Is the Stokke Tripp Trapp Worth It? One Mom's Honest Review

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Stokke Tripp Trapp

Top-rated high chair

Pros of the stokke tripp trapp, the quality of the tripp trapp is unmatched, it really does grow with your child.

Stokke Tripp Trapp pushed up to table

It's ergonomic

It's good looking and made from responsibly sourced materials, it has a small footprint, cons of the tripp trapp, it’s expensive — and that's before you factor in extra accessories.

Toddler eating pasta in Stokke high chair

It can be hard to clean

It takes a bit of time to build, so…is it worth it.

baby in Stokke Tripp Trapp high chair

Tips and tricks for using the Stokke Tripp Trapp

Dupes to consider.

This is a close-up image of an infant sitting in the Stokke high chair. He is covered in a puree, eating, and smiling at the camera.

Stokke Tripp Trapp high chair review: What makes the $319 chair worth it?

  • November 13, 2023
  • updated on November 13, 2023

When you add a child to your otherwise peaceful dinner, things will never be the same. Will it be more entertaining? Yes. Chaotic? Certainly. Will the high chair you choose actually matter? Well… maybe. I reviewed the Stokke Tripp Trapp high chair —  an adjustable, tray-less chair that frankly costs as much as a high-end car seat — to find out. 

In this Stokke review, I’ll go over:

  • What makes the Stokke unique
  • Size and features
  • Pricing and where to buy
  • Is the Stokke worth it?

I’m Matt, by the way. I’m a high school band teacher based in Ohio, a dad of two, and a self-appointed high chair tester. Before writing this review, I tested the Stokke Tripp Trapp for two months with my youngest kid, who was six months old when we began testing. Keep reading and you’ll also hear about my three-year-old, who was very helpful (wink) when assembling the chair.

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What makes the Stokke high chair unique?  

You’ll find there are about as many high chairs as there are presidential candidates before the primaries (and as much variety!)

  • Wondering what else you need to feed your baby? We’ve got a new baby checklist for that.

From huge, cumbersome high chairs that could hold up in a zombie apocalypse to portable seats that might make you question your child’s safety (like when you load something into the back of your truck, give it a shake, and say “eh, that’s probably not going anywhere”), the options are endless. If you’re here, you likely know this. And you know finding the high chair that’s right for your family and living space is important. So, without further ado… What is it about a Tripp Trapp that’s so different? 

The image shows a white Stokke Tripp Trapp high chair, assembled with the baby set. It is unoccupied.

The Tripp Trapp connection

Stokke (the company that makes the Tripp Trapp) is a Norwegian brand whose mission is to “ support parents and caregivers as they support their children to grow up confidently .” They’re known for making high chairs and strollers that support physical development and connection, featuring designs that bring the child closer to their parents (in the literal, “this seat is physically closer to my face” kind of way).

So, one of the first things you’ll likely notice about the Tripp Trapp is that it doesn’t look like your typical high chair . It was designed by Peter Opsvik, credited as “the designer who set a new standard for sitting.” We’ll get into this later, but its design makes it a lot easier to bring your child closer to the table. 

The Stokke cool factor 

In addition to being kind of fun to say, the Stokke Tripp Trapp is pretty freaking cool and — dare we say — fancy. If you’re looking for sophistication points, you should know this chair is on display in a permanent exhibit in the MOMA. I told you: It’s fancy. 

… Which also means it’s sort of a big-ticket item, especially for a high chair, coming in at $319. So, how does the functionality, safety features, and general fanciness of the Stokke Tripp Trapp high chair stack up against its price? Let’s find out. 

Assembling the Tripp Trapp high chair

Spoiler Alert: I like the Tripp Trapp, but assembly is one of my first knocks on this high chair. The instructions have precisely 0 words  — just pictures (which are fairly vague).  I believe most people can figure these out, but if I didn’t have experience putting together various baby-related things, I might be lost and looking for a YouTube video tutorial.  

To make things more complicated, my 3-year-old now wants to help me assemble everything, which is awesome. Unless, of course, there are 12 bolts and washers and various other small pieces that can easily be misplaced. While I love the help, the constant worry that I’d lose something was unnerving. I didn’t expect there to be so many pieces for a high chair.

This image shows everything that came in the Stokke Tripp Trapp box before it was assembled.

We’ll get to this part later, but, like I said, I really do like this chair. It’s sturdy and reliable. But the downside is that the assembly takes some time and focus. In fact, while putting this chair together I inadvertently skipped a step — something I didn’t realize until the end, and the chair wouldn’t fit together correctly. This was very annoying because I had to deconstruct the chair back to the step I missed. I’m not blaming anyone, but a certain 3 year old might have distracted me with his cuteness.

A dad and a toddler work on assembling the Stokke together

Stokke high chair size and features

A version of the Tripp Trapp high chair has been around since 1972, and its design was inspired by Opsvik’s growing child, who outgrew a high chair but wasn’t big enough to use an adult chair. The Tripp Trapp is designed not only to grow with your child but also to help them find an “ideal” sitting position, which — as noted by Stokke — means they’re able to shift and move using the adjustable footplate. 

So, what does this mean for size and features? 

We loved the size and stature of the Tripp Trapp. Practically, the Stokke high chair does a great job of finding the middle ground between a bulky high chair and a tiny portable one. Our previous high chair was like a throne that took up more room than a small car. This one only stands 32.5 inches tall and 18 inches wide. The floor space is 18 x 22.4 in. This becomes important because, as we’ll discuss, the chair pushes right up to your dining room table. 

One of the most notable features of the Stokke high chair is its lack of a tray. You read that right — this high chair is intended to be pushed right up to your table. Stokke sells a tray separately, but we just set our baby in the chair and put his food on our dinner table. 

An infant sits in a white Stokke Tripp Trapp, smiling at the camera. In the image, there is no high chair tray, and the footplate has been removed.

According to Stokke , this is to help foster a sense of connection. But we liked this feature because, when the chair is not in use, we can leave it at the table without worrying about tripping over it. It’s nice to be able to leave the high chair out whenever we need it.

The Tripp Trapp also features an adjustable seat height and footplate height. These two components work independently, which allows babies/kids of all heights to be comfortable in the chair. By itself, Stokke is designed the chair to accommodate children from 6 months to 3 years (they even claim the chair can safely hold an adult weighing up to 242 lbs!). But you can also add a Tripp Trapp newborn attachment and cover to safely cradle your newborn at the table or a Tripp Trapp baby set which provides extra support for a young infant learning to sit.

Honestly, for our 6-month-old, we decided to just leave the footplate off entirely. His little legs barely reach over the seat anyway, so I decided to neglect that step. If I had an older child sitting in this high chair (18 months or so), I’d probably put the footplate back on for them.

Colors and More Tripp Trapp Customizations

The Tripp Trapp chair comes in 17 different colors/wood stains, and you can customize it online with different colors and accessories, like storage bins and cushions (!). The material used is Beech Wood, and it does a great job of cleaning up after messy meals. The high chair also features a 5-point harness to keep the little ones safe.

Pricing, where to buy, and extras 

You can get the Tripp Trapp directly from the Stokke website, which gives you the advantage of customizing the chair , or you can purchase it on Amazon. 

Pricing for the Tripp Trapp on Stokke’s website currently looks like this:

  • Includes the Tripp Trapp high chair and a seat with a five-point harness so that your child can start using the chair at 6 months
  • Includes the Tripp Trapp chair and a newborn attachment which cradles your infant until they begin to sit independently 
  • Just the Tripp Trapp chair, with no baby seat 

If you purchase directly from Stokke, you have the option to customize your chair. This could be a good option if you want a custom color or if you’d like to include both the baby seat and the newborn set. 

You can also purchase on Amazon:

  • Tripp Trapp high chair + baby seat with high point harness

If you have Amazon Prime, purchasing on Amazon might get you faster shipping. 

Stokke Extras

If you customize your chair on Stokke’s site, you might notice a variety of optional add-ons like storage and cushions. At the time of writing, you can purchase the following accessories in a variety of colors:

  • Seat cushion
  • Baby cushion
  • Storage bin
  • Newborn seat cover

Oh, and if you’re a Disney family? Stokke just released a Disney collection including Mickey-themed cushions for the Tripp Trapp. 

Is the Stokke Tripp Trapp High Chair Worth It? 

We’ve used this high chair for over 2 months now.  Compared to the only other high chair we’ve had, I like this one much better!  It is very convenient in a few different ways.  First, it matches our table and other chairs pretty well (obviously something that I [my wife] care a great deal about).  It actually almost looks like it came with our kitchen table/chair set. 

Second, its size is great for our kitchen space.  It can scoot up very close to the table which is great for the baby when eating, but also for our 3-year-old when he wants to run around and around. He doesn’t have to worry about dodging the high chair.  

Third, and most importantly: Our baby loves it.  It’s supportive, comfortable enough that he likes sitting in it, and it’s safe.  We’ve had zero “close call” moments with the chair almost tipping or him almost falling out.  

This chair is also lightweight enough that, if we had to (we haven’t yet) transport it to another house we could do so easily.  The weight also makes it super easy to move around when not in use, and the floor needs to be cleaned up from all of the food splatter.

The Awesome

Style: Of course, there’s the cool factor. How often can you say that your baby’ furniture is featured in the MOMA? Not all that often, I’d bet. 

Safety: The Tripp Trapp is sturdy and well-made. I felt safe with our son in it, especially with the baby set attachment. If you need extra support, they also sell gliders to make the chair more stable. 

Size/Weight: Sure, the chair is cool, but the size and weight of this chair are what really stood out to me. I really liked that the Tripp Trapp was big enough to feel sturdy but small and light enough to fit well in our kitchen. It moves easily (but only when we want it to move). This makes clean-up a lot easier. 

Level of Baby Enjoyment: The most important question for me: Does my son enjoy it? And he does!

Lifespan: The adjustable height and footplates, along with the different attachments, means this chair can grow with your child during all of their younger years. This is a plus for me, considering its price tag. 

A close-up image of a white Stokke Tripp Trapp, showing 13 different footplate placement options

The Wish-It-Were-Different

Assembly: Ease of assembly was on par with convincing a toddler that broccoli is delicious (that’s… not easy). Some words in the instruction manual would be helpful.  

Price: There are ultimately much cheaper high chairs out there. You have to decide how much you value what Stokke brings to the table (pun intended). 

Final Verdict

After reviewing the Stokke, would I buy it again?  I would say absolutely! I was pretty stoked on Stokke. It has been a great addition to our dinner table. It’s compact, safe, and my son loves sitting in it and joining in on the mealtime fun.

Stokke High Chair FAQs: 

Is the stokke chair montessori-friendly.

We don’t claim to be Montessori experts at Fathercraft, but the short answer is yes. Because of the way the Tripp Trapp fosters connection at the dinner table and enables independence as the child grows, the chair tops a variety of “best montessori” chair lists. 

Curious about other Montessori-inspired products? Check out our Lovevery play kit review . 

Can a baby sleep in the Stokke Chair?

According to Stokke’s website, no. A baby should sleep on their back in a bassinet or crib. 

Where is the Stokke Tripp Trapp made? 

The Tripp Trapp is made in Europe, using wood found in Central Europe. (and according to this Reddit board, it’s quite popular there). 

How long can my child use the Tripp Trapp? 

Your child can use the Tripp Trapp from 6 months until 3 years old.

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Picture of Matt H.

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Tripp Trap vs Mockingbird High Chair??

Hi all, what is everyone's opinions on these two? I wanted the tripp trap but not new because it is too costly so i settled with the mockingbird that has great reviews and is about $250ish. Predicament is I just bought the tripp trap secondhand for $100 with the infant seat and tray (slightly banged up but lots of life left for easily more kiddos after mine if we take care of it). Nearly simultaneouly someone bought the highchair off our registry (very grateful). Now i do not know which to resell/return vs keep.

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What are the differences between the Stokke® Tripp Trapp® and the Stokke® Steps™ ranges?

The clear difference are customer preferences, features and accessories. Both highchairs encourage the family to sit together from birth. The clear differences are in features and accessories.

The Tripp Trapp® is a high chair that grows with the child, from birth to adulthood. The ergonomic design allowing the child to sit comfortably with the foot plate.

The Steps™ is an All-in-One seating system, that starts with a bouncer which can be used from birth, transcending into a Baby Set with a tray to a high chair that can be used until 10 years of age.

How do I clean my Tripp Trapp®?

Are all stokke® tripp trapp® cushions water-repellent, why did stokke® change from a wooden safety rail to the current plastic tripp trapp® baby set™.

There are several advantages to the current Tripp Trapp® Baby Set made from recyclable plastic over the previous wooden design:

  • The shape encourages a proper seating posture from the very beginning and in a addition it serves as a correct adjustment of the chair's settings.
  • The two separate leg spaces and that the front bar offers a more precise fit increases its safety.
  • Furthermore the new set is easy to clean (it can even go in the dishwasher).

What are the weight and dimensions of the Stokke® Tripp Trapp®?

I own several stokke® tripp trapp® chairs which are nominally of the same color but look different. can this be, my new stokke® tripp trapp® chair seems wobbly after assembly. did i do something wrong.

We are sorry to see you are having issues with a wobbly Tripp Trapp. It should be noted that Tripp Trapp chairs can be assembled in a way that makes them wobbly and the utmost care must be taken when assembling the chair to avoid any such issues. Besides the visual guidelines provided within the User Guide, we ask that you try to reassemble the chair with a set of specific guidelines in an effort to resolve the issues you are facing. Doing so would spare you the time it would take for a new set of legs to arrive, as reassembly is an inevitable part of the solution. Additionally, in case the chair is not assembled in accordance with the guidelines, the wobbling issue would present itself even with a brand new set of legs.

Please proceed as such:

1)    Start to disassemble the chair – it is enough to loosen all the screws so that nothing is tightened and the seat and foot plate can both be easily adjusted within the grooves. All the parts can remain intact, as nothing needs to be removed. 2)    Ensure that you have assembled the floor brace the correct way so that the warning label is facing towards the rear of the chair. If you have attached the floor brace so that the warning label is facing downwards diagonally, remove it, turn it around and flip it so it looks as it does in the User Guide. Tighten the floor brace on both sides. 3)    Ensure the seat and foot plate are both flush. If either of the plates remain in the grooves of the leg crooked, it can cause one of the plates to be more loose than the other. The seat plate should not exceed more than 6-7cm in depth. If the seat plate is reaching too far outwards, it can cause problems with stability of the chair and also cause discomfort for children, whose thighs are not long enough to reach over the edge, which in turn can reduce blood circulation to their feet. Additionally, crooked plates can cause the assembled chair to emit creaking noises with any bit of weight placed on them. 4)    Start tightening the screws from bottom to top, beginning with the bottom metal bar, then the top metal bar and then the two back laminates. When tightening these screws, stop at the first sign of resistance while making sure the plates are still flush. 5)    Once the screws have been tightened at the first sign of resistance, go from bottom to top again to fully tighten the screws – you may do this while standing on both legs of the chair to ensure the legs are still standing steady and do not twist to create a wobbling chair situation. Ensure that you do not overtighten any of the screws – especially the metal bars. The upper metal bar is designed to have a gap, as indicated within the User Guide. Overtightening any of the screws with too much force can damage the chair. 6)    Once the chair has been fully tightened, the assembly of the chair is complete. 7)    If there is still a light wobble, it is commonly a result of overtightening the floor brace. As these are the first screws to fully be tightened, it is very easy to accidentally overtighten these screws. To eliminate this problem, simply loosen the floor brace by half a turn on both sides. The chair should no longer be wobbly.

If there is still an issue with wobbling, it is possible that there may be an issue with some parts of the chair not being symmetrical enough, or the holes of the legs of the chair not being fully aligned in mirror image. Overtightening the chair will amplify any deviation between the two legs.

Where do I find the serial number of my Tripp Trapp®?

Can i use the stokke® tripp trapp® chair at our bar table, how do i know whether my tripp trapp® chair is compatible with the stokke® baby set™ and newborn set™.

The current Tripp Trapp® Baby Set™ is compatible with all Tripp Trapp® chairs produced after June 2006. If your chair was manufactured between June 2006 – May 2013, the ® Baby Set would still fit, but the Extended Gliders included with the Baby Set would not. The serial number and production date are printed on the bottom of the right side leg.

If you are unable to make out this information on your Tripp Trapp® chair, you can also measure the gap between the two back rest pieces: prior to June 2006, this measured approx. 2.5 cm, while on chairs since June 2006 it is approx. 3.5 cm. Chairs produced before June 2006 are not compatible with the current ® Baby Set.

What is the maximum recommended load that can be safely placed on the Stokke® Tripp Trapp® chair?

For GS Mark (Tested Safety) certification, the Tripp Trapp® chair was tested according to various standards.

One of these is a standard called DIN 68 878, which is a quality norm for adult chairs.

This standard involves a dynamic test where 110 kg/ 242.5 lbs is placed on the seat, which is then tilted backwards 6000 times.

The Tripp Trapp® chair passes all the tests in that standard, which means a load of up to 110 kg/ 242.5 lbs can be safely placed on the chair.

Can I remove the safety sticker on my Tripp Trapp®?

For safety reasons please do not remove the label. This label has important information. Removing the sticker may damage the lacquer or leave glue residue.

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What are the Trap Games for Alabama in 2024? Just a Minute

Katie windham | jun 27, 2024.

Nov 4, 2023; Tuscaloosa, Alabama, USA; Alabama Crimson Tide running back Jam Miller (26) carries the ball on a reception against the LSU Tigers during the second quarter at Bryant-Denny Stadium. Mandatory Credit: John David Mercer-USA TODAY Sports

Welcome to BamaCentral’s "Just a Minute," a video series featuring BamaCentral's Alabama beat writers. Multiple times a week, the writers will group up to provide their take on a topic concerning the Crimson Tide or the landscape of college sports.

Watch the above video as BamaCentral staff writers Blake Byler and Katie Windham discuss which matchups could be trap games on Alabama football's 2024 schedule.

For the last few weeks, BamaCentral has been taking an early look at Alabama football's opponents in 2024. The series will wrap up on Friday with the Auburn Tigers. With a more comprehensive look at the schedule, it brings up the question of which matchups could become trap games for the Crimson Tide this year in Kalen DeBoer's first season.

The first potential tricky matchup is the Wisconsin game on Sept. 14. It has already been announced as an 11 a.m. kick, and it is the game before Alabama's likely biggest game against Georgia. The Crimson Tide players aren't super familiar with early kickoff times, and the team could be looking ahead to the big matchup with the Bulldogs. Also, it will be Alabama's first game against a Power Four team and first road game where some of the young or new players will be experiencing things for the first time.

Another potential trap game for the Tide is the trip to Oklahoma on Nov. 23. For the last few decades, Alabama traditionally plays a non-FBS school the week before the Iron Bowl. This year, the Crimson Tide will have to travel to Norman to take on the Sooners in a hostile environment.

What do you think are the trap games for Alabama this season?

Katie Windham


Katie Windham is the assistant editor for BamaCentral, primarily covering football, basketball gymnastics and softball. She is a two-time graduate of the University of Alabama and has covered a variety of Crimson Tide athletics since 2019 for outlets like The Tuscaloosa News, The Crimson White and the Associated Press before joining BamaCentral full time in 2021. Windham has covered College Football Playoff games, the Women's College World Series, NCAA March Madness, SEC Tournaments and championships in multiple sports. 

Follow katiewindham_

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Tripp Trapp High Chair and Cushion with Stokke Tray - White with Waves Blue - Adjustable, Convertible, All-in-One High Chair for Babies & Toddlers

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Tripp Trapp High Chair and Cushion with Stokke Tray - White with Waves Blue - Adjustable, Convertible, All-in-One High Chair for Babies & Toddlers

Chair with Newborn Set

High Chair, Cushion & Stokke Tray


Purchase options and add-ons

About this item.

  • A CHAIR FOR LIFE - The Tripp Trapp High Chair brings your child right up to the table. This configuration is best for children from 6-36 months, but the chair can hold up to 300 lbs, so your child can use it forever.
  • COMPLETE SET - This set includes the Tripp Trapp chair, Baby Set & Classic Cushion, plus the Stokke Tray. The Baby Set comes with a five-point harness, back rest, rail, and extended gliders. Once your kid outgrows it, remove & readjust the seat.
  • TIMELESS DESIGN - The Tripp Trapp chair was specifically designed to allow freedom of movement as your child grows. Plus, it’s available in a wide range of colors & two wood options, guaranteed to look beautiful in any setting.
  • JPMA CERTIFIED - We ensure the utmost safety & care when designing and manufacturing our products. The Tripp Trapp High Chair is certified by JPMA and meets or exceeds ASTM safety standards.
  • DESIGN WITH A PURPOSE - Tripp Trapp was designed by Peter Opsvik in 1972. Inspired by his young son Tor, who had grown out of his high chair but was still too small for an adult chair, Peter aimed to seat all ages at the same table comfortably.

Frequently bought together

Tripp Trapp High Chair and Cushion with Stokke Tray - White with Waves Blue - Adjustable, Convertible, All-in-One High Chair

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Choose from a variety of accessories to customize your Tripp Trapp for the specific needs of your growing child, and your style.

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Is the Stokke Tripp Trapp high chair really worth it?!

Tanner Clemens

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Pediatric PT and Mom Review of Tripp Trapp High Chair!

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Is the Stokke Highchair worth it?

Life with Lo Reviews

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Durable and stylish highchair!

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HONEST Review of Stokke Tripp Trapp High Chair

Gianna Cerniglia

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My Little Ones Love these Chairs!

Vince Arthur

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DON'T BUY Stokke Tripp Trapp before you WATCH THIS!!

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My favorite feature other Stokke Tripp Trapp High Chair

Mariah Knight

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Customer Reviews, including Product Star Ratings help customers to learn more about the product and decide whether it is the right product for them.

To calculate the overall star rating and percentage breakdown by star, we don’t use a simple average. Instead, our system considers things like how recent a review is and if the reviewer bought the item on Amazon. It also analyzed reviews to verify trustworthiness.

Customers say

Customers like the stability, quality and comfort of the baby seat. For example, they mention it's well built, practical and the best high chair ever. They appreciate the appearance, and ease of cleaning. That said, opinions are mixed on ease of assembly, adjustability and value.

AI-generated from the text of customer reviews

Customers like the stability of the baby seat. They mention it's well-built, has nice quality, and is not made of cheap materials or work. They also appreciate the adjustable height and say it will last for a long time.

"...It’s well made and you can tell. It’s not cheap materials or cheap work . Positioning is ergonomic without comprising comfort for my little one...." Read more

"...bad reviews because for the price 🥴 but it turned out to be a good quality chair , easy to assemble, even for a single person..." Read more

"...and stylish design (if Scandinavian design is your thing), durable build , endless adjustability, and my 7- mo loves it...." Read more

"...We're really surprised but quite pleased with how heavy and solid all the pieces are ...." Read more

Customers like the appearance of the baby seat. They mention it looks nice, has a simple design, and is easy to clean. Some love the white wood and say it blends in nicely with their decor. Overall, most are satisfied with the quality and appearance of this top-quality chair.

"Fantastic high chair. Design is lightweight, sleek and pretty . It’s well made and you can tell. It’s not cheap materials or cheap work...." Read more

"This high chair is a top quality chair it’s pretty color and so easy to clean , doesn’t take much of my kitchen space...." Read more

"...What’s not to love? Efficient and stylish design (if Scandinavian design is your thing), durable build, endless adjustability, and my 7- mo loves it..." Read more

"...Its is a great chair that moves as they grow, Easy to clean, Simple design .I just wish it wasn't so expensive...." Read more

Customers like the ease of cleaning the baby seat. They mention that very little cleanup of the chair itself is needed aside from cleaning the cushions.

"... Easy to clean . Assembly is also easy. I was dreading the assembly portion of it and no qualms there. Is it expensive? Yes. Is it worth it? Also Yes...." Read more

"... Clean up from meals is easy and I already know it’ll last forever." Read more

"...Its is a great chair that moves as they grow, Easy to clean , Simple design.I just wish it wasn't so expensive...." Read more

Customers like the quality of the baby seat. They say it's a great, practical, and sturdy product. Some say it is better than the baby high chairs they normally buy. Overall, customers are satisfied with the quality and functionality of the product.

" Fantastic high chair . Design is lightweight, sleek and pretty. It’s well made and you can tell. It’s not cheap materials or cheap work...." Read more

"...He is a big 30 lb one year old.Its is a great chair that moves as they grow, Easy to clean, Simple design...." Read more

" Quality of high chair is good stirdy wood , however the removable harness material is poor. It feels like it would break after 5 installation" Read more

Customers are mixed about the adjustability of the baby seat. Some mention it's adjustable to grow with baby, with the advantage of adjustments as the child grows. They also like that the foot rest is adjustable and easy to adjust. However, others say that the seatbelt is difficult to adjust and put on. They mention that the straps can only be adjusted a little at a time, and that the height is not adjustable for infants.

" (if Scandinavian design is your thing), durable build, endless adjustability , and my 7- mo loves it...." Read more

"I really like our chair. It's cute, fits well with the dining table , doesn't take too much room, our 2 yo can get in it by himself. Great...." Read more

"...I like that my baby’s feet are supported properly with the adjustable foot rest ...." Read more

"...I had to go back and really tighten screws❌️ seat height is not adjustable for infants if your table is lower than most ❌️harness cannot be unclipped..." Read more

Customers like the comfort of the baby seat. They say it grows with the child, making them comfortable until they're tall enough to sit up. They appreciate the chair's size, design, and ergonomics. They mention that the cushion is perfect for their baby and the white wood blends in nicely with their decor. The chair is better for posture and takes up significantly less space. Customers also say the positioning is ergonomic without comprising comfort for their little one.

"...It’s not cheap materials or cheap work. Positioning is ergonomic without comprising comfort for my little one. Easy to clean. Assembly is also easy...." Read more

"...I’m so happy with this purchase, I also tried it by myself and it’s comfortable , it’s little bit pricey but was worth and it sure is going to last..." Read more

"...percentile 6 m/o baby has perfect posture in this chair and seems super comfortable !..." Read more

"...weeks of use, I'll admit that I appreciate the chair's size, design, ergonomics , how easy it is to adjust the foot plate to my growing baby, how..." Read more

Customers are mixed about the value of the baby seat. Some mention it's well worth the money, while others say it'll grow with their child. The universal harness is half the price of the Stokke, and easier to install/remove for cleaning.

"...i wish I had it with my first born. For me it worth the money " Read more

"...purchase, I also tried it by myself and it’s comfortable, it’s little bit pricey but was worth and it sure is going to last for a lifetime...." Read more

" registry discount to afford it, but I'd say its still worth every penny full price !" Read more

"...I just wish it wasn't so expensive . You would hope after paying $300+ for a high chair that it would at least come with a tray and straps...." Read more

Customers are mixed about the ease of assembly of the baby seat. Some mention it's easy to assemble, and even easier than IKEA, while others say it'd be a bit fiddly to put together, and it doesn't have any instructions. Some customers also mention that the baby/toddler insert is atrocious to deal with and there's no guide when you slide in the seat/footrest.

"...Easy to clean. Assembly is also easy . I was dreading the assembly portion of it and no qualms there. Is it expensive? Yes. Is it worth it? Also Yes...." Read more

"...for the price 🥴 but it turned out to be a good quality chair, easy to assemble , even for a single person..." Read more

"Love this! It was a little tricky to put together , but not too bad...." Read more

"...Pros ✅️only two types of hardware. Easier than IKEA if you watch their YouTube assembly video ✅️my baby does actually sit better in this than other..." Read more

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UG Neet: Trap or a trip to wider horizons?

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KOCHI: The UG NEET conducted by the National Testing Agency and attended by 23 million students is now under a cloud of controversy.

The credibility of the entrance test being challenged after the recent allegations will create more confusion in the minds of even those with the right aptitude. Coupled with intense preparations in prison-like coaching environments, serious doubts about the test’s purpose will breed more frustration down the line.

However, at the same time, the mad rush for this test also needs critical scrutiny.

Many students are dragged into the ordeal of UG NEET coaching by parental compulsion. For them, it’s a trap that cruelly strips them of their aptitudes. Also, we need to keep in mind that the test itself has no mechanism to check if the candidate has the aptitude to be in the healing profession.

It is purely a test based on knowledge of the subjects and the speed with which they crack the multiple choices. This creates another trap: excellent marks and no aptitude.

The fallen and chosen souls

Has anyone ever wondered about the millions who have fallen out in this rat race? There are some lucky ones who select a better plan that suits them later. I know someone who failed twice in NEET and eventually found a place in the Indian Administrative Service.

But some may also feel inferior after losing the race that is rated as a benchmark of success. This is unwarranted.

For those passionately wedded to the idea of being in health care, passing the test can be the start of a trip to wider horizons.

But for those who look forward to quick employment, fast entry to further studies or a stable economic status, this will be a disappointing deal at least in Kerala. The state has crossed the saturation point and hence the threat of unemployment is a reality. So, a failure in UG NEET can be an opportunity in disguise to pursue one’s true interests.

So, the answer is simple. Let students choose higher education according to their interests and aptitudes.

Aptitude-driven choices

Hard and focused effort is essential for obtaining sufficient marks in UG NEET. Some are willing to give even an extra exclusive year or two to grab that dream seat in a college. For a large majority, this is even a ritual.

For the health and future of students, it would be better if parents, society and the educational system looked at career choices more rationally. The new world opens up fresh avenues. It’s time for society to learn certain basic principles to prevent disasters related to career choice.

Groom children with skills to identify career choices and empower them to evaluate the choice. Never propmt them to run blindly behind a career branded as the best by social perception

Being excellent in any profession selected by matching aptitude is better than being mediocre or substandard in one selected based on social ratings

Let children discover themselves. Let them not be bound to the multiple choices in a single-track mad run for the NEET.

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    Paws-I-Trip Pan Tension Kits attach easily to conventional traps to provide automatic tension. They provide an audible set point, minimal pan creep and no pan wobble. ... - PIT-07 fits #5 Bridger long spring or coil spring trap & #44 Blake & Lamb long spring trap - large bolt on pan + 2 5/8" long dog. - PIT-07E fits #7 Livestock Protection EZ ...

  14. pit, crimp on center locator, swivel, paws i trip, trap-The Snare Shop

    Made in the USA Paws-I-Trip's (PIT) Crimp-On Center Locators Attach to a variety of double longsprings and coilspring traps for easy center-swiveling - with no welding. Rated at 500 pounds. (12 per package). - Large Center locators will fit #2, #3 and #4 coilsprings and longspring traps. For traps with 1 frames. (Locator ONLY swivel sold seperatly) - Small Center locators fit #1 1/2 and 1.75 ...

  15. Stokke Tripp Trapp High Chair

    Description. Tripp Trapp® is an ingenious chair designed by Peter Opsvik that revolutionized the children's chair category in 1972, when the Tripp Trapp® was first launched. Tripp Trapp® fits right up to your dining table, bringing your baby into the heart of your family, allowing him or her to learn and develop alongside you.

  16. Paws-I-Trip Products from Wildlife Control Supplies

    Paws-I-Trip Products from Wildlife Control Supplies . ACCOUNT CONTACT MY CART. Toll Free: 877-684-7262 Int'l: ... PIT Replacement Pan for #3 Steel Jaw CS Trap (Single) $3.50. Showing 1 - 2 of 2 items. Sort By: Join Our Newsletter. Receive the latest news on new promotions, exclusive offers, and new arrivals. ...

  17. Stokke Tray, White

    When not in use, attach or detach as needed. Note: The tray is designed exclusively for the Tripp Trapp Baby Set from V2 onwards. SLEEK - The Stokke Tray's clean lines complement the Tripp Trapp chair for a unique, stunning seat. DESIGN WITH A PURPOSE - Tripp Trapp was designed by Peter Opsvik in 1972.


    M-Y Enterprises (Paws-I-Trip Products) 220 S. Lincoln St. Homer City, PA 15748 Ph# (724)479-9442 Fax# 724)479-9275 email: [email protected]. ... I got a couple closed jawed ones quite a few years ago and haven't used them much (using for wolves) like the trap but didn't want any non target catches in a closed jaw trap that powerful. Finally ...

  19. Paws-I-Trip Pans

    Joined: May 2012. Posts: 273. Ohio. When In doubt call Ed Medvetz 724-479-9442. Hope you find him in good health! Be ready to talk for awhile he's a very interesting individual! Last edited by James Peterson; 06/25/18 07:01 PM. Reason: Misspelled. Re: Paws-I-Trip Pans [ Re: James Peterson ] #6266998.

  20. Stokke Tripp Trapp High Chair

    Description. Tripp Trapp® is an ingenious chair designed by Peter Opsvik that revolutionized the children's chair category in 1972, when the Tripp Trapp® was first launched. Tripp Trapp® fits right up to your dining table, bringing your baby into the heart of your family, allowing him or her to learn and develop alongside you.

  21. FAQ Tripp Trapp®

    The current Tripp Trapp® Baby Set™ is compatible with all Tripp Trapp® chairs produced after June 2006. If your chair was manufactured between June 2006 - May 2013, the ® Baby Set would still fit, but the Extended Gliders included with the Baby Set would not. The serial number and production date are printed on the bottom of the right ...

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  25. Tripp Trapp High Chair and Cushion with Stokke Tray

    The Tripp Trapp High Chair is certified by JPMA and meets or exceeds ASTM safety standards. DESIGN WITH A PURPOSE - Tripp Trapp was designed by Peter Opsvik in 1972. Inspired by his young son Tor, who had grown out of his high chair but was still too small for an adult chair, Peter aimed to seat all ages at the same table comfortably. ...

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    UG Neet: Trap or a trip to wider horizons? The credibility of the entrance test being challenged after the recent allegations will create more confusion in the minds of even those with the right ...