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Character Slot

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A Character Slot is a slot allowing you to create a player character. All character slots are currently unrestricted, meaning they can be used to create characters of any playable faction . New character slots have historically been added whenever a new playable faction or recruitment event is released, which applies retroactively to all existing accounts and to all future accounts.

Zen small icon.png

Due to what appears to be a bug, purchasing a two pack of character slots will set your maximum character slots to 51, or 59 for Lifetime subscribers. Unless and until this is fixed, it's recommended to only purchase four packs.

Players who are still subscribed to the game via the legacy Gold subscription system are given an additional character slot, however if the subscription ends and the slot is unused, it is lost unless they later purchase a Lifetime subscription. Subscribers can also unlock extra slots for being 300 and 700-day veterans, which cannot be lost. These slots are included in the Lifetime subscription, which adds 2 slots on top of this for the total of 8.

  • 1 Tribble and Redshirt Test Servers
  • 2.1 Prior to Legacy of Romulus
  • 2.2 Legacy of Romulus to Victory is Life
  • 2.3 Post-Victory is Life
  • 3 References

Tribble and Redshirt Test Servers

Characters on the Tribble or Redshirt test servers do not count towards a players number of used character slots on the Holodeck live server. However players cannot create more characters on the test servers than their account has unlocked, for example if a player has unlocked a total of 10 character slots on their account, they cannot create more than 10 per test server.

Cryptic sometimes restricts the number of characters that can be created on or copied to the test servers.

Prior to Legacy of Romulus

Before the launch of Season 5 each user account initially had two character slots, which could be used for creating Federation faction characters. A 3rd slot was unlocked when one of your characters reached Lieutenant 6, as well as the ability to create Klingon faction characters.

From the launch of Season 5 until the launch of the Legacy of Romulus expansion, players were given two restricted character slots, no longer able to unlock a third:

  • 1 Starfleet only character slot (unrestricted for players who subscribed before Season 5 )
  • 1 Klingon only character slot (unrestricted for players who subscribed before Season 5 )

Legacy of Romulus to Victory is Life

The launch of Legacy of Romulus gave all players an additional character slot once more, so that all players began with 3, and all 3 slots were unrestricted. With these changes, two chances to gain additional character slots have been lost:

  • Subscribers who chose the annual subscription option (only available prior to launch) received 2 additional slots.
  • Lifetime subscribers who purchased their subscription before release got two additional slots.

Considering the third free slot all players received, it was merely a loss of one slot.

Since then, the Delta Recruitment recruitment event, Agents of Yesterday , Victory is Life expansions additionally added one free character slot each to all accounts, so that players would be guaranteed to have a slot to participate in the Delta Recruitment , Temporal Agent Recruitment and Gamma Recruitment events, respectively, bringing the total for new accounts to seven.

Post-Victory is Life

Prior to the closure of the Foundry , players received 1 Slot for Foundry content creation. If a player wished to create content for both factions, they must use one of their other character slots to create another foundry creation character. The foundry was closed on April 11th, 2019.

On March 7, 2019, the character creation UI on PC received a rework. To celebrate the new UI and to compensate for the loss of the foundry, there was a free character slot added to all accounts.

In Season Twenty-two , an extra slot was added for players to participate in the Klingon Recruitment event, bringing the total slots to nine. In Season Twenty-five , Lifetime subscribers were given an additional 3 character slots.

  • Developer confirming Gold players can lose their extra slot.
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Altered Gamer

Star Trek Online Store Items: Character Rename, Respec, Character Slots, and Custom Emotes

Star Trek Online Store Items: Character Rename, Respec, Character Slots, and Custom Emotes

Players who find themselves not satisfied with Star Trek Online’s in-depth character creator have options beyond the scope of the game, provided they’re willing to spend a little real-world money to get them.

By purchasing items from the in-game C Store, players can unlock additional emotes, retrain their character, rename their captain, or unlock a new race unobtainable by other means. Get full details on purchasing Cryptic Points and spending them in game in our full Guide to the Star Trek Online C Store .

Check out all the C Store character customization items currently available below.

Character Customization and Re-Customzation Options

Star Trek Online Captain Rename

The first character upgrade in the Star Trek Online C Store is “ Emote Pack I .” After purchasing this upgrade for 120 Cryptic Points, three unique emotes will be added to every character on your account. Now, you’ll be able to interact in style, showing your anger and impatience with the “Frustrated” emote, dismissing lower creatures with the “Shoo” emote, and expressing your enthusiasm with the “Pick Me” emote.

For those who may have charged ahead in their character development without much thought about what skills they might need in the future (pretty much everyone who jumped in on day one), the Retrain option, available for 400 Cryptic Points, gives you a chance to rewrite history. This single-use item wipes out all skills on your character, allowing you to start again with a clean slate. Bridge officers do not benefit from this item. Make sure you’re on the Star Trek Online character you want to retrain, as it only works for one character per purchase.

Star Trek Online Emote Pack 1

If three character slots is not enough for you, the C Store has the option to purchase two Additional Character Slots for a measly 500 Cryptic Points. Now you can create up to five characters, allowing you to explore practically every specialization path on both the Federation and Klingon sides of the galaxy.

Is that oh-so-topical character name you chose when the game first launched starting to lose its luster? Are your enemies piling up and you are in desperate need of a respite? Perhaps the Captain Rename item, available for 280 Cryptic Points, might be for you. Purchasing this item gives you a single rename token, usable on one character on your account to create a new, more appropriate name. You might want to put a little more thought into it the second time.

Playable Species Available in the C Store

Federation Playable Tellarite

Whether you’re desperately striving to be unique or simply because none of the default Federation races in Star Trek Online appeal to you, perhaps one of the exclusive unlockable species available through the C Store might be right up your alley. Currently, there are four different races to choose from, and they are unavailable by any other means.

The Playable Federation Tellarite is the first of several species options in the C Store. These short-statured creatures were among the founding races of the Federation. Each Tellarite comes with the “Pig Headed” (30% resistance to holds, 40% resistance to slows and 50% resistance to placates, with a chance to become enraged and gain a 20% damage buff for a short time) and “Sturdy” (10% resistance to physical damage, 10% resistance to kinetic damage, 10% resistance to knockback) attributes. Players who create a

Federation Playable Ferengi

Tellarite can also choose two additional traits. Become a Tellarite for 200 Cryptic Points.

For fans of The Next Generation and Deep Space Nine’s Worf, there is the Playable Federation Klingon character option available for 240 Cryptic Points. When hostilities between the Federation and the Empire resumed, some Klingons chose to remain with Starfleet. Federation Klingons receive the “Warrior” trait (5% increased ranged weapon damage, 10% increased melee damage, and a 10% bonus to critical severity) and the “Honorable” trait (5% bonus to damage resistance, 10% bonus to threat generation). Players may also choose two additional traits for their Klingon captain.

Maybe Worf is not your favorite character. For those who have ever wondered how a character like Quark

Federation Playable Pakled

might fare in Starfleet, there is the Playable Federation Ferengi option. Ferengi captains receive the “Natural Immunities” (40% resistance to toxic and radiation damage) and “Acute Senses” (20% bonus to stealth sight and 10% bonus to exploit damage) traits. Players may choose two additional traits for their Ferengi, as well. Unlock your Ferengi captain for only 80 Cryptic Points.

Anyone who remembers the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode “Samaritan Snare” remembers the Pakleds as the species who feigned stupidity to kidnap Geordi LaForge and force him to work onboard their ship. Now, you can employ similar tactics with your Playable Federation Pakled. These captains receive the “Dumb Luck” trait, granting them a 40% decrease in their ability to resist a placate or confuse, a 20% increase in susceptibility to holds, and a 6% increase to the frequency of their critical hits. Pakled players are allowed to choose three additional traits.

Cryptic has done a pretty good job of rolling out new C Store items fairly frequently, so keep an eye out for future updates with more playable characters and character upgrade options. Hopefully they decide to spread the love a little and expand the options for players of the Klingon faction, as well.

For more Star Trek Online goodness, be sure to check out our Guide to Star Trek Online Character Customization and Ultimate Guide to Ships in Star Trek Online.

This post is part of the series: Star Trek Online Guide to the C-Store

Our full guide to the Star Trek Online C-Store answers all your questions about how to buy Cryptic Points, how to spend them, and what species and unlockable items are available for purchase in the in-game store.

  • Guide to the C-Store in Star Trek Online
  • Star Trek Online C Store Items: Character Customization
  • Star Trek Online C Store Items: Ship Customization

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44th Fleet

FAQ – Star Trek Online Beginners Tips and Tricks

44th flee t’s star trek online beginners guide, 90% of all frequently asked questions:.

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Escorts – do heavy damage with their dual heavy cannons, but weak hull and shields. Compact designs, very maneuverable. Preferred for a ‘fighter-like’ playstyle. Cruisers – average damage through all beams but strong hulls and decent shields. Lowest turn rate. Preferred ‘tank’ class. Science Vessels – specializes on healing, debuffing and damage through exotic powers like Gravity Well. Average hulls but strong shields. Are the ‘space wizards’ in STO. Small Craft – Shuttles and Fighters. Weak damage, weak hull and shields, but the fastest and required for some unique missions.

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There are also many additional sub-classes including Heavy Escorts, Dreadnoughts, Battlecruisers, Carriers with fighters, Reconnaissance and Intel Science Vessels.

The Klingon, Romulan and Dominion factions have comparable classes but with extra unique specialities, such as (battle) cloaks, Raider flanking damage or Singularity powers. Additional cross-faction ships have even more unique abilities.

Go here for some simple starting builds you can copy – this is very basic but serve you well while leveling. They work for Federation, Klingon and Romulan comparable ships (eg Escorts – Bird of Preys – Warbirds).

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Trust us; we’ve been there, done that. As in real life, knowledge is (fire) power – knowing how and especially why a certain mechanic works does more for your DPS than just slapping a specific weapon on your ship. There’s math involved, but just playing the game you’ll understand the basics pretty quickly.

But okay, twist my arm, these are all bonnie ships cap’n!

Compiled by our resident 44th Ship Master Sukobi , the following are considered the top tier ships in-game at this time (March 2021). New ships are always released so this list changes every year.

Inquiry Battlecruiser and the Fleet Shephard / Qugh Battlecruiser — These are all dynamite energy beam/cannon ships with the same ship layout: Qugh has battle cloak, and Inquiry adds Intel abilities to the Miracle Worker seat. Fearsome ships.

Vaadwaur MW Juggernaut — Unrivaled in the Dual Heavy Cannon space, this is a difficult ship to explain but it’ll do the job and has the hull of a tank.

Tzen-tar Dreadnought Carrier — mixed carrier/torpedo. 6 tactical consoles, 5 forward weapons, 2 hangars, and still 2 aft weapons. The same mobility as the Inquiry/Shephard/Qugh. Strong hull and massive shields.

Tholian Jorogumo Carrier — Best of the support carriers with two hangars, heavy shields and Gravity Well. This ship is about being able to squeeze maximum support out of every single gear slot.

Klingon D7 , Federation Constitution MW Flight Deck Carriers would likely be the most ideal standard dps-based tanks. Plus classic lines to boot.

There is much more to cover and for a more in-depth overview of these ships see this detailed post (44th members only).

Just remember, buying these ships are no guarantee ; you will still need to outfit them with top-end gear for their max potential.

Also, as a 44th Fleet member, you will now have access to superior and unique Fleet versions of many Federation, Romulan and Klingon ships (extra console slot, increased stats etc).

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No longer a true ‘must have’, but the Plasmonic Leech console , especially for power-starved Romulan ships, is a good investment. Another nice one is the Sustained Radiant Field console from the Iconian Reputation.

Like ground/ship traits, there are always new consoles and set bonuses changing the ‘meta’ of the game – adapt !

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So, with those CrtH:CrtD ratios, if you want to get the most possible out of your ship, you buff [CrtD] on weapons and [CrtH] on consoles.

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Star Trek Online Enterprise Discovery Voyager deep space nine combat weapons Kirk Spock phaser photon torpedo beam shuttle star wars MMO RPG boff doff pvp player bridge officer action

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A ship slot is a spot occupied by a ship. Think of it as a docking space. A player only gets a limited number of ship slots and can therefore only have so many ships. A player begins with two ship slots but can get up to 14 (5 initial slots, 6 from promotions + 3 from accolades) through in-game means, or more still by purchasing it from the Zen Store .

Ships may be stored in Dry Dock Slots when not in use.

Ship slots are individual to each character, i.e. if you have 2 empty slots on one character, they cannot be used for ships on another.

As of February 2022; Free account characters start with nine (9) base Ship Slots and can purchase an additional sixty (60) slots from the Zen Store for a total of sixty-nine (69). Lifetime accounts have fifteen (15) base Ship Slots and can purchase an additional sixty (60) slots from the Zen Store for a total of seventy-five (75). [Source: Buy Slots button tooltip in the Manage Ships window].

Obtaining additional ship slots [ | ]

Obtaining or purchasing more slots will only apply to one character, with the exception of Veteran Rewards which apply to your entire account. Methods to obtain more:

  • Lieutenant Commander
  • Rear Admiral, Lower Half / Brigadier General
  • Rear Admiral, Upper Half / Major General
  • Vice Admiral / Lieutenant General, for a maximum of 6 by ranking up.
  • 200 day Veteran Reward adds one ship slot with the accolade Redoubtable
  • 500 day Veteran Reward adds another ship slot with the accolade Relentless
  • 1000 day Veteran Reward adds another ship slot with the accolades Starfleet Veteran and Empire Veteran , for a maximum of 3 from accolades
  • “The Vault” [FED/KDF] adds a ship slot with the accolade Size Doesn't Matter (per character)
  • “Small Packages” [ROM] adds a ship slot with the accolade Size Doesn't Matter (per character)

This part of the Promo Bundle has remained unpacked because your character is already at or near the max number of available Starship Slots that may be purchased. This package may be traded to other characters on your account, and applied to any character that is not at/near this upper limit.

Energy credit icon

Update history [ | ]

  • Maximum ship slots purchasable from the Zen Store increased from 28 on November 3rd, 2011 to 48 on January 30th, 2014 .
  • Initial ship slots were increased from 2 to 4 on May 8th, 2014 . [1] . Initial slots seem to have been increased to 5 at some point after this.
  • 1 Phoenix Prize Pack
  • 2 Phoenix Redemption Store
  • 3 Denorios Bajoran Interceptor


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  1. Character Slot

    A Character Slot is a slot allowing you to create a player character. All character slots are currently unrestricted, meaning they can be used to create characters of any playable faction. New character slots have historically been added whenever a new playable faction or recruitment event is released, which applies retroactively to all existing accounts and to all future accounts. All players ...

  2. Inventory

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    We would like to show you a description here but the site won't allow us.

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  10. Player character

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  11. FAQ

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  12. New Character Slot : r/sto

    This is the unofficial community subreddit for Star Trek Online, the licensed Star Trek MMO, available on PC, Playstation, and Xbox. Share your glorious (or hilarious) in-game adventures through stories and screencaps, ask your game related questions, and organize events with your fellow Captains.

  13. Lifetime Membership-Number of Character Slots

    Hover over the "New Character" button at the character selection screen. That will tell you how many you have left. 0. jaguarskxMemberPosts: 5,945Arc User. March 2015edited March 2015. I read a post about a month ago where someone stated the maximum number of toons you can have on a single account is around 43 to 48. 0.

  14. Shared-account Bank Inventory :: Star Trek Online General Discussions

    The cash shop entry tells you the max count of slots though. If you are a Free account, you get Zero in the Shared Bank space. But like others have said you can grind for dilithium, exchange it for Zen and then buy some shared bank space. Originally posted by jozenone:

  15. 20% Duty Officer, Personnel, and Services Sale!

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  16. Lifetime subscription worth buying? : r/sto

    r/sto. r/sto. This is the unofficial community subreddit for Star Trek Online, the licensed Star Trek MMO, available on PC, Playstation, and Xbox. Share your glorious (or hilarious) in-game adventures through stories and screencaps, ask your game related questions, and organize events with your fellow Captains. MembersOnline. •. Agenr09247291342.

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  19. Get 12 Inventory Slots, Free! [Once per account] : r/sto

    Get 12 Inventory Slots, Free! [Once per account] : r/sto. TOPICS. r/sto. r/sto. This is the unofficial community subreddit for Star Trek Online, the licensed Star Trek MMO, available on PC, Playstation, and Xbox. Share your glorious (or hilarious) in-game adventures through stories and screencaps, ask your game related questions, and organize ...

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    where do i buy extra character slots for star trek online Share. Share this post on; Digg;; Technorati; Twitter; Spurl this Post! Reddit!

  21. Ship slot

    A ship slot is a spot occupied by a ship. Think of it as a docking space. A player only gets a limited number of ship slots and can therefore only have so many ships. A player begins with two ship slots but can get up to 14 (5 initial slots, 6 from promotions + 3 from accolades) through in-game means, or more still by purchasing it from the Zen Store. Ships may be stored in Dry Dock Slots when ...