1. English, Literature, and the Bible: The Journey of Odysseus

    steps of odysseus journey

  2. Timeline of Odysseus journey in the Odyssey by Cris Gieron Dizon Cazon

    steps of odysseus journey

  3. Maps of Odysseus' Journey

    steps of odysseus journey

  4. Odysseus Journey Map • Greek Gods & Goddesses

    steps of odysseus journey

  5. Odyssey: Odysseus' Journey Timeline Diagram

    steps of odysseus journey

  6. Map of Odysseus's Journey

    steps of odysseus journey


  1. Odysseus: The Journey Home

  2. The Odyssey the Story Untold (TOLD THE RIGHT WAY)

  3. Odysseus' Journey to the Underworld

  4. Odysseus's Odyssey: A 60-Second Mythical Journey #shorts #youtubeshorts #GreekMythology #odyssey

  5. The Epic Trojan War

  6. Odysseus Journey- Stop Motion activity


  1. Odysseus' Journey Timeline

    This is a timeline of Odysseus' Journey From Ithaca to the Trojan War Then Back Home by: Emilia Irovic There was a call to war of the Achaeans (Greeks) against the people of Troy. This war, the Trojan War, started because Paris, the Trojan prince, abducted (or eloped with) Helen, the wife of Menelaus. Menelaus convinced his brother, Agamemnon, the king of Mycenae, to lead an expedition to find ...

  2. Odysseus Hero's Journey in Homer's Odyssey

    Hero's Journey Project Examples and More Ideas for The Odyssey. Creating a storyboard that illustrates each of Odysseus' hero's journey steps is engaging and creative. However, there are lots of other ways for students to show what they have learned about Odysseus' monomyth! Check out some of our ideas below:

  3. An Interactive Map of Odysseus' 10-Year Journey in Homer's

    Dur­ing their ten-year jour­ney, Odysseus and his men had to over­come divine and nat­ur­al forces, from bat­ter­ing storms and winds to dif­fi­cult encoun­ters with the Cyclops Polyphe­mus, the can­ni­bal­is­tic Laestry­gones, the witch-god­dess Circe and the rest. And they took a most cir­cuitous route, bounc­ing all over ...

  4. Odysseus Journey Map • Greek Gods & Goddesses

    Odysseus Journey Map. The Greeks celebrate their victory over Troy at the beginning of the Odyssey, forgetting that it was not their own strength that won the city, but rather the will of the gods. In light of this neglect to give credit where it is due, Athena and Poseidon become very angry. They begged Zeus to make the Greeks suffer, and he ...

  5. The Odyssey

    This map shows Odysseus' journey after he left Troy. While his encounters were fictional — there were no Lotus Eaters, Sirens, or Cyclopes in the ancient Mediterranean — his ports of call were real. As you can see from the names of the modern nations, the bards who sang of Odysseus sent him to very real places in the Greek world.

  6. A map of Odysseus's journey

    Odysseus's ten-year trek began in Asia Minor at the fallen city of Troy (the green marker) following the end of the Trojan War. His ultimate destination: his home in Ithaca (the red marker). Click the markers for information on each step of his journey. It is important to note that the 14 locations plotted on this map have been widely debated ...

  7. Odyssey

    Odyssey, epic poem in 24 books traditionally attributed to the ancient Greek poet Homer.The poem is the story of Odysseus, king of Ithaca, who wanders for 10 years (although the action of the poem covers only the final six weeks) trying to get home after the Trojan War.On his return, he is recognized only by his faithful dog and a nurse. With the help of his son, Telemachus, Odysseus destroys ...

  8. Odysseus

    Odysseus's wanderings and the recovery of his house and kingdom are the central theme of the Odyssey, an epic in 24 books that also relates how he accomplished the capture of Troy by means of the wooden horse.Books VI-XIII describe his wanderings between Troy and Ithaca: he first comes to the land of the Lotus-Eaters and only with difficulty rescues some of his companions from their lōtos ...

  9. PDF Travels of Odysseus

    Travels of Odysseus Follow the footsteps of an ancient adventurer The Odyssey is an epic, an adventure story attributed to the Greek poet Homer. Most historians think The Odyssey was composed in the 7th or 8th century BCE. The Odyssey tells the adventures of the Greek hero Odysseus, a veteran of the Trojan War. (The

  10. Odyssey's timeline

    Adventures and trials to overcome. Circe offering the cup to Odysseus- John William Waterhouse. Ulysses goes through the greatest trials, in which he will lose his men. In these two years, he has his quarrel with the Cicones, the Lotus eaters, the Cyclops, he goes to the island of Aeolus, he meets Circe, they escape from the Sirens and go to ...

  11. Odysseus' Ten-year Journey Home

    A map illustrating the journey home of the Achaean warrior-king Odysseus after the Trojan war.His travel from Troy to Ithaca (and his wife Penelope) took innumerable twists and turns and lasted ten years. Ever since Homer's Odyssey was written about 600 BCE (and undoubtedly long before that), people have been trying to plot the hero's trek on the Mediterranean map.

  12. Travels of Odysseus

    The Odyssey is an epic, an adventure story attributed to the Greek poet Homer.Most historians think The Odyssey was composed in the 7th or 8th century B.C.E.The Odyssey tells the adventures of the Greek hero Odysseus, a veteran of the Trojan War.(The Odyssey is a sequel to Homer's other epic, The Iliad, which tells the story of that war.)Cursed by Poseidon, god of the sea, but favored by ...

  13. Odysseus and The 12 Stages of a Hero's Journey

    This is found in the story when the King of Phaeacia gives Odysseus passage home. This stage is present when Odysseus doesn't want to leave his wife and son. He attempts to stay by pretending to be crazy. There are 4 parts to the hero's journey, with 12 steps total. This cycle was created by a man named Joseph Campbell after researching myths ...

  14. The Hero's Journey in The Odyssey: How Odysseus Transforms the Mythical

    The Odyssey, an epic poem by the ancient Greek poet Homer, tells the story of Odysseus, king of Ithaca, and his long and perilous journey home after the fall of Troy. This classic work is a masterpiece of world literature and one of the earliest examples of the hero's journey archetype. In The Odyssey, Homer not only portrays Odysseus as a ...

  15. 12 Stages of a Hero's Journey For Odysseus Flashcards

    By the hero's action, the polarities that were in conflict at the beginning are finally resolved. The Return with the Elixir. The hero faces the final stage of his journey: The return to everyday life. The "elixir" can be treasure, love, freedom, widsom, etc. For Odysseus, the return means a return to his throne and kingship and being reunited ...

  16. 5.2 The Monomyth: Understanding the Seventeen Stages of the Hero's Journey

    1.4 Sample: Odysseus and Polyphemus, from The Odyssey; 1.5 The Ramayana in Outline; 1.6 Sample: Kaikeyi's Plot; II. Chapter 2: Global Myths of Creation and Destruction ... But in trying to get the hero to quit the journey for the hero's own safety and for the sake of the hero-goddess relationship, the goddess has now become a temptress (or, a ...

  17. Odysseus's journey in order Flashcards

    2.Cicones. Odysseus and his men set off on their journey, and this was their first stop. They raided the city of Cicones, slaughtered their men and enslaved their women. They kill all of their stock and then set sail again. 3.Lotus Eaters. The Lotus Eaters were located on Northern Africa. The people who live on that island give Odysseus' men ...

  18. The Geography of the Odyssey

    In which we take a step back to relate Odysseus' journey. The Odyssey ostensibly tells the story of Odysseus' ten-year journey home from war, but much of the poem concerns his absence: his wife Penelope's clever attempts to stave off aggressive suitors and their son Telemachus' search for his lost father.

  19. Odysseus 17 steps in a hero's journey Flashcards

    6. road of trials. Battling scylla, charybdis, sirens, lotus flowers, helio's cattle and polyphemus. 7. meeting with the goddess. winning penelope back by stringing the bow. 8. temptress. circe, calypso, sirens. 9. atonement with the father. Odysseus makes poseidon angry, because he makes polyphemus blind (poseidon's son), so he has to make ...