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Longhouse 3.0

In starting our virtual archaeology project to visually reproduce a 15th century Virtual Iroquoian Longhouse from the archaeological record, our assumption right from the beginning was that we would follow the process that J.V. Wright had initiated so many years ago when reconstructing a longhouse from the archaeological record.  Through experimental archaeology, Wright used the exact pole positions at the Nodwell site of an excavated longhouse floor to position and build the longhouse.  Pole diameters were matched with the archaeological record however certain logical decisions were made in the building process to determine which archaeological post hole positions were relevant for the rebuild.

Nodwell A

Traditionally, if a longhouse was to be physically rebuilt from the archaeological record, the existing pole positions would act as a guide in the reconstruction process and as in Longhouse 1.o we intended to use existing excavation maps to guide our 3D virtual longhouse build. However our pivoted goal was the phenomenological experience of being in and around a longhouse within virtual space.  Thus, we chose instead to use substantial quantitative data, to build a representative version of a Northern Iroquoian longhouse prior or just at point of European contact in the 15th century.

As discussed in Longhouse 1.5 , J.V. Wright, Mima Kapches, Dean Snow and Christine Dodd along with Ron Williamson, John Creese and others generally agree based on the archaeological data, that there is a basic building process that Iroquoian builders used when building longhouses.  What differs, based on historical European visual and written accounts, oral histories and language of the Iroquoian themselves and the speculations of practicing archaeologists was how the roofing structure was built and the possible positioning of the sleeping platforms.  I will go into more detail later, but these are just a small example of the research questions being raised as we start to build.

Following Dodd, the basic building blocks of a 15th century Norther Iroquoian longhouse are:

  • An average of 18m’s in length.
  • Height is as tall as the width (note that the archaeological record only provides data on width and oral history provides data on height).  Generally the average width is 7.6m’s.
  • The centre corridor width is 4.0m’s.
  • Sleeping platforms/family cubicles were generally 1.1-1.8m’s in width, 3.7-4m’s in length and 1.8-2m’s in height.
  • The actual sleeping platform itself has been recorded to be anywhere from 0.30-1m off the ground level with the roof of the platform where personal storage was commonly thought to be, being 2m’s from ground level.
  • Average interior support post were 8.6-9.1cm’s in diameter.
  • Exterior wall post diameter was 1-3cm’s in diameter and on average there was 4.5 poles per meter along the length of the longhouse.
  • Typical fire hearth spacing was 2.9-3.6m’s between hearths.  Each hearth support two families on either side of the longhouse.
  • Exterior roof and wall shingles were 1x2m cedar or elm shingles.

The difficulty is that most academic literature describes longhouses in a similar fashion, leaving the reader to visually imagine what a longhouse might look like.  How do these measurements equate visually if they were to be represented?

In addition to the basic measurements that Dodd was able to collate through the archaeological site data of over 400 Iroquoian longhouse excavations, there is the discussion between the roofing structure, which is highly dependent on the initial support post or internal skeletal structure of the longhouse.  Currently there are three major internal structural forms or supports that make up the external visual differences in longhouse construction as described in historical accounts that have been theoretically suggested (Snow, 1997; Williamson, 2004):

  • Wright’s reconstruction of a longhouse at Nodwell suggests a π shaped internal support infrastructure existed which would have supported a visual ratio of 4:1 in height between the main building and a separate arbor roof (1971, 1995);
  • Based on extensive historical European oral accounts and two specific visual representations of Seneca longhouse floor plans from the 1700’s, Snow suggests that longhouses might have had a 60/40 split between longhouse body and a separate upper roof (1997);
  • Kapches, using Iroquoian oral history, suggested that the longhouse walls and roof might have been entirely integrated by long exterior posts lashed at the center roofline forming a continuous arbor effect (1994).


An additional layer of texture mapping will be applied later to visually suggest a buildup of creosote which would have most definitely been present within the rafters of longhouses as numerous fires would have been contributing to the smoke layer within the structure.


In visualizing the initial framing process, we were able to not only raise more questions as it pertains to traditional longhouse construction, but experiment in order to arrive at variants from the existing data.  We immediately recognized that to build bunks with multiple 1.8m length poles for support and roof surfaces, would be a highly labour intensive endeavour.  It was more likely that longer and less quantity of poles would be used along the length of the longhouse instead of the width.  Also, our textures and modelling of the end caps of all poles and posts had to be rougher in order to mimic the use of stone tools.  Lastly, issues like the cordage type and even the knotting of the ropes, would have to be researched further.

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7 Replies to “Longhouse 3.0”

Interesting stuff – thanks for sharing your thought processes with us as you work through these challenges! It provides food for thought for the reader as well.

For instance, I think the general idea behind stripping bark from a log is for longevity – bark would retain both insects and moisture, both of which would act to decompose the wood more quickly and shorten its use life/strength quality. I also know from unfortunate, personal experience that you don’t want to put a post straight into the ground – ground moisture and insects will rot it pretty quickly. Today we can use cement and/or pressure/insecticide treated wood to avoid such issues – but we know from longhouse post molds that there does not appear to be any additional support for posts sunk into the ground. So – perhaps logs were treated in some way? Which in turn may have an impact on how they appear in reconstructions 🙂

Many thanks Rhonda for your observations. You bring up some great points that we will have to explore more as we continue our virtual build!

Re: stripping bark from posts…. In PNG where I work, people use a kind of antarctic beech (Nothofagus) that is very rot-resistant – especially the heartwood. What they do is to fell the posts and then plant them vertically in the ground and exposed to the elements for several months (or even longer). Sometimes the bark is stripped off mechanically, but in any case – by the end of their period in the ground the softer outer wood has rotted away, leaving the durable heartwood. When they get to that point, they then take them out of wherever they were standing (often on a track near where they were originally felled), and carry them to the village where they are then planted into the (wet) clayey soil. They last for years – often longer than the men who cut them. House thatch is renewed every few years or so, and some of the wood and bark lining for the walls and floors rots away – but at the end of the lifespan of a house, the main beech posts (am kun = ‘house bone’) remain and are re-used. In fact, they are just about the only material objects (apart from stone, bone and shell) that endure and are inherited.

Dan, this is great stuff. I have been wondering if when the Iroquoian Villages were abandoned if they salvaged any of the key structural elements. The support posts would make sense and if like the PNG example the posts would have been the key building elements that were processed to withstand rot, it might have been a possibility. Dean Snow indicated that Iroquois from below the Great Lakes would have a key totem post that would be removed and taken by the household when the village was abandoned however I know of no other mention of structural elements being reused.

I’ll take a look now at PNG building techniques. Many thanks!

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Virtual reality expands knowledge of Iroquois longhouse

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3. Go behind the scenes with the Museum Podcast

If you'd prefer some company on your journey around the Museum, try downloading the British Museum Podcast . You'll join presenters Sushma Jansari and Hugo Chapman as they take you on a journey behind the scenes at the Museum – meeting scientists, curators, authors and artists along the way.

Hugo and Sushma's recent adventures include learning about mysterious 'mummy goo', learning about the perils of poison arrows in the collection and going on a trip to the Museum's own X-ray lab.

Marble statue of an athlete stooping to throw the discus, situated in the X-ray lab

The British Museum Podcast is free, and available wherever you get your podcasts.

Apple podcasts | Soundcloud

4. Liven up home learning with our digital resources

Whether you're searching for a little inspiration or more in-depth resources, we're here to help. The Museum has a broad range of free learning resources available on our website, covering ages 3–16+. Excite inquisitive minds as you teach them how Egyptian mummies were made , or learn about what the Romans ate and drank – then try out a recipe for honeyed bread together.

Gold belt buckle with an intricate decoration of intertwining creatures inlaid with niello

Our resources cover a wide range of curriculum links, including History, Art and Design and RE and we offer materials on diverse topics such as Sutton Hoo, Egypt, Rome, prehistoric Britain and the Vikings .

Explore the full range of online resources

5. Immerse yourself with audio tours

To get expert insights into the collection, listen to Museum curators introduce the galleries – each snippet offers a tantalising overview to whet your appetite. Available on Apple Music and YouTube Music , our world-leading curators have recorded introductions to 64 galleries so you can go on an adventure taking in anything from Assyrian lion hunts to Chinese jade. The tracks have also been translated into Korean, Chinese, Italian and Spanish.

A silver stemmed drinking-cup with scene of two men love-making

Our Desire, Love, Identity audio tour explores LGBTQ histories in the collection. Narrated by renowned actor Simon Russell Beale and star of Killing Eve Fiona Shaw, the tour draws out previously hidden stories of same-sex love and desire from the collection. You'll hear about the 2,000-year-old Warren Cup – referred to as the 'holy grail of homosexuality' – as well as lesser-known objects such as a Maori treasure box carved with startling sexual imagery.

Subscribers to Apple Music can access the audio tours for a small fee. You can access them for free on YouTube Music .

6. Get geeky on YouTube 

Our YouTube channel is home to our much-loved Curator's corner series, interviews with scientists and conservators and much, much more. Fancy learning how to write cuneiform then kicking back and watching an ancient rock gong being played? This is the place for you. You'll find recipes, how-to videos and more potential pub quiz knowledge than you can shake a stick at.

Screenshot of Curator's Corner on YouTube with episode thumbnails

If you'd like to take a deeper dive into a specific topic, check out our playlists covering subjects such as manga, Troy, and our science and conservation work.

Start watching here

7. See more on Google Arts & Culture

Discover more than 7,000 objects on our home-away-from-home – Google's online hub of content from museums and archives around the world. As well as collection information and images, our Google Arts & Culture pages also feature online exhibits such as Egypt: faith after the pharaohs and Street Views of sites in Central and South America. Plus, download the Google Arts & Culture app to see more special features, and see art in your own home via AR.

Find us here on Google Arts & Culture

Bronze head from over-life-sized statue: the head is broken through the neck but otherwise in excellent condition. The eyes are inlaid, with glass pupils set in metal rings, the irises of calcite

While you're there, check out the interactive experience The Museum of the World . A mind-boggling visualisation of how two million years of human cultures and histories are interconnected, this interactive timeline is illustrated with objects from the British Museum collection.

8. Eight million objects at your fingertips

The collection is available to everyone on Collection online. You can search for objects and images using keywords, or try filtering by place, artist or material if you're feeling more expert. You may find this handy guide useful for navigating the site.

Browse Collection online

A centaur battles with a man, hand on neck.

Alternatively, you can browse through broader themes and collection histories on our main site. Explore all the weird and wonderful creatures in the collection through our animals page . Or look through the collection by region – we've created easy-to-navigate pages on China, Africa, Egypt and the Americas.

Explore the collection

9. Bury your nose in the blog

If you have ambitions to read more and binge-watch less, head right here to the Museum blog. Find your footing in the ancient world with Who was Achilles? Or get lost in amazing Museum stories, like our recent piece about the beautiful and surreal constituent parts of dust in the Museum . The blog is updated regularly and includes pieces from both guest and Museum voices.

Browse the blog

Magnified sample of a blob of pollen

10. Attend an event

Choose from talks, performances and much more when you browse our bustling programme of online events. Whether it's a virtual Late for one of our exhibitions or a study course to help you pick up that language you've been meaning to learn, there are plenty of ways to keep your cultural calendar filled.

Find an event

A 19th-century print of the Museum Courtyard

11. Stay in touch

Make sure to subscribe to our emails and follow us on social media so you can keep exploring history, humanity and the British Museum itself and be the first to hear about our latest news.

Take care out there. We look forward to welcoming you back through the Museum doors soon.

Use #MuseumFromHome to join in with people across the globe who are sharing art, culture and history from their homes.

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Subscribe to our emails (including bespoke offers for schools and families).

The Museum needs your support now more than ever to continue sharing the collection with the world. Donate today .

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Three nude glazed earthenware figures

Desire, love and identity

A crystal translucent skull

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A bronze Amazonian on horseback

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Plan Your Visit

Welcome to LongHouse

January–March: Saturday & Sunday: 12:30 PM-5:00 PM April–December: Wednesday–Sunday: 12:30 PM-5:00 PM

Reservations are encouraged but not necessary; walk-in visitors are always welcome.

Member's Mornings

January–December Saturday & Sunday: 10:30 AM–12:30

Enjoy some private time at LongHouse and have the gardens all to yourselves. Bring the entire family and stroll the grounds at your leisure on Saturdays and Sundays before we open to the public. From April–December, Adults and children enjoy special art activities, offered in conjunction with The Shine Studio.

LongHouse Reserve 133 Hands Creek Road East Hampton, NY 11937 631.329.3568 Get Directions

LongHouse is open 12 months a year!

Enjoy the beauty and serenity of our gardens, a quiet respite, a mind-clearing space, a place for calm contemplation of nature and art.

Visitor Guidelines

  • Please respect our garden and sculptures
  • LongHouse is a non-smoking facility (including e-cigarettes and vaporizers)
  • Only service animals are permitted in the gardens, in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
  • LongHouse closes occasionally for special events and members-only events. Please check our calendar for updates.
  • Visitors are welcome to take photos and videos for personal use.

Know Before You Go

Parking & Transportation

Free parking is available in our parking lot during regular hours of operation. Overnight parking is not permitted. Charging stations for Tesla and other electric cars are available for use during your visit.


LongHouse Reserve makes its programs accessible to people with disabilities. Please email [email protected] or call 631.329.3568 to discuss arrangements if you have special needs.

Public Tours

Tours led by LongHouse Docents are scheduled for every Saturday at 1:00 PM and 2:30 PM and every Sunday at 1:00 PM . Tours are included with your admission. Reservations are suggested but not necessary. Tours begin at the Gate House.

Private Tours

Private tours and off-season visits are available by appointment. Please email [email protected] or call 631.329.3568 to arrange your visit. 

INStore supports the LongHouse mission through the sale of curated merchandise from both local and international artists.

Calendar of Events

Smithsonian Logo white

National Museum of Natural History Virtual Tours

Access the tours.

Hall of Fossils - Deep Time, Giant Sloth

The Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History virtual tours allow visitors to take self-guided, room-by-room tours of select exhibits and areas within the museum from their desktop or mobile device. Visitors can also access select collections and research areas at our satellite support and research stations as well as past exhibits no longer on display.

Virtual Tour Tips

  • To navigate between adjoining rooms in the tours, click on the blue arrow links on the floor or use the navigation map in the upper right of the presentation screen.
  • Look for the camera icon which gives you a close-up view of a particular object or exhibit panel.
  • Try zooming in as some of the images are stitched together from individual pictures in order to create very high resolution gigapixel images.

Please note: This tour and these presentations have been tested and should work on all common devices, browsers, and operating systems (using a desktop computer with Windows, Mac, Linux or a mobile device such as an iPhone, iPad, or Android). Functionality and appearance may vary as it will adjust automatically to accommodate the most visitors. While the virtual tour has no advertising, ad blocking software or browser settings that block JavaScript and/or XML may interfere with the functionality of the virtual tour. Please let us know what you think of the tour and how the experience can be improved. Send your feedback to the NMNH Web Team .

Site Credit: Imagery and coding by Loren Ybarrondo

Equipment Used: Professional Nikon digital single-lens reflex (DSLR) camera bodies and lenses. The photography is typically done using rectilinear lenses with minimized distortion and shooting equirectangular panoramas at 22K pixels on the long side.

Software Used: No authoring software is used. The tours are hand-coded in HTML5 and JavaScript using the krpano graphics library.

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Travel Marquette to add virtual accessibility tours

MARQUETTE, Mich. (WLUC) - An online accessibility tourist guidebook will soon offer even better guidance to Marquette visitors.

Three Upper Michigan travel organizations were awarded funding from the Accessible Traveler Grant of The Michigan Strategic Fund Board. Among the recipients is Travel Marquette, which will use its $28,950 to add 360-degree videos to its online guidebook.

Travel Marquette CEO Susan Estler said the organization regularly works to ensure travelers of all abilities can plan their visit to the area.

“We started the program because there was a need for people to understand how businesses are,” Estler said. “Are they accessible? Where are the places? What might be the challenges?”

The Guide to Access is available on mobile devices. It tells users how accessible Marquette County businesses are for people with wheelchairs and other mobility needs.

Thanks to the grant, users will soon be able to interact with the locations and look for accessibility barriers digitally.

“We’re trying to give an experience to someone who’s thinking about coming to the area and might have some issues with mobility or things like that,” Estler said.

The organization collaborated with Superior Alliance for Independent Living (SAIL) to provide accessibility feedback on locations. SAIL Accessibility Advocate Jamie Glenn believed funding accessible websites enhances the work already done.

“There’s so many cool things to see and enjoy, and these site reviews and these virtual tours are an opportunity to ensure that more spaces are accessible and inclusive,” Glenn said.

Glenn hoped to work with more websites to add virtual tourist locations.

“It allows people with disabilities to just get out and enjoy the great communities we have here in the U.P.,” Glenn said.

Travel Marquette will add 27 more spots to the online guide. The website enhancements are underway.

Copyright 2024 WLUC. All rights reserved.

longhouse virtual tour

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Litchfield elevation B6

Virtual tour

Under construction

3 bd • 2 ba • 1,748 ft²

3027 VISIONARY DRIVE, Myrtle Beach, SC

The Litchfield is one of Lennar's most popular floorplans and it’s not hard to see why! This home features a formal dining room and an open-concept family room, kitchen and breakfast room with access to the patio for outdoor entertaining. There is a total of three bedrooms, including the owner’s suite. An optional second floor adds a fourth bedroom and bonus room.

Prices, dimensions and features may vary and are subject to change. Photos are for illustrative purposes only.


Community: Arcadia

Earliest move-in date: 09/05/2024

Homesite 0597

Learn more about this home

Litchfield II kitchen

Everything included in this home

Everything included

Included features

Energy-conscious features

Modern interiors

+ 38 additional features

Schedule a tour

Find a time that works for you

Erica Arner

What are the benefits of owning vs. renting?

Owning a home can help you build equity, offers tax deductions and fixed monthly payments, and gives you a sense of permanence. When you rent, your lease sets the price, your place isn’t really yours, and there are no tax benefits or financial freedom. There are many benefits to owning a home that you can’t get with renting.

Arcadia streetscape aerial

Welcome Home Center at 294 Empyrean Circle, Myrtle Beach, SC 29588

By appointment only.

Arcadia is a community of new single-family homes for sale in the desirable city of Myrtle Beach, SC. Onsite amenities include a clubhouse, fitness center, playground, sports courts and a future planned swimming pool. Perfectly located on the Grand Strand with 60 miles of beautiful beaches, enjoy vacation-style living in an area rich with live entertainment, nightlife spots, championship golf courses and attractions, such as the bustling boardwalk and iconic SkyWheel. From hiking trails at Myrtle Beach State Park to family-friendly fun at Ripley's Aquarium, residents can experience the natural beauty of South Carolina.

A simpler way to buy

Our experienced team is here to help with the entire process—from financing, to selling your current home, we’re here to help you navigate the entire process through closing.

Get a cash offer and sell your current home

Skip the hassle of listing, months of showing and juggling double mortgages. We’ve partnered with Opendoor to make it easy to sell your home.

Pre-qualify for a mortgage in minutes

Answer a few questions and get pre-qualified with Lennar Mortgage today. We’ll help you unlock your buying potential.

Close on your new home without the stress

Lennar provides you with the information and guidance you need to successfully navigate the title insurance, escrow and closing process.

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Virtual Tours

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Save $89 on this virtual golf trainer that helps you improve your swing at home

By Stack Commerce

Posted on May 18, 2024 7:00 AM EDT

Family playing digital golf in their living room

We may earn revenue from the products available on this page and participate in affiliate programs. Learn more ›

Your favorite pro golfers have a secret that makes them so good at their game. We think it’s world-class training. And, while you might not be able to afford that, you could get this virtual simulator that helps you sharpen your swing right from your living room.

It’s called the PhiGolf World Tour Edition, and open-box models (new with imperfect packaging) are on sale right now for $159.97 with free shipping until May 22.  Add one to your cart and hit the virtual green —you won’t find a better price anywhere else.

Improve your game or play for fun

PhiGolf works with its trainer club, or your real ones, with a sensor that attaches on the end. This connects you to the software to collect real-time data about your swinging, chipping, driving, and putting. You can make corrections before hitting actual courses.

Play on more than 38,000 courses around the world. Want to get the upper hand before your next game with your buddies? Go right ahead. Or, swing on a world-famous course across the globe without ever leaving home.

You’re one step away from making it yours — head directly to checkout now. You can also play with others online through the PhiGolf World Tour Edition platform. This way, you can get fired up before real-world games or stay entertained on rainy days.

While the PhiGolf software is for iOS and Android devices, you can screencast to your smart TV, laptop, or desktop monitor for a big-screen experience. 

Savings on top of savings with open box

Your PhiGolf simulator is an open-box model, which means it’s either excess store inventory or a customer return with an imperfect box. After being thoroughly inspected with all the original accessories, it’s being sold at a steep discount.

Don’t miss this unbeatable price on the PhiGolf World Tour Edition simulator.  Skip to checkout and get it on sale for $159.97  (reg. $249) with free shipping through May 22 at 11:59 p.m. PT. No coupon is needed.

StackSocial  prices subject to change.


  1. Experience Viking Longhouse in Virtual Reality

    longhouse virtual tour

  2. Inside of Longhouse Virtual Tour

    longhouse virtual tour

  3. Uses of Wood in the First Nations Longhouse Building

    longhouse virtual tour

  4. Virtual Reality Longhouse Tour

    longhouse virtual tour

  5. LongHouse Reserve

    longhouse virtual tour

  6. Virtual reality expands knowledge of Iroquois longhouse

    longhouse virtual tour


  1. The Longhouse News Catchup

  2. Longhouse project

  3. Valheim LongHouse

  4. live request at the Longhouse

  5. A peacefull Longhouse

  6. I Built Castle Black in ARK: Survival Ascended!


  1. Themed Virtual Tours

    These specially-focused tours are presented by Haudenosaunee narrators and feature art from the Museum collection, pop-out hot spots, video and still images. Each is easy to navigate and an average of 20 minutes in length. A total of 8 Virtual Tours will be available in 2021. Tours are free and were created with CARES Act grant support from the ...

  2. wampum

    How to Explore the Tour (Tour is best viewed full screen and optimally on a desktop or laptop.) Use the navigation bar above at the bottom of the photo to discover all parts of the 360-degree tour. Click the green icons to learn about the art and the blue video icons to learn about wampum.

  3. Cliff Dwelling Tours

    Cliff Dwelling Tours. To enter all cliff dwellings you must have a reservation on a ranger-led tour. The full 2024 tour season begins May 12th through October 22, with very limited number of tours per day starting on May 6th. Tour reservations are made only on or by calling the toll free number 1-877-444-6777.

  4. Mohawk Iroquois Village: Introduction

    A Mohawk Iroquois Village: An Exhibit at the New York State Museum. Three dioramas in this exhibit depict life in a Mohawk Iroquois village about 1600, before European influence greatly changed Iroquois culture. The dioramas include a scale model of an Iroquois village, part of a full sized longhouse with furnishings, and an agricultural field.

  5. NYSM Virtual Program Video Library

    People of the Longhouse: Tour of the NYSM Longhouse. October 19, 2021. Education. People of the Longhouse: Tools (Part 1) Stone and Bone. October 19, 2021. ... Virtual Tour of New York State Museum's Fish Lab. May 18, 2021. Historical Archaeology. The Lives of Enslaved People through the Objects They Left Behind.

  6. Virtual Iroquoian Longhouse

    Longhouse 3.0. In starting our virtual archaeology project to visually reproduce a 15th century Virtual Iroquoian Longhouse from the archaeological record, our assumption right from the beginning was that we would follow the process that J.V. Wright had initiated so many years ago when reconstructing a longhouse from the archaeological record.

  7. Field Trip to NYSM

    On this virtual field trip we will be learning about what Haudenosaunee (Iroquois) culture, community, and confederacy was like over 500 years ago. Kids can help examine archaeological evidence, discuss first-hand accounts, and step into a full size reconstruction of a Mohawk longhouse. This program is best suited for elementary students, but all are welcome!

  8. A Virtual Tour of Higher Uppacott- a Dartmoor longhouse

    Medieval yeoman farmers on Dartmoor lived in longhouses alongside their animals. Some of these longhouses can still be seen across the moor today but over ti...

  9. Virtual reality expands knowledge of Iroquois longhouse

    The Museum of Ontario Archaeology introduced a new way of experiencing Iroquois longhouses through virtual reality. Londoners can now experience an Iroquois longhouse via virtual reality at the Museum of Ontario Archaeology (MOA). On Jan. 12, the exhibit opened to the public. It is a chance for Londoners to see what it was like to live in one ...

  10. Long House Tour

    Long House Tour. Long House is considered the second largest cliff dwelling in the park. The sheer beauty of the site makes the trip out to Wetherill Mesa worth the time and effort. Starting at the Wetherill Mesa information kiosk, this two-hour ranger-guided tour involves hiking at least 2.25 miles (3.6 km) round-trip, and climbing two 15-foot ...

  11. People of the Longhouse: Tour of the NYSM Longhouse

    Explore the New York State Museum's reconstructed longhouse. Students will investigate the reconstructed longhouse to understand both the family makeup of th...

  12. Virtual Reality Longhouse Tour

    Tour of MOA's Virtual Reality Longhouse and an associated craft.

  13. Exhibits

    Put potsherds together in a virtual longhouse on the Lawson Site grounds, or take a walk through time along the Miggsie Lawson Trail in Medway Valley in our Augmented Reality experiences. ... Take a 360º tour behind the scenes of our state-of-the-art collections and research facilities or explore the Lawson archaeological village - a Canada ...

  14. Welcome to our Viking Longship 360°

    Welcome to our Viking Longship 360°. Our small, modern Viking Longships are elegantly designed for discovery and comfort. Each longship is identical and features all outside staterooms, serene Scandinavian spaces and light-filled public areas. To begin, select an area to explore from the menu on the right.

  15. How to explore the British Museum from home

    Virtual Museum tours with Google Street View. Did you know that the Museum is the world's largest indoor space on Google Street View? You can go on a virtual visit to more than 60 galleries - perfect for creating your own bespoke tour around your favourites. See highlights like the Rosetta Stone in the Egyptian Sculpture Gallery or discover ...

  16. Confederacy

    The Iroquois Museum uses contemporary Iroquois/Haudenosaunee art as a window into understanding Iroquois culture, history, and traditions. How to Explore the Tour (Tour is best viewed full screen and optimally on a desktop or laptop.) Use the navigation bar above at the bottom of the photo to discover all parts of the 360-degree tour. Click the ...

  17. Tours

    It is now possible for us to offer virtual tours to your classroom, school or business. This tour requires a small fee to the educator to book. This tour is based on the availability of the educator. This tour is by appointment only. Please fill out the tour intake form below or email us at [email protected] or call 206 431-1582 to schedule.

  18. Japanese Costume in History: A Kimono Journey

    In Conversation with Yoshiko Wada - LongHouse Virtual Lecture Series Japanese Costume in History: A Kimono Journey Sunday, March 28, 2021 4:30pm EST $35/$25 members Tickets (A recording link will be emailed to you and is viewable for 30 days after each event). The word kimono derived from "kiru mono," meaning a thing

  19. People of the Longhouse: Tour of the NYSM Longhouse

    People of the Longhouse: Tour of the NYSM Longhouse. Explore the New York State Museum's reconstructed longhouse. Students will investigate the reconstructed longhouse to understand both the family makeup of those living together within the longhouse and how Native People lived in these structures.

  20. Plan Your Visit

    LongHouse Reserve exemplifies living with art in all forms. Founded by Jack Lenor Larsen, its collections, gardens, sculpture and programs reflect world cultures to inspire a creative life. ... Private tours and off-season visits are available by appointment. Please email [email protected] or call 631.329.3568 to arrange your visit. Shop.

  21. Virtual Tour

    Narrated Tours. The Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History virtual tours allow visitors to take self-guided, room-by-room tours of select exhibits and areas within the museum from their desktop or mobile device. Visitors can also access select collections and research areas at our satellite support and research stations as well as past ...

  22. Travel Marquette to add virtual accessibility tours

    The Michigan Strategic Fund Board awarded Travel Marquette $28,950 to enhance its website. The organization will add virtual tours of Marquette County's tourism locations to make traveling more ...

  23. Under construction LITCHFIELD II in Arcadia, $333,000

    Reduced! $333,000. 3 bd • 2 ba • 1,748 ft². 3027 VISIONARY DRIVE, Myrtle Beach, SC. Schedule a tour. Request info. The Litchfield is one of Lennar's most popular floorplans and it's not hard to see why! This home features a formal dining room and an open-concept family room, kitchen and breakfast room with access to the patio for outdoor ...

  24. Creation

    How to Explore the Tour (Tour is best viewed full screen and optimally on a desktop or laptop.) Use the navigation bar above at the bottom of the photo to discover all parts of the 360-degree tour. Click the green icons to learn about the art and the blue video icons to learn about all 9 parts of the Creation Story.

  25. Virtual Walk Night Tour In Phnom Penh

    In this video, we'll take you on a sightseeing tour of the beautiful City Night Tour in Phnom Pen and is one of the most vibrant and exciting cities in Cambo...

  26. Save $89 on this virtual golf trainer that helps you improve your swing

    Don't miss this unbeatable price on the PhiGolf World Tour Edition simulator. Skip to checkout and get it on sale for $159.97 (reg. $249) with free shipping through May 22 at 11:59 p.m. PT. No ...