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Tour Pozuzo


tour selva central

El Tour a Pozuzo, Pozuzo es Fundada por colonos alemanes y austriacos en tierras Peruanas, esta ciudad es única por la fusión de la cultura alemano-austriaca y la amazónica-peruana. En pozuzo hay un Río de agua salada llamada la «pozas de agua de sal» el cual tiene color turquesa, sin duda para darse un chapuzón en sus aguas, Las casas en Pozuzo parecen salir de las montañas de un pueblo europeo, Pozuzo es disfrutar de su gente, sus paisajes y cerveza artesanal. No te puedes perder esta salida. ¡Te esperamos!

  ¡Te esperamos!  😊

Fechas Disponibles:

  • Del Sábado 12 al Domingo 13 de Agosto

Precio: por persona

  • S/379 precio por persona
  • Movilidad Privada: Lima – Pozuzo – Lima
  • Seguro Soat / Chófer Profesional
  • Ticket de entrada a los lugares a visitar
  • Visita catarata rio tigre
  • Visita de Oxapampa
  • Visita de Prusia
  • Visita de Pozuzo
  • Visita del arco de Pozuzo
  • Visita de la laguna trama
  • Visita del puente de colono
  • Visita de la mano del colono
  • Visita del Rio de agua salada turquesa
  • Visita de la cervecería artesanal
  • Guía oficial de turismo
  • Botiquin de primeros auxilios
  • Fotos para el recuerdo


  • Alimentacion


  • Hospedaje precio desde 45 soles x persona

Salida de Lima Viernes

  • 08:30 Pm. Salida Plaza Norte / Grifo repsol en la misma panamericana
  • 09:15 Pm. Salida San Borja / Av. Comercio y Av Aviación espalda del Museo de la nacion

Oxapampa Sábado

➡ 07:00 am: Llegamos a Oxapampa. Tiempo libre para desayunar y visitar la plaza y la iglesia de Oxapampa. ➡ 11:30 am: Llegamos al arco de Pozuzo, donde nos tomaremos fotos, y luego visitaremos la Mano del Colono. ➡ 12:40 pm: Llegamos a Pozuzo para instalarnos en nuestro hospedaje seleccionado y disfrutar de un almuerzo en el típico Prusia, donde disfrutaremos de comidas y bailes tradicionales. ➡ 02:30 pm: Comenzaremos la visita a los lugares turísticos de Pozuzo, incluyendo la Plaza Principal, la Iglesia de San José, el Museo Schafferer, la Fábrica de Cerveza, el Puente Colgante y visita al río. ➡ 08:00 pm: Disfrutaremos de una noche de compartir historias y más, fortaleciendo los lazos entre todos los participantes.

Pozuzo Domingo

➡ 07:30 am: Visita a Trama y su laguna espejo (incluye desayuno). ➡ 09:00 am: Visita al Balcón de Pozuzo. ➡ 11:00 am: Trekking por la selva hacia las Pozas de Aguas de Sal, donde disfrutaremos de hermosos paisajes. ➡ 12:00 pm: Llegada a las Pozas de aguas color turquesa, donde nos daremos un chapuzón y disfrutaremos de este lugar. Sus aguas contienen sal y azufre, lo que se atribuye a propiedades curativas. ➡ 03:00 pm: Tiempo para el almuerzo y compra de recuerdos. ➡ 05:00 pm: Regreso hacia Lima. – 07:00 AM llegada a Lima

Llegada a Lima Lunes

– 07:00 am Llegamos a Lima y tour del tour 

El itinerario podría variar un poco por condiciones climáticas o causas externas.


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pozuzo tours

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  • +51 984 004 472
  • Machu Picchu, Cusco, Perú
  • Mon-Sat: 10 AM – 5 PM

Oxapampa: 10 tourist attractions that you should know

pozuzo tours

In 1853, the first Austro-German immigrants who sought to colonize the central jungle arrived in Peru. After a long journey, they settled in Oxapampa, where they developed their community in isolation for decades. 

Today, Oxapampa is open to the world and offers visitors its homes, dances and music in a marked Tyrolean style, as well as different lodging options and agricultural activities such as coffee tasting, one of the best in Peru. 

Oxapampa is recognized as a Biosphere Reserve by UNESCO and is the gateway to the Yanachaga Chemillén National Park. 

The Province of Oxapampa, Oxapampa Ashaninka Yanesha Biosphere Reserve, is one of the most representative provinces of Peru in the central zone, its natural resources, its tradition, culture and quality products, make Oxapampa a very attractive tourist destination. 

Let us remember that the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism (Mincetur) delivered, in June of this year, the international Safe Travels seal to the Oxapampa Tourist Destination, consolidating itself as a destination that complies with all biosecurity measures against COVID-19, with the objective of safeguarding the health of visitors. 

Oxapampa, is a beautiful city, whose name means "Pampa de Paja" in the Quechua language, the church and several buildings with European characteristics stand out. 

For the second year, the "II Cultural and Productive Fair of Oxapampa Biosphere Reserve" will be held, an event that will take place from Thursday 11 to Sunday 14 November and seeks to promote tourism in this city and highlight the quality of its products. 

The Plaza of the Municipal Theater of Lima (Jirón Ica 377) will be the place where 40 exhibitors, from different districts, will offer products with agro-industrial certification marks, textiles, handicrafts and tourism to the general public. On the occasion of this fair, we give you a list of 10 places that you should not miss in Oxapampa. 

History of Oxapampa 

The territory where Oxapampa sits initially belonged to the Yánesha ethnic group, who inhabited this place since ancient times. In 1635 it was visited and evangelized by Franciscan priests. The missionaries, in addition to their evangelizing work, prepared the first geographical, linguistic and ethnological reports of this extensive part of the central jungle, carrying out expeditions through various rivers in the province of Oxapampa. 

In 1742, the uprising of the indigenous leader Juan Santos Atahualpa, self-styled descendant of the Incas, caused the decline of the religious missions. In the 13 years that the rebellion lasted, the missions of Chanchamayo, Perené, Huancabamba, Gran Pajonal and Alto Ucayali were decimated. 

In 1763, an expedition was organized on the Pachitea and Ucayali rivers, reestablishing the old missions. At that time, the Huancabamba valley was populated by rich landowners from the mountains. Thus, the haciendas of “Chaupimonte”, “Punchao”, “Naranjal” and “Lanturachi” originated in this colonial period. 

Between the years of 1837 and 1840, José Rufino Cárdenas settled in the Huancabamba valley, and 16 years later, the idea of colonizing the area arose. Together with Esteban Bravo and Gregorio Rivera, they negotiated with the prefect of Junín, Bernardino Bermúdez, so that settlers of Austro-German origin would populate these lands. 

This request crystallized when in 1857 the first group of these European settlers arrived in this area, thanks to an agreement signed between Baron Schütz and also by another agreement signed by the Peruvian government and Mr. Scotland, which allowed the arrival of 100 more settlers to Pozuzo. In 1890, the government promoted the construction of the road from San Luis de Shuaro to Puerto Bermúdez. 

On August 30, 1891, Oxapampa was founded by colonist Enrique Bottger Treu, who was born on July 19, 1857 in the city of Lima. He was the son of German parents and died in April 1945, at the age of 87. 

The Austro-Germans who arrived in Oxapampa perfected their cultivation techniques, the genetic crossbreeding of plants and breeding animals, they increased the cultivation areas and started the lumber industry. In 1899 the first official map of the city of Oxapampa was drawn up. 

On January 24, 1925, the Oxapampa neighborhood officially becomes a district of Oxapampa, appointing Alejandro Johnson as the first mayor. 

On January 13, 1928, the cadastral plan of the urban area of the district was approved, which was prepared by the engineer Juan E. Zegarra. In 1929 the first state school was created, where only boys studied. In 1940, the church was inaugurated in the Plaza de Armas, built entirely of wood.

On November 27, 1944, through Law No. 10030, the department of Pasco was created with its provinces of Oxapampa, Pasco and Daniel A. Carrión. The province of Oxapampa with the districts of Oxapampa, Chontabamba, Huancabamba and Villa Rica. 

Oxapampa is currently a place of great economic potential thanks to tourism due to its exuberant landscape beauty, enormous natural resources, privileged geographical location and inhabited by a very hospitable and enterprising population, heir to an enormous cultural wealth resulting from miscegenation. 

History of Oxapampa

Tourist circuits

According to said recognition granted by the Mincetur, the authorized tourist circuits for the Oxapampa destination are: 

Route Villa Rica 

Villa Rica's main park "Antonio Brack Egg", "Laguna El Oconal" Municipal Conservation Area, Los Ositos Botanical Garden, Sho'llet Forest Municipal Conservation Area. Also, the Yánesha Ñagazú indigenous community and the Nuestra Señora del Rosario Villa Rica chapel. 

Experiences and Nature Circuit - Huancabamba 

It includes the Main Park of Huancabamba, Los Colonos cemetery, Remains of Punchao, Fundo Bottger´S and Anana waterfall. 

Colono-Pozuzo Route 

It is made up of “Los Colonos” Square, the Emperor William II Bridge, the Virgin of Lourdes grotto, Los Colonos Cemetery, Pozuzo Civic Square, and La Identidad de Prusia Park. 

Oxapampa Route 

It is made up of the Rio del Tigre Waterfall, the cave of the Virgin Immaculate Conception, the Abra viewpoint, the Schaeflli museum, the Oxapampa Main Square and the Oxapampa Mother Church. 

Yanachaga Chemillén National Park Route - San Alberto Sector 

This rural area is made up of the Yanachaga Chemillén National Park and the San Alberto-Abra Esperanza Area. 

Chontabamba Circuit 

It is made up of the Floralp Milk Plant, the Golden Years Museum, the Florida Viewpoint and the Main Square of Chontabamba. 

Some of these tourist attractions in the province of Oxapampa are detailed below: 

Yanachaga-Chemillén National Park 

It comprises an area of about 122,000 hectares. Its creation dates back to 1986 with the intention of conserving the basins of the slopes of the Yanachaga mountain range, as well as providing protection to the endangered species found in the area. It is home to a great diversity of flora and fauna, in which the emblematic cock of the rocks, a bird native to Peru, stands out. 

Yánesha Communal Reserve 

It covers an area of 34,744.7 hectares. It was considered a Reserve since 1988 with the intention of maintaining the good state of the flora and fauna of the area for the benefit of the indigenous communities that inhabit it. 

El Sira Communal Reserve 

It occupies an area that reaches 616,413.41 hectares, delimited on the eastern side by the Ucayali River, and by the Pachitea River on the western side. It extends between the province of Puerto Inca (Huánuco region), the province of Oxapampa (Pasco region) and the provinces of Atalaya and Coronel Portillo (Ucayali region). 

The El Sira Communal Reserve is an area protected by the State with the purpose of conserving and protecting natural resources and ensuring the continuity and survival of the Asháninka, Yánesha and Shipibo ethnic groups that inhabit this protected natural area. 

Rich Villa 

District whose inhabitants are dedicated mainly to agriculture and especially to the cultivation of excellent quality coffee, as well as cocoa and various fruit trees. For this reason, it is called the "Capital of the finest coffee in the world" and is an ideal destination for agritourism, experiential tourism and ecotourism. Thanks to its scenic beauty, it is part of a tourist corridor along with other towns in the province of Oxapampa. 

The Enchantment Waterfall 

It is located in the district of Villa Rica. It is a 30-meter-high waterfall surrounded by fertile Amazonian vegetation that makes it a setting of dazzling natural beauty. 

District created by Law 2889 issued on November 29, 1918. It has a total area of 1,394.40 square kilometers and inside it is the Yanachaga-Chemillén National Park and natural settings such as the Dolphin waterfall, which has a drop of 80 meters and receives a growing influx of tourists. 

Another place of interest is the Huancabamba Canyon that can reach 800 meters deep; the Pantheon of the Settlers, so named because the remains of the settlers who arrived in the area years ago rest there; the Schafferer Museum, where the different objects and artifacts that the founding settlers brought with them are kept and exhibited. 

In addition, Pozuzo is interesting for the residential buildings it has, and where typical constructions made from sawn wood in which nails are not used can be seen.

The central festivity in honor of Santa Rosa is celebrated every August 30 and includes religious activities, with novenas and masses, as well as cultural events that highlight the cultural richness of the Oxapampa province.

Oxapampa Main Square

Located in the central part of the city of Oxapampa. In the center of the square stands an imposing obelisk with an octagonal base built in 1959, erected in honor of the Austro-German settlers who founded Oxapampa and Villa Rica in the thick jungle of the Pasco region.

Pozuzo, German colony

Pozuzo was the first colony of its kind founded in 1859, four years after the Peruvian government granted the land to Austrian settlers. The immigrants built the city following the architectural patterns of their countries of origin, so the houses are built with geometric plans, wooden floors and gabled roofs. 

It is located 84 km north of the city of Oxapampa and 360 km from Cerro de Pasco.

Tsho'llet Forest

It means "Queen of colored snails". You can see spectacled bears and different birds. 

It is located in the district located in the province of Oxapampa. Villa Rica is well known for being a coffee producing area. Surrounding the town are the El León and El Encanto waterfalls. 

Laguna Oconal

It has 61 species of birds and a great variety of fish, because the lagoon fulfills the function of a place of passage for migratory birds. 

Oconal lake Oapampa


It is one of the districts of Oxapampa, and means "Field of straw". It is rich in terms of natural, mystical, archaeological, cultural tourist attractions, and even ideal sites for the practice of experiential tourism. It has the Las Orquídeas Waterfall, a set of waterfalls known as La Esperanza and San Francisco. 

The Witch Waterfall

Located in Villa Rica, it is part of the Oxapampa-Asháninka-Yánesha Biosphere Reserve. It has a fall of 19 meters and 5 meters wide. 

Pichis and Palcazú rivers

Ideal destination for the practice of aquatic tourism, located in the city of Oxapampa. 

Psicifarm the Summit

It is located in the district of Chotabamba, 3.4km from Oxapampa. It has 6 pools in which variety trout are raised, in addition the psicifarm allows to appreciate the growth and feed the trout. 

Florida Lookout

It is located in Chontabamba, located in the Central Jungle, it has an impressive view where you can appreciate the splendor of Oxapampa's nature.

How to get to Oxapampa?

There are two ways to get to Oxapampa by land. The first is by taking a direct bus or private car from Lima, which takes approximately 10 hours, or starting from Junín, which takes approximately 3 hours to arrive. 

Another way to get there is by taking a flight from Lima or from another province to Jauja (closest airport) and then a bus to Oxapampa for 3 hours. 

Weather in Oxapampa

In Oxapampa the winters are long, cloudy and cool while the summers are short, dry and hot. 

Throughout the year the temperature usually varies between 13 to 24 degrees Celsius and very rarely is below 11 °C or above 26 °C. 

Now, the best date of the year to travel to Oxapampa, especially if you want to do activities in hot weather, is undoubtedly from the first days of May to the first days of October. 

Where to eat in Oxapampa?

Typical dishes of Oxapampa 

  • Picante de Cuy: The spicy de Cuy, although it is not a typical dish from Oxapampa specifically but from Peru, is commonly served in this place. It is a dish whose main ingredient is Cuy (Guinea pig) is accompanied with parboiled potatoes and rice.
  • Cuy Chactado: Another of the typical dishes of Oxapampa based on Cuy is this. Contains fried yucca, rice, mote, fried plantain and salad. 
  • Oxapampa Chicharrón: Another of the best-known dishes in Oxapampa is Chicharrón. Although it is also served in different parts of the country, each city has its own version. Generally, it is accompanied with yucca. 
  • Oxapampa grill: Another of the typical dishes of this region is the Oxapampa grill. It is served with a piece of beef, meat, pork, chorizo and is accompanied with yucca. The meat is Oxapampa is one of the best in the country.

Best Tours in Peru

Many are the routes that take you to Machu Picchu, but none is like the  Inca Trail Tours , the most famous pedestrian path in the Americas. After flying from the  capital of Perú , Lima, you will arrive in Cusco to walk for four days along a path through forests and dense fog, millenary stone steps and discovering the ruins of ancient fortifications and Inca cities, and all the time enjoying majestic views. 

  • Salcantay Trek Peru
  • Palcoyo Mountain Tour
  • Cusco to Manu Tour
  • Humantay Lake Day Trip
  • Huchuy Qosqo Day Hike
  • Half Day Cusco City Tour
  • Llactapata Inca Trail to Machu Picchu
  • Qoyllur Riti Festival
  • Apurimac River Rafting
  • Vilcabamba Trek to Machu Picchu
  • Inti Raymi and Machu Picchu Tour
  • Salkantay Inca Trail Combo
  • Waqrapukara Peru Full Day Tour

If you want to visit Machu Picchu, we recommend you to book your  Machu Picchu Ticket  in advance, so you will enjoy your  Vacation in Machu Picchu  without any problem.

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pozuzo tours

Edwin Caviedes Profesional guide

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Pozuzo is a district located in the province of Oxapampa in the region of Pasco and it is a piece of Austria and Germany located in the middle of the Peruvian jungle.

This town was founded in 1859 when many immigrants from Germany and Austria arrived in ships to Peru . At first, they were only 170 people and today the population is around 1,000.

According to Andina News Agency, Pozuzo maintains its traditional cultures from Europe through their clothing, architecture, music and gastronomy.

Tourists like to visit this place because of the mentioned details and also because of its nice tropical weather and beautiful landscapes.

The best time to visit Pozuzo is between May and October, and in July, since it’s the district’s anniversary month, lots of special activities take place.

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The man behind the brand, the judges are in, july’s weekend get away: forest kitchen, bogotá in lima.


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Pozuzo Tour

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  • Hotel pick up

If you're in Oxapampa , then don't miss visiting two of the most charming towns in this district with this excursion to Pozuzo and Huancabamba . Culture, architecture, nature and many other attractions await you!

Pozuzo Church

At 6:30 am we'll pick you up at your hotel in Oxapampa to start this tour through the province, where we'll visit its most iconic places.

For two hours, we'll enjoy the road trip surrounded by the Oxapampa countryside until we reach Huancabamba . There, we'll get out of the vehicle to visit the streets and parks of this area, and then we'll continue our way.

We'll pass the famous Rayantambo, Torrebamba and Yulitunqui waterfalls , and border the Yanachanga Chemillen National Park . Then we'll arrive in Pozuzo , the first Austro-German colony in Peru . Did you know that it was founded in 1859, shortly after the Peruvian government granted this land to the settlers?

We'll take a tour of the main square , the Colonists' cemetery , the church of San José and the Emperor Wilhelm I bridge . As we walk through the town, you'll see the influence of Germanic architecture .

Afterwards, we'll take a short 15-minute walk to the lookout point , from where you'll enjoy a wonderful view of the city. Afterwards, we'll visit the Dörcher Bier brewery , where you can enjoy a beer tasting .

After a break for lunch on your own and a taste of the local cuisine , we'll continue to discover the interesting  architectural designs of Pozuzo's neighbourhoods . We'll then start our return journey to Oxapampa, making a stop at the natural pools of Guacamayo .

Arrival at your hotel is scheduled for 4:30 pm.

More Information

The activity takes place with a guide that speaks in Spanish.

Hotel pickup and return transfer

Transport by bus or minibus

Spanish–speaking guide

Craft beer tasting

Not included

When to book.

You can book up until 24 hours before the activity as long as there are still places. Book now to guarantee your spot.

Type of voucher

Electronic. Show the voucher on your phone.


Not wheelchair accessible.


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Top Tours in Pozuzo, Peru

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pozuzo tours

1. Circuito turístico TUCTUNA

Peru’s Surprising German Settlements: Oxapampa and Pozuzo

Peru’s Surprising German Settlements: Oxapampa and Pozuzo

It may surprise you to find out that there are two German settlements you can visit while traveling in Peru’s Selva Alta, or the high jungle region of Peru. Pozuzo and Oxapampa are located approximately 500 kilometers northeast of Lima . Populated by the descendants of Austrian and Prussian folk who arrived in Peru in the mid-nineteenth century, both villages still maintain many of their original traditions, making for quite the unexpected travel experience for a trip to Peru .

How Oxapampa and Pozuzo Came to Be

When European settlers arrived to Peru in 1853, they were mostly poor folk who wanted to escape the horrendous war and famine in Europe. Three hundred people arrived as the first group of settlers, part of an agreement signed between the baron Damian Freinbern Schutz-Holzhousen and the Peruvian government. The agreement allowed for colonists to come and establish a colony in the untamed area known as the Alto Huallaga. The settlers traveled for four months on the ship “Norton,” and upon arrival in Peru, found matters complicated due to the fact that civil war had broken out in their new home. While a few of them stayed in Lima, approximately 300 people began an arduous journey by donkey and on foot that lasted for more than two years. Around 170 of these travelers reached Pozuzo in 1859 and founded a colony there. Oxapampa was an offshoot colony that was founded later, in 1891. The inhabitants of Pozuzo were isolated from both mainstream Peru and their homeland for over 120 years, during which they managed to thrive. They raised livestock, made their own clothing and shoes, and kept the traditions they had brought from their homeland.

In 1970, a road was finally constructed to Pozuzo that brought them access to the rest of Peru and the modern world.

What to Expect in a Visit to Oxapampa and Pozuzo


Today, the inhabitants of Pozuzo and Oxapampa wear Tyrolese dress on feast days and speak both German and Spanish. There are many families with names like Schmidt and Muller, and many hyphenated Peruvian-German names due to intermarriage with locals.

The buildings in the region have high peaked roofs and are designed in typical Alpine European style. Many of the homes have stables to house livestock on the ground level, with upper floors for the family to use as residential quarters. There are interesting examples of the region’s architecture in two churches in the town center, San José de Pozuzo and Sagrado Corazón de Jesus. There is also a museum known as the Francis Schafferer Museum, with displays of ceramics dating from 6000 to 1800 BC, when indigenous tribes inhabited the area. This museum also displays memorabilia from the time that the first settlers arrived in the region.

Plan Your Visit to Oxapampa and Pozuzo for Founder’s Day

Every July 25 th , there’s a Founder’s Day Celebration that lasts for five days. During the celebration, the locals dress in typical costumes, play Austrian and German music, and perform torneos de cinta (ribbon tournaments), where agile horsemen capture colored ribbons to present to young ladies of their choice. Some of the Peruvian-German dishes served during the festivities are Griesnockersluppe (Semola Soup), Fleischtrudel mit gemuse (Beef stew), Schnitzel mit Salit (Noodle Salad), and Trucha mit Kartofel (Trout and Potatoes). The area’s famous local sausages and smoked hams are also dished up to visitors and locals alike.

Visit Oxapampa and Pozuzo on Your Peru Tour


The countryside around Pozuzo is known for its beauty and is great for camping, rafting, hang gliding, and trekking. Kuoda’s Travel Designers can arrange your journey to this intriguing and unusual location as part of your personalized journey to Peru. Don’t miss out on this unique Peru travel experience! Contact us today .

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Discover Peru’s most bucket-list-worthy destinations. Explore a blend of magnificent, unspoiled nature and fascinating historic…

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Embrace the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to explore the most incredible destinations in a luxury tour of Peru. Walk on sacred grounds…

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Masters of farming, engineering geniuses, and creators of a religion that combined features of animism and nature worship…

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Tour Oxapampa y Pozuzo (4 días / 3 noches)

Tour Oxapampa y Pozuzo (4 días / 3 noches)

Chanchamayo, San Ramón, La Merced, Oxapampa, Villa Rica y Pozuzo son sólo algunos de los destinos que podrá encontrar en la selva central del Perú.

Luego de viajar por la Carretera Central y tomar el desvío a Tarma, podrá llegar en 6 horas, desde Lima, a estos valles ubicados en zonas de selva alta con exuberante vegetación y rodeado de bosques de rica y variada fauna y vegetación.

Disfrutar y conocer a los Asháninkas en Pichanaki, o pueblos de herencia alemana y tirolesa también forman parte de esta experiencia, la ruta del polen o la ruta del café orgánico. Actividades de aventura, canotaje en el río Perené, bicicleta de montaña, downhill, y otras más ... le esperan.

Tours en Selva Central | Paquete de Viaje incluye:

Itinerario: oxapampa y pozuzo (4 días / 3 noches).

Salidas diarias

Día 1: ... ( Lima ) / Oxapampa

Arribo a Oxapampa , recepción y traslado al hotel seleccionado

Almuerzo (no incluido)

P.M. Inicio del recorrido guiado por el valle y la ciudad, empezando por la Plaza de Armas y la Iglesia Santa Rosa inaugurada en 1940 con su típica construcción europea y visita al Paseo de los Colonos.

Posteriormente tomaremos la ruta por el distrito de Chontabamba, visita al viejo molino de caña, donde degustaremos el huarapo (trago típico de la zona).

También visitaremos la Tunqui Cueva, caverna con formaciones de estalactitas.

Retorno a Oxapampa y traslado al hotel


Día 2: Oxapampa / Pozuzo / Oxapampa (D-A)

Desayuno en el Hotel.

AM: Salida hacia Pozuzo, primera colonia Austro - Alemana, distante a 3 horas de Oxapampa, (Box lunch en el transporte) en el camino observaremos las Cataratas de Rayantambo y Torrebamba, surcado de ríos y montañas de exuberante vegetación.

Llegada al distrito de Pozuzo (700 msnm) de clima cálido: zona ganadera por excelencia y donde predomina una población con rasgos netamente europeos. Conoceremos la Plaza de Armas y la Iglesia San José, ubicada frente al monumento de José Egg (fundador de la colonia); Visita al Museo Francisco Schaferrer (colección de objetos y fotografías de los primeros colonos).

Apreciaremos las casas típicas, luego de una caminata llegaremos al puente colgante Vogt y al viejo trapiche de Caña de la familia Egg.

2 PM: Almuerzo típico en un recreo campestre (Libre), amenizado con música de la zona y danzantes tiroleses. También podrán montar a caballos y otras diversiones.

Retorno a Oxapampa,

Pernocte en Oxapampa.

Día 3: Oxapampa (D)

Desayuno en el hotel

Luego nos trasladaremos hasta las cataratas El Tigre siguiendo una ruta de aprox. 45 min. Caminata por un sendero de vegetación.

A medio día regresaremos a la ciudad para el almuerzo en Oxapampa (libre)

PM: Visita al Rancho Ruffner donde podrán participar de actividades típicas de Oxapampa, como son el torneo de cintas y de destreza forestal.

Regreso a Oxapampa y traslado al hotel

Tarde libre para realizar compras o disfrutar de las instalaciones del hotel

Día 4: Oxapampa / ... ( Lima ) (D)

Día libre para hacer compras o disfrutar de las instalaciones del hotel

A la hora coordinada traslado al terminal de bus.

Retorno a la ciudad de Lima.


Turismo y Viajes en la Selva Central

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Tarifas 2018 - Precios por Persona en US Dólares

Estas tarifas no aplican para Temporada Alta (Fiestas Patrias, Semana Santa, Navidad y Año Nuevo)

Términos y Condiciones

Fee de Transacción : Todas las reservas confirmadas están sujetas a un cargo de US $ 12.00

Tarifas incluyen impuestos y cargos obligatorios para emisión según los vigentes al 2 de setiembre de 2018

Tarifas sujetas a la confirmación de la reserva.

Todos las tarifas son por persona y están expresados en Dólares Americanos, válidos para extranjeros.

Antes de la emisión del boleto aéreo, en caso que el paquete lo incluya, se deberán reconfirmar los impuestos del boleto y los locales, debido a que los precios de los impuestos están sujetos a constantes variaciones.


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Métodos de Pago


Tours en Perú

  • Tours en Cusco y Machu Picchu
  • Tours Outdoor en Cusco
  • Tours en Puno y Lago Titicaca
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  • Tours en Lima
  • Tours en Nazca y Paracas
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  • Tours en Playas del Norte
  • Tours Circuitos del Perú
  • Selva Amazónica
  • Tours en Iquitos - Cruceros
  • Tours en Manu
  • Tours en Selva Central
  • Tours en Tambopata
  • Tours en Tarapoto

Testimonios de Pasajeros

Testimonios de Pasajeros

Tours en Selva Central

Humedal Laguna El Oconal

Tours en Selva Central

Ashaninkas en Pichanaki

© J. Mazzotti

Best Tourism Villages

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Pozuzo was the first colony of Austrian settlers founded in Peru in 1859, four years after the Peruvian government granted them the land. The immigrants built the city following the architectural patterns of their countries of origin, so the houses are built with geometrical floor plans, wooden floors and gabled roofs. It is important to point out that Pozuzo maintains a the balance between nature, biodiversity, the founding Austro-German people and the original communities of the central jungle of Peru.   

Pozuzo is part of the tourist destination “Selva Central”, a route with 06 six destinations of nature and biodiversity. It is part of the Yanachaga Chemillén Park which, for the values that natural resources and biodiversity bring to humanity and for being the home of the original Yánesha community, was recognised by UNESCO as “Core Zone of the Oxapampa-Asháninka-Yánesha Biosphere Reserve”. It also belongs to the “Oxapampa-Asháninka-Yánesha Biosphere Reserve Tourism Development Zone” which, according to the Pasco Regional Strategic Tourism Plan, is a destination for adventure, living culture and nature for national and foreign tourists.       

As monuments of interest, it has the Church of San José, the Emperor William I Bridge, the Colonists’ Cemetery and the Schafferer Museum, which are part of the Historical Cultural Centre of Pozuzo and have been declared of regional interest.

pozuzo tours

Typisches Fest 

Pozuzo preserves the traditions of the Austro-German community, which integrates  nature and the native communities without transgressing them. Through the emblematic “Typisches Fest”, an annual event organised by the Chamber of Commerce and Tourism of Pozuzo for the last 15 years, you can taste the gastronomy of Pozuzo, enjoy typical dances and games of skill. In addition, in September they celebrate “Pozuzo Fest”, a beer festival in the district that celebrates the Austro-German culture. Likewise, every year, in July, they celebrate the founding of the town in the “Aniversario de Pozuzo – Día del Colono” (Pozuzo Anniversary – Day of the Settler), an event of history and culture that includes the presentation of floats, cultural activities and typical dances of the district.  

pozuzo tours

Sustainable Pozuzo 

The people of Pozuzo practice organic agriculture, promote reforestation, and preserve biodiversity, involving tourists. The local government, the community, universities, and international cooperation carry out the “Sustainable Pozuzo 2023” training programme to protect water sources, preserve species of flora and fauna and safeguard biological corridors (landscapes, ecosystems and habitats). All of this is complemented by immersive experiences that offer living culture and tours of the Yanachaga-Chemillén Park, which allow people to understand the importance of the biosphere reserve.  

  The people are also trained to identify socio-ecological alternatives that are compatible with local objectives and contextualised to the potential of nature. They use biodegradable packaging for food and beverages for both villagers and visitors. In addition, they prioritise the consumption of local products (“0 Km”) to boost the local economy and strengthen sustainability. In addition, they work in the circular economy, valuing organic waste from restaurants and hotels to use it as compost and humus.  

  They use renewable energies to light the streets with solar panels.  

pozuzo tours

Economic Boost  

Tourist activities promote employment in tourist resources, services and productive activities offered to visitors, generating a positive impact on hundreds of families who improve their quality of life. In recent years, tourism enterprises that have benefited from Turismo Emprende have improved their accommodation services and tourism operations, providing employment opportunities for the population. There are also associations that promote the production and commercialisation of coffee, honey and avocado that are offered to tourists. All this contributes to the improvement of the quality of life and family economy.  

Employment in the tourism sector is promoted through government policies, and the generation of skilled and unskilled labour is encouraged for a better insertion into the labour market, mainly led by young people. Women actively participate in the Pozuzo Economic Development Plan and in the development of tourism. In addition, private institutions such as the Chamber of Commerce and Tourism and the Pozuzo Association of Commerce and Tourism have gender parity and equality among their members.

pozuzo tours

pozuzo tours


 full day: 8:30 am - 7:30 pm .

1. Rayantambo

2. Yulitunqui

​Rayantambo se encuentra ubicado a 1 hora aprox. de Oxapampa, con su belleza natural hace que uno se enamore aún más del recorrido.

La Catarata Yulitunqui  se encuentra la costado de la carretera, por lo que solo basta con bajar y disfrutar de su belleza.

Nos da la bienvenida a la única colonia austro alemana.

4. Barrio  de Prusia

5. City Tour

6. Parque Temático

Antes de llegar a la colonia, pasamos por el barrio de Prusia, que a primera vista veremos su iglesia y una pequeña plaza.

Al llegar a la ciudad de Pozuzo haremos un breve city tour visitando: La Iglesia San José, La Plaza de Armas.

En este lugar veremos el Barco Norton, una representación de la embarcación donde llegaron los colonos.

7. Puente Colgante

8. Dorcher Bier

9. Almuerzo Típico

Tradicional planta productora de cerveza artesanal, con técnicas de producción alemanas. 

Podremos cruzar el puente y realizar fotos muy bonitas para el recuerdo.

Almorzamos en un establecimiento que nos ofrece platos típicos pozucinos.

10. Pozas de Agua y        Sal

Entrada: S/5

Pozas de intenso color turquesa, debido a la sal y azufre que contienen sus frescas y cristalinas aguas. 

pozuzo tours

  • Semana Santa 2024
  • Fiestas Patrias 2024

Tour Full Day

  • Tours Gastronómicos en Perú
  • Turismo Escolar 2023
  • Chachapoyas
  • Tours Internacional

Información general

  • Precio: S/  150.00 Por persona
  • Duración: 6 horas
  • Fecha de salida: Todos los días
  • Hora de encuentro: 7:50 am
  • Punto de encuentro: Coordinar
  • 1 Día de Tours, detallados en el Programa
  • Movilidad Turística local
  • Guía Oficial de Turismo

No incluye:

  • Alimentación
  • Seguro y todo lo que no está en este documento

Tour full day pozuzo

- Salida: 6:00 HORAS

- Retorno: 18:00 HORAS

Tour pozuzo tierra de colones

- Tour a Pozuzo, realizaremos una parada en el distrito de Huacabamba

- Visita a las caratas Torre Bamba y Rayantambo, la catarata Yulitunqui

- El poblado de Prusia, y Pozuzo, su plaza principal, su iglesia

- La fábrica de Cerveza Artesanal, el Museo de Pozuzo.

Condiciones y vigencia:

Servicio en pull (En grupo). Precio por persona en soles. Válido Semana Santa, Fiestas Patrias, Feriados Largos hasta  Diciembre 2022.  No incluye los   pasajes de ciudad de origen viceversa. Tarifa de Niño: De 0 – 5 años no pagan, ni tienen derecho a servicios y viajan bajo responsabilidad y tutela de sus padres. De 5 a 9 años, 15% de descuento, compartiendo cama, mínimo 2  adultos acompañantes. Sujeto a disponibilidad . Las anulaciones / postergaciones de reservas deberán ser 5 días antes del arribo del turista, de lo contrario se cobrará el 50 % de paquete. En caso del no show se cobrará el 100 % del paquete, la reserva se dará por anulada cuando tenga la conformidad de anulación enviada por nuestro departamento de reservas vía email: Precios incluyen IGV  / Precios exonerados del IGV (para destinos amazónicos).

Plan de vigilancia y control Covid – 19

Contamos con plan de vigilancia y control Covid – 19. aprobado por el MINSA. Aplicamos todo los protocolos de Bioseguridad en todas nuestras Operaciones y en los atractivos Turísticos, a demás facilidades de cambio en reserva y cancelaciones, previa coordinación con nuestro departamento de reservas.

S/  150.00

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Jr. Pizarro 562 (Paseo Peatonal Pizarro)

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Bienvenidos a KushmaTour

Es un honor para nosotros poder brindarles una experiencia única durante su instancia en Oxapampa, por ello nuestra propuesta consiste en brindarte una buena estadía para pasarla bien con amistades, pareja y familia (incluidas mascotas).

Nuestro centro de operaciones se encuentra en Oxapampa, una provincia que forma parte del corredor turístico de la Selva Central, también conocida por ser “Reserva de Biósfera Oxapampa Asháninca Yanesha”, denominación obtenida por la UNESCO en el año 2010.

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Vive una experiencia única durante tu estancia en Selva Central

Ticket de bus, viaja con movil bus, hoteles & alojamientos, carolina egg.

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Tour oxapampa - pozuzo - La merced - Villa Rica - Selva central

Conoce la historia de Pozuzo

Fue la primera colonia de su tipo fundada en 1859, cuatro años después de que el gobierno peruano les concediera las tierras a los colonos austriacos.

A 84 km al norte de la ciudad de Oxapampa y a 360 km de Cerro de Pasco. Los inmigrantes levantaron la ciudad siguiendo los patrones arquitectónicos de sus países de origen, por lo que las casas están edificadas a plantas geométricas, pisos de madera y techos a dos aguas. Por otro lado, Oxapampa fue fundada en 1891 por un colono hijo de padres alemanes y austríacos. A continuación les contaremos sobre su historia a través del tiempo hasta llegar a ser un gran destino turístico en la actualidad, el cual podrás conocer con la asesoría de Prusia Tours.


Pozuzo en el peru colonial, pozuzo en el perú republicano, preparativos para el viaje, el viaje de europa al perú, primeras décadas de sobrevivientes de los colonos 1859-1904, llegada del segundo grupo de colonos al perú, pozuzo y su primer centenario ( 1859/1959), historia y poblacion, datos generales:, el distrito de pozuzo se encuentra ubicado en la provincia de oxapampa, departamento de pasco. geográficamente se sitúa en la coordenada promedio de 9° 52'30" y 10º18'30' de latitud sur ,de 77° 03'33" y 77º52'30' de longitud oeste del meridiano de greenwich.  , pozuzo abarca una superficie de aproximadamente 130,00 hectáreas es decir 1,300.00 km2, distribuidas en la vertiente oriental de la cordillera en la región denominada de selva central. la altitud promedio es de 800 msnm (en la capital de distrito conocida como centro o la colonia); sin embargo, tiene un rango que va desde los 600 hasta los 1850 msnm, esto es, desde la transición a selva baja (pie de monte andino oriental), atravesando la selva alta, hasta la ceja de selva. su ubicación le confiere una fisiografía principalmente montañosa, con valles que generan paisajes de mosaicos muy vistosos por los contrastes entre la vegetación natural de los bosques y las pasturas artificiales (pastizales).  , el viaje por tierra a pozuzo , si se toma la carretera central, en el trayecto lima-la oroya, tiene la particularidad de mostrar diversas regiones del perú, pues se puede apreciar cómo la aridez de la costa va dando paso a la vegetación cambiante y típica de cada lugar, hasta culminar en la cordillera, a una altitud de 4,800 metros sobre el nivel del mar, en el abra de ticlio. de acuerdo a la época, se puede observar grandes extensiones de nieve en los cerros. al llegar a la oroya, se toma el desvío hacia tarma, y más adelante se encuentran san ramón y la merced. el tramo a oxapampa , no asfaltado, en épocas de lluvias se ve afectado por los deslizamientos y desbordes del río., el trayecto hasta pozuzo se caracteriza por una carretera serpenteante, al borde de acantilados empinados sobre el río huancabamba. el camino esta rodeado de helechos y árboles de copas frondosas, en muchos de los cuales se aprecia delicadas orquídeas; y cascadas espumosas invitan al viajero a tomar un baño en sus frescas y limpias aguas. además, en el trayecto, se encuentra el parque nacional yanachaga-chemillén, que tiene una extensión de 122,000 hectáreas y abarca parte de los distritos de pozuzo, villa rica y palcazú (en la provincia de oxapampa ), y es uno de los parques de mayor flora y fauna en el mundo.  , en cuanto a actividades económicas, pozuzo es una colonia dedicada principalmente a la ganadería de carne (y en menor escala lechera), siembra del café y arroz, y fruticultura. en un recorrido por los alrededores del pueblo uno encuentra hermosos fundos que destacan, por la verdura de sus sembríos, la selva que los rodea, además de hermosas casas de madera. todas estas características logran un matiz muy particular, difícil de encontrar en otros lugares del perú., pozuzo en la actualidad, centro historico y cultural, en memoria de los colonos que llegaron y vivieron en este bello pueblo, valorando sus esfuerzos con profunda gratitud, y con el deseo de rescatar dicha herencia cultural, se considera como ámbito y patrimonio cultural al centro histórico y cultural, lugar representativo de pozuzo en el cual se puede visitar:, iglesia san josé : fue la primera iglesia construida por los colonos en el año 1875. algunas estructuras son de madera, mientras otras son de piedra, cal y material noble. anterior a ella existió un centro de oración con paredes y techos de palma, que estuvo a pocos metros del monumento a josé., cementerio de los colonos : pintoresco camposanto donde descansan los restos tanto del guía espiritual de los colonos, el padre josé egg, como de los padres luis ipfelkofer y francisco schafferer., museo schafferer : lugar donde se exhiben, conservan y valoran los antiguos objetos y pertenencias que trajeron los colonos a pozuzo, tales como herramientas de trabajo, utensilios de cocina, cerámica, fotografías, muebles de madera, etc. también se exhiben vestigios de culturas anteriores a la presencia europea. a finales del siglo antepasado, la construcción fue hecha por los socios de la sociedad de mutuos auxilios., puente emperador guillermo i : histórico puente colgante ubicado sobre el río huancabamba, construido en 1877. inicialmente fue llamado puente central y favoreció la actividad comercial de los colonos con otros pueblos como el puerto fluvial del mayro y huánuco. conecta con un bello camino de herradura totalmente natural, que guarda en silencio las huellas y recuerdos de los colonos y desde donde se inicia el sendero interpretativo emperador guillermo i., la casa budweiser : de estilo bávaro (alemán), con un sótano y una chimenea que atraviesa toda la casa, la misma que tiene un ahumadero para productos cárnicos. su actual dueño es el sr. josé ballesteros., casa de la cultura : inaugurada en 2004, construida al estilo tirolés (austriaco), con el apoyo de pro kulturverein pozuzo” (asociación en pro de la cultura de pozuzo con sede en tirol-austria); municipalidad distrital de pozuzo y la asociación de historia y cultura de pozuzo, en este acogedor lugar se realizan actividades relacionadas con las costumbres pozucinas principalmente representación de bailes típicos. (previa programación).

Tour oxapampa - pozuzo - La merced - Villa Rica - Selva central



Tour oxapampa - pozuzo - La merced - Villa Rica - Selva central

Oxapampa Pozuzo Villarica





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Explore Pozuzo

Plan your trip to pozuzo: best of pozuzo tourism.


Essential Pozuzo

pozuzo tours

  • Albergue Frau Maria Egg
  • Haus Kohel - Hospedaje
  • Hostal Tirol
  • Albergue Turistico Gstir
  • Hostal Schmidt
  • Restaurante Típico Prusia
  • El Tipico Pozucino
  • Schmidt Café
  • Pizzeria Wolfgang
  • Restaurante Dorfstadl
  • La Poza de Agua y Sal
  • Plaza de Armas de Pozuzo
  • Casa Palmatambo - Maria Egg
  • Museo Schafferer
  • Catarata Delfin


  1. Tour Full Day Tour Pozuzo desde Oxapampa

    pozuzo tours

  2. Tour Full Day Pozuzo

    pozuzo tours

  3. Tour to Full Day Pozuzo

    pozuzo tours

  4. Tour Full Day Pozuzo

    pozuzo tours

  5. Centro Histórico de Pozuzo

    pozuzo tours

  6. Excursion à Pozuzo et à Prusia depuis Villa Rica

    pozuzo tours


  1. Tour Pozuzo

    El Tour a Pozuzo, Pozuzo es Fundada por colonos alemanes y austriacos en tierras Peruanas, esta ciudad es única por la fusión de la cultura alemano-austriaca y la amazónica-peruana. En pozuzo hay un Río de agua salada llamada la «pozas de agua de sal» el cual tiene color turquesa, sin duda para darse un chapuzón en sus aguas, Las casas ...

  2. Day Trip: Austro-German Colony of Pozuzo 2023

    Spend the day exploring the old Austro-German colony of Pozuzo on this full-day excursion from Oxapampa. Discover the European roots of this Peruvian city that is tucked away on the fringes of the Amazon Rainforest during this private tour. Learn about the city's history from your dedicated guide and observe the local flora and fauna of this high altitude jungle over the course of the day.

  3. Prusia Tours

    Prusia Tours es Operador de destinos únicos de Sierra y Selva Central como: Huancayo, Tarma, Chanchamayo, Satipo, Villarrica, Puerto Bermúdez; entre ellos las colonias Austro-alemanas de Pozuzo, Oxapampa y Villarrica, tenemos 25 años trabajando en turismo interno y egresivo y receptivo... Agencia de viajes peruana Prusia Tours

  4. Pozuzo: The only Austro-German colony in the world

    Explore Pozuzo with wonderful waterfalls, salt and water pools, history, authentic food in Prussia, Colonos Square, Dörcher Bier brewery, Emperor Bridge. ... Pozuzo. Photo stop, Visit, Beer, Guided tour, Shopping, Bus tour (10 hours) Arrive back at: Jr. Mariscal Castilla 149. Main stop. For reference only. Itineraries are subject to change ...

  5. THE 10 BEST Things to Do in Pozuzo

    Things to Do in Pozuzo, Peru - Pozuzo Attractions. 1. Casa Palmatambo - Maria Egg. Casa Palmatambo is a one of a kind phenomenal place to visit. 2. Plaza de Armas de Pozuzo. Pozuzo is a small town and in walking around it you will not miss the main Plaza. Very quaint and lovely.

  6. Oxapampa: 10 tourist attractions that you should know

    Pozuzo was the first Austrian colony founded in 1859 in Peru. Pozuzo in Oxapampa is interesting for the constructions made from sawn wood and the Museum ... Tierras Vivas Travel offers the best all-inclusive Inca Trail to Machu Picchu tours in Peru. Peru Trekking & Hiking. 27 Tours. Peru Culture / History. 31 Tours. Peru Adventure Holidays. 18 ...

  7. THE BEST Pozuzo Tours & Excursions for 2024 (with Prices)

    All things to do in Pozuzo Commonly Searched For in Pozuzo Tours & Activities in Pozuzo Popular Pozuzo Categories Near Landmarks Near Hotels Explore more top attractions Explore Popular Operators Good for Couples Budget-friendly Good for Big Groups Good for Kids Free Entry Good for a Rainy Day

  8. Pozuzo: The German Town In The Middle Of The Peruvian Jungle

    Pozuzo is a district located in the province of Oxapampa in the region of Pasco and it is a piece of Austria and Germany located in the middle of the Peruvian jungle. This town was founded in 1859 when many immigrants from Germany and Austria arrived in ships to Peru. At first, they were only 170 people and today the population is around 1,000 ...

  9. Pozuzo Tour from Oxapampa

    Pozuzo Tour. At 6:30 am we'll pick you up at your hotel in Oxapampa to start this tour through the province, where we'll visit its most iconic places.. For two hours, we'll enjoy the road trip surrounded by the Oxapampa countryside until we reach Huancabamba.There, we'll get out of the vehicle to visit the streets and parks of this area, and then we'll continue our way.

  10. | Turismo Perú 2024

    Pozuzo Tour . SCHEDULE: 8:00 AM. The trip starts with a guide to the Austro-German colony of "Pozuzo", on the way we will visit the district of Huancabamba where we will make a quick visit to its main square, continuing with the trip we can observe the waterfalls of Rayantambo, Torrebamba and Yulitunqui among others, we will cross the national park Yanachaga Chemillén where if we are lucky we ...

  11. 2024 Oxapampa and Pozuzo 2D/1N provided by IBTravel

    We respect the biosecurity protocols in all our trips to Oxapampa and Pozuzo. We provide time for you to enjoy the tourist attractions. ... The good thing about the tour is that the guides/hosts are patient, trained and ready to support at any time, prioritizing creating a unique experience. Read more. Ages 5-65, max of 14 per group.

  12. Pozuzo

    Pozuzo is an Austro-German colony founded in 1859. With great effort, the immigrants built the town, its church, and its European-style houses, and they lived here practically isolated for 100 years. ... The Schaferer Museum has valuable information about the history of Pozuzo, and the tour of the museum with Eva Solleder is very interesting.

  13. THE BEST Pozuzo Tours & Excursions for 2024 (with Prices)

    1. Circuito turístico TUCTUNA. Day Trips. Apr 29, 2024 - Find & Book the top-rated and best-reviewed tours in Pozuzo for 2024. From prices and availability to reviews and photos, Tripadvisor has everything you need to create that perfect itinerary for your trip to Pozuzo.

  14. German Settlement's in Peru

    Visit Oxapampa and Pozuzo on Your Peru Tour. The countryside around Pozuzo is known for its beauty and is great for camping, rafting, hang gliding, and trekking. Kuoda's Travel Designers can arrange your journey to this intriguing and unusual location as part of your personalized journey to Peru. Don't miss out on this unique Peru travel ...

  15. Tour Oxapampa y Pozuzo (4 dias)

    AM: Salida hacia Pozuzo, primera colonia Austro - Alemana, distante a 3 horas de Oxapampa, (Box lunch en el transporte) en el camino observaremos las Cataratas de Rayantambo y Torrebamba, surcado de ríos y montañas de exuberante vegetación. Llegada al distrito de Pozuzo (700 msnm) de clima cálido: zona ganadera por excelencia y donde ...

  16. Pozuzo

    PozuzoPERUPozuzoPERUPozuzoPERU POZUZO PERU 2023 Contact Pozuzo, Oxapampa, Peru. Pozuzo was the first colony of Austrian settlers founded in Peru in 1859, four years after the Peruvian government granted them the land. The immigrants built the city following the architectural patterns of their countries of origin, so the houses are built with geometrical floor plans, wooden…

  17. Pozuzo

    Nos da la bienvenida a la única colonia austro alemana. 4. Barrio de Prusia. 5. City Tour. 6. Parque Temático. Antes de llegar a la colonia, pasamos por el barrio de Prusia, que a primera vista veremos su iglesia y una pequeña plaza. Al llegar a la ciudad de Pozuzo haremos un breve city tour visitando: La Iglesia San José, La Plaza de Armas.

  18. Tours Pozuzo

    Tour pozuzo tierra de colones. - Tour a Pozuzo, realizaremos una parada en el distrito de Huacabamba. - Visita a las caratas Torre Bamba y Rayantambo, la catarata Yulitunqui. - El poblado de Prusia, y Pozuzo, su plaza principal, su iglesia. - La fábrica de Cerveza Artesanal, el Museo de Pozuzo.

  19. POZUZO: TOUR con s/50 (Como llegar,Aguas Turquesas, Colonia Austro

    Hola Amigosss 🙌🏼Y llegamos a Pozuzo : La única Colonia Austro- Alemana en el 🌎 , tiene unos paisajes increíbles, mucha historia y la comida fusión delicio...

  20. Kushma Tours

    Bienvenidos a KushmaTour. Es un honor para nosotros poder brindarles una experiencia única durante su instancia en Oxapampa, por ello nuestra propuesta consiste en brindarte una buena estadía para pasarla bien con amistades, pareja y familia (incluidas mascotas). Nuestro centro de operaciones se encuentra en Oxapampa, una provincia que forma ...

  21. Pozuzo

    DATOS GENERALES: El distrito de Pozuzo se encuentra ubicado en la provincia de Oxapampa, departamento de Pasco. Geográficamente se sitúa en la coordenada promedio de 9° 52'30" y 10º18'30' de latitud sur ,de 77° 03'33" y 77º52'30' de longitud oeste del meridiano de Greenwich. Pozuzo abarca una superficie de aproximadamente 130,00 ...

  22. Pozuzo, Peru: All You Must Know Before You Go (2024)

    41. $ • Cafe, Fusion, Healthy. Frequently Asked Questions about Pozuzo. Where should I stay in Pozuzo? What are the best places to eat in Pozuzo? What is Pozuzo known for? When is the cheapest time to visit Pozuzo? Pozuzo Tourism: Tripadvisor has 357 reviews of Pozuzo Hotels, Attractions, and Restaurants making it your best Pozuzo resource.

  23. Jimmy's tours Pozuzo

    Jimmy's tours Pozuzo, Oxapampa. 2,180 likes · 1,069 talking about this. Tour Agency