Speed Distance Time Calculator

Please enter the speed and distance values to calculate the travel time in hours, minutes and seconds.

About Speed Distance Time Calculator

This online calculator tool can be a great help for calculating time basing on such physical concepts as speed and distance. Therefore, in order to calculate the time, both distance and speed parameters must be entered. For the speed , you need to enter its value and select speed unit by using the scroll down menu in the calculator. For distance , you should enter its value and also select the proper length measurement unit from the scroll down menu. You'll receive the result in standard time format (HH:MM:SS).

Time Speed Distance Formula

Distance is equal to speed × time. Time is equal Distance/Speed.

Calculate Time from Distance and Speed Examples

Recent comments.

One of the best tools I've found for the calculations.

Going 65mph for 30 seconds how far would you get? None of these formulas work without distance. How would I find the distance from time and speed?

if i travel 0.01 inches per second and I need to travel 999999999 kilometers, it takes 556722071 Days and 20:24:34 WHAT

4. How long does it take to do 100m at 3kph ? No I thought you would just divide 100 ÷ 3 = which 33.33333 so 33 seconds or so I thought. But apparently it 2 mins.

This was the best tool ive ever used that was on point from speed to distance and time Calculator

This was somewhat unhelpful as I know the time and distance, but not the speed. Would be helpful if this calculator also could solve the other two as well.

If a total distance of 2 miles is driven, with the first mile being driven at a speed of 15mph, and the second mile driven at a speed of 45 mph: What is the average speed of the full 2 mile trip?

hi sorry im newly introduced to this and i dont understand how to use it but in need to find the distance if i was travelling in the average speed of 15km/hr in 4 hours how far would i travel

D= 697 km T= 8 hours and 12 minutes S= ?

if a train is going 130 miles in 50 minutes, how fast is it going in miles per hour ??

whats the speed if you travel 2000 miles in 20hours?

How long would it take me to drive to Mars at 100 miles per hour and how much gas would I use in a 2000 Ford Mustang000000/ Also, how much CO2 would I release into the air?

great tool helped me alot

A car can go from rest to 45 km/hr in 5 seconds. What is its acceleration?

Guys how much time will a cyclist take to cover 132 METRES With a speed of 8 km/ph

@Mike Depends on how fast that actually is. For every 10 mph above 60, but below 120, you save 5 seconds a mile. But between the 30-60 area, every ten saves 10 seconds a mile (if I am remembering correctly), and every 10 between 15-30 is 20 seconds. Realistically, it isn't likely isn't worth it, unless it is a relatively straight drive with no stops, in which case you will likely go up a gear for the drive and thus improve gas efficiency for the trip. Only really saves time if it is over long trips 300+ miles (in which case, assuming you were on the interstate) that 5 seconds a mile would save you 25 minutes from the drive, making it go from 4h35m to 4h10m. For me, I have family across the U.S., so family visits are usually 900-1400 miles. Even only driving 5 above usually saves me 90-150 minutes or so (since I often have stretches where I drive on US highways which have 55 mph speed limits)

I would like to know if driving fast is worth it for short trips. If I drive 10 MPH over the speed limit for 10 miles, how much time do i save ? Is there an equation for that ?

it helps me in lot of stuff

awesome, helped me notice how long my taiga (electric seedoo) is going to last.

How long would it take to drive 20 miles? | Speed to Time Calculator

How long would it take to drive 20 miles? Use the calculator below to find how much time it will take to drive, sail, run or walk a given distance at the speed you choose.

Speed to Time Calculator

Short answer:, detailed answer:.

  • Speed Units Converter

Similar Questions Answered by This Calculator

How much time to cover 20 miles?

At 60 miles per hour, how long does it take to travel 20 miles?

How long is 20 mi in time?

Sample Speed to Time Conversions

  • Time to drive 820 mi at 45 mi/h
  • Time to drive 950 mi at 80 mi/h
  • Time to drive 100000 mi at 55 mi/h
  • Time to drive 91 mi at 55 mi/h
  • Time to drive 280 mi at 55 mi/h
  • Time to drive 3600 mi
  • Time to drive 140 mi at 30 mi/h
  • Time to drive 134 mi at 45 mi/h
  • Time to drive 240 mi

While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the information provided on this website, neither this website nor its authors are responsible for any errors or omissions. Therefore, the contents of this site are not suitable for any use involving risk to health, finances or property.

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Time to drive 20 miles

How long does it take to drive

How long to drive 20 miles?

(at an average speed of 50 mph)

How long does it take to drive 20 miles?

To calculate how long it takes to drive a certain distance, such as 20 miles , you'll need to follow a straightforward process. This guide will walk you through each step to determine your travel time, assuming you know the average speed at which you plan to drive. Let's break it down using an average speed of 50 mph:

Time (hours) = Distance (miles) ÷ driving Speed (mph)

Time to drive = 20 miles ÷ 50 mph = 0.4 hours = 24 minutes

Based on the calculation, it takes approximately 24 minutes to drive 20 miles at an average speed of 50 miles per hour. This method provides a quick and accurate way to estimate how long your journey will take, allowing for efficient planning and scheduling of your trip.

How long will it take to drive 20 miles depending on average driving speed

Related calculations.

  • How many steps is 20 miles?
  • How long does it take to walk 20 km?

How long does it take to drive 20 miles?. What is 20 miles driving time? How far is 20 miles to drive?

Time to drive distance

About "drive time calculator / miles" calculator.

Our Mileage-Based Driving Time Calculator is an essential online tool designed to accurately estimate the time required to travel a specific distance in miles. Whether you're planning a long road trip, calculating the time needed for a daily commute, or organizing your travel itinerary, this calculator simplifies the process by providing precise travel time estimations.

For example, it can help you find out how long to drive 20 miles? (The answer is: 24 minutes ).

To use this calculator, simply input the total distance of your journey in miles (e.g. '20'). The calculator will then use these inputs to compute the estimated driving time, presenting the result in both hours and minutes.

This tool takes into account the distance to be traveled and the speed at which you plan to travel, offering a straightforward and efficient way to plan your driving time.

"Drive Time Calculator / miles" Calculator

  • How long does it take to drive 16.6 miles?
  • How long does it take to drive 17 miles?
  • How long does it take to drive 17.1 miles?
  • How long does it take to drive 17.6 miles?
  • How long does it take to drive 18 miles?
  • How long does it take to drive 18.1 miles?
  • How long does it take to drive 18.6 miles?
  • How long does it take to drive 19 miles?
  • How long does it take to drive 19.1 miles?
  • How long does it take to drive 19.6 miles?
  • How long does it take to drive 21 miles?
  • How long does it take to drive 22 miles?
  • How long does it take to drive 23 miles?
  • How long does it take to drive 24 miles?
  • How long does it take to drive 25 miles?
  • How long does it take to drive 26 miles?
  • How long does it take to drive 27 miles?
  • How long does it take to drive 28 miles?
  • How long does it take to drive 29 miles?
  • How long does it take to drive 30 miles?

Drive Time Calculator to Calculate Driving Times, Trip Distances, ETAs, and More!

Drive Time Calculator Sign

This free online Driving Times Calculator will calculate the number of hours and minutes it will take you to arrive at your destination based on the number of miles or kilometers you plan to drive, combined with the average speed (MPH or KMH) you expect to drive and the number and lengths of stops you expect to make.

The calculator also includes an optional Driving Distance Calculator that will calculate the distance between two cities, addresses, or points, plus map your route and give you turn-by-turn directions.

And finally, this car and truck driving time calculator will estimate your fuel costs, tell you what date and time you will arrive at your destination -- including any time zone variations, plus show you what effect driving faster or slower will have on your arrival time.

Also on the page:

  • What Time To Leave Calculator
  • Driving Hours Calculator

Drive Time Calculator

Calculate distance, driving times, ETA, and trip fuel-costs based on average speed and optional stops and time zones.

Selected Data Record:

A Data Record is a set of calculator entries that are stored in your web browser's Local Storage. If a Data Record is currently selected in the "Data" tab, this line will list the name you gave to that data record. If no data record is selected, or you have no entries stored for this calculator, the line will display "None".

Destination address:

Enter the address of the destination location.

After clicking the Get Distance button the address will be added to the dropdown menu and to your web browser's memory (if you browser supports Local Storage) for later use.

Note that the address you enter will be replaced by the address returned by Google Maps.

To clear a previously entered address, select it from the menu and click the Delete (X) button.

To clear all previously entered addresses, tap the Del Delete Delete All Delete All Addresses button in the button row.

Distance Calculator Button Row:

After entering the starting and destination addresses, click the Get Distance button (you may need to click a second time if map fails to appear). Once the map has appeared you can select Show Map, Show Directions, Show Both, or Show Neither.

Note that you can drag the address markers to new locations, at which time the distance, map, and directions should update automatically.

To clear all saved addresses, click the Del Delete Delete All Delete All Addresses button.

Map driving distance:

This is the driving distance according to Google Maps. For your convenience it will be added to the distance field in the Drive Time Calculator.

Map's estimated drive time:

This is the estimated drive time according to Google Maps. You can use this to compare with the results generated by the Drive Time Calculator.

Map's average speed:

This is the estimated average speed according to Google Maps. You can use this to compare with your own estimate.

Trip distance:

If you used the optional Driving Distance Calculator, and it worked correctly, this field should already be filled in. If not, enter the number of units (miles or kilometers) you plan on driving.

Average speed (MPH or KPH):

Select the average speed you plan to drive in miles per hour (MPH) or kilometers per hour (KPH).

Or, if you want to estimate travel times for speeds greater than 200 (jet, future commuter rail, Amtrak, high speed trains, etc.), enter the higher speed in the other field on this line.

Or, if one or more segements of your trip have significantly different speed limits, be sure you have entered the Trip distance in the previous row, and then tap the grid icon next to the selection menu to open the Average Speed Calculator . There you can enter up to 6 different distances, each with their own separate speed limits.

Change the distance and speed starting with the first row and working from top row to bottom row. After changing and tabbing out of one distance row, the next row will be filled-in with the total distance remaining to be allocated to a speed limit.

Once you are done allocating distances to speeds, tap the Close button at the bottom to close this mini-calculator. This will automatically set the average speed selection menu to the calculated average speed.

Departure date and time:

If you want to have the drive time calculator calculate your estimated date and time of arrival, select your departure date and time.

Optional Entries & Settings:

Click the plus (+) button to expand the optional settings. These include stop times, time zone, fuel cost, and speed comparison settings.

If you would like to adjust the drive time based on any expected stops, you can:

  • Enter the total number of minutes in the far right-hand field.
  • Select the number of stops and the average hours and minutes for each.
  • Tap the Stops button in this row to open a custom stops form where you can customize each individual stop time (hour and minutes).

Note that changing the average hours and minutes will reset the custom stop fields to the average hours and minutes.

Compare average speed:

The results will include a chart comparing the driving and arrival times at speeds above and below the average speed you entered. Change the select menus in this row if you wish to customize the chart.

Destination time zone (DTZ):

If your trip will cover more than one time zone, select the number of hours the destination time zone is ahead or behind the time zone of the starting location.

Fuel cost factors:

If you would like the calculator to estimate your fuel cost for the trip, enter your vehicle's fuel usage rating and the cost per unit of fuel. Both fields must be filled in for the fuel cost to calculate.

MPG: Miles Per Gallon.

KPL: Kilometers Per Liter.

Drive time:

Based on your entries, this is the estimated number of hours and minutes it will take you to reach your destination.

Arrival date and time:

Based on your entries, this the estimated date and time you will arrive at your destination. If you indicated your destination is in a different time zone, this field will include the Destination Time Zone (DTZ) date and time in parenthesis.

Trip fuel cost:

If you completed the fuel related fields optional entry section of the calculator, this line will show the estimated cost of fuel for the trip.

If you would like to save the current entries and results to the device you are using, tap or click on the Data tab and then tap or click on the Save button. If you upgrade your Basic, Local Storage subscription to the Cloud Storage acess level, you can save multiple sets of entries for this calculator to the secure online database, which makes them accessable from any device.

Related Calculators

Help and tools, what time to leave calculator and a driving hours calculator., what time do i have to leave to get there on time.

Once you have used the travel time calculator on this page to get the hours and minutes of your journey, use the following calculator to estimate what time you will have to leave by to get to your destination by a specified time and date.

Note that for every hour you expect to encounter metropolitan rush hour traffic (6am to 10pm or 4pm to 8pm), you may want to add at least 1 hour to your drive time.

Actual Drive Time Calculator

Use the following calculator to total up your actual driving hours for your trip. You can enter start and stop times using am and pm or using military time (leave am/pm blank), or you can enter just the hours and minutes for each segment between stops.

If you have any suggestions for other bonus calculators for this page, please let me know using the expandable feedback form beneath the Drive Time Calculator.

Adjust Calculator Width:

Move the slider to left and right to adjust the calculator width. Note that the Help and Tools panel will be hidden when the calculator is too wide to fit both on the screen. Moving the slider to the left will bring the instructions and tools panel back into view.

Also note that some calculators will reformat to accommodate the screen size as you make the calculator wider or narrower. If the calculator is narrow, columns of entry rows will be converted to a vertical entry form, whereas a wider calculator will display columns of entry rows, and the entry fields will be smaller in size ... since they will not need to be "thumb friendly".

Show/Hide Popup Keypads:

Select Show or Hide to show or hide the popup keypad icons located next to numeric entry fields. These are generally only needed for mobile devices that don't have decimal points in their numeric keypads. So if you are on a desktop, you may find the calculator to be more user-friendly and less cluttered without them.

Stick/Unstick Tools:

Select Stick or Unstick to stick or unstick the help and tools panel. Selecting "Stick" will keep the panel in view while scrolling the calculator vertically. If you find that annoying, select "Unstick" to keep the panel in a stationary position.

If the tools panel becomes "Unstuck" on its own, try clicking "Unstick" and then "Stick" to re-stick the panel.

time to travel 20 miles

Speed, Distance & Time Calculator

Use this speed calculator to easily calculate the average speed, distance travelled and the trip duration of a vehicle: car, bus, train, bike, motorcycle, plane etc. Works with miles, feet, kilometers, meters, etc..

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  • Speed, Distance & Time Calculation
  • Average Speed formula
  • Distance formula
  • Duration (Time) formula
  • How to calculate the average speed of a car?

    Speed, Distance & Time Calculation

In order to use the above speed, distance & time calculator, or do such math on your own, you will need to know two out of three metrics: speed, distance, time. You will need to convert the metrics to the same time and distance units, e.g. miles, kilometers, meters, yards, feet, and hours, minutes or seconds. For example, if you have speed in mph (miles per hour), time should also be in hours. If you have distance in kilometers, then speed should also be in km/h (kilometers per hour).

The unit of the result will depend on the units you input, but our speed calculator will conveniently display additional units where appropriate.

    Average Speed formula

The formula for average speed, also called average velocity in physics and engineering, is:

where v is the velocity, d is the distance, and t is the time, so you can read it as Speed = Distance / Time . As noted above, make sure you convert the units appropriately first, or use our speed calculator which does that automatically. The resulting unit will depend on the units for both time and distance, so if your input was in miles and hours, the speed will be in mph. If it was in meters and seconds, it will be in m/s (meters per second).

Example: If you took a plane from New York to Los Angeles and the flight was 5 hours of air time, what was the speed of the plane, given that the flight path was 2450 miles? The answer is 2450 / 5 = 490 mph (miles per hour) average speed. If you want the result in km/h, you can convert from miles to km to get 788.58 km/h.

    Distance formula

The formula for distance, if you know time (duration) and the average speed, is:

Example: If a truck travelled at an average speed of 80 km per hour for 4 hours, how many miles did it cover in that time? To find the miles covered, first, calculate 80 * 4 = 320 km, then convert km to miles by dividing by 1.6093 or by using our km to miles converter to get the answer: 198.84 miles.

    Duration (Time) formula

The time, or more precisely, the duration of the trip, can be calculated knowing the distance and the average speed using the formula:

where d is the distance travelled, v is the speed (velocity) and t is the time, so you can read it as Time = Distance / Speed . Make sure you convert the units so both their distance and time components match, or use our trip duration calculator above which will handle conversions automatically. For example, if you have distance in miles and speed in km/h, you will need to convert speed to mph or distance to kilometers. The time unit of the result will match the time unit of the speed measure, so if it is measured in something per hour, the result will be in hours. If it is measured in some unit per second, the result will be in seconds.

Example: If a train can travel 500 miles with an average speed of 50 miles per hour, how long it would take it to complete a 500-mile route? To find the answer, use the formula and substitute the values, resulting in 500 / 50 = 10 hours.

    How to calculate the average speed of a car?

Say you travelled a certain distance with a car or another vehicle and you want to calculate what its average speed was. The easiest way to do that would be by using the calculator above, but if you prefer, you can also do the math yourself. Either way, you need to know the distance to a satisfactory approximation, for which you can use a map (e.g. Google Maps) to measure the distance from point to point. Make sure you measure closely to the path you took, and not via a straight line, unless you travelled by air in which case that would be a good approximation. Of course, having a GPS reading of the distance would be more precise. Then you need to know the travel time. Make sure you subtract any rests or stops you made from the total trip duration.

If the total distance travelled was 500 miles and the time it took you was 5 hours, then your average speed was 500 / 5 = 100 miles per hour (mph). If the distance was 300 kilometers and it took you 5 hours to cover it, your speed was 300 / 5 = 60 km/h (kilometers per hour).

Cite this calculator & page

If you'd like to cite this online calculator resource and information as provided on the page, you can use the following citation: Georgiev G.Z., "Speed Distance Time Calculator" , [online] Available at: https://www.gigacalculator.com/calculators/speed-calculator.php URL [Accessed Date: 17 May, 2024].

     Transportation calculators

Drive Time Calculator

How to use drive time calculator, estimated time of arrival, travel time to home, meet the creator of the drive time calculator.

The drive time calculator – also known as the travel time calculator, is our innovative tool created exclusively for drivers. It helps you find out the estimated time of arrival (ETA) at your car trip destination and determine the fuel costs of the journey.

So, if you are planning a vacation trip with friends in a seaside resort or would like to estimate the travel time to home by car, check out our drive time calculator!

Our drive time calculator covers every aspect of your trip: it calculates the total time needed to complete your journey, predicts your arrival time at the destination, and determines the overall cost of the drive, including the cost per person.

To accurately determine your arrival time and the total driving duration, follow these steps:

Before entering any values, choose your preferred units of measurement , where applicable. For instance, you can opt for imperial or metric units when specifying distances. This selection will determine how the calculator interprets your inputs.

Enter the total distance of your trip.

Specify your average driving speed during the trip.

Enter the total duration of breaks you plan to take during the journey.

Specify the departure time , day, month, and year.

Upon entering these details, the tool will calculate the total driving duration and exact arrival time based on your input.

If you're interested in determining the costs associated with your trip , use the second section of the calculator and follow these steps:

Specify your car's fuel consumption rate .

Indicate current fuel price .

Input the number of passengers traveling with you.

The calculator will subsequently determine the total drive cost and the cost per person based on the provided information.

For example , consider a scenario where you must drive 140 km (87 mi) at an average speed of 80 km/h (50 mph). You plan to take a 30-minute break, and your departure time is January 22, 2024, at 7:00 pm. In this case, the calculator would compute a total drive time of 2 hours and 15 minutes, estimating your arrival at the destination on January 22, 2024, at 9:15 pm.

Moreover, if your fuel consumption rate is 8 liters per 100 kilometers (62 miles) and the fuel price is $0.90 per liter, the total cost of your journey would be $10.08. If you're traveling with a companion, you could split the cost, resulting in $5.04 per person.

🙋‍♂️ If you need to be at a specific destination by a particular time and are wondering when to depart, our calculator has you covered — it works in reverse, too! Here's how to use it:

Input when you intend to arrive at your destination in the variable arrival time .

Enter the total distance you need to cover.

Specify the average driving speed you plan to maintain.

If you plan to take breaks during the journey, enter the total duration.

The calculator will determine the optimal departure time , ensuring you reach your destination as planned!

Have more questions about the estimated time of arrival? Keep reading.

Estimated time of arrival (ETA) is the time when a vehicle, ship, aircraft, or cargo is expected to arrive at a particular place.

For example, a particular cruise bus may have an ETA calculated based on the expected average speed on a particular road. The travel distance is simply divided by the speed to roughly estimate the arrival time. This method does not consider any unexpected events (such as car accidents on the road or bad weather conditions) that may occur on the way to the driver's destination.

Visit our speed calculator to learn more about how to calculate speed.

Let's assume we are driving home with friends from a winter vacation in the mountains.

The distance to our home city is 850 km .

We are driving with an average speed of 110 km/h .

We will make three short 15-minute breaks and 1-hour long dinner break, which gives:

Total time of breaks = 3 × 15 min + 1h = 1h 45min

We will start the trip on the 21 February 2018 at 10:00 am.

Now, the most interesting question – when will we be at home? Let's calculate the total drive time:

Total drive time = (distance/average drive speed) + total breaks time = 9h 28min

Arrival time: 21 February 2018 at 07:28 pm

Now, we want to know how much this journey will cost us. With our drive time calculator, the answer to this question is very simple!

  • Let's assume that our SUV car takes 9.5 liters of fuel per 100 km.
  • The gasoline price is €1.22 per liter.
  • We are traveling as a group of 4 friends -> Number of passengers = 4

The answer to the question is below:

Total drive cost = (distance/100) × car fuel consumption × fuel price = €98.52

Drive cost per person = total drive cost/number of passengers = €24.63

Super! Now, we know all we need – the exact travel time to home with an estimated arrival time and how much each passenger needs to pay for that journey. Let's start the engine! 🙂

We also have a great tool called traffic density calculator that helps you analyze the traffic on any road.

Check out the gas calculator , too, if you need to estimate the fuel cost for a drive.

I'm Filip, the mastermind behind the drive time calculator, and I'm a biomedical and electrical engineering graduate from AGH University of Krakow.

My motivation to develop this tool emerged during a road trip, where the challenges of planning a long journey, including costs and time uncertainties, became evident. In response, I envisioned a solution — a tool that calculates travel duration and considers essential factors like fuel costs. The outcome is a user-friendly tool designed to simplify journey planning , whether for extended trips or daily commutes.

Why trust this tool? We put extra care into the quality of our content so that they are as accurate and reliable as possible. Each tool is peer-reviewed by a trained expert and then proofread by a native speaker. If you'd like to learn more about our standards, please check the Editorial Policies page .

How do I calculate the average speed for my trip?

To calculate your average speed for your trip, you must note the trip distance and drive time or travel time and follow these steps:

  • Subtract the total time used for breaks from the drive time.
  • Divide the trip distance by the difference obtained in step 1.
  • The value calculated is the average speed for the trip.
  • Verify your result with our drive time calculator.

How fast can I reach Boston from New York driving at 60 mph?

It'll take 3 hrs 35 mins without any breaks. Allowing for a 15 min break, it'll take you 3 hrs 50 min. Here's how you can calculate this answer:

If you take the I-90 W, Boston is 215 miles from New York.

Divide this distance by the average speed to get drive time without breaks:

215/60 = 3.5833 = 3 hrs 35 min .

Add a 15 min break to drive time for a convenient and safe drive to get a total drive time of 3 hrs 50 mins .

Verify with our drive time calculator.

How do I calculate mileage of my vehicle?

To calculate the mileage of your vehicle, follow these steps:

  • When refueling, note the initial odometer reading and the amount of fuel you're filling.
  • When you stop for fuel again, note the final odometer reading .
  • Subtract the initial odometer reading from the final reading and divide the difference by the amount of fuel used.

How far can you drive in one day?

Assuming you drive for 8 hours in a day at 60 mph, with 15 min breaks every 2 hours and an hour-long lunch break in between, you can drive 390 miles . To calculate this answer, follow these steps:

Calculate total break time :

15 min + 60 min + 15 min = 1 hr 30 min .

Subtract this from 8 hours to get 8 - 1:30 = 6 hr 30 min .

Multiply this time with 60 mph average speed to get the distance traveled:

60 × 6.5 = 390 miles .

Verify this result with our drive time calculator.

Black Friday

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Speed Distance Time Calculator

Initially, this amazing calculator was developed especially for athletes, cyclists or joggers. However, all people who are required due to their activities to calculate an unknown variable with the help of the other two variables, will find use in it. You can use it in two ways. First, enter two particular variables in order to find the third one. Second, you may find the variable by entering the details.

Time can be entered as hh:mm:ss , mm:ss or ss (hh=hours mm=minutes ss=seconds).

Example Time Formats:

  • 1:20:45 = 1 hour, 20 minutes and 45 seconds
  • 18:25 = 18 minutes and 25 seconds
  • 198 = 198 seconds = 3 minutes and 18 seconds

Speed: miles yards feet inches kilometers meters centimeters per hour minute second

Distance: miles yards feet inches kilometers meters centimeters millimeters

You may set the number of decimal places in the online calculator. By default there are only two decimal places.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Decimal Places

Speed    miles/hr miles/min miles/sec yards/hr yards/min yards/sec feet/hr feet/min feet/sec inch/hr inch/min inch/sec km/hr km/min km/sec meter/hr meter/min meter/sec cm/hr cm/min cm/sec mm/hr mm/min mm/sec

Distance    miles yards feet inches kilometers meters centimeters millimeters

Time (hh:mm:ss)

This calculator includes the following algorithms:

Speed = Distance divided by Time

Distance = Speed multiplied by Time

Time = Distance divided by Speed

You may also be interested in our Running Pace Calculator or Steps to Miles Calculator

  • Currently 4.19/5

Rating: 4.2 /5 (254 votes)

time to travel 20 miles

driving geeks logo

How Long Does It Take To Drive 20 Miles?

Twenty miles isn’t that far.

It’s fewer miles than a marathon, and considerably easier to travel from the comfort of a vehicle.

But it’s also not that short of a distance, not if you’re driving it all on back roads.

So, just how long does it take to drive 20 miles?

It greatly depends on whether you’re hopping on the interstate or a major highway or making your way across town on city streets.

How long does it take to drive 20 miles on U.S. interstates?

Speed limits on U.S. interstates range between 55 and 85 mph, with 55 mph being the speed limit in metro areas in many states and 85 mph being the outlier in Texas.

Most sections of the country’s interstates have speed limits between 70 and 75 mph.

  • At 70 mph, it takes 17 minutes to drive 20 miles.
  • At 75 mph, it takes 16 minutes to drive 20 miles.

close up of hand on steering wheel

How long does it take to drive 20 miles on U.S. highways?

Highways in the U.S. are a bit different than interstates.

They have more accessibility and more crossroads.

Due to this, they also have lower speed limits – 55 to 70 mph being typical (though, there are a few states with highway speeds up to 75 mph).

Highway speed limits may also vary within states, depending on how accessible the highway is.

Highways with limited access (those accessed by ramps or with few intersecting roads) typically have higher speed limits than those with multiple crossroads.

Highways with many crossroads and access to businesses and residences typically have lower speed limits.

This isn’t true of every state, but most states do follow this pattern.

On average, 55 or 65 mph is what you can expect to find on more accessible highways across the country.

  • At 55 mph, it takes 22 minutes to drive 20 miles.
  • At 65 mph, it takes 18 ½ minutes to drive 20 miles.

How long does it take to drive 20 miles through cities and towns?

Cities and towns in the U.S. have drastically different speed limits, not just dependent on state and municipality, but also on where you are in the city.

The interconnected streets of downtown might have speed limits as low as 15 or 20 mph, while larger thoroughfares outside the central business district, even those heavily-trafficked, may boast speed limits up to 55 mph.

That’s quite a wide range of speeds you might go through when driving 20 miles across a city. (Not to mention the stoplights and stop signs!)

Generally speaking, though, outside of city centers, speed limits are between 35 and 45 mph, so we’ll use those as our default numbers.

  • At 35 mph, it takes 34 minutes to drive 20 miles.
  • At 45 mph, it takes 27 minutes to drive 20 miles.

How Long It Takes To Drive 20 Miles Varies

As illustrated, how long it takes to drive 20 miles is highly dependent on where you’re doing your driving and the speed limits you encounter along the way.

Twenty miles on the interstate is a quick trip. (Assuming you don’t encounter too much traffic or construction along the way).

Twenty miles through a city can be a slow journey, even without stops.

So, the answer as to how long it takes to drive 20 miles is that there is no real answer.

Drive time depends on speed, traffic, and conditions.

But, for your reference, here’s a chart that shows how long it takes to drive 20 miles at common speed limits under non-stop conditions.

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Distance and Average Speed to Travel Time Calculator

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Related Tools

  • Average speed calculator
  • Travel distance calculator
  • Convert speed into different units
  • Convert distance into different units
  • Convert time duration into different units

This calculator will estimate the travel time for a journey using the travel distance to destination and the expected average speed of the method of travel.

Once a distance and speed have been entered the calculated time will be displayed in the answer box. Also a conversion scale will be generated for different values of distance versus time at the same speed.

This tool estimates the journey time with the following formula:

  • d = Distance

Distance Travelled

Enter the expected distance to be travelled in any units.

Average Speed

Enter the estimated average speed of the intended method of transport.

Time Estimate

This is an estimate of the total time it will take to complete the journey without any delays.


Time, Speed, and Distance Calculator

Time, speed, and distance are interconnected concepts. You can calculate time by dividing distance by speed (Time = Distance / Speed) and calculate speed by dividing distance by time (Speed = Distance / Time). These calculations help determine how long it takes to cover a distance at a given speed or how fast you are traveling based on the distance covered and time taken.

  • Time (hours) = Distance (miles) / Speed (miles per hour)
  • Miles per hour (mph) = Distance (miles) / Time (hours)
  • Average Speed (mph) = Total Distance (miles) / Total Time (hours)
  • 10:15 (30 minutes after 9:45 AM)
  • Minutes per mile = Time (minutes) / Distance (miles)
  • Miles per hour (mph) = 60 (minutes in an hour) / Minutes per mile
  • Miles per hour per hour (mph²) is a measure of acceleration, indicating how quickly speed changes over time.
  • The speed of 1 mile per hour (1 mph) means you would travel 1 mile in 1 hour.
  • Convert hours to minutes (1 hour = 60 minutes) and then add or subtract minutes as needed.
  • To calculate time manually, divide the total distance by the speed (Time = Distance / Speed).
  • Distance is directly proportional to speed. As speed increases, the distance covered in a given time also increases.
  • Total Distance = Speed (mph) x Time (hours)
  • Distance = Speed (mph) x Time (hours)
  • Average Speed = Total Distance / Total Time
  • Add the hours together, and if there are more than 60 minutes, convert them into hours (1 hour = 60 minutes).
  • The time to cover 1 mile in minutes depends on the speed. For example, at a speed of 60 mph, it takes 1 minute to cover 1 mile.
  • To pace a 5k, determine your target time and divide it by 3.1 (the number of miles in a 5k) to get your target pace in minutes per mile.
  • A brisk walking pace for a 66-year-old woman might range from 2.5 to 3.5 miles per hour.
  • 30 minutes equal to 0.5 hours.
  • To add minutes to a time, simply add the minutes to the existing minutes, and if they exceed 60, adjust the hours accordingly.
  • 45 minutes on a time clock is equivalent to 0.75 hours.
  • Calculate walking speed by dividing the distance walked by the time it took to walk that distance.
  • The time to cover 6 miles depends on the walking or running speed. At 6 miles per hour, it takes 60 minutes to cover 6 miles.
  • A 1-minute mile is equivalent to 60 miles per hour.
  • A 20-minute mile is equivalent to 3 miles per hour.
  • A 4-minute mile is equivalent to 15 miles per hour.
  • An 8-minute mile is equivalent to 7.5 miles per hour.
  • The best miles per hour (mph) depends on the context. In terms of speed limits, it varies by location, but safe driving within speed limits is recommended.
  • Yes, the UK uses miles per hour (mph) for measuring vehicle speed.
  • At a constant speed of 60 mph, you would travel 60 miles in 1 hour.
  • If you travel at a constant speed of 2 miles per hour, you would cover 2 miles in 1 hour.
  • The distance covered in 30 minutes depends on the speed. At 60 mph, you would cover 30 miles in 30 minutes.
  • The easiest way to calculate hours worked is to subtract the start time from the end time, accounting for breaks if necessary.
  • 1 hour 40 minutes 48 seconds is equivalent to 1.680 hours.
  • 1 hour 20 minutes is equivalent to 1.333 hours.
  • You can estimate minutes using a rough count based on your own perception of time.
  • Divide the number of minutes by 60 to convert them into hours (1 hour = 60 minutes).
  • Speed (mph) = Distance (miles) / Time (hours)
  • The value 18.5 could represent various measurements, so it’s important to specify the units and context (e.g., 18.5 miles, 18.5 mph, etc.).
  • No, distance does not change with speed. Distance is a measure of how much ground is covered, while speed is the rate of travel.
  • Velocity includes both speed and direction, whereas speed only measures how fast something is moving without considering direction.
  • No, you cannot find distance without knowing the time it takes to cover that distance.
  • The best method for finding distance depends on the available information and the specific problem. The formula Distance = Speed x Time is commonly used.
  • Speed per hour is calculated by dividing the speed by the number of hours (Speed per hour = Speed / Hours).
  • Time (hours) = Distance (miles) / Speed (mph)
  • Distance problems can be solved by using the formula Distance = Speed x Time and rearranging it to find the missing value (Speed or Time).
  • 24 hours is equivalent to 1 day.
  • Yes, 3:00 PM is the same as 15:00 in the 24-hour clock.
  • 15 minutes equal 0.25 hours or one-quarter of an hour.
  • 0.50 is equivalent to 30 minutes.
  • 0.25 is equivalent to 15 minutes.
  • Quarter past 9 is 9:15 AM or 21:15 in the 24-hour clock.
  • 7:00 AM to 3:00 PM is 8 hours.
  • Time and a half is typically calculated by multiplying the regular hourly rate by 1.5 for overtime hours.
  • A 5-minute mile is equivalent to 12 miles per hour.
  • A pace of 7 mph means you can run or walk 1 mile in approximately 8 minutes and 34 seconds.
  • It takes the average person about 15 to 20 minutes to walk 1 mile.
  • As a beginner, start with a walk/run approach, gradually increasing running intervals. Aim for consistent training and build endurance.
  • A common strategy for beginners is to run at a comfortable pace, take walk breaks if needed, and aim to complete the 5K distance without overexertion.
  • A 5K should feel challenging but manageable. Beginners may experience a mix of excitement and fatigue during the race.
  • Walking 2 miles a day can be beneficial for a 70-year-old woman’s overall health and fitness, but it’s essential to consult a healthcare professional before starting any new exercise routine.
  • A 70-year-old woman can aim to walk about 10 to 20 miles per week, depending on her fitness level and goals.
  • 2 hours and 30 minutes is equivalent to 150 minutes.
  • 0.50 of an hour is equivalent to 30 minutes.

GEGCalculators author

GEG Calculators is a comprehensive online platform that offers a wide range of calculators to cater to various needs. With over 300 calculators covering finance, health, science, mathematics, and more, GEG Calculators provides users with accurate and convenient tools for everyday calculations. The website’s user-friendly interface ensures easy navigation and accessibility, making it suitable for people from all walks of life. Whether it’s financial planning, health assessments, or educational purposes, GEG Calculators has a calculator to suit every requirement. With its reliable and up-to-date calculations, GEG Calculators has become a go-to resource for individuals, professionals, and students seeking quick and precise results for their calculations.

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Drive Time To Distance Calculator


The Drive Time To Distance Calculator is a practical tool that helps individuals and businesses plan their trips and schedules more effectively. By simply inputting the distance to your destination and the average driving speed, this calculator offers you a realistic estimate of the time it will take to get there. Whether you’re a traveler, a logistics manager, or someone planning a daily commute, this tool can be a game-changer in time management.

The formula for calculating drive time based on distance and speed is straightforward:

Drive Time (in hours) = Distance (in miles or kilometers) / Speed (in miles per hour or kilometers per hour)

Here’s a breakdown of the components:

  • Distance: This refers to the total distance you need to travel to reach your destination, typically measured in miles or kilometers.
  • Speed: The average driving speed at which you intend to travel. It’s essential to use consistent units, either miles per hour or kilometers per hour, to ensure accuracy.

How to Use?

Using the Drive Time To Distance Calculator is a breeze:

  • Input Data: Start by entering the distance you need to cover and the average driving speed you intend to maintain.
  • Choose Units: Be sure to use consistent units for distance and speed (e.g., miles and miles per hour or kilometers and kilometers per hour).
  • Calculate: Click the “Calculate” button, and the tool will instantly provide you with the estimated drive time.
  • Plan Accordingly: With the drive time in hand, you can now plan your journey, schedule, or logistics operations with confidence.

Let’s walk through a practical example:

Suppose you need to travel a distance of 300 miles at an average speed of 60 miles per hour. Using the formula:

Drive Time = 300 miles / 60 miles per hour = 5 hours

In this case, the Drive Time To Distance Calculator will inform you that it will take approximately 5 hours to reach your destination.

1. Can this calculator account for traffic or road conditions? No, this calculator provides a basic estimation of drive time based on distance and average speed. It does not consider factors like traffic, road conditions, or stops during the journey.

2. Can I use this calculator for international distances (in kilometers)? Yes, you can use this calculator with distances and speeds measured in kilometers, as long as the units are consistent.

3. How accurate is this calculator in real-world situations? The accuracy of this calculator depends on the accuracy of the data provided and the assumption of a constant driving speed. In real-world scenarios, variations in speed and conditions may affect the actual travel time.


The Drive Time To Distance Calculator is a valuable tool for anyone looking to estimate the time it takes to reach their destination based on distance and speed. While it provides a simplified estimate, it’s a practical starting point for planning trips, schedules, or logistics. Keep in mind that real-world factors such as traffic and road conditions may influence the actual travel time. Nonetheless, this calculator can significantly aid in better time management and efficient planning, making it an essential tool for those on the go.

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Distance Traveled at 20 Miles Per Hour

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Use the following mileage calculator to determine the travel distance, in terms of miles, and time taken by car to travel between two locations in the United States, disregarding traffic conditions.

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Travel time map generator & isochrones, i know i can get from a to b by public transport within my selected time, but it's not showing up.

  • Walking to the station platform
  • Waiting for the next available departure
  • Time spent boarding the train
  • Giving enough time to take the A to B journey
  • Depart on the station on the other side.

You can't drive that far / you can drive much further than that"

  • Open another mapping app of your choice and enter an A to B route
  • Select a departure time for tomorrow.

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About this tool, what is a travel time map, how to create a drive time radius map or other modes.

  • Select a start location
  • Select a maximum travel time limit
  • Select a mode of transport, for example driving
  • Voila! There's your driving radius map

Use cases for consumers

  • Create a commute time map so you can see where to live based on commute time.
  • How far can i travel in a given time: compare transport coverage for different areas.
  • Create a drive time radius map: explore how far you can travel on a road trip.

Use cases for businesses

  • Travel time mapping up to 4 hours & cross reference other data sets in GIS such as population data
  • Site selection analysis: analyse the best location to locate a business by adding thousands of analysis points
  • Create a distance matrix or travel time matrix & calculate travel times from thousands of origins to thousands of destinations
  • Network analysis / travelling salesman problem: use spatial analytics to solve routing problems
  • Commute time map - plot thousands of employee commute times for an office relocation
  • Create up to 3 time polygons visualising where's reachable within 2 hours or less. Our API can create large travel time areas, talk to sales.
  • Calculate travel times from an origin to various points of interest - in this demo we use points from Foursquare Give A to B routing details

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  • Create a drive time map or any other transport mode
  • Overlap many shapes & highlight overlap area
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NFL schedule 2024: Full list of how many miles each team will travel and time zones they will cross

A look at the nfl travel data for the 2024 season.

time to travel 20 miles

All 32 NFL teams will have to travel at least eight times during the 2024 regular season, but some will travel more and much farther. Teams will have to travel cross country, while some will go off to Germany and England. Have you ever wondered how many miles each NFL team travels, and how many time zones they cross through? Well, that info has been put together for the upcoming season and released prior to the official NFL schedule release.

According to Bookies.com , the Los Angeles Chargers  will travel the most miles of any team this season -- a whopping 26,803 miles. The Chargers will also travel through the most time zones: 36. As for the team that will travel the least amount of miles in 2024, that honor belongs to Dan Quinn's  Washington Commanders .

The mileage for this list was calculated by using the linear air distance between each stadium on Google Earth. Check out the full list below: 

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Travel mileage for all 32 NFL teams during the 2024 regular season

Josh sanchez | may 15, 2024.

time to travel 20 miles

The 2024-25 NFL schedule will be released on Wednesday night in primetime. The schedule release has become an event, with fans eagerly waiting to know when their teams will be at home or on the road throughout the year.

Throughout the season, teams will travel across the country, with a handful of teams traveling overseas for the league's five international games in three countries , and the Los Angeles Chargers will have the longest road during the season.

The Chargers will go through 36 time zone changes and travel more than 26,000 miles.

The Miami Dolphins, Seattle Seahawks, and New England Patriots are the only other teams who will travel more than 25,000 miles. The Washington Commanders, meanwhile, will travel just 10,550 miles for their 17 games.

Bill Speros of Bookies.com released the full list of travel distances for all 32 NFL teams.

RELATED : Dallas Cowboys' home and away opponents for the 2024 season

Total Travel Distance in 2024

  • Los Angeles Chargers: 26,803 miles
  • Miami Dolphins: 25,869 miles
  • Seattle Seahawks: 25,797 miles
  • New England Patriots: 25,071 miles
  • San Francisco 49ers: 24,575 miles
  • Los Angeles Rams: 24,263 miles
  • Las Vegas Raiders: 23,345 miles
  • Philadelphia Eagles: 22,756 miles
  • New York Jets: 22,397 miles
  • Green Bay Packers: 22,209 miles
  • Jacksonville Jaguars: 22,075 miles
  • Carolina Panthers: 21,288 miles
  • Arizona Cardinals: 21,064 miles
  • Denver Broncos: 19,670 miles
  • Chicago Bears: 19,558 miles
  • New York Giants: 19,295 miles
  • Minnesota Vikings: 19,030 miles
  • Dallas Cowboys: 18,293 miles
  • Houston Texans: 18,052 miles
  • Kansas City Chiefs: 16,719 miles
  • Buffalo Bills: 16,710 miles
  • Baltimore Ravens: 15,424 miles
  • Tampa Bay Buccaneers: 15,303 miles
  • Detroit Lions: 14,328 miles
  • Cleveland Browns: 13,998 miles
  • Tennessee Titans: 13,311 miles
  • New Orleans Saints: 13,084 miles
  • Atlanta Falcons: 12,416 miles
  • Pittsburgh Steelers: 12,047 miles
  • Indianapolis Colts: 11,497 miles
  • Cincinnati Bengals: 10,611 miles
  • Washington Commanders: 10,550 miles

Nine teams will participate in the international games this season.

The Jacksonville Jaguars are the most experienced international travelers in the NFL, and this year's games in London will mark their 12th and 13th appearances overseas. The Jaguars will play in London in back-to-back weeks for the second consecutive season.

Jacksonville will play the Chicago Bears at Tottenham Hotspur Stadium on Sunday, October 13, and the New England Patriots at Wembley Stadium the following week.

On opening weekend, the Green Bay Packers and Philadelphia Eagles face off at Corinthians Arena in Sao Paolo, Brazil. The game, which takes place on Friday, September 6, will stream exclusively on Peacock.

The remaining international games are the New York Jets vs. Minnesota Vikings in London and the New York Giants vs. Carolina Panthers in Munich, Germany.

The NFL schedule will release at 8:00 p.m. ET, with special schedule release shows on ESPN and the NFL Network. Each team will also release their schedules on their respective social media channels.

Josh Sanchez


Managing Editor: Cowboys SI - Contact: [email protected]

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"Extreme" G5 geomagnetic storm reaches Earth, NOAA says, following "unusual" solar event

By Li Cohen

Updated on: May 11, 2024 / 8:32 PM EDT / CBS News

An "extreme" G5 geomagnetic storm reached Earth on Friday, NOAA's Space Weather Prediction Center said , after issuing a watch earlier in the day warning of the potential for a severe impact. 

The watch followed days of solar activity that sent several explosions of plasma and magnetic fields toward Earth. 

G5 is the strongest level of geomagnetic storm , on a scale from G1 to G5. 

"Widespread voltage control problems and protective system problems can occur," NOAA warns. "Some grid systems may experience complete collapse or blackouts. Transformers may experience damage." 

Radio transmissions and satellite navigation may also be disrupted.

The last G5 geomagnetic storm, in October 2003, caused power outages in Sweden and damaged transformers in South Africa.

A geomagnetic storm also means aurora borealis , otherwise known as the northern lights , could be seen as far south as Alabama and in Northern California. 

Map shows the aurora borealis (northern lights) forecast for May 10-12, 2024.

Earlier, NOAA had issued its first watch for a potential G4-level geomagnetic storm in almost 20 years. "If geomagnetic storms were hurricanes, 'severe' would be category 4," SpaceWeather.com says. 

In a press release on Thursday, NOAA said the most recent series of solar events started on May 8, when a large cluster of sunspots produced "several moderate to strong solar flares." Solar flares are bursts of radiation known to be the solar system's largest explosive events, according to NASA. The area where the flares are occurring is 16 times the diameter of Earth, the NOAA said, and more solar activity is expected. 

That sunspot is so big you may be able to see it with your own eyes  — with your solar eclipse glasses. The spot is known as AR3664 , and it was responsible for most of the geomagnetic activity Friday, the NOAA reported. According to Space.com, it measures about 124,000 miles across and is one of the "largest and most active sunspots seen this solar cycle." 

The NOAA reported that a strong solar flare was observed peaking from AR3664 at 9:23 p.m. Eastern Time Friday. 

"Flares of this magnitude are not frequent," the prediction center said . 

Still have your solar eclipse glasses? There's currently a sunspot so large you will be able to "spot" it while wearing them 15x wider than the earth! pic.twitter.com/XpQJEd4Qk0 — Eric Fisher (@ericfisher) May 9, 2024

There has also been a series of coronal mass ejections (CMEs), which are explosions of plasma  and magnetic fields that come out of the sun's corona, the outermost part of the sun's atmosphere. At least five CMEs appear directed toward Earth and could arrive as early as midday on Friday and persist through Sunday, the agency said. 

"This is an unusual event," NOAA said.

In a call with reporters on Friday, Shawn Dahl, service coordinator at the Space Weather Prediction Center, said that some CMEs "are catching up with other ones." He said officials are expecting a "big shock arrival" when they hit Earth. Dahl said at the time that while officials weren't predicting a G5 storm — the strongest of geomagnetic storms — they couldn't discount a "low-end G5 event."

"We're really buckling down here," Brent Gordon, chief of the space weather services branch, also said on the call.


G4 conditions were detected by Friday afternoon, marking a "major disturbance in Earth's magnetic field," NOAA said, adding that "the public should stay properly informed of storm progression."  

In a forecast discussion at 12:30 p.m. on Friday, NOAA's Space Weather Prediction Center said that solar activity is expected to continue at "high to very high levels" through the weekend, with additional solar flares expected, including X-class flares , the most powerful class of solar flares.

As of Friday afternoon, NOAA said it had observed a moderate solar radiation storm that could expose people in high-flying aircraft to "elevated radiation risk" and cause infrequent issues with satellite operations. 

Radio blackouts have also been detected with an R3 designation, meaning that the blackouts were "strong" on a scale from R1 (minor) to R5 (extreme). At this level, wide blackouts of HF radio communication is expected, as well as loss of radio contact, for about an hour on the sunlit side of Earth, as low-frequency navigation signals decline for roughly an hour. 

"Geomagnetic storms can impact infrastructure in near-Earth orbit and on Earth's surface, potentially disrupting communications, the electric power grid, navigation, radio and satellite operations," NOAA said. "[The Space Weather Prediction Center] has notified the operators of these systems so they can take protective action."

Dahl agreed Friday that the event is "pretty extraordinary" and said that it could impact infrastructure, including high-voltage transmission lines of the power grid. Dahl said that infrastructure operators have been notified to adequately prepare. 

This is the first time a storm watch has been issued for a G4 since January 2005. There is an average of 100 severe geomagnetic storms every solar cycle, but so far, there have only been three observed in the most recent cycle that began in December 2019. The most recent occurred on March 23. 

  • National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration


Li Cohen is a social media producer and trending content writer for CBS News.

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The latest on the massive solar storm

By Angela Fritz, Elise Hammond and Chris Lau, CNN

Incredible lighthouse picture from Maine

From CNN's Chris Lau

A long-exposure photo shows the aurora borealis over Portland, Maine, on May 10.

Among a flurry of surreal images capturing the dazzling auroras is one taken by Benjamin Williamson of a lighthouse in Portland, Maine.

"It's one of the most incredible things I've ever seen, the awe and wonder," Williamson told CNN.

He said he used a long-exposure technique to snap the shot, but did not edit it.

Watch the full interview with Williamson here .

Things could be about to ramp up

If you still haven't seen the aurora, hold on for another 30 minutes to an hour, according to CNN meteorologist Chad Myers.

The next wave of coronal mass ejections, or CMEs, which cause the aurora, is about to arrive, he said.

"Just wait a minute because things are going to start to ramp up here," he said, adding that the increase could arrive "anytime now." "When it comes, get outside, get ready, put your coat on."

For those who are too busy to witness the phenomenon tonight, Myers said the aurora is expected to last three nights.

Why does the aurora last for a weekend?

By CNN's Chris Lau

The northern lights can be seen from Eaton Rapids, Michigan, on May 10.

Generally, it takes just eight minutes for light to travel 93 million miles to the Earth from the sun, but astrophysicist Janna Levin said the energized particles causing the current wave of aurora travel a lot slower, causing the phenomenon to last for the weekend.

"Some of these mass ejections are trillions of kilograms," she said. "They're slower. So they're taking longer, but still hours, maybe tens of hours."

Here's how the solar storm looks in the South and on the East Coast

The aurora was visible across the East Coast and in the South Friday.

Here's how it looked in Chester, South Carolina.

Down in Florida, waves of color swam through the sky.

Up north in New Jersey, a purple-ish haze could be seen in the sky.

Will solar storms get more intense and risky in the future?

The answer is probably not in the short term, according to astrophysicist Hakeem Oluseyi.

He said scientists study what is constantly happening on the surface of the sun and have found a pattern.

“Geological data shows us that in the past the sun was way more active than it is today. It has cycles where it goes very quiet ... and you have events that show that the solar activity was much, much greater,” he told CNN. “So there's no evidence that we're going to see those big maxima this cycle." 

But the astrophysicist also spoke of a caveat - the limitations of modern science.

“Even though it's predictable in the short term, we still don't quite understand what creates the magnetic fields in the sun,” he said, adding: “That's why NASA has so many satellites looking at the sun.”

In Pictures: Auroras light the sky during rare solar storm

From CNN Digital's Photo Team

The northern lights glow in the night sky in Brandenburg, Germany, on May 10.

A series of solar flares and coronal mass ejections from the sun are creating dazzling auroras across the globe .

The rare solar storm may also disrupt communications. The last time a solar storm of this magnitude reached Earth was in October 2003, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Space Weather Prediction Center.

See more photos of the aurora from tonight.

Behind dazzling aurora could lie “real danger,” Bill Nye the Science Guy says

Bill Nye the Science Guy speaks to CNN on Friday, May 10.

The massive solar storm could present “a real danger,” especially with the modern world relying so much on electricity, according to Bill Nye the Science Guy , a science educator and engineer.

Scientists are warning an increase in solar flares and coronal mass ejections from the sun have the potential to disrupt communication on Earth into the weekend. Solar flares can affect communications and GPS almost immediately because they disrupt Earth’s ionosphere, or part of the upper atmosphere. Energetic particles released by the sun can also disrupt electronics on spacecraft and affect astronauts without proper protection within 20 minutes to several hours.

In comparison to tonight's event, Nye drew comparisons with another incident in 1859, known as the Carrington Event, when telegraph communications were severely affected.

“The other thing, everybody, that is a real danger to our technological society, different from 1859, is how much we depend on electricity and our electronics and so on,” Nye said. "None of us really in the developed world could go very long without electricity."

He noted that there are systems in place to minimize the impact, but “stuff might go wrong,” stressing that not all transformers are equipped to withstand such a solar event.

“It depends on the strength of the event and it depends on how much of our infrastructures are prepared for this the sort of thing,” he said.

Bill Nye breaks down significance of the solar storm | CNN

Bill Nye breaks down significance of the solar storm | CNN

This post has been updated with more details on solar flares' impact on electronics.

Here's where clouds will block the view of the northern lights in the US

From CNN's Angela Fritz

An infrared satellite image taken around 10:30 p.m. ET.

After an incredibly stormy week, most of the Lower 48 has clear skies to see the northern lights. But there are some areas where clouds and rainy weather are spoiling the view.

A deck of clouds is blocking the sky in the Northeast, from parts of Virginia into Maine, as an area of low pressure spins off the East Coast.

In the Midwest, the aurora will be hard to see through thick clouds in parts of Wisconsin, Michigan — including the Upper Peninsula — and Illinois.

A stripe of clouds is tracking across Texas, including Dallas-Forth Worth, and into Louisiana.

And in the Southwest, patchy clouds across the the Four Corners region could make the northern lights difficult to spot.

Aurora seen at least as far south as Georgia

Barely visible to the naked eye, the aurora can be seen in Atlanta in the 10 p.m. ET hour. 

It is easier to see through photographs using a long exposure. The photos below, taken by CNN's Eric Zerkel and Emily Smith, used 3- and 10-second exposures.

Aurora seen in Atlanta around 10:15 p.m. ET.

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NFL schedule 2024: Full list of how many miles each team will travel and time zones they will cross

A look at the nfl travel data for the 2024 season.

time to travel 20 miles

All 32 NFL teams will have to travel at least eight times during the 2024 regular season, but some will travel more and much farther. Teams will have to travel cross country, while some will go off to Germany and England. Have you ever wondered how many miles each NFL team travels, and how many time zones they cross through? Well, that info has been put together for the upcoming season and released prior to the official NFL schedule release.

According to Bookies.com , the Los Angeles Chargers  will travel the most miles of any team this season -- a whopping 26,803 miles. The Chargers will also travel through the most time zones: 36. As for the team that will travel the least amount of miles in 2024, that honor belongs to Dan Quinn's  Washington Commanders .

The mileage for this list was calculated by using the linear air distance between each stadium on Google Earth. Check out the full list below: 

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Travel Time Calculator

Quick links, travel duration calculator.

Travelmath provides an online travel time calculator to help you figure out flight and driving times. You can compare the results to see the effect on the total duration of your trip. Usually, the flight time will be shorter, but if the destination is close, the driving time can still be reasonable.

Another popular tool is the time difference calculator, which can be used to check the time zone change anywhere in the world. This is especially useful if you're making international calls, since you can find the best time to schedule your phone call.

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  1. How Long Does It Take to Travel 20 Miles?

    time to travel 20 miles

  2. How Long Is 20 Miles In Minutes Driving?

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  6. Miles To Hours

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  1. Speed Distance Time Calculator

    To solve for distance use the formula for distance d = st, or distance equals speed times time. distance = speed x time. Rate and speed are similar since they both represent some distance per unit time like miles per hour or kilometers per hour. If rate r is the same as speed s, r = s = d/t. You can use the equivalent formula d = rt which means ...

  2. Speed Distance Time Calculator

    Only really saves time if it is over long trips 300+ miles (in which case, assuming you were on the interstate) that 5 seconds a mile would save you 25 minutes from the drive, making it go from 4h35m to 4h10m. For me, I have family across the U.S., so family visits are usually 900-1400 miles.

  3. How long would it take to drive 20 miles?

    At 60 miles per hour, how long does it take to travel 20 miles? How long is 20 mi in time? Sample Speed to Time Conversions. Time to drive 101 mi; Time to drive 2500 mi; Time to drive 47 mi; Time to drive 102 mi at 65 mi/h; Time to drive 230 mi at 55 mi/h; Time to drive 1850 mi; Time to drive 1500 mi at 70 mi/h;

  4. How long does it take to drive 20 miles?

    Let's break it down using an average speed of 50 mph: Time (hours) = Distance (miles) ÷ driving Speed (mph) Time to drive = 20 miles ÷ 50 mph = 0.4 hours = 24 minutes. Based on the calculation, it takes approximately 24 minutes to drive 20 miles at an average speed of 50 miles per hour. This method provides a quick and accurate way to ...

  5. Time To Travel Calculator

    Using the Time To Travel Calculator is a straightforward process: Enter the Distance: Input the distance you plan to travel. This could be in miles, kilometers, or any other unit, as long as the unit of speed matches. Specify the Speed: Enter the average speed at which you will be traveling. This could be in miles per hour (mph), kilometers per ...

  6. Driving Time Calculator

    Travelmath helps you find the driving time based on actual directions for your road trip. You can find out how long it will take to drive between any two cities, airports, states, countries, or zip codes. This can also help you plan the best route to travel to your destination. Compare the results with the flight time calculator to see how much ...

  7. Drive Time Calculator to Calculate Driving Times and ETAs

    Drive Time Calculator to Calculate Driving Times, Trip Distances, ETAs, and More! This free online Driving Times Calculator will calculate the number of hours and minutes it will take you to arrive at your destination based on the number of miles or kilometers you plan to drive, combined with the average speed (MPH or KMH) you expect to drive ...

  8. Speed, Distance & Time Calculator

    Of course, having a GPS reading of the distance would be more precise. Then you need to know the travel time. Make sure you subtract any rests or stops you made from the total trip duration. If the total distance travelled was 500 miles and the time it took you was 5 hours, then your average speed was 500 / 5 = 100 miles per hour (mph).

  9. Drive Time Calculator

    To calculate this answer, follow these steps: Calculate total break time: 15 min + 60 min + 15 min = 1 hr 30 min. Subtract this from 8 hours to get 8 - 1:30 = 6 hr 30 min. Multiply this time with 60 mph average speed to get the distance traveled: 60 × 6.5 = 390 miles. Verify this result with our drive time calculator.

  10. Miles to Time Calculator

    The Miles to Time Calculator is a handy tool that simplifies the conversion of distance into time, providing users with a quick and efficient way to estimate travel durations. Whether you're planning a road trip, training for a marathon, or just curious about the time it takes to cover a certain distance, this calculator can be a valuable ...

  11. Speed Distance Time Calculator

    This calculator includes the following algorithms: Speed = Distance divided by Time. Distance = Speed multiplied by Time. Time = Distance divided by Speed. You may also be interested in our Running Pace Calculator or Steps to Miles Calculator. Currently 4.21/5.

  12. Speed and Time Calculator

    30 miles per hour for 1 hour and 30 minutes: Distance traveled. 45 miles. 72.42 kilometers. 237,600 feet. 72,420 meters. results may be rounded.

  13. How Long Does It Take To Drive 20 Miles?

    Speed limits on U.S. interstates range between 55 and 85 mph, with 55 mph being the speed limit in metro areas in many states and 85 mph being the outlier in Texas. Most sections of the country's interstates have speed limits between 70 and 75 mph. At 70 mph, it takes 17 minutes to drive 20 miles. At 75 mph, it takes 16 minutes to drive 20 miles.

  14. Distance and Average Speed to Travel Time Calculator

    Time (t) [? This calculator will estimate the travel time for a journey using the travel distance to destination and the expected average speed of the method of travel. Once a distance and speed have been entered the calculated time will be displayed in the answer box. Also a conversion scale will be generated for different values of distance ...

  15. Time, Speed, and Distance Calculator

    The speed of 1 mile per hour (1 mph) means you would travel 1 mile in 1 hour. How can I calculate hours and minutes? ... The time to cover 6 miles depends on the walking or running speed. ... How many mph is a 20-minute mile? A 20-minute mile is equivalent to 3 miles per hour. How many mph is a 4-minute mile? A 4-minute mile is equivalent to 15 ...

  16. Drive Time To Distance Calculator

    Suppose you need to travel a distance of 300 miles at an average speed of 60 miles per hour. Using the formula: Drive Time = 300 miles / 60 miles per hour = 5 hours. In this case, the Drive Time To Distance Calculator will inform you that it will take approximately 5 hours to reach your destination.

  17. Driving Calculator

    Travelmath provides driving information to help you plan a road trip. You can measure the driving distance between two cities based on actual turn-by-turn directions. Or figure out the driving time to see if you need to stop overnight at a hotel or if you can drive straight through. To stay within your budget, make sure you calculate the cost ...

  18. Distance Traveled at 20 Miles Per Hour

    If you travel at a speed of 20 miles per hour for a certain amount of time, how far will you travel? Compute the distance in miles, kilometers, feet, and meters. Distance Traveled at 20 Miles Per Hour

  19. Travelmath trip calculator

    Travelmath is an online trip calculator that helps you find answers quickly. If you're planning a trip, you can measure things like travel distance and travel time . To keep your budget under control, use the travel cost tools. You can also browse information on flights including the distance and flight time.

  20. Mileage Calculator

    Mileage Calculator. Use the following mileage calculator to determine the travel distance, in terms of miles, and time taken by car to travel between two locations in the United States, disregarding traffic conditions. From: To: This mileage calculator estimates the number of driving miles between two locations in the United States.

  21. Travel Time Map

    How far can i travel in a given time: compare transport coverage for different areas. Create a drive time radius map: explore how far you can travel on a road trip. Use cases for businesses. Travel time mapping up to 4 hours & cross reference other data sets in GIS such as population data

  22. NFL schedule 2024: Full list of how many miles each team will travel

    The Chargers will also travel through the most time zones: 36. As for the team that will travel the least amount of miles in 2024, that honor belongs to Dan Quinn's Washington Commanders .

  23. NFL schedule 2024: Total travel mileage for all 32 teams

    The Chargers will go through 36 time zone changes and travel more than 26,000 miles. ... The Washington Commanders, meanwhile, will travel just 10,550 miles for their 17 games.

  24. Chiefs Schedule Release: How Many Miles Will Kansas City Travel

    Though Kansas City ranked at No. 20 (of the league's 32 NFL teams), it should be noted that they are not scheduled to participate in any international games this season. "The Kansas City ...

  25. Driving Distance Calculator

    Driving distances between two cities. Travelmath helps you find driving distances based on actual directions for your road trip. You can get the distance between cities, airports, states, countries, or zip codes to figure out the best route to travel to your destination. Combine this information with the fuel cost tool to find out how much it ...

  26. "Extreme" G5 geomagnetic storm reaches Earth, NOAA says, following

    This is the first time a storm watch has been issued for a G4 since January 2005. There is an average of 100 severe geomagnetic storms every solar cycle, but so far, there have only been three ...

  27. Aurora lights up the sky in geomagnetic storm

    Aurora seen in Atlanta area around 10:30 p.m. ET. (Emily Smith/CNN) A stunning aurora, caused by a severe geomagnetic storm, is painting the sky shades of pink, purple and green as it spreads into ...

  28. NFL schedule 2024: Full list of how many miles each team will travel

    According to Bookies.com, the Los Angeles Chargers will travel the most miles of any team this season -- a whopping 26,803 miles. The Chargers will also travel through the most time zones: 36. As for the team that will travel the least amount of miles in 2024, that honor belongs to Dan Quinn's Washington Commanders.

  29. Travel Time Calculator

    Travelmath provides an online travel time calculator to help you figure out flight and driving times. You can compare the results to see the effect on the total duration of your trip. Usually, the flight time will be shorter, but if the destination is close, the driving time can still be reasonable. Another popular tool is the time difference ...

  30. Gov. Holcomb announces completion of the $650M ...

    The on time and under budget project will add nearly 18 miles of new track over a 26-mile pathway, an enhanced train schedule and improved service for Hoosiers in Northwest Indiana. ... The upgrades will add more than 1,400 parking spaces, 14 additional weekday trains and drastically reduce travel time on the South Shore Line. The project ...