
Call Center Travel Account Explained: Tasks & Processes

travel account bpo script

If you found this post through Google Search, chances are, you either have an interview coming up or you just got hired to work for a call center travel account. In that case, good luck or congratulations! While product training will definitely be provided, it’s still best to start your training with a decent idea of how the travel industry works. Especially if you’re a newbie.

Since most call center training could feel quite rushed and overloaded with information than any trainee has time to fully digest, it could be challenging to grasp the processes. So, in this article, you’ll learn the basics of the travel account, its structure, the parties involved, the job description, processes, and what to expect as a complete beginner. So as soon as you start training you’d have a pretty decent idea of the basics and can proceed learning your account’s knowledge base.

Table of Contents

What is a call center travel account.

A travel account is a call center campaign that caters to the travel industry. Depending on the company, the job descriptions vary, but it all boils down to this: ensure that the customers get the best experience out of their travels. To understand travel account, know that there are 3 main parties involved : the customers (travelers), the direct vendors, and the travel agencies.

The vendors are direct providers of travel-related services (hotels, airlines, tours, car rentals, travel insurance, etc.). Travelers book from these vendors. However, some prefer not to and instead book from a third party: travel agencies .

Examples of travel agencies

Travel agencies do not provide the services like direct vendors. Instead, they buy tickets from direct vendors and then resell them to travelers. In a way, they are resellers.

You may ask: Why book from a third party when you can book from direct vendors? After all, wouldn’t prices be cheaper from direct sellers? Well, not necessarily. Because travel agencies buy tickets from vendors in bulk at a special rate, it is entirely possible for travel agencies to offer cheaper prices than direct vendors themselves.

This is a win-win for both parties. While vendors sell their tickets at a lower rate to agencies, they get sure sales in bulk. The profit must be substantial enough to allow discounts.

Pros of booking from travel agencies

For travelers’ side, there are even more reasons to book from travel agencies. Travel agencies can:

  • Connect travelers to trusted vendors.
  • Find flexible fares that fall within the budget.
  • Take the burden off of having too many choices.
  • Offer more convenience and flexibility in the event of cancellations and changes.
  • Curate itineraries according to the needs of each traveler.

Of course, some customers still prefer to book directly from vendors but there’s also a considerable percentage of travelers who heavily rely on travel agencies.

Travel agent job description

Travel agents’ roles can vary depending on which LOB (line of business) you’re assigned. Some do sales, customer service, or a little bit of both.

  • Answer booking and billing inquiries.
  • Keep records of client bookings.
  • Book accommodation, transportation, and tours throughout the trip.
  • Plan itineraries based on clients’ budgets, preferred travel dates, destinations, and transportation.
  • Handle unforeseen issues that arise (delays, cancellations, refunds, complaints) by contacting vendors on behalf of clients.
  • Ensure that clients are aware of travel policies and requirements like visas, passports customs, insurance, and vaccinations.

These are just the most common tasks. Depending on a company’s requirements, a travel agent’s job description could vary into a more specialized nature.

Travel account mock call

To give you an idea of the typical issues that travel account CSRs encounter on a daily basis, here’s a mock call between a client and three travel customer service representatives from three companies: an airline, a hotel, and a travel agency.

Scenario : The customer’s flight was rescheduled a day later due to bad weather. However, she needs to fly on that same day or miss an important dinner meeting. She also booked a non-refundable hotel ticket.

Customer calling a travel agency

Agent:  Thank you for calling Kwestyon Travel and Tours. This is Candace, how may I assist you today? Customer: Yes, Candace. Listen, I’m a little tense here. The airline, all of a sudden, rescheduled my flight to tomorrow, it’s supposed to be today at 9AM. And I sure booked that flight for a reason. I have an important dinner meeting this evening. So any flight after 3 PM is useless to me. I need the soonest available flight today. Today, not tomorrow. And that’s not all. I have a non-refundable hotel reservation. So you tell me, what do I do now? Because I’m in a tight spot here. Agent: I’m so sorry for the experience. I’ll do my best to help you with this as soon as possible. Why don’t we start with your flight booking then we’ll go over your hotel reservation afterward? Customer: Okay. Please. It’s an important dinner meeting. For work. I cannot miss it. I booked it so early! And now this? Agent: I understand the urgency of your concern. My top priority right now is to get you the earliest flight possible before 3 PM. I’ll check all the options we have for you. May I have your name and flight booking? Customer: My name is Tabitha Ratched. Flight booking number is KLM359.  Agent: Thank you.  Allow me a few minutes to go over the records here. One moe Customer: I need the next flight today, before 3 PM. Nothing later than that. Okay? Agent: I understand. Let me just pull up your records here. One moment… Okay, upon checking here, we can only reissue tickets for the next day’s flight on my end but I’ll go ahead and call US Pacific Airline.  I will explain the situation you’re in and check if there are available seats for the next flight today.  May I put you on hold for 3-5 minutes while I talk to them? Customer: Okay, I’ll wait. You have to fix this. Agent: I will try my best.   I’ll be right back. Please hold. Customer: Okay.

Travel agent calling an airline company

Airline: Thank you for calling US Pacific Airline. This is David. How can I help? Agent: Hi, this is Candace from Kwestyon Travel and Tours. I’m calling for our mutual customer, Tabitha Ratched. Her flight booking number is KLM359 (Kilo, Lima, Mike). Her flight is set for today at 9:00AM but I’m seeing your airline has moved it to tomorrow. I have her on the other line and she’s in a tight spot right now. She has an important work-related meeting later today and has a non-refundable hotel booking also affected by the change. Is it possible to move her flight to the next flight today Airline: Okay. Give me one moment. I’ll check it for you. Agent: Sure. Airline: Yes, our apologies. There were some delays due to maintenance so we moved all the passengers from her flight to tomorrow. Now, the good news is the maintenance was finished earlier than expected so there will only be a slight delay. Let me see if we have an available seat for her on the next flight. One moment. Agent: Oh, that would be perfect. Thank you! Airline: Sure thing. (Two minutes later.) Thanks for waiting.  There are a few more seats available for the next flight today at 1PM.  This is the earliest available. We can move her to this one. Agent: Sounds great! Let’s move her to that flight then.  Airline: Okay, I will. Agent: For documentation purposes may I have your last name and designation? Airline: David Smith, Passenger service agent. Agent: All right. Thank you so much for your help, David. That’s all I need. Airline 7: You’re welcome, Candace. Thank you for calling US Pacific Airline.

AGENT GETTING BACK TO THE CUSTOMER FOR AN UPDATE Agent: Thank you for waiting, Tabitha. Customer: Mm-hmm? Agent: I was able to speak with UPA and I am pleased to inform you that there are seats available for the next available flight today at 1:00PM. Customer 7: Oh, thank you! Thank you! That’s perfect! I really need to fly today, you know. I thought I could never make it! Agent: You’re welcome! Fortunately, the maintenance finished earlier than expected so there was only a slight delay after all. Customer: That’s really fantastic. Now, I guess I don’t have to worry about my hotel reservation, right? Agent: For your hotel, since you’re going to be arriving later than expected, I will contact the property so you won’t be tagged as no-show. May I have the itinerary number? Customer: Oh, good idea. It’s H08945. Agent: Thank you. I’m checking it now. Let me take a look at your reservation details. The room type, as you said, is non-refundable and is subject to penalty in case of cancellation and no-show. You’ll still be arriving today at the property but I will call to inform them so they won’t tag you as no-show. Just to make sure. Customer: Sure, please do. I don’t want to lose that room. Thank you. Agent: Okay. I’ll be needing to put this call on hold again while I call the property. Please allow me 3-5 minutes. Customer 10: Okay. Agent: Thank you!

Travel agent calling a hote l reception

Hotel:  Good morning! Estrella at Casino Del Sol! Agent:  Hi, good morning! My name is Candace from Kwestyon Travel and Tours. I’m calling for Tabitha Ratched, one of our mutual clients.  Her booking confirmation number is H08945. Hotel:  Okay. Did you say her name is Tabitha Ratched? Agent: Yes. Hotel: Alright. Okay. I have the reservation up, how may I help? Agent: Tabitha’s flight was delayed. Instead of 9AM, she’ll be arriving at your property a few hours later after her new flight schedule which is now set at 1:00PM.  I’m just calling to inform you so she will not be tagged as no-show. Hotel:  I see.  Hold on. I’m going to update our records. Agent:  Okay.  Hotel:  All right. I made a notation here, we will not be tagging her no-show. Agent: Great, thank you! For documentation purposes, may I have your name and position? Hotel:  Emma Blatchford, front desk manager here. Agent: Got it. Thanks for the help, Emma. Bye! Hotel:  You’re always welcome, thank you for calling Casino Del Sol!

AGENT GETTING BACK TO THE CUSTOMER FOR THE FINAL UPDATE Agent: Thanks for waiting, Tabitha. Customer : Sure. Agent:  Casino del Sol has been informed that you’ll be arriving late for your reservation due to an airline schedule change and that you’ll still be arriving on the same day. Customer:  So, I won’t have any problem checking in, right? Agent:  Definitely not. Nothing to worry about. You will not be tagged as no-show as they have already been informed. Customer:  That’s wonderful! Thank you so much, Candace. You’ve no idea how relieved I am right now! Agent:  It’s my pleasure to help. Would there be anything else that I can help you with today? Customer:  No, I’m all good for now. You’ve been very helpful. Agent:  I’m glad I was able to help you today. Thank you for choosing Kwestyon Travel and Tours. Have a great day. Bye. Customer:  Bye.

Travel account FAQs

Here are the common questions that call center newbies ask about a travel account. I will update this as I see more questions from my channel .

Is travel account hard?

9 Survival Tips for Call Center Newbies

Travel account could be hard but not harder than healthcare and telecommunication accounts. If we base difficulty on the percentage of irate customers, a travel account usually has less. Your hardest calls will largely involve delayed/canceled flights but they’re not entirely unresolvabe. There are a number of alternative solutions you can offer before you declare a case unresolvable. Of course, the level of difficulty would still depend on the LOB (line of business) you’re in. But by and large, travel accounts tend to be friendlier to newbies than, say, healthcare, banking, or Telco accounts. However, I heard that the queue could be quite unceasing so there’s barely any avail time.

What skills do I need to be a travel agent?

Free Online Call Center Training

Aside from the minimum qualifications for call center agents , a budding travel agent should develop his/her attention to detail and problem-solving skills–attention to detail to wade through the complex logistics that are inherent to the account, and problem-solving skills to deal with unforeseen hiccups. And as with any customer service job, practice maintaining your poise even in the most dire of issues. After all, what good is a trembling voice in the face of an irate customer? Act like you know what you’re talking about even when half the time, you don’t. The answers will eventually follow after a brief hold and a quick consultation with either your Team Lead or your Knowledge Base.

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General Listening Quiz

“travel arrangements – script”, listening exercise.

Listen to the recording on travel arrangements and read along with the conversation. Review the key vocabulary and the sample sentences.

Travel Agent : Freedom Travel. How may I help you?

Caller : Yes, I’d like to make a flight reservation for the twenty-third of this month.

Travel Agent : Okay. What is your  destination ?

Caller : Well. I’m flying to Helsinki, Finland.

Travel Agent : Okay. Let me check what flights are  available .  [ Okay ] And when will you be returning?

Caller : Uh, well, I’d like to  catch  a return flight on the twenty-ninth. Oh, and I’d like the cheapest flight available.

Travel Agent : Okay. Let me see. Hmm, hmm . . .

Caller : Yeah?

Travel Agent : Well, the price for the flight is almost double the price you would pay if you leave the day before.

Caller : Whoo.  Let’s go with  the cheaper flight. By the way, how much is it?

Travel Agent : It’s only $980.

Caller : Alright. Well, let’s go with that.

Travel Agent : Okay. That’s flight 1070 from Salt Lake City to New York, Kennedy Airport,  transferring  to flight 90 from Kennedy to Helsinki.

Caller : And what are the  departure  and arrival times for each of those flights?

Travel Agent : It leaves Salt Lake City at 10:00 AM, arriving in New York at 4:35 PM, then transferring to flight 90 at 5:55 PM, and arriving in Helsinki at 8:30 AM the next day.

Caller : Alright. And, uh, I’d like to request a  vegetarian  meal.

Travel Agent : Sure, no problem. And could I have your name please?

Vocabulary and Sample Sentences

  • destination   (noun) : the place a trip ends – We’ll reach our  destination  by 3:00 PM.
  • available   (adjective) : not busy, ready for use  Are there any seats  available  on the next train?
  • catch   (verb) : get – You can  catch  a taxi outside of the hotel lobby.
  • go with   (phrasal verb) : choose something – I think I’ll  go with  the budget tour to Hawaii on this trip.
  • transfer   (verb) : change to a different transportation line – You’ll need to  transfer  to a city bus when you arrive at the train station.
  • departure   (noun) : the act of leaving – Passengers should check in two hours before their  departure  time.
  • vegetarian   (noun) : one who eats little or no meat, fish, or animal products – Although Charles considers himself a  vegetarian , he sometimes eats chicken.
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Your company has decided to hire a BPO to help with your call center operations. And now you are in charge of preparing the call flows and procedures for the new BPO agents. 

Now, you are filled with questions on how you are going to get this assignment done.  Where do you even get started on a task like that? And how do you make it simple enough for a BPO agent to follow? How do you format a call flow?

Since you are outsourcing the call center to external agents, it can be tempting to pack your scripts with information. But it’s overwhelming thinking about including all of that information. And is that even the right approach?

I get it. I’ve helped dozens of customers write call flows and procedures on our knowledge base software, ScreenSteps. Our software helps companies write interactive help guides that are simple to follow and quick to create. 

From working with other companies, I’ve learned some of the best practices for creating a call flow that your BPO agents can follow. We’ve discovered ways to break down the different steps of their processes so that agents could easily follow guides while on a call.

Even without software dedicated to documenting your help guides, you can follow these six best practices to help you get started on writing a call flow for your BPO agents.

  • List the types of questions your call center receives
  • DON’T create procedures that cover everything
  • Help rep navigate through specific situations
  • Add jumps and links to step-by-step procedures
  • Structure the call flow so it is easy to follow
  • Plan to train reps on call flow basics

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6 Best Practices For Writing a Call Center Script For BPO Agents

By: Jonathan DeVore on June 10th, 2021

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6 Best Practices For Writing a Call Center Script For BPO Agents

1. list the types of questions your call center receives.

Before you can start writing a call center script , you need to know what questions need to be answered. These are the questions that callers are asking the agents.  

Start by writing down the questions and requests your reps are receiving on the phones, and the procedures they need to perform. And be specific! This list will be your starting point for the call flows you need to write. 

At this point, you don’t need to write out all the details for the process. You just need to know which processes to document.

If you already have documented call flows, then you can do a bit of a gap analysis and focus on the questions/requests that your reps can’t find the answers to in your existing guides . The gaps need to be filled because your BPO agents may not always be able to reach somebody to ask their questions.

If you are just beginning to document your procedures , then you’ll want to take time to brainstorm what common procedures do your reps use every day. Think about the types of calls your agents handle regularly.

  • Intake calls
  • Procedures (ie: paying bills, scheduling appointments, etc.)
  • Troubleshooting calls

With an outsourced call center, you’ll want to have call flows for your basic procedures (ie: intake calls, etc.) as well as company policies and procedures for references. If your BPO agents have these at their fingertips, then they should be able to work as proficiently as your internal agents.

New call-to-action

2. DON’T create procedures that cover everything

Sometimes, it’s tempting to create call flows that include all of the information a rep will ever need. 

You may be inclined to explain the background or purpose behind a call flow. But it takes time to read through all that information and it’s not always necessary. (And you’ll end up having a huge PDF file where no one can find the call flow or procedure they need.)

The goal is to create call flows that agents can use without needing to put a caller on hold. 

Instead, you only want to include vital information. Your BPO agents can learn the background information in training or from additional learning materials (ie: courses, additional help articles, etc).

Think about a recipe for cooking food. The cook doesn’t really need to understand the science behind why egg whites stiffen when whipped or why brining chicken before grilling it makes it juicier. 

The cook can get the same results whether they understand it all or not, as long as they have a clear recipe they can follow while they cook. If a chef needs to understand more, they can go outside the recipe to learn more (like Alton Brown’s cooking show). 

As with cooking, your BPO agents can handle calls without knowing all the ins and outs of a procedure. They just need a basic understanding to follow your call flows. If they want to learn more, they can go outside the call flow to watch a video or read a lengthier article.

3. Help reps navigate through specific situations

A call flow helps reps navigate through specific interactions. The information you include in a call flow should prompt reps on what to ask, say, and do .

Since the call flows won’t have all the details, your reps should have a basic understanding of how to take a call and determine the reason for the call.

Once your reps identify the purpose of the call, they will bring up the specific call flow to help them navigate what to do, what to say, and what to ask in order to resolve the call as professionally and effectively as possible.

It’s easiest to explain what a call flow is by showing an example.

Example call flow

Let’s say you are a call center in the hospitality industry. Somebody calls up and it’s discovered that the caller needs to change their reservation.

Without a call flow, your rep would need to figure this out on their own. That could look like them by searching for the various policies related to changing a reservation and then putting the caller on hold so the rep can translate the policies into words the caller can understand. Once they found the information they needed, the rep would have to come up with what to say and ask.

Instead of your rep reworking the process every time someone calls, you can provide a call flow specifically for the situation.

In this situation, you would title the article using words or phrases that the caller would use. A call would request, “I’d like to change my reservation,” so you would title your call flow, “Changing a Reservation.”

Next, you want your BPO agents to lead the call, so guide the rep through the relevant questions to ask. Start with questions that lead to the quickest resolution. In this case, the BPO agents could ask: Where did you make your reservation? Answers could include:

  • Directly with the homeowner

Based on what the caller says, you provide the relevant information the rep needs to continue resolving the call. In the example below, we’ll just go through the Airbnb reservation flow using a Word Doc. (Note: example may not reflect actual Airbnb policy.) 

travel account bpo script

đŸ“œïž Watch Related: How are Call Flows different than PDF Guides and Flow Charts?

4. Add jumps and links to step-by-step procedures

Sometimes documents detailing information can help complement your call flows. If you have more details to add for new BPO agents that might not know the procedures as well, you can provide the additional information by linking to other resources . 

Using jump links, you provide a way for BPO reps to gather more information as they need it. They are led directly to additional learning materials by simply clicking on a link in the document. If you are using Word or PDFs, your links would jump you to the right location in your call flow or manual.

In the example above, there are five possible businesses with which a caller may have made a reservation. Whether it was Airbnb, Vrbo, or one of the other options, each option would be a link that jumps the reader down the page to a detailed flow for that specific company. 

The call flow doesn’t need to include the details of how to cancel the reservation, but you should have separate procedures that walk through how to do it, step-by-step. If a rep needs the detailed step-by-step information, they can pull that procedure up and follow it (or you can link to it). 

You can store additional details about cancellation policies in a different document. Then your BPO reps can reference those if the rep needs a deeper understanding of the cancellation policies.

5. Structure the call flow so it is easy to follow

You’ll want to build your call flow scripts so that is easy for your reps to follow while they are on the call. If they have done a procedure multiple times, they don’t need to read every word. They just need to have keywords that prompt the right actions in the right order. 

How you present your call flows affects this just as much as your written instructions. There are multiple ways to present information to visually aid your BPO agents.

Call Flow Design Elements

Use bulleted lists

Instead of writing out full sentences, use bulleted lists. Bullet lists make specific areas of your call flows pop out. 

You can also indent for different steps in a procedure. Since we read from left to right in English, the reader’s eye is automatically drawn to the next indentation. It’s easy to see where to go for the next steps with bulleted indentations.

When you use bulleted lists, it also helps you condense the instructions to the most vital information you share.

Add bolding and colors

Modify your text so it is easier to scan through the document. In a sense, you are creating a “choose your own adventure” experience with your call flow. The caller’s answers prompt the next steps. Make different words pop by using bolding and different colors. 

In our example above, green indicates moving forward with a procedure. The green “Yes” matches with the next question a caller that answers “Yes” needs to be asked. 

Whereas, the red “No” jumps to a different question to ask. It is easy to see where to go for your next steps when you scan the document.

Include foldable sections

As I said before, you don’t want to include ALL the details in your call flow. The guides just need enough information to help BPO agents complete their tasks. But what if your BPO agents will need extra information when they first help a caller on a specific procedure? 

That’s where foldable sections come in. Foldable sections allow you to expand and collapse sections of your guides. That way BPO reps can get more information if they need more details or they won’t see the extra information if they are more familiar with a call flow.

Unfortunately, if you are documenting your call flows and procedures in Word , foldable sections are not an available feature. 

In order to use foldable sections, you need an interactive knowledge base . Note: Not all knowledge bases have this feature.

Screenshots and images

You want to show your BPO agents what to do, but they don’t have time to stop and watch a video while they are on a call. Screenshots of the procedure help resolve that gap.

Insert screenshots and images into your call flows that show BPO agents where to click, the order of the steps, or highlight something difficult to see on a page.

6. Plan to train reps on call flow basics

It takes some training to understand how to navigate through a call flow, especially if you are using Word, PDFs, or other manual formats. 

Train reps on how to go through a call flow. A call flow is a tool. Just because I have a hammer, that doesn’t make me a carpenter. We all need to learn how to use tools appropriately. A call flow is no different.

Teach them how to look for the cues that you put into your guides for quicker and easier access. Help them gain the instincts to follow the indentations and bolding. Help them understand the purpose of the screenshots and how they help.

If they can do that, they will be able to follow your call flows to get their tasks done.

Once your reps get used to call flows, you will need to do less and less training on how to use them. But at first, you will need to show them what to do.

Ready to write your first call flow?

Writing call flows for your BPO agents can be an intimidating task. You want to provide them all the information the outsourced agents need to complete their tasks without being overwhelming.

When you know the best practices for creating call flows, you are able to build guides that are easy for BPO agents to follow. Call flows include cues  — both written and visual — that help agents know what to ask, say, and do.

At ScreenSteps, we provide tools so you can create interactive call flows . These Workflow Articles lead your agents through a process step by step. Interactive call flows that look like this .

These tools allow you to insert decision trees, foldable sections, pop-up links, and other helpful tools to help agents avoid making mistakes or missing a step. Plus, it takes only a portion of the time it takes to document call flows in Word. One of our customers creates 4X the documents in Πof the time.

Are you ready to write a call flow but don’t know where to start? Download our worksheet to help you prepare to write call flows for your company. 

The worksheet helps you determine what questions you should be answering with your call flows as well as what type of guide you should create.

Download Guide-Planning Worksheet

About Jonathan DeVore

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  • 15+ Super-effective Call Center Scripts for Agents and Tele Callers

call center scripts for agents

What makes a great call center script? 

A script that doesn’t sound like one. 

Sixty-nine percent of customers  say they hate it when a call center agent reads from a script. So, the key here is not to let your customers know that they are read to from a script. 

Think about it:

We all rehearse important calls, calls that can make or break deals. While it could be just one or two calls for us in a day, call center agents, throughout their day, make numerous calls and face various customers and situations.

Exercising your brain every time to respond can be difficult. And, what if you cannot come up with a smart reply instantly? Oops, a bad experience for the caller. But, of course, you can handle an anticipated situation is by practicing how to deal with it beforehand.

Call center scripts help you do just that.

It helps you determine what you are going to say, on what cues, and how you are going to say it. It’s similar to a script for a play or a theatre, where lines are laid down for the actors to act on. Besides acting or directing, the script will determine the quality of a play. Similarly, a good call center script can bring out the best in you.

So, the question now is, how to write a great script? 

Firstly, you would want to maintain information consistency across different scenarios. For an agent, a script is most needed to-

  • Introduce themselves 
  • Handle customer problems
  • Sell products
  • Deliver a Call to Action

Let’s check out some sample call center scripts. Feel free to use them as it is or modify them as per your needs.

Table of contents

Opening scripts, objection handling scripts, in the face of competition, fix an in-person meeting, complaint handling scripts, repeat phone calls, script to ask for referrals, scripts for talking to referrals, special offers, how to talk to a customer when you don’t know the answer, call ending scripts, why use scripts, best practices for your call center teams, how does call center crm help improve agent efficiency, 1. opening scripts for call center agents.

“Hi, thank you for calling [company name] . My name is [your name] . How may I help you today?”
“Hello, I am [your name] calling from [name of company] . Is it a good time to talk?

Whether you’ve called them or they have called you, start by introducing yourself and your company. 

Revealing the agent’s name is the first step towards establishing a connection.

Give the customer a chance to express consent.

While calling a lead for sale, overriding objections means nailing the sale pitch. Depending on the objection, here are some ways to set them aside. 

At the same time, it is important to distinguish between genuine objections and delay tactics. When objections can’t be overridden, they have to be accepted gracefully. 

As Carolyn Blunt puts it,  “Ask the magic question ‘how does that sound to you today?   If a customer comes up with objections, remember that this is good – it often means they are seriously considering buying.”  

Some of the most common objections and scripts to handle them are listed below:

2. Call center script to handle “not interested” objection

Agent : Good afternoon. Am I speaking to [customer name] ? Customer : Yes. Agent : Hi, [customer name] . I am [agent name] calling from [company name] . Do you have a few minutes you can spare? Customer : Yes, go on. Agent : [company name] is [briefly narrate what your company does] . I am calling to let you know how you can benefit from our services. Customer : Sorry, I am not interested. Agent : I can understand you do not see the need for our services right now. Still, can I go ahead and ask you a few questions? [Ask specific questions that address customers’ pain points. Close-ended questions preferably, e.g.: Do you have enough visitors but not enough conversions?] Customer : Yes. Agent : We specialize in [mention solution to customer’s pain point. Ask further questions that your product can provide solutions to…]

3. Call center script to handle “I’m not the decision-maker” objection

Agent : Hi [customer name] . I am calling from [company name] regarding your inquiry about the CRM package. Customer : I was enquiring on behalf of the marketing director. Agent : It will be my pleasure to arrange demos for both of you. Let me fix an appointment with you, also could you please provide me his number too.

When you have to get past someone else to reach the decision-maker collaborating with the person you have reached is more fruitful than treating them as an obstacle, whether it’s a boss or a partner who makes the decisions.

4. Call center script to handle “I’m busy right now” objection

Agent : Hi, [customer name] . I am [your name] calling from [company name] . This call is with regards to your query on our website. Is this a good time to talk? Customer : Sorry, I am busy right now.  You : That’s completely fine [customer name] . How about I set up a call this evening? Customer : This evening I am going to be busy. You : Sure, Could you perhaps give me a time that works for you? Customer : Okay, call me tomorrow around noon. Agent : Perfect, I will call you tomorrow at 12 pm 

Nobody wants to feel forced into a conversation. Giving the customer a chance to express consent over the call lets them feel respected and helps avoid common objections such as “I am busy” “I have got to go” later in the call. 

The customer exercising consent is more likely to feel more relaxed and not feel like a victim of an aggressive selling pitch. 

5. Script to handle “Price too high” objection

Agent : Hi [customer name] , I am calling from ABC finance. I would like to inform you that you are eligible for a Personal Loan of $10,000. Is this a good time to talk? Customer : No, thank you. Your interest rates are very high. Agent : Sir, I am so sorry you feel that way, but I am sure you will feel better if you let me share a few points. Customer : okay Agent : Our interest rate on personal loans is lower than the industry average, which is 12.5%, and comes with no hidden charges. We offer zero processing charges and a turn-around time of 1 day. Additionally, we offer a floating rate of interest which can significantly lower your interest burden. We will be happy to offer you a detailed quote based on your eligibility.

6. Script for when your prospect is already in touch with a competitor

Agent : Hi, [customer name] . I am [your name] calling from [company name] . I haven’t caught you at a bad time, have I? Customer : What is this about? Agent : Would you be interested in getting the best deal for your used car? Customer : I am already speaking to someone else regarding this. Agent : That’s great. I am sure more options will help you finalize the best deal. If you answer a few questions, I will be able to offer you our best. Would you be interested in our offer? 

7. Script to fix an in-person meeting

Agent : Hi, [customer name] . I’m [agent name] from [company name] . We are a new-age digital marketing firm based in [city] . Can I interest you in a customized package specially designed for businesses like yours? If the response is No, Agent : I assure you if you give me 5 minutes, you will be able to decide better if it can work for you. If the response is Yes, Agent : That’s Great. We have noticed that you have marketed your gym considerably through signage and billboards. We did a little research and found out that  [X%]  of people looking for gyms use social media and search engines to make their choices. Gym X in your area has a great social media presence. Would you be interested in creating a social media presence for your brand too? Customer : Tell me more Agent : We [company name] specialize in digital marketing. We offer [details of services] . We believe a good marketing strategy will increase your visibility and drive sales. Would you like to receive a customized package for your business? Customer : Yes Agent : Excellent! Our representative can drop by at your office to give you some more information. Would 4 pm tomorrow work for you? Customer : Okay Agent : That’s great. Thank you very much for your time today.

8. Call center scripts to handle customer complaints.

Agent : Hi this is [name] from [name of the company] . How are you today? After the customer narrates their complaint, Agent : I’m so sorry to hear that. Please allow me to address it immediately. Can you tell me your full name and order number? In case the customer doesn’t have the order number, Agent : Not a problem, sir/ma’am. Can I get your phone number and address to find your order number? After the customer shares their phone number, Agent : I’m so sorry to hear that. I will need a few details to offer you a quick resolution. Can you please answer a few questions? I promise it won’t take more than [X] minutes. Or Agent : We are extremely sorry our product didn’t meet your expectations. I can surely cancel your subscription. Would you please share with me the reason for your cancellation to help us improve our service?

In case of grievances, customers may call you more than once within a short period. Issues may range from delayed shipping, amount refund, canceled orders, etc. Dealing with a distressed customer is especially difficult; empathy and apologies go a long way in such situations

9. Script for greeting an angry customer who had an outburst

Agent : [name of customer] I am so sorry that you had to experience this. I understand that you are upset, and it is completely justified. Have you tried [provide a solution] ?
Agent : [name of customer] please accept my sincere apologies. I am so sorry you had to go through this, but don’t worry. Can I transfer you to [department name] right away? I am sure they can help you.

Acknowledging a repeat caller saves the customer from narrating their part over again. It shows that the customer is valued, and you are listening. 

9. Conversing with a customer who has called you before

Agent : Hi! Welcome back [customer name] ! I hope we have been able to resolve your earlier issue. If the response is negative, Agent : I know how frustrating this can be. But I’m going to talk to my manager and see how we can resolve your issue. Will it be okay if I [call/email/message] you back once we have a resolution? I promise to get back as soon as we can. or Agent : I am extremely sorry to hear that. I’m going to escalate your concern to my supervisor for a solution. Will it be okay to put you on hold for a moment? or Agent : I understand your problem. Let me work on setting this right.  If the response is positive, Agent : That’s great to know. How may I help you today, [customer name] ?

10. Call center scripts to ask for referrals.

Agent : Hello [customer name] , I am calling from [company name] . [customer name] through this call, we would like to convey our heartfelt appreciation for trusting our services. Customer : Okay. Agent : I hope you have been happy with our services in the past year. If there is anything that we can do for you, please feel free to speak to me about it. Also, is there someone from your friends and family who you think can benefit from our services? Customer : I will have to see Agent : That’s great to hear. I will be sending you a referral code in your registered email id that you can share with your circle to earn credit for your future purchases with us.

11. Call center scripts for referral leads.

Agent : Hi Mr. B, this is Amy from ABC Solutions. You have been referred by your friend Jim who is our valued customer. Is this a good time to talk? Mr. B : Yes. Agent : Mr. B, we provide accounting software for small businesses like yours. I am sure Jim, who has been using our product for over a year, can vouch for our services. We provide an affordable range of options that you can choose from or customize. Would you be interested in signing up for a free 7-day trial?

12. Script to schedule a further call or demo with referral

Agent : Hello Mr. B, I am Amy calling from ABC solutions, do you have a quick minute? Mr. B : Yes. Agent : Mr. B, without taking much of our time, I would like to introduce you to our best-selling accounting software that small businesses like yours love using. We have noticed that you were looking for software online. We have 50 other businesses that have rated us very highly and are our valued customers. I am sure you are evaluating other options. It would be great if we could fix a meeting to understand your needs. Will you be interested in discussing this further? If the response is positive, Agent : Awesome, let me fix a call to understand your requirement and offer you the best solution. How does tomorrow at 11 am work for you?  If the response is negative, thank the customer for their time. No need to push them for something they’re not interested at the moment.

13. Script to introduce a special offer.

Agent : Hi, am I speaking to Mr. B? This is [your name] from [your company] . Can I speak with you for two minutes? Mr. B : Yes. Agent : Mr. B, we are an accounting software company providing accounting solutions for small businesses like yours. We are calling to offer you a [X%] discount this month, as part of our anniversary celebrations. If you are interested in our service, this is a great time to sign up. I would love to tell you more about our product. Or Agent : Hello Mr. B, this is Amy from ABC Solutions. I am calling regarding a special deal meant especially for you. Can I speak with you for two minutes? Mr. B: Yes Agent : Thank you, Mr. B. We are an accounting software company providing accounting solutions for small businesses like yours. We are offering a limited period deal. Our bestselling software will be available to you today at a 15% discount which is valid only for today. Would you be interested in claiming this deal?

14. Scripts for when you don’t know the answer

Agent : I am not sure, but I can find that out. Can I get back to you with more information? Or Agent : I am sorry, but that area is out of my expertise. I can help you by finding out. I will definitely get back to you on this number.

15. Call center scripts for ending the call.

Agent : “Is there anything else I can help you with today? After response , Agent: Thank you very much for your time, [customer name] , and thanks for calling [company name] . We look forward to serving you again. Have a great day! Or Agent : “I’m glad we could resolve your issue. Can you kindly spare a second to evaluate your experience? Your feedback is valuable to us.”

While you might agree on the importance of a good script, you might wonder if being candid can work too. 

The answer is yes and no. 

Yes, being candid can work in certain situations but not at the cost of sounding amateur. While handling a customer, a call center agent is completely on his own. The agent becomes your brand and everything you represent. 

A good script will assist agents when they are stuck in a difficult situation. It will ensure a sound and accurate voice for your customers. A script can provide confidence, and a confident agent means better customer service.

  • Having scripts for your call-center agents ready can also  reduce the training  time. Training agents entails preparing them for all kinds of situations: training them to greet, sell, solve and close deals over calls. Good scripts can reduce time spent on training and put them on the call sooner.
  • Reduce errors.  Scripts can act as quick reference guides for agents. You wouldn’t have to worry about quoting wrong information when they are reading from a script.
  • Ensure consistency and confidence.  A script can provide a consistent experience for one customer over different situations and multiple customers over similar situations. A handy script can be a huge confidence booster for agents in difficult situations, where you will not have to rely on their ability to resolve issues solely.
  • Better customer service.  There is hardly any doubt that a script written after careful deliberations will be more effective than an impromptu conversation with a customer. 

These benefits translate into increased revenues through greater efficiency and better customer service.

A good call center script is the basis for a solid customer service strategy and a tool to train new agents. A few best practices to perfect your scripts:

1.  Hire the right agents . Training can do so much if the agent doesn’t have the aptitude for communication. Empathy, politeness, and cheerfulness are prerequisites for an agent.

2. Train them to  listen as much to speak . It’s important to remember that communication is a two-way street, and agents should be trained to listen reflectively. If you’re selling a product via your call center, the listening skill could help you go a long way. The best sales reps do so. Research also shows that  43:57 is the ideal talk-to-listen ratio for closing sales . 

What helps in closing sales - listening vs. pitching

3.  Roleplaying . Enacting various scenarios with different personas can help agents prepare for different scenarios.

4.  Prepare flexible scripts.  There should be enough room in a script for adjustments. No matter how much you prepare, agents come across situations that they haven’t prepared for. Have a script handy for such occasions as well

5.  Empathize, don’t patronize . While scripts are great, what isn’t great is customers being aware of them. An agent reading from a script can get pretty frustrating, especially when a customer is at the receiving end of a cold call or is calling with a problem. What can help is personalization and genuine empathy. It can make the customer feel heard and not patronized.

6. Prepare scripts by  borrowing from your well-performing scripts . Identify agents who are doing great and use the learnings to better other scripts. Research competitor’s scripts and what works.s

7.  Take feedback . Good feedback to keep you at it and negative feedback to identify and rectify. Consistently review scores that evaluate customer satisfaction and quality of calls.

So, these are some quick tips to make the most of your calls.

But before we wrap up, here’s a piece of friendly advice.

Get yourself a nice  call-center CRM .

By now, you’ve understood how to talk effectively with customers and prospects.

Next, you need to know is how do you improve your calling efficiency.

For example, if you make 30 calls in a day, how can you make it 50 per day. And all without compromising the quality.

The answer is, if you can reduce the time spent on grunt work—making notes, updating caller records, etc., you can give more time to calling. Plus, if somebody can do that for you (I’m referring to CRM software ), you’ll be offloaded of work a bit, and you’ll be at peace. Hence, more productivity. 

Here’s how a call center CRM can make your life easy.

  • Capture and  route  your caller to the call center agents. You can do it in a round-robin manner. Or you can create your own  distribution rules .
  • A personalized sales pitch means higher chances of sales. Gain access to the prospect’s details, interests and activity, and conversation history with  behavioral tracking .
  • If the person you’re calling isn’t available, send an automated text or email requesting a suitable time to call.
  • Track and record call for audit and training purposes—measure  call center KPIs  to ensure better  CX  (customer experience).
  • Integrate your dialer/cloud telephony/IVR with CRM and track interaction history. You can even create leads from voicemails and follow up with them as per your schedule. LeadSquared call center CRM provides out-of-box integration with  cloud calling solutions  like  RingCentral ,  CallTrackingMetrics , Ozonetel, and more.
  • Easily track your/your team’s performance.

Call center sales CRM - benchmarking reports

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With a master's degree in business administration, Disha has over 9 years of experience in Banking operations and FMCG sales. She specializes in business content and loves to dive deep into the market. When not writing, she spends her time reading and obsessing over dogs.

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Customer Service Scripts

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Gladly Team

7 minute read

#Best Practices

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Having a customer service strategy is important for any business, and if you’re in retail or ecommerce, there’s a good chance you’ll be speaking to customers, correcting orders, and handling customer-related issues on a daily basis.

To prepare for these circumstances, many businesses will create and use customer service scripts to help guide employees through various customer encounters and solutions.

[Read more: Ecommerce Customer Service ]

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What is a customer service script?

Customer service scripts are written prompts used by customer service teams to confirm and resolve customer issues or questions. A customer service script can be used for phone conversations, chat boxes, email, and social media conversations.

What are the benefits of customer service scripts?

Not only do scripts provide your representatives with on-hand support should they need it, they are also excellent tools to train new team members. Additionally, using customer service scripts (while allowing for use of natural language in conversation) provides a consistent experience for shoppers.

Below, we’ve provided thorough guides that cover the most common ecommerce and retail customer service phone script needs.

Customer Service Call Template For First-Time Callers

  • Hi this is [name] from the [name of the department/company]. How are you today?
  • Great to hear! I’m doing very well, thank you for asking. How can I help you today?

When the customer provides a negative response

  • I’m so sorry to hear that. What can I do to help?
  • So sorry about that. If you give me your full name and order number, we can go ahead and start making the correction for you.

A large majority of ecommerce/retail questions will come down to order issues, so you want to identify your customer and their order before moving on. 

  • Sure thing. Can I get your full name, phone number, and address to check in on that order?
  • Not a problem, sir/ma’am. Do you happen to have to the order # so I can bring up your order?

How to Greet a Returning Customer on the Phone

Acknowledging a returning customer is a best practice and reiterates that your brand cares about the relationship and values each customer. Using a customer service platform that provides this information and details of past interactions can help you add even more layers of personal service.

Customer Service Phone Script Examples For Repeat Visitors

  • Hey again, [Customer Name]! How can I help you today?
  • Welcome back [Customer Name]! What can I do to help?
  • Hi [Customer Name]. Do you want to pick up where we left off on our last call??
  • Hi [Customer Name]. Were you still having issues with [insert previous problem]?

Customer Care Scripts for Apologizing for Order Mixups, Product Issues, and Other Concerns

The first thing you want to do when there’s any issue, regardless of who’s at fault, is apologize and convey empathy. You want to help resolve their issue, but you also want to make sure that their concerns are heard and understood. The scripts below will cover the basic issues of price errors, order mix-ups, and other product-related issues.

When the incorrect shipping address is entered

  • It looks like your order shipped to the wrong address. So sorry about that. We’re going to send another [product name] to your address, and it should arrive within the next week.

When a product is never delivered

  • So sorry to hear that, [insert name]. Let me bring up your order so we can see what happened and get another [product name] sent to you.
  • I’m so sorry about the mix-up. Let’s see what we can do about correcting your order.

When the product is received broken

  • I know this is less than ideal. But  I’m going to have to talk to my manager and see what we can come up with to resolve your issue. Is it ok if I [call/email/message] you back once we have a resolution? I promise it won’t take longer than 24 hours.

When the product is not what they expected

When the product is a different color or size than what they ordered.

  • So sorry, [customer name], It seems we made a mistake and sent the invoice to the wrong email. We’re going to go ahead and resend your notification; you should be receiving it within 24 hours.

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Sample Customer Service Call Replies for Being Unable to Fulfill a Request

Similar to the scenarios above, this script sequence will help you in speaking with customers whose orders can’t be fulfilled or met.

  • I am sorry, but it’s not possible to fulfill your request at this time because [provide reason]. Is it ok if I speak to my team and reach back out when we come up with a resolution?
  • I’m sorry, but it seems that we’re out of stock of [product name] at the moment. Would you like to check if we had it in a different size or color?
  • Let me have a look at what else I can help you with.
  • I’m so sorry, but we can’t actually customize [product name]. Whatever we have online or in stores is what’s available for the time being.
  • It looks like we don’t have this feature at the moment. So sorry about that. But we do have these other options that you can look at.

Example Customer Service Phone Template to Transfer Requests and Putting Your Customers on Hold

You may not always be in the position or have the authorization to answer some questions or meet requests, and there’s nothing wrong with that. Delegating certain requests to other departments or team members, while putting the customer on hold, is a common task in customer service. This “putting customer on hold script” below will help you transfer requests for a number of scenarios.

  • I apologize for any inconvenience. Let me transfer you to the [insert department name] so they can help resolve the issue.
  • Please hold for a second while I transfer you to [department or staff member].
  • I understand. I’m going to transfer you over to our shipping department. They’ll be able to help complete your request.
  • Please hold for a moment while I get in touch with him/her.
  • I am sorry, but [administrator/department] is the one who can handle your problem. Let me put you through to them.
  • Can I put you on hold for a moment? I’m going to transfer you to my supervisor so they can complete your order.
  • Would you mind being on hold for a second while I check on this with our administrator?
  • Thank you for waiting. I have the details for your order. I’m going to email them to you right now.

Customer Service Phone Script for Billing and Credit Card Information

  • To process the order, please give the number of your credit card, CVV code, and expiration date.
  • How would you like to pay for that order? We accept all major credit cards, debit cards, gift cards, and PayPal.
  • Can you please give me the account number listed on the generated bill?
  • Can you please give your current billing address?
  • Can you please verify your address for me?
  • Can you please verify your zip code please?

Customer Service Phone Scripts for Handling Angry Customers and Complaints

While angry customers are typically the exception to the rule, you will occasionally come across someone who is angry or verbally aggressive–whether justified or not. Start by showing sympathy and being understanding to the customer’s concerns.

  • I’m so sorry this has happened. Let me see if I find a way to fix things.
  • I’m so sorry. Can you tell me what happened so I can help?
  • I’m really sorry that you weren’t happy with your purchase. Let’s see what we can do to set things right.
  • I completely understand your frustration. I’d feel the same way. Can I please have your order number so we can get to resolving this?
  • I’m so sorry your order didn’t come in on time. Let me speak to my supervisor to see what we can do for you.

Customer Care Call Script for Following up With a Customer at a Later Time

Sometimes, it isn’t possible to resolve orders or product-related issues while you’re communicating with your customers. In such cases, having a well-prepared follow-up calls script can be extremely helpful. The following script options will provide you with effective ways to organize a follow-up time with your customers.

  • [customer name], I just wanted to let you know that we’re still looking into how we can replace your [product name]. Can I call you back within the next hour when we have some options for you?
  • So sorry, but we’re having some technical issues on our servers that are preventing us from completing your order. We’re working on fixing the issue as I speak, and everything should be resolved by tomorrow. Can I call you back then when the order has gone through?
  • Thanks for waiting, [customer name]. We got a hold of your new [product name] and it should be sent out today.
  • Sorry, [customer name]. Can I check on some of these with my supervisor and get back to you in the next hour?
  • I’m so sorry for the mistake. Your transaction may take a couple of days to resolve. Can I email you then?

Customer Service Call Scripts for Handling Several Customers at the Same Time

When working with more than one customer at the same time, you don’t want to give them the impression that you’re rushed or talking to multiple people. If necessary, tell them you have to check on some information or confirm a product and have to put them on hold for a moment.

  • I completely understand, [customer name]. Let me go ahead and look over your transaction history to find that order. One moment, please.
  • No problem. Give me a moment to check on that. One second, please.
  • Sounds good. Let me double check this information with my supervisor, and I’ll be right back with you.
  • Do you mind waiting for a moment while I double check the order transaction?
  • Bear with me for one moment while I confirm this order with my supervisor.

Customer Care Phone Script Example for Thanking Your Customers, Wrapping up, and Upselling to Other products

While it’s important to provide a cordial goodbye, ask if your customer has any other questions, and thank them for their business, the end of the conversation is also a great opportunity for upselling and cross selling.

  • Thank you for your call. Do you have any other questions or concerns? Great, thank you. Have a nice day.
  • Thanks for using the 24-hour help service, and please feel free to reach out to us if you need anything else.
  • I’m so glad we could help and that you found exactly what you were looking for. In case you didn’t know, many of our customers who enjoy [purchased product name] also really liked [product name]. If you’d like, I can show you [product name] that are currently on sale.
  • There might be something else I can help you with before I let you go. Our customers love to pair [product name] with their [purchased product name] purchase. Would you be interested in having a look at some of our [product name]?
  • While we’re on the discussion of [purchased product name], we have some great [product name] to match your order. Mind if I share them with you?
  • Is there anything else I can do to help? As I mentioned, your order should be coming in by the end of the week. Don’t hesitate to call back or email us if you have any other questions or concerns.
  • Again, so sorry about the mix-up. If you have any other issues with your re-order, please let us know. Have a good day.

Final Thoughts: Customer Service Script

Whether you’re training new customer service representatives or bolstering your support for your existing team, having a retail customer service phone script is going to improve both your customer and staff member experience.

Gladly utilizes machine learning technology and a comprehensive platform to ensure your agents are ready to handle your customers’ needs and concerns.

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Gladly is a customer service platform for digitally-focused B2C companies who want to maximize the lifetime value of their customers.   Unlike the legacy approach to customer service software, which is designed around a ticket or case to enable workflows, Gladly enables radically personal customer service centered around people to sustain customer loyalty and drive more revenue.

The world’s most innovative consumer companies like Godiva, JOANN, and TUMI use Gladly to create lasting customer relationships, not one-off experiences.

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There is a reason they call it ‘the art of conversation’.

While most people would like to believe they can have a discussion without much effort, those same people have surely experienced the positive vibes that come when walking away from a truly great interaction. From feeling respected and fully engaged to being given the chance to share one’s concerns, there are various characteristics that make up a quality conversation. They do not happen by chance.

M_BlogT_Call center script examples and best practices

So it is for call center encounters. When a customer reaches out to a business, they do so hoping for a meaningful interaction. They want accurate and consistent information. They yearn for a prompt and hassle-free resolution. They want to feel engaged and leave the conversation feeling better than when they entered it. In their ongoing pursuit of customer experience excellence, the businesses taking the calls should be aiming for the same targets.

Of course, not every call center agent lives up to customer expectations. Be it a lack of product knowledge, an inability to understand the subtleties of conversation or a failure to appreciate the importance of quality engagement, too many call center interactions result in poor experiences for customers and, in turn, brand damage for the organizations they have called.

There is a solution though and it involves arming call center agents with a tool designed to guide them through various encounters and help identify solutions that will leave customers smiling rather than grimacing.

The tool? Call center scripts.

What is a call center script?

Call center scripts are written prompts used by agents to help them communicate with customers across support channels and scenarios. Designed as ready-to-use templates, they can be used for phone, email and social media conversations and ultimately aim to ensure customer issues or questions are acknowledged, addressed and resolved as quickly as possible.

Along with reducing common errors, positive scripting in customer service allows agents to feel more confident in interactions, navigate different situations more seamlessly and deliver a better customer experience. They are also an excellent training resource for new team members.

What are the benefits of call center scripts?

When you consider the advantages of utilizing call center templates, it is little wonder they are considered such a valuable resource. They include:

  • Ensure consistent communication : in an environment where every conversation is ‘unique’ in its own way, call center scripts ensure customer interactions share a common theme or approach and align with brand values.
  • Enable a prompt response : instead of debating how to respond to certain situations, agents are able to tap into suggested answers that can keep conversations on track.
  • Help to boost staff motivation : confident staff are motivated staff and call center scripts help create them. Providing agents with guidelines and advice on how to respond to different scenarios gives them the confidence to deal with even the most difficult of conversations.
  • A value training resource : customer support is too important to be left to chance and call center scripts lessen the risk of rookie agents saying the wrong thing at the wrong time. Scripts and frameworks are excellent tools for newcomers wanting to shine from day one.

What is the difference between scripting and frameworks?

While call center scripts are just that – scripts that include specific lines agents can use as prompts – frameworks are a general guide for facilitating quality conversations. They feature step-by-step advice for navigating interactions, from initial connection to identifying needs and presenting solutions before the final wrap-up. An example can be found here and features tips such as:

  • Connect with a genuine welcome : ensure to create a positive first impression that makes the customer know they’re valued and is speaking with an expert who is able and willing to help.
  • Ask questions and discover : demonstrate curiosity by asking questions and listening, and show that we’re genuinely interested.
  • Wrap up with a friendly farewell : conclude the conversation by ensuring the customer feels valued and acknowledged.

Call center script ideas

It goes without saying that call center teams that use scripts enjoy better customer service call flow and are better prepared to manage interactions faster and more effectively than those that operate off the cuff. While every conversation is unique, there are many familiar and recurring scenarios and situations where agents can benefit from being able to turn to a script for guidance.

First impressions count and that is why customers should always be greeted and welcomed with a friendly message. Along with showing the respect they deserve, a positive greeting sets the tone for an engaging conversation to follow.

  • “Good morning and welcome to [company name]. My name is [name]. How are you today?”
  • “Great to hear. I’m also doing well. Now how can I help you today?”
  • “That’s not good to hear. Let’s see what I can do to help.”
  • “We never like to hear customers are unhappy. Why don’t you start by giving me your full name and order number so I can try to address this issue for you?”

Greeting repeat visitors

Call centers should make every effort to acknowledge returning customers as it shows they are invested in an ongoing relationship. Customer service platforms that provide details about past interactions are an excellent way to add more layers of personal service.

  • “Welcome back, [customer name]. It’s great to hear from you again. How can I help you today?”
  • “Great to hear from you again, [customer name]. Would you like me to introduce you to some different products this time?”
  • “Good morning, [customer name]. Do you want to continue where we left off last time?”
  • “Hello, [customer name]. Did you have success addressing [insert previous concern]?”

Thanking customers

A simple but highly effective way to win favor with customers is to thank them for raising concerns or bringing issues to the company’s attention. It not only shows that their feedback is valued but can also ease any possible tensions. Taking the chance to thank customers is considered one of the conversational practices every agent should follow.

  • “We really appreciate you for bringing this to our attention. Now let me look into the situation.”
  • “Thank you so much for taking the time to let us know your concerns and I can assure you that we want to resolve the matter as quickly as possible.”

Mistakes happen in business but one that should never be made is failing to apologize and convey empathy when a customer makes a complaint. Along with aiming to resolve an issue as quickly as possible, agents should ensure the customer knows their concerns have been heard and understood. There are a variety of options for addressing the likes of price errors, misplaced orders and other concerns.

  •   “It seems that your order has been shipped to the wrong address. I sincerely apologize and will immediately organize for another [product name] to be sent to the correct address.”
  •   “I’m so sorry to hear it has not arrived, [customer name]. I’m calling up the order now to see what has happened and can assure you that another [product name] will be sent to you.”
  • “I appreciate your frustration. Please accept my apology and if you send me a photo of the damaged [product name], I’ll organize for a replacement to be sent to you. Alternatively, you are more than welcome to request a refund – the choice is yours.”
  • “I’m sorry that you have been put in this situation. I will need to talk to my manager to see what we can do to resolve the issue but will be in touch within 24 hours. Would you prefer that I phone, text or email you once I know more?”

Transferring a call

No one enjoys being told their inquiry needs to be passed to another agent but with the right communication skills and messaging, an agent can make it a smoother process.

  • “I wish I could help but your call needs to be directed to another department. Let me transfer you to the best person to help with your inquiry.”
  • “That sounds like a very reasonable request but unfortunately I am not the right person to assist. In a moment, you will be speaking with a colleague who specializes in such matters.”
  • “A concern as important as this requires input from my manager. If you are happy for me to transfer your call, I’d love to immediately connect you with them.”

Requesting a follow-up call

Not every concern or issue can be resolved in the course of one conversation, which may not be welcome news for a caller. Rather than stumbling through a request to organize another call, the following call center scripts can act as a helpful guide.

  • “I need further information from my colleagues to ensure I can replace your [product name] as quickly as possible. Would it be OK if I call you back on this number within the next hour?”
  • “I’ve just been told we are having a few technical issues that are impacting our ability to process orders. The good news is our team is working hard to resolve the issue but rather than keep you on hold, can I call you back once the order has gone through?”

Saying ‘no’

As difficult as it is, there are times when an agent needs to deny a request. Not all customer demands are reasonable but it is important when saying no, that the denial is handled politely and with empathy.

  • “We understand this must be frustrating for you but we are unable to meet your request at this point in time.”
  • “I have previously found myself in a similar situation to you and that is why I’m sorry to say that our returns policy does not allow for a case such as this.”
  • “I’m sorry to say we won’t be able to help you on this occasion but can assure you that we value your feedback and you are always welcome to contact us in situations such as this.”

Handling several calls at once

The nature of busy call centers means agents often need to engage more than one call at the same time but the last thing they should do is let this be known to the various customers. It is all about using the right language when moving between calls.

  • “That shouldn’t be a problem but I will need to double-check the information with my supervisor. I’ll just pop you on hold and be right back.”
  • “To ensure there are no further issues, I’ll just confirm everything is in order with my senior manager. One moment, please.”

 and upselling

Saying goodbye is not only a chance to leave a positive lasting impression but also an opportunity to entice a customer to consider another purchase or service.

  • “It’s been a pleasure helping you and let me just check if you have any other questions or concerns 
 you’re all good. That’s great and please don’t hesitate to reach out if you need anything else.”
  • “I’m sure you’re going to love the [product name] and I should point out that many of our customers love to pair it with the [other product]. Would you like me to share a few details as I think it may interest you?”
  • “Once again, I’m so sorry you had to contact us about this issue. We really do value you as a customer and will be doing all we can to ensure it doesn’t happen again. Thanks for calling and have a great day.”

Whether training new recruits or boosting the communication skills of existing staff, call center scripts are a fast track to better agents and more satisfied customers. As the saying goes, prior preparation prevents poor performance and there is no better way to be prepared for quality conversations than laying a foundation before they occur.

Did you know 93% of consumers are more likely to be repeat customers at companies that deliver remarkable service? Discover why great customer experience is so important in the modern world and the strategies businesses are implementing to achieve it.

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4 Tips To Improve Agent Scripting In BPOs

Improve agent scripting in bpos

Business Processing Outsourcing (BPO) call centers step in for companies that outsource their support services. Be it inbound or outbound calls BPOs are ready to provide services for an organization in need of any specific services. BPO call center agents are those who deal with handling these calls. This is where the role of agent scripting plays an important role.

Agent scripting by definition means call center scripts for agents. This is the guide to the third-party call center agent to assist a customer with any query asked. Support scripting usually for inbound calls can get tricky even with a script.

Table of contents

Problems that could arise from poor agent scripting include, how to make call center agent scripting better, here’s how to implement an agent scripting software, 1. no warmth or empathy.

With call center agent scripts written rigidly, an agent might sound too robotic, the customer might feel like they are not invested in solving their problem. 

Missing warmth in the tone automatically leads to an uncomfortable vibe for the customer. This might lead to the customer not wanting to share too much information.

Another problem this could create is that the rate of solving the customer’s problem could go down because customers might not be interested in sharing information.

2. Irrelevant script

When a script is not updated on time or is not solution derived it becomes relevant.When a customer service script is made it includes the problems at the current time of creation. 

With no updating or inclusion of new features, call center agents might forget to talk about the important element or key to solving a problem.

When a script is made, if the fastest or the most accurate solution is not put down in the guide then it would only mean more difficulties later on in the process.

3. No handy solutions

Be it any problem, there might be things that are related to the current query of a customer but the script being either too short or lengthy might not have relevant solutions handy.

For the all-center agent to find the right solution through vast knowledge resources takes time.

This not only increases the Average Hold Time (AHT) of the call but also proves difficult for the agent to immediately come up with answers for additional queries in a short time. 

Long hold times agitate customers, making the conversation not so smooth or have an easy flow.

4. Blind adherence to call scripting

Call center scripts are only meant to be a source of help or guideline. 

While it is important to follow a call center script for the resolution of a problem, it is also required that the agent knows what the problem is. 

Knowing the possible problems helps agents choose the right script.

Without proper training call center agents might not be able to grasp the situation or think of solutions, making them absolutely dependent on a call center agent script.

Script your way to an immersive CX

Create precise and accurate call center scripts for any scenario.

Agent scripting is a skill that can be improved upon when a product or service provided is understood by those making the call flow script . Following are practices that organizations can follow to create agent scripts.

1. Planned agent training

Call center agent training is the most essential part of hiring the right person for the job. Training is the period when the call center agent understands the role. 

After understanding the role for a while the agent themselves will be able to suggest scripting changes or write scripts on their own.

Training is the time when an agent should be taught how to read call center agent scripts in a non-automated way. 

A stone-cold tone as discussed above will create an unwanted atmosphere. With proper learning management systems in place, training can be specific and personalized to an agent’s problems.

2. Maintaining and tracking customer databases

Having a database of a customer, for example, if they are calling for the first time or calling for a follow-up and so on, or knowing what type of customer they are, assists the agent to identify the best script to use in the situation.

Maintaining a database helps with agent scripting as it helps be aware of the types of customers the organization has. Scripts can be created based on the logistics of this information.

3. Concise scripting

Scripting needs to be to the point, it should not beat around the bush at all. That being said, it is important to include a proper conversation flow, for reassurance to the customer and also include greetings depending on the time of the year and time of the day.

An agent scripting software helps create concise scripts for any type of situation. Concise scripting allows agents to provide ideal answers and exactly what the customers are looking for. This helps increase First Call Resolution as well.

4. Agent scripting software

Using agent scripting software that is customized to your needs can be of great help. Simple scripts that solve difficult queries are the right approach to go with. But how do you create this?

With the help of agent scripting software, you can write actionable scripts as explained above. Kowmax’s agent scripting software comes with tools like decision trees, a knowledge base, and visual how-to guides, which empower customer service agents to take the next best step while dealing with customer queries.

To add to this, detailed real-time analytics allows for tracking the use of an agent script as soon as the call with a customer is over. The basis on analytical reports, agents can tweak/update content in their knowledge base . 

One example of making a great call center agent script can be one made using knowledge base software . 

This is a use case of a script for healthcare pertaining to COVID,  using decision trees – a tool to create call center scripting. 

A Decision tree helps you make step-by-step stream flow answers to make your script as effective and time-bound as possible. This eliminates information that is not needed and gives out only what the customer is looking for.

Some tips you can follow to make a precise script like the above are:

1. Map down several steps to make an effective script.

2. Include all possible options to choose from for a customer.

3. Shorten the length of questions asked. 

4. Deal with one single problem in one decision tree.

5. Link related answers within the decision trees for further analysis or extra information.

Using AI-backed agent scripting software, global enterprises can decrease the Average Handling Time (AHT) of the calls and improve First Call Resolution (FCR).

Agent scripting can be made less challenging and more effective to write by using AI-powered knowledge management tools . This would not only help with scripting but also allow you to follow best practices of agent scripting while abiding by the larger guidelines of the organization. 

While the tips mentioned above help practice better agent scripting, it is always best to concentrate on what works for each situation or product. Constantly analyzing performances through monitoring and feedback helps the most to create effective agent scripts in BPOs.

Looking to supercharge your CX?

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Nitin Saxena

Sr. vice president.

Nitin has 25 years of experience working at companies like HP and Mphasis. For more than 14 years, he has been a key figure at KocharTech (Knowmax's parent company), skillfully navigating operations, training, and quality management responsibilities across international and domestic sectors. Currently, he oversees Business Operations at Maxicus.

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The Different Types of Accounts to Handle in the BPO Industry


What are the different accounts to handle in the call center industry?

1. Email/Chat Support

2. Travel Account

3. Tech Support

4. Healthcare

Industries in the Metro have evolved over the years. More and more people are presented with opportunities to make a stable living for themselves. With numerous lines of work available, especially in the BPO industry, you can never go wrong with call centers in the Philippines .

There are a lot of things you can do to make a living in the BPO industry. Aside from providing over-the-phone assistance 24/7, there are also other platforms for you to handle such as email and chat support. When working in the BPO industry, the clientele you receive, both local and international, can give you a wide array of accounts to handle for your line of work.

The goal for any account that you handle is simply to provide the best assistance you can. In any business, a lot of things can go wrong. It’s up to you as the agent to get the job done. If you’re looking to expand your line of experience, then BPO might just be the work that suits you.

However, if you’re wondering about the scope of the work that you’re going to handle, be aware that once you begin call center work , the jobs that might come your way can take any form. For your enlightenment, here are some of the accounts you may have to handle as an agent:

Email/Chat Support

Email/Chat Support

This type of account is one of the most unique ones to handle. Why? Because it doesn’t involve the use of your voice when doing so.

This account focuses on agents providing assistance over email and chat – two platforms with the same line of communication. If any of your clients encounter problems with whatever they’re doing, expect to receive a message from them soon after.

Also, what makes this non-voice account great is that, unlike phone support, you can give yourself time to resolve any issue at hand using your own words. Just make sure that when you do so, the solution you provide is adequate enough for your customer’s satisfaction.

Travel Account

Travel Account

This account aims to help those in need of assistance in the midst of travel. This includes reservations ranging from hotels to airfares, transportation accommodations, and others that would need an extra hand. In order to prepare for this, what you’ll need to do is to familiarize yourself with the latest updates on the travel industry . By doing this, you won’t have to worry about anything should this account be handed to you.

Tech Support

Tech Support

This account is one of the most common ones that agents handle. In the world of technology, there are a lot of things that can go wrong, ranging from errors such as troubleshooting, internet connectivity, and crashing.

When handling this account, one must have the know-how when it comes to computers: how to use them, maintain them, and repair them. The best way to prepare for this account is to get a quick brush-up on the concept of computers. Or better yet, understand how the internet works on a deeper level. In turn, you’ll be able to provide assistance to any client of this caliber.


When it comes to medicine, it’s important for practitioners of the field to be able to respond to the emergencies that can plague anyone. Luckily, for this account, every agent handling this line of work can greatly contribute to the world of medicine and science.

To better prepare for this account, you’ll need to be able to have ample knowledge of the medical field. That way, if needed, you’ll be able to provide consultation to any patient in need of assistance. Also, in this account, you’re going to have to provide emergency responses depending on the situation at hand.


As the world turns its course, so does the financial needs of every working individual in the country. If one wishes to save money for the future, banks are the places to go. But what happens if financial problems are encountered? That’s where this account comes into play.

This line of work should ensure the security of one’s personal bank details, ranging from their net income to their transactions via ATM withdrawals and credit cards. When handling this account, customers can contact you for consultation and assistance; and if anything bad were to happen, it will be your job to give your absolute best to resolve the matter at hand.

Also, when one of your clients has garnered a certain amount of debt, you’ll have to be the one who informs them of the situation. That way, you’ll be able to help them sort out the case directly.

Key Takeaway

With the number of clientele available for you to cater to, the lines of work that can come your way can be just as huge in quantity. Though there are other accounts you can handle, preparing for these is a great step in preparing for the BPO industry as a whole.



US: 866-201-3370 AU: 1800-370-551 UK: 808-178-0977 [email protected]

Are you looking for an onshore, nearhsore, or offshore outsourcing solution? Don't know where to start? I am always happy to help.

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Best Regards,

Success in outsourcing isn't a matter of chance, but rather the result of a meticulously defined process, a formula that Fortune 500 companies have diligently honed over time. This rigor is a significant factor in the rarity of failures within these industry titans' outsourced programs.

Having spent over two decades partnering with and delivering Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) solutions to Fortune 500 clients, John possesses an in-depth understanding of this intricate process. His comprehensive approach incorporates an exhaustive assessment of outsourcing requirements, precise vendor sourcing, and a robust program management strategy.


US: 866-201-3370 AU: 1800-370-551  UK: 808-178-0977 


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    vegetarian(noun): one who eats little or no meat, fish, or animal products - Although Charles considers himself a vegetarian, he sometimes eats chicken. Making vacation or travel arrangements includes flights, hotels, and tours. Listen to this conversation on the topic to plan your vacation.

  6. 9 Call Center Script Examples (+ Template)

    Feel free to copy and paste these examples and make them your own. Or you call download our free call flows template to help you write your own scripts. The script in italics is recommended phrases for call center agents to say. Regular text notes on what to do. 1. Call center script for call intake.

  7. 6 Best Practices For Writing a Call Center Script For BPO Agents

    Structure the call flow so it is easy to follow. Plan to train reps on call flow basics. 1. List the types of questions your call center receives. Before you can start writing a call center script, you need to know what questions need to be answered. These are the questions that callers are asking the agents.

  8. Inbound & Outbound Call Center Scripts

    Inbound and Outbound Call Center Scripts serve as the guardians of consistency and professionalism in customer communication. They ensure that every interaction, whether initiated by the customer or the business, adheres to a predetermined standard. This consistency is the foundation upon which customer trust is built.

  9. 80 Examples of Winning Call Center Scripts

    3. Customer complaints. Customer complaints are common for call centers. It's important that scripts express empathy and acknowledge the customer's concerns. Scripts should provide options to promptly resolve issues, including questions to better understand the problem and multiple potential solutions.

  10. 15+ Super-effective Call Center Scripts for Agents and ...

    3. Call center script to handle "I'm not the decision-maker" objection. Agent: Hi [customer name]. I am calling from [company name] regarding your inquiry about the CRM package. Customer: I was enquiring on behalf of the marketing director. Agent: It will be my pleasure to arrange demos for both of you.

  11. Travel Account Script and Phrases

    Travel account script and phrases - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. hwgeawje

  12. Customer Service Phone Call Scripts, Templates, and Examples

    This "putting customer on hold script" below will help you transfer requests for a number of scenarios. I apologize for any inconvenience. Let me transfer you to the [insert department name] so they can help resolve the issue. Please hold for a second while I transfer you to [department or staff member]. I understand.

  13. Travel Account Call Center Explained

    Learn what a call center travel account is, the companies involved, the job description, the travel industry structure, and the common issues and inquiries t...

  14. Travel account : r/BPOinPH

    marianoponceiii. ‱. One of the most toxic account. I handled an airline account na 6 mins aht at 100 calks waiting. Lunok lang pahinga. Lahat ng callers irate dahil delayed flights nila. Reply.

  15. Call center script examples and best practices

    Greeting repeat visitors. Call centers should make every effort to acknowledge returning customers as it shows they are invested in an ongoing relationship. Customer service platforms that provide details about past interactions are an excellent way to add more layers of personal service. "Welcome back, [customer name].


    MOCK CALL SCRIPT - PCCI Travel and Tours - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free.


    ANNOYED CUSTOMER MOCK CALL PRACTICE, Travel Account, Call Listening, Call Script Sample // This is video #5 of MOCK CALL PRACTICE Season 2. WATCH THE ENTIRE ...

  18. Agent Scripting In BPOs: Maximizing Efficiency & Accuracy

    This is where the role of agent scripting plays an important role. Agent scripting by definition means call center scripts for agents. This is the guide to the third-party call center agent to assist a customer with any query asked. Support scripting usually for inbound calls can get tricky even with a script.

  19. The Different Types of Accounts to Handle in the BPO Industry

    What are the different accounts to handle in the call center industry? 1. Email/Chat Support 2. Travel Account 3. Tech Support 4. Healthcare 5. Banking Industries in the Metro have evolved over the years. More and more people are presented with opportunities to make a stable living for themselves. With numerous lines of work

  20. Travel BPO

    TP Travel is an easy and friendly reservation manager integrating different business core systems, based on customizable business rules engine and industry knowledge. It improves the core processes of OTAs and airlines while making the daily jobs of its users easier. In addition, it improves the assistance provided to agents by giving timely response recommendations and interpreting a customer ...

  21. Callcenter Mock call for beginners (Part 3 Travel account ...

    #callcentertips #mockcalltips #kuyareneboy #BEGINNERS #telcoWanna be hired in a callcenter? I hope you find this video helpful! THIS IS ONLY THE PT 3 OF OUR ...