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The student news site of La Salle Catholic College Preparatory.

The La Salle Falconer

The high school experience: a personal reflection.

Filled with growth and life lessons, the high school experience has been a journey worth the climb.

Filled with growth and life lessons, the high school experience has been a journey worth the climb.

Anna Waldron , Editor May 4, 2022

High school is arguably the most transformative time of a person’s life. My own experience has been filled with more memories, laughter, stress, and — most importantly, growth — than I ever could have anticipated when I began. 

The lessons I have learned about myself, about others, and about the world in the last four years have shaped who I am today, and that person is far from the naive 14-year-old girl who walked through those glass doors of La Salle nearly four years ago. I was oblivious to the overwhelming emotional distress that I would feel when I started high school. 

In some ways, it feels like an everyday battle. 

As a freshman, the struggle began with adjusting to what felt like a whole new world. I was desperately trying to make friends, considering I had only one. I never knew what it was like to feel alone in a school with so many people. I felt like I had to act a certain way or be a certain person in order to maintain a basic conversation with people in my classes or on my soccer team. 

Every day, my head was filled with an overwhelming concern about how I could manage to make myself look like someone with more friends than I actually had at the time. 

I remember constantly thinking, “I’ll start enjoying this at some point, right?” 

The truth is, I did. 

To anyone who is feeling the way I once felt, please know that those feelings do go away. By the end of my freshman year and into the next, I enjoyed myself. School wasn’t particularly challenging, and I was spending my weekends having fun with my friends and going to basketball games and sleepovers. I had finally created a routine and felt mostly content with my life, aside from daunting thoughts in my head telling me it was all a lie.

I think that’s something that all teenagers deal with. It comes with the age, the questions, “do my friends actually like me?” or “am I enough?” — “do people worry about me or have I tricked myself into thinking they do?” 

I continued to move throughout my sophomore year feeling a new level of comfort with my life. Then, the pandemic hit. 

The original two weeks of quarantine turned into two months, and then two years. The predictable high school experience I had become accustomed to was no longer my reality, and instead, high school turned into an atypical rollercoaster of isolation from all the essential parts of the experience. 

To say it was hard would be an understatement, but after the initial forced adjustment to a remote life, I was forced to be content without relying on others.

Without having to fear other people’s judgments of me or having to conceal myself in social situations to appear more “acceptable,” I gained independence and confidence within myself that I didn’t know existed.

Then finally — after over a year — the long-awaited return to school arrived. 

I rejoiced in my ability to thrive academically again and I was so relieved to feel like I was really learning. I reconnected with my friends, ate lunch outside, took finals, and then — after a blur of two months — the year ended. My junior year flew by like no other. 

When senior year rolled around, I felt out of place. I couldn’t imagine a world where I belonged to the oldest class at the school. In the beginning, it was odd getting used to, but after a few weeks, it was nothing but a thrill as I planned what the next weekend alongside my friends would hold. 

My friendships were flourishing and I was becoming closer and closer with people I had never really gotten to know. 

Unlike the three years prior, my senior year has felt like a stereotypical high school experience, and I could not be more grateful for it. 

I always thought of myself as someone who was above enjoying things like attending soccer games, getting ready for homecoming with my friends, singing karaoke in someone’s basement, or going to a trampoline park for an 18-year-old’s birthday party. 

The truth is, I’m not. 

I regret that I spent so long depriving myself of the things I love in order to fit a narrative that I created for myself. 

I love that I will graduate high school happier and more fulfilled than I ever felt during my other three years here. It feels like everything has finally come full circle, after all these years of feeling so alone. 

So yes, it was transformative. I am finally content with the person I have become and the life I have chosen to lead. I wouldn’t be the same without La Salle and I wouldn’t be the same without the people I’ve gotten to know here. 

I know that I will look back on my high school experience here, not feeling critical of the insecurities I have felt, but feeling grateful for the memories and lessons that came regardless of them. 

Photo of Anna Waldron

Senior Anna Waldron has lived in Portland, Oregon her whole life, in the same neighborhood as nine members of her extended family.  Outside of The...

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Essay on School Life

Students are often asked to write an essay on School Life in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on School Life

The essence of school life.

School life is a unique phase in everyone’s life. It’s a time of learning, exploring, and shaping our future. We make new friends, participate in various activities, and gain knowledge.

Academic Journey

The primary purpose of school is education. We learn different subjects like Math, Science, and English. Teachers play a crucial role in our academic growth.

Extracurricular Activities

School life is not just about studies. It also introduces us to sports, arts, and other recreational activities. These help us to develop our skills and interests.

Life Lessons

School life teaches us important life lessons like discipline, teamwork, and respect. It prepares us for the future.

Also check:

  • Paragraph on School Life
  • Speech on School Life

250 Words Essay on School Life

The quintessence of school life.

School life is more than just an educational journey; it’s a crucial phase that shapes our character, values, and future. It is a kaleidoscope of experiences that leave an indelible imprint on our minds.

Academic Pursuits and Extracurricular Activities

The academic curriculum in schools is designed to impart knowledge and foster intellectual growth. Students explore various subjects, developing their critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Simultaneously, extracurricular activities complement academics by promoting creativity, teamwork, and leadership. They offer a platform for students to discover their passions and talents.

Social Interactions and Personal Growth

School life is also characterized by a myriad of social interactions. Friendships formed during school years often last a lifetime, and the experience of working together in groups and teams instills a sense of cooperation and mutual respect. These interactions play a significant role in shaping one’s social skills and emotional intelligence.

Lessons Beyond the Classroom

The school environment teaches us about discipline, responsibility, and the importance of hard work. It also exposes us to diversity, fostering tolerance, and empathy. These are invaluable lessons that extend beyond textbooks, preparing us for the challenges of the real world.

In conclusion, school life is a foundational phase that significantly influences our personal and professional growth. It is a blend of academic learning, personal development, and life lessons that equip us to navigate the complexities of life. As we look back, we realize that our school life has not just educated us, but also shaped us into the individuals we are today.

500 Words Essay on School Life


School life is a significant phase in every individual’s life. It is a period of learning, discovery, and growth, shaping the foundation of an individual’s character and future. This essay delves into the multifaceted aspects of school life, exploring its importance, challenges, and the lifelong lessons it imparts.

The Importance of School Life

The importance of school life can never be undermined. It is a period where students are exposed to a myriad of experiences that contribute to their holistic development. Schools provide academic knowledge and also foster the development of social skills, critical thinking, and problem-solving abilities. The school curriculum, coupled with extracurricular activities, helps in nurturing a well-rounded personality.

Challenges in School Life

School life is not without its challenges. The pressure to perform academically, balancing studies with extracurricular activities, and navigating social dynamics can be overwhelming. Bullying is another significant issue that affects many students. These challenges, while daunting, serve as catalysts for growth. Overcoming them instills resilience, a trait that is invaluable in the face of future adversities.

Lifelong Lessons from School Life

School life is a treasure trove of lifelong lessons. It teaches the importance of discipline, punctuality, and responsibility. It is where students learn to respect diversity, understand different perspectives, and cultivate empathy. The school environment fosters teamwork and encourages students to work collaboratively, thereby teaching them the importance of cooperation and mutual respect. These lessons extend beyond the classroom, shaping the way students handle real-world situations.

In conclusion, school life is a critical phase that lays the foundation for an individual’s future. It is a complex interplay of learning, growth, and challenges. The experiences and lessons gleaned from this phase significantly influence a person’s character, worldview, and approach towards life. As such, the value of school life extends far beyond the academic realm, playing a pivotal role in molding individuals into responsible and empathetic citizens.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

If you’re looking for more, here are essays on other interesting topics:

  • Essay on Future School
  • Essay on School Trip
  • Essay on School Picnic

Apart from these, you can look at all the essays by clicking here .

Happy studying!

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  • My School Life Speech


How To Write A Good Speech In English About My School Life

School life is the best time of our life. Every student should try to make the best use of school life because once over, it never comes back again. In this article, we have provided My School Life Speech of three lengths. The first one is Long High School Is The Best Time Of Your Life Speech for students of class 9th and above. The second one is a Short Last Day Of School Life Speech for students of class 5th and above. 10 lines on My School Life Speech In English is for students of class 1 and above. 

Long and Short High School Is The Best Time of Your Life Speech

Greetings everyone. Today, I stand in front of you, to deliver a Speech On My Journey Of School Life. Like everybody else, I have also had my fair share of school life flashbacks in my life. After all, it's the best time of our lives. We recall the good days that have passed and even the bad ones. School life is undoubtedly one of the positive memories of life. It is considered to be by many the best stage of their lives. A student understands the meaning of school life, and they consider it to be the golden time of their lives. And why is it not meant to be? In one's life, it is the first truly impactful event, and the significance of it can never be disproved.

My school life was a learning experience for sure. I couldn't get somewhere else with the trust and inspiration it gave me. Most importantly, it is the place where I have acknowledged my individuality and uniqueness. For me, my school life is no less than a blessing that has given me priceless joys in life. I've been a student at my school for 10 years. For me, it has been an amazing golden age. It vanished like the happiest dream.

This is where I began to learn the alphabet and can now use the same to solve equations. The warm welcome I got when I started school for the first time is something I can never forget. It's also what determines why my life at school is so important to me.

My life at school made me learn something new almost every day. It helped me to gain understanding and to succeed not only in my studies but also, in co-curricular activities and taught me a lot of life skills, for which I am grateful to this day.

The memories of high school life are the incomparable part. I've made plenty of errors and blunders. I've had a lot of mistakes. During my school days, I can remember how naive I was. Yet I have always been saved, thanks to my genuine friends and real teachers. That is how I discovered the real meaning of cooperation and love from high school life. In my ears, those words of wisdom and prayers are still ringing. I still remember me and my friends sharing lunch during the lunch break, playing basketball on the court, taking part in various co-curricular activities, and of course, the excursion trips. Now that I look back, it is no less than a fairytale. I had entered my school crying, not wanting to let go of my mother’s hand, scared of the new place and new people, and I left it crying, scared of leaving that place, those friends, and inspiring teachers.

Short My School Life Speech In English

Today, I am here to deliver my Last Day Of School Life Speech. School life is considered to be by many the best stage of their lives. For me, it has been an amazing golden age. I had entered my school crying, not wanting to let go of my mother's hand, scared of the new place and new people.

The warm welcome I got when I started school for the first time is something I can never forget. My life at school made me learn something new almost every day. It helped me to gain understanding and to succeed not only in studies but also in co-curricular activities. It taught me a lot of life skills, for which I am grateful to this day. 

The memories of high school life are the incomparable part. I still remember sharing my lunch with my friends, participating in various activities, the annual functions, sports day, playing in the field, and so on. I've made plenty of errors and blunders. Yet I have always been saved, thanks to my genuine friends and real teachers. That is how I discovered the real meaning of cooperation and love from school life. In my ears, those words of wisdom and prayers are still ringing. Now that I look back, it is no less than a fairytale. It is a blessing. I will forever be grateful to my parents for choosing the best schools for me, for the friends which I have to date, and for the inspiring teachers who helped me throughout. 

10 lines on My Senior High School Life Speech

Here we have provided 10 lines for Speech On My Journey Of School Life for students of class 1 and above for an easier understanding. It shall provide them with some idea on what to write for their speech.

Like everybody else, I have also had my fair share of school life flashbacks in my life.

It is considered to be by many the best stage of their lives.

A student understands the meaning of school life, and they consider it to be the golden time of their lives.

My school life was a learning experience for sure.

Most importantly, it is the place where I have acknowledged my individuality and uniqueness. 

It helped me to gain understanding and to succeed not only in my studies but also, in co-curricular activities and taught me a lot of life skills, for which I am grateful to this day.

The memories of high school life are the incomparable part.

My life at school made me learn something new almost every day.

In one's life, it is the first truly impactful event, and the significance of it can never be disproved.

I had entered my school crying, not wanting to let go of my mother's hand, scared of the new place and new people, and I left it crying, scared of leaving that place, those friends, and inspiring teachers.

There are a lot of ways of delivering a good speech that casts a spell of magic on the audience to whom you are speaking to. If you want your speech to be that special, then you should go through this article. It is going to help you to draft a speech that will turn your listeners into your fans. There are a few things that you need to keep in mind before you deliver an extraordinary speech. First of all, take a pen and a paper and jot down all the key points that you want to mention in your speech. The idea of writing these things on paper is that you will be able to retain all these things in your speech while delivering it. If you don't pen them down, you might not remember them at the right time. Once you write the important points and incidents, you should frame a decent speech accordingly. You should then proofread the write-up and check whether any sentence needs to be omitted or not. You've to write your speech in such a way that you should be able to deliver it in a given time and therefore, it should neither be too long nor too short. After completing the editing and proofreading part, you should start reading it. Read it again and again so that you're fully prepared to deliver it. 

Speech About My School Life 

If this is the last day of your school and you want to make it worthwhile by delivering a memorable speech on 'My School Life', then you should keep some important things in mind. For example, you can tell your listeners (teachers and students) about your experience with this school and how this school made you what you are. You can tell them about your favourite moments, incidents, etc. One thing that you need to keep in mind is that you should complete your speech on time or else your listeners would get bored. 


FAQs on My School Life Speech

1. How can I write a good 'My School Life' Speech in English?

To write a good speech about 'My School Life', you will need to keep certain things in mind. To start with, you have to pen down all the memorable incidents that happened to you during your school days. You can also write about your favourite teacher. You can write about any activity that you like to do. There are a lot of other things as well about which you can write. For instance, if you once went for a picnic, you can write about your experience with that particular day.

2. What are the key points that I need to mention in 'My School Life' Speech in English?

The key points that you can mention in 'My School Life' Speech are:

1) You can talk about your experience with that school. 

2) You can talk about your favourite teacher. 

3) You can mention your friends who were always with you. 

4) You can talk about any particular incident that affected your life. 

5) You can tell the listeners about the first day of your school and what happened on that day.

3. When will I need 'My School Life' Speech?

You will need 'My School Life' Speech mostly if you are a student, but sometimes teachers may need to do it as well. If you are a student who just passed the highest class of your school and it is your last day at school. To make that day special, you will need to deliver a speech that should leave everyone spellbound. That's where you can tell them about 'My School Life'. It will be your last day and you will be very emotional so if you deliver a speech that everyone likes, it can make you feel better.

4. How can I deliver a good speech in my school?

If you want teachers and other students to like your speech, then you need to deliver it in such a way that it puts everyone in trance. To do that, you first need to know your audience which obviously will be students and teachers. You also need to complete your speech in the given time. You should not divert from your main topic. You should deliver the speech in your natural way i.e., you should not try to copy anyone's accent.

5. Is 'My School Life' a good title for a school farewell speech?

The title 'My School Life' sounds emotional, so if you are bidding a farewell to your school, you can choose this title for your speech as it would buy you others' attention. Once you tell other students and teachers about your past experiences with this school, they would enjoy that. They would get lost in your words once you start telling them about the old chapter related to your school life.

Student Essays

My school life days and memories

11 Essays on My School Life [ School Memories, Childhood, School Life ]

My school life memories and years essay, speech and paragraph. The essay includes primary, high school and college life memories, experiences, feelings and joys, first day and last of school life. The essay is for all 1,2,3,4,5,6,8,9,10,11 and 12 classes.

School Life Essay | Experiences, Joys, Memories, Achievements

The school life is the wonderful period of our life. Apart from getting education, the students learns  a lot of things from the school environment including; patience, sincerity, loyalty, sincerity, friendship, discipline etc. The school is really an unforgettable account of our experiences

1. Essay on My School Life Days, Experiences and Joys

Memories are the part and parcel of every one’s life. A man always remembers the good days he has passed. There are some good memories and some bad memories in life.

The good memories are the good experiences one gets in one’s life. The good memories includes; school life memories including primary, high school, college and university life memories. The memories of school life period, are definitely the treasure to cherish for the rest of your life. The school continuously plays and effective role in our later life period.

Related Post: Speech on My School Life Memories, For Students

The school life is the best life. A man, who has been the student, knows what school life is. The school life is the golden time period of learning. It truly impacts the life of students . The importance of school life can never be negated. The school life is important for children as well as for the grown up students alike.

We get good learning experience, the self confidence , motivation and the will to do the best. It is the school life that blesses with best ever friends for the rest of our life. The school life friends are like your old and sincere friends for the rest of your life. The school days are the best days of our lives. I have the best school life memories. They are like a treasure for me. The joys of school life are invaluable.

My school life days and memories

The school days are the best days of my life. I clearly remember my first day at school. My first day school life memories are still vivid. I can still feel how warmly I was welcomed at the school. That truly defines the importance of school life for a child.

As a child, I learned, cooperated, got myself motivated and groomed under the best company of my best friends. I remember the first year love and wishes from my teachers. That is why I always regard my primary school life memories as the treasure for my life.

I have the best friends today and the learning experience that I got from my high school. The high school life memories are the invaluable part. I did a lot of blunders and mistakes. But thanks to my sincere friends and true teachers I was always rescued. That is how I learned from high school life the true meaning of cooperation and love.

I had a lot of shortcoming. I still remember how ignorant I was during my school days. My school life memories make me realize how important school life is for anyone. Had it not been, I would have surely missed many things in my life. I would not be having good friends, good knowledge, good experience and the good memories.

The high school life days are very much filled with excitement. During high school life period, one becomes matured enough to understand the value of time. My high school life is a wonderful chapter in my entire memories. In that period I learned truly. I directed myself. I learned dedication, hard work, motivation and self actualization.

This is the period when I started working hard. Thanks to that hard work done, today I am happy with my career. I believe, what you learn during high school life or college life, it truly impacts the rest of your life.

One of my best high school memory was the day when I won prize in annual inter schools science fair. It was the moment of great pride for me, my parents and for my school. The Principal of our school gave me a shield. That shied is still with me.

I always had the habit, during my school life, to note down everything on a diary. During my free time I always open that diary. It helps me soothes my pain. It fulfills me with confidence and courage. I miss a lot friend of mine. I have a good amount of school life pictures.

Those school life pictures are like my best memories. I remember the days we celebrated, the extracurricular activities we took part in. I remember how happy were my parent when I obtain first position in my entire school. That’s the best part of my school life. It never let me be bored.

It is said that a person always remembers his first day at school and the last day at school. The first day a child remembers because he came there weeping. And the last day a student remember because he left the school weeping again. In my case, I remember clearly my first day at school and my last day at the school. The joys of school life are surely countless. Indeed, the school days are the best of our lives.

2. Essay on High School Life:

High school is a time in our lives that we will never forget. It is where we start to form our own identity and make lifelong memories. As I reflect on my high school experience, I realize how much it has shaped me into the person I am today.

The transition from middle school to high school can be both exciting and scary. For me, it was a bit of both. I was excited to have more freedom and opportunities, but at the same time, I was intimidated by the new environment and responsibilities. Nevertheless, I pushed myself to step out of my comfort zone and make the most out of my high school years.

One of the biggest highlights of my high school life was being part of various extracurricular activities. From joining the school newspaper to being a member of the drama club, I was able to explore my interests and develop new skills. These activities also allowed me to make new friends and create unforgettable memories.

Academically, high school challenged me in ways that I never thought possible. The workload was much heavier than middle school, but it taught me the importance of time management and discipline. I also had the opportunity to take advanced courses and push myself academically, which has helped me in my college journey.

But high school wasn’t just about academics and extracurriculars; it was also a time for personal growth. The four years of high school taught me valuable life lessons that I’ll carry with me forever. From learning how to deal with failures to building strong relationships with my peers, high school taught me the importance of resilience and self-growth.

However, like any other journey, my high school experience had its fair share of challenges. From dealing with peer pressure to balancing academics and extracurriculars, there were times when I felt overwhelmed. But these challenges only made me stronger and pushed me to become the best version of myself.

In conclusion, my high school life has been a rollercoaster ride filled with unforgettable moments, valuable lessons, and personal growth. I am grateful for the experiences that have shaped me into the person I am today.

3. Essay on My Unforgettable Experience in School:

Growing up, school was a huge part of my life. It was where I spent most of my days, learning new things and making memories with my friends. However, there was one particular experience that stood out to me and has stayed with me till this day.

It was during my high school years when my English teacher announced that we would be putting on a theatre production for the end of the year school play. I had always been interested in acting, but never had the opportunity to pursue it. This was my chance.

The excitement and nervousness that filled me as we went through rehearsals and prepared for the big day is something that I will never forget. It was a rollercoaster of emotions, from forgetting lines to perfecting our performances. But the bond that formed between my classmates and I was something truly special.

On the night of the performance, as I stood behind the curtains waiting for my cue, I couldn’t believe how far we had come. Throughout all the hard work and dedication, we had created a masterpiece. As the curtains opened and we performed in front of a packed audience, I felt a sense of pride and accomplishment that I had never experienced before.

That unforgettable experience in school taught me the power of teamwork, dedication, and the ability to overcome challenges. It also showed me the importance of stepping out of my comfort zone and trying new things. Looking back, I am grateful for that opportunity and all the lessons it taught me.

It truly was one of the most unforgettable experiences of my life. So, I encourage everyone to take advantage of any opportunities that come your way, you never know what amazing memories and lessons they may bring. Happy learning!

4. Short Essay on Primary School Memories:

As I sit down to write about my primary school memories, it feels like going down the memory lane. Those were truly some of the best days of my life. I remember walking into the school premises for the first time as a tiny, nervous child and feeling overwhelmed by everything around me. However, as days went by, this place became my second home.

My primary school was a small, close-knit community where everyone knew each other. The teachers were more like friends and mentors who encouraged us to pursue our interests and passions. I fondly remember the annual sports day, where we competed in various events with enthusiasm and camaraderie.

Apart from academics, my primary school also emphasized on co-curricular activities. I had the opportunity to participate in school plays, dance performances and even started a band with my classmates. These experiences not only helped me develop new skills but also gave me the confidence to express myself.

One of the most memorable moments was when our class went on a field trip to a nearby farm. We got to see how crops were grown, milked cows and even tasted fresh fruits and vegetables. It was a fun and educational experience that we still talk about to this day.

As I look back, I am grateful for the wonderful memories and friendships that I made during my time in primary school. They have shaped me into the person I am today and will always hold a special place in my heart. So whenever I feel nostalgic, I close my eyes and think of my primary school days, filled with laughter, learning and love. Memories truly are the most precious possessions we have.

Remembering them keeps us connected to our past and reminds us of the joys that lie ahead in life. So, cherish your memories and make new ones every day! Life is a journey, and it’s these little moments that make it worth living

5. Essay on School Days are the Best Days of our Lives:

School days, the phrase that brings back a flood of memories for many. For most of us, school was the first place we interacted with strangers and made friends who became like family. It’s a time when life is simple, and all we had to worry about was homework and getting good grades.

We often hear people say that school days are the best days of our lives, and I couldn’t agree more. These are the days when we experience a plethora of emotions – joy, fear, excitement, and sometimes even heartbreak. It’s during this time that we learn valuable life lessons that stay with us forever.

Looking back on my school days, I remember the carefree laughter with friends, the thrill of trying something new for the first time, and the endless possibilities that lay ahead. As children, we are filled with boundless energy and an insatiable curiosity to explore the world. School days gave us the platform to do just that.

Moreover, school was not just about academics; it also exposed us to different cultures, beliefs, and perspectives. We learned how to work in teams, communicate effectively, and take on leadership roles. These skills are essential in our personal and professional lives.

Even though school may have its challenges – long hours of studying or dealing with bullies – it’s a time we will always look back on with fondness. As we grow older, we realize that those simple days were the best days of our lives.

So let’s cherish these memories and be grateful for the experiences that shaped us into who we are today. After all, school days may have ended, but the lessons and memories will stay with us forever. So let’s make the most of our present, just like we did during our school days. Let’s live life without any regrets!

6. My First School Memories Essay:

As I sit down to think about my first school memories, a wave of nostalgia washes over me. The feeling is overwhelming and as I close my eyes, flashes of those early days come rushing back.

I remember walking into that big building for the very first time, clutching onto my mother’s hand tightly. Everything was so new and exciting, from the colorful walls to the friendly faces of my classmates. I couldn’t wait to start learning and exploring this new world.

My first day at school was a blur, but what stood out the most was meeting my teacher for the very first time. She had a warm smile and kind eyes that immediately put me at ease. She introduced herself and showed us around the classroom, explaining all the different areas and tools we would be using. I remember feeling so small in that big classroom, but also filled with a sense of wonder and curiosity.

As the days passed, school became my second home. I had made new friends, learned new things, and started to understand what it meant to be part of a community. Those early years were full of laughter, playtime, and endless curiosity. I remember our colorful art projects, singing in the school choir, and eagerly raising my hand to answer questions.

Looking back, those first school memories hold a special place in my heart. They shaped me into who I am today and instilled in me a love for learning that continues to this day. My first years of school were truly magical, and I will always be grateful for the experiences and memories that I carry with me. So, whenever I think about my first school memories, I can’t help but smile and feel a sense of joy and gratitude for those formative years.

7. Feeling About School Essay:

School. It’s a word that brings up mixed emotions for many people, especially students. As someone who has spent most of their life in school, I have experienced all the highs and lows that come with it.

On one hand, school has been a place of learning, growth and opportunities for me. It’s where I discovered my love for science and literature, made lifelong friends, and gained valuable skills that have helped me in my personal and professional life. I am grateful for the education I have received and the teachers who have guided me along the way.

On the other hand, school can also be a source of stress, pressure, and even boredom at times. The constant assignments, exams, and expectations can take a toll on students’ mental and physical well-being. It’s no wonder that many students struggle with anxiety and burnout during their academic years.

But beyond the academic aspects, school is also a place where we learn about ourselves and the world around us. We are exposed to different cultures, ideas, and perspectives, which broadens our understanding of society. We learn how to work in teams, overcome challenges, and take on responsibilities. These experiences are just as valuable as the lessons we learn from textbooks.

However, I also believe that school is not always the best environment for everyone to thrive in. The traditional education system may work for some students, but it can also leave many feeling frustrated and unfulfilled. It’s essential to recognize that every student has their unique strengths and passions, and the education system should cater to that.

In conclusion, my feelings about school are complex. It has been a place of growth and learning for me, but I also acknowledge its flaws and limitations. As we continue to evolve and improve our education system, it’s crucial to remember that every student’s experience is different

8. My Childhood School Memories Essay:

As I sit here and reflect on my childhood school memories, I can’t help but feel a sense of nostalgia. Some of the best times of my life were spent in school, surrounded by friends and teachers who shaped me into the person I am today.

I remember the excitement of starting kindergarten, with its bright colors and new experiences. It was my first taste of independence as I learned how to read, write and make new friends. As I moved on to elementary school, the days were filled with laughter and learning. I have fond memories of playing dodgeball during recess, participating in talent shows and going on field trips.

Middle school brought about a new set of challenges, but also some of my most cherished memories. It was during this time that I made lifelong friendships and discovered my love for music and sports. High school was a rollercoaster of emotions, but it was also where I learned valuable life lessons and made unforgettable memories.

My teachers played a crucial role in shaping my childhood school memories. They not only taught me academic subjects, but they also instilled values like respect, responsibility, and perseverance. They believed in me, encouraged me to dream big and helped me achieve my goals.

In conclusion, my childhood school memories hold a special place in my heart. They represent a time of innocence, discovery, and growth. Even though those days are long gone, the lessons I learned and the memories I made will stay with me forever. I am grateful for all the experiences and friendships that I gained during my school years, and I will always look back on them with a smile.

So to all the students out there, cherish your school memories and make the most of every moment because one day you’ll look back on them and realize how much they truly meant to you. Keep learning, growing and creating wonderful memories!

9. Best High School Memory Essay:

High school can be a rollercoaster ride for many students, filled with both highs and lows. For me, one of the most cherished memories from my high school days was during my sophomore year.

It was our school’s annual sports day event, where all students participated in various sports and games. I remember being part of the relay race team representing my class. We had been practicing for weeks, and I was determined to do my best.

As the day arrived, there was a sense of excitement and nervousness in the air. The entire school gathered at the stadium, cheering on their respective classes. When our turn came, I ran my heart out, giving it my all. Our team ended up winning the race, and I remember feeling an immense sense of pride and accomplishment.

But what made this memory truly special was the support and camaraderie I felt from my classmates. We were not just a team; we were a family, cheering each other on and celebrating our victory together.

Looking back, that moment taught me the power of teamwork, determination, and friendship. It’s a memory that I will always hold close to my heart and cherish for years to come. High school may have its ups and downs, but it’s moments like these that make the journey worthwhile. So, always cherish your high school memories because they are truly some of the best memories of our lives!

10. Essay on Last Year of School Life:

As a senior in high school, the thought of leaving my last year of school life behind and entering the “real world” is both exciting and terrifying. It’s a bittersweet feeling, knowing that this chapter of my life is coming to an end.

On one hand, I can’t wait to move on to new adventures and experiences. The freedom and independence that comes with college and adulthood is incredibly alluring. No more waking up early for class, no more strict schedules or rules to follow. I’ll finally have the chance to explore my interests and passions, make new friends, and take control of my own life.

But on the other hand, I can’t help but feel a sense of nostalgia for the past four years. High school has been a place of growth and learning, both academically and personally. I’ve made lifelong friendships, learned valuable lessons, and discovered who I am as a person. It’s scary to think that all of that will soon be left behind as I embark on a new journey.

As my last year of school life progresses, I find myself cherishing every moment more and more. I attend school events, participate in extracurricular activities, and spend time with my friends whenever possible. I know that these experiences will soon become memories, and I want to make the most of them while I can.

Leaving high school also means leaving behind the comfort and familiarity of my hometown. It’s a place where I’ve grown up and created countless memories. Saying goodbye to my family, friends, and the place I’ve called home for so long is a daunting thought.

But as much as it may be scary and sad to leave behind my last year of school life, I know that it’s necessary for growth and progress. And although I may leave this chapter of my life behind, the experiences and lessons will stay with me forever. As I move on to new adventures, I’ll always look back on my last year of school life with fondness and gratitude for all that it has taught me. So here’s to the last year of high school – may it be filled with memories, laughter, and bittersweet goodbyes as we prepare for the next chapter of our lives

11. My School Life Essay  ( 150-200, 300-500 Words )

I know what you’re thinking, “Another essay?” But hear me out, this one’s not about some boring topic that you’ll never use in your life. It’s about something we can all relate to – our school life.

School is something most of us have known since we were little. It’s where we learn and grow as individuals, make friends and create memories that we’ll cherish forever. It’s a place where we spend the majority of our time during our formative years, and it plays a crucial role in shaping who we become.

For some of us, school might have been a drag – long hours, boring lectures, endless exams. But for others (myself included), it was the best time of our lives. Sure, there were challenges and tough moments, but looking back, those experiences have helped us become who we are today.

One of the best things about school is the friendships we make. Our classmates become our partners in crime as we navigate through the ups and downs of academic life. They’re the ones who understand what it’s like to pull an all-nighter to finish a project or cram for an exam. And let’s not forget the inside jokes that only we and our classmates will understand.

Apart from friendships, school life also teaches us important life lessons. We learn discipline, time management, and responsibility as we juggle between classes, extracurricular activities, and personal commitments. We learn to work in teams, communicate effectively, and think critically. These are all skills that we’ll use throughout our lives, whether in further studies or in our careers.

But it’s not just about academics and life lessons, school life also gives us opportunities to explore our interests and passions. From joining a sports team to participating in drama productions, there’s something for everyone. These extracurricular activities not only provide a break from studying, but they also allow us to discover our talents and strengths.

And let’s not forget the unforgettable moments that make up our school life – field trips, school events, prom night, and graduation. These are all milestones that we’ll look back on with nostalgia and fondness. They’re also a reminder of how far we’ve come and the amazing memories we’ve created.

So, if you’re still in school, make the most of it. Take advantage of all the opportunities and experiences that come your way. And if you’ve already graduated, look back on your school life with a smile because those were some of the best years of our lives.

25 thoughts on “11 Essays on My School Life [ School Memories, Childhood, School Life ]”

Wow awesome report I will fudge it and use it 4 my own report thanks bye

Awesome . Nice experience of school 💖

Wow amazing report 🔥gave me inspiration for mobspeech …not meaning im copying tho 😪thanks

I think that is among the such a lot vital info for me. And i’m satisfied studying your article. However wanna commentary on some common issues, The website taste is wonderful, the articles is in point of fact nice : D. Just right job, cheers

Well done, the writer.

Amazing ,really helped me to focus on wt to write

Àwesome notice

This is very artist like paragraph

yaaa even I like it 🤘💖

Very nice report I like this outobiography thanks

Good I Like It

Great essay

Beautifully expressed 🖒❤😀 It was useful…

It was very nice and helpful to us wt and how to write our own life experience in school , relatives,near and dear etc… Thanks a lot

Thank you very much ❤️❤️

it never let s you feel board , I like that , thanks for sharing your article // have such a nice days in school actually good luck !

Very nice experience

Right this is good for a student absolutely right i am very for that thank you so much

So funny hahahahaha(sarcasm) 😀

My school memory is the such a wonderful part ok in my life. It’s was really how some feeling and wonderful experience. One day I leave from the World🌏 never come to back🔙 that’s line for suitable for my school days. It’s was not come to for following the life continues….. Missing my school days ans missing my lovely💕😍 friends👭👬👫

It is nice but it didn’t help me ☹

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5 Poems About School Life That Will Bring Back Memories and Emotions

the journey of school life

School life is a time of growth, learning, and discovery that shapes us in profound ways. From the joys of friendship and exploration to the challenges of exams and bullies, school life is a rich and complex experience that stays with us for a lifetime. To celebrate the many facets of school life, we’ve compiled five original and unique poems about school life.

These poems offer a poetic and insightful journey into the world of school, from its routines and rituals to its emotions and aspirations. Through vivid imagery and lyrical language, these poems capture the essence of school life and its ability to inspire, challenge, and transform us. Join us as we relive the memories and emotions of school life through the art of poetry.

Here are five poems about school life that will bring back memories and touch your heart.

The Adventure of Learning

School life, a journey of discovery, A path towards knowledge and victory, A place where learning is a treasure, A realm of curiosity and pleasure.

In classrooms, we gather and explore, Subjects and ideas that we adore, From math to science, literature to art, Our minds and hearts we impart.

Teachers guide us with their wisdom, Sharing their expertise and vision, Nurturing our growth and potential, Preparing us for the world that’s essential.

In libraries, we delve and wander, Discovering books that inspire and ponder, Words that ignite our imagination, Stories that spark our fascination.

In laboratories, we experiment and wonder, Exploring the mysteries of nature and wonder, Discovering the laws that govern the universe, Observing the wonders that we cannot rehearse.

In sports fields, we challenge and compete, Pushing ourselves to achieve and defeat, Testing our limits, building our stamina, Teaching us teamwork and the power of charisma.

In clubs and organizations, we unite, Sharing our interests, goals, and insights, Making new friends, fostering community, Creating bonds that last for eternity.

In the journey of school life, we learn, We discover, we grow, and we yearn, For knowledge, for truth, for wisdom, For the adventure of learning that’s not seldom.

So let us cherish the gift of education, Embrace the opportunities with anticipation, And make the most of the journey, For the adventure of learning is our destiny.

The Social Life of School

School life is more than just books and classes It’s a place where we make memories that last A time to build friendships and bonds so strong Where we learn to belong

The social life of school is where we thrive We learn to communicate, to connect and to strive To work in groups, to share our views To respect differences and break down our own taboos

We learn to listen and to empathize To support one another when someone cries We learn to laugh and to have fun To cherish each moment, till the day is done

The social life of school is a place to explore To discover new talents, and to open new doors To join a club, to play a sport To find our passion and to give it our all in every sort

We learn to lead and to be a team To work together towards a common dream To build something new and create a change To bring positivity and make our world a better range

The social life of school is where we find our voice To speak up, to express and to make a choice To stand for what’s right, to fight for what’s fair To be a role model, to lead and to share

As we grow, the memories we make Will stay with us, no matter what path we take The social life of school, is where we learn to live To love, to laugh, to give

So let’s cherish these moments, and make the most of our time To learn, to grow and to shine For school life is not just about academics and goals It’s about the social life, where we find our souls.

The Rhythm of Learning

In school life, we find a beat, A rhythm to keep us on our feet, A structure that helps us stay on track, And guides us on our learning track.

From the ringing of the morning bell, To the shuffling of books in our bags, We move from class to class, Our footsteps echoing in the halls.

With schedules and routines to follow, We learn the art of time management, Balancing work and play, And finding a pace that suits us best.

In the classroom, we sit up straight, Eager to learn and participate, Engaging with our teachers and peers, As we explore the subjects that we hold dear.

We take notes and ask questions, Absorbing knowledge like a sponge, From math and science to art and literature, We open our minds to the world around us.

But it’s not all work and no play, For in school life, there’s also time to socialize, To make new friends and strengthen old ties, And to enjoy the moments that make memories.

We cheer at games and pep rallies, Attend dances and school plays, And take part in clubs and activities, Finding our passions and exploring our ways.

Through it all, we learn to persevere, To face challenges and overcome our fears, To push ourselves to be the best we can be, And to reach for the stars with tenacity.

For in school life, we find the beat, The rhythm that keeps us on our feet, The structure that helps us stay on track, And guides us on our learning track.

A Journey of Challenges and Growth

School life, a journey of challenges and growth Where students learn to rise up, and show their worth Challenging expectations, rigorous academics A life filled with tests, lectures, and lots of antics

The classroom is a place where minds come alive Where knowledge is gained, and skills are derived Math, science, literature, and history The curriculum is diverse, and its learning is a mystery

Challenging oneself to reach new heights To excel in studies and never lose sight Of the goals we set for ourselves each day To become better versions of us in every way

But school life isn’t just about books and notes It’s about the memories we make, the friends we vote To be part of our lives, to laugh and to play And share our experiences in every possible way

The challenges aren’t just academic, they’re social too Navigating the cliques, the drama, and who’s who Learning to find our place, to stand up and be heard To find our own voice, and speak up without a word

We learn to cope with stress, and manage our time To balance our studies, our hobbies, and our prime To find joy in the little things, to savor each day And to never lose sight of our goals, come what may

School life is a journey of challenges and growth Of laughter, tears, and memories that we’ll both Treasure for life, and look back on with a smile As we journey through life, mile by mile

So let us embrace the challenges that come our way And find the strength to overcome them each day For school life is a journey that shapes who we’ll be And it’s up to us to make the most of it, and set ourselves free.

The Formative Years

School life, a journey we embark upon, Where we learn and grow, and life goes on. A time of self-discovery, of exploration, Where we gain knowledge and gain inspiration.

The classroom is our daily abode, Where we learn of science, history and code, Where teachers are our guides and friends, Who help us understand, until the learning never ends.

We form friendships, we share laughs, We learn from our peers, in different paths. We find our voice, our passions, our strengths, And become more self-aware, at any length.

Our school days form the foundation, Of who we are, our future and our station. We learn values, ethics, and empathy, And we cultivate a love for diversity.

We learn to work in teams, and alone, We learn to set goals and aim for the unknown. We develop skills, and habits, and routines, And become well-rounded individuals, so serene.

The playground is where we unwind and play, Where we let loose, and dance and sway. Where we learn to share, to give and take, And respect others, in every shape and make.

The school years are our formative years, Where we find our calling, our passions and our cheers. We shape our character, our attitude and our mind, And become leaders of tomorrow, so kind.

We leave school, but the memories remain, Of laughter, tears, and moments so mundane. We cherish the friends, the teachers, the experience, And we go forth with confidence, without any hindrance.

School life, a journey that never ends, Where we learn to love, and care and mend. Where we grow into our best selves, And live a life, with joy and no delves.

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Written by Gabriel Cruz - Foodie, Animal Lover, Slang & Language Enthusiast

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Lynn Manning John poses in the desert facing to her left

Back to School: Lynn Manning John's Life Comes Full Circle

The College of Education Alumna of the Year works to land much-needed funding for the school where her educational journey began — and where she returned as principal.

Lynn Manning John, the 2024 College of Education Alumna of the Year, recently lobbied for $65 million in state funds for the Elko County School District. A portion of that money is being used to build a long-overdue new building for Owyhee Combined School — the institution John attended and where she now serves as principal. (Photo by Michael Roberts)

  • September 3, 2024
  • By Matt Jacob

Editor's Note:

Lynn manning john.

It long ago became cliché to label educators as “difference makers,” but just because it’s trite doesn’t mean it’s untrue. And there’s no better example of a difference-making educator than Lynn Manning John.

Look no further than Manning John’s recent efforts to secure state funding for a long-overdue new home for Owyhee Combined School, a K-12 institution that sits on the ancestral lands of the Shoshone-Paiute Tribes on the Duck Valley Indian Reservation in northeastern Nevada, just below the southern border of Idaho.

Manning John’s lobbying of and testimony before the 82nd Nevada State Legislature in 2023 was hugely instrumental in the passage of Assembly Bill 519, which establishes provisions for capital projects in the state’s school districts. The measure passed both legislative chambers with near unanimous support. And folded into the bill was nearly $65 million in funding for the Elko County School District.

That’s the district that operates Owyhee Combined School. It’s the place where Manning John began her scholastic journey as a kindergartner, where she graduated in 1994, and where she had been serving as vice principal until June — when she was promoted to principal.

It’s also where recent students — most of them Native Americans — have been forced to attend classes in an archaic building that’s been standing for more than 70 years. One whose exterior is riddled with bullet holes, and whose interior has no air-conditioning, no screens covering the windows, and bat colonies residing in the ceilings.

On top of all that, the school’s remote location has never been within walking distance of the residential communities where its students live.

Soon, though, all of this will change. Because a good chunk of that $65 million in state funds from Assembly Bill 519 is being used to build a new state-of-the-art, easily accessible Owyhee Combined School. When it opens in a few years, current and future generations of Owyhee students will have — thanks in large part to Manning John’s hard work, passion, and dedication — the kind of educational leg up that eluded previous generations.

It’s all incredibly gratifying for Manning John. Not just because she’s now in charge of the school she attended throughout the formative years of her life, but because she is a member of the Shoshone-Paiute Tribe, having grown up on the Duck Valley Indian Reservation. 

“I am humbled to have been involved in the efforts to lobby for and obtain legislation to build a new school for my community,” Manning John says. “It’s a legacy that will be felt by my community for years to come.”

Manning John’s tireless fight for a new school is but one of many instances in her career in which she has worked to make a transformational difference in the lives of young learners — particularly those from oft-ignored Indigenous communities.

For example, shortly after finishing her master’s at UNLV in 2004, Manning John was hired as project facilitator for the Clark County School District’s Indian Education Opportunities Program, becoming the first Native person to hold the position.

Manning John’s primary responsibility was to work with Clark County’s reservation communities — as well as the greater urban Indian population throughout Southern Nevada — to create programming and opportunities for Native students. She also was charged with spreading awareness about Native people — specifically Native people of Nevada.

More recently, Manning John reconnected with the UNLV College of Education on a workforce development program that’s designed to put Owyhee students on the path to professional success. Through the mutually beneficial partnership, students will learn valuable skills in such fields as community health, cybersecurity, social services, and education — all of which face critical employment shortages in Nevada — while at the same time gaining exposure to a world-class university they might someday choose to attend.

The fact that Manning John’s fingerprints are all over these (and countless other) initiatives that are designed to uplift a traditionally disenfranchised community — not to mention positively alter the futures of its people — is nothing short of inspiring. 

She indeed epitomizes the cliché “difference-making educator.” Which is why she was selected as the 2024 UNLV College of Education Alumna of the Year.

It’s an honor that Manning John is deeply grateful to receive. Just don’t expect her to sprain a shoulder patting herself on the back for all that she’s done.

“When it comes down to it, like everyone else from my community, I am a ‘rez kid’,” Manning John says, referencing her Native upbringing. “I try to stay grounded, not put myself above or before anyone, and support the efforts of the next generation. And when kids from that next generation succeed, I feel like I have succeeded.”

Lynn Manning John leans against a rock wall while posing in the Nevada desert

When did you first consider a career in education?

While pursuing my undergraduate degree at Smith College in Northampton, Massachusetts, I enrolled in an education class and I took right to it. Both of my parents have degrees in education, so I guess you could say that being an educator runs in my blood.

After that first education class, that was it — I was going to be an educator.

What led you to UNLV to pursue your graduate degree?

I was a teacher at Marion Earl Elementary School [in southwest Las Vegas] and was approached by Joe Rekrut, my building principal, about applying for the UNLV Principal Cohort. I participated in an interview process and was one of about 20 individuals who were selected.

The cohort was comprised of teachers from across the Clark County School District and was designed to work with our schedules in mind. It proved to be a good fit for me.

Beyond academics, how would you describe your UNLV experience?

I really enjoyed my cohort and the relationships I made. I also enjoyed being part of UNLV’s Native American community. Kyle Ethelbah (Apache) was UNLV’s lead for Native students and was a great resource. Professor P. Jane Hafen (Taos Pueblo) was a staff member I admired. Also, I was involved in several events that UNLV hosted for Native students. 

Those Native students came to UNLV from across the region, so having the opportunity to engage and build community outside of our home communities was invaluable. As Native people in urban settings, we search each other out, and those relationships sustain and support us.

Your first job after graduating from UNLV was to lead the Clark County School District’s Indian Education Opportunities Program. In what ways did you leverage the program to educate non-Natives about your people and culture?

Most of CCSD’s teachers came from places other than Nevada, so they were largely unfamiliar with who we are as a people. So, I started visiting elementary schools and giving presentations. It wasn’t long before I was visiting two schools each day. Eventually, I decided I wanted to visit each of CCSD’s 360 elementary schools within two years, a time frame I knew was required to meet that goal. I also visited numerous middle and high schools.

At each presentation I tried to bridge the gap between the widely circulated black-and-white historical images of Natives that most non-Natives are used to seeing and the modern people who we are today. In doing this, I realized that most people had never met a Native person before, so I took both care and pride in representing our people positively and accurately. 

For instance, I made it a point to never show up in traditional Native regalia or play into stereotypes. I have never performed “Nativeness.” I show up as myself — Lynn, a newe mogo’ni (Shoshone-Paiute woman) — and I educate.

What has been your single greatest accomplishment in educational leadership? And, what is the biggest challenge/obstacle you’re still battling?

They’re actually one in the same: I am the lead administrator of the K-12 school where I both began kindergarten and graduated high school. I also serve the tribal community that I come from — the Duck Valley Shoshone-Paiute Tribe. The future of my tribe is in my building. The next generation of tribal leaders are being educated in the school that I now lead. 

That is both a tremendous gift and a tremendous responsibility. 

A recent UNLV graduate who is about to embark on their career in educational leadership asks you for one “must do” and one “most don’t.” What’s your response?

The big “must do”: Look for the good and potential in every student. Because every kid is worthy, and every kid deserves your best.

The big “must don’t”: Never underestimate a kid based on their background. Always remember these two words: kids can — no matter where they come from or what their background is.

What does the phrase “Rebel Spirit” mean to you?

It means approaching life with a “can-do” attitude. Circumstances may not always lean in your favor, but that doesn’t mean you can’t succeed or reach your goals. Rebel Spirit also means that sometimes you have to stand alone, but always remembering that you have it within yourself to be great.

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School Life: A Journey of Discovery and Transformation

Abhinandan Kaul

School life is a period filled with experiences, growth, and preparation for the future. It plays a vital role in shaping our personalities, building character, and providing us with a strong foundation for success. From the friendships we forge to the knowledge we acquire, the importance of school life cannot be overstated.

One of the fundamental aspects of school life is the acquisition of knowledge. Schools provide us with a structured curriculum that covers various subjects, from mathematics and science to literature and history. The knowledge gained in school equips us with the tools to understand the world around us and fosters intellectual growth. Moreover, it paves the way for higher education and opens doors to a wide range of career opportunities.

However, school life is not just about textbooks and examinations. It is also a platform for social interactions, where we develop essential interpersonal skills. From the first day of school, we learn to navigate social dynamics, make friends, and interact with teachers and classmates. These interactions teach us valuable lessons in communication, teamwork, and empathy.

School life exposes us to diverse cultures, backgrounds, and perspectives, fostering tolerance and understanding. The relationships formed during school years have a lasting impact on our lives. Friends become our support system, offering companionship, encouragement, and shared experiences. These friendships often extend beyond the school gates and continue into adulthood. They provide a network of connections that can be valuable in personal and professional life. The bonds forged during school years contribute to our emotional well-being, boosting confidence and self-esteem.

In addition to knowledge and social skills, school life nurtures personal growth and character development. It is a period of self-discovery, where we explore our interests, talents, and passions. Extracurricular activities such as sports, music, art, and debate enable us to pursue our interests outside the classroom. These activities foster discipline, resilience, and perseverance, instilling values that shape our character.

Furthermore, school life teaches us important life skills that go beyond academic knowledge. We learn time management, organization, and problem-solving skills that are crucial in the real world. From balancing homework and extracurricular activities to meeting deadlines and completing projects, school life prepares us for the challenges we will encounter in our professional careers.

School life also plays a pivotal role in shaping our values and ethics. Through lessons in morality, civics, and ethics, we learn about fairness, honesty, and respect for others. Schools provide a nurturing environment where these values are reinforced and celebrated. They instill in us a sense of social responsibility and civic duty, preparing us to become responsible citizens who contribute positively to society.

Beyond personal development, school life also has a significant impact on our future prospects. The education we receive in school lays the foundation for higher education and specialized careers. A strong academic background opens doors to universities, scholarships, and employment opportunities. School life equips us with the skills and knowledge necessary to pursue higher education and succeed in our chosen fields.

Moreover, school life exposes us to a variety of subjects, allowing us to discover our interests and aptitudes. It helps us identify our strengths and weaknesses, enabling us to make informed decisions about our future paths. By exploring different subjects and fields, we gain a broader perspective and develop critical thinking skills that are invaluable in today’s rapidly changing world.

Thus, school life is a transformative period that shapes our lives in multiple ways. It provides us with knowledge, skills, and experiences that prepare us for the challenges and opportunities of the future. From academic learning to personal growth, from friendships to character development, the impact of school life is profound. It equips us with the tools necessary to navigate the complexities of life and empowers us to reach our full potential. The lessons learned, both inside and outside the classroom, create a solid foundation for personal and professional success!

the journey of school life

nostalgic read.. keep it up

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the journey of school life

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Interesting Literature

10 of the Best Poems about School

By Dr Oliver Tearle (Loughborough University)

Whether it’s Wordsworth recalling his schooldays in The Prelude , or Shakespeare’s Jaques describing the schoolboy ‘creeping like snail / Unwillingly to school’, poets have often written about school, whether fondly or critically, from the teacher’s or the pupil’s perspective.

Here are ten of the finest poems about school and schooldays, teachers and pupils, classrooms and chalkboards.

1. Oliver Goldsmith, ‘ The Village Schoolmaster ’.

Goldsmith’s depiction of a genial village schoolteacher, who is viewed by the locals as a kind of demigod, is not one that has lasted, alas, into the modern age. But when Goldsmith was writing, learning and literacy were looked up to, and the man who possessed their gifts was revered:

The village all declar’d how much he knew; ’Twas certain he could write, and cipher too: Lands he could measure, terms and tides presage, And e’en the story ran that he could gauge. In arguing too, the parson own’d his skill, For e’en though vanquish’d he could argue still; While words of learned length and thund’ring sound Amazed the gazing rustics rang’d around; And still they gaz’d and still the wonder grew, That one small head could carry all he knew …

2. William Blake, ‘ The School Boy ’. 

But to go to school in a summer morn,- O it drives all joy away! Under a cruel eye outworn, The little ones spend the day In sighing and dismay.

Ah then at times I drooping sit, And spend many an anxious hour; Nor in my book can I take delight, Nor sit in learning’s bower, Worn through with dreary shower …

The speaker of ‘The School Boy’ is, appropriately enough, a schoolboy. He tells us how much he loves to get up early on a summer morning, listening to the huntsmen blasting their horns and the birdsong.

What he  doesn’t  like is having to go to school. The ‘cruel eye’ of the stern schoolmaster makes school anything but a pleasant experience. The boys all sit unhappily in ‘sighing and dismay’, and the schoolboy speaker sits drooping in his chair, anxious and unhappy, unable to learn …

3. W. B. Yeats, ‘ Among School Children ’.

I walk through the long schoolroom questioning; A kind old nun in a white hood replies; The children learn to cipher and to sing, To study reading-books and history, To cut and sew, be neat in everything In the best modern way—the children’s eyes In momentary wonder stare upon A sixty-year-old smiling public man …

Inspired by a visit the 60-year-old Yeats made to a convent school in Ireland, ‘Among School Children’ is considered one of his finest late poems. Visiting the school prompts an extended meditation on the passage of time, on his great muse Maud Gonne, and on Yeats’s own life.

4. Langston Hughes, ‘ Theme for English B ’.

Hughes (1901-67) was one of the leading poets of the Harlem Renaissance in the 1920s.

This poem is about the experience of being a black boy – the only one in his class – at a New York School in the early twentieth century. Hughes writes that his experience of the world will be different from his white peers, and yet they – and their white teacher – are united by being American.

This acknowledgment of what brings them together, but also what marks them out as different, underpins this poem, which we discuss in more detail in a separate post .

5. Vernon Scannell, ‘ Ageing Schoolmaster ’.

This views the start of another school year in September from the schoolmaster’s perspective, rather than his pupils’. He associates the chalk and the board and the classroom with his own mortality, with each September bringing him closer to the grave – and this feeling is only made more piquant by gazing out upon all the ‘April faces’ of the young schoolchildren, who have their whole lives ahead of them.

6. Philip Larkin, ‘ The School in August ’.

It wasn’t until the late 1940s that Larkin (1922-85) really began to find his own voice as a poet, but of the poems he wrote in his early years, ‘The School in August’ (1943) is one of the best, written when he was still in his early twenties.

In a way the poem, which describes a school in the quiet summer holidays when it is left empty and unused, anticipates Larkin’s later work, with its emphasis on the brevity of life, the sense of time slipping away from us, youth turning quickly to maturity and then age.

7. Allan Ahlberg, ‘ Please Mrs Butler ’.

This poem appeals to both children and teachers alike, thanks to its structure: the odd stanzas are spoken by a particularly talkative child complaining about what other children are doing, and the even stanzas comprise the teacher Mrs Butler’s responses to the child’s requests, with mounting frustration.

Anyone who’s endured a particularly fraught and annoying class at school (and let’s face it, which of us hasn’t?) will find something that strikes a chord here.

8. Seamus Heaney, ‘ Death of a Naturalist ’.

‘Death of a Naturalist’ – the title poem from Heaney’s first collection of poems, published in 1966 – is a poem about a rite of passage, and realising that the reality of the world does not match our expectations of it.

Here, specifically, it is sexuality which is the theme: the speaker is appalled and repulsed by the reproductive cycle of frogs, which doesn’t quite tally with the view of nature offered by his teacher, Miss Walls.

We have analysed this poem here .

9. Carol Ann Duffy, ‘ In Mrs Tilscher’s Class ’.

There aren’t many modern or contemporary poems which recall schooldays with affection, but ‘In Mrs Tilscher’s Class’ does just that. Duffy paints a fond picture of her time at primary school and on the brink of adolescence, powerfully suggested by the poem’s final image of the sky breaking into a thunderstorm.

10. Simon Armitage, ‘ You May Turn Over and Begin ’.

This poem is about sitting the General Studies A-Level exam, and how the young speaker’s thoughts become side-tracked by thoughts of girls and the desire to lose his virginity. ‘You May Turn Over and Begin …’ is a quintessentially Armitigian piece, blending humour, verve, and a darker meaning about coming of age.

Discover more classic poetry with these poems about work , these poems about animals of all kinds , these fine devotional and religious poems , and these poems for birthday occasions .

the journey of school life

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2 thoughts on “10 of the Best Poems about School”

Thank you for sharing. Some are new to me.

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Speech on My School Life in English in simple and easy words

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‘My School Life’ is often a subject of writing for the school students. It is also the favorite topic of many students as they can very well relate with it and share their thoughts on the same quite effortlessly. Even students are asked to prepare or deliver a speech on My School Life as part of their classroom assignment.

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Long and Short Speech on My School Life in English

Realizing the importance of this topic, we have comprehensively covered here both the short speeches on My School Life and long speeches on My School Life. If you face any difficulty while preparing the subject matter, you can quickly visit our website and experience a rich learning exercise through the medium of our speeches and essays. So what are you waiting for? Just browse through our website and avail the benefits.

My School Life 1

Dear Friends – I hope this day finds you in the best of spirits!

Today on the speech giving day, I – Pratishtha Singh from Class-VIII (B) – would like to deliver a speech on My School Life. I am sure we all will have something or the other to say about our school lives. Isn’t it?

The very word ‘School’ carries a lot of emotions with it and we are transported to a world where we spend half of our day studying, reading and writing, then enjoying other co-curricular activities too such as sports, dance, music, etc. We imbibe a lot in the school environment where our personalities and characters are shaped and we are prepared for the nation’s building exercise. The foundation of our early years is very important as it informs our future and this very foundation is being laid down by our school. I am in VIII standard at present and so far my journey in this school has been excellent; in fact whatever I am today I owe it all to my school.

I want to thank my parents for sending me to one of the best schools of our town and I also want to thank our hon’ble principal and teachers for being so considerate all the time and always working for the better prospects of their students. I especially want to thank my class teacher for being so patient and kind with us and always showing ready nature for resolving our queries. My school life has been best so far and there are no laments or regrets for anything. My school has given me a lot many things, i.e. it has made me confident, independent and knowledgeable. The fact that I have brought home awards and trophies in Science and Maths subjects in Olympiad as well as inter-school competition; reveal a lot about my schooling and the hard work that my teachers have put in towards our mental and intellectual growth.

There is no reason to doubt that if such school as ours continues to thrive all across the country then no one can stop our nation from growing by leaps and bounds. Needless to say, a nations’ growth is directly proportional to the development of its youth and if the future of youth is laid waste then no one can save the future of that nation from plunging into obscurity. And if the youth thrives the nation also thrives. This is the reason why so much stress is laid down on educating the youth and making them independent and imparting them different skills so that employment can be generated and more and more of our youth can find the opportunities for showcasing their talent and making their nation proud.

So I firmly believe that schools play a very important role in our society without the existence of which any nation would be reduced to a state of gross barbarity.

This is all I have to say, thank you so much for being such a great audience.

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My School Life 2

Hello Folks – Warm Greetings of the day to all of you!

I hope life is treating you well. Before I begin with the speech on My School Life, I want to thank our class teacher for giving me the opportunity to speak in front of you all and deliver a speech. I know this exercise will help remove all my inhibitions and give me enough confidence to speak. The subject of my speech is interesting and does not require any preparation at all as it will all flow from my heart.

What do I say about my school life? So far so good! The journey has been incredibly great and I have quite evolved in these preceding 12 years so much so that I am now ready for the next level challenges. Excitement is high in the air! After scoring highest marks in my 10 th board exam, I am exhilarated and boosted with enough confidence to launch myself for the upcoming challenges. I can say this because of the immense support I have received from all my teachers. Had that support not been there I wouldn’t have brought this glory home.

Whatever I am today is all because of my teachers and nothing can take this credit away from them. I am extremely thankful to my school for providing us with all the quintessential resources needed for our growth and development. Whether it’s the libraries or labs, time to time conducted workshops or our extra classes – everything has helped us a lot in getting closer to our dreams. If we as students come across any hindrance in our studies we can directly report it to our principal. The management is smooth and pretty systematic in our school. It doesn’t take days and months to resolve our query as quick decisions and actions are taken. This is the reason why our school has gone on to achieve benchmarks after benchmarks and needless to say is counted amongst one of the best schools of Dwarka.

I can proudly say that my school is the best school and whoever passes out from this school is bound to land successfully somewhere and will definitely make it to the best. The best part about my school is that it doesn’t function with a view to ameliorate the immediate present, but constantly works towards achieving a vision that it has envisaged for itself. If our future is secure then we are secure and this is the primary goal of our school, i.e. to safeguard our future by molding us in such a manner that we can derive strength from our own selves and overcome any obstacle in life.

There couldn’t have been a better school for me than this which has greatly honed my skills and showcased my talent so well that today I feel proud of my achievements and so are my teachers and parents. In the end, I only wish for my school unbounded success and glory.

Thank you everyone!

My School Life 3

Greetings of the day everyone – I hope you are doing well!

Before I deliver speech on My School Life, let me welcome everyone to the speech ceremony of today. The speech topic of today is My School Life and I am so excited to share my thoughts on the same.

School life is an exciting phase in everyone’s life, I am sure you all will agree. In fact, my school life has been so enriching that I cannot thank enough my parents for sending me to the best school and of course my teachers for being such a guiding torch in the entire journey. My teachers have been an influential factor in my life, helped shape my personality and shared a lot with us from their immense reservoir of knowledge. Whatever I am today is all because of my school and the kind of grooming they have given me in my early years.

Other than academics, I thoroughly enjoyed other co-curricular activities, such as being a part of the basketball fraternity, cricket federation, debate society, etc. This entire journey has been really exciting and I have grown as a person, as an individual. It is rightly said that “school life is the best life” and this phrase sums up the whole crux of it because during the entire 12-year period we learn something new and something innovating. School provides us with a stirring environment where we grow; we learn; experience new things; make friends and gain the confidence to face the world outside. It is therefore the best phase in a student’s life where he/she greatly evolves and gain the ability to think critically.

School also teaches us discipline and the value of time without which we can never achieve our aims and goals in life. The exams that we give during the school days help us prepare for the big challenges in life. There is no reason for me to doubt that it is a place where we experience an over round development of our being, where our scholastic abilities grow, where our horizon widens and we are exposed to numerous possibilities of learning new things and molding our personalities in the best way possible. Though every phase in our lives has its own importance, but we can never imbibe as much as we do from our school lives because it is a long 12-year journey. Isn’t it?

I can never get over the indelible impression that my school has left over me – that time of waking up early morning, preparing for school, walking inside the classrooms, reading, writing, finishing the assignments, appearing for the examination, participating in annual functions, debate competitions and of course last but not the least sports too. Nothing was left untouched as my school has taught me a lot, which I would never be able to thank my school for.

A good school always imparts value education to its students and this value education is not confined to just books, but goes beyond that which helps a child his/her lifetime. This is all I have to say.

Thank you so much!

My School Life 4

Dear Friends – Warm Greetings to all of you!

Before we begin with the celebration today, please allow me to honor our chief guest, principal, vice principal and all our teachers.

I am extremely glad to welcome everyone today at our school annual function. I, Pushkar Chawla, from Class-XII (B), am your host for today and feel honored to have shared the stage with my class teacher Dr. Naina Gupta who is truly an inspiration for me. This annual function is indeed very special for all of us and we eagerly await this day for unbounded fun and celebration. But this time friends, I promise you some extra doses of laughter and enjoyment with some really engaging games.

Besides, I also would like to express my feelings today because this is our last year in school and post that our higher secondary education would be completed and so our journey in the school. Therefore, on this auspicious day I would like to say a few words for my school and would also like to express my gratitude for bestowing on us the wealth of knowledge.

It feels like yesterday when I took admission in this school, but it was long 10 years back when my father got me here. At that time I was a child and then my educational journey began. I entered in X standard and now I stand here as a grown up individual waiting to emerge with flying colors.

From learning to read and write, this school has taught me everything from the scratch. Here, I have not just passed the examinations, but have learnt to overcome difficulties and be a strong individual. We are not only taught lessons in class, but are given some precious lifelong lessons which will stay with us all our lives. We are taught how discipline plays a key role in accomplishing our goals and why it is important to value time. Then other than academics, we are pushed to be a part of other co-curricular activities. Whereas I excelled in basketball, my other friends excelled in cricket, some in dance, some in music, etc. Inter school competitions were often organized so that we can learn to compete in a healthy manner and can best realize our potential.

We were given ample opportunities to showcase our talent and skill. It is all because of this that we are confident individuals and have learnt to conduct ourselves in the world outside. Had this school not been there as our backbone and as our firm support, we wouldn’t have been the kind of personalities that we are today, i.e. strong and dynamic. A school therefore plays a really significant role in laying the scholastic foundation of a child and I feel lucky enough to have been sent to such a school as this is a place where every child is nurtured with a lot of care and attention.

In the end all I want to say is that I am a proud student of our ABC School. Now, let the show begins.

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Inspired Life

77 Positive and Inspiring Journey Quotes

Embark on a journey of a lifetime with these inspiring journey quotes. Life’s a thrilling ride, filled with ups and downs.

It’s about braving the storms and cherishing time spent with loved ones.

So whether your path is spiritual, an exciting travel adventure, or just starting something new in life, let these quotes fuel your spirit for exploration and discovery.

Journey quotes to begin your path towards greatness

1. “Never give up on your dreams, no matter how painful and difficult your journey is.” – Lisa

2. “The journey is never ending. There’s always gonna be growth, improvement, adversity; you just gotta take it all in and do what’s right, continue to grow, continue to live in the moment.” – Antonio Brown

3. “The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.” – Lao Tzu

positive journey quotes

4. “Sometimes its more about the journey than the destination.” – Jamal Crawford

5. “Success is a journey, not a destination. The doing is often more important than the outcome.” – Arthur Ashe

6. “Focus on the journey, not the destination. Joy is found not in finishing an activity but in doing it.” – Greg Anderson

New journey quotes to inspire your success

7. “Not all those who wander are lost.” – J.R.R. Tolkien

8. “Sometimes it’s the journey that teaches you a lot about your destination.” – Drake

inspiring journey quotes

9. “Sometimes we make the process more complicated than we need to. We will never make a journey of a thousand miles by fretting about how long it will take or how hard it will be. We make the journey by taking each day step by step and then repeating it again and again until we reach our destination.” – Joseph B. Wirthlin

10. “Enjoy the journey and try to get better every day. And don’t lose the passion and the love for what you do.” – Nadia Comaneci

11. “Struggle teaches you a lot of things, and I am happy that I witnessed a roller coaster ride. The journey has improved me as a person and made me more matrure.” – Manoj Bajpayee

12. “Life is short and we have never too much time for gladdening the hearts of those who are traveling the dark journey with us. Oh be swift to love, make haste to be kind.” – Henri Frederic Amiel

Life is a journey quotes

13. “Life is a journey that must be traveled no matter how bad the roads and accommodations.” – Oliver Goldsmith

14. “Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference.” – Robert Frost

15. “Learn to trust the journey, even when you do not understand it.” – Lolly Daskal

the journey of school life

16. “Life is a journey that have a lot of different paths, but any path you choose, use it as your destiny.” – Unknown

17. “The beautiful journey of today can only begin when we learn to let go of yesterday.” – Steve Maraboli

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18. “Life is a journey, not a destination.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

motivational journey quotes

19. “Everyday you got a chance to make your journey more beautiful than yesterday.” – Nitin Namdeo

20. “Every day is a journey and the journey itself is home.” – Matsuo Basho

21. “Everybody has their own story; everything has their own journey.” – Thalia

Enjoy the journey quotes

22. “Enjoy the journey as much as the destination.” – Marshall Sylver

your journey quotes

23. “Enjoy the journey of life and not just the endgame.” – Benedict Cumberbatch

24. “Enjoy the journey and try to get better everyday. And don’t lose the passion and the love for what you do.” – Nadia Comaneci

25. “Enjoy the journey, the destination will come.” – Verghese

26. “Don’t wait for everything to be perfect before you decide to enjoy your life.” – Joyce Meyer

27. “Dream big, stay positive, work hard, and enjoy the journey.” – Urijah Faber

28. “The key to realizing a dream is to focus not on success but significance, and then even the small steps and little victories along your path will take on greater meaning.” – Oprah Winfrey

29. “Aim for the sky, but move slowly, enjoying every step along the way. It is all those little steps that make the journey complete.” – Chanda Kochar

30. “Enjoy the journey, enjoy every moment, and quit worrying about winning and losing.” – Matt Biondi

31. “Stop worrying about the potholes in the road and enjoy the journey.” – Babs Hoffman

spiritual quotes about life journey

32. “I haven’t been everywhere but its on my list.” – Susan Sontag

33. “You must remain focused on your journey to greatness.” – Les Brown

Inspirational journey quotes

34. “You can never regret anything you do in life. You kind of have to learn the lesson from whatever the experience is and take it with you on your journey forward.” – Aubrey O’Day

35. “Life is a journey. When we stop, things don’t go right.” – Pope Francis

quotes about the end of a journey

36. “There’s no map for you to follow and take your journey. You are Lewis and Clark. You are the mapmaker.” – Phillipa Soo

37. “I’m different than most people. When I cross the finish line of a big race, I see that people are ecstatic, but I’m thinking about what I’m going to do tomorrow. It’s as if my journey is everlasting, and there is no finish line.” – David Goggins

38. “We don’t receive wisdom; we must discover it for ourselves after a journey that no one can take for us or spare us.” – Marcel Proust

39. “Though the road’s been rocky it sure feels good to me.” – Bob Marley

quotes about journey of life

40. “We are at our very best, and we are happiest, when we are fully engaged in work we enjoy on the journey toward the goal we’ve established for ourselves. It gives meaning to our time off and comfort to our sleep. It makes everything else in life so wonderful, so worthwhile.” – Earl Nightingale

41. “Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become.” – Steve Jobs

42. “If my ship sails from sight, it doesn’t mean my journey ends, it simply means the river bends.” – Enoch Powell

Motivational journey quotes 

43. “Make voyages. Attempt them. There’s nothing else.” – Tennessee Williams

44. “Gotta take that adventure in order to understand your journey.” – Jennifer Pierre

quotes on life journey

45. “Believe you can and you’re halfway there.” – Theodore Roosevelt

46. “The beauty of my journey is that it’s always been pretty unpredictable, so stay tuned.” – Andreja Pejic

47. “The journey not the arrival matters.” – T.S. Eliot

48. “The future depends on what you do today.” – Mahatma Gandhi

49. “The goal is to die with memories, not dreams.” – Unknown

50. “Never throughout history has a man who lived a life of ease left a name worth remembering.” – Theodore Roosevelt

51. “The harder you work from something, the greater you’ll feel when you achieve it.” – Sudhashree Acharya

52. “Once you have traveled, the voyage never ends, but is played out over and over again in the quietest chambers. The mind can never break off from the journey.” – Pat Conroy

53. “The only impossible journey is the one you never begin.” – ILHQ

long journey quotes

54. “When setting out on a journey do not seek advice from someone who never left home.” – Rumi

Positive journey quotes

55. “You may only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.” – Mae West

everyone has their own journey quotes

56. “Every day you got a chance to make your journey more beautiful than yesterday.” – Nitin Namdeo

57. “Stay positive. Better days are on their way.” – Unknown

58. “Your destiny is to fulfill those things upon which you focus most intently. So choose to keep your focus on that which is truly magnificent, beautiful, uplifting and joyful. Your life is always moving toward something.” – Ralph Marston

59. “You make a life out of what you have, not what you’re missing.” – Kate Morton

next journey quotes

60. “Every sunset is an opportunity to reset. Every sunrise begins with new eyes.” – Richie Norton

61. “Life is very interesting. In the end, some of your greatest pains, become your greatest strengths.” – Drew Barrymore

62. “Your journey has molded you for your greater good, and it was exactly what it needed to be. Don’t think you’ve lost time. There is no short-cutting life. It took each and every situation you have encountered to bring you to the now. And now is right on time.” – Asha Tyson

63. “And suddenty you know…It’s time to start something new and trust the magic of beginnings.” – Meister Eckhart

64. “Find out who you are and do it on purpose.” – Dolly Parton

journey quotes

65. “Your success will be determined by your own confidence and fortitude.” – Michelle Obama

66. “Be yourself, everyone else is already taken.” – Oscar Wilde

67. “If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” – Wayne Dyer

Journey of life quotes

68. “The only impossible journey is the one you never begin.” – Tony Robbins

our journey quotes

69. “When you have a dream, you’ve got to grab it and never let go.” – Carol Burnett

70. “Life is 10% of what happens to you and 90% how you react to it.” – Charles R. Swindoll

71. “You take your life in your own hands, and what happens? A terrible thing, no one to blame.” – Erica Jong

72. “If all difficulties were known at the outset of a long journey, most of us would never start out at all.” – Dan Rather

73. “It’s your reaction to adversity, not adversity itself that determines how your life’s story will develop.” – Dieter F. Uchtdorf

74. “Your Monday morning thoughts set the tone for your whole week. See yourself getting stronger, and living a fulfilling, happier & healthier life.” – Germany Kent

75. “Ability is what you’re capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it.” – Lou Holtz

76. “Our lives are the journey we take to find our true selves!” – Alyssa Gonzalez

embrace the journey quotes

77. “Your braver than you believe, stronger that you seem, and smarter than you think.” – A.A. Milne

Which of these journey quotes were your favorites?

We all have the potential within us to be great.

But greatness isn’t about luck. It’s a choice.

We must choose to succeed and take steps towards it.

Remember, the path to success is a journey, not a quick leap.

Let these quotes inspire you to stay focused on your goals and dreams, no matter what obstacles get in your way along the path.

the journey of school life

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Speaker 1: Welcome to Grad Life Grind. If you are a current or future graduate student, you are in the right place. My name is Arielle and I'm the founder of Grad Life Grind. It is a digital platform designed to empower students to apply to and then slay in graduate school. I use my own personal experiences as a first generation Latina clinical psychology PhD student to tell you all the things that I wish I had known when I was applying to grad school and all the things I'm learning as I navigate graduate school now. Welcome to Grad Life Grind. If you're new to this channel, thank you for checking it out. And if you're already a subscriber, thanks for being back again. My name is Arielle and I'm a PhD student in clinical psychology. And in this channel, I bring you information about the mental health field and talk about my journey as a PhD student. Grad Life Grind is a digital platform because you can find us all over the web on Instagram, on YouTube, on TikTok and on our website, www.gradlifegrind.com, where we have a blog. Pretty much all Grad Life Grind content is free and that is completely on purpose. If you are currently applying to graduate school or you are already in graduate school, then I know what it feels like to be in your shoes, not knowing who to ask, where to look for the answers that you need to all of your questions. So I do my very best to make sure that I can provide content that is simple, to the point, quick, easy to find and also free. Being part of the Grad Life Grind community means that you get access to this free content, but you can also get access to workshops, whether they are run by me or in collaboration with other academic content creators. So no matter where you're at in your academic journey, you should be following Grad Life Grind. If you're currently applying, there are three free resources that can be helpful to you right now. They are my personal statement checklist, my grad school application checklist and my program organization template. All those are going to be available in the description for this video. If you're already a current graduate student, then I would love to be friends with you. Follow me here on YouTube and on all my other platforms, Instagram, TikTok, etc. And also check out gradlifegrind.com where you'll find not just the blog, but also our shop. Grad Life Grind unexpectedly released merch in November of 2020, and I'm proudly wearing a Hot Girl Scholar shirt and we have so many other amazing products that I did not expect to be selling. I initially started Grad Life Grind because I just wanted to share my experiences and provide a space to share the things that I wish that someone had told me. And eventually it turned into people wanting to buy stickers and t-shirts and so forth. So it's something that is growing and I'm super excited for other things in the future as Grad Life Grind continues to grow. But ultimately, I want to help you on your academic journey. So I hope you'll join the community. Thanks for watching.


Two young men in caps, shirts and shorts standing under a sign saying 'Welcome to Timor Leste, arrival area'

Program: Revisiting the two birders on bikes and their quest to help build a school in Timor Leste

Source: ABC RN | Program: Life Matters

Brought to you by

ABC Radio National

In January this year best mates Cezary Carmichael and Leo Norman took off on two wheels to do two things, to see and document the 700+ bird species of Australia and to raise money to help build a school in Timor Leste. 

Where are they now? We catch up with the two birders again, eight months later, to see where their journey has taken them.

Watch this short film - Cycling 15,000km around Australia, $100,000 for a school in Timor-Leste and a birdwatching record.

Cezary Carmichael, birder

Leo Norman , birder

  • Tracey Trompf, Producer

Image Details

Cezary and Leo arrive in Timor Leste. source: twobirderstwobikes Instagram

Breast reconstruction after concern and two birders on a big quest

2 items in this episode, deciding on a mastectomy is a deeply personal choice, but for some women the choice is taken out of their hands.

Black and white picture of a woman sitting on a bench

Revisiting the two birders on bikes and their quest to help build a school in Timor Leste

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