I migliori tour enogastronomici a Spello, Italia

Tour enogastronomici a spello.

  • Cantine e vigne
  • Tour gastronomici
  • Tour dei vini e degustazioni
  • Fino a 1 ora
  • Da 1 a 4 ore
  • Da 4 ore a 1 giorno
  • Punteggio 5,0 su 5
  • Punteggio 4,0 su 5 e oltre
  • Punteggio 3,0 su 5 e oltre
  • Punteggio 2,0 su 5 e oltre
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  • Il Giardino di Spello
  • Centro Storico di Todi
  • Duomo di Spoleto
  • Basilica Papale e Sacro Convento di San Francesco in Assisi
  • Centro Storico
  • Cantina Lungarotti - Torgiano
  • Duomo di Gubbio
  • Tili Vini Società Agricola
  • Umbria Tours and Things to do
  • Borgo di Trevi
  • Your Essential Italy
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tour enogastronomico spello

1. Degustazione all'Aria Aperta di Vini BIO con Vista!

tour enogastronomico spello

2. Pranzo con degustazione di vini a Spello con degustazione di tartufi

tour enogastronomico spello

3. Umbria Food & Wine- Tour privato di 8 notti

tour enogastronomico spello

4. Tour guidato privato di 5 giorni in cantina in Umbria e Toscana

tour enogastronomico spello

5. Umbria Food & Wine, tour di 5 notti - Itinerario n. 2

Non fermare il divertimento scegliendo altre esperienze nella zona.

tour enogastronomico spello

Esperienza di Caccia al Tartufo in Assisi

tour enogastronomico spello

Enologo per un giorno: tour di un'azienda vinicola biologica

tour enogastronomico spello

Tour ad Assisi con degustazione di aceto balsamico, olio d'oliva e cantina biologica

tour enogastronomico spello

Assapora il tour gastronomico di Perugia guidato da locali

tour enogastronomico spello

Corso di cucina privata con pranzo o cena ad Assisi

tour enogastronomico spello

Montefalco: tour della cantina e del frantoio con pranzo leggero

tour enogastronomico spello

Rich aperitif 5 wines and walk in the vineyards

tour enogastronomico spello

Caccia al Tartufo e Pranzo Bio ad Assisi

tour enogastronomico spello

Degustazione di vini e tour enologico in una delle più antiche aziende vinicole di Montefalco

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Lezioni pratiche di cucina italiana

tour enogastronomico spello

Lezione privata di pasta e tiramisù a casa di Cesarina con degustazione a Perugia

tour enogastronomico spello

Vini e formaggi

tour enogastronomico spello

Pic nic Deluxe Assisi per 2 e degustazione di 5 vini

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Tour dell'Umbria Bike & Bite!

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Umbria Wine Lovers Tour l Montefalco & Bevagna l Tour per piccoli gruppi

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Degustazione Selezione di 3 Vini a Montefalco

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Fun ATV Adventure in Umbria with Aperitif

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Giro enogastronomico

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Tour del mercato per piccoli gruppi ed esperienza culinaria nella casa di Cesarina a Spoleto

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Assaggiatore di olio d'oliva assaggiatore per un giorno!

tour enogastronomico spello

Corso di cucina italiana online dal vivo con Raffaella di Perugia

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Corso di cucina tradizionale umbra nella campagna di Assisi

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Lezione di cucina tipica regionale umbra con pranzo ad Assisi

tour enogastronomico spello

1 Ora Degustazione di Liquori Artigianali nella Campagna Umbra

tour enogastronomico spello

Caccia al Tartufo con Degustazione Inclusa - Umbria, Italia

  • Degustazione all'Aria Aperta di Vini BIO con Vista!
  • Pranzo con degustazione di vini a Spello con degustazione di tartufi
  • Umbria Food & Wine, tour di 5 notti - Itinerario n. 2
  • Umbria Food & Wine- Tour privato di 8 notti
  • Tour guidato privato di 5 giorni in cantina in Umbria e Toscana
  • MicroBirrificio DieciNove
  • Cantina Sportoletti
  • Ciao Andiamo
  • Il Contadino dell'Umbria
  • Enoteca Properzio

First slide

  • Tour Enogastronomico a Montefalco, Spello e Spoleto

Tour enogastronomico guidato in Umbria a Montefalco, Spello e Spoleto con guida enogastronomica e sommelier, visitando le migliori cantine di Sagrantino e degustando i migliori vini e specialità gastronomiche umbre.   Food and Wine Experience a Montefalco, Spello e Spoleto con trasporto privato con servizio di noleggio con conducente da Assisi, Perugia, Bevagna, Orvieto, Todi e da tutta l’Umbria e Toscana.


  • Tour enogastronomico in Umbria a Montefalco, Spello e Spoleto con servizio di noleggio con conducente e trasporto privato
  • Itinerario panoramico attraverso la splendida regione Umbria
  • Wine & Food experience guidata con guida enogastronomica e sommelier
  • Degustazione di olio extra vergine di oliva DOP presso frantoio nei dintorni di Spello
  • Wine tour in una azienda vinicola a Montefalco e degustazione privata
  • Visita di un’azienda casearia con degustazione di formaggi e pranzo tradizionale umbro
  • I caratteristici borghi umbri


Nel cuore d’Italia, con i paesaggi incontaminati delle sue verdi vallate, i suoi borghi medievali, una straordinario bagaglio culturale, arricchito da eccellenti vini e prodotti gastronomici, l’ Umbria è una meta perfetta per un tour enogastronomico , e Montefalco, Spello e Spoleto sono alcuni dei luoghi più rappresentativi dove poter scoprire i migliori vini e la migliore gastronomia umbra.

Il tour enogastronomico in Umbria inizia incontrando il tuo autista presso il tuo alloggio, per poi iniziare la tua scoperta dell’Umbria a bordo di una comoda auto o di un confortevole minivan Mercedes-Benz .

Attraversando i bei paesaggi costellati da verdi colline e antichi borghi medievali, il tour raggiungerà la prima location della giornata: un molino a conduzione familiare nella zona di Spello. Il proprietario ci aprirà le porte del suo frantoio dandoci la possibilità di conoscere le varie fasi di produzione, per poi fare con lui una degustazione privata del suo ottimo olio extravergine di oliva Dop Umbria .

Il tour enogastronomico in Umbria continua godendoci la vita di campagna in una fattoria casearia . Durante il tour, vedrai tutte le attività di produzione del formaggio , dalla mungitura alla stagionatura, passando poi alla degustazione di tutti i loro migliori formaggi e prodotti caseari.

La prossima tappa nel programma del tour sarà presso un’ azienda vinicola della regione di Montefalco . Qui avremo modo di visitare la tenuta e la cantina , imparando le diverse tecniche di vinificazione e invecchiamento, terminando con una degustazione dei migliori vini prodotti, includendo una selezione di Sagrantino di Montefalco .

L’ultima attività del nostro tour enogastronomico a Montefalco, Spello e Spoleto sarà nella splendida cornice di un borgo, degustando infine una selezione di salumi tipici umbri e tanti altri prodotti regionali abbinati a ottimi vini dell’Umbria.

Tour disponibile da:

  • Il tour enogastronomico in Umbria a Montefalco, Spello e Spoleto è disponibile con partenza da Assisi, Perugia, Bevagna, Trevi, Foligno, Norcia, dal Lago Trasimeno, Città della Pieve, Orvieto, Todi, Deruta, Gubbio, Umbertide, Città di Castello, Cortona, Montepulciano, Siena, Arezzo, Chiusi, Chianciano, Cetona, Sarteano, San Casciano dei Bagni, Anghiari, Sansepolcro e dalle maggiori località dell’Umbria e della Toscana.
  • circa 8 ore.


  • English Speaking Driver professionali e certificati
  • Veicolo di lusso Mercedes-Benz o equivalente
  • Assistenza personalizzata da ufficio
  • Acqua a bordo
  • Wi-Fi on board
  • Guida enogastronomica e sommelier
  • Visita ad un frantoio e degustazione di olio extra vergine di oliva
  • Visita ad una azienda vinicola e degustazione di vini
  • Visita ad un caseificio e degustazione di formaggi
  • Pranzo tradizionale con degustazione di salumi e prodotti gastronomici umbri (disponibile anche menù vegetariano)

Olio Extravergine d’Oliva Umbria DOP:  La coltivazione dell’olivo nel territorio di produzione dell’Umbria DOP ha origini antichissime, risalenti alle popolazioni etrusche. Oggi, la zona di produzione dell’olio extravergine di oliva Umbria DOP comprende l’intero territorio della regione Umbria, mentre le varietà di olivo maggiormente coltivate e ammesse dal disciplinare sono: Leccino, Frantoio, Moraiolo, San Felice, Rajo e Dolce Agocia. L’olio novello si presenta con un color verde acceso che poi diventa giallo oro una volta maturato. Con un gusto armonico, fruttato e pressoché privo di acidità, il classico blend Umbro ha un gusto forte ed un aroma profumato ed è un olio di oliva molto eclettico negli usi, ideale per condire ed esaltare pietanze semplici ma anche piatti dal sapore deciso. Si tratta di un condimento eccezionale e salutare per la sua digeribilità e gli apporti nutrizionali.

Le regioni vinicole dell’Umbria:  Situata geograficamente nell’Italia centrale e chiamata anche “cuore verde d’Italia” , è una regione caratterizzata da lussureggianti colline e di antichi borghi medievali. L’Umbria è nota per la sua produzione di vino bianco. Il Trebbiano (chiamato anche Procanico in Umbria) e il Grechetto sono le varietà a bacca bianca più importanti, entrambe in blend nell’ Orvieto DOC , la più grande denominazione della regione, anche se la varietà bianca più apprezzata prodotta in Umbria è il Trebbiano Spoletino , coltivato soprattutto nelle colline di Spoleto, Montefalco e Todi. Sebbene ben nota per i suoi vini bianchi, le due denominazioni DOCG dell’Umbria sono per i vini rossi. La varietà autoctona Sagrantino ha man mano guadagnato importanza nella zona di Montefalco, dando vita a vini di grande spessore, struttura e potenza e ricevendo lo status di Sagrantino di Montefalco DOCG nel 1992. Il Sangiovese è il vitigno più coltivato della regione ed è la principale uva nell’altra DOCG: il Torgiano Rosso Riserva . Sono inoltre presenti 11 denominazioni DOC e 6 IGT, concentrate soprattutto nelle colline centrali della regione (Colli Martani), al confine con la Toscana o nella zona del Lago Trasimeno, dove una delle varietà coltivate più apprezzate è il Gamay del Trasimeno (Grenache).

Specialità Gastronomiche Umbre: prodotto con latte di pecora, il pecorino umbro è un formaggio a pasta molle e semidura prodotto in tutto il territorio della regione. Norcia è una delle città più importanti dell’Umbria per quanto riguarda i prodotti agroalimentari ed è nota per il suo Prosciutto di Norcia IGP e per tutti i suoi salumi. Dà anche l’origine e il nome ad una delle più famose ricette della cucina italiana: la Pasta alla Norcina. I Tartufi Umbri , bianchi e neri, sono considerati molto pregiati e tra i migliori prodotti della regione; il loro territorio di provenienza e il loro ambiente sono generalmente i boschi degli Appennini, vicino al confine con le Marche. I Legumi ( Lenticchie e Cicerchie di Colfiorito , Fagiolina del Trasimeno ) sono prodotti in molte zone del comprensorio e sono gli ingredienti principali della Zuppa di Legumi Umbra . La Crescia di Gubbio , detta anche Torta al Testo , è una delle focacce più conosciute ed apprezzate la cui origine è molto remota: l’impasto si ottiene amalgamando a mano ingredienti molto semplici: farina, acqua, sale e viene tradizionalmente cotto sul Testo , un disco di pietra o di ferro posto direttamente sulla brace del camino. Altre rinomate specialità umbre sono: la Cipolla di Cannara , l’ Anguilla e il Persico Reale del Trasimeno , la Patata rossa di Colfiorito , la Torta al Formaggio o torta pasquale umbra e gli Umbricelli .

Tour Enogastronomico nel Chianti

  • Tour Enogastronomico in Val d’Orcia
  • Tour Enogastronomico in Valdichiana
  • Tour Enogastronomico a San Gimignano
  • Food & Wine Tour in Toscana da Firenze
  • Food & Wine Tour in Toscana da Siena
  • Tour Enogastronomico ad Arezzo
  • Food & Wine Tour in Toscana da Roma
  • Parmigiano-Reggiano, Prosciutto di Parma e Aceto Balsamico Tradizionale di Modena Food Tour
  • Bologna la Grassa! Food tour a Bologna
  • Tour Enogastronomico ad Assisi e in Umbria
  • Food & Wine Tour in Umbria da Perugia
  • Tour Enogastronomico ad Orvieto e Todi
  • Tour Enogastronomico nel parco del lago Trasimeno
  • Corsi di Formaggio in Toscana e Umbria
  • Truffle Hunting Experience in Toscana
  • Truffle Hunting Experience in Umbria
  • Tour dell’Olio di Oliva e visita ad un Frantoio
  • Corsi di Gelato Artigianale

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The Geographical Cure

One Day In Spello Italy Itinerary, Umbria’s Charming Hill Town

Spello is an idyllic Umbria hill town with beautiful architecture, rich history, and flowers galore.

Spello has the official designation of one of “the Most Beautiful Villages in Italy.” It’s steeped in history, with ancient walls and medieval buildings that have been beautifully preserved over the centuries.

Spello is also known for its breathtaking landscapes — rolling hills, vineyards, olive groves — that stretch as far as the eye can see.

Whether you’re interested in history, architecture, or simply soaking up the then town’s beauty of the Italian countryside, Spello is a must visit.

The town can easily be explored in a day and this is my recommended one day in Spello itinerary.

cobbled lane in Spello

Overview Of One Day In Spello Itinerary

Here’s a snapshot glance of what you’ll see with one day in Spello:

Porta Consolare

  • Palazzo Communale
  • Santa Maria Maggiore
  • Baglione Chhapel

Church of Sant’Andrea

  • Roman Amphitheater

Porta Venare

Villa of mosaics.

Pinterest pin for one day in Spello itinerary

One Day In Spello Itinerary

Here’s my suggested 1 day in Spello itinerary. To get the full scoop on all the Roman, Medieval, and Renaissance attractions in town, you can book a guided walking tour .

You enter the town through the Porta Consolare, the ancient Roman gateway to the town.

This is the best-preserved gateway of its kind in Italy and dates back to the 1st century AD. It’s made of blocks of pink limestone and its tower is topped with an olive tree.

lane in Spello decorated with flowers

Old Town Stroll

Begin your visit to Spello by taking a stroll through the old town.

This is what I remember most about Spello, wandering down cobbled lanes filled with the scent of thousands of geraniums, petunias, hydrangeas, and roses. In fact, the whole town seems carpeted in flowers.

The main square in Spello is the Piazza de Commune. The main street is Corso Garibaldi, which runs all the way through the town center.

This charming pedestrian street is lined with beautiful historic buildings, shops, cafes, and restaurants.

But be sure to wander down the side streets. Some of them are incredibly narrow and picturesque.

cobbled lane in Spello

Palazzo Comunale

Stop by the medieval Palazzo Comunale, which houses the town’s civic museum. The Pinacoteca features a collection of works by local and regional artists from the 14th to the 17th centuries, including paintings, sculptures, and other decorative arts.

Some of the museum’s most notable works include paintings by Bartolomeo Caporali, Niccolò Alunno, Bartolomeo Caporali, Bernardino di Mariotto, and Andrea di Lione.

In high season, from April to September, the museum is open from 10:30 am to 1:00 pm and 3:00 pm to 6:30 pm.

Santa Maria Maggiore

Santa Maria Maggiore & Baglione Chapel

You should also visit the Church of Santa Maria Maggiore, right next door to the palazzo. It’s a beautiful 12th century church with a stunning interior.

The church is famous for its stunning frescos by Pinturicchio and Perugino. In particular, it houses a  Madonna and Child  and a  Pietà  by Perugino. There are also some Deruta ceramics, including a large majolica tiled floor made by the the Grazia family.

The highlight of the church is the spectacular Baglioni Chapel , nicknamed the Capella Bella . It houses a cycle of frescoes by Pinturicchio. They’re considered a treasure of Umbrian art.

Known as the “Little Painter,” Pinturicchio was the third of a trio of artists from this area of Italy, along with Perugino and Raphael. Though he is less appreciated than that pair, Pinturcchio worked for five popes.

tour enogastronomico spello

The artist has scores of towering achievements, including a painting in the Sistine Chapel, frescos in the Borgia Apartments in the Vatican Museums and the Piccolomini Library in Siena .

His fresco cycle in the Baglioni Chapel depict scenes from the life of Mary and Jesus and are considered some of the artist’s finest works.

You’ll see an Annunciation , the Adoration of the Shepherds , the Nativity , Dispute with the Doctors , and Jesus at the Temple . To the lower right of the Annunciation , you’ll also see a self-portrait of Pinturicchio.

Santa Maria Maggiore is open from 9:45 am to 12:30 pm and 2:30 pm to 5:00 pm, but closed on Monday. The entry fee is 3 euros.

Panini Bibite Porchetta, a panini shop in Spello

There are quite a few places in town to grab a quick lunch if you are on the move. I had a panini at Panini Bibite Porchetta.

You can also take a break for lunch at one of the many restaurants in town, Try sampling some of the local Umbrian specialties such as black truffles, wild boar, or strangozzi (a type of pasta).

If you want to sit down, I would try Osteria del Buchetto . It’s a casual restaurant serving classic Umbrian dishes with nice panoramic views.

You could also do a wine and truffle tasting lunch at one of the local wine shops or take a one hour tour at a local winery . If you like e-bikes, this guided tour takes you down the Olive Path Trail for lunch at a winery.

church of Sant'Andrea

After lunch, explore the Church of St. Andrea. It’s one of the most important religious buildings in Spello. It’s a medieval church next to Santa Maria Maggiore.

It was built in the Romanesque style during the 11th century, but was modified over the centuries.

Inside the church, you can see several notable art works and relics, including a 14th century wooden crucifix by an unknown pupil of Giotto and the mummified body of Andrea Caccioli who was an early follow of St. Francis of Assisi.

interior of Sant'Andrea

There’s also a fresco of the Enthroned Madonna and Child attributed to the Umbrian painter Puccio Capanna, a follower of Pinturicchio.

Roman Ruins


Next, explore some of Spello’s Roman past.

Start with the ruins of the Roman Amphitheater. It was built in the 1st century AD and could once seat up to 10,000 people. It’s a peaceful and atmospheric spot with lovely views over the town.

tour enogastronomico spello

The Porta Venere is one of the four original gates that once provided access to Spello. It’s named after the Roman goddess Venus, and it is located on the eastern side of the town. 

The Porta Venere is one of the best-preserved examples of Roman architecture in Spello. Made of local limestone, it has a simple, rectangular design, with a single arch that spans the roadway.

Its two towers, the Torri dei Properzio, have been restored so they are safe to climb. 

Villa of Mosaics, a must see with one day in Spello

Do you love Roman mosaics? If so, be sure to visit the 4th century Villa of Mosaics on your one day in Spello itinerary.

The villa was discovered by chance in 2005, when a parking lot was being excavated. It’s one of the most important archaeological discoveries of the last 20 years. The villa’s beautifully preserved mosaics are among the finest in Italy and feature intricate designs and vivid colors.

They’re now housed in a state of the art museum. There are 8 main rooms to explore. You will see wild animals, mythological creatures, satyrs, and a wine pouring scene. 

The villa is on a smaller scale than the Villa Romana del Casale in Sicily, but still eminently worth visiting. The ticket price is € 9 or € 14 for a one hour guided tour. Guided tours begin at 10:30 am, 2:30 pm, and 3:30 pm.

shop in Spello

Spello Shops

If you are interested in Italian handicrafts, Spello is a good place to shop. You’ll find most of the boutiques right along the main drag in the historic center.

Spello is known for its local goods, including olive oil, honey, handmade ceramics, textiles, olive wood, and leather goods.

The extra virgin olive oil is delicious! It’s made from young moraiolo olives that grow on the hills around Spello. It has a thick green-gold appearance and rather intense flavor.

The town is also home to a number of specialty food shops, where you can find local cheeses, cured meats, and other delicacies. On weekends, there’s a local market.

boutique in Spello

I came away with a gorgeous leather handbag, a linen blouse, and some olive oil!

Dinner | Evening

If you are staying in Spello for dinner in the evening, I can recommend the Ristorante Enoteca l’Alchimista . The restaurant is housed in a beautifully restored 13th century building and features exposed stone walls, wooden beams, and rustic decor.

The menu focuses on traditional Umbrian cuisine, with a modern twist. Specialties include homemade pasta dishes, grilled meats, and seasonal vegetable dishes. The restaurant also has an extensive wine list.

Tips For Visiting Spello Itinerary

Here are some must know things for spending 1 day in Spello.

tour enogastronomico spello

1. How To Get To Spello

If you are driving to Spello, you won’t want to drive into the historic center. Spello is a gated town and mostly pedestrianized.

As you approach the town, you will see signs for the centro and for parking. There are quite a few lots outside the city. They are all about a 5 minute walk to the historic center.

I parked at Parcheggio Via Cavour.

tour enogastronomico spello

Spello is well-connected by train. You have two options to get there.

The closest train station to Spello is the Spello station, which is located just outside the town walls on the eastern side of town. This station is served by local and regional trains, including trains from Rome, Florence, and other major cities in central Italy.

The other nearby train station is the Foligno station, which is located about 6 miles southwest of Spello. This station is served by high speed trains and regional trains, and offers connections to a wide range of destinations throughout Italy.

Once you arrive at the train station, you can reach Spello by taking a local bus or a taxi. Taxis are usually waiting outside the train stations.

cafe chairs in a lane in Spello

2. Where To Stay In Spello

Spello has one very nice hotel, but you may want to enjoy la dolce vita in the countryside.

Hotel Palazzo Bocci is a luxury hotel in a restored 18th century palace in the heart of Spello. It offers spacious rooms and suites, a restaurant serving traditional Umbrian cuisine, a spa, and a beautiful garden.

Borgo della Marmotta is a beautiful agriturismo, which is a 15 minutes drive from Spello. It’s in the countryside near the town of Todi.

It offers rustic-chic rooms and apartments in a restored 17th century hamlet, surrounded by vineyards, olive groves, and gardens.

gelato shop in Spello

3. When To Visit Spello

The best time to visit Spello is spring or fall. In spring, flowers abound, and in fall, it’s black truffle season.

Spello is also famous for its flower festival, so you may want to visit then. The Infiorate di Spello , takes place annually in late May or early June. It’s on June 10-11 this year.

During the festival, the streets of Spello are covered with intricately designed flower carpets. They’re made by local residents and artists using millions of flower petals. 

decorations in the Flower Festival

The Spello Flower Festival is one of the most important events in the town’s calendar. So if you are planning to visit Spello during this time, be sure to book your accommodations well in advance!

4. How Much Time Do You Need To Visit Spello?

The amount of time you need to explore Spello depends on how much you want to see and do. Spello is a small town, so it is possible to see the main attractions on a day trip.

However, if you want to take your time, enjoy a leisurely lunch, and explore the narrow streets and alleys, you may want to consider staying overnight.


5. Can You Visit Both Spello and Assisi In One Day?

Although Spello is a small town, I think it deserves a full day. This is especially true if you don’t want to rush and you want to see all the historic monuments.

But it is possible to do both Spello and Assisi in one day because they are only 8.5 miles apart. If you plan to do both towns, I would start in Spello, wander the town, hit the Baglione Chapel when it opens around 10:00 am, and then head to Assisi.

To visit Assisi in the most efficient way, you may want to book a guided walking tour that includes the Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi . For more information, here’s my guide to the best things to do in Assisi .


6. Attractions Do Near Spello

Apart from Assisi, there are some other lovely medieval towns near Spello that you may want to explore.

Gubbio is 33 miles from Spello. It’s a stunning medieval town that has a uniquely well-preserved medieval atmosphere.

Gubbio is famous for its Roman ruins, beautiful Piazza Grande, and the thrill-inducing funicular ride up to the Basilica of Saint Ubaldo.

Spoleto Cathedral

Just 23 miles from Spello, Spoleto is a captivating hill town that is a hidden gem in Italy . With a medieval fortress overseeing it and the majestic Apennines mountains providing a picturesque backdrop, Spoleto’s visual appeal is unmatched.

Evidence of Etruscan and Roman cultures can be seen throughout the town in the form of ruins, including a Roman amphitheater, a 4th century house, and a 6th century Roman church.

One of Spoleto’s most striking sights is the pale stone Duomo situated on an elegant hillside piazza. Its exterior combines Romanesque and Renaissance styles, making it an excellent subject for photography.


The lovely town of Montefalco is just 9 miles northwest of Spello. It’s a beautiful village that sits atop a mountain overlooking the Clitumnus Valley. Known as the “Balcony of Umbria,” it offers stunning panoramic views.

The Piazza del Comunale is the center of the village. It’s surrounded by palaces from the Middle Ages and filled with coffee shops and wine bars. Seven streets radiate off the piazza.

One must-visit attraction is St. Augustine’s Church, a massive Gothic church with faded frescoes from the 14th to 16th centuries. Montefalco’s Museo di San Francesco is an impressive museum for its size, housing works by  Benozzo Gozzoli and Perugino.

I hope you’ve enjoyed my one day in Spello itinerary. You may enjoy these other Italy travel guides and resources:

  • 5 day itinerary for Rome
  • Hidden gems in Rome
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  • 3 day itinerary for Florence
  • 2 day itinerary for Venice
  • 1 day itinerary for Milan
  • 1 day itinerary for Siena
  • Things To Do In San Gimignano
  • 10 day itinerary for Tuscany
  • 1 week itinerary for Umbria
  • 10 day itinerary for Italy’s classic cites
  • 12 ways to spend 1 week in Italy

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2 thoughts on “One Day In Spello Italy Itinerary, Umbria’s Charming Hill Town”

Hi I truly enjoyed your one day itinerary for Spello and will look at your other itineraries as well. I have two questions:

We will be in Italy in November. Is that a good time to visit Spello? If we are coming from Passignano what train should we take?

Thanks. I think late fall is a great time to visit. I think that’s when the olive oil harvest is too. I think you can take a train from Passignano. But you may have to change in Pertugia. Public transport isn’t the best for small towns. You might even want to splurge on a taxi or private transfer.

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Last Updated on January 6, 2024 by Leslie Livingston

Exploring Umbria

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Attività preferite

tour enogastronomico spello

Visita Guidata di Spello

Torna all'esplorazione, a spasso fra le pietre rosa di spello, fra arte e storia nella città dei fiori.

Scegli la visita guidata di Spello, l’affascinante borgo umbro noto per le sue meravigliose e coloratissime Infiorate.

Passeggia tra i suoi caratteristici vicoli medievali e scegli la visita guidata in compagnia delle nostre esperte guide. Scopriremo le mura romane che cingono la città. Ammireremo i monumentali ingressi che ti riporteranno con la mente indietro all’epoca romana; apprezzeremo la massiccia Porta Urbica , la Porta Consolare con i suoi tre ingressi sormontati da statue funerarie e la torre con l’orologio che le sorge accanto.

Lasciati affascinare dalla Chiesa Collegiata di Santa Maria Maggiore . Ti regalerà la splendida visione di uno dei maggiori capolavori del rinascimento, l’affresco raffigurante la “Natività” del Pinturicchio , che decora interamente la meravigliosa Cappella Baglioni. Continueremo l’itinerario ammirando i diversi stili del Palazzo Comunale . La sua facciata duecentesca realizzata in pietra calcarea bianca e rosa e il successivo ampliamento cinquecentesco della struttura.

Recandoci presso il seicentesco Palazzo Cruciani , apprezzerai la particolare eleganza del ballatoio con la copertura lignea. Il Belvedere di Spello ti regalerà invece la visione di un panorama sulla valle circostante che ti lascerà senza fiato. Dopo una passeggiata che ti porterà nella parte più alta del paese, visita la spettacolare Porta di Venere , un vero e proprio simbolo di Spello che insieme alle sue due imponenti torri dodecagonali, dette Torri di Properzio , ti farà godere di uno scenario suggestivo e unico. Per concludere la tua visita al borgo di Spello, visiteremo il Museo Civico , in cui potrai approfondire la conoscenza delle opere d’arte custodite nel borgo.

Galleria foto

Porta urbica, mura romane, porta consolare, chiesa collegata di santa maria maggiore, palazzo comunale, palazzo cruciali, porta venere con torri di properzio.

Abbigliamento consigliato

Ci sposteremo nella maggior parte dei casi a piedi per cui ti consigliamo un abbigliamento comodo, occhiali o cappelli per il sole nelle stagioni più calde, e giacche a vento o cappelli caldi nelle stagioni più fredde.

Cosa è incluso

Guida certificata.

Cosa non è incluso

  • Non sono inclusi i biglietti di entrata in siti o musei a pagamento. L’entrata non sarà mai obbligatoria e concorderemo con te ogni eventuale visita a pagamento.
  • Non sono inclusi snack o accessori vari (come audioguide).

Durata dell’attività

L’attività avrà una durata di circa 2,5 – 3 ore, variabile però in base all’andatura del gruppo e alla disponibilità della guida.

Lingue parlate


Potrai vivere questa esperienza durante tutto l’anno.

Questa attività è adatta anche ai bambini.

Potrai vivere questa esperienza in compagnia del tuo amico a quattro zampe.

Voglia di imparare e divertirsi.

Difficoltà motorie

L’attività è adatta anche a persone con disabilità motorie o di altro tipo. In ogni caso ti invitiamo a parlare delle tue necessità con il nostro staff. Se scoprirai che l’esperienza non è adatta alle tue condizioni (o quelle della persona che viaggia con te) saremo felici di proporti un’alternativa o di rimborsarti il prezzo.

Informazioni aggiuntive

Questa attività ha una durata di mezza giornata, per cui non è previsto il pranzo. Nel tuo itinerario potrai comunque selezionare l’opzione pranzo, sopra la tua timeline. Ti consiglieremo così uno dei posti migliori dove mangiare al tuo ritorno.

Ti consigliamo vivamente di portare una macchina fotografica per immortalare lo spettacolo che ti si presenterà davanti.

Note importanti

  • Potrai vivere questa esperienza con qualsiasi condizione meteo. Alcuni punti di interesse però potranno trovarsi all’aperto, quindi è possibile che non siano visitabili in giornate di brutto tempo. La guida valuterà le condizioni meteo 48 ore prima della tua esperienza e, nell’eventualità che alcuni monumenti/attrazioni possano non essere visitabili, ti avviseremo tempestivamente. Potrai scegliere di effettuare comunque la visita, di sostituirla con un’altra attività o di ricevere il rimborso del prezzo.

Questa attività è soggetta a controllo della disponibilità dei nostri operatori. Abbiamo una grande selezione di collaboratori abilitati per questa attività, ma qualora nel giorno da te selezionato non dovessimo avere disponibilità, ti proporremo immediatamente, o comunque entro 48 ore dalla prenotazione, un’attività alternativa oppure la scelta di ricevere il rimborso del prezzo dell’esperienza.

Gli orari indicati nel programma sono orientativi e possono variare in base alle tue richieste o a quelle degli altri partecipanti, sempre e comunque concordate precedentemente con il nostro staff o con la guida.

Questa attività può essere svolta fino ad un massimo di 50 persone .

Scheda tecnica


Abbigliamento comodo consigliato

Cappello caldo

Cappello per il sole

Occhiali da sole

Giacca a vento

Guida certificata

Non incluso

Biglietto di ingresso a siti o musei a pagamento

Snack o accessori vari (come audioguide)

Non sono incluse attrezzature varie, quindi dovrai munirti degli accessori che reputerai necessari, come bastoni da camminata, occhiali da sole, binocoli, ecc.

Tutto ciò che non è indicato sotto la voce “cosa è incluso”.

L’attività avrà una durata di circa 3 ore, includendo piccole soste. La durata, però, potrà variare in base all’andatura del gruppo e alla necessità di fare più o meno pause.

Voglia di imparare e divertirsi

Adatto ai bambini

Purché accompagnati dai genitori

Adatto a persone con difficoltà motorie

In ogni caso ti invitiamo a parlare delle tue necessità con il nostro staff. Se scoprirai che l’esperienza non è adatta alle tue condizioni (o quelle della persona che viaggia con te) saremo felici di proporti un’alternativa o di rimborsarti il prezzo.

Animali ammessi

Se facilmente gestibili

Ti invitiamo comunque a confrontarti con il nostro staff per valutare la partecipazione del tuo amico a quattro zampe.

Questa attività può essere praticata solo con condizioni meteo favorevoli, che verranno valutate dal nostro partner e confermate 48 ore prima dell’esperienza. In caso di condizioni meteo non ideali provvederemo immediatamente a contattarti proponendoti un’attività alternativa o il rimborso del prezzo.

Comunica sempre attraverso Exploring Umbria per garantirti un servizio migliore e su misura per te. Per proteggere i tuoi pagamenti, non trasferire mai denaro all'esterno del sito Web Exploring Umbria.

Termini di cancellazione

Potrai cancellare la prenotazione per questa attività fino a 24 ore prima dello svolgimento e ti rimborseremo il 100% del prezzo.

Dove puoi svolgere questa attività?

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tour enogastronomico spello

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tour enogastronomico spello

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tour enogastronomico spello

Natura & benessere

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Sport & avventura

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Città & cultura

tour enogastronomico spello

Anima & spiritualità

tour enogastronomico spello

Cibo & bevande

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tour enogastronomico spello

Tour of Spello with official guide. The city of flowers

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All ,  Spello

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from 160 € / per group

visita spello

Tour of Spello with official guide

This lovely town overlooks olive groves and is characterized by charming winding alleys adorned with colorful flower pots hanging everywhere.

In the Renaissance its main church was decorated with frescoes by Pintoricchio, one of the most important 15th-16th century painters in Italy which can be admired in the beautiful Baglioni Chapel. Art lovers must see it. Come to Spello, the city of extra virgin olive oil, flowers and art!

Famous throughout Italy for the Infiorata event, on the night of the event Spello turns into an open construction site for the creation of drawings made with flowers made along the narrow streets of the city.

✔ Private guide ✔ Walking tour ❌ Admission tickets to Baglioni chapel (€ 3.00 per person)

Piazza Kennedy in front of Porta Consolare

You can cancel up to 48 hours in advance of the experience for a full refund.

  • The duration of the Spoleto tour is approximately 2 hours.
  • The tour is private, the guide is only with your group.
  • A dress code is required to enter places of worship or selected museums if present in the itinerary. No shorts or sleeveless tops are allowed and knees and shoulders must be covered for both men and women. You may risk being refused entry if you fail to comply with these dress requirements.

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[email protected]

+39 392 341 4081

tour enogastronomico spello


tour enogastronomico spello

Considered among the most beautiful hill towns in Italy, its pinkish hued stone makes it similar to a gem nestled in Mount Subasio.




tour enogastronomico spello

Scenic pink stone crib

The village of flowers par excellence, Spello’s amazing floral carpets enchant thousands of visitors every year. The well-known “infiorate” are paintings made with petals of more than 50 different flowers on the occasion of Corpus Domini festival.

This small medieval hamlet will surprise you with one of the most important Renaissance achievements in central Italy, the Baglioni Chapel with breathtaking frescoes painted by Pinturicchio, one the favorite artists of the Roman Curia.

Let’s stroll in its enchanting medieval alleys where windows and balconies are embroidered with multicolored flowers.

Only 15 years ago an extraordinary archaeological discovery was made in Umbria: the villa of a distinguished personality of the Roman history of Spello, with its 4500 sq feet – of nearly-intact mosaic floor. Multimedia content and video reconstructions will make your visit memorable.

What to see in a day

Walls and gates of roman age, piazza della repubblica.

with its medieval civic Palace.

Collegiate Church of St. Maria Maggiore

its Baglioni Chapel boasts the outstanding paintings by the great artist Pinturicchio. A must see.

with stunning views of Assisi and the Umbrian Valley.

Roman Villa of the Mosaics

where the recent and fortuitous discovery brought to light 4500 sq feet of  nearly-intact and precious polychrome mosaics of a Roman villa.

tour enogastronomico spello


Special Tours

tour enogastronomico spello


In our beautiful region we produce two red DOCG (this is the highest quality level) wines and nine DOC  wines, most of which are white. If you are curious to know the story behind each of them, we can visit the most prestigious wineries, where you will taste the precious nectar paired with tasty local delicacies – unforgettable wine and food experience.

tour enogastronomico spello


An internationally acclaimed chef will introduce you through the flavors of Umbria. Under the guide of this eccentric chef you can try typical recipes of the Umbrian culinary tradition, using ingredients coming directly from his garden; everything will be seasoned by his irony and overflowing charm.

tour enogastronomico spello


Emerald green hued, intense and fruity, Umbrian olive oil with its pleasant bitter and slightly spicy taste is considered among the best Extra Virgin olive oils not only in Italy, but also  in the world. Let’s join this tour to learn the secrets about the production of our “green gold” and its infinite health benefits. Don’t miss this worthwhile experience to taste a top quality extra virgin olive oil directly in the mill where it is produced.

tour enogastronomico spello


In the famous Sagrantino area you will enter a professional cooking school inside a prestigious winery, where you will enjoy cooking and learn  how to best pair the wine with food.

tour enogastronomico spello


Recommended for children.

Historical-naturalistic hiking along the trail which runs along the ruins of the ancient Roman aqueduct of Spello. Immersed in an uncontaminated landscape among olive trees, secular oaks, ravines and ancient bridges, we will retrace the history of these extraordinary waterworks and of their surrounding environment. Level of difficulty: easy hiking. Length: 4 miles. Duration: 2,5 hours.

tour enogastronomico spello


As a tribute to my father who was a miller, I have the pleasure of escorting you to a mill where you can learn about the entire production chain of wheat. At the end of the visit you will taste a very high quality bread like the one made by our ancestors and many other delicacies.

tour enogastronomico spello


If you would like to be immortalized in the places you visit and make your memories unforgettable, you can live a unique experience with an expert photographer at your entire disposal. You can take home digital photos or have an actual album delivered to your home.

Gourmet Corner

tour enogastronomico spello

A stop at a local oil mill to taste its green gold is a must.

Wine tasting.

Information and reservation

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*Half day tours usually last 2/2,5 hours. I can arrange the transportation by taxi or accompany you in your car.

I have read the privacy policy and I agree to the storage of the my data in your archive as established by the European regulation for the protection of personal data n. 679/2016, GDPR.

Ciao! If you are on my website, I guess you are planning your journey to my sensational region: Umbria! Well, you are on the right website. Let me introduce myself. I am Isabella Bellucci, a certified local tour guide in Umbria since 2001. My passion for languages made me study and travel in many countries around the world and graduate in Linguistic Mediation. After having taken care of the commercial relations with foreign countries for some prestigious companies, I decided to unite this first passion of mine with the one for art, becoming a local tour guide. I’m an official member of the Regional and National Association of certified local guides in Italy (AGTU and ANGT). I’m licensed to give my tours in English, French, German and Spanish. Thanks to my job, I have the opportunity to show the wonders of central Italy to travelers from all over the world. When I see the happiness reflected in the eyes of clients after my guided tour, I feel a great satisfaction, because this is the very essence of my work. Let me guide you through a unique experience in Umbria.

My tours in Umbria

My special tours

+ 39 392 341 4081

2021 © Isabella Bellucci – BLLSLL68P53G478X – Certified tour guide. Licence no. 117 issued by Umbria Region in 2001 – All rights reserved.

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Touring Spello: Encounter with a Great Artist

  • Guided Hilltown Visits
  • Touring Spello: Encounter with a…

tour enogastronomico spello

Spello, Umbria medieval gem, entices right from your first glimpse as you pull off the highway:

tour enogastronomico spello

Spello enchants for its medieval architecture, a splendid Renaissance fresco, recently discovered Roman mosaics, and stunning flowering backstreets:

tour enogastronomico spello

But when exploring Spello, you simply can’t miss seekng out local artists and artisans, linking past artistic traditions to the present.  

And as recent tour guests discovered with me, the goal of one of Spello’s most famed local artist is precisely that:  to emulate Italy’s past artistic techniques and traditions in works he is creating today.

A stop at the  bottega  of artist Elvio Marchionni was a highlight of a recent tour with this California group. In his stone-vaulted gallery, our group met Elvio and met his art.

tour enogastronomico spello

All of us were fascinated by Elvio’s works on display in this gallery – and even more fascinated as he explained the technique (and I translated) of his unique works, which he calls “ strappi ” (that is, objects which are torn or ripped) for he often paints on the plaster salvaged from the walls of abandoned rural buildings.

As Elvio explained, “I continue the story written by whoever has plastered the wall. And so, I tear out a page of the past, and on it I continue the story.”  Elvio is emulating the work of past fresco artists while also preserving the crumbling plastered walls of countryside farmhouses which he and assistants will “detach” and then affix to canvases for paintings.

Although th is video is in Italian, you can see the start of the creation process of Marchionni’s  strappi:   the detatching of sections of old plaster from abandoned rural buildings.

Elvio once said in an interview, “On the plastered walls, I see  macchie di colore  (“spots of color”) that have crossed centuries of time. I detach the plaster and take it to my studio to observe  and contemplate what is before me, letting the colors and forms suggest to me what is already there – and speak to me.”

As Elvio says, “I continue the story written by whoever has plastered the wall. And so, I tear out a page of the past, and on it I continue the story.” 

Elvio’s extraordinary  strappi “stories” backdropped our group as Elvio talked to us about his art….

tour enogastronomico spello

..and Doug and Joan purchased paintings done by Elvio on antique paper..

tour enogastronomico spello

…Lisa, too….

tour enogastronomico spello

….and Susan as well:

tour enogastronomico spello

We then all walked across the street to the de-consecrated San Michele Arcangelo church (restored after the 1997 earthquake), now also the studio of Elvio and seat of the Elvio Marchionni Fondazione (Foundation), as a sign on the side wall indicates:

tour enogastronomico spello

Inside, Marchionni splendors:

tour enogastronomico spello

In the former presbytery of the church, Elvio pointed out a recent commission for a Foligno church, the Ascension…

tour enogastronomico spello

Another commission – a painting of the Virgin and Child with St. Clare of Assisi – hung on a wall nearby:

tour enogastronomico spello

Dave and Doug were intrigued by  strappi  paintings leaning against a wall:

tour enogastronomico spello

Here are other examples of Elvio Marchionni’s strappi  which he has kindly given me permission to share:

tour enogastronomico spello

Elvio’s artistic range also includes silk-screen printing…and this one below was presented to Pope Francis by Elvio himself as a gift:

tour enogastronomico spello

His artistic skills include low reliefs as well:

tour enogastronomico spello

And what a privilege for us when Elvio invited us into his home/studio across from the church:

tour enogastronomico spello

His art filled his living space, including beneath the table…

tour enogastronomico spello

…and on the table itself:

tour enogastronomico spello

And yet another surprise was in store:   Elvio showed us with pride books he had illustrated…

tour enogastronomico spello

…including  the early 16th century epic poem of Ludovico Ariosto,  Orlando Furioso…

tour enogastronomico spello

Before we left, he autographed for each of us books about his work:

tour enogastronomico spello

Art critic Fabio Lazzari has written extensively on Marchionni’s art, terming his creations “the pages of a diary where Marchionni has skillfully written his personal emotions of a dream that has become true.  The emotions of discovering guided the soul of the artist.  The discovery is not to be seen as an arrival point but just the stage to rest and collect the strength to go on to new horizons.”

Not far from the home/studio is Spello’s church of Santa Maria Maggiore, best-noted for the splendid early 16th-c. fresco cycle of Renaissance master Pinturicchio.

tour enogastronomico spello

And above a Baroque altar just to the left of Pinturicchio’s Renaissance fresco masterpiece hangs a contemporary masterpiece: of Elvio Marchionni.

tour enogastronomico spello

And  logicamente,  we all stopped to pay tribute.

tour enogastronomico spello

Grazie, Maestro.

See Elvio Marchionni has he seeks plaster for his strappi

Read about – and see – the Pinturicchio splendor in Spello’s Church of Santa Maria Maggiore

tour enogastronomico spello

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Tour Enogastronomico


L’Umbria, terra di eccellenze

Lasciatevi sedurre dai mille volti, profumi e colori dell’Umbria, terra di eccellenze della buona tavola. Ricoperta da fitti boschi e grandi distese di vigne ed ulivi, L’Umbria è una regione dai sapori forti e sinceri: vino, olio, tartufo e salumi di grande qualità regalano piatti straordinari, ricchi di profumi, aromi e personalità. Un viaggio in questa regione è un’esperienza imperdibile per gli occhi, per lo spirito e per il palato! Ogni luogo ha il suo piatto tipico e la cucina tramanda da secoli il suo carattere antico e genuino.

Con i nostri tour enogastronomici, confezionati su misura per le vostre richieste, vi accompagneremo lungo un percorso suggestivo fatto non solo di cantine e aziende agrarie ma anche di storia, arte e ambiente.

A spasso con gusto: idee per tour enogastronomici

Giornata a Montefalco . Montefalco, uno dei borghi più belli d’Italia, è al centro delle ormai celebri Terre del Sagrantino: per la sua incantevole posizione geografica viene chiamato “La Terrazza dell’Umbria”. Qui, oltre al suggestivo panorama e a bellissimi monumenti, si possono conoscere ottimi vini DOC come il Montefalco Rosso ed il Sagrantino, diffusi ed apprezzati in tutto il mondo: le cantine produttrici (Caprai, Lungarotti, Tiburzi ed altre) sono tra i massimi esportatori internazionali di vini italiani. Nel pomeriggio si può passeggiare per il bel borgo di Montefalco e completare l’escursione con una visita in azienda di salumi e prodotti tipici umbri.

Foligno e l’arte del pane . Dopo una ricca colazione in hotel inizia la visita in uno tra i migliori panifici artigianali di Foligno. L’Umbria offre prodotti di pasticceria dolce e salata legati alle proprie origini e all’antica arte del lavorare il pane cotto ancora nel forno a legna, come si faceva nell’antichità… Le materie prime impiegate in tutti i processi produttivi sono le migliori in assoluto reperibili sul mercato locale, in particolare, oltre il 90{59a60aafb90671f9a48a9480c8b0141a799b2116f32f38475caf6d8271390658} delle farine e delle uova.

Si può approfittare del pomeriggio per una visita al Museo di Palazzo Trinci di Foligno, con o senza guida. Un Itinerario guidato per rivivere i fasti della corte dei Trinci, signori di Foligno dal 1305 al 1439: dalle splendide sale del palazzo affrescate da Gentile da Fabriano alla cappella palatina e alla caratteristica sala gotica. Il museo ospita anche una ricca collezione archeologica del periodo umbro e romano, le raccolte della Pinacoteca civica e il Museo Multimediale dei Tornei, delle Giostre e dei Giochi Equestri.

La raccolta dell’oliva a Spello . (attività soggetta a stagionalità, possibile da metà ottobre a metà dicembre circa) L’azienda Agricola La Callaia apre le sue porte a chi, per un giorno, voglia assaporare il gusto della vita in campagna. Una giornata di raccolta tra gli ulivi, nella quiete delle colline di Spello, vi tufferà in atmosfere di altri tempi. Dopo il Light lunch degustazione in azienda potrete seguire direttamente al frantoio il precorso di produzione dell’olio e scoprire il segreto della bontà di questo nostro prezioso tesoro.

Pettino: alla ricerca del tartufo. Un’escursione nel verde più incontaminato della nostra regione insieme a guide esperte e cani addestrati, alla ricerca del tartufo custodito gelosamente dalla terra. Trascorrerete la giornata affinando le vostre capacità di “cavatori” e sarete premiati da una speciale degustazione di piatti preparati con il frutto del vostro lavoro.

a spasso nelle terre del Sagrantino

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tour enogastronomico spello

An Italian Mama's Guide to Italy

blooming alley in Spello italy

Spello, Umbria: the flower-filled Italian town you’ll love

Essential travel guide to Spello, Italy: what to see, where to eat and how to visit one of Italy’s prettiest villages.

Latin poet Propertius called Spello ‘Splendidissima Colonia Iulia’, aka very splendid Spello (Colonia Iulia was Spello’s ancient name).

Indeed, only an expression such as ‘very splendid’ can convey how adorable Spello is! 

A delightful village in Umbria, Spello It is famous for being one of the prettiest villages in Italy and one of the most flowery. 

Its meandering medieval streets are a triumph of verdant balconies and colorful flowers, and the town also hosts a significant flower event called infiorata , which is world famous.

Spello is a picture-perfect, small village in Umbria, Italy’s center.

It is a beautiful town to visit for an afternoon or lunch and is ideal for photographers, foodies and anyone looking for a pleasant, relaxing and quintessentially Italian village stop. 

Why visit Spello

Spello is a pretty town in Umbria, in central Italy.

Already in existence in ancient Roman times, Spello has a beautiful Roman gate, pretty streets and the typical atmosphere of the medieval village that is so typical of central Italy.

It is perfect for a visit if you:

  • Want to experience a small, historical town with stone houses and meandering streets
  • love cute village corners with climbing plants, old Fiat 500 and local shops, perfect for that iconic central Italian experience
  • Love flowers
  • Want a pretty place for lunch in typical Umbrian settings
  • Look for a car-free town to visit for an afternoon with kids (or without!)

What to see in Spello: Spello itinerary

Spello is a little village with pretty streets, beautiful churches, restaurants and shops.

The whole town is an attraction in itself. If you have been to places like Pienza or San Gimignano , you probably know what I mean. Rather than individual things to see, the town itself is worth seeing. 

That said, I recommend you seek out some specific things to see in Spello. 

Porta Consolare

The first thing you see as you enter Spello is Porta Consolare (Aka Consular Gate).

This ancient gate dates to Roman times and is beautiful and imposing.

Beautiful statues crown the central mouth of the entrance. You find a lovely tower beside it with a surprise on top: an olive tree and some bells!

Porta Consolare (City gate) in Spello

The tower is lovely and slightly reminiscent of Torre Guinigi in Lucca , albeit not as high. 

The tower overlooks a pretty square with cafes and restaurants and is also where you find an info point for visitors.

Top tip! Just beside the gate, there is a drinking fountain. Use it to fill up your reusable water bottle: the water is free and delicious!

Spello’s churches

Spello develops over the slope of a hill, on the sides of the main street that meanders all the way to the top. 

Along this street, you have many pretty shops, restaurants, and significant and beautiful churches worth seeing. 

I recommend you take a moment to see: 

Cappella Tega , a small chapel with frescoes from the XIV century

Collegiata di Santa Maria Maggiore , a wonderful church from the 1200s especially famous for stunning paintings by Pinturicchio, Perugino and some Deruta ceramics.

The church overlooks a lovely piazza along Via Consolare. It is popular with weddings and a favorite destination for art lovers. 

Its most significant chapel is cappella baglioni, which has singificant an Annunciation, Nativity and paitnings of rhe grour Sybuls by Pinturicchio.

Worth seeing is also the little Hortus, the garden beside the church where you will also find a small drinking fountain.

Frescoes chapel inside church in Spello Italy

Church of St Andrea -another wonderful church in Spello is Sant’Andrea, which has a beautifully frescoed chapel with beautiful blue vaults.

Church of San Lorenzo has interesting woodwork also worth seeing for lovers of the genre.

Pinacoteca Civica di Spello

Pinacoteca Civica (Museum) Pinacoteca is Spello’s local art gallery, and it is significant for art lovers as it has a meaningful collection of Renaissance art.

You can find here >>> info and opening hours

Spello’s blooming alley (Spello’s Highlight!)

The most unusual and beautiful thing about Spello for the occasional visitor is the town’s charming alleys.

Spello has a long-lasting tradition taking place each summer between May and mid-August: a flower competition that sees the town’s alley compete with one another for the most beautiful flower display.

Flower alley in Spello Italy

The event is called  Finestre, balconi e vicoli fioriti (blooming windows, balconies and alleys) and it is fabulous.

The town is characterized by pretty, ancient houses made of local stones, and local homeowners go out or their ay to decorate the facades, steps and courtyard with vases with flowers of all colors. 

Flowers in Spello Umbria Italy

The result is an extravaganza of colors and smells that make the town an absolute delight. 

The alleys are all over the village however, we noticed the prettiest part of all is all the way up, where the streets get narrower, the tourism subsides and the flowers truly take center stage.

Verdant corner in Spello

Infiorata di Spello (June)

The most famous event in Spello and something that makes Spello unique is the town’s wonderful infiorata .

That of infiorata is a very ancient tradition that you see in some ancient Italian town: in that occasion, the village streets get covered in flower art and turn into real canvases colored by flowers of all types!

In Spello, infiorata happens in June and it is a special event that attracts large crowds.

Find here >>> all info and details

Porta Venere

Porta Venere is another ancient gate in Spello and it is distinctive because of its imposing towers called Torri di Properzio.

The gate is one of the most famous attractions in Spello and has been restored so that the towers are safe to climb. The gate and towers are open at the weekend in the summer season only, usually morning and evening.

Current opening hours are: Friday, Saturday and Sunday: 11:00 – 13:00 e 15:00 – 17:00

Spello’s shops

Spello is a tourist place and has several charming shops where you can buy authentic souvenirs. The best things to buy in Spello are food souvenirs, Deruta ceramics and perfume, especially acqua di spello, which is a local production. 

Visiting Spello with kids

I visited Spello with my kids and my parents and we all loved it.

Being here in the height of summer, the heat was against us (Spello gets a lot of sun!) but we found it to be a pretty and family-friendly town.

A few things you need to know if visiting Spello with kids:

  • The town is mostly uphill so it is more easily managed without a stroller.
  • There is a nice playground in Giardini Pubblici which is good for small kids (swings, slide, wooden bridge, spring rides, etc)
  • There is little shade so if visiting in summer, try to avoid the hottest hours of the day
  • There is not a lot for toddlers to do (Aside from the playground) but my kids aged 10 and 12 loved looking at the pretty alleys, exploring the town, trotting around without fear of cars, and peeking in the adorable shops and looking for cats.

Restaurants serve local specialties and are able and willing to make simple pasta for the kids. We noticed high chairs in most restaurants.

There are drinking fountains in several parts of the village.

You have shops selling gelato and pizza.

If you want even more help or you have any questions, please in my FREE Facebook group about traveling to Italy with kids: I will be happy to have you there and the tips from me and the other members are FREE!

child walking along pretty street in Spello Italy

Where to eat in Spello

We had lunch in a lovely place called ESoTre, just off the main street. 

The restaurant has indoor and outdoor tables.

Outdoor ones follow the slope of the road, making them atmospheric but not ideal with a stroller. If you have a young child, staying indoors may be easier! The service was pleasant and friendly, the food delicious (especially the board of cured meats).

The restaurant has an accessible restroom.

Where to park in Spello

Spello is a gated village surrounded by ancient walls. As such, it is mostly car-free.

Several car park areas are immediately outside its walls and they make leaving the car and exploring easy.

Spello is small and all parking areas are close to the town. 

As you e towards the town, you must follow the signs saying ‘Centro’ (town center) and ‘P’ (Parking area). 

The closest parking area we found was near Piazza della Liberta’; however, we noticed all others were within a 5-minute walk from the town. Despite visiting in summer, we didn’t feel parking to be an issue: make sure you have payment with you (coins or cards) as parking is pay and display. 

The best time to visit Spello

The best time of the year to visit Spello is during the flower festival infiorata (June) and then thee blooming alley time, June to mid-August.

At this time, the weather is likely to be sunny and hot, in July and August even very hot, so some precautions against the heat are necessary.

Light clothing, sun hats, sunscreen and reusable water bottles are a must.

Where to stay near Spello

Since the area of Spello is hilly and verdant, our favorite place to stay in Spello is not in town by nearby.

We love lovely Agriturismo La Corte del Lupo, which has nice rooms, a lovely pool, tons of space for adults and kids and super friendly powers that will make you feel right at home.

I hope you enjoyed this quick travel guide to Spello Umbria and it inspired you to visit!

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Marta Correale

Marta Correale is an Italian mama of two. Born and raised in Rome, Marta has a passion for travel and especially enjoys showing off Italy to her kids, who are growing up to love it as much as she does! A classics graduate, teacher of Italian as a second language and family travel blogger, Marta launched Mama Loves Italy as a way to inspire, support and help curious visitors to make the most of a trip to Italy and learn about Italian culture on the way.

View of Gubbio Italy with tiled roofs

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Spello, Italy: travel guide for the fortified village of Spello in Umbria

Photo of Spello

Visit Spello

Spello is a medieval village on the slopes of a hill that has retained a great deal of its original aspect and many important monuments and is a pleasure to explore. Still surrounded by the ruins of ancient Roman walls and others built more recently during the Papal domain to create the 'Fortress', Spello is officially classified as one of the most ' beautiful villages in Italy '.

As well as the village itself and the Roman and medieval monuments there are also several important artworks of interest, including a fresco cycle by Pinturicchio in the Church of Santa Maria Maggiore which is the most important sight in the village.

Explore Spello: tourism and travel guide

Below we mention many of the highlights in Spello, but of course as with all pretty Italian villages much of the pleasure in a visit is simply wandering through the narrow streets of old town, taking in the atmosphere.

You enter Spello through one of the various gates through these walls: these are the Porta Consolare, Porta Venere, Porta Urbica, Porta Romana and Porta San Sisto. Starting your visit from Porta Consulare, you enter the so-called Terziere del Borgo, a typical medieval village of narrow streets and houses typically of two stories.

One of the most important religious buildings of the city, the 11th century Church of Santa Maria Maggiore , is at the end of 'Consular Street'. According to historical sources the church belonged to the monks of 'Camaldoli' in 1085.


It became a Collegiate church in 1187, completed in 1287, but was then extended in 1644 by Master Belardino using ancient materials, such as some Romanesque friezes which were embedded in the Portal.

Self portrait of Pinturicchio, Collegiata Santa Maria Maggiore, Spello

In the four vaults he painted the four Sibille (Tiburtina, Eritrea, European and Samia), sitting on a throne between two tombstones, on which you can read a few sentences taken from Sacred Scripture. In the side chapels, there are two frescoes by Perugino (1450-1523).

The Spello Art Gallery is in the Palace of the Canons of the Collegiate and has an interesting collection of paintings and frescoes, sculptures and works of fine jewellery. Among the most important works is a polychrome wood sculpture, the "Madonna Enthroned", created between the 12th and 13th centuries and the oldest item in the collection.

In the Frescoes Hall see the “Madonna and Child with Saint Jerome and Saint Bernardino” by Andrea d'Assisi (1480-1521), a pupil of Pinturicchio who was active in Spello in the 16th century. Also worth mentioning are the "Christ Crucified between the Virgin and Saints Francis, John the Evangelist and Bishop Crispolto", by Niccolò di Liberatore, called the “Alunno” (1430-1502), and the “Madonna and Child”, attributed to Pinturicchio.

Nearby you can visit the Church of San Andrea , altered over the centuries, but remarkable for its Romanesque style portal and for the presence in the apse of the main altar of some frescoes by the Umbrian school and a painting by Pinturicchio.

The Piazza della Repubblica has many interesting buildings such as the 13th century Municipal Palace, now home to the Archaeological Museum .The museum has fragments of the Roman Theatre and other artefacts such as the document in which Constantine gave Spello the right to erect a temple to the 'Gens Flavia'.

In Piazza Umberto I you can see the Church of San Lorenzo , dating from the 12th century but altered in the 16th century. It is divided into three naves with massive pillars and with three chapels, the first of which is dedicated to the “Virgin Mary Crowned”.

There is also the Sacrament Chapel, built by Filippo Neri da Foligno in 1789 and containing a tabernacle by Flaminio Vacca (1538-1605) that was once on the main altar. On the left wall of this chapel is a door from which we enter the Chapel of the Trinity.

The Church is very rich in frescoes, and in particular we mention those by Bartolomeo da Miranda [active 1435 to 1475] ("The Mystical Marriage of Saint Catherine"), a "San Bernardino", attributed to Tiberio d'Assisi (1470-1524), and “St. Laurent and two angels” (early XVI cent.) by Andrea Camassei da Bevagna (1602-1649).

Ancient gateway in Spello, Italy

Going along the "Way of the Roman Arch" you are now entering the upper part of the city, called the "Rocca" and which was once a medieval fortress of which some towers remain. The area is now occupied by the Capuchin Monastery, which includes the ancient Church of San Severino , with the façade in Romanesque style. There are lovely views from the Porta dell'Arco and other places in the old town.

Following the walls of the fortress along Via Torre del Belvedere, Via San Agostino and Via delle Mura Vecchie in upper Spello you find the monumental Venus Gate, with an Arch and three barrel-vaults. This is inserted into an structure divided by pilasters and cornices, and alongside two powerful towers that make a strong visual impact and were constructed perhaps before the time of Frederick II of Swabia (others suggest they were built later, under Cardinal Albornoz (1310-1367)).

From the Venus Gate you reach the ruins of the Roman Amphitheatre dating from the 1st century AD and the Porta Urbica, another of the entrances to the Roman city.

Nearby is the interesting Church of San Claudio , an example of Romanesque architecture, built, they say, on an ancient temple dedicated to the god Saturn. According to the Annals of Camaldoli the church belonged to the order of Camaldoli from 1025 and it is a real "rustic" church, with a very attractive façade featuring a large rose window. Inside there are also some late 14th century frescoes by unknown artists.

Unusually, the rose window is not perpendicular to the portal, giving the church an asymmetry that is its key characteristic. The phenomenon is also evident inside, so it’s very likely that the asymmetry has been "designed", and probably has some symbolic meaning perhaps the "inversion" of something else, such as paganism.

Inside, if you look carefully at the altar you can see that it consists of a pillar, on which there is the cover, but "inverted", of a Roman sarcophagus. Perhaps the church refers to the “overthrow of paganism” by Christianity.

Also worth mentioning as you explore Spello is the Church of Saint Jerome , with an adjoining monastery. This complex was built in 1472 under Braccio Baglioni (1419-1479), with a rectangular portico supported by Ionic columns and is decorated with 16th century frescoes, among them “St. Francis receiving the stigmata”, by Pier Antonio Mezzastri.

Inside there are a ciborium and a 16th century wooden crucifix. In the choir is a fresco ("The Marriage of Maria") by the school of Pinturicchio.

The complex of St. Jerome stands in a very beautiful setting in the area near Mount Subasio where you have easy access to the surroundings of Spello. The region has a significant number of farms where you can taste some of the traditional dishes such as the fried eggs with truffles, fried wild boar or the red potatoes of Colfiorito. A perfect end to your explorations of Spello.

Attractions nearby

The route to Assisi is a scenic drive from Spello - find time for the walk to enjoy the views from the top of Monte Subasio. We also enjoyed a stroll around the small medieval villages at San Giovanni and Collepino.

See also history of Spello

Where is Spello?

The village is situated in the Umbria region of central Italy, between Assisi and Foligno .

You can find more local travel ideas in the Umbria guide .

Map of Spello and places to visit

Spello places to visit.


The cathedral and cloisters, and the impressive art museum, are the highlights of a visit to Foligno


The Piazza Silvestri in the heart of Bevagna is a lovely piazza surrounded by medieval buildings


The birthplace of Saint Francis of Assisi is best known for its basilica dedicated to the saint


The ancient village of Montefalco still retains its imposing fortified walls and interesting old town centre


The region around Valtopina contains numerous ancient villages and churches typical of the region

Gualdo Cattaneo

Gualdo Cattaneo

The Borgia’s Fortress is the main attraction in Gualdo Tadino, which also has several interesting churches

...or see all our recommended places to visit in Umbria

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Palatine Chapel

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Enoteca Properzio 1

Ratings and reviews, location and contact.

A warm May lunchtime .. an unplanned visit to Spello (great place to wander round) but where to eat? The terrace outside Enotecha Properzio starting to fill up with locals and regulars so no contest! Playful and charming reception from the host, pasta with fresh... truffle, plate of local cold meats, mixed bruschetta plate - all fabulous taste and accompanied by Sagrantino and other good wines suggested and explained. Great atmosphere of everyone enjoying their food and drink. A perfect late Spring lunchtime in Umbria ... More

We stayed at a hotel in Assisi that included a tour of and a lunch in Spello in its rate. We are generaly suspicious of a lunch included in a rate. Our lunch at Enotica Properzio 1 was very different. Roberto and lucca, a terrific... father - son team, treated us as family. We ate outside on a beautiful day. By the end of the meal, there were ten wine glasses and four olive oil bottles on the table. I don't recall exactly what we ate but, the lunch was delicious. We rarely buy anything on "included" lunches or tours. Of course this time we purcahsed wine and oliver oil. The process was seemless and we received the package within a month of our lunch. All in all, our trip to Umbria was made even more special having met Roberto and Lucca. More

You're wandering around Umbria, just left Assisi; got an appointment for a late lunch and wine tasting at a little place in Spello (not Spoleto), highly recommended by a good friend. The proprietor, Roberto greets you like famiglia, because any friend of the family is... well, famiglia! Sitting outside a 300 year old building on a delightful day in a cozy courtyard, you are introduced to the wines, cheeses, meats, dishes & desserts of this golden province. Roberto's children, Luca & Irene are your English tour guides, as knowledgeable and charming as their father, which is a pretty tough assignment! The wines, the pairings, the intimate detail of the wine (if you're interested) made for a fantastic afternoon. Yes, we bought wine, more than I had intended; yes we'll be back and yes by all means go if you'll be in the area. Bob Cherichella More

Would have loved to have visited there during our week stay in late March early April but was closed. No indication as to why. I assume non-tourist season???

Wandering down a street off of the main road of Spello, we stumbled upon this wonderful little Enoteca tucked into the side of a medieval building. We started with a great bruschetta with the local olive oils, then had a wonderful panini with prosciutto. We... also experienced some of the top italian wines, as we were given a Cervaro della sala and then an incredible barolo carina francia di Conterno. Even with all the great food and top-notch wine, the price was still completely reasonable. Combining the food and wine with the incredible location, Enoteca Properzio 1 is definitely not to be missed while in Spello! More

My husband and I went her three years ago from a trip advisor review on our way back from Assisi and had the best meal and wine tasting experience that made us fall in love with the Angelini family and sweet town of Spello. This... time we brought our 20 year olds and we all had an equally magic experience. The food, cooked by Mama Angelini, was some of the best food we had in Italy and the knowledge conveyed by Luca and Roberto, his dad, throughout the whole pairing was so generous and fun for all of us. Save a few hours and don't drive afterwards since they are so generous with the delicious wines. More

We were recommended to visit Enoteca Properzio while cycling thru Spello on our way from Assisi to Spoleto & I have to say it was one of the highlights of our trip!! Roberto his daughter Irena were so hospitable & of course very knowledgeable of... all the wines! It was truly an amazing experience - not only a wonderful meal but we tried some very special wines, olive oils & aged balsamic. This family & business is fabulous!!😘❤️🍷👍 More

tour enogastronomico spello

I loved this place! Hosts are the best. Friendly and very knowledgeable in their wines. Best part is the sampling. They have a small store where they sell a lot of products, although pricey, but offer some of the best wines in the world. I... will be back! 😁 More

A must for a glass of wine (or many!) and some local cheese or cold cuts after the climbing of this fantastic medieval city. The server was a fun and beautiful girl that really made us enjoy the wine and the atmosphere. They have a... great selection of wines from Umbria. More

If your looking for great food and pleasant, friendly staff you must visit Enoteca Properzio 1. This was one of my favorite places to get a bite in all of Italy! They have many food choices and the wines are recommended by what would compliment... the meal. My experience couldn't have been better! More

Had lunch here one day with 2 other couples. The owner and his daughter were so engaging and lovely. They were very proud of there local produce and justifiably so. 3 courses with matched wine was a great way to spend a few lazy lunch... hours. Do yourself a favour its a Spello must. More

We visited Spello during a week in Umbria and happened upon Enoteca Properzio around lunch time. A New York Times article caught our attention so we got a table for two. Irene seated us and took our order. We sampled some white wine, Grechetto, a... rosso blend (mostly Sangiovese ) and a Sagrantino. The food was wonderful - my wife had a caprese salad and I had a mix of salami, prosciutto, cappicola and melon. Irene's father, Roberto, brought us the wines to sample. We decided to ship a case home. We don't find Umbrian wines at home in the same quantities as those from Tuscany and other regions. Spello is a beautiful hill town with art and lovely views. If you go, eat and drink at Properzio. More

Locally, Enoteca Properzio 1, is known as Properzio Uno. The name comes from the fact that it was the original location of the Angelini Family's wine shop. It is overshadowed now by the Enoteca Properzio 2, which is open 12+ hours a day and is... the site for fabulous wine tastings with accompanying food choices. However, if you are in Spello and looking to enjoy a light lunch of panini, salads, mixed cold meats, etc., Properzio Uno is an overlooked jewel. It is easy to walk to from the Center. It was beautifully renovated and decorated about 4 years ago, including the installation of air conditioning. Many of the same great wines found at the Enoteca are available here, too, by the glass or bottle. But, partaking of wine is not an expectation. Soft drinks, water and coffee are available. The prices are comparable to the 'tourist menu' prices along the main street but here you can enjoy a quieter meal in greater comfort. It is on the street named Properzio and is only a few paces from one of the most photographed historic sites in Spello. Families are welcome and the lower room can accommodate a larger group or provide family style seating for strangers soon to become friends! My wife and I are regulars here during our frequent stays in Spello. More

Restaurant Properzio 1 The 5 x 15 x 5 (Factors x Items x Scale) Experience Review® describes a review according with an expected (what we were looking for) experience: daily lunch or dinner, gourmet lunch or dinner and an aperitif or drink. The expected experience... may influence the review. Major clear explanations are in brackets. Introduction - Expected experience: gourmet lunch - Menu: ribollita, cheese selection, cantucci, sparkling and sweet wine Briefly Experience Review The only bad side of the story is that it is 500km far away from home…Everything perfect. A special thanks to Tania The 5 x 15 x 5 (Factors x Items x Scale) Experience Review® 1 Location 1.1 Atmosphere ●●●●● (it would be great to come back for lunch or in summer) 1.2 Cleanliness ●●●●● (see above) 2 Food 2.1 Base quality, raw materials ●●●●○ (local, over the average…just some thought about the cheese selection) 2.2 Love for territory ●●●●● (Italy, please take notes…) 2.3 Menu ●●●●● (only food that is fresh and good) 2.4 Innovation ●●●○○ (this must represent the next level of excellence) 3 Wine 3.1 Base quality ●●●●○ (a very interesting cellar) 3.2 Sparkling choice and quality ●●●●○ (see above) 3.3 Innovation ●●●○○ (see above) 4 Personnel 4.1 Professionalism ●●●●● (simply perfect) 4.2 Food passion ●●●●○ 4.3 Wine passion ●●●●○ (see above) 5 Price 5.1 Absolute ●●●○○ 5.2 Quality ratio ●●●●● Have you find useful this 5 x 15 x 5 (Factors x Items x Scale) Experience Review®? If yes, please leave your feedback below. Thanks much! More

Stopped by for a casual "lunch" and ended up having a wonderful wine tasting and lunch experience. Father and son, Roberto and Luca, are fun, engaging and gave us a great amount of time and attention. The wine and olive oil offerings were outstanding and... we ended up buying quite a bit of each to ship back!! Have been to quite a few tastings throughout Italy (at wineries) and this was a standout experience; would never have guessed it from when we first decided to stop for lunch. One can experience as much as desired, from a light lunch to what we enjoyed. The kind of place to enjoy with friends. Was a standout experience during our stay in Umbria. More

tour enogastronomico spello

ENOTECA PROPERZIO 1, Spello - Restaurant Reviews, Photos & Phone Number - Tripadvisor

  • Service: 4.5
  • Atmosphere: 5

Odyssey Magazine

Spello E-Bike Tour With Lunch and Wine Tasting!

Curious about exploring the charming Italian countryside on an e-bike while indulging in a delightful lunch and wine tasting experience? The Spello E-Bike Tour offers a unique blend of adventure and culinary delight, promising a day filled with picturesque views and authentic flavors.

But what makes this tour stand out from the rest? Find out how this immersive journey through the heart of Umbria caters to both active explorers and foodies alike, creating a memorable experience that goes beyond the ordinary.

Other bike experiences happening nearby

  • Bevagna E-Bike & Wine Tour
  • Bevagna E-Bike Tour With Lunch at the Farm

Spello E-Bike Tour With Lunch and Wine Tasting! - Key Points

  • Effortless exploration of the Olive Path Trail with pedal-assisted e-bikes.
  • Enjoy local cuisine during a lunch break on the tour.
  • Indulge in wine tasting at a charming winery.
  • Accessible and immersive experience suitable for all fitness levels.

Here's some more nearby activities we've reviewed

  • Hands on Italian Cooking Classes
  • Balloon Adventures Italy, Hot Air Balloon Rides Over Assisi, Perugia and Umbria

Tour Details

Spello E-Bike Tour With Lunch and Wine Tasting! - Tour Details

Set out on an exhilarating small-group e-bike tour along the Olive Path Trail from Spello to Assisi, where you’ll enjoy breathtaking landscapes and a full-day adventure filled with cultural experiences.

The tour provides the opportunity to explore the stunning surroundings while enjoying the benefits of an E-Bike, making the journey more accessible for all fitness levels.

Plus, you will indulge in delicious local cuisine during a well-deserved lunch break, complemented by wine tasting at a charming winery along the way.

This unique combination of outdoor activity and gastronomic delights enhances the overall experience, allowing travelers to immerse themselves fully in the beauty of the Italian countryside while savoring the flavors of the region.

Spello E-Bike Tour With Lunch and Wine Tasting! - Highlights

What exciting destinations and experiences await along the Spello E-Bike Tour trail? Participants will uncover the beauty of Spello, Collepino , and a charming local winery while enjoying the benefits of e-bikes.

Here are some highlights to look forward to:

  • Effortless Riding : Pedal-assisted e-bikes make covering significant distances a breeze.
  • Scenic Exploration : Enjoy the picturesque landscapes of the Olive Path Trail at a leisurely pace.
  • Suitable for Everyone : With e-bikes, the tour is accessible to all fitness levels, ensuring a delightful experience for all.
  • Local Cuisine Delights : Indulge in the flavors of the region with a delicious lunch and wine tasting at a traditional winery.

Get set for a day filled with memorable sights, delicious food , and the convenience of e-bikes!

Spello E-Bike Tour With Lunch and Wine Tasting! - Reviews

Participants on the Spello E-Bike Tour can gain valuable insights from the diverse range of reviews, reflecting the exceptional experiences shared by travelers. The tour received an overall rating of 5.0 on platforms like Viator and Tripadvisor, showcasing high customer satisfaction. Reviews highlighted the knowledgeable and friendly tour guides, contributing significantly to the positive feedback. Travelers appreciated the seamless organization and the immersive journey through Spello, Collepino , and the local winery. The tour’s suitability for all fitness levels was also positively noted. Here is a summary of the ratings in a table for a quick overview:

Booking Information

Spello E-Bike Tour With Lunch and Wine Tasting! - Booking Information

To secure a spot on the Spello E-Bike Tour with Lunch and Wine Tasting, travelers can easily book their experience through Viator, starting at a price of £130.95.

When booking this exciting tour, travelers should be aware of the following key details:

Payment methods , Cancellation policy

Viator accepts various payment methods , including credit cards and PayPal.

Cancellation policy allows for a full refund if canceled at least 24 hours before the activity begins.

Group size, Tour availability

The tour is conducted in small groups to ensure a personalized experience.

Availability may vary, so it’s recommended to book in advance to secure a spot on the desired date.

Additional Information

Spello E-Bike Tour With Lunch and Wine Tasting! - Additional Information

For travelers looking to enhance their understanding of the Spello E-Bike Tour with Lunch and Wine Tasting, exploring the Additional Information section provides valuable insights and resources for a well-rounded experience.

In this section, travelers can find details on wine pairing, where local cuisine is expertly matched with regional wines to create a delightful culinary experience. Plus, the section offers traveler photos for viewing, allowing visitors to get a visual sense of what to expect during the tour.

If travelers have any questions or require assistance, the Viator Help Center is readily available to provide support. On top of that, information on how Viator works is also provided, ensuring that participants are well-informed and prepared for their Spello E-Bike adventure.

Spello E-Bike Tour With Lunch and Wine Tasting! - Directions

Navigating the picturesque Olive Path Trail from Spello to Assisi on the Trekking E-Bike tour is a delightful adventure waiting to unfold. Riders can enjoy the stunning landscapes while making their way to these charming destinations. Along the way, they’ll have the opportunity to explore landmarks such as the historic town of Spello, the quaint village of Collepino, and a local winery offering a taste of the region’s finest wines.

After a day of cycling, participants can indulge in the delicious local cuisine served during the included lunch, accompanied by delightful wine tasting. This experience not only provides a physical journey through the Italian countryside but also a culinary exploration of the region’s flavors.

Common questions

Spello E-Bike Tour With Lunch and Wine Tasting! - Common questions

Is Previous Experience With E-Bikes Required for This Tour?

No experience required for the tour. Beginners are welcome as the learning curve is minimal, and the e-bikes are easy to handle. Participants of all fitness levels can enjoy exploring Spello, Collepino, and a local winery.

Are There Any Age Restrictions for Participants on the Tour?

Age restrictions on the tour are minimal, generally requiring participants to be at least 16 years old. No prior tour experience is necessary, making it accessible to a wide range of individuals looking to explore the beautiful Olive Path Trail.

Can Dietary Restrictions Be Accommodated for Lunch and Wine Tasting?

Dietary restrictions like allergies and vegetarian preferences can be accommodated for lunch and wine tasting. Travelers can request custom menus or vegan alternatives. The tour ensures all participants enjoy the culinary experience without limitations.

Is There a Weight Limit for Participants Using the Trekking E-Bikes?

Weight restrictions for participants using the trekking e-bikes are essential safety measures . The tour ensures all riders comply with the weight limit to guarantee a safe and enjoyable experience. Safety is a top priority for all participants.

Are Helmets Provided for Participants, or Should They Bring Their Own?

Helmets are provided on the tour for safety first . Participants can also bring their own for comfort. Ensuring a secure ride, the tour prioritizes safety with the option for added personal comfort through bringing individual helmets.

Here's more of our most recent tour reviews happening neaby

  • Spello, Roman Mosaics and Renaissance Masterpieces – Private Tour
  • Umbria Tuscany Farmhouse Cooking Class for Families – Perugia
  • Umbria Wine Lovers Tour L Montefalco & Bevagna L Small Group Tour
  • Perugia Walking Tour With Licensed Guide
  • Spoleto Private Walking Tour With Official Guide
  • Montefalco: Winery and Oil Mill Tour in With Light Lunch
  • Private Perugia Walking Tour With Official Guide
  • Organic Cooking Class With a Sommelier in an Olive and Wine Farm
  • Private Visit to the Brugnoni Winery With Tasting of 4 Wines
  • Winery Tour and Private Tasting in Montefalco
  • Taste Perugia Food Tour Led by Local

Spello E-Bike Tour With Lunch and Wine Tasting! - Last Words

Don’t miss out on the ultimate Spello E-Bike Tour experience ! Indulge in the beauty of Italy’s landscapes, enjoy delicious food and wine, and create unforgettable memories along the Olive Path Trail.

With glowing reviews and high ratings, this tour is perfect for all fitness levels and promises a day filled with exploration and relaxation.

Book your adventure now for a truly enriching journey through the heart of Umbria!

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Scopri l'Umbria

Francesca cardinali  guida turistica dell'umbria.

Mi  chiamo Francesca Cardinali   sono nata e vivo in Umbria, uno scrigno di capolavori dell’arte e della natura, un vero e proprio museo all’aria aperta che sorprende ogni volta chi la visita.

Perché visitare l'Umbria ?

Insieme scopriremo città e borghi medievali arroccati, i grandi artisti come Giotto, Cimabue, Perugino, Pintoricchio, Benozzo Gozzoli, Luca Signorelli (per citarne solo alcuni), i luoghi legati alla spiritualità religiosa come santuari ed eremi perché si sa, l’Umbria è anche terra di Santi importanti.

Potremo inoltre ammirare scorci mozzafiato e passeggiare attraverso una natura rigogliosa dalle tinte verde scuro, attraversare il suo specchio d’acqua, il lago Trasimeno e gustare la tipica cucina Umbra semplice e genuina, sempre accompagnata dai vini caratteristici della zona.

Scegli la città o l’itinerario che fa per te e contattami senza impegno per chiarimenti e per programmare la tua visita in Umbria.

Le proposte di viaggio che troverai nel sito non esauriscono le infinite possibilità di itinerario che potrai scegliere i n prima persona.

Stagione 2020

  • Città di Castello
  • Città della Pieve
  • Castiglione del Lago
  • Passignano sul Trasimeno

 Mi presento, 

  clicca qui

cardinali guida@ gmail. com

  cell :   328-7394862

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Agriturismo Turuziello

Enogastronomic tour.

OLIVE OIL AND LEMONS. Guided tour of an historic citrus grove (registered as a producer of lemon and olive oil), with a taste of the products: homemade lemonade, lemon slices with sugar, lemon and orange marmalade on a rusk and extra virgin olive oil, lemon and orange scented olive oil on a slice of homemade bread.

PROVOLONE AND MOZZARELLA MAKING Guided tour of ‘Turuziello’ holiday farm (registered as a producer of provolone del Monaco DOP) and making of mozzarella cheese and caciottine, then a taste of salami of our own production and provolone del Monaco. All served with a good glass of local wine. The milk we use for the production of cheese comes from high quality cows, such as Agerolese, Frizzone and Pezzata antica breeds.

PIZZA MAKING SHOW TOUR. Pizza at Ristorante da Francesco, in the historic centre of Schiazzano, guests will receive explanation on the making of the typical Neapolitan pizza and will try to make one out of the dough balls kneaded in the morning. Then wine, dessert and coffee.

LIMONCELLO TIME. Finally we will walk back to historic citrus grove to taste limoncello as a digestif and then explanation on the family recipe.

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    Enoteca Properzio 1. Claimed. Review. Share. 409 reviews #3 of 42 Restaurants in Spello $$ - $$$ Italian Mediterranean Wine Bar. Via Torri di Properzio 8, 06038 Spello Italy +39 0742 301688 Website. Closed now : See all hours.

  16. Spello: Roman Mosaics and Renaissance Masterpieces Tour

    Embark on the captivating Spello Tour to explore the enchanting world of Roman mosaics and Renaissance masterpieces. This tour offers a unique blend of historical significance and artistic exploration, allowing visitors to witness firsthand the rich cultural tapestry of Spello.. By exploring sites like Villa dei Mosaici and Cappella Baglioni, participants can enjoy the intricate details of ...

  17. Spello E-Bike Tour With Lunch And Wine Tasting!

    Journey through the enchanting Italian countryside on an e-bike, indulge in a delightful lunch and wine tasting - but what makes this tour truly unforgettable?

  18. Simone Tili a Buongiorno Regione per le Infiorate di Spello e il Tour

    Simone Tili a Buongiorno Regione per le Infiorate di Spello e il Tour enogastronomico

  19. Guida turistica Umbria- Francesca Cardinali

    Chiamami: cell: 328-7394862. Visita l'Umbria con una Guida Turistica abilitata. Visite guidate in Umbria. Salve a tutti! Mi chiamo Francesca Cardinali e sono Guida Turistica dell'Umbria..

  20. Tour Enogastronomico

    Tour Enogastronomico. 557 likes. Nata nel 2000, Tour Enogastronomico è la migliore guida per conoscere date e luoghi di Sagre, Event

  21. Le Tradizioni di Schiazzano

    the tour le tradizioni di schiazzano includes in the price, the pickup and drop-off from sorrento. the time and the meeting point for the pick-up are: morning: 9:00 (am) afternoon: 15:00 (3:00 pm) the meeting point will be in via degli aranci, near the japanese restaurant ikura sushi.

  22. Holiday Farm Turuziello

    The enogastronomic tour "Schiazzano e tradizioni" was born in 2011 with the aim of bringing out the flourishing enogastronomic tradition of Schiazzano. The tour was devised by Benedetto De Gregorio e Lucio Esposito, respectively masters in the art of Provolone del monaco, lemon and pizza margherita. The tour is structured this way: OLIVE ...