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David zaslav is talking m&a again as wbd pays down debt, expands max globally, the roddenberry estate & otoy unveil first immersive roddenberry archive experiences, multi-year roadmap to preserve history of the ‘star trek’ universe.

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Matt Grobar

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EXCLUSIVE : Today at the Star Trek convention The 56-Year Mission: Las Vegas put on by Creation Entertainment, the Gene Roddenberry Estate and and the cloud graphics company Otoy Inc. offered Trekkies a first look at the results of a year of production work on the Roddenberry Archive — unveiling the first interactive, life-sized recreations of the famed spacecraft known as the Starship Enterprise. 1:1 scale Enterprise models and sets have been recreated according to Star Trek canon, to visualize the history of Star Trek in new holographic mediums, so that future generations can experience franchise creator Roddenberry’s legacy with the highest levels of immersion and historical fidelity.

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While at Bally’s for the convention, Otoy showcase an immersive “The Cage” experience, enabling viewers to explore the first deck of the Enterprise created by Roddenberry for the initial pilot of Star Trek . The fully immersive, interactive, 360-degree experience allows audiences to navigate around the Starship Enterprise Bridge and even sit in Captain Pike’s chair as if they were there on set of “The Cage” in 1964.

Also unveiled in Las Vegas were recreations of scenes from Star Trek ‘s early TV and film history that can be explored in 3D with actors Mahé Thaissa and Lawrence Selleck bringing “The Cage”‘s Yeoman Colt and Mr. Spock to life. Recreations of the set from “The Cage” and the Enterprise Bridge was overseen by preeminent Star Trek cast and crew including Denise and Mike Okuda, authors of Star Trek: The Encyclopedia , and renowned Star Trek VFX artists Doug Drexler and Daren Dochterman.

On a mainstage panel moderated by Gates McFadden, who played Dr. Beverly Crusher in projects ranging from Star Trek: The Next Generation to Star Trek: Picard , Otoy’s Co-Founder and CEO, Jules Urbach, joined the Okudas and Dochterman, as well as Roddenberry Entertainment President Rod Roddenberry to discuss the past year of work on the Roddenberry Archive. The panel wound down with a concept teaser for the Star Trek immersive experiences titled “765874,” which was put together via cutting-edge virtual production technologies, as well as access to LightStage scans of original Star Trek uniforms, props and archival materials. Also presented was a second teaser, “Memory Wall,” exploring scenes and concepts of the characters in “The Cage” and Roddenberry’s novelization, Star Trek: The Motion Picture .

The immersive experiences were accompanied by the release of three supplemental video logs providing archival behind-the-scenes testimony surrounding the creation of the first Star Trek pilot. The videos featured interviews inside fully recreated, life-sized Star Trek virtual production sets with the Okudas; Chis Hunter, son of Jeffrey Hunter who played Captain Pike in “The Cage”; Sean Kenney who played Captain Pike in The Menagerie ; and Robert Butler, director of “The Cage.” The clips also highlighted archival photographs from the set of “The Cage,” and behind the scenes material drawn from thousands of documents that have been digitally archived by The Roddenberry Estate in collaboration with Otoy.

“For over a decade we have been collaborating with The Roddenberry Estate to preserve Gene Roddenberry’s legacy. Today’s release marks the first steps towards capturing Gene’s work in a new way that is fully immersive and interactive for future generations to experience Star Trek as if they were there in 1964,” said Urbach. “Gene Roddenberry saw into the future and projected a vision of the future where remarkable technologies affirmed the human spirit and ethical powers. Technological advances today in holographic imaging and real time graphics are making recreating his vision ever more possible and we are thrilled to work with the Roddenberry Estate to preserve Gene’s salient messages for humanity in the most authentic and open ways possible.”

“We started archiving materials from my father’s life over a decade ago hoping to preserve not just the iconic objects that made Star Trek such a successful franchise but more importantly the personal notes, internal documents, and never seen prototypes that fueled the various iterations of Star Trek ,” added Rod Roddenberry. “We wanted to provide a behind-the-scenes personal story about Gene and the evolution of the series, which has made such a profound impact on the development of humanity in the 20th century, inspiring so many around the world. With new real time and holographic technologies it is getting more and more possible to immerse new generations who didn’t experience Star Trek first-hand into my father’s universe, and we are thrilled to push forward on this new frontier in collaboration with 3D graphics pioneer, OTOY.”

The Roddenberry Archive immersive experience and behind-the-scenes video logs are available for the public to view online at this link . These materials will be augmented with additional archive features throughout 2022. All of the Roddenberry Archive documents are also preserved on the Render Network, providing an open blockchain digital archive of all of Roddenberry’s lifetime of works in an open format for future generations to access.

The 56-Year Mission: Las Vegas runs at Bally’s through August 28th. The Star Trek experience teaser “Memory Wall” can be viewed above.

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Published Jan 4, 2019

Tips for a Great Convention Experience

How to make the most of your convention experiences

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Are you ready fans? Convention season is right around the corner and it'll be days filled with fun and activities, hanging with old friends and making new ones, cosplaying and participating in contests, meeting your favorite stars from Star Trek: The Original Series to Star Trek: Discovery and everything in between and much, much more. For all the fun, it can be a long day with lots of walking, sitting and waiting as well. So, to help newcomers and veterans alike prepare for the experience, we've invited longtime Star Trek Las Vegas attendee and popular cosplayer Eric Allan Hall to offer fellow fans some tips for making the convention experience an out-of-this-world time.

I am, to say the least, a convention veteran. As background, I've attended the Las Vegas Star Trek convention every year since 2002, plus other Star Trek and general sci-fi and comic conventions in Vancouver BC, Seattle, Portland OR, Los Angeles, and Salt Lake City; I think around 80 or so in total since my first one in 1992. Although these tips are specifically for Star Trek Las Vegas -- and I sadly won't be there this year, but I'm already prepping for 2019 -- my suggestions apply for most other conventions as well.

Talk to People in Line

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I've met people from all over the U.S. and other parts of the world, including Japan, England, Scotland, Germany, Australia, Chile, Canada, Spain, Peru, Argentina... A big part of the fun of the convention for me is just talking with other fans, and I see many of them again year after year. If you have business cards, or you put some together on your home computer with your contact information, it makes it easy to trade email addresses or Facebook information, and to share photos once you're back home.

Buy Autograph & Photo Op Tickets Early

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I am not really into autographs or photo ops, but the lines for the most well-known stars can be REALLY long (sometimes over an hour). Photo ops and autographs can sell out quickly, so if there is someone you would really like to get, buy your ticket for them sooner rather than later.

Supporting actors can be found at booths in the dealers' room or in other ancillary rooms nearby, and generally you just walk up to their table if you would like a photo or an autograph. The Creation website has the price list for each person signing through them, while those actors who have their own booths set their own prices.

Bring Snacks

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There is food available in the hotel in a number of restaurants and quick-service areas, but if you throw a few granola bars, some fruit, beef jerky, or whatever you like to munch on into a backpack, you can save money for purchases in the dealers' room, and save time not walking the hallway and waiting in line to eat. The hotel provides large jugs of ice water and plastic cups in the actual convention hall, in the dealers' room, and outside the convention hall, so you don't have to worry about bringing bottled water unless you really want to. The Rio has some nice buffets and restaurants, but the queues can be long sometimes.

Wear Comfortable Shoes

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If you buy shoes or boots a half to one full size larger than you normally wear, and you use inserts/arch supports, you’ll have happier feet at the end of the day. Break them in if possible BEFORE you arrive.

Have Extra Batteries, a Power Pack & Memory Cards

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Besides getting shots of the stars while they are on stage, you'll see a lot of folks in some cool costumes. Most of them don't mind at all if you take a photo with them. It's always polite to ask permission to take photos of cosplayers before snapping away-- more on that later. So that you don't miss any photos, be sure to bring a power pack, as well as extra memory cards and batteries.

Layer Because It's Cold Inside

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Despite the Las Vegas location and August date, the actual convention hall tends to be on the chilly side because of the air conditioning. If you get cold easily, you might want to consider a sweater or a long-sleeve shirt.

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Dress up if you can - it adds richly to the experience. I'd say that at STLV , about 20% of the attendees wear a costume of some sort, or at least a uniform top with jeans. About another 20% wear a Star Trek t-shirt or baseball cap with regular casual clothes, and then the rest are mostly in shorts, jeans, and T-shirts. I like to bring a different costume for every day and really go all-out. In the past, I've dressed like a Klingon, an Andorian, Captain Kirk, Mr. Data, Lore, and a Borg. Creation Entertainment and CBS set up several set reproductions in the hallways, like the Guardian of Forever, a Borg Alcove and a transporter pad, so many fun photos are possible by yourself, or with other convention attendees.

Cosplay Tips

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Carry a Small Repair Kit

Include duct tape, some safety pins, a needle or two, and some thread that matches your costume, for quick repairs. In past years, the Las Vegas convention has featured a "Garak's Tailor Shop" cosplay repair booth.

Bring Extra Make-Up Bring some to do touch ups to your lips and face after eating or drinking. Keeping it inside of a plastic Ziploc sandwich bag or two keeps it from accidentally leaking.

Use Props As Data, I carry a phaser, a tricorder and a mechanical toy cat that I use as Data’s pet cat, Spot. As a TOS Andorian, I use an era-appropriate phaser, communicator and tricorder. Props add to the overall “look” of your costume, add interest to photos, and allow you to interact in a fun way with the other people posing with you. Make sure to bring batteries if your props light up or have other electronic parts.

Include Baby Wipes A few baby wipes or makeup removal wipes in a Ziploc bag can help to remove any spilled food, makeup, etc. from your costume.

That SOUNDS like a lot to juggle, but you can be strategic to transport your stuff “in character.” As Data, I carry a plain black backpack with a Starfleet Academy patch sewn on. A backpack or bag is also useful to stash items from the dealers’ room, the program guide and objects to use for autographs.

Cosplay Etiquette

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Approaching Cosplayers As far as rules of etiquette that non-cosplayers should know when approaching those in costume at conventions, it’s always nice to ask permission first before taking a photo. If you see a cosplayer eating, taking a drink, on a bench with their shoes or mask off, etc., please let them finish before asking for a photo.

Watch the Touch Some costumes and makeup jobs are delicate, so please don’t “glomp,” or violently hug a cosplayer unless they say it’s okay. In the same way, please ask before touching a cosplayer or their costume and accessories, and avoid tapping a cosplayer on the shoulder from behind-- it can be unnerving, and some people don't like to be touched.

Give Them Privacy There have been times that I’ve been in the restroom changing costumes, or applying makeup, and someone begins a conversation asking me about my costume or makeup– right as I’m trying to concentrate on my quick change and makeup application. It would be helpful -- and appreciated -- if you really want to know about the costume/makeup, if you would wait outside the restroom and approach the cosplayer after they are done and ready for the world.

Be Ready for the Photo If you see a cosplayer hurrying somewhere, they may be on their way to a panel or a photo op that they don’t want to miss. It’s helpful to have your camera already out and ready to go for a quick photo, rather than in the bottom of a bag, inside of a case, with batteries that you forgot to change first.

Ask the Character for a Photo If you know the name of the character and you’d like a photo, but you’re across the room or down the hallway, instead of yelling, “Hey, can I get your photo?”– when you could be addressing ANYONE there– it’s helpful instead to say something like, “Hey– Mr. Data!”– then wait for the cosplayer to turn around– “Could I get a photo?” With so many people there and with so much going on at once, and with cosplayers wearing helmets, masks, effects contact lenses, etc., it’s NOT that your request is being ignored– we may just not even realize that you’re trying to get our attention.

Explore the Exhibition Hall

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The dealers' room is large and has a nice variety of treasures for sale, from actual screen-used costumes and props (these can get pricey) to models, toys, patches, fan-made uniforms, action figures, videos, books, art, t-shirts, 8x10 photos, posters, CDs, etc., and not all from just Star Trek . There is merchandise from Star Wars, The X-Files, Battlestar Galactica, etc. Most of the vendors are equipped to take credit cards, but having cash on hand doesn't hurt (and can be better for bargaining).

Don't Forget...

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Use hand sanitizer. And if you take medication, think you might get a headache, etc., be sure to bring what you will need for the day.

I look forward to the Las Vegas convention all year long, and I start preparing months in advance. If you follow these tips, you'll be well prepared for a stellar time with thousands of new friends from around the globe. Have fun!

Eric Allan Hall has been costuming since 1987. A lifelong Star Trek fan, he's been featured in his Borg costume in the documentaries Trek Nation and William Shatner’s Get A Life . Transplanted to Utah from the Seattle area in 2001, Eric has attended about 80 conventions since he first started cosplaying – often with his family.

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Conventions and Events

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The annual Star Trek-themed convention returns to the Las Vegas Rio with William Shatner, Sonequa Martin-Green, George Takei, Anson Mount, Jeri Ryan & many more.

More than 160 cast and crew members from every iteration of Star Trek are set to warp into Las Vegas later this week for the largest annual convention of its kind — Creation Entertainment’s 57-Year Mission (formerly known as Star Trek Las Vegas ) kicks off this Thursday, August 3rd and runs through Sunday, August 6th. This year, the convention returns to its longtime home at the Rio All-Suites Hotel for four days of Star Trek panels, celebrity signings, and photo ops. Due to the ongoing SAG-AFTRA strike, the experience at this year’s event may be a bit different, with union actors and writers having some restrictions regarding the discussion of struck work.

STLV 2023 headliners

This year’s headliners…

This year’s event will be headlined by William Shatner , George Takei, and Walter Koenig from The Original Series , Zachary Quinto from the Kelvin Timeline trilogy of Star Trek films, along with Anson Moun , Ethan Peck, and Paul Wesley from Strange New Worlds , Sonequa Martin-Green and Doug Jones from Discovery , and Jeri Ryan from Voyager and Picard .

Special events

In addition to the celebrity panels and vendors, this year’s convention will include a special Star Trek: The Next Generation reunion with Jonathan Frakes , Brent Spiner , LeVar Burton , Michael Dorn , Marina Sirtis , Gates McFadden , Denise Crosby, and John de Lancie . The TNG Reunion will be a separate ticketed event.

A Saturday Night Gala — featuring Greg Grunberg and Scott Grimes , along with special guests Isa Briones, Todd Stashwick, Anthony Rapp, Chase Masterson, and Tim Russ  will be included for Gold, Captain’s Chair, and Copper ticket packages but will also be available as a separate ticket for other convention guests.

Other events include a Thursday night dinner and comedy show with Rick Overton, Garrett Wang, and Bonnie Gordon, a discussion about the resurrection of the Enterprise-D bridge set for the third season of Star Trek: Picard with Dave Blass and Liz Kloczkowski , a Q&A session with Star Trek: Prodigy creators, Kevin and Dan Hageman , an update on the upcoming Star Trek: Voyager documentary To The Journey with director/producer David Zappone , editor Joe Kornbrodt , producers Lolita Fatjo and Ryan Husk , Thursday night karaoke hosted by Connor Trinneer and Dominic Keating from Enterprise , Friday night karaoke hosted by Robert O’Reilly , a Star Trek art gallery showcasing the work of Kavita Maharaj, and free screenings of Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home , Star Trek: First Contact and Galaxy Quest .

William Shatner on stage in 2022

More than 160 Star Trek guests

In addition to the headliners noted above, the 57-Year Mission will also include panels, photo ops and singings with Jonathan Frakes , Brent Spiner , LeVar Burton , Michael Dorn , Marina Sirtis , Gates McFadden , Denise Crosby, and John de Lancie from The Next Generation , Terry Farrell , Nana Visitor , Nicole de Boer , Armin Shimerman , Casey Biggs , Penny Johnson Jerald , Chase Masterson , Cirroc Lofton , Andrew Robinson , Max Grodenchik , Hana Hatae from Deep Space Nine , Robert Beltran , Tim Russ , Robert Picardo , Garrett Wang , John Billingsley from Voyager , Connor Trinneer , Dominic Keating , Linda Park , Anthony Montgomery , and Gary Graham from Enterprise , Doug Jones , Wilson Cruz , Anthony Rapp , Mary Wiseman, and Mary Chieffo from Discovery , Celia Rose Gooding , Jess Bush , Melissa Navia , Bruce Horak from Strange New Worlds , Todd Stashwick , Michelle Hurd , Jonathan Del Arco , Isa Briones , Ed Speleers from Picard , Tawny Newsome from Lower Decks , and more.

We are delighted to welcome to the STLV: 57-Year Mission Convention one of our favorite actors on the scene — Zachary Quinto! Zachary will be appearing at STLV 2023 on Sunday, taking photo ops – including a duo with Ethan Peck! #STLV — Creation Entertainment (@CreationEnt) July 28, 2023

Dominic Keating, Garrett Wang and Connor Trinneer on stage in 2022

While Gold and Captain’s Chair tickets are now sold out, Copper, weekend general admission, and single-day tickets are still available. Ticket options are expected to be available at the door as well.

For more information along with a full list of guests, visit .

Be sure to follow on  Twitter ,  Facebook , and  Instagram as we’ll have boots on the ground in Las Vegas and will be bringing you live updates throughout the four-day convention.

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| March 5, 2024 | By: Anthony Pascale 25 comments so far

Creation Entertainment has been running Star Trek conventions since its founding in the 1970s. At its peak in the ’80s, Creation was operating over 100 Trek cons every year all across the USA. That number was pared down until the most recent decade when they focused on a single big Star Trek con every year in Las Vegas, but that is all about to change.

In 2024, Creation is returning to regional events for what they are now calling the “Trek Tour,” starting with the “ STSF: Trek To San Francisco ” convention from Friday, March 8 to Sunday, March 10 at the Hyatt Regency in Burlingame, CA. TrekMovie talked to Creation co-founder Gary Berman about the San Francisco event, this year’s big Las Vegas con, and more regional “Trek Tour” cons across the USA coming up.

Trek to San Francisco

For years, Creation has been looking to bring back local Trek conventions. Berman told TrekMovie: “We wanted to bring the best of Las Vegas to these regional cities.” It’s been years since Creation held a Star Trek con in San Francisco, but the company has continued to run other conventions there, like one for Vampire Diaries fans. This weekend’s STSF con is being held in the same location, which was used in the past for Trek conventions as well. “It’s a nice hotel for this, very cool and futuristic-looking,” says Berman.

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Atrium for Hyatt Regency SFO hosting STSF con this weekend (Hyatt)

STSF has lined up 32 guests for this weekend from across the Star Trek franchise, including classic headliners like Brent Spiner, John de Lancie, and Gates McFadden from Star Trek: The Next Generation , Jeri Ryan and Robert Picardo from  Voyager , Dominic Keating and Connor Trinneer from Enterprise , and Jeffrey Combs and Casey Biggs from Deep Space Nine . They are also bringing in luminaries from the new shows, including Michelle Hurd and Todd Stashwick from Picard and Tawny Newsome, Eugene Cordero, and Dawnn Lewis from Lower Decks . There are also big names from behind the scenes, including Picard showrunner Terry Matalas and production designer Dave Blass. Melissa Navia from Strange New Worlds will be there, but Ethan Peck just had to cancel as he was needed on the set in Toronto. Berman said they expect to have more Strange New Worlds stars at upcoming events when the show isn’t in production.

Hey San Francisco! I will be joining @JeriLRyan @TerryMatalas and my other #StarTrek Family this weekend at ST:SF Trek to San Francisco — Todd Stashwick (@ToddStashwick) March 4, 2024

The regional events are designed to be more intimate than the bigger show in Las Vegas. The goal is for STSF and other regional Trek Tour cons to have the celebrity guests be “interactive with the audience and make it more fun for the fans,” according to Berman. This will include special events like wine tasting with Casey Biggs, karaoke with Dominic Keating and Connor Trinneer, and an after-party on Saturday night at the Holo Lounge bar with Prodigy’s Bonnie Gordon singing jazz. Gordon is co-hosting the weekend along with Ryan Husk of The 7th Rule podcast. Gordon and Husk are also hosting a welcome party on Thursday. Husk tells TrekMovie: “I think the intimacy and special events of this new regional convention tour is going to be incredibly fun, and I’m extremely excited for it.”

The convention will also feature a vendors room, science panels, Trek insider panels (including 2 with Ande Richardson Kindryd, TOS producer Gene Coon’s assistant), trivia contests, daily cosplaying themes, and a cosplay contest. Of course, there are also autograph and photo ops. There will be group options, including one themed to Star Trek: Picard season 3 with Brent Spiner, Gates McFadden, Jeri Ryan, Michelle Hurd, and Terry Matalas.

STSF is expected to sell out, but there are still limited tickets available ranging from weekend General Admission passes for $169 to Gold passes (starting at $549) with reserved seating, autographs, and more bonuses. There are also single-day passes ($60) with only a handful left for Saturday. Berman is enthusiastic about the return to San Francisco for Trek and he offers his thanks to the fans, saying “I think we’re all feeling super appreciative to everyone for supporting San Francisco.” Tickets are also available for the Saturday night “Rat Pack” concert with Max Grodénchik, Jeffrey Combs, Casey Biggs, Ethan Phillips, and Vaughn Armstrong.

For more details on STSF or to buy tickets, visit . There are also still rooms available at the Hyatt Regency SFO .

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Rat Pack concert at Star Trek Las Vegas (Creation)

Revamped Rio for STLV 2024

The next stop for the Trek Tour in 2024 will be the big event in Las Vegas, now officially dubbed “STLV,” with Creation dropping the “58-Year Mission” branding. The event will be held August 1-4 at the Rio in Las Vegas. They have already lined up 39 guests. with headliners including William Shatner, Kate Mulgrew, Nana Visitor, Tawny Newsome, Connor Trinneer, Paul Wesley, and Ethan Peck. Many more are expected to be added to match last year’s count of over 100 guests. They are already setting up some special events including a “Broadway to the Stars” show with Discovery  stars Anthony Rapp and Wilson Cruz.

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William Shatner with Paul Wesley at STLV 2023 (Photo: Kayla Iacovino/

One highlight for 2024 will be the venue itself, as the Rio Hotel is under new management. New owners Dreamscape have partnered with Hyatt, making the Rio part of the World of Hyatt. The Rio is currently undergoing extensive renovations . The first phase of the $340 million transformation will be completed this year and includes upgrades to the exterior, lobby, pool area, casino, and dining options . They are also upgrading the rooms in the 1,501-room Ipanema tower. “The renovation is turning out to be much better and bigger than I originally thought,” says Gary Berman. Dreamscape has also added more staff to accommodate large groups like STLV. Berman says Creation has a “great relationship” with the new owners who see “STLV as important to the Rio,” with plans to keep STLV at the Rio in upcoming years.

Even though it is months away, Berman says tickets are selling fast. For more on STLV 2024, visit .

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Renovated room in Rio’s Ipanema Tower (Hyatt)

Trek Tour heads to Chicago and beyond

It is the success of STLV that has Creation looking beyond Las Vegas again. Berman tells TrekMovie “Attendance was wonderful last year and the feedback was excellent. That is one of the reasons San Francisco is going so well is word of mouth.” With San Francisco looking to be a sellout, Creation is setting its sights on the future. “Our goal is to roll out a whole tour and do 12 Trek Tour shows a year, like we do for Supernatural .”

Berman revealed the next stop on that tour will be in Chicago. They have already lined up October 25-27, 2024 for an event at the Westin O’Hare Hotel. [ UPDATE: Due to conflicts with wanted celebrities on the weekend of October 25, Creation will be moving the Chicago event to a different date. A new date for Chicago will be announced soon.]

The 2024 Chicago Trek Tour should be launched on their website after the STSF with the initial list of guests and events. According to Berman, they will be looking for lessons learned in San Francisco t help shape this next regional event.

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Chicago and the Westin O’Hare is the next regional stop for Creation’s Trek Tour in 2024 (Getty/Westin)

Even though Creation gave up the official Star Trek convention license in 2020, they remain committed to the franchise that got the company started in the 1970s. Berman sums things up with “We are really happy with the state of Star Trek fan conventions.”

Find more Trek convention news and reports at TrekMovie .

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So looking forward to attending!

FYI to anyone who is going/planning to go: I along with some other local fans who also collect video and pinball games will be bringing some of our personally-owned Star Trek-themed games to this Convention. If all goes right, we should have all 4 of the Star Trek pinball machines that have been released (going back to 1979) as well as 2 versions of a retro Star Trek video game that was produced by Sega as a coin-operated game in 1982. Again, these are full-sized, coin-operated machines, but for the Convention, they will be set up for free play (no quarters needed!). The organizers are also planning on a charity event with some of the celebrity guests playing on the games with the winner having a donation to his/her favorite charity.

AFAIK, this will be the first time for this type of related event to take place at one of these Conventions, and we’re happy to participate to make it happen certainly.

Hope to see folks there starting on this Friday!

That sounds awesome. I’m in the Bay Area so I’ll b there!

That sounds so fun! I love pinball!!!! Star Trek pinball!!! Any chance this can also happen in Vegas?

Actually, the organizers did ask us if we’d be willing to do this event at the Vegas show (in an even bigger way to bring other retro/pinball games based not only on Star Trek, but other SciFi/fantasy franchises (e.g., Star Wars, Twilight Zone, Indiana Jones, Tron, Jurassic Park, etc.), but we had to decline at this time.

In truth, we’d actually love to do this but the logistics made it not doable as we also organize a local event each summer (this will be our 28th year now!) that involves literally hundreds of these types of games (pinball, video, etc.) spanning decades from the past to the present. But our show is set for the weekend just before the Vegas show so doing all we need to do to make our show happen and then turning around and trucking loads of these games from the SF/Bay Area to Vegas is just not viable, remembering just how large (and heavy) each and every game is. To have to load/unload a whole kit and caboodle of these games, set them up, maintain them, and then turn around and head home is again just too much for us all given we will have done much the same the weekend prior. Trust me, it’s a TON of work each time and while it’s also very much a labor of love for all us involved, it’s also very exhausting :) .

But hey, if you’re in the SF/Bay Area this summer for the very last weekend of July (7/27 & 7/28), we’ll be holding our crazy show (called “California Extreme”) on these dates if you feel inclined to attend. As I said, literally hundreds of pinballs and stand up video arcade games will be there, ranging from the past to the present, all set on free play (once you pay an admission fee) for you to enjoy until your fingers fall off or your wrists give out ;) .

Information on our very basic website here:

That sounds incredibly fun. Sad it doesn’t work out with my location and life… but maybe one day! I was a big pinball kid. I actually worked at a video arcade as a teenager, although I confess that was a very annoying job as there were 12-year-olds begging me for quarters and cigarettes all day!

Thanks for the heads-up on this. I may attend!

San Francisco?!?! FINALLY a con in my back yard! I’m SOOOO there!

Perhaps hang around the elevator lobby at night — that’s where I ran into Frakes at at Trek convention at this same Hyatt about 8-9 years ago — and he stood and talked with me for about 10 minutes! The hotel set-up there is very conducive to running into the guests.

This makes me very happy. Hopefully they’ll do something out here on the east coast. I remember going to their previous small creation conventions in New Jersey, New York and Philadelphia.

I wonder if Creation can get the license back since Mission doesn’t seem to be doing anything with it.

Any chance of making it back to the east coast, PA or NJ? The local cons stopped happening just as we were gearing up to go!

I would consider one in the Philly/NJ area. Haven’t been to one in about 30 years, that one was in Atlantic City.

If only this came closer to Little Rock.

My first and so far only convention was in my hometown of Phoenix, AZ during the final season of TNG, before it was announced it would be the final season. There was only one guest, Brent Spiner. It was all in one big convention room in some hotel. I remember being in middle school, waiting in line with my dad, the tables of merch of all sorts in the main area, the big stage where as a kid I won the trivia contest, the really cool costume contest where the winner was a Borg (this is before cosplay took off because of the Internet), and then everyone sitting and watching Measure of a Man together before Spiner came out and answered questions and shook hands. I asked him what it was like to work with Spot (not great, he replied). He took questions about the possible end of the show, whether a movie might happen, whether he thought Data fired the gun at Kivas Fajo (yes), and someone even asked him why the Federation doesn’t have a cloaking device (his response: “I don’t know who to ask, maybe an Admiral?”)

It was such a fun, intimate experience, just to be surrounded with like-minded people who enjoy the same things I enjoy. It was a good time when the conventions were hyperlocal like that. Now it’s all so concentrated and consolidated and expensive that a kid like me wouldn’t be able to go to something like STLV and enjoy themselves. There are so many tiers of ticket and so much guarded access to the actors, and you have to have as many people as possible there.

I love that Creation might be going back to local conventions again. I hope they do more. I hope they are able to just do small 1-day affairs with 1 or 2 actors only. It really was enough for me to meet Data back then. It was everything.

Anyhoo, just sharing the memories.

Such a great story! I never been to a conversation before so always great to hear others. Thank you for sharing my friend! 🙂

And since you mentioned Spot there is an hilarious video on YouTube of Spiner at a convention a few years ago going off how much he hated working with the Spot cats and how hard it was to get them to do anything. It had me roling. 😂

So glad to see it’s coming back to the Bay!

Tickets for a stay at Hyatt are officially booked!

This looks amazing! We -loved- MISSION CHICAGO, the last headline TREK event in the Chicago area, back in 2022. Beyond excited about this news.

Hey Creation, let us know when you’re coming back to the Washington DC area for a Star Trek convention. Haven’t seen you here (for myself) since 1983.

I’ve been to only one convention, in February 1975, at a hotel in NYC. I don’t remember much, except that Gene Roddenberry announced there that he had a deal with Paramomount to make a Star Trek movie (and yes, it was almost more 5 years until it came out) and they screened a full restored version of The Cage for the first time, in black and white. I think they also screened a few TOS episodes in color.

Wow! If you’ve only been to one, that’s a pretty good one to have been at.

I’ll be there. But the Creation website is a cluttered mess that looks like it was designed by Pakleds. The schedule? a Google spreadsheet that’s super fun to look at on your iPhone with all the scrolling left right you have to do to even read it. Want to buy general admission tickets? Wander around in frustration until you piece together that maybe, just maybe, you can’t even buy those online and only at the door. Boomers and the Interwebs don’t mix. Boomers, stay away from pretty much everything. It’s 2024. You are not equipped and can’t learn “new” things. Enjoy your Jell-O and Matlock.

They rely on some volunteers, and it’s never been a big money maker for those involved. I didn’t have a problem navigating it. What’s the big deal?

As for General Admission passes, click on the HUGE BUTTON on the main page that says ADMISSION PASSES and then click on the multi-day or single-day general admission icon. Easy-peesy.

Thanks for tip. Got my tix. That “huge button” is the same headline art that on other pages is not a clickable button. The site is a mess. Grateful for your help.

You do know that Boomers invented the Internet (as DarpaNet in 1969) and the Web in 1989 right?

This sounds lovely to attend. Would love to see a lot of the casts from DS9, ENT, TNG and VOY again but Stashwick would be the biggest delight. Seen him in a lot of interviews and he’s so fun to listen to.

I really hope he can be part of Star Trek again in any form.

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Maintenance notice: Our event ticketing system is undergoing upgrades until 12pm PDT Wednesday October 10th. Our event pages, like the one you are reading, will remain accessible during this time.

Updated: November 10, 2020

Admission Passes Header

On Sale Now:

Gold Convention Admission Package Captain's Chair Admission Package Copper Admission Convention Package General Admission Convention Package

Temporarily Taken Off Sale But Will Be Back Soon!


PLEASE READ THIS PAGE COMPLETELY BEFORE ORDERING ANY TICKETS. Be sure of which day a guest is doing photo ops/autographs before purchasing your admission tickets. Days that guests are signing autographs and taking photo ops are listed next to their name in the Autographs and Photo Ops section of this website. Admission passes and a la carte autograph/photo op/concert/special event tickets are delivered to you via email in PDF format which you must print out and bring with you.  Most customers should receive their PDFs within 3-5 business days of having placed their order. If you do not receive your PDF, please contact [email protected] for assistance. Customer service hours are Monday-Friday, 9:00am-4:30pm Pacific time. If you have an issue over the weekend pertaining to a show that is happening that same weekend, please go in-person to the convention registration desk for assistance. Requests sent to Customer Service over the weekend may not be received until the Monday after the convention is over. Admission PDFs should be brought to convention registration. Autograph PDFs can be used directly at the autograph tables.  Photo Op PDFs may be required to get validated.  Please check the show schedule for instructions regarding Photo Op PDFs.  


Bookmark this page and join our mailing list for updates. Plus, follow us on Twitter , Instagram and join our Facebook page!

Gold Admission Package


When you purchase the Gold Convention Admission Package, you get these awesome benefits and perks -- all included in your package when you “Go Gold”!


Choose the best reserved seats in the main theatre (Leonard Nimoy Theatre) where our major guests appear when you order online! This seat is YOURS for the whole FIVE-DAY convention, plus some of the night events listed below.


When you purchase this Gold package, you get complimentary in-person autographs from select 12 or 13 Star Trek celebrities! Celebrities will sign either an item you bring from home OR you can purchase Star Trek photos and other merchandise in the Exhibition Hall. Some of those signing for Gold will be held in the main theatre where they will be signing row by row and others who are signing for Gold will be at their tables in the Exhibition Hall during the convention, so you can go to their table and hand in your complimentary autograph ticket directly to them. Signing for Gold Patrons are:  Casey Biggs, Ethan Phillips, Jeri Ryan, Kate Mulgrew, Nana Visitor, Robbie Duncan McNeill, Jonathan Del Arco, Mary Chieffo and more to come! Celebrities retain the right to not sign items they deem inappropriate. This list is tentative and subject to change.


As a Gold patron, you gain free admission to the Saturday Night Gala! This year features an unforgettable evening of Star Trek music, curated and conducted by esteemed conductor and Star Trek musicologist Richard McGee and the renowned Nevada Pops Orchestra! They will perform orchestral music from the Star Trek TV shows and films, as well as new material never presented previously in Vegas. The best part is you can keep your same GOLD seats that you have during the day to sit back and enjoy an amazing evening!


Join hundreds of fellow fans from around the galaxy at the biggest party of the convention! It's exclusive to Gold Weekend & Captain’s Chair patrons ONLY, so don’t miss out!


We will be having this party in the convention facilities so all will be able to sit and enjoy a wonderful dinner and some great live entertainment from the legendary master of musical theatre, Ben Vereen (Commander Edward M. La Forge from The Next Generation)! This dinner party is exclusive to all Gold Patrons.


As a complimentary gift, you will receive the 19th in our series of Star Trek Gold Coins. Can you guess what the theme will be?


A special card, just for you, filled with free gifts and bonus offers in the Exhibition Hall.


Autographs that are included in this package are called row by row and all Gold will be called before those with separate autograph tickets! The closer you are to the stage, the sooner you are called!


The day before the convention starts, we hold an exclusive pre-registration where Gold patrons can get their program booklets, collector’s gold coin, the chance to hit the Exhibition Hall, and get first crack at any remaining a la carte autograph or photo op tickets before anyone else! This benefit exists so you can get your registration done before the actual convention starts. It’s not mandatory, however, and you can register anytime registration is open. Pre-registration is a wonderful way to meet friends without worrying about missing a guest appearances or other events.


Exclusive wristbands set your weekend to Warp 9, giving you immediate entrance without waiting after initial registration. We pride ourselves on a quick and easy registration process!


We’re also very happy to continue our tradition of special events and speakers in QUARK’S BAR (CBS All Access Stage), covering in-depth topics of interest. Quark's Bar is a great place to see amazing set recreations, special displays, photo op areas and participate in fun activities! Quark’s also offers hotel food fare and drink and is a nice place just to relax.


You also gain admission to the DeForest Kelley Secondary Theatre, featuring non-stop entertainment, panels, auctions, contests and discussions! Seating is first-come, first-served, but everyone usually gets a seat for the special programming.


Our massive Exhibition Hall has the Star Trek collectibles and merch you’ll need, all in one place! We're proud of the way our exhibitors have upped the quality of their booths to match the proud legacy of Star Trek! You will also find many famed celebrities who have appeared in the Star Trek franchise, signing autographs for a nominal fee directly to their fans.


You also get a chance to renew the same seat -- or try for an even better seat -- for the 2021 STAR TREK Vegas Convention!

$1299 -SOLD OUT --> BUY PASSES Admission Pass Ordering FAQ


Captains Admission Package

The Captain’s Chair Admission Package is your next best option after Gold to attend the Star Trek Vegas Convention. Here’s what you get when you purchase a CAPTAIN’S CHAIR Admission Package:

Choose great reserved seats in the Leonard Nimoy Main Theatre, located just behind or to the sides of the Gold Package seats. These are your reserved seats for the entire FIVE-DAY convention, as well as many of the evening events mentioned in this list of benefits. 

As a Captain Chair patron, you gain free admission to the Saturday Night Gala! This year features an unforgettable evening of Star Trek music, curated and conducted by esteemed conductor and Star Trek musicologist Richard McGee and the renowned Nevada Pops Orchestra! They will perform orchestral music from the Star Trek TV shows and films, as well as new material never presented previously in Vegas. The best part is you can keep your same CAPTAIN CHAIR seats that you have during the day to sit back and enjoy an amazing evening!

The day before the convention starts, we hold an exclusive pre-registration where Captain’s Chair patrons (after Gold) can get their program booklets, collector’s gold coin, the chance to hit the Exhibition Hall, and get first crack at any remaining a la carte autograph or photo op tickets! Although not mandatory, pre-registration is a fast and easy way to set your convention to warp drive. Plus, it’s a wonderful way to meet friends without worrying about missing a guest appearances or other events!


You get exclusive credentials, which allows you access to all areas, and you can keep as a memento to your amazing Star Trek Convention!

$679 BUY PASSES Admission Pass Ordering FAQ

Copper Admission Package

Here are the benefits the Copper Admission Full Convention package for what will truly be a once in a lifetime experience.

Choose great reserved seats in the Leonard Nimoy Main Theatre. These are your reserved seats for the entire FIVE-DAY convention.

As a Copper patron, you gain free admission to the Saturday Night Gala! This year features an unforgettable evening of Star Trek music, curated and conducted by esteemed conductor and Star Trek musicologist Richard McGee and the renowned Nevada Pops Orchestra! They will perform orchestral music from the Star Trek TV shows and films, as well as new material never presented previously in Vegas. The best part is you can keep your same COPPER seats that you have during the day to sit back and enjoy an amazing evening!

The day before the convention starts, we hold an exclusive pre-registration where Copper patrons (after Gold and Captain’s Chair) can get their program booklets, collector’s gold coin, the chance to hit the Exhibition Hall, and get first crack at any remaining a la carte autograph or photo op tickets!

$439 BUY PASSES Admission Pass Ordering FAQ

General Admission Package


The GA Full Convention Package is the most cost effective way to attend all FIVE days of the convention! You get to see all the guests and events in the main theatre from a non-reserved guaranteed seat in the rear or sides and, of course, you can check out the Promenade full of special Trek features, Karaoke parties, Quark’s Bar, the Roddenberry Exhibition Hall and the secondary theatre (pending seating availability) as well. This option DOES NOT include autographs or photo ops, which can be purchased separately, but as a GA Full Convention pass holder, you can participate in the pre-registration process (after Gold, Captain’s Chair and Copper patrons). It’s not mandatory but a great way to jump start the weekend and get early dibs on a la carte tickets for autographs and photo ops, as well as cool merchandise in the Exhibition Hall.  

$330 BUY PASSES Admission Pass Ordering FAQ

Coming Soon Header

Additional Packages including: Preferred Single-Day Pass General Single-Day Pass will be available soon! 


Creation Entertainment

WOW, it is hard to believe that we have been running conventions for our fellow fans for almost 50 incredible years and what a ride it has been. Thanks to our fellow fans, we’ve loved bringing the stars direct to their audiences; and the tradition has continued and indeed been amped up greatly by our SUPERNATURAL CONVENTIONS. Join the celebration and be part of the unforgettable SPN family.  Unlike so many other genre conventions, Creation Entertainment has a strict company policy not to "oversell" our conventions. In other words, every patron, no matter what bracket of ticket they purchase, will have a seat in the main auditorium where the major guests appear and events take place.  Creation Entertainment has the right to refuse service to anyone who interferes with the safety and well-being of other patrons, staff, actors, Creation Entertainment and the establishment itself. This includes, but is not limited to, harassment of any kind both in advance and/or at a particular event, illegal activity, unreasonable rowdiness, patrons lacking adequate hygiene and inconsideration to others. Refusal of service shall never be based on race or color, National origin or citizenship status, religion or creed, sex, age, disability, pregnancy or genetic information, Veteran or Military status, marital status, sexual orientation or gender identity, medical condition, political affiliations or activities, or status as a victim of domestic violence, assault or stalking.

What you should know...

Here is some pertinent information for you to have about Creation’s conventions, certain policies and more. ALL TICKETS ARE NON-REFUNDABLE AND NON-EXCHANGEABLE All guests and scheduling are tentative and subject to change. Creation Entertainment does not advertise any talent without written permission from the talent or their representation.   Please do not come for just one actor.  Our events are a celebration of the series and multiple actors from the show attend. If we have a cancelation, we will do our best to book a replacement or we will provide our Gold/Silver patrons with a pre-signed photo of the actor not in attendance if the canceled actor was signing for Gold/Silver. In the event of a guest cancellation or a date change:  ALL GUESTS are contracted to appear and all convention contracts specify that appearances are tentative and subject to change as film and television work demands take precedence as well as a personal conflict. Our events will take place whether a specific guest cancels or not and therefore we cannot issue admission pass refunds if a particular guest is not able to attend. If a guest must cancel their appearance at the convention, Creation Entertainment is not responsible for any refunds other than the a la carte specific-to-the-guest autograph or photo op tickets as another guest will be booked as a replacement in signing for Gold/Silver or a pre-signed photo will be provided if a replacement signer is not possible. Also, in the extremely rare chance that an actor does not finish his or her autographs or photo ops (which has only happened in a hand full of cases due to something out of our control), we will only be responsible for the refund of the a la carte autograph or photo op ticket if not redeemed. We will refund or issue a credit voucher only for a la carte photo ops and autograph tickets for a specific actor if they cancel.  Creation is also not be held responsible for any financial loss associated with the purchase of air tickets or hotel rooms that are not canceled (virtually all hotels offer a 24 or 48-hour cancelation policy, so there should be no jeopardy associated with reservations).  We highly recommend you purchase travel insurance for any unforeseen issues. Disease and Illness Disclaimer:  By using your admission pass, you recognize that disease and illness, including, but not limited to, the coronavirus (COVID-19) and the common cold, may be spread through interaction with other people.  Creation Events programs may be attended by many, sometimes numbering in the hundreds.  Social distancing and other measures at these events is very difficult, if not impossible, to practice and enforce.  Therefore, you agree that you will not purchase an event admission pass if you know you have symptoms of COVID-19 or any other communicable disease or illness, or you have a high risk of contracting or suffering from one, and you certify that you do not have any reason to believe that you have been exposed to or could be a carrier of any disease or illness.  If you do attend, you agree that you will take all possible steps to protect your health and the health of others attending the event.  You further agree that, by using an admission pass and attending, you thereby waive any claim of liability you might make against Creation Entertainment, Inc. or its officers, directors, employees and agents as a result of your contracting disease or illness from attending one of our events, and you agree that you will indemnify, defend and hold harmless Creation Entertainment, Inc. and its officers, directors, employees and agents against any loss that any of them may suffer or be obligated to pay as a result of any claim that may be made against any of them by others, as a result of your attending the event, including, but not limited to, legal damages, attorney's fees and court costs.  If you are unsure of your status, please consult with your doctor before purchasing an event admission pass. You further agree that should Creation Events in its sole opinion believe that you may pose a threat to the health of others, it may deny you admission or request that you leave the event and that you understand and accept all risks that your attendance may encounter. This convention is intended for adults.  On stage appearances by our guests may include off-color or inappropriate humor and profanity. Children are welcome if accompanied by an adult who is aware of the potential content. The views and opinions expressed by any talent or participant at, or during the convention are those of the authors and/or the persons appearing on stage, and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of Creation Entertainment, LLC or any of their affiliated parties. Harassment at events:  Creation does not tolerate any forms of harassment or bullying at its events. The company’s complete policy is stated on each schedule of events that is handed out at each convention. If you witness bad behavior at an event, immediately notify the contact listed on the rules page of your printed schedule and there is Creation staff present at all times. We cannot do anything about complaints that come after the event is over. Team Members:  We are so grateful and fortunate to have the support of our Team Members, whose continued efforts and dedication help make our conventions possible.  They are available to assist you with any questions you may have about convention events and activities, however if you have an issue, please ask to speak to Management on-site.  Check your schedule rules page to see which manager is on-site at your specific event. If you would like to submit an application to be considered as a Team Member, please visit our Jobs/Team Members section of our website by clicking here. For those attending our conventions and making travel plans:  Please know that many of the headliners who appear onstage on Sunday usually do so towards the later part of the day. Autograph signings can run into the evening until 9:00PM-10:00PM. For those traveling from out of town, we suggest staying over until Monday in order to get your autographs and the full convention experience. Creation is not responsible for any costs associated with travel for any attendee. We highly suggest you purchase travel insurance in the event that anything should happen.   We are not responsible for orders that are rejected during processing:  On rare occasion, an error may occur during the ordering process that can require the order to be resubmitted. This can include: Incomplete form submission (usually caused by not completing the entire ordering process to the very end); Credit card failures (usually caused when there are not enough funds in an account or the credit card company rejects the charge for any number of reasons including out of state, international or unfamiliar ordering to the customers’ general pattern); or system errors during transmission of the order.  We suggest buying admission passes and a la carte tickets only through this website:  Because all PDFs are scanned for use at the convention, we can ONLY allow the first person in using each singular PDF. Autograph and photo op PDFs are also scanned for one-time use. PLEASE BE CAREFUL! Tickets that are not valid or deemed fraudulent will not be accepted.  All admission pass and a la carte ticket prices are subject to change at any time, so please order as early as possible.  Admission pass packages do not include photo ops:  Photo ops must be purchased separately on this website or at the convention (if not sold out).  NOTE:  You may buy an a la carte Autograph and/or Photo Op ticket(s) before buying an Admission pass, but you need an Admission pass for the day of your Autograph or Photo Op in order to use the Autograph and Photo Op tickets at the convention (unless the guest has changed days). Please buy an Admission pass for the day of your Photo Op or Autograph as soon as you can as we can’t guarantee Admission passes won't sell out before the show. Please, absolutely, do not ask for exceptions to this rule.    Alcoholic beverages at the convention:  At most of our events, we do not allow alcohol to be present in our function rooms, including the main theatre. This includes daily panel events, meet & greets and any night events. Water stations will be available in the room. We reserve the right to perform bag checks at any time. We reserve the right to deny entrance into any of the events to anyone who appears intoxicated. If there is an instance of alcoholic beverages sold, your ID will be checked by the bartender and any underage customers will not be served any alcoholic beverages. Creation is not responsible for the alcohol consumption of others. Weapons policy:  Please do not bring any weapons to the show. If you are using a prop weapon for a photo op or as part of the cosplay contest, please bring it to registration to get tagged. After your photo op or cosplay contest is over, please do not have your prop weapon on the convention floor at any time. Prop weapons without tags will not be allowed at any time. Lost or misplaced items:  We are not responsible for lost or misplaced items. We cannot replace a la carte Autograph or Photo Op tickets that are purchased at the convention, so PLEASE make sure your PDFs and hard tickets are kept in a safe place.  ADA Rules on service animals:  This event welcomes service animals as per ADA rules. Service animals perform valuable work or tasks and are trained to provide help directly related to a person's disability. Dogs whose sole function is to provide comfort or emotional support do not qualify as service animals under the ADA and therefore are not permitted at our event.  Photo taking policy at this convention:  We know that taking photos makes the convention even more fun. In the main theatre, photo taking is encouraged but only from your seat. It is unfair to run up to the stage and block the view of others who have paid for reserved seats in front of you. Even if there are empty seats, patrons must sit in the seats they paid for to be fair to everyone. Due to Fire Marshall regulations, everyone must be seated during performances. Please also be courteous to your neighbors when taking pictures. Photo taking is not allowed during autographing sessions nor during photo ops. Audio or video capture for personal use is allowed except in certain circumstances:  Photography and audio or video capture are for personal use only - public dissemination and commercial use strictly prohibited. If there is a time where we cannot allow audio or video capturing of the Q&As, we will advise in advance. AUDIO/VIDEO CAPTURING IS NOT ALLOWED DURING AUTOGRAPHS, PHOTO OPS AND SOME MEET & GREETS. LIVE STREAMING IS NOT ALLOWED AT ANY TIME.  Raffles/Fundraising: Unsanctioned raffles and fundraisers are not allowed at Creation events. Flashes from phone and cameras occur often during stage presentations:  If you are sensitive to such lighting please be advised to take the necessary precautions. For our attendees, please keep flash photography to a minimum. By attending Creation events , you agree to allow your image to be used on our website and in news documentaries or stories, either filmed by Creation Entertainment or other entities.  Please do not bring latex balloons of any sort to any of our events: We have had attendees with latex allergies and bursting balloons can be hazardous to people at short range.  Medical emergencies:   If you have a medical emergency and you do not have a caretaker with you, hotel security or 911 will be called to assist you.   Creation assumes no responsibility for typographical errors or inaccurate information provided by convention venues. All dates, venues and guests are considered tentative and subject to change. Join our email list for updates.  Customer support:  ANY problem you have please write to us at:  [email protected] . Customer service hours are Monday-Friday, 9:00am-4:30pm Pacific time. If you have an issue over the weekend pertaining to a show that is happening that same weekend, please go in-person to the convention registration desk for assistance. Requests sent to Customer Service over the weekend may not be received until the Monday after the convention is over. Visit our FAQs page for complete rules, policies and other information.

Thanks to everyone for their continued support! 

  • Star Trek Conventions

For the main convention page, see Conventions . For a list of Star Trek cons, see Category:Star Trek Conventions .

star trek convention reddit

  • 1 Star Trek Presence at Science Fiction Cons
  • 2 The Very First All-Star Trek Con
  • 3 The First Major Star Trek Cons
  • 4 The Rise and Fall of the Star Trek Supercon
  • 5 Star Trek Fan-Run Conventions
  • 6 British Star Trek Conventions
  • 7 Other European Cons
  • 8 Australasian Cons
  • 9 Star Trek Cruise Conventions
  • 10 List of Star Trek Cons
  • 11 Further Reading/Meta
  • 12 External Resources
  • 13 References

Star Trek Presence at Science Fiction Cons

Star Trek programmng first appeared at general science fiction conventions .

The earliest known Star Trek presence was the September 1-5, 1966 "Tricon World Science Fiction Convention" in Cleveland, Ohio. Gene Roddenberry attended, and he promoted his Star Trek series which was going to air the following week. Roddenberry showed con attendees the first two pilot episodes for the series, "The Cage" (uncut original version) and "Where No Man Has Gone Before" (revised version, as this episode was already slated to air).

Another early Star Trek presence was also at FunCon in 1968:

The Statler Hilton, downtown L.A. hosted Chuck Crayne's FunCon and was surely a hallmark in Star Trek history. Not only did the bloopers finally get shown in their entirety before a completely fannish audience, but Roddenberry brought an amazing assortment of props and costumes from the show. He was also giving away packets of film clips . To top if off, a surprise guest was William ("I just want to thank Mr. Roddenberry for hiring me") Shatner. Another plus at the con was a performance of "H.M.S. Trek-A-Star" a clever Trek-oriented play with Jerry Jacks, Poul, Karen and Astrid Anderson. [1]

The Very First All-Star Trek Con

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Though it's commonly thought that the first 'Star Trek' convention was held in 1972 at a Hilton hotel in Manhattan, according to die-hard 'Trek' historians the first one actually took place in March 1969 at the Newark Public Library . Organized by librarian Sherna Comerford Burley , the low-key, celebrity-free event featured slide shows of 'Trek' aliens, skits and a fan panel to discuss 'The Star Trek Phenomenon.' [2]

The First Major Star Trek Cons

For much more see: Star Trek Lives! .

The first major Star Trek convention, Star Trek Lives! , run by Joan Winston and others, was held in New York in 1972 and drew 3,000 people. The 1973 convention drew 6,000, and in 1974, 15,000 people attended and 6,000 more were turned away at the door. These cons vied to have the largest number of professional guest stars.

The 1975 Star Trek Convention was one of transition. First, there was a split in leadership with Devra Langsam becoming chair, stating that this con's association with Al Schuster was finished. This con also promised to limit membership to 8000.

From a flyer in Probe #1:

from the flyer in Probe #1 EVERYTHING'S THE SAME… Except the name. Recently we decided to change our name. So, we dropped the "International" and we are now THE STAR TREK CONVENTION. We're pleased to announce Devra Langsam as our new chairman, as we do it again... ONE MORE TIME!.. WE ARE PLANNING TO LIMIT MEMBERSHIP TO 8,000 SO REGISTER EARLY! Last year's attendance was 15,000….This is to inform you that the committee members of THE STAR TREK CONVENTION, formerly associated with the International Star Trek Convention, hereby state their complete and total disassociation with Mr. Albert Schuster. Any and all future debts he may incur in the name of our Convention will not be paid or honored by us, and he no longerhas any authority to incur expenses, arrange contracts, or conduct business in the name of our Convention.

The Rise and Fall of the Star Trek Supercon

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The first major Star Trek cons, the ones with celebrity guests, were huge affairs; fun for some, much less so for others. After a number of these monster supercons, attendance began to dwindle. Some people felt this was because the market was saturated, that even the ravenous hunger fans had for these gatherings began to fade. Others pointed to the kind of fans that attended different kinds of cons; many Star Trek fans complained that the large, for-profit cons were so big that they never got to do what they really wanted to, which was to see talk and interact with other fans on a more meaningful level. Some fans complained of cons being overrun by casual fans that asked the same shallow questions over and over again and added little depth to interactions. Some fans resented the hefty prices cons were charging, and they resented the increasing amount of hucksters selling inferior goods and ripping them off.

From an editorial in The Hole in the Deck Gang Newsletter #10 in 1976 regarding the ST con in NYC in February 1976:

Not a whole lot happened at TSTC 5 that never happens at any other supercon ; in fact, there was less: fewer stars, fewer crowds, shorter lines, just as many dealers though. Because of this... the con was more friendly, more relaxed. There were more room parties , because fen could make contact in the lessoned mob. Gofers were not run as ragged and hence came nowhere to their collective breaking point. Things ran on time. David Gerrold was human. And a lot of other unexpected things. I suppose the economics, and the Economy, did in the ST con, more than any other cause. The concom never did make any money on any of the cons -- nobody ever does on supercons , not once all the bills are in. The cost of running a con has increased incredibly; the actors, the film distributors, the hotel managers, all figure they want a piece of the con pie, and they charge accordingly. The result is ever larger membership fees and ever more burgeoning attendance counts to pay for the whole schmear. If a fan wants to hold a con these days, she has a choice between a circus and her closet. It's hard to hold attendance 'down' to 5000. The 3rd NY Con went to 17,000, remember? The 4th would have been more than its 8000, save that attendance was limited and that ISTC ran a month before... And so all things come to an end. Some of the best cons are fannish history. Only a few faded programs, an illegible autograph (Eugene who?), a tear-stained hotel bill remain. And some of the landmarks are disappearing. The Commodore, bane of hu-fanity, has been razed. No more will ash trays and water bombs plummet down its roof. With the destruction of the twelfth floor goes the 30-minute wait to change elevators. Lost are the haunts of the leering pilots and Greek-speaking stewardi, the computer reservation system that charged eight days in the bridal suite to your account, the blue plastic lobby furniture. No more will Mr. Gerrold's dulcet voice selling original xeroxed scripts boom over the whining PA system, no more will Devra Langsam trip over curled carpets, no more will Ike Asimov drool over nubile, young trekkies , no more will the committee crud be caught from the drinking water. It is the End of an Era.

Star Trek Fan-Run Conventions

The first media fan-run cons (small, no guest stars, no profit) were ReKWest*Con in July 1975 and August Party in August 1975. While not specifically Star Trek, by default of its time, that show featured heavily.

This first con that would become MediaWest*Con was called T'Con and held in 1978 at the Lansing Hilton Inn. It was organized by Lori Chapek-Carleton and Gordon Carleton , who were zine publishers. The convention was formally re-established as MediaWest*Con in 1981. It also had a strong Star Trek presence. In 1991 for the show's 25th anniversary, Star Trek Canada: The Active Fan Network held a special one-day convention, The 25th Anniversary Gala

British Star Trek Conventions

Star Trek conventions in the UK have a long and illustrious past (and present?)

The very, very first British Star Trek convention was held in 1974. Like its American counterpart, which was an afternoon event held at a public library , the very first British Star Trek con was held in a church hall. "I suppose that was the first real convention, People came from the length and breadth of Britain, all for a one day of slide shows , talks, and friendships." [3]

After that first con, fans became quite organized and began a series of conventions, each with its own number. These conventions, voted on by fans two years in advance, lasted until the fifty-first convention which was held in 2001.

For more information, see:

  • The British Star Trek Convention , a long-running series of cons, each with its own number
  • The British Star Trek Convention , the first two cons in the long-running series, the first in 1974 and the second in 1975

Other European Cons

[need some info]

Australasian Cons

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AussieTrek in Sydney, featuring George Takei , was the first major Star Trek con in Australia in 1979. The year before, a small one-day event, TrekCon , had been held in Melbourne.

In New Zealand, a major convention with a large proportion of Star Trek content was the science fiction media convention , ConVERGE , in 1988 in Wanganui. Its featured guest was David Gerrold .

Star Trek Cruise Conventions

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Another kind of con unique to Star Trek was the cruise convention , for-profit cruises that combined travel and fannish activities. See flyer and SeaTrek .

List of Star Trek Cons

For a list of Star Trek cons, see Category:Star Trek Conventions .

Further Reading/Meta

  • Support Your Local Conventions in 1985 (1985)
  • Guest Interview: Adam Malin (1991)
  • I see another hurdle approaching , Archived version , August 2002 post by Wheaton on his experiences as a con guest
  • Interview with Jim Rondeau (2005)
  • Star Trek Star Trek Takes Over New York , Archived version panel notes and photos that discussion Star Trek tie-in novels, games, cons (2016)
  • New York's Star Trek convention shows it's never been cooler to be a fan , Archived version , article about Star Trek: Mission New York con, includes recollections and photos of the first Star Trek con organizers (2016)

External Resources

  • many con reports and photos for Star Trek conventions , Totally Kate
  • many, many photos taken by fan Patrick O'Neill : public Facebook page and public Facebook page
  • many photos taken by fan Susan Batho : public Facebook page
  • Con Reports by Leigh Kimmel , from My Life in Fandom
  • Newsweek has a slideshow of early Star Trek con photos .
  • Photos and more info at SFWorld's Star Trek Lives! [5]
  • ^ Alan White's 1968 - Fandom Is Where You Find It , accessed August 26, 2012; WebCite .
  • ^ See the second slide in the series of Rare snapshots from early Star Trek conventions , , accessed 15 December 2009
  • ^ from Jenny and Terry Elson in Star Trek Action Group #100
  • ^ "The listing of Star Trek conventions held in Australia has been compiled from those listed in Australian Star Trek newsletters and fanzines and from the Timebinders site compiled by Marc Ortleib." -- effect of commercialisation and direct intervention by the owners of intellectual copyright : a case study : the Australian Star Trek fan community by Susan Batho (2009) (an academic paper which studies the effect of the Viacom Crackdown and Australian fan clubs)
  • ^ WebCite for Star Trek Lives! accessed April 16, 2012.

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10 Things We Want From Star Trek: Strange New Worlds Season 3

Walter koenig interview: star trek the original series & the 7th rule podcast, 8 star trek: discovery things to know before season 5.

  • Star Trek fans have a lot to look forward to in 2024, with virtual and in-person conventions, Star Trek Day, podcasts, and new series announcements.
  • Despite uncertainties, the production of Star Trek: Section 31 and Lower Decks Season 5 are progressing smoothly.
  • The final season of Star Trek: Discovery is set to premiere in April 2024, marking the end of Captain Burnham's voyages.

Star Trek has a big 2024 on tap, and here are 8 things to look forward to from the final frontier this year. Although the dual WGA and SAG-AFTRA strikes halted Hollywood production and the ability of talent and creatives to promote their work for much of 2023, Star Trek had a phenomenal year. Star Trek: Picard season 3, Star Trek: Strange New Worlds season 2, and Star Trek: Lower Decks season 4 released a cumulative 30 episodes, were highly acclaimed as some of the most innovative Star Trek in years, and many episodes charted in the Nielsen streaming Top 10. All in all, 2023 was a great year to be a Star Trek fan.

Significant questions loom over Star Trek in 2024, however. Paramount may be up for sale, which would certainly impact Star Trek on Paramount+'s various series and projects. There remains no new Star Trek theatrical movie in development, going on 8 years since Star Trek Beyond hit theaters in the summer of 2016. And there is no indication that Paramount+ will greenlight Star Trek: Picard 's proposed spinoff, Star Trek: Legacy , in spite of the same type of dedicated fan campaign that helped Star Trek: Prodigy jump to Netflix after it was canceled by Paramount+. The WGA and SAG-AFTRA strikes also delayed production of Star Trek: Strange New Worlds season 3, which likely won't premiere until 2025. Still, Star Trek has a massive 2024 planned , and here are 8 things for fans to be excited about.

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds season 3 is in production now, and hopefully the next 10 episodes will deliver on these storylines and plot threads.

8 Star Trek Has Amazing Podcasts

The 7th rule, the shuttlepod show, inglorious treksperts, the delta flyers, and more.

Star Trek has podcasts to satisfy every type of fan , and they're available to watch on YouTube or stream wherever you get your podcasts. Walter Koenig joins The 7th Rule with Cirroc Lofton and Ryan T. Husk to discuss his episodes of Star Trek: The Original Series. The Delta Flyers: Through The Wormhole added Terry Farrell and Armin Shimerman, who join Star Trek: Voyager 's Garrett Wang and Robert Duncan McNeill to review episodes of Star Trek: Deep Space Nin e. Inglorious Treksperts hosts Mark A. Altman and Daren Dochterman continue their unrivaled expertise of classic Star Trek with podcasts and live panel shows. Sadly, The Shuttlepod Show 's co-host Dominic Keating has left the podcast, but hosts and producers Connor Trinneer, Erica LaRose, and Mark J. Cartier will continue to dive deep into the lives and careers of their illustrious Star Trek guests. Star Trek fans have a wealth of podcasts to enjoy in 2024, with new episodes weekly.

Screen Rant interviews Walter Koenig about his joining The 7th Rule podcast to review Star Trek: The Original Series, his Trek memories, and more.

7 Star Trek Virtual & In-Person Conventions

Trektalks, virtual trek con 5, the llapy awards, stlv, and more.

Star Trek has a connection to its fans unlike any other in entertainment, and thanks to the various Star Trek conventions, both virtual and in-person, Star Trek fans have the privilege and ability to meet and hear from their favorite talent and creatives. Star Trek essentially pioneered the fan convention and 2024 kicks off with two huge virtual events: TrekTalks 3 , hosted by John Billingsley of Star Trek: Enterprise and Bonnie Gordon of Star Trek: Prodigy, streams live on YouTube on January 13th with a full day of panels featuring over 30 Star Trek guests, all to benefit the Hollywood Food Coalition. TrekTalks 3 will also feature a can't-miss Star Trek: Picard season 3 panel.

Virtual Trek Con 5 , from Cirroc Lofton of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine , Ryan T. Husk, and The 7th Rule podcast, streams on YouTube from February 15-19 with 4 days of Star Trek panels with numerous special guests. VTC5 is capped off by the 3rd annual LLAPy Awards , the only Star Trek awards show voted on by fans , which streams live on YouTube on Sunday, February 19. For in-person Star Trek cons, two of the biggest are Creation Entertainments ST:SF in San Francisco in March and STLV: Trek to Vegas in Las Vegas in August, both featuring dozens of Star Trek talent. And, with no strikes this year, Star Trek on Paramount+ will no doubt return once again with huge panels at San Diego Comic-Con in July and New York Comic-Con in October.

6 Star Trek Day 2024

Star trek celebrates the franchise in person again.

2023 sadly saw Paramount+'s annual in-person Star Trek Day event canceled because of the WGA and SAG-AFTRA strikes. Since 2021, Star Trek Day has been a celebration of the franchise bringing together talent and creatives from Star Trek on Paramount+'s series and Star Trek 's legacy shows and films. Held at the Skirball Cultural Center in Los Angeles and streamed on Paramount+ and Star Trek 's social channels, Star Trek Day is expected to return in September 2024, with a likely agenda of honoring the departing Star Trek: Discovery and looking ahead to Star Trek: Strange New Worlds season 3 and more.

Screen Rant was on the red carpet for Star Trek Day 2022 .

5 Star Trek: Starfleet Academy Announcements

Expect information about the newest star trek series.

Star Trek: Starfleet Academy was announced by Paramount+ in April 2023, and nothing more is known about the newest upcoming Star Trek series besides the fact that Star Trek executive producer Alex Kurtzman and Noga Landau ( Nancy Drew ) are the showrunners, and the writers' room includes Tawny Newsome of Star Trek: Lower Decks . 2024 should finally see more information about Starfleet Academy, which will hopefully announce the actors/characters of the show, and perhaps even confirm that Starfleet Academy is set after Star Trek: Discovery season 5 , as expected.

4 Star Trek: Section 31

Star trek's first made-for-streaming movie..

Announced in April 2023, Star Trek: Section 31 finally begins production from January to March in Toronto for a possible release in late 2024. Section 31 stars Academy Award-winner Michelle Yeoh , who reprises her Star Trek: Discovery anti-hero, Emperor Michelle Georgiou, and Yeoh used her clout from her Best Actress Oscar to ensure Section 31 is made. Star Trek: Section 31 is directed by Olutande Osunsanmi and written by Craig Sweeny, but nothing else is known about the first Star Trek movie made exclusively to stream on Paramount+ . Section 31 's potential success could lead to the plan for a new Star Trek streaming movie every 2 years to come to fruition. Even if Star Trek: Section 31 doesn't premiere in 2024, fans should at least finally learn what other characters are in the movie and what era of Star Trek Section 31 is set in.

3 Star Trek: Lower Decks Season 5

Premieres in 2024 on paramount+..

Star Trek: Lower Decks season 4 may have been the animated comedy's best season yet, and hopes are high that Star Trek: Lower Decks season 5 will top it. The SAG-AFTRA and WGA strikes didn't affect the production of the animated series, and Star Trek: Lower Decks was able to complete its scripts, with 10 new episodes in production for the show's traditional late summer/early fall release date on Paramount+. Little is known about the stories planned for Star Trek: Lower Decks season 5 and the newly-minuted junior Lieutenants of the USS Cerritos, except that there will be more exploration of the Orion culture through the eyes of former Lt. D'Vana Tendi (Noel Wells). And while there are fears that season 5 could be the last for Star Trek: Lower Decks, hopefully, the 2023 crossover with Star Trek: Strange New Worlds created more fans of Lower Decks, and creator Mike McMahan's hilarious animated show can continue for years to come.

2 Star Trek: Discovery Season 5 - The Final Season

Premieres april 2024 on paramount+..

The only live-action Star Trek series on Paramount+'s 2024 schedule, Star Trek: Discovery season 5 is the final season marking the end of the voyages of Captain Michael Burnham (Sonequa Martin-Green) and the USS Discovery. It was Star Trek: Discovery' s success on CBS All-Access, which became Paramount+, that led to Star Trek 's current TV renaissance. Although Discovery season 5 was not originally planned as the final season, following Paramount+ canceling the series in March 2023, reshoots were completed to turn Discovery 's season 5 finale into a proper ending for the entire series . Star Trek: Discovery season 5 is also a shift in tone to an Indiana Jones -like intergalactic treasure hunt adventure, according to Jonathan Frakes, who directs the penultimate episode of Discovery . Premiering in April 2024, Star Trek: Discovery will be the Star Trek event on Paramount+.

Star Trek: Discovery returns for season 5 in 2024 after a 2-year hiatus, and here's what you need to know about Captain Burnham's final adventures.

1 Star Trek: Prodigy Season 2

Premieres in 2024 on netflix.

With a huge global audience discovering the all-ages animated series on Netflix, Star Trek: Prodigy season 2 is possibly the most anticipated Star Trek event of 2024 . Netflix premiered Star Trek: Prodigy season 1 on Christmas Day, priming viewers new and old for 20 all-new Star Trek: Prodigy season 2 episodes from creators and showrunners Kevin and Dan Hageman and their team. Star Trek: Prodigy season 2 promises to go even bigger than season 1's high stakes, taking Admiral Kathryn Janeway (Kate Mulgrew) and the young ragtag former crew of the USS Protostar into an alternate 25th-century future and beyond. Star Trek: Prodigy season 2's massive scope will reportedly touch upon the entire Star Trek franchise, and the already-announced new castmember The Doctor (Robert Picardo) as well as the new USS Voyager-A are only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the surprises, fun, and adventure Star Trek: Prodigy season 2 has in store.

Star Trek: Discovery and Star Trek: Lower Decks are streaming on Paramount+. Star Trek: Prodigy is streaming on Netflix.

Star Trek: Discovery

Star trek lower decks, star trek: prodigy.

  • Star Trek: Discovery (2017)
  • Star Trek Lower Decks (2020)


  1. My First Star Trek Convention : r/pics

    star trek convention reddit

  2. There's a Star Trek Convention this weekend in my town. I went down to

    star trek convention reddit

  3. All The Cosplay Pictures From The 2017 Star Trek Convention In Las

    star trek convention reddit

  4. 20 out-of-this-world moments from the Star Trek anniversary convention

    star trek convention reddit

  5. Creation’s 50th Anniversary Star Trek Convention was a hit!

    star trek convention reddit

  6. World Record set for most Trekkies In Costume

    star trek convention reddit



  2. Halloween Event 2023 Announced and is that the Resolute from Star Trek Resurgence?

  3. Prime Directive Debate: Picard vs Crusher

  4. 10 Star Trek Characters Who MUST Return (2023)

  5. STLV23

  6. The Official Star Trek Las Vegas Convention


  1. What's your best or worst experience at a Star Trek convention ...

    Not a Star Trek Convention but a comic con in Oaks, PA. Was waiting in line to take my daughters, 6 & 4 at the time, to the bathroom (men's room) and the line was SUPER long. While waiting they were standing there playing around and Nichelle Nichols walked by with her security escort and stopped and talked to my girls and myself.

  2. Star Trek conventions? : r/startrek

    ive been to various comicons, the modern star trek conventions are really in Las Vegas and Europe and are too far to travel. I saw Shatner and Nimoy in Vancouver in the late 90s, was awesome and hilarious. 25 votes, 21 comments. Just wondering if anyone has been to any awesome Star Trek conventions!

  3. Convention Questions : r/startrek

    Yes, I know that those things are a small part of the convention experience-- and the fellow fans, meeting the stars, seeing the stage presentations, seeing the vendor area, etc. are all great, too. However, I am working on a killer uniform, and I would just really really enjoy putting myself in a 3D physical segement of the Star Trek universe.

  4. Thoughts on "City on the Edge of Forever" : r/startrek

    This is the unofficial community subreddit for Star Trek Online, the licensed Star Trek MMO, available on PC, Playstation, and Xbox. Share your glorious (or hilarious) in-game adventures through stories and screencaps, ask your game related questions, and organize events with your fellow Captains.

  5. What to expect at a convention as a first timer? : r/startrek

    First of all, there are two parts to any convention: the panels and the main merchandise area (I usually just refer to it as "the floor"). On the floor, there are tons of booths where you can buy a variety of merch, such as shirts, pins, hats, badges, models, pictures, etc. The variety of merch depends on what guests are there and what kind of ...

  6. Are conventions worth it? : r/startrek

    Star Trek London I don't know anything about that, but Cons can be fun, I went to my first Star Trek only convention only a few years ago, and I'm going to the big one in Vegas this year (Run by creations best guys to run conventions IMHO) Everytime I have been, I have had a great time usually the days will be filled with the guests giving ...

  7. Reflecting on my first Star Trek Convention : r/startrek

    View community ranking In the Top 1% of largest communities on Reddit. Reflecting on my first Star Trek Convention. I went to the Star Trek Convention last week - it was my first time there and I had a blast. Overall a great experience and it's safe to say I have some new friends that I'm looking forward to seeing again next year.

  8. Star Trek Conventions : r/startrek

    Star Trek Conventions . I'm a long-time trekkie, but I've never been to a Star Trek convention. I've made a promise to myself to attend one in 2022 or 2023 or whenever I feel comfy in crowds again. ... Reddit admins have been ineffectual in their response to COVID-19 misinformation. In lieu of Reddit gold and awards, we ask that you donate to ...

  9. Star Trek Convention : r/startrek

    Aimeeboz, I've been attending Star Trek conventions since 1972 when, at age 18, I bunked with several other fans who didn't have a lot of money to split a hotel room. You should ask to share a room for a couple of nights, then agree to pay a reasonable portion of the room for what we used to call "crash-space." My room has a couch, for example.

  10. What Is Up With Star Trek Conventions? : r/startrek

    I think with the number of conventions of all types that run every year these days it's just not cost effective to specialize anymore. Using a local example: when you have separate anime, scifi, horror, and comic conventions plus one that covers all the bases, one more to cover just Trek doesn't really make a lot of sense.

  11. Star Trek news and discussion

    When I was around 4-5 years old (1977-1979) I remember staying up late on Saturday nights with my dad to watch Star Trek. Star Trek would start at 11pm so me actually staying up that late I remember was usually a losing battle to sleep. Anyway Operation__Annilhilate was the very first episode I watched with my dad.

  12. Roddenberry Archive Experiences Unveiled At Las Vegas 'Star Trek

    August 25, 2022 4:30pm. EXCLUSIVE: Today at the Star Trek convention The 56-Year Mission: Las Vegas put on by Creation Entertainment, the Gene Roddenberry Estate and and the cloud graphics company ...

  13. Tips for a Great Convention Experience

    Layer Because It's Cold Inside. Despite the Las Vegas location and August date, the actual convention hall tends to be on the chilly side because of the air conditioning. If you get cold easily, you might want to consider a sweater or a long-sleeve shirt. Dress Up. Dress up if you can - it adds richly to the experience.

  14. Upcoming Star Trek Conventions and Events

    2022 Star Trek & Sci-Fi Conventions August 2022 Trekonderoga 2022 August 19-21 Ticonderoga, NY - Star Trek: The Original Series Set Tour 56-Year Mission August 25-28 Bally's Hotel & Casino ...


    The annual Star Trek-themed convention returns to the Las Vegas Rio with William Shatner, Sonequa Martin-Green, George Takei, Anson Mount, Jeri Ryan & many more. More than 160 cast and crew ...

  16. 57-Year Mission Las Vegas Convention Packed With Star Trek Celebs

    Next week, the annual Star Trek fan pilgrimage to Las Vegas, Nevada begins again for the 57-Year Mission Convention run by Creation Entertainment.TrekMovie will be there to cover the event, and we ...

  17. STLV: 57-Year Mission To Bring Generations Of Sci-Fi Actors & Fans To

    STLV: 57-Year Mission run by Creation Entertainment is the most anticipated convention of 2023 for generations of fans to celebrate their love of Gene Roddenberry's most beloved sci-fi creation. STLV takes place from August 3-6, 2023, at the Rio All-Suites Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada, and tickets can still be purchased at Creation's ...

  18. New Official Star Trek Convention Announced For April 2022 In Chicago

    ReedPop, one of the world's leading producers of pop culture events, announced today that they are joining forces with ViacomCBS Consumer Products as the official convention partner for the Star ...

  19. Creation Entertainment's ST-LV:TREK TO VEGAS Convention 2024

    The 40-plus year tradition of Creation Entertainment's Trek-themed conventions continues in 2024 at The Rio All-Suites Hotel & Casino for STLV: The 58-Year Mission on August 1-4, 2024! While we continue to build our program of 100-plus guest celebrities and non-stop partying for 2024, it's time to remember what a great time it was this past summer - and to give you an idea of what to ...

  20. Why Don't Fans See Avery Brooks at Conventions?

    Many others feel the same way about Sisko and the man who brought the character to life. But according to fans, Brooks does not appear at the conventions because he is a "private individual ...

  21. Creation Brings Back Regional Star Trek Conventions Starting In San

    Creation Entertainment has been running Star Trek conventions since its founding in the 1970s. At its peak in the '80s, Creation was operating over 100 Trek cons every year all across the USA.

  22. Creation Entertainment's Official Star Trek Convention in Las Vegas

    CREATION TREK TOUR LAS VEGAS: THE VIP EXPERIENCE! MIN BID: $6000.00. QUANTITY: 7 available (20 total tickets) AUCTION ENDS: Wednesday, May 15 @ 10:00 am PT. WOW, it is hard to believe that we have been running conventions for our fellow fans for almost 50 incredible years and what a ride it has been.

  23. Star Trek Conventions

    The first major Star Trek convention, Star Trek Lives!, run by Joan Winston and others, was held in New York in 1972 and drew 3,000 people. The 1973 convention drew 6,000, and in 1974, 15,000 people attended and 6,000 more were turned away at the door. These cons vied to have the largest number of professional guest stars.

  24. Biggest Star Trek Happenings In 2024: Returning Shows, Movie Updates & More

    Star Trek has a connection to its fans unlike any other in entertainment, and thanks to the various Star Trek conventions, both virtual and in-person, Star Trek fans have the privilege and ability to meet and hear from their favorite talent and creatives.Star Trek essentially pioneered the fan convention and 2024 kicks off with two huge virtual events: TrekTalks 3, hosted by John Billingsley ...