Complete Guide to Kathmandu

Top Things to Do in Kathmandu

Top Things to Do in Pokhara

Sacred Sites

Amazing Festivals

Top National Parks

Must-Try Food

Annapurna Circuit

Manaslu Circuit

Himalaya Trail

Facts About Mt. Everest

Trek to Everest Base Camp

Best Time to Visit

Weather & Climate

Kathmandu Airport Guide

Top Destinations in Nepal

One Week in Nepal

Tipping Guide

Getting Around

Top Things to Do in Nepal

The Top 20 Things to Do in Nepal

fun places to visit in nepal

 Kriangkrai Thitimakorn / Getty Images

Nepal is well known for its very, very high mountains—in fact, it's home to eight of the world's top 10 highest mountains. Adventure lovers flock to Nepal to climb and trek in the Himalayas, but there's so much more to see and do in this geographically and culturally diverse country. Along with the mountains, there are jungle-filled plains, rolling hills, and vibrant cities. Nepal is a predominantly Hindu country, but the influence of the strong Buddhist minority can be seen almost everywhere.

Whether you're seeking physical challenges surrounded by some of the most beautiful scenery on the planet, or more sedate city pursuits, Nepal's got you covered.

Climb a Mountain That’s not Everest

 saimai saelim / Getty Images

Mount Everest may be Nepal's most famous mountain, but it's far from the only one that can be climbed. And, given the environmental cost, questionable ethics, extreme risk, and immense expense of climbing Everest, there are actually many other mountains in Nepal that mountaineers should set their sights on instead.

Less experienced mountaineers who still want a challenge can tackle a "trekking peak," a category of mountain that doesn't require advanced technical mountaineering skills, but is still much more challenging than a regular trek. Twenty-eight peaks in Nepal are classified as trekking peaks, with Island Peak (20,252 feet/6,173 meters) being one of the most popular.

More experienced mountaineers have a choice of more than 300 mountains around the country, around 100 of which have never been climbed. You won't encounter any human traffic jams there.

Ride the Manakamana Cable Car

 rweisswald / Getty Images

Halfway along the Prithvi Highway between Kathmandu and Pokhara is the cable car at Kurintar, which is hard to miss. It leads up to the Manakamana Temple in the hills of Gorkha District, one of Nepal's most important Hindu pilgrimage sites. The temple itself was badly damaged in the 2015 earthquake, but reconstruction was completed in 2018. From the temple, on a clear day, there are beautiful views of the Himalayas. But, even if the weather's not clear, the long cable car ride over the Trishuli River Valley and beautiful farmland is definitely worthwhile.

Learn about Nepali Religious Architecture at the Patan Museum

Elen Turner

Travelers interested in art, culture, and architecture should make the excellent Patan Museum one of their first stops in Kathmandu. Located in the old palace building in the Patan Durbar Square, this is Nepal's finest museum, with exhibits on the Hindu and Buddhist culture of the Kathmandu Valley, specifically related to the architecture and religious monuments you see around the valley.

Shop for Locally-Made Handicrafts and Textiles

 Bertrand Linet / Getty Images

Nepal has a rich handicraft tradition, and these days you can either shop for traditional items or more contemporary designs inspired by traditional elements. Items to look out for include mala bead necklaces, dhaka cloth clothing, items utilizing the striped pangden aprons woven by Tibetan women, pottery, handmade lokta paper, Tibetan Buddhist thangka paintings, hand-woven bags, and Maithil paintings made by women. Fair-trade shops selling more traditional items, mainly made by women, include Dhukuti (in Kathmandu) and the Women's Skills Development Organisation (with shops in Kathmandu and Pokhara). For more modern design items, check out Timro Conceptstore or The Local Project , both in Kathmandu.

Splash Your Way Down a White-Water River

Nepal is a white-water lover's paradise, with many long, clean rivers flanked by white-sand beaches, jungle, and villages. Complete novices can join a one-day white-water rafting trip on the Bhote Kosi or Trishuli Rivers, or learn to white-water kayak. Longer multi-day adventures are also offered, from a couple of days on the Seti or Kali Gandaki Rivers to 8-13 day expeditions on the Sun Kosi, Karnali, or Tamur Rivers.

Paraglide Over Pokhara

 Elen Turner

Strolling through the lakeside town Pokhara you're sure to notice the colorful paragliders floating overhead. Sarangkot Hill, just north of Pokhara's Phewa Lake, is one of the best places in the world from which to paraglide, thanks to the stable thermals and incredible views. On one side you'll be treated to views of the Annapurna Himalaya, and on the other, you'll see Phewa Lake and the small farming villages around Pokhara. Beginners can take tandem flights with an instructor.

Visit the Birthplace of the Buddha

 Rupad Bajracharya / Getty Images

Although Nepal is a majority Hindu nation, it has strong Buddhist connections, the most significant of which is the fact that Prince Siddhartha Gautama, aka the Buddha, was born here in 623 B.C. The modern-day nation-states of India and Nepal didn't exist then, but he was born in Lumbini, a small settlement on the Terai (Nepali plains), near the border with India. Travelers to Lumbini can visit the Peace Park, which has many monasteries and temples constructed by Buddhist organizations and governments from around the world.

Paddle a Colorful Boat on Phewa Lake

The colorful boats of Pokhara's Phewa Lake are an iconic image of the city. Rent a paddleboat with an oarsman to spend some time admiring the peace, quiet, and mountain views from the middle of the lake. The Tal Barahi Temple, on a little island in the lake, is a worthwhile stop.

Spot Rhinos on Safari in Chitwan

Elen Turner 

Over the last few years, the Chitwan National Park has run a successful one-horned rhinoceros conservation program. Poaching has been dramatically reduced (if not totally eliminated), and there are now, more than 600 rhinos live in the park. Visitors are almost guaranteed a sighting of the enormous creatures when on a Jeep, ox-cart, or walking safari. You could also spot the endangered gharial crocodile, deer, elephants, lots of different birds, or a Royal Bengal Tiger (although the chances of seeing them are higher in Bardia National Park , further west in Nepal).

Take a Teahouse Trek

Nepal is a popular trekking destination, partially because of the excellent infrastructure in the mountains. Whereas in some countries you may need to camp or stay in shared huts, in Nepal you can stay in "teahouses" along the more popular routes. These are like basic guesthouses, and while facilities are normally not fancy (with some exceptions) you generally get your own room, warm blankets, and hot food. The Everest and Annapurna regions have the most developed teahouse infrastructure, but you can find teahouses in many different trekking areas.

Chill Out at the Garden of Dreams

Kathmandu can be a frazzling and infuriating, but the peaceful Garden of Dreams is a delightful place to chill out right in the heart of the city. The manicured garden with fountains, flowers, and arches is attached to the Kaiser Mahal, a 19th-century palace that wouldn't look out of place in Europe. Grab a drink at the Kaiser Cafe or just find a spot in the shade and read a book.

Visit all Three Durbar Squares in the Kathmandu Valley

 Didier Marti / Getty Images

"Durbar Square" means royal square, and as the Kathmandu Valley is comprised of three erstwhile kingdoms, there are three Durbar Squares: in the city of Kathmandu (also called Basantapur Durbar Square), Patan, and Bhaktapur. Each has a distinct feel and architecture, so all three are worthy of your time. Kathmandu's Durbar Square combines traditional Nepali/Newari temple architecture with neo-classical designs, Patan Durbar Square is entirely traditional and houses the unparalleled Patan Museum (and is, arguably, the most beautiful and well preserved of the three squares), and Bhaktapur Durbar Square was badly damaged in the 2015 earthquake but is still worth a visit.

Birdwatch at the Koshi Tappu Wildlife Reserve

 Wei Hao Ho / Getty Images

While Chitwan is where you should head for rhinos, the Koshi Tappu Wildlife Reserve is an excellent destination for keen birdwatchers. Not many tourists visit the park, located in the wetlands where several rivers meet. It's a haven for many bird species, including greater spotted eagles, spot-billed pelicans, and much more.

Travel to the Other Side of the Himalaya

Most of Nepal lies south of the great Himalayan range, but there are pockets over on the other side, in the rain-shadow of the mountains. These regions—Mustang and Dolpo—are culturally and naturally distinct from most of the rest of Nepal, and are a fascinating destination for trekking or just general sightseeing. Jomsom is the gateway to Mustang, and can be reached by a 30-minute flight from Pokhara up the Kali Gandaki Gorge. Dolpo is more complicated to reach, but that's part of its allure. Dry, barren mountains, sandcastle-like forts, Tibetan Buddhist monasteries, ancient cave dwellings, and fossils of sea creatures at altitudes of 8,000 feet (2,438 meters) await adventurous travelers.

Join Tibetan Pilgrims at One of Buddhism’s Holiest Sites

Kathmandu's Boudha Stupa is the holiest Tibetan Buddhist site outside of Tibet, and the Boudha area is the center of Kathmandu's Tibetan community. The enormous white stupa with a golden pinnacle painted with the eyes of Buddha is spectacular at any time of day, but it's especially atmospheric at dawn and dusk when hundreds of devotees do a kora (clockwise circuit) of the stupa.

Celebrate a Traditional Hindu or Buddhist Festival

Many Hindu and Buddhist festivals are celebrated in Nepal throughout the year, and are a cultural treat for travelers. Foreigners are usually very welcome to observe or participate. Major festivals include:

  • Dashain, the biggest Hindu festival held in September/October, celebrating the triumph of good over evil
  • Tihar, the Hindu festival of lights, held in October/November
  • Holi, held in February/March, is a festival of color and water that welcomes spring
  • Rato Macchendranath Festival, held in Patan in April/May, is Nepal's longest-running festival. It goes for around a month in Patan, and is a Newari festival worshiping the god Rato Macchendranath
  • Buddha Jayanti, Buddha's birthday, in April, especially celebrated in Buddhist areas like Boudha
  • Teej, held in September, is when Nepali Hindu women let loose by dancing in temples and praying for the long life of their husbands

Find Kathmandu’s Colorful Street Art

Many of Kathmandu's attractions are traditional in nature, but over the last decade, a number of street art projects have brightened up the overwhelmingly drab, concrete facades of the city. Colorful murals of everything from gods to tigers to geometric designs adorn walls all over the city, but there's a particularly large concentration in the Kupondole area of Patan.

Feast on Dal Bhat

Ben Pipe Photography / Getty Images

Nepal's de facto national dish is a collection of smaller dishes that comprise a meal. Dal means lentils, and bhat means rice, so dal bhat is, at its simplest, lentil curry served with rice. But, a meal of dal bhat usually includes several vegetable curries as well as a meat curry (most likely chicken or mutton), a salad, and a spicy pickle. You can find delicious dal bhat at every price point, and its always tasty, filling, and nutritious.

Sip on Ilam Tea

 Volker Häring / EyeEm / Getty Images

Many tea-drinking enthusiasts are familiar with Indian Darjeeling tea, but fewer have tried tea from Ilam in eastern Nepal, despite the area being just across the border from Darjeeling. Travelers can pick up wooden boxes of Ilam tea in shops around Kathmandu, or travel all the way east to hike, birdwatch, and enjoy the rolling tea-field scenery of Ilam.

Visit Nepal's Holiest Hindu Temple, Pashupatinath

Pashupatinath Temple is Nepal's holiest Hindu site. Located on the banks of the Bagmati River, it's also the city's most important cremation ground. Non-Hindus won't be allowed into the most important temple buildings, but are welcome to visit the grounds. There's a reverential atmosphere here, as open-air cremations and funerals take place throughout the day.

The Top 15 Destinations in Nepal

Your Trip to Kathmandu: The Complete Guide

One Week in Nepal: The Ultimate Itinerary

The Most Colorful and Interesting Festivals in Nepal

15 of the Most Beautiful Sacred Sites in Nepal

Top 10 Things to Do in Kathmandu

Your Trip to Nepal: The Complete Guide

The Best Time to Visit Nepal

The Best 12 Hikes in Nepal

The Top 10 Dishes to Try in Nepal

How to Go Teahouse Trekking in Nepal

Five Amazing Hiking Routes Among the High Mountains of the Himalayas

How a Kathmandu Group Is Protecting and Restoring Their Monuments

The 10 Best Restaurants in Kathmandu, Nepal

The Top 9 Things to Do in Pokhara, Nepal

How to Trek Nepal's Manaslu Circuit

Things To Do

15 Things to Do in Nepal

By Suraj Katwal

Updated On Jan 3, 2024

In this article, you will get to know the top things to do in Nepal from thrilling adventures to many more unique activities. Although being a small country, Nepal is one of the most chosen destinations by travelers.

Many foreigners haven’t heard about Nepal, but those who have heard know what this country offers.

With various diversity, Nepal is a place to pay a visit to once in a lifetime. But one trip is not enough to explore everything about the country of the Himalayas .

With so many things to do, we are going to highlight some of them. Trekking and Hiking, Bungee Jumping, Paragliding, White Water Rafting, Kayaking, Jungle Safari, Ultra flight, Sky Diving, Mountain Biking, Yoga, Meditation, etc. are the best things to do in Nepal .

Also, food junkies can try famous Nepalese food like Daal Bhaat, Momos, Newari Cuisine, etc. Moreover, you can visit different festival seasons.

Celebrate the major festivals like Dashain , Tihar , Holi , etc. with Nepalese people, which will be your lifetime unforgettable experience.

Top Things to Do in Nepal

Nepal always has been synonymous with adventure. With countless adventure activities, we are going to list only the top 15 things to do.

As the country of Mount Everest, Nepal is not only about trekking and hiking; instead, there are lots of activities to do.

Kathmandu and Pokhara are the main tourist hubs, but besides these, there are places like Chitwan, Bardiya, Nagarkot, etc. to do natural adventure activities.

1. Trekking in Nepal

Trekking and Hiking - Things to do in Nepal

Many travelers want to visit Nepal and the main reasons behind is trekking and hiking. As a country of the Himalayas, Nepal is famous for its awesome trekking trails.

Everest Base Camp Trekking and Annapurna Base Camp Trekking are the two famous trekking trails.

Also for hiking, many famous routes can be completed with ease. If you are looking for easy routes then you can visit the hill stations. Hill station trips are like short days hiking and enjoying the night at the lodge/teahouses.

Moreover, there are other famous routes like Langtang Valley Trek and Manaslu Circuit Trek which have long trekking routes.

But also you can enjoy short trekking routes like Ghorepani Poon Hill Trek, Everest Panorama Trek, Sarangkot Dhampus Trek, Sailung Trekking, etc.

2. Rafting and Kayaking

White Water River Rafting in Nepal - Things to do in Nepal

With the high current flow of water from the highest mountain ranges, Nepal offers the best whitewater rafting and kayaking opportunities.

Generally, Rivers are graded by the expert from extreme to Moderate levels.

Guided by the river expert, you can take part in these thrilling adventure sports. There are dozens of rivers in Nepal for rafting & kayaking.

Some of the popular names of the river for rafting are the Upper Seti River, Sunkoshi River, Tamur River, Karnali River, Kali Gandaki River, Trisuli River, Marshyangdi River, etc.

Normally, Rafting and Kayaking is a half-day trip but you can go for a multi-day tour so, you can spend a night in the nearby riverside resort.

Also for your information, rafter considered Sunkoshi River as the top 10 best rafting spots in the world.

3. Canyoning

Canyoning - Things to do in Nepal

Canyoning is about stepping down either by jumping, sliding, or abseiling through a steep wall and waterfall using a rope to a pool of water.

Canyoning in Nepal is one of the toughest adventure sports and top travel websites like Lonely Planet recommend it.

Thrill-seekers can enjoy the canyoning activities at Jalbire and Bhotekoshi.

Enjoy the slide, refreshing waterfall, and natural scene which helps to make yourself more energized, and relaxed.

4. Bungee Jumping in Nepal


Bungee Jumping in Nepa l is the top thing to do in Nepal for adventure freaks. Few activities can be done without any training or preparation and one of them is Bungy Jumping.

The ultimate goal of doing the Bungee jump is all about free fall and the thrilling excitement.

With more places to expand, right now there are two spots for Bungee Jumping in Nepal.

Among two places, Bungee Jumping at The Last Resort, Bhotekoshi is popular. Another Bungee Jumping Spot is located at Kushma, Pokhara.

5. Paragliding

Paragliding in Pokhara

Flying like a bird in the sky is a dream for everyone. so for that, you should try Paragliding as it is one of the most loved adventure sports in Nepal.

You can do solo or tandem paragliding in Nepal . With the amazing view of the mountains, you will absolutely love the view of the city.

With the experienced pilots at Sarangkot, you can paraglide safely in the heavenly city of Pokhara.

Paragliding in Pokhara and viewing the snow-capped mountains over Phewa Lake is the best thing to do in Nepal for the adventure seeker.

6. Zip Flyer

ZipFlyer in Nepal - Things to do in Nepal

Nepal offers the most incredible and steepest zip flyer in the world. Experience the world’s tallest, longest, steepest zip line located in the most beautiful city, Pokhara.

With a total length of 1.8 kilometers, 56-degree inclination, and a vertical drop of 600 meters, the zip flyer is a thing not to be missed while you are in Nepal.

You will face the picturesque view of the Annapurna Himalayas at 100+ km speed located at Sarangkot which is 30 minutes away from the main city of Pokhara. Keeping the priority on safety, a zip flyer is designed with international standards.

7. Sky Diving

Skydiving in Nepal - Things to do in Nepal

Sky Diving is a new adventure sport in Nepal. As a country of mountains, there is a lot of difference in skydiving between other countries and Nepal. You will get to enjoy a 360° panoramic view of the Himalayas.

In Nepal, there are two spots for a skydive, one is Everest, and the other is Pokhara. For this adventure sport, Everest is the most thrilling place to enjoy diving.

Everest skydiving takes place in front of the Highest Peak in the World “ Mount Everest (8,848.86 m) “. The plane or chopper drops you near the highest point, Gorak Shep or Kala Pathar.

With the best aerial view in the world, Everest Skydiving will be your unique life experience.

If you are skydiving for the first time then Pokhara is the place for skydiving, which is less extreme than Everest Diving.

With the Professional Pilots and Diving team, Pokhara Skydiving is guaranteed to be safe. You will love the tall standing Annapurna and Machhapuchhre peaks, with the dropzone above the Phewa Lake.

Skydiving can be done solo if you are professional and have experience with it. Also, tandem service is available too.

so don’t miss the chance while you are in Nepal. Moreover, Skydiving is the highest-rated thing to do in Nepal.

8. Mountaineering

Mountaineering in Nepal

Nepal is the home of mountains and the world’s highest peak Mount Everest lies here. 10 out of 14 highest peaks above 8000 meters are located in Nepal.

With that, Nepal is the best destination for a mountaineering expedition. Mountaineering is an extreme sport and one of the toughest things do to it requires lots of physical fitness and technical experience.

With a highly skilled technical operator, you can always get to the top of the world. There are over 300+ famous spots for mountaineering in Nepal. It means you will have a great opportunity to explore the giant peaks.

Pumori, Amadablam, Baruntse, Mera, Island, and Yala peaks are among the most preferred mountains for expeditions in Nepal.

With highly experienced sherpa climbers, well-pieces of equipment, mountaineering training, and determination, you can climb peaks over 6500 meters to 8000+ meters.

9. Bird Watching

Bird Watching in Nepal

Almost more than 900 species of birds are found in Nepal, which is 9% of the total birds found in the world. It means we can say Nepal is the Home of Birds.

If you are fond of birds then Nepal is probably the best place in the world and we can call it a bird watcher’s paradise.

If you have long holidays then you can explore different parts like Koshi Tappu Wildlife Reserve, Chitwan National Park , and Bardia National Park for Bird watching in Nepal including migratory and non-migratory birds.

If you are a Bird Photographer then, these places are the best for a photography tour.

Moreover, for Bird watching nearby Kathmandu, you can visit places like Nagarjuna, Godavari, Suryabinayak, Phulchowki, Taudaha , Dakshinkali, Shivapuri National Park, etc.

Info : Lophophorous is the national bird of Nepal also known as Danphe (Local Name).

10. Jungle Safari

Elephant Ride in Chitwan National Park: Honeymoon Tour in Nepal

Jungle Safari is the best way to explore the amazing jungles and get close to seeing the wild animals, birds, etc. Chitwan National Park and Bardiya National Park are famous places to explore the jungles in Nepal.

Elephant Riding and Jeep are the two best ways to Jungle Safari in Nepal. Elephant Riding is the best way to see without disturbing the wildlife. Chitwan National Park offers the best jungle safari in the world.

If you choose the jeep as an alternative then the sound may disturb wild animals and you will get to see fewer animals.

In Nepal, you will get to see endangered species like one-horned rhinoceros, Royal Bengal Tigers, etc. Chitwan and Bardiya National Park provide top-notch accommodation services for domestic and international tourists.

Also, there may be a chance for boating at the riverside where you can see crocodiles, birds, other water animals, etc.

Walking around the jungle is also possible under supervised wildlife experts but there are a few chances.

11. Mountain Biking

Mountain Biking in Nepal

If you are a two-wheeler lover then Mountain Biking is the best thing to do in Nepal. As a hilly country, Nepal provides endless opportunities for bikers.

With dirt roads, steep downhills, and sharp turning points, Nepal is a perfect place for mountain biking.

The mountain region offers world-class tracks where you can experience the panoramic view of mountain ranges.

Pokhara, Kathmandu, Jomsom, Muktinath, Upper Mustang, Lower Everest, etc are the famous tracks for Mountain Biking in Nepal.

The rough and rugged roads with the green forest, mountain ranges, rice fields, glacial lakes , and caves are the best parts of doing Biking in Nepal.

12. Yoga and Meditation

Yoga and Meditation - Things to do in Nepal

Yoga and Meditation are part of Asian culture and Nepal is no different than that. A healthy mind, a healthy body, and a healthy soul are always needed to accomplish something good in our lives. so, the best practice is to start yoga to stay healthy and happy.

Yoga and Meditation are connected to each other. As there is written that in ancient times, the Hindu God and Rishis traveled a long distance to Nepal for Meditation. Meditation can heal your anxiety and find peace inside you.

In Kathmandu, you can attend different types of yoga sessions conducted by Yoga Academies.

As a country of Gautam Buddha, you can visit Lumbini or holy places like  Boudhanath or Swayambhunath. Also, you can go Yoga Trekking in the Himalayan Region.

13. Shopping

Shopping in Kathmandu

You may have some questions regarding shopping in Nepal like

  • What is famous in Nepal for shopping?
  • Where can I buy it in Kathmandu?
  • What can I buy in Pokhara?
  • Is Nepal cheaper for shopping?

So, generally, there are unique things you can purchase before leaving Nepal. You can find a mall and department stores to buy branded clothes, electronic appliances, household items, food items, etc. These are the things that you can buy in any country.

But While shopping in Nepal, buy those things that are different and valuable for you, your family, and your friends.

Usually, foreigners prefer to buy Nepali souvenirs like Nepali Tea, Gurkhali Khukuri, Singing Bowl, Pashmina, Thangkas, Jewelry items, etc. Moreover, you can also buy handicrafts, religious stones, masks and statues, spices, etc.

In Kathmandu, there are places like Thamel, New Road, Asan, Basantapur, etc. to buy souvenir items for tourists.

In Pokhara, you can buy Nepali Cap(Dhaka Topi), Printed Nepali T-shirts, Earrings, and Nepali Traditional Coins.

Shopping at Pokhara can be done at famous places like Lakeside, Mahendrapul, Davis Fall, etc.

Furthermore, Nepal is a cheaper nation for travelers compared to other tourist countries. Usually, with less money, you can do more things.

The dollar rate is high here in Nepal. Normally the rate of 1 dollar equals to or even more than Nepalese 100 Rupees. so, shopping in Nepal is cheaper but it depends upon the things you are buying.

14. Village Tours

Village Tours - Things to do in Nepal

Roaming around the village is one of the prime things to do in Nepal especially if you are from a western country. You will discover lots of things while visiting rural areas.

Nepal is a culturally rich country with over 100+ ethnic groups and 90+ different spoken languages. While visiting the village area you will get to learn about the local people, culture, lifestyle, and traditions.

According to the World Bank 2018 Data, around 80 percent of the total population in Nepal lives in urban areas.

Most people are dependent on agriculture and farming. so, you will get the see the cultivable land.

Moreover, the hospitality of the local people will amaze you. You can learn a new language, and discover the local food. You will get fresh and positive energy and happiness inside yourself.

15. Fishing

Fishing in Nepal

Fishing is the last thing to do but one of the interesting sports to do in Nepal. Nepal is the world’s second-richest country in water resources so there are many spots for fishing.

Around 185 fish species are found in water bodies in Nepal. With that, Nepal is a prominent destination to travel for a fishing trip.

Fishing generally requires lots of patience because it may take a long time than expected.

Some of the most popular destinations for fishing in Nepal are Babai Valley in Bardiya National Park, Karnali River, Trishuli River, Pokhara, Chitwan, Indrawati, Dolalghat, Kodari Highway, etc.

Fishing in Nepal is getting popular these days. October, November, February, March, April, and May are the best season for fishing.

Where to go in Nepal?

With lots of beautiful cities and visiting places, you may be confused about “where to go in Nepal”. As there are numerous places to see in Nepal, we are going to list some places to visit.

Boudhanath stupa in Kathmandu Nepal

Kathmandu is one of the recommended cities to travel to by numerous top online travel magazines. It is the capital city of Nepal also known as the city of Temples.

In Nepal, there are 10 World Heritage Sites and out of 10, 7 World Heritage sites are located in Kathmandu.

Kathmandu is a historical and sacred place with the famous Hindu Temple, Pashupatinath to visit.

Other than that you can visit Bouddhanath, Swaymbhunath (Monkey Temple), Kathmandu Durbar Square, Budhanilkantha, etc.

Pokhara: Honeymoon Tour in Nepal

Pokhara is such a nice place that every tourist loves it on their first visit. Pokhara is the most visited city in Nepal along with Kathmandu. You will absolutely enjoy being in Pokhara, one should not miss this hidden gem.

Some tourist prefers to rush directly to Pokhara from Kathmandu. Travelers can visit Pokhara by bus or by airplane directly from Kathmandu.

Pokhara offers a wide variety of adventures just as Paragliding from Sarangkot, Bungee Jumping, hiking, trekking, etc.

Chitwan National Park

Chitwan National Park One Horn Rhino

Chitwan National Park is the first national park of Nepal recognized as the best-protected area in Asia.

Chitwan is the home of the world’s most endangered animals like the One-horned Rhinoceros and the Royal Bengal Tiger.

Chitwan National Park is the best place for a Jungle safari where you will see various wild animals.

Also, Bardiya National Park is the largest National Park located in the Terai region famous for eye-catching wildlife.

When to Vist Nepal

Best Time To Visit Nepal Climate Guide

Every season is not the same, so among the four seasons, you can visit Nepal in the Autumn and Spring seasons.

To get the best out of the trip, October, November, March, and, April are the best times to visit Nepal.

Autumn Season (September – November)

Autumn is the best season to visit Nepal. Usually, Late September, October, and November are the best time for trekking in Nepal.

The sky is clear and warm and thousands of trekkers head to Everest Base Camp, Annapurna Base Camp, Langtang Valley, etc. for a long day trekking. The price rises in hotels/lodges as Autumn is the peak season.

Things to do in Nepal in October & November

If you are planning to visit Nepal then there are certain best things to do in Nepal in October & November.

Go for long Everest Base Camp, Annapurna Base Camp trekking, Langtang Valley & Manaslu Circuit Trekking . Visit Pashupatinath Temple , Explore Chitwan National Park.

Winter Season (December – February)

The Winter season is only a good time to explore the lower areas of Nepal. There will be a huge snowfall in the higher elevations so, it is not the best time to explore Nepal.

Things to do in Nepal in December

Due to the winter season, you can’t go trekking in the higher elevations, so, the best things to do in Nepal in December are to visit Kathmandu, Lumbini, Kapan Monastery, and Patan.

Spring Season (March-May)

Spring is the peak season and normally, March, April, and May are the months when rhododendrons bloom.

You will love the panoramic views of the mountains. The temperature is softly warm at low altitudes while moderate at higher altitudes.

Things to do in Nepal in March

Bungee Jumping in Bhotekoshi, Paragliding in Pokhara, Sky Diving, Ultraflight, and Jungle Safari in Bardiya National Park are the best things to do in Nepal in March.

Summer Season (June – August)

Summer is the season of Monsoon and there is daily heavy rainfall with thunderstorms. So, June, July, and August is not a popular time to visit Nepal.

The temperature rises higher in this season. The monsoon brings landslides, and mountains are covered with clouds but you will get a huge discount on the lodges/teahouses.

Things to do in Nepal in July & August

Though monsoon season is not a popular time to travel. But traveling to Upper Kali Gandaki, Upper Mustang, Jomsom, and Muktinath, are the places and fun things to do in Nepal in July & August.

Related: Best Season to Visit Nepal

Accommodation in Nepal

If you are thinking about “where to stay in Nepal” then don’t get worried as there are the best arrangements for accommodation.

The major cities Kathmandu, Pokhara, and Chitwan which are famous for tourists have basic to luxurious five-star hotels to stay in.

The pricing may differ but you will get excellent facilities. so, there won’t be any problem with accommodation in Nepal.

Annapurna Base Camp Trek Accommodation

If you are trekking in Nepal then you have to adjust yourself in lodges or teahouses. As in the higher altitude, you may get fewer facilities as compared to the city area.

But you will be served good hygienic food, a clean room, and toilets in the mountain regions. The accommodation price in Nepal is affordable in the hilly region as compared to the city area.

Related: Accommodation at Everest Base Camp

Frequently Asked Questions

Before ending this long article, here are some questions we’re commonly asked regarding Nepal and things to do:

What are things to do in Nepal other than trekking?

There are plenty of things to do besides trekking in Nepal. You can go Bungy Jumping, Paragliding, Sky Diving, Ultra Flight, Boating, Fishing, Rafting, Kayaking, Canyoning, Zip Flyer, Bird Watching, Jungle Safari, Yoga, Meditation, Shopping, Village Tours, etc.

What are the things to buy in Nepal?

You can buy unique things in Nepal like Pashmina, Handicrafts, Thangkas, Organic Tea, Stone and Jewelry, Khukuri, etc. Also, you can buy statues and masks, spices, printed T-shirts, coins, Nepali caps, etc.

Why should you visit Nepal?

Nepal is the most suitable country for an adventure seeker that offers almost everything for travelers. First Nepal is a country where you can travel within a budget, you will find romantic places to visit. The highest peak in the world, Mount Everest lies in Nepal. Also, Nepal is listed as 10 UNESCO World Heritage sites.

How long should I spend in Nepal?

If you have longer vacations then you can spend around 1 month in Nepal also if you have a shorter period then 1 week is a quick time to explore Nepal. But it is impossible to explore everything about Nepal in one trip.

Is Nepal safe for Female Travelers?

Yes, Nepal is totally safe for Female travelers than any other country. As you can see many females travel to Nepal with or without a guide. so, make sure to know about the dress code and everything related to Nepal.

Is it safe to walk around Kathmandu?

Yes, it is totally safe to walk around Kathmandu Valley. During the daytime, you can visit different places including world heritage sites and at night time you can walk around Thamel Street, enjoy the bars and clubs, enjoy folk music and dance at restaurants, etc.

Also Read:  Female Travelers Smart Guide to Nepal

I hope this article helps you to know the top 15 things to do in Nepal .

Besides trekking, there are lots of things you can try while visiting Nepal.

What are your plans while traveling to Nepal?

Are you going to try Bungee Jumping? Or maybe you can try Paragliding in Pokhara.

Also, you can do thrilling adventure activities like white water rafting & kayaking.

Or maybe you have questions about the topic.

Either way, leave a comment/feedback right below in the comment section.

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Suraj Katwal

Suraj is a travel enthusiast who believes in finding solace in the heart of nature. He enjoys exploring new destinations, different culture, and encouraging people to travel.

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2 thoughts on “15 Things to Do in Nepal”

Pokhara is a heaven for nature enthusiasts and adventure freaks. Camping, paragliding, and mountain biking are some of the adventurous activities in Nepal that can be done in this lakeside town.

Yes, Pokhara Indeed is one of the Best Places to Visit in Nepal.

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15 Top-Rated Tourist Attractions in Nepal

Written by Lana Law Updated Mar 22, 2022

Nepal is a surprisingly diverse country that attracts visitors for many reasons. Some are lured by the call of the mountains and seeking to climb or trek in the Himalayas, others are intrigued by the culture and the famous city of Kathmandu, and yet others come hoping to find some sort of spiritual awakening. Nepal can be an adrenaline adventure, a cultural eye opener, a life-changing experience, or all of the above.

Most travelers spend some time in Kathmandu visiting sacred and historic attractions, and then head out to other parts of the country. Some of the best places to visit outside the capital are Chitwan National Park and Bardiya National Park for wildlife viewing, and the lakeside town of Pokhara , a popular area for embarking on treks.

Trekkers will find a variety of options across Nepal, with the most important areas being the Everest, Annapurna, and Langtang regions.

In 2015, a major earthquake struck Nepal, causing severe damage in Kathmandu and other areas, and restoration is still underway. In Nepal, things take time to happen, and when they do, they tend to happen unevenly, so progress has been substantial in some areas and limited in others. That said, much of the damage to the major sights has been repaired, although some historical treasures were lost forever.

To find the best places to visit, have a read through our list of the top attractions in Nepal.

1. Kathmandu

2. bhaktapur, 3. boudhanath stupa (bodhnath), 5. trekking in the annapurna region, 6. chitwan national park, 7. trekking in the langtang region, 8. swayambhunath (monkey temple), 9. everest & the trek to base camp, 10. bardiya national park, 11. pashupatinath temple, 12. international mountain museum, 13. lumbini, 14. helambu trek, 15. white water rafting.


Kathmandu, the capital and largest city in Nepal, is like no other city in the world. The decaying buildings in the heart of the city are a stark contrast to the lively atmosphere that permeates the streets. The smell of incense wafts from stores while street sellers push their goods, and people go about their daily lives, all against a backdrop of historic temples and carved statues.

For several hundred years, Kathmandu was one of three rival royal cities, along with Bhaktapur and Patan. Situated in close proximity to each other, today these three almost run together.

The highlight of Kathmandu has long been Durbar Square, the largest of the palace squares in the three royal cities and a UNESCO World Heritage Site . Temples and monuments of varying shapes, sizes, styles, and faiths can be found here.

Kathmandu's Durbar Square was severely damaged in the 2015 earthquake, with many buildings destroyed beyond repair, but it still remains a special place to visit.

Kathmandu City Map - Tourist Attractions

Bhaktapur, the third of the "Royal Cities," lies on the old trade route to Tibet, just outside of Kathmandu. For Bhaktapur, the trade route was both an arterial link and major source of wealth. Its relative remoteness at the time allowed the city to develop independently and in ways which distinguish it from the other two cities.

In contrast to Patan and Kathmandu, the population of Bhaktapur is primarily Hindu. The best place from which to begin a tour of the city is Durbar Square, where in addition to the royal palace, several temples are also situated. The whole area is a UNESCO World Heritage Site .

Many of the buildings in Durbar Square in Bhaktapur were damaged in the 2015 earthquake; the main temples are close to being repaired fully. However, other buildings in the complex remain in ruin. The UNESCO-funded restoration work came to a stop in 2019 and the agency had to withdraw due to threats against its workers. The project has been turned over to the Nepali Department of Archeology. Restoration work continues albeit very slowly.

Durbar Square Palace Area, Bhaktapur, Kathmandu Valley Map - Tourist Attractions

The Bodhanath Stupa, just outside Kathmandu, is one of the largest stupas of its kind in the world and dates to some time around the 6th century, possibly even earlier. Like Bhaktapur, it lies on the old trade route to Tibet and is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

The stupa itself is a symbol of enlightenment but at Boudhanath the symbolism is particularly clear. Each different shape represents one of the five elements, earth, water, fire, air, and sphere, which are also the attributes of the five Buddhas. Brought together in the form of the stupa, their unity reflects in abstract fashion the structure of the universe itself.

The stupa sustained minor damage during the 2015 earthquake and is now fully repaired.


Set at the base of the foothills and surrounded by some of the highest mountains in the world – Dhaulagiri, Manaslu, and Annapurna I – Pokhara is one of Nepal's most scenic cities. For trekkers, Pokhara is the gateway to the Himalayas and the starting point for treks to Jomsom and the Annapurna region. It's also a wonderful spot to relax for a bit, either before or after a hiking trip.

By population, it is the second largest city in Nepal after Kathmandu but still does not feel like a big city. As you travel from Kathmandu, 200 kilometers to the east, you'll notice the much cleaner air and pleasant climate almost immediately. Lake Phewa, with its cluster of lakeside hotels, restaurants, and shops, is ideal for those looking for a little relaxation.

Pokhara, Central Nepal Map - Tourist Attractions

The Annapurna Region is one of the most popular trekking regions in Nepal, with options that range from a few days to a few weeks. Three main routes in the Annapurna Region intersect and combine in places, and you can opt to do a portion or a variation on the routes. The routes are well marked and easy to follow.

The Annapurna Circuit around Annapurna Mountain takes about 21 days to complete and is incredibly popular with people who have enough time. This route is sometimes called the "Apple Pie Circuit," in reference to the fact that most of the teahouses along the route serve their own version of fried apple pie.

A popular hiking destination in this region, often offered in hiking packages in combination with the Annapurna Circuit, is the trek to Poon Hill (3,210 meters) near Ghorepani. Most hikers try to be on Poon Hill early to see sunrise and a stunning view of Dhaulagiri, Annapurna South, Machapuchare, and Singa Chuli.

The Annapurna Sanctuary nestles between the peaks of Annapurna and takes five days to reach. Muktinath is on the way to Annapurna but has since become a destination in its own right. The Muktinath route runs in the Kali Gandaki Valley on the east flank of Annapurna and takes seven days. North of Muktinath is Mustang, a small region that was only opened up to tourists in 1992. This area has its own fascinating culture.

In many regards, the Annapurna Region, north of Pokhara, is an ideal walking area. The dramatic contrasts of the Nepalese countryside are especially visible, from the subtropical vegetation of the Pokhara Valley to the dry rain shadow area, with features of the Tibetan plateau. The people and cultures are also very different: facial characteristics, food, houses, lifestyles, customs, and religion.

The Annapurna region was declared a protected area in 1986. Most importantly, it has a good infrastructure to support the many trekkers that come through this area. The paths are well maintained, and food and lodging are plentiful.

Chitwan National Park

Chitwan National Park is the place to come to experience a different side of Nepal. This is a wonderful place for wildlife viewing and it has a safari-type atmosphere. At an altitude of only 100 meters in some areas, much lower than Kathmandu at 1,400 meters, Chitwan has a tropical monsoon climate, quite different than what you'd expect to find in Nepal.

Travelers come here to see wildlife. The park is home to rhinos, Bengal tigers, leopards, sloth bears, gaur (buffalo), deer, and many other critters. Freshwater dolphins (gangetic) and crocodiles inhabit the rivers and streams but are rarely seen. More than 500 species of birds make Chitwan a paradise for ornithologists. Tours from the lodges take you out into the park, either on foot, or more often, on elephants for close-up views of the animals.

Chitwan lies southwest of Kathmandu close to the Indian frontier and is included in the UNESCO list of world cultural heritage sites.

The best time to visit Chitwan is from October to February. Average temperatures hover around 25 degrees Celsius (77 degrees Fahrenheit), with high humidity, although the mornings can be quite cool. June to September is the monsoon season, with frequent and heavy rain.

Chitwan National Park, Central Nepal - Floor plan map

The Langtang Region, home to Langtang National Park , is an incredible area for hiking, with high passes, extensive views, old monasteries, and beautiful mountain scenery. Rhododendron forests bloom during the spring hiking season adding color to the vistas.

The region, home to the Sherpa people, is less developed than some of the other popular trekking areas in Nepal and generally less busy on the trails, despite its close proximity to Kathmandu. Villages with guesthouses and food can be found along the route, although somewhat more spread out than in other trekking regions.

This area can be reached easily from Kathmandu by jeep in seven to eight hours. On a clear day, the peak of Langtang Lirung (7,245 meters), which dominates the surrounding area of the same name, is visible from Kathmandu.

Trekking lengths and duration in Langtang range from a few days to a couple of weeks depending on the routing. Some trekkers combine Helambu and Langtang for a longer trek.

Swayambhunath (Monkey Temple)

Set on a hilltop to the west of Kathmandu, Swayambhunath is the second most important shrine in the Kathmandu Valley after Boudhanath. Due to the resident monkeys that inhabit parts of the temple, it is more affectionately known as the Monkey Temple.

The Swayambhu Stupa, painted with the eyes of the omnipresent god, forms the centerpiece of the temple complex. It was originally a prehistoric cult site, but the temple complex dates to the 5th century. Swayambhu plays a major part in the lives of the Vajrayana Buddhists of Northern Nepal and Tibet, but especially of the Newari Buddhists of the Kathmandu Valley.

The 2015 earthquake caused some damage to the Swayambhunath temple complex; however, repairs are now complete, and the temple is back to its original condition.

Swayambhunath Temple, Kathmandu Valley - Floor plan map

The summit of Mount Everest, the highest mountain on earth, reaches 8,848 meters (29,028 feet) high. Trekking in the Mount Everest area became popular following the now legendary first ascent of the peak in 1953 by Edmund Hillary from New Zealand and the Sherpa Tensing Norgay.

Since that time, many more have summited the mountain, but far more trek the route to Everest Base Camp simply for a glimpse of the peak far above. In recent years the mountain has seen its fair share of tragedy and drama. The 2015 earthquake and previous avalanches, along with disputes between climbers on the mountain, have left their mark on Everest trekking and climbing.

The Everest Region is generally not regarded as the most scenic region in the country for trekking, but the allure of Everest makes it a popular destination, both for climbers and trekkers. There are various routes to access base camp and several options for organizing a trip.

Many trekking companies offer a guided hike, either with Nepalese companies or western-based companies. It's also possible to hire a private guide or porter and do it yourself; however, all trekkers are technically required to have a guide. The main hiking seasons are in the spring and fall, from March to May and September to December.

For those not looking to trek to Mount Everest but still wanting to see the mountain , it is possible to see it on clear days from the hill town of Nagarkot near Kathmandu. Hotel staff will knock on guests' doors on clear mornings if Everest is visible. This might be the lazy traveler's best chance of seeing the world's highest peak.

Wild Bengal tiger in Bardiya National Park

Many people are surprised to learn that Nepal has extensive lowland areas where Bengal tigers, rhinos, crocodiles, and elephants roam. One of the best spots to see these animals in their natural habitant is Bardiya National Park (also Bardia National Park). In addition to the large animals, the park is also a bird-watching hot spot, with over 400 species either living in, or transiting through, the region.

Located off on its own in northwest Nepal near the border of India, this area is known for its river valleys, extensive grasslands, and tropical forest dominated by the Sal tree. Areas of the national park were once the exclusive hunting domain of Nepali royalty. Through the years, it has been expanded and now encompasses 968 square kilometers.

Pashupatinath Temple

Dating from the turn of the 17th century, the Pashupatinath Temple is the oldest temple in Kathmandu and also considered one of the most sacred in Nepal. Located in western Kathmandu along the Bagmati River, the temple is known for its beautiful pagoda-style architecture, with copper and gold covering.

The temple is dedicated to Pashupati, one of the incarnations of Shiva. Of the three gates, only the western one is open, and only practicing Hindus of South Asian descent are allowed inside. A good viewpoint of the complex for non-Hindus is located across the river. One note of caution: the monkeys that hang out around this area may look cute, but they tend to be aggressive and should be treated with caution.

International Mountain Museum

Located in the beautiful mountain town of Pokhara, the International Mountain Museum is a must-see prior to heading off on a trek. This very impressive modern building is a bright and airy space and houses all the information you could ever want to know about the mountains of Nepal and the people who inhabit them.

Three main galleries are spread throughout the museum, the first being the Mountain People Gallery. Here, through exhibits and a video, you'll learn about the Indigenous people of Nepal and the Khumbu region in particular.

The second gallery deals with the mountains themselves and provides extensive information on 14 peaks over 8,000 meters, along with an overview of the geology that formed them.

The third gallery provides insight into equipment used in mountain climbing and delves into the mythology of the secretive Yeti. In addition to the galleries, a Lakhang room is available for quiet contemplation.

If you're looking for other things to do nearby, outside is a tall triangular climbing wall along with a smaller version for those less inclined.

Address: Nagpokhari, Naxal, Kathmandu, Nepal

Official site:


Lumbini is famous for being the birthplace of Siddhartha Gautama, the historic Buddha, known as Buddha Shakyamuni. Situated off the main tourist track, almost 250 kilometers from Kathmandu, Lumbini is a worthwhile detour on the route from Pokhara to the Chitwan National Park.

In this pilgrimage town , a UNESCO World Heritage Site, there is a feeling of tranquility. Most of the visitors are Buddhist pilgrims from around the world, retracing Buddha's footsteps through the stations of his life. The Maya Devi Temple , dedicated to Buddha's mother, is believed to be the spot where Buddha was born. It contains an ancient stone relief from the 2nd century AD depicting Buddha's birth.

Lumbini, West Nepal Map - Tourist Attractions

The Helambu region is a popular trekking area, particularly with trekking companies offering guided hikes. This is largely because it is close to Kathmandu, does not reach astoundingly high elevations, and offers some beautiful mountain scenery.

For many of these same reasons, it is often touted by tour groups as being easy. However, many hikers who come here on tours find it is more demanding than they feel they were led to believe and more difficult than they anticipate.

Trekking in the Himalayas is always demanding, and although it is not as high as other treks, it is still a physically demanding hike and trekkers should be in good physical condition. With that in mind, this is a beautiful trek, with stunning rhododendron trees in bloom in March and April, and it's well worth the effort.

The Helambu region is inhabited by the Sherpas and situated in the upper part of the Malechmi Khola valley. The Helambu Trek can be started in Kathmandu and completed in five to eight days . The typical seven-day itinerary is circular, with the first day's section being repeated at the end of the walk. The sudden contrast between the lower and upper lying regions and their characteristic cultures is striking. Accommodation can be found in lodges and village guest houses.

White water rafting in Nepal

With towering mountains and rushing rivers Nepal is an excellent place for white water rafting. Several options are available depending on how much time you want to spend on the river.

An easy trip for travelers only looking for a one-day adventure is the Trisuli Rafting Day Trip from Kathmandu. Unlike many rafting trips, which are seasonal, this one is available year round. After your day of rafting, you can either go back to Kathmandu or on to Chitwan or Pokhara.

If you are looking to spend more time on the water and interested in more serious rapids, one of the most popular places to go is the Bhote Kosi River .

Bhote Koshi River Rafting trips take two days and are intense. You'll find yourself in the white water shortly after put in, and along the way, you'll blast through class IV and V rapids. The trip is 25 kilometers long and includes camping on the riverbank for one night. Meals are included.

Other multiday trips to consider are on the Tamur, Karnali, Arun, and Bheri rivers.

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17 Best Things to Do in Nepal

By Tara Coughlin · Last updated on May 4, 2024

Between the snow-capped mountains of the Himalayas and the unspoiled landscape of pastures, valleys, and lakes, it’s easy to see why Nepal is an outdoor lover’s paradise. However, spend any amount of time in this peaceful country, and you’ll discover that there is way more to Nepal than meets the eye.

Besides the dramatic landscapes, Nepal is home to ornate Buddhist temples, ancient royal palaces, and charming rural villages. Whether you’re seeking out your own spiritual calling or simply wanting to learn more about Asian culture, you’ll be amazed at all the things to do in Nepal.

17. Langtang trek

Langtang trek

Located in the beautiful Langtang National Park, The Langtang Trek is a must-do for any outdoor enthusiast. As you pass through the picturesque Alpine valley, you’ll be surrounded by vast pastures, steep mountains, and charming local villages.

The trek should be a leisurely stroll for moderate hikers, although it’s also easily accessible for beginners. The hike takes roughly two weeks, and there plenty of teahouses and rest stops along the way.

16. Manakamana Cable Car

Manakamana Cable Car

For sweeping panoramic views, hop aboard the Manakamana Cable Car. This Austrian-imported cable car takes you over 3,300 feet in the air and whisks you across some of the most breathtaking landscapes during the 17-minute ride.

As you glide through the sky, you’ll have dramatic views of the Manaslu, Himalchuli, and even the Annapurna Himalayan mountain ranges. Once you reach the top, you’ll be able to visit the sacred Manakamana Temple.

15. Maya Devi Temple

Maya Devi Temple

Located in the heart of Lumbini, the Maya Devi Temple holds a strong religious significance for many Buddhists. It’s believed to be the birthplace of Siddhartha Gautama, or as he’s more commonly referred to – the Historic Buddha.

Many of the ruins in the temple date back over 2,200 years. Visit the Ashoka pillar, the bodhi tree, and the sacred pond where Maya Devi bathed before giving birth to Buddha. Another highlight of the temple is the sandstone carving of Buddha, which pinpoints the location where Buddha was born.

14. Janaki Mandir

Janaki Mandir

The bright white stone and marble Janaki Mandir is a striking example of Koiri architecture. This three-story Hindu Temple is located in Janakpur and dominates the skyline from almost every corner in the town.

Despite the uniform color of its exterior, the inside of the Janaki Mandir is full of life. All 60 rooms are adorned with colored glass and paintings of the Nepal flag. It was built in honor of the Hindu Goddess Sita and attracts Hindu pilgrims from all over the world.

13. Nagarkot


There are very few places in Nepal that offer sweeping views of the Himalayas as Nagarkot does. This quaint village is a great place for an overnight escape, and many of the hotels have rooms with balconies where you can marvel at the stunning landscape.

On a clear day, you might be lucky enough to spot Mount Everest to the northeast. You’ll also be able to see other peaks in the Himalayas, including Annapurna, Manaslu, Ganesh Himal, Langtang, Jugal, Rolwaling, and Numbur. For the best views, you’ll want to wake up around sunrise before the mountains are shrouded by clouds in the afternoon.

12. Swayambhunath Stupa

Swayambhunath Stupa

Every spire and structure of the temple has a significant meaning. The 13-tiered stupa represents the 13 stages of nirvana, as it sits atop a white dome, which is believed to represent the world. On the sides of the stupa, you’ll find paintings of Buddha’s eyes peering in all four directions.

11. Patan Durbar Square

Patan Durbar Square

The royal temples of Patan Durbar Square are marvelous examples of Newar architecture. Patan is a testament to the ancient Kingdom of Nepal, as it’s only one of three royal squares in the Kathmandu Valley.

The sheer size of Patan Durbar Square is worth noting: it has over 130 courtyards and 55 temples. The most important temple is Krishna Mandir, which was built in 1667 by King Siddhi Narsingh Malla. Other popular sites include the Bhandarkhal Gardens, the Bhimsen Temple, and the Keshav Narayan Chowk courtyard.

10. Maha Shivaratri

Maha Shivaratri

During the one-day celebration, different rituals and traditions are performed all throughout the country. Many devout Hindus spend the day bathing and fasting before visiting the sacred Pashupatinath Temple. Others celebrate with song, dance, and chanting as a way to symbol overcoming the darkness and difficulties in life.

9. Phewa Tal

Phewa Tal

The spectacular Phewa Tal is the second-largest lake in Nepal and continues to attract locals and visitors who want to spend the day immersed in nature. Surrounded by the lush forest with the Annapurna mountains as your backdrop, Phewa Tal is the ideal destination to soak in Nepal’s natural beauty.

There are plenty of activities to keep you occupied during your visit: you can walk or cycle around the banks of the lake. It’s also possible to rent one of the brightly colored doongas (boats) if you’re eager to spend the afternoon on the water.

8. Whitewater Rafting

Whitewater Rafting

The Seti River is just a short drive from Kathmandu and offers thrill-seekers top-notch three and four class rapids. If you’re looking for something a little calmer, head to the Trisuli River. Even if the rapids are smaller, you’ll still have picturesque farms and hills to admire during your ride.

Multi-day rafting trips are also possible along the Kali Gandaki and Sun Kosi River. This is an excellent opportunity to see the varied landscape of Nepal.

7. Gorkha Durbar

Gorkha Durbar

The grand fortress of Gorkha Durbar is more than just a religious temple. Inside the ancient fortified walls, the Gorkha Durba was also used as a palace and fort. It remains one of the most important temples for local Nepalis, as it was the birthplace of the first monarch of the Kingdom, Prithvi Narayan Shah.

During your visit, don’t forget to stop by the ornate Kalika Temple and the carved Dhuni Pati palace. It looms over the Trisuli Valley and gives visitors birds-eye views of the Annapurna, Manaslu and Ganesh Himalayan mountains.

6. Sarangkot


Although there isn’t much to see within the small town of Sarangkot, it’s the jaw-dropping views that draw in visitors from around the world. Sarangkot offers panoramic views of the Himalayas, which you can see peeking out from behind the clouds. You’ll be able to clearly see Dhaulagiri, Machhapuchhare, and even the Annapurna I peaks.

If you’re able to wake up early for sunrise, you’ll be treated to an experience that you won’t forget. Besides admiring the view, you can also hike and trek through the many different trails that branch out from Sarangkot.

5. Bhaktapur Durbar Square

Bhaktapur Durbar Square

A stroll through Bhaktapur Durbar Square is like taking a step back in time. Once the royal palace of the Bhaktapur Kingdom, Bhaktapur Durbar Square is actually a complex that consists of several different structures. Many of the buildings inside the old town still look the way they did 500 years ago.

The most stunning of them all is the Palace of 55 windows, which was built by King Phupatindra Malla. Although you cannot enter the palace unless you are Hindu, you can still marvel at its grand structure from the outside. It’s also worth looking at the fantastic architecture of the five-story Nyatapola Temple, the heavenly Golden Gate, and the magnificent Statue of Bhupatindra Malla.

4. Chitwan National Park

Chitwan National Park

With your binoculars in one hand and your camera in the other, venture through the Chitwan National Park on a wildlife safari. Not only is the Chitwan National Park the first national park in the country, but it’s also a sanctuary for some of the world’s most exotic mammals and birds.

In total, Chitwan National Park is home to 68 different mammals, including the elusive Bengal Tiger. You’ll also find leopards, sloth bears, foxes, honey badgers, and many other four-legged creatures. Bird lovers will also appreciate the over 500 different species that live in the park. If you’re eager to see some of Nepal’s most famous residents, make sure to spend a day trekking through Chitwan National Park.

3. Everest Basecamp Trekking

Everest Basecamp Trekking

The hike to Mount Everest is almost certainly at the top of most adventurous travelers’ bucket list. Over the course of 12 days, you’ll trek over 75 miles across glaciers, valleys, and rivers on one of the most iconic journeys in the world.

Most trips start in Kathmandu and end in Lukla. You can expect to walk for an average of six to seven hours per day, with a total ascent of over 19,000 feet. This trek is not for the faint of heart, and hikers need to be reasonably fit due to the high-altitude. For those who are up for the challenge, it’s guaranteed to be one of the memorable experiences you’ll have.

2. Boudhanath Stupa

Boudhanath Stupa

During your visit to Kathmandu, you’ll probably notice the massive Boudhanath Stupa that sits a few miles outside the city. It’s one of the largest spherical stupas not just in Kathmandu, but in the entire world. Many believe it was built by ting Vikramjit as an act of penance after he killed his father.

However, the focal point of the stupa is the golden base, which is painted on each side with the all-seeing eyes of Buddha. Around the sphere, you’ll find images of the Dhyani Buddha Amitabha, as well as several prayer wheels.

1. Annapurna Sanctuary

Annapurna Sanctuary

Dominating the Nepalese skyline is the Annapurna Mountain Range, which stretches along the Himalayas in north-central Nepal. At the western side of the range is the Annapurna Sanctuary, a steep plateau nestled in between the Hiunchulu and Machapuchare peaks.

Trekking the Annapurna Sanctuary is one of the most popular activities to do in Nepal. Not only will you cross through forests, lakes, and hills, but you’ll also get the chance to stay in the remote villages of the Gurung and Magar people. The entire trek can be completed in five to seven days.

Map of Things to Do in Nepal

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Places To Visit in Nepal

Here are the top 32 tourist places and attractions in nepal, 1. kathmandu.

fun places to visit in nepal

1 out of 31 Places to visit in Nepal 46 Tourist attractions

Sprawled over its namesake valley surrounded by Himalayan mountains, Kathmandu is Nepal’s capital and most-visited destination, full of ancient temples, golden pagodas, natural beauty and fascinating villages. At an elevation of 4,344 feet, Kathmandu marks the confluence of the Bagmati and Vishnumat...

Best Time: September to November

2 out of 31 Places to visit in Nepal 33 Tourist attractions

Pokhara, the 'Tourist Capital of Nepal,' is the second-largest city in this Himalayan country, after Kathmandu. At an altitude of more than 900m, it is one of the highest cities, making it the base for many world-famous treks. The highlight of the town is its Lakeside, which is a boating paradise fl...

3 out of 31 Places to visit in Nepal 20 Tourist attractions

Nestled in the Himalayas in Nepal,  the beautiful town of Lumbini is the birthplace of Lord Buddha. Lumbini is a UNESCO World Heritage Site with many ancient stupas dating back to 2000 years and monasteries built by past dynasties. People come here from all over the world to this abode of ...

Best Time: April to May

4. Chitwan National Park

4 out of 31 Places to visit in Nepal

Chitwan National Park, nestled in the subtropical lowlands of southern Nepal, spans an impressive area of approximately 932 square kilometers. Recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, this sanctuary embodies Nepal's commitment to preserving its diverse ecosystems and rich wildlife. The park stand...

Best Time: October - March

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5 out of 31 Places to visit in Nepal 11 Tourist attractions

Bhaktapur is one of three medieval cities in the Kathmandu Valley, the other two being Kathmandu and Patan. It is often referred to as Bhadgaon and Khwopa and has a mix of Hindu and Buddhist population. This city is located around 12 kilometres from the capital city of Kathmandu and is divided into ...

Best Time: October to November, March to April 

6. Janakpur

6 out of 31 Places to visit in Nepal 9 Tourist attractions

Janakpur is a city in Nepal which is believed to be the birthplace of Goddess Sita and the place of her marriage with Lord Ram. Also known as the City of Ponds, Janakpur boasts of more than seventy ponds that dot its verdant landscape. Here you can learn more about the ancient and revered Hindu...

Best Time: September to March

7 out of 31 Places to visit in Nepal 10 Tourist attractions

Patan is the third-largest city in Nepal right after Kathmandu and Pokhara. It is presently known as Lalitpur. Both names are derived from the Sanskrit word ‘Lalitapattan’. The city is located just across the river Bagmati from Kathmandu. Patan has a Durbar Square that is full of statues, templ...

Best Time: November-January

8. Bandipur

8 out of 31 Places to visit in Nepal

Pretty as a picture - that is how one can perfectly describe Bandipur. This living and breathing abode of Newari culture is a hilltop settlement in the Gandaki Zone at 1030 metres, some 700 metres above the Marsyangdi River. The municipality snuggles itself on the saddle of the Mahabharat Range...

9. Nagarkot

9 out of 31 Places to visit in Nepal 8 Tourist attractions

Located at a mere 28-kilometre drive away from Kathmandu, Nagarkot offers one of the best views of the Himalayas in the entire region as it has an altitude of 7000 feet (2000 metres)! Perched at the edge of Kathmandu Valley, Nagarkot gives you one of the widest panoramas of the Himalayan ranges...

Best Time: October to March

10. Sagarmatha National Park

10 out of 31 Places to visit in Nepal

Sagarmatha National Park is a wildlife reserve that is well known to people for its location which is dominated by Mount Everest in the Himalayas of Eastern Nepal. The location, which is in the Solukhumbu district of Nepal, has been visited by tourists since the 1960s, although it was officially est...

Best Time: October to November

Best tourist destinations in Nepal

Temples in Nepal

Temples in Nepal

Hill Stations in Nepal

Hill Stations in Nepal

Cities in Nepal

Cities in Nepal

11 out of 31 Places to visit in Nepal 8 Tourist attractions

Dharan is a city located near the Southeastern border of India and is a replica of Indian culture and tradition. Dharan is the gateway to the Mahabharat hills and is one of the biggest pilgrimage locations in Nepal. This low-lying hilly region is extremely clean, colourful and culturally d...

Best Time: January to April; September to December

12. Mustang

12 out of 31 Places to visit in Nepal

Mustang is known for its trekking tours and mountain sightseeing. Elevated at an altitude of 3840 kilometres, this city is divided into two parts: Lower and Upper Mustang. Even though it is relatively unexplored, this city is a great destination for those who want to immerse in Tibetan culture as we...

Best Time: June to September

13. Chitlang

13 out of 31 Places to visit in Nepal

Chitlang is an ancient Newar dominant village in Nepal. Surrounded by the Chandragiri hills, it is acclaimed as one of the most popular stops in the old trading routes from Tibet to India and thus holds a rich historical significance. Chitlang serves to be the most preferred destination from Ka...

Best Time: Throughout the year

14 out of 31 Places to visit in Nepal

Some 25 km north of Abu Khaireni, the picturesque town called Gorkha is the ancient home of the lionhearted Gorkha people. Around 300 years ago, when Prithvi Narayan Shah unified all the rivalling fiefdoms of Nepal into one monarchy and divided up the country into 50 different states, Gorkha was bor...

15. Kirtipur

15 out of 31 Places to visit in Nepal

The sleepy town of Kirtipur comes like a breath of fresh air amidst the other dust laden villages and cities. Thanks to the stunning ancient temples that are scattered along its backstreets and the authentic experience of the Newari culture that it offers, the town has been gaining more and more pop...

16. Shivapuri Nagarjun National Park

16 out of 31 Places to visit in Nepal

Towards the north of the Kathmandu valley, just from where the hustle and bustle of the urban world start to fade away, and the imaginary lines of the city get blurred into the outskirts, lies the Shivpuri National Park. The sprawling sub-tropical forest, spreading for around 160 square meters, the ...

17 out of 31 Places to visit in Nepal

Located in the Khumbu area of the Solukhumbu district in north-eastern Nepal, Lukla is a small town perched at the height of 2,860 metres above the sea level. While many would describe the place to be just an airport and a strip of hotels, this quaint little town definitely offers much more than tha...

18. Biratnagar

18 out of 31 Places to visit in Nepal

Biratnagar is a metropolitan city located near the Indian border and is the capital city of Province No.1 in Nepal. Biratnagar is popular for its Jute Mills - the first large scale industry of Nepal and the famous Kali Mandir that holds high religious importance in Hinduism in the country. Name...

Best Time: November-March

19. Dhulikhel

19 out of 31 Places to visit in Nepal

You can never get enough of the mountains. There is something about the scenic beauty and tranquillity of the majestic peaks that just makes you want to stay there forever and breathe in the pure fresh air. Dhulikhel in the Kathmandu Valley is one such place, which offers picturesque views of the hi...

20. Panauti

20 out of 31 Places to visit in Nepal

Located some 32 kilometres away from the capital Kathmandu, Panauti is a leftover reminiscence of a time long bygone. The word ''Panauti' in Hindi means 'unlucky', and for some reason unknown, it sits perfectly well with the historical background of this medieval city. At one glance, the town of Pan...

Best Tourist Attractions in Nepal

Go Trekking Across the Majestic Himalayas

Explore the Iconic Kathmandu Durbar Square

Be Amidst Beautiful Nepalese Temple Architecture

Visit the Birthplace of Buddha, Maya Devi Temple

Take a Wildlife Safari at Chitwan National Park

Indulge in Some Delicious Nepali Cuisine

Experience Thrill With These Adventure Activities in Nepal

Visit the Holiest Shrine in Nepal, the Pashupatinath Temple

Visit Patan, a Town That Dates Back to 250 BC!

Go Paragliding in Pokhara!

Go Bungee Jumping in Nepal

Make a Trip to the Stunning Hill Stations

21. Pathibhara temple

21 out of 31 Places to visit in Nepal

Pathibhara temple, also known as Mukkumlung, is said to be one of the most significant Hindu temples in Nepal. Located on top of the Taplejung hills, this temple offers scenic views of Mount Kanchenjunga. This temple is considered one of the holiest temples, and many people travel from various parts...

22. Birgunj

22 out of 31 Places to visit in Nepal

Birgunj is a Nepali city which is based near the border of the Indian state of Bihar. It is a major point of entry for Indian goods trade. Birgunj also receives the goods coming in from the port of Kolkata. Located in the Terai region, Birgunj is the second-largest city after Bir...

23. Bharatpur

23 out of 31 Places to visit in Nepal

A lot of people visit Nepal for the attraction of the wilderness, namely Chitwan National Park. Bharatpur is the city that falls right in the gateway of the forested area. Located in central-south of Nepal, Bharatpur is the headquarters of the Chitwan district as well as a separate metropolitan admi...

24. Itahari

24 out of 31 Places to visit in Nepal

A sub-metropolitan city with seven municipalities in the Sunsari district, Itahari has recently evolved into a bustling transportation junction in the eastern side of Nepal. The two main branches of the Nepal highway circulation - Mahendra Highway running from east to west and Koshi Highway running ...

25 out of 31 Places to visit in Nepal

Jomsom is also known as Dzong-Sampa or New Fort. Jomsom lies along both the banks of Kali Gandaki river in the Mustang District of Nepal. Jomsom is the capital of Mustang district. Kali Gandaki happens to be the deepest gorge in the world. The altitude of Jomsom is 2700 m. Jomsom has developed as a ...

26. Kagbeni

26 out of 31 Places to visit in Nepal

Far away from the bustling town squares and temples and dance festivals of the towns and cities of Nepal, the village of Kagbeni awaits you with its audacious beauty. Officially Kagbeni is a settlement that bridges the gap between Lower and Upper Mustang, right at the feet of Muktinath Valley by the...

27. Mount Manaslu

27 out of 31 Places to visit in Nepal

The word Manaslu comes from the Sanskrit word manas, which means a person's soul, and Mount Manaslu can be reflected as exactly that - the mountain of the soul. Despite all the chaotic craze around mountain trekking that Nepal experiences every season, Manaslu has surprisingly held on to its pristin...

28. Narayangarh

28 out of 31 Places to visit in Nepal

Narayangarh is a major transportation and commercial hub in Nepal. This moderately crowded city falls under the bigger umbrella of Bharatpur City and under the administrative jurisdiction of Chitwan district in southern Nepal. Narayangarh, also referred to as Narayanghat, sits with all its buzzing n...

29. Shashwat Dham

29 out of 31 Places to visit in Nepal

The thing about Nepal is that you can never run out of spiritual places to visit. And yet most of them are old temples with the same archaic architecture and follows a typical path of devotion. Shashwat Dham, on the other hand, is completely different, both in terms of ambience and philosophy practi...

30. Nuwakot

30 out of 31 Places to visit in Nepal

Stuck somewhere in between the 17th-century ambience and 21st-century facilities, Nuwakot is one of the most attractive destinations of Nepal. Albeit there are not many attractions to see, the Nuwakot Palace and its Durbar Square in itself are enough to draw the travellers who love to delve deep dow...

31 out of 31 Places to visit in Nepal

Located at 2322 metres above the sea level in the Thaha Municipality of Nepal, Daman has inarguably the best view of the Himalayan range in the entire country. On the best of days, the whole stretch from Mount Dhaulagiri in the west to Mount Everest in the east can be seen perfectly. The snow-creste...

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  • 15 Engrossing Things To Do In Nepal In 2024 For All Adventure Junkies!

13 Apr 2023

Nepal is a fantasy-filled destination and is known for its mesmerizing scenic backdrops, heritage buildings, temples, monuments, and monasteries. Apart from exploring these bright & enticing tourist places in Nepal, there are loads of things to do here that tempt the tourists round the year. From rafting & trekking to sightseeing & shopping, the exhaustive list of things to do in Nepal caters to people of all age groups.

Best Time To Visit Nepal

Best Time To Visit Nepal

Image Credit: Guillaume Baviere for Wikimedia Commons

All set for your Nepal trip? Before you head for your vacation, you must get acquainted with the best months and season to visit Nepal. The fall season is the best time to visit Nepal and the best months are October, November, and December. The weather is perfect for heading out and trying adventurous things to do and exploring the most popular tourist attractions.

Top 15 Things To Do In Nepal

Take a glance at the most fun-filled and thrilling things to do in Nepal that will surely make the holiday a fulfilling one. Keep scrolling down and read along to know more about the most thrilling activities that you can try on your vacay!

  • Kathmandu – Go For Sightseeing
  • Bhaktapur & Patan – Explore The Cities
  • Pokhara – Indulge In Adventure Activities
  • Kathmandu Valley – Go For Mountain Biking
  • Chitwan National Park – Take A Wildlife Safari
  • Bardia National Park – Go For Jungle Treks & Safaris
  • Annapurna Circuit – Opt For Trekking
  •  Gokyo Lake – Enjoy Views Of Mt. Everest
  • Bhote Koshi & Seti River – Go for Rafting & Kayaking
  • Mount Everest – Fly In A Helicopter Over Hills
  • Pokhara – Indulge In Ziplining
  • Natural Valleys – Bungee Jumping
  • Fishtail Peak – Ultralight Flight
  • Phewa Lake – Boating
  • Siddha Gufa – Traverse The Hidden Lanes

1. Kathmandu – Go For Sightseeing

View of Kathmandu

Image Source

Roaming around the capital city of Kathmandu is one of the most important things to do in Nepal. The city is known for medieval temples, monuments, public squares, and monasteries. Taking a half-day or a full-day excursion in this capital city is one of the most common things to do in Kathmandu .

Also, one must not also miss the delightful experiences of shopping in Kathmandu . Though the recent earthquake has devastated some important monuments, the city continues to hold its charm and beauty to a large extent.

Don’t Miss: Pashupatinath Temple, Boudhanath, Kopan Monastery, Dakshin Kali Temple, Durbar Square , and Thamel Area

Note: Thamel Area is known for its nightlife and casinos. It is also the best place for picking gifts from Nepal.

Must Read: 11 Fantasy-Filled Places To Visit In Nepal For Honeymoon

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fun places to visit in nepal


2. Bhaktapur & Patan – Explore The Cities

The grand Durbar Square of Bhaktapur

Exploring the cities of Bhaktapur and Patan is among the leisure things to do in Nepal. Bhaktapur is known for the antique charms of Nepal. The wood carvings of the temples & monuments are truly amazing. Patan, an ancient city of Nepal, is located on the banks of Bagmati River and is known for marvelous temples.

Don’t Miss: Works of Newari community in Bhaktapur, masks, terracotta handicrafts, and potteries from local markets

Suggested Read:   10 Villas In Kathmandu For Travelers Who Want A Luxury Stay On A Shoestring Budget!

3. Pokhara – Indulge In Adventure Activities

A collage of the adventurous activities offered in Pokhara

Pokhara is a heaven for nature enthusiasts and adventure freaks. Camping, paragliding, and mountain biking are some of the adventurous activities in Nepal that can be done in this lakeside town.

Don’t Miss: Biking trails by the Phewa Lake, Rupa Lake, Begnas Lake, and Devis Fall Tariff: INR 1000 per bike for the whole day

Suggested Read: A Comprehensive Guide For Exploring Makalu Barun National Park In Nepal

4. Kathmandu Valley – Go For Mountain Biking

Kathmandu Valley

Kathmandu is also famous for biking trails and routes. Replete with undulating tracks, lesser-known trails, forests, and valleys, the capital of Nepal is an adventure haven for biking enthusiasts. One can easily avail mountain bikes on rent for exploring this enchanting landscape.

Don’t Miss: Biking on Godavari, Bungamati, Chapagaun and Shivapuri National Park Tariff: INR 600 – INR 2500 per day, depending on the bike

Suggested Read:  10 Indian Restaurants In Kathmandu Where You Can Have Delicious Indian Cuisine

5. Chitwan National Park – Take A Wildlife Safari

Chitwan National Park

The densely marshy terrain of Chitwan, spread over 332 square miles, is a habitat to a large variety of reptiles, mammals, & birds. A wildlife safari through the Chitwan National Park is undeniably one of the most exciting things to do in Nepal. Tourists choose between Elephant Safari and Jeep Safari.

Don’t Miss: Tigers, crocodiles, monkeys, rhinos, deer, kingfisher, egrets, paradise flycatchers, and brahminy duck Opening hours: 8 am – 6 pm Tariff: INR 1000 per person (SAARC country residents) | INR 2500 per person (others)

Suggested Read: Safari In Nepal: 9 Spots To Go On An Expedition And Witness The Wild Beasts!

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Sightseeing. Monasteries. Trekking. And beauty all along

6. Bardia National Park – Go For Jungle Treks & Safaris

Bardia National Park

Spread over 968 sq. km, the Bardia National Park is known to be the largest wilderness terrain of the Terai. This expansive grassland and Sal forest is a tiger’s den. Along with tigers, one can also spot elephants, rhinos (one-horned), crocodiles, Gangetic dolphins, and birds like Bengal floricans & sarus cranes.

Don’t Miss: Private jungle treks, jeep & elephant safaris, Tharu museum, and elephant & crocodile breeding centre Opening hours: 8 am – 5:30 pm Tariff: INR 1000 per person

7. Annapurna Circuit – Opt For Trekking

Annapurna Circuit

Nepal is a trekker’s paradise and is known for the astounding trekking routes. The famous trekking routes of Nepal include Annapurna Circuit, Poon Hill, and Langtang. Professional trekkers also hike up to Everest Base Camp. Trekking in Nepal through the plush green rhododendron forests, the gushing rivers, and the deep gorges offers amazingly beautiful views.

Don’t Miss: Views of Mount Everest and Nuptse from Base Camp

Suggested Read: 12 National Parks In Nepal: Imagining A World Of Splendid Natural Artwork!

8. Gokyo Lake – Enjoy Views Of Mt. Everest

Gokyo Lake

One of the most exhilarating things to do in Nepal is viewing the Mount Everest from the Gokyo Lake. The picturesque & serene lake in the Dudh Koshi Valley overlooks the lofty Everest and will surely make your jaw drop.

Don’t Miss: Trekking around the charming lake in the Sherpa heartland and staying in Alpine campsites

9. Bhote Koshi & Seti River – Go for Rafting & Kayaking

Go for Rafting

Bhote Koshi, Lower Seti, Trishuli, Kali Gandaki, Sun Koshi, Kamali, and Marshyangdi rivers are known for kayaking, canoeing, and rafting. These are three fun-filled and thrilling activities in Nepal. Considered as the World’s Best Destination for White Water Rafting and Kayaking , Nepal offers an enthralling experience of electrifying rafting expedition with the splendid hills in the backdrop and terraced paddy farms & charming villages running along.

Don’t Miss: The 2-day long rafting trips that start from Phewa Lake in Pokhara and ends in Chitwan National Park Tariff: INR 5200 per person (Rafting) | INR 4700 per person (Kayaking)

Suggested Read: 5 Magnificent Waterfalls In Nepal Every Traveler Must Visit While At This Trekker’s Paradise!

10. Mount Everest – Fly In A Helicopter Over Hills

Mount Everest View

If you are planning for a holiday in Nepal- a helicopter ride over Mount Everest and flights over Himalayan peaks and ranges should be on the bucket list. The experience of 3.5-hour long helicopter ride will offer a jaw-dropping view of the world’s highest peak and panoramic flight for an hour over other important peaks

Don’t Miss: Along with Mount Everest, do not miss the snow-capped peaks of Mt. Cho Oyu, Mt. Ama Dablam, Mt. Makalu, Mt. Gosainthan, Mt. Dorje Lhakpa, Mt. Gauri-Shanker, and Mt. Pumori Tariff: INR 32,000 per helicopter (1 – 3 people)

11. Pokhara – Indulge In Ziplining


Pokhara is a paradise and all nature lovers must add it to their list. Imagine yourself going smoothly amidst the rustling trees and enjoying a sweeping view of Nepal. What could be more thrilling? So, get ready to pump up your adrenaline by opting for one of the best things to do in Nepal. Soak in the beauty of nature and get ready to be mesmerized by the picturesque views.

Location: Pokhara, Nepal Cost: Rs. 5,733 per person.

Suggested Read: 7 Best Rivers Of Nepal That Are Perfect Places To Relax, Rejuvenate & Thrill Yourself!

12. Natural Valleys – Bungee Jumping

bungee jumping

Looking for a spot for bungee jumping in Nepal ? This country surprises all adventure fanatics with the options of activities it offers, one of them being bungee jumping. This activity will definitely perk up your adrenaline and give you goosebumps.

Location: Nepal

Suggested Read: Shopping In Nepal: A Handy Guide To Bargain And Buy The Best Nepalese Souvenirs!

13. Fishtail Peak – Ultralight Flight

ultralight flight

Ultraflight gives the same feeling as the paramotoring and paragliding. One of the best things to do in Nepal and the most famous one, Ultraflight will surely leave you breathless. When ground sweeps away under your feet, that feeling in the stomach is what adventure enthusiasts look for. Opting for Ultraflight in Nepal is the best way to experience that feeling again. The bird’s eye view of the whole Nepal and the famous Fishtail Peak will leave you awestruck.

Location: Machhapuchchhre 33700, Nepal Duration:

14. Phewa Lake – Boating

phewa lake

Nestled in the Pokhara Valley, Phewa Lake is brimming with freshwater and is marked as one of the most visited places in Nepal. The level of water is kept in check with the help of a dam and thus it is an amalgamation of natural and man-made lake. A boat ride in this lake is not something that you might want to miss on your Nepal tour.

Location: Pokhara Valley, Nepal

Suggested Read: Consider These Snug Homestays In Nepal Your Home While Backpacking In The Paradise

15. Siddha Gufa – Traverse The Hidden Lanes

siddha gufa

Siddha Gufa is famous as one of the largest caves in Nepal. The caves go deep to around 437 meters and are about 50 meters high. This popular trekking trail is in the shape of a cathedral with stalactites and stalagmites. The trek can be completed in a time frame of 90 minutes and is one of the best activities to try in Nepal.

Location: Bandipur, Nepal Entry Fee: Rs. 200 for adults

Further Read: Nepal: A Paradise Then. A Paradise Now. Your Holiday Can Bring A Thousand Smiles

Nepal is a country that always forms a part of the bucket lists of nature lovers and adventure junkies. If you have been postponing your trip due to one or other reason, then you must plan a getaway soon. Moreover, this list of top things to do in Nepal will make your vacation to Nepal more interesting and adventurous. So, plan a trip to this small Asian land right away.

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Frequently Asked Questions About Things To Do In Nepal

What are the dos and don’ts in nepal.

While Nepal is not a very strictly conservative country and is accustomed to a huge number of tourists visiting the nation, there are a few things one must keep in mind. For example: avoid consuming beef in public places and never offer food from your plate.

What are the things one must buy in Nepal?

Some souvenirs that one must pick from Nepalese markets include singing bowls, khukri, rice paper products, Thangka Paintings, handicrafts, and more.

What is Nepal famous for?

Apart from its being known for its breathtaking vistas and rich culture, Nepal is famous for the highest mountain in the world, Mt Everest, the deepest gorge viz. Kali Gandaki, and the highest lake on earth viz. Tilicho Lake.

What are the adventure activities in Nepal?

Numerous adventure activities like paragliding, bungee jumping, river rafting, hiking, and many more are available in Nepal

What are some of the popular foods in Nepal?

Join the momo mania when in Nepal! Other than that other drinks and delicacies like Thupka, Dindho, Sel roti, Everest beer etc are also a must-try.

Which are the best hotels in Nepal?

Himalayan Front, Shangrila Village Resort, and Rupakot Resort are the best hotels in Nepal. You can enjoy a comfortable stay at these hotels

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Places to visit in Nepal: 26 places you must visit

Places to visit in Nepal: 26 places you must visit

Nepal is the most beautiful country that has many scenic landscapes with copiousness of both natural and cultural heritage. There are a lot of beautiful places to visit in Nepal. Nepal, the official name of the Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal, is a landlocked country in South Asia.

Nepal is right between two countries bordering China in the north and India in the west, east and south. Nepal is a piece of heaven on Earth.

It is a small country and a home to many Himalayan ranges, various animals, and plants, rich, for the rivers and water which is divided into three regions; Terai region, Hill region, and the mountain region.

Nepal is rich in biodiversity and unique in geography. The highest peak in the world, Mount Everest lies in Nepal. Nepal is one of the best tourism destinations for spending holidays.

The specialty of this country is its multi-ethnic, multi-language, multi-culture. There are many places in Nepal to visit that make your journey memorable and fun.

Table of Contents

Kathmandu : Town full of Temples

Kathmandu, the capital city of Nepal, is also known as the Dream City. It is the most crowded city, and most people from outside valley come to fulfill their dream in the Kathmandu.

It is an old city, historically termed as “ Nepal Mandala ” and has been the home of Newar Culture in the hilly region. It is the center of Nepal’s history, art, culture, and economy and a multi-ethnic population of Hindu and Buddhist religion.

Kathmandu Valley

In ancient times, Kathmandu valley was a lake before the Goddess Manjushree cut Chovar hill with her sword and drained all the water away.

Kathmandu city is a gate to tourism in Nepal and is famous for its cultural heritage such as The Kathmandu Durbar Square, The Royal Palaces, Hanuman Dhoka, Asan, Kritipur, the Buddhist stupas of Swayambhu and Boudhanath.

The earliest is the Licchavi dynasty of Durbar Square. It had 50 temples and distributed in two quadrangles of Durbar Square.

The outer Quadrangles has Kasthamandap temple, Kumari Ghar and Shiva-Parvati Temple; the inner quadrangles have the Hanuman Dhoka Palace. The royal family lived till 1886, and later they moved to The Royal Palace (Narayanhiti Palace).

Patan: Years old Cultural Heritage 

Patan is located in the southern part of the valley, 5 km drive from the Kathmandu bus park. It is the oldest city also known as Lalitpur and by its Newari name, Yala. It is a city of Newari people and is also rich for cultural heritage, arts, and crafts; Patan Durbar Square, Ashoka stupa, Patan Museum, Statues, Godavari Botanical Garden, Patan zoo and many others.

Patan Durbar Square

The places are buzzing all the time with the locals and the tourist. The Patan Durbar Square served as the residence of the Malla rulers of the Patan states. It is divided into different chowks.

The Museum is in Keshab Narayan Chowk. Opposite to Patan Durbar Square, there is the stone temple of ‘Lord Krishna’ (Krishna Mandir) with its 21 spires and bas-relief art depicting scenes from the Mahabharat epics.

Also, the Ashoka Stupa lies in the east of the Patan. Patan is famous for the Rato Machchhindranath festival which is celebrated for a long time for almost one month.

Bhaktapur: Newari Culture

Bhaktapur, the smaller city of the valley located in the east corner, is approximately 13 km away from the Kathmandu. It is a city of devotees, Newar people and full of religious place. Bhaktapur was named as ‘Bhadgon’ or ‘Khwopa’ in the ancient time.

Bhaktapur Durbar Square

It preserved the historical monuments, palaces, courtyards, temple, a hand-crafted peacock that reflect the Hinduism. Bhaktapur is also famous for the marvelous crafts including pottery, weaver, thanka, and masks.

Bhaktapur Durbar Square (‘Layaku’ in Newari Language) is the royal palace of the old Bhaktapur Kingdom.

The area is full of historical monuments such as the fifty-five Windows which is a masterpiece of wood carvings, Golden Gate, The Big Bell, Pashupatinath Temple, Kedarnath Temple, Statue of Bhupatindra Malla, Siddi Laxmi Temple and Vatshala Temple is a stone temple.

The next place is Taumadi, famous for the Nyatapola Temple. One of the oldest temples with a five-story pagoda style temple of the Goddess Siddhi Laxmi built by King Bhupatindra Malla.

The temple didn’t get destroyed during the earthquake in 1990 and 2015.

Dattatraya Temple is built in the pagoda style in three-level of Lord Shiva built by the Yaksha Malla. Also, there is a Pottery Square where people make the various designs of pots out of clay.

Another is the Siddha Pokhari (Ta Pukhu: Newar language) where the next day of the Indra Jatra devotees worship the Goddess Indrayani in the west of the pond.

The city is famous for the special curd called “Ju Ju Dhau.” JuJu means King and Dhau means curd. Whoever visits Bhaktapur they never forget to taste the curd prepared by the local people.

It is known as the city of festivals such as Bisket Jatra, Gai Jatra (Saparu), Pulu Kisi (Indra Jatra), Yomari Purnima and many more.

Pokhara: A gift of Nature to Humanity

Pokhara is one of the places with most beautiful scenery and natural lakes. It needs 5-6 hours drive from Kathmandu to Pokhara where you can explore the natural beauty. Pokhara includes various lakes and temples, such as Phewa Lake, Begnas Lake, Rupa Lake, Gude Lake, Neutani Lake and Maidi Lake, Barahi temple, Bindbyabasini Temple and many others.

Few Lake in Pokhara

The beautiful closer view of the Dhaulagiri, Annapurna, Manaslu, and Machhapuchre Mountain can be seen from the Pokhara. The Mahendra Cave, Bat Cave, and Gupteshwor are the known cave.

Sarankot is famous for the paragliding over the Phewa lake and land at the bottom of the city.

David’s Fall is an awesome and deepest waterfall located in the south-west of Pokhara. Close to the lakeside, there are many lodges and restaurants are available, and along with it, you can enjoy the stunning view from there.

Rara Lake: Peace and Beauty at a place

Rara lake is the biggest and deepest lake of Nepal located in Jumla and Mugu districts which lie at an altitude of 2990 meters and covers an area of 10.8 square kilometers.

Rara Lake

Rara lake is the main feature of the Rara National Park. Rara lake has much unique flora and fauna importance of rare and vulnerable species. The lake is a popular destination with a rough route in Western Nepal for trekkers.

Lumbini: Buddha’s Birth Place

Lord Buddha, Siddhartha Gautam was born in 623 B.C. Lumbini is a Buddhist pilgrimage site in the Rupandehi District. The temple of Maya Devi is one of the most important sites in the Lumbini Garden where Queen Maya Devi gave birth to the Gautam Buddha.


The Ashoka Pillar is a stone pillar along with the four stupas and a pillar. Monks in saffron-robed clothing can also be seen there.

Gosainkunda: Awesome trek to go for

Gosaikunda lake is one of the most famous religious and pilgrimage sites of Nepal. It is located at an altitude of 4,380 m(14370 ft.), and surrounded by peaks in Langtang National Park in Rasuwa District with a surface of 13.8 ha (34 acres).


It is also surrounded by the mountain ranges, amazing scenario, and a delightful forest.

Every year in Janai Purnima, August full moon day thousands of pilgrims visit Gosaikunda, take a bath in the lake and worship Lord Shiva. Gosainkunda is one of the best places for trekking destination.

Panch Pokhari: Five lakes, one sight

Panch Pokhari is a group of five holy lakes, located in the Sindhupalchowk district in Nepal.

Panch Pokhari

Panch Pokhari offers pristine mountain views, rich culture, and stunning natural beauty and features different biological diversity. Every year in the Janai Purnima, many Hindus and Buddhist pilgrims visit Panch Pokhari.

Tilocho Lake: Lake sky use to see itself

Tilicho Lake is one of the most popular sites, located in the Manang district of Nepal. Tilicho Lake lies at an altitude of 4,919 meters in the Annapurna range of the Himalayas.

Tilicho Lake

The trekking route combines Annapurna circuit trekking.Tilicho Lake is surrounded by mountains of Tilicho, Nilgiri, Khangsar and the Muktinath Peak that make the lake more delightful.

Everest Base Camp: Once is not Enough

Everest Base camp is the first and famous trekking destination on the entire earth. It is Situated in beautiful Khumbu region, Solukhumbu district of Nepal.

Everest Base camp

The Everest Base Camp is the most popular breathtaking, exciting and challenging trekking route to the Himalayas range. You need to take a flight to Lukla and move towards Namche Bazaar.

Namche Bazaar is the gate to Everest where the journey starts to the many mountains. Also, you can explore Sherpa villages and ancient Thami and Tengboche. Kalapathar is the most visited point to have a view of Mount Everest.

Chitwan National Park: Jungle Safari

The Chitwan National Park is the first national park in Nepal and stated as World Heritage Property. It is located in the subtropical southern part of the Terai region, also rich in natural beauty.

fun places to visit in nepal

A total of 68 species of mammals, 544 species of birds, 56 species of herpetofauna and 126 species of fish have been recorded in the park. The best part of the park is a jungle safari where you can see different animals, and it is especially renowned for its protection of One Horn Rhinoceros, Bengal Tiger, and crocodile.

Janakpur: Where Lord Ram and Sita got married

Janakpur is popular for the pilgrims and the birthplace of King Janak’s daughter Sita. The city is also known as Janakpur Dham, and it is the capital of the Dhanusa district. Nepal Railways, which is the only railway in Nepal, connects Janakpur to Siraha at the Nepal-India border. The local people of Janakpur speak the Maithali language as it is the city of old Maithili culture. Every year, the festival ‘Ram Navami’ celebrates beautifully.

Annapurna Base Camp: Quaint Gurung Village

The Annapurna Base Camp is the second popular trekking journey in the Annapurna area after Everest Base Camp. The trek explores amazing views of the mountains and the rich culture, local communities and the traditional way of life.

Annapurna Base Camp

The Annapurna Base Camp route begins from Ghandruk trail to Chomorong, and Deurali to reach Annapurna Base Camp and along this route, you can find splendid views of Dhaulagiri, Himchuli, Mount Fishtail, and Annapurna.

Lukla: Doorway to Majestic Mt. Everest, Divine Scenery 

Lukla is located in the Khumbu area of the Solukhumbu District in the Sagarmatha-Zone of north-east Nepal.


Although Lukla is well-known for the most dangerous airport in the world, it is also popular for mountaineering, trekking and visiting the amazing scenario of the Himalayas ranges. It is the most visited trekking route to Everest Base Camp, Namche Bazaar, Gokyo valley trek, and the Sherpa cuisine is the specialty of that place.

Nagarkot: A picnic Spot

Nagarkot is the best place to see the spectacular sunrise view and the Himalayas ranges when the weather is clear.


Many visitors prefer to visit in the Spring season, and also locals go for the picnic. Nagarkot can be easily accessed by hiking, cycling, bus or other means of transportation.

Bhote Koshi: Rafting or Bungee Jump?

Bungee Jumping is one of the adventurous sports in Bhote Koshi, Nepal.

Bhote Koshi

In Nepal, there are two places where you can go for the Bungee jumping; Bhote Koshi River and Pokhara. The jump takes place at 160 meters above the Bhote Koshi River.

Mustang: Let’s get lost

Mustang is rich in natural beauty, cultural heritage, and a historical place and situated in the Dhaulagiri zone in Nepal. This beautiful land is divided into two parts; the Upper Mustang and the Lower Mustang. The Lower Mustang is full of natural scenery, and Upper Mustang is popular for the adventurous trekking.


Snowfall mostly occurs in the winter season and visitors enjoy playing with snow during this season. In Mustang, There are different beautiful places such as Jomsom, Kagbeni, Lo Manthang and many others. Muktinath Temple is a holy place for both Hindus and Buddhists.

Within, Hinduism it is called Mukti Kshetra which means the ‘ place of liberation or moksha’ and had 108 water taps.

Khapdak National Park: Green everywhere

Khapdak National Park is in Seti Zone and is stretched over four districts of Nepal: Bajhang, Bajura, Accham, and Doti and covers an area of 225 square kilometers.

Khaptad National Park

It has many different species of animals, birds and medicinal herbs and the landscapes consist of steep slopes, streams, and moorland.

Langtang: Monasteries

Langtang is nestled on the northern side of Kathmandu. Langtang National Park is home to the Langtang region.


Langtang is popular for trekking, extensive views, old monasteries, traditional Tamang villages and beautiful mountain scenery with rhododendron forests that bloom during the spring season. The religious Gosainkunda Lake and Briddim villages lie in the Langtang.

Swayambhunath: Guardian with two eyes

Swayambhunath is the second most holy place after the Boudhanath, located on the top of a hill in Kathmandu, Nepal.


The temple is also known as ‘Monkey Temple’ due to a big tribe of roaming monkeys are found there. The temple constructed in the fifth century. Both Hindu and Buddhist people are the pilgrims of the Swayambhu.

Boudhanath: World Heritage

Boudhanath is the biggest stupa in Kathmandu, Nepal. Boudha stupa is also called Khasti (Newari tongue).

Boudhanath Stupa

During Losar in February or March, there is the largest celebration of Buddhist people. There are 50 Gompas around the Boudhanath. Buddha stupa is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It is most popular tourist site in the Kathmandu.

Ilam: Try tea of Ilam 

Ilam, famous for tea production, is a beautiful hill area located in the eastern part of Nepal.


Ilam offers a brisk walk in the tea garden, picnic, sightseeing spots, and a gentle slopes into the nearby woods. Some of the popular places to visit in Ilam are Antu Danda, Mai Pokhari, Sadakpur, Gajur Mukhi and Mai Beni. The time to visit Ilam is from October to December and from April to February.

Pashupatinath Temple: Lord Shiva temple

The Pashupatinath Temple is a famous and sacred Hindu Temple located at the bank of the Bagmati River.

Pashupatinath Temple

Pashupatinath Temple is considered as the most important and holiest temple of Lord Shiva of Nepal. Every year on Maha Shivaratri in March there is a huge crowd of pilgrims. Near the Pashupati temple, there is another temple known as Gujheswori Temple. Many other temples are visited by people from all over Nepal and India.

Dhulikhel: Spectacular view

Dhulikhel is the administrative center of Kavrepalanchwok district, Nepal.


Dhulikhel is a popular destination to observe the view of mountains peak and hills side after some minutes of some walk, the arch of 1000 steps. At the top of the 1000 steps, there is the small temple of Kali where you can have the spectacular view.

Changunarayan Temple: 4th Century Temple

Changu Narayan, the oldest temple perched on the hill, built in the 4 th Century during the Licchavi period is located in the north site of Bhaktapur.

Changunarayan Temple

The temple is decorated with ten incarnations of the Narayan and stone lion guard all around the temple. Garuda, half-man and half-bird knees in front of the temple. The local people are mostly Newar, Gurung, and Tamangs.

Phoksundo Lake: Not to miss Lake

Phoksundo Lake is a fresh alpine water lake, located at an elevation of 3,611.5 meters (11,849 ft.) above the Sea Level in the Dolpa District.

Phoksundo Lake

The snow-capped mountains surround Phoksundo Lake. There are more than 20 stupas and a gompa in the eastern side of the lake.

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Things To Do In Nepal

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  • Jul 10, 2023

Wondering about the best things to do in Nepal? Let's fill you in. Situated in South Asia, Nepal offers the widest range of possibilities any tourist can imagine. From trekking to the glorious high mountains in the Himalayas to walking down the deepest gorge in the world, you get beautiful opportunities to marvel at the preserved natural beauty of Asia. Explore luscious green forests, impressive species of fauna, and off-beaten roads that lead to hidden valleys. 

In Nepal, any adventurer feels welcome to the hopes of taking the closest look at one of the most diverse cultural meshes in the world. Take a glance at a few things to do in Nepal;

Things to See in Nepal

The highest of the mountains, the greenest of the forests, and the oldest of the cultural sites, Nepal reigns over superlatives.

Best Things to Do in Nepal Unmissable activities include trekking, peak climbing, mountain flights, wildlife exploration, and visiting hidden valleys (like Lo-Manthang) during off-beaten hikes. 

Places to See in Nepal Apart from the tourist favorites Pokhara, Chitwan, and Lumbini, Manang, Mustang, Dolpo, Khaptad, Rara, and Janakpur give the best trips. 

Things to Do in Nepal Kathmandu

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Explore historical Durbars Squares (palaces) and UNESCO world heritage sites like Swayambhunath Nath dating back to the Lichhavi era.

Fun Things to Do in Nepal Stroll around Ason, New Road, and Bhotahity to get the cheapest deals on almost anything from spices to clothes. 

Things to Do in Nepal December More comfortable in the first half of December, the Everest, Annapurna, and Langtang treks become fantastic options with dry and sunny days.

Things to Do in Nepal Pokhara Reign the skies with paragliding over the World Peace Stupa. Relive tranquility by boating over Phewa Lake. Relax at the beachside for a night full of vibes. 

What to Do in Nepal for 5 Days? Shortest treks like the  Poon Hill Trek , Langtang Trek, and Annapurna Base Camp Trek last only 4-5 days. These pose perfectly for travelers in a time crunch. 

What to See in Nepal in 4 Days? Are you looking for peace of mind? Book your yoga and meditation retreat in famous monasteries. The silence and prayers rejuvenate the body, mind, and soul.

Things to Do in Lumbini Nepal Embrace the foundation of Buddhism at the Kapilvastu Palace, the birthplace of Gautam Buddha. Stroll around famous Gumbas. 

Cool Things to Do in Nepal Summit is the highest mountain in the world. Only a few people can say they have conquered both Everest Base Camp Trek and Everest Three Passes Trek.  

What to Do in Nepal in July? Being the heavy monsoon month, trekking to rain-shadow regions like Upper and Lower Mustang is highly recommendable. 

Things to Do in Nepal in March Reserve yourself for the majestic Island Peak Trek , truly magnificent in March. Celebrate Holi, the festival of colors. 

Things Not to Do in Nepal Refrain from offending locals by haggling, using profanities, and wearing inappropriate clothing at religious ceremonies or temples. 

Things to Do in Thamel Nepal Walk around enchanted shops of handicraft goodies during the day and party at the most buzzing clubs in Kathmandu at night. 

Adventurous Things to Do in Nepal White river rafting, paragliding, bungee jumping over roaring rivers, cave exploration, mountain biking, mountain running, off-beaten treks—you name it!

Table of Contents

23 incredible things to see and do in nepal, 1. wander (and shop) in the touristic hub, thamel.

fun places to visit in nepal

Beaming with warm lights, local shops in Thamel offer quality handmade products sourced locally. From yummy street food to full-course meals, restaurants bring out any cuisine you can think of.  

2. Embrace Tibetan Culture at Boudhanath Stupa

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Several old monasteries surround one of the largest spherical dome-shaped stupas in the world, Boudhanath Stupa.  The hums and prayers fill the surrounding restaurants with pleasant vibes.

3. Dodge Monkeys and Admire the Views of Kathmandu At Swayambhunath Stupa

fun places to visit in nepal

Lovesome cheeky monkeys and want a 360-degree view of the capital? Head over to the Swayambhunath Stupa right away! Wander around the monasteries and wish over the Buddha pond. 

4. Experience Deep Hindu Traditions at Pashupatinath Temple

fun places to visit in nepal

The most religious worshipping event comes in the evening at Pashupatinath Temple. Watch ascetics rub tika over their face and devotees worship in the holy river. 

5. Explore the Kathmandu Valley’s Ancient Durbar Squares

fun places to visit in nepal

  •  Kathmandu Durbar Square: Former old palace of the Kingdom of Kathmandu, the durbar square has architecture like the Kasthamandap, Taleju Temple, and Narayan Temple dating back to the 3rd century. Malla and Shah's Kings ruled the palace in the past.
  • Bhaktapur Durbar Square: From the 55-window palace to the nine-storied Nyatapola temple, Bhaktapur durbar square homes prominent architectures of the 14th century. The museum also houses precious artifacts of even the Lichhavi era. 
  • Patan Durbar Square: The Durbar Square houses historically and religiously celebrated architectures like Krishna Mandir, Bhimsen Temple, and Vishwanath Temple dating back to the 15th century. 

6. Enjoy A Community Homestay in Gorkha

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Local immersion needs a good homestay, and Gorkha is the best nearby Kathmandu. With a community base of homestays with proper hygiene and good local food, one can expect top-tier local culture there. Gorkha Homestay can do one night two days program in the historical place, where Let Great King was born.

7. Taste All the Delicious Nepali Food

Nepali food ranges from Newari cuisine, Maithili cuisine, Tharu cuisine, Tibetan cuisine, etc. Nepali food is considered the food of the soul. 

8. Chill Out in Kathmandu’s Garden of Dreams

fun places to visit in nepal

Kaiser Shumsher Rana built Kathmandu’s Garden of Dreams or Garden of Six Seasons. Relax and take a breather in the neo-classical garden with pristine architecture. The entry fee costs Rs 400. 

9. Float Through the Sky, Hot Air Blooming

fun places to visit in nepal

Ever wanted to fly amongst the clouds in the blue sky? Happiness costs only $120, and Hot Air Blooming an hour over Nepal's most beautiful city Pokhara can lighten the soul. 

10. Fly in The Sky, Paragliding in Pokhara:

fun places to visit in nepal

Normal Paragliding in Pokhara costs only $80 per 30 minutes. Cross-country paragliding costs $120 for an hour. March-May is the best time to fly and capture the Annapurna range and Phewa Lake's scenic beauty.

11. Go White Water Rafting in Nepal, Trishuli River Rafting

fun places to visit in nepal

Want the thrill of battling the torrid waves of the Trishuli? Join the White River Rafting activity costing only $40 for a full day of an exciting adventure and gorgeous surroundings.

12. Chill in Backpacker Paradise, Pokhara

fun places to visit in nepal

The easygoing and laid-back backpackers opt for more chill vibes of the Pokhara Lakeside to hang out, party, and, in general, have fun. Enjoy local and international cuisines and taste the buzz of Pokhara's food festivals.

13. Hike Base of the Top of the World 8,848m, Everest Base Camp Trek

fun places to visit in nepal

Everest Base Camp Trek , the most famous trek globally, consists of scenic eye candies of the world's highest mountain. The laid-back yet exciting trails see about 40000 trekkers per year. 

14. Everest Three Passes and Tranquil Gokyo Lakes Trek

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Alternatives to the EBC Trek, the Everest Three Passes trek begets challenging trails and rewarding sceneries. Everest three passes and Gokyo Lakes trek is one of the ultimate experiences in Everest. 

15. Short but Epic Hikes in Nepal: Short Annapurna Base Camp Trek, Short Everest Base Camp Trek

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For those in time-crunch, opt for ABC Trek with Poon Hill  or Short EBC Trek to quickly immerse into the Himalayas' wilderness. Get the same quality experience of the snowy peaks in a shorter time!

16. Off the Beaten Trek Hikes in Nepal

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For those searching for the road less taken, Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek provides the perfect balance between remote and off-beaten experience. As a restricted area, a local guide and a minimum of two trekkers must go around the second-highest mountain in Nepal. 

17. Visit the Forbidden Kingdom and Silk Road Cave Civilization, Upper Mustang Trek

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Lo-Manthang or the Forbidden Kingdom showcases the Upper Mustang's quiet secluded life with spectacular desert-like vast expanses and stone architecture of the past. Upper Mustang Trek can be done on foot or even on a JEEP ride.

18. Lifetime Experience Scenic Flight Over The Himalayan Mountains Flight

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Are you scared of trekking? Use a mountain flight ! An extremely convenient alternative and better close-up experience with Everest can be done with the Himalayan Mountain Flight. 

19. Experience The Longest Canyon Swing In The World At The Last Resort

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With double the freefall and adrenaline rush, The Last Resort offers the world’s highest giant Canyon Swing and Bungee Jumping . Let out your inner roar as you dangle down the 160m line!

20. Zen Out And Practice Yoga In Nepal

fun places to visit in nepal

The abode of the spiritual awakening, Nepal, offers yoga centers across the country. Travelers can now practice yoga before the breathtaking sceneries of the Himalayas in Mountain Yoga programs. Mardi Himal Trekking beats every other trek in the everyday yoga and meditation arena. 

21. Experience An Epic Wildlife Safari In Nepal, Chitwan

fun places to visit in nepal

Love animal? Head over to the Wildlife Safari in Chitwan National Park , one of the largest in Nepal. Spot endangered species like the Bengal tiger, Asiatic Elephant, Indian Leopard, and Nepal's prized one-horned rhinoceros. The park also reports 543 species of birds.

22. Explore The Beautiful Newari Town Of Bandipur

fun places to visit in nepal

Aged like fine wine, Bandipur grew from a remote hill town to a culturally intact tourist hub. The preserved Newar traditions garnish the little town making it perfect for hikes and biking. 

23. Visit the Birthplace Of Buddha, Lumbini

fun places to visit in nepal

Among the world’s most spiritual destinations, Lumbini attracts Buddhism followers from all over the world. The birthplace of the Buddha also showcases peace stupas and 25 internationally constructed monasteries.  

There possibly is a never-ending list of possibilities of what to see and do in Nepal no matter the time of the year. Book your trip to this land of memorizing promises. Create unforgettable memories with nature's best creations and a bubbly world of harmonious ethnic diversity. 

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Karna Rana

I hearty welcome to Nepal, known as the Kingdom of Himalayans, and the roof of the World “Mt. Everest.” Nepal has been named a Heaven on Earth and is a wonder in the Himalayan. It is the Shangri-La, a cultural Museum, the Birthplace of the Lord Buddha, and the country of the living Goddess “ Kumari .”

I am Karna Rana Trekking Tour Operator and Mountain Guide, specializing in Trekking , Tour, Travel in Nepal, Hiking in the Himalayan and other Outdoor Activities, Peak Climbing , Expedition, Adventure Trekking , Rafting, etc. applying for my field expiring in 2000. Meanwhile, I have completed my Master’s degree in Rural Development (2016) from the Tribhuvan University of Kathmandu, Nepal’s leading educational institution. I have been applying my field experience in tourism, especially in remote areas of the country, for sustainable eco-tourism for local empowerment. I enjoyed writing my blog own word sharing my travel experience in the Himalayan, aiming to provide the right information and help to the Nepal Traveler.

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Bspl6juczsyqznnuga3tet6vgk1n 1557844414 shutterstock 1304839303

Famed as the only metropolis of the Himalayan region, this place is visited by quite a lot of travellers. This is not only the largest city of Nepal but also one of the serene sites. Places like the Swayambhunath Stupa, Hanuman Dhoka Square, and several others mark the tourism count of the city. To make the best of your holidays here, you must not miss out on the Kathmandu sightseeing packages, as they cover most of the destinations. With places like Hanuman Dhoka Square, you can take a deep look into the history of the place and if you are more into the tranquil setting then it boasts with a remarkable range of peaceful temples.

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If you are a true mountaineer, you can’t miss the chance to be a part of this expedition. Due to high level of precipitation the peaks of Kanchenjunga is mostly glaciated. You can simple enjoy an epic scenery which is truly going to leave you jaw dropped.  Highlights: Preservation of the rich flora and fauna is also important and you will get to witness them too during trekking. It is difficult to comprehend the scale of both valleys and mountains here. Difficulty Level – High. Best time to visit: October and November. Prices: USD$985 per person.

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17 Awesome Things to do in Nepal - that AREN'T Trekking!

17 Awesome Things to do in Nepal – that AREN’T Trekking!

  • Last Updated 3 March 2024

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17 Things to do in Nepal that Aren't Trekking

A round-up of fun, unusual, and unmissable things to do in Nepal – beyond trekking in the Himalayas!

I’ve made no secret of the fact that I loved Nepal. The craziness of Kathmandu; the epic mountain views glimpsed from juddering buses; the warmth of the people I met; the random cows sleeping in the middle of busy roads; the thick tangles of wires decorating every building and lamppost and tree at the side of the roads; the colourful temples; the bizarre encounters; the incredible food . I loved it all.

There’s so much to this country, and yet so many people think of Nepal as little more than just treks and mountains.

After spending a couple of weeks there without once setting foot on any kind of trekking route, I’m here to tell you that there is plenty more to do in when you’re travelling or backpacking in Nepal . Here are 17 things to do in Nepal that aren’t trekking…

17 Fun Things to do in Nepal

1 – everest mountain flight.

If you want to see Everest and the other Himalayan peaks, but you don’t fancy trekking, there is another way. You can book an Everest Mountain Flight, or take an Everest Base Camp Helicopter Tour , to see the snowy giants from the air.

Stefania from Every Steph has a great post about her Everest flight experience , and it’s packed full of her handy tips.

Things to do in Nepal

You’ll spend an hour in the air, soaring past the peaks of the world’s tallest mountain range, with the pilot and crew providing a narration so you know what you’re looking at. And you’ll earn yourself some serious travel bragging rights!

RECOMMENDED TOUR: One Hour Panoramic Everest Flight

2 – Temples of Kathmandu

Chaotic, crowded, and at times bat-crap-crazy, Kathmandu is Nepal’s wonderfully insane capital. Many visitors treat the city as nothing more than a jumping-off point for a trek, but there’s so much more to it. Spend some time exploring the city, and in particular its incredible temples…

Kathmandu temples

Boudhanath is perhaps the most famous of Kathmandu’s Buddhist temples, and it’s one of the most impressive sights in the city. The gold and white stupa is enormous, and the complex is bustling with devotees and fluttering prayer flags.

Swayambhunath , aka the Monkey Temple, is a Buddhist temple offering some amazing – if hazy – views of the city. And of course, there are dozens of monkeys!

Things to do in Nepal

Pashupatinath is a sacred Hindu temple dedicated to Lord Pashupatinath. You can watch cremations being performed on the banks of the Bagmati River, and explore the crumbling stone buildings of this important Hindu site.

Where to stay in Kathmandu:  I loved Kathmandu Guest House in the popular Thamil district. The hotel’s garden is a total oasis from the chaotic city outside! 

3 – Paragliding in Pokhara

Fancy an adrenaline hit on your Nepal trip? Why not take to the skies in Pokhara ? It’s considered one of the best places in the world for tandem paragliding!

Thanks to relatively stable thermals, pretty decent weather year-round, and the safety net of Pokhara’s huge blue lake, the city is perfect for paragliding. Throw in some seriously epic views of the snow-capped mountains that surround Pokhara and you have the ideal recipe for an amazing paragliding session.

RECOMMENDED TOUR: 30-Minute Tandem Paraglide

paragliding pokhara

4 – Jungle Safari in Chitwan National Park

It’s not all about the Himalayas in Nepal – the country’s topography is actually pretty varied. Down in the lowlands in the south of Nepal lies Chitwan National Park, a sprawling area of lush jungles and grassy plains that’s just 415m above sea level. On a safari in Chitwan, you’ll be able to spot rhinos, elephants, hundreds of bird species, and – if you’re lucky – the elusive Bengal tiger.

rhino chitwan national park

For the most dazzlingly luxurious safari experience in Chitwan, try Megauli Serai . This stunning lodge is from the famous Taj Safaris chain and they really know what they’re doing. From the incredible villas (complete with private pools overlooking the park) to the faultless service, everything about my stay at Megauli Serai was amazing . Read the post to find out more!

5 – Bungee Jump

When it comes to adrenaline-rushes and extreme sports, Nepal does not disappoint! Not far from Kathmandu is the adventure sports complex The Last Resort – where you’ll find the world’s ninth-highest bungee jump . It’s a 160m high jump into a tropical gorge above a raging river. Would you be brave enough?

RECOMMENDED TOUR: Bungee Jumping Day Trip from Kathmandu

bungee jumping over canyon

6 – Panauti Homestay

One of my favourite discoveries in Nepal was Panauti Community Homestay . When they’re done well, a homestay is a great way to get a true insight into the local culture, and there are quite a few homestays across Nepal to choose from. What I loved about the Panauti Community Homestay was that it was run by a cooperative of local women. The goal is to give local women independence and to raise their status in society – so you’ll be supporting a really good cause.

panauti homestay

At a homestay, you’ll be staying in a genuine local home – so you can get a pretty authentic glimpse of real life in Nepal. Accommodation is basic but comfortable, and my hosts couldn’t have been more welcoming. From cooking lessons to dances, they’ll find plenty of ways to keep you occupied on your visit!

7 – Canyoning

For a true Himalayan adventure, try your hand at canyoning in Nepal. Basically, you throw yourself into a fast-flowing mountain river and let it carry you downstream. This is a great way to get a real hands-on experience of the Himalayas, as you abseil, slide, and splash your way through gorges, waterfalls, and untouched jungle. This is one of nature’s most amazing playgrounds – don’t miss it!

Things to do in Nepal

8- Birthplace of Buddha

India might be more famous for its connections with Buddha, who lived most of his life there, but Nepal is where he was born. In the southwestern lowlands lies the city of Lumbini , where you’ll find the Buddha’s birthplace.

Things to do in Nepal

It’s a sprawling complex of gardens, temples, and monasteries – and at the heart of it lies a small white building inside which are the archaeological remains of Buddha’s birthplace. The woodlands behind the building are smothered in colourful chains of fluttering prayer flags, and the gardens are beautiful.

Read more about the birthplace of Buddha in Lumbini in this fab post by Travel Photo Discovery.

RECOMMENDED TOUR: 6-Day Kathmandu and Lumbini Tour

9 – White Water Rafting

Yet another way to get wet and wild in the Himalayas is with white water rafting. Nepal has numerous rivers to explore on rafting trips ranging from one day to a week or ten days.

17 Things to do in Nepal

Try something new, and discover the beauty of the Himalayas from raging rivers fed by snow-melts and monsoon rains. White water rafting in Nepal is a real challenge, but it’s a serious thrill and a great way to test your limits! 

RECOMMENDED TOUR: Trishuli River Rafting Day Trip from Kathmandu

10 – Motorbike Across Nepal

If you’re looking for independence and adventure, why not rent a motorbike and set off across the country? That’s what The Runaway Guide did ( read his awesome post about riding Nepal here ) and I was insanely jealous!

cool things to do in Nepal

The winding mountain roads offer up some spectacular vistas, and it’s a great way to explore with total freedom. Driving in Nepal probably isn’t for the fainthearted, though; those roads can be dangerous and potholes are pretty common. But if you’re looking for adventure and bragging rights this is for you!

11 – Skydiving Nepal

For the ultimate adrenaline rush in Nepal, you really can’t beat a tandem skydive in front of Mount Everest! Dropping from a helicopter at 23,000ft, you’ll free-fall, then parachute, right in front of the world’s highest peak. Then you’ll land in one of the world’s highest drop zones, Amadablam Basecamp at 15000ft.

Mount Everest

The Everest skydive is pretty expensive (as in $25,000 USD expensive). But there is a more reasonable alternative over in Pokhara too for around $800! Still pricey, but for a once-in-a-lifetime adrenaline rush in a spectacular mountain setting, it could be worth the splurge.

12 – Explore Patan

On the outskirts of Kathmandu, Patan was once an independent city-state and still feels quite separate from the capital. You can’t miss a visit to Durbar Square , Nepal’s best collection of temples and palaces. But there are also some great shopping opportunities. Visit the fair-trade craft stores to buy handicrafts and help support Nepal’s neediest communities.

17 Things to do in Nepal

Top tip: most people visit on a day trip from Kathmandu, so if you stay the night you’ll have Patan all to yourself once the crowds head home. Click here to check the latest hotel prices in Patan .

13 – Farmstays and WWOOFING

I’ve already mentioned homestays, but if you want to take it a step further why not consider a farmstay? WWOOF Nepal is part of the organisation World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms , and they can hook you up with a local farm that will give you room and board in exchange for a pair of willing hands. You can take part in farm work, see how real people live in rural Nepal, and support the local efforts towards sustainable agriculture. It’s a fantastic way to give a little back.

14 – Mountain Yoga

Yoga is all about connecting with the world around you. And what better way to do that than by practising yoga outside, surrounded by the very best of the natural world? At various yoga retreats in Nepal, you can learn and practice meditation, yoga, and spirituality whilst surrounded by the majesty of the Himalayas. Sadhana Yoga Retreat in Pokhara comes highly recommended. This school offers everything from daily classes to 21-day intensive courses.

yoga Nepal

15 – Discover Ayurveda

Dating back to the Vedic period, Ayurveda is the oldest authentically recorded science in existence. The goal is to achieve harmony between the four dimensions of health (body, senses, mind and spirit).

Book an excursion to meet traditional Ayurvedic healers and learn more about the natural medicines and ancient tools they use. Or treat yourself to an Ayurvedic massage – a key part of Ayurvedic therapy. It’s a holistic massage treatment using essential oils and music to relax and restore.

16 – Visit the International Mountain Museum

Although this is a post about things to do in Nepal other than trekking, it’s still pretty hard to escape the Himalayas. The world’s tallest mountain range is one of the countries biggest draws, after all. For a better understanding of the mountains, head to the International Mountain Museum outside of Pokhara.

International Mountain Museum Nepal

Not only does the museum cover everything from how the mountains formed to the cultures of the people who live on them, but there’s also a huge exhibit dedicated to the long trekking history. Even if you’re not going to conquer Everest yourself, it’s interesting to learn more about the folks who have – and how they do it!

Check out this blog post about the museum to learn more.

17 – Eat!

Nepali cuisine gets a bit of a bad rap amongst travellers in my opinion – partly because trekkers often wind up eating the country’s staple dal bhat for three meals a day during their trips. But this country has so much more to offer than the hearty lentil soup that’s served with almost every meal.

momos in kathmandu

There are momos – my personal obsession – as well as rich curries and loads tastier dishes. Don’t miss buffalo curry, sekuwa – spiced meat char-grilled over a natural log fire – or the spiced lentil patties known as bara .

There’s so much to discover, so check out Foodie Flashpacker’s post about his food tour in Kathmandu to find out what you’re missing. Or just book yourself onto the tour for a fab insight into the local cuisine.

READ MORE: 17 Nepali Dishes You Need to Try!

Some of the top-rated food tours in Kathmandu…

  • Half-Day Kirtipur Trip With Newari Food Tasting  (from £63.36pp)
  • Half-day cooking class in Thamel Kathmandu  (from £24.80 pp)
  • Walking Street Food Tour in Kathmandu  (from £49.97 pp)
  • Nepali Cooking Class with Hotel Pickup  (from £47.52pp)

17 Things to do in Nepal That Aren't Trekking

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34 thoughts on “17 Awesome Things to do in Nepal – that AREN’T Trekking!”

it’s all about wild adventure sports! Wow I had no idea!

Haha yep. There’s a lot of adventure stuff to do. Loads of culture too, and basically just SO much more than Everest ;)

Nepal is such a dream and picturesque destination! Would you recommend any good hiking trails there, Emily?

I didn’t do any hiking on my trip (hence the article title, haha) but there are LOADS of great trails to choose from! The Annapurna circuit is one I’d love to try :)

Many Many Thank you for your wonderful article….

Thank you Sanjeep :) I worked really hard on it – wanted to show off the best of your wonderful country!

This is such a wonderful article !

Thanks Rohin :)

Awesome post! We’re planning to travel to Nepal this November for 6 weeks and really enjoyed finding things to do besides trekking. Although we are doing the Annapurna Circuit I’m sure we’ll be trekked out by the end and looking for some different activities!

Exactly!!! There are so many beautiful treks in Nepal but there’s also MUCH more to see. Lot’s of culture and food to discover too :) Have an amazing time – I’m jealous that you’re off to Nepal. Wish I was going back!

Hi Emily! Thank you so much for including The Last Resort in your blog. When are you coming back? would love to meet you.

You’re so welcome! I wish I was coming back soon – hopefully next year!!

Hi Emily. Brilliant post, I live in Nepal and couldn’t agree more with these points. I still haven’t bungee jumped at the last resort yet! How was your experience?

Thanks Alex :) The bungee is one of the things on the list I haven’t done myself. When I was planning my Nepal trip – and later, when I was writing this post – I asked people for recommendations for fun stuff to do so that I could make sure my post covered everything. It’s deffo on my radar for next time, though – and I’ve done a bungee in India before so I massivley recommend you give it a go!

Thank you! For your informative article about Nepal and your experience.

Thanks Tulsi!

Namaste Emily It is great post about Nepal. I’m sure your article will inspire the travelers to visit Nepal in the future.

Thank you so much! I hope many more travellers decide to visit – Nepal is a wonderful country!

Dhanyabaaad EMILY LUXTON for the posting great article about the Nepal, it could be helpful and guideline to every new travelers around the world who would like to visit in Nepal and explore with new things on the basis of refreshment and entertainment.

Thank you so much :) I LOVED Nepal – hoping to go back soon to discover more of that beautiful country!

Awesome Article!!!

Nepal is a wonderful destination as well as a wonderland for travelers those who love nature most. In Nepal, there are infinite things to do which might not be possible with a single visit.

Thanks so much Hop :) I love Nepal so much – hoping to go back soon!

you should back :) I was there 4 times and can not wait to back there again . Greetings

Hoping to go back next year – I want to try some trekking!!

Are you Planing to do Everest Base Camp trek?

Probably not – I think it’s outside the range of my abilities to be honest!

Everest Base Camp Trek, Annapurna Circuit Trek, Annapurna Base Camp Trek, Manaslu Circuit Trek, Ghorepani Poon Hill Trekking, Langtang, Upper Mustang, Kanchenjunga, Gokyo Ri, Upper Dolpo and so many others.

This post is all about things to do that aren’t trekking :)

Wow, the list is pretty good. Besides these, there are many things you can do in Nepal like be a part of Macchindranath Rath Jatra, Indra Jatra, Bisket Jatra and many other festivals and rituals you have probably not heard of. Anyways I am glad that I found your blog.

Ooh these festivals sound fab – I’d love to return to Nepal and see one of two of them!

Amazing country..the people,adventure,food,Yoga retreats,shopping..if I could, i would visit every other year… Kudos Emily for emotional

Thanks so much for reading and commenting! I’m dying to go back – what a country!

Thank you for sharing such a piece of detailed information about the Everest mountain flight. The highest peak Mount Everest photograph is a truly amazing capture.

Thanks so much Karma! I didn’t do the flight myself – my friend Steph did and she was the one who recommended it for this post. So sadly I can’t claim credit for that particular photo, it’s one I bought from a stock image website. Would love to take the flight myself one day and take my own photo!

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11 Fun Activities to do Around Kathmandu

11 Fun Activities to do Around Kathmandu

Who doesn’t want a day full of fun? I do.

After a hectic weekday, I always look toward a free weekend to have fun and do various things around. But this is where it gets challenging.

What to do or where to go?

Zookti best website development company in Nepal

I mean there are no other places than restaurants to have fun and eat good food right?

If you are really looking for outdoor activities to spend time and refresh yourself, the first thing to note is to try and accept all the activities there is around even though you feel like it is a bit childish. Keeping this in mind, we have come up with a list of fun activities to do around Kathmandu and have a chill time. 

Jump KTM is the first trampoline park in Nepal located at Mandikatar, Kathmandu . Jump KTM has many activities that can keep you there for at least two hours. The idea they have come up with is very enjoyable, I mean who doesn’t like jumping around in trampolines. Jumping on a trampoline also has many health benefits.

Jump KTM

It might seem a bit childish to be bouncing from one place to another but, Jump KTM actually brings out the inner child hidden inside of you. The ticket rates at Jump KTM for children below 105 cm are Rs 499/- and Rs 799/ – for normal people on weekdays. It costs Rs 699/- for children below 105 cm and Rs 999/- on weekends and holidays for normal people. But there are more exciting price offers if you go there with a group of people.

House of Palettes

Even if you have not touched a paintbrush for years, House of Palettes will urge you to hold a paintbrush. Situated at Evoke, Jhamsikhel, House of Palettes has maintained an environment that brings out the artistic side in you. It does not matter if you are a professional artist or just starting, there are many artists in the premise that will guide you along the way to your art masterpiece.

House of Palettes

You can order food and drink from the restaurant Evoke and have a good time eating and painting as well. You can either paint the pictures they have set up for you or pour your imagination into the canvas. The canvas price varies according to the canvas size, costing Rs 1200 for a small size canvas, Rs 1400 for a medium-size canvas and Rs 1600 for a large size canvas.

A normal painting can take from 2 to 3 hours , make sure you have a lot of hours to spare before going there. Even if you don’t complete your painting, you can stop it for the day and return the next day to complete it.

There are many arcades in Kathmandu, Notable ones; Civil Mall and City Center . You can play various games and perform many activities in the arcade, mostly bowling, video game, and 8 ball pool. Trying all the attractions can take from 3 – 4 hours. However, you need to pay money before trying all these attractions. The price depends upon the time and the game you are about to play.

11 Fun Activities to do Around Kathmandu

This place is super fun if you go there with a group of people. Trying the activities there can take from Rs 1000 to Rs 1500 . You can also play classic games such as Spiderman, Marvel games, Street Fighter and many more in the arcades that can bring you nostalgia.

Watching a potter make pottery is quite interesting. Isn’t it? Playing with a lump of clay until it becomes a pot or vase is pretty interesting I would say. I hope at some point in our life when we were a kid we have always dreamt of making one ourselves. Now there actually is a place where you can mold a lump of clay and make something of it. You can find the place in Bhanimandal which is near to Jawalakhel.


But if you are wondering if you will be able to make something out of the clay, then no worries, there will be a professional potter present there to guide you all along the way until you make a beautiful vase, or pot, or theki. It costs Rs 1200 for children and Rs 2000 for adults.

Fun park, basically an amusement park to do activities to have fun and spend a good time. There are three amusement parks in Kathmandu; Kathmandu Fun Park situated at Bhrikutimandap, Whoopee Land Amusement Water Park situated at Kritipur and Kathmandu Fun Valley at Suryabinayak. All these amusement parks have different attractions that once you start trying, you won’t know the time flying by.

11 Fun Activities to do Around Kathmandu

The entrance fee may vary among the parks. Along with this, you also have to pay individually for each rides.So, it might seem a bit expensive to pay both to enter the park and try those attractions, but trust me all the activities there will give you a different experience making the price paid reasonable. So have your wallets or purse filled with cash before going there.

The Best Archery

If you’ve ever been influenced by the battles between the good and bad characters, like the ones from the television series Ramayana or Mahabharata, then we have a place that is similar to your interest. This is the only archery center in the valley located at Jhamsikhel, Lalitpur, which opened on 22nd November 2014.

Archery Fun activities to do around in Kathmandu

You can go and shoot your arrows whenever you are having an off day. It costs Rs 400 for 30 minutes per person and Rs 600 for 1 hour per person per session. Similar to other activities on this list, this place also has experienced trainers and certified coaches to guide you through the basics of archery.

Wall Climbing

Wall Climbing is an upcoming trend in Kathmandu. Many places offer wall climbing which is situated mostly at Thamel and Paknajol. Asterk Climbing Wall and Kathmandu Sport Climbing Center are some of the most renowned wall climbing centres in Kathmandu. I still remember the days when I used to climb trees making myself feel like Spiderman, but wall climbing centres actually turned my dreams into reality.

Wall Climbing Fun activities to do around in Kathmandu

It costs from Rs 700 to Rs 1000 to climb the wall provided by these facilities, depending on the place. You can have a really fun time if you go there with your group of friends and can take up to 2 hours to complete climbing all the walls. Wall climbing is also a full-body exercise and can be a refreshment for the body as well.

Horse Riding

We all have clearly sat on the back of our fathers, brothers, or our pet dogs riding them as they portrayed the character of a horse. Those were the days when we loved horse riding, and now there actually is a place solely dedicated to providing us with the same experience but with an actual horse. Interesting right. Flying Horse Pvt. Ltd is a training and recreational center for riding a horse. Flying Horse is located at Dhapakhel road just by the National Agriculture Research Center which is opposite to the GEMS school.

Fun activities to do around in Kathmandu Horse Riding

The Flying Horse provides a half-day, full-day, hour and 30 minutes package for all the interested people. Although horse riding is quite expensive, it is an experience that you all should try at least once. So make sure you work hard and have a wallet full of cash before going there.

Mirror Maze

Finding your way through a maze can be difficult, imagine it with mirrors in place of the walls. Sounds fun right. And yes there is a place where you get to experience this first hand. The mirror maze is a place full of entertainment, where you get to experience three different themes; Blue, Dark, Horror and an infinity room.

Mirror maze Fun activities to do around in Kathmandu

Mirror Maze is situated at Kumaripati, Lalitpur, and Chabahil . You can experience the infinity room theme at the Chabahil branch. It costs Rs 250 for each theme and you can get Rs 50 discount if you have your Student ID card with you. To get the optimum experience, we recommend you to go with a group of more than three people.

Situated at Kathmandu Fun Park and Kritipur , painting is one hell of an activity to have fun. Once the match starts, your survival instincts kick in and your adrenaline starts pumping, you start imagining yourself in the situation of a real battlefield and start acting accordingly.


This activity is closely related to the famous game Counter-Strike but with a paintball instead of an actual gun. You are required to capture the opponent’s team flag while protecting your team’s flag. This activity brings out the creative side of yourself. It can cost from Rs 400 – Rs 600 per person depending on the place where you go paintballing.

Situated at Civil Mall, Kathmandu , Lazermaxx is an activity that is best when playing with a group of friends. Similar to paintball Lazermaxx is an inexpensive activity where you shoot your opponents with a laser gun. You earn the points earned by shooting your opponent which are recorded by the AI, and whoever has the highest point wins.

Fun activities to do around in Kathmandu

The maximum amount of players in the game is 20 and can be played individually or in a team. It takes 25 minutes to complete one game session. The price of Lazermaxx is Rs 300 for the first game and the addition of Rs 200 per game making Rs 500 in total.

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fun places to visit in nepal

More Than Just Mountaineering: 10 Most Thrilling Things To Do In Nepal

  • Experience the breathtaking beauty of the Himalayas by taking a scenic flight over Mount Everest and other stunning peaks in Nepal. Enjoy the views of lakes and green landscapes during this 50-minute flight.
  • For water sport enthusiasts, canyoning in the Bhotekoshi Valley offers an adrenaline-pumping experience. Jump off cliffs into mountain streams and explore the gorges of Nepal for an exciting water adventure.
  • Stand-Up Paddleboarding on Fewa Lake in Pokhara Valley is a unique and thrilling way to enjoy the calm waters and beautiful views of the surrounding mountains. Perfect for adventure seekers year-round, except during the monsoon season.

Nepal is naturally beautiful, with endless stunning landscapes and dramatic peaks towering into the skies. The country is renowned for its massive mountain ranges and mountain-related adventures that attract outdoor fanatics from around the world. However, Nepal is beyond just mountains. There are many incredible destinations, ranging from land to the sea, where adventure seekers can engage in adrenaline-pumping outdoor activities.

From paragliding and skydiving to bungee jumping and ziplining, this incredible Asian beauty has something to offer every outdoor enthusiast beyond Mount Everest. Without further ado, here are the most thrilling things to do in Nepal beyond the Himalayas.

Related: 10 Most Thrilling Once-In-A-Lifetime Adventures You Can Only Experience In Canada

Fly Over The Himalayas

One of the best ways to come up close to the Himalayas is via a flight over Mount Everest. An experience for a lifetime, there's no need to skydive if one isn't willing to embark on such an extreme sport. Just enjoy the scenic and stunning views on the flight for around 50 minutes.

Beyond Everest, some of the most spectacular peaks that one can also see in the sensational flight include Mount Makalu, Mount Dorje Lhakpa, and Mount Pumori. Aside from the mountains, views of gorgeous lakes and green landscapes are also part of the dreamy experience.

Buddha Air offers this experience , while Top Himalaya Guides is also a great alternative.

Go Canyoning In The Bhotekoshi Valley

Canyoning is an amazing water sport that can be enjoyed in different ways, including rock climbing, rappelling, and swimming. However, the most thrilling of them is jumping into the mountain stream from a cliff and flowing with it. The gorges of Nepal and their fast-flowing rivers make the experience even better.

Head to Bhotekoshi Valley River and plunge into its streams to enjoy a refreshing bath. Alternatively, visit the waterfalls and join the cascading waters as they pour into small pools below to enjoy the magic of this water sport.

  • Location of Bhotekoshi Valley: Near the Tibet border, 3 hours drive from Kathmandu
  • Best time for this experience: March to May, September to November

Go Stand-Up Paddleboarding At Fewa Lake

Paddling feels different while standing, and thanks to the calm waters of Fewa Lake, one can comfortably engage in this activity. Located in Pokhara Valley, the lake is beautiful in light blue and surrounded by mountains that stand guard over it. Paddleboarding over it is one of the coolest things to do in Nepal beyond the mountains.

As the freshwaters dance alongside the waves, scenic views of the mountains and the landscape beyond make the experience thrilling and truly rewarding.

  • When to go paddleboarding in Nepal: Year-round, although rivers can be extreme during monsoon season, which lasts from mid-June to early September.

Related: For Adventurers: 10 Best Countries With The Most Thrilling, Once-In-A-Lifetime Adventures

Explore Siddha Cave

The Siddha Cave in Bimal Nagar offers a unique experience for adventure seekers who want to deviate from their routine adventures. The cave is 0.5 kilometers long inside and nearly 50 meters tall. It is Nepal's largest cave and can comfortably accommodate 2,500 persons at a time. Although that rarely ever happens. Hence, a visit here allows one to explore this hidden natural gem without the crowd.

Bats are common sights here, including stalactites, stalagmites, and wonderful cathedral-like halls in the dark.

  • Location of Siddha Cave: Bimalnagar, Tanahun District, 4 hours from Kathmandu

Go Skydiving Over Everest

Skydiving is one of the world's most thrilling adventures that every traveler should check off their list. Fortunately for those on a budget, there are many amazing yet affordable places to go skydiving . But whatever one pays for skydiving In Nepal is worth it; it is special and comes with views of the astonishing Himalayas range.

Imagine dropping off a plane over the incredible Mount Everest , descending at thousands of feet above sea level before engaging a parachute and landing safely. Only hiking to the top of Mount Everest beats skydiving above it in thrills, but these are feats for only the brave. In comparison, skydiving is safer. Alternatively, skydive above the Annapurna mountain, which is lower than Everest.

Check out a complete guide to skydiving Mount Everest in Nepal to know the best time to enjoy this thrilling bucket list experience.

Go Hot Ballooning In Pokhara

Hot ballooning is one of the best ways to feel on top of the world, and Nepal offers this experience on a platter. Head to Pokhara, Nepal's tourism melting pot and adventure capital, to fly over mountains and jaw-dropping landscapes. The adventure kicks off at Dhampus or Landrukh village to land at Mardi Khola and Hemja.

As the flight progresses, capture striking views of the mountains, such as Annapurna and Dhaulagiri, including panoramic views of Lakes Fewa and Pupa. The flight may last for 30 or 60 minutes, but the experience lasts a lifetime.

Nepal Trek Adventure offers this experience, and Balloon Nepal is also a great alternative .

Head For A Jungle Safari In Chitwan National Park

Jungle Safari might sound like an adventure best experienced in Africa. However, this exciting and thrilling experience with nature is surprisingly possible in Nepal at the Chitwan National Park. The park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, offers jungle tours in a jeep that takes one into nature's wild for stunning sightseeing.

Join this sensational safari in the park to spot the Nepal tigers, one-horned rhinos, Indian leopards, a variety of snakes, and other indigenous fauna. In addition, one can bathe elephants in their breeding center, watch birds, and ride canoes in the park.

There are many guided tours available for those visiting Chitwan National Park in Nepal .

Soar Through The Air While Ziplining In Sarangkot

Experience the thrill of soaring above mountains, a lake, and lush vegetation in this once-in-a-lifetime adventure that makes a great alternative to mountaineering. Ziplining offers a similar feeling to mountaineering, and it is more exhilarating at Sarangkot, a hilly ward in Pokhara, western Nepal.

Overlooking the Annapurna circuit, one of the world's best mountain hiking destinations, this scenic hill is a hot spot for ziplining adventures. The zip-flyer starts from Sarangkot at 1,626 meters and runs over Pokhara Lake down to Hemmja Plain, making it one of the world's longest ziplines.

Discover when to visit Nepal in terms of seasons and what to do during each before booking these thrilling experiences.

Get Thrills By White Water Rafting In Sun Kos i

Beyond mountaineering experiences, Nepal is home to many fast-flowing rivers and rapids for sensational water rafting adventures. However, the Sun Koshi River is the best place to experience this thrilling adventure.

Raft along this iconic river and experience the force of its category V rapids. It's truly an experience that only feels magical as the adventure courses through white river banks, lush jungles, beaches, ancient temples, and quaint villages.

  • Best time for white water rafting in Nepal: October to December, March to May

Related: A Guide To All Seven Of Nepal's UNESCO World Heritage Sites

Go Bungee Jumping Over The Bhote Kosi River

Bungee Jumping is an epic adventure that rivals mountaineering in Nepal. In this country, it is entirely different and exhilarating. Nothing beats the feeling of dropping from the suspension bridge over River Bhote Kosi in Nepal, near the border with Tibet.

At 160 meters, it is one of the world's best free falls, and while in motion, views of the river rushing from the green-covered gorge complement the experience. Accessing the steel suspension bridge is via a 3-hour drive from Kathmandu, and the experience is one to cherish for a long time.

  • Cost for Bhotekosi river bungee jumping: Rs. 7500 (90.75 USD) for Nepali, Rs. 9900 (119.79 USD) for Chinese & SAARC Countries , Rs. 12000 (145.20 USD) for other foreigners

More Than Just Mountaineering: 10 Most Thrilling Things To Do In Nepal

Intrepid Travel Blog

The top 9 destinations for travel in November 2024


Editor’s note: Last updated in January 2024.

You’ve decided you want to travel more this year (good on you), but you’re struggling to choose your next destination. Surely there’s an easier way than trawling through endless travel mags and guidebooks for the answers, right? That’s where our  ultimate month-by-month travel guide  comes in: your easily digestible list of places to visit, things to experience, and amazing weather to chase around the world.

Today we’re looking at November, typically seen as a funny month for travel given the impending holiday silly season in December. But here’s a secret: while everyone else is busy counting down the days until the festive break, you could be off hiking in Patagonia, watching the northern lights in Iceland , or spotting wildlife in Uganda without the crowds. Sound too good to be true? Read on to discover where to go for your perfect November getaway.

A group of hikers on the Machhapuchhre trail in Nepal

If you’ve dreamt of standing on the shoulders of giants for a while now, November is the perfect time to finally tick that Nepal trek off your list. Post-monsoon days in the Annapurna and Everest regions are warm and sunny, while evenings are crisp and cold – so be sure to pack a good sleeping bag and down jacket! The rice-harvesting season is in full swing by November, so expect fields buzzing with activity, lush vegetation, clean air, and excellent views of the snow-capped peaks. The teahouses and trails normally heaving with eager hikers are quieter during this time too, as the approaching winter freeze drives tourist numbers down.

Bonus: for a true cultural experience, time your trek to pass through Tengboche in early November when the sacred Mani Rimdu festival takes place. It’s a time of prayer and celebration, so expect elaborate masks and costumes, lots of dancing, and dramatisations of the triumph of Buddhism.

Related: Why Nepal’s Annapurna circuit is the trek of a lifetime

  • 9-Day Premium Nepal
  • 15-Day Epic Everest Base Camp Trek

2. Patagonia

A group of people trekking in Patagonia

Patagonia is one of nature’s last frontiers. For trekking enthusiasts, adventure seekers and nature lovers alike, this remarkable landscape of snow-capped mountain peaks, imposing glaciers, gushing waterfalls, and beautiful national parks is the very definition of ‘epic’. It’s also one of the most isolated territories in the world, with roughly two people per square kilometre.

Here, at the end of the world, our planet is at its most wild and spectacular. By early November the winter winds have died down somewhat, wildflowers are blossoming (a sight not to be missed!), and by late November summer temperatures may creep up to a balmy 11°C (52°F). While this is the start of tourist season, with the right planning it’s still possible to venture off the beaten track and avoid the crowds.

  • 15-Day Classic Hikes of Patagonia
  • 8-Day Highlights of Patagonia
  • 9-Day Premium Patagonia

Related: Everything you need to know about trekking in Patagonia

A local vendor at a market in Udaipur, India

Once the scorching temperatures and monsoon rains of summer have subsided, November is the perfect time for exploring this kaleidoscope of colour and culture. Due to India ’s size and terrain, you can still expect some variation across the country, but travel through Rajasthan and the Golden Triangle will be mostly dry, clear and balmy with a maximum of 30°C (86°F). It’s the perfect time for tiger-spotting in Ranthambhore, camel rides in Pushkar, and admiring the shimmering Taj Mahal.

If you’re looking for the ultimate cultural experience, Diwali, the magical Hindu festival of lights, will be celebrated across India in early November, while the Pushkar Camel Fair between 19-25 November is a spectacle not to be missed.

  • 14-Day Premium India in Depth
  • 15-Day Classic Rajasthan
  • 22-Day North India Revealed

Related: 6 ways to get the most out of Diwali

A traveller laughing with a local musician in Rabat, Morocco

Picking a good time to visit Morocco that suits its two climate zones, the Sahara Desert, the Atlas Mountains, and the coastlines of the Atlantic Ocean is never an easy task. The weather varies wildly according to the season and where you’re planning to explore, but to experience Morocco’s highlights, the cooler months from October through to April are popular among most visitors.

If you’re from the Northern hemisphere and are in need of decent a blast of winter sun, the picturesque coastal town of Essaouira is the perfect place to put your feet up and relax. Fresh-caught fish sizzles on beachside grills, whitewashed houses with blue shutters lend a Mediterranean vibe, and you can lose hours wandering through the dozens of art galleries, workshops and souks – that’s Christmas presents sorted!

  • 13-Day Morocco Uncovered
  • 15-Day Best of Morocco
  • 11-Day Essential Morocco

Related: Morocco’s Atlas Mountains, an essential guide

A traveller looking at the northern lights in iceland

The idea of holidaying in a country where the depths of winter are approaching may seem a little counterintuitive (unless you love winter, that is), but even for sun worshippers, Iceland is a delight in November. The aurora borealis, or northern lights, is the best light show on Earth, and November is one of the best months to see them. Explore thermal geysers, stunning waterfalls, and epic glaciers by day, then stay up late and watch the skies dance with green lights by night. Just make sure you pack your thermals, as the average daytime temperature only reaches highs of 4°C (40°F)!

September is also a great time to visit Iceland, but if the northern lights are at the top of your bucket list, you have a better chance in November.

  • 6-Day Northern Lights Escape
  • 8-Day Premium Iceland in Winter

Related: What to expect on a northern lights tour

6. Australia

A woman looking up to the sky in the Daintree Rainforest in Australia

Australia is so large and varied that one cannot simply say ‘go to Australia in November’ and expect the weather to be fine and dandy. That said, November is probably as close as it gets to being great weather country-wide. The tropical rainy season in the north hasn’t properly settled into humid downpours yet, while the cooler southern states of Victoria and Tasmania are shaking off the winter frost and basking in warmer days. Vino and meals are taken al fresco, outdoor music and food festivals pop up everywhere, and beaches across the country begin to buzz.

  • 14-Day Sydney to Cairns Adventure
  • 4-Day Best of Uluru & Kings Canyon
  • 6-Day Trek the Cradle Mountain Overland Track

Related: 10 incredible first nations experiences in Australia

7. Cambodia

Two monks walking through the grounds of Angkor Wat in Cambodia

Cambodia ’s rainy season usually runs from June through October, so November is a great time to visit before the peak season gets into full swing. You might still experience the odd downpour, but incredible sites like Angkor Wat and Angkor Thom in Siem Reap should be fairly quiet.

November is also a fantastic time to immerse yourself in Cambodian culture at the Bon Om Touk water festival, which draws millions of Cambodians to the banks of Phnom Penh’s Mekong and Tonle Sap rivers to watch boat races, dance to traditional music, and eat delicious food. After the festivities, head to the pretty riverside city of Battambang to while away the days in quaint cafes, explore the hilltop Wat Banan temple, or take part in yoga and dance classes with the locals along the riverfront.

  • 9-Day Cambodian Traveller
  • 6-Day Premium Cambodia
  • 12-Day Cambodia Adventure

Related: A guide to Battambang, Cambodia’s most underrated city

8. Antarctica

A traveller admiring the views of glaciers in Antarctica

November marks the beginning of the Antarctica expedition season. The sun shines down again, temperatures rise above freezing and winter pack ice starts to melt. Antarctica’s wildlife residents also come out of hiding, and you’re likely to see colonies of penguins as they perform impressive courting rituals and build nests, or noisy elephant and fur seals marking their breeding territories ashore. November is also the best month to get up close to jaw-dropping icebergs and giant ice floes.

  • 11-Day Best of Antarctica: Pristine Wilderness (Ocean Endeavour)

Related: Why you should visit the most peaceful place on Earth

Spotting hippos on a river cruise in Queen Elizabeth National Park in Uganda

November is a shoulder season in Uganda due to the short rains in the south, but this might appeal to some travellers. Thanks to heavy rainfall in October, the dry plains and savannah reserves turn lush shades of green, and flocks of colourful migratory birds arrive – so have your camera ready! Large game can be a little trickier to spot with all the thick vegetation, but you’re in with a good chance of seeing gorgeous newborn animals as food is plentiful. Gorilla trekking can be more challenging (or adventurous, depending on how you look at it!) in the muddier, wetter conditions, but the treks are often shorter as the gorillas stay at lower altitudes where it’s warmer and easier to find food.

  • 16-Day Gorillas & Game Parks
  • 4-Day Uganda Gorilla Short Break: Original

Related: Tracking rhinos on foot in Uganda

Not looking to travel in November? No worries. Check out our full list of monthly destination guides:

Feeling inspired?

fun places to visit in nepal

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Intrepid has been leading small group adventures for over 30 years. We’re a certified B Corp, which means we want to be the best travel company not just in the world, but for the world. To create positive change through the joy of travel. You can read our latest adventures right here.

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    By tenrai. A beautiful experience and a must visit place to worship if you are in Kathmandu or in Nepal. See tours. 4. Thamel. 5,764. Neighborhoods. By louisleeb. Embrace the vibrant energy of Thamel, Kathmandu's bustling hub for tourists and adventurers alike!

  21. 11 Fun Activities to do Around Kathmandu • Tips Nepal

    There are many arcades in Kathmandu, Notable ones; Civil Mall and City Center. You can play various games and perform many activities in the arcade, mostly bowling, video game, and 8 ball pool. Trying all the attractions can take from 3 - 4 hours. However, you need to pay money before trying all these attractions.

  22. 11 Best Off the Beaten Path Things to Do in Nepal

    Nepali's party hard, so the bar usually doesn't start to get busy until at least 11pm, where people will hang for a couple hours before making their way to the clubs at 1am. 4. Try Nepali Milk Tea at the Local Spots in Patan Durbar Square. Patan Durbar square is not an off the beaten path Nepali destination in itself.

  23. More Than Just Mountaineering: 10 Most Thrilling Things To Do In Nepal

    It is Nepal's largest cave and can comfortably accommodate 2,500 persons at a time. Although that rarely ever happens. Hence, a visit here allows one to explore this hidden natural gem without the ...

  24. The top 9 destinations for travel in November 2024

    7. Cambodia. Cambodia 's rainy season usually runs from June through October, so November is a great time to visit before the peak season gets into full swing. You might still experience the odd downpour, but incredible sites like Angkor Wat and Angkor Thom in Siem Reap should be fairly quiet.

  25. Stories

    Cruising down a quiet river, surrounded by scenic views is an ideal way to see Europe. Here are the 10 best places for a European river cruise. beaches. The best lakes for a vacation in the USA. Jun 7, 2024 • 11 min read ... 11 tips for exploring Nepal on a budget . Jun 6, 2024 • 6 min read. Nepal is not expensive, and there's plenty of ...

  26. THE 15 BEST Things to Do in Bangkok (2024)

    Traditional Thai architecture and cultural heritage come to life in this historic home, featuring guided tours, serene gardens, and a boutique with fine silk products. 8. Lumpini Park. Tranquil urban oasis featuring large lizards, diverse wildlife, and a picturesque man-made lake.

  27. Latest T-Mobile News, Offers & Devices

    Commencement 2024: Things They Probably Forgot to Teach You in Business School. May 21, 2024 | 10 min read. Community Story. A Culture of Giving Back: T-Mobile Employees Volunteer Over 21,000 Hours, Raise Over $2.6 Million During Magenta Giving Month. May 17, 2024 | 5 min read. Network Blog.

  28. Start An Education Fundraiser

    This could include tuition fees, school supplies, travel expenses for study abroad, or classroom resources. For example, your classroom supplies may be $300 and tuition $10,000. Share regularly. Before sharing your fundraiser broadly, try asking three of your closest friends or family members to consider donating. This can help your fundraiser ...