Serving: Nutrition details vary based on specific ingredients used, but a typical 1/4 cup serving of trail mix averages 160-200 calories, 3-5 grams protein, 12-15 grams fat, 15-20 grams carbs, and 2-4 grams fiber.

USP: The ability to fully customize your own trail mix blend makes this snack uniquely suited to individual tastes and dietary preferences. It is also shelf-stable and non-perishable while providing concentrated nutrient density in nostalgic road trip snack.

More Snack Ideas Beyond the Top 14

While these made my highly selective top 14 list, the options don’t stop there. Here are more ideas to add variety to your adult road trip snacks:

  • Smoothie pouches:  Blend up healthy smoothies at home and portion into pouches.
  • Mini rice cakes:  Low-calorie crunchy crackers that come in fun flavors.
  • Roasted seaweed snacks:  Salty, crispy sheets of seasoned seaweed pack nutrients.
  • Roasted pumpkin seeds:  Toss these fiber & mineral-rich seeds in Cajun seasoning for a kick.

And don’t forget you can modify many of these snacks to work with dietary restrictions:

  • Vegan:  Swap in plant-based protein options and avoid dairy-based items.
  • Gluten-free:  Use certified gluten-free brands or make snacks from scratch.
  • Nut-free:  Skip the nut butter and trail mix options and opt for seeds and chickpeas instead.

The possibilities are endless when you start with nutrition first. A survey by the National Confectioners Association found that 78% of adults enjoy customizing their snacks. So, now get creative and make those snacks yours!

Packing Your Snacks for the Ultimate Road Trip

You’ve got your snacks planned – now how do you pack and store them for maximum freshness? Use these tips:

Reusable containers: Avoid single-use plastic bags and instead portion snacks into reusable silicon bags , divider containers , or mason jars .

Get a travel cooler: Invest in a high-quality car cooler and ice packs to keep items like fresh produce crisp and cold.

Think vertical: Use vertical space in the car by hanging reusable snack bags from the headrests or handles.

Prepare ahead: Wash and slice produce, portion trail mix, make guacamole, etc. before you hit the road to save time and hassle.

Eat perishables first: Plan to eat fresh items like sliced apples and veggies within the first 1-2 days.

Stagger snacks: Only keep a few options easily accessible as you drive. Rotate other snacks in from the cooler as needed so they stay fresh.

With the right storage hacks, you can ensure your nutritious snacks make it from point A to point B – and to your stomach – in perfect shape.

Road Trip Snacking for the Win!

Snacks should never be an afterthought – especially on road trips! By fueling up with the healthiest, tastiest options, you can make your drive more enjoyable while reaching your destination feeling your best.

So embrace the freedom of the open road, cue up your favorite tunes, and let snacking adventures begin. Stop at those quirky roadside markets and farms for fresh local goodies. Pull off at a scenic overlook or historical landmark and enjoy snacks picnic-style. Swap funny stories and create lasting memories during your snack breaks.

At each pit stop, savor the flavors that helped fuel your drive so far. Then pour a fresh cup of coffee and hit the road toward adventure once more!

The kilometers will fly by when you’re powered by snacks made for the journey. Here’s to road trips done right – your way. Happy snacking, happy traveling!

Varun Kwatra

Varun Kwatra

Hey you, Wowzer! I'm Varun Kwatra, a road trip enthusiast with a passion for exploring new places and immersing myself in the beauty of the open road.

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Live A Wilder Life

THE ULTIMATE ROAD TRIP FOOD LIST: 50 Scrumptious Travel Snacks

Post Summary: The definitive road trip food list with 50 snack ideas and meals to keep you happy the entire car ride. Plus, tips for what else to bring and recommendations for the best road trip coolers.

Road trips are the classic adventure that everyone needs to do at least once in their life, whether you’re traveling solo, with your best buds, or packing in the whole family. What’s the secret to a great road trip? Besides having your maps already downloaded to your phone (travel must #1), it’s to have a collection of the best road trip food at your disposal. Being prepared with good travel food will ensure you don’t:

  • Kill your travel mates because you’re hangry.
  • Get killed by your travel mates because they’re hangry.
  • Get lured in by every gasoline stop and somehow end up with bright orange Cheetos and Slim Jims.
  • Waste your travel budget dining on Subway and Wendys road trip meals.

After road tripping with a toddler for half a year around the US, we’ve figured out the ultimate road trip food list so we can enjoy the journey together feeling nourished and happy. Our list includes road trip food ideas for adults and kids as well as healthy car snacks.

After the road trip food list, we’ve included non-food items you’ll want to bring and some tips on choosing the best road trip cooler.

Need More Road Trip Tips? Check out our other articles below:

The Ultimate Road Trip Packing List: 41 Essentials For The Road 160 Fun, Deep, and Sometimes Silly Road Trip Questions 41 Fun and Challenging Road Trip Trivia Questions 17+ Fun Things To Do On A Road Trip How To Survive A Road Trip With A Toddler 40 Must Have Items To Have In Your Camper

*This road trip food list post may contain affiliate links, which means we might earn a small commission if you purchase from them. This is at no extra cost to you! We only recommend products and services we genuinely think are helpful.

The Ultimate Road Trip Food List

prepared food on top of a map

Healthy snacks for a road trip

We’ll start with healthy snacks for the road. I don’t know about you, but when we go on road trips, we tend to fall back on fast food and junk food. In an effort to have a quasi healthy road trip we make sure to include some healthy options so we can at least feel like we’ve balanced out all our snickers bars and Wendy’s frosties. Here’s our list of the best road trip foods that won’t leave you feeling sluggish at the end of the day. We also added in a few recommendations of some of our favorite brands.

Healthy Snacks For Car Rides 1. Fruit: Bananas, strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, grapes, apples, oranges 2. Sliced veggies: carrots, cucumbers, celery, bell peppers, pickles, radishes 3. Cherry tomatoes 4. Olives (buy the pitted kinds) 5. Salsa 6. Deli sandwiches or wraps (already made from home or pre-purchased) 7. A simple charcuterie spread (summer sausage, pepperoni, sliced cheese, dried apricots, olives, crackers, etc.) 8. Popcorn 9. Yellow corn chips, blue corn chips, kale chips 10. Granola Bars and Energy Bars ( Munk Bars are our favorite! ) 11. Dried Fruit 12. Crackers (cheese crackers, saltines, whole wheat crackers, these almond crackers are my favorite!) 13. Pretzels 14. Nuts (almonds, peanuts, cashews, macadamia, walnuts, pecans) 15. Trail mix 16. Tuna (Get the kind that doesn’t need to be refrigerated! It can become a snack on crackers, a sandwich, or added to a salad) 17. Coconut chips ( Dang chips are our favorite. ) 18. Dark chocolate 19. Wasabi peas 20. Fruit leather 21. Whole-grain muffins 22. Bread (pretzel rolls, pita bread) 23. Water (Preferably in a water bottle like a Hydro Flask that will keep your water cold for hours.) *The following are all still healthy snacks for a road trip but will require a cooler. Skip them if you are going sans cooler. Further down, we’ll talk about the best road trip coolers. 23. Hard-boiled eggs 24. Small yogurt containers or drinkable yogurts 25. Humus 26. Guacamole 27. Pasta salad 28. Lentil salad 29. Grocery store salad kits (Can be eaten out of the bag! Just cut the top, pour in the salad dressing, and shake it away. You can also opt to do salads in a jar) 30. Cheese

Essential Road Trip Snacks

Pile of potato chips for a road trip

These road trip snacks might not be the healthiest, but look…you can’t always be perfect!

Road Trip Snack List 32. Beef Jerky 33. Chips 34. Fun candy (Any kind of candy that brings you joy for your road trip. Gummy bears, reeses pieces, airheads) 35. Ranch dip to go with your healthy veggies 36. Fun drinks (Just make sure the drink is able to be resealed or small enough that you’ll drink it all quickly. My favorite road trip drink is coconut water!) 37. Cookies

Road Trip Snacks For Kids And Toddlers

While we don’t put a distinction between road trip food for the adults and road trip food for kids, here are some fun ideas you can add in addition to the travel food listed above. We found that allowing for leniency with what we let our kid snack on will mean a more fun time for everyone in the car.

Road Trip Snacks For Toddlers and Kids 38. String Cheese or Babybels 39. Peanut butter pretzels 40. Clementines 41. Squeezable applesauce 42. Squeezable nut butters (peanut butter, almond butter, cashew butter) 43. Graham crackers 44. Goldfish 45. Fruit snacks 46. Fruit roll ups 47. Peanut butter and jelly sandwich 48. Dry cereal 49. Nutella 50. Snap pea crisps ( I love the wasabi ones from Harvest Snaps . I can only get them online because my grocery store never has them!)

Essential Non Food Items

Utensils and napkins for a road trip

Now that you’ve got your travel food and made your road trip food list, let’s talk about non food items to have on your road trip packing list. We are both advocates for minimal waste living so we do advise using reusable items like real utensils, glass containers, and reusable straws rather than single-use items. I know it can feel like a nuisance, but once you get used to doing it, it’s easy to integrate it into your habits. We’ve provided links to different products, so you can check out some good options.

-Trash bags (old shopping bags work well) – Stackable glass or plastic containers (While glass may feel like a hazard, I find that most of them are built for endurance and would require some extreme throwing around to actually break. Either way, bringing containers rather than an entire bag of snacks is a great space saver.) -Reusable straws (we like this multipack option here ) -Bento boxes (another option is to make individual bento boxes with everyone’s preferred snacks put in. It’s essentially a healthier version of a Lunchable. Great option if you’re traveling with kids.) Check out these cute bento boxes here . -Utensils -Plates -Paper towels -Hand sanitizer -Ziplock bags -Wipes -Cups if you want to share drinks -Ice packs for the cooler (We prefer to use reusable ice packs like these , but frozen water bottles or ice cubes in a ziplock back will do the job as well.) -Reusable grocery bag to carry your non-perishable stuff -Plastic tub (If you’re going on a long road trip and will have lots of snacks, a good option is to pack all your non-perishable items in a tub like this .) -Cooler

Related : A Comprehensive Guide To the Best Toddler Carriers For Traveling

Best Road Trip Coolers

road trip snacks ranked

If you’re going on a long road trip, you’ll definitely want to bring a cooler so you can have more options for the journey. Things to consider when deciding what kind of road trip cooler to bring.

  • How much space will you have in your car?
  • How many days will you be driving and subsequently how much food will you need?
  • Cost of the cooler
  • If you road trip or camp a lot and will use a cooler several times a year.

Yeti Roadi 24 Cooler

YETI Roadie 24 Cooler, Tan

Our choice for the best road trip cooler is the Yeti Roadi 24 Cooler . It’s a mid-sized cooler that can fit a bottle of wine standing upright. We like its lightweight design and that its compact size can fit on the ground behind the passenger seat.

It has a mid-range price point, so if you are wanting something more economical, you’ll probably want our next pick.

Igloo MaxCold Cooler

Igloo Maxcold 40-100 Qt Commercially Insulated Coolers

If all you need is a no-frills cooler to keep your food cold, the Igloo Maxcold Cooler is a great option. The thin design also makes it a great choice for someone wanting to save room in the car.

Arctic Zone Titan Deep Freeze

Arctic Zone Titan Deep Freeze Cooler - 30 Can Zipperless Hardbody Cooler - Navy Blue with Deep Freeze Insulation, HardBody Liner, and SmartShelf

If you like a soft cooler, the Arctic Zone Titan Deep Freeze consistently offers the best bang for your buck.

Yeti Tundra 45

YETI Tundra 45 Cooler, Navy

Lastly, if you are wanting a high-end cooler that will be great for camping and can take the wear and tear of consistent use, the Yeti Tundra 45 is your best bet. Yeti is the reigning champion of coolers and you can’t go wrong with anything you purchase from them.

Before you head out on your epic road trip, we suggest packing the night before. Alleviating as much stress as possible on the day you leave, especially when you’re doing a road trip with a toddler , is key to enjoying the road trip journey. We find that the night before, it’s best to:

  • Wash, cut, and peel all vegetables and fruit.
  • Pack up all non perishable food and supplies.
  • Prepare any road trip sandwiches you plan to eat.

Lastly, don’t forget to make sure all your tasty road trip snacks are within reaching distance in the car.

We hope you enjoyed our complete road trip food list. Happy road tripping!

** For more road trip inspiration follow us on Instagram . We travel… a lot.

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road trip snacks ranked

Hi, we’re Christina and Brad, Idaho based writers and photographers who live to explore. We did a short stint of traveling full time with our two year old and discovered we're much happier as part time nomads. What does that mean? We travel a lot! And then we go home. We love helping fellow parents and everyday adventurers discover new places and experiences.

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31 Filling Road Trip Snacks That Are Perfect For Vacation

From healthy, high-protein snacks to guilty pleasure sweets.

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Delish editors handpick every product we feature. We may earn commission from the links on this page.

Let's be honest: highway rest stops aren't known for being prime culinary destinations. Most travelers are limited to gas station snacks and a few fast food options in between long stretches of the open road. But what happens if you're hungry while driving through the middle of nowhere? Or if you want something more health-conscious than a bag of Hot Cheetos ?

That's why the most essential component of a perfect road trip—or off-roading adventure—is a cooler full of snacks to keep you full while on the go. From crispy and salty to sweet and refreshing, there's a single-serving snack to satisfy whatever you're craving—and the ones below will taste much better than soggy gas station French fries , trust us.

So load up with some caffeine in your cup holder. Turn up that curated Spotify playlist on your speakers. Make sure your partners in crime are in the passenger seat—and buckle up, for heaven's sake! With this lineup of sweet and savory snacks in the car, you're guaranteed to have the best road trip ever.

BjornQorn Popcorn

BjornQorn Popcorn

When it comes to pre-popped popcorn, no brand comes close to BjornQorn. Each and every kernel is dusted in a savory nutritional yeast-based seasoning blend. It's like a vegan, nutrient-dense version of Pirate's Booty.

Crystal Light Crystal Light Sugar-Free Grape Energy Drink Mix with Caffeine

Crystal Light Sugar-Free Grape Energy Drink Mix with Caffeine

Pack these flavor packets in your car whenever you need to switch up your plain water. Reviewers say grape is the best flavor, followed by lemonade, but for those who can't decide, grab the variety pack.

Nora Seaweed Tempura

Nora Seaweed Tempura

This snack is a favorite for our editorial director Jo Saltz. Think of these savory seaweed snacks as a crunchy roll at your favorite sushi spot, minus the rice and fish. They're light, crispy and perfectly salty—A.K.A the ideal road trip snack.

SmartSweets SmartSweets Sour Blast Buddies

SmartSweets Sour Blast Buddies

Instead of plowing through that whole bag of Sour Patch Kids, try this brand as a super easy swap. They still give you that pucker feeling without all of the sugar.

SKINNYDIPPED SkinnyDipped Snack Attack Minis Almond Variety Pack

SkinnyDipped Snack Attack Minis Almond Variety Pack

Packed with protein; these have just the right amount of sweet coating to keep your sweet tooth at bay. Beware: If you're traveling in the heat, these may melt—so eat quickly 😈.

YERBAÉ Yerbae Naturally Caffeinated Sparkling Energy Water

Yerbae Naturally Caffeinated Sparkling Energy Water

Long trips = Tired eyes. When you need that last hour boost, these energy waters are where it's at. Each can is the equivalent of one cup of coffee but tastes far better. One reviewer says, "It is like LaCroix with caffeine".

OMG! Pretzels Garlic Gourmet Seasoned Sourdough Pretzel Nuggets

OMG! Pretzels Garlic Gourmet Seasoned Sourdough Pretzel Nuggets

When we say these are the best pretzels we've ever eaten, we're not exaggerating. Each crispy sourdough pretzel nugget is coated in a cheesy, herby, garlic seasoning that makes it nearly impossible to stop at just a handful.

Afraid of subjecting your fellow passengers to your garlic breath? OMG! Pretzels also carries other filling flavors like Cheddar Jalapeño, Chesapeake Spice, and even Salty Butterscotch.

Blue Diamond Almonds Oven Roasted Dark Chocolate Almonds

Oven Roasted Dark Chocolate Almonds

If you happen to be a fan of chocolate-covered almonds, you'll want to stock up on this on-the-go pack for the car ride gang.

Wonderful halos Mandarins


You may not have thought to bring mandarins along for the ride before, but now that it's in your mind, how could you resist?

Nutella Chocolate Hazelnut Spread with Breadsticks

Chocolate Hazelnut Spread with Breadsticks

Not only will the kids love this on-the-go snack, but you will too! Just make sure you bring enough for seconds (and maybe thirds!).

Legally Addictive Snack - The O.G.

Legally Addictive Snack - The O.G.

Do you like to make toffee and chocolate-coated crackers for Christmas or Passover ? Now you can enjoy the salty sweet treat from behind the wheel any time of year. Legally Addictive's cracker-slash-cookie is truly the best of both worlds.

Jack Link's Beef Jerky Variety Pack

Beef Jerky Variety Pack

Need a snack that can hold you over until your next pit stop for a meal? You can't go wrong with beef jerky.

That's it. Fruit Bars Variety Pack

Fruit Bars Variety Pack

This variety pack of two-ingredient fruit bars will be the better-for-you snack that everyone can't get enough of.

Snyder's of Hanover Pretzel Sandwiches

Pretzel Sandwiches

It's no secret that pretzels and cheese can make a big mess on a road trip (especially if you have kids), so these single-pack cheddar and cheese pretzel sandwiches will make the ideal substitute.

Brewer's Food Sea Salt Baked Pita Chips

Sea Salt Baked Pita Chips

Whether you're pairing them with hummus or enjoying them by themselves, these sea salt baked pita chips will be the most shared snack in the car.

Vintage Italia Marinara Penne Straws

Marinara Penne Straws

Love pasta, but don't want to bring a big plate of it on the drive (LOL)? This traditional Italian pasta-inspired snack will be a great fill in. These vegan and gluten free penne straws are so good, a six-pack won't be enough.

bakerly Chocolate Hazelnut Filled Crêpes

Chocolate Hazelnut Filled Crêpes

This 9-pack of delicious crêpes will be the ideal ready-to-eat snack, breakfast, or brunch item for travelers of all ages. And, each of the crêpes are individually wrapped making it easy for everyone to have their own without making a chocolatey mess.

Brothers-ALL-Natural Fruit Crisps

Fruit Crisps

Perfect for kids and adults alike, this variety pack of fruit crisps gives the whole car options on options on options.

Hippeas Nacho Vibes Organic Chickpea Puffs

Nacho Vibes Organic Chickpea Puffs

With 3 grams of fiber and 4 grams of plant protein, these crunchy chickpea puffs will satisfy your chip craving—without the trans fat potato chips tend to pack.

Annie's Homegrown Organic Bunny Fruit Snacks

Organic Bunny Fruit Snacks

Hey, there's no age limit on fruit snacks. These gummies are parceled out by serving, so you can easily avoid mindless eating while driving.

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The Best Road Trip Snacks, According to Eater Editors

From Swedish Fish to charcuterie, these are the snacks that keep Eater staffers sated on long car rides

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A wall of packaged snacks at a rest stop.

This summer, the road trip was the only option for many of us to get in some kind of vacation or pay a long-overdue visit to faraway loved ones. And given the unpredictability of food options along routes these days, road trip snacks — always an essential item on the road trip packing list — were more important than ever.

There are certain essential qualities to a road trip snack: You should be able to eat it with one hand and with minimal mess. But beyond that, there are several interpretations of the genre. Road trip snacks may be the foods you find at gas stations and convenience stores, or indulgent treats that make the trip more bearable. Some road trippers select snacks based on their resemblance to an actual balanced meal, or on whether or not they’ll ensure the driver stays alert at the wheel. Eater staffers’ preferred snacks run the gamut. Here’s what fuels them through long car rides these days, as well as in better times.

Bit-O-Honey: Bit-O-Honey works as a road trip snack because you can eat an entire bag of them and not feel awful (trust me, I just did this on a six-hour drive from Northern to Southern California). It’s somewhat hilarious that this honey-flavored taffy seems to only be available at truck stops and gas stations. Drivers and passengers alike will crush hours gnawing on these glorious sweets, with microscopic almond pieces giving a modicum of texture. Getting the sticky bits out of your teeth is the rest of the fun. — Matthew Kang, Eater LA editor

Swedish Fish: I always have a bag of Swedish Fish on hand for a road trip. They perk you up, they’re chewy and sweet, and they’re the kind of candy I don’t eat every day. It’s also the ONLY time I drink Red Bull. — Lesley Suter, travel editor

Frozen Snickers: I’ve always maintained that a frozen Snickers bar is much, much better than an ice cream Snickers bar, the latter being an inferior product that melts too quickly and the former being something that will last in the car. — Ryan Sutton, Eater NY chief critic/data lead

Sour Patch Kids: My husband and I both agree that Sour Patch Kids are an absolute must on the road. I prefer the watermelon, but he likes the classics. I’m still bitter that the classic recipe seems to have changed, though; I swear they’re not as sour as they used to be. — Rachel Blumenthal, Eater Boston editor

Beaver Nuggets: Road-tripping in Texas means you have to stop by Buc-ee’s and grab a bunch of their packaged snacks. Despite the unfortunate name, the Beaver Nuggets (actually sweet corn puffs) are really great. — Nadia Chaudhry, Eater Austin editor

Trail mix: I buy Archer Farms trail mix from Target — specifically the Monster one with tons of chocolate. Ignore the raisins. — Ellie Krupnick, managing editor

Snyder’s of Hanover Pretzel Pieces, Honey Mustard & Onion: These carry a Midas touch, covering your fingertips in a golden powder that plays off plain hard pretzels with two sources of tangy-sweet flavor: onion and honey mustard. Grasping for the few thin pieces that hold more powder than pretzel turns every bag into a treasure hunt. — Gabe Hiatt, Eater D.C. editor

Blue Diamond Almonds, Bold Wasabi & Soy: Those thin tubes of wasabi and soy sauce almonds are my road trip snack of choice for a number of reasons. First, they give you all the savory and salt pop of potato chips without the gross “ugh, did I just eat a whole bag of potato chips?” hangover. Second, the pain of wasabi build-up is a great way to stay awake during more monotonous stretches, far less cliched than slapping yourself or other self-abuse you see in the movies. Third, its narrow container is perfect to just tip into your mouth — an act that seems obscene (and obscures your vision) when it’s a chip bag, but makes perfect sense when the bag is long and narrow... and it saves your steering wheel, upholstery, etc. from every road tripper’s nemesis: snack grease. — Eve Batey, Eater SF news editor

Corn Nuts : Corn Nuts are not the sexiest snack, but they fit conveniently in your cupholder and you can just pick at them and shove a handful in your mouth with relative ease. Bonus: If you drop some, they don’t melt all over your car like a bunch of jerks. — Stefania Orrù, coordinating producer

Pizzeria Combos: Combos are so good, but not just any kind: pizza-flavored Combos are the best. They are super salty, bite-sized, and filled with some type of cheesy pizza flavoring. It’s like getting to dip a pretzel in cheese in every bite. I will always eat the whole entire bag on the road regardless of how long the drive is. — Stephen Pelletteri, executive producer

Regional chips: I go for regional takes on barbecue/red hot chips, especially if I am in a new-to-me area where there’s more opportunities to experiment with unfamiliar brands. Pennsylvania gas stations are the best bet for the intersection of multiple brands: One place might get you Snyder’s, Wise, Herr’s, Martin’s, Middleswarth, Utz... No real interest in mesquite/sweet varieties, though. — Missy Frederick, cities director

Ritz Bits, cheese: I only ever buy them at rest stops; I’m scared to invite them into my life outside of that context. — Emma Alpern, senior copy editor

The more holistic meal plans

Carrots and celery: My most recent preferred road trip snack is just straight carrot sticks and celery. I did that on a road trip recently and, magically, I didn’t feel like crap at the end of the trip. Plus, they have that snap and crunch that’s a necessity for a good snack. — Brenna Houck, Eater Detroit editor

Cheese and charcuterie: On the very Los Angeles end of the spectrum, I get mini-cheese and charcuterie boards from Lady & Larder in Mar Vista and then hand feed my boyfriend soft cheeses and cured meats while he drives. — Nicole Adlman, cities manager

Beef jerky, nuts, coffee, and electrolytes: Most of my road trips of late are about the destination, not the journey, and involve driving for 10-14 hours straight — so the idea is to make as few as stops as possible. My road diet therefore is gas station hillbilly x keto bro: beef jerky, nuts, coffee, and Smart Water (or any other electrolyte-loaded water). All the salt means you only need to pit stop when your car does, no matter much you drink, while a zero carb regimen blunts any possible post-prandial zzzs; there’s nothing worse than feeling super full when you’ve got six more hours in a car, even if you have that many episodes of You’re Wrong About left in your podcast queue.

The deep flaw in this plan is that you’re totally at the mercy of the gas station and whatever it merchandises. It’s sort of cheating, because going with the flow is how I approach long drives, but on my usual run between New York and Georgia, I’ve taken to plotting out where the territories of Wawa and Sheetz begin and end to guarantee access to actually edible jerky (the national brands are all trash now, RIP Field Trip) and potable coffee. (As someone who has no particular dog in that regional skirmish , I think Wawa and Sheetz are equally good? SORRY.) At the end of the day, it’s a road trip, and you can’t really appreciate arriving if you haven’t suffered along the way. — Matt Buchanan, executive editor

Illustration of Ruffles chip bag, big plastic container of cheese balls, Chips Ahoy cookies, a toaster oven with two Pop-Tarts popping out, and a box of Cheez-Its.

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25 Best Road Trip Snacks That’ll Fuel the Family

They're sweet, salty, healthy, and everything in between!

road trip snacks

Every item on this page was chosen by a The Pioneer Woman editor. We may earn commission on some of the items you choose to buy.

It's been years since the entire Drummond clan took a proper family road trip, but Ree took the kids on lots of by-car adventures when they were younger, especially as part of homeschooling lessons. Ree got the kids in the car bright and early to avoid traffic, and would always make sure to pack a Thermos of hot coffee. "Mornings are my favorite part of the day to be on the road," she says. "Most people are just waking up, the roads are significantly less populated…coffee tastes better."

No matter where you're traveling this year, these road trip snacks will fuel you and your family through even the longest drives. Have a safe trip!

Country Archer Beef and Turkey Jerky Variety Pack

Country Archer Beef and Turkey Jerky Variety Pack

Ditch the carby snacks and opt for beef or turkey jerky when you're craving some protein. This variety pack comes with six different flavors and is big enough to share!

That's it. Fruit Bars Variety Pack

That's it. Fruit Bars Variety Pack

For a satisfying chew without the added sugars, try fruit bars. They're healthier than candies and gummies but still bursting with fruit flavor for when you want something sweet.

Combos Pizzeria Baked Pretzel Snacks

Combos Pizzeria Baked Pretzel Snacks

You'll find these filled snacks in the chip aisle at most gas stations. They're low-crumb and delicious.

YumEarth Organic Gummy Bears

YumEarth Organic Gummy Bears

Who said gummy bears are just for kids? These gluten-free gummies are great for the whole family—and they taste delicious, too!

Kar's Sweet 'n Salty Trail Mix

Kar's Sweet 'n Salty Trail Mix

Is the highway kind of like a trail for cars? Either way, this sweet and salty trail mix will satisfy your hunger on long trips.

Angie's BOOMCHICKAPOP Sweet and Salty Kettle Corn

Angie's BOOMCHICKAPOP Sweet and Salty Kettle Corn

For the ultimate sweet and salty snack, try this kettle corn. It's made with 100% whole grains and is gluten free and non-GMO, so it's a snack you can feel good about!

JUSTIN'S Classic Gluten-Free Almond Butter Squeeze Packs

JUSTIN'S Classic Gluten-Free Almond Butter Squeeze Packs

Whether you're spreading it onto another snack like an apple (without any mess!) or enjoying it on its own, an almond butter squeeze pack is a great on-the-go snack.

CLIF BARS - Mini Energy Bar Variety Pack

CLIF BARS - Mini Energy Bar Variety Pack

These miniature energy bars are perfect for giving you a little boost when you're on the last leg of your trip. Buy this variety pack to find your favorite flavor.

Newtons Soft & Chewy Cookies Variety Pack

Newtons Soft & Chewy Cookies Variety Pack

Satisfy your sweet tooth and skip the crumbs with a few Fig Newtons. This variety pack comes with fig and strawberry cookies.

Goldfish Crackers Big Smiles Variety Pack

Goldfish Crackers Big Smiles Variety Pack

Goldfish are always a crowd-pleaser. Get the variety pack so everyone in the crew can enjoy their favorite flavor!

Happy Bites 3 Flavor Covered Coffee Beans

Happy Bites 3 Flavor Covered Coffee Beans

When you need a little caffeine but can't stop for coffee, reach for these chocolate-covered coffee beans. Just be sure to keep them away from the kids. 😂

Garden Veggie Straws

Garden Veggie Straws

The whole family can enjoy this snack, from toddlers to teens to adults. Try a fun flavor like Zesty Ranch to mix things up.

Organic Roasted Seaweed Sheets

Organic Roasted Seaweed Sheets

Get your greens on the go with these roasted seaweed snacks. They're kid and parent-approved!

Dried Mango Slices

Dried Mango Slices

Traveling with fresh fruit can be tricky—it's so frustrating to reach for a banana, only to find it smushed at the bottom of a bag. Plus, what do you do with that pesky peel when you're on the road? We recommend packing dried fruit for no-fuss snacking.

Fritos Scoops! Corn Snacks

Fritos Scoops! Corn Snacks

Satisfy a salty craving with some simple corn chips. There's a reason they've stayed popular for more than 80 years. And if you're looking to dip, Scoops! will help you avoid a mess.

Honey Nut Cheerios

Honey Nut Cheerios

Cereal is delicious even without milk. Fill a baggie with your favorite kind for a great on-the-go snack.

CraveBox Care Package

CraveBox Care Package

If you're heading on a cross-country road trip, one or two kinds of snacks might not cut it. So buy a wide variety instead! This CraveBox comes with a mix of 45 different salty and sweet snacks.

Snyder's of Hanover Pretzels

Snyder's of Hanover Pretzels

Skip the plain salty pretzels that just leave you feeling parched. These twists are seasoned with a buttery blend of spices including onion, garlic, and pepper.

Glico Chocolate Pocky Sticks

Glico Chocolate Pocky Sticks

Why choose between sweet and savory when you can have both in the form of chocolate Pocky sticks? They're easy to eat with one hand, too!

Harvest Snaps Green Pea Snack Crisps

Harvest Snaps Green Pea Snack Crisps

These dried snap peas are a healthier alternative to potato chips. We promise they're just as addictive!

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10 Gas Station Snacks for Road Trips, Ranked

Kim Severson, a veteran of hand-to-mouth eating on Interstates, counts down her go-to gas-station treats.

road trip snacks ranked

By Kim Severson

On a summer road trip, the inside of the car is a bubble of snacking freedom. Gas-station food you would never eat in real life becomes absolutely delicious and necessary. Little Debbie and Slim Jim become your co-pilots. Microwaved burritos doctored with nacho cheese sauce from the hot-dog station pass for cooking. Can’t remember if you love or hate Good & Plenty? A road trip is the time to find out.

Perfect gas-station road food allows you to eat it with one hand, and requires no cutlery. A good gas-station forager will always look for the hot regional specialty. The boudin ball in Louisiana. Boiled peanuts (but not the ones from a can in the Crockpot) in the Deep South. Green chile burritos in New Mexico. A slice of tri-tip on a roll in California. Smoked meat in Michigan. Fried chicken on a stick in Mississippi. Tacos in the outskirts of Houston.

Beyond those delights, I have a few go-tos that I can reliably find in any part of the country. I have honed my list over many years of traveling for both my job and pleasure. Here are my picks. I will not be taking questions.

[ Our writers ranked the best summer French fries , packaged frozen treats , sausages , fruits and gas-station snacks . ]

10. Roller-Grill Hot Dog

This is a desperation move for the times you don’t want to pull into a fast-food restaurant, and you’ve got miles to go before you rest. A couple of caveats: They have to look fresh, and the buns have to be stored in a warming bin.

9. Tie: Corn Nuts and Combos Cheddar Cheese Pretzels

A call that needs to be made in the field: Corn Nuts are a crisp, reliable alternative to Fritos, which can get tiresome fast. Combos satisfy the part of you that has been thinking about pretzels for 120 miles but knows how one-note they can be.

8. Yellow-Green Banana

Sometimes you need a little fruit pick-me-up. Do not touch any banana that is starting to show too much ripeness. (Note: Peel disposal can be an issue.)

7. Any Little Pie

If it’s on the counter next to the cash register, and especially one that shows signs of being homemade, grab it. (In a pinch, substitute a package of the orange peanut-butter crackers Southerners call “Nabs,” or a Little Debbie fancy cake .)

6. Haribo Gummi Candy

A lot of chew to the mile, without too much sugar.

5. Peanut M&Ms

You get crunch, sweetness and ease of consumption here, and they can hang around on the console for long-term, intermittent snacking.

4. Pork Rinds

Weird local brands are best. If there are fresh cracklings, this item moves to the top of my list. (Pro tip: Grab a packet of salsa to dump into the bag.)

3. Beef Jerky

If there’s a stack of jerky in a case with a handwritten sign, get it. Otherwise, go for the most expensive brand, preferably with the heat of chile flakes. Pair it with a bag of crunchy Cheetos and call it truck-stop charcuterie.

2. Regional Potato Chips

There is no better way to be a drive-by locavore than eating a bag of Golden Flake chips in Alabama, lard-fried Gibble’s in Pennsylvania or Better Mades in Michigan. (When faced with only national brands, Pringles are the fallback, if only for the container.)

1. Mexican Coke

Pour this into a big cup filled with pellet ice and doctor it with a slice of lemon snagged from the iced-tea station. A road trip is one of rare times I drink soda. The cane sugar in a Mexican Coke is a treat, and the pellet ice gives you something refreshing to chew on. (Try a fountain Coke or a Dr Pepper , hold the lemon, if no Mexican Coke is available.)

Follow NYT Food on Facebook , Instagram , Twitter and Pinterest . Get regular updates from NYT Cooking, with recipe suggestions, cooking tips and shopping advice .

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We share our favorite road trip snacks (and which types of snacks you should definitely avoid!) 

A box full of road trip snacks

We lived on the road for over two years, and we also run a camp cooking blog. So we feel uniquely qualified to share our thoughts on what foods make great road trip snacks. We have given this topic A LOT of thought. 

We’ve learned a lot over the thousands of miles we’ve travelled and countless hangry meltdowns we’ve had, and we’re excited to share our best road trip snack recommendations with you. 

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We feel snacks are an essential part of any long distance road trip . And we never leave home without them! 

Sometimes you need a little energy boost, sometimes you need to stabilize your blood sugar, and sometimes you need to munch on something just to stay alert and keep blood flowing to your brain.

Snacks can also dramatically improve the overall road trip experience. They turn an otherwise monotonous process into a moveable feast. 

Below we share our thoughts on what snacks you should bring on your next road trip (and which snacks you shouldn’t). 

What snacks should you bring on a road trip?

This will largely depend on your personal taste, but the general rule is that road trip food should be easy to access and easy to consume. They should keep your body fueled, your blood sugar stable, and your mind alert. Keep reading for some of our favorite suggestions!

While there are lots of foods that are great for long road trips, there are few food categories you will absolutely want to avoid. 

Here are some of the worst foods for a long road trip: 

  • Food that creates lots of crumbs or waste (e.x. crackers, pistachios) 
  • Powdery foods (e.x. Cheetos)  
  • Greasy or oily foods (e.x. olives) 
  • Foods with strong smells (e.x. some soft cheeses, bananas) 
  • Foods that can spoil on a dime (e.x. avocados) 
  • Food in excessive packaging

Eating While Driving 

Snacking while driving can be done safely if you have taken the time to properly set up your cab area beforehand. Food should be within easy reach and not require you to take your eyes off the road. 

When driving with another person, delegate as much as possible so you can stay focused on the road. For example, asking them to grab a snack, unwrap it (if necessary), and hand it to you.  

While eating on the road is possible, whenever possible, we highly recommend stopping at roadside rest stops. Taking a 10-15 minute break to eat, go to the bathroom, stretch, and readjust your setup is sooo worth it. 

We know the urge to press on is strong, but taking a few small breaks can improve everyone’s mood. 

The Best Road Trip Snacks 

These are some of our favorite road-tripping snacks. We’ve personally consumed every item listed below at some point or another and can attest to their roadworthiness and superior snackability. 

Greenbelly Meals

Greenbelly Meal Bars

Taking a page from hikers & backpackers, these Greenbelly meal bars contain 650 calories per serving, which is as much as a complete meal. While we don’t recommend skipping meals on the road, if you need to, one of these could be a good option.

Vegan Bars

Energy Bars

There are a million kinds of energy bars, so our advice is to go for variety. Just stay away from those super crumbly ones like Nature Valley. Here are some of our favorite brands: Bobo , RX Bars , GoMacro , Lara Bar , Dang , Aloha , and 88 Acres Seed Bars .

Munkpack Cookies

Energy Cookies 

If you prefer your energy bars in a circular form, then perhaps you would be interested in the growing energy cookie sector. (This is just a way to stand out from the 8 billion energy bar brands!) Nevertheless, we are fans of MunkPack Cookies and Lenny & Larry Cookies

Fig newton product image

Fig Newtons

Fig Newtons are by far our preferred road trip cookies. They’re soft, don’t generate crumbs, and are absolutely delicious. 

Yum butter product image

Nut Butter Packets

Yum Butter nut butter packets make them super easy to eat while on the road. Sometimes we eat it straight from the packet, but it would also be good with sliced apples or bread if you’re taking a break at a rest stop. This resealable squeeze packet means you don’t have to dirty a knife or spoon to scoop it out of a jar.

Rye chip bag product image

Roasted Rye Chips 

Rye chips are our go-to gas station pick up. They are fairly robust and don’t generate crumbs like other chips. When compared to the other deep-fried options in the chip aisle, this is on the healthy-ish-er* side of the spectrum. 

*Healthy, only by comparison to other very unhealthy options. 

Good Crisp Co product image

The Good Crisp Co. 

While these potato chips violate our no-crumb rule, these Good Crisp Co. chips are just too good to leave out. These are basically a healthier version of Pringles and feature the same cylinder, which protects the crips from getting crushed. 

Chocolate covered espresso bean product image

Chocolate Covered Espresso beans

These are a great little caffeine and sugar burst all at once. We like to reserve these guys for the end of our trip when we’re likely at our most fatigued. 

Yogurt covered raisins product image

Yogurt Covered Raisins

These are a real treat and can easily be picked up at a bulk bin in most grocery stores. If you are able to keep these chilled in a cooler, we highly suggest it! 

Peanut butter pretzel bites product image

Peanut Butter Filled Pretzels 

We love these things. We often pick them up from Trader Joe’s and Quinn’s makes a gluten-free version you can find on on Thrive Market . We find that the bags tend to split down the middle, so we like to repack these into a sealable container or a big ReZip bag . These also make great hiking snacks !

Apples oranges and grapes

Fresh no-peel fruit 

Grapes are great for road trips because they don’t need to be peeled and don’t have cores. Apples and pears are also good options. Oranges, clementines, and tangerines will hold well in a sealed container if you peel and segment them ahead of time.

*Do not throw fruit cores (or anything else for that matter) out the window. Just because something is biodegradable doesn’t mean it will decompose sitting on the shoulder of the freeway. It just attracts wildlife, which leads to more roadkill and more accidents. 

Cucumbers carrots and cherry tomatoes

Fresh Vegetables

Fresh vegetables are one of the healthiest road trip snack options out there. Baby carrots, sliced cucumbers, celery sticks, cherry tomatoes are all super healthy and easy to eat while driving.

Veggie chips product image

Veggie Chips 

Veggie chips are another snack we often pick up at the bulk bin or from Nuts.com . These are the perfect “bored/hungry” snack and don’t need to be refrigerated.

Plantain chips product image

Plantain Chips

Healthier than potato chips, less pungent than a fresh banana, plantain chips are slightly sweet, salty, and crunchy—which checks a lot of boxes!

Bag of trail mix

Opt for trail mix with large pieces. You don’t want to deal with a handful of finely chopped nuts and tiny seeds. They’re just going to get all over the car. The bigger the pieces, the better. 

Cashews and almonds

We prefer cashews or almonds when driving. They are big enough to easily handle and don’t need to be shucked. Peanuts are just a little too small for us and pistachios and sunflower seeds are the worst.

Whisps packaging


Hard cheese that doesn’t need refrigeration is a great option. We also LOVE the Trader Joe’s Baked Cheese Bites as well as Parmesan or Cheddar Whisps (the latter are a bit less sturdy though).

Epic bar product image

Jerky And Meat Bars

Unlike a lot of the carb-heavy options on the list, Jerky and meat bars have some serious sticking power. We are big fans of Epic Provisions, Wild Zora, and other meat products that don’t have a ton of additives (looking at you Slim) 

Gin Gins package

If you or your road trip buddies tend to feel a little queasy on those winding roads, ginger is a natural way to settle your stomach without causing drowsiness like over-the-counter meds can. We like to keep a bag of Gin Gins ginger chews in our snack bin for this reason.

Pur gum package

Need help staying alert while driving? In addition to the usual caffeinated remedies, there has been a lot of scientific evidence that suggests that the act of chewing gum can help focus and alertness.

Masticating (the act of chewing) increases blood flow to your head and helps increase cognitive ability and focus. So if you often get drowsy when driving, consider picking up a pack of gum . 

Best Road Trip Drinks 

This is where having a small soft sided cooler really comes in handy. After a couple of hundred miles, a cold drink can really make a big difference to revive you. 

Spindrift can

Sparkling water/seltzer

Take it from us, it’s really easy to get dehydrated on long drives. So be sure to drink water along the way. There’s a world of sparkling water out there, but our favorite brand is Spindrift ! 

Rise coffee can

Iced coffee

A can of iced coffee or even nitro cold brew coffee can be a great pick-me-up to carry you through that final stretch. 

Humm kombucha can

Another lightly carbonated, non-alcoholic option, kombucha is another one of our favorite drinks on the road.

Best Road Trip Snacks For Kids 

If you’re road tripping with kids, having a strong snack game is an absolute must! Some enticing snacks may not prevent a meltdown entirely, but it can buy you some time. 

However, unlike snack time at home, the kids will be strapped in the backseat. So whatever snacks you choose, they’ll have to be able to deal with themselves.

Carrots snap peas and bell pepper

Sliced vegetables 

Cut slices of bell pepper, carrot, celery, or snap peas are a great snack option for kids since they are healthy and don’t have the potential to become a mess or leave crumbs everywhere.

Fresh fruit

Likewise, fruit that has been pre-sliced makes a great snack for kids. Choose fruit that isn’t overly juicy or soft. Apples, pre-peeled oranges, and grapes (for older kids) are good places to start. 

To keep apples from browning, try soaking them in a water & lemon juice bath for a few minutes before packing them.

String cheese

String cheese

Kids love these and they’re a great way to add some protein into their diet. Ideally, these should be chilled in a cooler or insulated lunch bag.

Clif mini energy bar

Kid-sized energy bars

If the kids see mom or dad partaking in an energy bar, you can bet they’re going to want one too! These “kid-sized” bars are a great way to include them, without having to split your own bar!  Clif Minis and Lara Bar minis are a good place to start.

Annies snack mix

Annie’s Snack Mix

You’ll probably be cleaning these out from between the car seat cushions, but this is just such a popular snack – particularly if your kids like salty & crunchy things. For toddlers, pair this type of snack with a snack-catching cup, like this one by Munchkin .

Annies bunny graham crackers

Annie’s Bunny Grahams: 

Annie’s Bunny Grahams are usually a crowd favorite! Since they are bite-sized graham crackers, there won’t as many crumbs left behind as there would with full-sized graham crackers.

Mini peanut butter crackers bag

Mini Peanut Butter Sandwiches

Bite-sized mini peanut butter sandwiches are perfect for little hands. They are a nice balance of carbs, protein, and fats to help satiate your backseat companions.

Fruit tape box

Organic Fruit Tape

Ok, fruit rolls might not make it to the top of every parent’s “Healthy Road Trip Snacks” list, but they are just so nostalgic for us! 

This version is organic and made from real fruit and not much else, so it’s gotta be healthier than whatever we were eating in the 90’s, right?

These can also be used (leveraged?) as a reward or perhaps as a last resort if things start to really go sideways.

Helpful Snacking Items

You don’t need much, but there are a few pieces of gear that we find to be very useful on long haul trips. 

Soft-Sided Cooler : Generally speaking, you should select road trip snacks that don’t need refrigeration. But having a way to keep some items cold can be very helpful—particularly fresh fruits & veggies. 

Mini Trash Can / Large Sealable Container : We like to keep a mini trash can or sealable container nearby to help us keep the front cab area clean and tidy. Don’t let this be you . A clean, uncluttered car can really improve your overall driving experience. 

Insulated cup with lid : An insulated cup with a lid can keep your morning coffee hot or your afternoon kombucha cold for hours. It can really extend the enjoyability range of your beverage.  It’s also reusable, so your car doesn’t fill up with paper coffee cups.  

ReZip Bags : Ditch the single-use baggie, and consider using these reusable zip bags instead. They are great for sliced fruit and veggies, bulk bin items, or pre-portion out serving for kids. 

Wet Wipes : Sticky, greasy fingers are the worst. Having some easily accessible wet wipes handy is a great idea. 

Megan & Michael are the creators of Fresh Off The Grid, a blog dedicated to helping you fuel your adventures by sharing camp cooking recipes, backpacking meals, and outdoor travel guides. Their recipes and outdoor cooking expertise have been featured in Backpacker Magazine, Outside, REI Co-Op Journal, Food & Wine, and New York Times Cooking.

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I love pistachios. I buy a big, shelled bag at Costco for road trips. And no shells!

Oh, smart! I love pistachios, too, but always find the shells to be a hassle. Good to know you can pick them up pre-shelled!

I really enjoy reading all your tips and tricks from your various trips. They are all SO helpful and well communicated. Keep ‘em coming!!

I’m so glad to hear that! Thanks, Danielle 🙂

I love you guys! Such good ideas and great information. I’ll be looking into an Oregon trip for sure!

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gas station snacks

The best gas station snacks to fuel you at the same time as your car

Pull into the station, gas your car and then swarm the store: this is the time to go nuts on your feasting!

Morgan Olsen

Few things are as satisfying as an epic multi-day road trip , cruising for days with people you adore hanging out with. And when you pull into those towns whose names you don’t even know because you need to gas up, you’re going to want to stretch your legs and check out the snacks in the convenience store. These happy treats help you stay alert with a quick, modest feast. Gas stations aren’t known for their fancy food, but when you’re emerging from the confines of the car, anything tastes great. But we want to help you select the best snacks to fuel your ten-minute stay. Here they are, in reverse ranked order, so you can work your way to the top. Enjoy the tasty journey!

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Best gas station snacks

21.  chex mix.

What we love about this snack is how crispy it is. It’s a great stress-reducer (did you miss that left turn at Albuquerque?) to grind through big handfuls of it, with its dark and light (wheat and corn) cereal pieces, rye chips, mini pretzels and mini breadsticks, all covered in a savory seasoning. In January, Chex teamed with Sir Mix-A-Lot to release a video “Bagel Is Back,” riffing on his hit “Baby got back,” to let people know that bagel chips are once again returned to the mix.

20.  Toblerone

Even though this delicious chocolate bar is straight from Switzerland, it can be found in pretty much any candy aisle. It’s a bit of European elegance, and the subtle crackle of embedded almond nougat makes this a delicious choice. Inside the wrapper, the triangular shapes make it easy to break off individual pieces to share around the car—the little pyramids may remind you of the Matterhorn on the packaging.

19.  Miss Vickie’s Jalapeño Kettle Chips

These are spicy—just enough to get you sitting with better posture in your car—but not crazy hot; they’re perfect. Miss Vickie’s a real person who first started making chips in 1987 with potatoes from her family’s third-generation farm. There are no artificial flavors or preservatives in these, so munch away without regrets.

18.  Flavor-Blasted Goldfish

We know toddlers love plain goldfish, but when you choose the flavor-blasted variety, you’re showing how open you are to dramatic experiences, and how very grownup you are. These are fun to hold individually between thumb and index finger, which maybe slows down our voracious devouring of this cute little seafood. As Dory would say, just keep driving.

Snyder's of Hanover Honey Mustard and Onion Pieces

17.  Snyder's of Hanover Honey Mustard and Onion Pieces

These pungent honey mustard and onion-flavored pretzel chunks aren't great for a romantic road trip with a new love interest. But for all other travel circumstances, they'll do just fine. Do yourself (and your car-mate) a favor and grab a pack of gum as a palate cleanser.

Honey-roasted Peanuts

16.  Honey-roasted Peanuts

Admittedly not the sexiest snack on this list, honey-roasted peanuts are more of a sleeper hit that you should stash away in your glove compartment for a long stretch of freeway driving. Equal parts savory and sweet, these dressed-up nuts hit the spot when you're fresh out of podcasts and miles from your destination.

15.  Pickle in a Bag

You'll giggle like a pre-teen when you see it: a full pickle floating in brine packed inside a clear plastic bag. You're going to want to open this sucker before hopping back in the car—be sure to drain the juice and hang onto the bag for handling purposes.

Mamba Fruit Chews

14.  Mamba Fruit Chews

We're not trying to pick a fight, but Mambas beat Starbursts any day of the week. The chew is a bit more satisfying, and the flavors are slightly creamy. Each pack contains 18 individually wrapped fruit chews in four flavors (lemon, orange, raspberry, and strawberry), so it's easy to make them last for a few days if you have the willpower.

Sour Worms

13.  Sour Worms

Sugary worms coated in even more lip-puckering sour sugar? They're nutritionally null, but these neon-hued creepy crawlers will provide the short-lived energy boost you need to make it through the final slog of your journey.


12.  Taquitos

Repeat after us; you are not above gas station taquitos. These cylindrical handheld treats beckon from the roller grill near the register. Go ahead and give in—whether you like 'em stuffed with cheese and chicken or laced with jalapeño cream cheese.

S’mores Pop-Tarts

11.  S’mores Pop-Tarts

Gas stations aren't exactly known for their breakfast options unless you delight in green bananas and sugary lattes (and if you do, no judgment!). But if you venture into the snack aisle, you might find a little blue packet of hope in the form of Pop-Tarts—s'mores are the way to go, sunshine!

Takis Fuego

10.  Takis Fuego

Worried that you're dulling your taste buds on bland fast food burgers? Bring them back to life with Takis Fuego, which boasts the terrifying tagline "A bite of lava." These addictive rolled tortilla chips are seasoned with hot chili pepper and a hint of lime, so grab a drink from the cold case to tame the heat.

Salt and Vinegar Chips

9.  Salt and Vinegar Chips

The open road is the perfect place to rediscover an old favorite, and who doesn't have a soft spot for salt and vinegar chips? Whether you like the kettle variety or the good old-fashioned oil-dappled kind, the allure of tongue-puckering vinegar is irresistible. Pair it with something chocolatey for the ultimate match.

Smartfood White Cheddar Popcorn

8.  Smartfood White Cheddar Popcorn

The happy medium between butter-drenched movie theater popcorn and dried-out "health" popcorn, Smartfood's white cheddar variety tastes indulgent (cheese powder for the win!) without the caloric overload.

Cheddar Cracker Combos

7.  Cheddar Cracker Combos

Combos are quite possibly the ideal savory snack for the road. They're not greasy like chips, and they wear their flavor on the inside, so your fingers won't be coated in cheese powder after devouring a bag. You'll find them in a variety of flavors—from pepperoni pizza to buffalo blue cheese—but cheddar cracker is an untouchable favorite.

Peanut M&M’s

6.  Peanut M&M’s

Can't decide between salty and sweet? Chocolate-coated roasted peanuts should do the trick. Easy to pop on the go and perfectly sized to stash in the cupholder, peanut M&M's are a classic car pleaser—no matter who you're traveling with.

Flamin’ Hot Cheetos

5.  Flamin’ Hot Cheetos

Sorry, drivers; this one is for co-pilots only—unless you're cool with coating your steering wheel in bright-red Cheeto dust. The mess factor of consuming these cheesy puffs is balanced out only by the tongue-tingling reward that comes with them. Here's hoping you packed some Wet Naps!

Little Debbie Cosmic Brownies

4.  Little Debbie Cosmic Brownies

If the last time you saw or tasted a Cosmic Brownie was in the school lunchroom circa 1990, it's time to change that. These fudgy, sprinkle-topped morsels live up to the hype your 6-year-old self remembers. Plus, they'll be gone too fast to make a mess of your car.

Beef Jerky

3.  Beef Jerky

For the practical and responsible traveler, jerky is absolutely clutch. High in protein and low in calories, these lean strips of dried meat are easy to devour on the go and leave you feeling full until you pull off the road for lunch. And if beef isn't your jam, most gas stations now carry alternatives like turkey, pork, and bison. And for vegetarians: broccoli jerky. JK!


2.  Snickers

When you boil it down, Snickers might just be the world's perfect candy bar. Nougat, caramel, peanuts, and chocolate combine to create a mélange of texture and flavor. Plus, you're bound to spot those iconic blue letters no matter where you're pulling over.

Nacho Cheese Doritos

1.  Nacho Cheese Doritos

If we could choose just one road trip snack for the rest of our lives, we'd have to go with a big bag of Doritos. And when it comes to these flavor-dusted, triangle-shaped chips, Nacho Cheese is boss (sorry, Cool Ranchers). Every morsel delivers a bold, cheesy flavor to light up your taste buds. And no, we'd never judge you for licking your fingers clean after plowing through a bag.

[image] [title]

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My Favorite (Mostly Healthy) Road Trip Snacks

Mom Handing Container of Snacks to Kids in Back Seat

In this Article

road trip snacks ranked

There’s nothing quite as American as a road trip – a packed car, the open highway, and lots of snacks! From healthy to not so much, these are my favorite road trip snacks.

Whether I’m traveling solo, exploring with a friend, or vacationing with several family members, the trip is always as much about the food as it is the sights and experiences. But eating three meals a day on the road can take a big bite out of a travel budget. So we try to eat at least one meal a day (and all of our road trip snacks) with items we’ve brought from home or picked up at a grocery store or market along the way.

With options that range from healthy to sweet-tooth satisfying, these are the best road trip snacks to take on your next adventure.

Woman Tossing Apple Core from Car

Sage Advice: Even if a road trip snack is unprocessed and fully biodegradable (like an apple core), always dispose of any remains properly. When you leave crumbs and scraps in a parking lot or toss them out of your car window, you encourage wildlife to approach the remnants, where they may be hit by a vehicle and killed. When you feed ducks chunks of bread, you can cause them to be malnourished. And when you leave food at a picnic table or campsite, you may prompt an undesirable bear encounter .

road trip snacks ranked

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What are Your Favorite Road Trip Snacks?

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How to Pack Snacks for a Road Trip

How you pack your road trip snacks may be just as important as the snacks themselves. You’ll need to stow the food so it doesn’t spoil, get crushed, or take up unnecessary space. Plus it needs to be within easy reach of the driver and passengers. 

To keep snacks like sliced vegetables fresh, a cooler is a must-have. I prefer soft-sided coolers because they offer more flexibility when squeezing them into tight spaces. I also like reusable cold packs that I can stick in my hotel room’s mini fridge at night. 

Plastic bags that seal tightly are also essential to ensure that your snacks remain edible and don’t cause a mess. Reusable food storage bags will help keep snacks like granola from scattering crumbs everywhere and sliced peppers from absorbing condensation in the cooler. I typically use multiple sizes of bags and bring extras for when I restock with local snacks along the way. 

And don’t forget the kids when you’re planning your snack-packing strategy. A lunch bag with some finger food will keep kids content and minimize the number of times they need adult assistance. 

Sage Advice: Adding local snacks to the mix will enhance your cultural experience at each stop, so check out farmers markets and local shops on your road trip!

Accessories to Pack for a Road Trip

Don’t forget to pack accessories for your road trip snacks. Having the right tools on hand will ensure you don’t have to spread peanut butter with your finger or try to slice cucumbers with a plastic fork. 

Packing the following accessories will make snacking more enjoyable:

  • One set of camp silverware per traveler. Sure, plastic utensils are more convenient, but they’re flimsy and bad for the environment. 
  • Paring knife. A small, sharp knife comes in handy for slicing fruits, vegetables, meats, and cheeses. For safety, look for one with a sheath cover. 
  • Apple corer/slicer. You might be surprised at how handy a good apple corer/slicer can be on the road. Apple slices are often more convenient to snack on than the whole fruit, plus they’re easier to share when cut into pieces. This apple corer/slicer is my favorite because it comes with a safety cover.
  • Small cutting board. Whether you’re trimming the tops off of strawberries or slicing an apple, it’s helpful to have a clean, flat surface available.
  • Travel-size bottle of dish soap. A small bottle of dish soap will help keep all your snack gear clean. 
  • Roll of paper towels. In addition to wiping down surfaces, a paper towel can double as a plate and then serve as a napkin when your road trip snacktime is over.  
  • Tablecloth. Public picnic tables aren’t always the cleanest surfaces, but instead of trying to disinfect them, just cover them with a tablecloth . You can also spread it on the ground for picnic-style snacking. 
  • Travel coffee mug. Skip Starbucks and fill it up at the hotel to kickstart your morning. If you need a pick-me-up later in the day, many convenience stores and truck stops will let you refill your own mug , helping to reduce the number of single-use coffee cups that end up in landfills.
  • One reusable water bottle per person. Choose a more earth-friendly way to rehydrate by opting for reusable water bottles . You should be able to find plenty of places to fill them along your route. 
  • Mini trash can or large, sealable container. Your road trip snacks will likely generate some waste you’ll want to manage. I like sealed containers that trap the smell of old banana peels and apple cores.
  • Assortment of reusable zip bags . These babies aren’t just for organizing road trip snacks. They can also be used to seal things like wet swimsuits or leaky shampoo bottles. 

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Is It Illegal to Eat While Driving?

You already know you shouldn’t drink alcoholic beverages and drive. But is it illegal to eat and drive? The short answer is that no US state currently prohibits eating while driving. However, most states have laws against distracted driving. So if you do eat in the car on your road trip, be sure you’re nibbling foods that aren’t too complicated to open, assemble, or consume while operating a motor vehicle. 

Some road trip snack lists omit messy snacks. I’m talking about foods that are crumbly ( like crackers ), powdery ( like mini donuts ), or potentially stinky ( like cheese sticks ). But I don’t automatically exclude foods like that from my list. Why? Because not everything you pack for your road trip needs to be consumed while you are in the car. You can always enjoy these foods when you stop at a picnic table or tailgate during regular stops along your route.

Good Snacks for a Road Trip

The best road trip snacks are durable foods that don’t bruise, smash, or spoil easily. It’s best for your blood sugar levels and waistline to pack healthy road trip snacks, including fruits, veggies, and high-protein options. But you’re also on vacation, and everyone knows that vacation calories don’t count, right? So my list of snacks for a road trip also includes a few sweets and special treats.

Fruit to Pack as Road Trip Snacks

When you pack fresh fruit for a road trip, it’s best to focus on options that don’t bruise or spoil very easily. If you do pack more fragile fruits, consider varieties that can be frozen before your trip.

road trip snacks ranked

Whether you like red, yellow, or green, apples are a healthy, durable road trip snack. I always wash the apples before we leave home and pack an apple slicer . I can slice the apple when I stop to fill gas and then easily eat the pieces when I slide back behind the wheel and resume driving. Or, I can easily split an apple with a travel companion.

Sage Advice: If you pack sliced cheddar or peanut butter for your road trip, they pair well with apple slices.

Jar of Homemade Applesauce Surrounded by Apples

While it does contribute to landfill waste if you purchase applesauce in individual cups or squeeze pouches , applesauce is another relatively healthy road trip snack. We love this organic unsweetened applesauce in cups, and the same brand also offers guava applesauce . GoGo squeeZ has pouches of applesauce without added sugar, including variety packs with several flavors, like apple cinnamon applesauce . 

Sage Advice: Use these refillable food pouches to reduce the number of single-use cups and squeeze pouches that you put into the trash.

road trip snacks ranked

Red or green seedless grapes travel well. We wash the grapes at home and cut the large bunches into smaller segments before placing them in large zipper bags for the journey.

road trip snacks ranked

From mini Mandarin to the juicy navel, oranges travel well. They don’t require any prep work, and you can peel the fruit and separate the segments when you’re ready to eat.

Wooden Bowl of Kiwi

High in vitamin C and dietary fiber, kiwi is another good fruit to pack for a road trip. Simply slice the fruit in half and scoop out the green flesh with a spoon . 

road trip snacks ranked

Although they can bruise if tossed around a lot, bananas are another road trip snack we frequently pack. They don’t need to be washed before eating, and their natural “wrappers” are biodegradable. 

Sage Advice: If you eat this road trip snack at a pit stop, dress it up with a dollop of peanut butter and dip it into a small container of granola .

Cardboard Containers of Blueberries


Full of antioxidants, blueberries are easy to snack on in the car. They can also be used to “dress up” yogurt cups that you pack or pick up at the hotel breakfast bar.

Sage Advice: Consider freezing blueberries before your road trip. They can double as an ice pack in your cooler, and make a healthy snack once thawed. If you do freeze berries, just be sure to freeze them unwashed in Ziploc bags and rinse them before you eat them. Otherwise, you’re likely to have a frozen slab of berries.

Wooden Scoop of Banana Chips and Dried Fruit

Fruit Chips and Dried Fruit

Bare Snacks makes crunchy fruit chips that make great road trip snacks. Try baked apple chips , banana chips , and pineapple chips – all made with no added sugar. Or pack dried mango or dried figs for a more exotic fruit snack for your next road trip.

Vegetables to Pack as Road Trip Snacks

Another category of healthy road trip snacks is vegetables. Munch them as they are, or dip them in hummus or ranch dressing .

Bunch of Carrots on Plate

Full of vitamin A and beta-carotene, the fastest way to add this crunchy snack is with a bag of baby carrots. Or, peel a bunch of carrots and cut them into sticks before you leave home.

road trip snacks ranked

Sugar Snap Peas

Another healthy road trip snack that can be enjoyed straight out of the bag is sugar snap peas. Enjoy them pod and all for a slightly sweet snack that is a good source of vitamins A, B, C, and K. 

road trip snacks ranked

If you eat out of boredom on road trips, celery is a great snack option. Not only is this vegetable low in calories (at less than ten per stalk), but the fiber in celery helps you feel full. Prep celery before you go by trimming the tops and bottoms and separating the stalks into individual pieces. 

Sage Advice: For a heartier celery snack, fill the center with cream cheese or peanut butter . Put the filled sides together to make the stuffed celery sticks portable for your trip.

Cucumber Sliced into Discs

Whether you like English (long and thin with few seeds) or a backyard variety (like burpless), cucumbers are another healthy road trip snack. Cut them into spears before you go, or slice them into circles when you stop.

Sweet Bell Peppers

Sweet Bell Peppers

Load up on vitamins A and C with sweet bell peppers. Purchase a bag of sweet mini peppers that need no preparation, or cut larger peppers into strips before you leave home or when you take a break on your journey. 

Sage Advice: If you cut a big pepper into strips, be sure to watch this video on the fastest way to get the job done! 

High-Protein Road Trip Snacks

To feel full (and keep that “full feeling” longer), be sure your road trip snacks include options that are high in protein.

road trip snacks ranked

Hard-Boiled Eggs

Before hitting the road, I hard boil eggs and pack them as snacks for our road trip. Not only does that clear out the fridge, but at 7 grams of protein per egg, it also means I have a good source of protein for breakfast if the hotel buffet is heavy on carbs and sugars (as many are).

Assortment of Granola Bars Next to a Bowl of Oats and Almonds

Granola Bars and Other Snack Bars

While I have yet to meet a granola bar I don’t like, some are full of sugar and low in protein. Are Nutri-Grain soft-baked breakfast bars delicious? Absolutely! But they only contain two grams of protein and are loaded with about a quarter of the day’s sugar, so I prefer to pack other options as snacks when we hit the road. My current favorites are KIND crunchy peanut butter protein bars , with 12 grams of plant protein.

Chocolate Chip Energy Bites - Build Your Bite

Homemade Protein Balls

Homemade protein balls make a perfect road trip snack because they are typically packed with healthy ingredients that satisfy a road tripper’s need for both flavor and protein. On top of that, they’re easy to make. 

Check out these recipes: 

  • These no-bake brownie energy bites will naturally satisfy your craving for something sweet and rich in protein. And as an added bonus, they’re both vegan and gluten free. 
  • Peanut butter gives these gluten-free, vegan energy balls protein while dates make them naturally sweet. A delicious, healthy snack! 
  • At six grams of protein each, these no-bake energy balls make a great road trip snack. Best of all, the chocolate chips and rolled oats make them taste like cookie dough. Win, win!

Bowl of Jerky on Wooden Table

Jerky, Meat Sticks, and Meat Bars

From its origin as pemmican, a Native American dried meat dish typically made from bison or elk, this high-protein food has been consumed by travelers for centuries. Today’s road trippers have many dried meat options to choose from, ranging from traditional beef jerky to bison sticks to venison meat bars. And they come in updated flavors like bacon cranberry , apple bacon, and chicken sriracha . Yum!

A note of warning: Although a great source of protein, dried meat products can be full of salt. Make sure you have plenty of water on hand and prepare to make extra potty stops when you eat this tasty treat. 

Safe Catch Wild Pacific Salmon

Food manufacturers have made it easy to enjoy tuna and salmon on the go . I always pack a couple of fish pouches for tasty, convenient protein. With flavors like hot Buffalo , lemon dill , and ranch , you don’t need to add anything to the fish. Just spread the tuna or salmon on crackers and you have a protein-packed road trip snack. 

However, it’s important to be aware that fish such as tuna, salmon, and mackerel can contain high levels of mercury . That’s why I trust Safe Catch as my preferred brand for fish pack snacks. They thoroughly test every fish to guarantee that their products maintain the lowest mercury levels compared to other brands. This ensures not just great flavor, but also peace of mind when it comes to health.

Sage Advice: Fish is another reason to pack air-tight containers on your trip. No one wants to smell tuna in a confined car! 

Bowls of Various Nuts

Nuts are a great source of plant-based protein and typically a crowd favorite. I like to buy a big bag of almonds at Costco and divide them into smaller zip bags . They’re the perfect thing to include in kids’ snack bags, and at 7 grams of protein per ¼ cup, almonds will help travelers feel full for a while. 

Bowl of Roasted Sunflower Seeds

Sunflower Seeds

Sunflower seeds are another road trip favorite. Not only does a ¼ cup contain 6 grams of protein, but cracking them open, chewing the seed, and spitting the shell into a cup keeps you busy while driving those long stretches of interstate on cruise control. Yes, I’m looking at you, Western Kansas!

Bowl of Steamed Edamame with a Pinch Bowl of Salt

Dry-Roasted Edamame

For a slightly more exotic snack, try dry-roasted edamame . Edamame, which are immature soybeans, are delicious and loaded with protein, fiber, and vitamins and minerals. If you like your snacks spicy, dry-roasted wasabi-flavored edamame will do the trick. 

road trip snacks ranked

Roasted Chickpeas

You can’t go wrong with roasted chickpeas . This crunchy snack is a good source of protein and fiber. For those of you who like to sample different flavors, check out this variety pack . 

Summer Sausage Cheddar Cheese and Crackers Make Great Adult Lunchables

Adult Lunchables

One of my all-time favorite snacks is DIY adult Lunchables. Cut cheese and deli meat into smaller pieces that fit your favorite cracker before you leave home. Or pack nut butter packets to pair with a jelly packet from the breakfast buffet to make peanut butter or almond butter and jelly crackers.

Sage Advice: Don’t have time to cut up deli meat before you go? Toss a package of sliced pepperoni into your cooler instead.

Dairy Snacks for Road Trips

Dairy products may not be the first things that come to mind when you think about good road trip snacks. But because they’re convenient and loaded with protein and bone-building calcium, they deserve a spot in your cooler. 

road trip snacks ranked

Have a craving for something sweet en route to your destination? Instead of loading up on sugary candy, grab a container of yogurt from your cooler. If your hotel has a breakfast bar, you might be able to snag a container on your way out to replenish your stock. For kids, I prefer squeezable yogurt tubes for a low mess treat.

Just be sure to read the label before you load up or dig in as some brands of yogurt have as much sugar as a candy bar! My favorite low-sugar options include Chobani’s less sugar Greek yogurt , Siggi’s lower sugar yogurt , and Oikos Triple Zero yogurt . 

Sage Advice: Pack granola to stir into your yogurt (along with a few berries) to make an instant parfait. And keep mess to a minimum with these reusable containers . There’s even a separate compartment for your stir-ins!

Stack of Mini Babybel Cheese Rounds

String Cheese and Mini Babybel

Cheese is one of my very favorite road trip snacks, and there are many travel-friendly options. Tuck some individually wrapped string cheese in your cooler for a treat that both kids and adults will enjoy. Or grab a bag of Mini Babybel cheeses . Your fellow travelers will perk up when they see that familiar red wax coating. These cheeses can be eaten on their own – no crackers required! 

Other Nibbles to Enjoy as Road Trip Snacks

Trail Mix

Snack Mixes/Trail Mix

Trail mix is a versatile road trip snack that can be sweet or salty, healthy or not so much. You can buy it already prepared, or you can easily make your own to ensure that your trail mix satisfies your taste buds. If your trail mix has chocolate chips, M&Ms, or any other ingredient that can melt, store it in your cooler in – you guessed it – a reusable zip bag . And if you do include chocolate, consider using dark chocolate, which is typically lower in sugar and a great source of antioxidants. 

Silver Bowl of Gummy Bears

Gummy Bears

Gummy bears aren’t the healthiest snack, but your munchies don’t all need to be nutritious. I like to buy a big box of Black Forest organic gummy bears in individual bags. Made from real fruit juice, they are a low-mess treat that satisfies my sweet tooth. 

Red Licorice on a Bright Yellow Background

Licorice is also a handy sweet treat to take along on your travels. Whether you opt for a classic – like Twizzlers strawberry-flavored twists – or a unique flavor – like huckleberry licorice – this is a road trip snack that will please travelers of all ages. 

Bowl of Veggie Chips

Veggie Chips

Veggie chips and straws, which come in flavors like spinach and tomato, are delicious alternatives to greasy traditional snack chips. My favorite? Sweet potato chips ! 

Plantain Chips

Plantain Chips

Plantain chips are slightly sweet and a decent source of fiber. For travelers on a paleo, gluten-free,  or vegan diet, plantain chips are a good snack to have on hand. 

Cheese Crisps

Cheese Crisps

For travelers who like their munchies a little cheesy, cheese crisps are a great road trip snack option. They have less fat than other cheese-flavored chips, and with flavors like parmesan and cheddar, they’ll satisfy your need for cheese. 

road trip snacks ranked

Yogurt-Covered Raisins, Nuts, or Pretzels

Although not as healthy as the name implies, yogurt-covered raisins are a deliciously sweet road trip treat. Brands like Sunmaid offer yogurt-covered raisins in individually portioned boxes for easy snacking. And for nut lovers who like a combination of sweet and salty, it’s hard to go wrong with yogurt-covered almonds or peanuts. 

Dark Chocolate Covered Pretzel Sticks

Dark Chocolate-Covered Nuts, Raisins, or Pretzels

For a healthier alternative to yogurt-covered treats, try raisins and nuts covered in dark chocolate. In addition to being a good source of antioxidants, dark chocolate is surprisingly high in iron, with one serving providing nearly 20% of the recommended daily allowance (RDA) for women and over 40% of the RDA for men. Bon appetit! 

road trip snacks ranked

Fig bars have come a long way since your daddy’s Fig Newtons . Today you can find them in whole wheat versions and enhanced by flavors such as apple cinnamon and peach apricot . 

Sage Advice: Don’t like figs? Look for versions made from other fruits, such as strawberries and blueberries. 

road trip snacks ranked

Although it takes up more space than other road trip snacks, popcorn is another great option. With flavors like sweet-and-salty kettle corn and white cheddar, Skinny Pop is one of my favorites. As an alternative, bring some low-fat, low-salt bags of microwave popcorn to pop in your hotel’s microwave for a road trip snack before bed.

road trip snacks ranked

Goldfish Crackers

Goldfish crackers have long been a lunchtime favorite for kids. But let’s be honest: What adult doesn’t enjoy nibbling on a handful of these tasty munchies? To save money, buy a large carton of goldfish and divide it into snack-sized bags. 

road trip snacks ranked

In addition to the yogurt- and chocolate-dipped option mentioned above, regular old “naked” pretzels are another good low-fat snack to take on road trips. I love Dot’s Homestyle Pretzels , which come in flavors like Southwest and honey mustard. For a little added protein, bring along some pretzel bites that are filled with peanut butter . 

Green Pea Snack Crisps

Green Pea Snack Crisps

Rounding out the list of my favorite road trip snacks are green pea snack crisps . These tasty munchies are a decent source of fiber and even provide some iron and protein. 

Sage Advice: While it’s not exactly a snack, gum is a great way to keep your mouth busy if you tend to be a bored snacker. And if you chew a brand that contains xylitol – like Trident , Icebreakers , and Orbit – it also protects against tooth decay from all the sweet snacks listed above!

What Are Your Favorite Road Trip Snacks?

What are your favorite road trip snacks? Do you tend to pack salty snacks or sweet snacks, healthy snacks or not so much? Any additional tips and tricks to pass along? Share your experiences in the comments section below.

Collection of travel items including sunhat, passport, and shoes

Looking for more helpful travel tips? Everyday Wanderer is packed with all sorts of additional travel planning tips including everything an American needs to know before visiting Europe for the first time , how to adjust to higher altitudes , easy ways to avoid getting sick while traveling,  and more!

Ready to Go? Use These Helpful Links to Book Your Trip!

  • Find low fares with  airfarewatchdog and Skyscanner
  • Book your plane ticket with   Expedia or Kayak
  • Or take the scenic route on an epic road trip in a rental car or an RV from Outdoorsy
  • From hotels to private homes, find the perfect accommodation with Hotels.com or Vrbo  
  • Travel in style with a suitcase, carry-on, backpack, or handbag from eBags
  • Save on tickets to attractions, sightseeing tours, and more with CityPASS , Tiqets , and Viator
  • Don’t leave home without travel insurance from AXA
  • Discover the sights, history, and culture of your destination with an interactive scavenger hunt
  • Need something else to plan your perfect trip? Visit my travel resources page for more trusted partners. Happy wandering!

Thank you for sharing!

4 thoughts on “My Favorite (Mostly Healthy) Road Trip Snacks”

' src=

I love the balance between healthy and not-so-healthy snacks! For fruits, I love grapes and bananas. My favorite junk food is Hot Cheetos but it makes me drink a lot of water so I need to pee, so I like eating Cheez-its on the road instead!

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Oh, man! I’m SO in love with Cheetos that I only allow myself to buy (and eat) the little lunch-size packets. If I had a Costco sized bag of them on a road trip, I would serious eat the entire bag!

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Exciting snack list, with great tips! I love healthy snacks while traveling. I often pack nuts, hard fruits and vegetables such as apples or carrots, and high-energy protein bars that give me strength during hiking.

Those sound like smart, healthy snacks. Perfect for hiking!

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A definitive ranking of the 16 best road trip snacks of all time

road trip snacks ranked

Snacks are as synonymous with road trips as the phrase, “Are we there yet?"

Road trip snacks are fuel for the body and mind. They’re not just sustenance for the car ride — they’re part of the entertainment.

If you’re one of the nearly 1 in 3 Americans planning to take a road trip this summer (although the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention still advises people stay home ), you’ll likely be packing a snack bag soon.

While any food can be a road trip snack if you put your mind to it, certain options fare better in the car than others. To assist you in your packing, we have assembled a list of the best road trip snacks of all time.

Here they are from good to great.

Here’s what experts want you to know before taking a road trip during the pandemic

16. Leftovers

Are there right and wrong leftovers to make a road trip snack? Yes, only for logistical reasons. You need to think about assembly and delivery (into your mouth).

For example, your grandma’s famous stew may be fantastic the next day, but do you want to slurp chunky broth through a straw? Passengers may have better luck consuming soup on the road, but this is still a risky move.

Think of delicious handheld leftover options for the road, which are not limited to: a tightly wrapped burrito, sliced pizza, kimbap, empanadas and onigiri.

15. A sandwich

A sandwich is a perfectly acceptable road trip food. However, we’re straddling the line between snack and meal. Its time to shine is on a long-haul ride when little bites just won’t do. Like leftovers, the smartest road trip sandwich is no muss, no fuss. Think PB&J, not meatball sub.

The dessert of your road trip eating, candy speaks to your sweet tooth. Candy that comes in little pieces may last you longer than something in bar form, like a Snickers, so we lean toward options such as Haribo Z!ng Sour S’ghetti, peanut M&M’s or Swedish Fish.

13. Nutella & Go!

Makers of the world’s most famous chocolate and hazelnut spread really came through when they debuted Nutella & Go! This little dipper snack pack is well-suited for road trips. Pop the single-serve container into your cup holder, peel back the foil top, and dip the mini breadsticks into that creamy Nutella to your heart’s desire. Hardcore Nutella fans can just pack a jar of the spread to eat on its own. This option is extreme, but we would respect it.

12. Popcorn

We have been conditioned to think popcorn is the ultimate mindless snack. We shovel it in while watching movies, and we can shovel it in while driving, too. The cons to this road trip staple is that it will inevitably get wedged in between your teeth and gums, so pack a toothpick for kernel excavation.

11. Corn nuts

Corn nuts are the most fun way to eat corn in the car. It’s corn with some razzle dazzle, far more interesting in terms of flavor and texture than popcorn. Crunching into a handful is as satisfying as plugging in a USB cord into your computer the right way on the first try.

Pocky wasn’t specifically invented for road trips, but it might as well have been. The Japanese biscuit sticks are dipped in delicious sweet-but-not-too-sweet coatings, including milk chocolate, cookies and cream, and strawberry, and they make for a very tidy car snack.

9. String cheese

Beloved by toddlers and their parents alike, string cheese is a crowd-pleaser and a wholesome option if you’re dairy-tolerant. According to the Internet , you shouldn’t leave string cheese out at room temperature for more than three to four hours for food safety reasons. Either get peeling early or pack those cheese sticks in a cooler.

8. Protein bars

The protein bar says, “Hey, I’m an adult, and I’m on a road trip!” It’s a handy car breakfast and is also there when you’re pretty hungry but don’t want to stop for a proper meal. For the most part, protein bars aren’t very messy, which is great for your lap and car seats.

Is it safer to fly or drive this summer? 5 health experts weigh in.

7. Designer snacks

The 2010s ushered in a new era of designer snacks. They’re marketed as better-for-you because of higher-quality ingredients or fewer chemical additives, so they’re usually more expensive than the packaged gas station snacks that came before them. Highlights include BarkThins, Popchips and Chrissy Teigen-approved Dang sticky-rice chips.

6. Meat snacks

A lot of meat is ill-suited for eating in the car. Dried and cured meats are an exception. Today, handheld meat options are aplenty, from classic Jack Link’s and Slim Jim jerky to more artisanal products like Portland-made Olympia Provisions pepperettes .

5. Pringles

Since the ’90s, we have known that Pringles are a force to be reckoned with. “Once you pop, you can’t stop,” we were warned.

There’s a reason Pringles are impossible to eat in single chip quantities, and it’s not a curse the Pringle Witch casts on you each time you open the can. It’s that Pringles are the white noise of chip. They’re flavorful, but subtle enough to eat on repeat without getting overwhelmed by any particular note. They’re an easy kind of crunchy that shatter into a soft mosaic on your tongue.

Like Goldilocks’s final porridge: Pringles on a road trip are just right.

4. Fruit and veggies

Fruits and veggies are the road trip snack voted most likely to make your mother proud. Some of the top options are sliced apples, celery sticks, baby carrots, bananas, cherries and grapes. And may I recommend a fruit cup inspired by Mexican street vendors? Your preferred mix of chopped mango, jicama, pineapple, papaya and watermelon seasoned with lime, chamoy or Tajín.

3. Other chips

While Pringles are technically a potato chip, they’re not the only chip worth packing on a road trip.

Chips are easy to grab with whatever hand isn’t on the wheel, bite-size in portion, and come in so many flavors it may be impossible to count all of the options. Plantain. Potato. Pretzel. Sun. There’s a chip for everyone in the car.

Although Takis Fuego and Flamin’ Hot Cheetos are going to coat your skin with blood-red spice powder, they yield more bang for your buck flavor-wise.

The first bite of a flamin’ anything is like jumping into a cold pool on a summer day. Your body takes a minute to figure out what’s happening. The sensations!

Keep fire-hot chips at the ready if you’re driving through boring stretches of freeway and are looking to spice things up (sorry).

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2. Trail mix or nuts

So responsible it could coach a Little League team, trail mix is a solid road trip snack choice for all seasons. Healthy and satiating, this pick is getting you from A to B with fat, fiber, vitamins and protein.

You can also cut out the extra stuff and simply go with nuts. A more expensive pick without the fillers, nuts are packed with fat and protein, dependable, and a must if you follow a vegan, vegetarian or keto diet.

But the responsible snack comes with a couple warnings. Eating nuts on the road can pose a hazard, particularly if you’re going with a shelled option. Watch out for your teeth if you’re prone to cracking straight into a pistachio shell with your chompers. They’re also sneakily messy. You and your car will be covered in flakes of pistachio innards by the end of your trip, guaranteed.

Top of its class. MVP. Combos Stuffed Snacks are the greatest road trip snack of all time.

The baked and filled snack can be found at pretty much any gas station, which makes it easily accessible to the road tripper. But it’s not convenience that earns Combos the top spot in the road trip snack hierarchy.

Combos are the best road trip snack, yes? (Sponsor me, @Combos ) pic.twitter.com/ijWOzJbOZZ — Natalie B. Compton (@NatBCo) July 14, 2020

Combos are like catnip to road trippers. There’s an intoxicating umami in their artificial and natural flavors that lures us in and hooks us. Plus, there’s minimal mess eating them.

While people on the Combos train will have differing opinions on what flavor is their favorite (we wish we could have tried the discontinued bacon, egg and cheese flavor), any option will do as a road trip companion.

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road trip snacks ranked

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75+ Easy Road Trip Snacks To Pack, Grab & Go

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Road trips are fantastic adventures to take with friends, family or solo. You’ll definitely need a road trip food list and all the best and easy road trip snacks for a successful trip. Because who wants hangry travel companions? Not to mention all those fast-food stops can really add up cost-wise. 

We’ve taken our share of road trips over the years, from cross country adventures to many, many multi-day road trips back and forth between our current home and where our extended family lives. Both as adults, and with kids ranging from months old to teenagers, and everything in between. 

With young kids, there is a strategy for finding the best road trip snacks . One’s that aren’t too messy, too crumbly, won’t stain or are low risk for choking.

Our road trip food list includes ideas for kids, adults, healthy car snack ideas , keto & gluten-free snacks. Plus tips for packing and what you’l l need to bring to pack all the snack essentials.

Table of Contents

Ultimate Road Trip Food List: Best Road Trip Snacks

There is something about road trips that lends itself to snacking on junk food and grabbing something somewhat edible to go from the gas station.

Vibrant orange Cheetos and a snickers bar are ok on occasion (hey, snickers has peanuts, that’s protein, right?).

While I’m all for a bit of indulgence on the road, let’s balance it out with foods that won’t leave you feeling sluggish or weird at the end of the day.

Here are some of the best road trips snacks around.

Various road trip snacks in containers.  almonds, berries, bagels, boiled eggs, trail mix, egg muffins and single muffin.

Healthy Road Trip Snacks

Let’s focus first on healthy road trip snacks. Many non-refrigerated prepared snacks are full of sugar and things that are hard to pronounce or spell.

While I do like the convenience, as there are soooo many details when planning a road trip (like this one from Boston to Acadia) . Just make sure to check the ingredient list first. 

We’ve broken up the healthy road trip snacks into those requiring a cooler and those that are non-perishable, to make planning a bit easier.

⭐️ Or check out some healthy & delicious snack recipes here

Healthy Road Trip Snacks Non-Refrigerated

Sometimes you need a boost of energy and nutrients on the road. Having a few non perishable snacks for travel on hand makes things easier.

From dried fruit to granola bars, here are some fun ideas for non-refrigerated road trip food to pack:

  • Fruit; apples, blueberries, grapes, cherries
  • Fruit Leather
  • Dried fruit – dates, apricots, figs, mango
  • Granola Bars
  • Protein & Healthy Snack Bars
  • Trail Mix / Homemade Trail Mix
  • Roasted Legumes 
  • Cheese Crisps 
  • Homemade muffins
  • Mary’s Gone Crackers
  • Tuna – the little cans (come in many flavours) with pull tab 
  • Bread – pizza buns, PB&J, pretzel buns etc.

Learn some tips for making a trip meal plan.

Awesom Road Trips Await! Free road trip planner printable pages fanned out. Grab them here!

Healthy Road Trip Snacks That Require A Cooler

Many of these car snacks can be replenished along the way at a local grocery store. If you know there will be long distances between towns, make sure to stock up on travel food, and ice for the cooler before you leave for the day.

  • Pre-Cut veggies – carrots, peppers, cucumbers, radishes, celery
  • Cut up fruit for a sweet treat – pineapple, cantaloupe, honeydew melons
  • Energy Balls / Protein Balls
  • Crackers and cheese
  • Charcuterie plate – get all “fancy” with crackers, cheese, olives, salami, pepperoni, dried fruit
  • Sliced meat -roast chicken, turkey, beef
  • Yogurt / Yogurt drinks
  • Hard-boiled eggs
  • Broccoli Cheese Bites
  • Egg Bites – ham, cheese, peppers, spinach
  • Egg Muffins – olives, feta and sundried tomato
  • Sausage rolls
  • Stuffed Grape leaves (or buy canned food version for ease)
  • Chicken wings
  • Hummus Packs & pita bread/pita chips ( my daughter loves dipping pretzels in hummus)

3 easy road trip snack ideas, fun travel food. Energy bites, granola bar, & bento box of veggies, fruit and hard boiled eggs.

Essential Road Trip Snacks

A road trip is not a road trip without your favourite road trip snacks. I mean hey, you gotta live a little, and you are on vacation, right. Splurge a little. These are good additions to add on occasion. 

I fondly remember our summer road trip each year where we were given a 5 pack of Hubba Bubba gum to chew as we pleased throughout our holiday. As the flavour would be gone in 5 minutes, we soon had chipmunk cheeks full of gum. 

Whether you are road tripping through the States to Bryce Canyon National Park , or taking a weekend trip up Vancouver Island, Canada to the sea side town of Parksville, BC , you’ll want to pack some yummy snacks.

Essential road trip snacks non refrigerated

These non perishable road trip food ideas are a great option for a little bit of a treat when you’re craving a little bit of sweet or salty goodness.

Sweet non-refrigerated snacks for your sweet tooth:

  • Dark Chocolate
  • Cookies – Homemade chocolate chip is the best 
  • Candy – I like to add some gummy bears and smarties to the trail mix to get a little indulgence and some protein/fat at the same time.
  • Licorice, small packs of oreos
  • Rice Krispie Squares
  • Black Bean Brownies

A salty non-refrigerated snack or two :

  • Potato Chips
  • Corn Chips & Salsa
  • Plantain Chips
  • Salted, roasted sunflower seeds

Road Trip Snacks For Kids

road trip snacks ranked

In addition to the other essential family road trip snacks mentioned previously, here are some additional classic road trip snacks kids will love. These aren’t just for kids. I like checking out the lions and camels in animal crackers with the best of em’.

Packing their favorite high-protein snack with some healthy fats, will tide them over til their next meal.

Here are some easy kid-friendly travel snacks for your next long road trip:

  • Cheese strings
  • Babybel Cheese
  • Fruit Pouches or Smoothie Fruit Pouches (no refrigeration needed)
  • Nut butter pouches
  • Moon Cheese
  • Seaweed Snacks
  • Green Pea Crisps (Black Pepper is our favourite)
  • Apple Crisps
  • Organic Bunny Fruit Snacks
  • Yogurt – small containers or drinks
  • Veggies & dip – Baby carrots, snap peas, cucumbers
  • Ants on a log – Peanut butter & raisins on celery
  • Fresh Fruit
  • Goldfish crackers
  • Animal Crackers
  • Kids Trail mix – combine pretzels, goldfish, smarties, cereal, nuts (almonds, cashews, macadamia, brazil, hazelnuts etc.)
  • Bagels & cream cheese or nut butter
  • Cereal 

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Staying hydrated is an integral part of any road trip. I know the tendency is to try not to drink too much, so there are fewer bathroom breaks. Gas Station and pull-out restrooms are NOT my favourites either. 

Drinking water is essential and should be the number one choice, but sometimes you want something a little more exciting. Here are some other healthy road trip drink options:

  • Coconut water
  • No sugar added fruit juices 
  • Flavoured Sparkling water (or fizzy water as we call it in our house)

Road Trip Food List: Road Trip Snacks for Special Dietary Needs

If you are road tripping with special dietary requirements or restrictions, packing your own food will be the best option. Taking a rest stop and buying travel food at convenience stores may or not pan out.

Best to be prepared with your favorite road trip snacks on hand. Just in case.

Keto Road Trip Snacks

If you are strict keto, then packing some low-carb snacks will help prevent the temptation to stray, “just this once.” Not to mention these are all yummy, so the non-keto peeps in your road trip party will enjoy them as well.

  • Beef sticks
  • String Cheese
  • Cheese Crisps
  • Seaweed Sheets
  • Giant Pickles
  • Pecans, Macadamia nuts, Brazil Nuts
  • Olive snack packs 
  • Berries – raspberries, blueberries
  • Coconut Chips
  • Cherry tomatoes, Cucumbers
  • Celery sticks & Peanut Butter or cream cheese
  • Fat Bombs or Keto Nut Butter with MCT Oil packaged

Gluten-Free Road Trip Snacks

The majority of items listed above can be gluten-free, as long as you watch the ingredients list and check the labels of pre-packaged food. Here are a few of our favourite gluten-free snacks/brands:

  • Seaweed Snacks – Sea Snaxs – salty cruncy goodness!
  • Cheese Crisps – Whisps and astronaut cheese Moon Cheese
  • Gluten-Free Bars – favs include these mini Gluten-Free Bars and their cousin the Gluten-Free Bites
  • Nut Butter packets – Yumbutter (twist-off tops)
  • Chips – Late July (often available at Costco too)
  • Jerky – Country Archer Jerky or their beef sticks
  • Beef Sticks – Paleo Valley Beef sticks
  • Crunchy, Salty, Protein Snacks – Hippeas Puffed Chickpeas
PRO TIP: We pack everything in small stackable Rubbermaid containers.

Non-Food Items To Add To Your Road Trip Packing List

Now that we’ve got the most crucial thing sorted, SNACKS, let’s move on to the non-food items you’ll need to add to your road trip packing list. 

Reusable Items; Cutlery, Water bottles, Containers and more

Eco-friendly road trip cutlery, metal straws,  food containers and thermos.

We like to bring reusable items on our trips as much as possible to cut down on waste. It’s also quite easy once you get the hang of it and make bringing these along part of your routine.

Here are \ reusable items you’ll feel good about using and bringing on your next road trip:

  • Cutlery – Knives, Forks, Spoons, 
  • Dishes – Cups, Plates, Bowls
  • Coffee Mugs, Thermos
  • Straws of many colors
  • Plastic, glass or stainless steel containers
  • Water Bottles
  • Cloth Fruit Bags 
  • Bento Boxes
  • Chopping Board
  • Garbage bags – reuse grocery bags
Pro Tip: A few empty plastic, stainless steel or glass containers are super handy to have in the car just in case. Empty containers can do double duty as dishes, store leftover food, and hold sandwiches or snack packs for the next day. They also can become emergency crayon/toy holders in a pinch.

👉 You may also like Tips to save money on road trips .

Storage & Cleaning Supplies

  • Reusable Ice Packs 
  • Hand sanitizer
  • Paper Towels & Wet Wipes (not just for kids, awesome for road trips)
  • Washing items: Sponge, tub, biodegradable dish soap
PRO TIP – We pack everything non-perishable into small stackable Rubbermaid containers to keep things organized.

Travel Backpacks

We like to make sure both adults and the  kids have their own travel backpack for the road trip.

A good travel backpack can be used for many things. These include hiking, storing road trip activities and entertainment, using as a pillow in a pinch, plus provides easy access to a couple of snacks, and a handy change of clothes.

Essential for when you have a fully packed vehicle. Staying organized is easier.

How to Pack For a Road Trip: Tips for Keeping Snacks Organized

Snacking Tote – Yes, those Pinterest road trip hacks will come in handy. Grab a small plastic Dollar Store Caddy / Open Tote that you can throw your snacks into that don’t need to be cooled. As well it can hold entertainment items (crayons, books, small toys, magazines etc.). Reorganize and restock at the end of the day, for your next day’s adventures.

Water Bottles – Bring a stainless steel water bottle for each person. If you are travelling in the summer or in hot weather, freeze the bottle the night before, take it out in the morning, and it will melt as the day goes on. 

Handing out food – For young kids, bring a spill proof snack cup (it will fit in the cup holders), and fill with snacks.

Snack Bags – For older kids/adults, make each person a snack bag before your trip; they can keep with them. Avoids the constant asking for snacks, and they can monitor their own snacking. Of course, this will depend on the age of your kids. 

Clean-Up Kit – Kids, adults, toddlers all on occasion make messes. Have a clean-up kit handy just in case; wipes, paper towel, extra water, change of clothes.

Garbage Bag for the car – Have a designated garbage bag for the car, to keep the garbage contained. Empty or replace at rest stops. Reuse plastic grocery bags. 

Road Trip Coolers

A cooler is the essential item to add to your road trip packing list. It will provide you more flexibility with the types of snacks and food you can bring.

You may even want to cook up some make ahead vacation dinner recipes and keep them fresh too.

We’ve outlined some things to think about and a few great road trip cooler options available on Amazon, to help you out. 

Here are some things to consider before buying a cooler :

  • How long is your trip?
  • How much space do you have in your vehicle? Where do you want to put the cooler?
  • How much food will you need? Can you stop at grocery stores along the way to replenish supplies quickly (ie. can you get away with just a day or two worth of food)

Best Overall Cooler ( Size and Holds the Cold) – Yeti Roadi 24 Cooler

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This Yeti Roadi 24 Cooler is narrow, so it easily fits behind the seat , is well insulated, which holds the cold, and is lighter than previous versions. It can also be transformed into a stool if you buy the cushion. Plus it comes in cool colours.

Best Family Cooler & Long Road Trips – ORCA ORCP026 Cooler 

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This Orca Cooler is a top pick for size and flexibility . It can hold a lot of food and ice, which can be kept frozen for up to a week or more. Plus it has cool whale tail latches.

Best Soft Sided Cooler – TOURIT Leak-Proof Soft-Sided Cooler Backpack

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This Tourit Leak-Proof soft-sided backpack is an excellent option for shorter road trips or if you are planning a picnic or day at the beach . This leak-proof high-density insulated backpack can keep food cold for up to 3 days. It also has side pockets for extra storage.

Tips to Prepare For Your Road Trip

Check your road trip food list to see if there is anything you can do ahead of time, to make food prep and snacking easier while on the road. We recommend doing the following ahead of time:

  • Make a Road Packing List, and check it off as you pack
  • Wash and cut veggies and fruit
  • Prepare sandwiches, meat slices, cheese slices etc.
  • Prepare snack bags or snack tote – for easy grabbing
  • Prepare your Clean up kit
  • Pack non-perishable foods
  • Pack your perishable foods in the cooler, right before you leave.
PRO TIP : Pack your car the night before you leave, to make sure everything fits. Make sure your cooler and essential road trip snacks are easily accessible. 

Road trip snack ideas berries, beef jerky, energy balls, egg muffins.

What foods are easy to pack?

Foods that are easy to pack for road trips include single serving foods such as applesauce or fruit pouches, granola bars, trail mix, string cheese hummous and tuna. Other easy foods to bring require a bit of preparation like sandwiches, whole fruit (apples, oranges and grapes), or baby carrots.

What Snacks are good for a trip?

Snacks that are good for trips are high in protein and contain some good fats, as well as one’s that are full of nutrients like fruits and vegetables. Our top picks for travel snacks include grapes, homemade trail mix, bagels with creamcheese or peanut butter, popcorn, energy balls, beef jerky, and cheese and multugrain crackers.

What can I eat to keep me awake when driving?

If you are trying to stay awake while driving, focus on eating crunchy foods like apples, carrots, celery and grapes, combined with protein like nuts, deli meats, nut butters or beef jerky. Make sure you are well hydrated (carbonated water is fun), and avoid eating too many sweet snacks as dehydration & sugar swings can also cause tiredness.

Chocolate or a little bit of caffeinated coffee or tea can also help you stay awake.

Road Trip Food List: 75+ Easy Road Trip Snacks

With over 50 delicious road trip snack options, you will find something for everyone in your party. Plus some tips to make packing and travelling easier.

Now all you need is your next road trip destination. Here are some family favourites:

  • Zion National Park in Utah .
  • What not to miss at Bryce Canyon in a day
  • Big Sur California Road Trip itinerary; Best places to visit, eat & stay
  • Boston to Acadia National Park

What are your favourite road trip snacks and favourite hacks for keeping food and snacks organized? Let us know in the comments below, or connect with us on social media, we’d love to hear from you.

Related Family travel tips and resources :

  • Camping gift ideas outdoorsy kids will love
  • Road Trip Packing List, all the essentials you’ll actually need & use
  • 150 Road Trip questions to entertain your travel companions
  • Best Anti-Theft Travel Bags

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Donna Garrison is the founder of Packed for Life, an ever curious traveler with a passion for making memories with her family. With a unique perspective on travelling on a budget gathered over 30 years, 20 countries and 5 continents she gives families the tools & resources they need to experience the joys of travelling more for less through practical solutions. She helps over 20,000 families a month plan & take the family travel, camping and road trip adventures of their dreams in Canada, the USA and around the world. Contact her at: Donna [at] packedforlife.com

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Great tips! It gets better as the kids grow up and become less messy and fussy:)

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18 Best Store-Bought Road-Trip Snacks

The sweet and salty snacks are ideal for long car rides.

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The key to surviving a family road trip: snacks, snacks and more snacks. Keeping kids (and parents) from getting cranky during a long car ride means good tunes and even better food. These 18 store-bought snacks will keep those highway hunger pains at bay and may just ensure more soaking in the sights and less whining "Are we there yet?"

road trip snacks ranked

Tillamook Snack Cheese

Grab a smaller cooler and a bag of these perfectly portioned cheese rectangles for the perfect snack to feed the whole family. Throw a slice on a cracker or eat as is. Each slice has 5 grams of protein, so it’ll keep that sugar crash at bay.

road trip snacks ranked

Baja Beef Jerky

Beef jerky is the quintessential road trip food but what you grab at the gas station is usually loaded with nitrates and other yucky stuff. Baja’s beef jerky is all the goodness without the gross. This gluten free, low calorie jerky is packed with flavor — think street taco and cracked pepper, so it satisfies any passenger. Plus, the bags are resealable which makes it a great snack for hour one or hour five of the trip.

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Clif Bar Thins

Sometimes you just need a little crunch, even if its messy. These Clif Bar thins are the perfect snack if you are stopping for a quick hike or tourist destination as they’ll give you quick energy for that hour stretch-your-legs break. Plus, they are made with good for you ingredients so you won’t feel guilty crunching into these biscotti like cookies.

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Pipcorn White Cheddar Cheese Balls

If your road trip memories consist of the giant jar of cheese balls passed around in the back, this less artificial version is for you. These white cheddar cheese ball make less of a mess than their neon orange counterparts (although Pipcorn does make them if you want to keep the memory alive!) but they are made without the artificial flavors and preservatives, plus they are baked, not fried. We have a feeling you may want to keep a few bags in the car — they’ll go fast!

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M&M’s Classic Mix

Not everything on a road trip has to be good for you — for many people it’s a time to treat yourself. This Classic mix takes all of your favorite M&Ms — peanut, plain and peanut butter and mixes them into one bag. The resealable bag makes it perfect for handing out a few at a time and putting away the rest for later.

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Solely Organic Fruit Jerky

This fruit jerky is reminiscent of the fruit leathers and fruit rolls but made with real fruit. The variety pack has flavors that will appease the most sophisticated adult palate and the pickiest kid. Mango, Spicy Mango, Pineapple, Pineapple Coconut, Spicy Pineapple, Banana, Banana Cacao, and Banana with Pecans — there is a choice for everyone in the car. Plus, they take up minimal room so it’s easy to pack them in the car.

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Wonderful Pistachios

Nuts are always a good take-on-the road snack. These individually packaged, already shelled pistachios make it easy to munch without the mess. Choose from plain, honey roasted, or chili dusted for something that suits every palate and keeps energy up for the next adventure.

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No Baked Cookie Dough

Did someone say cookie dough? We bet you’ll get your kids to agree on a podcast with a little bribe of mini jars of cookie dough. Choose from dairy-free or regular varieties like cookie monster, confetti or classic chocolate chip. They are tiny enough to put in a small cooler and the perfect road trip dessert.

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Toodaloo Trail Mix Variety Pack

Nothing says a road trip like a good trail mix. Trade in the overly salted classic mixes for something with a little more flavor and a few more better-for-you ingredients. There’s a flavor profile for everyone from Smoke Show a BBQ flavored mix to Slow Your Roll, a maple flavored mix with coconut, cranberries, and of course a ton of nuts (but all the mixes are peanut free). You’ll get your dose of Omega-3s and protein without any refined sugars or artificial ingredients.

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Applegate Naturals Genoa Charcuterie Plate with Cheddar

Sometimes you want to nibble on a little bit of everything for the drive: a little salty, a little sweet, a little savory. This portable charcuterie packs the protein with no hormone-added genoa salami, chunks of cheddar cheese, a handful of roasted almonds and chocolate chunks.

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Simple Mills Honey Cinnamon Sweet Thins

This snack is bound to make everyone in the car happy from little kids to those that follow a gluten-free or paleo diet. Made with watermelon seed flour and coconut sugar, the result is a honey cinnamon graham flavor reminiscent of a bear shaped snack.

road trip snacks ranked

UNREAL Dark Chocolate Coconut Bars

Think twice before grabbing the king-sized candy bar at the gas station. Instead, travel with a bag of these dark chocolate coconut bars that are just as satisfying and come in fun-size portions to last your whole ride.

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Oatmeal Cranberry Soft-Baked Cookies

These may appear to just be oatmeal cranberry cookies but given that they are loaded with whole grain rolled oats, flax, chia seeds and California dates, they also make a great on the road breakfast.

road trip snacks ranked

Frito-Lay Variety Pack Classic Mix

A good bag of chips is a road trip essential but deciding on which one is always challenging. That’s why throwing a variety pack of individual sized bags in your car is a great way to stop any arguments. Everyone can get what they want and it may temporarily stop the “Are we there yet?” questioning.

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Nixie Sparkling Water

It’s always nice to have a special drink for a long ride and this is one that will appease the whole family without the sugar crash of a soda. The black cherry lime is a subtle version of your favorite cherry tinged soda, but made with organic flavors and carbonated water.

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Cherry Chocolate Chip Tahini Bites

These chocolate cherry tahini bites are designed to pop in your mouth and get on with your day, making them perfect for road trips where you may need a burst of energy. They are made with tahini so safe for any peanut allergies, too.

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Bare Baked Crunchy Apple Chips

If you can’t pack fresh fruit, these crunchy baked apples are still simply apples with an awesome crunchy texture. These perfectly portioned bags are great to keep in the car for any length trip.

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Siete Grain Free Cinnamon Chips Churro Strips

Road trips are meant for devouring an entire bag of something, and you’ll want it to be these. These grain free churro strips are sweet with a hint of salt so they aren’t cloying. You may want to bring wet wipes to wipe off the cinnamon sugar from your fingertips when you finish.

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    Sliced Bell Peppers with Guacamole. Dip vibrant and crunchy bell pepper slices into creamy guacamole for a flavorful and healthy snack. This veggie-packed option provides essential nutrients and is easy to pack in a leak-proof container for mess-free snacking. We hope you enjoyed this wide selection of healthy road trip snacks.

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    Credit: Amazon. Ditch the carby snacks and opt for beef or turkey jerky when you're craving some protein. This variety pack comes with six different flavors and is big enough to share! 2. Candy Alternative. That's it. Fruit Bars Variety Pack. $22 at Amazon. Credit: Amazon.

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    Best dried fruit: Bare Simply Pineapple Chips. $23.99 for 6. This simple but tasty healthy road trip snack is made from one ingredient and one ingredient only: baked pineapple. The result is a ...

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    1. Mexican Coke. Pour this into a big cup filled with pellet ice and doctor it with a slice of lemon snagged from the iced-tea station. A road trip is one of rare times I drink soda. The cane ...

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    Fresh herbs and real cheese make this tasty road trip snack a healthy winner. Rosemary Parmesan popcorn is a crunchy snack perfect for anyone following a gluten-free diet. Each cup contains 113 calories, 4 grams of saturated fat, 5 grams of carbohydrates, 1 gram of fiber and 1 gram of protein. Up Next: The best gas station foods, ranked.

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    Photograph: Shutterstock/Darryl. 8. Smartfood White Cheddar Popcorn. The happy medium between butter-drenched movie theater popcorn and dried-out "health" popcorn, Smartfood's white cheddar ...

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    Having a few non perishable snacks for travel on hand makes things easier. From dried fruit to granola bars, here are some fun ideas for non-refrigerated road trip food to pack: Fruit; apples, blueberries, grapes, cherries. Fruit Leather. Dried fruit - dates, apricots, figs, mango. Granola Bars.

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    Kind Bars. If you're looking for a healthy gas station snack, Kind bars have you covered. With a dose of healthy fats, high protein content and a smattering of vitamins, Kind bars are one of our favorite low-cholesterol snacks. They also rank among our Test Kitchen's favorite healthy granola bars.

  20. 18 Best Store-Bought Road-Trip Snacks

    The key to surviving a family road trip: snacks, snacks and more snacks. Keeping kids (and parents) from getting cranky during a long car ride means good tunes and even better food.