E-Bike Tour Japan – A Whole New Way To Explore

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We at Bike Tour Japan are super excited to add the Yamaha Cross Core e-bikes to our fleet !

For those that already ride e-bikes you will find the Cross Core the perfect fit for long days in the saddle. For those that have never ridden an electric assist bike before these bikes add a whole new dimension to your e-bike tour and next cycling holiday.

Why Bike Tour on an E-Bike?

While e-bikes have been around for quite some time, the range and power of earlier models have been very limited. That said, in recent years newer battery and motor technologies have really taken electric bikes into a new direction.

Many think of e-bikes as a last option, but we actually think that e-bikes serve a much greater role. There are three big reasons we are excited to offer e-bike options to our guests for our tours.

  • The Best Experience for the Whole Group

Flattening the Hills and Mountains

A little extra umph, the best experience for everyone.

We have all been on that ride before. Huffing and puffing your way up the climb, heart rate through the roof, and just trying to keep up. Meanwhile, your ride buddy next to you is rambling on about their latest wood carving project, seemingly unfazed by the 12% grade you are scaling.

This is where an e-bike comes in. When the going gets tough we all like to know we are pushing it. But getting dropped from the group is never fun. With a pedal assist bike you can simply click the assist up one level and take the edge off enough.

Your cycling holiday in Japan is exactly that, a holiday. We all love a good challenge, but we also want to take in the sights and have energy for the rest of the week.

For riders that are unfamiliar with longer sustained climbs, longer days in the saddle, or that have a bit more weight to carry up the hills e-bikes are the perfect equalizer.

When riding the flats and downhills groups can easily find a happy pace to stay together. But any rider who has done group rides knows that the hills are where everything breaks up.

With a pedal assist e-bike riders that are less experiences can climb with greater ease and keep up with those that ride faster. This is a win win as you will have more energy to soak in the views, participate in other parts of the trip, and can adjust the assist to your liking.

We all have those moments where your body has found its limit. While we like to think we have built really well balanced tours that incorporate well timed rest days and lighter ride days, sometimes you just need to take it easy. With an e-bike that moment can come whenever you choose.

Need a break up the climb? Kick the assist up to full and spin easy for a few minutes to get your energy back.

Having a great conversation with another rider but finding yourself out of breath? Click up one assist level and take that edge off just a bit so you can keep the conversation flowing.

But isn’t Using and E-Bike Cheating?

The real beauty of an e-bike is the ability to modulate the assist via the multiple assist settings.

You don’t have to use the assist all day. In fact, most of our guests that ride e-bikes are working just as hard as everyone else. Many will use the lowest settings on the flats, or even turn the assist off. Then when you reach a really steep hill just kick it up one notch and stay with the group.

An E-Bike Tour Story | Choosing an E-Bike For Your Trip

*Note: This example is based on a real guest but names and locations were changed for privacy.

This is Taka. Taka has been riding for a few years and really loves to ride around his home in Tokyo area where it is very flat. Taka wants to come on a week long tour with Bike Tour Japan. Taka scheduled a call with Rob and shared this information.

Taka regularly goes out for rides 2-3 times a week. He usually does one longer ride on Saturdays for about 4 hours and two shorter rides in the middle of the week for about 1-2 hours before work. Taka usually rides at 25kph (~16mph) for his rides. He does occasional hills, but most hills around him are short at less than 1km long and pretty steep regularly over 10% average gradient.

Based on this, Rob recommended he join a Level 2 Tour such as the Shimanamikaido Setouchi Tour or Valleys & Volcanoes Tour .

Rob also mentioned that if Taka is interested in training up to a harder trip, wants more of a challenge, or wants to use an e-bike that the Level 3 Nikko North Alps Tour would also be a great fit.

This piqued Taka’s interest as he likes a bit of challenge and has been making some great improvements in his cycling lately.

The distances each day sound within his range of around 50-70km (31-43mi) or so each day. That said, he is concerned that the elevation of over 1,000m (3,200ft) gain per day might be too much as he is not very fast up the hills.

Rob agreed, the elevation is currently well above Taka’s level. But, with a good training plan or an e-bike this could be within Taka’s level.

Taka really wants to push himself to do this trip as the idea of climbing up to the top of a volcano and into the caldera on his bike sounds like an amazing experience.

Taka decides that the best route for him is to use an e-bike to enjoy the trip as much as possible.

Later that fall Taka heads out to Nikko to start his trip in the North Alps. After meeting everyone he hops on the e-bike and finds that he doesn’t even need the assist on the flat shakedown ride.

The following day as they hit the first climb in some of the local foothills Taka finds he is dropping behind the group. He remembers to kick it up a level on the assist, and just like that he is back in the group!

From there each day Taka would adjust the e-bike settings based on how he felt. It was great knowing that in a pinch he could use the pedal assist when needed. He even found himself not using it for long stretches of the trip, but was glad it was there when needed.

At the end of the trip Taka reflected back on riding the e-bike and decided he would look into getting one for when he gets back home.

“I never thought myself a climber, and often feared the mountain roads. But with an e-bike I feel I can bring them within my ability and can work on getting better at climbing!” Taka

How E-Bike Tour Math Works Out?

Our pedal assist e-bikes are just that, they assist your pedaling. That means you are still doing the pedaling, the just add a little extra juice.

I like to tell guests that in the highest modes a pedal assist e-bike will take a mountain and turn it into a hill, a hill and turn it into a flat, and a flat into a leisurely spin.

For those looking for some actual numbers, below is an example. If you don’t care for the math feel free to skip this section and just rest assured that it checks out 🙂

It’s All About Power to Weight Ratio

For cycling, e-bikes really shine when you are going up hill. This is due to the physics of power needed to lift a weight and overcome gravitational forces.

Now this might sound like we are about to get into some crazy mathematical formulas, E = MC 2 and the like. Fear not! For our purposes you really just need a simple ratio to determine (approx.) speed up a hill.

Your Power to Weight Ratio is simply how much power (measured in watts (abbreviated w) divided by your total weight in kilograms (this is the weight of you, your bike, your gear, etc)

Power in Watts / Total Weight in Kilograms = Power to Weight Ratio

So in short, the bigger your Power to Weight Ratio, the faster you will go up hill (measured in watts/kilo).

How to Find Your Power to Weight Ratio

Most people use a power meter, a fancy strain gauge often found in a special bike crankset or wheel hub. These give highly accurate numbers usually within 2% accuracy, but are quite expensive often over $500.

A simple way to get a good estimate of this without any extra gear is to take your bike out and ride up a local hill while recording your ride with the Strava App on your phone.

Once you finish the ride Strava will give you an estimated watts for the uphill segment you rode.

On this climb Strava estimated Rob’s power to be 172w over the 9 minutes 22 seconds it took him to complete it.

Now that we have this number we can see what it would be like for Rob to ride up this hill with an e-bike.

The last number we need to have is Rob’s weight + his bikes weight. Rob has been enjoying his sushi lately and so he is currently 80kg (176lbs) and his bike with all the fixings weighs 10kg (22lbs).

That means his power to weight ratio on the above climb was

172w/ (80kg+10kg) = 1.91watts/kg

E-Bike Power to Weight Ratio?

The Yamaha Cross Core that we use has 250 watts of assist on the highest setting and weighs 18kg (40lbs).

So if Rob rode up this hill with the Yamaha pedal assist on full he would have

[172w (Rob) + 250w (bike)] / [80kg (rob) + 18kg (bike)] = 4.3watts/kg

That’s more than double the net power moving up the hill!

To translate this into what speed he will move, you need some fancier calculations. You can use a calculator like this site to solve, but in short Rob will move an estimated ~19kph vs the original ~10kph!

Our E-Bike Tours

All of our tours can be e-bike tours! We have had guest on all levels of tours ride e-bikes. From Level 2 guests looking for easy cruising, riders looking to ride one level above their fitness such as Taka’s story above, or even a 70 year old guest completing our Level 5 trip with his mates!

The possibilities of bike touring holidays on e-bikes are endless and we are here to help make your next cycling trip to Japan an unforgettable one assist and all!

More Rides & Reads

  • Ashikaga, Tochigi (8)
  • Bicycle Logistics in Japan (5)
  • Bike Rental (3)
  • Bikepacking Japan Routes (4)
  • Cycling River Paths of Japan (5)
  • Day Trips Rides from Tokyo (17)
  • Famous Bike Routes in Japan (7)
  • Getting to Your Tour (4)
  • Gifu Prefecture (1)
  • Gunma Prefecture (20)
  • Hakuba, Nagano (2)
  • Ibaraki Prefecture (1)
  • Ikaho Onsen Town (4)
  • Ise City, Mie (1)
  • Ishikawa Prefecture (2)
  • Japan Online (5)
  • Japanese (2)
  • Japanese Culture (8)
  • Kagoshima Prefecture (1)
  • Kanagawa Prefecture (1)
  • Kanazawa City (2)
  • Kansai Region (1)
  • Kanto Area Rides (16)
  • Kanto Region (20)
  • Kii Peninsula (1)
  • Kiryu City, Gunma (14)
  • Kita Kanto Area Rides (18)
  • Kita Kanto Region (25)
  • Kumano Kodo (1)
  • Lake Biwa (2)
  • Maebashi City (1)
  • Matsumoto City, Nagano (6)
  • Mie Prefecture (1)
  • Minami Alps National Park (2)
  • Mount Fuji (4)
  • Mount Haruna (4)
  • Mountain Biking Japan (1)
  • Nagano Prefecture (11)
  • Nara Prefecture (1)
  • Nikko National Park, Tochigi (9)
  • Nikko, Tochigi (9)
  • Noto Peninsula (2)
  • Onsen Hot Springs (2)
  • Ryokan Hotels (7)
  • Saitama Prefecture (1)
  • Self Guided Cycling Routes in Japan (5)
  • Seto Naikai (Inland Sea) Region (3)
  • Shibukawa, Gunma (1)
  • Shiga Prefecture (1)
  • Shimanami Kaido (4)
  • Shizuoka Prefecture (5)
  • Snow Season in Japan (Ski & Snowboard) (1)
  • Takasaki City, Gunma (4)
  • Tochigi Prefecture (14)
  • Tokyo Area Rides (11)
  • Toyama City (2)
  • Toyama Prefecture (2)
  • Travel in Japan (15)
  • Uncategorized (8)
  • Utsunomiya, Tochigi (1)
  • Wakayama 800 (1)
  • Wakayama Prefecture (1)
  • Yamanashi Prefecture (5)

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Thoughtfully Crafted Japan Bike Tours and E-Bike Tours

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Explore Our Japan Cycling Holidays

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Off-Beat Eastern Hokkaido Bike Tour

8 days from $4,795

stay at casual inns

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Essence of Shikoku Bike Tour

8 days from $3,995

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Noto Peninsula Plus! the Alps Bike Tour

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Shikoku E-Bike Tour

E-Bike Tours

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Kyoto to Sea of Japan Bike Tour

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Reviews from our friends

Teri from US

Well organized, great guides

After having been on a great trip in Rajastan with Art of Bicycle, we knew they organized excellent trips. So when we heard about the Eastern Hokkaido trip in Japan, we had to go. The trip was wonderful: Well organized, great guides, cozy and often extravagant accommodations with onsens usually on site. Not to mention fabulous Japanese food always provided at lodgings. The terrain was varied. We saw wildlife and we stopped to see other sights along the way ( Ainu museum, hatchery , etc) We will look forward to another Art of Bicycle trip In the future!

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What Does a Day On Your Japan Bike Tour Look Like?

At Art of Bicycle Trips, we believe in experiential travel. Our tours combine cycling with cultural activities and nature exploration.

An average day on tour includes 4-5 hours of biking, with the rest of the day reserved for local experiences such as exploring local attractions, interacting with local communities, visiting monuments and museums, learning local crafts, trying local cuisine and more.

Each guided Japan bike tour is led by an expert trip leader who is also a local. ABT trip leaders are a repository of local knowledge, routes, customs, cultures, and cuisines. By employing only local guides, we also help generate employment opportunities for local communities.

All hotels on tour are carefully chosen for their character, comfort, and cuisine, and each hotel becomes an experience in itself that guests can enjoy.

A support vehicle accompanies guests at all times, and if at any point a rider does not feel like biking any further, they can always load their bike and sit in the support van.

We pride ourselves on the degree of customization we provide on each tour, and are always happy to accommodate any special requests from our guests relating to the tour.

What Types of Accommodation Should I Expect On a Bike Tour in Japan?

A central element of any great Japan bike tour is experiencing its tradition. This is why on most of our Japan bike tours, we include stays in traditional Japanese-style inns known as ryokans which are a unique experience for a traveler.

Ryokans are built in the traditional Japanese style, with sliding doors, tatami-matted floors, communal baths, and serve traditional Japanese food. Guests are encouraged to wear comfortable Japanese clothing and can always talk to the owner.

Yet, another type of accommodation on offer is at onsens. Onsens are hot springs that have a traditional inn or ryokan attached. Since onsens are an integral part of any Japan biking experience, all our tours have a fair share of stays at onsens. Most onsens have communal baths as well.

Most hotels in Japan have a mix of western and Japanese-style rooms. If you have a preference for a certain kind of room, you can let us know in advance. However, we cannot guarantee a certain type of rooms as they are subject to availability.

Are There Opportunities to Try Local Cuisine Along the Way?

Yes, Japanese cuisine is consistently rated as being among the finest in the world, and we constantly strive to allow our guests to try the best of Japanese food.

On most days, lunches are not included in the itinerary, so that guests can try local cuisine at restaurants and inns along the way.

On several days on the tour, we stay at traditional Japanese ryokans where guests can savor authentic Japanese cuisine. There will also be opportunities to try western staples.

For more details, refer to the detailed itinerary for your chosen Japan bike tour, or have a look at our Japan cycling guide to know more about some must-have dishes on a Japan bike tour.

Which Types of Bikes Are Provided On Your Cycling Tour in Japan?

We provide hybrid bikes and road bikes on all our Japan bike tours. E-bike upgrades are also available. Let us know your particular bike requirements and we will be happy to accommodate your request.

What Is the Terrain Like in Japan?

Japan is a mountainous country, so expect some hills pretty much everywhere. The difficulty level depends on where you’re headed.

Hokkaido : Cycling in Hokkaido can be a little more challenging than most other places in Japan. The Shiretoko Pass is a 734m (2,408 ft) climb that rewards the cyclist with breathtaking vistas all around. Lake Mashu, often called the clearest lake in the world, involves a hard 550m (1,800 ft) climb to get to. The Akan Mashu national park also sees a few ascents of over 700m (2,300ft).

Shikoku : In Shikoku, the beautiful Iya Valley, which was once the preferred hideout of renegade samurais, has climbs of around 600m (1,970 ft). Nakatsu is another mountainous region with a similar elevation profile. Most other days on the tour are relatively flat.

Kyoto : In Kyoto, the area around Miyama sees elevation gains of around 600m (1,970ft) while the rest of the terrain is relatively gentle.

Noto : The Noto peninsula mostly consists of undulating hills. However, we typically bike longer distances on this route.

If you book a private tour, we can always customize the itinerary to include easier or more challenging routes as per your requirements.

What Is the Best Time of the Year to Go On a Bicycle Tour in Japan?

The best times to do a Japan bike tour are Spring (March to May) and Fall (September to mid-November). The average temperature hovers around 15°C - 22°C (59 - 71 °F) during this time.

However, there is also considerable regional variation depending on where you want to bike in Japan. For instance, Hokkaido is great for cycling in July and August as well due to its cooler climate.

For detailed information on the weather and the best time to visit for each of our Japan bike tours, refer to our Japan cycling guide .

How Far in Advance Should I Book the Tour, and What Is the Booking Process Like?

It is advised to book your bike tour at least 6 months prior to departure.

To book a tour, we require a deposit of 10% of the tour price per person. Once the deposit is received, we’ll send you a confirmation mail. The remaining payment needs to be made 2 months prior to departure. For more details, refer to our Terms and Conditions page.

Our tours are all-inclusive, which means meals, permits, fees, transportation and other additional costs are included in the price of the trip, unless otherwise stated.

Japan Bike Tours — Frequently Asked Questions

Are bicycle helmets required in japan.

Yes, wearing a helmet while riding a bicycle is required by law in Japan. In April 2023, the Japanese cabinet approved the revised Road Traffic Act that requires all cyclists to wear a helmet while riding a bicycle in Japan.

It is important to note that as of now, the act does not yet specify a strict penalty for those not following the rule, and you may see some locals riding bicycles without helmets. However, as visitors to the country, it is advised that you should follow the law at all times. At Art of Bicycle Trips we provide good quality helmets for our guests on all our Japan bike tours and highly recommend that they wear helmets at all times while riding a bike in Japan.

Why Is Double Riding Illegal in Japan?

Double riding, or riding a bicycle side-by-side with your friends or riding partners is illegal in Japan because not only does it put both cyclists at risk, it also obstructs road space for other drivers. Riding side-by-side can incur a fine of up to JPY 20,000.

Also, two people riding a bicycle designed for only 1 person is also illegal. However, tandem bikes are fine.

Is It Illegal to Wear Headphones While Riding a Bike in Japan?

Yes, it is illegal to wear headphones while riding a bike in Japan as this can cause safety issues. It is also illegal to ride a bicycle under the influence of alcohol, as well as riding a bicycle while talking on a mobile phone.

Do You Lock Your Bike in Japan?

Yes, you should lock your bike in Japan if you plan to leave it unattended. Even though Japan has a low crime rate, bicycle thefts are pretty common. However, when on a Japan bike tour with Art of Bicycle Trips, it is best to ask your trip leader to watch over your bike if you plan to leave it unattended, or to load it on the support vehicle.

Can I Ride My Bike On a Sidewalk in Japan?

Yes, you can ride a bike on a sidewalk in Japan, unless there is a sign prohibiting you from doing so. However, it is best to leave the sidewalk for pedestrians and to ride on the road itself.

Is It Safe to Ride a Bike in Japan?

Yes, Japan is one of the safest countries to ride a bicycle in. People follow traffic rules, and motorists are not aggressive towards cyclists.

Which Side of the Road Do They Drive in Japan?

Japan is a left-hand drive country. This means that while riding your bike, you should stick to the left side of the road, and overtake from the right.

Do You Offer Any Discounts On Your Japan Bike Tours?

Yes. Holders of our Silver Riders Club Membership get a 5% discount on the trip price, and additional benefits such as complimentary e-bike upgrades that add up to another 5% of the trip price. For more details, refer to our Silver Riders Club Membership page .

Do You Have Any Family-Oriented Bike Tours in Japan?

If you plan to travel with your family including children, write to us with your requirements, and we will try our best to design a custom itinerary that suits your requirements.

Let's Start Planning!

Contact us today to book your Japan bike tour or inquire about custom options.


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Home > Japan

Japan e-bike tour.

7 Days | 6 Nights


28 People are considering this Tour

Explore the Setouchi Region of Japan by E-Bike

Cycle through Japan's Setouchi region which includes the beautiful island of Shikoku on an exclusive pedal-assisted e-bike tour. Ride through the incredibly diverse and scenic landscapes with rarely a busy road in sight. Enjoy compact ride days with the assistance of your e-bike, allowing you to enjoy the daily destinations, food, hot spring baths and legendary hospitality of Japan to the fullest!

EARLY RIDER PRIZE : Be in the first 4 to book a departure and get  5% OFF  the tour price* *Not applicable with private, family, or self-guided tours, other discounts, trip credit, or special offers

Quality Bikes Yamaha E-bikes

Your Guide Bilingual expert leader

Group Size 6 to 14

Accommodation Comfortable hotels & traditional inns

Activities Ride

Minimum Age 14+

Bike riding in Japan just got much more accessible with the introduction of our exclusive e-bike tour! Japan is becoming known as a world-class cycling destination and the island of Shikoku is the brightest jewel in the crown, with e-bike touring routes so beautiful you'll pinch yourself to make sure it's real.

Wake each morning to a carefully curated traditional meal, that you can enjoy while dressed in your Yakuta (Japanese gown). Take a hot bath in the natural spring, then make a start on your e-bike touring, riding with fellow pedal-assist bikers and enjoying everything your surroundings have to offer.

While e-bike touring, savor the quiet roads, stunning landscapes and evident traditions deeply ingrained in this iconic culture. Stop to capture the constantly changing scenery, snap a picture for friends back home and catch up effortlessly thanks to the power of the e-bike's assist. Roll into your destination with plenty of daylight left to explore ancient castles, Sake breweries, traditional paper makers and award-winning, contemporary architecture.

This e-bike tour of Japan is seven days of complete enjoyment and an opportunity to create lifelong memories in a very special place. Bookend the adventure with a visit to Tokyo and Kyoto and you have yourself the perfect vacation in Japan.

* If you are thinking of joining us on the Japan E-bike tour make sure to check out our optional tour extensions in Hiroshima  (pre-trip) and  Kyoto  (post-trip) so you can enjoy even more time with the Grasshopper team.

373 km / 231 mi riding . The hilly terrain of southern Shikoku made the perfect place for our first e-bike tour. We avoided the temptation to make the days longer, deciding instead that we would keep the time in the saddle each day to around 3-4 hours and leave the rest of the time off the bike, to enjoy all that Japan has to offer for a curious traveler. The e-bike touring sections are primarily on almost traffic-free backroads, with short sections of road where there is some traffic but drivers are courteous and there is lots of space.

  • Cycle the Shimanami Kaido route over the Seto Inland Sea
  • Visit a sacred temple along the famous pilgrimage trail
  • Bathe in centuries-old hot springs
  • Take in stunning ocean views & breathtaking ridgetop routes
  • Enjoy a morning making traditional washi paper in the small town of Yusuhara
  • Ride the deep rural valleys of Ehime & Kochi
  • 6 nights in comfortable accommodation selected for high standards & local flavor
  • 6x Breakfasts, 7x Lunches, 5x Dinners
  • Healthy snacks & water during cycling
  • Expert local guide
  • Quality well-serviced bikes and helmet for riding
  • Grasshopper souvenir jersey and water bottle that are yours to keep
  • Comfortable van for support and transfers
  • All tickets and entry costs included in the itinerary

HiRoshima explorer

Optional 3-day/2-night guided trip extension, kyoto explorer, what our guests say.

  • What’s Included
  • Accommodations

Trip Extensions


Day 1: Meet in Onomichi & Start the Adventure - Destination Setoda

We meet in Onomichi at the outdoor dining area of the Green Hill Hotel at 9:30am, just steps away from the train station. Here we have a briefing on the trip ahead and then get fitted up with the e-bikes. Luggage is stashed in the van and we then head out of town on a ferry over the harbor.

The great riding starts immediately as we exit the built-up areas in favor of fields and countryside. Passing through a bamboo forest on a deserted road, we pop out at the waterline of the first island of many. Today we start the Shimanami Kaido, a cycling route that crosses seven islands over the next two days with many more off in the distance.

We encounter some hills before lunch, but these are a pleasure to ride with the power boost of the e-bikes. Lunch is Udon Tempura, a staple daytime meal. We roll into a small town on Ikuchi Island called Setoda where our modest, traditional style Japanese Inn awaits.

Day 2: Matsuyama - Cycle Islands & Train Journey

After a leisurely and generous-sized breakfast, we start out on today's ride. We have a nice big hill to power over, and this is where the e-bikes really shine, for a panoramic view out over the Seto Inland Sea. We'll also pass through the citrus orchards that are the agricultural mainstay here.  

Today we will cross five different islands and in between we will be elevated above the sea on dedicated bike paths integrated into the massive span bridges. On each island, we take the scenic route, sometimes along the water, sometimes inland to catch some more of those views. The last bridge is our longest and the views from here are just breathtaking.  

This last stretch brings us into a town called Imabari, where we rack the e-bikes on the van and board a rapid train that takes us around to the vibrant city of Matsuyama. The train in Japan really is a pleasant experience with snacks and drinks to enjoy as the scenery flies by.  

As the day comes to a close and you've had time for a shower, feel free to grab a taxi/tram to reach the Matsuyama castle before we make our way to tonight's dinner for some traditional Japanese fare. While the food is important, the highlight will be tastings of Japan's most famous drink - sake. You'll be trying a number of sakes, from dry to sweet and in between. Your guide will tell you about sake's unique place in Japanese history and after tonight you'll know what you want to order with all your meals!  

Day 3: Train & Cycle to Yusuhara

Early in the morning, we will take another rapid train to reach the staging point of our next e-bike ride.   A ride that starts out looking a bit ordinary, becomes a really enjoyable day on the bike as the town gives way to quiet roads following a river, with moss-covered walls that hold back the hillside. After lots of weaving along the contours of the valley, we have some really nice winding roads up through the hills at which point you'll fall in love with e-bike touring and likely be planning a new purchase back home.  

Our route takes us to the small town of Yusuhara where a boutique hotel awaits, designed by award-winning architect, Kengo Kuma. Actually the work of Mr. Kuma is scattered all over town, from another Onsen Retreat property to a bridge over the nearby stream and his most significant contribution, the public library. You will have time this afternoon to explore these sites and to enjoy wandering the laneways of this lovely little town. A soak in the Onsen is highly recommended here.  

Day 4: Paper Making & Ride to the Pacific - Susaki

A slightly earlier breakfast is needed today to fit in a full day of activity. We start out by visiting Rogier. Dutchman, Rogier Uitenboogaart has been in Japan for decades and become a master of Washi Paper, an ancient art, producing incredibly durable paper from a plant grown in this area. He and his family host morning workshops on request and Grasshopper has been doing these since we started operating tours in Japan. You will get to make the paper yourself and then craft it into an item to take home with you.

We will have lunch in town, then an afternoon e-bike ride awaits to take us to our next location. The ride is another highly enjoyable route passing through lush green valleys and hills with rivers bubbling and churning away below. There is some sustained climbing that the e-bikes will power through and then a thrilling descent where we catch our first glimpses of the Pacific Ocean. We spend this evening in an Onsen Retreat property, high up on a headland looking out over the ocean with on outdoor Onsen and an exquisite meal to close out a fantastic day.

Day 5: Cycle the Pacific Coast to Kochi

With a place like this, you will be in no hurry to leave, so we take a leisurely breakfast, have time for more Onsen soaking and then head off late morning. The first part of our e-bike touring today is on a deserted road that skirts cliffs while the deep blue ocean swirls below along with the sound of waves crashing against rocky outcrops. A short ride beyond the cliffs takes us to yet another enjoyable section, high along a ridge on a peninsula, with views that may just exhaust your camera. The gradient along here is very enjoyable, with ups and downs all the way along the peninsula that takes us to a lunch spot back on the main island.

Well-fed, we go on to visit temple number 36 on the 88 Temple Pilgrimage Route. This is the Blue Dragon Temple and it's in our must-see list. There are often pilgrimage walkers there at the same time, so you can get an understanding of what it is all about.

The ride from here up to Kochi city is a fun one that passes surprisingly quickly. Some more flat coast riding, then through a deserted bamboo forest before summiting a hill with views over the city. Kochi is a fun place to be after a few nights in the countryside. There is a good variety of food on offer along with plenty of bars and nightlife.

Day 6: Ride to Iya Valley

This morning we head out by car for a short 45 minute drive out of the city and into the hills. Once we are on the bikes, we have a relatively flat and winding 10km following the river, then we go for a big, 20km hill climb, but again the e-bike's pedal-assist power makes this achievable by all. On a clear day the views from up top are stunning and we might even see Mt. Ishizuchi, the tallest mountain on the island. Then a long descent awaits you, into the Iya Valley. You will know when you have reached the valley, because the water of the Iya River is an amazing aqua color, owing to its origins in the limestone of the surrounding hills and the river bed that is also stone and light-colored silt.

After riding along the tight, winding road following the river with plenty of picture opportunities, we arrive at a large, comfortable Onsen Retreat style property where we can enjoy a great meal and a soak.

Day 7: Out of the Valley and the End of the Tour

We linger in the valley today. At 9 am, it's time for us to check out and have an early lunch before straddling our e-bikes to ride the last 30km.    And what a great 30km it is, along a quiet road that winds furiously as it follows the course of the river and contours of the valley, even on a regular bike you wouldn't be doing much pedaling here. As we leave the valley, there is a nice steep hill to get over and one that will remind you of the benefits of the e-bike you are riding. You'll roll into the small town of Awa Ikeda where we have arranged for an Onsen for you to shower, re-pack and then board a train for one of the many great travel destinations on Kyoto . Happy travels!  


Top E-bikes

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A pleasure to ride, the Yamaha e-bike is a unique offer for tours in Japan. The pedal-assist feature of this lightweight aluminium build expands touring possibilities for all riders and to explore more of the world by bike is a great thing in our books! Find out more about our E-Bikes here .

Yamaha e-bike is an upgrade that can be purchased for this trip, availability is limited and on a first-in basis.

Hotels in Japan are compact but generally comfortable and convenient. We have a mixture of accommodation on this tour from conventional 3-4 star hotels, to small traditional Inns, some with attached onsen (thermal hot spring) baths. We have selected these properties for their character, location and comfort. Note, double beds are not available in the Ryokan's as they are single futon mattresses on the floor.

Our bilingual guides are often cited as being the highlight of the tour and this we believe will be true of your experience in Japan. We have searched far and wide to find someone who can really tell you the story of Japan and we believe we have found him. Rest assured knowing your guide will be looking out for your comfort and safety at all times.

We provide a support vehicle driven by a skilled bike mechanic. You can be well assured that our great team is right behind you with support and they can keep your bike humming along like a Swiss watch.

An air-conditioned support van is provided and will be within 15 minutes reach maximum when needed. Bulky luggage is transferred by courier to the endpoint of the ride, so it is a good idea to pack in two parts, one part that you need daily and one part that you don't need until we reach the next hotel. This makes your daily routine a lot easier.

Japanese cuisine is world-famous. We aim to deliver a wide-ranging food experience on this tour from some simple meals up to the more ornate and gourmet experiences in the larger towns. Most meals are included on the tour, except for rest days.

Granola bars, fruit, and electrolyte drinks, as well as delicious local snacks will be provided to keep your energy up for riding.

A beautiful, limited edition, memento Grasshopper cycling jersey is yours to wear and take home as well as our trademark bottle.

This tour is guaranteed for a minimum of 6 travelers, and we limit the group size to only 14 so you get all the attention you want in an intimate group.

There is no surcharge for single travelers - we will match you with another same-sex single traveler. If you want a single room there is an optional upgrade that you can book.


Ryokan tsu tsui.

A Ryokan (traditional style Inn) with a retro feel and aesthetic. Located in a charming little village on Ikuchi Island in the Seto Inland Sea. The rooms are typical Ryokan style with futons and a tea setting. Most of the rooms feature a view out over the small harbor.

Hotel Hikyo-no-yu

Larger than most of the properties we stay at on tour, the Hikyo-no-yu is located in the Iya Valley which is a very popular location for corporate retreats, the purpose for which this property was designed. It is comfortable and well located and very well run. The perfect place to get a solid night's slight before moving on to your next adventure.

Koroshio Honjin

Set on a headland overlooking the Pacific Coast, this is a retreat style property, centered around an Onsen with both out and indoor baths. The outdoor bath overlooks the ocean as does the dining room where fresh delicacies provided by local fishermen are prepared for your consumption.

Hotel Marche

Designed by acclaimed architect Kengo Kuma, this is a boutique hotel set in the middle of an affluent little village in the hills of Shikoku. It is one of a number of structures around town to bear the architect's signature marks and is loaded with character and charm.

Candeo Matsuyama Hotel

A modern, business style hotel in the centre of a vibrant city. The Candeo is the thinking travelers' hotel with lots of style and comfort to it and a great, central location to boot.

Hiroshima & Onomichi Explorer

Enjoy three extra days & two nights exploring the bayside town of Onomichi and the reborn city of Hiroshima, on this specially designed tour extension in western Japan. Includes: Accommodation, Guide, activities, entry fees, return transfer to Hiroshima, 4 meals (Bx2, Lx1, Dx1)


Guest reviews, frequently asked questions, 1. what is travel in japan like.

Follow this link for  general information  on travel in Japan. Read our blog about  travel in Japan .

2. Follow link below for general questions about our multi-day bike tours

Multi-day Cycling Tours Frequently Asked Questions

Dates & Price

EARLY RIDER PRIZE: Be in the first 4 to book a departure and get 5% OFF the tour price

Payment Plans Available ⓘ * Deposit payment: $500 USD * Single room option: $1090 USD

Adult 5340USD

Adult 4780USD


Grasshopper style.

With our knowledge and experience of running tours in Japan, we have carefully crafted this cycling route to showcase the cultural and scenic highlights of the country as well as bring you up close to its history. Stay in traditional Japanese accommodations, enjoy tasty local delicacies, and cycling beautiful paths beyond important cities to mountains and coast. You’ll leave this tour with a greater appreciation for Japan’s heritage and some fantastic photos of its landscapes.

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All Japan Tours offers unlimited vacation possibilities to explore and experience an unforgettable trip to Japan. Whether you’re interested in Japanese cherry blossom tours , festival tours , autumn leaves tours or special interest tours , our Japan tour packages will bring your vacation dreams to reality. Choose tours based on style , interest , date , or season . Our Japan group tour packages are fully escorted, and we can also arrange special-interest private tours , custom group tours , and other Asia country tours to match your specific needs. | Why All Japan Tours

From Group Tours, to Custom Private Tours, to Japan Luxury Travel

Whether you're planning for a special occasion, family reunion, company event, luxury trip or an entire Japan holiday package, All Japan Tours can help you plan the perfect Japan experience. No matter what your interests are, you are always in excellent hands when you travel with All Japan Tours. Our Japan vacation packages cover all budgets from luxury to adventure and are available with or without international flights for full flexibility. Join an escorted group tour on a pre-designed itinerary, or let us create one for you. We have the firsthand know-how to take you well beyond ordinary travel.

The Best Japan Vacation Packages & Itineraries

When you consider the cost, hassle, and uncertainty of traveling on your own, you'll discover how an All Japan Tours vacation is like no other. Everything has been arranged in advance, from itinerary to hotel accommodations, so all you have to do is take in the breathtaking scenery. There is no need to worry about getting lost or finding transportation; leave the details to us and start having the time of your life. Our team works together to give you the very best Japan vacation. This includes our long-time tour guides in Japan that offer both current and historical enlightenment of its cities and towns, as well as expertise on where to find the most beautiful Japanese gardens and temples, local restaurants, and interesting shops. We understand how important it is to make your visit to Japan memorable and worthwhile, so our team both in the office and on the tours strive their best to accommodate your specific needs every step of the way. Book a Japan tour with us and start your unforgettable vacation today!

Japan Tour Packages 2024,2025 & 2026

What can we offer for your japan trip, japan escorted group tours.

The most cost-efficient and hassle-free way to travel Japan

AJT group tours are the best way to ensure that you do not miss seeing any of the highlights of Japan. We plan our group tours based on seasonal attractions with must see sites in every tour. All of our Japan group tour itineraries are researched and developed by our professional staff, all of whom have spent years working as a tour guide in Japan. We offer four different tour styles to pick from that are best suited to your interests, from train travel to luxury tours. We are confident that you will find something that is appealing and fascinating to you from our Group Tours. AJT group tour packages offer something suitable for everyone, no matter what your budget or tastes are.

Japan Private Journeys

Just you and your traveling partner

A private journey is the perfect solution for if you can't find a published departure date that you and your companion(s) agree on. Our private journeys allow you to customize the perfect itinerary for you and your companion(s). Our team will do our best to fulfill every detail and request to design your perfect tour.

Japan Custom Group Travel

You plan, with our help, where and when your group travels

Do you wish to travel with family, friends, school, church, club, or organization to Japan? We have the knowledge and experience to fulfill your wants. Let us arrange your sensational trip to Japan!

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When is The Best Time to Visit Tokyo Japan?

Japan Cherry Blossom Tours

Japan Cherry Blossom Tours

Our Japan cherry blossom tours are our most popular tours because we highlight the top places to see sakura, the most renowned flower in the country. Experience Japanese cherry blossom festivals, a cherry blossom dance show performed by geisha, and sakura views from Mt. Fuji, to gardens in Kyoto.

Japan Autumn Leaves Tours

Japan Autumn Leaves Tours

Our Japan autumn leaves tours give you exclusive access to beautiful gardens, temples, shrines, and famous landmarks while enjoying the colorful autumn scenery along the way. We offer Japan tours to rural parts of Japan, historical towns, World Heritage sites, and diverse shopping districts.

Japan Festival Tours

Japan Festival Tours

Our Japanese festival tours cover festivals from all seasons. Matsuri (festivals) can range from celebrations to honor a shrine's deity to joyful seasonal occurrences. Participate in one of the biggest festivals in Japan, the Kyoto Aoi Festival, or check out the Gion Summer Festival on one of our Japan tours.

Special Interest Tours

Special Interest Tours

We offer tours for people specifically interested in anime, the pilgrimage route of Japan, visiting the most beautiful places in Japan, focusing on Japan's breathtaking flowers, seeing snow monkeys in winter, visiting the best nature spots of Hokkaido, and spending time at the art island of Naoshima.

Top 12 Attractions in Japan

Takayama Festivals

Takayama Festivals

Lavenders in Hokkaido

Lavenders in Hokkaido

Tateyama Kurobe Alpine Route

Tateyama Kurobe Alpine Route


Snow Monkeys

Japan Winter Festivals

Japan Winter Festivals

Awa Odori Dance Festival

Awa Odori Dance Festival

Gion Summer Festival

Gion Summer Festival

Kyoto Aoi Festival

Kyoto Aoi Festival

Shibazakura Festivals

Shibazakura Festivals

Baby Blue Eye Flowers at Hitachi Seaside Park

Baby Blue Eye Flowers at Hitachi Seaside Park

Tohoku 3 Great Summer Festivals

Tohoku 3 Great Summer Festivals

Experience the takayama spring & autumn festivals during your trip to japan, one of japan's most beautiful festivals..

Witness the beautiful Takayama Festivals in Japan, not once, but twice a year. We offer a list of Japan tour packages that allow you to experience the lavishly decorated floats, known as yatai, which feature karakuri (mechanical puppets) that dance and move impressively. Whichever season you prefer, we have a Japan tour package reserved for either Takayama Festivals.

View our Japan tours featuring Takayama Festivals

Get lost in the lovely furano flower fields surrounded with lavender flowers, and enjoy views of the spacious fields in biei..

Our Hokkaido lavender tours showcase the best spots to indulge in lavender beauty during its flowering season. Take a Japan trip to Farm Tomita in Furano, known as one of the best places in Japan to see spectacular backdrops of lavender. Our lavender tours will also take you to a small town called Biei, overlapping with picturesque hills, vast fields, and the popular Panorama Road.

View our Japan tours featuring Lavenders in Hokkaido

The tateyama kurobe alpine route is an amazing route that goes through the northern japan alps..

Visit the famous and long demanded Alpine Route in Japanese Alps. Requiring varying modes of transportation, this route takes you through mountains and valleys for some of the most scenic views in all of Japan. From high mountain peaks reflected in the surface of calm, crystal lakes to the lower elevations at the Kurobe Dam and the famous site of the snow corridor, this route is sure to be unforgettably beautiful.

View our Japan tours featuring Tateyama Kurobe Alpine Route

Take delight in viewing elegant wisteria flowers at ashikaga flower park and kawachi fuji garden during your tour to japan..

Wisteria are dream-like flowers that hang like pink and purple chandeliers. On our Japan Wisteria Tours, you will visit places like the Kawachi Fuji Garden and Ashikaga Flower Park. The Kawachi Fuji Garden features picture-worthy flower tunnels you can walk underneath, while the Ashikaga Flower Park is significant for their "Great Wisteria", a famous tree that's over a 150 years old.

View our Japan tours featuring Wisteria

Watch japanese snow monkeys bathe in hot springs at jigokudani snow monkey park on a japan winter tour..

Our snow monkey tours will take you to the Jigokudani Yaenkoen Park, where you can see Japanese Macaque, known as "snow monkeys". Thousands of people come to see the monkeys, whom are native to northern Japan and can be recognized by their red faces and light brown-grey fur. Watching the snow monkeys bathe up close is quite an experience, so don't forget your camera!

View our Japan tours featuring Snow Monkeys

Our japan tours will take you to the best winter festivals in the country, where you can admire giant ice sculptures and unique fairgrounds..

Believe it or not, some of the best festivals that attract millions of visitors each year are located in the coldest parts of Japan. We have arranged tours to travel to the Sapporo Snow Festival, Otaru Snow Light Path, Lake Shikotsu Ice Festival, Asahikawa Winter Festival, and the Sounkyo Ice Waterfall Festival. Experience seeing illuminated ice sculptures on one our tour packages.

View our Japan tours featuring Japan Winter Festivals

Join a tour that visits japan's largest dance festival, awa odori, and enjoy traditional music accompanied with lots of food in a lively celebration..

Attracting over 1.3 million visitors per year, Awa Odori is the largest dance festival in Japan. We have a Japan tour package showing you the best of Japan, including this famous dance festival. It is also called the "Fool's Dance", which originates from 400 years ago. Many instruments including taiko, shamisen, and flutes are accompanied with the dancers that parade through the city.

View our Japan tours featuring Awa Odori Dance Festival

Spend your japan vacation indulging in traditional japanese culture and stunning floats at the gion summer festival..

The Gion Matsuri is Kyoto’s largest annual festival and one of Japan's most famous. We have arranged Japan tour packages that include this 1100 year old celebration, which originally began as a religious ceremony dating back to 869. The main event occurs on July 17th and July 24th, where locals and visitors gather to view two extravagant procession parade floats.

View our Japan tours featuring Gion Summer Festival

Book a trip to japan that includes a taste of japanese history at the elegant and popular kyoto aoi festival..

Every May 15th, the Kyoto Aoi Festival features a large parade of over 500 people dressed in Heian Period (794-1185) styled clothing to illustrate a graceful procession. We provide several tours that highlight one of Kyoto's most celebrated festivals. The Kyoto Aoi Matsuri takes you back to the 10th century, where traditional makeup and impressive costumes can be appreciated.

View our Japan tours featuring Kyoto Aoi Festival

Admire thousands of ground cherry blossoms at the fuji shibazakura festival & takinoue koen park shibazakura festival during your japan tour..

Known as the ground cherry blossoms, our Shibazakura Festival tours will take you to attractions that are blanketed with vivid shibazakura. See the Fuji Shibazakura Festival, featuring over 800,000 spectacular moss phlox with the great Mt. Fuji in the background. Also visit Takinoue Koen Park, noteworthy for its hillside covered with 100,000 square meters of shibazakura.

View our Japan tours featuring Shibazakura Festivals

Take your japan tour to the majestic flower gardens at hitachi seaside park, widely known for its hillside of 4.5 million baby blue eye flowers..

Scientifically known as Nemophila, the largest collection of baby blue eye flowers can be seen at the Hitachi Seaside Park. There are over 4.5 million baby blue eyes blooming from mid-April to mid-May, referred as "Nemophila Harmony" during its annual bloom. The Hitachi Seaside Park features vast, gorgeous flower gardens of tulips, poppies, roses, kochia, and more.

View our Japan tours featuring Baby Blue Eye Flowers at Hitachi Seaside Park

Join the fiery celebration at tohoku's 3 great summer festivals during your japan trip..

Be keen on Tohoku's Three Great Summer Festivals all in one Japan tour package. These summer festivals known as Aomori Nebuta, Akita Kanto, and Sendai Tanabata are lively experiences you don't want to miss. Enjoy magnificent views of lantern-lit floats, high-spirited dancing, music performances, kanto skills, firework displays, thousands of colorful streamers, and more.

View our Japan tours featuring Tohoku 3 Great Summer Festivals

Top 12 places to visit in japan.

hokkaido region

1. Hokkaido

Enjoy a tour to japan in hokkaido, renowned for its flower fields and attractions unique to every season..

Hokkaido, Japan has a distinctive change of seasons that only adds to its beauty. The island is renowned for its lavender fields in the summer and winter festivals that attract millions of visitors every year. Our Japan tours to Hokkaido will take you to the flower fields in Furano, the atmospheric Otaru Canal, Hokkaido's biggest entertainment district in Susukino, and to Shiraoi to learn about the Ainu people of Hokkaido. A Japan trip to Hokkaido means trying various fresh foods at the famous Nijo Market, strolling through the heart of Sapporo in Odori Park, and stopping by Hokkaido's most famous hot spring resort in Noboribetsu. Hokkaido is proud to have its four distinct seasonal differences that include a number of events and acitivities each unique to the season. There is no other place like Hokkaido to enjoy your Japan vacation to the fullest.

Make your way to the Tohoku region to see the great Towada Lake, visit the prominent Zeuiganji Zen temple, and see one of Japan's three most scenic views during your Japan tour.

Tohoku is known for its great summer festivals, picturesque landscapes, and its long history of samurai. Predominantly mountainous, this region offers broad areas of natural surroundings. A Japan tour to Tohoku involves visiting must-see sites among its six prefectures. Tour to one of Japan's three most scenic views at Matsushina, Tohoku's famous Zuiganji Zen temple, and the lovely Towada Lake. Numerous castles and samurai homes reside in Tohoku, making it an appropriate place to visit and appreciate history. Tohoku is also a suitable backup option when cherry blossom viewing, since the blossoming period takes place a few weeks later than in Kyoto or Tokyo. We offer several tours to see the best of Tohoku in one Japan trip.

Dive into the fascinating world of Tokyo, where you will visit ancient landmarks and electrifying towns during your tour to Japan.

Populated by over 36 million people, Tokyo is the worlds largest city. It is a metropolis that offers a mixture of both futuristic and traditional qualities. We offer tours to Tokyo that take you to destinations such as the Meiji Shrine, the Tokyo Tower, and the Imperial Palace. Indulge in Japanese history at the interesting Edo-Tokyo Musuem. We have Japan tour packages that will also take you to a popular tourist attraction called Odaiba, a man made island that serves as a shopping and entertainment district. Admire Tokyo's oldest temple built in 645, the colorful Sensoji Temple, also known as the Asakusa Kannon Temple. Find yourself in the lively and colorful Shibuya, renowned for endless dining, shopping, and clubbing. Its trademark is a large intersection featured in a number of films and photos. A Japan trip is not complete without traveling to Japans most distinguished city.

Travel to an active volcano in Hakone and ride the scenic Hakone Ropeway on one of our Japan tour packages.

Located in the Kanagawa Prefecture, the town of Hakone is mostly a mountainous region part of the Fuji Hakone Izu National Park. Hakone is a famed holiday resort renowned for its variety of popular hot springs. On our Japan tours, you can enjoy a stunning view of Mt. Fuji in Hakone and its natural beauty. Our tours will also take you to Owakudani, a volcano with active steam vents, hot river valleys, and scenic trails. Enjoy a ride on the Hakone Ropeway, where you can view the active volcano zone and excellent views of Mt. Fuji on clear days. Hakone is a popular destination in Japan for travelers looking to enjoy their tour outside of Tokyo. Since Hakone is in the Kanagawa Prefecture, our Japan tour packages will also include the must-see sites in this region.

5. Mt. Fuji

Check out astonishing views of mt. fuji and all of its natural surroundings when you book a tour to japan..

Take a tour to the highest mountain in Japan, Mt. Fuji, an active volcano standing at 12,380 feet (3,776 meters). Mt. Fuji is not only famous for its majestic cone shape and impressive aura, but also being the subject for distinguished paintings, photos, and literature. It is recognized as an international famous symbol of Japan. Impressive views can be seen from Tokyo and Yokohama on clear days. On the other hand, cloudy days often block visibility of Mt. Fuji, so those who get to experience the clear view of the mountain are considered fortunate. Our Japan tour packages will take you to the Fuji Subaru Line 5th Station, the halfway point on the climb to Mt. Fuji. It is accessible almost any time of the year and is well developed. This is a popular sightseeing spot for thoroughly admiring the grand and awe-inspiring view of Mt. Fuji and its surroundings.

6. Takayama

Add a traditional touch to your japan tour by visiting rural destinations in takayama and its authentic, historical buildings..

Celebrate at one of Japan's three most beautiful festivals here in Takayama, the Takayama Festivals, held in both spring and autumn. Since Takayama is located in the Japanese Alps, it is preferred among travelers wishing to add a rural destination to their visit to Japan. Takayama has been referred as "Little Kyoto", due to its preserved historical structures and traditional atmosphere. It is also popularly known as Hida-Takayama to refrain from confusion with other places called Takayama. We offer Japan tours to Old Town, where you can view entire streets and structures dating back to the Edo Period (1600-1868). Continue your Japan trip to the Matsumoto Castle, also called "Crow Castle" due to its black exterior. Here you can admire a prime example of original Japanese wooden architecture. Take delight in sightseeing in Takayama on your Japan vacation.

7. Kanazawa

Tour to kanazawa if you wish to see one of japan's three great gardens and a well-preserved samurai district during your trip to japan..

Capital of the Ishikawa Prefecture, the eminent city of Kanazawa is known for its preserved Edo districts and other historical attractions. Since the construction of the Kanazawa Castle during the rule of powerful feudal lord Maeda Toshiie, the city has prospered with many cultural achievements. Visit one of the Three Great Gardens of Japan, the Kenrokuen Garden, during your tour to Japan. Its name translates to "Garden of the Six Sublimities", qualities that make up the perfect garden according to Chinese landscape theory. Here you can find Japan's oldest fountain and the two meter tall Kotojitoro Lantern, an icon of Kanazawa and Kenrokuen. Some of our tour packages even travel to Kanazawa's Samurai District. Upon arrival, you will catch sight of well-preserved buildings and the former living quarters of samurai. Tour to Japan to enjoy these attractions unique to Kanazawa.

Say hello to authentic Japanese culture by visiting Japan's most popular temples and shrines, beautiful parks and gardens, and the best summer festivals during a tour to Kyoto.

Kyoto is famous for its numerous Buddhist temples, Shinto shrines, and ravishing gardens. The city served as Japan's capital and was the residence of the Imperial family during 794 to 1868. During your tour to Kyoto, you will get to participate in sake tasting at the Gekkeikan Okura Sake Musuem, visit the famous tunnel of scarlet torii gates at Fushimi Inari Shrine, see the iconic Kinkakuji Temple (Golden Pavillion), and stroll through the city of geisha in Gion. Continue your trip to the former residence of Tokugawa Ieyasu at Nijo Castle, check out the noteworthy Kiyomizu Temple and its impressive wooden stage, and see what a traditional Zen garden looks like at the Tenryuji Temple. Experience three of Kyoto's world-famous festivals, including the Aoi-matsuri Festival, the Gion-matsuri Festival, and the Jidai-matsuri Festival. Tour to Kyoto for an unforgettable Japan experience.

Experience visiting the world's largest wooden building and Japan's biggest bronze statue of Buddha when you travel to Japan.

Located less than one hour away from Kyoto and Osaka, the city of Nara is one of Japan's most rewarding destinations. Nara is Japan's first permanent capital, and is second to Kyoto as a cultural legacy with eight Unesco World Heritage Sites. Under the rule of the Imperial family and aristocrats, many temples and shrines were built here, as well as the development of temple towns. Our tours include seeing one of Japan's most significant temples, the Todaiji Temple, home to the famous Daibutsu (Big Buddha). The temple's main hall (Daibutsuden) is the world's largest wooden building, which is where you can also find the giant bronze statue of Buddha. Your trip to Japan will also give you the opportunity to visit the popular Deer Park nearby the temple, filled with over 1,000 deer you can greet and feed. Choose one of our Japan tour packages to experience Nara's historic treasures.

10. Hiroshima

Travel to the peace memorial park for an awakening experience about war and world peace, as well as the famed "floating" torri gate on the beautiful miyajima island, only in hiroshima..

Hiroshima is located in the Chugoku Region, a major city that is home to over a million residents. After the first atomic bomb dropped, there were predictions that the city would be uninhabitable. However, great endeavors were taken to rebuild Hiroshima and the speculations were proved wrong. During your Japan tour, you can visit the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum and the Atomic Bomb Dome (Genbaku Dome), a must-see exhibition and eye opening experience. You can visit these landmarks of world history at Peace Memorial Park, located in the center of the city. Our Japan tour packages also take you to Itsukushima-jinja, a Shinto shrine located on Miyajima Island. It is famous for its "floating" torii gate and is inscribed as a World Cultural Heritage Site and one of Japan's three most scenic places. Don't miss out on a remarkable tour to Hiroshima.

11. Shikoku

Journey to shikoku during your japan vacation for a tour full of remarkable sites and impressive coastal views, such as the incredibly scenic drive along the great seto bridge and the shimanami kaido toll road..

Shikoku is home to the Shikoku pilgrimage route, which includes 88 temples and other sacred sites. Shikoku offers many historic locations, breathtaking spots in nature, and traditional festivals. Here on your tour to Japan, you can enjoy scenic views from the Great Seto Bridge and the Shimanami Kaido, passing six small islands to get to Shikoku. Shimanami Kaido is renowned for its beautiful drive along its picturesque toll road. Take a pleasant stroll through Shikoku Mura Village and experience an awe-inspiring masterpiece of Japanese landscape at Ritsurin Park, featuring ponds, pavilions, and a Mt. Shuin backdrop. Shikoku may be the smallest main island of Japan, but offers many spectacular attractions to experience.

Explore Kyushu during your tour to Japan, where you'll wander through an abandoned island known as Gunkanjima, and visit the site of legend where the Shinto Sun Goddess hid herself in a cave.

Kyushu is the third largest main island of Japan and offers significant landmarks, natural beauty, and vibrant cities. Our Japan tour packages will take you to the best things to see and do in Kyushu. Take a trip to Gunkanjima, translating to "battleship island", a small and abandoned coal mine with the highest recorded population density in the world. You will also visit Glover Garden, an open-air exhibit featuring mansions of former Western residents in Nagasaki. Tour to Takachiho, a town pervaded with Japanese mythology. There you can visit the supposed site of legend of the Sun Goddess Amaterasu, where she hid in a cave distraught from her brother's cruel pranks, causing other gods and goddesses to attempt to lure her out. Takachiho is a "power spot" profound with spiritual energy and religious importance. Nearby, you can see a cascading waterfall at the Takachiho Gorge.

media read more

Though it is possible to do a cherry blossom trip on your own, if you want to see multiple sites and get more out of the trip, I’d suggest a tour. It is much easier to navigate in these rural areas that off the English speaking tourist path when……

Testimonial read more


My husband, Daniel Levine and myself (Cherilyn Brunetti) just returned from our tour which started in Osaka on July 3 and ended in Tokyo on July 8. It was our first trip to Japan and we had a wonderful experience. I credit our tour guide, Bil……

Cherry blossoms in Japan read more

Japan Cherry Blossom Guide

Cherry blossoms in Japan have been a major attraction for tourists. The most common question people ask is “when is the cherry blossom season?” It is an easy yet difficult answer because it depends on the area we are talking about.

Autumn Leaves Guide read more

Japan Autumn Leaves Guide

Autumn leaves in Japan are almost as popular as the cherry blossom season. Kōyō is the Japanese word for autumn leaves. Kōyō and momiji (maple leaves) use the same kanji and has been that way since the Heian Period.

The latest article, gallery and video of Japan



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Can’t get enough of Japan after visiting Tokyo, Kyoto, and Osaka, but are torn between the charms ......



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Attending a Japanese festival is an experience unlike any other! Here are our favorite annual events......



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From Okinawa to Hokkaido, here's where and when to see cherry blossoms in Japan.......

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Fully Guided Tours & Trips in Japan

Find the right fully guided tour for you in Japan. There are 283 trips to choose from, that range from 5 days in length, up to 28 days. The month with the most departures is October, making it the most popular time to visit Japan.

250+ Fully Guided tour packages in Japan with 4,315 reviews

Japan Express: Osaka to Tokyo Tour

  • In-depth Cultural
  • Train & Rail
  • Christmas & New Year

Japan Express: Osaka to Tokyo

The whole trip was so incredible. All made possible by our excellent tour guide Mayumi. She is a asset to your company and I will miss her.

Discover Japan Tour

Discover Japan

Very interesting experience. Very good trip, well balanced between mandatory and optional activities.

Epic Japan: Speed Trains & Street Food Tour

Epic Japan: Speed Trains & Street Food

Amazing trip with a fantastic tour guide. Our guide, Mack, went above and beyond to provide an amazing experience in Japan. Easily, the best tour I've done with G Adventures!

Tokyo, Kyoto and Hiroshima end Tokyo Tour

Tokyo, Kyoto and Hiroshima end Tokyo

Very good coordinated arrangement and accommodation. The tour itself was very organized.

South Japan Express Tour

  • Coach / Bus

South Japan Express

Went here with my three friends- amazed with our first Japan trip. Hope to be back in winter 😊

Japan Express Tour

Japan Express

Very good experience. The leader was knowledgeable and friendly. There was also plenty of free time to explore on my own

Tokyo, Kyoto and Osaka Tour

  • Sightseeing

Tokyo, Kyoto and Osaka

Our tour guides David and Francisco were entertaining, informative and considerate. We had a great introduction to the highlights of Tokyo, Kyoto and Nara and thoroughly enjoyed our 5 day tour.

Essential Japan Tour

Essential Japan

The tour was very well organized. All the tour arrangements were as per the agreement made while booking the tour. The staff of the company was very courteous. We are satisfied with the services provided.

Wonders of Japan End Osaka Tour

Wonders of Japan End Osaka

Advertised as English/Spanish, but the guides were clearly more at home en Espanol.

Japan Highlights Tour

Japan Highlights

Loved seeing Japan. Very busy itinerary - 55 miles walked in 8 days but really enjoyable.

Japan Delight with Hiroshima(private 3 star hotel rooms) Tour

Japan Delight with Hiroshima(private 3 star hotel rooms)

Definitely would recommend to friends and family . very organized, knowledgeable and friendly tour guide, 10/10 experience

Japan One Life Adventures - 14 Days Tour

Japan One Life Adventures - 14 Days

It is a very intense tour, but that allows you to see so much of Japan and i loved that we did not only get to see the big cities. There are also so many activities and stays that i would have never done or found myself and it all together made it an amazing experience

Premium Japan Tour

Premium Japan

We had an amazing holiday. Japan was all we had hoped for. The group worked so well, we all got on and became good friends. Shingo, our guide was totally great. He was so pleasant and helpful. His English not brilliant but he did a great job. We felt maybe a little more information on places and sights might have been good. He was constantly helping us all and looking after us. He made great suggestions for meals and always checked up on us all, even when we split into smaller groups for the evening. He went way beyond what he could have done and made everyone feel safe and well looked after. He even helped booking all our onward travel and ensured we were all ok on the day. Wonderful man!! The hotels were nice, if a little small with almost no storage in most of them! Breakfasts were generally very good. We saw and did so much. In fact, we felt sometimes it was a little too much to fit into each day, and either missed some things out or were too rushed, missing stopping and looking at leisure at things and shops etc. Shingo was so patient, even when we caused him to run a little late! Due to distances covered we spent a lot of time travelling which was an interesting experience. Just meant time at destinations was a little short. As Most of us were older we all felt very tired at the end of each day and struggled especially when we had to carry back packs whilst waiting to be reunited with luggage. Dont know what the answer is, if extra days added, then expense goes up. If itinerary cut back, then Interesting sights missed out! Overall, a truly great trip. We enjoyed it all!

9 Days Splendid Japan Deluxe with Nagoya(4 star hotels) Tour

9 Days Splendid Japan Deluxe with Nagoya(4 star hotels)

Great experience. Amazing guide. Totally worth it.

Japan Real Food Adventure Tour

  • Food & Culinary

Japan Real Food Adventure

Amazing tour! Our tour guide was amazing and a phenomenal host for her country.

What people love about Fully Guided Tours in Japan

The guide was the best
Japan was so fun! A looooooot of free time so do you researches about what to do and visit in every city. Would have love more ''organised'' activities (like a dinner every night with the group,...). Compared to other G Adventures tour I did in the past, I felt that this group was less stick together since there was only a few group activities.

Regions in Japan

  • Southern Japan (245)
  • Central Japan (240)
  • Honshu (236)
  • Northern Japan (13)
  • Mount Fuji (12)
  • Kansai (10)
  • Hokkaido (7)
  • Shikoku (7)

Travel Styles

  • Fully Guided
  • Japan Travel Guide | All You Need to Know
  • 2 Week (14 Days) Japan Travel Itineraries & Cost 2024/2025
  • 1 Week (7 Day) Japan Travel Itineraries 2024/2025
  • Best 3 Week (21 Days) Japan Travel Itineraries 2024/2025
  • Discover the Best Japan Vacation Packages 2024/2025
  • What is the best time to visit Japan in 2024/2025?
  • Weather in Japan in 2024/2025

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+81 80-9454-1447

Unravel the Unparalleled Beauty of Japan with E Japan Travel's Premium Tours and Car Services

News release.

See Mount Fuji at the upcoming Sakura Festival 2024

Types of Sakura-Cherry Blossom

Must-Taste Fantastic Food and Drink from Sakura

Seeing the Great Buddha Ushiku of Guiness World Records in beautiful sakura

Hinamatsuri is approaching in Japan. What is it and how to celebrate?

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Professional reliable car rental service in japan.

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E Japan Travel understands well that you all expect your journeys to be enjoyable, full of new discovery and still restful when coming to Japan. Thus, our service has been designed to fulfill your needs.

Japan Popular Tours

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E Japan Travel accommodates you with hustle-free private tours to the most extraordinary tourist destinations in Japan.

Japan Airport Transfers

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E Japan Travel provides spacious comfortable cars to welcome and pick you up from the airport to your hotel after arriving in Japan. We also make sure that you will get to the airport on time for your flight back to your home country.

Payment can be made online in advance or by bank transfer

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We accept credit cards and cashless payments. In the case of direct deposit, we will inform you of the transfer account at the time of quotation. In the case of corporations, invoice payment is also possible.

This website uses "Cookies" to store information on the visitor's computer. It will help improve website access and enhance user experience. By visiting this website, you agree to the placement of "Cookies." Read the privacy statement for more information.

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  • Playground of the Gods
  • Caldera to Cape
  • Trans Islands Shikoku
  • E-Bike Tours

E-Bike Tours- Japan Cycling Trips

We are now offering on all of our guided tours with the option of an E-Bike rental. E-bikes, or electricity assist bicycles provide some assistance, particularly on the hills. It really takes out the physical hardship of covering long distances or steep hills so that you might better enjoy the scenery and culture with minimal effort. Read our journal about E-Bikes.

Hokkaido Half-day Tours

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This is one of the most breathtaking areas in Hokkaido. The Biei countryside is reminiscent of Tuscany, with its green rolling hills, interspersed  with flower farms. There is the backdrop of the Daisetsuzan mountains and on clear days, you will see the whole range stretching from north to south. There are a myriad of quiet roads, perfect for seeing the countryside on the bike.

  • Mild Seven Trees
  • Tree of Ken and Mary
  • Hokkaido soft cream stop

Ride Details

  • 253 m ascent
  • 3 hr tour (9 am or 1 pm)

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Shirogane Blue Pond

Shirogane is a hot spring village at the base of the Daisetsuzan National Park. The route will take you through a tranquil silver birch forest to an alpine plain with stunning views of a smoking volcano. Along the way we have the opportunity to see the turquoise blue pond and a waterfall that cascades out from a rocky cliff face. Read about the tour here .

  • Shirahige Waterfall
  • Tokachi Volcano views
  • 361 m ascent

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Furano Lavender Loop

Furano is sometimes referred to as the 'Navel of Hokkaido' for its central location on the island. This is a picturesque valley with views across to the southern end of the Daisetsuzan mountains. Lavender grows in the months of June to August in the valley and quilted flower farms color the landscape in various shades. Enjoy the scenery from quiet country roads.

  • Furano Winery
  • Tomita Lavender Farm
  • Saika no Sato Flower Farm
  • 342 m ascent
  • 3 hr tour  (9 am or 1 pm)

2 person group: 20,000 yen/person

3 person group: 14,000 yen/person

4 person group: 11,000 yen/person

- Includes E-bike rental and helmet for a 3 hour private tour

- Please note that travel insurance which covers cycling is mandatory for the tour booking. Please find the insurance website if you have not had the travel insurance.

- Please dress in sport clothing with sneakers or similar flat soled shoes. Please bring water, sunglasses and insect repellent.


We have chosen the Trek Verve+ for our rental fleet based on its positive reviews. The bike is very user friendly and you will be used to its functions in a matter of minutes. Renting an E-Bike might be a good option for couples of differing abilities, families or first time bike travellers concerned about keeping up with a group. The reassurance that an E-bike enables individuals to seek a more adventurous route.

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Visit Japan Web: The Online Registration Before Arriving in Japan

Japanese customs: mysos replaced from november, 14,  2022.

During the Covid pandemic, entry procedures in Japan have changed a lot, which created some confusion. It is still somewhat the case after the reopening to tourism since October 11, even if a focus has been placed on easing the procedures especially through digitalization , to minimize human interactions and subsequent contamination risks.

Until recently, the Japanese government asked visitors to install specific app on their smartphones:

  • MySOS, for advance registration of information regarding vaccine status / PCR test, for faster airport procedures in Japan (the "fast track" system)
  • COCOA, an app to track contact-cases and infected persons, but it was discontinued in September 2022.

MySOS was not mandatory but highly recommended . Travelers who could not use the app were directed upon their arrival in Japan to a specific line in order to complete the necessary steps (showing a valid vaccination certificate / PCR test, etc.) which lengthened their time at the airport.

New website available since November 1st, 2022

In mid-October 2022, a new change in the procedure has been announced for all entry in Japan from November 14 included : every traveler (tourist, foreign resident and Japanese citizen alike) can register in advance on the Visit Japan Web site.

Visit Japan Web is a free, single portal to group formalities related to:

  • Covid-19   🦠 ( quarantine , vaccination certificate, PCR test); The Pre-registration for Quarantine Procedures section collects the information that were previously filled in the MySOS app ("Fast Track" function);
  • Immigration : the Disembarkation Card for Foreigner that was formerly handed in the plane  ✈️ just before landing (does not concern Japanese citizens and foreign permanent residents);
  • Customs  🛂 , with the Declaration of Personal effects and Unaccompanied Articles , to fill upon arrival, formerly either on a paper form or on the Japanese government’s Zeikan shinkoku app (税関申告アプリ).

In the facts, registering on the website has been possible since November 1, 2022 , for any arrival in Japan from November 14 in one of its largest airports:

  • Tokyo -Narita,
  • Tokyo-Haneda,
  • Osaka - Kansai (KIX),
  • Chubu ( Nagoya ),
  • Fukuoka ( Kyushu ),
  • New Chitose ( Hokkaido ) and
  • Naha ( Okinawa ).

Travelers arriving in Japan before November 14, 2022, can still use the MySoS app to fill their Covid related data and are not the target of the Visit Japan Web.

1 blue screen and 2 QR Codes to show on a smartphone

Like with MySOS previously, each step of the registration process is ended by a change in the page display that includes:

  • A blue screen , for a successful quarantine procedure registration,
  • and the creation of 2 QR Codes for customs and immigration procedures.

Once all the steps are completed, a visitor’s smartphone  📱 will display first a blue screen, then 2 QR Codes to show at each checkpoint.

Starting April 29, 2023 , according to March 10 and April 26 latest announcements of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, some of the borders restrictions will be lifted and the Covid-19 quarantine procedure (blue screen) will not be required anymore .

It is highly recommended to register before departing for Japan : at the latest 6h prior to the flight’s departure, and ideally within the 10 preceding days , in order to allow time for the review of the submitted documents. Reviews are sorted by date of arrival in Japan . Visit Japan Web is available in English.

Whether you are fully vaccinated or not, consider using Visit Japan Web to make sure to board your flight to Japan, as airlines reserve the right to refuse passengers who may potentially be banned at the Quarantine Procedures step.

The necessary documents are:

  • A valid email address (will be used as a user ID to each access to Visit Japan Web);
  • Until April 29, 2023 , Covid vaccination certificate or negative PCR test result taken less than 72 hours before departure and translated in English (use the Japanese-English form provided by the Japanese Ministry of Health here );
  • An address in Japan (for example, of the first accommodation you will be staying at).

If traveling with underage children , it is possible to register them on the same Visit Japan Web account (up to 10 travelers). Dependent or handicapped adults who cannot go through the procedures alone can also be registered in the Family members traveling with you section. However, each of them has to have their own passport or equivalent immigration document.

Each member of the family registered on the same account will also have their blue screen and 2 QR Codes, to show at checkpoints at the arrival airport in Japan.

Like with MySOS, registering with Visit Japan Web is not mandatory , however it helps going through the entry procedures in Japan faster, and reduces the hurdles of tedious formalities after 12 hours of more spent in a plane.

On April 5, 2023, Kono Taro, the Japanese Minister of Digital Affairs, announced that travelers are no longer required to show any document at arrival airport’s quarantine in Japan . However, filling information forms for immigration and customs is still a requirement.

Additional tips and advice

An Internet  📶 connection is required to use the Visit Japan Web site, especially to create the account, fill in the user’s information, and their family’s when applicable (name, passport number, etc.), the forms regarding vaccination or PCR test and create the first QR Code. The digital Disembarkation Card for Foreigners and custom procedures can be completed offline and the QR codes created upon arrival at the airport.

Creating a Visit Japan Web account is possible on a computer (Chrome browser is recommended) or on a smartphone (Chrome browser recommended on Android). In any case, before departure, make sure to be logged in only on the device you will use to travel (a smartphone ideally), and check that all information is up-to-date.

Questions asked at immigration and customs procedures are the same than on the paper forms. In any event, official Japanese sources (the Embassy of Japan or the Border Control page of the Japanese Ministry of Health for example) are the ultimate references regarding entry procedures in Japan and should be checked frequently.

  • Flights and Airports
  • Accommodation
  • Transportation
  • Internet & Phones
  • Budget and money
  • Japanese Food
  • Visit with Kids
  • Seasons: spring / summer / autumn / winter
  • Weather forecast
  • Time in Japan
  • Holidays & Festivals
  • Natural Disasters
  • Customs and Duties
  • Works and Closures
  • May 12 -- Mother's Day in Japan
  • June 6 -- Beginning of the rainy season (Tsuyu) in Japan
  • June 21 -- Summer starts in Japan
  • July 1 -- Season start for climbing Mount Fuji
  • From July 1 to 31 -- Gion Matsuri Festival in Kyoto with float processions on July 17 and 24
  • July 15 -- Sea day / Umi no Hi in Japan (holiday)
  • Tokyo : Shinjuku , Shibuya , Harajuku , Asakusa , Akihabara , Odaiba , Ikebukuro , Ueno , Roppongi , Chiyoda , Ryogoku ...
  • Around Tokyo: Kamakura , Nikko , Hakone , Mount Fuji , Mount Takao , Yokohama ...
  • Kansai: Kyoto , Nara , Osaka , Mount Koya , Himeji , Kobe , Kinosaki , Kumano Kodo , Ise ...
  • Japanese Alps: Kanazawa , Matsumoto , Takayama , Shirakawa-go , Nakasendo ...
  • West: Hiroshima , Miyajima , Shikoku , Onomichi , Naoshima , Izumo , Kurashiki , Matsue ...
  • South: Kyushu , Okinawa , Yakushima ...
  • North: Hokkaido , Tohoku ...

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  • Temples and Shrines
  • Gardens and Parks
  • Hiking and Trekking
  • Observation Decks
  • Public Baths (Onsen and Sento)
  • Festivals (Matsuri)
  • Amusement Parks
  • Visit on a Budget / Luxury

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Keikaku is a travel agency specialist of Japan and providing different kind of services:

  • Japan Rail Pass
  • English speaking Guides
  • Pocket Wi-fi
  • Japan Nightlife
  • Working in Japan
  • Religion and Spirituality
  • Arts and History
  • Movies / Animated Movies
  • Japanese Music
  • Studio Ghibli
  • Photos / Videos
  • Weird Japan
  • Translations
  • Kana & Kanji
  • Japanese Swear Words
  • Honorific Suffixes (san, kun, chan...)
  • Introducing yourself
  • Thank you / Apologize
  • Count / Say Your Age
  • Say the Date / Tell the Time
  • Happy birthday
  • Enjoy Your Meal
  • Writing your name

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Kanas are the much-needed basic characters of written Japanese language. Memorize them at a fast pace with our method.

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Ask any kind of question and share your knowledge about Japan in Kanpai’s community space, our Q&A section Kotaete.

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Isshoni means "together" in Japanese: share your trip details (dates, places you would like to visit) and find companions to travel in Japan.

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Create your Kanpai account to manage your profile and view your participation history (questions, answers).


Japan tours

Whether you dream of seeing Mount Fuji, smelling cherry blossoms in the air, or trying an authentic bowl of ramen in Tokyo, Japan tours are sure to satisfy all your senses.

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That’s all it takes to secure a spot on one of our group tours when you sign up for AutoPay . Plus, you can pay in interest-free, monthly installments.

While you’re deciding what to take, we’ll be busy arranging your hotels, meals, tickets, and more tour essentials. That’s what going guided is all about .

Take off on your big adventure— but why stop there? Every trip you book with us earns rewards that you can use to keep expanding your horizons.

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What travelers are saying about our Japan tours

Travel tips for japan trips.

If cherry blossoms as far as the eye can see spark your wanderlust, then spring is the ideal time to go on Japan guided tours. Cherry blossom season varies by location, but for Tokyo and Kyoto, the blooms pop up in late March or early April. Cherry trees peak just one week after the blossoms begin to open, so set off on our Cherry Blossoms in Japan: Tokyo to Kyoto tour in March to see the best of the best. Just keep in mind that you may need to contend with higher crowds of people hoping to admire this beautiful springtime sight on tours to Japan.

April and May are also pleasant times to go on escorted tours of Japan. June and July mark the height of Japan's rainy season, but are also the time when Japan gets the fewest visitors. So, if you're not a fan of crowds and don't mind a bit of rain and humidity, the summer season can be an enjoyable time to see the country. It's also around this time that the country's music festivals and beer gardens start to open.

Japan trips departing September through November also have so much to offer. Although the season can come with a little rain, it brings colorful autumnal leaves that can be considered on par with the famous cherry blossoms. Plus, the fall's mild temperatures are ideal for exploring. Just keep in mind that visiting Japan in the fall also means you'll experience a higher amount of visitors.

Our Japan guided tours bring you from the city to the countryside to give you a true sense of this dynamic island. See soaring skyscrapers and unmatched views of Mount Fuji in Tokyo, and step inside shrines built by powerful emperors in Kyoto. In Osaka , learn about one of Japan's most important traditions: the tea ceremony.

Want to get outside on group trips to Japan? There are endless opportunities to enjoy nature. In Nara Park, you'll stroll alongside thousands of sacred deer. Or, admire stunning works of art at the Hakone Open-Air Museum in Hakone, which boats 17 acres of sculptures. If the ocean calls, add the Okinawa extension on our ** Grand Tour of Japan **to relax on white-sand beaches. Beyond these beautiful sites are the Japanese Alps, the Bamboo Grove of Arashiyama, and more.

Out of all our Asia tours , Japan group tour packages are sure to introduce you to some of the continent's most delicious cuisine. Common Japanese meals are based around rice or noodles with fish, meat, and vegetables flavored with soy sauce and miso. Here are some of the can't-miss specialties to seek out on all Japan trips:

  • Sushi, a go-to meal of seasoned rice and raw fish that's popular for locals and visitors alike
  • Ramen, a broth-and-noodle dish that was invented in Japan and can be tasted at countless ramen shops throughout the country
  • Miso soup, an important part of any Japanese meal that's made with miso paste and dashi broth
  • Deep-fried seafood or vegetables called tempura
  • Shabu-shabu , or hot pot, which entails cooking meat and vegetables in a boiling broth right at the table
  • Mochi , a sweet rice dough
  • Sake , Japan's signature alcoholic drink that's been brewed in the country for centuries
  • Matcha , a finely ground powder made from green tea leaves
  • A popular street food called takoyaki , which are fried balls of dough with a small piece of octopus inside

Knowing what to pack is an important step in planning a trip to Japan. Since the temperature can shift depending on where you are, it's always a good idea to pack layers. More modest clothing that covers shoulders and legs is appreciated and often expected in temples and other religious sites. Plus, a small umbrella can come in handy in the event of an unexpected rain shower.

Good news: There's no need to stress about outlets if you're thinking about Japan tour packages! Two-pronged Type A plugs that are used in the U.S. and Canada fit into Japanese outlets. However, packing a universal adapter can be helpful if you have any three-pronged plugs, such as a computer charger.

Comfortable shoes are a must for sightseeing on Japan guided tours, and shoes that are easy to slip on and off come in handy when visiting temples and other sites when you're required to be barefoot.

Know where you want to travel in Japan?

Travel inspiration.

pink paper lanterns hanging from cherry blossom trees lined along a canal in tokyo japan

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Japan Trips & Tour Packages

Group on the famous Shinjuku Crossing in Tokyo, Japan with the colourful neo signs in the background

Beautiful landscapes? Check. Cultural experiences? Check. Tastebud-tingling food? Check. Our Japan tours have it all.

There’s a certain allure to Japan – a place where eastern tradition and western modernity collide among otherworldly scenery that’ll take your breath away and refuse to give it back. Add mouthwatering cuisine, a fascinating history, and a multifaceted culture into the mix and it's easy to understand how Japan continues to captivate travelers. From enjoying a sake tasting at a local brewery and soaking in a steaming hot onsen to marveling at World Heritage-listed temples thousands of years old, our tours in Japan promise the ultimate adventure: one you’ll continue to think about long after you return home. 

Our Japan trips

Let's create an exclusive trip for your group.

Japan tour reviews

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Japan Express

Essential Japan

Japan Highlights

Articles of Japan

The top 7 destinations for travel in April 2024

10 awesome places to go for your 21st birthday

6 ways you can go beyond Asia’s hotspots in 2023 

Japan or China: Where to travel next?

Now is the perfect time to visit Japan. This Intrepid leader explains why.

Japan or South Korea? How to choose your next holiday destination

The naked truth: a non-nudist’s guide to using a Japanese onsen

What is Japan famous for? The 11 things to seek out on your next trip 

Japan at a glance

Capital city.

Tokyo (population approximately 37 million)

Approximately 123.1 million

(GMT+09:00) Osaka, Sapporo, Tokyo



Type A (North American/Japanese 2-pin) Type B (American 3-pin)

Learn more about Japan

Culture and customs.

Japan is a multifaceted country made up of many different cultures, rituals, and traditions influenced by Confucianism (introduced in AD285), Buddhism (introduced in AD552), and Shintoism (Japan’s ritualistic native religion). The rise of technology and international trendsetting has also played a part in the culture of Japan today as the younger generation embraces fashion-forwardness, online personas, and high-tech gadgets.

This is in direct contrast to the Confucian-influenced, old-school Japanese culture that the older generations still live by, with a larger emphasis on modesty, respect, and discipline. This can sometimes cause conflict between the two demographics, however, there are still some traditions that are considered sacred regardless of age – tea ceremonies, bowing, kendo, geisha, and sumo.

Visit ancient temples and walk history-laden pilgrim routes on a 8 day Koya-san & Kumano Trek.

History and government

Japan has had an interesting past with its ancient history, pre-modern history, and 20th-century history, all influencing the country we all know and love today.

Ancient history

While there is evidence the archipelago has been occupied by humans for around 35,000 years, what we know now as ‘Japan’ began to take shape about 1700 years ago as disparate tribes started to unify.

Pre-modern history

Over the centuries, Japan has alternated between feudal, empirical, religious, and government rule, with each period birthing different styles of art, architecture, and spirituality. Buddhism and Confucianism, introduced in 552 BC and AD 285, respectively, both proved massively influential on the class structures and governance of pre-modern Japan. You can still visit and stay in many Buddhist temples in Japan today.

20th century

It’s difficult to discuss the emergence of modern Japan without talking about WWII. During the war, the Empire of Japan used aggressive military tactics in an attempt to expand its reach and control in Asia and elsewhere. In response, the US Army instigated a strategic bombing campaign that included the notorious use of nuclear weapons in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The result of these attacks was mass human and structural devastation.

These bombings, along with depleted armed forces and the looming threat of invasion from the Soviet Union, led the Empire of Japan to surrender unconditionally to the Allies in September 1945.

The ‘Empire of Japan’ became ‘Japan’ as part of the extensive terms of surrender, and the nation faced the prospect of rebuilding and reinventing itself in the second half of the 20th century.    

Reflect on the historic and sobering sites of Hiroshima and Nagasaki while on an 24 day Ultimate Japan tour.

After WWII, Japan found its feet operating as a free-market economy based around the manufacture and export of automobiles and electronics, experiencing particularly rapid growth between 1960 and the late 1980s. The late 20th century saw the country emerge as an economic superpower, and with that came the flourishing of several cultural sectors, such as the arts and cuisine. 

Experience Japan's historic sites on a 13 day Land of the Rising Sun tour.

Top places to visit in Japan

One minute you’re walking through a former black-market quarter, the next, you’re paying your respects at a 1400-year-old temple. Eclectic Tokyo is an essential part of any visit to Japan. Wander through the streets of Tokyo on our 12 day Classic Japan tour.

If you’ve ever eaten at a sushi train restaurant, you’ve got the underrated city of Osaka to thank! The motto in this city is 'kuidaore', which roughly translates as ‘eat until you drop’ . You can consider that a (friendly) order. Experience Osaka on our 12 day Japan Family Holiday.

The home of temples, palaces, and the Gion district (where geisha live and work), Kyoto is also where you’ll find the famed Fushimi Inari Taisha Shrine. Spot Geisha in Kyoto on our 9 day Japan Express tour.

4. Kanazawa

A great place to see a slice of old Japan, with classic sculpted gardens, a restored Old Town, and well-preserved architecture from a variety of eras. Explore Kanazawa on our 11 day Cycle Japan tour or on our 10 day Essential Japan adventure.

5. Hiroshima

Most travelers visit Hiroshima to see the Peace Memorial Park, constructed around the hypocentre of the atomic bomb that destroyed the city in 1945. Follow this up with nearby Miyajima, a tranquil island where tame deer roam the streets. 

6. Yudanaka

This quaint resort town is best experienced in the winter, when snow coats the normally evergreen trees and Japanese macaques come down from the mountains to bathe and groom each other in the steaming natural hot springs of Jigokudani (Hell Valley).

Geography and environment

Japan is an archipelago of more than 6000 islands located in the Pacific Ocean in Asia . The main islands are Hokkaido, Honshu, Kyushu and Shikoku. Lying on the Pacific Ring of Fire, Japan is prone to destructive earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanic activity. The most famous volcano, Mount Fuji , is also Japan's highest peak and only 100km from Tokyo.

Japan has plenty of forested, mountainous terrain that is unsuitable for agriculture and development, so much of the population lives in the coastal cities. This has led Japan to become one of the most densely populated countries in the world and the majority of its inhabitants are used to living in very small spaces, with a heavy reliance on public transport.

Although life is fast-paced and crowded in cities like Tokyo and Osaka, rural areas typically feature low-density, traditional housing and a slower pace of life surrounded by greenery such as lush forests and plenty of moss-covered boulders. 

Traverse mountains, cycle coastlines, and meander through forests on a 12 day Japan: Hike, Bike and Kayak tour.

Shopping in Japan is fun but expensive, so be sure to have a budget for souvenirs planned in advance! In cities like Tokyo, there are loads of quirky stores and funky galleries showcasing the works of independent fashion designers and gadget creators. From the outlandish to the kitsch, you're guaranteed to find loads of colorful clothing and edgy art that you won't be able to find elsewhere. 

If you’re planning to bring back leaf tea or any other perishable or edible items, it's a good idea to check with your local customs officials to ensure that you are able to bring certain items back into your home country. Australia and New Zealand, in particular, have strict quarantine laws.

What to buy

  • Kimonos This quintessential Japanese souvenir looks great hung on the wall as an interesting decorative piece. If you plan on wearing one, make sure you do so respectfully and learn the correct way to fold the garment.
  • Paper lanterns, kites and fans Japanese paper goods make great, relatively inexpensive souvenirs. Choose from high-quality, traditionally-made kites or delicate rice paper lanterns.
  • Electronics Shops in Japan are bursting with the latest tech gadgets. Just be sure to check that they are compatible for use at home.
  • Fashion Have fun with the amazing diversity of popular street culture fashion available in Japan. Vibrant, brash and sometimes bizarre – find something that no one back at home will be wearing.
  • Anime and manga paraphernalia Another inexpensive gift option, even for people who can’t read Japanese. Pick up a book, magazine, t-shirt or print from one of Japan’s many anime and manga stores.

Festivals and events

If you want an adventure with a point of difference, consider planning your travels to coincide with these popular festive events in Japan. 

Sapporo Winter Festival

Held every February since 1950, this festival features hundreds of statues and ice sculptures, snow slides and mazes, regional food and artistic performances. Winter in Japan is truly amazing, and the Sapporo Winter Festival is a magical way to celebrate.

Hadaka Matsuri

Head to Okayama to watch thousands of men wearing nothing but loincloths vie to touch the chosen 'naked man'. It may look like a bizarre male-bonding exercise but it's actually a historic cleansing ritual dating back thousands of years. Dates change yearly.

Fuji Rock Festival

Held annually in the stunning surroundings of the Naeba Ski Resort, this outdoor music festival is huge and draws in big-name acts and local bands Thousands of music lovers flock to Naeba for three days of camping, music and partying in the summer months. 

Read more about festivals in Japan

Further reading

For inspiring stories to prepare you for your Japan adventure, check out these books:

  • The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle – Haruki Murakami
  • Sembazuru – Yasunari Kawabata
  • Moshi Moshi – Banana Yoshimoto
  • Goodnight Punpun – Inio Asano
  • Okinawa Notes – Kenzaburo Oe
  •  A History of Japan – George Sansom
  • Embracing Defeat – John W Dower

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Japan travel FAQs

Do i need a covid-19 vaccine to join an intrepid trip.

Trips from 1 January 2023 onwards

From 1 January 2023, Intrepid will no longer require travelers to provide proof of vaccination against COVID-19 (excluding all Polar trips and select adventure cruises).

However, we continue to strongly recommend that all Intrepid travelers and leaders get vaccinated to protect themselves and others.

Specific proof of testing or vaccination may still be required by your destination or airline. Please ensure you check travel and entry requirements carefully.

Do I need to purchase travel insurance before traveling?

Absolutely. All passengers traveling with Intrepid are required to purchase travel insurance before the start of their trip. Your travel insurance details will be recorded by your leader on the first day of the trip. Due to the varying nature, availability and cost of health care around the world, travel insurance is very much an essential and necessary part of every journey.

For more information on insurance, please go to: Travel Insurance

Do I need a visa to travel to Japan?

Under current restrictions, a visa is required to enter Japan as a tourist. We recommend you apply for your visa no later than one month before your departure date. Please contact your local consulate or embassy for more information.

This page is for general information only and may be subject to change. It is your responsibility to obtain relevant visa and travel information required for entry, departure and travel to each country or region you visit on your trip. You should confirm these with the relevant embassies and/or consulates. 

Last updated: 15 June, 2023 

Is tipping customary in Japan?

Tipping isn't customary in Japan and is not expected – in fact, it will sometimes be considered impolite. Some inns or ryokans may leave a small envelope in your room where a small gratuity can be left for housekeeping staff.

What is the internet access like in Japan?

Internet access is excellent in Japan, with one of the most developed high-speed internet networks in the world. Internet cafes and wi-fi hotspots are easily found in most cities and major towns.

Can I use my cell while in Japan?

Cell phone coverage is excellent in Japan but be aware that talking loudly on your phone in public places (like in train carriages) is frowned upon. You will be expected to hide your mouth behind your hand if you must take a call in public. If you want to use your cell phone, ensure global roaming is activated before you arrive (but be aware of the fees this may incur).

What are the toilets like in Japan?

In Japan, toilets range from high-tech bidets to standard western-style flushable toilets to squat toilets, which are still common outside the city. Sometimes you may need to pay for toilet paper, which can usually be purchased from a vending machine nearby.

What will it cost for a...?

Japan's unit of currency is the yen:

  • Bento box = YEN 550
  • Bowl of ramen = YEN 650-1,200
  • Can of beer = YEN 250
  • Coffee = YEN 100-600
  • Convenience store snack = YEN 200-500

Can I drink the water in Japan?

Drinking water from taps in Japan is considered safe. For environmental reasons, try to use a refillable water bottle rather than buying bottled water. Major cities often have water fountains in train stations.

Are credit cards widely accepted in Japan?

Major credit cards are accepted by some stores; however, Japan is still very much a cash culture and as such, some places may not accept credit cards. Ensure you carry enough cash to cover purchases.

What is ATM access like in Japan?

ATMs are common in Japan but unfortunately many of them don't accept foreign-issued cards. However, you can access cash from non-Japanese bank accounts via the Cirrus and Maestro systems at all post office ATMs around the country, as well as ATMs at 7-Eleven convenience stores.

What public holidays are celebrated in Japan?

  • 1 Jan: New Year's Day
  • *Coming of Age Day
  • 11 Feb: National Foundation Day
  • 23 Feb: Emperor's Birthday
  • *20 Mar: Vernal/Spring Equinox Day
  • 29 Apr: Showa Day
  • 3 May: Constitution Day
  • 4 May: Greenery Day
  • 5 May: Children's Day
  • *Jul: Marine Day, also known as Sea or Ocean Day
  • 11 Aug: Mountain Day
  • *Sep: Respect-for-the-Aged Day
  • *23 Sep: Autumnal Equinox Day
  • *Oct: Health and Sports Day
  • 3 Nov: Culture Day
  • 23 Nov: Labour Thanksgiving Day

* Please note, Japan public holidays may vary.

When is the best time to travel to Japan?

There’s never a bad time to travel to Japan but the months that see the most travelers are March, April, and May as the weather is mild and the cherry blossoms are in full bloom. The warm weather (with low humidity levels) of September, October, and November are also suitable months to visit Japan – you’ll even be treated to landscapes colored with oranges, reds, and browns for autumn. While winter can be cold, this is the best time for snow activities such as skiing, snowboarding, and snow festivals. On the other hand, the summer months see high humidity levels that can leave some travelers uncomfortable.

What is the weather like in Japan?

  • Spring (March to May): temperatures range from 50 to 68°F, with conditions getting sunnier and clearer towards the end of the season.
  • Summer (June to August): temperatures range from 70 to 90°F depending on where you are. It’s warmer in the south than in the north. You can expect some rain in June, and it can get quite humid towards the end of the season.
  • Fall (September to November): temperatures range from 45 to 68°F. The humidity starts to calm down in September, but days stay warm until October. Nights can be chilly.  
  • Winter (December to February): break out the coats, temperatures during winter range from 32 to 59°F. The mountains and the north experience snowfall .

How safe is Japan?

Japan is generally safe and is rated among the safest countries in the world. Reports of crime such as theft are very low and travelers are often stunned by the fact that locals leave belongings unaccompanied in cafes and bars (though we certainly don’t recommend it!). 

Is Japan safe for LGBTQIA+ travelers?

LGBTQIA+ travelers shouldn’t have any issues visiting Japan with violence, outright hostility or overt discrimination extremely rare. However, Japan’s older generation still holds conservative values when it comes to LGBTQIA+ sexuality and non-binary gender expression, especially those that live in regional areas.

Same-sex relationships are considered legal in some districts (such as Tokyo); however, same-sex marriage hasn’t been legalized yet. Public displays of affection are often frowned upon, regardless of sex, gender, or sexual orientation so keep that in mind when you’re out in public. 

For more detailed and up-to-date advice, we recommend visiting  Equaldex  or  ILGA  before you travel.

Is Japan accessible for travelers with disabilities?

Intrepid is committed to making travel widely accessible, regardless of ability or disability. That’s why we do our best to help as many people see the world as possible, regardless of any physical or mental limitations they might have. We’re always happy to talk to travelers with disabilities and see if we can help guide them towards the most suitable itinerary for their needs and, where possible, make reasonable adjustments to our itineraries.

The needs of travelers with mobility issues, including wheelchair users, are considered in the infrastructure in major cities. Train stations have lifts (elevators), wide turnstiles and (for the most part) raised platforms so that wheelchair users can glide onto the train without being assisted.  Sidewalks in Japanese cities are sometimes sloped towards the road, which can make traveling a straight line difficult for wheelchair users or people with vision impairment.

It is common practice in Japan to remove shoes when entering a home. Wheelchair users should carry something to wipe down their wheels in respect of this custom. Apply the same logic for other mobility aids such as canes.

Ryokans and other traditional accommodation can be difficult to navigate for people with limited mobility, but accessible hotel options are plentiful in the major cities.

Travelers with vision impairment may find the tactile yellow strips that guide the way to various places in train stations helpful, though please note that there is no barrier between the train tracks and platforms.

If you have a battery-operated hearing aid, it’s a good idea to bring extra batteries or familiarise yourself with the Japanese equivalent of the batteries it takes.

If you do live with a visual, hearing or other impairment, let your booking agent or group leader know early on so they’re aware and suitable arrangements can be made. As a general rule, knowing some common words in the local language, carrying a written itinerary with you and taking to the streets in a group, rather than solo, can help make your travel experience the best it can be.

What should I wear in Japan?

Summer months can be incredibly hot and sticky, so loose, lightweight and breathable clothing is essential.

Spring and autumn can be crisp and cold, so you might want to pack thermal layers in addition to your coat and boots. 

Outside of Hokkaido and the mountains, the winter temperatures in Japan are manageable as long as you have regular cold-weather clothes like a good coat, pair of gloves, a winter hat and a scarf. 

The style of dress common for women in Japan may be a little more covered up than you are used to, particularly outside the major cities.

Packing comfortable trousers is essential as you may find yourself sitting cross-legged on the floor during your stay. 

What are some common phrases/words I should learn before my trip to Japan?

Having a basic understanding of the language and culture of the country you're visiting can go a long way when it comes to, not only communicating efficiently but your overall trip experience as well. Some common phrases you need to learn are: 

  • 'hello' - Konnichiwa
  • 'good morning' - Ohayō 
  • 'thank you' - Arigatou Gozaimasu
  • 'please' - Onegaishimasu

What religions do they practice in Japan?

There are two dominant religions in Japan - Shinto and Buddhism. The majority of Japanese people practice both simultaneously, however, there is a small number of the population that practise other religions such as Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, and Islam. 

What are the best places to visit in Japan?

From the neon-lit streets of Tokyo to the peaceful nature of the Japanese Alps, there are plenty of bucket-list destinations to include on your itinerary of Japan. We know it's hard to see everything but here are a few of our favourite places to visit in Japan: 

What are the best things to see in Japan?

Japan isn't short of spectacular attractions to wander through and fascinating historical landmarks to marvel at but it's pretty hard to do it all on your trip to Japan. So you don't miss the things you simply have to see, we've put together a short list of parks, temples, and monuments worth visiting. Happy exploring! 

  • Hiroshima Peace Park 
  • Cherry blossom trees
  • Osaka Castle
  • Himeji Castle

What should I eat in Japan?

Food lovers, including  vegetarians and vegans , will be more than satisfied with the variety and quality of Japanese cuisine. With a focus on fresh, seasonal produce that is prepared meticulously and presented beautifully, dining in Japan is a memorable experience.

What drinks should I try in Japan?

From craft beer to sake, Japan has plenty of tasty liquids to keep you hydrated throughout your travels.

How do I stay safe and healthy while traveling?

From Australia?

Go to: Smart Traveller

From Canada?

Go to:  Canada Travel Information

From the UK?

Go to:  UK Foreign Travel Advice

From New Zealand?

Go to:  Safe Travel

From the US?

Go to:  US Department of State

The World Health Organisation also provides useful health information.

What is it like traveling on a small group tour?

Whether you’re a seasoned traveler or you’re about to embark on your first trip, traveling can be as intimidating as it is exciting. That's the beauty of a small group tour. From handling the logistics and organizing amazing cultural activities to local leaders who know each destination like the back of their hand (like which street has the best markets and where to get the most authentic food), traveling on a small group tour with Intrepid will give you unforgettable travel experiences without the hassle that comes with exploring a new place. Plus, you'll have ready-made friends to share the journey with. All you have to do is turn up with a healthy sense of adventure and we’ll take care of the rest.

Does my trip support The Intrepid Foundation?

Yes, all Intrepid trips support the Intrepid Foundation. Trips to this country directly support our global Intrepid Foundation partners, Eden Reforestation Projects and World Bicycle Relief. Intrepid will double the impact by dollar-matching all post-trip donations made to The Intrepid Foundation.

Eden Reforestation Projects

Eden Reforestation Projects are helping to mitigate climate change by restoring forests worldwide; they also hire locally and create job opportunities within vulnerable communities. Donations from our trips support restoration across planting sites in 10 countries around the globe. Find out more or make a donation World Bicycle Relief

World Bicycle Relief provides people in low-income communities with bicycles to mobilize school kids, health workers, and farmers in far-out areas – giving them access to vital education, healthcare, and income. Donations help provide Buffalo Bicycles – specifically designed to withstand the rugged terrain and harsh environment of rural regions – to those who need them most. Find out more or make a donation

Does my Intrepid trip include airfare?

While our Intrepid trips include many modes of transport, from tuk-tuks to overland vehicles, bullet trains and feluccas, airfare to and from your home country is not included in your tour package.

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  • Akan-Mashu National Park
  • Towada-Hachimantai National Park
  • Nikko National Park
  • Ise-Shima National Park
  • Daisen-Oki National Park
  • Aso-Kuju National Park
  • Kirishima-Kinkowan National Park
  • Keramashoto National Park
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Wildlife Tours

Mount fuji ecotour by e-bike.

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Cycle through picturesque villages and spot wildlife on a full-day ecotour through the foothills of Fuji

Enjoy a leisurely ride on an e-bike (electrically assisted bicycle) through Fuji-Hakone-Izu National Park with Mount Fuji as your backdrop. The full-day tour begins at the En-Ya Mount Fuji Ecotours basecamp. After meeting your guide, you will have a short e-bike lesson and safety briefing. The tour kicks off at Lake Tanuki, where you can see glorious views of Mount Fuji when the weather is clear.

Your guide will point out the birds inhabiting the area, which vary depending on the season. Some species you may see include mallard ducks, common merganser, herons, cormorants, wagtails, and pheasants. There is the possibility of seeing Japanese serow, a cloven-hooved animal resembling an antelope adapted to living on hillsides. In spring and summer, you may catch a glimpses of green tree frogs, if you’re lucky. Fill up your water bottle from a natural spring fed by snowmelt and rainwater from Mount Fuji before continuing your ride through the countryside.

For lunch, you will stop at a local fishery-cum-restaurant that uses hydroelectric power generated from Mount Fuji’s springs. Try the freshly-cooked rainbow trout that has been raised in the spring water. During the visit, you will learn about how local businesses use natural resources around Mount Fuji for renewable energy, fish farming, and agriculture in a sustainable way.

Before cycling back to the En-Ya basecamp, you'll stop by beautiful Shiraito Falls, learn about its history, and take photos of the stunning scenery. Back at basecamp, relax, enjoy views of Mount Fuji, and try locally brewed craft beer. Make a toast to celebrate having cycled 23 kilometers.

What's included

  • experienced English-speaking guide
  • electric mountain bike 
  • use of binoculars
  • gloves (winter) 
  • coffee and sweets
  • photos taken during the tour shared via email

What to wear and bring

  • clothes that are comfortable, easy to move in, and can get dirty
  • rain jacket and rain trousers
  • water bottle (for drawing spring water from Mount Fuji)

Other Things to See and Do in Fuji-Hakone-Izu National Park

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ChengDu, JiuZhaiGou, DuJiangYan 14Days Tour【EW-CTU14】

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6Day Vancouver & Canadian Rockies Summer Tour Package 【EW-ROC6】

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Washington D.C. + Niagara Falls 3-Day Tour [EW-DN3]

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Niagara falls 2-day tour [ew-nf2].

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8-Day US East Coast Canada Deluxe In-Depth Tour (NYC Airport Pickup, Boston Airport Drop-off)[EW-ECAN8]

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East Coast America and Canada 7 Days (Philadelphia Pickup) [EW-PECAN7]

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8-Day US East Coast Canada Deluxe In-Depth Tour (NYC Airport Pickup&Drop-off) [EW-ECAN8S]

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Rocky Mountain Jasper 3 National Park 6 Days Tour【Calgary IN and OUT】(THU) [GSCR6G-24]

Rocky mountain jasper 4 national park 7 days tour【calgary in and out】(thu)[gscrw7g-24].

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Rocky Mountain Jasper 4 National Park 8 Days Tour【Calgary IN and OUT】(THU) [GSCRWD8G-24]

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Japan Combination Package Tokyo, Mt. Fuji, Kyoto & Nara 6-Day Tour (Hotel Standard With Breakfast) (One Way from Tokyo to Kyoto)[24MV-JG780S]

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Japan, Honsuriyama Cherry Blossoms 14Days [EW-NRT14]

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Mt. Fuji & Hakone 1-Day Tour [Return by Bus] With Lunch (From Shinjuku)[24MV-JG058S]

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South america.

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Back to Black

Marisa Abela in Back to Black (2024)

The life and music of Amy Winehouse, through the journey of adolescence to adulthood and the creation of one of the best-selling albums of our time. The life and music of Amy Winehouse, through the journey of adolescence to adulthood and the creation of one of the best-selling albums of our time. The life and music of Amy Winehouse, through the journey of adolescence to adulthood and the creation of one of the best-selling albums of our time.

  • Sam Taylor-Johnson
  • Matt Greenhalgh
  • Marisa Abela
  • Eddie Marsan
  • Jack O'Connell
  • 68 User reviews
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  • 49 Metascore

Official Trailer

  • Nick Shymansky

Pete Lee-Wilson

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  • Great Auntie Renee

Michael S. Siegel

  • Uncle Harold
  • Auntie Melody

Anna Darvas

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Did you know

  • Trivia Marisa Abela had done most of the singing in this film herself. She trained extensively to mimic Amy Winehouse 's vocals.

Technical specs

  • Runtime 2 hours 2 minutes

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EU urges China to use influence on Russia and Iran

Ursula von der Leyen says EU counts on Xi Jinping to lean on Russia to end war in Ukraine, limit Iran’s missiles and drones.

French President Emmanuel Macron and European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen accompany China's President Xi Jinping as he leaves after a trilateral meeting at the Elysee Palace in Paris as part of the Chinese president's two-day state visit in France, May 6, 2024. REUTERS/Gonzalo Fuentes

The European Union hopes China will help persuade Russia to end its war in Ukraine and limit an Iranian weapons build-up.

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen raised the scenario on Monday after talks in Paris with Chinese President Xi Jinping, which also included trade issues. The EU hopes Beijing will lean on its ally Russia and help stem Iran’s proliferation of missiles and drones, the head of the EU executive body said.

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“We count on China to use all its influence on Russia to end Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine,” von der Leyen said after meeting with Xi alongside French President Emmanuel Macron at the Elysee Palace.

“President Xi has played an important role in de-escalating Russia’s irresponsible nuclear threats , and I am confident that President Xi will continue to do so against the backdrop of ongoing nuclear threats by Russia,” she said.

The meeting in Paris took place on the same day the Kremlin announced Russian President Vladimir Putin had ordered nuclear drills. The exercises were in response to statements by Western countries about sending troops into Ukraine, Moscow added. Macron said last week that his country would consider sending ground troops  to Ukraine if Kyiv requests backup.

Von der Leyen added her hopes that China could “play an important role in limiting the irresponsible proliferation of Iranian ballistic missiles and drones”.

Von der Leyen and Macron also pressed China on the topic of trade. They pushed Xi to ensure more balanced relations with the world’s biggest trading bloc.

“The future of our continent will also very clearly depend on our capacity to further develop in a balanced way our relationship with China,” Macron said as the three leaders sat at a round table.

Xi was in Europe for the first time in five years at a time of growing business tensions that include the EU investigating Chinese industries such as electric vehicle while Beijing probes French-made brandy.

Von der Leyen was more blunt, saying the relationship was hurt by unequal market access and Chinese state subsidies.

After the meeting, she told reporters that the EU “cannot absorb massive overproduction of Chinese industrial goods flooding its market”.

“Europe will not waver from making tough decisions needed to protect its market,” she said.

In brief public comments before the talks, Xi said he viewed relations with Europe as a priority of China’s foreign policy and that both should stay committed to the partnership.

“As the world enters a new period of turbulence and change, as two important forces in this world, China and Europe should adhere to the positioning of partners, adhere to dialogue and cooperation,” Xi said.


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    Travel agency based in Tokyo. Japan e-tours Co.,Ltd

  2. THE TOP 10 Japan E-Bike Tours (UPDATED 2024)

    19. Cherry Blossoms Sakura Tour • Once a year precious 10 days full of PINK! • 2023/3/18 - 2023/4/5 09:00~12:00 or 13:30 ~ 16:30 / 3hours • Connecting the blooming spots • Ride though the cherry blossoms pink and scent of famous and local spots 3 hours E-bike Tokyo bike tour in English.

  3. Tour

    cherry blossom japan 8n/9d tours. cherry blossom japan 8n/9d tours view more 1 day tokyo grand tour with japanese style lunch-sic. 1 day tokyo grand tour with japanese style lunch-sic view more 1 day kyoto & nara tour with japanese/western-style buffet lunch-sic.

  4. Travel Japan

    The official site of Japan National Tourism Organization is your ultimate Japan guide with tourist information for Tokyo, Kyoto, Osaka, Hiroshima, Hokkaido and other top Japan holiday destinations. We offer travel information to make your Japan travel more comfortable and enjoyable.

  5. 10 Best Japan Tours & Trips 2024/2025

    10 Best Japan Tours & Trips 2024/2025 - TourRadar. Embark on an epic adventure through Japan with our expertly curated tours and experience Japan's stunning landscapes, ancient temples and futuristic cities.

  6. E-Bike Tour Japan

    An E-Bike Tour Story | Choosing an E-Bike For Your Trip *Note: This example is based on a real guest but names and locations were changed for privacy. This is Taka. Taka has been riding for a few years and really loves to ride around his home in Tokyo area where it is very flat. Taka wants to come on a week long tour with Bike Tour Japan.

  7. The Best Japan Bike Tours and E-Bike Tours

    A central element of any great Japan bike tour is experiencing its tradition. This is why on most of our Japan bike tours, we include stays in traditional Japanese-style inns known as ryokans which are a unique experience for a traveler.. Ryokans are built in the traditional Japanese style, with sliding doors, tatami-matted floors, communal baths, and serve traditional Japanese food.

  8. THE TOP 10 E-Bike Tours in Japan (w/Photos)

    Enjoy local Tokyo E-assist Bicycle tour, 3hrs of ride start Kanda. 225. Explore Tokyo by electric bike on this guided adventure. Choose your ideal ride time—morning and afternoon—then hit the streets with a local cyclist and check out spots like Tokyo Station, Akihabara, Asakusa, Imperial Palace, and Ryogoku.

  9. tour

    © 2024 Japan e-tours Co.,Ltd All Rights Reserved.

  10. Japan E-bike Tour

    Bookend the adventure with a visit to Tokyo and Kyoto and you have yourself the perfect vacation in Japan. * If you are thinking of joining us on the Japan E-bike tour make sure to check out our optional tour extensions in Hiroshima (pre-trip) and Kyoto (post-trip) so you can enjoy even more time with the Grasshopper team. 373 km / 231 mi riding.

  11. Japan Tours & Vacation Packages 2024-2025-2026

    Whether you're interested in Japanese cherry blossom tours, festival tours, autumn leaves tours or special interest tours, our Japan tour packages will bring your vacation dreams to reality. Choose tours based on style, interest, date, or season. Our Japan group tour packages are fully escorted, and we can also arrange special-interest ...

  12. 10 Best Fully Guided Tours in Japan 2024/2025

    What people love about Fully Guided Tours in Japan. Judi Harris 18 Mar, 2024. 5. The guide was the best. Japan Express: Osaka to Tokyo. James Dean 12 Apr, 2024. 5. Great trip around Japan in a week. 8D Splendid Japan with Nagoya (private 3 star hotel rooms)

  13. E Japan Travel

    E Japan Travel's cars are all registered officially to drive passengers. Our vehicles have green number plates, which indicates that our service is legally registered, and passengers are 100% insured when travelling with us. Plus, E Japan Travel has a team of well-trained and professional drivers who hold the Type 2 Driving License of Japan ...

  14. E-Bike Tours Japan

    Price. 2 person group: 20,000 yen/person. 3 person group: 14,000 yen/person. 4 person group: 11,000 yen/person. - Includes E-bike rental and helmet for a 3 hour private tour. - Please note that travel insurance which covers cycling is mandatory for the tour booking.

  15. Visit Japan Web: The Online Registration Before Arriving in Japan

    During the Covid pandemic, entry procedures in Japan have changed a lot, which created some confusion. It is still somewhat the case after the reopening to tourism since October 11, even if a focus has been placed on easing the procedures especially through digitalization, to minimize human interactions and subsequent contamination risks.. Until recently, the Japanese government asked visitors ...

  16. THE TOP 10 Kyoto E-Bike Tours (UPDATED 2024)

    Hidden Kyoto E-Biking tour. 809. Cycle past a mix of Kyoto's most-famous sights and its lesser-known secrets during this half-day 'Hidden Kyoto' bike tour. Take a 4.9-mile (8-kilometer) ride that starts by winding past iconic Kyoto temples and shrines like Kinkakuji, Koto-in, and Kitano Tenmagu.

  17. Japan Tours

    On our Japan tours find your Zen in the Japanese Alps, step inside shrines built by emperors in Kyoto and see the iconic skyscrapers of Tokyo. Start planning today! Skip to main content. 1-800-590-1161 Help & contact Earn free travel Log in/Register. Travel deals; Destinations. Travel styles. About us. 1-800-590-1161 Menu. Home.


    Day 03: Tokyo -CHERRY BLOSSOM TOUR & SHOPPING TOUR. After Breakfast proceed for Showa Kinen Park (90 min) - The entire park is home to approximately 1,500 cherry trees that bloom in full glory. Inside, there is a vast garden with a beautiful landscape formed by roughly 200 cherry trees amidst an expansive lawn.

  19. Best Japan Trips & Tour Packages 2024/2025

    Japan Highlights. Alenna · Traveled April 2024. We had the most amazing luck on our tour - cherry blossoms, saw Mt Fuji - twice even! - and saw a geisha and maiko in Kyoto. Our tour guide Yuka was phenomenal and made everything fun and enjoyable. She also had brilliant recommendations for eateries, and patiently answered any and all of our ...

  20. Experience Japan

    Japan is an island nation of contrasts. Neon lights pulse and shine on century-old temples, monks walk alongside anime cosplayers, and Zen meditation is practiced in the same parks that people take selfies. ... Tours departing between 10/1/2023 and 9/30/2024 may be eligible for a $100 discount. Tours departing 10/1/2024 and beyond may be ...

  21. Mount Fuji Ecotour by E-bike

    Cycle through picturesque villages and spot wildlife on a full-day ecotour through the foothills of Fuji. Enjoy a leisurely ride on an e-bike (electrically assisted bicycle) through Fuji-Hakone-Izu National Park with Mount Fuji as your backdrop. The full-day tour begins at the En-Ya Mount Fuji Ecotours basecamp.

  22. EWorld Tours

    Philadelphia + Washington D.C. 2-Day Tour [EW-DC2] $ 168.00 and up/person. 2024 BUY 2 GET 2 FREE (SHARE 1 ROOM) Take a trip to Niagara Falls for an unforgettable trip! Visit the Corning Glass Center and watch the exquisite glass craftsmanship. Explore the power of nature and take an in-depth tour to Niagara Falls! Niagara Falls 2-Day Tour [EW-NF2]

  23. Back to Black (2024)

    Back to Black: Directed by Sam Taylor-Johnson. With Marisa Abela, Jack O'Connell, Eddie Marsan, Lesley Manville. The life and music of Amy Winehouse, through the journey of adolescence to adulthood and the creation of one of the best-selling albums of our time.

  24. EU urges China to use influence on Russia and Iran

    China's Xi Jinping begins first Europe tour in five years in France list 2 of 4 Biden labels Japan and India 'xenophobic' along with China and Russia list 3 of 4