Char-Broil CRUISE 463258622 Product Manual

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  • CRUISE 463258622
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Char-Broil CRUISE 463258622 Product Manual

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Table of Contents

  • Troubleshooting
  • For Your Safety
  • Use and Care
  • Limited Warranty
  • Pour Votre Sécurité
  • Utilisation Et Entretien
  • Garantie Limitée
  • Parts Diagram
  • Schéma des Pièces
  • Nomenclature des Pièces
  • Hardware List
  • Liste des Ferrures
  • Fiche D'enregistrement
  • Registration Card


Available languages

  • ENGLISH, page 1
  • FRANÇAIS, page 14
  • ESPAÑOL, página 26

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  • 1 Use and Care
  • 2 Troubleshooting
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Summary of Contents for Char-Broil CRUISE 463258622

  • Page 1 Si vous avez des questions ou besoin d´aide pendant l’assemblage, S’il vous plaît appelez 1-888-430-7870 Si tiene alguna pregunta o si Necesita ayuda durante el Ensamblado, llámenos Al 1-888-430-7870 G479-001-010801 © 2021 Char-Broil, LLC. Columbus, GA, 31904. Printed in China. Imprimé en Chine. Impreso en China.

Page 2: Table Of Contents

Page 3: for your safety, page 4: use and care.

  • Page 5 USE AND CARE LP Cylinder Exchange Connecting Regulator to the LP Cylinder • Many retailers that sell grills offer you the option of replacing your empty LP cylinder 1. LP cylinder must be properly secured onto grill. (Refer to assembly section.) through an exchange service.
  • Page 6 USE AND CARE Safety Tips WARNING • Before opening LP cylinder valve, check the coupling nut for tightness. • When grill is not in use, unplug controller, disconnect battery backup, and turn off LP cylinder valve. • Do not use grill until leak-tested. •...
  • Page 7 USE AND CARE WARNING WARNING For Safe Use of Your Grill and to Avoid Serious Injury: LP GAS CYLINDER RUBBER SEAL INSPECTION. • Do not let children operate or play near grill. • Inspect the LP gas cylinder valve rubber seal for cracks, wear or deterioration prior •...
  • Page 8 USE AND CARE Control Knob C Indicator Power Button Temperature Display Temperature Display Timer Button Timer Display AUTO-CLEAN Button Set / Actual Temp Light Ring Indicator Cruise Grill Operation Grilling AUTO-CLEAN • Follow instructions for grill regulator to LP cylinder connection and leak check Burn off grease and food residue to make grate and emitter cleaning much easier! found in Use and Care.
  • Page 9 USE AND CARE Error Code Error Type Possible Cause Prevention Solution No gas flow Make sure LP cylinder is not empty. If LP cylinder is not empty, refer to “Sudden drop in gas flow in Troubleshooting Section”. Low flame Refer to “Sudden drop in gas flow in Troubleshooting Section”. Flames blow out in high or gusting winds Turn front of grill to face wind.
  • Page 10 USE AND CARE NOTE: After first connection of gas cylinder, the grill may require two or CAUTION more attempts to light in order to get the proper amount of gas to the burners. • Ignitor Lighting Putting out grease fires by closing the lid is not possible. Grills are well •...
  • Page 11 Cover grill if stored outdoors. Choose from a variety of grill covers offered by grill has been idle for an extended period of time. Char-Broil at • Store grill indoors ONLY if LP cylinder is turned off and disconnected, removed from grill and stored outdoors.
  • Page 12 USE AND CARE Cleaning the Burner Assembly Follow these instructions to clean and/or replace parts of burner assembly or if you have trouble igniting grill. Turn gas off at the controller and LP cylinder. Remove cooking grates and heat tent. Remove hardware securing burners.

Page 13: Limited Warranty

Page 14: pour votre sécurité.

  • Page 15 FOR YOUR SAFETY - INSTALLING YOUR GRILL AVERTISSEMENT DANGER ATTENTION Pour utilisation domestique uniquement. Ne pas utiliser Ne pas suivre toutes les instructions du fabricant Si, pendant le fonctionnement, les flammes à des fins commerciales. pourrait causer des préjudices physiques graves et des s’éteignent, le gril s’éteint et affiche le code dommages matériels.

Page 16: Utilisation Et Entretien

  • Page 17 UTILISATION ET ENTRETIEN Échange de réservoir de GPL Connexion du régulateur au réservoir de GPL • Plusieurs commerçants qui vendent la unité offrent la possibilité de souscrire à un 1. Le réservoir de GPL doit être attaché à l’appareil de façon sécuritaire. (Reportez- service d’échange de réservoirs vides.
  • Page 18 UTILISATION ET ENTRETIEN Essai d’étanchéité des valves, des tuyaux et du régulateur Consignes de sécurité • Avant d’ouvrir la valve du réservoir de GPL, vérifiez que l’écrou de raccord est 1. Éteignez ou débranchez le contrôleur. bien serré. 2. Assurez-vous que le régulateur est attaché de façon étanche à la valve du réservoir. •...
  • Page 19 UTILISATION ET ENTRETIEN AVERTISSEMENT AVERTISSEMENT INSPECTION DU JOINT D’ÉTANCHÉITÉ EN CAOUTCHOUC DE LA Pour utiliser votre gril en toute sécurité et pour éviter des BONBONNE DE GAZ PROPANE blessures graves : • Inspectez le joint d’étanchéité en caoutchouc de la bonbonne de gaz propane à la •...
  • Page 20 UTILISATION ET ENTRETIEN Bouton de réglage Indicateur Bouton Marche/Arrêt Affichage de la température Affichage de la température Bouton de minuterie Affichage de la Bouton de nettoyage minuterie automatique Indicateur de la Anneau lumineux température réglée/réelle Fonctionnement du gril Cruise Cuisson au gril •...
  • Page 21 UTILISATION ET ENTRETIEN Code d’erreur Type d’erreur Cause possible Prévention / Solution Aucun débit de gaz Assurez-vous que la bouteille de propane n’est pas vide. Si la bouteille de propane n’est pas vide, consultez « Chute soudaine du débit de gaz » dans la section Dépannage. Flamme basse Consultez « Chute soudaine de débit de gaz »...
  • Page 22 UTILISATION ET ENTRETIEN REMARQUE : Après le premier raccordement de la bouteille de gaz, deux tentatives d’allumage ou plus peuvent être nécessaires afin d’obtenir la quantité de gaz adéquate pour les brûleurs. Allumage de l’allumeur • Ne vous penchez pas au-dessus du brûleur pendant que vous l’allumez.
  • Page 23 UTILISATION ET ENTRETIEN Vérification du réglage de la flamme ATTENTION • Enlevez les grilles de cuisson. Allumez le brûleur et observez la flamme. Si la flamme est très petite et le brûleur s’éteint alors que le contrôleur affiche le code E01, consultez « Baisse soudaine ou flamme basse » dans la section ATTENTION AUX ARAIGNÉES! Dépannage.
  • Page 24 UTILISATION ET ENTRETIEN Nettoyage de l’assemblage du brûleur Suivez ces instructions pour nettoyer ou remplacer des pièces du brûleur ou si vous éprouvez de la difficulté à allumer le gril. Éteignez le contrôleur et fermez le robinet de la bouteille de propane pour couper le gaz.

Page 25: Garantie Limitée

  • Page 26 INFORMACIÓN IMPORTANTES ÍNDICE DE MATERIAS DE SEGURIDAD Por su propia seguridad ......26-27 SÍMBOLOS DE SEGURIDAD Los símbolos y las casillas ilustradas más adelante explican lo que Uso y mantenimiento .
  • Page 27 PARA SU SEGURIDAD - INSTALACIÓN DE SU PARRILLA ADVERTENCIA ADVERTENCIA PELIGRO Sólo para uso particular. No lo use para fines El no cumplir con todas instrucciones del fabricante Si durante el funcionamiento las llamas se comerciales. puede ocasionar graves y/o daños materials. apagan, la parrilla se apaga y muestra el código de error E01 o si huele gas o no puede ver la Antes de empezar a ensamblar la parrilla y cocinar,...
  • Page 28 USO Y MANTENIMIENTO Medidas de seguridad para la instalación Tanque de gas propano • El tanque de gas que use con su parrilla debe cumplir los siguientes requisitos: • Utilice la parrilla, tal como se compró, sólo con LP (propano), el gas y el regulador •...
  • Page 29 USO Y MANTENIMIENTO Cambio del tanque de gas Como conectar el regulador al tanque de gas propano • Muchos comerciantes minoristas que venden parrillas, le ofrecen la opción de 1. El tanque de gas debe quedar bien fijado a la parrilla. (Lea la sección de cambiar su tanque de gas vacío mediante un servicio de recambio.
  • Page 30 USO Y MANTENIMIENTO Prueba para detectar fugas de las válvulas, las mangueras y el Consejos de seguridad • Verifique que la tuerca de unión esté bien apretada antes de abrir la válvula del regulador tanque de gas. 1. Apague o desenchufe el controlador. •...
  • Page 31 USO Y MANTENIMIENTO ADVERTENCIA ADVERTENCIA Para usar su parrilla en forma segura y para evitar lesiones INSPECCIÓN DEL SELLO DE GOMA DEL CILINDRO DE GAS LP. graves: • Inspeccione el sello de goma de la válvula del cilindro de gas LP para detectar •...
  • Page 32 USO Y MANTENIMIENTO Perilla de control Indicador O Botón de encendido Pantalla de temperatura Pantalla de temperatura Botón del temporizador Pantalla del Botón AUTO-CLEAN temporizador Indicador de temperatura Anillo de luz de ajuste/real Operación de parrilla de crucero Asar a la parrilla •...
  • Page 33 USO Y MANTENIMIENTO Código de error Tipo de error Causa posible Prevención Solución Sin flujo de gas Asegúrese de que el cilindro LP no esté vacío. Si el cilindro LP no está vacío, consulte "Caída repentina en el flujo de gas en la sección de solución de problemas".
  • Page 34 USO Y MANTENIMIENTO NOTA: Después de la primera conexión del cilindro de gas, la parrilla ADVERTENCIA podría requerir dos o más intentos de encenderse para llevar la cantidad adecuada de gas a los quemadores. • No es posible apagar los fuegos provocados por la grasa cerrando la tapa. Por Encendido del arrancador razones de seguridad, las parrillas tienen aberturas de ventilación.
  • Page 35 USO Y MANTENIMIENTO Control de la llama del quemador ADVERTENCIA • Retire las rejillas de cocción. Encienda el quemador y observe la llama. Si la llama es muy pequeña y el quemador se apaga, con el controlador mostrando el mensaje E01, consulte “Caída repentina o llama baja” en la sección de ¡ALERTA CONTRA LAS ARAÑAS! resolución de problemas.
  • Page 36 USO Y MANTENIMIENTO Cómo limpiar la unidad del quemador Siga estas instrucciones para limpiar o cambiar piezas de la unidad del quemador, o si tiene problemas para encender la parrilla. Cierre el gas en el controlador y el cilindro de propano líquido. Retire las rejillas de cocción y caliente la barra de sabor.
  • Page 37 GARANTÍA LIMITADA Esta garantía es válida únicamente para las unidades adquiridas de los distribuidores autorizados. El fabricante le garantiza únicamente al consumidor-comprador original, que este producto no presentará defectos de mano de obra ni de materiales por el período indicado a continuación, contado desde la fecha de compra*, si se arma correctamente y se usa en el hogar, en condiciones normales y razonables.

Page 38: Parts Diagram

Page 39: parts list, page 40: nomenclature des pièces.


Page 42: Hardware List

Page 43: assembly.

  • Page 44 A S S E M B LY / ASSE M BLAG E / ASAM BLEA C H A R B R O I L.C O M P a g e 4 4...
  • Page 45 A S S E M B LY / ASSE M BLAG E / ASAM BLEA Battery D (not included) Pile D (non compris) Batería D (no viene incluido) C H A R B R O I L.C O M P a g e 4 5...
  • Page 46 A S S E M B LY / ASSE M BLAG E / ASAM BLEA Tighten the screw Serrez le vis Apriete la tornillo C H A R B R O I L.C O M P a g e 4 6...
  • Page 47 A S S E M B LY / ASSE M BLAG E / ASAM BLEA C H A R B R O I L.C O M P a g e 4 7...
  • Page 48 A S S E M B LY / ASSE M BLAG E / ASAM BLEA C H A R B R O I L.C O M P a g e 4 8...
  • Page 49 A S S E M B LY / ASSE M BLAG E / ASAM BLEA C H A R B R O I L.C O M P a g e 4 9...
  • Page 50 A S S E M B LY / ASSE M BLAG E / ASAM BLEA Tighten the screws Serrez les vis Apriete los tornillos C H A R B R O I L.C O M P a g e 5 0...
  • Page 51 A S S E M B LY / ASSE M BLAG E / ASAM BLEA IMPORTANT: Infrared emitters must be placed keeping both flat walls overlapped to prevent any flare-up. IMPORTANT : Les émetteurs infrarouges doivent être placés de manière que les deux parois plates se chevauchent pour fournir une protection contre les flambées soudaines.
  • Page 52 A S S E M B LY / ASSE M BLAG E / ASAM BLEA C H A R B R O I L.C O M P a g e 5 2...
  • Page 54 A S S E M B LY / ASSE M BLAG E / ASAM BLEA CAUTION/ ATTENTION/ ADVERTENCIA Failure to install grease tray and grease pan will cause hot grease to drip from bottom of grill with risk of fire or property damage. Si vous omettez d'installer le plateau d'écoulement de la graisse et le récipient à...
  • Page 55 A S S E M B LY / ASSE M BLAG E / ASAM BLEA E x1 CAUTION/ ATTENTION/ ADVERTENCIA Cylinder valve must face as shown once tank is attached. Failure to install cylinder correctly may allow gas hose to be damaged in operation, resulting in the risk of fire. Le robinet du réservoir doit être orienté...

Page 56: Troubleshooting

  • Page 57 Troubleshooting (continued) Problem Possible Cause Prevention/Solution • • Sudden drop in gas flow or low Out of gas. Check for gas in LP cylinder. • • flame. Excess flow valve tripped. Turn off controller, wait 30 seconds and light grill. If flames are still low, turn off controller and LP cylinder valve.

Page 58: Dépannage

  • Page 59 Dépannage (suite) Problème Cause possible Prévention/Solution • Le gaz est épuisé. • Vérifiez que le réservoir de GPL contient bien du gaz. Baisse subite du flux de gaz ou flamme • La soupape de remplissage excessif a été déclenchée. • Éteignez le contrôleur, attendez 30 secondes, puis allumez le gril. Si les flammes sont faible.
  • Page 60 CASOS DE EMERGENCIA: Si no se puede detener una fuga de gas, o si ocurre un incendio debido a una fuga de gas, llame a los bomberos. Emergencias Causas probables Medidas de prevención / solución • Manguera dañada. • Apague el gas en el cilindro de propano líquido. Deje de usar el producto y reemplace la Fugas de gas de mangueras agrietadas, cortadas o quemadas.
  • Page 61 Resolución de problemas (continuación) Problema Causas probables Medidas de prevención / solución • Se acabó el gas. • Verifique que el tanque de gas esté cargado. Caída repentina del flujo de gas o llama • Se activó la válvula por sobrecarga de gas. •...
  • Page 62 NOTES/ REMARQUES/ NOTAS Pa ge 62 C H A R B R O I L. C O M...

Page 63: Registration Card

  • Page 64 2021 Char-Broil, LLC. Columbus, GA, 31904. Printed in China. Imprimé en China. Impreso en China. © 2021 Assembly instructions. 2021 Assemblée des instructions. 2021 Instrucciones de ensamblado. © © © The product associated with this guide was manufactured in China. Le produit associé à ce guide a été fabriqué en Chine.

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Saturday, April 9, 2022

Product review - char-broil cruise grill with cruise control technology (msrp $699).

[FTC Standard Disclosure] I received a Char-Broil Cruise at no cost for review purposes. All opinions are my own. I receive no compensation for this post, nor do I have any other financial arrangements with Char-Broil or their affiliates.

Product Review – Char-Broil Cruise Grill (MSRP $699)

Earlier this year, Char-Broil introduced their newest, game-changing grill – The Char-Broil Cruise . I was lucky enough to receive a Cruise unit from Char-Broil and have put this new grill through real-life cooking for the past few weeks. Here are my thoughts and experience with this new grill.

Tame The Flame, Change The Game

So what makes this grill a game-changer? Until now, gas grill heat controls have been knobs that control the gas flow  at a set rate of consumption. If I set my old gas grill on “medium”, the grill will let the gas flow at that designated rate. That rate of flow doesn’t change regardless of the actual cooking temperature it achieves or factors like ambient temperature or wind.

The Char-Broil Cruise changes this by cooking at a specific set temperature. If I set the grill for 500°f, the Cruise will assess the grill temperature and if it is anything but 500°f, the grill will adjust the gas flow to achieve 500°f and maintain that temperature. No more guessing or adjusting.

L et’s look at the features that I like and the experience I had while cooking some of the typical backyard basics.

Digital Temperature Control and Auto-Calibration

T he ability to set a precise cooking temperature and know that the grill will maintain it gives a cook confidence. This is true from beginning backyard chefs to seasoned pros like me. The Cruise has a thermometer mounted inside the cooking chamber that provides feedback to a processor. The processor controls the two-burner tubes to maintain the set temperature.

Amplifire Infrared Grill System

Amplifire is Char-Broil’s infrared cooking system that:

  • significantly reduces flare-ups,
  • provides more even heat across the grill surface, and
  • yields juicier food.

I previously enjoyed using this same system on the Char-Broil Commercial grill for year s when it was known as TRU-Infrared technology. This system uses a stainless steel emitter plate to convert flame to infrared heat. Infrared heat cooks the food without drying it out compared to traditional gas grills that cook mostly with hot air, which dries the surface of the food.

Auto-Clean Function

A practical and common way to clean your grill after use is to finish with a high-temperature burn to incinerate any stuck-on food debris. The Cruise has an Auto-Clean mode that ramps the temp up to 600°f for a 30-minute countdown and then automatically shuts down. I find that quite useful because I have accidentally forgotten about a grill in burn mode and left it running for hours. 

Porcelain Coated Cast Iron Grates

The porcelain-coated cast-iron grates can provide exceptional heat transfer, which means good sear marks. I prefer plain cast-iron, but those require more care and upkeep than these porcelain coated grates. That doesn’t mean you can abuse the porcelain grates, porcelain can crack.

Stainless Steel

I prefer grills with a lot of stainless steel  because it looks great and makes clean up easier. The Cruise uses stainless steel for its front-facing trim and lid. The side shelves, side panels, and rear panels are painted.

Shelf Space

The grill has twin 19 ¾” x 12 ½” shelves which come in handy while cooking. I liked the shelves on the Commercial grill better because they were all stainless, which is more resistant to scratches.

Digital Display with Lighted Indicator System

The Cruise has a digital display that is easy to read from up to 20 feet away. I don’t even have to go outside to check on it. The color-shifting light-ring around the dial gives you “at a glance” information about whether the grill is at temp, coming up to temp, auto-cleaning, or if there is an error.

char broil cruise auto clean

Stylish Hood with Glass Viewing Pane

The hood has a glass front that lets you see the food without opening the lid, because as the saying goes, “If you’re looking, then you aren’t cooking.”

Battery Back-Up

The trick with grills that require electricity is what happens if the power goes out. The Cruise boasts a backup power supply that houses 4 d-cell batteries, so if the power flickers or goes out entirely, your cook won’t be affected for up to 2 hours. 

No WiFi, No Problem

This unit is NOT a smart grill that requires connecting to a smartphone via an app . The intelligence is all on board; no mobile phone is needed.

The Cruise is backed up with a 10-year warranty on the burners, 3 years on the lid, firebox, and emitter plates, and 1 year on everything else.


For testing, I have used the Cruise for a little over a month, burning through one tank of propane. I grilled the classics, such as steaks, chicken, burgers, and wings. I cooked in varying weather conditions, including cold temperatures, rain, snow, and strong winds. I cooked using various cooking temps and setups.

Assembly was fairly easy. I put the grill together by myself in just over 1 hour and I didn’t swear an unreasonable amount of times (haha).

Cooks on the Char-Broil Cruise

Bacon cheeseburgers, chicken blt sandwich, chicken teriyaki, steak fajita burritos, what it does well.

  • Precision Heat Control – My experience has been that the Cruise Control Technology works and I quickly trusted the grill. When I set a temp, the grill controls the cooking temperature at that temp even in less than ideal weather.
  • Infrared Heat - I remain a fan of the Amplifier infrared system, it cooks hot and evenly. If I’m going to use a gas grill, I prefer one with a system like this . It is quite similar to the GrillGrates that I and many steak cook-off competitors have used for years.
  • Direct Heat Grilling – It is easy peasy to grill on this thing. Plenty of heat, no flare-ups, nice grill marks, and it handles the weather while cooking. The range of 350°f to 700°f handles all but low and slow smoking. The MAX setting is useful for searing, such as; sous vide and reverse searing. 


  • No two-zone fire or indirect heat options – As mentioned in the review,   The Cruise can’t do two-zone or traditional indirect cooking because there is only one temp control for the entire grill. The Cruise’s solution is to put the warming or roasting rack in the lower position so food isn’t in direct contact with the grates. This worked reasonably well enoug h b ut that rack is only about 4.5” x 23.5”, limiting the amount you can cook. If I was using this grill often for indirect heat, I would find a larger grate (about 16” x 23”) and use nuts and bolts to create 1.5” legs to raise it up.
  • No side burner – One of the advantages of owning a gas grill is having a side burner since virtually no charcoal grills have one. At this price point, I would expect to see a side burner on the Cruise.

I have often said that the Char-Broil Commercial grill was my favorite grill from a big-box store but  with its precise temperature control, the new Char-Broil Cruise gives it a run for its money. 

Char-Broil Cruise Gas Grill review 2022

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Char-Broil Cruise Control Amplifire Gas Grill with 3 Burners, Handle and Cabinet Design and Stainless Steel for Kitchens and Propane Grills, Grey

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Char-Broil Cruise Control Amplifire Gas Grill with 3 Burners, Handle and Cabinet Design and Stainless Steel for Kitchens and Propane Grills, Grey

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Purchase options and add-ons

About this item.

  • Precision Grilling Control: Set and maintain exact cooking temperatures with Cruise Control Technology, ensuring ideal results every time
  • Amplifire Cooking System: Enjoy up to 50 percent juicier food with even heat distribution and reduced flare-ups
  • Sleek and Modern Design: Illuminate your outdoor gatherings with integrated LED lights while the sleek stainless steel construction upgrades the aesthetics of your outdoor space, blending style with functionality for an unmatched grilling experience
  • Effortless Ignition: SureFire electronic ignition for quick and reliable starts at the push of a button
  • Easy Assembly and Maintenance: Intuitive design and durable porcelain-coated, cast-iron grates not only simplify setup but also streamline cleanup, allowing you to spend more time enjoying your culinary creations and less time scrubbing

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Char-Broil® Pro Series™ with Amplifire™ Technology 3-Burner Propane Gas Grill and Griddle Cabinet, Black - 463365124

Product Description

The Cruise is the first gas grill with Cruise Control Technology, capable of setting and maintaining a cooking temperature from start to finish, helping you dial into better-tasting food unlike any gas grill has before. The Cruise is the first gas grill of its kind, capable of setting and maintaining cooking temperature from start to finish. Built-in auto-calibration helps keep the heat consistent as you cook, allowing you to grill things in a way you never thought possible. The result is an unprecedented level of temperature control. With the push of a button, the Cruise does the dirty work - cleaning your grill after every session with auto shut-off once the job is done. The Digital Control Dial features a lighted ring that displays your grill's current status during use, communicating pre-heating, ready-to-cook, auto-clean mode and more. The Cruise delivers incredible temperature range with a MAX mode capable of delivering heat of 700+ degrees for steakhouse-quality searing. The Cruise features the Amplifire cooking system that takes grilling to another level by preventing flare-ups and helping you grill the juiciest foods you've ever made. The Cruise is equipped with a built-in flame sensor that will turn the grill off if it does not ignite within a certain time or if at any point during cooking the flame goes out to prevent overheating or accidents. Dimensions & Weight Assembled Dimensions 22.5x47.2x58.8 Assembled Depth 22.5 Assembled Width 58.8 Assembled Height 47.2 Warranty Burner Warranty Term (Years) 10 Years Grate/Emitter Warranty Term (Years) 3 Years Lid/Firebox Warranty Term (Years) 3 Other Parts Warranty Term (Years) 1 Materials Grate Material Porcelain Coated Cast Iron Cooking Grate Material Porcelain Coated Cast Iron Burner Material Stainless Steel Heat Tent Material Stainless Steel Side Shelf Material Black Painted Steel Additional Specifications Model Number 463258622 Cooking System Gas Amplifire Assembly Required Yes Fuel Type Propane Gas Temperature Gauge Control System Ignition Type N/A Wheels Locking Casters (2)

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Product Review - Char-Broil Cruise Grill with Cruise Control Technology (MSRP $699)

April 09, 2022

[FTC Standard Disclosure] I received a Char-Broil Cruise at no cost for review purposes. All opinions are my own. I receive no compensation for this post, nor do I have any other financial arrangements with Char-Broil or their affiliates.

Product Review – Char-Broil Cruise Grill (MSRP $699)

Earlier this year, Char-Broil introduced their newest, game-changing grill – The Char-Broil Cruise . I was lucky enough to receive a Cruise unit from Char-Broil and have put this new grill through real-life cooking for the past few weeks. Here are my thoughts and experience with this new grill.

Tame The Flame, Change The Game

So what makes this grill a game-changer? Until now, gas grill heat controls have been knobs that control the gas flow  at a set rate of consumption. If I set my old gas grill on “medium”, the grill will let the gas flow at that designated rate. That rate of flow doesn’t change regardless of the actual cooking temperature it achieves or factors like ambient temperature or wind.

The Char-Broil Cruise changes this by cooking at a specific set temperature. If I set the grill for 500°f, the Cruise will assess the grill temperature and if it is anything but 500°f, the grill will adjust the gas flow to achieve 500°f and maintain that temperature. No more guessing or adjusting.

L et’s look at the features that I like and the experience I had while cooking some of the typical backyard basics.

Digital Temperature Control and Auto-Calibration

T he ability to set a precise cooking temperature and know that the grill will maintain it gives a cook confidence. This is true from beginning backyard chefs to seasoned pros like me. The Cruise has a thermometer mounted inside the cooking chamber that provides feedback to a processor. The processor controls the two-burner tubes to maintain the set temperature.

Amplifire Infrared Grill System

Amplifire is Char-Broil’s infrared cooking system that:

  • significantly reduces flare-ups,
  • provides more even heat across the grill surface, and
  • yields juicier food.

I previously enjoyed using this same system on the Char-Broil Commercial grill for year s when it was known as TRU-Infrared technology. This system uses a stainless steel emitter plate to convert flame to infrared heat. Infrared heat cooks the food without drying it out compared to traditional gas grills that cook mostly with hot air, which dries the surface of the food.

Auto-Clean Function

A practical and common way to clean your grill after use is to finish with a high-temperature burn to incinerate any stuck-on food debris. The Cruise has an Auto-Clean mode that ramps the temp up to 600°f for a 30-minute countdown and then automatically shuts down. I find that quite useful because I have accidentally forgotten about a grill in burn mode and left it running for hours. 

Porcelain Coated Cast Iron Grates

The porcelain-coated cast-iron grates can provide exceptional heat transfer, which means good sear marks. I prefer plain cast-iron, but those require more care and upkeep than these porcelain coated grates. That doesn’t mean you can abuse the porcelain grates, porcelain can crack.

Stainless Steel

I prefer grills with a lot of stainless steel  because it looks great and makes clean up easier. The Cruise uses stainless steel for its front-facing trim and lid. The side shelves, side panels, and rear panels are painted.

Shelf Space

The grill has twin 19 ¾” x 12 ½” shelves which come in handy while cooking. I liked the shelves on the Commercial grill better because they were all stainless, which is more resistant to scratches.

Digital Display with Lighted Indicator System

The Cruise has a digital display that is easy to read from up to 20 feet away. I don’t even have to go outside to check on it. The color-shifting light-ring around the dial gives you “at a glance” information about whether the grill is at temp, coming up to temp, auto-cleaning, or if there is an error.

char broil cruise auto clean

Stylish Hood with Glass Viewing Pane

The hood has a glass front that lets you see the food without opening the lid, because as the saying goes, “If you’re looking, then you aren’t cooking.”

Battery Back-Up

The trick with grills that require electricity is what happens if the power goes out. The Cruise boasts a backup power supply that houses 4 d-cell batteries, so if the power flickers or goes out entirely, your cook won’t be affected for up to 2 hours. 

No WiFi, No Problem

This unit is NOT a smart grill that requires connecting to a smartphone via an app . The intelligence is all on board; no mobile phone is needed.

The Cruise is backed up with a 10-year warranty on the burners, 3 years on the lid, firebox, and emitter plates, and 1 year on everything else.


For testing, I have used the Cruise for a little over a month, burning through one tank of propane. I grilled the classics, such as steaks, chicken, burgers, and wings. I cooked in varying weather conditions, including cold temperatures, rain, snow, and strong winds. I cooked using various cooking temps and setups.

Assembly was fairly easy. I put the grill together by myself in just over 1 hour and I didn’t swear an unreasonable amount of times (haha).

Cooks on the Char-Broil Cruise

Bacon cheeseburgers, chicken blt sandwich, chicken teriyaki, steak fajita burritos, what it does well.

  • Precision Heat Control – My experience has been that the Cruise Control Technology works and I quickly trusted the grill. When I set a temp, the grill controls the cooking temperature at that temp even in less than ideal weather.
  • Infrared Heat - I remain a fan of the Amplifier infrared system, it cooks hot and evenly. If I’m going to use a gas grill, I prefer one with a system like this . It is quite similar to the GrillGrates that I and many steak cook-off competitors have used for years.
  • Direct Heat Grilling – It is easy peasy to grill on this thing. Plenty of heat, no flare-ups, nice grill marks, and it handles the weather while cooking. The range of 350°f to 700°f handles all but low and slow smoking. The MAX setting is useful for searing, such as; sous vide and reverse searing. 


  • No two-zone fire or indirect heat options – As mentioned in the review,   The Cruise can’t do two-zone or traditional indirect cooking because there is only one temp control for the entire grill. The Cruise’s solution is to put the warming or roasting rack in the lower position so food isn’t in direct contact with the grates. This worked reasonably well enoug h b ut that rack is only about 4.5” x 23.5”, limiting the amount you can cook. If I was using this grill often for indirect heat, I would find a larger grate (about 16” x 23”) and use nuts and bolts to create 1.5” legs to raise it up.
  • No side burner – One of the advantages of owning a gas grill is having a side burner since virtually no charcoal grills have one. At this price point, I would expect to see a side burner on the Cruise.

I have often said that the Char-Broil Commercial grill was my favorite grill from a big-box store but  with its precise temperature control, the new Char-Broil Cruise gives it a run for its money. 

Char-Broil Cruise Gas Grill review 2022

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The Char-Broil Cruise Gas Grill Temperature Can be Dialed-in

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Char-Broil Cruise Gas Grill

With the proliferation of smart grills , consumers are expecting ease and convenience with grilling more and more. To satisfy that need, Char-Broil is getting a jump start on the 2022 grilling season by releasing the Char-Broil Cruise gas grill . According to Char-Broil, this is the first gas grill that can set and maintain a cooking temperature from start to finish.

The Char-Broil gas grill has an MSRP of $699, is available on Char-Broil’s website on April 11th and will be sold at Lowe’s . The grill is expected to compete with new gas grills from Weber and Nexgrill . It features a knob that controls a temperature setting, similar to an oven, getting rid of low, medium, high type knobs.

The Cruise gas grill is the first gas grill of its kind to put this kind of temperature control into the hands of grillers. People have come to believe that all gas grills are the same and that working hard to manage heat variations has to be part of the outdoor cooking process. We believe in ‘grilling smarter, not harder,’ so we’ve created a grill that is capable of producing reliable and consistent cooking temperatures, allowing people to spend more time enjoying every aspect of backyard cooking. Mark Werner, President and CEO of Char-Broil

In addition to having a temperature control know, the Char-Broil gas grill comes with the following features.

  • Auto Clean Mode
  • Max temperature of 700+ degrees F
  • 540 square inches of cooking space
  • A built-in flame sensor that will turn the grill off if it does not ignite within a certain time or if at any point during cooking the flame goes out
  • Patented Amplifire™ cooking system that prevents flare-ups
  • char-broil cruise
  • lowe's grill
  • smart grill

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char broil gas grilling

Char-Broil Brings Cruise Control to Gas Grilling

In BBQ by Mark Masker 12/14/2021 Leave a Comment

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For over seven decades, Char-Broil has been one of the most trusted names in outdoor cooking by offering products that make grilling enjoyable for everyone, no matter their skill level. Now, Char-Broil welcomes grillers to new concept in gas grilling with the Char-Broil Cruise Gas Grill. They say it’s the first gas grill that can set and maintain a cooking temperature from start to finish.

It features Cruise Control Technology which sets and maintains a cooking temperature from start to finish using a single the digital control dial. The grill’s built-in auto-calibration keeps the heat consistent as you cook.

char broil cruise auto clean

In addition to total temperature control, the Cruise gas grill also features:

  • Auto Clean Mode: Allegedly, with the push of a button, the Cruise gas grill does the dirty work — cleaning your grill after every session with auto shut-off once the job is done. How it does this was not readily apparent from the press release. Perhaps a gnome living inside it? Or maybe it’s self-cleaning in the same way your kitchen oven is. That makes more sense but the gnome idea is more fun.
  • Real-Time Status Indicators: The digital control dial features color-coded rings that display your grill’s status during use.
  • MAX Heat: The Cruise gas grill delivers a high temperature range with a MAX Mode capable of delivering 700+ degrees of heat across 540 square inches of cooking space for steakhouse-quality searing (or destroying Sauron’s ring).
  • Safety, Built-In: The Cruise gas grill is equipped with a built-in flame sensor that will turn the grill off if it does not ignite within a certain time or if at any point during cooking the flame goes out.
  • Amplifire Cooking System: The Cruise gas grill features the patented Amplifire cooking system that prevents flare-ups.

The Cruise gas grill will be available in early Spring 2022 as a Lowe’s Home Improvement exclusive. Visit the maker’s website for more products.

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How to clean a Char-Broil gas grill?

Title: How to Clean a Char-Broil Gas Grill

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Importance of Regular Cleaning

Cleaning your Char-Broil gas grill is essential to maintaining its performance and extending its lifespan. Over time, grease, food residue, and other debris can accumulate on the grill grates and burners, leading to uneven heating and potential flare-ups. Regular cleaning also helps to prevent the buildup of harmful bacteria and mold, ensuring that your food is safe to eat. By following a few simple steps, you can keep your Char-Broil gas grill in top condition and enjoy delicious, perfectly cooked meals every time.

Gather Your Supplies

Before you begin cleaning your Char-Broil gas grill, gather all the necessary supplies. You will need a wire grill brush, a grill scraper, a bucket of warm, soapy water, a sponge or cloth, and a pair of rubber gloves. Additionally, you may want to have some stainless steel cleaner on hand for stubborn stains or residue. Having all your supplies within reach will make the cleaning process more efficient and ensure that you don’t overlook any important steps.

Cleaning the Grill Grates

Start by preheating your grill to a high temperature for 10-15 minutes. This will help to loosen any stuck-on residue, making it easier to remove. Once the grill is hot, use the wire grill brush to scrub the grates, removing any debris and buildup. For stubborn residue, you can also use a grill scraper to dislodge the debris. After scrubbing the grates, dip a sponge or cloth in the warm, soapy water and wipe them down to remove any remaining grease or residue. Rinse the grates with clean water and dry them thoroughly before reassembling them in the grill.

Cleaning the Burners

Next, you’ll need to clean the burners of your Char-Broil gas grill. Remove the grates and heat shields to access the burners. Use the wire brush to clean the outside of the burners, removing any debris that has built up. Then, carefully remove the burners and inspect them for any clogs or blockages. If necessary, use a small wire brush or a paper clip to gently clear any obstructions. Once the burners are clean, reassemble them and replace the grates and heat shields.

Cleaning the Exterior

Don’t forget to clean the exterior of your Char-Broil gas grill as well. Use a mild detergent and water to wipe down the outside of the grill, removing any grease, dirt, or fingerprints. For stainless steel grills, you can use a stainless steel cleaner to restore the shine and luster of the metal. Be sure to dry the exterior thoroughly to prevent water spots or streaks from forming.

Maintaining Your Grill

In addition to regular cleaning, it’s important to perform routine maintenance on your Char-Broil gas grill. This includes checking for gas leaks, inspecting the hoses and connections, and replacing any worn or damaged parts. By keeping your grill in good working order, you can ensure that it continues to perform at its best and provide you with many years of delicious outdoor cooking.

How often should I clean my Char-Broil gas grill?

It’s recommended to clean your grill after every use, or at least once a month during the grilling season. Regular cleaning helps to prevent the buildup of grease and debris, which can affect the performance and flavor of your food.

Can I use oven cleaner on my grill grates?

It’s not recommended to use oven cleaner on grill grates, as the chemicals can be harmful if not thoroughly rinsed off. Instead, use a wire grill brush and warm, soapy water to clean the grates.

What is the best way to remove stubborn stains from the grill grates?

For stubborn stains, you can create a paste using baking soda and water, and apply it to the grates. Let it sit for 10-15 minutes, then scrub with a wire brush and rinse thoroughly.

Should I oil the grill grates after cleaning?

After cleaning and drying the grates, you can lightly coat them with cooking oil to prevent food from sticking. Be sure to heat the grill for a few minutes before adding food to create a non-stick surface.

Can I clean the burners with water?

It’s best to avoid using water directly on the burners, as this can lead to rust and corrosion. Instead, use a wire brush or scraper to remove debris, and wipe down the burners with a dry cloth.

Are there any safety precautions I should take when cleaning my gas grill?

When cleaning your gas grill, be sure to follow all safety precautions provided by the manufacturer. This may include turning off the gas supply, disconnecting the propane tank, and allowing the grill to cool before cleaning.

How do I prevent rust on my Char-Broil gas grill?

To prevent rust, it’s important to keep your grill clean and dry, especially when not in use. Store it in a covered area or use a grill cover to protect it from the elements.

Should I clean the interior of the grill as well?

Yes, it’s important to clean the interior of the grill, including the heat shields and grease tray. This helps to prevent flare-ups and ensures that your grill continues to operate efficiently.

Can I use a pressure washer to clean my gas grill?

It’s not recommended to use a pressure washer on your gas grill, as the high pressure can damage the components and push debris into sensitive areas. Stick to using a wire brush and soapy water for cleaning.

How do I know when it’s time to replace the grill grates?

If the grates are heavily rusted, warped, or have significant damage, it may be time to replace them. Check for replacement parts specific to your Char-Broil grill model.

What should I do if I encounter problems while cleaning my grill?

If you encounter any technical issues or difficulties while cleaning your Char-Broil gas grill, refer to the user manual for troubleshooting tips and contact the manufacturer for support if needed.

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About Julie Howell

Julie has over 20 years experience as a writer and over 30 as a passionate home cook; this doesn't include her years at home with her mother, where she thinks she spent more time in the kitchen than out of it. She loves scouring the internet for delicious, simple, heartwarming recipes that make her look like a MasterChef winner. Her other culinary mission in life is to convince her family and friends that vegetarian dishes are much more than a basic salad. She lives with her husband, Dave, and their two sons in Alabama.

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Table of Contents

About Char-Broil

Charbroil Review

Ready for summer fun, sun, and dining? It doesn’t quite seem like a warm season without the patio, pool, and the sizzling sounds of the grill going. We can’t help with all of those elements, but with Char-Broil in the industry, we can definitely lend a hand with that last part. 

Providing grills, accessories, and everything one could need for an ideal BBQ, this brand has existed in the market for over 60 years with dedication to the art of grilling.

This name is far from unknown. With currently 63.6k followers on Instagram, this business has also popped up in feature articles by Forbes, The New York Times, Business Insider , and more. The overarching theme amongst them – quality products.

Our Char-Broil review won’t be easily swayed. We’re looking into products, prices, ratings, and more to determine whether this brand is one to buy.

Overview of Char-Broil

Charbroil Review

Founded back in 1948 , Char-Broil hasn’t taken a moment to pause on their innovation and successes. 

From day one, this brand has been about bringing the best grills to market, and their adaptability with time and technology has proven that they truly are dedicated to the cause. 

Among the first in charcoal grills, portable grills, electric grills, and electric ignition, they never stop working towards the next best thing.

Working to provide quality products for affordable prices, Char-Broil balances style and substance in all pieces to achieve the best. Decades in the industry have taught this business what customers look for in not only their grills but also the grilling experience. 

Always working with their customer base to discover the next steps forward, Char-Broil takes pride in the communication they hold with customers.

This brand is all about showing off the experience and that’s why they’ve got so many good things going for them. Check out just a few highlights this Char-Broil review stumbled across.

  • Offers a wide range of grills and grilling accessories for outdoor cooking
  • Grill Finder Quiz
  • International shipping
  • Good customer reviews
  • Affirm payment plans available

Charbroil Review

We want a well-rounded perspective for this Char-Broil review and that means including a range of products in this next section. Selecting from the top-sellers of the brand, we’re here to give a glimpse into the world of grilling to pique the interest in what all this business offers.

Char-Broil Grill Review

We wanted to keep things nice and simple in this Char-Broil review and that means limiting selections to only the best of the best. That’s why we’ve chosen to feature two of the top grills this brand has to offer.

Char-Broil Performance Series 4-Burner Gas Grill Review

Char-Broil Performance Series 4-Burner Gas Grill Review

Searching for that starter grill? The Performance Series 4-Burner Gas Grill works well for every level of grill-master to build up the newbies until they reach the title of king.

Versatility, thy name is Performance Series. This Char-Broil grill is all about providing the best in every scenario and that means whether grilling burgers for a crowd or just perfecting a crispy BBQ chicken for a dinner for two, the grill delivers on flavor every time.

Monitor the temperature gauge on the lid to check cook time and heat while storing the food and supplies on the side trays and shelving. Finish the first meal but the rest need more time? Perfect excuse to use the side burner to keep things warm and ready for serving.

Get grilling for a good time with this one for $390 .

Char-Broil Cruise 435s Gas Grill Review

Char-Broil Cruise 435s Gas Grill Review

We know that a lot of life has become man vs machine, but trust us when we say there will only be good times with the Char-Broil Cruise 435s Gas Grill in the game.

Remember when the beauty of cruise control was introduced to the world of cars? It became time to enjoy the road and destination rather than struggle to maintain certain speeds. Well, Char-Broil brought that stunning mind-frame to the world of grilling.

Set and maintain a temperature with the push of a button to ensure a consistent heat level for a more distributed cook. 

Once the best is done, rather than suffer the worst (no one enjoys cleaning the grill) this model offers up a nice auto-clean function followed by an automatic shut-off . Basically, this grill does all the work and makes us look like the pros.

Get cooking for $700 .

Char-Broil Grill Parts Review

There are a lot of parts that go into maintenance and care when it comes to grills. We don’t really have time to highlight them all, but we do want to throw out acknowledgement to one specific grill part that really helps customers become the BBQ Master.

Char-Broil Left Side Shelf Review

Char-Broil Left Side Shelf Review

It’s incredibly easy to get overwhelmed while grilling and run out of room. We’re happy to say the Char-Broil Left Side Shelf eliminates the issue.

We know that there are endless Char-Broil grill parts we could be showing off right now, but let’s face the facts – we all could use a bit more storage in life. 

Whether for spray bottles, cleaning brushes, food, water, or whatever else may be needed during the process, it never hurts to have the space.

Slotting into place as though it was meant to be there (maybe because it was designed that way), this shelf adds to the overall form and function.  

Simple to install and incredibly easy to take advantage of having. We almost guarantee this one will be in use as soon as it’s installed.

Add extra storage for $18 .

Char-Broil Grill Cover Review

Don’t run from the rain – embrace the storm with the Char-Broil Grill Cover . Available in custom and unique sizes, this popular cover is all about keeping things nice and cozy in the worst weather.

Char-Broil Modular Outdoor Kitchen 5 Burner Premium Cover Review

Char-Broil Modular Outdoor Kitchen 5 Burner Premium Cover Review

We all love a good grill, but with that love tends to come a need for solid maintenance and care. That’s why we depend on the Modular Outdoor Kitchen Burner Premium Cover .

This Char-Broil Grill Cover understands its assignment and follows through with its abilities to prove it’s the best. 

Covering up the essential aspects during the roughest of weather, it’s easy to sit through a thunderstorm and get to grilling as soon as the rain dies down. Just peel off the durable fabric cover , start the propane, and get grilling.

We know the real worries – sun damage and wind, right? Luckily, this cover comes prepared. Coated in a UV protection , the sun doesn’t stand a chance against this one. 

Add in the weighted edges to hold down the fort during a summer storm and this one will keep all 5 burners secure for the best of BBQ parties.

Keep securely covered for $60 .

Char-Broil Smoker Review

Don’t fear smoke when it offers so much flavor to explore. Embrace the beauty of the haze and use those natural tastes with confidence once a Char-Broil Smoker has been added to the mix. This best-seller knows what it’s doing and has so much to give to every meal.  

Char-Broil 20″ Bullet Smoker Review

Char-Broil 20" Bullet Smoker Review

Taking a bite of smoked meat is really the introduction to flavor profiles that we all need. Start introducing your palette to the good stuff with the Char-Broil 20” Bullet Smoker .

Saving on space and money, this small smoker does the job with ease. Toss in a brisket and start smoking up while this cozy container does the work. Simplifying the process, this porcelain-coated container really is the spark to start the flavor fire.

Want to bring the BBQ to a friend? Transportation is no issue as the body of this Char-Broil Smoker comes with two sturdy handles to minimize moving hassle . 

Offering air control internally to maintain heat and smoke without crossing dangerous territory, even the newest beginner will be able to impress with this by their side.

Add some life to lunches with this smoker for $360 .

Char-Broil Big Easy Oil-Less Turkey Fryer Review

Char-Broil Big Easy Oil-Less Turkey Fryer Review

Is there anything quite as hardcore as deep-frying a turkey? Reduce the worry and stress while enjoying that crispy texture with the Char-Broil Big Easy Oil-Less Turkey Fryer .

Whether heard of through media or just the neighbors, there’s something about the idea of deep frying a turkey that’s just too satisfying. 

Maybe it’s the crispy skin that crunches with every bite countered by the incredibly juicy meat inside or maybe it’s just the fun in the process – either way, we’re here for it. 

Unfortunately, traditional deep frying methods can be dangerous with such a large product – enter Char-Broil.

This piece used infrared technology to cook the turkey, meaning even heat distribution throughout cooking time for a better bite. No oil heating or dumping , just a rotating, frying turkey with easy clean up through the grease trap. 

Quick to clean, easy to cook, simple to store – it doesn’t get much better than that.

Prep for Thanksgiving with this product for $160 .

Who Is Char-Broil For? 

Charbroil Review

Grill masters, newbies, and those in-between, this brand is for you. We’re saying there’s an age limit here because no one wants kids cooking with fire, but every adult who loves a good grilled meal will adore these products. 

Simplifying the cooking process with easy instructions, installation, and clean-up, Char-Broil keeps the BBQ life easy as can be.

Char-Broil Reviews: What Do Customers Think?

Charbroil Review

This Char-Broil review wanted to do its duty – that meant searching through customer reports and ratings to find those honest opinions we all rely on. Luckily, this name appears quite a few locations online, so we were able to read into the ratings all we wanted.

The easiest place to find reviews came from the brand site itself. Listed by product, customers seem to adore the quality that this brand offers . 

The 4-Burner Gas Griddle alone has 4.6/5 stars based on over 45 ratings. While this isn’t the most popular product online, it does still sit comfortably with customers fawning over the ease of use and endless features.

We’ve done a lot of research on this one, and we aren’t the only ones. We’ll let this Char-Broil review take it from here: 

“ this is the only one that I found that lets you level the grill top . Also, the grease catcher is located perfectly and there is NO dripping! ” Keeping things clean, shining, and safe, this griddle aims to provide the perfect platform for cooking in any season.

“ The product is made of great material and doesn’t seem cheap . Easy to connect your propane tank. The knobs are smooth to turn and the fire itself was all across even on each of their own burners. The clean up was simple and smooth. The grease collector tray is a great feature. ”

This brand seems to be fairly confident in the work they produce. We’re not going to argue with a business producing items that ease the complexity of grilling into manageable steps that any griller can master. 

Built to last, these products offer convenience, dispersed heat, and above all else, the crispy edges that every BBQ party craves.

We will say that reviews from online platforms don’t appear in the hundreds, so it’s good to keep in mind that any ratings from lower numbers don’t necessarily reflect the overall customer base.

However, even with low numbers, this brand still managed to achieve 3.8/5 stars based on over 75 ratings on Consumer Affairs.

We’ll admit, the reviews about this product really speak to its durability and quality. 

One Char-Broil review even admits to having had the grill for “ at least 10 years so I highly recommend this brand and this company. Everything still works like new , including four burners for grilling and a fifth burner on the right hand side for boiling an extra pot and the thermostat on the hood. ”

The same reviewer went on to say “ This company’s customer service has always been very helpful and I highly recommend them! ” noting that not only does this brand offer quality products, but also top-tier customer service. 

With notes like that, it’s no wonder this business managed an A+ rating from the Better Business Bureau.

We do want to take a look at some higher numbers though, so we turned to Amazon for individual product ratings. We were far from disappointed. 

The Char-Broil 17102065 Big Easy Oil-Less Liquid Propane Turkey Fryer currently holds 4.7/5 stars based on over 4,660 and that’s not even the most popular Char-Broil product on this platform.

“ I’ve cooked a variety of meats in this cooker, from ribs, pork roasts and chickens to moose roasts. It does a great job on all of them and when I use a meat thermometer with it everything is cooked just how we like it. The cleanup only takes a few minutes , that’s a big selling point for me. ”

Customers seem to adore this product’s simple set up, cooking, and clean-up. Removing oil from the situation, foods still achieve that crisp, deep-fried texture we all crave with an even cook throughout the whole piece. 

One reviewer even noted that it’s “ magic… cooks any meat to perfection ! This is well worth the money! ”

Solidifying buyers as repeat customers after a single use, Char-Broil products know how to garner attention. Check out these other highly rated products on Amazon:

  • Char-Broil 465620011 Portable Gas Grill: 4/5 stars based on over 1,300 ratings 
  • Char-Broil 12401734 TRU-Infrared Portable Grill2Go Gas Grill: 4.4/5 stars based on 2,150 ratings
  • Char-Broil Classic 280 2-Burner Liquid Propane Gas Grill with Side Burner: 4.1/5 stars based on over 905 ratings 
  • Char-Broil 9127385 TRU-Infrared Replacement Grate and: 4.3/5 stars based on over 1,100 ratings 

We know that there are not a lot of ratings for the business and the delivery service themselves, but when it comes to product ratings, this brand doesn’t disappoint. There’s a reason this business is known for their name.

Is Char-Broil Legit?

Charbroil Review

According to our research, this Char-Broil review can proudly say that the brand is legit. We found no areas of concern online other than a few issues with customer service from limited TrustPilot ratings. The large population of buyers seem happily satisfied with their purchases.

Is Char-Broil Worth It?

Charbroil Review

In our honest opinion, this brand is worth buying. All ratings and product information our team stumbled upon only bolstered the opinion that this company understands quality .

Offering products with lasting lifespans and versatility in their use, it’s clear that this business knows how to balance form and function . 

Customers seem pleased with the substance of each product and, despite higher prices due to the products in question, everyone seems happy to pay for products worth their time and money.

Char-Broil Promotions & Discounts  

Charbroil Review

At the time of writing this Char-Broil review, there’s currently 20% off brushes and cleaning Supplies with CLEAN20 .

Where to Buy Char-Broil

Charbroil Review

Searching in hopes of finding easy access for a purchase? The best place by far is the brand’s own site at , but there are a number of other locations on the market to shop from. We’ve picked just a few to make note of:

Charbroil Review

Who owns Char-Broil?

Char-Broil is currently owned and operated by W. C. Bradley Co.

Does Char-Broil ship internationally?

Absolutely, they do . This brand offers limited shipping with customs and taxes dependent on the shipping location.

What is Char-Broil’s Shipping Policy?

Find a product worth paying for? It’s always good to know what costs to expect when going through the shipping process.

There are three shipping speeds available: Ground, Expedited, and Next Day. Ground shipping costs are dependent on order size while expedited service adds $15 to the original amount and Next Day shipping adds $25 on top of the original order cost. 

There are a lot of pricing ranges, so we’re just going to keep this one in a chart for easy reading:

What is Char-Broil’s Return Policy?

Something not working quite as planned? No worries as Char-Broil is more than happy to make a return within 30 days of purchase . Products must be new and unused in order to get a full refund.

The process itself requires Customer Service contact to start things off:

  • Contact Customer Service through phone or contact form for an RMA #
  • Repackage item with original packaging slip and the RMA # written on the slip
  • Write the RMA # on the outside of the box
  • Ship to:

ATTN: Returns 1333 Belfast Ave. Columbus, GA 31904

Once it’s been shipped, the brand will be in touch about the refund within two weeks of receiving the package. Reach out to customer service with any questions on the process.

How to Contact Char-Broil

Finish up this Char-Broil review with any last questions? Reach out to customer service for the answer. There are three easy ways to get in touch from Monday to Saturday, 9 am to 7 pm EST:

  • Phone : 1-866-239-6777
  • Fill out their Online Contact Form

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Spark Grills

Camp Chef 

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    Review of the Char-Broil Cruise 2022. L et's look at the features that I like and the experience I had while cooking some of the typical backyard basics.. Features Digital Temperature Control and Auto-Calibration. T he ability to set a precise cooking temperature and know that the grill will maintain it gives a cook confidence. This is true from beginning backyard chefs to seasoned pros like me.

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  7. Char-Broil Cruise Control Amplifire Gas Grill with 3 Burners, Handle Char-Broil Cruise Control Amplifire Gas Grill with 3 Burners, Handle and Cabinet Design and Stainless Steel for Kitchens and Propane Grills, ... auto-clean mode and more. The Cruise delivers incredible temperature range with a MAX mode capable of delivering heat of 700+ degrees for steakhouse-quality searing. The Cruise features the ...

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