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Jobs with the GNTB

In line with our remit, the GNTB's areas of activity are very diverse. At head office, they include tasks in tourism marketing, press and commercial areas.

We employ around 150 dedicated staff, roughly half of whom work at the head office in Frankfurt/Main and half at the foreign offices. Depending on their field of activity, they have a wide range of professional qualifications, some of which we provide at the head office (see Training and internships).

Current vacancies

Stand: 17.05.2024

Die Auslandsvertretung der Deutsche Zentrale für Tourismus, e.V. (DZT) in Zürich sucht zum 01. August 2024 eine(n)

Junior Manager Public Relations & Events (w/m/d)

Die Anstellung erfolgt nach schweizerischem Recht als Ortskraft unbefristet.

Ihre Aufgaben: Sie entwickeln die marktspezifische Presse-Strategie und setzen diese um. Dazu gehört die aktive Platzierung der DZT-Themen und die Betreuung von Presseanfragen sowie die Erstellung des regelmäßigen DZT-Pressenewsletter. Sie halten den Kontakt zu Medienschaffenden aufrecht und tragen aktiv zum Ausbau des Netzwerkes bei. Sie planen und organisieren Presseevents und Pressereisen sowie Redaktionsbesuche und setzen diese um. Sie monitoren die Entwicklung der Schweizer Presselandschaft und erstellen Wirkungs- und Erfolgskontrollen, planen und verwalten Ihr Projektbudget.

Für die Zusammenarbeit mit den touristischen Partnern in Deutschland entwickeln und vermarkten Sie DZT-Presseleistungen und –angebote.

In Ihrem Aufgabenbereich liegt ebenso die Planung und Umsetzung des Bereichs Influencer Marketing & Relations.

Ihr Profil: Für unser Team suchen wir eine Fachkraft mit erster Berufserfahrung. Wir erwarten ein abgeschlossenes Bachelorstudium an einer Universität oder Fachhochschule (FH/BA) oder eine vergleichbare Ausbildung. Erfahrungen im PR & Influencer Bereich sowie der Event-Organisation sind erwünscht. Kenntnisse im Presse-Bereich - Medien, Influencer, Blogger, vorzugsweise in der schweizerischen Medienlandschaft - sind von Vorteil.

Erwartet werden grundlegende geographische Kenntnisse und Produktwissen über das Reiseland Deutschland. Neben sehr guten Deutschkenntnissen in Wort & Schrift (Textsicherheit) sind gute Französischkenntnisse sind von Vorteil.

Sie sind kommunikativ, flexibel und belastbar, methodisches, selbständiges und zielorientiertes Arbeiten gewöhnt. Sie sind digitalaffin und besitzen Kreativität, Organisationstalent und arbeiten sowohl gut im Team als auch selbständig entsprechend den strategischen Vorgaben. Präsentationssicherheit ist für Sie selbstverständlich. Sie haben Begeisterung für die Organisation von Events und verstehen es, ehrgeizige Vorhaben auch unter herausfordernden Bedingungen geschickt umzusetzen.

Bitte richten Sie Ihre Bewerbung inklusive CV unter Angabe Ihres Eintrittstermins und Ihrer Gehaltsvorstellung an den Leiter der DZT Auslandvertretung:

Stefan Mieczkowski Deutsche Zentrale für Tourismus, e.V. Freischützgasse 3 CH 8004 Zürich

[email protected]

Stand: 09.02.2024

Die Deutsche Zentrale für Tourismus e.V. (DZT) sucht umgehend für die Zentrale in Frankfurt am Main eine/einen

Leitung Revision (w/m/d) - Teilzeit 50%

Zu Ihren Aufgaben gehören die:

  • Prüfung der Verwendung der Zuwendungsmittel des Bundes in der Hauptverwaltung der DZT in Frankfurt/Main sowie bei den 12 DZT-Auslandsvertretungen.
  • Sie prüfen den effizienten Einsatz der Mittel und kontrollieren alle Aktivitäten der DZT auf Satzungskonformität, wobei Sie mit dem Vorstand und den verantwortlichen Mitarbeitern zusammen die systematische Erfolgskontrolle ausbauen.
  • Einen Schwerpunkt Ihrer Tätigkeit wird die Prüfung des Jahresabschlusses mit der Analyse des abgelaufenen Wirtschaftsjahres bilden.
  • Nicht zuletzt sind Sie für die Optimierung der steuerlichen und monetären Prozesse der DZT mit zuständig.
  • Sie beraten Mitarbeitende bei der Einführung und Optimierung von Prozessen.

Wir erwarten ein abgeschlossenes wissenschaftliches Hochschulstudium im Bereich Wirtschaftswissenschaften Schwerpunkt Auditierung oder eine vergleichbare Ausbildung. Sie verfügen über einschlägige, mehrjährige Berufserfahrung bei Prüfungstätigkeiten von Jahresabschlüssen sowie im privatwirtschaftlichen Controlling. Praktische Kenntnisse in der Anwendung des öffentlichen Haushalts- und Zuwendungsrechtsrechts bei Non-Profit-Organisationen. Konzeptions- und Umsetzungsstärke gehören zu Ihren Qualitäten genauso wie die Bereitschaft Verantwortung zu übernehmen. Sie sind methodisches, selbstständiges und kreatives Arbeiten gewöhnt und verfügen über eine hohe Team- und Kommunikationsfähigkeit. Der Umgang mit datenbankgestützter Finanzsoftware und Finanztools ist für Sie selbstverständlich.

Bewerbungen schwerbehinderter Bewerberinnen und Bewerber werden bei gleicher Eignung besonders berücksichtigt.

Die Stelle ist mit TVöD E13 dotiert. Bitte richten Sie Ihre Bewerbung unter Angabe Ihres möglichen Eintrittstermins:

Deutsche Zentrale für Tourismus e. V. Martin Siegmund Beethovenstraße 69 60325 Frankfurt am Main e-mail: [email protected]

Stand: 03.05.24

Im Sachgebiet Kooperationsmanagement der Zentrale ist umgehend die Stelle eines/einer

Account Manager Mittelstand & Reiseindustrie (w/m/d)

zu besetzen.

Ihre Aufgaben:

Sie agieren im vielfältigem Mitglieder- und Partnerportfolio der DZT, gewinnen und betreuen als direkter Ansprechpartner zugewiesene Branchencluster, Verbundwerbepartner und Accounts, sowohl im Team als auch selbständig. Ihre Hauptaufgaben sind die Akquise und Koordination der definierten Kooperationsaktivitäten, die Organisation von Mitglieder-Events und die Mitgliederpflege. Sie behalten die Erfolgskontrolle und die zugehörigen Budgets administrativ fest im Blick. Sie koordinieren und kreieren Marketingaktivitäten nach Zielvorgaben für das Reiseland Deutschland in enger Abstimmung mit den beteiligten Fachabteilungen, unseren Auslandseinheiten, externen Partnern und Ihren Vorgesetzten. Sie fungieren als wichtige Schnittstelle zwischen In- und Ausland, internen und externen Stakeholdern. Zudem unterstützen Sie die Umsetzung strategischer Produktentwicklungen innerhalb der Abteilung.

Ihr Profil:

Sie haben ein Hochschulstudium im Bereich Tourismus und/oder Marketing erfolgreich abgeschlossen (Bachelor) und sammelten bereits mehrere Jahre Erfahrung in der Accountbetreuung und im Projektmanagement mit Auslandsberührung und Agentursteuerung, vorzugsweise bei einem Destinationsvermarkter. Sie haben zudem nachweisbare Erfolge in der eigenständigen Akquise von B2B-Kunden und verfügen über ein belastbares Netzwerk in der deutschen Tourismusbranche. Idealerweise bringen Sie Kenntnisse aus der Produktentwicklung mit und interessieren sich für touristische Trends und Digitalisierungsthemen. Erfahrungen im Bereich Public Private Partnership, insbesondere Zuwendungs- und Vergaberecht, sind von Vorteil. Sie verfügen über gute Englischkenntnisse in Wort und Schrift. Mit Ihren ausgezeichneten Sprachkenntnissen sind Sie sicher im Verfassen von Konzepten und Korrespondenz sowie im Halten von Vorträgen. Abgerundet wird Ihr Profil durch sehr gute EDV-Kenntnisse (MS Office), hohe Digitalaffinität und Interesse an innovativen Kommunikationslösungen, sowie Erfahrungen im Umgang mit gängigen CRM und ERP Systemen.

Die Stelle ist nach dem Tarifvertrag für den öffentlichen Dienst (TVöD) mit E10 bewertet. Bewerbungen schwerbehinderter Bewerberinnen und Bewerber werden bei gleicher Eignung besonders berücksichtigt. Es besteht grundsätzlich die Möglichkeit der Teilzeitbeschäftigung.

Bitte richten Sie Ihre aussagekräftige Bewerbung unter Angabe Ihres frühestmöglichen Eintrittstermins an:

Martin Siegmund + Beethovenstraße 69 + 60325 Frankfurt + [email protected]

Stand. 08.04.2024

Die Deutsche Zentrale für Tourismus sucht für ihre Hauptverwaltung in Frankfurt am Main umgehend einen/eine

CRM Spezialist (w/m/d)

Ihre Aufgaben

  • Management, Systemüberwachung und Qualitätssicherung des weltweiten CRM Systems der DZT
  • Erstellen aussagekräftiger Reports und Analysen für Geschäftsführung und Organisation der DZT im In- und Ausland
  • Optimierung, Weiterentwicklung und Automatisierung des CRM Systems
  • Schulung der Anwender des CRM Systems im Inland und Ausland

Daneben übernehmen Sie weitere Aufgaben:

  • Betreuung des weltweiten Einladungsmanagement-Tools der DZT (Ventari)
  • Operatorbetreuung von Videokonferenzen und Webinaren
  • Pflege der Rubrik BI auf der Website der DZT
  • Unterstützung Business Intelligence

Sie haben einen Abschluss als Bachelor in Betriebswirtschaft, Marketing oder Tourismus und verfügen über eine Zusatzqualifikation als CRM Spezialist, idealerweise als Administrator. Ein Gespür für die Optimierung der Customer Experience zeichnet Sie aus. Zudem verfügen Sie über Erfahrung in der Analyse umfangreicher Datenmengen, ERP Kenntnisse und gute Englischkenntnisse.

Wir bieten Ihnen eine verantwortungsvolle Tätigkeit mit einer angemessenen Dotierung in der Entgeltgruppe E9c des TVöD/Bund. Bewerbungen schwerbehinderter Bewerberinnen und Bewerber werden bei gleicher Eignung besonders berücksichtigt. Es besteht grundsätzlich die Möglichkeit der Teilzeitbeschäftigung.

Deutsche Zentrale für Tourismus e. V. Martin Siegmund Beethovenstraße 69 60325 Frankfurt am Main email: [email protected]

Kontakt Jobs

Deutsche zentrale für tourismus e.v. (dzt).

Herr Martin Siegmund Beethovenstraße 69 60325 Frankfurt/Main

Tel. +49 (0)69 97464-255 Fax +49 (0)69 97464-285 E-Mail

English Jobs Logo


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Senior Fullstack Entwickler


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AND German University degree, preferably in computer science, engineering, statistics, math, physics, tourism Data-driven personality High motivation, reliability and flexibility Passion for travel and tourism

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Minimum of 1 year experience in civil aviation or tourism .

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We are a global network of tourism experts, who create, launch, and support highly specialized, individually

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Lower Saxony

Jobs in Travel & Tourism in Germany

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The CV Doctor

tourism jobs in germany

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Jobs in Germany Apply Now

  • Jobs in Germany
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Hospitality & Tourism Job Market in Germany  for International Citizens

Hotels and Resorts: Germany has a wide array of hotels and resorts catering to various budgets and traveler preferences. These establishments hire international citizens for positions such as hotel management, front desk staff, concierge, housekeeping, food and beverage service, and event planning.

Restaurants and Cafés: Germany's culinary scene is diverse and dynamic, with a wide range of restaurants, cafes, and bars. International citizens can find job opportunities as chefs, cooks, waitstaff, bartenders, and baristas in establishments ranging from traditional German cuisine to international eateries.

Travel Agencies: Travel agencies in Germany offer services related to tourism, including planning and organizing trips, booking accommodations, and providing travel advice. International citizens with language skills and knowledge of popular tourist destinations can find employment as travel agents or tour guides.

Event Management: Germany hosts numerous cultural, sports, and business events throughout the year. Event management companies hire international citizens for roles such as event planners, coordinators, and support staff to ensure the smooth execution of various events.

Attractions and Theme Parks: Germany is home to a variety of tourist attractions, including historical sites, museums, amusement parks, and zoos. These establishments often hire international citizens as tour guides, ticketing staff, customer service representatives, and operations personnel.

Cruise Industry: Germany's coastal cities, such as Hamburg and Kiel, serve as major departure points for cruises. The cruise industry employs international citizens in various positions, including hospitality, entertainment, food and beverage service, and onboard activities.

Language and Cultural Training: International citizens who are fluent in multiple languages, including German, can find job opportunities as language instructors or cultural trainers, assisting tourists in learning German or providing insights into German culture and customs.

Event Venues and Convention Centers: Germany's cities are known for hosting conferences, trade fairs, and exhibitions. International citizens can find employment in event venues and convention centers as event coordinators, facility managers, or support staff.

Job Eligibility to Work in Hospitality & Tourism Industry in Germany  for International Job Applicants

Work Visa/Permit: International job applicants outside the European Union (EU) and the European Economic Area (EEA) generally require a valid work visa or permit to work in Germany. The specific type of visa or permit will depend on factors such as the duration of employment, job position, and qualifications. It's important to research the appropriate visa category and consult the German embassy or consulate in your home country for accurate and up-to-date information.

Language Proficiency: Proficiency in the German language is highly valued in the hospitality and tourism industry in Germany. Many customer-facing roles require fluency in German to effectively communicate with guests and colleagues. International job applicants should aim to attain a strong command of the German language to enhance their employability and job prospects.

Education and Qualifications: Depending on the job position, employers may require specific educational qualifications or certifications. For example, positions in hotel management may require a degree in hospitality or a related field, while positions in food and beverage service may require specific certifications or training. Familiarize yourself with the educational and qualification requirements for your desired job profiles within the industry.

Experience : Previous work experience in the hospitality and tourism industry is often preferred, particularly for managerial or specialized roles. International job applicants should highlight relevant work experience in their CV or resume and demonstrate their skills and achievements in the field.

Adaptability and Customer Service Skills: The hospitality and tourism industry is customer-oriented, requiring excellent interpersonal and customer service skills. International job applicants should showcase their adaptability, cultural sensitivity, and ability to work effectively in a diverse environment.

Networking and Professional Associations: Building a professional network and joining relevant industry associations can provide valuable opportunities to connect with professionals in the field and stay informed about job openings and industry trends. Attend industry events, join online forums, and engage in networking activities to expand your contacts within the hospitality and tourism industry in Germany.

Hospitality & Tourism Jobs in Canada

General Roles and Responsibilities in Hospitality & Tourism Jobs in Germany 

General job eligibility to work in hospitality & tourism industry in germany with 20 job profiles.

Hospitality & Tourism Jobs in UAE

Experience Required to work in Hospitality & Tourism Industry in Germany

Entry-Level Positions: Entry-level positions in the hospitality and tourism industry often do not require prior experience. These positions may include roles such as front desk receptionist, waitstaff, housekeeping attendant, or kitchen assistant. Employers typically provide on-the-job training for these roles.

Mid-Level Positions : Mid-level positions in the industry usually require some relevant experience. For example, positions such as hotel supervisor, restaurant manager, event coordinator, or tour guide may require a few years of experience in a similar role. Employers may also consider individuals with transferable skills from related industries.

Managerial and Specialized Positions: Managerial roles and positions that require specialized knowledge or skills, such as hotel manager, food and beverage director, event manager, or revenue manager, typically require several years of experience in a similar capacity. Employers may also prefer candidates with a proven track record of successful management and leadership.

Language Skills : In addition to experience, language skills play a crucial role in the hospitality and tourism industry in Germany. Fluency in German is highly valued, particularly for positions that involve direct interaction with customers and clients. The level of language proficiency required may vary depending on the specific job and employer.

International Experience: International experience, especially in the hospitality and tourism industry, can be beneficial for job applicants. Experience working in diverse cultural settings, exposure to different customer service approaches, and multilingual skills can give candidates an advantage when applying for positions in the industry.

Top Hiring Companies in Germany to International Candidates in Hospitality & Tourism Industry

Deutsche Hospitality: Deutsche Hospitality is a leading hotel management company in Germany that operates various hotel brands, including Steigenberger Hotels & Resorts, IntercityHotel, and Jaz in the City. They often offer international job opportunities in hotel operations, sales, marketing, and management positions.

TUI Group: TUI Group is a multinational travel and tourism company with operations worldwide. They offer a range of job opportunities in areas such as tour operations, travel agencies, hotel management, and destination services. TUI Group operates several brands, including TUI Hotels & Resorts and TUI Cruises.

Accor: Accor is a global hospitality company that operates a wide range of hotel brands, including Novotel, Ibis, Pullman, and Sofitel. They have a strong presence in Germany and often hire international candidates for various roles in hotel operations, sales, marketing, and management.

Marriott International: Marriott International is a renowned hotel chain with properties across Germany. They offer job opportunities for international candidates in areas such as front desk operations, food and beverage services, event management, and hotel administration.

Hilton: Hilton is another major hotel brand with a significant presence in Germany. They frequently hire international candidates for positions in hotel operations, guest services, sales, and management. Hilton hotels in Germany often offer a range of career opportunities.

Lufthansa: Lufthansa is Germany's largest airline and operates globally. While primarily known for its aviation services, Lufthansa also offers job opportunities in hospitality and tourism-related roles, such as airport services, inflight services, and customer service.

Radisson Hotel Group: Radisson Hotel Group operates multiple hotel brands, including Radisson Blu, Radisson RED, and Park Inn by Radisson. They have a presence in various cities across Germany and often hire international candidates for positions in hotel operations, sales, and management.

Steiner Leisure Limited : Steiner Leisure Limited is a global provider of spa services and operates spas on cruise ships and in hotels worldwide. They offer job opportunities for international candidates in spa and wellness-related roles, including spa therapists, fitness instructors, and beauty professionals.

AIDA Cruises: AIDA Cruises is a German cruise line that offers a range of job opportunities on their cruise ships. They hire international candidates for various roles, including hospitality, entertainment, guest services, and food and beverage services.

DER Touristik Group: DER Touristik Group is a leading travel and tourism company in Germany that operates multiple travel brands, including Dertour, ITS, and Meiers Weltreisen. They offer job opportunities in various areas of the tourism industry, including tour operations, travel agencies, and destination services.

CV and Resume Format to apply for the Hospitality & Tourism Jobs in Germany

Personal Information:

  • Start with your full name, contact information (phone number, email address), and location (city, country).
  • Optionally, include a professional profile or objective statement summarizing your key skills, experiences, and career goals.
  • List your educational background in reverse chronological order.
  • Include the names of institutions, degrees obtained, and dates of graduation.
  • Highlight any relevant coursework, certifications, or specialized training related to the hospitality and tourism industry.

Work Experience:

  • Provide a detailed overview of your work experience, starting with the most recent position.
  • Include the job title, name of the company/organization, dates of employment, and location.
  • Describe your roles and responsibilities using bullet points, emphasizing relevant achievements, skills, and contributions.
  • Focus on experiences that showcase customer service, problem-solving, teamwork, and leadership skills.
  • Create a separate section to highlight your skills relevant to the hospitality and tourism industry.
  • Include language proficiency, computer skills, customer service abilities, organizational skills, and any other relevant competencies.
  • Mention specific software or systems you are proficient in, such as property management systems (PMS) or restaurant POS systems.

Language Proficiency:

  • Emphasize your language skills, especially fluency in German and any other languages relevant to the job.
  • Indicate your proficiency level (e.g., native, fluent, intermediate) for each language.

Additional Sections:

  • Professional certifications (e.g., Certified Hospitality Professional, Food Handling Certificate).
  • Awards, recognitions, or scholarships received.
  • Volunteer work or extracurricular activities related to hospitality or customer service.

Format and Design:

  • Use a clean and professional design with a clear font (e.g., Arial, Calibri) and an appropriate font size (10-12 points).
  • Keep the layout consistent and easy to read, using headings and bullet points to organize information.
  • Use a chronological format to highlight your work experience, starting with the most recent position.
  • Keep the CV/resume concise and limit it to one or two pages.

Proofread and Customize:

  • Double-check your CV/resume for any grammatical errors or typos.
  • Tailor your CV/resume to the specific job you are applying for, emphasizing relevant skills and experiences.

Step by Step about How to apply for Hospitality & Tourism Jobs in Germany

Research and Identify Job Opportunities:

  • Conduct thorough research to identify job opportunities in the hospitality and tourism industry in Germany.
  • Explore online job portals, company websites, industry-specific platforms, and professional networks to find relevant job openings.
  • Make a list of potential employers and job positions that align with your skills, experience, and career goals.

Prepare Your Application Documents:

  • Update your CV/resume following the German format and include all relevant information, such as education, work experience, skills, and certifications.
  • Write a compelling cover letter tailored to each job application, highlighting your interest in the specific position and showcasing your relevant qualifications and experience.
  • Gather any additional supporting documents, such as copies of certifications, reference letters, or portfolios, if required.
  • Assess and improve your language skills, especially in German, as it is highly valued in the German hospitality and tourism industry.
  • Consider taking language courses, attending language exchange programs, or practicing with native speakers to enhance your language proficiency.

Apply Online or Send Application Packages:

  • Submit your application online through the company's website or the job portals where the position is advertised.
  • Alternatively, you can send your application package directly to the employer via email or traditional mail. Ensure you follow their preferred method of application.

Follow Instructions and Deadlines:

  • Pay close attention to the application instructions provided by the employer and adhere to any specified deadlines.
  • Submit all required documents, ensuring they are properly formatted and named.

Networking and Professional Associations:

  • Network with professionals in the hospitality and tourism industry in Germany through industry events, conferences, and online platforms like LinkedIn.
  • Join relevant professional associations or organizations that can provide networking opportunities and access to job postings.

Prepare for Interviews:

  • If your application is shortlisted, prepare for interviews by researching the company, understanding the job requirements, and practicing common interview questions.
  • Highlight your relevant skills, experiences, and knowledge of the German hospitality and tourism industry during the interview.

Work Permits and Visas:

  • If you are a non-EU citizen, ensure you have the necessary work permits and visas to legally work in Germany. Research the specific requirements and consult with the appropriate authorities or immigration services.
  • After applying, follow up with the employer to express your continued interest in the position and inquire about the status of your application.
  • Send a thank-you email or letter to the interviewer(s) after the interview to demonstrate your professionalism and gratitude for the opportunity.

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tourismus .career

  • Top-Arbeitgeber

Invia Group

Urlaubsfeeling vermitteln, Menschen begeistern, interessante Lokalitäten kennen und interessante Städte, Länder, Landschaften und interessante Orte empfehlen – in der Tourismusbranche ist Leidenschaft und Überzeugungskraft gefragt, wenn potentiellen Kunden der nächste Urlaub empfohlen wird. Und die Möglichkeiten zum Durchstarten sind sehr vielfältig: im Bereich der Tourismusbranche kann man sowohl mit abgeschlossener Berufsausbildung, als auch mit einem abgeschlossenen Studium durchstarten. In so einer attraktiven Branche sind hier natürlich viele Stellenanzeigen und tagesaktuelle Jobs vorhanden.

Karriere im Bereich Tourismus

Interesse an einem Job in der Tourismusbranche? Dann lassen Sie sich von den Jobs und Stellenangeboten in der Jobbörse für diesen attraktiven Fachbereich überzeugen. Der Bereich Tourismus ist geprägt von einer großen Fülle an spannenden beruflichen Herausforderungen. Egal ob Stellenangebote in Teilzeit, Minijobs, Nebenjobs oder Studentenjobs – in diesem attraktiven Umfeld ist für jeden Jobsuchenden was dabei.

Arbeitsmarkt in der Tourismusbranche - Berufsbilder

So kümmern sich beispielsweise Tourismuskaufleute oder auch Touristikassistenten um die Planung, die Vermittlung und den Verkauf von Reiseangeboten. Hierbei ist es wichtig, individuelle Wünsche von Kunden mit den Angeboten zu vereinen. Neben der Kalkulierung des optimalen Preises für die Kunden sind Fähigkeiten als Berater im besonderen Maße gefragt. Schließlich will man die Kunden vom gewünschten Traumurlaub überzeugen.

Aber auch im Bereich Tourismusmarketing wirken sie mit und planen erfolgversprechende Maßnahmen, die letztendlich auch durchgeführt werden. Daher findet man beide Berufsgruppen häufig in Reisebüros, bei Reiseveranstaltern oder in Hotel und Freizeitzentren. Tourismusmanager sollten Organisationstalente sein und ein hohes Maß an Kreativität mitbringen. Schließlich übernehmen sie zumeist Managementaufgaben. Hierbei planen und verwalten sie Nachfragen von touristischen Leistungen und vermarkten diese auch. Um Tourismusbetriebe erfolgreich wirtschaften zu lassen, sollten Tourismusmanager im Idealfall auch betriebswirtschaftliche Kenntnisse haben. Man trifft sie aber nicht nur in Unternehmen der Touristikbranche an, sondern kann sie auch in Kurverwaltungen oder bei Messegesellschaften finden.

Berufsaussichten & Gehalt in der Touristik

Die Gehälter unterscheiden sich je nach Tätigkeitsfeld. Der Durchschnittgehalt in der Tourismusbranche bewegt sich im jährlichen Bruttolohn in den Bereichen um 25000 € und ist zudem abhängig vom Standort, vom Arbeitgeber, von der Größe des Betriebs und der Marktsituation.Für Tätigkeitsfelder im Management, Controlling und weiteren betriebswirtschaftlichen Fachbereichen sind Löhne um die 36000 € und mehr möglich. In Deutschland arbeiten schätzungsweise 2,9 Millionen Beschäftigte in der Tourismusbranche!

Jetzt auf die passenden Stellen bewerben

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Studying in Germany

10 Best Cities in Germany for Work

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Germany, known for its strong economy, ranking fourth in the world, enjoys a low unemployment rate of about 5%. This economic strength has led to a surge in job opportunities, particularly in high-tech industries, making it a magnet for foreigners seeking better prospects.

With many German cities offering various job opportunities, good salaries, affordable living costs , and promising futures, we’ve compiled a list of the best cities in Germany for work.

Here are the 10 best cities in Germany for work:

Average Salary: 56,694€ per year

Quality of Life Index: 188.13

Munich is a highly sought-after destination for expats in Germany, and its international community has been steadily growing. The city’s appeal lies in its combination of being an important business center and a beautiful natural environment. Munich has the highest rents in the entire country.

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Emerging industries like finance and technology make Munich an especially attractive place for job seekers, with companies like BMW, Siemens, and Allianz having their headquarters there and constantly seeking local talent.

Average Salary: 56,655 €

Quality of Life Index: 174.36

Hamburg has a diverse range of sectors focusing on the future, including aviation, renewable energies, life sciences, logistics, and food, which contribute to a growing job market. Approximately 10,000 companies either expand into or are newly established in the Hamburg metropolitan region each year, making it a dynamic business environment.

Due to its strategic location, Frankfurt is a commercial center with many multinational companies. Hamburg stands out as Germany’s wealthiest city with the highest GDP in the country and has a high employment rate. Key drivers of its economy include shipbuilding, and its Aerospace research centers are renowned as some of the best in Europe.

Average Salary: 55,042€ per year

Quality of Life Index: 162.71

Berlin’s strongest industries at the moment include IT, communication, public administration (civil service), and construction, with the growing startup sector providing numerous job opportunities each year. The city is home to both well-established companies and up-and-coming startups.

For those looking to enter the job market, working in hospitality, especially in the central districts, can be a great way to start, as many cafes and bars employ English speakers. This also includes artists or writers while they search for more permanent roles in their field. Berlin has many galleries and museums, although paid arts jobs may be competitive, so networking and talking to people in the city helps.

Average Salary: 54,274€ per year

Quality of Life Index: 182.86

Frankfurt has a strong economy, making it an attractive location for multinational companies to establish their headquarters. The city hosts a diverse range of sectors, including media, advertising, and the financial industry. Thanks to the presence of many professional expats and foreign talent, Frankfurt’s work culture is a blend of influences.

One of the standout employers in Frankfurt is the prestigious European Central Bank, known for its professional and supportive work environment. Efforts are made from top to bottom to reduce unnecessary stress among employees. However, similar to many German companies, decision-making processes can be lengthy, and the hiring process may stretch out over several months.

Average Salary: 53,070€

Quality of Life Index: 177.02

Despite its smaller size, Düsseldorf offers opportunities to secure English-speaking jobs, making it a good choice for career advancement in Germany without the high costs of larger cities. While competition exists, it’s somewhat less intense than in major destinations like Berlin, Hamburg, Munich, Frankfurt, and Cologne.

While learning German can enhance your prospects, securing a position at one of Düsseldorf’s international companies minimizes language barriers. Fortunately, there is no shortage of such companies in the city.

Düsseldorf is a significant international business center, hosting one Fortune Global 500 company, two DAX companies, and many startups. Key industries in the city include Fintech, Marketing & Sales, and E-commerce & Retail. Interestingly, Düsseldorf is also recognized as Germany’s fashion capital.

Average Salary: 52,844€

Quality of Life Index: 169.02

Nuremberg has a diverse economy, blending traditional and modern sectors. The city is renowned for its traditional food products, particularly gingerbread cakes ( Lebkuchen ), which contribute to a thriving food industry.

Nuremberg is also known for producing the famous Nuremberg Egg pocket watches. The city has a strong focus on engineering and electrical equipment manufacturing. Companies like MAN SE and Siemens, the city’s largest employer, play a significant role in this sector. Many expats in Nuremberg work for Siemens or other engineering and manufacturing companies, often in senior management or technical positions.

Market research is another prominent industry in Nuremberg, with a third of all market research companies in Germany located in the city. Expats can also explore opportunities in English teaching and the service industry.

Average Salary: 52,567€

Quality of Life Index: 173.58

Cologne is a great place for international talent seeking job opportunities. It’s a major economic center with a strong demand for skilled graduates. The city is known for its media industry, including TV and radio stations, publishing houses, and marketing agencies.

If you’re in the hospitality and tourism industry, Cologne is also a good choice, as there’s a high demand for positions like servers, bartenders, chefs, receptionists, and hotel managers due to its popularity as a travel destination in Germany. Cologne’s well-connected transportation system and the Rhine River port also offer opportunities in the business sector.

Average Salary: 50,929 €

Quality of Life Index: 182.93

Stuttgart’s economy is centered around industries like automotive manufacturing, technology, and finance. Major companies like Daimler (Mercedes-Benz) and Porsche are headquartered here, and it’s home to European branches of companies like Hewlett-Packard and IBM. The city also has a stock exchange, and you can find job opportunities in finance. Stuttgart is known for its wine and beer production.

Job seekers, including expats, are attracted to Stuttgart because of its strong job market, especially in industries like engineering, technology, and healthcare. Unemployment is relatively low in the Baden-Württemberg region. Expats find work in fields like engineering, technology, pharmaceuticals, and finance.

Average Salary: 47,003€

Quality of Life Index: 180.19

Hanover is home to several higher education institutions but also serves as the headquarters for several prominent German companies, including Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles, Continental, TUI, DHL, Deutsche Bahn, Pelikan, and Sennheiser, among others. The city has a growing startup scene, and in conjunction with the metropolitan region of Hanover Braunschweig Göttingen Wolfsburg, it’s important in scientific, economic, and cultural development.

The economy of Hanover is diverse, with a focus on automotive manufacturing, energy solutions, optical technology, information and communication technology, creative industries, and production and engineering sectors. These industries have strong international ties, particularly with countries like Turkey and India. Additionally, Hanover is a hub for insurance companies, with Hannover Re, one of the world’s largest reinsurance groups, based in the city.

Average Salary: 41,003€

Quality of Life Index: N/D

Leipzig, often called ‘Hypezig’ or the Boomtown of eastern Germany, has seen a growing economy in recent years. It’s gaining recognition as a tech hub, with software companies like Spreadshirt and Unister having a presence in the city.

The University of Leipzig, one of the city’s major employers, is currently undergoing renovations to celebrate its 600th anniversary. Leipzig is experiencing regeneration, offering job opportunities in the construction sector. Additionally, the city’s tourism industry is on the rise, attracting people from around the world due to its improving reputation. This creates more opportunities for expats in various fields.

Methodology for Ranking the 10 Best Cities in Germany for Work in 2024

In our 2024 ranking of the 10 Best Cities in Germany for Work, we’ve adopted a methodology that integrates key factors crucial for professionals. This includes an assessment of average salaries based on Salary Expert data, an analysis of the Quality of Life Index from Numbeo, and a thorough examination of each city’s economic strength, the diversity and availability of job opportunities, and geographical benefits such as location and accessibility.

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Process Solutions Marketing Operations

Posted 14 May 2024

Bangalore, Karnataka - India

Req Id 274826

Work Your Magic with us! 

Ready to explore, break barriers, and discover more? We know you’ve got big plans – so do we! Our colleagues across the globe love innovating with science and technology to enrich people’s lives with our solutions in Healthcare, Life Science, and Electronics. Together, we dream big and are passionate about caring for our rich mix of people, customers, patients, and planet. That`s why we are always looking for curious minds that see themselves imagining the unimageable with us.


Scope of the responsibility lies within Process Solutions Portfolio Operations support.

Senior Specialist supports Product Managers, Marketing Managers and Project Managers in execution of tasks related to Product Life Cycle Management/New Product Introduction E-commerce collaborating with Cross-functional teams using various systems for Process Solutions Portfolio Operations.


  • Act as a primary interface for product management with Operational teams (Manufacturing, Purchasing, Tech Service, QA, etc.)
  • Facilitate Product Life Cycle Management and New Product Introduction activities using SAP, MDG-M and Web Data Maintenance tools.
  • Review NPDI completeness, Master data completeness, and correctness.
  • Support master data management, including data review, cleansing, enrichment, and consistency checks.
  • Review PIM data compilation and cleansing. Troubleshoot web-related issues.
  • Support all stages of product life cycle management and Portfolio review activities.
  • Create and maintain appropriate documents and tracking systems for existing product updates.
  • Ensure adherence to SLA and TAT agreements with stakeholders.
  • Accountable for maintaining defined standards for quality and productivity.
  • Ensure timely fulfilment of internal and external customer requirements.
  • Demonstrate good process knowledge and assist in ISO compliance and CAPA Analysis.
  • Support the team with process improvement ideas and necessary training.
  • Position has no supervisory responsibility nor require any Business Travel.


Education: Postgraduate in Life Sciences (Biochemistry/Biotechnology/Microbiology) from a reputed University. 

Experience: 1+ Years in Scientific Industry

Technical Skills / Competencies :


  • Exhibit analytical skills, Problem Solving techniques, and proactive Stakeholder management and communication.
  • Demonstrate process affinity and process improvement capabilities.
  • Possess NPDI knowledge and usage of the Palantir tool.
  • Have first experience in leading a team.
  • Showcase scientific knowledge with a proficiency in Life science subjects.
  • Understand roles and responsibilities of Portfolio Operations.
  • Be proficient in Office 365 tools and have the ability to set up complex database queries.
  • Navigate different t-codes in PRD, PRE, PRP & MDGM. Extract Data report - ERP (SAP) User Knowledge.
  • Be an expert in Fast Track NPI Mechanism.
  • Be an expert in Initiating the Change records/Controlled Document Management.
  • Connect with different teams to build new queries for the process from a different dataset - BI Report Extraction/Query Designer/Aera/Palantir.
  • Be an expert in communicating with Digital Marketing for Process improvements.

Behavioral Competencies:

  • Possess good oral and written communication skills.
  • Demonstrate good organizational skills.
  • Exhibit proficiency in Problem-solving, Planning & execution.
  • Show a good understanding of management of interfaces and process understanding.
  • Possess a high ability for self-management.
  • Ability to bring up solutions self-driven.
  • Demonstrate good proficiency in Customer orientation, Business acumen, and Leading change.

Additional Local Needs:

 Since the responsibilities include being involved in frequent calls with the Product Management, Project Leads and Vendors who are mostly located in North America and European continent, the work hours would be from 1:30 PM to 10:30 PM IST, subject to slight modifications based on company policy.

We are an equal opportunity employer that values workforce diversity. We want everyone to be able to bring their best self to work every day which is why equality and inclusion is at the forefront of all our activities. We are dedicated to a policy of non-discrimination in employment on any basis including race, caste, creed, colour, religion, sex, age, disability, marital status, sexual orientation, and gender identity.

What we offer:  We are curious minds that come from a broad range of backgrounds, perspectives, and life experiences. We celebrate all dimensions of diversity and believe that it drives excellence and innovation, strengthening our ability to lead in science and technology. We are committed to creating access and opportunities for all to develop and grow at your own pace. Join us in building a culture of inclusion and belonging that impacts millions and empowers everyone to work their magic and champion human progress!

Apply now and become a part of our diverse team!

Notice on Fraudulent Job Offers

Unfortunately, we are aware of third parties that pretend to represent our company offering unauthorized employment opportunities. If you think a fraudulent source is offering you a job, please have a look at the following information:

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