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Visit of the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom to India (April 21-22, 2022)


Visit of the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom to India (April 21-22, 2022)

The Rt Hon’ble Boris Johnson, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom is on an official visit to India from 21-22 April 2022, on the invitation of the Prime Minister of India, Shri Narendra Modi. This is his first visit to India as Prime Minister of UK.

2. Prime Minister Johnson was accorded a ceremonial welcome at the Rashtrapati Bhawan on 22 April, 2022, where he was received by Prime Minister Modi. PM Johnson later visited Raj Ghat to lay a wreath and pay tribute to Mahatma Gandhi.

3. Prime Minister Modi held bilateral consultations with the visiting Prime Minister at Hyderabad House and also hosted a banquet in his honour. Earlier, External Affairs Minister, Dr. S. Jaishankar, called on the UK Prime Minister.

4. In the bilateral talks, the two Prime Ministers appreciated the progress made on the Roadmap 2030 launched at the Virtual Summit in May 2021 and reiterated their commitment to pursue a more robust and action oriented cooperation across the full spectrum of bilateral relations. They appreciated the progress in ongoing FTA negotiations and implementation of the Enhanced Trade Partnership and agreed to conclude a comprehensive and balanced trade deal by the end October 2022. The FTA would pave the way for doubling of bilateral trade by 2030.

5. Both leaders agreed to transform defence and security cooperation as a key element of India-UK Comprehensive Strategic Partnership and discussed opportunities for defence collaboration including on co-development and co-production for meeting the needs of Armed Forces of both the countries. Both sides issued a Joint Statement for further intensifying cooperation on Cyber Security particularly in the areas of cyber governance, cyber deterrence and safeguarding critical national infrastructure. They also agreed to closely cooperate on countering the persistent threat of terrorism and radical extremism.

6. Both Prime Ministers also exchanged views on regional and global issues of mutual interest including cooperation in the Indo-Pacific, Afghanistan, UNSC, G20 and Commonwealth. India welcomed the UK joining Indo-Pacific Ocean’s Initiative under Maritime Security pillar and agreed to enhance engagements in the Indo-Pacific region.

7. The two leaders also discussed the ongoing Ukraine-Russia conflict. Prime Minister Modi expressed deep concern at the mounting humanitarian crisis and reiterated his call for immediate cessation of violence and return to direct dialogue and diplomacy as the only way forward.

8. PM Modi congratulated Prime Minister Johnson for successful organization of COP26 last year. They reiterated commitment to ambitious climate action to achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement and in implementing the Glasgow Climate Pact. They agreed to enhance cooperation on rapid deployment of clean energy including off-shore wind energy and green hydrogen and work closely for early operationalisation of the Global Green Grids-One Sun One World One Grid Initiative (OSOWOG) under ISA and the IRIS platform under CDRI which were jointly launched by India and UK at COP26.

9. Two MoUs on implementation of India-UK Global Innovation Partnership and on the Global Centre for Nuclear Energy Partnership (GCNEP) were exchanged during the visit. Through the Global Innovation Partnership, India and UK have agreed to co-finance up to £ 75 million to support the transfer and scale up of climate smart sustainable innovations to third countries. The novel GIP Fund created under this Partnership will also aim to raise additional £ 100 million from the market to support Indian innovations.

10. The following announcements were also made – (I) Strategic Tech Dialogue – Ministerial-level dialogue on new and emerging communication technologies such as 5G, AI etc. (II) Collaboration on Integrated Electric Propulsion – Co-development of technology between the two Navies.

11. Prime Minister Johnson had earlier on April 21 started his visit from Ahmedabad, Gujarat where he visited Sabarmati Ashram, JCB plant at Maswad Industrial Estate, Vadodara, and the Gujarat Biotechnology University in GIFT City, Gandhinagar.

12. Prime Minister Modi invited Prime Minister Johnson to India in 2023 for G20 Summit under India’s Presidency. Prime Minister Johnson reiterated his invitation to Prime Minister Modi to visit UK. Prime Minister Modi accepted the invitation.

List of MoUs exchanged

Addressing joint press meet with UK PM @BorisJohnson . — Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) April 22, 2022
पिछले कई वर्षों से भारत और UK के संबंधों को मजबूत करने में प्रधानमंत्री जॉनसन की बहुत महत्त्वपूर्ण भूमिका रही है। इस समय, जब भारत अपनी आज़ादी का अमृत महोत्सव मना रहा है, प्रधानमंत्री बोरिस जॉनसन का यहाँ आना, अपने आप में एक ऐतिहासिक पल है: PM @narendramodi — PMO India (@PMOIndia) April 22, 2022
पिछले साल हमने दोनों देशों के बीच Comprehensive Strategic Partnership की स्थापना की थी: PM @narendramodi — PMO India (@PMOIndia) April 22, 2022
और इस दशक में अपने संबंधों को दिशा देने के लिए हमने एक महत्वाकांक्षी “रोडमैप 2030” भी लॉन्च किया था। आज की हमारी बातचीत में हमने इस रोडमैप में हुई प्रगति को review भी किया, और आगामी समय के लिए कुछ लक्ष्य भी तय किए: PM @narendramodi — PMO India (@PMOIndia) April 22, 2022
Free Trade Agreement के विषय पर दोनों देशों की teams काम कर रही हैं। बातचीत में अच्छी प्रगति हो रही है। और हमने इस साल के अंत तक FTA के समापन की दिशा में पूरा प्रयास करने का निर्णय लिया है: PM @narendramodi — PMO India (@PMOIndia) April 22, 2022
भारत में चल रहे व्यापक reforms, हमारे infrastructure modernization plan और National Infrastructure Pipeline के बारे में भी हमने चर्चा की। हम UK की कंपनियों द्वारा भारत में बढ़ते निवेश का स्वागत करते हैं। और इसका एक उत्तम उदाहरण हमें कल गुजरात में हालोल में देखने को मिला: PM — PMO India (@PMOIndia) April 22, 2022
आज हमने अपनी climate और energy पार्टनरशिप को और अधिक गहन करने का निर्णय लिया। हम UK को भारत के National Hydrogen Mission में शामिल होने के लिए आमंत्रित करते हैं: PM @narendramodi — PMO India (@PMOIndia) April 22, 2022
आज हमारे बीच Global Innovation Partnership के implementation arrangements का समापन एक बहुत महत्त्वपूर्ण पहल साबित होगी। यह अन्य देशों के साथ हमारी विकास साझेदारी को और मजबूती प्रदान करेगा: PM @narendramodi — PMO India (@PMOIndia) April 22, 2022
इसके तहत तीसरे देशों में “Made in India” innovations के transfer और scaling-up के लिए भारत और UK 100 मिलियन डॉलर तक co-finance करेंगे: PM @narendramodi — PMO India (@PMOIndia) April 22, 2022
हमने क्षेत्रीय और वैश्विक स्तर पर हो रहे अनेक developments पर भी चर्चा की। एक free, open, inclusive and rules-based order पर आधारित Indo-Pacific क्षेत्र बनाए रखने पर हमने जोर दिया। Indo-Pacific Oceans Initiative से जुड़ने के UK के निर्णय का भारत स्वागत करता है: PM @narendramodi — PMO India (@PMOIndia) April 22, 2022
हमने यूक्रेन में तुरंत युद्धविराम और समस्या के समाधान के लिए डायलॉग और डिप्लोमेसी पर बल दिया। हमने सभी देशों की क्षेत्रीय अखंडता और संप्रभुता के सम्मान का महत्त्व भी दोहराया: PM @narendramodi — PMO India (@PMOIndia) April 22, 2022
हमने एक peaceful, stable और secure Afghanistan और एक inclusive और representative Government के लिए अपना समर्थन दोहराया। यह आवश्यक है कि अफगान भूमि का प्रयोग अन्य देशों में आतंकवाद फैलाने के लिए नहीं होना चाहिए: PM @narendramodi — PMO India (@PMOIndia) April 22, 2022
PM @BorisJohnson and I spoke about the reforms in India and the investment opportunities they bring. We also had deliberations on strengthening the innovation eco-system for the benefit of our youth and start-ups. — Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) April 22, 2022
My talks with PM @BorisJohnson were wide-ranging and productive. We took stock of the ground covered in the India-UK friendship and also discussed new areas of cooperation. Sectors such as trade, commerce, defence and clean energy figured prominently in our discussions. — Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) April 22, 2022

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Visit of the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom to India (April 21-22, 2022)

The Rt Hon’ble Boris Johnson, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom is on an official visit to India from 21-22 April 2022, on the invitation of the Prime Minister of India, Shri Narendra Modi. This is his first visit to India as Prime Minister of UK. 2. Prime Minister Johnson was accorded a ceremonial welcome at the Rashtrapati Bhawan on 22 April, 2022, where he was received by Prime Minister Modi. PM Johnson later visited Raj Ghat to lay a wreath and pay tribute to Mahatma Gandhi. 3. Prime Minister Modi held bilateral consultations with the visiting Prime Minister at Hyderabad House and also hosted a banquet in his honour. Earlier, External Affairs Minister, Dr. S. Jaishankar, called on the UK Prime Minister. 4. In the bilateral talks, the two Prime Ministers appreciated the progress made on the Roadmap 2030 launched at the Virtual Summit in May 2021 and reiterated their commitment to pursue a more robust and action oriented cooperation across the full spectrum of bilateral relations. They appreciated the progress in ongoing FTA negotiations and implementation of the Enhanced Trade Partnership and agreed to conclude a comprehensive and balanced trade deal by the end October 2022. The FTA would pave the way for doubling of bilateral trade by 2030. 5. Both leaders agreed to transform defence and security cooperation as a key element of India-UK Comprehensive Strategic Partnership and discussed opportunities for defence collaboration including on co-development and co-production for meeting the needs of Armed Forces of both the countries. Both sides issued a Joint Statement for further intensifying cooperation on Cyber Security particularly in the areas of cyber governance, cyber deterrence and safeguarding critical national infrastructure. They also agreed to closely cooperate on countering the persistent threat of terrorism and radical extremism. 6. Both Prime Ministers also exchanged views on regional and global issues of mutual interest including cooperation in the Indo-Pacific, Afghanistan, UNSC, G20 and Commonwealth. India welcomed the UK joining Indo-Pacific Ocean’s Initiative under Maritime Security pillar and agreed to enhance engagements in the Indo-Pacific region. 7. The two leaders also discussed the ongoing Ukraine-Russia conflict. Prime Minister Modi expressed deep concern at the mounting humanitarian crisis and reiterated his call for immediate cessation of violence and return to direct dialogue and diplomacy as the only way forward. 8. PM Modi congratulated Prime Minister Johnson for successful organization of COP26 last year. They reiterated commitment to ambitious climate action to achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement and in implementing the Glasgow Climate Pact. They agreed to enhance cooperation on rapid deployment of clean energy including off-shore wind energy and green hydrogen and work closely for early operationalisation of the Global Green Grids-One Sun One World One Grid Initiative (OSOWOG) under ISA and the IRIS platform under CDRI which were jointly launched by India and UK at COP26. 9. Two MoUs on implementation of India-UK Global Innovation Partnership and on the Global Centre for Nuclear Energy Partnership (GCNEP) were exchanged during the visit. Through the Global Innovation Partnership, India and UK have agreed to co-finance up to £ 75 million to support the transfer and scale up of climate smart sustainable innovations to third countries. The novel GIP Fund created under this Partnership will also aim to raise additional £ 100 million from the market to support Indian innovations. 10. The following announcements were also made - (I) Strategic Tech Dialogue – Ministerial-level dialogue on new and emerging communication technologies such as 5G, AI etc. (II) Collaboration on Integrated Electric Propulsion – Co-development of technology between the two Navies. 11. Prime Minister Johnson had earlier on April 21 started his visit from Ahmedabad, Gujarat where he visited Sabarmati Ashram, JCB plant at Maswad Industrial Estate, Vadodara, and the Gujarat Biotechnology University in GIFT City, Gandhinagar. 12. Prime Minister Modi invited Prime Minister Johnson to India in 2023 for G20 Summit under India’s Presidency. Prime Minister Johnson reiterated his invitation to Prime Minister Modi to visit UK. Prime Minister Modi accepted the invitation. List of MoUs exchanged

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What is on the agenda as UK’s Boris Johnson visits India?

The British PM visits India against the backdrop of the war in Ukraine as the West urges India to take a stronger stand against Russia.

Boris Johnson in India

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson hopes to entice India towards the West and wean the country off its dependence on Russian oil and arms as the war in Ukraine rages on.

Johnson arrived in India on Thursday, beginning his two-day trip in Gujarat, the home state of his Indian counterpart, Narendra Modi.

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“As we face threats to our peace and prosperity from autocratic states, it is vital that democracies and friends stick together,” Johnson told reporters prior to his long-awaited trip to the South Asia nation.

Boris Johnson in India

Modi has expressed concern about the Ukraine war and urged an end to it. But New Delhi’s reluctance to condemn its Cold War ally Moscow on the global stage has led Western leaders to lobby India to change its stance.

India’s top oil firm, the Indian Oil Corporation, bought 3 million barrels of crude from Russia in March. Last week, US President Joe Biden asked Modi not to increase purchases of Russian oil.

New Delhi has made no firm commitments to Biden, and Indian foreign minister S Jaishankar highlighted Europe’s dependency on Russian oil.

“Probably our total purchases for the month would be less than what Europe does in an afternoon,” Jaishankar said at a news conference in Washington, DC, last week.

Russia also remains India’s key defence partner, with the Kremlin exporting arms worth $6.6bn to New Delhi between 2016 and 2020.

Johnson’s spokesperson stressed that the British leader had no plans to “lecture” Modi on the matter but would discuss strengthening security cooperation with India by offering alternative options for defence procurement and energy.

Vivek Mishra, a fellow at the Observer Research Foundation think-tank (ORF) in New Delhi, says Ukraine will figure tangentially in Johnson’s talks with the Indian leaders.

“I don’t think the UK will try too hard to persuade India to align with the West in isolating any one country. I think India’s position on isolation is quite clear,” he told Al Jazeera.

Boris Johnson in India

Michael Kugelman, senior fellow for South Asia at the Wilson Center in Washington, DC, shared a similar view.

“No one has succeeded in getting India to change its position on Russia and Johnson won’t either. New Delhi’s position is quite immutable,” he told Al Jazeera.

“What we can expect is for Johnson, like other like-minded Western leaders, to call for India to ease up on its trade with Russia. But the message will be delivered as a pitch, not an ultimatum.”

Anil Trigunayat, former Indian ambassador to Malta, Jordan and Libya, told Al Jazeera India might also use this meeting to understand UK’s stance on China and Pakistan – India’s two main rivals.

Bolstering trade and investment

Besides geopolitics, trade and investment announcements are a key priority for Johnson, as he tries to bolster post-Brexit Britain’s ties with India.

Beginning his visit from the enterprising city of Ahmedabad in Gujarat, Johnson’s office said in a statement that UK and Indian businesses will confirm more than a billion British pounds ($1.3bn) in new investments and export deals in areas from software engineering to health, creating almost 11,000 jobs across Britain.

Boris Johnson in India

Collaborations in the science and technology sector are also on the agenda, with the UK looking to confirm a Digital Health partnership through a joint investment fund for Indian deep-tech and AI start-ups, new AI scholarships for Indian students jointly funded by the UK government’s Chevening programme and India’s Adani Group, and a 6 million British point ($7.8m) investment from AI healthcare specialists, Qure-ai.

“For India and post-Brexit UK, the finalisation of a Free Trade Agreement (FTA), enhanced maritime cooperation and a strong partnership in the Indo-Pacific is important,” ORF’s Mishra told Al Jazeera.

“As such, both sides would want that this visit reviews their trade and investment progress and charts a course for a better realisation of the Roadmap 2030, which the two countries agreed to in May last year,” he added.

In May 2021, India and UK laid out a roadmap seeking to revitalise their trade, investment and technological collaborations and bolster defence and security cooperation in the Indo-Pacific region. This roadmap is expected to be fine-tuned after Johnson’s meeting with Modi in New Delhi on Friday, where more announcements about the future of FTAs are also on the agenda.

“Since Brexit, the UK has been keen to have a comprehensive trade deal with India. While that is likely, what its contours look like as India also enhances its economic engagement with Russia is yet to be seen,” ambassador Trigunayat told Al Jazeera.

Internal issues to be addressed?

Amid business and global security discussions, Johnson’s meeting with Modi comes amid the “Partygate” scandal in the UK and violence against Muslims in India.

But ORF’s Mishra thinks Johnson would not want to delve into India’s internal issues.

“Johnson himself has plenty to answer for the ‘Partygate’ scandal back home. On the contrary, his stress on common values, trade, defence, Indo-Pacific and food security tells me that the agenda is quite serious on making bilateral deliverables count during the visit,” he told Al Jazeera.

Kugelman echoed a similar view and highlighted that Modi, like Johnson, would also want to set the contours of the future of the relationship – one that’s important for both the countries.

“In this age of summitry and personal diplomacy, any meeting of world leaders is imbued with significance. This visit is especially important because it comes at a moment when India and the UK are taking sharply different positions on the Ukraine war, arguably the biggest geopolitical challenge of the moment,” he told Al Jazeera.

“Modi may also want to check in on diaspora issues – always an important matter for Delhi, especially when dealing with a country like the UK with such a large Indian diaspora.”

Kugelman said Johnson visiting Gujarat, Modi’s home state, is significant. “This means there’s a lot at stake for Modi personally, which makes success an imperative.”

uk pm visit in india

Extradition of economic fugitives high priority for government, India tells UK

The issue of economic fugitives figured in talks British Prime Minister Boris Johnson had with Indian leaders with the government conveying that the extradition of these offenders is a high priority as they need to be back to face the justice system."It was conveyed that it was a high priority and the economic offenders who are in the UK, need to be back in India from our justice system perspective," foreign secretary Shringla said.

Indians could plug some labour gaps in UK

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said on Friday that skilled workers from India could plug labour shortages in sectors such as information technology in the UK, even as he reiterated that immigration would continue to be controlled. "If you look, for instance, at IT or computer programming, there are areas where there's no question that Indian skills can make a difference," Johnson told reporters in the Indian capital of New Delhi during his two-day visit to the world's largest democracy."I'm going to prioritise skilling up the British people to do those jobs, but I'm not going to be dogmatic in refusing to allow people with skill and talent to aspire to come to the UK."

New deal will help India to strengthen its defence industry

India a very different country from autocracies around the world. It's a great democracy. It's a stunning, shining fact that 1.35 billion people live under a democracy. That is something we should celebrate as it offers us an opportunity for closer cooperation & partnership

UK PM Boris Johnson

We don't tolerate extremist groups operating in UK and targeting other countries: Boris Johnson on India's concerns over Khalistani elements in the UK

India is a great democracy and has constitutional protections: UK PM Boris Johnson on reports of rights violations in India

Of course, we have these conversations (on human rights or democratic values). The advantage of our friendship is that we can have them in a friendly way....It's very important to realise that India has constitutional protections for communities

Talking to India PM Modi, clear that he has already intervened several time with Russia's Putin: Boris Johnson

The position on Russia India has, is well known. It is not going to change: British PM Boris Johnson

India has historic relationship with Russia and everybody respects it: UK PM Boris Johnson

Johnson says he will still be PM in October

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said on Friday he was sure he would still be prime minister in October, following questions over his future after being fined by police for breaching the strict lockdown rules he set during the COVID-19 pandemic.Asked during a news conference in India whether he would still be prime minister in October, when he wants to have completed a free trade deal with India, Johnson replied: "Yes".

PM Modi, Johnson discuss FTA, economic offenders

During the bilateral talks, PM Modi & UK PM Boris Johnson held discussions on the ongoing FTA negotiations. Both sides agreed to the corporation on energy, green hydrogen, trade, defense. On issue of economic offenders, we've been pursuing this matter for some time at different levels with UK. Our objective is to bring back those economic fugitives who're wanted in India to face justice in country. Matter was discussed during the bilateral talks: Foreign Secretary Harsh Vardhan Shringla

The UK will reopen its embassy in Kyiv, Ukraine next week. The UK and our allies will not watch passively as Putin carries on this onslaught: UK PM Boris Johnson

India says no pressure from UK's Johnson over India's stance on Russia's invasion

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson put no pressure on his Indian counterpart Narendra Modi over New Delhi's position on Russia's invasion of Ukraine when they met on Friday, India's foreign secretary told reporters.

Eye on Russia: UK's Boris Johnson to offer India help to build its own fighter jets

Both the leaders discussed the ongoing Russia-Ukraine conflict. PM Modi expressed deep concern over the situation &mounting humanitarian crisis. PM reiterated his call for an immediate cessation of violence & conveyed strong advocacy for a peaceful resolution of the situation: Foreign secretary Shringla

India welcomes the UK joining the Indo-Pacific Oceans Initiative under the maritime security pillar & agreed to cooperate closely in this region towards their shared commitment for maintaining an open, free and secure Indo-Pacific region: Foreign secretary Harsh Vardhan Shringla

A total of two govt-to-govt MoUs & four non-governmental MoUs were exchanged during the official visit of British Prime Minister Boris Johnson to India: MEA

A total of two govt-to-govt MoUs & four non-governmental MoUs were exchanged during the official visit of British Prime Minister Boris Johnson to India: MEA

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Boris Johnson India visit highlights: UK PM hopes to clinch Indian free trade deal by year-end

United Kingdom Prime Minister Boris Johnson during his visit to the JCB factory, at Halol GIDC in Panchmahal on Thursday.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson on Thursday arrived in Ahmedabad, Gujarat to begin his long-pending trip to India that was delayed due to the pandemic. Johnson is on a two-day visit to India during which he will focus on economic ties and the war in Ukraine.  On day 1 of his India visit, the UK prime minister is expected to announce investments in science and technology collaborations in Gujarat. On Friday, he will meet Prime Minister Narendra Modi in Delhi and hold talks on economic, security and defence ties. ...Read More

He also aims to coax India away from Russia in response to the invasion of Ukraine. Johnson’s spokesman, Max Blain, maintained that Britain wants to “provide alternative options for defense procurement and energy for India to diversify its supply chains away from Russia” without lecturing the government “on what course of action was best for them.”

Boris Johnson visits Akshardham Temple in Gandhinagar | WATCH

Boris johnson and bhupendra patel attend a programme at gujarat biotechnology university , boris johnson visits jcb factory in gujarat, uk hopes to clinch indian free trade deal by year-end, says johnson.

Britain hopes to complete a free trade deal with India by the end of this year, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said on Thursday as he emphasised the need to reduce reliance on foreign oil and gas due to the conflict in Ukraine.

"We're hoping to complete another free trade agreement with India by the end of the year, by the autumn," Reuters quoted Johnson as telling reporters in Gujarat.

'UK MPs' probe into Covid breaches should...': Boris Johnson in India

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, who is on a two-day India visit, said on Thursday that the UK police should be allowed to complete their investigation into the alleged Covid-19 lockdown breaches in government offices before Parliament launches its own investigation. Read more

Boris Johnson meets Adani Group's chief Gautam Adani in Ahmedabad

Boris johnson's india visit to seal investment deals worth over £1 billion.

Downing Street had announced it would seal two-way investment deals worth more than £1 billion ($1.3 billion), during Johnson's visit to India, creating almost 11,000 jobs in Britain. The visit will "deepen the strategic trade, defence and people-to-people ties between our two countries", the UK prime minister told parliament before flying out of London. Read full story

‘Such simple principles of truth and non-violence’: What Johnson wrote after visiting Sabarmati Ashram

Message left by Boris Johnson at the Gandhi Ashram in Sabarmati, Ahmedabad.

“It is an immense privilege to come to the Ashram of this extraordinary man, and to understand how he mobilised such simple principles of truth and non-violence to change the world for the better," read the message by UK PM Boris Johnson at Gandhi Ashram, Sabarmati, Ahmedabad.

Johnson tries his hands on 'charkha'

Uk pm visits sabarmati ashram in ahmedabad.

Johnson visited Mahatma Gandhi's Sabarmati Ashram on Thursday morning. He was accompanied by the Gujarat chief minister and was presented with a copy of 'The Spirit's Pilgrimage' written by Madeleine Slade (or Mirabehn), who was a British supporter of Indian independence and a disciple of Mahatma Gandhi.

Watch | UK PM Boris Johnson gets grand welcome on his arrival in Ahmedabad

Johnson to be gifted gandhi's unpublished book ‘guide to london’.

Cover of ‘Guide to London’ by Mahatama Gandhi.

'Guide to London', one of the first few books written by Mahatma Gandhi which never got published will also be gifted to UK PM Boris Johnson by Sabarmati ashram. Read more

UK PM welcomed with roadshow, Gujarati dance

Boris Johnson was welcomed with a grand roadshow and Gujarati dance along the four-km route from the Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel airport to his hotel on his arrival in Ahmedabad, Gujarat. 

Autobiography of Mirabehn to be gifted to Johnson during visit to Sabarmati Ashram

Mirabehn's autobiography

'The Spirit's Pilgrimage' – the autobiography of Madeleine Slade or Mirabehn, who became the Mahatma Gandhi's disciple, will be gifted to UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson by Sabarmati Ashram during his visit there.

'Partygate' apology

Johnson's visit (delayed because of Covid) comes after the prime minister issued a 'wholehearted' apology for attending an illegal party during the Covid-19 lockdown in his country. He said he did not knowingly break rules or mislead the British parliament, claiming 'it did not occur to me' that the gathering at his official residence in London was a party. Read full story

Talks on extradition of Vijay Mallya, Nirav Modi?

While there is nothing official scheduled, India may bring up the issue of the two wanted fugitives - Mallya and Nirav Modi, who owe thousands of crores to Indian banks. Both are in the UK pending extradition; Nirav Modi is in south-west London's Wandsworth Prison and Mallya is also in the UK. Both are contesting their extradition orders.

Day 1 agenda: Focus on science, health and technology

Johnson will spend day 1 in Gujarat, where he is expected to announce investments and new collaborations in science, health and technology. The UK has said this will be the first time a British prime minister has visited the sprawling coastal state famed for its spirit of entrepreneurship and the ancestral home to about half of the British-Indian population.

UK PM signals visa flexibility with India

Ahead of his visit, Johnson signalled he is ready to offer more visas to India in return for a free-trade deal after Britain's exit from the European Union, Reuters reported. "I have always been in favour of talented people coming to this country," the UK prime minister said. "We are short to the tune of hundreds of thousands of people in our economy. We need to have a progressive approach and we will."

Boris Johnson to hear India's stand on Ukraine conflict, not give lecture

The Ukraine crisis will figure in British Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s engagements during his two-day visit though the focus will be on keeping the Indo-Pacific free from coercion and giving a push to a bilateral free trade pact. Read more

Boris Johnson lands in Ahmedabad

UK PM Boris Johnson

UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson arrives in Ahmedabad, Gujarat. He is on a 2-day visit to India. He was welcomed by Gujarat chief minister Bhupendra Patel at Ahmedabad airport.

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uk pm visit in india

UK PM Boris Johnson in India Updates: India, UK want to stick together against autocracy, says Boris Johnson

Boris johnson in india live updates: british prime minister boris johnson arrived at ahmedabad airport on thursday, april 21, for a two-day visit to india. he will spend the whole of thursday in gujarat and travel to delhi in the evening. the uk pm's visit is important in terms of business, the energy sector and defence. stay tuned to for latest updates..

UK PM Boris Johnson.

All updates to this blog have ended.

Boris johnson visits akshardham temple in gandhinagar.

#WATCH UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson visits Akshardham Temple in Gandhinagar. — ANI (@ANI) April 21, 2022

Boris Johnson visits JCB factory along with Gujarat CM Bhupendra Patel

#WATCH UK PM Boris Johnson along with Gujarat CM Bhupendra Patel visits JCB factory at Halol GIDC, Panchmahal in Gujarat (Source: UK Pool) — ANI (@ANI) April 21, 2022

We want to stick together: Boris Johnson says India, UK share anxieties about autocracy

Boris Johnson said, "India and UK both share anxieties about autocracies around the world, we're both democracies and we want to stick together. There's also the opportunity for us to deepen our security and defence partnership. As you know, the UK is making an Indo-Pacific tilt in our integrated review of our national defence and security strategy."

India and Russia have historically very different relationship: Boris Johnson

Boris Johnson said India has already strongly condemned the atrocities in Ukraine's Bucha and India, Russia have historically very different relationship.

He said, "As I think everybody understands, India and Russia have historically a very different relationship, perhaps, than Russia and the UK have had over the last couple of decades. We have to reflect that reality, but clearly, I'll be talking about it [Ukraine war] to Narendra Modi."

Honoured to host Boris Johnson, delighted to support sustainability agenda, says Gautam Adani

Industrialist Gautam Adani tweeted, "Honoured to host Boris Johnson, the first UK PM to visit Gujarat, at Adani HQ. Delighted to support climate & sustainability agenda with focus on renewables, green H2 & new energy. Will also work with UK companies to co-create defence & aerospace technologies. #AtmanirbharBharat"

Honoured to host @BorisJohnson , the first UK PM to visit Gujarat, at Adani HQ. Delighted to support climate & sustainability agenda with focus on renewables, green H2 & new energy. Will also work with UK companies to co-create defence & aerospace technologies. #AtmanirbharBharat — Gautam Adani (@gautam_adani) April 21, 2022

PM Boris Johnson announces new deals worth £1 billion on India visit

As per a press statement by the British High Commission, PM Johnson will use his visit to India to boost ties with India, slashing trade barriers for UK businesses and driving jobs and growth at home.

"UK and Indian businesses will confirm more than £1 billion in new investments and export deals today in areas from software engineering to health, creating almost 11,000 jobs across the UK," the statement read. READ FULL REPORT

UK PM Boris Johnson leaves Shantigram after meeting Gautam Adani

UK PM Boris Johnson left from Shantigram after meeting Gautam Adani. The meeting between British PM Boris Johnson and Adani group's chairperson Gautam Adani lasted for an hour.

More than 11,000 UK jobs will be created through new India trade: UK PM

The Office of Boris Johnson tweeted, "NEW: More than 11,000 new UK jobs will be created through new India trade and investment deals. The UK-India partnership is delivering jobs, growth and opportunity for our people."

NEW: More than 11,000 new UK jobs will be created through new India trade and investment deals. The UK-India partnership is delivering jobs, growth and opportunity for our people. — UK Prime Minister (@10DowningStreet) April 21, 2022

Fantastic to be in India, says UK PM Boris Johnson

UK PM Boris Johnson tweeted, "It’s fantastic to be in India, the world’s largest democracy. I see vast possibilities for what our great nations can achieve together. Our powerhouse partnership is delivering jobs, growth and opportunity. I look forward to strengthening this partnership in the coming days."

It’s fantastic to be in India, the world’s largest democracy. I see vast possibilities for what our great nations can achieve together. Our powerhouse partnership is delivering jobs, growth and opportunity. I look forward to strengthening this partnership in the coming days. — Boris Johnson (@BorisJohnson) April 21, 2022

Boris Johnson on his way to meet Gautam Adani

UK PM Boris Johnson is on his way to Adani Shantigram in Ahmedabad to meet industrialist Gautam Adani.

Boris Johnson visits Sabarmati Ashram, spins charkha

UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson visited Sabarmati Ashram in Gujarat's Ahmedabad on Thursday morning and tried his hand at spinning the charkha. READ FULL REPORT

British PM Boris Johnson arrived in Ahmedabad on Thursday morning for a two-day visit

British PM Boris Johnson arrived in Ahmedabad on Thursday morning for a two-day visit. He will later travel to New Delhi to meet PM Modi.

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Boris Johnson India visit: India, UK decide to push for sealing ambitious free trade agreement by this year

British prime minister boris johnson arrived in india on thursday on a two-day visit in the backdrop of the russia-ukraine war..

PM Narendra Modi and British PM Boris Johnson shake hands

PM Narendra Modi and British PM Boris Johnson shake hands prior to their meeting at Hyderabad House, in New Delhi, Friday, April 22, 2022.

  • PM Modi emphasised on a free, open, inclusive and rules-based order in the Indo-Pacific
  • He also reiterated the need for respecting territorial integrity and sovereignty of all countries
  • In his remarks, Boris described India-UK ties as 'one of defining friendships of our times'

Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his British counterpart Boris Johnson on Friday pushed for closing the negotiations for a free trade agreement by the end of the year, and agreed on a new and expanded bilateral defence and security partnership. In their wide-ranging talks, Modi and Johnson vowed to give fresh momentum to overall ties and reviewed the progress made in the implementation of the Roadmap 2030 that listed ambitious targets for deeper collaborations in diverse sectors. In his media statement, Modi said good progress has been made in negotiations for the India-UK free trade agreement. "We have decided to do our best to conclude the free trade agreement by the end of this year," Modi said in presence of Johnson. He said both sides emphasised on a free, open, inclusive and rules-based order in the Indo-Pacific while reiterating the need for respecting the territorial integrity and sovereignty of all countries. We reiterated our support for peaceful, stable and secure Afghanistan, he said, adding it is necessary that Afghan territory is not used to spread terrorism in other countries. On the Ukraine crisis, Modi emphasised dialogue and diplomacy to address the problem and called for an immediate ceasefire. In his remarks, Johnson described the ties between India and Britain as "one of defining friendships of our times". Today, we have agreed on a new and expanded defence and security partnership, he said. Johnson said the UK is creating India specific open general export licensing to reduce delivery times for defence procurement. We are telling our negotiators to get it done by Diwali in October, he said on the FTA. The India-UK relationship was elevated to a Comprehensive Strategic Partnership during the India-UK virtual summit held between Modi and Johnson in May last year. At the summit, the two sides adopted a 10-year-roadmap to expand ties in key areas of trade and economy, defence and security, climate change and people-to-people connections among others.

UK PM Boris Johnson India Visit Day 2 LIVE updates

'agreed on a new & expanded defence & security partnership'.

Today, we have agreed on a new & expanded defence & security partnership: British PM Johnson after talks with Modi

Support peaceful, stable & secure Afghanistan: Modi

We reiterated our support for peaceful, stable & secure Afghanistan: PM Modi after talks with UK PM Boris Johnson. It is necessary that Afghan territory is not used to spread terrorism in other countries: PM Modi said

Insisted on dialogue and diplomacy in Ukraine: PM Modi

Why boris johnson felt like sachin tendulkar and amitabh bachchan in india.

UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson on Friday met PM Narendra Modi at Hyderabad House in the national capital and expressed his happiness over the rousing welcome he got when he landed in Ahmedabad. The British prime minister arrived in India on Thursday on a two-day visit in the backdrop of the Russia-Ukraine war. READ FULL STORY

'I've the Indian jab (COVID19 vaccine) in my arm'

Pm modi speaks on on territorial integrity & sovereignty.

We reiterated importance of respect for territorial integrity & sovereignty of all countries: PM Modi after talks with UK PM Boris Johnson

UK creating India specific open general export license: Boris Johnson

The UK is creating an India specific open general export license reducing bureaucracy and reducing delivery times for defence procurement: British PM Boris Johnson in Delhi

Vital to keep the Indo-Pacific open and free: Johnson

Since last year, the threats of autocratic coercion have grown even further, therefore it is vital we deepen our cooperation including our shared interest in keeping the Indo-Pacific open and free: British PM Boris Johnson in Delhi

India visit has deepened our relationship, says Boris Johnson

'hope to conclude india-uk free trade agreement by end of this year'.

We have decided to do our best to conclude India-UK free trade agreement by end of this year: PM Modi after talks with British PM  Johnson

Reviewed progress made in implementation of Roadmap 2030: PM Modi

We reviewed progress made in implementation of Roadmap 2030 & also set some goals for future: PM Modi after talks with UK PM Boris Johnson

'India and Britain's partnership one of the defining friendships of our times'

We have had wonderful talks today & have strengthened our relationship in every way. The partnership between India and Britain is one of the defining friendships of our times: British PM Boris Johnson in Delhi

Felt like Sachin Tendulkar and Amitabh Bachchan: Boris Johnson on India visit

It was an amazing reception. I felt like Sachin Tendulkar and like Amitabh Bachchan my images were every where: British Prime Minister Boris Johnson

Work on FTA is underway, says PM Modi

Last year we (India-UK) launched a comprehensive strategic partnership. Work on FTA is underway. Talks held on defense sector, trade, climate & energy. Talks also hold on free, open & rule-based Indo-pacific region: PM Modi

PM Modi invites UK to join India's National Hydrogen Mission

We expressed our commitment to fulfilling promises made during the last COP 26. We invite the UK to join India's National Hydrogen Mission...We stressed on a free, open, inclusive & rules-based Indo-Pacific region: PM Modi

'Johnson's visit during Azaadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav historic:'

PM Boris Johnson's visit to India during 'Azaadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav' is historic: PM Modi during a joint statement at Hyderabad House in New Delhi

Modi-Johnson talks: Latest visuals

PM Modi and British PM Boris Johnson witness the exchange of agreements between India and the United Kingdom

Delegation-level talks between PM Modi and Boris Johnson

Don't think things have ever been so strong or good: johnson to pm modi.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson termed his India visit as "auspicious" and told Prime Minister Narendra Modi that the ties between the two countries are strong and good. "Don't think things have ever been so strong or good between us as they are now," Johnson told Prime Minister Narendra Modi after the ceremonial reception at the Rashtrapati Bhawan.

Visuals from Hyderabad House

Boris johnson expected to try and help move india away from dependence on russia.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson is expected to try and help move India away from its dependence on Russia when he meets with his Indian counterpart. The focus will likely be expanding economic and defense ties. (AP)

PM Modi & Boris Johnson meet at Hyderabad House

Pm modi, boris johnson arrive at hyderabad house.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi & British PM Boris Johnson arrive at Hyderabad House to hold talks 

S Jaishankar calls on British PM Boris Johnson

Uk's partnership with india beacon in stormy seas: boris johnson.

The UK's partnership with India is a beacon in stormy seas as the world faces growing threats from autocratic states which seek to undermine democracy, choke off fair trade and trample on sovereignty, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said on Friday. Ahead of his talks with Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Johnson said the India-UK collaboration, from climate change to energy security and defence, is of vital importance as both countries look to the future. The British high commission said Johnson is expected to discuss with Modi the next-generation defence and security collaboration across the five domains -- land, sea, air, space and cyber -- as both nations face complex new threats. This includes support for new Indian-designed and built fighter jets, offering the best of British know-how on building battle-winning aircraft and support India's requirements for new technology to identify and respond to threats in the Indian Ocean, it said in a statement. "To support greater defence and security collaboration with India over the coming decade, the UK will issue an Open General Export Licence (OGEL) to India, reducing bureaucracy and shortening delivery times for defence procurement. This is our first OGEL in the Indo-Pacific region," the high commission said.

Boris Johnson lays a wreath at Raj Ghat

Johnson's visit not framed on russia-ukraine crisis: official.

It is expected that the Russia-Ukraine conflict will feature prominently during the bilateral talks between the leaders when Johnson is in New Delhi on Friday. Downing Street has stressed that the UK would not look to "lecture" India over its neutral stance in the United Nations or its decision to hike Russian oil imports. "This visit is not framed on the Russia-Ukraine crisis. Obviously, that is really important but this is a visit we have planned for a very long time. India is an incredibly important partner," Johnson's official spokesperson, who is accompanying him to India, told reporters at Downing Street.

India visit will deepen strategic ties, says British PM Boris Johnson

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said on Wednesday that his long-delayed visit to India will deepen the strategic trade, defence and people-to-people ties between the two countries. Ahead of Johnson's two-day visit, Downing Street has stressed that the UK would not look to "lecture" India over its neutral stance in the United Nations or its decision to hike Russian oil imports. The UK has been trying to persuade India to reduce its reliance on Moscow since Russia invaded Ukraine on February 24. Addressing the House of Commons for his weekly Prime Minister’s Questions (PMQs), Johnson said the trip to Ahmedabad and New Delhi will build on India being invited as a guest country for the G7 Summit hosted by the UK in Cornwall in June last year. "I will be travelling to India to deepen the strategic trade, defence and people- to-people ties between our two countries, building on India's involvement in the Carbis Bay G7 summit," Johnson told members of Parliament. It will be Johnson's first major trip to India as Prime Minister after previous visits were postponed due to Covid. "I will be seeing Prime Minister (Narendra) Modi in Delhi, meeting Indian business people investing in the UK and visiting British investments in India,” he said. The two leaders met in person later in the year, when Modi travelled to Glasgow for the COP26 climate summit in November. This followed Johnson’s planned visits to India in 2021 being cancelled twice due to the pandemic situation in either country.

British PM Boris Johnson favours more skilled visas for Indians

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has expressed his support for more skilled visas for Indians as part of the efforts to expedite the ambitious free trade agreement (FTA) being negotiated between the two countries. Speaking to reporters from the UK on the prime ministerial flight to Ahmedabad on Wednesday night, Johnson acknowledged a massive shortage of experts in IT and programming sectors and said Britain needed "hundreds of thousands” of workers with in-demand skills. He was responding to questions around visas and free movement of people, which has been a key demand on the Indian side to clinch any FTA with the UK. "I have always been in favour of having people coming into this country," Johnson was quoted as saying by ‘The Independent’ newspaper. "We have a massive shortage in the UK, not least in experts in IT and programming. We are short to the tune of hundreds of thousands in our economy. We need to have a professional approach, but it has got to be controlled," he said. According to the latest UK Home Office statistics, Indian professionals continue to account for the largest number of UK skilled work visas granted – with 67,839 issued last year, which is 14 per cent higher than 2019. Indian student numbers have also registered a steady rise since the introduction of post-study work options under the UK's post-Brexit points-based visa system.

Boris Johnson visits Gujarat biotech university, Akshardham Temple

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson on Thursday toured the newly-built campus of the Gujarat Biotechnology University (GBU) near Gandhinagar city and also visited the famous Akshardham Temple in the state capital. During his visit to the Akshardham Temple, the British PM was accompanied by Gujarat Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel. 

India Tv - Boris Johnson poses with Sadhus, or Hindu holy men, in front of the Swaminarayan Akshardham temple, in Gandhinagar, part of his two-day trip to India, Thursday, April 21, 2022.

Boris Johnson poses with Sadhus, or Hindu holy men, in front of the Swaminarayan Akshardham temple, in Gandhinagar, part of his two-day trip to India, Thursday, April 21, 2022.

UK industry chief eyes British PM Boris Johnson's visit momentum for India-UK ties

India-UK trade is just scratching the surface and British Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s visit to India will build momentum towards a multi-fold increase in goods and services trade, a British industry chief said on Thursday. Lord Karan Bilimoria, the Indian-origin president of the Confederation of British Industry, is in New Delhi for the business-level interactions scheduled as part of the prime ministerial visit on Friday. The founder of the Cobra Beer brand, who heads up the industry body that speaks on behalf of 190,000 British businesses, also expressed his optimism that an India-UK free trade agreement (FTA) can be concluded by the end of this year. "Firms will welcome the GBP 1 billion new investment announcements in India, but the point I do want to make is that we are still scratching the surface when it comes to UK-India trade," Lord Bilimoria told PTI. "We are bilaterally doing GBP 24 billion worth of trade in goods and services and, in my view, it should be a multi-fold of that given the scale of the two economies. With Canada, UK trade is about GBP 20 billion. With China, on the other hand, UK trade is over GBP 90 billion, so we should be doing much more with India. We've got targets to try and double it by 2030, but I believe we can do much more than that and an FTA will really help to scale up the level of trade,” he said.

Johnson’s first visit to India as Prime Minister

With the third round of free trade agreement (FTA) negotiations scheduled in Delhi for next week, Johnson’s first visit to India as Prime Minister is also expected to push forward trade talks towards an end of the year agreement timeline. Unlike previous prime ministerial visits, he is not accompanied by a business delegation from the UK.

UK won't 'lecture' India over Russian oil imports

Ahead of Johnson's two-day visit, Downing Street had stressed that the UK would not look to "lecture" India over its neutral stance in the United Nations or its decision to hike Russian oil imports. 

Johnson's visit coincides with parliamentary probe on 'partygate'

Johnson's visit coincides with a crucial vote in the House of Commons on Thursday, when MPs will decide if Johnson should be referred to the Committee of Privileges over whether he knowingly misled Parliament over the partygate scandal involving lockdown-breaching parties at Downing Street. 

'Thank you for the fantastic welcome...'

Boris johnson inspects the guard of honour at rashtrapati bhavan, pm modi receives boris johnson at rashtrapati bhavan, looking forward to meeting with my friend narendra modi, tweets johnson, boris johnson to meet pm modi today.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson will meet Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday in Delhi. The two leaders will hold talks on the UK and India's strategic defence, diplomatic and economic partnership, aimed at bolstering close partnership and stepping up security cooperation in the Indo-Pacific. Today is the second day of Johnson's two-day visit to India.

UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson arrives at Delhi Airport

Union Minister Rajeev Chandrasekhar receives UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson at Delhi Airport

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Boris Johnson in India Highlights: India’s position on Russia is ‘well known’, it’s not going to change, says UK PM

Uk pm boris johnson india visit live updates, 22 april, 2022: british prime minister boris johnson said, "india has historic relationship with russian and everybody respects it.".

uk pm visit in india

UK PM Boris Johnson India Visit Updates: UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson on Friday during his visit to India said that the India’s position on Russia is ‘well known’ and is not going to change, news agency ANI reported. He also said that the whole world is obliged to do more with the all that is happening around the world and Ukraine. Johnson also said, “India has historic relationship with Russian and everybody respects it.” He also highlighted India’s stand over the Bucha incident and said, “You have to recognise that India came out strongly against what happened in Bucha.”

After his meeting with Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday, UK PM Boris Johnson said that the two countries had a shared interest in keeping the Indo-Pacific region free and open, particularly in the face of growing threats of autocratic coersion. Meanwhile, calling  the British PM’s  visit to India history, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said that  the two leaders had also discussed global developments and the need for dialogue and diplomacy for an immediate ceasefire in Ukraine .

uk pm visit in india

Johnson said that the relationship between the two countries is stronger than ever. Johnson on Thursday indicated that he would raise “difficult issues”, including the Jahangirpuri demolition drive in the National Capital, during his meeting with PM Modi. “We always raise the difficult issues, of course we do, but the fact is that India is a country of 1.35 billion people and it is democratic, it’s the world’s largest democracy,” he told UK reporters during a visit to a new bulldozer factory in Gujarat.

UK PM Boris Johnson India Visit Live Updates: UK PM Boris Johnson in India Live Updates: Johnson to meet PM Modi today; 'Always raise difficult issues,' UK PM says

Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his British counterpart Boris Johnson on Friday expressed "zero tolerance" for terrorism in all its forms and reiterated their condemnation of Mumbai and Pathankot terror attacks.

uk pm visit in india

In their wide-ranging talks, Modi and Johnson agreed to constitute a sub-group on countering extremism in order to further enhance cooperation between India and the UK in ensuring that all possible actions are taken against groups and individuals based in or operating out of either country.

"Both leaders expressed zero tolerance for terrorism in all its forms – and for all those who encourage, support and finance terrorism or provide sanctuary to terrorists and terror groups, whatever their motivation may be," a joint statement said. (PTI)

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said on Friday that economic offenders who want to use the UK’s legal system to evade the law in India are not welcome in the United Kingdom.

On the question of human rights issues in India, the British PM said that the UK raises these issues “privately” and “in a friendly way”. But he also said that India is a “great democracy”, where there are “constitutional protections for communities”. (Read more)

Bringing back economic fugitives to face justice was a "high priority" for the government, India conveyed to the UK on Friday as British Prime Minister Boris Johnson indicated that he was "very sensitive" to these concerns and said Britain doesn't welcome people who want to use its legal system to evade the Indian laws.

India has been pressing the United Kingdom to extradite Vijay Mallya and Nirav Modi to face trial in India for their alleged involvement in cases relating to financial fraud.

After his comprehensive talks with Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Johnson at a media interaction said the UK government has ordered their extradition and there are some legal technicalities that have made it very difficult.

"We don't welcome people who want to use our legal system to evade the law here in India," the British Prime Minister asserted. Briefing reporters on the wide-ranging talks between Modi and Johnson, Foreign Secretary Harsh Vardhan Shringla said India's objective is to bring back economic fugitives who are wanted in India to face justice in the country and the matter did come up in the deliberations between the two leaders. (PTI)

Underlining that India and UK are sticking together and confronting their “shared anxieties” about the “autocratic coercion” around the world, visiting Prime Minister Boris Johnson on Friday said that Prime Minister Narendra Modi has “intervened several times” with Russian President Vladimir Putin “to ask him what on earth he thinks he is doing, and where he thinks this is going.” And, he also said that what Indians want is “peace” and the “Russians out (of Ukraine).”

Johnson, who spoke at a press conference organised by the British High Commission after the bilateral meeting with PM Modi, steered clear of criticising India for not condemning Russia’s actions. ( Read the full story by Shubhajit Roy )

Britain does not rule out taking further steps to address problems in Northern Ireland caused by post-Brexit arrangements, Prime Minister Boris Johnson said on Friday. Johnson made the comments during a news conference in India after being asked if Britain would pass legislation to suspend aspects of the Northern Ireland protocol, which governs trade with the British-run province.

uk pm visit in india

"It'd be fair to say that the protocol really does not command the confidence of a large, large component of the population in Northern Ireland. We have to address that, we have to fix that," Johnson said. "As I've said many times now we don't rule out taking further steps, if that's necessary." (Reuters)

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said on Friday he would still be prime minister in October, addressing doubts about his future after he was fined by police for breaching strict lockdown rules that he set during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Johnson's personal standing has plummeted in recent months, primarily over revelations of parties held at his Downing Street office during lockdowns. Opponents say he misled parliament about the events. Asked during a news conference in India whether he would still be prime minister in October - when he hopes to have completed a free trade deal between the two countries - Johnson replied: "Yes".

Johnson's visit to India to talk trade and diplomacy has been overshadowed by the domestic crisis over whether he is fit to lead the country. On Thursday, the threat of a rebellion in parliament forced him to accept that he should be investigated by lawmakers over whether he lied to the House of Commons in his initial response to allegations of rule-breaking. (Reuters)

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, during his India visit said that PM Narendra Modi and I have told our negotiators to conclude the Free Trade Agreement by Diwali, news agency ANI reported.

#WATCH 'PM Narendra Modi and I have told our negotiators to conclude the Free Trade Agreement by Diwali,' says British PM Boris Johnson in Delhi — ANI (@ANI) April 22, 2022

UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson, on being asked about Nirav Modi, Vijay Mallya and Khalistani extremists, said, "We've set up an anti-extremist task force to help India...UK govt ordered extradition...We don’t welcome people who want to use our legal system to evade the law in India."

#WATCH | On being asked about Nirav Modi, Vijay Mallya &Khalistani extremists,British PM Boris Johnson said,"We've set up an anti-extremist task force to help India...UK govt ordered extradition...We don’t welcome people who want to use our legal system to evade the law in India." — ANI (@ANI) April 22, 2022

UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson on Friday during his visit to India said that the India's position on Russia is 'well known' and is not going to change. He also said that the whole world is obliged to do more with the all that is happening around the world and Ukraine. Johnson also said, "India has historic relationship with Russian and everybody respects it." He also highlighted India's stand over the Bucha incident and said, "You have to recognise that India came out strongly against what happened in Bucha." (PTI/ANI)

Britain plans to reopen its embassy in the Ukrainian capital of Kyiv next week, Prime Minister Boris Johnson said on Friday during a two-day visit to India.

The British government said in February, days before Russia invaded Ukraine, that its embassy office in Kyiv was relocating temporarily and staff were operating from an embassy office in the city of Lviv. (Reuters)

India on Friday raised the issue of Khalistan with UK Prime Minister Johnson during his visit to the country. Johnson said, "The UK is sensitive to India’s concerns and there will be zero tolerance to this issue," Foreign Secretary Harsh Vardhan Shringla informed through a statement.

India raised the issue of Khalistan with UK PM Johnson, who said the UK is sensitive to India’s concerns and there will be zero tolerance to this issue: Foreign Secretary Harsh Vardhan Shringla — ANI (@ANI) April 22, 2022

A total of two Goverment-to-Government MoUs and four non-governmental MoUs were exchanged during the official visit of British Prime Minister Boris Johnson to India, the Ministry of External Affairs said.

A total of two G2G MoUs & four non-governmental MoUs were exchanged during the official visit of British Prime Minister Boris Johnson to India: Ministry of External Affairs — ANI (@ANI) April 22, 2022

Foreign Secretary Harsh Vardhan on Friday laid out the details of the meeting between UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson and Narendra Modi, in a statement, he said,'During the bilateral talks, PM Modi and UK PM Boris Johnson held discussions on the ongoing FTA negotiations.' "Both sides agreed to the corporation on energy, green hydrogen, trade, defense," he added. 

On issue of economic offenders, Shringla said, "We've been pursuing this matter for some time at different levels with UK. Our objective is to bring back those economic fugitives who're wanted in India to face justice in country. Matter was discussed during the bilateral talks."

'This is the first visit of Boris Johnson in his capacity as the PM to India. Both the leaders discussed a wide range of issues, trade, and jobs opportunities. Cyber security, Artificial Intelligence, space, and other technologies were also discussed,' the foreign secretary said. Shringla also informed about the discussion on Ukraine crisis, he said, 'They discussed their views on the Ukraine issue. We want that this conflict should be resolved soon.'

During the bilateral talks, PM Modi & UK PM Boris Johnson held discussions on the ongoing FTA negotiations. Both sides agreed to the corporation on energy, green hydrogen, trade, defense: Foreign Secretary Harsh Vardhan on UK PM Boris Johnson — ANI (@ANI) April 22, 2022

UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson on Friday took to Twitter and said, "As India celebrates its 75th year of independence, I’m hugely optimistic about the depth of the friendship between our countries, and the security and prosperity it can deliver for our peoples for generations to come."

As India celebrates its 75th year of independence, I’m hugely optimistic about the depth of the friendship between our countries, and the security and prosperity it can deliver for our peoples for generations to come. ???? — Boris Johnson (@BorisJohnson) April 22, 2022

Calling Prime Minister Narendra Modi his “khas dost” (dear friend), British Prime Minister Boris Johnson Monday said that India and the United Kingdom are on path to sign a free-trade agreement by Diwali this year.

“As the next round of talks begins here next week, we’re telling our negotiators to get it done by Diwali.... this could double our trade and investment by the end of the decade,” the British PM said after his meeting with PM Modi in New Delhi. (Read more)

The two leaders also discussed the Ukraine-Russia war, PM Modi said. "We insisted on dialogue and diplomacy in Ukraine for an immediate ceasefire and resolution of the problem," he said. 

Speaking about the shared interests in keeping the Indo-Pacific region free and open to counter the threat of autocratic coersion, UK PM Boris Johnson said: "Since last year, the threats of autocratic coercion have grown even further, therefore it is vital we deepen our cooperation including our shared interest in keeping the Indo-Pacific open and free." 

British PM Boris Johnson in Delhi: "We have had wonderful talks today and have strengthened our relationship in every way. The partnership between India and Britain is one of the defining friendships of our times." 

Speaking about the success of India-made coronavirus vaccines, UK PM Boris Johnson said that he had received the jab developed by the Serum Institute of India and Astrazeneca. 

"I've the Indian jab (Covid-19 vaccine) in my arm, and it did me good. Many thanks to India," he said. 

The UK has agreed to help India combat threats in the air, space and sea, UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson said on Friday. Both countries also have shared interests in keeping the Indo-Pacific region open and free, he added. 

"We are taking steps for sustainable homegrown energy. This visit has deepened our relationship," the UK PM said. 

Calling British PM Boris Johnson's visit to India history, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said that he had invited the UK to join India's National Hydrogen Misison and that both leaders stressed on the importance of free and open Indo-Pacific region.  "We expressed our commitment to fulfilling promises made during the last COP 26. We invite the UK to join India's National Hydrogen Mission...We stressed on a free, open, inclusive & rules-based Indo-Pacific region," PM Modi said. 

Prime Minister Narendra Modi and UK PM Boris Johnson witnessed the exchange of agreements between their countries on Friday. Take a look. 

Delhi | PM Modi and British PM Boris Johnson witness the exchange of agreements between India and the United Kingdom — ANI (@ANI) April 22, 2022

Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his visiting British counterpart Boris Johnson on Friday held extensive talks with an aim to further expand cooperation in areas of defence, trade and clean energy. Ahead of the talks, the UK said it will offer India the best of British know-how on building battle-winning aircraft and support the country's requirements for new technology to respond to threats in the Indian Ocean. In a statement, the British High Commission said the UK will issue an Open General Export Licence (OGEL) to India to cut the delivery period for defence procurement. The British prime minister arrived in India on Thursday on a two-day visit in the backdrop of the Russia-Ukraine war. "The world faces growing threats from autocratic states which seek to undermine democracy, choke off free and fair trade and trample on sovereignty. The UK's partnership with India is a beacon in these stormy seas," Johnson was quoted as saying by the high commission. (PTI)

The UK's partnership with India is a "beacon" in "stormy seas" at a time the world is facing growing threats from autocratic states which seek to undermine democracy, choke off fair trade and trample on sovereignty, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said on Friday. The British high commission said Johnson is expected to discuss with Prime Minister Narendra Modi the next-generation defence and security collaboration across the five domains of land, sea, air, space and cyber as both nations face complex new threats. This includes support for new Indian-designed and built fighter jets, offering the best of British know-how on building battle-winning aircraft and supporting India's requirements for new technology to identify and respond to threats in the Indian Ocean, it said in a statement ahead of the Modi-Johnson talks.

"Wonderful  to see you, my friend PM Boris Johnson  in India on a long-awaited visit," PM Narendra Modi tweeted on Friday. "Look forward to our discussions today." 

Wonderful to see you, my friend PM @BorisJohnson in India on a long-awaited visit. Look forward to our discussions today. — Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) April 22, 2022

UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson received the guard of honour on Friday morning at Rashtrapati Bhavan in New Delhi. Take a look: 

Delhi | UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson receives guard of honour at Rashtrapati Bhavan — ANI (@ANI) April 22, 2022

Meeting with Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday morning, UK PM told reporters in the National Capital that relations between the two countries are stronger than ever.  "Thank you for the fantastic welcome...I don't think the things have ever been as strong or as good between us (India-UK) as they are now," Johnson said. 

#WATCH | "Thank you for the fantastic welcome...I don't think the things have ever been as strong or as good between us (India-UK) as they are now," UK PM Boris Johnson said in Delhi — ANI (@ANI) April 22, 2022

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson on Thursday said his country has raised the Ukraine war issue with his Indian counterpart Narendra Modi at diplomatic levels and maintained everybody understands India and Russia shared "very different relationships historically" as he wrapped his day-long visit to Gujarat with several firsts to his credit. In a first visit by any UK head of the state to Gujarat, Johnson arrived here in the morning on a two-day India tour to a grand welcome and had a hectic day attending multiple programmes and visiting some iconic sites. (PTI)

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson on Thursday indicated that he would be raising "difficult issues" when he meets his Indian counterpart Narendra Modi in New Delhi on Friday. The difficult issues being referred to is likely to include the controversial demolition of some properties as part of an "anti-encroachment" drive by the BJP-ruled North Delhi Municipal Corporation (NDMC) in the Jahangirpuri area of north-west Delhi, days after communal clashes in the locality. Johnson was responding to questions from the UK media during a visit to a new bulldozer factory in Gujarat's Halol industrial area near Vadodara set up by British multinational JCB. "We always raise the difficult issues, of course we do, but the fact is that India is a country of 1.35 billion people and it is democratic, it's the world's largest democracy," Johnson was quoted in the 'Guardian' newspaper as saying in response to questions. (PTI)

Some more snaps from UK PM Boris Johnson's visit to Swaminarayan Akshardham Temple in Gandhinagar.

uk pm visit in india

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson on Thursday said his country has already raised the Ukraine war issue with Prime Minister Narendra Modi at a diplomatic level, and added that everybody understands that India and Russia shared "very different relationships historically".

Johnson's visit to India comes at a time when India has taken a neutral stand on the Russian invasion of Ukraine, and amid the criticism by western countries, especially the US, that India was not taking a clear stance against Russia. --PTI

UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson visits Akshardham Temple in Gandhinagar.

#WATCH UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson visits Akshardham Temple in Gandhinagar. — ANI (@ANI) April 21, 2022

Boris Johnshon visits Gandhi Ashram on Thursday.

I was honoured to follow in the footsteps of millions in visiting the Gandhi Ashram in Ahmedabad today. As the world faces renewed conflict, Mahatma Gandhi’s teachings remind us of the power of peace in changing the course of history. — Boris Johnson (@BorisJohnson) April 21, 2022

UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson visits JCB factory at Halol GIDC, Panchmahal, with Gujarat Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel.

#WATCH UK PM Boris Johnson along with Gujarat CM Bhupendra Patel visits JCB factory at Halol GIDC, Panchmahal in Gujarat (Source: UK Pool) — ANI (@ANI) April 21, 2022

On the first day of his tour, Johnson met Adani Group Chairman, Gautam Adani, in Ahmedabad. Sharing a photo of the meeting on Twitter, Adani wrote: "Honoured to host Boris Johnson, the first UK PM to visit Gujarat, at Adani HQ. Delighted to support climate & sustainability agenda with focus on renewables, green H2 & new energy. Will also work with UK companies to co-create defence & aerospace technologies."

Honoured to host @BorisJohnson , the first UK PM to visit Gujarat, at Adani HQ. Delighted to support climate & sustainability agenda with focus on renewables, green H2 & new energy. Will also work with UK companies to co-create defence & aerospace technologies. #AtmanirbharBharat — Gautam Adani (@gautam_adani) April 21, 2022

During his first day in India, UK PM Boris Johnson met Adani Group Chairman, Gautam Adani, in Ahmedabad. 

Gujarat | UK PM Boris Johnson meets Chairman of Adani Group, Gautam Adani, in Ahmedabad (Video Source: Adani group) — ANI (@ANI) April 21, 2022

India and the UK have shared anxieties about autocricies in the world, UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson said on Thursday. 

UK PM Boris Johnson said he hoped to complete another trade agreement with India by the end of the year, Reuters reported. 

Visiting British Prime Minister Boris Johnson on Thursday termed Mahatma Gandhi an "extraordinary man" who mobilized the principles of truth and non-violence to change the world for better. Johnson became the first prime minister of the UK to visit the Sabarmati Ashram here, the place from where Gandhi led India's struggle for freedom from the British colonial rule for more than a decade. In fact, the Tory politician is also the first British prime minister to visit Gujarat post 1947.

"It is an immense privilege to come to the ashram of this extraordinary man, and to understand how he mobilized such simple principles of truth and non-violence to change the world for better," Johnson wrote in the visitors' book at the Gandhi ashram. (PTI)

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, who is on a two-day visit to India, visited the Sabarmati Ashram, also known as Gandhi Ashram, here on Thursday after landing in the country. The Ashram trust gifted him two books, one of them an unpublished guide for the benefit of those seeking to live in London, penned by Mahatma Gandhi himself. After arriving at the Ahmedabad airport on Thursday morning, Johnson reached Sabarmati Ashram where he was welcomed by Gujarat Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel and trustee Kartikeya Sarabhai, said the Ashram's spokesperson Virat Kothari. Gandhi had lived at the ashram from 1917 to 1930. (PTI)

Soon after arriving in India for a two-day visit, UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson tweeted: "It’s fantastic to be in India, the world’s largest democracy. I see vast possibilities for what our great nations can achieve together. Our powerhouse partnership is delivering jobs, growth and opportunity. I look forward to strengthening this partnership in the coming days."

It’s fantastic to be in India, the world’s largest democracy. I see vast possibilities for what our great nations can achieve together. Our powerhouse partnership is delivering jobs, growth and opportunity. I look forward to strengthening this partnership in the coming days. — Boris Johnson (@BorisJohnson) April 21, 2022

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson will announce a raft of commercial agreements and hail a "new era" in bilateral trade and investment ties during his visit to India, the UK High Commission said on Thursday shortly before he landed in Gujarat. It said the UK and Indian businesses will confirm more than one billion pounds (1 GBP= Rs 99.63) in new investments and export deals in areas from software engineering to health, creating almost 11,000 jobs across the UK. "As I arrive in India today, I see vast possibilities for what our two great nations can achieve together. From next-generation 5G telecoms and AI to new partnerships in health research and renewable energy -- the UK and India are leading the world," Johnson was quoted as saying by the high commission. (PTI)

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UK PM Johnson visited Mahatma Gandhi's Sabarmati Ashram in Ahmedabad on Thursday morning, where he tried his hand at the 'Charkha'. 

#WATCH | Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Boris Johnson visits Sabarmati Ashram, tries his hands on 'charkha' — ANI (@ANI) April 21, 2022

UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson received a warm welcome soon after he touched down at Ahmedabad airport on Thursday morning. His visit began with a roadhow from the airport to his hotel. 

#WATCH | UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson arrived in Ahmedabad earlier in the morning to start his India visit and was accorded a grand welcome at the airport He will later travel to New Delhi to meet PM Modi. — ANI (@ANI) April 21, 2022

UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson will be gifted a copy of the autobiography of Madeleine Slade, better known as Mirabehn. She was the daughter of a British admiral who later went on to become a disciple of Mahatma Gandhi. 

The autobiography of Madeleine Slade or Mirabehn, the daughter of a British admiral who became the Mahatma Gandhi's disciple will be gifted to UK PM Boris Johnson by Sabarmati Ashram One of the first two books written by Mahatma Gandhi but it was never published — ANI (@ANI) April 21, 2022

UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson arrived in Ahmedabad on Thursday morning. Take a look.

uk pm visit in india

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said on Wednesday that his long-delayed visit to India will deepen the strategic trade, defence and people-to-people ties between the two countries. Ahead of Johnson's two-day visit, Downing Street has stressed that the UK would not look to "lecture" India over its neutral stance in the United Nations or its decision to hike Russian oil imports. The UK has been trying to persuade India to reduce its reliance on Moscow since Russia invaded Ukraine on February 24. Addressing the House of Commons for his weekly Prime Minister's Questions (PMQs), Johnson said the trip to Ahmedabad and New Delhi will build on India being invited as a guest country for the G7 Summit hosted by the UK in Cornwall in June last year. (PTI)

As British Prime Minister Boris Johnson lands in Ahmedabad on Thursday for the start of a two-day visit to India, UK and Indian businesses are set to announce investments and export deals worth over £1 billion, in areas from software engineering to health. Science and tech collaborations, including a digital health partnership and a joint investment fund for Indian deep-tech and AI start-ups, supported by both the governments; new AI scholarships for Indian students jointly funded by the UK government’s Chevening programme and India’s Adani Group; and a £6 million investment by AI healthcare specialists to open a centre of excellence in the UK are set to be announced. On Friday, Johnson will hold talks with Prime Minister Narendra Modi in New Delhi on economic, security and defence collaborations. He is expected to announce commercial agreements, hailing a new era in trade, investment and technology partnership between the two countries. Read more. 

uk pm visit in india

As British Prime Minister Boris Johnson lands in Ahmedabad on Thursday for the start of a two-day visit to India, UK and Indian businesses are set to announce investments and export deals worth over £1 billion, in areas from software engineering to health.

Science and tech collaborations, including a digital health partnership and a joint investment fund for Indian deep-tech and AI start-ups, supported by both the governments; new AI scholarships for Indian students jointly funded by the UK government’s Chevening programme and India’s Adani Group; and a £6 million investment by AI healthcare specialists to open a centre of excellence in the UK are set to be announced.

On Friday, Johnson will hold talks with Prime Minister Narendra Modi in New Delhi on economic, security and defence collaborations. He is expected to announce commercial agreements, hailing a new era in trade, investment and technology partnership between the two countries.

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UK PM Boris Johnson arrives in India today, Gujarat first stop – Full itinerary


Updated Apr 21, 2022, 00:02 IST

Boris Johnson

Boris Johnson

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Explained: UK PM Boris Johnson's 2022 Visit To India

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The UK’s inclination towards India has a unique significance post-Brexit. This significance is at the core of the British Prime Minister’s visit to India. 

PM Boris Johnson’s two-day visit started from Ahmedabad as he explored the Indian Prime Minister’s home state on the first day. 

On the second day, he was given a ceremonial welcome in Rashtrapati Bhavan where he met PM Narendra Modi and later was followed by bilateral talks in Hyderabad House.

UK PM Boris Johnson visit

The two Prime Ministers expressed their gratitude for the progress made on the Roadmap 2030, which was announced at the Virtual Summit in May 2021, and reaffirmed their determination to pursue a more robust and action-oriented cooperation across the whole spectrum of bilateral ties. 

They praised the progress made in current FTA negotiations and the Enhanced Trade Partnership's implementation, and they committed to reach an agreement on a complete and balanced trade deal by the end of October 2022. The FTA would open the path for bilateral trade to double by 2030.

UK PM Boris Johnson visit

Both sides published a joint statement calling for increased cyber security cooperation, notably in the areas of cyber governance, cyber deterrence, and protecting important national infrastructure. 

They also pledged to work together closely to combat the ongoing menace of terrorism and extreme extremism as they expressed zero tolerance for terrorism in all its form.

The two discussed regional and global topics of mutual concern, including Indo-Pacific cooperation, Afghanistan, the UN Security Council, the G20, and the Commonwealth. India commended the United Kingdom's participation in the Indo-Pacific Ocean Initiative's (IPOI) Maritime Security pillar and committed to strengthen bilateral ties in the Indo-Pacific area. For the UK, this comes in addition to ties with Japan and Australia in the Pacific Ocean.

During the visit, two memorandums of understanding (MoU) were exchanged on the implementation of the India-UK Global Innovation Partnership and the Global Centre for Nuclear Energy Partnership (GCNEP).

The two Prime Ministers also discussed the ongoing Russia-Ukraine crisis. Despite their differences they found a common ground of humanitarian loss and expressed desire for the need for cessation of violence by resorting to diplomatic talks.

In the end, Prime Minister Johnson extended an invitation to Prime Minister Modi to visit the United Kingdom once more. The invitation was accepted by Prime Minister Modi.

The visit came at a crucial time for both the leaders. For the UK, PM Boris Johnson is caught up in the ‘Partygate’ scandal that threatens his position, and for India, the past couple of weeks has been a festival of diplomacy with the latest visitor after Johnson being the European Commission Chief Ursula von der Leyen who was also the chief guest for the inaugural session of the 7th edition of the Raisina Dialogue held this Sunday.


“Joint Statement on the Visit of the Prime Minister of UK to India: Towards shared security and prosperity through national resilience.” Ministry of External Affairs , 22 April 2022. Accessed 27 April 2022.

Singh, Gurjit. “Boris Johnson's visit creates right atmosphere, but momentum needs to be sustained.” Firstpost , 25 April 2022. Accessed 27 April 2022.

“Two-Day India Visit Was A Reprieve For Boris Johnson From Political Problems At Home.” Outlook India , 24 April 2022. Accessed 27 April 2022.

“Visit of the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom to India (April 21-22, 2022).” Ministry of External Affairs, 22 April 2022. Accessed 27 April 2022.

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Boris Johnson On 2-Day India Visit From April 21; Jobs, Defence On Agenda

Uk's boris johnson's india visit: uk prime minister boris johnson's office said he and prime minister modi would hold "in-depth talks" in delhi on april 22 on their "strategic defence, diplomatic and economic partnership"..

UK's Boris Johnson's India Visit: UK PM Boris Johnson will arrive in India next week. (File)

UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson is to travel to India next week to discuss trade and security with Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who has taken a neutral stance on Russia's war in Ukraine.

"As we face threats to our peace and prosperity from autocratic states, it is vital that democracies and friends stick together," Johnson said in a statement before the visit, his first to India as British leader.

Britain and India hold divergent views on Russia's invasion of Ukraine. While London has imposed economic sanctions on Moscow and supplied weapons to Kyiv, Modi's government has not openly condemned the Kremlin or backed a UN Security Council vote that deplored Moscow's "aggression" against its neighbour.

India says Russia is a long-term friend and an essential pillar of its foreign policy, and it relies on a strategic partnership with Moscow for its national security.

Johnson said the visit on April 21-22 would focus on what he said were "the things that really matter to the people of both our nations- from job creation and economic growth, to energy security and defence".

"India, as a major economic power and the world's largest democracy, is a highly valued strategic partner for the UK in these uncertain times," he added.

Johnson's office said he and Prime Minister Modi would hold "in-depth talks" in Delhi on April 22 on their "strategic defence, diplomatic and economic partnership", in the hope of bolstering that partnership and increasing "security co-operation" in the Asia-Pacific.

Since Britain's departure from the European Union, the conservative government has sought to boost trade and security ties with countries in the Asia-Pacific.

On April 21, Johnson will visit Ahmedabad, the main city in the state of Gujarat, the "ancestral home" of around half the Anglo-Indian population in Britain, the former colonial power.

Downing Street said Johnson was expected in Gujarat to announce investments in "key industries" in Britain and India and collaboration on science, health and technology.

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He will also attempt to make headway in negotiations on a free trade agreement between Britain and India which could, according to his office, boost bilateral trade "by up to £28 billion ($37 billion, 34 billion euros) annually by 2035".

(Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is published from a syndicated feed.)

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UKRI India announces new initiatives during UK PM’s visit to India

UK and India flags together in a textile cloth fabric texture

22 April 2022

One year into the 2030 roadmap for India-UK future relations, Prime Ministers Boris Johnson and Narendra Modi welcomed progress across several bilateral agendas.

The 2030 roadmap was agreed between the two Prime Ministers in May 2021 as a shared ambition over the next decade, highlighting areas of bilateral cooperation ranging from:

  • defence and security
  • trade and investment
  • research and innovation
  • people and culture.

UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) India announced new UK-India projects in mutual priority areas listed under the roadmap, including:

  • offshore wind energy research
  • cultural heritage and creative industries
  • electric mobility.

Further details on these projects

Offshore wind energy research partnership.

The Prime Ministers welcomed UK-India collaboration in offshore wind energy research in a new joint partnership between:

  • UK’s Offshore Renewable Energy (ORE) catapult
  • India’s National Institute of Wind Energy (NIWE).

With the strategic ambition to strengthen UK-India efforts on offshore wind energy, UKRI has funded scoping projects. This includes a technical report led by ORE Catapult and strongly supported by NIWE’s unique capabilities.

This partnership will facilitate future collaborative research and technology development, which will help unlock green, affordable energy while helping boost the supply chain opportunities in India and the UK.

India-UK collaborations in cultural heritage and the creative industries

The Prime Ministers looked forward to deepening research collaboration in cultural heritage and the creative industries.

This includes:

  • a new scoping study on UK-India cultural heritage research commissioned by UKRI’s Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC), in collaboration with the Indian Council of Historical Research
  • a scoping study to map and analyse the value of UK-India collaboration in the creative industries, commissioned by AHRC in partnership with UKRI’s Innovate UK and the British Council.

AHRC also announced four impact and engagement projects under the themes of cultural heritage and creative industries. This is part of the UK’s partnership in India’s celebration of 75 years of independence in 2022.

Electric vehicles business models roadmap for Indian cities

The Prime Ministers welcomed bilateral progress on the electric mobility agenda.

Advancing this agenda, UKRI funded the production of an electric vehicles (EV) business models roadmap for Indian cities developed by the UK’s Connected Places catapult.

The roadmap focusses on policy and market assessment of electric two-wheeler vehicles in India.

It acts as a practical springboard for building and strengthening stakeholder relationships in industry and local government between the UK and India.

It also creates an evidence-based framework to enable on-the-ground pilots and scaling up of shared electric mobility models in Indian cities.

Building on the roadmap’s ambitions

Sukanya Kumar, Acting Director, UKRI India said:

I am very pleased that UKRI’s efforts with our partners in India build so clearly on the ambitions set by the 2030 roadmap. Each activity welcomed by the Prime Ministers celebrates the excellence and expertise in the UK and Indian research and innovation systems, and our joint ability to deliver these efforts seamlessly as unified UK-India teams. I am confident that these and other UKRI-India initiatives will continue to boost our collaboration across the remit of UKRI.

Sharing expertise, knowledge and experience

Professor Christopher Smith, UKRI’s International Champion said:

The partnership between India and the UK is a brilliant example of how international research and innovation collaboration plays a vital role in exploring solutions to global problems, from sustainable fashion to reducing air pollution. Sharing our expertise, knowledge, and experience through partnerships has brought positive benefits across India, the UK and globally, and we look forward to building on those successes in the years ahead.

Further information

Links to projects referenced and principal investigators (PI):

ORE Catapult

Tracing the digital thread: a scoping project of culture heritage practise in India PI: Deborah Sutton, Lancaster University (AH/X00001X/1)

Overview and mapping of the creative industries in India PI: Graham Hitchen, Loughborough University (AH/X000168/1)

Border crossings: exploring history and community through virtual reality at the 75th anniversary of the Partition PI: Navtej Purewal, SOAS (AH/X000184/1)

Creative archives: producing, preserving and showcasing transnational India film heritage PI: Monia Acciari, De Montfort University (AH/X000176/1)

Follow-on funding for two centuries of Indian print project PI: Arani Ilankuberan, British Library (AH/X000516/1)

India-UK creative industries at 75: opportunities and challenges PI: Rajinder Dudrah, Birmingham City University (AH/X000192/1)

Connected Places Catapult and the EV business models roadmap (PDF, 5.6MB)

Top image:  Credit: Oleksii Liskonih, iStock, Getty Images Plus via Getty Images

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Modi sets out his claim to form a new Indian government as coalition talks drag on

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Narendra Modi was formally elected on Friday as the leader of the National Democratic Alliance (NDA) coalition , setting the stage for his third term as prime minister of India .

While Mr Modi’s Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) fell well short of the majority mark of 272 seats, winning only 240 seats in its own right, the NDA coalition together won 293 seats, some 61 ahead of the opposition INDIA alliance led by the Congress party .

Mr Modi, 73, will be sworn in as prime minister on Sunday to begin a rare third term, making him only the second person, after India’s independence hero and first prime minister Jawaharlal Nehru, to win three consecutive elections.

Though Mr Modi’s Hindu nationalist BJP has governed India as part of the NDA coalition over the past decade, this is the first time under his leadership that the party has relied on support from its smaller allies to form a government.

Mr Modi tried to play down the significance of this development, which analysts say could have significant implications for his ability to pass major policies in the years to come .

“This alliance of ours reflects India’s spirit in its true sense,” Mr Modi said after the BJP and coalition members backed him as their prime-ministerial candidate. “We were neither defeated nor are we defeated ... it was an NDA government in the past, still is and will be.”

The presidential palace, or Rashtrapati Bhavan, is expected to host up to 8,000 people for his oath-taking ceremony at 6pm on Sunday. They will include prominent figures from different walks of life, including foreign heads of state, lawyers, doctors, artists, cultural performers and social media influencers .

Official invitations has been extended to Nepal’s prime minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal, Bhutan’s King Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck, vice-president of Seychelles Ahmed Afif, and the prime minister of Mauritius, Pravind Jugnauth.

A notable invitation has also been extended to Maldives president Mohamed Muizzu , who has reportedly accepted, meaning he is set to visit India for the first time since assuming office in November last year. It comes amid strained relations between the two nations – Mr Muizzu won his election with an “India out” campaign, and has aligned his government more closely with China instead.

Bangladesh’s prime minister Sheikh Hasina and Sri Lanka’s president Ranil Wickremesinghe have also confirmed their attendance at the ceremony on Sunday.

Other special guests will include labourers involved in the Central Vista redevelopment project and rat-hole miners who assisted in rescuing 41 trapped construction workers from a tunnel in Uttarakhand last year .

Before Mr Modi was formally elected as the NDA leader, local media reported that the two key regional allies with the power to make or break his coalition government – the Telugu Desam Party in the southern state of Andhra Pradesh and Janata Dal (United) in the eastern state of Bihar – were still eyeing cabinet posts in important ministries.

The state of those talks remains unclear, and Mr Modi won’t reveal his cabinet until after his inauguration. But the leaders of the two parties reiterated their support for the alliance on Friday as they endorsed Mr Modi for his third term.

“I will be with PM Modi at all times,” said Mr Kumar, whose Janata Dal (United) secured 12 seats in the election.

“It is a very good thing that all of us have come together, and we will all work together with you [Mr Modi]. You will be swearing in as the prime minister on Sunday, but I wanted you to do it today itself. Whenever you take the oath, we will be with you... We will all work together under your leadership,” Mr Kumar said.

Mr Naidu, whose Telugu Desam Party secured 16 seats in Andhra Pradesh, also extended his support for Mr Modi. “He has a vision and a zeal, his execution is very perfect,” said Mr Naidu. “He is executing all his policies with a true spirit... Today, India is having the right leader – that is Narendra Modi.”

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Joint Statement on the Visit of the Prime Minister of UK to India: Towards shared security and prosperity through national resilience

April 22, 2022

1. Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Rt Hon Boris Johnson MP paid an official visit to India at the invitation of Prime Minister of India, Shri Narendra Modi on 21-22 April 2022. This is his first visit to India as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom and follows his Virtual Summit with Prime Minister Modi in May 2021 where both leaders agreed to elevate India-UK relations to a Comprehensive Strategic Partnership, underpinned by a shared commitment to democracy, fundamental freedoms, multilateralism and a rules-based international order. The visit is also taking place at a significant time as the two countries celebrate 75 years of bilateral ties and India is commemorating the 75th anniversary of her Independence. 2. Prime Minister Modi held delegation level talks with Prime Minister Johnson in New Delhi on 22 April 2022, where they welcomed the intensification of bilateral engagements since the Virtual Summit and the positive momentum in cooperation across the full spectrum of bilateral relations. As the world recovers from the COVID-19 Pandemic, both leaders reiterated the need to focus on sustained economic recovery and work towards building national resilience and trusted partnerships to mitigate external disruptions. 3. Both Prime Ministers expressed satisfaction at the progress in implementation of the ambitious Roadmap 2030 for India-UK future relations that was launched at the Virtual Summit, and appreciated its regular review by External Affairs Minister, Dr S. Jaishankar and UK Foreign Secretary Ms Elizabeth Truss. They further mandated their teams to identify high-impact projects for time-bound implementation in each of the pillars of the Roadmap. Both leaders also expressed their desire to steer bilateral relations towards a Vision 2047 for shared security and prosperity of their people and the planet. Trade and Prosperity 4. The leaders welcomed the strong resilience shown by economies of India and the UK and the positive growth in bilateral trade showcasing the potential to double trade by 2030, as envisaged in the Roadmap 2030. They expressed satisfaction at the progress made under the Enhanced Trade Partnership (ETP) and called for early resolution of all pending market access issues in a balanced manner. They looked forward to finalising the mutual recognition of qualifications and a framework for nursing staff and agreed to continue cooperation on outstanding areas related to social security arrangements and legal services. 5. The two leaders welcomed the launch of Free Trade Agreement (FTA) negotiations in January 2022 in New Delhi. They noted with satisfaction that good progress had been made already, and that the agreement of an FTA would unlock the full potential of the trade and commercial relationship, boosting jobs, investment and exports. They set a target to conclude the majority of talks on a comprehensive and balanced Free Trade Agreement by the end of October 2022. 6. They acknowledged the increasing investment flows between the two nations, and welcomed the progress made in the 11th Economic and Financial Dialogue (EFD), recalling commitments to cooperate closely on COVID-19 recovery, climate finance, services trade and multilateral engagement. They looked forward to further cooperation through the EFD, including intensifying cooperation in financial services, banking, insurance, fintech, green bonds, sustainable finance and capital market sectors and to promote collaboration between regulators and stakeholders. They specifically highlighted the successful India-UK collaborations between GIFT City (Gujarat International Finance Tec-City, India's first International Financial Service Centre) and the UK's financial services ecosystem and agreed to develop greater linkages between the two countries’ financial markets. They noted the successful resolution of recent taxation issues as a positive step to further strengthen investor confidence on both sides. 7. Prime Minister Modi welcomed UK's commitment to public finance to the tune of USD 1 billion investment through British International Investment (BII) (previously CDC Group), the UK’s Development Finance Institution, into climate related projects in India over the period of 2022-2026. They expressed satisfaction at the success of India-UK Green Growth Equity Fund anchored by India’s National Investment & Infrastructure Fund (NIIF) and UK Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO), in mobilising additional USD 425 million to support green infrastructure projects in India, and agreed to build on ten years of successful collaboration under India-UK development capital investment partnerships. Prime Minister Modi welcomed the UK’s guarantee for USD 1 billion World Bank lending to support India to develop green infrastructure. 8. Both leaders also welcomed the finalisation of the India-UK Global Innovation Partnership (GIP) implementation arrangements in the field of trilateral development cooperation, wherein India and UK will co-finance up to USD 100 million over 14 years to support the transfer and scale up of climate-smart inclusive innovations from India to third countries in Asia, Africa and the Indo-Pacific and accelerate the delivery of the Sustainable Development Goals. 9. The two leaders reaffirmed their desire to strengthen India-UK civil nuclear cooperation, and welcomed the UK’s renewed collaboration with Global Centre for Nuclear Energy Partnership (GCNEP) for jointly promoting research and training on nuclear energy studies, radioactive applications, nuclear security and safety. They looked forward to the early conclusion of negotiations on a renewed and strengthened India-UK Nuclear Cooperation Agreement. They also expressed the shared interest of the two countries in advancing nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation. They noted the productive discussions held at the Space consultations in 2021 to advance bilateral civilian cooperation including on space trade, commerce and international initiatives in the field of outer space including at the UN. 10. They agreed to deepen cooperation at the World Trade Organisation (WTO) on their shared goals, including restoring confidence and trust in the multilateral system. Both sides reiterated their commitment to sustained engagement through the India-UK Multilateral Trade Dialogue and other mechanisms, as appropriate. The two countries looked forward to a successful 12th WTO Ministerial Conference and reaffirmed their commitment to the fundamental principles of the WTO, free and fair trade, and the reform of the WTO. Defence and Security 11. Prime Minister Modi and Prime Minister Johnson reiterated their commitment to transform defence and security cooperation as a key pillar of the India-UK Comprehensive Strategic Partnership and enhance engagements in support of a free, open and secure Indo Pacific. They welcomed the progress made on their commitments in the 2030 Roadmap. They recalled the successful visit of UK's Carrier Strike Group (CSG) to India in October 2021 and the first tri-service exercise between UK and Indian forces, the inclusion of the UK’s Liaison Officer in India’s Information Fusion Centre, and the first annual India-UK Maritime Dialogue. 12. They agreed to deepen co-operation, including by quickly resolving legacy issues and intensifying cooperation as trusted partners under the India-UK Defence and International Security Partnership framework. They welcomed the finalisation of the Letter of Arrangement between the UK’s Defence Science & Technology Laboratory and India's Defence Research & Development Organisation to help deliver advanced security capabilities through joint-research, co-design, co-development and joint production of defence technology and systems - particularly in key and emerging military technologies. In that regard they welcomed the establishment of a Joint Working Group on India-UK Electric Propulsion Capability Partnership with the goal of fostering military and industrial collaboration in maritime Electric Propulsion systems. 13. The leaders noted the importance of robust defence industrial collaboration for manufacturing of defence equipment, systems, spare parts, components, aggregates and other related products and key capabilities, under the Make-in-India program through co-development, indigenisation, transfer of technology and setting up of joint ventures for meeting the needs of the Armed Forces of India and other countries. They noted cooperation in key areas of strategic collaboration including Modern Fighter Aircraft and Jet Engine Advanced Core Technology. Both sides agreed to work bilaterally and with key partner countries to facilitate highest level access to technology to Indian industry. Prime Minister Modi welcomed the UK announcement of an ‘open general export license’ to facilitate technology engagement with India, and the open opportunity for India to participate in the UK’s aviation and naval shipbuilding programmes. 14. The leaders agreed that the finalisation of the Logistics and Training MoUs will deepen understanding and trust and enable further collaboration and cooperation between the two nations. They agreed to expand cooperation in the maritime domain and called for early conclusion of the Maritime Information Exchange Arrangement on dark and grey shipping. They also called for increased engagements on critical and emerging domains of defence including space, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and cyber. 15. The two Prime Ministers looked forward to the convening this year of the Defence Ministerial Dialogue, which would be an important step to ensure that all the necessary framework agreements are in place. 16. Both leaders reaffirmed their commitment to a free, open, peaceful and secure cyberspace and welcomed the progress under the enhanced India-UK cyber security partnership to tackle shared cyber threats including to critical national infrastructure. They outlined commitment, in a Joint Cyber Statement, to deepen cooperation across cyber governance, deterrence and strengthening cyber resilience. 17. Both leaders expressed zero tolerance for terrorism in all its forms – and for all those who encourage, support and finance terrorism or provide sanctuary to terrorists and terror groups - whatever their motivation may be. They called upon all countries to work together to root out terrorist safe havens and infrastructure, disrupt terrorist networks and their financing channels, and halt cross-border movement of terrorists. They reiterated their condemnation of terrorist attacks in India and the UK, including the Mumbai and Pathankot attacks. They emphasised the importance of perpetrators of terrorist attacks being systematically and expeditiously brought to justice, and agreed to work together to take concerted action against globally proscribed terrorist entities and individuals. 18. They expressed satisfaction on the ongoing cooperation through the Joint Working Group on Counter-Terrorism (JWG-CT), including with regard to information and intelligence sharing on terror entities and individuals. Within this framework, they agreed to constitute a sub-group on countering extremism in order to further enhance cooperation between the two sides in ensuring that all possible actions are taken against groups and individuals based in or operating out of either country, seeking to incite violent extremism and terrorism and who are involved in financing such activities. Climate and Clean Energy 19. Both leaders underlined their firm commitment to taking ambitious climate action in pursuit of the goals of the Paris Agreement and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and agreed to cooperate closely in fulfilling respective climate action commitments announced at the 26th Conference of Parties (COP) in Glasgow in November 2021. The two Prime Ministers reaffirmed their personal commitment to accelerate the clean energy transition. They reiterated the need for developed countries to meet their climate finance goals including delivering on the $100bn and doubling adaptation finance by 2025. Both leaders reiterated the importance of implementing the Glasgow Climate Pact in full, and expressed hope that the Breakthrough Agenda would bolster collective efforts towards a just and accelerated transition. 20. Prime Minister Johnson appreciated India’s international leadership on ISA (International Solar Alliance), CDRI (Coalition for Disaster Resilient Infrastructure) and the clean industry transition. The two leaders welcomed the global Green Grids Initiative - One Sun One World One Grid (GGI-OSOWOG) and the Infrastructure for Resilient Island States (IRIS) platform under CDRI, both of which were jointly launched by India and the UK at COP26. Prime Minister Modi welcomed UK’s fresh support for ISA, and both the leaders agreed to advance efforts to identify concrete projects for early operationalisation of the GGI-OSOWOG, to be agreed by the time of the Clean Energy Ministerial and Mission Innovation Ministerial in September 2022. The Prime Ministers also welcomed the participation of the ISA in the Energy Transition Council. They looked forward to championing these initiatives under the upcoming Indian G20 Presidency. 21. Both leaders appreciated the progress made by the India-UK Sustainable Finance Forum and, in this context, welcomed the launch of the Climate Finance Leadership Initiative (CFLI) partnership to mobilise private capital at scale for low-carbon, climate resilient development. 22. The Prime Ministers acknowledged that current global energy price volatility underscored the importance of domestic and international energy security and the clean energy transition. They welcomed progress on offshore wind energy; and on electric mobility since the signing of the Zero Emission Vehicles Declaration. They agreed to strengthen collaboration, including through the Joint Declaration of Intent between India’s National Institute of Wind Energy and the UK’s Offshore Renewable Energy Catapult. They also noted a $200 million guarantee by GuarantCo for Axis Bank, to accelerate India’s transition to Electric Vehicles. They appreciated the ongoing cooperation on the development and deployment of affordable green hydrogen for both countries, including through the India-UK Science and Innovation Partnership on Green Hydrogen and joint work on a Green Hydrogen Hub. 23. Both Leaders reaffirmed their intention to agree an ambitious and effective Global Biodiversity Framework at the second part of the fifteenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP 15) of the Convention on Biodiversity. The leaders welcomed the establishment of a joint working group under the India-UK Forests Partnership, and looked forward to closer collaboration on forests and land use. Following both leaders' endorsement of Ocean 30by30 and alongside cooperation under the UK's Blue Planet Fund they agreed to a range of partnerships to strengthen scientific collaboration on the Earth System Sciences including joint deep sea research on marine biodiversity. Health 24. Prime Minister Modi and Prime Minister Johnson expressed deep pride and appreciation of their nations’ close cooperation in the fight against COVID-19 pandemic over the past two years, as Governments, civil societies, businesses and diaspora communities mobilized in unprecedented ways to share emergency relief supplies during each country’s times of need. 25. Both Prime Ministers recalled the highly successful collaboration on the AstraZeneca/Oxford University Vaccine with the Serum Institute of India (SII). They agreed to closely work together to strengthen the global response to future health emergencies and advance the ambitious plan to develop vaccines, therapeutics and diagnostics in 100 days, including on vaccine development under the framework of the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) initiative. They welcomed the launch the Indian arm of the RECOVERY global clinical trial of COVID-19 therapeutics with the support of the Indian Council of Medical Research, and a new UK-India partnership through the Fleming Fund to tackle anti-microbial resistance. They welcomed recent investments by SII in the UK, focused on vaccine research, development and manufacturing. 26. They welcomed the collaboration between National Health Authority and English National Health Service in the area of digital health including associated technologies. They looked forward to convening of the Ministerial Dialogue on Health later in the year, to agree an India-UK Action Plan on Health and Life Sciences and enhance collaboration in the fields of vaccines, diagnostics and therapeutics, pandemic preparedness, digital health, anti-microbial resistance, and health worker mobility. Connecting our Countries and People 27. Both leaders celebrated the deep and vibrant people-to-people ties between the two countries, fostered by the living bridge of 1.6 million strong Indian diaspora in the UK, and agreed to further strengthen this special bond. In this context, they reviewed the progress of the India-UK comprehensive Migration and Mobility Partnership (MMP) in facilitating migration, addressing illegal migration and streamlining the returns process. Both leaders agreed on the importance of regular engagement between the relevant authorities to facilitate effective operational cooperation on extradition and related matters. They also announced their intention to cooperate on establishing mechanisms for sharing information on Criminal Records, preferably before March 2023. 28. They welcomed the "India/UK Together” programme, marking India’s 75th year of independence through promotion of the rich cultural ties between both countries, and the additional fully funded scholarships which would enable 75 Indian students to study in the UK in India’s anniversary year. They looked forward to deepening collaboration on cultural heritage and the creative industries. 29. The leaders emphasised their shared commitment to an enhanced partnership in science, tech, education, research and innovation and looked forward to the next ministerial Science and Innovation Council (SIC) to be held in London later this year. They welcomed the signing of the Joint Declaration of Intent on Digital and Technology and looked forward to finalising arrangements for the India-UK Strategic Tech Dialogue this year, to increase support for our tech sectors and steer closer cooperation on critical and emerging technologies. India and the UK agree to jointly work towards promotion of collaboration on AI to deliver economic and social benefits to both countries, and improve the application of AI to solve societal challenges. 30. The leaders emphasised the need for close collaboration between the higher education sectors of the two countries and welcomed the ongoing efforts to establish transnational education programmes in both countries. 31. Both leaders agreed that India and the UK should continue to promote cooperation across our democratic institutions, including parliament and the judiciary. They welcomed the launch of the India-UK Strategic Futures Forum. 32. Both leaders recognise the importance of bilateral Air Services to optimising connectivity, choice and value for money. Both sides agreed to convene further discussions during 2022 on updates to the bilateral Air Services Agreement between India and the UK. Regional, Global and Multilateral Cooperation 33. The leaders expressed in strongest terms their concern about the ongoing conflict and humanitarian situation in Ukraine. They unequivocally condemned civilian deaths, and reiterated the need for an immediate cessation of hostilities and a peaceful resolution of the conflict, which was having severe implications across the globe, in particular for developing countries. They emphasised that the contemporary global order has been built on the UN Charter, international law and respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity of states. They reaffirmed their willingness to provide humanitarian aid for the people of Ukraine. 34. They underlined their shared vision of an open, free, inclusive and rules-based Indo-Pacific region in which countries are free from military, economic, and political coercion. They committed to work together with partners and relevant regional organisations who share this vision, to promote respect for territorial integrity and sovereignty, rule of law, transparency, freedom of navigation and overflight, the centrality of the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, unimpeded lawful commerce, and peaceful resolution of disputes. They agreed that conflict anywhere posed a threat to freedom everywhere, and reiterated the vital importance of Indo-Pacific region in the current global context. Both leaders reiterated their strong support for ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) centrality in the Indo-Pacific. Prime Minister Modi welcomed UK's decision to join the Indo-Pacific Oceans Initiative (IPOI) and co-lead the pillar on Maritime Security to promote regional coordination and cooperation for securing and protecting the Indo-Pacific maritime domain. 35. Both leaders agreed on the importance of democratic countries working in partnership for their mutual security and resilience. They emphasised the need for all countries to seek peaceful resolution of disputes in accordance with international law, without resorting to threat or use of force or any attempt to unilaterally change the status quo. 36. On Afghanistan, both sides expressed their serious concern about the humanitarian situation, violations of human rights and the hampered access of girls and women to education. Both Prime Ministers called on the Taliban to allow girls to return to secondary school. Prime Minister Modi acknowledged the role of the UK in co-hosting the UN Afghanistan Conference for the humanitarian response on 31 March. Prime Minister Johnson acknowledged the role played by India in providing medical and food grain assistance to the people of Afghanistan. The Leaders reaffirmed the importance of United Nations Security Council (UNSC) Resolution 2593 (2021) which unequivocally demands that Afghan territory not be used for sheltering, training, planning or financing terrorist acts and called for concerted action against all terrorist groups, including those sanctioned by the UNSC. Both sides agreed to continue to provide immediate humanitarian assistance to the people of Afghanistan and reiterated the need for a representative and inclusive political system in support of a peaceful, secure and stable Afghanistan. 37. Both leaders appreciated the regular dialogue on multilateral issues and growing cooperation in the UNSC. Prime Minister Johnson appreciated India’s significant contribution as member of the UNSC for the term 2021-22 including Prime Minister Modi’s leadership in bringing the important issue of maritime security to the Council. Prime Minister Johnson reaffirmed the support of the UK for India’s permanent membership of a reformed UNSC. The leaders called for the initiation of text-based negotiations with the aim of achieving concrete outcomes within a fixed timeframe. Prime Minister Johnson also reiterated the support of the UK for India’s entry into the Nuclear Suppliers Group. 38. Both sides reaffirmed the salience of G20 in addressing diverse global issues and agreed to work together closely during and in preparation for India’s Presidency of the G20 in 2023. 39. Both leaders also agreed on the need to re-energise the Commonwealth, revitalising its agenda and institutions to support the needs and expectations of all its Member States, in particular to promote inclusive and sustainable development. The leaders looked forward to working closely together for a successful Commonwealth Summit in Kigali later this year. 40. Reflecting shared values and principles, and growing strategic convergence, both leaders resolved to advance the India-UK Comprehensive Strategic Partnership through annual exchange of visits at the Prime Minister level. Prime Minister Johnson thanked Prime Minister Modi for the warmth and hospitality extended to him and members of his delegation during his visit to India and extended an invitation to Prime Minister Modi to visit the UK at his earliest convenience. New Delhi April 22, 2022

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PM call with Prime Minister Modi of India: 5 June 2024

The Prime Minister spoke to the Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi, this afternoon.

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The Prime Minister began by congratulating Prime Minister Modi on his election victory and wished him every success for his third term. 

The leaders reflected on the strength of the UK-India relationship and agreed that this will continue to grow in the future.

Both agreed to stay in touch and looked forward to seeing each other at the G7 Leaders’ Summit in Italy next week.

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How Modi lost his magic — and his majority — in India election surprise

NEW DELHI — Until now, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi had seemed unstoppable.

Modi and his Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) had come to dominate the world’s biggest democracy since coming to power 10 years ago, their Hindu nationalist politics becoming ever more entrenched in India along the way. Even as critics accused him of stoking religious tensions , eroding human rights and muzzling the press, Modi was consistently rated as the most popular leader in the world .

It was only in January that Modi, 73, inaugurated a grand Hindu temple on a contested holy site in the northern city of Ayodhya, fulfilling a longtime promise to supporters and stirring fear among India’s Muslim minority, who have found themselves increasingly marginalized under his rule. 

It was a crowning moment for Modi that was expected to help him win favor with voters in Hindu-majority India as he sought a rare third term and a supermajority for his party in an election this year that was widely predicted to be a landslide.

On Tuesday, as early vote counting showed a far narrower result that was a shocking rebuke to Modi’s rule , the constituency that includes Ayodhya was among those the BJP conceded to the opposition.

Support for Modi is on the rise after he opened the Hindu temple last month, fulfilling his party’s long-held Hindu nationalist pledge.

Far from winning the supermajority of 400 seats it had promised, the BJP won 240 out of 543 seats in the lower house of India’s Parliament, according to final results. That's far short of the 272 needed for a one-party simple majority like the ones it easily secured in the last two elections in 2014 and 2019.

But together with allied parties, the BJP has enough seats to form a coalition government and secure Modi a third five-year term.

On Wednesday, the Indian government said Modi and his cabinet had resigned as is standard practice after an election, with India’s president requesting that they remain in charge until a new government is formed. He and his new cabinet are scheduled to be sworn in on Saturday, local media reported.

Still, the election feels like a defeat for Modi and his ethnonationalist agenda — and a stunning victory for the opposition, which has struggled to gain traction for years and on Tuesday hailed the comeback of multiparty democracy.

“It’s rejection of a politics of hate,” said Rajeev Bhargava, director of the Institute of Indian Thought at the Jawaharlal Nehru University in Delhi. 

“Ordinary Hindus and Muslims have lived together peacefully, and they don’t like divisions being created,” he said.

India’s fractured opposition knew defeating Modi was not going to be easy, forming an alliance that looked shaky during the campaign.

Their troubles were further compounded by the arrest of party leaders and the freezing of party funds for which they blamed the BJP, which denied the allegations. 

So it was especially sweet when election results began to show their efforts paying off.

Image: World's Largest Democratic Election Concludes In India

Leaders of the Indian National Congress, the main opposition party, said the BJP had made the election a referendum on Modi, and that the setback he had been dealt by voters was a “moral loss.”

“In my mind, I knew that India’s population will stand united for the constitution,” Congress leader Rahul Gandhi told reporters Tuesday. “Today this was proven right. I had faith.”

Gandhi had left open the possibility of peeling off two of the BJP’s allied parties and preventing Modi from forming a coalition at all, but on Wednesday both parties pledged their support for him.

Others were more surprised by the results, including a pollster who cried on television while being grilled about how his predictions of a BJP blowout could be so far off.

India’s benchmark stock indices, which had soared on Monday after exit polls suggested a huge Modi win, had their worst day in four years on Tuesday before recovering some losses on Wednesday.

Members of the BJP, meanwhile, took the results hard as their dreams of a Hindu-first nation appeared to fade. The party headquarters in New Delhi, where the mood was supposed to be triumphant, had mostly emptied out by 8 p.m., though many people returned shortly after when Modi arrived to speak. 

He was quick to claim victory, in a speech that emphasized the broader alliance rather than the BJP alone. 

Narendra Modi greets supporters in New Delhi

“This is the first time a government has come back for the third time,” Modi said as supporters chanted Hindu nationalist slogans.

On the campaign trail, Modi and his deputies had been accused of using hate speech and other inflammatory rhetoric, especially against Muslims. The opposition, meanwhile, focused on issues such as unemployment that are plaguing India even though it is the world’s fastest-growing major economy .

Economic issues were repeatedly mentioned by voters NBC News spoke with in the last days of the election. 

Regardless of who runs India, Bhargava said, from now on “there will be more focus on genuine material improvement in the lives of ordinary people.”

“And governments that fail to do it will be thrown out.”

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Mithil Aggarwal is a Hong Kong-based reporter/producer for NBC News.

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Maldives President Muizzu to Attend Modi's Swearing-In Ceremony

Maldives president mohamed muizzu will attend prime minister narendra modi’s swearing-in ceremony in new delhi. although unconfirmed by the maldives president's office, muizzu aims to advance bilateral ties with india. this visit marks his first to india since assuming office, highlighting complexities in diplomatic relations..

Maldives President Muizzu to Attend Modi's Swearing-In Ceremony

In a significant diplomatic move, Maldives President Mohamed Muizzu has accepted the invitation to attend Prime Minister Narendra Modi's swearing-in ceremony in New Delhi over the weekend, a media report revealed on Friday.

The news was initially reported by, which quoted its sister-publication Mihaaru News in Dhivehi. President Muizzu, accompanied by several senior government officials, is set to depart for New Delhi on Saturday.

However, there has been no official confirmation from the Maldives President's Office regarding Muizzu's visit, his first official trip to India since taking office on November 17 of last year.

In a congratulatory message on Wednesday, President Muizzu expressed his eagerness to work with Modi to strengthen bilateral relations. "Congratulations to Prime Minister @narendramodi and the BJP for their third consecutive term in the 2024 General Election," he posted on X.

This visit not only underscores the complexities of India-Maldives relations but also poses an interesting contrast to Muizzu's initial visits to Turkiye and China. Notably, upon taking office, Muizzu had demanded the removal of around 88 Indian military personnel, a move that strained bilateral ties.

The swearing-in ceremony is poised to be a high-profile event, with leaders from neighbouring countries such as Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Bhutan, Nepal, Mauritius, and Seychelles attending in alignment with India's 'Neighbourhood First' policy.

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Reporting by Ismail Shakil in Ottawa and David Brunnstrom and Kanishka Singh in Washington; Editing by Katharine Jackson and Leslie Adler

Our Standards: The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles. New Tab , opens new tab

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Thomson Reuters

Kanishka Singh is a breaking news reporter for Reuters in Washington DC, who primarily covers US politics and national affairs in his current role. His past breaking news coverage has spanned across a range of topics like the Black Lives Matter movement; the US elections; the 2021 Capitol riots and their follow up probes; the Brexit deal; US-China trade tensions; the NATO withdrawal from Afghanistan; the COVID-19 pandemic; and a 2019 Supreme Court verdict on a religious dispute site in his native India.

India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi addresses the media after his meeting with President Droupadi Murmu

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Apollo 8 astronaut anders, who took 'earthrise' photo, reported dead in plane crash.

Retired astronaut William Anders, one of the first three humans to orbit the moon, who captured the "Earthrise" photo during NASA's Apollo 8 mission, died on Friday when the small plane he was piloting crashed in Washington state, local media reported.

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